#the kid is so sillly
sleeping-at-sea · 20 days
Odysseus is a millennial parent who tries to be supportive and fit in with his son but he's just clueless
Penelope and Polites always tease him
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marblebarble · 5 months
Sun - Peter Pan/gn Reader
warnings // none. this is more or less a comfort read for anybody who needs it.
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"Come away with me," he said. "Come away, and they'll never make us go anywhere or do anything ever again."
It is very common knowledge that life isn't fair.
As a child, you understood that before a lot of your friends did. You were forced to grow up fast. You were always a little different, a little misplaced, and often alone. School was a place of stress and home wasn't as sweet as they made it look in the movies.
When you were a little kid, you'd escape into stories; Worlds of adventure and wonder where you could be whatever you wanted. You could save princesses and princes. You could sail a raft through storms using the stars. You could fly.
But stories don't protect you from the world. You had to let them go eventually. So life became studying and applications, part time jobs and debt, losing touch with your few friends and constantly grappling with the feeling that you'd lost *something* a long time ago.
It was a winter night and you sat in your car, far away from home. The stupid thing had broken down on you, and you'd just managed to pull to the side of the road in the middle of a town you didn't recognize. You shivered and climbed into the backseat, bundling up in your jacket and praying that you'd fall asleep before the chill began to ache your bones.
After a while, for seemingly no reason at all, you began to cry. Softly, with the tears being the only thing to warm your cheeks. It was just so dark, so freezingly uncomfortable, and you'd just realized that there was nothing in your life that you really wanted to return to.
What were you missing? You weren't a child anymore, so why did you still feel this way? Why couldn't you just be normal, like every other functioning human being on the planet? Why did you feel so heavy?
Suddenly, something else was warming your cheek- a soft hand caressing your face and wiping a tear away.
You jolted, automatically jumping to the other side of the back seat. You stared at the window, which you didn't remember rolling down. Outside of the car was the face of a boy.
It was hard to make out his features for two reasons. One, it was dark.
Two, he was hanging upside down.
But hanging from what? The top of your car?
Either way, his bright eyes peered at you with an unruly head of hair hanging from his head. You were too startled (and cold) to speak.
"Hello, angel," he said softly. His voice was... warm, and somehow inherently playful.
You stared at him in confusion. "...what?"
"You're an angel," he said sincerely, cocking his head to the side. "Aren't you?"
".....what?" You leaned forward a little, trying to get a better view of him. "Why are you... How are you...?"
As if suspended in tue air, his head turned upright like a dial and you had to guess that the rest of his body was turning with it. "You're cold," he observed simply. He flashed an inherently boyish smile. "Sillly one. You're not wearing any furs. If you stay like that, you're just asking to get sick."
You blinked at him before sniffling. You looked out of the windows and saw that there were no nearby houses with the lights on, nor any cars stopped nearby. He must have just wandered up to you from the road. Maybe he was hitchhiking, or homeless. Either way, he seemed harmless enough, and it was absolutely freezing outside. "I'm sorry," you said gently, "you must be cold, too. Do you want to sit in here until morning?"
The boy looked at you curiously before nodding. You opened the door and he poked his head in suspiciously. He looked around as if he'd never been inside a car before. He crawled carefully inside and sat next to you, shutting the door behind him.
You could see him much better, now. He seemed the same age as you, probably in his late teens. His clothes were... strange. You were slightly more convinced that he was homeless, now. The dirt smudged on his skin attested to that.
"I can turn the heater on," you offered, "but only for a while."
He turned to look at you. "Why were you crying?" He asked, ignoring your words. "I didn't know angels cried."
Despite yourself, you gave a small smile. "I'm not an angel," you said, feeling silly.
He quirked his brow and smiled as if he didn't believe you. "Yes, you are. I've heard stories about them. They're strong and beautiful, like mermaids with wings. And they sing, too! You sing. I've heard you."
You blinked at him, before realizing that you'd been trying to hum yourself to sleep while you'd been crying. He must have heard you through the window.
He might have been crazy, but something about him charmed you. As the two of you spoke, you exanged stories about home. You told him about the stress, about making other people happy and struggling all the time. He would interject only to ask questions- more than once inquiring if any of this made you happy. More than once, you found yourself being depressingly honest.
He told you stories about his home. You didn't believe it for a second, but he seemed to believe it, so you didn't protest. He came up with adventures about pirates and mermaids, about living on a magic island where the winter never came and all the things that had ruined this world never made it to the shores of Neverland.
You couldn't help but listen to him eagerly, like a child absorbing stories they knew could not be real but loved anyway.
It was evident that he loved talking to you. He became animated, miming things out with his hands and reenacting swordfights the best he could in the cramped space of the car. When you laughed, he glowed.
He talked about the boys that he lived with- either friends or maybe siblings of his. He spoke about one of them, who had told him about angels in the first place.
"He told me that angels lose their wings sometimes," he continued. His bright eyes scanned you with interest. "I think you lost yours. Unless you're hiding them beneath your coat, but I don't think they'd fit under there- unless you have little wings like a fairy. But you're too big-"
Suddenly, a firefly zipped in through the window. It flew over the boy's head and began flying around the inside of the car. It even flew into your face, and you gave a little yelp.
The boy chuckled and picked the bug out of the air, holding it in his palm. "I told you to let me talk to them. You don't make good first impressions."
The bug chimed back at him, talking like the sound of a bell.
"No, that's not what I- Well, yes, Tink, but- Okay, okay! You can have one look, but then you've got to let us be. You promised."
The firefly fluttered out of his hand and once again passed by your face. It settled down on your knee. You had half a mind to swat it away, but as you stared at it, you began to see a strange shape in the glow.
Your eyes widened and you gasped. It was a little... person. A fairy. She perched atop your knee and looked up at you, studying you appraisingly. She turned to look at the boy and spoke with her chiming voice in way you could not understand.
"I'm Peter."
You turned to look at the boy and he grinned at you. "Peter Pan. Her name's Tinkerbell, but she also answers to 'royal inconvenience'."
The fairy shook her hand at him and seemed to be scolding him. A sense of wonder filled you and you laughed at the sheer strangeness of the situation. "Oh, hello, Tinkerbell." You looked at her with your eyes shimmering and looked back to Peter. "She's very pretty."
The fairy seemed pleased at that. She flew up to your cheek, patted it kindly, as then began to explore the rest of your car. She seemed to enjoy looking through the miscellaneous trinkets in your glove box.
"That's a fairy," you whispered, watching her excitedly. "A real one. Oh my god."
But Peter only watched you. Something twinkled in his eyes, something knowing that seemed beyond his years and seperate from his boyishness.
"Angels don't belong with other people," he said. "They belong in the sky. In a good place, with other angels like them."
You weren't sure what to say, so he kept going. "I have a shadow. He's a quick, mischievous thing, but he completes me, I guess. You, however."
He scooted forward, ignoring any common semblance of personal space between strangers. His eyes scanned you curiously. "You look like you are a shadow. Like the bright part of you has been put away into another room. Maybe it's gone back up to the sky, or maybe you lost it when you lost your wings."
You still weren't sure what to say. Without any warning, you felt the tears want to well up, again. He saw it, and frowned with sympathy. He reached a hand out and caressed your face, the same way he had before. You closed your eyes and melted into the warmth. "Don't cry. It's okay. Please, don't cry."
You sniffled and hid your face in your hands. You heard him shuffle around in the crambed back seat, before he pulled you into his arms and held you to him. He was so warm, like the sun sat inside of him. He put one hand on your head and tucked you beneath his chin.
"It's too cold for an angel, here," he said. "Let me take you somewhere warm."
You chuckled gently. " 'm not an angel."
"A fairy, then. You're a little fairy who can't fly. They won't let you fly, here. They can't teach you how."
He pushed away to look at you. "But I can," he said proudly. "I can show you."
Tinkerbell's voice chimed, and you both watched as she zipped around the car before zooming out of the window. She did circles around you, shining like a shooting star through the windows. It was beautiful.
Then, she aimed up towards the sky and never came back down
"Where is she going?" You whispered.
"Home," laughed Peter. He opened the door and crawled out excitedly. He took your hand and pulled you with him. "If we go now, we can get there before morning. I can show you the stars, and we can help hunt for breakfast, as maybe even ruin Hook's beauty sleep-"
But he tugged at your hand and staggered. He looked back at you. You weren't moving. You were still in the car.
You looked at him with a strange feeling brewing inside. Not a good one. A fearful, doubt filled one.
He knew that look and smiled at you, shaking his head. "You just have to believe silly one," he said. "You just have to think happy thoughts and trust me. The rest is easy."
But you still did not budge.
He sighed and let your hand go. "Alright. But don't act all suprused."
And without warning, he rocketed from the ground.
You watched in pure awe as he flew through the street, looping around lamp poles and wire towers. He giggled as he went, and brought the biting wind with him.
It was exhilarating.
He dropped to the ground before you. He kneeled down and held your hands in his.
"You," he said, still panting from his laughter, "are a lost one. I just know it. I can feel it. You'd be perfect with us. We'd have fun every day and every night. There's still time to escape," he whispered. "There's still time. We can be free."
He stood up, keeping your hands in his. He walked backwards, and you left the safety of the car, walking with him, mesmerized.
"Second star to the right and straight on till morning. You cant miss it. We'll outrun the dawn, if we go fast enough."
He squeezed your hands and the biting cold wind whipped at your side. You ignored it completely.
"Come away with me," he said. "Come away, and they'll never make us go anywhere or do anything ever again."
His feet began to lift from the ground. His eyes glimmered like stars. His hand was warm in your's.
"Come with me, angel. Come back to the sky."
You looked up at him, and it felt like staring into space itself. Like staring into the sun.
"I know you can still fly," he promised. "I'll let you in on a secret. You don't need wings."
And without any effort at all, your feet lifted.
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askroadtrip · 4 months
HELLO HELLO YOU TWOO :D!!! Ok so... I wanted to ask this sillly question bc ive been thinking... Can Sonic swim in that size of his?? If not, i can just imagine him floating on the water while crying for help for the kid's (Tails) help <"33 (alsoo i lovee this au alot ever since its first created! Its so sweeet)
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ggren-mainz · 30 days
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 2 - 2
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
To be honest i am genuinely so curious over what's Ryukishi's religion, or if he has any at all. Because both of his works include lots of Christianity references, and while in Higurashi it was more sparse here it's way more obvious. So I'm really curious if he is actually Christian or if he's just very into the religion/thinks the imagery works better.
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My point exactly. They're talking about how Shannon and George got separate rooms when they went to their trip, and Jessica was outraged. Like unless I'm wrong, this is purely a Christian idea, especially with the wording and all that. Very intrigued.
Anyways Jessica has a little moment of sadness related to how she apparently cant get a bf and also wishes to fall in love. Which to my knowledge she did already fall in love with Kanon.
Later Beatrice shows herself to Shannon and they start talking about her gift of love. Shannon acts nicely with Beato and she starts opening up a bit.
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this one seems interesting, because it does tie into the Ghost beatrice theory, or maybe just dead beatrice theory i had at one point.
She continues by saying that only her and Kanon have the magical affinity to see her, and that Krauss and Natsuhi have none and cannot sense her at all. But also
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as sillly as this is, it makes me think, is this one of the reasons for Natsuhi's headaches? She doesn't see or feel them, but yet some magical being (not necessarily Beatrice) hits her head and her headache gets worse.
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This is...interesting. So this implies that Beatrice existed at one point, or something big happened for him to see her.
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oookay well doesn't disprove my earlier idea because he got into magic after meeting her. But also, what type of magic did he do? What does this actually mean?
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oookaaay i was wrong sorry, well still interesting. What does she mean by luck ran out? What did Kinzo do? I do not trust that man. Perhaps i shoud read more and talk less though lol.
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Krauss the type of guy to say "a smile would be good".
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manner of our birth?? Bitch did a drawer birth you??? Kanon you're so not #woke, nowadays furniture can also become human *rolls eyes*. You too can become a real boy Kanon!
Also, you know what takes up too much of my mind? One out of context spoiler i saw, which said that in the answers arc there will be a trans girl. AGHHH I NEED TO READ THAGT WHO IS IT UGHHH.
For context this is haunting my mind recently because i remembered about the trans girl Battler fic and i need to read it, i need it, i need it pumped in my blood stream its ughhhhhh.... yeah I'm normal.
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I wonder what happened to give him such an inferiority complex. Also i was thinking, but do any other servants say this? Gohda and kumasawa definitely no but i think Genji does. Is it like a requirement to get the one winged eagle? You have to pander to Kinzo's weird fetish? Or what? I assume they raised these kids in the orphanage like this so yeah. Wtf.
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Is this how Jessica falls in love with Kanon?? Because he has the brooch??
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what does this mean what does this mean??? What can't be seen, whose love?? Kinzo's love towards her? Towards someone else? Why is the seen in ' ', while in jp it isn't???
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I love you ryukishi but this face sucks ass. Why are the eyes so up?? Why does only she have this issue?
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Shannon is teasing Jessica about her obvious crush on Kanon. The idea is for her to pretend that Kanon is her bf and take him to the school's cultural festival. Also more atrocious Jessica faces (a bit more bearable this time tho)
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Taking the big jacket to make sure he looks even smaller in comparison.
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Song and reference so cool, my laptop crashed again.
I do not get why it keeps crashing, like ffs it's a vn, its like the easiest thing to run ever.
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this is getting too meta!!
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hmmm i have a feeling this whole creating a new self thing will be important later on. But I'm still thinking about his death, and how he said he's no longer furniture, and also the most important part -> "wait another 100 years in hell for your next summoner". How did he summon Beatrice? Wouldn't that be Shannon if we take it like this? Did he do the things Shannon did in that timeline? Does he summon Beatrice before she talks with Shannon, and that's why he doesn't trust her? It's kindof unrelated to the photo but i keep thinking about that.
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*points a finger* These people do not know that the magic of love is not the fact that it's forever, but the happiness it brings to oneself. Even though a relationship might be doomed to fail, and they will eventually break up, that doesn't not mean the love was in vain and that the pain that follows is hell. Life is full of little moments, and be this moment for weeks, month or years, as long as it brings you happiness/teaches you something it was not in vain. The only way a lover will not suffer by a departure is if they both die at the same time. If they don't one will still suffer, although they lived their whole life together. So pain and love are interwined, but denying the latter for fear of experiencing the first one is purely dumb. That is life, and the truth is that the greater the love, the greater the happiness, the greater the pain that will follow. But that's ok. This isn't a tragedy, it's just how life is, so that's why you should enjoy each and every moment of happiness. It will just make you enjoy life more. Tune in next time for more life lessons with ggren.
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aaaaaa this makes so much sense. So that's why they're taught to say they're furniture.
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wait huh 3? Who's the third one? Kinzo? But i wouldn't say that Shannon's and George's relationship was sown this day.
Also what's the deal with Kumasawa sometimes acting like a sort of narrator? Does she just like speaking like that or.... its weird that's for sure.
next part
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darknoverse · 5 months
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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celestie0 · 1 month
i read ch 3 of ihm and wanted to share my thoughts and praises of how freaking amazing your work is!!!!
"I would rather make love to one of those inflatable balloon salesmen at car dealerships that flail and flap around in the wind than let you touch me for the purpose of sex."
girl, the way i straight up CACKLED. how are you so freaking good at banter? like my queen, what is your secret, i could kiss your brain. the moment i started the chapter and read this i already knew it was gonna be another BANGER.
"I don’t really go after women with daddy issues."
💀 💀 💀 bruh. the way gojo is just casually throwing shade while watching CNN. i am loooooving this ihm gojo so fking much.
“Oh, thank god,” he exhales in relief, “I almost thought it was an avocado for a second.”
this whole little argument was so fun and sillly GAH i just loved it so much. the way you describe y/n when she gets mad is just ✨GOLD✨ like idk how to describe it, i just love how you manage to make her have such a spark. she's got a backbone and a heart. sometimes i manage to fall for your y/n more than your gojo 🤭 hehe
“The dog had rabies. It bit an old man. Had to put it down,” he deadpans.
OH MY GOD 💀 this fking scene with choso. girl, this whole story gives me such romcom vibes, like damn you deliver, yet another line that made me cackle.
“Your capacity for catastrophization never fails to amaze me,” he says. You’re pretty sure your therapist said something similar to you last week, too. 
i felt personally attacked here 😭 fking choso lol.
Also, why the fuck didn’t he get you chocolates from London?!?!?! The fucking snake. 
RIGHT?!?!?! WTF GOJO???? oh my god this was hilarious though, y/n being caught in her lie 🤭 girls gotta get her stories straaaaight. to be fair though, makes sense why she didn't realize gojo was out of town considering how much she's got on her plate rn.
So who really got the last laugh? Day shift workers. Literally.
this is so sad 😞 this aint fair. like why do the people that are working their asses off at ungodly hours to save and help people get the shit end of the stick? wow, much love and respect to health care workers. i can only imagine how hard it must be, in more ways than one.
 (who the fuck drinks juice from a coffee mug)
the same kind of sick fucker that would probably eat string cheese whole 😡 nah, this is a crime.
So you just relish in the ridiculous feeling of being on all fours in your vintage grandma nightgown in front of your shirtless and, breaking news: very hot, fake husband.
again, ROMCOM vibes. this is so hilarious 🤭 like y/n, my girl, i would be right there with you checking him out 👀 the way you described gojo shirtless.... 🥵😩🤚🏻
“Why the fuck would I call someone for a job I could do myself?”
oh. my. god. this fucking hit HOME for me LOL. my own dad literally has like 10+ ongoing unfinished projects bc he refuses to pay someone to do it professionally. it's like a pride thing, but daaaaamn my mom be mad when theres like, an open hole in the roof for weeks. ihm is giving such DILF vibes and i am absolutely HERE FOR IT.
and lastly
need i say more??? she is so PURE and i must protect her at all costs 😩 UGHHHH i was so misty eyed when she was crying about being bullied. and the way you wrote y/n comforting her and interacting with her 😩😩😩🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻 eeeeeep, i hope we get to see gojo and juno interact in the future bc anything with men and kids is literally my kryptonite. the few little tidbits with him wearing the slippers and having my little pony on the tv already made me smile so big 🤭🥰
okaaaay, literally i love your work so much, and i feel like i never say it enough so i really want you to understand just how fking incredible you are. like seriously, i love the entire tone of ihm. like you said, the writing style is so laid back, but that adds even more to the appeal, and when the serious moments hit you shift the tone so effortlessly that DAMN those moments hit even more.
i can already see just how much you can accomplish with this series and i'm really looking forward to seeing your vision come to fruition. you are incredible, ellie ❤️ thanks for sharing such an amazing story with us.
HIIII aly omg thanks so much for this review of ch3 ihm!! it means sm to meee :'') i'm cracking up so hard reading this BAHHAH
girl, the way i straight up CACKLED. how are you so freaking good at banter? like my queen, what is your secret, i could kiss your brain. the moment i started the chapter and read this i already knew it was gonna be another BANGER.
pls reader really came to cut a knife w that comeback i think even ihm gojo was like damn woman chill 😂😂 as for the banter i have conversations w myself like i am crazy ❤️❤️ helps w dialogue LOL
omg thanks you for enjoying ihm reader <3 i have worries ab her being a little much but honestly i'd ride n die for her she's going thru a lot bahaha. but i'm so happy you see that spark!! and yes i try to picture romcom & kdrama vibes when i write ihm xD just like kinda cringe and absurd at times but also surprisingly heartfelt? hahah
ahhh yea sm respect for night shift workers, esp those in healthcare. it's a suuuuper rough lifestyle and there's a lot of research that shows how detrimental it is to the body in the long term, and there are ppl who work the nightshift for like 20+ years. it's crazy
PLEASE MY DAD IS THE SAME HE ALWAYS WANNA BE FIXING THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE LIKE DAD IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS I'M TIRED OF WASHING MY DISHES BY HAND PLS JUST CALL SOMEONE 😭😭😭 no but yea that scene was funny to write bc it was giving dilf vibes but also he's so unconvincing of his abilities to fix things xD idc tho as long as i get to see his abs while he's on his back working on sumn under the sink 👍🏼👍🏼
eeeeeep, i hope we get to see gojo and juno interact in the future bc anything with men and kids is literally my kryptonite. the few little tidbits with him wearing the slippers and having my little pony on the tv already made me smile so big 🤭🥰
AW thanks sm for liking juno <3 i've never written a kid character before and also i haven't been around children in so long so i was like watching youtube videos of children trying foreign country foods to see what tf they sound like xD anyways yesss omg i love men w kids. like sir pls lemme give u babies :// imeanwhatwhosaidthat
like you said, the writing style is so laid back, but that adds even more to the appeal, and when the serious moments hit you shift the tone so effortlessly that DAMN those moments hit even more.
AHHH thanks sm i could cry srs this is such a sweet thing to say :'') yea that tonal shfit stuff is tuff but to hear it's coming off is so relieving thanks so much aly <33 and for all your words too 😭😭 i hope you have a wonderful saturday!!!
much loveee ❤️❤️
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Ichigo : Okay...Back about over a year ago in season 3. I still don't get it, I told everyone saying that we came to save Rukia from being executed and then here's the problem. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING OF GETTING HER KILLED OFF FROM THE SHOW!? ARE YOU NUTS!?
Byakuya : Woah! Just before you know it, I didn't mind to be a little something about hurting any feelings that we all planned into. And you just wanted throw a hissy fit at me?
Ichigo : AIZEN WAS THE ONE WHO TRICKED ALL OF YOU INTO KILLING RUKIA OFF THE SHOW AND EVERYONE WAS SO PISSED OFF ABOUT IT! What was the point of fighting over Rukia, what started this incident!
Byakuya : Apparently, Aizen played us all for fools, and it turns out that he wasn't killed by Rukia, and he was playing a magic trick when Momo realizes that it was just a prank, and we were bamboozled by this idiot.
Ichigo : ...You mean we've been fighting over Rukia to be saved or to be killed in the middle of the incident, to realized that AIZEN HAS BEEN PRANKING ALL OF US FROM THE START!?!
Byakuya : Yes, and also, he ate all of the cookie crisp cereal.
Rukia : That was my favorite cereal of the day! I eat that for breakfast every morning! Of course he ate my freaking cereal and I was going to eat it! But thanks to you, I never realized that I thought that I was the criminal, but I have been never played by a fool that wanted me to get me killed off the show! Some nerves of people that I was going to hell for that. (hears Aizen eating bowl of fruity pebbles)
Aizen : Uhh, what? What's everyone looking at?
Orihime : Hey! That's my fruity pebbles! I was going to eat that for breakfast!
Aizen : Uhh, IT'S MINE! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! [laughs hysterically] *SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Oirhime : Hey! Come back here with my cereal! *SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Ichigo : Oh this is nuts. First saving Rukia from being killed off the show, now this fighting over Kids' cereal! What's the point of saving Rukia or saving everyone's breakfast this morning?
Renji : Hey, guys! I just got back from the market!
Ichigo : Now what?
Rukia : *pig squealing*
Ichigo : Hey, Rukia, are you okay? It feels like that Renji has a surprise for you or something that--*SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Renji : I got a brand new box of Cookie Crisp cereal for each and--Huh?
Renji : Oh shi-(gets into a fight cloud) NO, RUKIA! NO! STOP! RUKIA! PLEASE! STOP! THAT'S MY ARM! MY ONE GOOD ARM!
Orihime : Come back here with my Fruity Pebbles! Give it to me! Just give it me!
Aizen :I don't think so!~
Orihime : Just get me back my cereal! (stops and grab Ichigo by shoulders) IF I CAN'T GET MY CEREAL BACK, I'M GONNA CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS, WHICH ALSO HAPPENS TO BE CEREAL! I WANT MY CEREAL BAAAAACK!!! *SA1 SFX : DASH PANEL*
Ichigo : Why did I even think about saving Rukia from being killed off the show? (looks at Yoruichi eating a bowl of Chex)
Yoruichi : What? I'm just eating. Also, try getting some Honey Smacks cereal at your local market.
Ichigo : I'm going to a ramen shop to eat some noodles.
Yachiru : Hey, guys! What I missed!? I was just eating some Trix Cereal. But this sillly Asian rabbit would not to bother me.
Kenpachi : Uhh, Yachiru, that's Asian Trix.
Yachiru : Uh-oh! Umm, silly Rabbit? Trix are for kids? (laughs nervously) Did I get that right?
Asian Rabbit : YOU SHARE! *KICK!*
(bird chirping)
Yachiru : (goofy voice) Okay, I understand about Asian Trix! They're wildly dangerous for eating. (falls back)
Kenpachi : Nuts.
[iris out]
Cheese : I LIKE CEREAL!!!
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malwarechips · 1 year
P ebble. /silly
hiii wea hiiii /sillly ebbl
this robot is a burnt out gifted kid!! being one of, if not the last iterator the ancients ever built, there was a lot of hopes placed on him to be the best one yet. that also didnt help with his water consumption overlapping with moons, because he had to put so much effort into everything to be "the best". and then the ancients went and jumped into the void sea or whatever anyways so whoopsies . I think he still feels that pressure even if it's not there anymore. instead of feeling like he has to be the best for the ancients, he feels like he has to be the best for the other iterators. him developing the rot and knocking moon down just started a spiral of feeling like he'll never be what the others want from him, even if the others dont even think he has to be anything but himself.
he does care for moon, despite all thats happened. using all her water wasnt intentional, he just wasn't aware the consequences would happen so soon and be that bad. and he feels terrible for it. he feels like he wasnt kind enough to her while he could be, and even after he gives her his rarefaction cell and is able to contact her again, he's too anxious of the idea that she hates him for what he's done to say anything. he argued with himself in circles for CYCLES thinking of how to respond to her reaching out to him after everything.
him and innocence never had a good relationship, even before innocence released the photos of the rot to the others. part of the reason innocence even did so was as a way to get back at him for all the arguments. i dont think they fully realised how far that was taking everything, and the concequences of it. i dont think either of them meant the other harm, innocence just didnt know when they were taking things too far. thats not an excuse, though, they're still kind of an asshole lmao.
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
heres my opinion if the night trick or trearing is amazing and fun u literally get free candy for dressing up why the FUCK is there an age barrier. its just a fun sillly activity who cares if a 13 year old is soing it. let kids have fun
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
i was writing something and then it ufcking deleted it self. ANYWAY. helllooooo 8 and 12 anon here ad oh my god i fcukignagree with you holy hell Pm my babygirl ill get you jutsice i promise also oh myg od there are so many things wrongiwth at stnence davekat? wv pet dog where the ufck am i dude
also o n the pepsicola You have no idea you actally have no idea AHHHHHH,. AH. Dave is not cool tewould not be a fuckign popular dude if anthing egbert would be mlike he leader of the piano club but thats the most """"popular"""" hed ever get maybe im biased bueace of a fanfic but lIke you Know dave woudl eb getting beat up every lunch break you acnt fuckign convince me that thing wuouuld be a cool kid heh.... guessyoucould say...im like pepsicolas number one fan.. *i put on my hat and cape and i walk away never to be seen underer this alias*
AND. PEPSI. COLA. THNAKYO US OMUCH. THIS REMIDNSME ISAW THIS ONE CHARACTER ANALYSIS THAT WAS LIKE. i honestly could not put it into words imscared id get it wrong but the gist of it was. Dave has tha tendancy to attempt to Be like otehrs. Sort of like how he tries 2 live up to bro and icant quite remeber but it waslike.The glasses almost symbolize It. . Like how when he wasa wee Thang he wore the the ANIME SHADES but then .egbert. gave. the. stiller shades and a dnandadnndadannadandANDANDDANAN95HY8JRDHST8FTJH89FDJ TISJSUT. DAVE LOOKS UP TO EGBERT IN A SENSE. EVEN THO ITS HIDDEN BEHIND SILLLYS AND SUCH . LIKE DAVE D O E S CARE ABOUT EGBERTS OPINIO AND EVEN THOUGH ON THE SURFACE IT LOOKS LIKE DWEEB and COOL KID ! so OBBVIOUSLY egbert must look up 2 dave and I duno. maybe. maybe he does. BUT. confirmed?Real? Dave looks up 2 egbert and its a Sort of almots total reversal of tha nerd Jock dynamic **TAKE LITERALLY EVERY THING I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT I DON'T KNOW A SINGLE GOD DAMNED MOTHER FUCKING THING I COULD BE 100% WRONG**
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kyleiskoool · 3 years
okay... hear me out. kevin is trans. yes yes yes, call me sillly and what not. say 'theres not enough screentime to figure it out >:['. but just listen to me for a second
so in most homes, the same sexes sleep in the same room. for example, my dad has three siblings, two brothers and one sister. all of the boys slept in the same room, while his sister slept in a different one. and i can guess many other families do the same.
we see in 'the city part of town' that karen and kevin sleep in the same room. considering what i just said .... HMMM.
and i know you might counter argue 'but kennys the main character, ofc hes gonna have his own room' but originally he did and kevin would've too. but when karen was introduced, instead of making a deal about kevin moving into kennys room and karen getting her own room (like a family USUALLY WOULD) they chucked him in there with karen. also kevin is the eldest, and even if you did have a female and a male in the same room and another kid with their own room, its usually the eldest that gets it!
theres also that scene in 'the poor kid' where stuart says 'you think youre man enough to fight me, you little shit?!' and yes, that could just be stuart going 'oh, youre not grown and youre all immature haha' . but there have been many transmascs who come out and their parents are like 'oh, well if youre a man, fight me like one.'
yeah thats my headcannon ig.
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ushijima x fem!reader x kita | w.c 1.2k
a/n: omg ok so here’s my fic for the super cool + epic collab for my server ;)) i’m rlly nervous cus i’ve never written a. fic like this so pls don’t be mean!!!! but like pls leave a comment below <333 also don’t forget to follow me (or i’ll BITE U jk xD) omg omg ok and don’t forget to check out the other fics for this super epic hot collab <33333 right here kidnapped by hq !!!!!!
warnings: inane rambling, i literally did not proofread this i would take breaks and start again without checking what i wrote last so it’s defs not coherent
I was just ur every day kind of girl. Nothing special to anyone...not ev en myself. All i knew was wake up, brush my hair (and teeth obvi!!)  and go out and go to university and to my part time job as a waitress ina  diner where not a lot of people would go to. Anway today was one of those boring days, i woke up with my alarm blaring at 6:00 am because i have a class at 8:00 am… it’s my least favorite one too. But yeah so i got up super early and made myself apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and black coffee bc i’m also kinda broke bc i ran away from home bc my parents were those snobby rich people and i didn’t wanty end up like that ya know? i put on a really simple outfit bc i was feeling lazy since i woke up late!
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(we need to bring back sillly bandz! they r so much fun!!) 
So i was walking to my early 8 oclock class all the way on the otherside of campus when suddenly ther e was a frisbee flying right at my face! I tried to dodge it but it still hit me right in the nose and i screamed so loud i didnt hear anything else but me screaming in really loud pain. 
“Are u ok??” i grab my nose in pain but it doesnt rlly feel broken or bleeding so i open my eyes that i didnt evern realized that i had close to see rlly gold eyes staring down at me. I scrunch up my eyebrows bc im confused bc he’s wearing overalls and a straw hat? Did i hit my head or something and am now seeing things?
“I’m ok do i know u?” i ask.. despite him looking weird in his farmer outfit he looked familiar so i had to ask.
“Sometimes i go to the diner u work at after im done at the farm bc there are good mochi waffles (a/n omg wait do they serve mochi waffles at dinners? I’ve only had it from  bakery xD)” he says with a really cool tone. I nod my head bc it makes sense. Before i can say thank you to him for asking how i am doing he grab my hand “please marry meand my cofarmer” 
“W-w-w-what??????” i yell my heart is pounding bc even though he is really super pretty i don’t eevn remember him ever being at the diner and like i remember a lot of my customers faces bc a lot of them come back a lot. 
“Marry us we will make u super happy pls it was love at first sight.” he says confidendtly (sp?) as he holds my hand tighter and tighter.
“I-i-i-i-i-i don’t even know ur name???” i whisper softly under my breath, “HOW can i marry u???”
“Shinsuke…..” a deep voice goes off behind me and i pull my hand out of his hand to look behind me, a big big BIG man stands there also wearing overalls and a straw hat and also a single wheat hanging from his kissable lips.
“Wakatoshi i have found the perfect housewife for us,, i have asked her to marry us.”
“But i’m just a normal girl from a normal world, how can i possible be apart of the world the two of you have made in the farm world?” the offer was amazing, the life of a housewife for these two perfect men that i’ve met by chance.
“She doesn’t havea choice the wedding is tonight ur marrying us.” the man who was called wakatoshi says with a very serious voice and facial expression. before i can ask hes suddenly pulling me to my feet and dragging me away.
“i have class!!” i say in protest as he continues to pull me towards a green tractor.
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“you don’t need education…do you know how to sweep and cook eggs? and maybe make butter?” shinsuke asks following behind as wakatoshi pulls me onto the tractor.
“of course i can make eggs! but why butter?”
“we live on a farm darlin’ ya gotta know how to make butter.” shinsuke says and i nod my head. it makes sense.
“i can’t just leave my life behind tho i’ve gotten this far all by myself” i sigh even tho i’m comfortably sitting in wakatoshis lap i can’t let myself fall victim to their charms!!! i’m independent !!!
“give it up already your ours now…..” wakatoshi says seriously. i pout. he can’t just talk to me like that. i’m not a kid! i go to unverisity and have a job!!! 
“it’s too late ur already wearing the engagement ring” i look down at my hand and gasp to see a beautiful ring on my finger.
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“this cant be real?” i shake my head my head.
“we already have your dress and the venue ready.”
“what?” the big grrrn tractor pulls up to a really pretty outdoor wedding venue. my jaw drops to see my entire family, even my parents waiting.
“go in there” wakatoshi points at a tent and i nod. i walk over and am immediately being changed by two guys who look the same?
“don’t worry we r gay.”
“and twins.”
“but not gay for each other bc that’d be illegal or something  and the author would get Cancelled™” it makes sense. i turn and look in the mirror and i gasp. i look beautiful. i may be an average girl but in this moment my velvet chestnut locks are curled to perfect perfection and the makeup isn’t too much or too little. these gay twins sure worked their magic!
i step out of the tent and look down the aisle to see my two farmer husbands looking handsome as ever (here’s what we look like teehee xD i know we look super cute!!) 
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“y/n, im sorry me and ur moms bitchy richness made u run away but please let me walk u down the aisle on ur wedding day.”
“hello my name is agayshi and i am also gay, and here to officiate your wedding.”
“wait ur gay too?”
“yeah i’m married to that guy over there in the wacky inflatable cars salesman suit but we’re both respectively fucjing one of those gay twins. any way. do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take shinsuke canonical rice farmer and ushijima farmer au to be your lawfully wedded husbands?”
“i-“ i look between the two men. my dream wedding. my dream men. i look around at all my friends and family. i nod.
“yeah i do.”
“congrats you may kiss the bride” at the same time wakatoshi and shinsuke grab my head and manage to mash all 3 of our mouths together.
i’m just so happy.
….or so i thought.
i woke up, it all turned out to be a dream </3
(a/n: hey everyone sorry for the sad ending but like...r there rlly happy endings in real life?? soz i just think we need to get more realistic w our fanfics </3)
like. comment. subscribe for more awesomesauce fics like this ;) !!! 
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storge · 3 years
Hiya! So some of your new sets have me curious - would you recommend this 'She was Pretty' show? What's it about?
Hello there friend!!! First of all... Thank you for saying my sets made you curious ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!! Let me start and say... yes, I would recommend this japanese adaptation. Now for your 2nd question.... i'm sorry this is gonna be long i'm terrible at describing things. I can say think the MDL synopsis is good but i feel like talking lololol...
You don't need to watch the other versions but this is how they all kinda flow..... basically it starts off that our FL as a kid was a smart, nice and "pretty" little girl and was friends with a bullied, and a little traumatized boy. They were very very close, got separated, life stuff happened, and now yearsssss later all grown up he tries to find her. However, in the present, low and behold the boy... our ML is now a "hottie" and a success while she, our FL is welllll.... a "mess". Our FL is down on her luck and lost all her confidence through life struggles... At their meetup after he walks past her thinking another girl is her ngl it hurts my soullll everytime, she tells herself, "ohh noo I'm not like before, i can't let him see me like this." So she instead hides, and sends her bestfriend to meet him once and act as her to say "hi.. bye...i gotta go to a foriegn land, see you again never". She resides to letting him keep a nice image of her in his mind but end all their relations with the past. (Mind you there is/was nothing ugly or wrong about either of them and all girl needs is a comb and a job but wtvr just go with it).
True dramaland romcom magic comes in and dundundunnnnnn.... the FL and ML end up working in the same place and he's her new boss. She of course shares the name as his childhood friend but he of course doesn't know it's her. They start to work more closely and he starts to question who she really is...... this is a romcom so can you tell where this story is going lololol. Also there is always a handsome "funny" 2nd lead who also works there and starts to like FL. And remember her friend, yeahh she didnt stop seeing ML and starts to fall in love with him but im not gonna go there lololol.
Now you may say this sounds ehhhhhh stereotypey, tropy, and cheesy... and you may be correct (it does do the dredded makeover scene), but LET ME JUST SAY it's really not that bad, and that this new adaptation is a different flavor than the others.
1. It's wayyy shorter so it cuts out all the nonsense stuff. only 10 Eps thank the jdramagods.
2. While the other versions of this story sadly play up the sterotypes sometimes, this adaptation doesn't really do that as much. I feel it's not as... harsh to the FL i mean its still a tinyyy hurtful tho cant lie. But overall it's actully funny and cute. Also, their take on the scenes that are in basically all of them are nice.
And finally 3. The cast in this is realllyyyy good. The ML is of course a little rude but not terrible, the actor is nice to look at, and a great choice. He shows feelings to our FL early on without knowing who she really is which is in all the versions lol. Our FL...i love lovvee her. She is sunshine and i love her more in this version. (The story is really supposed to kinda being about her gaining her confidence while also falling in love.) Our 2nd lead Akaso Eiji, my boiiii is to me the best 2nd lead ever in all the series. He is sillly but not tooo silly and is really just great. I don't get 2nd lead syndrome but you might with this one lololol. And tbh even her bestfriend is good... like it's hard to not like her. And I'm not particularly mad at her actions in this version. I should yet cause its still ongoing
Okay so that was a whole mouthful, but friend there is your answer lolol.... and i say again i would definitely recommend giving this romcom a try. It's only on ep. 4, but so far it's nice and light. And the truth of who she is may hopefully be revealed in the next ep. Sooner rather than laterrr.
if you read all this thank you 😘😘😘
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andielion · 4 years
The live action ATLA making Katara older than Sokka is just... ridiculous. Infuriating. Baffling. Pick a word. It changes soooooo much of their relationship dynamic (or, at least, it should. If they make this dumbass switch but otherwise act like these characters are completely the same we riot), which was such a great part of the show. But in addition, Sokka being the oldest is part of what enables his leadership qualities to shine through in the gaang. He’s their keeper, and despite all of his sillliness, he’s the one who probably acts the most like an adult, not to mention all the pressure on him to act like a Man™ in the absence of his father. He would not respond to half of the events that developed his character in the original series in the same way if he was the kid brother! And I shouldn’t even get into how much it fucks up Katara’s characterization because I think I would simply be reduced to incoherent yelling, but making Katara and eldest daughter would change so much of who she is I’m going to scream
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Who Needs Prom
Pairing: fem!reader x Peter Maximoff
Warning(s): N/A
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary/Request: Work colleagues and mutual crushes at X Mansion, Peter and you both manage to skip out of chaperoning for prom. You get to talking and discover Peter never went to prom, so you do your best to make it up to him. - by @evanpeters-petermaximoff
A/N: Once again big thanks to my darling for sending me another BOMB request. This was just such a cute request and I swear I had just like the goofiest grin on my face the whole time I was writing it. I don’t think I’m the best at writing dialogue, so sorry this one is pretty much just that P.S. Sorry it took me a gazillion years to get it up. Hope y’all enjoy!
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The room is quiet, the halls empty. The only sound filling the room is you rustling around in the pantry, scavenging what you can while no one’s around to catch you in the act. You smile at your find, a box of chocolate covered Oreos, tucking them under your arm as you continue your search.
A little part of you wishes that X Mansion could be like this more often, quiet and serene to match the buildings grand exterior. You shake your head slightly at yourself, knowing that you don’t really wish that at all. You love the usually loud halls, the roaring voices and constant murmur reminding you that you’re privileged enough to work somewhere that provides a safe place where mutant teens feel free and happy.
In a regular school the mutants would be the solemn and removed ones, too scared of causing a scene or being discovered to do anything but keep their heads down. Not here. Here those same kids laugh, a laughter free of care and worry. Being a teacher at such a place fills you with immeasurable pride, knowing you’re making a positive impact on their lives.
Goodies carefully nestled under your arm and feeling triumphant you head down the hallway to your room. You’d barely sat down on your bed and opened the box when a loud gust of air immediately followed by rapid knocks at your door signifies the arrival of your favourite co-worker.
“Hello Peter” you greet in synchronisation with you opening the door, the silver haired boy leaning against the bannister opposite your room.
“That’s not fair, how’d you guess?” He says as he enters your room and plonks himself in the dead centre of your bed, brushing past you and increasing your heart rate unknowingly in the process. No matter how many times Peter has come into your room, the sight of him on your bed always makes you feel like a school girl with her first crush. Absolutely ridiculous, you’d scolded yourself more times than you can count, you’re a teacher, he’s a teacher. You’re too old for sillly crushes.
“What is this?” Peter asks with a gasp, holding up the open but uneaten box of Oreos accusatorily. “A whole box and you weren’t even going to share.” You raise an eyebrow at him, prompting him to swiftly grab several chocolate coated biscuits from within.
“Hey!” You rush to your bedside, leaning to grab your prized box as he holds it out of reach, “I found those fair and square!” Try as you might you can’t reach the cookies, Peter having longer limbs than you.
“Oh doesn’t feel nice when someone doesn’t share does it?” He asks teasingly. Throwing your hands up in defeat you sit on your mattress directly beside him, resting your back on the wall behind. His amusement ending with your defeat, he reluctantly places the now half finished box between the both of you.
Neither of you speak as you enjoy your chocolate treat and the increased beating of your heart. You’d have assumed your veins would be accustomed to Peter’s presence by now, but every time their increasing speed of moving blood around your body proves you wrong.
If you’d known each other when you were teenagers you’re sure things would have already played out differently, when you were more flirty and confident, unafraid to make a move and make your intentions known. Things are different now, you’re older and less inclined to take frivolous risks. In favour of keeping the work place as free from awkward encounters as possible you had chosen not to act on your school girl crush for now. No matter how much you wanted to.
“So”, you begin after you’d helped demolish the box, “what’d you do to weasel your way out of chaperoning?” As you spoke the entire student body were at the large hall that had been hired to host prom. This was the first year you and Peter were working together that one was held. Having been made to attend the previous ones, you wondered how he managed to evade attending his very first one.
“You really think Professor X would trust me at a glorified party without joining in?” He queries with a quirked brow, eliciting a laugh in agreeance from you. “What about you? Would’ve thought prom would’ve been your thing.” You tilt your head and furrow your brows in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You question light-heartedly, earning a disbelieving look from him.
“Oh c’mon, a girl like you? I’m sure you were prom queen five years running.” You let out a hearty laugh while you try to disguise the blush that crept its way on your cheeks with his words.
“You couldn’t be more wrong actually,” you disagree, “I was pretty forgettable in high school.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Just like the blush that had almost dissipated came flooding back brighter than before at his kind words and eyes that rested on your face.
“Okay then Mr. Class Clown”, you change the subject to bring some normalcy to your features, “what were you doing at prom? Spiking the punch bowl I bet.” Oh how wrong your joke was.
“I was never even at one.” You couldn’t keep the shock off your face which made Peter laugh lightly at you.
“Not a single one?” Your shock even more evident in your voice than it is on your face. He shakes his head, a smile at your surprise still present. “Why not?”
“I don’t know really. I didn’t get on with a lot of the kids at school and I guess I didn’t think it was important”, ending his sentence with a dismissive shrug.
“Do you regret it?” He thought on your question for a minute before answering.
“Yea… I think I do.” While you weren’t the prom queen Peter had predicted, you had always gone with a group of your friends. The photos and memories you have of those nights you cherish, the fact Peter couldn’t share in that saddened you for him indescribably. You’re sure he would have loved it. Laughing, clowning around, slow dancing… Slow dancing. That gave you an idea. You perk up instantly, tucking your feet excitedly under your body as you turn to face him.
“Peter, where’s your Walkman?” He seems confused, but like a puppy with other puppies he latches on to your excitement.
“In my room.” He ends with an upwards inflection as if it was a question.
“Go grab it.” Your hair flies around your face as you blink, seeing a seemingly unmoved Peter, but now his portable cassette player was firmly in hand. This time you all but leap from the bed, grasping Peter’s free hand in your own as you tug him out of your room.
“Where are we going?” He struggles to get his sentence out amidst his excited laughter.
“To the lake now c’mon.” You tug his hand even tighter with your last word. Unexpectedly he yanks back, briefly making you collide with his chest, effectively stilling your movement.
“I know how we can get there quicker.” You remind yourself to breathe as he quickly and firmly wraps his arms around your middle. “Hold on tight”, he speaks in your hair. You’re pretty sure you know what’s coming so you close your eyes as a precaution. One minute you were in the halls in the X-Mansion, the next you’re at the aforementioned lake separating yourself from Peter and gasping for air. Your empty lungs, while still to do with Peter, were not merely down to his presence or words alone this time.
“Sorry, it’s a bit jarring the first few times.” Eventually you settle yourself enough that you can stand up straight once more. You finally allow yourself to take in your surroundings as Peter was already doing. The lake usually shrouded with students was completely void of anyone barring you and Peter. The water rippled occasionally in the light breeze and the moon cast its beams upon it. Looking at the picturesque view before you it was almost like being in a Van Gogh painting, although you preferred your reality that included the speedster beside you.
“Set it up to start at the next song.” You motion with your head at the Walkman. He obliges, taking only a second before a genuinely innocent smile crosses his face. He hands you the right earbud, the left already taken by him.
“Haven’t worn through these ones just yet huh?” You ask, still smiling from his previous gesture which had made you notice he was using the headphones you’d gifted him. It was his birthday not all that long ago, you’d wanted to get him something so he knew you were thinking of him but you’d struggled finding an item that fit. Eventually you’d chosen the white headphones before you now, as the packet had guaranteed the buds would stay put while exercising. Perfect for a man that never stops doing just that.
“I think they’re the best ones I’ve ever had.” The music was quiet, probably due to the fact you were both restricted to one earbud. You reach over and increase the volume a couple of notches, the melody to one of your favourite songs filling your ears. It was slow too, perfect to dance to. You start swaying, but only just so it was noticeable. Peter gazes at you, watching you shift your weight from foot to foot in time with the song. Tentatively you take one of his hands in yours, holding it out to the side.
“Usually when music’s playing people dance.” Your joking probe breaks him of his momentary trance. Clipping the Walkman to his belt his places a delicate hand upon your waist, your free one laying upon his shoulder. You both sway like awkward teens making you realise you were giving him much more of an authentic prom experience than what you had thought you could. In Peter’s soft gaze your nerves dissolve more and more with every word sung in your ear. You get the courage to release his hand in favour of wrapping your arms around his neck, him following suit and encircling your waist.
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
Jim Croce’s voice is melodic, it fills the moonlit air around you with a magic only the two of you could feel.
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
If you had a choice you’d stay in this moment forever, just you, Peter, the moon and his Walkman.
Of how they were answered by you
As answered by the very song you were listening to you just couldn’t, time would always slip away from you, no matter how much you wanted to cling to it in the hopes of eternalising this precious moment.
“Y/N?” He takes your unflinching eye contact as a response, and with a sudden confidence he leans in, capturing your waiting lips in a chaste kiss.
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
You thought Peter was done stealing the air from your lungs but his lips moving away from yours proves you wrong. He rests his forehead on yours, close enough that the breath he stole could dance against your face.
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
The final notes of the song float through your ears. When it finishes neither of you can move, almost glued to one another. Maybe it was the moon, or the music that put magic in the air. Whatever it was you never wanted it to relinquish its hold on the both of you.
“Everything in my life is fast Y/N, I have trouble slowing down”, he announces seemingly out of the blue. You reluctantly move your forehead away from his to get a better look in his eyes, gently playing with the hair at the back of his neck. “No matter how fast, you’re the one I want to go through time with.”
If anybody else on planet Earth had spoken those words to you you’d have rolled your eyes, maybe even laughed right at them. The man in front of you was the only exception to that rule. He could make dirty words sound pretty, and he could turn cliché ones into poetry handwritten for your ears only.
The smile on your face is contagious, his lips mirroring your own while you search for the right words to say. How do you even tell him how you feel? He summed it up so perfectly that any words you could think to use seem feeble in comparison.
“Really?” is the only word that manages to make it past your teeth, leaving Peter to smile at you and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I had no idea how to tell you, I’ve been too nervous.” You’re surprised at his words, you’d never have pegged Peter as one for nerves. “Apparently all I needed was prom.” Peter reaches down long enough to restart Time in a Bottle.
“Just once more” was the biggest lie told all night. That song played over and over, leaving you both in that magic moment you wanted to hold on to.
This was no prom. You had no chaperones, no curfew, no rules you had to follow. You’re both adults, making your own rules as you go. You had to silently disagree with Peter on one point though.
He didn’t need prom, neither did you. Prom paled in comparison to tonight.
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Setleth AU: Weathering With You
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(While I’ll be assigning both Byleths in my preferred roles for them here, feel free to switch Beleth and Beles if it’s your cup of tea!!)
F!Byleth as Hodaka. 15 yrs. A highschool runaway from a rain-kissed island town who desperately seeks the shy sunlight in the city. Her life will forever change when she realizes that somebody dear to her is worth so much more than the hiding blue sky.
Seteth as Hina. ‘19’/16 yrs. His strict expression doesn’t best describe his identity as a sunshine boy. Values Flayn above all else until a certain somebody enters into (and saves) his life. Used to only clear the sky whenever his little sister excitedly asks for it.
Flayn as Nagi. 10 yrs. Lives alone with only her big brother. She seems to gain a sort of situation where most boys in her school would swoon over her charm, which she is unaware of (yet Seteth knows nothing about this). Becomes instant best friends with Byleth.
Jeralt as Suga-san/Keisuke. ?? yrs. Head of the J&A ‘news’ site (that will eventually grow into its own company). Compares Byleth (whom he hired) to his own child, who’s taken away from him by his mother-in-law. Still loves his dead wife dearly.
Leonie as Natsumi. 25 yrs. (post-timeskip design) Jeralt’s trusted and loyal apprentice and (surprisingly) niece. She’s currently job hunting, but her impatience is one factor why luck hadn’t been so kind to her. Would probably make an excellent speed cop.
M!Byleth as Moka. Jeralt’s son, who shares the same name and almost the exact same look as the girl his father hired. Despite the many phone calls they’ve shared, he still misses his father very much and wishes to see him everyday.
Cyril as Ame/Rain. A stray brown kitten who stares with his red eyes and bears a scar by the left side of his forehead. Adopted and cared by Byleth and eventually spoiled rotten by Jeralt.
Solon as Yasui. (Tomas looks) An aged and experienced police officer, who’s tasked to look for the missing highschooler and wielder of a lost gun around the flooding Tokyo.
Thales as Takai. A younger police officer who’s assigned to assist Yasui on their shared mission. Manages to get ahold of Byleth, but his grip on her had slipped more times than he hoped.
Kronya as the Dude who’s offering Hina the strip club job. (idk his name, rip) Harasses Seteth into offering him a job, a naughty one. Is stopped by Byleth and the warning shot she was threatened by her face.
Detail Changes!!
Not everything in the movie will be covered as I haven’t thought up some changes yet, especially the part when Keisuke’s child, Moka, was shown the first time and they all were just bonding. This should still be a lot already! Hopefully I can add some more and fix this eventually~
Byleth’s Yahoo!Answer username was ‘TheAshenDemon’
During her first days in Tokyo, she was silent the whole time, not even uttering a single word since she could just nod, shake her head, and bow, not even when Jeralt saved her from the crashing rainfall nearly slipping her away from the boat.
Jeralt thought he saw his own son in grave danger, so he jumped to action. He didn’t realized how panicked he must have looked until a blue-haired quiet girl (almost) blankly stared up at him. He tried to brush it off with a shrug, but he swore his heart was beating fast.
She pointed to Jeralt the beer vending machine, which she plans to give him one as an exchange for sparing her from death. Jeralt politely declines, yet she insists only to realize the price to be much higher than her budget. She bought one anyway. “I told you you didn’t have to, kid...” “*bows and sweat drops*”
During her stay around the city, Byleth had been hearing news about a killer who leaves their bloodied victims lying in alleyways, always sprouting knife wounds around different part of their body, plus they’re dismembered. Byleth didn’t know she would eventually encounter the said-killer herself.
The lost kitten Byleth found by the alleyway stared up at her, but not meowing. He hissed when she offered him some candies, but eventually he ate it gratefully. This was the first time a smile bloomed on Byleth’s face since arriving.
When she woke up from her unintentional slumber, Kronya (plus two more grinning men lingering by her side) were staring down at her. “What’re ya doing here, girlie? This is no place for a street rat like you, so I suggest ya scram… Unless you want to join the fun with me and the boys. *winks and licks lips*” “*fuCKIN SCRAMBLES UP AND RUN*”
When Seteth laid down the burger, Byleth was so shocked she stared with large eyes up at the strange kind worker above her for a long time. “… Stop staring at me. It’s going to get cold if you don’t eat that soon, and my money would go to waste.” “… *blinks*” “… Just… Eat it.*walks out*”
Byleth still hadn’t said anything, but she cried for the first time for not only satisfying her empty tummy after so long, but for also kindness to miraculously come her way in this cruel city.
During the bus ride to Jeralt’s place, she silently pitied Flayn several seats behind who’s obviously oblivious from the two young boys’ mission to capture her heart.
The moment Leonie wakes up, she thought Byleth to be a theif. As she shouted threats at the intruder (and shrieked at her for staring at her chest), Byleth nervously held up the business card Jeralt gave her.
When Leonie confirmed that Jeralt indeed invited the kid over, she quickly welcomed her with open arms as if she never shouted exactly a moment before. She introduced their home as the ‘holy sanctuary of the proud journalists’.
Leonie was clearly passionate as a J&A journalist, possibly much more than the head himself, to the point that she would insist on Byleth to read every single article they had ever written. “Alright, kiddo! What article was written on June 15, 2021??” “*shakes head in resignation with a tired look*” “SILLLY! It’s the first one you helped me out with!! The title is ‘The Magical Wonder of a Sunshine Girl’, which discusses about the blablabla--” “*cries inwardly*”
The second time Byleth sees Seteth, he was gripping his umbrella hard as he tried to quickly walk away from Kronya, who was following, cat-calling, and basically harassing him. Eventually she slyly offers him to ‘work’ with her with a promised high pay, which made Seteth abruptly halt on his tracks.
Byleth rescues Seteth from Kronya by pretending to be his girlfriend (Funnily enough, “HONEY~!” was her first ever word on Tokyo and also a foreshadowing of their future relationship). She then attempted to drag a spluttering Seteth away as she cooed, “Come on, sweetie~ We can’t miss the big day!” “B-b-b-but- I thought you’re mute-” “I said *grips Seteth’s arm too tight* Come. On.”
Infuriated for taking away her potential partner, Kronya whipped out a knife and charged at the two. Seteth instinctively grabbed Byleth’s hand and together, they ran.
They eventually reach a dead end, which Kronya took advantage of by literally jumping over the two, then pinning Byleth down. “Move a muscle and I’m going to cut your girlfriends’ throat.” “SH-SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! AND LET GO OF HER!”
Byleth struggled to reverse their position and had been successful. She pointed the gun on Kronya and, as the rain poured, blasted a warning shot by her left ear.
When Seteth snapped out of reality, he grabbed Byleth up who was about to shoot Kronya’s forehead (whose left ear was slowly bleeding). “GET UP! GET UP! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE! WE HAVE A DATE, REMEMBER!?”
Once they retreated to the abandoned building, they argued. “Did you really think you should just- just interfere just like that!? You have a gun, for god’s sake! We’ll get in serious trouble for that, or worse go to jail!” “You ungrateful- I just saved your damn life like you saved mine-” “Plus sh-she’s a woman! We shouldn’t have been too harsh with her-”“Look, you can be a prostitute for all I care, but that woman was harassing you and that’s just wrong!” “You listen here very well: I am a grown man, and I make my own decisions!” “Yeah!? Decisions to get yourself killed by that murderer! Can’t you see she’s the recently wanted person who had been killing off men in the alleyways!?” “I…! You…! *growls and shoves towel at Byleth* *stomps away*”
Believing it to be useful, Byleth was about to pick up the gun she previously threw out of frustration, but Seteth’s voice interrupted her. “I thought about what you said, and you’re right. I’m sorry. What can I give you in return?” “Er… Your… Apology, I guess?” “That’s already given! I meant something else, more than that!” “... Hmm…”
Byleth spaced out. She couldn’t really think of anything she wanted other than... “I’d like for the sun to stick around, but *chuckles dryly* I know you can’t just magically clear the sky…” “… Actually…”
Byleth silently (and comically) screamed when Seteth prayed to draw the curtains of the clouds and make way for the blue sky and the sun to smile down on them.
This is the first time Seteth clears the sky for somebody else other than for his little sister, so he smiled. There, they shared each other’s names and age.
While trying to appear mature, Seteth awkwardly rambles about how he was old enough to make his own decisions and do adult things, basically justifying his consideration on Kronya’s offer.
“Seteth, that’s... That’s nothing to be ashamed of. There must somebody you want to protect. That’s why you’d go to lengths to commit acts like that.” “… How did you know??” “*shrugs*”
Ever since meeting Seteth, Byleth began to speak much more frequently than before, but was still overall silent. She only says more whenever she’s around her new friend.
Seteth cooked a seafood dish for his guest when Byleth visited to discuss about their new business. As Byleth observed around the house, she saw lots of cute objects such as the colored fish-shaped glass curtain. She assumed Seteth’s little sister had wanted it.
When Flayn arrived home, she beamed that finally, her big brother had made a friend! Meanwhile Byleth recognized her as the oblivious girl who had a lot of boys to answer to, so she awkwardly greeted Flayn back, who was shaking her hand too rapidly.
Flayn had been more than willing to wear the teru teru bozu mascot. Although Seteth secretly thought it looked adorable, he simply didn’t approve of it.
After their first successful job, Flayn in her mascot told Seteth, “Onii-sama, won’t you lighten up?? You’ve finally cleared the sky for all the people! Isn’t that amazing???” “F-Finally? Flayn, how could you just forget the joy of just the two of us sharing our secret…” “Stupid brother! You’re the sunshine boy here, and sunshine boys should smile just like the sun! Look at Byleth-nee! She would make the perfect sunshine girl had she got your magic instead!!”
“Byleth?” Seteth wondered out loud and looked at the said-girl a few strides ahead of them, who was grinning ear-to-ear as she admired the sun. He tried to observe her enthusiasm like Flayn suggested. He ended up mindlessly gazing at the girl even when Flayn was already demanding for his attention.
When Byleth found out that Seteth enjoys writing, she suggested him to try working for J&A to earn extra cash. “Hm… I suppose I can give it a chance... Yes, this will make a great opportunity indeed.”
When Seteth visited Byleth’s place and found out that their intention and business were all a fraud, he backed out. “This is scam! I cannot feature my literary works in a shady manner such as this!” “WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU’LL CONSIDER PROSTITUTION, BUT YOU WON’T DO THIS!?!?!?” “…Uh. Language...”
During the firework festival, while Byleth hadn’t bother to fix her hair, Seteth smoothed his as well as tied a tiny pony. He almost frowned at her messy hair the first time he saw her, but held back when he saw the businessman standing beside her (i mean can u just imagine the beauty of him wearing a kimono while byleth in a formal suit omg im crying kjasdhjkhas--)
“Mr. Jeralt.” “Yeah, kid?” “If I am to give you a present, what will you ask for?” “Hmm.... Let’s be perfectly honestly: a good ‘ol beer is all I needed to remedy my past sins... Unless you can bring my wife from the dead, then *smiles sadly* I’d appreciate that.”
When someone on Yahoo!Answer suggested (jokingly) to gift Seteth a ring for his birthday, Byleth turned to Flayn for advice instead as they began walking home together while the love-strucked boys waved her good-bye. “Well, Mother told me that you shouldn’t limit your choices of gift just because your friend was born with the body they have. For example, even when society isn’t entirely ready to accept it, there are men who enjoy wearing dresses!” “.... OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, SENPAIIIIII”
The next day, Byleth spent the entire day checking on every corner of the nearest mall to find the perfect ring, only to return empty-handed, exhausted, and bummed out. When an oblivious and excited Leonie shoved one of their old magazine copies (back when they could still afford printing their issues) on Byleth, she retreated to her room for the older girl to leave her alone.
Still tired, she flipped one of the pages and saw an article about a ring that can boost the wearer’s creativity and motivation to write many promising stories with the help of jewel’s powers. (aka, the ring in canon) Amused but resigned, Byleth shrugged and decided.
Byleth spent a much longer time looking for the tiny shop, which only had one branch, than looking for ring in the said-shop itself.
Meanwhile, police officers Solon and Thales had captured Kronya. Both are interrogating the criminal for what exactly happened when the missing girl, the one both officials were looking for, threatened to shoot Kronya.
Leonie nearly punched Byleth for accidentally staring at her chest again as the she struggled to sink in the information that Jeralt and Leonie are related and absolutely not 'lovers’.
Byleth lend her jacket (aka, her cloak in canon) to Seteth when he was nearly whisked away by the wind.
When the police were questioning the runaway kids, Seteth tried to ward them off with a slight glare all the while remaining polite. “Our family will continue to worry if we remain longer in the rain, so if you will please let us carry on...”
“Happy Birthday, Seteth!” “*inwardly: OH MY GOD IT’S A RING IT’S A RING HOLY SHIT DOES SHE ACTUALLY WANNA-- NO NON ON  THAT CANNOT BE IT, THIS IS TOO SOON-*” “This ring is supposed to help you write good, boosts your creativity and all. Not that I believe it, nor care, but I hope you like it~” “.........................................................Oh.”
“I... *clears throat* Th-thank you. I-I appreciate it.” “What’s with that stupid look though? Did you really think it was a proposal? Seriously, no way. I doubt it... *lies down, stares at ceiling, blushes* Unless you wanna...” “W-W-WHAT!? NONSENSE!! AND EVEN IF IT IS, YOU AND I BOTH KNOW VERY WELL THAT WE ARE TOO YOUNG FOR- FOR THAT!!” “You don’t say, you old geezer ;)”
“But Byleth... What are you doing? Oh no. No, this cannot be. I was even fully prepared... But if you were to part me with a gift, I’m going to leave with regrets...” “Regrets? Leave? What’re you talking about?” “Don’t you understand!? Back when we were walking our way home and you saw my skin? Don’t you see- *shuffles for robe*” “OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU PERVERT!?” “*reveals chest, skin magically distorted* I’M DYING!” “...Huh?”
Like her first days in Tokyo, Byleth didn’t speak the entire time when she and Flayn were caught and escorted to the police car. When Thales mentioned Seteth’s real age to Byleth (16), Byleth shouted, “SIXTEEN!?” much to the police’s shock since they thought the girl was mute or refused to ever speak.
“*inwardly: ... Seteth, you damn liar.*”
Flayn’s borrowed disguise from her male friends was a cap, hoodie and baggy pants. “Flayn, I thought he was your ex! What’s he doing here stealing you away from me?” “Ex? Stealing? Whatever do you mean; I thought you two are wonderful friends! And please hurry up!”
“I’D MAKE AN EXCELLENT SPEED COP!!” “... No, you won’t.” “I HEARD THAT!!”
Jeralt always compared Byleth to his own son due to how dangerously similar they looked and acted. He tried not to see her as a sort of child to him since the girl was not his son at all. However, Jeralt does end up acting like a father-figure to her, especially when he saw Thales pin her down as she repeatedly and desperately shouted her loved one’s name. Who knew that quiet kid had it in her to fall in love, just like Jeralt himself?
As Flayn ran towards Solon to pin him down, her cap flew away and her hood fell to reveal her long green hair. “It’s not your fault, Byleth-nee... Neither of us has foreseen this... But I will always trust you no matter what... SO PLEASE! BRING MY DEAR BROTHER BACK!!”
While Seteth did jump to reach for Byleth out of instinct (and love, coughcough), he tried to pry away from her as they fell no matter how much she desperately confesses her love for him. “The people would no longer have sunshine! Isn’t that what everybody wants, you included!? It’s why we even made that business! It’s best I leave this world for all of your sake!!”
In her fury, Byleth reached out to Seteth with more effort than ever all the while muttering, “Come here- Come here you stupid old geezer--” When they finally held hands, she slapped him hard.
“*giggles* You look gross when you cry.” “Shut it, Byleth. Seriously, at a time like this... Let’s... Let’s just go home.” “Yeah...”
When Byleth returned to Tokyo, she had her hair dyed into light green since she felt like it (and reminded her of someone dear to her).
Jeralt happily showed Byleth the photo of Flayn (who barely grew an inch), his son Byleth (who’s almost reaching Flayn’s height), and Leonie, (wearing a cop’s uniform imean they should have seriously made natsumi a speed cop too, jeezus).
When she and Seteth reunited, his first words to her (other than, “Byleth!”) were, “Your hair...” “*grins* I know what you’re thinking, it doesn’t suit me.” “No, not at all. *touches Byleth’s hair with the hand wearing the ring* You look beautiful.” “*tries to pout, but melts into a winder grin* Not before?” “You always have been.”
Yay, it’s done!! I’ve had this AU for a long time now actually, but only got to post it now that the movie’s out on the west!! Now watch me ignore this shit for the next years, rip
Again, every detail in the movie isn’t covered here since I haven’t seen their potential setleth au differences yet, but the overall plot remains the same! Note that I haven’t actually finished the other routes yet other than the beagle one, so there might be a lotta ooc stuff here. Maybe when I’m done with them all, ima get back to this and fix it and add some more.
As you can see, I made their dynamic more on the teasing side unlike hodaka&hina’s, mainly because i interpret byleth to be playfully sly and ofc seteth’s distrust on her on the start of the game. I personally enjoyed them to be a bickering old couple, so they’re like that xD
Honestly, i’m torn in between assigning rhea as either the two green peas’ mother or jeralt’s mother-in-law. the former for obvious reasons, the latter since rhea sorts of ‘hides’ away the little kid from jeralt like in canon, but for another reason.
As for the taki and mitsuha cameo, I feel like that would be a completely different thing, so I didn’t include them here. But for sometime now, I’ve been imagining them as ferdinand & dorothea, manuela being their okudera. but this au isn’t house biased (leonie’s there cause of jeralt), so i didn’t include them.
Huge thanks to my sister for helping me shape this au!! Actually half of these ideas belongs to her, even more perhaps. Hope I can link ya’ll to her accounts once she’s done fixing ‘em so ya’ll get see how much of a genius she is!! <3
I wanna make a manga/fanfic outta this one day, but for now, here’s the idea compilation of my setleth au nobody asked for!! Thank you for reading!! :D
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