#the kakagai is strong in this house
hraishin · 2 years
you know what. naruto shippuden episode 241 did a great job as a filler with kakashi asking gai if something happened to him would gai run to him and gai answering "always" because watching this filler after watching the whole thing and knowing gai WILL run to kakashi during the war and save him from a killing blow from madara and then sacrifice himself to keep the people he loves (kakashi, lee, etc) safe makes me feel things in ways i cannot explain
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Modern au! Sweaty summer evenings with Kakagai
After a long day of working, There’s not much Kakashi wants to do other than relax outside on the porch of his house and watch the stars. Thankfully he has a very cuddly boyfriend to do it with.
Unfortunately, Gai’s job is very demanding and often results in him having a rather… strong odor at the end of the day. Kakashi is forced to decide between cuddles right away and waiting for Gai to have a shower.
He chooses the cuddles, always.
The two of them tell each other about their day, play video games, read or just look up at the sky together. It’s a relaxing time in their day where they simply exist. There’s nothing they have to do, no where they have to be.
They can just lay there and relax.
It’s not something they plan on becoming an every night thing. The first time it happens Kakashi had a rough day and just needed to relax before he snapped.
Gai was more than happy to help him unwind, and the two of them ended up sitting there for three hours enjoying the cold air against their face.
They even bought a blanket to put out on the porch bench, just in case it gets cold and they need to cover up. Gai almost always ends up using it, but Kakashi will often cuddle under it with him.
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You’re Not a Burden, Child, For You Are Loved
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1808 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Gai deals with his father's death with Kakashi's help Warnings: N/A Author's Note: For day 1 of KakaGai Week 2020 ( @kkgweek ). Gai and Kakashi are around 12 here. Enjoy! Prompt: Day 1 - Burden
Gai doesn't really understand the concept of being a burden. He knows Asuma thinks he's a burden to his father and that Kakashi thinks he's a burden to, well, everyone but he's never actually got it. That is until his father died trying to save him.
Now, every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is his father jumping in front of him and his team, body engulfed in green as he had already opened up the first five gates. His dad had told Gai and the team to leave, to leave the seven swordsmen to him. Gai knew what he was about to do, that he was about to open up the eighth gate to fight them, but despite this, it wasn’t until afterward that it really sunk in that his dad was gone.
Maybe it was the shock or the adrenaline but he really didn’t feel anything until he, Genma, and Ebisu managed to stumble their way back to camp, meeting back up with Chōza-sensei. Genma had to be the one to debrief Chōza-sensei about what happened and who helped them, as Gai was too much in a daze to do so himself. Chōza-sensei had put a hand on his shoulder, asked him if he was okay, and, distantly, Gai remembers smiling up at Chōza-sensei and giving him a thumbs-up as he told him he was perfectly fine.
Gai doesn’t remember the rest of the mission. He thinks Chōza-sensei went to where his Papa had fought off the swordsmen and when he had returned, he ordered everyone back to the village. As they went, Gai remembers feeling an unexplainable tightness in his chest and wishing everyone would stop throwing glances at him. He didn’t understand at the time why they were so concerned about him.
He was fine.
They debriefed the Hokage and then went their separate ways, Gai going back to an empty, quiet house. The tightness in his chest was still there but he ignored it as he made himself something to eat, and then sat in silence as he ate. He then cleaned up his dishes, brushed his teeth, took a quick bath, and went to bed. As he laid there and had his eyes closed, he found himself back there, with his Papa, not even being able to say a proper goodbye.
Now, he lies in bed, awake, as he stares up at his ceiling. The spot beside him, the spot where his dad would normally be lying, is cold and empty. The tightness in his chest won’t go away and it’s uncomfortable. It makes it hard to breathe.
Gai sits up, rubs a hand through his hair, and then gets out from under the blanket. He leaves his mat there as he walks out of the tiny house and into the woods. It’s in the middle of the night so no one should be looking for him. The Hokage has given the team a couple of days off despite being in the middle of a war. Gai isn’t going to complain though. He doesn’t think he would be able to fight adequately enough with this painful feeling in his chest.
He keeps walking until he gets to the tree that he always practices his aim with; whether that be with kunai or shuriken or just punches and kicks. It’s a tree that is marred with many scars that Gai has given it. His father would sit over by the other tree, just behind where Gai would stand, and cheer him on. Gai’s chest constricts and he punches the tree as hard as he can.
Leaves fall around him.
He doesn’t know how many times he punches, kicks, and mutilates the tree but he’s panting by the time he hears the familiar voice next to him.
“Yo,” Gai turns to look at Kakashi. He doesn’t understand what the other shinobi could be doing here. It has to be well past midnight by now.
“Kakashi, what brings you here?” he asks enthusiastically, throwing out a thumbs up. “Here to give a challenge?”
Kakashi’s head tilts and he looks at Gai in question. “I heard what happened. Minato-sensei told me. I think he heard from Chōza-san.”
The feeling in Gai’s chest grows stronger and so he plasters on an even bigger smile. “Oh, that? It’s fine.”
“Yeah.” He turns and punches the tree again. “People die in war all the time.”
Kakashi is staring at him quietly again and Gai ignores him in favor of starting a kicking routine on the tree. More leaves fall around the two and Kakashi catches one out of the air, holding it up for inspection. He does this for several seconds, before dropping the leaf to the ground.
“But your dad shouldn’t have been there.” Gai falters but covers it with a punch. “He was a Genin. He didn’t belong there.”
His punch misses and Gai falls forward with the momentum, hitting his head off the tree. He stumbles backward, holding his head in his hands. “Don’t speak about him like that,” he grumbles, rubbing at the pain on his forehead.
Kakashi sits down. “It’s true though. He had no business getting involved.”
“If he hadn’t, Genma, Ebisu, and I would be dead right now!”
Kakashi shrugs. “Then you’d be dead.”
Gai stares at Kakashi. He could never understand how Kakashi could be so morbid and matter of fact. Gai shakes his head, starting to get angry. “He sacrificed himself to protect something precious to him.”
“He was stupid.”
“No, he wasn’t!” Gai screams. “I said don’t talk about him like that!”
Kakashi gets up and gets right in Gai’s face. “You’re the Chunin. You’re the one who should have died. Not him, a Genin.”
Kakashi blurs in Gai’s vision and he doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he feels the hot tears rolling down his cheeks. His chest hurts and it’s hard to breathe and he doesn’t know what to do. “Shut up,” he says meekly, trying to catch his breath.
Kakashi doesn’t say anything more. He just stands there as Gai cries uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face in abundance. Gai lowers himself to the ground, back pressed up against the tree. He pulls his knees closer to his chest, pressing his face into them, and sobbing loudly. Kakashi slowly sits down in front of him, close enough to touch but not doing so.
He doesn’t know how long he cries for. All he knows is his eyes start to sting and his breath starts to come out in small little hiccups. He’s suddenly exhausted and wishes his Papa were here to take him home and tuck him into bed. A whimper escapes between his hiccups and he hugs his knees tighter. Kakashi places a hesitant hand on his shoulder.
It feels like ages before Gai has finally managed to get some semblance of control back. He lifts his head where he had it buried in his knees and looks at Kakashi. “He’d be alive right now if it weren’t for me.”
The mask and headband hide most of Kakashi’s face but Gai can tell he’s frowning in sympathy. His hand is still on Gai’s shoulder. “True.”
“If I were stronger…” Gai trails off. He wonders if this is what it feels like to be a burden. All his father has ever done was try to encourage him and support him in everything Gai has ever done. But Gai wasn’t good enough. Even with all that his father gave him, he wasn’t strong enough to fight, he never reached his goal to prove others wrong about him and his Papa. Now, instead, his dad is dead because of him.
He caused this.
“Then you would still be dead,” Kakashi says, interrupting Gai’s train of thought. “It was all of the seven swordsmen, Gai. You still would have died.” He pauses. “I would have died.”
It’s not often that Kakashi admits to a weakness. Gai shakes his head. “You would have defeated them.”
“No,” Kakashi says simply and then sighs. He moves, removing his hand from Gai’s shoulder in favor of sitting next to him, side pressed flush to Gai’s. “I definitely would have died. Minato-sensei would have died. Anyone would have died.”
“No,” Kakashi interjects. “Your father might have been stupid to try and fight them but,” he shrugs, “well, I heard he killed four out of the seven. That’s pretty impressive.” He wraps an arm around Gai’s shoulders, pulling him closer and allowing Gai to lean his head down onto his shoulder. It’s awkward and Kakashi is stiff beside him with Gai not doing much better, but it’s the effort that counts. “I told you. Your dad is one of the coolest people around.”
“Was one of the coolest,” Gai corrects and fresh tears pool in his eyes. “Everyone dies, Kakashi.”
“It’s war.”
“I know.”
Kakashi sighs and his arm tightens around Gai. “You’re not me, Gai.”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t get people killed.”
“But my Papa-”
“Made his choice.” Kakashi turns his head and buries his face into Gai’s hair. Gai stiffens more, not exactly sure what Kakashi’s angle is or what he is doing. “I’m glad he saved you,” it’s said so quietly that Gai almost misses it.
The statement makes something tighten in Gai’s chest but unlike before, it’s not a bad feeling. This one is warm and happy, just barely peeking through the heavy weight of grief. Still, it doesn’t stop Gai from saying, “I miss him.”
“You always will,” Kakashi says and then squeezes him before getting up. He holds a hand out to Gai. “Everyone dies,” he repeats Gai’s statement.
Gai reaches up and takes a hold of Kakashi's hand. Kakashi pulls him up and he doesn't say anything as he leads Gai back home, holding his hand the whole way. When they get back to the small house, Kakashi brings him over to Gai's bed, and, without a word, they both lie down on it, Kakashi pulling the blanket up over them.
Kakashi's arm wraps around Gai's middle and he presses himself up against Gai's back. They've shared a bed before when it was the only option, but Kakashi has never been so open to affection like this. It's weird yet comforting that he is doing this now and Gai feels himself melting into the mat and Kakashi's warmth. He places a hand over Kakashi's hand that is splayed over his stomach, intertwining their fingers.
Gai sighs, the weight of grief still constricting his heart, but feeling content now that Kakashi is with him. He closes his eyes with the knowledge that the next couple of months will probably be hard but, as he falls asleep with Kakashi’s warmth behind him, he knows he’ll be okay with Kakashi by his side.
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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kalira · 6 years
Word guess: Fire
Surely there’s some Zukka ones but let’s see what else… (I’ll put the ATLA ones at the end, under a cut, because I’m sure there’ll be a few.)
But there’s no fireto his pleasure in Gai’s touch, there’s no heat in Kakashi’s eyes when hewatches Gai - though Gai’s body is objectively amazing, Kakashi enjoys watchinghim for his power and smooth grace, nothing more - or building inside him underGai’s hands on his body.
(I am somewhat amazed there are no Uchiha featured here.)
He returned fire, andtwisted away, taking cover behind a half-blasted enemy combatant, then hit thedeck, hard.
“You want to get outof here right now I will consider notsetting you on fire.” he said, voicevery even.
“Let’s leave them alone then.” Fire Emblemsaid, pouting briefly at Tiger and flapping his hands at the others.
Keith sipped his rum,glancing across the fire to where Hunk was now trying to dissuade Arawn fromdoing something foolish while Pidge watched and giggled into her cup.
and some more
Black didn’t feel aresponse, but he did feel her, hot and strong, whipcord and firerather than brute power.
And now we’ll do Zukka (and the rest of ATLA) under the cut here.
The broad figurestriding down into the snow smells like iron and smoke and fire, raging anddominant.
that one and the next two are from the same series, which is an omegaverse AU >.>
Zuko smells like fire.
…it’s a bit less repetitive when you have the entire stories but sheesh Sokka
Zuko smelled likefire, like homey warmth and spice and sweetness, at least he did now - but now,right now, he still smelled like allthose things, but with a bitter, smoky, metallic edge to the flame. 
moving on (but still Zukka, naturally)
“You do use soap inthe Fire Nation, right?” he asked, and Zuko snickered, bending forwards with awince to lean on one forearm at the edge of the bath.
no surprise there’s so many Zukka lines for this word really
The beds in the Ember Islandhouse they were hiding out in - the Fire Lord’s vacation home, so no wonder thebeds were so luxurious.
oh man this line is going to get hammered hard in edits
Sokka was well-awarethat it had been for practicality’s sake, as Zuko and Aang practisedfirebending and little tongues - or huge blasts - of fire went everywhere, andprobably even more so once they had moved to Ember Island, which was painfullyhot even for someone who wasn’t cosying up to an active flame. 
staying with Zukka a while longer…
Yue watched thespiralling fire rising in the otherwise dark courtyard below, slipping down onthe shimmery back of a moonbeam.
Yep even in the kid!fic, naturally!
Kiran was quicklyenthralled, giggling happily and reaching up for the fire.
“And what’ll theycall me if I say yes Katara? FireLady?” Sokka yelped, waving his hands around as he paced.
Soulmate AU angst!
Sokka’s Mark was FireNation red.
Leaving Zukka behind now … sort of, as we’re moving to the Sokka/Zuko/Mai WIP
“Right. Mai, I don’tknow what the blazes I’m doing here.” he said plainly, and Mai actually laughed and Sokka wondered if he’d hithis head somewhere along the way instead of really being in the Fire Nation Palace, talking to theFire Lady.
This concludes the ATLA portion. XD
send me a word and if it’s in my WIPs I’ll share!
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The u know whos have been harassing me all day can i please request some more HC for both your knight and skill reversal AUs regarding how kakagai reationship grows to forget about them? Thank you mun 🤍
Why are they harrassing you? Who do I have to fight? i will fight them all omg. LEAVE THIS POOR PERSON ALONE YOU JERKS.
Royalty Au
Kakashi and Gai have known each other since childhood. It’s an outcome of Kakashi’s father, Sakumo, being the royal guard to King Dai. That plus Sakumo being an only father since his wife's death, and he finds himself having to have Kakashi by his side a lot growing up. He could get someone to take care of his son, but Kakashi keeps running them into the ground and scaring them off.
Thankfully, the king is very understanding and loves that his son has someone else to play with.  Most people who interact with Gai treat him like a porceline. Like they have to be super careful around him or he might shatter. Kakashi doesn’t do that. He respects Gai of course. Calls him ‘your highness’ and always bows when they greet each other or say goodbye, but otherwise, he considers Gai his friend. They run around the garden together, learn together, play together. Everything that Gai does, Kakashi does with him. Sometimes Kakashi will even be able to help Gai with his learning, being a quick learner himself who can explain things better for Gai than his tutor.
As they grow up, they continue to hang out. Even when Kakashi starts to train under Lady Kushina as a page at the age of 7, Kakashi will often use his time off from training to spend with Gai.
Gai is the first person Kakashi ever tells of his dream to become a great knight. Not just like his father, but even better. He wants to prove that he’s talented and smart and that he can protect the Kingdom and the Prince from anything and anyone. Gai feels a little sad that day, even though he loves the excitement in Kakashi’s voice when he hears about his dream. But knowing that Kakashi is going to put himself into a job that could get him killed young, all to try to prove himself. that hurts Gai’s heart.
When Kakashi is promoted to Squire at the age of 11, it’s a huge celebration. People are amazed by this kid's progress. the standard age for becoming a squire is 15, and Kakashi’s already well on his way to becoming the youngest knight in history. Even with his extra duties though, he makes sure to always visit Gai in the garden at least twice a week. They still have race’s around the place, and sometimes Kakashi will show Gai how to sword fight. Gai does get lessons from a tutor of course, but he finds that he learns easier from Kakashi. Kakashi just has a way of talking to him that helps him understand quicker. Plus Kakashi always lets him make things into a competition, which helps a lot with getting him pumped and ready to learn. 
When Kakashi is knighted at the age of 16, Gai’s not sure how to feel. He’s excited for his old friend of course. This was part of Kakashi’s dream. He’s already making a name for himself separate from his father. But at the same time, Gai’s terrified that this means he won’t have any time with Kakashi anymore. Kakashi will be too busy to visit him, and he’ll be alone with no one to hang out with but the people who treat him like porcelain.
Of course, Dai won’t have that. Kakashi is immediately made Gai’s royal guard. Partially to keep him out of the field where he might find nothing but a young death, and partially to keep Kakashi and Gai close. He knows how important the two are to each other already, and he refuses to be the one to tear them away from each other.
When it comes to marriage at the age of 20, Gai is not excited. He can’t think of anyone he wants to marry, and he always finds problems with the people that he is presented with. Genma is too pessemistic, Obito is too... well, Obito. Him and Kisame just want to rip each others throats out most of the time, and while he gets along fine with Rin the two of them both agree they’d prefer to be friends.
It’s not until someone mentions to Kakashi that he should also be looking to settle down that Gai realizes why he can’t choose a marriage partner.
He doesn’t want anyone else. He wants to be with Kakashi. To have Kakashi by his side, not just as his knight, but as his partner. 
He knows it’s not conventional. Most people marry royalty from other lands to strengthen treaties or secure partnerships. But his father never married. He found other ways to do those things, so surely Gai can too. Right?
He’s afraid to bring it up to his father. Terrified that he’ll be rejected. But when he finally does, Dai just laughs and tells his son that it’s about time. That he just needed to tell him what it was he wanted, and he would make it happen for him.
Gai and Kakashi don’t get married right away. Neither of them is in a rush.
But when they do it’s a big event, and Kakashi is not pleased about this fact.
Both of their fathers are standing by their side, proud that their sons have found each other and can be together. That they know who’s side they belong at. Kakashi can’t imagine Anyone else protecting Gai, and Gai wouldn’t have anyone else standing beside him as his husband or as his royal guard.
Kakashi’s position does not change at all. There are people of course who are adamant that the King's husband cannot be his royal guard. that the position is too dangerous. 
But Dai knows that neither of the boys are going to let anyone else take Kakashi’s position, and he’s alright with that. Kakashi has always been the one to protect Gai, and he always will be. 
Skill Swap Au
Kakashi and Gai still meet outside of the academy, but it’s Kakashi who has been turned away. Denied entry because of his lack of skill in Ninjitsu or Genjutsu. Gai feels bad for the other boy. He looks so sad standing there by his father's side, the White fangs side, knowing that he can’t get into the academy because he has been deemed ‘not good enough
Seeing something in Kakashi that no one else did, Gai decides to challenge him to a spar. It takes a few attempts, and Kakashi gets annoyed really easily at his challenges and tries to remind him that he’s just going to lose to ‘the genius’, but finally Kakashi caves.
And Kakashi loses, badly. But when he crawls to his feet and stuffs his hands into his pockets determined to leave, Gai stops him and tells him that they should spare again.
And he doesn’t stop challenging Kakashi. No matter how many times Kakashi wants to give up. No matter how often the two of them hear that Gai’s ‘wasting his time with a failure’. Gai never gives up on Kakashi.
He knows what Kakashi could be capable of. He has seen his own father train her to be strong, and he has seen Kakashi training on his own. Kakashi is not a quitter. He works his butt off and always comes home bruised and tired from his efforts. Gai knows if they just keep at it, that Kakashi can become strong.
Ultimately, with Gai’s help and a lot of perseverance, Kakashi finally makes it into the academy. It’s a moment of celebration for them both and Gai can’t stop congratulating Kakashi.
Halfway through the year, Sakumo’s mission goes terribly wrong, and suddenly ‘the white fang’ is a name no longer spoken with pride. It’s a name that people spit venom at. And that loss in pride hits Kakashi hard. After Sakumo’s death, Kakashi disappears from the academy.
Gai’s terrified that Kakashi has given up. That he’s just going to let those hateful people’s words win and stop trying to become a great shinobi.
He’s wrong. Oh so wrong. Kakashi’s more determined than ever to prove himself. to show the village that he can be a great Ninja no matter what they say. Every day from dawn to dusk Kakashi trains endlessly. Pushing himself to near collapse just to get stronger. 
It’s at this point, after finding Kakashi unconscious in a field after a long day of training, that Dai decides to show him the eight gates.
Having Kakashi around the house a lot more is pretty weird, but Gai also really enjoys it. Kakashi’s not always the friendliest person, but he’s always helping out around the house with chores. 
Gai graduated from the academy at the age of five, setting the record for the youngest shinobi to become a genin ever. Choza Sensei decides when he’s six to have him compete in the chunin exams, and he is promoted before any of his classmates even make genin.
Kakashi graduated at the age of seven, which is still really impressive given the fact that people have always said he would never amount to anything. 
Gai gets placed on team choza with Ebisu and Genma, while Kakashi gets placed on Team Minato with Obito and Rin. Kakashi’s still very ‘by the rules’ because of his father, but rather than fighting with Obito over who’s stronger, Kakashi and Obito get along a bit better.
By the time they’re 11, Kakashi has actually managed to beat Gai in a fight. It’s no surprise to Gai when he becomes a chunin along with the others, even as Gai is promoted to Jonin ahead of them. 
Team Minato still gets the Kannabi bridge mission, but they’re given another Jonin to lead the mission while Minato takes care of his part of it. When Rin is kidnapped, Obito convinces Kakashi to go with him to get her even though they’re going directly against Jonin’s orders. 
Kakashi still loses his eye protecting Obito, Obito still awakens his sharing, and then Obito ‘dies’ saving Kakashi from being crushed by a bolder.
Kakashi is blamed for the mission going wrong when they get back to Konoha, but instead of allowing it to eat at him, he decides to keep training. To become stronger and show the village that he’s not the failure they think he is.
Gai is determined to help him in this mission and starts making their competitions into training sessions together. 
Whenever someone gets rude with Kakashi or blames him for Obito’s death, they usually find themselves meeting the end of Gai’s foot. Kakashi may not be willing to stand up to them, but Gai is more than happy to do it for them.
Rin doesn’t die in this au because of Kakashi. Instead, recognizing that she has no other way out, she uses Kakashi’s distraction while fighting the enemy shinobi to take her own life. 
Obito’s still mad at Kakashi for not being able to save her, and Kakashi still see’s her blood on his hands in his nightmares. But that’s because he actually held her body while she bled out. 
Recognizing his student’s strength and hurt, Minato decides to shove Kakashi into Anbu. Something that’s frowned upon by many until Kakashi starts going out onto missions. They’re surprised by his sheer strength and ability in the field. 
When Minato dies against the Kyuubi, Kakashi sinks deeper into depression and tries to push everyone away, including Gai.
Of course, Gai doesn’t allow this. He refuses to let Kakashi suffer alone and always tries to keep up with their competition and spars.
When he realizes just how bad Anbu is affecting Kakashi’s mental health, Gai decides to try and join so that he can be with him. But he’s turned away because of his personality (just like in Canon)
So instead, he decides to get Kakashi out.
Kakashi’s not too happy to be made a join sensei after being shoved out of Anbu, but he takes it as punishment for not being able to help Itachi avoid the massacre route that he chose to take (in Kakashi’s eye since he doesn’t know the truth at this point)
Over the years, Kakashi has grown a lot as a shinobi. Even Itachi was surprised to see just how strong Kakashi was with just Taijutsu and did a lot of training with him to improve his own Taijutsu. 
Come the Chunin exams with Team seven and Team Gai, Neji, Lee, and Tenten are unsurprised to find that Team Seven is extremely skilled in Taijutsu. Kakashi has taught them well, and these three are ready to take names and kick butt. 
Sasuke still loses in his fight against Lee, but Lee’s proud to say that he was taught Taijutsu from their sensei (taught first by Gai, and then improved upon by Kakashi) and that they’re surely going to get stronger with more time under him.
The month that Kakashi spends training up Sasuke’s taijutsu is possibly the worst month of Sasuke’s life. He’s introduced to Kakashi’s personal training methods and it is not fun. Not one bit. 
And after the chunin exams, while the village is trying to repair itself from the Konoha crush and settle into some sense of nromality, Itachi and Kisame show up. This time, it’s Gai who faces down Itachi and ends up in a 72 hour genjutsu. Itachi knows better than to allow the genius time to come up with a plan. But then just as Kisame is about to swoop in and finish Gai, Kakashi shows up and kicks him away. A genius and the best taijutsu master of Konoha? Itachi is out. This is not worth the hassle. 
Sasuke finds out about Itachi's appearance in the village while Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma are watching over Gai while he's resting from Itachi's attack. Kakashi of course goes after his student
Kakashi also gets to the the 'dynamic entry' against Jiraiya, kicking him in the face and away from his students. He recognizes Jiraiya of course, but damn he'd be lying if he said that didn't feel good.
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Hide and Go Seek
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1301 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Gai challenges Kakashi to play a hide and go seek match Warnings: N/A Author's Note: This is for day 4 of KakaGai Week 2020 ( @kkgweek ). I suppose this incorporates both prompts. What is lost must be found, right? I had a really hard time trying to come up with something for this day (this one ended up being last in my writing order because I went out of order and I couldn’t think of anything to write for it at first.) Anyway, this is what I came up with. They are probably around 11 or 12 years old here. I don’t know. They’re kids. That’s all you need to know. XD Enjoy! Prompt: Day 4 - Lost/Found
Kakashi walks away from Gai, eyes planted on his book. “No.”
“Think about it, Kakashi!” Gai says excitedly, trailing after Kakashi. The other boy is pretending to ignore him by reading his book but Gai knows better. He knows Kakashi is listening to him. “It’ll be like training!” Gai jumps in front of Kakashi, forcing him to stop walking. He peers up from his book to look at Gai. “We’ll be practicing our stealth and our tracking!”
“You mean you’ll be practicing.” Kakashi sidesteps him and continues on his way. “I don’t need to practice.”
“Not true!” Gai jogs to catch up to him. “For this challenge, you can’t use Pakkun or any of the other Ninken.”
Kakashi stops walking and Gai bumps into his back, stumbling backward. He’s in the middle of righting himself when Kakashi turns to face him. “You’re not going to leave me alone until I do this with you, are you?”
Kakashi sighs. “Fine.”
Gai grins at Kakashi and Kakashi puts his book away with a regretful groan. "Okay, do you want to hide first or me?" Gai can already feel the familiar build of competitive excitement bubbling up in his chest.
Kakashi looks around, eyes half-lidded as if he's bored. "We're going to do it here?"
Gai peers at their surroundings. They're currently in the middle of the street, civilians and buildings all around. Gai shrugs. "I was thinking we could use all of Konoha."
"Really?" Kakashi slumps, sounding exasperated. 
Gai places balled up fists on his hips, frowning at his friend. "Kakashi," Gai accuses. "Did you think this would be easy?"
Kakashi sighs. "It just means I'm going to be hiding forever while you search for me."
Gai ignores the implication that Kakashi will be able to find Gai easier than Gai can find Kakashi. "Not true! I'm an excellent tracker!"
Kakashi runs a hand down his face. "Whatever. You hide first."
Gai jumps and pumps a fist into the air. "Right!" He then points a warning finger at Kakashi. "Remember, no Ninken."
Kakashi rolls his eyes, brings his hands up to his face to cover his eyes, and starts counting. "One, two, three-"
Gai jumps away and on top of a building. He's not sure where he wants to go and hide but he knows he has to get away from Kakashi before the boy counts to twenty. He turns on his heel and runs away, hopping from one roof to the other. When he spots a barrel outside of a shop, he jumps down and opens the lid to peer inside. Seeing that it is half-filled with prunes, Gai grimaces but climbs in anyway. The prunes squelch around him but they also have a strong scent that should be able to fool Kakashi's nose.
He gets caught by the shopkeeper, however, within the first five minutes of hiding. Gai leaps out of the barrel, prune guts sticking to his sandals and jumpsuit, the purple a glaring contrast against the green of the fabric. The shopkeeper yells at him as he climbs out, a rolling pin held tightly in her hand, while her face shines bright red in anger.
He bows to her, shame coloring his own face red. "I'm terribly sorry, Ma'am. I'll pay for the prunes."
"Like that makes it better," the woman grumbles under her breath but at least she's now stopped screaming at him.
"Found you."
Gai startles, straightening up and whirling around to the owner of that calm voice. "Kakashi!" Kakashi is standing there, arms crossed over his chest. Gai points a finger at him. "Wait, that's not fair! You would have never had found me if I hadn't been getting yelled at."
"You're wrong." Gai blanches. "I knew you were in there before the shopkeeper got involved." He shrugs. "She started opening the barrel before I could reveal you myself though."
"You're lying," Gai says, incredulous, even though he knows Kakashi wouldn't lie about something like that. 
Kakashi ignores his accusation and pinches his nose. "You stink now." Then, "Hurry up and pay for the prunes. It's my turn to hide."
Gai stares at Kakashi as Kakashi starts to walk away. Sighing with dejection, Gai pulls out his wallet, looks at the measly amount of money he has in it and uses the entire amount to pay for the prunes he ruined. Then, he goes over to where Kakashi is waiting for him, reading his book once more.
He plasters on a smile. He has a feeling the rest of this challenge won't be as fun as he had hoped it would be. "Ready?" 
Kakashi eyes him. He can probably tell Gai isn't as into it as he was five minutes ago. He shuts his book with a soft thump. "Ready."
Gai closes his eyes and starts to count. He doesn't hear Kakashi leave which means he probably used a body flicker jutsu. It's going to make tracking him even harder. When Gai reaches twenty, he lowers his hands and opens his eyes, looking around. He wonders where he should start and almost regrets boasting about his tracking skills.
He steels himself. "Right," he begins out loud. "If I can't find Kakashi within ten minutes, I will do five hundred push-ups!"
He starts his search by looking at all of Kakashi's favorite spots. When he doesn't find him there, he then checks Kakashi's apartment. The other boy isn't there either. He heads toward the training grounds next, searching each one but still nothing. He's just about to leave when he hears voices approaching. Waiting by the training post, he watches as Rin and Obito approach.
Obito immediately scowls at him. "What is he doing here?"
Gai heads towards them, meeting halfway. "Obito, Rin!" He gives them a large smile. "Have you seen Kakashi?"
"If I had, why would I tell you?" Obito asks, crossing his arms in defiance. Gai ignores him, not playing into his false pretense of being better than Gai.
Rin gives him a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, Gai-kun. I haven't seen him. Maybe try asking Minato-sensei."
Gai's smile widens. She's a genius, of course! "Yes, you're right! I should have thought about that myself. I will do one thousand laps around the village to make up for it!" Rin giggles despite looking confused and Obito rolls his eyes. "Thank you for your assistance!" Gai runs off then, heading in the direction of Minato-sensei's house.
Once there, he knocks on the door and waits for it to be answered. Minato-sensei is the one to open the door and Gai wastes no time in questioning him. "Is Kakashi here?"
"Uh…" Minato-sensei looks confused, rubbing the back of his neck. "What's this all about, Gai?"
"We are playing-"
A hand slaps over his mouth before the words can even come out of his mouth. "Don't you dare say it."
"Mmummhmmhmm," Gai mumbles. 
Minato-sensei looks between him and Kakashi with wide, bewildered eyes. "Kakashi, what's going on?"
Kakashi lowers his hand, glaring a warning at Gai. "We were training. Stealth and tracking." He shrugs. "I got tired of waiting for Gai to track me down so I came here." Kakashi's cheeks are pink.
Minato-sensei looks amused, one hand still scratching at the back of his neck. Gai is pretty sure he is seeing right through Kakashi and understands exactly what they were doing. Still, he doesn't comment on it more, probably to save Kakashi from being any more embarrassed than he already is.
"Well, Kushina and I were just about to eat. Why don't the two of you stay and eat with us?" Minato-sensei offers.
Gai turns to Kakashi with a wide, excited grin. Kakashi looks from Gai to Minato-sensei and back to Gai before sighing in defeat. "Fine."
Gai jumps up in the air in victory. "Yes!"
A/N: Thanks for reading!
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