#the ipre
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watchanalyse · 2 years ago
Voidfished Taako subconsciously aware he should have his doctorate: jaja yeah I'm an idiot Angus: no your not sir? Your actually pretty smart??? Takko: are you kidding me?? Look at me ango I don't even know the first thing about theoretical physics! I'm a joke! Angus: ??
Taako "I'm not a nerd" Takko drinking the baby voisdfish ichor and suddenly getting blasted with the fact that not only is he a nerd but he's THE nerd (has a phd)
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watchanalyse · 2 years ago
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anistarrose · 29 days ago
why are so many of the grand relics specifically stated to create perfect circles or spheres. there's the phoenix fire gauntlet. the temporal chalice. arguably the bulwark staff. everyone had circles on the brain while they were designing their relics, it was like ancient greek mathematics up in there
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emiko-matsui · 24 days ago
honestly never not thinking about how the ipre destroyed ninety nine worlds on their journey and the first thing taako, magnus, and merle did when they reunited was level phandalin to the ground
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nillial · 2 years ago
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could not stop imagining this post as magnus n fisher . thats his neurodivergent voidfish
[Image description: uncolored digital art of characters from The Adventure Zone, based off a Reddit thread. Magnus is a broad-shouldered human in an IPRE hoodie, while Davenport is a skinny mustached gnome in a fancy jacket, and Lucretia is a skinny human wearing glasses and a robe.
In the first panel, Magnus holds a baby Fisher up to his cheek, squishing them against his face lovingly. Magnus says: "my pet jellyfish, Mike, who is neurodivergent. he is 1 year old today."
With an incredulous expression, Davenport asks: "Where did you get that?" and Magnus, smiling, replies: "ocean." Lucretia pokes Fisher with a pencil and asks: "I have to ask, out of genuine curiosity, how is it determined that a jellyfish is neurodivergent?" Magnus replies: "I filled out an online quiz using his answers." End description.]
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months ago
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on a quest to draw every pair between the crew here’s the first batch
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indiepressrevolution · 2 months ago
Now at IPR: Psychodungeon
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Glyndain is a city in a world of mobile phones and magic spells, mass transit and malevolent demons, the supernatural intermingled with the everyday. It's a strange world but one all too familiar to you.
In Glyndain when peoples trauma hits a breaking point their troubles manifest physically as a psychodungeon full of monstrous nightmares. Specialists called psychoplumbers are called in to clean out the dungeons and close them off. It’s difficult work. Dangerous. The kind that follows you home. Part adventurer, part handyman, part therapist. Still, it’s a living. You’ve got bills to pay and rent to make. It’s time to go down, down into the PSYCHODUNGEON.
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sisiren · 2 years ago
I discovered Audacity was free and decided to make a TAZ: Balance edit! More information under the cut.
Song: Experience - Ludovico Einaudi
Quotes (in order of which they appear in the audio): “One day I made the decision to… stop championing other people's heroism and to take the direction of my life into my own hands.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“This is just for a little bit, I’m gonna stop this, what we’ve done to this world.” - The Stolen Century 7
“And, I lost dear, dear friends because of that decision, but it was the only one to make.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“I’m gonna find you a place where you can be happy again, it’s just for a little while, and then, you’ll remember, I promise.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Magnus Burnsides” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“T-A-A-K-O” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“Merle Highchurch” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“Barry Bluejeans” - Lunar Interlude V, Reunion Tour 1
“I’m Davenport” - The Stolen Century 7
“Blasted the letters L U P into the wall.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“I pull out the Umbra Staff and I point it at Lucretia” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“You fucking took everything from me” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Oh shit! Is it today?” - The Stolen Century 6
“It’s today.” - The Stolen Century 6
“I did this one already. I did this world and kind of… crushed it.” - The Stolen Century 1
“I’m begging you, let me finish this and we can talk about it.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Are you my friend?” - The Stolen Century 4
“To have friendship, Merle, it requires you to...[sighs] love someone.” - The Stolen Century 4
“Our capacity for love increases with each person we cross paths with throughout our lives, and with each moment we spend with those people.” - The Stolen Century 5
“I said: I love you, Jules.” -The Eleventh Hour 8
“You are my heart.” - The Stolen Century 6
“I - I love you dad.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“I love you too, baby.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“And these things, Merle, friendship and love and happiness, they’re- they’re all so… small.” - The Stolen Century 4
“But I’ve been living a hundred years with me and one year with millions of people.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Honestly; do whatever you want. I don’t care anymore.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Everybody else that I ever met, aside from the six of you, were dust.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Dead…got turned into ash.” - Lunar Interlude V, Reunion Tour 1
“They were just talking dust.” - The Stolen Century 7
“I have nothing, and I don’t give a shit. The world is ending, and I. Don't. Care.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“But the one thing we do have, is the thing that people in love rarely ever have enough of. And it’s time.” - The Stolen Century 5
“You found her! Maybe not how you expected to, but when you weren’t looking you found her.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Who?” - The Stolen Century 7
“I wonder which one would be worse to take from you: the person that you loved or the person that you… hate.” - The Suffering Game 5
“They are beings of pure, concentrated evil.” - The Suffering Game 1
“And they’ve all been evil?” - The Suffering Game 1
“Invariably.” - The Suffering Game 1
“Lup, they don't trust me.” - The Eleventh Hour 9
“The light is a sickeningly powerful energy source. Any items powered by that energy are going to be...devastating.” - The Stolen Century 7
“This is it!” - The Stolen Century 7
“Lup made us promise that we would never again put a world in danger just to thwart The Hunger's plans. And that is exactly, exactly, what we did to this world!” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Did we make the right decision?” - The Stolen Century 7
“Sometimes there aren’t right decisions. Sometimes there’s just decisions.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Kind of seems like I've got you right here.” - The Stolen Century 4
“And the devastation it wreaks is immeasurable.” - The Stolen Century 7
“What if you didn’t have to worry and you could just cut out the bullshit and do good recklessly?” - The Eleventh Hour 7
“Merle...will you sit with me? Just...just for a moment?” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“...You got it, buddy.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“And suddenly thousands of bonds are threaded between the three of you.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“I know we don’t say this enough, but… Thank you.” - The Stolen Century 7
“I saw seven birds: The Twins.” - The Crystal Kingdom 11
“You ready bro?” - The Stolen Century 7
“Hell yeah!” - The Stolen Century 7
“The Lover.” - The Crystal Kingdom 11
“It’s only been twe— Um… Twenty-one years…” - The Stolen Century 3
“The Protector.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“Magnus rushes in.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“The Lonely Journal Keeper.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“I’m gonna save us all, I - I promise.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“The Peacemaker.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“I find joy whatever I do.” - The Stolen Century 4
“And The Wordless One.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“Have we not… earned a little wrath?” - The Stolen Century 6
“You got all the time in the world, my man.” - The Stolen Century 3
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fizzsparkpop · 7 months ago
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does anyone even ship magcretia in 2024 other than me and my bestie. if you do i love you. here’s some (in progress) food
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found-family-tournament · 1 year ago
Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 10 Group 50
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Seven Birds: Taako, Magnus, Merle, Lup, Lucretia, Davenport, Barry Ghost Crew: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios, Ezra Bridger, Chopper
Seven Birds:
they literally spent a hundred years becoming a family and lucretia tried her best to protect the but they could only save the world after all of them had been reunited and they LOVE each other they deserve to win this whole thing
Ghost Crew:
ur honour they mean everything to me,,,,
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coolattas · 11 months ago
thinking about lucretia adventurezone and grinding my teeth down to the gums because holy fuck dude. holy shit. she was impossibly, horribly young on the starblaster. three hops and a jump from being a fucking baby. the two-sunned planet is devoured by the hunger in the same year that she graduates from high school. she is easily the youngest of the birds, even considering the differing rates of aging amongst the rest of the crew. teenaged astrophysicist, wizard, author, artist, without ties solid enough back home to keep her from the starblaster's maiden voyage. she writes and rewrites every moment she can wring from her memories into enough notebooks that it's damn near arthritis-inducing to step within 50 feet of the stacks upon stacks of field notes, of detailed accounts and gentle, domestic benignity. she loves and she loses and it still can't ever prepare her for the next decade. a century dwarfs the time she spends alone running the bureau, but the sheer magnitude of her loss is incomparable. lucretia learns to live in the stolen century, learns to rely on others, learns to trust and care and laugh and build, create, sacrifice, indulge. she pries these things away from herself in the name of a greater good, to what she believes to be their only hope. she sees the agony they're in, and she inadvertently compounds that anguish when she tries to fix it. she is 18 and 118 when she feeds fisher her journals. she is 30 and 130 and 50 and 150 when taako holds a staff to her chest and counts down like it means anything to her anymore that she dies. maybe it's atonement, but even that sounds far too holy a word to describe it. her brother grips her life in his hands, and she thinks it's only fair that he is the one to soundly smother it at last. the lonely journal-keeper is so young and so impossibly old and she is so, so tired. her family will outlive her by centuries. she will be a fine powder, dust beneath the crust of the planet, long before she believes their forgiveness will ever be known. if that day comes at all. everything she has ever done is soured by a guilt so weighty that she spends every day trying to play damage control with the havoc she feels solely responsible for having wrought. she lives within the confines of dichotomy, of red and blue and good and bad, even when she knows she's lying through her teeth, because its easier to live with herself (it's not) when she justifies it, when everyone else lives and dies by the idea that she got it right. she spends 12 years alone, sitting in the thick of her own grief. she mourns men who are right in front of her face. she sees the way they have changed, so fundamentally, sees the ways her choices have ruined them. 12 years is such a long time to be alone. 12 fucking years. she ages 32 in the same span, shedding decades in wonderland in the blink of an eye, and she knows she's running out of time. she's willing to give up whatever she has left, without question. lucretia loves so fiercely and so unquestionably and still she believes herself to be irredeemably cruel when really she was just so scared, tethered to any sense of hope only by the idea that she was doing right by her family. in a position that no one should have to be in, a situation that virtually no one else could truly understand. she was so young and she suffered so, so much. more than any person should. she is flawed but she is not the monster she convinces herself she has become. lucretia adventurezone they could never make me hate you lets kiss on the mouth ok?
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galaxyrosestudio · 1 year ago
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Its not perfect, but its the best that I can do-Magnus Burnsides
From January 8th to June 10th of 2022, I hand embordered my very own IPRE badge.
The Adventure Zone is something very important to me and holds a very special place in my heart, and I've always wanted my own badge, but have never been able to get one, ether official or fan made, so when I got a bunch of sewing/embroidery stuff for Christmas 2021, I decided to make one of my own. This was my first big embroidery project since i was about 14 (I made my brother a small Batman symbol pillow for Christmas) but watching videos plus already having skills in sewing made the project run pretty smoothly.
The project itself only took about three weeks, but due to burnout, my mental heath drooping due to tragedy, and running out of the thread for the background, I had to take a brake from January 13th to March 1st, then from March 11th to June 6.
I was very proud of how it turned out, I sewed it to iron on patch and put it on my messenger bag.
How do you like it?
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anistarrose · 2 months ago
thinking about:
Fisher's home planet, and entire species, was destroyed when they were a baby, and Magnus took them aboard the Starblaster.
Once Junior, Fisher's own baby, was born, they were the only other Voidfish — the only other creature in the multiverse like Fisher — that Fisher had seen in over sixty years.
But Lucretia took Junior away.
Lucretia took Junior away, because it was the only way to save the world.
Lucretia took Junior away, because it was the only way to get Magnus, Merle, and Taako back.
Lucretia couldn't see any way to reunite her own family without separating a different one.
Junior grew up in secret, hidden away, with Lucretia caring for them.
Junior grew up without getting to see any other Voidfish — any other creature in the multiverse like them — ever since they'd been a baby.
Junior becomes the Announcer at the start of episodes, because Junior is the voice of the Story.
The Announcer never acts mad at Lucretia.
Junior was raised by Lucretia. Junior barely got to meet the rest of the IPRE.
But Junior was fed by, and raised on, stories of the whole IPRE, before they were separated.
The Announcer all but flat-out urges the audience to be sympathetic, to both Lucretia and the rest of the IPRE, for each of their most morally gray and consequential choices.
At the start of the episode where the IPRE create the Grand Relics, and Lucretia erases her family's memories to stop the ensuing war, the Announcer calls upon the viewers to imagine the apocalypse. To imagine the burden, and to imagine how it would change you. To imagine how desperate you would be to "protect the ones you loved."
The Announcer wants the IPRE to be understood.
The Announcer unfailingly refers to Tres Horny Boys, and later, all seven birds, as "our heroes."
The Announcer is barely able to contain their excitement about Barry coming back.
The Announcer pokes fun at the protagonists, and the circumstances they find themselves in, but does it like another part of the family would.
The Announcer loves the IPRE so, so much, and wants you to love them too, and understand their mistakes.
The Announcer is Junior.
Junior never even got to meet most of the IPRE.
But they grew up hearing the story of the IPRE, and how they cared for Fisher.
Junior know they're a survivor of a destroyed home planet, one they've never even seen themselves. They know they were separated from their parent, the only other survivor.
They know the IPRE's home planet was destroyed too. They know the IPRE were separated from each other, too.
Junior was raised on these stories. Junior's destiny is to tell these stories. The interwoven stories of two families, which were torn apart, but were also always really one family, one story.
But Junior can't tell the Story alone.
Until they finally meet someone they'd only heard about in those stories before. They finally meet Magnus, who saved Fisher all those years ago, who raised Fisher like he was their father — who's like a grandfather to Junior, a grandfather they never got to meet before.
Magnus fulfills a promise, and brings Junior back to Fisher.
And... Junior's nervous. Because it's been so long since they saw their parent? Because Fisher's injured, and Junior's terrified to lose the only other Voidfish like them, let alone when they just got each other back?
But for the first time in so long, Fisher is able to reach out and touch their child. To reassure Junior — it'll be okay.
And the two of them, finally, get to do what Voidfish are destined to do, but cannot do alone. Fisher sends out the Song...
And Junior tells the world, the whole world, the Story of how much they love the IPRE.
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boydykedevo · 7 months ago
I have access to clipchamp and I'm making that everyone's problem
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andillwriteyouatragedy · 3 months ago
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terabyte-teddybear · 2 years ago
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lockscreens of the ipre crew from the stolen century based on maureen's prophecy (top to bottom: merle, magnus, barry, lup, taako, lucretia, davenport)
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