#the insinuation that he’s the only homophobic person too like
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
“billy’s homophobic” has to be one of the most unserious takes
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twopoppies · 3 months
Hi, I’m a new larrie and I believe them to be dating now and back then too, but the only things that are throwing me off are when they (mostly Harry lol) “confirm” stuff like that.
Like when Harry got asked who his first crush was and he answered Louis and when someone asked if they are dating and he says yes. Now, why that’s throwing me off is because they were/are supposed to keep it a secret, so help me out. Do you think he did that as rebellion or do you think he wanted to tell the truth, so he did, but was hoping it came across as a joke?
I personally lean towards the latter, but I’d like to hear someone else’s opinion to help me form my thoughts better. x
Hi, love. Those two moments happened so early on. When H was asked who his first crush was, he very much looked like he thought for a moment, then smiled when he said it, and was very serious when she asked how Louis felt about him. I don’t think he meant it as a joke and I don’t think he was rebelling. That moment and the Mario Kart moment were both interviewed SugarScape and both are still all over the internet, so there seems to have been some moments where the insinuation (or confirmation) of the two of them being together between 2011 and 2012 were allowed/tolerated/encouraged.
The video when he confirms that they’re dating was interesting because he looks almost exhausted and somewhat hesitant to answer the question, but still does. And when the girl says, “I told you/I thought so!” he just outright beams, as if he was expecting her to freak out or be upset, but then is so happy when she’s supportive.
There was definitely something odd going on around the time because it’s around the same time of that Much Music interview where the woman asks about Larry (starts at 16:00) and tells them about how girls like reading fic about two guys they fancy being together and you can tell how hard it is for Harry and Louis to wrap their heads around the idea. To me, it very much seems like they’d been explicitly told that, as Louis says, if someone is a Harry fan, for example, they’re not going to like the idea of Louis and Harry together. And then the journalist is like, oh that’s not true at all! You can see their little heads explode.
My basic feeling is that it’s possible the label has an inkling that Louis was gay from day one and was okay with it. But they hadn’t expected Harry to not be straight, as well. And they hadn’t expected the two to fall for each other. But there seemed to be some leniency in the early days. The closet came down hard when there was a serious push to break into the US charts—H*ylor started, Louis was “loved up” with Eleanor, and Harry and Louis barely interacted. As fans dug their heels in, the closet got worse and the narrative shifted to the homophobic “fans ruined their friendship” nonsense. That then evolved into Harry vs OT3 (ie: Harry is too good for the band) and so on.
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queermania · 1 year
Ok so I have a real question not trying to start discourse or any thing. If Dean knew how he felt about Cas slash knew he liked men why was he always so weird about gay people. I can see a reading where Dean knew how he felt about Cas but not one where he knew he was bi
this is totally a fair question and i don't think there's any one True reading or interpretation of the show/characters so it really just depends on what version of events resonates the most with you. the way the picture makes the most sense to me is that dean is a guy who was raised in the 80s-90s in a hyper-masculine environment with zero stability. i think all of those puzzle pieces slotted into place in his brain in a way that said "sex with men is okay, feelings are not." a furtive hookup with a dude in a seedy bar bathroom is fine. going on a date with a guy is prohibited.
and the thing is that this is kind of true for dean when it comes to women as well. a one night stand is a-okay. falling in love and settling down is not. so, you take that sort of mentality and then apply all the homophobia of growing up in the eighties and the nineties and a life lived out of a car bouncing between truck stops and, well, you get a dean who is absolutely flabbergasted when confronted with the fact that not only are you allowed to want something romantic with a man, you're allowed to say it out loud to other people. you're allowed to have it.
dean wasn't weird about gay people, necessarily. he was weird about people who were able to just be themselves. he didn't know that was an option. also, i don't know about y'all but as a queer person who doesn't necessarily read as queer at a glance, i too get Very Awkward when confronted with another queer person in the wild and it's not because i'm homophobic. it's because oh! new friend! must send telepathic signals that me queer too! my behavior around other queer people in queer spaces does not match my behavior around other queer people in random public spaces. i'm embarrassing and i see that part of myself in dean lol.
and dean being weird about other people making comments about his perceived queerness, to me, is a very normal reaction for a closeted person (or even someone who is selectively and/or quietly out). you can be perfectly at peace with who you are and still not want to be clocked. like???? homophobia is not a thing of the past. dean grew up during the AIDS crisis. he was, what? nineteen years old when matthew sheppard was killed? his reactions to people insinuating he might be anything even close to queer make perfect sense for someone his age, living the life that he did.
also, like, here's the thing: i realized i was queer when i was about eleven and i freaked out about it for about a day and then promptly suppressed the whole thing because of a deeply traumatizing childhood. being queer was the least of my worries and there was never any time to unpack it and deal with it so i just didn't. and then when i was about nineteen i started to have queer sexual/romantic relationships but continued to suppress the fact that EYE was in fact queer because, again, i didn't really have the space to unpack it. it wasn't until i was about twenty-three and surrounded by other queer people (in a platonic way) that i finally felt safe to fully admit to myself and to other people that i was in fact queer. and then i never really did a whole coming out thing. i just... lived my life openly as a queer person and let other people figure it out.
my point in all this is that i feel like my general experience/trajectory lines up really well with how i view dean's. he had a very traumatic upbringing so while he knew he was attracted to men, he had no time or space to deal with it. that didn't stop him from having sex with men, but he never really unpacked what it actually meant. it wasn't until he was older and had openly queer friends that he felt safe enough to fully acknowledge that part of himself. and then.. that was it. he just lived his life as a queer man. like, i feel like we actually watched that happen over the course of the show???
most importantly, i cannot handle any reading where everyone else knows dean is queer but dean does not know himself. i especially loathe the idea that sam Knows and has to explain dean's own sexuality to himself. that is so ugly. dean is a very self-aware person. you could even argue he is perhaps too self-aware at times.
anyway, this is all obviously just a watsonian explanation of dean's relationship to his queerness. it doesn't even touch on the doylist stuff but that's a whole can of worms i'm not really interested in opening on tumblr dot edu right now.
so, yeah. that's my personal reading.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
/726901861182996480/ a lot of the Richard Siken response is honestly so homophobic, trying to come up with some sinister reason for why a gay man would be interested in writing or reading sexy fanfic about attractive men in a TV show. There was a viral post going around here by some person with a Stranger Things username (not insinuating that fandom is especially weird or anything, just that I remember this person had one of the characters from that show as their username) that suggested he was a creep or groomer or something because he had not responded well to a teenager basically wanting him to do her homework for her, but “he happily writes fanfic of shows for her age demographic” (or something like that) which is both a truly bizarre description of Supernatural, a show that’s always been aimed at adults even if it also has a fair number of teenage fans, but also is really clearly trying to invoke some sort of Groomer Panic in a time when that’s rising as a form of violent homophobia toward LGBTQ+ people especially those who are AMAB. And it’s just such a bizarre statement: even if we were talking about a drama that was aimed at teenagers, in what ways is it “groomer” for an adult to watch this show (lol, on the website that is full of adults freaking out over kids’ shows) or for that adult to find the adult characters played by adult actors attractive enough to write sexy fanfic about them? It’s just really obviously reaching for an excuse to call a gay man a groomer.
In general, I feel like this website has a serious problem (it’s been the case at the very least since the panic over CMBYN, and before anyone gets pissy, I’m not talking about anyone taking issue with the content of the film itself, but the people making weird insinuations about gay/bi men for liking it or “the gay community” for embracing it or over the bi male novel author’s own sexuality or reasons for writing it, etc.) where a lot of people who are not gay/bi men think it’s okay for them to make weird homophobic assertions about it, and generally not bother to question their homophobic beliefs about gay and bi men, because they themselves are some other kind of LGBTQ+. I’m a cis lesbian and a lot of this particular seems to come from cis lesbians and bi women, often trying to couch it in a general sort of skepticism that women as a marginalized group might have toward men as a privileged group, but then it only ever seems to be directed at men who are also marginalized such as gay/bi men (and also MOC) and specifically for things that are a result of those marginalized identities and that don’t affect women — NOT a situation where a man is using his marginalized identity as an excuse for misogyny or anything like that. Anyway, people need to knock that shit off. Not every person in the LGBTQ+ community has the same experience, and being, say, a cis woman who is queer doesn’t necessarily make you any better of an authority on gay or bi men’s lives than cishet people if you aren’t making an effort to talk to them or read stuff by them or learn about their lives, and certainly doesn’t mean you can’t be homophobic toward them — just like how in turn, queer men can be bigoted toward lesbians and/or bi women. I don’t understand how people can be aware of other kinds of intra-LGBTQ+ bigotry — cis gay or bi people being transphobic, gay people being biphobic, etc. — and not be aware that this is also a thing that can happen from other LGBTQ+ people toward gay men.
And being ANY kind of queer absolutely does not give you a get out of jail free card for buying into and disseminating the moral panics about groomers, “kink at pride,” “drag is problematic and always sexual” etc. which are used by the right wing to hurt all of us. This was bad enough in like 2018 as part of the perennial brain worms people on this website have about Pride (that are because way too many of them don’t leave their houses and actually go to a Pride parade) or when people could plausibly believe that “groomer” was purely about shipping discourse and maybe the occasional actually kind of creepy older adult in fandom spaces who spends a little too much time glomming onto teens specifically. But in 2023 you don’t really have any excuse for not being aware of how those terms have broken containment and are now part of regular right-wing propaganda, and particularly a concerted right-wing campaign to try to re-mainstream homophobia in places where it had become socially taboo. Your discomfort around a real adult gay man just enjoying fanfiction, which does not affect you, is not justified and you need to work through that. Using terms like “groomer” for fucking fandom discourse when it’s come to mean what it does in the broader culture is just completely morally reprehensible. Get a fucking grip
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
I’m respectfully about to lose my mind at some of the fandom rn with the way buddie shippers are being treated… It’s like no one understands the whole point of shipping a couple is to want them to be together, so duh if something happens that could potentially lead to that pairing they’re going to get excited and theorize? Yes it’s absolutely important for Buck to explore his sexuality outside of buddie but the way people are trying to say that buddie shippers are homophobic for wanting endgame buddie….. when buddie is literally a queer ship? it doesn’t make any sense to me as a queer person myself because it’s like- y’all do realize that buck dating eddie would in fact mean that he is still bisexual, and that people have wanted thst for years, so A) why are we shocked and appalled at buddie shippers for being happy that they are one step closer to endgame buddie, B) why are we calling people homophobic or biphobic when they are quite literally shipping two men together, C) why are we all acting as if buddie endgame hasn’t been simmering just under the surface for YEARS and that if they were going to give us buddie, then thag means buck and eddie would both have to come oit as queer…
I’ve seen so many prominent blogs in the community who have made posts like “buck’s bisexuality has nothing to do with buddie and you are a horrible human for even insinuating that” and so many people are agreeing??? And not to mention the fact that now these same people are trying to villainize and trash on Eddie when in all honesty Buck’s behavior in 7x04 was NOT okay- physically harming someone because they’re not giving you attention is never okay (and i’m saying this as someone whi ADORES Buck, he still needs to be held accountable.)
It just reads very icky to me that so many people are screaming “bi pride” but then spewing all of this vitriol over a ship that would fit within Buck’s bisexuality…
It worries me that the writers are going to see this negativity from people and they’re going to just completely back-burner Eddie’s character in favor of Buck and it disappoints me because even outside of buddie, a major tv show portraying a repressed gay poc with religious and family trauma would be EQUALLY as powerful as Bi Buck is……
but i guess that’s just people only caring about the queer storylines when it’s about a white man since these are also the people acting like Hen and Karen or Michael and David haven’t been there the whole time
but that’s just me i guess….
I’m bullet pointing not to be curt by the way just because I prefer addressing part by part🫶
1. Agreed like this fandom was relatively peaceful then BAM it fully shifted overnight like in the words of Taylor swift THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS
2. Yesss exactly like I’m very much a dont yuck someone else’s yum type of person so like even ships I don’t like I’ll be like okay respect 🫡 enjoy your fandom space love that for you AS LONG AS THEYRE RESPECTFUL TOO and I’m not gonna lie to you I see the primary source of negativity and stuff in the fandom be people who legit never watched anything other than the bucktommy related content (which I kinda have a whole other rant about but I don’t wanna give you miles and miles to read in one ask)
3. Yes to that 100% - buddie is a queer ship the cognitive dissonance it takes to call someone homophobic for shipping them is honestly fascinating atp, Buck is bi canonically now and y’all do realise that who he’s with or if he’s single even doesn’t take away from that right??? Like the rep is THERE and will always be THERE
4. You worded it a bit weird but I got what you meant (I hope) so anyone who didn’t may require a little clarification, the sentiment of bucks bisexuality being separate from buddie I think is 1000% correct and I agree wholeheartedly that a persons sexuality and their journey shouldn’t be just about their love interests but about themselves as a person, the issue people are taking is that 1. The people saying this are saying it on every buddie post even when the same blogs posting it have 177283 posts talking about buck as an individual and as a bisexual man outside of buddie and bucktommy, so it’s sort of become a weaponised statement if that makes sense 2. The buddie shippers are the ones who have been advocating so hard for the show to give us canon bi buck like that’s just fact no one can deny so to the og fans who’ve been here for YEARS (I’ve only started like 2023 ish so I’m not counting myself there) this must be such a total slap in the face to be receiving so much hate now
5. Oh yeah the Eddie bashers can personally come fight me
6. If I’m 100% honest I choose to interpret the basketball injury as being mostly accidental like I think he got too into it and forgot himself and his own force for a second rather than intentionally hurt Eddie, like it so happens in sports, I think it’s like just the after guilt that made him question himself and his motives, idk that may just be me denying canon because it just felt too out of character for me to believe
7. I think the fake bi pride stuff also irks me BAD like some of these people are looking for very surface level superficial representation and if you don’t push for more and more substantial and meaningful representation then you’re gonna get constant variations of the same exact thing and these are also the same people ignoring every other queer character in 911 which is just🙃
8. Idk how much the writers take fandom into account but I constantly say like if they were to listen to fandom they’d go the route they know people wanted for years
9. YES about Eddie’s character like I made a whole post about gay and comphet Eddie and how meaningful it would be because it’s just so so unique and unprecedented
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nonbinarygamzee · 1 year
in general i feel like people often miss the mark in discussing the underlying homophobic disgust going on in homestuck when trying to criticize hussies “problematic” nature. in quotes because the word has lost meaning for me not because i think that he isnt, obviously. when i go looking for people criticizing this (DONT do this) it often boils down to guy said f slur, rosemary is flat, dirks shit but usually wrt a framing of dirkjake rather than, like, the underlying assertion of violence and misery. none of these are wholly invalid things to criticize imo especially if you have any of the context of how hussie talked about homosexuality in previous works but they just.... fail to look at the bigger picture, at the context of this being a person using his own fiction as identity exploration even if he insists upon being too detached to give a shit. and like. largely i think people can look at these things too textually, when the actual layers of disdain and bias end up exerting themselves moreso in the imagery, in the invocation in the first place regardless of what context we can derive from the story. the same way that troll society lacking sexuality labels doesnt save it from upholding heteropatriarchy.
the only mspa work ive reread in recent years is homestuck so honestly i just do not wholly remember a lot of the things i want to pull from here Right this minute, sorry, but i have done quite a bit of backreading on TSO and co, plus his other little assorted comics and something that is asserted repeatedly is hussie, as the author of these gags, as an outsider to homosexuality in the same ways he is positioning himself as such in the extremely racist, misogynistic, and ableist ones. and this varies in impact from mostly harmless little quips where gay people are stupid because everyone in the world hussie paints for these strips is stupid, to.... implications and imagery meant to invoke disgust in a ‘degenerate weirdo’ way. the same way that the bro stuff does when positioning him as not only explicitly abusive but explicitly invested in pedophilic content wrapped up in layers of irony, or the weird anxiety surrounding miscegenation as it relates to masculinity going on with him. the same way the gamzee stuff with tavros is injected for no reason except that it sets up context for a scene where one of the only male same gender attracted trolls (and honestly the only guy up to this point whos same gender attraction isnt able to be dismissed as a joke or Freudian-slip of sorts from the character) is doing something basically with the sole intent to invoke disgust and am insinuation that the attraction he experiences as something oppressive and predatory. we can talk context all day about whether gay characters can be bad people, how trolls dont Have sexuality or whatever. but that doesnt really change them as decisions being made by an author and especially doesnt do so when said author is far from unfamiliar with treating homosexuality especially as it relates to manhood and the performance/failure of masculinity as grotesque.
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ninjakk · 2 years
Why the 'like' someone conversation WWX had with JYL was so poignant
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The scene where WWX asks his shijie JYL what it feels like to 'like' someone, to me, is a hard pill for me to swall. When I read it, it made my heart ache for a second.
Chapter 71
Wei WuXian, “Why would someone like another person? I mean that kind of like.” Jiang YanLi paused for a moment, musing, “Why are you asking me about this? Do you like someone? What kind of a maiden is she?” Wei WuXian, “No. I won’t like anyone. At least not too much. Wouldn‟t it be the same as putting a rein on my neck?"
There are two sections to this very simple piece of dialogue that really hit home to me. The fact JYL assumes the sex of someone WWX would like was just a heart sinking moment for me. It's not her fault, she's been brought up in a time period when heteronormative ideology was somewhat widespread and she grew up in a house with at least one homophobe - so she is predisposed to assume he only likes girls.
It's a sore spot for me - I'm not going to lie. I have been JYL myself, and I'm not proud of it. I can only blame my ignorance on my age and how rife heteronormative ideology was at the time. But, I still did this to my own brother and it haunts me to this day. I wish I hadn't assumed anything - but I did. I'm lucky my little brother didn't blame me for being so ignorant. At the time, my brother didn't understand his own feelings either. He just knew he felt different and had never liked a girl.
Now people could argue I'm projecting my personal thoughts into this scene - and maybe I am. But I think a lot of people have been in the situation above, when people assume their sexuality as the default hetro and they have a similar reaction. Obviously JYL's passing comment didn't seem to necessarily upset WWX. But to me, his answer is quite telling.
Chapter 71
Wei WuXian, “Why would someone like another person? I mean that kind of like.” Jiang YanLi paused for a moment, musing, “Why are you asking me about this? Do you like someone? What kind of a maiden is she?” Wei WuXian, “No. I won’t like anyone. At least not too much. Wouldn‟t it be the same as putting a rein on my neck?”
He states he will not like anyone and it's quite a sad thing to say really. To me, this is because he's never actually felt overly attracted to a girl - he just assumes he won't like any girl that much, because to him he never has. He then covers himself by being silly and making a joke out of the whole thing, insinuating he'd be tied down and that would be a bad thing. We know this isn't how he really feels, because he had saved his first kiss for his 'one'. So the statement and his actions are very contradictory. Because of the heteronormativity he has been subjected to growing up, he is predisposed to assume it must be a girl he has to 'like' and because he doesn't 'like' any girls that much (or perhaps at all?) he has determined that this is something that will never happen for him. This is WWX pretty much confessing he's never had those feelings for a girl. Unfortunately he doesn't understand or realise his feelings for LWJ are of a romantic nature, because he assumes he can only have those feelings for a girl. I actually really feel for him at this point. Thankfully WWX doesn't put much thought into the fact he's never 'liked' a girl enough and as he's a romantic at heart, we can only assume he hopes to still meet his 'one' some day. (Oh sweetheart, you've already met him!)
I've seen a lot of people getting a bit annoyed about others claiming the above question is in relation to LWJ. Now I know it's not really, it's about JYL and JZX. WWX cares very much for his shijie and he is worried about her. He wants to make sure she is happy. But I think it is also slightly at the back of his mind, in relation to LWJ as well. But only subconsciously. He's just returned from seeing him after all. He'd got ghost girls to throw flowers at him in order to obtain his attention. He even just mentioned to JC that he saw LWJ as well! So you can't say LWJ wasn't fresh on his mind.
WWXs mind even drifts back to LWJ after the above conversation. After he reminisces about when he first arrived at Lotus Pier, he starts to think about LWJ and the happy times he had at the CR.
Chapter 71
Squatting in the yard, Wei WuXian put the empty bowl onto the ground. He gazed at the stars sprinkled across the sky, and then smiled. When he ran into Lan WangJi in the streets, he recalled many things from when he was studying at the Cloud Recesses. On a whim, he stopped Lan WangJi, wanting to direct their conversation toward those days as well. But, Lan WangJi reminded him that everything was different from how they were back then.
So, both before and after this conversation about 'liking' someone, WWX's thoughts gravitate towards LWJ. He even smiles about it! It's subconscious, but you can't help but think it's because his heart is trying to tell him something deep within and he is yearning for a simpler, happier time before everything was so complicated and tragic.
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bylertruther · 1 year
Im like slash gen confused on the gnc debate like what sparked this. Will is canonically the most visibly gay out of everyone in the show according TO the show, so why are people so against it? Like I get headcannoning mike as gnc but that doesn’t take away or mean that Will isn’t bc he canonically is. I’m Actually confused
I wish I knew lmao. People think that calling him that or acknowledging the misogyny involved in being assumed to be gay due to a perceived lack of masculinity is somehow homophobic and enforcing stereotypes. As if refusing to acknowledge a very real phenomenon that still occurs now and thus insinuating that "those" kinds of gay people are invalid is somehow morally correct lmao.
Will is the ONLY character who is called all of the many slurs he faces and he's the only character we've seen be targeted for his sexuality. Will has never done anything with boys—he doesn't get called a fairy because of that, he gets called a fairy because of the way he acts and how he exists outside of what Hawkins deems to be acceptable masculinity.
We know that he's a sensitive kid who isn't like anyone else and who gets made fun of. They call him names and they make fun of his clothes among other things. The words used to describe him—gentle, soft spoken, sensitive, artistic—were all euphemisms for gay (and still are in some places, since the internet does not reflect real life and we do not live in a homophobia-rid utopia). Like, this is part of his character design. Those are the words of the Duffers themselves. He's the only character that experiences any of that. If you want to consider actor opinion, too, Noah has spoken for years about how Will feels like he doesn't fit in anywhere, that he's sensitive, scared of everything, he's the one that takes care of his friends emotionally, and so on and so forth.
I don't know why it's such a big issue or why it's something so many people are, like... unwilling to even consider. Men get called gay whenever they're deemed "not masculine enough." Nonconforming behavior is a part of Will's homosexuality and that nonconforming behavior is what clued the people of Hawkins in to who he is. They could've just called him a twerp, or called him a nerd the way they do Mike, but they don't. Instead, they call him gay and a fairy and his father calls him the f slur and he has people ranging from his peers to adults talking about his sexuality. Like, not even Robin gets that treatment lol. Will is literally the only one, and they went out of their way to show us that first thing.
Will isn't a stereotype. Not being super masculine does not equal being super feminine. Gender nonconformity is not about just what you look like, and it's based on your society's values as a whole, not your personal leftist values. Feminine gay men exist and have done so much for our community, and seeing people inadvertently hate on them online makes me wanna throw bricks. Headcanons are not canon, and discussing canon is not a diss to anyone's headcanons because those are two different discussions.
This was one of those things that I naively thought everyone knew only to post about it online and receive so much hate about it. People get really defensive when you talk about how Mike is canonically written. The same thing would happen whenever I'd post in support of Mike with a sword. People really act like you're disrespecting them personally and get super petty and spiteful, and I don't get it. Have your headcanon if you want, but don't get upset that it's just that: a headcanon.
The Duffers nor Finn speak about Mike the way they do, and the behavior Mike has exhibited on screen does not support the wimpy, meek, known by everyone to be gay caricature that they cling to and suggest is actually canon. If it was JUST a headcanon to them, then they wouldn't get so upset about it, but they do. They don't like the way Mike's sexuality has been depicted thus far, and now it's everyone else's problem, too.
There's more than one way to be gay, and those experiences help shape who we are. Will has never fit in and instead has always stuck out. The fact that he's never been allowed inside, so to speak, is why he tries his best to embrace/explore his otherness and clings to people who can make him feel better for being different. Mike has always been Wrong—deemed a nerd, then a hellion, then a satanist—but he's able to blend in well enough to not be found out. He gets mocked and bullied, but at least he can pass as straight and be targeted for that instead of his sexuality. He still has a shot at conforming and playing by the rules, even if it isn't fulfilling or something that comes naturally to him. This is in part why he became so attached to Eleven and why he struggles to accept that he can still be worthy without her.
I just... I don't know, man. I'm confused, too, lol.
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eyecicles · 2 years
some bad dn takes for other characters as well?
Sorry this took me so long.
I’ve seen too much over the years I’ve been in the fandom. And while I tried to be as objective as possible (by mostly mentioning stuff that’s objectively inaccurate), this is obviously only my personal perspective. Subscribing to something on my list doesn’t make you inherently stupid/bad, etc.
Worst L takes:
– Ryuzaki Persona theory, especially when it’s combined with disproportionate disgust and hate towards “Ryuzaki” and his mannerisms + directly or indirectly calling him a “breaching experiment”
– L just wanted what's best for humanity, and all his inhumane methods are justified because he's utilitarian or whatever
– he genuinely considered Light his friend and trusted him & sadly got betrayed by him
– he’s so weird in “L: The Wammy's House/One Day” because Ohba and Obata don’t want you to ship Lawlight
– honestly any take that depicts him as the ideal boyfriend material and/or someone who just needs a partner to fix him
(related: “O&O wanted him to be unattractive? but he is conventionally attractive!” can you imagine how boring that would be?)
– he's just as bad as Light/Misa/Mikami/Mello/any character who regularly murders or participates in organised crime
– he's an unhygienic gremlin, stinks, has dirty feet and/or clothes, never washes his hair, probably has broken teeth, etc, in short: everything that depicts him as gross as possible because of his eccentric mannerisms
(about L being barefoot: I'm sure many people don’t know this, but designing eccentric/disordered/mentally ill characters with bare feet to suggest they’re “abnormal” is an old trope, and people’s reactions to characters like him are…telling. I’m not talking about finding the sight of bare feet disgusting, but biases that are worth dissecting)
– he treated Misa better than Light did
– “L would surely have developed diabetes and die at a young age anyway”
– any take that erases his Japanese descent
Worst Misa takes:
– what L and Watari did to Misa was totally justified
– she’s actually pure and has a good heart & just wants love, and Light is a bad person for not reciprocating her feelings
– she should have killed Light for not loving her and assume his role + absorb all his personality traits
– I dislike everything that depicts her in a "Girl Boss” kinda way. It’s so boring, and it feels like certain people can only respect female character if they view them through that lens
– she’s bad for not loving Rem (granted, it is shocking how little she cares for Rem, and their entire dynamic is messy, but I do understand why she never warmed up to her. She certainly doesn’t owe Rem love)
– anything that depicts her as extremely dumb and incompetent
– similar to what I mentioned in L’s list: any take that insinuates that she should have realised L would be a better partner for her
– she actually wasn’t being homophobic when she said two men chained together is gross & asked if L is gay—she was just kinkshaming/jealous, etc (as if this would make what she said less homophobic)
Worst Near takes:
– he’s just a little uwu baby without a single darker trait (he’s certainly more ethical in some regards than most DN characters, but he’s not entirely innocent)
– he’s somehow bad/worse than L because he’s too maladjusted to participate in society
– he’s a bad L copy and doesn’t have any personality traits of his own
– L did all the work for him (no, Near had to start from scratch, since every information on the Kira case got automatically deleted when L died)
– it’s unfair that the Task Force immediately believed Near when he started suspecting Light (first: they didn’t, two: the situation was completely different, third: it would be a huge coincidence if two very smart detective came to the same conclusion by chance)
– he thinks he’s just as competent/more competent than L (even though he said he needed Mello to surpass L & deeply doubts himself during the C-Kira case)
– he performed better than Mello in their exams because he cheated
– he can’t be autistic because he doesn’t have a beard (I only saw this take once, but I still remember it from time to time because it’s hilarious)
Other bad takes:
– Kiyomi deserved what happened to her, because she didn’t see through Light/treated Misa badly/killed Mello, etc
– Mikami wasn’t bullied enough
– Mello is more feminist than (insert male character the person with this take doesn’t like), because he gave Kiyomi a blanket (yeah, let’s just ignore this happened because of his habit of kidnapping women)
– anything that depicts Mello as this constantly raging, thoughtless and choleric who’s always insulting everyone
– B treated Naomi better than Raye Penber
– Rem was dumb for not working with L (hello... L wants to catch Kira, and even if he were to leave Misa alone, Rem knows Misa wouldn’t want anything to happen to Light—that’s an important plot point)
– anything that insinuates DN is supposed to be totally serious, grim and deeply philosophical (or: ”DN wants to be like Breaking Bad/Crime and Punishment!”)
– Soichiro should have been L’s or Matsuda’s father
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talesfromthecrypts · 1 year
Is someone suggesting the wolf scene didn’t happen? I’ve only seen a couple of amusing shit posts but that’s about it
See this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this though. And it’s an insinuation that it’s written like he’s a super hero which he really isn’t at all. Like he almost dies, his dogs die, his horse dies. But also I think the whole fandom leans waaaaay too hard on “unreliable narrator” because society is so hyper focused on “canon” for consistency instead of looking at it as art changing as a person ages and changes. And there was a post I saw that felt real homophobic to me and that’s what really set me off tbh!
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userkoo · 1 year
this site is so sensitive when i mention tae and jk together. like i even saw a tiktok naming their fav pairings and for everyone it was fine but when it was taekook they had to disclaim it was (pLaToNiC) was that not implied by the rest of your list?? ppl are so scared to mention them at all but if he's with another member its fine. its annoying and ppl are so transparent
i actually don't think tumblr is a primary suspect among the list of platforms where people move weird about taekook,.. but i'm speaking as someone in a little bubble of mutuals who are normal people lol. i also have never ventured onto the hellscape that is the bts stan side of tiktok so i can't speak on that either (besides seeing screenshots of people on there calling normal behaviors from jungkook 'red flags'... oof.) most of the bullshit, in my experience, stems from twitter where, like you said, even a simple mention of them hanging out together can end up with people accusing you of being a 'shipper' or a 'diet solo.'
this is going to be rambly so i'm putting it under a read more for the sake of not clogging people's dashes, but here are some of my thoughts on fandom culture/shipping in general:
oh real quick for for transparency sake, i'll start this off by saying: 1. i don't care about the relationship status of any of the bts members. they're single to me unless they officially and publicly state otherwise without any privacy invading force involved. 2. i have no problem with fans thinking/implying bts members are queer. lgbt fans finding comfort and comradery in their favorite people isn't a bad thing. :)
now for the actual post~
the fan dynamics on twt are so different and if you even mention taehyung and jungkook in the same sentence or say that they're very obviously close friends, you might end up on some of those 'defend [insert member here]' accounts where they encourage people to block and report for the slightest of 'offenses.' and like you mentioned in your post, that's over people talking about them platonically!! or over people who simply read fic without ever insinuating they think they're actually dating.
the puritanical culture that exists in very large parts of the bts fandom (and was present in the 1d fandom as well) is so weird to witness. we can all have differing opinions on whether or not rpf is 'good' or not, but unless someone is sending fanfiction to bts personally... it is harmless. and it will always exist. you will never enter into a fan space where independent, 'non-canon' content isn't being created by fans... and why would you want to? so much of fandom culture and history is about creation (and is also super lgbt centric!!)
in my opinion, the only people who still get up in arms about shipping discourse in 2023 are those under 18 or those who have no previous fandom experience. after stanning harry styles since 2012, i have heard the 'gay rumors made them drift apart!!!' argument so many times that it is genuinely nausea inducing. (and my opinion on that is... if you are that turned off by people possibly thinking you're queer to the point where it makes you end an important friendship, you either weren't very close to begin with or you're homophobic. likely a combination of the two. gay rumors are not, and never will be, offensive. they are not something you need to protect your fave from. why is this the argument so often touted by fans? why would you WANT your favorite person's self image to be so fragile that they end friendships over rumors? and that's not even getting into the fact that skinship and performance is built into the literal DNA - lol - of kpop...)
like. maybe i'm just too old to care now but i genuinely could not give less of a fuck if people think jk and taehyung are in a relationship. i do not care. they're both beautiful people who are clearly fond of each other. do any of us know how deep that fondness runs? nope! and we never will! and that's more than okay because these are grown men with personal, private relationships that we will never be privy to... as it should be. as long as boundaries are respected, i don't care what people think to be true.
can shippers get overzealous? for sure. do the people who analyze their every move need a new hobby? most definitely. but i think it's more than obvious now that the people who go to insane lengths to invade their privacy are stalkers or people trying to dredge up dating rumors between them and women.
it gets especially transparent when you have videos and rumors online about bts members dating people they've never interacted with publicly (using 'liskook' as an example, there are youtube videos with 10million views about them. one posted ten hours ago has 52k views) but i never see them condemned with the level of vitriol i see people using when it comes to jk and taehyung. is that not weird?
idk man. there's no concise ending to this post. fandom culture just intrigues me which is why i have so much to say about all this. it's especially interesting to me how it intersects with queer culture - or directly opposes it.
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
Let's talk about Erik
So something has been nagging my mind lately about Erik.
As we know Erik has so little screentime and that created an alluring character that I applaude the writers for. But despite this fact that we know so little about him, he is still popular in the YR fandom and for a good reason.
For instance, he is the only person that Wilhelm seemed to be comfortable around and could actually talk to, and he was supportive when Wilhelm tried telling him about Simon (I understood that he used gender-neutral terms). All of that makes him a good brother yeah for sure.
But on the other side, Erik is August's friend.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
And that begs the question, is Erik actually a good person?
Well we actually don't know that and we can't take it for granted either, let's see why. Here is my speculation.
August is not just a simple second cousin to Erik. Although their interactions were limited and we can't clearly tell the extent of their friendship but the fact that Erik trusted August so much and he kept telling Wilhelm that he too should trust him because he is "family", is very confusing to me.
Firstly, I don't think Erik would use this term "family" so loosely because it is not like Wilhelm felt necessarily a sense of family within the walls of the Royal Palace. But Wilhelm felt a sense of family with Erik. So basically, Erik was insinuating that August is like him. So August is like Erik?
It is hard to believe that Erik was a bully, classist, racist and straight up an asshole.
Well let's break it down further. It seemed that it was a common practice for August and for the Society (the elite club that Erik was formerly a member of) to break the rules whether by sneaking in drinks or drugs or by simply abusing their power to get what they want and enjoy their privilege in general.
And as we know also that Erik is the older than August so did he approve of these practices? These practices that resulted in August being an addict and probably Erik too (a popular theory says that Erik might have been on drugs when he had his accident, but we are not sure whether it was an attempted suicide or he was just being careless). Either way, Erik didn't seem to mind August or the activities the Society were indulged in.
Erik is -thank god- not homophobic and by the way I don't think August is either (yeah his internalised homophobia will eat him up alive but still Nils and Vincent are both in a relationship and they are both close to August but I digress), on the other hand Erik might be a classist and maybe a bully too just like like a typical Society member.
I didn't necessarily make this post to bash Erik, it is not my point. My point is Erik was as stressed, as clueless and as desperate to live a normal life just like Wilhelm. But he couldn't. And maybe his mechanism for a while is to go with the flow and live the elite life like everyone else, which unfortunately sometimes comes with a cost of classism and prejudice.
We can't know what Erik was like for sure, but we know that at least he was a good brother and we will always stan him for that. But the story of him and August being friends will be left for interpretations and will always add a layer to a character that captivated many with just 3 mins of screentime lol XD.
And that my friends is the beauty of Young Royals.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Hi, first of all I want to thank you for being the first blog who actually criticizes Cooke and Darcy for pandering to the crowd. I'm French and didn't realize British actors and actress were obsessed with this sort of thing.
Now, sadly I regret to inform you Carey and Alcock sold out too. Carey liked several posts on Twitter from Alicent and Rhaenyra shippers and a comment made by a fan of hers calling detractors of this ship pathetic for choosing Daemon (whom the user called pedophile). Carey also liked several fanmade edits on Tiktok and left comments validating the Alicent lesbian theory.
It seems they were going to portray Alicent having a crush on Criston in the original script, however certain woke writer, her wife and a female writer thought it would an awesome idea to pander to certain crowds. After Carey changed her approach, she gained thousands of followers Twitter and Tiktok. Her mother also criticized those who called her out for her beloved fanfic.
After Carey started making herself more popular among the woke crowd (Episode 3, 4), Cooke, as the typical virtual signal girl boss, came to push the narrative that Alicent likes women. It was a woke career. If Emily liked a Twitter post, Cooke would insinuate Alicent was closeted.
Carey got 50K likes on a Twitter post for the first time in her life after playing the victim.
Alcock also loves being a woke girl boss. I liked her first interviews but she started liking pro woke posts on Instagram about smashing homophobic people and left a comment asking if she was a lesbian (she even answered "duh"). It seems both Carey and Alcock got influenced by their older peers and lose their personalities. Alcock tried to link a relationship with Fabian, just to get called out by him (he called her a kid on Instagram). After that, she said Alicent and Rhaenyra kissed in the closet during a fan convention. Guess what happened? A week after pandering to the crowd, she got nominated for an award.
Same with Cooke and Carey. They got articles written by Variety and other magazines after the Alicent is a lesbian narrative started to become popular among the tiktok crowd.
Darcy flirted a lot with Cooke, she even said she was in love with her as a joke and called her own character selfish. She also hated HOTD for having too many men (??). She also kept talking about how Rhaenyra wasn't in love with Daemon, but actually was groomed and she's going to realizes that. I have my doubts because I think Hess wants to push the idea both Alicent and Rhaenyra were too innocent girls in love in a men's world.
The worst thing is several of my friends thought Alicent was a lesbian thanks to Tiktok. I had to sit and explained them that wasn't true.
They're going to ruined HOTD. At this point, HBO will make Alicent a full lesbian since Darcy pandering to the woke got her a nomination. She also got named Man of the year by 1, I think.
Do you think HBO will allow them to make HOTD a girl boss anti men agenda where two lesbians try to run away but get ambushed by a man who happen to be their brother and son respectively? I saw some fan theories and got sick.
Sadly, my friend, that's just the entertainment industry as a whole.
They all pander to the cult.
D'arcy and Cooke are upper-Class white women that live in London. They have something called "Luxury Politics" which is basically the idea that in a capitalistic society where luxury items are affordable to anyone - from highest to lowest class - that the only way that Rich People can give themselves status as being upper-class is through their political beliefs and values which lower class people can't afford.
See, to a person who is middle to lower middle class, and certainly working class, their values and beliefs are realistic and tangable, because they work for a living - hard and gregarious jobs. Traditional values benefit them because they were created by people like them in order to help them maintain order and society.
Rich people like Cooke and D'arcy believe in weird woke ideology, because, it's a status symbol to people like them. It means they're part of the country club, the elite, and that they're 'in the know'. Do they believe in all that leftist cult nonsense? Probably not. In fact, I'd say they've never even thought about it before. Beause they run in circles where no one has ever challenged them on it. They only know that they have to at least say they believe in it, cause, if they don't then they're exiled and left for dead - career wise.
No one in Hollywood nor London ever - EVER - questions the Dalek like group think. They all toe the line, it's what gets them cast in projects and it gets the establishment media to write articles about them. It draws in narcissists like flies to honey. These girls live in a completely different world from the one that you and I live, pal.
And, of course, the four actresses want to make a lesbian romance a thing, cause, they're cultists - and the woke ideology is the most Colonialist mind virus in the world. The cult of the woke not only wants to take over what you love, but they want to change it in their image, and destroy and dismiss the folk lore of your culture and replace it with what they believe so that you have to worship what they worship.
They're smug, narcissistic, arrogant, people, that don't like the show or the fandom, have no respect for the source material ... and think that it's probably really fun to trash it and change it. It's done with vitriol and glee, cause these are deeply hurt and damaged people that can't stand themselves and can only destroy.
My advise to you, is to hang in there, ignore the actresses, and focus on what is on screen and in the script. And if, in the end, they cave ... throw it out.
HBO is under new management and are part of a Studio that is sinking fast. I doubt they're gonna allow Condal and GRRM sink their last highest rated show by allowing a bunch spoiled actresses to dictate the direction of the story.
House of the Dragon is GRRM's last shot at winner ... if it fails, then "A Song of Ice and FIre" is forever doomed.
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ambitionsource · 2 years
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AMBITION Season 4 ♫ “’Tis The Damn Season” [ 4.06 ]
CREATED BY Esther (waterstribe) & Maggie (quincywillows) || Official Page || AO3
WHEN FRIENDS COME TO CALL — Winter break arrives in the city, bringing many a homecoming with it. Riley organizes a gift exchange. Long-awaited reunions force some emotional revelations, and one duo makes a decision that will change their lives forever.
84 Minutes (47K words) || No content warnings apply.
[ ← Thank You, Next ] [ S4 Synopsis ] [ Resolution → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Over the shot of Thanksgiving at Jack and Eric’s, when their makeshift family takes a photograph together:
Charlie, voiceover: Previously, on AMBITION…
Thanksgiving break made for some interesting holiday experiences. While Maya and Josh managed to put aside their egos and craft a guaranteed pop hit that’s yet to hit the airwaves, Farkle found himself mouse-trapped in a Knives Out era family saga of Hollywood old money. One that his boyfriend Jordan neglected to warn him about beforehand, claiming it would make for a more authentic performance in guilt-tripping his homophobic grandparents.
Jordan: Our love, Minkus, it’s radical. Some people aren’t ready for it yet. That’s why, through our art and our collaboration, we get to make them see it.
In spite of his understandable discomfort, Farkle let him convince him to let it go… and immersed himself even deeper in the whirlwind romance. For better or worse.
Jordan: It’s you and me, Minkus. You and me against the world.
Farkle: You and me.
At the same time, relationship complications crashed into other duos as well. Zay and Vanessa had to confront the sticky friction of their past as it bred distrust in the present, clashing with Vanessa’s own uncertainty about what she wants versus what others expect of her -- including Zay himself, who seemingly has no hesitation about what he wants. Even if pursuing that continues to leave him alone in the cold one way or another. But they were able to talk it through, apparently committing to a true go at whatever their relationship may be. Meanwhile, Nigel and Jade had to face the building tensions in their romance, supplemented by their dynamics with NYU “friends” and Anya Kelly finally revealing their true toxic colors. As they both recognized how far from their ideal paths they’d drifted this semester, they came back together, hoping to find middle ground and one more chance to get it right.
Jade: Can we just be us again?
On that front, only time will tell. Their angst is nothing compared to Isa and Lucas, though, who cannot seem to make the roommate friction abate. It’s only getting worse, immature antics escalating, compounding on pressures Isa is already feeling about school and family and the like -- particularly when Professor Bennet implies they don’t think Isa really wants to be there right now. In a fit of lashing out, Isa stole Lucas’s signature boots and hid them away, not realizing how important and a measure of comfort a seemingly insignificant object can mean to a person.
Even so, Lucas managed to survive the holiday at Topanga’s in borrowed shoes… that is, until Riley nudged them into leaving early after facing yet another insinuation that she’s too good for Lucas from her mother. A pattern she’s becoming increasingly tired of, the more and more people seem to cast doubt on her ability to know what’s best. The two of them ditched and had a much better holiday spent with Jack and Eric at their place -- Grace brought along for the occasion too.
Jack: This is worth it. This is worth being thankful for.
Eric: To family.
Charlie also managed to make it back to New York for the holiday, but only after a cross-country trek with an unexpected guest. Yindra opted to tag along as she fled from the uncertainties plaguing her existence in Los Angeles, the trip turning out to be a deep, impactful experience that will bond the two of them for life. With secrets shared and friendship forged, the two travelers finally made it back to Manhattan, Charlie embracing his beloved city with a flourish in the only way AMBITION folks know how.
Charlie: And bring me home at last!
It’s that time of year, and with one holiday, another closely follows. This month, though, everyone is back, which means many a long-awaited reunion as unpredictable as snow in December.
Grab some hot cocoa and buckle up, because the holiday season is here in AMBITION.
End of recap.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Christmas Tree Farm” as performed by Taylor Swift || Performed by Dylan Orlando & Asher Garcia (feat. AMBITION Ensemble)
The dramatic violins send us cascading into the episode, starting wide over the city of Rochester. We ease in along with the orchestration to a community college campus, then zero in on one window of a non-descript dorm building.
The first person to greet us this episode is the opposite of nondescript. DYLAN ORLANDO appears on the other side of the frosted glass, looking out theatrically towards the winter grey. He launches into the opening notes, lamenting the stressors of the season and making Taylor proud with his committed delivery. When the line cues it, he closes his eyes, wistfully singing of a different place.
But I close my eyes, and I’m somewhere else Just like magic…
The orchestra keys up and brings in the jingle bells, kicking us into gear. Before it really takes off, Dylan opens his eyes to peek directly at the camera -- and gives us a knowing smirk and eyebrow wiggle.
Then he spins away from the window, drawing the blinds closed with a flourish --
When he spins around again, he’s relocated to a familiar Christmas tree farm, the one from 104 and How the Twinks Saved Christmas. Dylan’s now wearing his signature red beanie and donning an adorable and appropriately vivid yellow winter coat.
He bounces his way through the rows of trees and sings through the first verse and chorus of the song, dancing and harmonizing with other folks at the farm as he goes. Some of these faces are familiar, as other cast members return for the holidays -- DAVE WILLIAMS, JEFF MONROE, DARBY WINTERS, and CHAI FRESCO, just to name a few.
As he goes along collecting pals, ASHER GARCIA picks up the second verse around 90 seconds in. He emerges from a row of trees and cheerfully makes his way towards the center promenade, reuniting with Dylan by the time they make it to the second chorus. Now in harmony, they lead the way along the snowy walkway, their peers following along behind.
In another classic tradition of the season, Duet Dasher are back! The 50’s-styled holiday doo-wop duo from the holiday special are back at the standing microphone on the theoretical AAA stage, and this time they’ve brought friends. The entire main ensemble and returning A class members are assembled on the stage behind them like a gospel choir, similarly dressed in era-appropriate holiday garb.
They echo the exclamation of the bridge while Dylan enthusiastically strums his guitar.
And when I’m feeling alone, you remind me of home Baby, baby, merry Christmas!
On the slower part of the bridge, we’re just with Dylan and Asher, who are following their pattern of taking a soft moment to serenade one another during their numbers. They pass the gentle harmonies back and forth, clearly still as in sync and in love as ever (in case anyone had any doubt during their absence), spinning around one another and then slowly walking along the rows of trees.
When they make it to the main path again (“and telling me…”), Dylan holds up a piece of mistletoe over their heads. Asher grins, then leans in as if he’s going to oblige… only to playfully spin away and take his hand, leading him back towards the camera at a run as they finish out the bridge.
I love you-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Then we’re jingle bell rocking right to the finish, Dylan and Asher leading the full ensemble in bouncy, cheerful choreography in the snow. Everyone is in their best, most adorable winter gear, smiles bright, delivering true musical excellence in a fashion we haven’t seen in quite a bit since we left AAA.
Once they finish the final lines and we descend into the closing oohs, the ensemble breaks into cheers. They shift to greeting one another, gleefully reuniting. Asher is engulfed in a hug by JADE BEAMON; RILEY MATTHEWS jumps onto Dylan’s back while ISA DE LA CRUZ comes at him from the side. CHARLIE GARDNER shares a tight sandwich of a hug with CLARISSA CRUZ and HALEY FISHER.
Welcome home, A class -- and let the holiday break commence!
Cue title sequence.
A gentle snow is falling over Manhattan, dusting the sidewalks but not deterring the city dwellers in the slightest as they make their way all bundled up for the cold. As we ease down the block and approach the familiar street where our favorite diner is located, we catch a glimpse through the windows of one booth in particular…
Where Riley is finally, finally having her reunion with Charlie as promised. They’ve already gotten the hugging out of the way but she’s clearly still so delighted to see him again, clasping his hands across the table in excitement. He’s thoroughly amused, but equally glad to see her too.
Riley: I can’t believe how long it’s been. It feels like it’s been five hundred thousand years.
Charlie: And some change.
Riley: I mean, look at you! Look at you! [ leaning across the table as if she’s going to cup his face ] You look so good, you’re glowing. And you seem so happy, and you’re -- I mean, you’re tan!
Charlie bursts into laughter, only the slightest bit bashful. “Tan” might be a bit generous, but he definitely did get a healthy amount of sun this summer and in SoCal. She’s right about the glow, though -- he looks alive, full of energy and much more openly himself.
Riley: It’s exactly how I hoped you’d be when you came back. So it’s really, really good to see it.
Charlie: Well, thanks. And sorry it’s taken so long. I swear, you were my first call as promised.
Riley: Damn right I was.
Charlie: I just literally haven’t had a second to breathe since I got back before Thanksgiving. First the whole family flew to Maine to have the actual holiday with the full Gardner clan, so that was a whole thing. Basically a family reunion if there ever was one, naturally, so I barely even got time to actually talk to my immediate family, because everyone wanted to know what I did all summer.
Riley: Oh, I bet. I’d want to know too. Surely you gave them an abridged version.
Charlie: Heavily redacted, yes, but it was plenty to satisfy their curiosity. So then after that weekend, we go back to spend a few days longer with Agatha and John at their place in Pennsylvania, and for good reason… considering there’s a brand new baby on our family tree.
Riley gasps. Shut up. She immediately asks for picture proof and Charlie happily delivers, pulling up his phone to show her the photos. True to his word, the next generation of Gardner children has begun! There’s a particularly adorable photo of Charlie holding the baby, looking both in awe and overwhelmed.
Riley: Oh my God. That’s so amazing.
Charlie: It was pretty amazing, yeah. It’s crazy to think that I’m like, an uncle now. I feel like I need to be thirty years older for that to kick in.
Riley: Your old soul will help you catch up.
Charlie: I’m definitely already awkward enough. [ off her hand wave of dismissal ] So there was that, and we were there for a few days, but then I ended up staying even longer because John told me that he wanted to do more bonding with me, like as “the men” of the family or whatever, and so he hoped I’d stay for a couple days longer. Do some hikes and stuff. And what was I gonna do, say no? It was nice of him to even have that thought, and to be honest, it’s like impossible to say no to John Duffy.
Riley: Would love to meet him someday. Truly.
Charlie: So I didn’t get back to New York until after the start of the month, and then I got dragged back out again because of course, Bridgette wasn’t invited to any of the previous stuff and she wanted some dedicated time to catch up with me. So I spent a couple of days with her out on this adventure in Rhode Island she had all mapped out, and that was really fun, but I was basically ready to drop by the time I came back and actually got to be by myself for more than two minutes. I’ve loved traveling, don’t get me wrong, but I’m a bit burnt out on it now.
Riley: I can imagine.
Charlie: But even then, there was an obligatory weekend of like, spending time with the rest of my immediate family, telling them about everything, and of course I had to do the rounds at church on Sunday and answer a million questions to the church ladies who wanted to know every single detail of my trip and what I did and who I met and did I meet any promiscuous foreign girls who might snatch me away for good? God forbid, away from Riley, my one true love here in the States?
Riley cracks up, shaking her head. Ah, the mythos at his church…
Charlie: So then I just needed like… a few days to just decompress and be by myself and stay in bed with my dog. Which was also good, because that gave me time to unpack and everything. But then, when I was ready to reemerge in the world, as promised I swear you were my first call.
Riley beams, obviously proud of that fact. And it’s great to catch up and hear all this, but as he understands it, they may not even have much time in the next couple of days to do that. Riley is going to Philly to join Cory’s family for an “early Christmas” celebration, since everyone seems to have other plans on the actual holiday. At this point, her grandma is so desperate to get all of them in one place Riley’s afraid if they don’t go there will be blood.
Charlie: Are you excited? At all?
Riley: Oh, sure. I mean, I love my family. Really, I do. They can just be… a lot. And that’s fitting, considering I also am a lot, but it’s just… suffice to say the Matthews are quite the dramatic crew.
Charlie: I guess that makes sense, given your uncle is a former wannabe actor.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, she’s glad that Jack will be there this year for the first time, and it’ll be a relief to not have to deal with Topanga for another holiday. But she is bummed that it’s taking her out of the city as soon as most folks are coming back.
Thankfully, there’s already something on the calendar planned to alleviate this. Basically as soon as she gets back from Philly, she’ll be headed back here to Chubbies where she’s planned to host a holiday reunion gathering for all their friends and peers from Adams.
Charlie is looking forward to that, and assures her he’ll be there. He’s equally excited about the Secret Snowflake gift exchange she organized -- he’s been working hard to curate his gift for his person outside of finalizing his college applications. Riley definitely wants to know more about that, but Charlie’s all ready for her interest, pulling out a nifty sheet he prepared that lists all the places he applied and what he likes about them -- his reasons, not his mother’s or anyone else’s. Riley’s expression brightens and she eagerly takes the page, claiming he knows her so well.
She also notes she’s happy he’s keen for the gift exchange. When she first proposed the idea, she wasn’t sure how well it would go over. But based on how everyone seems to be doing okay so far, she figures everyone has realized it was a brilliant idea and is going to have so much fun with it.
Yeah, not quite. Isa is not optimistic, stressed about finding the right thing to give their chosen person and wondering why they succumbed to this torture anyway. They can’t possibly be expected to know what to get someone. Why did they let Riley’s adorable enthusiasm weaken their resolve?
LUCAS JAMES FRIAR shrugs from his spot on the couch, where he’s also finishing up college-related paperwork. His deferment materials and reapplication for scholarship are going to be due soon, even though given Kenneth’s health decline it kind of feels pointless at this rate.
Lucas: Dude, why are you venting to me about this? You know I’m gonna be no help. I suck at gifts too. I just feel bad for the person I got that they’re stuck with me.
Isa: Why? Why did we let ourselves fall victim to this vicious, sick holiday tradition?
Lucas, deadpan: Because Riley is a force unlike anything else on Earth and cannot be thwarted. Resistance is futile.
Maybe so. Isa isn’t comforted by that though. Lucas points out if they’re that blitzed about the person they got, they could just ask Riley to swap.
Isa: Ugh, no. I already tried that.
And thus we get a glimpse of it, the flashback occurring in a frame that is just slightly blue-tinted as if by frost. Isa asks for the opportunity to change their giftee, and Riley hears them out, but only out of politeness.
Riley: Why? You didn’t get Maya, did you?
Isa: No. But…
Riley: Is there some deadly, catastrophic reason you couldn’t possibly give your person a gift and thus requires you to break the sanctity of the gift exchange tradition by manipulating the results given to you by fate itself?
Isa: … [ disgruntled ] No…
With that, Riley grins. Got ‘em -- good luck, Isa!
Suffice to say, Riley does not take the ethics of a gift exchange lightly. So rules are rules, and everyone is tied by the red string to whom they picked. Happy holidays!
Lucas empathizes with Isa, but again, there’s not much either of them can do. Unless they want to disappoint Riley, which is a major no-go. So they’re going to have to suck it up.
Lucas: Anyway, this should be easy for you. Now that you have like a million dollars in Val money, just get something expensive that anyone would like. At least it’ll be worth something so they won’t have any right to get upset.
Not a bad plan. But Isa doesn’t seem comforted by that fact. It’s not that they can’t think of anything to get this person…
It’s that they aren’t sure they can face this person at all. Once Lucas heads to Riley’s room, Isa pulls out their phone and goes to the email revealing their selected giftee.
“You’re giving a gift to: Farkle.”
And that knowledge has haunted them since. Isa chews their lip and then locks their phone, fleeing from the impending responsibility for another day.
FARKLE MINKUS, on the other hand, is in good spirits. It appears good to be back in the city, and back in the familiar trappings of home. He’s leisurely meandering around the apartment that morning, noshing on leftovers his family seemingly always has in abundance this time of year. URI MINKUS makes a comment about it as he passes by him to leave.
Uri: You’re like a fricking hamster. You’re gonna get the freshman fifteen in the two weeks you’re home.
Farkle rolls his eyes, swatting at Uri but missing as he’s too fast in his escape. JENNIFER MINKUS chides Uri for his commentary and reminds him to text when he gets where he’s going, then joins Farkle on the opposite side of the kitchen island.
Jennifer: I, on the other hand, think you should eat more. I’m sure they’re not feeding you enough out there in L.A. I’ve read the reviews of USC’s nutritionists, and I’m not impressed.
Farkle: Mom, I eat fine. Promise. [ snacking again ] Though nothing beats the tastes of home.
Jennifer: Don’t flatter me. But do go on.
It’s clear that Jennifer is very glad to have Farkle home, too. They all are. In fact, she notes that when he has the time, Farkle should make a concerted effort to hang out with his younger brothers while he’s here -- Ezra has missed him terribly, of course, and Uri could likely use his advice more than he lets on. Given he’s getting into the harder classes at the gifted school now and struggling to handle having his first girlfriend (which he’s neglected to officially tell them about but naturally Jennifer knows because a yenta always knows), he could probably use the brotherly guidance.
Farkle: [ with amusement ] Well, I can help with the school stuff, but not sure I’ll be any help with the girls. He should talk to Raziel, he’s the only one of us who’s managed to marry off.
Jennifer gives him a look. It didn’t come up when they spent Hanukkah in Belgium, so seems he missed his prime chance. And Farkle shouldn’t be so self-deprecating -- he’s got a significant other too now! A fact which is evidently of great delight to his mother. She wants to know all about him, and is dying to hear more, but she doesn’t miss checking in on the person she once believed would be occupying this role in her son’s life.
Jennifer: How is Maya doing? You came home together, right? I hope she’s keeping you in good company out there. Any successes yet?
Farkle falters a bit. It’s not that things are bad, but they never really addressed the awkwardness from Thanksgiving, and that coldness has lingered into the journey home. He doesn’t want it to be there, but he isn’t sure how to get rid of it either.
For now, he brushes it aside, keeping it vague and opting to discuss the much more exciting topic of the new boyfriend.
MAYA HART is happily back in her apartment, yet it’s a bit awkward to be there in the space Isa so graciously donated to her family when they’re no longer on speaking terms. That tension ebbs as soon as KATY HART rejoins her, though, carrying two mugs of tea with peppermint sticks poking out of them. Maya beams, taking the hot drink gratefully and taking a long sip.
Katy also asks how Maya feels about being back in the city, which she confirms is a nice feeling. She’s actually quite excited about the little social dates she’s got lined up, surprised by how much she’s looking forward to reuniting with Adams’ peers. There’s also Riley’s big holiday shindig planned.
Maya: Honestly, can always count on Matthews to bring it all together. If she ever gives up the game, we’re all doomed to obscurity.
It’s her natural talent! She also briefly mentions the gift exchange, noting that she has Nigel. Katy asks if she’s stressed about that.
Maya: Please, no. Nigel is like the easiest person on Earth to get stuff for, since he’s like a high-ranking noble in the cult of Shakespeare.
She’s more curious -- and concerned -- to see who got her. There’s a handful of folks in Riley’s little social circle she’s sure are less than fond of her, and she dreads ending up getting nothing out of a good gift exchange because God forbid Asher Garcia picked her name out of a digital hat.
In any case, she was able to get some help for the gift from Justin and Melissa, who have connections in the industry. This prompts Katy to ask more about how that’s going, and how she’s feeling about L.A. as a whole. Maya also pauses, the unpleasant feelings from what happened during Thanksgiving immediately bubbling to the surface…
But she pushes it all down and focuses on the shiny positives, eagerly pulling out her phone to show her mom the demo cut of “LolliPop.”
JOSH MATTHEWS is doing the same that morning in Los Angeles, giving ANDREW HALL a sneak preview of the track to procrastinate on packing. Even Andrew has to admit the song is a bop -- he thought “On My Grind (O.M.G.)” was overhyped, though it’s not clear if that’s because of the song or out of loyalty to Josh.
Josh proudly explains that the track is likely to hit the Internet by the end of the month, so he’s eagerly awaiting whenever that drop happens. He wishes he had more information, but Justin and Melissa have essentially taken over since they first passed over the track after Thanksgiving. Not all information trickles down the chain to him, unfortunately. But it’ll just be cool to finally have his credit on an epic, bound-to-be-popular track.
Andrew: I’m happy for you, man. Mainly because if you finally scratch this itch perhaps you’ll calm the fuck down a little.
But in all seriousness, he’s proud of him. Until the track drops, however, Josh has to steel himself for the trial that is going back to Philly for a holiday. Andrew reminds him he just has to get through the coming week, and then he’ll be in NYC to host him for New Year’s.
One of those prospects is clearly more appealing than the other. Josh sighs, trudging back towards his room to finish packing.
CHELSEA SCHWARTZ is giving her last speech of the semester, thanking the students for their hard work and wishing them all the best for next semester. Although she’s not as fortunate as some of their other professors who get to spend all year with them, she believes in each of their abilities and hopes to see them again in a class sometime soon. Most of the class seems bummed to be saying goodbye, as most are with their most fun teacher.
Isa looks especially so. In a semester full of confusion, frustration, and male-dominated spaces, Schwartz’s classroom has felt like a safe haven. When class is dismissed, they hang back specifically to tell her so, thanking her for taking them seriously and always supporting them.
Chelsea: Of course, Isa. It’s the least I could do, one talented badass filmmaker to another.
See? That’s what they’re talking about. Isa smiles. Speaking of support, Chelsea mentions that she was hoping to catch Isa before they disappeared for the break. Obviously, there’s still the final, but it would’ve felt weird to try and pull them aside then when it’s so formal.
Chelsea: I’m producing a film during the break, and I’m still looking for some support staff to help get the production off the ground. It’s going to be a bit of a time crunch, and I won’t be able to pay you in anything but experience, but I feel like it could be an awesome opportunity for you to get some hands-on experience on your resume.
She has some former students she was considering, but many folks are leaving town for the holidays. Not to mention, she feels like after this semester, she trusts Isa’s ability and would love to give them the chance to gain some experience so early on.
Chelsea hardly needs to ask Isa twice. It sounds like an amazing opportunity, and the chance to continue working with a professor they admire and who, it seems, respects them as an individual in equal measure. Isa jumps at the chance, not even asking about schedule or workload. Chelsea is thrilled, promising them they’ll email with all the details.
On the opposite end of the emotional spectrum, KENNETH FRIAR is situated in a hospital room and hooked up to an IV while the doctors finish running some final tests. When the doctor returns with the nurse, he brings Lucas and GRACE FRIAR with him, inviting them into the room to listen. Grace uncertainly approaches Kenneth’s bedside, dutifully standing vigil. Lucas keeps his distance, inconspicuously backing up to lean against the wall out of the way.
Given the heaviness in the air, the news they receive is hardly a surprise. It confirms what they suspected after his collapse on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they’ve done everything they can, but the treatments aren’t working. Kenneth’s cancer has not slowed its progression, even with the experimental Hail Marys.
Doctor: I regret to say there’s nothing more we can do.
So it’s official. Kenneth’s diagnosis is terminal. There’s a pronounced pause as this sinks in, all of the Friars remaining silent and hard to read. Lucas’s jaw twitches, but otherwise, he keeps an impressively flat expression. He’s been training his whole life, after all.
Right now, they’re mainly in shock anyway. Grace, with tenderness that only feels a touch stilted, reaches to take Kenneth’s hand. He glances at it, then manages to speak.
Kenneth: So what do we do now?
In some ways, that’s the easy part. At this point, it’s a matter of keeping him comfortable and content as long as they can. So some of their treatment protocols will continue, mainly to alleviate the increasing discomfort. It won’t reverse anything, but it’ll soften the pain.
Doctor: Otherwise, I think that question’s answer is up to you. Whatever you want to do now, this is the time to do it. Enjoy what time you all have left together.
As if they enjoyed it up to this point. But message received. Grace offers a light smile and thanks the doctor and nurse for their help through this, Kenneth echoing the sentiment.
Lucas nods along, a beat or two behind, but it’s not like anyone notices. He’s an afterthought in the moment, a shadow on the wall of his parents. He wouldn’t know what to say even if eyes were on him; his brain doesn’t seem to be processing the reality of it.
Kenneth is dying. His father is going to die. He should be sad. He should be happy. He should feel something, a profound sense of anything.
Instead, based on the blank look in his eyes, he doesn’t feel much at all.
Eric, pre-lap: Fair warning, this isn’t going to be pretty.
JACK HUNTER and ERIC MATTHEWS are both home for the afternoon, going through the process of packing for their first trip together as official partners. They’ll be joining Riley on the journey to Philly, though traveling separately, to see Alan and Amy for the holidays. Although Jack seems game for the adventure, Eric has definite apprehension as he folds sweaters into the suitcase.
Jack: I think you’re exaggerating. It’s okay, it’s in your nature as a drama king.
Eric: More like it’s in my blood -- and that’s exactly what you’re going to understand once we get there. I’m just trying to give you as much advance notice as possible. You’ve met me, and you’ve met Cory. You think we’re a handful? Just wait until you’ve got the whole clan together.
Jack: Remember who you’re talking to. I had absentee, alcoholic trailer park dad of the year and a mother who wears eccentric like a badge of honor. I think I can handle it.
Touché, but Eric insists the Matthews are their own brand. It’s not that any of them are problematic, and he loves all of them. Really, he does. It’s just… it’s a real crop of personalities.
Jack: You say that as if we didn’t essentially co-parent a whole school of personalities for years on end.
Eric: Okay, but this is different. We can teach the kids, that’s our job. We can’t teach the old dog of my family new tricks. You’ve got my mom, who is the sweetest person alive but makes Jennifer Minkus look tame when it comes to smothering. Add in a dash of Riley’s control freak, meddling nature and my emotional sensitivity for good measure. Then there’s my dad, who acts like he’s gruff and tough and doesn’t give a hoot, but he’s actually equally as sensitive and remarkably worse about communication. Seriously, if my dad could learn how to effectively articulate his emotions, I’d say about fifty percent of the problems we’ve had would have never happened.
Jack: I’d say that sounds reasonable for a man of his age. And relatable.
Eric: Then there’s me, which, you know. Followed by Cory, who you also know and is somehow even more dramatic than me. There will certainly be drama about his divorce, too, because that seems to come up no matter how many years pass. My parents loved Topanga, so they’re about as touchy about it all as Cory.
Jack: Big shoes to fill as the new partner, then, huh?
Eric: Please. Then we also have Shawn there, because he always gets included in things like this, which is honestly going to be bizarre as hell considering you’re his half-brother and yet you were never included in these things before. Like, how did that even… our rotating cast of characters is truly so bewildering. If I had to explain our pseudo-family tree including Lucas, Riley, and Isa to literally anyone, I think they’d report us.
Jack: To who? And on the Shawn thing, again, deadbeat dad strikes fast and hard. It’s amazing the surprises you get from him.
Eric: There’s Morgan, my sister, the only girl in the family so you can imagine how she turned out. Which is to say, actually far more sane than the rest of us, but she revels in the chaos of our family for kicks so don’t expect her to be any help if things fall apart. And then Josh is the baby.
Jack: The one who does producing in L.A.
Eric: Yes, though be careful about bringing that up. It’s a point of contention in our family, though of course my parents would never cop to that.
Jack: Noted. Out of curiosity, what isn’t a point of contention in your family?
Eric: Little. But yeah, expect there to be drama about Josh being there, mainly because this is the first time in years that he’s coming for more than a couple of days, and when everyone else is going to be there. Mom thinks he’s like ashamed of us and avoids us like the plague, rather than realizing not everything is personal and I’m fairly sure Josh is just going through the classic mid-20s identity crisis that makes him want to crawl under a rock.
Anyway, it’s going to be a clusterfuck. Just how bad is the question. Jack gives him a fond smile, coming to join him on his side of the bed and taking his arms. He jostles him lightly, reassuring him that he doesn’t scare easy and he’s looking forward to experiencing the chaos. They should be experts at it at this point, so he’s not worried.
Jack: I’m just grateful to be able to spend the holiday with the person I care about most, and his wonderfully weird family.
Jack gives him a kiss, which Eric accepts with half-hearted disgruntlement.
Eric: Let’s actually get there first, then you can decide if that remains true. And if you don’t want to sleigh ride a thousand miles in the other direction.
Ha ha, likely. As the staccato strums of the next tune float in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Carol Of The Bells” as arranged by John Tesh || Instrumental
The Turner Academy transfer winter showcase is in full swing, the small theater on campus occupied by the hopeful transfers, their peers, and their loved ones who elected to show. DONNA BABINEAUX, OMAR BABINEAUX, and JADA BABINEAUX are in attendance; Riley is seated with them, smile bright on her face as she watches her friend perform.
Right now, ZAY BABINEAUX and VANESSA JOHNSON are spotlighted on stage, pulling off another pas de deux to the instrumental rendition of “Carol Of The Bells.” Their duet is elegant but sharp, incorporating a bit of the latin flavor and form that the track emulates. They’re definitely leaning into the fiery red of the Christmas palette, Vanessa sporting a shimmery crimson performance dress that flares out with each spin and twirl.
The routine is a strong showcase of their talent, honed to a fine point after the intense semester, but that was never in doubt. What’s noteworthy for those in the know is how far they’ve come in working together over the course of the last few weeks. They’re not in perfect sync by any means, but they’re getting there -- their movements are more natural, fluid, less friction between them as they acclimate to one another. It’s not an effortless match, but there’s potential. There’s a foundation for something formidable.
To most folks, though, there’s no difference, so it’s just a damn good performance. The music concludes and Zay and Vanessa hit their final poses with a flourish, holding it for a long moment to soak up the applause before they break formation to take a bow. The Babineaux are some of the most vocal of the bunch in the audience, but Riley has them beat with how enthusiastically she’s clapping.
Zay and Vanessa maintain their professional, stoic demeanors while the spotlight is still on them, not wanting to betray vulnerability to the competition in the audience… but when they make eye contact out of the corner of their eyes, the hint of a smile creeps onto their lips.
The two of them emerge from backstage later in the evening when the recital is done, entering the throng of people in the lobby meeting up with the students. Riley and the Babineaux clan receive them warmly, the former sharing a tight congratulatory hug with Zay. Another great performance for the history books! Jada also hands Vanessa a small bouquet, courtesy of their family.
Vanessa, surprised: Oh, wow. Um, thanks.
She obviously is unprepared for such a nice gesture, sheepish but touched. Zay scoffs.
Zay: And what? No flowers for your actual flesh and blood?
Donna: I gave birth to you. That’s equivalent to more flowers than will ever grow on God’s green Earth.
Zay rolls his eyes. Omar politely asks if Vanessa’s parents are there, so they don’t hold her up. Vanessa awkwardly clears her throat, doing her best to stay nonchalant.
Vanessa: Actually, they couldn’t make it. Prior engagement. My dad runs his own business, so sometimes there are obligations you just can’t get out of.
Never mind the fact that he couldn’t care less about her artistic passions. While Donna and Omar get into discussing how best to avoid the crowd leaving the venue, Riley takes the reins of the conversation and congratulates both of them again. She thought they were amazing, not that she expected anything less.
Somehow, the topic of her upcoming holiday gathering comes up, which prompts Zay to note he thought it might be cool if Vanessa came. Riley brightens; Vanessa demures.
Riley: Yes! Absolutely.
Vanessa: You don’t have to invite me.
Riley: No, no, you should come! You totally should.
Vanessa: I don’t want to intrude. Quincy kid rolling up at your Adams reunion and all that, I don’t want to be…
Riley: Seriously, don’t even think of it. I promise you, most of my classmates are so self-possessed they won’t even remember they met you last year. And that doesn’t matter anyway. If any group of people understands second chances and misleading first impressions, it would be the A class.
Zay: God, no kidding.
Riley promises her it’ll be a lot of fun, and she’s more than welcome. Any companion of Zay’s is an instant friend of hers. Vanessa still seems hesitant, but she claims she’ll plan on it.
Jade is at her desk, pretending to work but not getting much of anything done. She’s distracted and on edge, unable to sit still. Her station right outside Anya’s door no longer feels cool and coveted -- it feels like the monster is lurking just out of view, scrutinizing her every move. Just hearing Anya’s voice on the phone from her office, even at its most pleasant and chipper, feels foreboding.
It’s even more disconcerting given that she has to sit there and act like everything is normal. Like she’s not still replaying Anya’s tirade at her over and over in her mind, torn between convincing herself what she said isn’t true and wanting to pick it apart just to justify why she might have said it. Anya was the one who lost her temper, yet it’s Jade turning herself inside out trying to make sense of it.
To add insult to injury, Anya appears to be an expert at pretending nothing has changed. Perhaps because to her, it hasn’t -- Jade is a nothing to her like she said, just another disposable intern who is in her good graces until she isn’t. Such is the life of a successful, wealthy entrepreneur.
ANYA KELLY demonstrates this nonchalance when she pokes her head out of the door to her office.
Anya: J. Bee, I’m dying for caffeine. Going to order out for a macchiato. You want anything?
Jade manages a smile, shaking her head. It’s hard to reconcile it all in her head… especially with the prospect of an alternative looming in the back of her mind. She glances towards her phone, contemplating opening Instagram to reread the message from Pinhead Threads. But doing so while literally sitting at her desk at her current job feels like begging for trouble.
MELANIE MURPHY returns from the kitchen below, cradling a freshly brewed cup of tea, but she basically has to drop it when Anya gestures for her to follow her into the office so she can give her the details of the coffee pick-up.
And Melanie goes without hesitation, depositing her full tea cup onto her desk before scurrying after Anya. Watching her go, knowing what working for Anya full time must be like -- particularly behind closed doors -- Jade suddenly has more empathy for Melanie than she did before.
Yes, she plays mind games and isn’t the nicest person to be around. But where do we think she picked up those tools of the trade?
Isa emerges from their room with a yawn, still in their pajamas. Now that finals season is upon them, they’re grateful for the opportunity to lounge more in the mornings rather than scramble to get ready for lectures.
At least, they would be if they were alone. They jump out of their skin when they realize an unfamiliar figure is in the apartment, standing by the counter in the kitchen.
Isa: Holy fuckshit --
The surprise was bad enough, causing their heart to pound in their chest. Then the terror triples when their brain catches up to their eyes and recognizes who it is.
Farkle gives them an amused smile, not matching their shock and glad to see them again.
Farkle: Hi to you too. Still not a morning person, I see.
Isa was not prepared for this. Oh, they were not ready to see him again. They can’t tell if he’s gotten taller, or if that’s just a figment of their imagination because it’s been so long since his lanky form was in front of them. An actual, tangible human being rather than a distant fact of existence they could ignore when it all became too much. He’s let his hair grow out a bit, more of a haphazard fluff than its former coiffed glory. His freckles, few as they are, are even more prominent after a few months in the Los Angeles sunshine. And he looks stupid good in his knit sweater.
God, what are they thinking? Farkle looks good? They’re diseased. Their brain is in decay. They miss the good old days, when seeing Farkle evoked bemused platonic fondness at best and outright derision at worst. Derision, they think, would be easier than whatever this is that’s flip-flopping around in their stomach at the sight of him.
To be fair, the shock of his unannounced visit isn’t helping matters. Isa’s brain scrambles for a long moment -- too long, given the good-natured ease of his original greeting -- before landing on an unceremonious response.
Isa: What are you doing here?
Hm. Not the warm reunion Farkle was maybe hoping for. Not that he was expecting tears and roses or anything, but… he does his best to take it in stride.
He doesn’t have to answer their question, though, because Riley emerging from her room dressed to go answers for him. She eagerly asks if he’s ready to roll, before realizing Isa is up and greeting them cheerfully. She explains that she and Farkle are going to grab coffee and catch up.
Riley: Do you want to come along? [ turning to Farkle ] That would be okay, right? Sorry, didn’t mean to assume.
Farkle: Oh, please. Of course. In fact, that would probably be the most effective way for me to hear about Isa. Since you’re so good at playing hard to get.
The comment is said with humor, but there’s a slight edge to it that hints at the unfortunate truth to it. In any case, Isa declines the invitation, mostly because it’s going to take a couple of hours at least for the shock of this to wear off. Farkle seems a bit disappointed by the rejection, but Riley brushes it off without a second thought.
She leads the way towards the door, Farkle pausing in the doorway to toss one more sentiment Isa’s way.
Farkle: See you later?
It’s hopeful, albeit uncertain. Isa isn’t sure they have an answer, but they robotically offer a nod just the same. Sealing their own fate, perhaps.
Maya is enjoying one of those aforementioned reunion hangouts, going Christmas shopping with Darby. It’s kind of cute to see them actually spend time together like friends, considering they rarely hung out one-on-one during high school. But Darby is as bubbly and supportive as ever, enthusiastically listening to Maya regale her with tales of Hollywood and the production of a hit single. She might be puffing things up a bit to save face and seem further along than she is, but what’s a little stretching of the truth between pals?
Darby eats it all up anyway, the perfect audience for such a conversation. Even so, Maya claims it’s nice to be back for a relaxing, quaint visit for the holidays.
Darby: I’m not sure you can get away with calling Manhattan quaint, but I so agree.
Darby is especially looking forward to Riley’s planned gathering. Maya concurs, though she has to get through pulling together a gift for the Secret Snowflake portion of it all. This is news to Darby, as she isn’t part of the inner circle, but she’s high-spirited about it. She claims she loves stuff like this and excitedly asks who Maya got for the draw.
As Maya thinks on it for a moment, we flash back --
To when Maya received her gift assignment, opening the message to reveal Nigel.
Well, that’s uneventful. About as riveting as the man himself. Maya looks unimpressed, but alas. Could be worse. She shrugs and goes back to painting her nails, recording a quick voice note to herself to remember to Google some stuff about Shakespeare.
Suffice to say, she’s neutral about the whole thing. Nigel is one of the easier ones to shop for, so she’s not too concerned, and she actually has a bit of spare change to spend this year thanks to revenue from “On My Grind.” She’s honestly more interested in who got her and what they could possibly think to get her, as she can only imagine Farkle having a good enough grasp on her tastes.
But all the folly is hardly her main focus. As she explains to Darby with the utmost diva seriousness, her main task while she’s home is to mine her background for songwriting material. She’s going to start working on her breakout EP when she gets back to Los Angeles, and she wants to return locked and loaded.
Maya: Christmas is the least of my concerns. It can hardly compete with imminent musical world domination.
If only NIGEL CHEY could share that sense of calm. He’s particularly anxious as he shops with YINDRA AMINO, both of them scanning for their Secret Snowflake gifts. She’s told him who she got -- Jade -- as the only reason he’s there is to help her in the shopping endeavor.
Apparently, he hasn’t been much help yet though. He’s too consumed with fretting about his own gift-giving. Nothing feels right. He doesn’t think he could pick a good enough gift. Yindra shoots him a look, especially skeptical considering he is refusing to reveal who he got. 
Yindra: Boy, this is an Adams alumni gift exchange, not war games. The stakes are subbasement. You do not need to be this stressed.
Nigel: I know. No, yeah, I know.
Yindra: I mean, seriously, if I didn’t know any better -- which I don’t, because you refuse to tell me like the annoying rule-follower you are -- I’d suspect you got like, Maya or Friar or someone equally impossible to please. And in that case, you should just chill, because you’re right, they’re going to be unimpressed no matter what.
Nigel: I don’t have either of them. Thank God.
Yindra: So? Who could you possibly be so zany over?
Nigel pauses, throwing back --
To when he first received his giftee, with the frosted flashback effect at play like usual.
“You’re giving a gift to: Riley.”
Nigel’s expression is grim, filling with dread. He should be glad to get Riley -- she’s super easy to shop for, mainly because she’ll love anything anyone gives her. She’s the kind of person who considers friendship the best gift of all, so this should be a cake walk.
But not only are those people notoriously hard to shop for in reality, it’s more of a Nigel problem than a Riley one. Nigel is nervous because getting Riley feels like a sick trick of fate given how lackluster of a friend he’s been to her this year. He may have turned that less than attractive leaf over, but the guilt of his actions (or rather inaction) lingers, and now having to find the perfect way to show her how much he appreciates her feels like cosmic punishment.
He doesn’t want to have Riley, because he knows he doesn’t deserve her.
But he can’t say any of that, for multiple reasons, so he elects to keep his thoughts to himself. He merely shrugs instead, redirecting the conversation back to Yindra and her search for Jade-centric gifts.
Riley and Farkle are enjoying coffee as promised, the latter making a point of remarking it’s infinitely better here than it is out on the west coast. California has its charms, undoubtedly, but there’s some things you just can’t beat the Big Apple for. One of which is the views -- Farkle seems more than appreciative to be back in the towering grey concrete of his hometown, still a natural fit.
He notes he’s grateful that Riley was able to squeeze him into her busy schedule, what with planning holiday gatherings and going to Pennsylvania. Not to mention holiday shopping, which she’s still trying to finish up. This brings them to the topic of the gift exchange as well, to which both of them coyly keep their cards hidden and don’t reveal who they got.
Riley: You’re at least looking forward to it, right? I feel like I’ve had more than one person come to me to complain about who they got and it’s like, look, if you weren’t prepared for spreading the holiday cheer without discrimination, then you shouldn’t have played the game.
Farkle: [ with a laugh ] No, nothing like that.
Riley: So you got someone good? I mean, everyone is good, but --
Farkle hesitates, thinking on it --
The notification comes in on his phone. Farkle sits up from leaning back over the end of his bed, as he does sometimes, quickly opening the email to see who he got.
“You’re giving a gift to: Zay.”
Oh, goody! Farkle smiles, a wry humor twinkling in his eyes.
So yes, Farkle did get someone good. Zay may not like it, but to him, it’s a fun challenge.
Farkle: I did, and yes, I’m excited about it. I think it’s going to be fun. [ a beat ] Although I don’t know if my person would be very happy to receive something from me if they knew everything I got up to this semester --
Riley: What?
Oop. The thought just slipped out -- Farkle was supposed to be getting better about that! But he can’t elaborate, partially because he and Riley both don’t know that the other knows about Zay and Charlie, and because he’d rather disintegrate than reveal the details of his and Charlie’s little practice session. Maya picking on him relentlessly is enough.
Farkle: Never mind. Anyway. How’s NYU?
NYU, as it were, is offering many different experiences. But opportunities abound, as evidenced by Isa showing up to their first day on the short film set Chelsea is directing. It’s already chaos, as film sets naturally are, but Isa seems excited by the prospects. This is what they believe they want to do one day after all. Better start thickening their skin now.
If Bennet still believes they don’t want this, he’s got another thing coming.
Isa weaves their way through the crowd and manages to find Chelsea, but they’re surprised they don’t recognize anyone else along the way. It seems like they’re the only freshman in attendance -- maybe their peers are the ones who don’t care nearly enough to take advantage of an experience like this.
Chelsea greets them cheerfully, thanking them for coming and promising to get them set up with all the AD equipment they’ll need. She also makes quick work of introducing them to a couple of other student mentees, a senior and junior who seem friendly and hardworking.
Chelsea: Come on, I’ll give you the tour and introduce you around. Then it’s time to get cracking!
Isa nods eagerly, taking the clipboard from her and letting her lead the charge.
It’s nice to see Charlie back in his room, which has stayed true to form as if he never left. But he did, and the evidence of that is just dwindling away as he unpacks the last of his things. He’s mainly just emptying his travel backpack at this point.
He carefully retrieves the leather journal from its safe inner pocket, smiling to himself. He settles on his bed and flips through the pages -- he did manage to basically fill the entire thing. Just like Zay figured he would…
There’s so much to tell him. So much to catch up on. But he also just can’t wait to see him, to get a full dose of Zay Babineaux and remember that he’s real. That he didn’t make him up. He honestly can’t believe he hasn’t seen him already.
But promises are promises, and he dutifully kept his to Riley. So now that that’s taken care of… Charlie reaches for his phone and opens his thread with Zay. Only he finds it’s hard to know what to say. It should be the simplest message in the world -- Hi! I’m back and want to see you again. I missed you. -- and yet he can’t find the right words. He types and deletes two to three variations, then shakes his head in frustration. God forbid anything should be easy.
He almost decides to just call him, thumb hovering over the dial button, but he’s waylaid by a sister hurricane. He hears the noisy return home of one of his siblings downstairs paired with an exasperated wail, and then moments later ROSIE GARDNER appears in his doorway, still dressed in her gifted school uniform. She releases a monumental sigh.
Rosie: Thank God you’re here. My life is over!
Charlie puts his phone and journal to the side and starts to ask what’s wrong, but Rosie doesn’t even wait for the invitation. She launches into a frenetic pace and breathless rant, anxiously explaining the pickle she seems to have gotten herself into. She’s like a bullet, in classic Gardner fashion, speaking so fast Charlie literally can’t keep up.
Charlie: Okay, okay! Rosie, take a deep breath, and then let’s try again. Because right now, you’re talking at a pitch that only Skippy can hear.
Hmph. Rosie huffs, but then obliges, taking a drawn-out deep breath. Charlie nods along, then gestures for her to come sit, which she does.
Charlie: Okay. So hi. What’s going on?
Rosie: I am an absolute idiot, that’s what is going on.
Charlie: Don’t talk about yourself like that. I’m sure that’s not true.
Rosie: It is. Oh, it is. I’m so in over my head. Earlier this year, I thought it would be a good idea to run for student government in my grade. Why did I think this was a good idea? Well, because Uri was running for secretary, so naturally, my silly, useless brain thought it would be brilliant to run for something too. So I threw together a campaign for treasurer. Then the unthinkable happened.
Charlie: You didn’t win?
Rosie: No, I did. For some strange reason my classmates decided they wanted me to handle the money, so now I’m on student government.
Charlie: Well, that’s great. It must mean your classmates like you.
Rosie: I haven’t gotten to the disaster yet. So okay, I’m now working on this team with Uri, which is great, but also Ashlyn, who is vice president. And as you know, she’s out to get me, because she’s like annoying and also insane. The problem is she gets to delegate our responsibilities, since I guess John Michael is too busy as president doing whatever things he’s doing that I can’t seem to actually figure out the specifics of. So, Ashlyn says, since I’m treasurer, I can be in charge of handling fundraising this year. Which I did not want to do -- I literally just wanted to hangout with Uri after school, but whatever -- but I’m like, okay, sure. I’ll arrange for us to do like a bake sale or something. Only now, bake sales are apparently outlawed, because everyone is too concerned about their kids getting germs from some non-store bought cupcake. Like call the police, there’s a homemade cookie in this lobby! So that shot my whole plan.
Charlie: Right.
Rosie: But then, I had an epiphany. I thought, hey, I’m part of the choir at church, and they do their whole caroling thing every year. Maybe I can partner them together -- you know our church would love the chance to get some face time in with a school like this -- and then bam, two birds with one stone. Mom even helped me connect with the right folks so my request was expedited.
Charlie: That sounds like a great idea.
Rosie: Until it wasn’t! Because apparently, our choir director liked the idea so much, she thought I should be the one to spearhead the whole operation this year. Which I think she mainly did just so she didn’t have to do all the work. And mom loved this idea, because look how good her family is doing in the goings-ons of the church, and of course apparently I’m capable of handling all of this because what can a Gardner child not do? But spoiler alert, I don’t know what I’m doing, and now all the good caroling venues for the day we do our event and like the whole week around it have already been booked or bought out.
Charlie: Oh.
Rosie: So now this caroling fundraiser is guaranteed to be a flop. We’re not going to make any money, making me the ultimate failure of the student government. Not to mention I’m going to tarnish the Gardner reputation in the church for like ever and ever, and mom is never going to forgive me, and I’m going to have to get cast out to the same corner of the city as Bridgette for my utter lack of Gardner respectability.
Charlie: I really don’t think this and premarital sex are on the same level, but…
Rosie: I’m going to socially combust both spheres of my world in one night!
Charlie gets her to calm down again, assuring her it’s not the end of the world. Like, he gets it, Gardner mania is in his genes too, but this is a manageable stressor with manageable solutions.
Rosie, insistently: Which are?
Great question, Rosie. Charlie doesn’t have those -- yet -- but he assures her he’ll think on it. She can just focus on figuring out the venue, and let him carry some of the worry for a bit. They’ll figure something out. Scout’s honor.
For now, it’ll have to do. Rosie sighs and gets to her feet, still mumbling about bookings and caroling and the evils of Ashlyn McDonnell. Charlie should’ve known that it wouldn’t take long for him to be thrust back into the hubbub of his old life. In fact, despite the stress, it feels warm and familiar.
So now he’s got to figure this out. Duty calls. Zay will have to wait just a little bit longer…
Fortunately, Zay is busy too and doesn’t notice the prolonged quiet. Right now, he doesn’t look especially pleased by that though, mostly because his current company is getting on his nerves. He’s out on the town catching up with Maya and Farkle, the two of them immediately back to their old levels of diva banter and getting a deep, visceral thrill out of annoying the hell out of Zay.
The unfortunate part is that even as he rolls his eyes, Zay is actually happy to see them. He’d never cop to it, of course, but he can’t believe how much their teasing and theatrics inspires fondness rather than exasperation. Suppose it really is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder…
Farkle: But it’s good to be back. Mainly because if we weren’t here, who else would keep Zay Babineaux humble?
Maya: So true. He has to remember his roots.
Farkle: I know all those Turner folks don’t even know who they’re dealing with. Who will tell them about the time you threw a diva fit because Shawn wouldn’t let you sing Ariana Grande for winter showcase?
Okay, maybe not that fond. Zay groans, wondering aloud why he agreed to this hangout while Farkle and Maya both give him their best impish grins.
Lucas enters the apartment after a morning shift at Chubbies, but immediately slows his roll when he gets deeper in the entryway. Only this time, his apprehension isn’t caused by an imminent threat. It’s caused by bewilderment.
Lucas, blankly: What the hell…
The apartment is decorated. Like, honest to God homed for the holidays. A string of garland with lights is hung around the pathetic window. The surfaces have been cleared off and wiped clean; a festive pillow he’s never seen before is on the couch. Christmas knick-knacks he hasn’t seen since he was a toddler are arranged on the TV mantle and coffee table. It feels decidedly blasphemous to have the ceramic baby Jesus in the miniature manger scene that’s been sitting in a box for fifteen years suddenly staring at him in this apartment where there has never been any sign of God.
Grace startles him when she emerges from the bedroom, less because of her presence and more because he’s so thoroughly unsettled by the decor. She’s got her winter coat on.
Grace: I didn’t realize you’d be home so soon.
Lucas: I’m not. Exactly. I only -- [ distracted ] What is all this?
Kenneth, off-screen: Found it! I told you there was one more box --
Kenneth emerges from the bedroom as well, carrying the last of the holiday storage boxes. He gives Grace a grin and triumphantly drops it onto the couch.
Kenneth: Bet you anything that’s where the old Rudolph stand is. Though I doubt we’ll have much luck finding his eye.
Lucas stares at him, almost like he doesn’t recognize him. His dad doesn’t usually reserve such a chipper tone for them, let alone a festive grin. Not to mention it feels sort of psychotic, considering he just learned he’s going to die. Suppose bleak news can make people do crazy things, but he doesn’t think this is what conventional wisdom meant by that.
Kenneth just seems to notice Lucas is there, uncertainly returning his stare for a long moment before managing a thin smile. It feels markedly more forced towards him, but it’s not nothing. He points out the decor and asks what Lucas thinks, but doesn’t wait for his response as he points towards the manger scene.
Kenneth: You remember this set? Don’t think we’ve had it out since you were, what, six?
Lucas: … I remember it.
Kenneth: Pretty sure we stopped getting it out because Grace was terrified you were going to choke yourself to death on the little pieces. You’ve always had a thing for mischief.
He says it jokingly, like it’s supposed to be a fun little inside laugh they share as a family, but it falls flat considering they don’t share laughs -- and choking, death, and blame for mischief have never been light topics in their apartment.
Anyway. While Kenneth gets his coat, Grace informs Lucas that they’re just heading out to get a tree. He should come along. Considering Lucas is such an appreciator of nature, he’s likely just the expertise they need to pick one after so long without having one for the holidays. Kenneth does his best effort to good-naturedly agree, stating it could be a nice family activity.
Lucas seriously wonders if he’s gotten into a serious car accident and suffered brain damage. Or if he’s in one of those eerie Christmas dream sequences, where everything isn’t how it’s supposed to be. The way his parents are acting is objectively nice, pleasant, and good, but it just makes him feel woozy. He can’t fathom the idea of going Christmas tree shopping with them like they’re a normal, happy family and everything is dandy -- the universe might fold in on itself and collapse.
Thankfully, he has an excuse, though with his whiplash it comes out a bit stilted.
Lucas: I… I’ve already got. Plans. So. [ a beat ] Sorry.
He doesn’t let them question it, turning on his heel and heading back out of the apartment. He doesn’t even remember why he stopped by in the first place, but at this rate, he doesn’t care. Nothing is worth risking another second of falling down the rabbit hole.
Grace doesn’t seem surprised by Lucas’s aversion, letting him go. Kenneth doesn’t stop him either, but he is noticeably less pleased by the dismissal. His expression sours somewhat as he finishes pulling on his coat, watching where Lucas left.
Maya, Farkle, and Zay have settled at the Emerald City Lounge, a place they’re easily able to access with Farkle’s family membership. But they’re also becoming known entities of sorts on their own merit -- Zay still carries cred from his stint in West Side Story, and Maya is certainly a pop-culture name as of late with her breakout single. The hostess who brings by the checks for their drinks remarks as such, expressing that she absolutely loved “On My Grind (O.M.G.).”
Maya preens under the attention, acting humble and gracious about it but obviously loving the praise. Zay looks like he could gag, rolling his eyes down towards the table at her sweetheart act. Farkle does his best not to burst out laughing.
Once the check has been laid down, Maya conveniently excuses herself to the restroom, unceremoniously climbing over Zay as she scoots out of the center of the rounded booth.
Zay: Excuse you.
Maya: Um, I already did two seconds ago? You need to listen better, Zayby love.
She pats his cheek affectionately, which he swats away. Maya confirms that Farkle is going to handle the bill -- big surprise -- then flounces off, leaving Zay and Farkle alone. Zay glances at the bill.
Zay: So when you say you’ve got it, is that just covering little miss Viral Disease over here, or…
Farkle: No, I’ve got it. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure spending my money won’t break a sweat of guilt on your conscience.
Zay: Glad you still know me so well.
While Farkle lays down his card, Zay asks for the real talk since Maya is away. He’s been dying to know, cool as he plays it off. Is this all the real deal -- is she actually getting somewhere out there in L.A.?
Farkle: It seems like it, yeah. Not that I’m shocked, I mean, it’s Maya. The moment she showed up in my apartment, I figured it had to end this way. You know Maya, once she gets an idea in her head…
Zay: Annoying as fuck. But yes.
Farkle: But no, it all seems legit. “On My Grind” was some parts luck, but she delivered at the masquerade and got her producers all on her own. She’s not bullshitting about the single she keeps talking about either, it really is going to come out. Like, she’s getting an actual big label release, which isn’t something to sneeze at.
Sure isn’t. Zay nods, mildly impressed and only a wee bit envious. Irritating as she is, he knows Maya works her ass off. It’s only fitting she’d find a way to elbow her way to the front of line to stardom.
Farkle admits he doesn’t know as much as he probably should, given he’s so busy with stuff going on in his own life. Classes, rehearsals, and the like… not to mention all his recent social life developments. When Zay quirks an eyebrow, Farkle is more than a little keen to confide that he’s got a boyfriend.
Zay almost chokes on his drink.
Zay: What the fuck?
Farkle: Gee, thanks. Act more surprised, please, Zay. You could do better than that.
Zay: Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound -- [ coughing ] no, actually, I kind of did. What the fuck? I mean, good for you, man. But that was not something I had on my 2021 bingo card, I have to be real with you.
Honestly, this is about as nice a reaction as Farkle was likely to get from Zay. And he seems happy with it -- acknowledgement from someone he looks up to is good enough, and Zay’s blunt approach is refreshing. Something he kind of misses a lot, amidst the mind games and power plays of Hollywood.
Zay asks for more details, like how the hell this even happened, and Farkle is glad to share them. He explains the basics about Jordan, like his major in directing and interest in film. Then he starts to get into how they met…
Zay: Wait, so he’s a sophomore? Or is like, what, my age?
Farkle: Just turned twenty this month. But yes, sophomore. In the film school.
Zay: And he’s hanging out with a bunch of freshmen?
Farkle: He’s not hanging out with freshmen. We met because the sophomore directors and freshmen acting majors do a collaboration every year in this one class, and he became my mentor. He hand-picked me, actually, which was terrifying at first but has turned out much better than I expected. I mean, obviously, ha ha.
Right, right… for sure. Ha ha. Zay buys that explanation, but still, something about his initial reaction sticks with him. Like he can’t find any obvious reasons why he bristled like that, but he can’t shake the feeling of it.
Right now, it’s pushed from their minds as Maya returns to the table. She slides back into the booth cozy next to Zay, rubbing in the affection in a pointedly annoying way, which Zay tolerates with another side-eye. Farkle notes that they were discussing Jordan, which doesn’t seem to excite Maya, but he improves his odds by veering into how Jordan helped direct Maya’s music video.
No better topic to grease the wheels with Maya Hart -- herself.
Maya: He sure did. I mean, the creative vision was all me, but had to get it off the ground with just the shirt on my back somehow. Had to get my foot in the door with a roundhouse kick -- and did I mention I have another single coming out sometime this week?
Zay: What? No way. I had no idea. It’s not like you haven’t mentioned it… seven times already in the last two hours.
To be honest, that’s not bad for Maya.
Jade is in a pile of blankets on the floor, anxiously looking at her phone. She’s rereading the message from Pinhead Threads, still unanswered. The longer she ignores it, letting the opportunity wilt, the more it consumes her thoughts.
But she has to keep being normal about it, which she tries her best to do when Asher returns to her room. He’s dressed in cute pajamas (featuring a definitely Dylan-owned hoodie) and carrying a couple of caramel-hued muffins in his hands. He drops down onto the pile of blankets next to Jade.
Asher: I don’t know how I’ve survived this long without these. [ taking a bite ] Seriously, your dad makes the best pumpkin muffins. Maybe the best muffins ever actually. [ a beat ] Don’t tell Dylan I said that.
Jade manages a laugh, trying for nonchalant, but Asher zeroes in on her unusual hesitation almost immediately. He gives her an apprehensive look, asking what’s wrong.
Jade: What? Nothing.
Asher: Uh-huh. Something’s wrong. You’ve got that shine in your eyes.
Jade: Um --
Asher: And the fact that you’re hedging rather than just telling me whatever it is confirms that it’s serious. Because if it was just an annoyance, rather than a serious problem, you’d just come right out with it.
Jade: My God, you’re like an anxiety bloodhound. What’s wrong with you?
Asher: You already know the answer to that question. And am I wrong?
Asher stares her down, undeniable with his big, wide Bird Bones eyes. Is he wrong… Jade sighs, relenting. But the satisfaction of being right is basically non-existent.
Jade: Okay, okay. Fine. There’s… I haven’t told anyone about this, okay. I don’t know how to talk about it. Or if I even should.
Asher: Okay…
Jade: It’s not that it’s like a bad thing, necessarily. It’s just unexpected, and like… [ nervously ] whatever I do about it, it’s going to change absolutely everything in my life and affect a bunch of other people and I have no idea what to do about it. Like this would be a major, major life change.
The vagueness does not help assuage the anxiety bloodhound. Asher grows faint with dread.
Asher: Oh, no. Don’t tell me.
Jade: … you just asked --
Asher: You’re pregnant. Oh God, you’re pregnant, aren’t you?
Jade makes a face, definitely not expecting that. Least of all earnestly. She shakes her head, smacking him on the arm.
Jade: What? No!
Asher: Don’t lie to me. You’re not lying to me, are you? Promise me you’re not.
Jade: I’m not pregnant! Why the hell would that be it?
Asher: I don’t know! Why wouldn’t it be? This is something you heterosexuals have to deal with, okay, and not enough people are worrying about it seriously so I guess my brain has decided I have to. I have this deep, deep fear of the day one of my straight friends confides in me that secret which no one ever wants to have to hear when it’s unplanned and I was decidedly not ready to hear it now.
Jade: Well, relax! Because you aren’t!
Asher: [ on an anxious roll ] I’ve had this recurring nightmare for the last couple years where one of my best friends tells me they’re pregnant, and at this rate, that’s really only you or Riley considering Isa is single and not sexually active. And maybe it’s sick to say so, but in all honesty, I’d be relieved if it were you rather than Riley, because I think you and Nigel would have way better luck handling it given your stable familial support systems and that Lucas is. Well. Lucas. But usually in the dream I get roped into it and then things inevitably go south and I end up having to drop out of school to raise this baby I never planned to have nor was a contributor in creating and for some bizarre reason whenever I have this dream Dylan is never there to help which seems like a purposefully cruel detail my brain likes to add to the terror considering if all this did happen in real life, you know Dylan would take that baby under his wing like a freakish, adorable neon-colored mama hen. But no, in my dream I always have to take care of the whole thing myself and it wasn’t my fault so I don’t see why I have to shoulder all the responsibility! I’m not ready for that responsibility, Jade.
Jade: Okay, with love, you desperately need to be on medication.
Maybe so. Once Asher has come down from that temporary unnecessary panic, Jade redirects to the actual secret at hand. She cautiously begins to explain the message she got from this other company, and that they’re interested in recruiting her for their team. And she shouldn’t have looked into it, since she’s already engaged, but she did and they seem so cool. Not to mention after what happened with Anya during Thanksgiving, and all the other little red flags she’s been glossing over, it seems more appealing to consider jumping ship than ever…
Asher: That sounds amazing.
Jade: Maybe. But --
Asher: And you know I told you back in November that it’s not cool for Anya to have treated you that way. Or that stuff she said about your coworkers. It’s great that she gave you all these opportunities, but that’s not an excuse for the shady behavior. I’m sure if Nate were here, he’d also point out they can’t value you that much if they’re not paying you for all your services. Unpaid overtime definitely falls in that category. No matter what industry.
Jade: I know. I know.
Asher: So maybe this is the out you need. What’s the harm in at least taking an interview, to see what it’s like? What they’re like? Maybe they won’t hire you, and then it’s whatever, but you could at least investigate. Can I see the Instagram page?
Jade: Okay, but it’s not that simple. It’s not as easy as just boom, switch and done.
Asher: Why not? What’s the problem?
Jade: The job is in Los Angeles.
Oh. Yeah, that’s a pretty important detail. Asher processes that, Jade nodding like exactly. To her point, it would be a big change…
Asher: It’s not like it can’t be done. Look at Farkle, and Yindra. Or, God forbid I invoke the devil, Maya.
Jade: I know.
Asher: And you know your family would support you. If it’s going to be a better fit overall, give you more opportunities, and not be a total mental health drain like AK has been --
Jade: I know. Maybe. But --
Asher: But what? What’s holding you back?
Jade pauses, not sure she wants to say it when Asher laying it all out makes it seem so silly. But she powers through anyway, albeit timidly.
Jade: I haven’t told Nigel.
Asher blinks. Is she serious? Jade carries on defensively.
Jade: Don’t look at me like that. You of all people don’t get to look at me like that.
Asher: What’s that supposed to mean?
Jade: You, who had a mental breakdown last year and nearly ruined your relationship because you were terrified of choosing between your career and Dylan Orlando. You don’t get to look at me like I’m crazy for thinking about my boyfriend in the face of a big decision like this.
Asher: … touché.
Jade: But Dylan would’ve let you go wherever you needed to go. You would’ve, too. I think you knew that. And the thing is, I think Nigel would want that for me, too. I don’t think he’d tell me not to do it.
Asher: So then why not tell him?
Jade: It’s just… things have been so weird. This year. Everything already feels so fragile, and I already almost fucked us up over a job once. We finally have things back in working order after a hell semester, and I don’t want to just blow it all up again over something that might not even work out or be a terrible mistake. I don’t want to leap and end up losing everything.
Fair point. A reasonable anxiety for anyone to have, and Asher can empathize, given he’s the king of anxiety. He’s not going to argue with her that her perspective and hesitation doesn’t make sense, because it does. He can see where she’s coming from, and in her position, he might do the same.
And yet…
Asher: But you won’t know if it’s nothing if you never try at all. To take a page out of the book of Dylan Orlando, sure, maybe it won’t work out… but what if it does? What if it’s exactly what you’re supposed to do next?
If she keeps quiet, does no interview, does nothing, then she’s guaranteed at least one return -- she’ll never know. She has to decide if she can live with that question or not. Right now, based on her expression, she doesn’t seem convinced.
The Friars aren’t the only ones Christmas tree shopping that afternoon. Even though it’s late in the season, there are still plenty of firs to peruse, and New Yorkers appear to be upholding the tradition.
One of them is Isa, who is leading the charge with Riley trailing behind as they search for the perfect tree for their apartment. It’s something they’re both clearly excited about, a true touch of owning the space in a way. And it’s an apt callback to holidays past, Isa’s hyper-specific rant about what qualities they’ll want in the tree a dead ringer for the same sort of spiel they went on three years ago when they first went on this shopping trip with Riley. This time, they’re even more determined, considering this is one of the only apartment decorating events they can participate in around their schedule of helping with the film shoot.
Riley: Any tree will be fine, Isa. What matters is that we pick it together.
Isa: That’s nice and everything, but you’re wrong. There is a perfect tree to be picked here, and mark my words, I’m finding it.
Riley smiles, amused. She doesn’t hold Isa back as they march off on their mission. Instead, she slows her roll, scanning the rows of trees to search for their other party member who characteristically seems to have lagged much further behind. Just like before, Lucas is bringing up the rear, hands stuffed in his pockets and keeping to himself.
It really is impressive how even when it feels like everything is changing, so much can stay the same.
Some changes, though, are inarguably for the better. This time, three years later, there’s no hesitation when Riley addresses Lucas, helping close the distance between them by heading in his direction as he’s meandering towards her. She gives him a fond smile.
Riley: Getting a good look at our potential winners, tree expert?
Lucas rolls his eyes, but a small smile graces his lips. Riley beams brighter, falling into step beside him. She waits a moment before nudging on why he’s trailing so far behind -- he seems a bit quieter than usual.
Riley: If you didn’t want to come this afternoon, that would’ve been okay. I mean, I’m glad you’re here, and I think Isa is all about the parallelism of the thing, but --
Lucas: No. No, I’m good. I’m glad you guys invited me and stuff. It’s not that.
Riley tilts her head, inviting elaboration. After a moment, Lucas obliges, albeit uneasily.
Lucas: My parents invited me to do the same thing. Go tree shopping.
Riley raises her eyebrows. Unexpected, definitely, but maybe not a bad thing? She asks how he felt about that, and why he thinks he said no. Lucas isn’t sure -- he’s rarely sure of why he does anything -- but it just felt… weird. Almost like, wrong.
Lucas: I don’t know. It’s like, I guess I should be… glad, or something. That they’re trying to do all this now. Or at least I should be complacent, like okay, he’s dying, it’s the least I could do. To go along with it all. But I just feel…
Nothing. Or if not nothing, aversion, which decidedly isn’t complicit. Grace seems to be doing it all so well, adjusting to the ups and downs and finding the balance of how to handle the changes. He doesn’t get why he can’t do the same. It feels like another thing he can’t do right in the realm of his father -- even when he’s dying, he can’t react right.
Riley frowns, sympathetic. She moves closer and links her arm through his, hugging him affectionately.
Riley: It’s okay to be confused about it all. To have mixed feelings. Having a sick family member is heavy regardless, but the way things are with your dad historically is bound to make all of it even more complicated.
Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
Still, it leaves him with a cold feeling that has nothing to do with the weather. Riley empathizes about tricky family situations too, especially this time of year. She’s got her own mixed feelings about her upcoming family obligations. It’ll be nice to see her extended folks, since she hasn’t seen them in a bit, but with the drama that’s almost guaranteed to bubble up…
Riley: So you can let that make you feel a bit better. If you’re a fucked up, ungrateful leaf on the family tree, then you’re not alone.
Lucas: Wow. Cheerful. I see why you have such an optimistic reputation.
Riley gives him a look, scrunching her nose playfully. Then she reaches up and gently brushes at his eyelashes, and this time, he doesn’t back away. He closes his eyes on instinct but lets her touch him.
Riley, matter-of-factly: You’ve got snow.
Indeed. Once she’s done lovingly dusting him off, Riley goes on to comment that she wishes they could just skip ahead to the Secret Snowflake party. God knows she’s going to have much more fun with all their friends than she will at her family gathering.
Charlie makes his way into the diner, eagerly scanning the booths for any familiar faces he hasn’t gotten to see yet. No such luck this time around, but he doesn’t give up yet, approaching the counter and asking the employee working a more specific query.
Charlie: Is Lucas Friar around?
Nope. Just missed him -- he was working the morning shift. Charlie takes that disappointment in stride, thanking the worker anyway. Lucas is elusive as it is; reuniting with him wasn’t going to be a cake walk.
Charlie: If you see him, can you let him know Charlie stopped by? Thanks so much.
Although he’s at a loss for friendly faces to recognize, someone else has recognized him. As the camera pans a bit to the right, it’s revealed that one of our usual crew is in fact at the diner -- just not one that Charlie would know.
Vanessa is seated at one of the counter seats, and it seems Charlie’s conversation with the employee caught her attention. Now she’s staring at him, mentally putting the name to the face, remembering him from all the times she’s seen him on Zay’s social media and heard stories about him in the last few weeks. Even though they’ve only been friendly for a short time, Vanessa already knows plenty about Zay and Charlie -- exes kind of comes with the territory, especially when those exes are still friends.
Now here he is, in the flesh, back in New York and standing right in front of her like some storybook character come to life. He hasn’t noticed her, busy looking at his phone and trying to decide if he should bother texting Lucas, but she can’t seem to look away from him. She debates saying something, then feels like an insane person for even thinking such a thing. He doesn’t know her. It would be so weird. Why does she feel the need to do so anyway? Most people would steer one-hundred miles clear of their boyfriend’s ex-partner like their life depended on it.
And yet, like some curse is cast on her, she opens her mouth.
Vanessa, uncertainly: … Charlie Gardner?
Charlie immediately straightens up, scanning the diner for the source of address and landing on Vanessa. He offers a smile, by natural charm and instinctual politeness, but his uncertainty mirrors hers.
Charlie: That’s me. Hi. [ a beat ] I’m sorry. It may be because I’ve been out of town for a minute, but do I -- ?
Vanessa: No. No, no, don’t worry. Sorry, I’m being so… no. No, you don’t know me. [ a beat ] I mean, we’ve met before, technically, but not directly and not for any reason you’d remember. Nor want to remember.
God, what is she saying? Charlie nods along, still smiling pleasantly, while Vanessa scrambles for an excuse that makes more logical sense.
Vanessa: I just recognized the name. I go to school with Zay. At Turner.
There it is. His name was all it took -- Charlie’s apprehension immediately melts away, replaced with a fond familiarity. Like if she knows Zay, then that explains everything.
Charlie: Oh, cool.
Vanessa: Yeah. He’s talked a lot about you, so.
Charlie: [ with a bashful smile and laugh ] Good things, I hope.
Ha ha. Vanessa assures him nothing bad. Charlie’s smile brightens, and the flush in his cheeks is no longer because of the winter chill from when he walked in.
Charlie: But yeah, cool. It’s cool you know Zay. [ fondly ] He’s the best.
Indeed… anyway, any friend of Zay’s is a friend of his, so she shouldn’t feel weird having introduced herself so randomly. It’s not as if he hasn’t done embarrassing things in public basically every conversation of his life. Though speaking of introductions…
Charlie: I don’t think I caught your name though. Did you mention it?
Vanessa: Oh, no. Sorry. I’m Vanessa.
Charlie offers his hand, and she shakes it.
Charlie: Nice. I’m Charlie. But you already knew that.
Maybe they’ll see each other around more often, now that Charlie is back in the city. In fact, they will for certain, as Vanessa mentions she’s been invited to Riley’s little holiday gathering. Charlie welcomes that news, stating that he’ll see her there then. Should be a great night.
But there’s miles to go before they get some holiday cheer, including those last lingering final exams. Riley and Nigel have hunkered down in a corner of the library to study for their musical theater class final, memorizing monologues and content from musical history textbooks.
It’s dull work, though, so it opens the door for conversation when they need a break. Riley asks Nigel how he’s feeling about the final in their musical theater class, which he shrugs at. He doesn’t think it’ll be too difficult, but to be honest, he kind of feels like the whole semester was a blur.
Nigel: I feel that way about a lot of it honestly, which I don’t think is how the first semester is supposed to feel. I especially blew it with my playwriting class. There were so many assignments and lectures in there that were right up my alley, but… I don’t know. It’s like I was on another planet sometimes.
Riley: Maybe it was the professor?
Nigel shakes his head. He knows it had nothing to do with the class itself, and everything to do with him. This year has been a clusterfuck, and it’s all because he couldn’t figure it out. He doesn’t get into all of that, though, not wanting to burden Riley with it -- or potentially step on the topics of his less than decent behavior regarding her.
Nigel: Either way, I don’t think I aced the first semester. It hasn’t been exactly like I hoped.
Riley: I get that. Honestly, I feel the same way, sometimes.
That catches Nigel by surprise. Is she serious? As far as he could tell, she’s been having an amazing semester. With her enthusiasm in class, and making all these new friends, not to mention her convention-breaking star turn in a musical… she nods along.
Riley: Absolutely, there’s been some high points. I don’t want to discredit that or seem ungrateful. I’m really enjoying the musical, and I know how lucky I am to have been given that opportunity. I’ve loved getting to know our new classmates, and you know I’d put enthusiasm into any class if I liked the content enough.
Nigel: Good point.
Riley: But… I don’t know. Like you said, it just hasn’t been like I imagined. Part of that is on me, you know, getting so tied up in everyone else’s problems like I do. But that’s not all of it. Like, I enjoy the course work, and I am having fun with the musical. But it’s a time suck. I haven’t gotten to devote nearly as much time to Jack’s campaign as I would like. And there’s some classes I’m pretty intrigued by in the course catalogue -- there’s this one on the intersection of gender and power that sounds so interesting, not to mention another on social advocacy in our local communities -- but due to the prescriptive nature of our major in Tisch I don’t have any room in my schedule for them. Not until at least like junior year.
So are things bad, no. Are they everything she dreamed? Not quite. Turns out she’s got her own questioning and uncertainties going on, no matter how put together and cheery she comes off on the outside compared to Nigel’s confusion and inner turmoil. He might have known that sooner, too, had he taken the time to talk to her about it.
Before he can comment, they’re interrupted by IMOGEN LEE, who stops by their table to greet them with interest as authentic as a knock-off Vera Bradley bag. She tells Riley she hopes she’ll have enough time to study for the finals in between all her busybodying and rehearsing for the musical, a sentiment that is slick with faux sympathy.
Riley: I’m doing great, thanks. Good luck to you, too.
Imogen: Thanks. Always nice to have such nice classmates you know you can count on.
She casts a pointed look to Nigel, almost challenging him to make a comment. He doesn’t -- he’s frozen in place, doing his best not to look terrified at the prospect that Imogen, now no longer on his side, might ruin everything and tell Riley half of the shit he humored when she wasn’t around. Stuff he regrets, that he wishes would stay dead and buried.
The threat of it is juicy enough. Imogen tells them to have a nice break and saunters off, leaving an uncomfortable and odd friction in her wake. Riley doesn’t understand why, but she can sense it just as much as Nigel can. She tries to break the tension, giving Nigel a funny look and shrugging off the exchange.
Riley: That was weird. She’s always been kind of… I don’t know. She rubs me the wrong way. Sorry, I know you’re friends --
Nigel: No. No, we’re not. [ glancing after her ] That’s not the kind of person I want to associate with.
Nigel clearly means it. Riley doesn’t question him, letting the moment pass and turning back to her textbook.
Isa is running back and forth from commitment to commitment this week, the film shoot taking much more time than they expected. They’re just heading out from their therapy appointment, rushing off to the next thing, when in their distraction they literally run into someone on the street corner.
Isa: Shit, sorry --
The person stabilizes them, then offers a smile when they recognize each other.
It’s Farkle. Because somehow, of course it is. In a city of millions, they’d find a way of running right into the person they don’t know how to handle seeing.
Farkle: We’ve got to stop meeting like this.
Isa manages a laugh, straightening up. Thing is, as awkward as they can’t seem to avoid being, it is nice to see him. As the shock wears off, the old feelings come creeping back, most prominently a warm familiarity. They did miss him, as much as their nerves about it all push them in the opposite direction.
The warmth is cooled when Isa discovers that they’re not alone. Farkle is out with Maya, who hangs back to give them a bit of space but obviously isn’t sure how to handle the run-in either. Her shared estrangement with Isa calcifies any potential levity there could’ve been in the happenstance reunion, even as Farkle extends an invitation for Isa to join them.
Farkle: We were just about to hit up Chubbies, if you wanted to tag along?
Maya eyes them curiously, gauging their response. Are they going to take the bait, to brave more time with her and maybe break their ice? But no, Isa has a convenient excuse to decline, as they’re already running off to other plans.
Isa: I’m going shopping with a friend from school. You know, trying to get it all done before things get too hectic.
Ah. Alas. Farkle does his best to hide his disappointment.
Farkle: No worries. Uh, well, we should still find some time to get together. Soon. Do that catching up we’re long overdue for, ha ha.
Isa: Right. Um -- I’ll see. What my calendar looks like.
It’s a genuine response, considering their schedule is suddenly so busy, but they don’t realize how aloof it comes off. Can they manage to squeeze insignificant little Farkle into their oh so popular life? Who knows… Farkle swallows the nonanswer reluctantly, but still tries his best to stay upbeat.
Farkle: Cool. Well… see you later then. Hopefully.
Isa manages a smile, nodding and passing him by. They silently curse to themselves as they keep walking, stuffing their hands in the pockets. How do they keep managing to screw this up so badly?
Asher, pre-lap: No, no, no. You’re doing it all wrong.
Christmas cheer is in full swing at the apartment, Dylan and Asher over to help Riley and Lucas decorate the apartment. Given it’s Riley and Dylan, the decor is fun and more than festive. That doesn’t mean Lucas knows what to do with it, though -- he’s being chastised by Asher as he attempts to hang garland on the top of the wall above the bay window.
Asher: It looks like you’ve got a dead snake hanging up there. It needs to look tidy. You want to alternate the cinches so they’re equal in length. 
Lucas: No, that’s your assumption. You know what I want to do?
Lucas hops down from the step stool, walking over and dropping the rest of the garland on Asher’s head. He huffs and tears it off himself, using it to swat at Lucas indignantly. Dylan tuts at them from over by the tree where he’s putting on lights with Riley.
Dylan: Spaghetti, meatball, play nice. It’s Christmas. 
Asher: It’s the week before Christmas.
Dylan: Christmas is a month-long state of affairs. Behave. Don’t make me put you in the refrigerator.
Lucas, bewildered: What does that even mean? Like we’re leftovers?
Dylan: That’s besides the point. Just know that I mean it!
Riley laughs, shaking her head. She separates Lucas and Asher for now, asking the latter to come help her unbox ornaments since that’s a job that requires a careful touch. Dylan remarks that it’s a bummer Isa couldn’t help them decorate, since they’re so busy with the film shoot. It’s a great opportunity, and everything, but it feels weird without them getting to participate.
Riley agrees, especially since it’s her plans that are complicating everything. If she didn’t need to be in Philly for a couple days, they would’ve had more time to do it before the weekend. But she’s glad Isa was okay with them doing it now, because she wants to start the tradition right. She’s also grateful Dylan and Asher were able to be there with them for the occasion.
Dylan: Like we’d ever miss it! As the arbiters of holiday cheer! 
Asher: Can we declare ourselves the arbiters of something?
Dylan: I just did, so yes. We saved Christmas, Ash, it’s our domain now.
Lucas definitely prefers being here with their cheer versus the new, shiny version being put on display in his apartment. He checks his phone and clicks into the family group text they have, the one that’s rarely used and typically only for updates about where Kenneth is or isn’t. Now, it’s suddenly active, Kenneth sending a couple of photos of the finished tree decorated in their living room that Grace gives a thumbs up reaction to.
Weird. It’s just too weird. It makes him feel dissociated, like this isn’t even reality. He hopes they aren’t expecting him to respond, because he wouldn’t even know how. Even the bare minimum reaction of a thumbs up feels so hollow.
Right now, he just wants to forget it. He’s here in his space, with his girlfriend and best friends, and he’d much rather enjoy that -- even with their brand of silliness. At least it’s familiar. At least it makes sense.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late)” as performed by Alvin & The Chipmunks || Performed by Dylan Orlando, Riley Matthews, and Asher Garcia (feat. Lucas James Friar)
[ Lyrics specific to characters -- follow along here! ]
Speaking of, it’s time for holiday silliness! Lucas takes on the role of Dave Seville as the ringleader of this band of peppy chipmunks, cueing them up as he turns away from his phone and back into the comfort of their tomfoolery. Thankfully, there’s no voice modulating or squeaking going on in this rendition -- it’s a fun, playful number mostly played straight (or played gay, as Dylan would likely correct).
It’s especially fitting for this group, considering Lucas often feels like when Dylan and Riley get going and talk in their very fast, enthusiastic voices, they sound more like Animal Crossing villagers than human beings. Asher takes the Simon part, Riley the Theodore, naturally leaving Dylan as the mischievous and charismatic leader constantly messing with Lucas.
Overall, it’s a cute little rendition, the three of them singing the famous tune while the group of them continue to decorate the apartment. Lucas helps Riley onto the stepladder to hold her waist while she puts the star on the top of the tree; Dylan and Asher arrange all the little knick-knacks and doo-dads along the window sills. On the line “me, I want a hula hoop,” Dylan rotates his hips to spin an invisible hoop, though it’s naturally flirtatious because he can’t help himself.
During the instrumental break, the decorating continues, Lucas and Asher working together to put the final ornaments on the tree while Dylan and Riley ballroom dance around the living room to the music. As it comes back around to prepare for the final chorus, Lucas addresses each of them.
Lucas: That was very good, Asher.
Asher: [ with a little shrug ] Naturally.
Lucas: Very good, Riley.
She giggles, reaching forward to playfully pinch his ribs before scampering after Asher. Lucas turns his attention to Dylan, who is pretending not to be listening and playing hard to get over by the kitchen island.
Lucas: Uh, Dylan, you were a little flat. Watch it, Dylan. [ when he doesn’t answer ] Dylan…
Dylan glances over his shoulder at him, bashing his eyelashes innocently. Who, me? Lucas huffs.
Lucas: Dylan!
Dylan: OKAY!
Dylan leaps away from the counter and comes back to join them, planting a quick affectionate kiss on Lucas’s cheek along the way. Lucas blinks, not sure how to process that, but we hardly wait for him to catch up. Our trio of singers is barreling through to the end, enthusiastically singing through the remainder of the song. Asher and Dylan each twirl Riley under the arms, before Dylan repeats his silly hula-hoop line again.
Lucas simply watches them, fond and amused, as the number draws to a close. See, this is what authentic holiday cheer is all about!
Lucas: Very good, y’all.
Riley: Let’s sing it again!
Asher: Yeah, let’s sing it again.
Lucas, with dread: No, that’s enough, let’s not overdo it…
Riley: What do you mean overdo it?
Dylan, threateningly: We want to sing it again.
Should’ve never unlocked the beast, Lucas! Now he’s done it, and he won’t win the battle against the chipmunks that easily. He tries to discourage them but it’s no use, particularly when it’s too fun picking on him and they outnumber him three to one. Riley tackles him with a hug and it’s not long before Asher gloms on too, all of them crashing onto a heap on the couch while Lucas frantically tries to get them to have mercy. Dylan tops off the pile, plopping onto Lucas’s lap and grinning triumphantly.
Dylan: Come on, we’re gonna sing this thing again!
Isa is out in the shopping district with MOLLY SINGH, perusing their list and managing to get a decent amount of stuff. Molly remarks she’s glad she doesn’t have to fit a bunch of gifts into her suitcase to go home for the break, considering her family doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
Isa: Sorry I dragged you along. You totally didn’t have to come.
Molly: No, it’s been fun! Good to hang out before the break anyway. It seems like we’re making good progress, too. Who’s left?
Isa looks to their list, then cringes slightly. Farkle is the main person left on their list, and with good reason. They cannot seem to come up with the right thing to get him.
Molly: I thought he was your best friend? Is he particularly hard to shop for?
Isa: No, no he isn’t. It’s not his fault. I’m… it’s just complicated. It’s been kind of a weird semester for us, and I don’t want to pick the wrong thing.
Molly: Do you have any ideas?
In fact, they actually do. There’s one item they’ve been watching online that they think would be perfect, as it has personal meaning between the two of them and they know that Farkle would appreciate it. They do know him well, after all.
Molly: That sounds awesome. So what’s the issue?
Isa: I don’t know. I guess my brain is like… would that be too… like, too much? Since stuff has been so weird. I don’t wanna come on too strong or seem like I’m overcompensating because I’m a shitty friend every other day of the year.
Molly: I’m sure that’s not true, and I doubt he’d think that. If something feels right in your gut, like the perfect gift, you should go for it. Better to do it now and have it go wrong than never do it and always wonder if you should’ve.
Fair point. Isa contemplates… they’ll have to consider it more deeply, especially since it won’t be cheap. Weird to have the disposable income to even think about something like this… thanks Valerie, one supposes.
Anyway, Isa has barely had time to deeply think about it, since they’ve been so busy. With Chelsea’s film shoot eating up all their free time, they haven’t had a ton of time to enjoy the holiday vibes.
Isa: It’s a super good learning experience, though, I’m picking up a ton of firsthand knowledge. You should totally come, why didn’t you decide to work on the shoot?
Molly: … what shoot?
Oh. Oop. Isa frowns, surprised that Molly didn’t know about it. As far as they were aware, Chelsea was inviting all of her students to help, but that obviously isn’t the case. Isa clears their throat, brushing off the question and claiming it’s nothing. They quickly change the topic and ask Molly what her family will do during break instead.
Holiday decorating has progressed well, much of the apartment appropriately festive. There’s still work to be done, though, Dylan and Riley chattering by the kitchen where they’re hanging stockings for all five of them on the island counter. In the background, Asher is making careful work of perfecting the ratio of ornaments on the tree.
Riley tosses a quick request over her shoulder to Lucas, who is finishing up gathering the trash from all the unwrapping of Christmas decorations they did.
Riley: Can you clear the bay window table please? I’m thinking we can set up the holiday card station there.
Asher: Are you seriously going to write hand-written cards to everyone that’s coming? When you’re already doing all the work to plan the whole thing?
Lucas: Remember who you’re talking to.
Riley: It’s the love and principle of the thing.
Dylan: Damn right it is! [ propping an elbow on Riley’s shoulder ] And you better get your beautiful little bird-boned wrist ready, love, because you’ll be calligraphy-ing the greetings on the front.
Oh, joy… Asher looks thrilled about that assignment. Lucas smiles to himself as they continue to go back and forth behind him, turning his attention to the card table. He starts to clear the clutter, hesitating for a second on Riley and Isa’s ongoing game of Scrabble. It’s been sitting there for months -- he isn’t sure if he should move it or not.
But Riley told him to clear the table, and it can’t matter that much. It’s just a game. So he gathers the board and the pieces and slides them all back into the box, shutting the lid and officially ending the tradition without fanfare.
Farkle is on the phone with JORDAN NELSON, catching up with him about the week or so since he left. There’s not much to report, honestly, but Farkle can assure him that his mother has asked plenty of eager questions about him and is dying to meet him.
Jordan: Well, I’m honored. Hopefully I can live up to the mystery.
Farkle: I wouldn’t be worried about that. I think my mom is so excited that there’s actually a romantic partner in my life, you could be just about anything and she would find a way to spin it.
Jordan asks how it’s been seeing everyone from home. No one giving him any trouble, are they? Farkle says it’s been great, and that he didn’t realize how much he missed everyone. He’s been busy, of course, but it’s been really wonderful seeing his friends.
Jordan: Not better than me, I hope. Don’t want you deciding you never want to come back.
Farkle: No, no. Definitely not in my plans. It’s just nice. To be with the people who know you, you know? [ a beat ] Anyway, they’d like you. Maya already does, and she’s about as stingy as my friends get so.
Jordan: High praise. But I’d like to meet them sometime too. Need to actually meet all these characters you’re always talking about. I hope they’re appreciating you being there as much as I would if you were here.
Well… Farkle does pause on that point, thinking about one friend in particular. Jordan senses his hesitation, jumping on it and probing further. Is everything not all peachy in paradise? Could New York have flaws? Farkle laughs awkwardly and tries to wave him off.
Jordan: Minkus, I’m your boyfriend. I’m on your side. If something’s up, I’d want to know about it. That’s what we’re supposed to do for each other.
Okay, fair point. With that in mind, Farkle sighs and tentatively tries to explain the weirdness with Isa. It’s not that things are bad, or that anyone is doing anything wrong. It just feels like for how great they left things before the summer, the best of friends, it’s unbelievably stilted and awkward now. Which Farkle doesn’t understand, because it’s not like anything has changed aside from his location. He still thinks of Isa as his best friend, same as always.
Farkle: I guess I just thought they’d be more excited to see me. Like, more eager to hang out and stuff. That it wouldn’t feel so… wah.
But suppose that’s just growing up and growing apart. No harm, no foul?
In Jordan’s opinion, actually, it is a foul. A big one. He goes hard to take Farkle’s side, which equates to essentially tearing down Isa. Clearly, Isa doesn’t appreciate Farkle for all of his interesting qualities and talents, and their constant ignoring and dismissing is just disrespectful. It’s a wonder whether they ever actually considered him that deep a friend at all.
Farkle: No, I don’t think it’s like that.
Jordan: Well, you wouldn’t. It’s hard to see that in someone you consider a best friend. You’re not an objective party.
Farkle: Yeah, you’re right. I’m just saying that -- this is just part of Isa’s thing. They’ve never been the best at communicating. Like, with anyone. Ever. And I’m not saying that’s an excuse --
Jordan: Kind of sounds like an excuse.
Farkle: It’s not. I’m not trying to make excuses. I’m just saying that… like…
At this point, he doesn’t know what he’s saying. Jordan is making him doubt himself, like maybe he does have it all turned around and isn’t seeing things clearly.
Jordan: Look, I’m sorry. I know that’s not something you want to hear about someone you care about. And you could be right -- you know this person much better than I do. Or at least more. I’m just telling you what I hear, and trying to show you that I’m on your side. You deserve people who make you feel as amazing as you are. If they don’t look at you and see a muse, like I do, then I don’t think they deserve your time. That’s just me, though.
It’s certainly a lot to think about… anyway, Jordan has a film screening to attend, so he’ll let him go. He misses him though, a lot, and unlike Isa, he’s going to make sure he knows it. Farkle manages a smile, thanking him and returning the sentiment.
Once they hang up, Farkle ruminates on their conversation. Has he been giving Isa too much allowance, even when he knows how crucial that grace can be? Is he reading them all wrong, and in fact, they actually just don’t give a shit about him?
He glances at the photos still arranged on his bookshelves, the ones he opted not to take with him to school so he’d still have some pieces of home here. Isa is featured in a good handful of them, including a cute one that appears to have been taken last winter around this time. Maya is in it too, but his focus is on the two of them. So comfortable with one another, Isa closer to him than they usually are with anyone else, even resting their chin on his shoulder. That sure doesn’t look like not giving a shit. But what does he know?
And besides, as all of them can’t seem to escape the truth of, things change.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Last Christmas” as performed by WHAM! || Performed by Farkle Minkus
Farkle launches into the iconic 80’s Christmas hit, delivering yet another cultural classic with just the right amount of emotion and the perfect dose of flair. He starts in his room, serenading the old photo, until he just can’t look at it anymore. He gets to his feet.
The performance is a great excuse to get in more of the pretty, glittering city during the holiday season, even more dazzling at night with the lights. Steam escapes Farkle’s lips from the bitter cold as he vocalizes the first verse. While he walks along, to play into the kitsch and vibes of the 80’s, he seems to be haunted by memories. In any place there’s reflective surfaces -- frozen ice, frosted shop windows -- he catches glimpses of moments between him and Isa superimposed over his reflection. Bits and pieces of scenes we’ve seen before, the flickers of romantic tension between them in the last couple of years.
Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying “I love you,” I meant it
The lyrics are especially apt, and remarkably vulnerable for someone who has been doing a good job of holding his cards close to the vest this season. He’s moved on, accepted the way things are, is happy to just have Isa as a friend. He’s got a boyfriend he’s crazy about; he’s doing fine.
But he may not even have Isa as a friend at this point it seems. And it seems that in that potential loss, some of those buried feelings are rising to the surface with a vengeance.
Now I know what a fool I’ve been But if you kissed me now, I know you’d fool me again
Farkle progresses through the streets until he ends up at Chubbies, peering in through the glass of the windows. This time, the apparition he sees isn’t of the past, but the future, as we pass through the glass…
He rolls into the second verse as he walks through an imagined version of the upcoming holiday party (“a crowded room and friends with tired eyes”), the imagery hazy and friends cast in shadows. Only two figures are clearly visible in the low lighting -- him, and Isa, all the way across the room. Talking to other party guests, laughing as if they’re on top of the world.
Not paying him any attention, like he’s not even there.
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
Farkle flees the imaginary party, pushing through the diner doors.
Farkle belts out the rest of the second verse, traversing the sludgy streets. He arrives outside Adams, looking up at the familiar structure. The place that used to be reliable -- the place he and Isa used to share.
He frowns, turning away from it.
Now I’ve found a real love You’ll never fool me again!
As he marches away from the school --
He rounds out the number by arriving outside a different diner -- the same one Isa and Farkle hid away at during prom in junior year. Whereas that evening they were together, dancing to their own made-up soundtrack and having a lovely night, now Farkle is alone. He’s dancing solo this time (more like spinning on the icy asphalt, but semantics), insisting to himself more than anyone else that he no longer needs Isa. He’s got someone special, someone who actually values his heart and his company. Now, he’s doing his own thing.
If they’re going to so unceremoniously dump him, then he’ll be fine without them.
The next morning, Zay, Nigel, and Yindra are having brunch before they embark on Christmas shopping. Specifically not related to the gift exchange, but everyone else on their list, considering they run the risk of revealing they have each other.
At least, that’s how Zay and Nigel are playing it. They’re playing hard to get with one another, being vague and mysterious about who they pulled for the exchange just for the sake of messing with each other.
Zay: So are we decidedly not showing our cards this year? Because that’s what your silence is telling me.
Nigel: You know I’m always the last one to reveal stuff like this. Not all of us have the impatience of a toddler who needs instant gratification at all times.
Zay: Now hold on --
Yindra: [ holding up a finger ] Okay, rude. Don’t send strays my way when you’re aiming for Zay.
Nigel: If the shoe fits…
Zay: If you’re refusing to tell me then what that tells me is that you have me.
Nigel: Do I?
Zay: If you didn’t, you would tell me who you got.
Nigel: Would I?
Zay: Are you playing mind games Nigel Chey… is the call coming from inside the house…
Nigel: Don’t think that’s what that phrase means, but I get what you mean.
Zay: So are you?
Nigel: Am I?
Zay: I’m gonna fucking kill you.
Nigel shrugs, taking a cheeky sip of his coffee. Yindra rolls her eyes.
Yindra: Y’all are both so dumb. I’ve already told both of you who I have and you’ve been no help -- which is saying something considering one of you should be very good at helping me with my person.
Nigel: If I gave you all the answers, it wouldn’t be a thoughtful gift. It’d be coming from my heart, not yours. Don’t you have any Christmas spirit, Yindra?
Yindra: I’m on Zay’s team now. I’m also gonna kill you.
Nice holiday cheer! Nigel raises his hands in surrender.
At the same time, Dylan and Asher make their way into the diner. They both look glad to be back, and Dylan’s smile brightens even further (if that’s even possible) when JOE makes his way over from the other end of the diner.
Dylan: Doth my eyes deceive me, could it be? Santa Joe?
Even Joe can’t resist the adorable charm of Dylan Orlando. He tries his best to maintain his gruff demeanor, but a tiny smirk breaks through anyway.
Joe: Look what the snow blew in.
Asher: Nice to see you, Joe.
Joe: Amazingly, I can say the same. If you tell anyone I said this, I will deny it under oath. But I’ve kinda missed the two of you crowding up my counter to distract my employees and prevent other paying customers from sitting there.
Dylan gasps, touching his hand to his heart. He playfully swats at the manager.
Dylan: Joe, ya big softy! We missed you too. How about a grilled cheese to commiserate?
Joe: For you, Orlando? My favorite customer? Why, sure, it’s on the house. [ a beat ] For $9.95 like everybody else.
Got ‘em. Dylan makes a face, exchanging a pithy look with Asher, but he takes the dismissal in stride. The two of them follow Joe back towards the counter, as he wasn’t kidding about getting one of those grilled cheeses. As they pass the front entrance, another familiar face enters -- Charlie is back trying his luck at the diner to see who he can run into.
And boy, did he hit the jackpot this time. He spots Yindra first, which would have been a welcome sight regardless, but then Nigel shifts in his seat and reveals the other person sitting at their table next to her. Charlie catches a glimpse, and his heart honest to God skips a beat. Oxygen has left the building.
Zay is here.
In another testament to how things can change, Charlie doesn’t hesitate. He makes his way over to their table, greeting all of them cheerfully with a smile he couldn’t even try to hold back.
Zay seems to have a similar moment of stopping still when he realizes who it is that’s come to join them, staring up at Charlie at suddenly forgetting what words are or where he is. It almost feels unreal, like it can’t be happening. He looks different, too, adding to the surrealness -- seemingly taller thanks to that new confidence he’s carrying around, hair longer and freer than it’s been since before he cut it at the end of junior year, the tan. Even so, he knows it has to be real, has to be him, because the most endearing, familiar qualities are still there. The absentminded way he fidgets his fingers; his lopsided smile; that unmistakable shine in his green eyes.
He’s back. Charlie is actually back.
Thankfully, Zay’s speechlessness is covered well by Yindra and Nigel picking up the slack in their enthusiastic greetings. Mainly Nigel, considering Yindra just saw him and spent days on the road with him, but her excitement is also informed by the things she learned on said trip and the fact that she’s also witnessing Zay and Charlie see one another for the first time since he left.
A bit of that spectacle does linger, Charlie letting his gaze drift to Zay again and allowing them eye contact. For a moment that’s only seconds but feels like an eternity, they simply look at each other.
It’s real. Charlie’s smile grows naturally, second nature, the longer he takes Zay in.
Charlie, breathless: Hi.
Zay can’t even manage that, as it seems his brain has left the building. A smile will have to do. Yindra watches them with rapt interest, waiting for more.
Nigel, though, is oblivious to absolutely everything, and interrupts their silent staring contest to ask Charlie how his trip was. He assumes they’ll have more time to chat about it at the party, but he’s dying to hear about it. In fact, if he has the time, he’s welcome to join them for brunch.
Charlie: I wish I could. Seriously, I’d love that. But I’m actually just stopping in to pick up an order. I’m going Christmas shopping with a couple of my sisters.
Yindra: Isn’t that like, half your shopping list though? Won’t that ruin the surprise?
Charlie: Well, one of them is the exiled one, so that kind of eliminates that problem -- she won’t be revealing anything to anyone any time soon. And the other one is Rosie, who I already finished shopping for. She’s so easy to buy for, which thank goodness.
Nigel: How many sisters do you have again?
Charlie: Four. And now one of them is married, so add an in-law to the list too. Plus their new baby.
Nigel: Damn. Rip to your wallet.
Charlie: Price of Christmas cheer, I suppose.
Anyway, even though he can’t stay, Charlie is glad he caught them all. He wanted to invite them all to the annual holiday celebration his church is putting on, as he’s doing a performance and he’d like for his friends to be there. It’s nothing fancy, and they absolutely don’t have to come if they don’t want to deal with the whole potentially hostile or awkward environment…
Yindra: Oh, I think that’s all the more reason to go. Your church could use more of our natural charms. Like our sophistication, and taste --
Zay: And queer as fuckness?
Yindra: Don we now our gay apparel, babes.
Zay and Yindra clink their glasses together, Nigel shaking his head. Charlie laughs along with them, which is a feat in its own right. In any case, he’s planning to text out details to the group chat later, but he wanted to extend that invitation in person since he was lucky enough to catch them. It would mean a lot to him if they were there.
For now, though, he has to go. But not before saying goodbye -- and once again being unable not to linger on Zay for an inordinate amount of time with a grin that should be illegal.
Charlie: See you soon.
Zay nods, returning the sentiment. Charlie won this round, as he decidedly caught him by surprise. Zay doesn’t like surprises, has never handled them well. Next time they see each other, he’ll be ready for it. He’ll have his shit together.
Lord only knows what might happen if he doesn’t.
Lucas stops by to grab a couple of things from his room, but he’s drawn to the kitchen in a detour. Because it smells delicious, the culprit a fresh tray of sugar cookies being pulled from the oven. Grace is in full-on holiday bake mode, something she hasn’t done for fun in years.
Lucas: What’s all this for? Did the oven for the cookies at the flower shop break or something?
Grace: No. They’re for Kenneth. Well, they’re for all of us. But I made them for him. These were his favorite when we were in college. His mom’s recipe.
Oh… well. Okay then. Lucas looks like he wants to say something, but then thinks better of it. He starts to walk away and leave it be… but then it won’t stop itching at him, so he turns around and blurts it out.
Lucas: What’s the point of this?
Grace tilts her head, confused. It takes him a second, but Lucas finds the words to elaborate. He questions all the effort they’re putting into things all the sudden this year -- the decorating. The tree. Now cookies. It’s nice, or whatever, but is it really necessary?
Grace: Is it ever necessary…
Lucas: Is this really all because he’s dying? Like, I guess I get it, but if that’s the only reason we’re doing it then I think we should at least be honest about it.
Grace: That’s not what’s going on. And even if it was, would that be such a problem? Is there something about a little more decor and cookie that’s so offensive?
Good question. One that stumps Lucas, that he can’t find the answer to. Because technically, Grace is right. Nicer things shouldn’t be a bad thing. Yet he knows it feels wrong; he knows there’s something about the whole thing that leaves a sour taste in his mouth that no amount of sugar will overpower.
The unfortunate side effect is that it puts them on opposite sides of the road block wedged between their family, which hasn’t been the case for a while. It creates an awkwardness, one that certainly doesn’t pair with the holiday cheer and cozy Christmas vibe they’re going for.
Grace senses his apprehension. She acknowledges that it’s decidedly different for them, and maybe too little, too late. But life is short, and Grace just wants to enjoy the time that’s left and make peace. No reason to litigate the past when the present feels numbered. And Kenneth wants this too -- he wants to try and have something better. If he’s on that page, then she’s not stupid enough to resist it.
Lucas hears what she’s saying; he can see the ethos in it. But his mind can’t skip ahead to their page without reconciling what came before it. He can’t erase the precedent of the last twenty years.
Zay, Nigel, and Yindra have regrouped to hang out in Nigel’s room, comfortably scrolling on their devices as they work on Christmas shopping. A local radio station is playing holiday tunes softly. Zay has caved and revealed he has Dylan, which is way harder than you’d expect it to be considering he’s one of those people who will like anything, which is extremely unhelpful.
Zay: So I tried asking Asher for help, polite and self-effacing as always, but he’s a petty little bitch and refused to just talk straight with me.
Nigel: Well, come on, how could you expect that of him? He’s gay.
Zay: Ugh. You’re so not funny. But he was all “well, what’s in it for me, Zay,” and “what have you ever done for me,” and “you mean you don’t know enough about Dylan to come up with something yourself after being his classmate for four years,” as if all of us spend our entire day staring into Dylan’s big green goo-goo eyes.
Yindra cracks up. Both of them find Asher’s pettiness towards Zay hilarious, so they don’t offer much sympathy. He grumbles at them both and claims he’s going to get a snack, leaving the two of them in their chuckles at his expense.
Once they’re alone, Yindra asks how Nigel is going with his shopping. Is he really not going to tell them who he got? As much as he’d like to maintain the holdout, because it’s funny watching Zay get so annoyed by it, he quietly reveals to Yindra that he got Riley. As great a selection as that may seem, the reason he bothered to tell her at all is because he’s lowkey freaking out about what to do.
Yindra: Why? I feel like getting Riley is like the golden ticket. You know she’ll love anything you get her. You can’t lose.
Nigel: Maybe, yeah. It’s just…
Nigel swallows, releasing a nervous sigh. He lowers his voice to a murmur as he confides in Yindra about what happened this semester -- how he got caught up with the wrong friends, caught up in his own head and angst, and ended up saying some not great things.
Yindra: Oh, Nige…
Nigel: I know. It’s so shitty. I feel so, so bad about it, like I wish I could take it all back and wipe the slate clean. But I can’t. But now it’s like, I’m trying to pick this gift and all I can think about is how I don’t even deserve to be going to this party, let alone getting a gift for Riley, when I’m probably the worst friend there is. I wish someone else had gotten her -- someone who actually deserves it. No one deserves getting stuck with me.
Yindra halts his self-hatred, putting the brakes on it and insisting he not be so hard on himself. Transitions like this are fucking rough, and it’s not the end all be all on his character that he made some poor choices. He can make up for that by not doing it again and better appreciating his friends like Riley moving forward. But for now, he can’t let this get him so in his head that he freezes up and blows one of his best opportunities to show Riley how much she means to him without it feeling out of pocket.
It’s a good point, one Nigel tries to absorb. Rather than dreading this obligation because he hasn’t earned the right to be Riley’s gifter, he should make the most of it. He wants to ask for more advice, but he clams up when Zay returns, not at all tuned into the semi-serious conversation they were just having. So the discussion halts for now.
They get distracted by music on the radio anyway, a classic in Zay’s family coming on. He asks Nigel to turn it up, teeing up the hip track.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Mary’s Boy Child / Oh My Lord” as performed by Boney M. || Performed by Zay Babineaux, Yindra Amino, and Nigel Chey
Nigel is surprised that Zay knows and likes this song, considering he’s so blase about religion. It’s literally about Jesus Christ and his birth. Zay rolls his eyes.
Zay: This is commercial Christmas Christianity, not Gardner church Christianity. And I’ll appreciate any song regardless of affiliation if it’s a bop enough.
And this sure is! To make his point, Zay starts singing along when the first verse starts, showing off how yes in fact he does know every word by heart. So the holy Bible said…
Yindra, amused: This has to be the only reason you know shit about The Bible!
She jumps up next to join him in singing along, the two of them grooving to the chorus and harmonizing. Nigel laughs along until they manage to pull him into it, each taking one of his hands and yanking him up onto his feet. They continue through the first half of the number goofing around Nigel’s room, jumping onto the bed and just getting to be loose and silly with performing in a way none of them have gotten to in what feels like forever with each of their intense post-grad pursuits.
They head out of Nigel’s room, dancing their way along --
And out onto the streets, now donning shimmery silver tinsel-like versions of the outfits they were wearing before. It pairs well with the way the city looks in the midst of its snowy winter blanket, a trendy palette of whites, silvers, and blues. They sing their way through the second verse and chorus, passing the lines back and forth and naturally doing three-part harmony.
When we hit the bridge following the hums, Nigel takes the vocal line, looking up at us from where he’s laying in the snow in Central Park. As the camera eases out, Yindra and Zay are included in the shot lying with their heads adjacent to his in a triangle formation.
In a twist on Duet Dasher, Trio Star Squad takes the theoretical stage with much more flair, channeling 70’s/80’s glam pop aesthetic versus Ed Sullivan 50’s vibe. They’ve got tinsel trees and a snowy wonderland set up behind them, each of them standing in a line at their own solo microphone with Yindra in the middle. She’s now in a gorgeous and fun silver gown with plumes of fringe on the sleeves, a dated but funky look sort of like this. Nigel and Zay are both in suits, also silver with fringe trim, both suited to their individual style but equally flashy as the aesthetic demands.
It’s this set up that brings the number to a close, all of them riffing and playing off one another as they finish off the holiday neo-classic. Leave it to the true stars to deliver some sparkle!
Charlie, as promised, is out shopping with Rosie and BRIDGETTE GARDNER, who is now sporting a fresh and very chic pixie cut. Charlie blithely comments on it while Rosie marches ahead of them and scans for gifts -- how much things can change while abroad!
Bridgette: I know, I know. Now your hair is longer than mine. I’m sure mother would love to have that knowledge.
As if she hasn’t already mentioned Charlie cutting his now that he’s back at least twice already… in the few times she’s actually spoken to him. Bridgette grows a bit more serious, wondering if she should be concerned. But Charlie brushes it off.
Charlie: She’s just busy. You know how she gets, especially this time of year. [ off her nod ] And I don’t know, I think it’s just kind of weird. Having had me be away for so long. It’s kind of like that with everyone, this kind of like… readjustment. No one really knows what to say.
Bridgette: That’s not true. I did. I said “wow, Chuckles, you clearly didn’t wear your sunscreen,” which is a testament to your new cool devil-may-care attitude that you weren’t constantly fretting about skin cancer.
Charlie: Well most people aren’t you. And for your information, I did wear sunscreen. The UV index is no laughing matter.
And yet, Bridgette snickers at him anyway. Charlie elaborates on the Eleanor point, claiming that he doesn’t feel like she’s upset with him or anything. It’s not like a freeze out, the way it was with her. It’s just… different. Usually, she’s smothering the heck out of him, wanting to know every detail of his business. Now she’s keeping her distance, and he can’t decide whether he should be grateful or wary.
Rosie interrupts them, rushing back and holding up a cute creme cashmere sweater. They raise their eyebrows, inviting her to elaborate.
Rosie: Daisy?
At that, Bridgette bursts out laughing. Charlie tries to suppress a grin, but fails.
Bridgette: A nice sweater? For your sister who likes crawling around the dirt poking at bugs? You are truly terrible at this.
Rosie: [ with a growl ] It’s not my fault everyone in this family is so weird! Why can’t she like normal things?
Rosie storms off to try again. Charlie asks Bridgette what she decided to get Daisy, provided they can get the gifts to her without too much fanfare from their parents.
Bridgette: There’s this museum upstate that has a whole exhibit opening in the spring about “the evolution of the modern insect.” I figure I can offer to drive her up to see it and pay for tickets. It’ll be a couple of the most dull hours of my life, and probably an awkward car ride considering neither of us can hold a conversation, but hey, that’s what sisterhood is all about.
Curiously, Charlie echoes the same question about Agatha, which Bridgette recedes from a bit. She admits she hadn’t thought much about it, nor what she would get their new nephew -- mainly because there’s been no invitation extended to her to be involved. Charlie frowns.
Charlie: I’m sure she wants you to be. She probably just doesn’t know how to reach out.
Bridgette: Maybe. You always do assume the best in people.
Charlie: I’m not just assuming. I believe it. If you want to be in his -- their -- lives, maybe you could risk reaching out first.
Not that he blames her for her silence. But as she rightfully pointed out a year or so ago, not everyone is like Charlie -- she can’t necessarily wait for everyone else to put their foot forward first. Bridgette seems to know that, deep down, but for now the pride and self-preservation are stronger.
Charlie does her the favor of changing the subject, extending an invitation of his own. He tells her about the annual church winter showcase, one she was formerly familiar with, and claims he wants her to come along too. She’s already made waves with her reappearance at his graduation party, so that part is out of the way. Mainly, he just wants all the people he cares about to be there.
Bridgette still seems hesitant, but not opposed. She plays coy.
Bridgette: I’ll think about it. What will you be singing, oh darling star of the sanctuary?
Charlie: … as soon as I decide, I’ll let you know.
Bridgette: [ with a gasp ] What, no “Good King Wenceslas?” Or no third time’s the charm rendition of “O Holy Night?”
Charlie blushes, nudging her. His past choices of the last decade or so definitely weren’t inspired and were usually subtly guided by Eleanor, channeling classic, safe, and traditional. Bridgette’s jokes highlight exactly why he hasn’t picked his arrangement this year quite yet. He wants what he chooses this year to be more joyful, more representative of his tastes and his personhood. He spent all this time away becoming more comfortable with himself, so now he wants to start finding ways to share that with everyone else.
At the same time, however, he’s sure the hype around his performance is greater than ever with Eleanor building him up mythically in his absence, so he doesn’t want to go overboard and completely mess everything up. It’s a delicate balance, one he suspects he’ll be perfecting for a long time to come. Bridgette wishes him luck, but also applauds his ambition to aim for authenticity. No doubt it’ll be a more enjoyable performance at the very least.
The evening before the studio closes for the holidays, SKYLAR ALBRIGHT and JAMAL ALLEN are splitting some of the cookies from the kitchen that were called in as a thank you for the year. They perk up when Jade descends from the world above to join them, greeting her happily but hesitantly considering how their conversation before Thanksgiving went.
Jade is more than humbled now, though, so she holds no grudges. Quite the contrary, actually, she comes bearing gifts, which she gives to each of them after a bit of small talk is exchanged. It’s nothing much, just an embroidered patch she designed for each of them and a $10 gift card to their favorite local haunts, but it is definitely the thought that counts.
Jamal: Damn, Jade, this is dope. You really didn’t have to do all that.
Skylar: Seriously. This is too sweet, but I’m also such an asshole for not getting something for you.
Jamal: Yeah. Skylar, you owe me two gifts for two years.
Jade: You don’t owe me anything. Think of it as a thank you, for being my guides and being so welcoming when I first started. I just wanted you to know how much that meant to me -- means to me. You’re both so cool and talented, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.
Aw. Jade clearly means every word -- she now knows how right they were in trying to protect her from the worst of what this industry could do. Jamal asks if he can give her a hug and she agrees, accepting a dual embrace from both of them.
It’s undeniably sweet, yet it has the strange shadow of feeling like a goodbye.
Riley arrives through the front door of the Matthews home in Philadelphia, a cozy and decently sized single family dwelling in the suburbs. It’s imperfect but lived in, a big Sears photo of the original clan featuring college-aged Eric and Cory and an infant Josh hanging above the fireplace mantle. It’s definitely been recently tidied up to accommodate the incoming guests.
AMY MATTHEWS wastes no time greeting Riley, rushing to give her a tight embrace and asking how everything is going. It’s genuine affection, and Riley happily accepts it, receiving a slightly more awkward but no less warm hug from her grandfather ALAN MATTHEWS moments later.
While he takes her belongings upstairs to the guest room, Riley goes to join the circle of the rest of the clan -- Josh, Eric, Jack, and MORGAN MATTHEWS. Morgan is cute like her niece, but effortlessly cool, built like an athlete given her career in coaching soccer after playing competitively through high school and college. She gets up from her spot on the armchair to give Riley a hug since they rarely see each other.
Riley: Where’s my dad?
Morgan: Where do you think?
Eric: He and Shawn are in the kitchen.
Josh: Pigging out in bits before dinner like they always do.
Riley smiles, shaking her head. Although the banter is light, and everyone has been nothing but friendly, there is an uneasy, subtle tension floating just under the surface. Some of that family drama that Eric referred to before he and Jack left for Philly, just waiting for the right moment to spill over.
There’s remarkably less tension between Isa and CHAI FRESCO, who are hanging out as promised while she’s home for the holidays. It seems throughout the evening they’ve been able to revisit their relationship and their breakup, clear all the remaining air, so now they’re able to chat normally and move forward as friends.
Before they depart for the evening, Chai confirms she’ll be at Riley’s reunion party.
Chai: To be honest, I was honored to even be invited. Would’ve been real easy to dump me and all my baggage once our time at Adams was done.
Isa: I think that could be said for any of us. But that’s not how Riley rolls. Even Sarah got an invite I’m pretty sure, but she’s the only one who said she couldn’t make it.
Or perhaps didn’t want to come, but no one is particularly sad about that absence. Chai takes the opportunity to ask if Isa’s caught up with anyone else yet, or if all the reunions will truly be at the party.
Isa: Somewhat. Seen the techies obviously. And now you.
Chai: Right. How about Farkle? How’s he doing?
Isa: Oh. Um, yeah, well. He seems to be doing… good. You know.
Chai: Right. [ a beat ] And how are you doing?
Isa: About what?
Chai: About him?
Isa stares at Chai. Is she for real? What is she talking about… but given how Chai is holding her gaze, insistent yet non-judgmental, it’s clear what she’s implying. Chai was never an idiot; she wasn’t delusional. She always figured there were some mixed feelings going on there, whether or not they had any impact on their dynamic. Now that their obligations have ceased…
If only Isa had anything to report. They clear their throat, shrugging noncommittally. No idea what Chai’s talking about. They’re fine. Everything about Farkle is fine, obviously. Chai doesn’t look convinced, but she was mainly just curious, so she lets it go. She exchanges a quick side hug and wishes Isa well, claiming they’ll catch each other at the party.
Isa nods and watches Chai head down the block, expression clouded with thought. How are they doing about Farkle? Arguably not well, considering they can’t seem to function around him and keep saying the wrong thing. It should be easy, exciting to see him, as effortless as living to fall back into the same old best friend routine. They should’ve been hanging out all break. Isa should know everything about him.
But as they damn well know, living is not an effortless task. It’s work, hard work, and apparently keeping their friendship alive is too. It’s even more difficult considering the… everything else. All the feelings Isa’s been going back and forth out, trying to stifle, that more and more demand to be felt.
It’s hard to exist when you can’t live your truth.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Merry Christmas Darling” as performed by The Carpenters || Performed by Isa De La Cruz
Isa stoically launches into the ultimate holiday ode to pining, perfectly fitting for their current emotional predicament. They look up towards the stars, partially obscured by the cloud cover that signals snow to come, serenading the cosmos as if that’ll translate the message to who they actually want to hear it.
In their turn on the imaginary AAA stage, the set up is sparse, just them standing on a couple of acting blocks behind the microphone (in an homage to their important scene with Farkle in 210). No glitzy Christmas glamor here, no flashy baubles or decor. Just Isa and their voice, confronting their emotions for what feels like the first time all year.
As they make their way home, walking along the busy streets, they reminisce -- or, as the lyrics note, “they can dream.” So they do; as they meander, alone in the crowd, they watch a different version of themselves take on the city with their best friend. Alternate Isa is having a totally different holiday, spending every possible second with Farkle -- teasing each other as they walk the familiar concrete streets of the city; laughing over dinner and chatting avidly seen through storefront windows; chasing each other with snowballs through Central Park.
The peak of that fantasy comes at the final repetition of the last line, Isa soulfully singing the declaration “I wish I were with you.” After they do, Farkle makes his appearance, coming to join them on the stage and standing opposite them. Eye to eye, thanks to the acting blocks, same as they were two years ago.
Only this time, there’s one new little holiday detail. Mistletoe. Isa looks up, clocking it uncertainly… but when they let their gaze drift back down to Farkle, the apprehension melts away. For a torturous moment, they simply hold each other’s gaze, but then Isa leans forward, closing the distance between them. Farkle mirrors them, noses brushing…
But that’s not reality. In the real world, where the truth matters, Isa is alone. They plop down on the steps outside Eric’s home, releasing a deep breath and then hiding their head in their hands.
Break 1.
Charlie is sifting through sheet music from his church library, still trying to narrow down what song he’s going to perform. Time is running out to decide… but nothing feels right. It’s like everything his church has to offer is no longer a fit; he’s outgrown the classic carols. He wants to pick something memorable, something that feels like him.
He might need to call for backup. The good news is, he has just the right person in mind.
Yindra is wrapping her gifts for the holidays, pausing when she sees an incoming call on her phone. She picks up once she sees who it is.
Yindra: Yello?
Charlie: Wow, look at that. You answered. I thought you said you’d never pick up if someone called unannounced.
Yindra: Yes, well, every rule has its exceptions. Don’t you just feel so special?
Charlie beams. The conversation continues intercut between them, Charlie explaining his dilemma and that he’s hoping for some groovy musical guidance. Yindra always has good taste, and she’s at least as versed in Christmas music as he is. Probably more so, in fact -- their church has a suspiciously low amount of Motown on the shelves.
Charlie: It’s not that there aren’t options, but none of them feel right. I want it to feel… alive, you know? I want to show how much I’ve changed -- for the better.
Yindra: I think the tan does that for you, babe.
Charlie: I mean, I guess I can just do like, “Carol Of The Bells,” or something --
Yindra: Oh, God. No, no, no. First of all, how the hell are you gonna do all those voice parts on your own? That song cannot be a solo.
Charlie: Good point.
Yindra: More important, though, you’re not gonna do something boring as sin. Not this year. This is your glo-up era, Charlie, and you’re going to serve with style.
Love the energy! But the question remains -- how? Yindra thinks on it, then tells Charlie to meet her at Svorski’s in an hour. She’s got an idea of what to do next.
Grace and Kenneth are seated on the couch together, wrapping up some gifts to send to Texas. Lucas emerges from his room and almost escapes without comment, but Kenneth pipes up and asks where he’s off to. There’s nothing incendiary about the statement, just curiosity, but considering he’s never shown any interest before, Lucas bristles at the questioning.
Lucas: Dylan’s. They invited me over for dinner.
Right then… if we’re done here… Lucas starts to head out, but this time Grace stops him. He reluctantly reenters the living area as Grace mentions there was an idea Kenneth wanted to talk to him about. Lucas doesn’t react, waiting blankly for whatever it is to be said.
Now that he’s been prompted, suppose it’s time. Kenneth clears his throat, and does his best to deliver friendly and unimposing.
Kenneth: I’m not sure if you had other plans, but I was thinking it would be nice for us to do Christmas as a family.
Lucas: [ at a loss ] Why?
He doesn’t mean for it to come out brazen -- he’s just so shocked it’s even being brought up that it comes out unfiltered. Kenneth’s temper flares a bit, but he tries to tame it, keeping his cool with just a slight edge in his voice.
Kenneth: It’s been a while. I thought it could be fun. We’ve got the decorations out, pretty sure the folks will be sending a few gifts. Your mom can make the jumbo cinnamon roll the way her mother used to. Think it’ll be good to appreciate the holiday together, too, since…
Since it’ll likely be the last one. Yeah. That’s a really nice sentiment, and everything, but it feels so unbelievably wrong coming from his father and spoken in this haunted apartment that Lucas literally can’t wrap his brain around it.
Lucas: You can’t be serious.
Grace: Lucas…
Kenneth: Why wouldn’t I be serious?
Lucas: [ scoffing in disbelief ] Because this is a joke! This whole thing, the faux friendliness, the [ gesturing vaguely around ] decor, this whole Brady Bunch mirage. It’s not real! It’s like we’re playing house, and it’s making me feel insane.
It’s just too much. The whiplash is too painful; the sentimentality too nauseating in its shallowness. Lucas cannot do it. So nice as the offer is -- or is supposed to be -- big pass. There are people he’d much rather spend the holiday with, since it’s a miracle it can be salvaged in his mind anyway.
Grace: Maybe we should just take some time to think about it.
Lucas: No. I don’t need to think about it.
Kenneth: What is the matter with you? Seriously, I mean, where the hell did we go wrong?
Lucas: You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re kidding me, right?
Kenneth: Why can’t we just make this work? Why can’t you put aside your antics for one fucking day --
Lucas: Why? Because I don’t want to. That’s it. That’s the answer. Sorry if it’s so despicable, but I’d rather spend the morning with people who actually managed to show the fuck up in the last ten years and not beat me when they did.
Oof. Oh, it’s all spiraling out of control now. Kenneth rises to his feet, and Grace leaps up immediately after, bracing for the worst. But Kenneth isn’t the formidable force he used to be -- a wave of dizziness hits him, causing him to pause and steady himself.
But illness does nothing to stifle his mouth.
Kenneth: You’ve always been this way. Such a bratty, ungrateful little shit. Why do you think I always had to get on your case all the time? You think I wanted to do any of that? But what am I supposed to do when you’re always getting into shit?
Lucas, quietly: I didn’t deserve it.
Kenneth: Boy, let me assure you, you’ve always gotten exactly what you’ve deserved. That’s why this ain’t right -- that’s why you’re still stuck here rather than doing anything worthwhile with your life --
Grace: Kenneth, please, stop --
Kenneth: And now you’re gonna look me in the eyes, while I’m fucking dying, and tell me to fuck off? Like asking for a little family time is such a burden on you? [ shaking his head ] How the hell did we create something so soulless?
Lucas’s jaw drops open slightly, his words landing like a kick to the stomach. Which is just as well, considering that’s probably what he would’ve done instead if he had the strength.
Lucas: Me? I’m the soulless one?
Kenneth: Talk back to me again. Try it one more time.
Lucas: No, go ahead. What are you gonna do? Can’t be nothing you’ve never done before, or is there some new Christmas version of your bullshit you’re going to gift me since you’re so gungho about the holidays now?
Grace: Okay, enough! Stop!
Grace braves the risk of stepping in between them, holding her hands up in surrender as if that’ll speak for them both. She looks to Lucas and claims that if he doesn’t want to stay, if he’s really dead set against it, then yes, he should just go. If he doesn’t want to be here, then he should leave.
She’s trying to keep the peace, to spare them both, and the moment isn’t meant to be harsh. But once again, Lucas thinks, she’s taking Kenneth’s side. She’s choosing Kenneth over him, validating his cruelty and petty insecurity, all at the expense of him. She’s keeping the peace, but who’s winning because of it?
Lucas shakes his head, anger hiding his hurt well enough, and storms out of the apartment. When the door slams, Grace jumps slightly, and she stays turned away from Kenneth as he continues to bad-mouth Lucas under his breath. Her eyes well with tears, but she bites them back, taking a long breath before helping Kenneth settle back down onto the couch.
They’re not the only family having an explosive evening. Family dinner with the Matthews starts casually enough, everyone on their best behavior to the point that the conversation is oddly muted. If they can keep this up, maybe they’ll get through the night… but no. Amy sets them up for trouble when she clears her throat and claims she wants to make a toast, raising her glass and prompting the rest of them to do the same.
Her words are innocent enough, stating it’s wonderful to actually have the full clan here for the holidays at least for a portion of it… even if they don’t get to actually have the privilege of hosting them on the actual day. This is a passive-aggressive dig, and the message is received, but everyone has the good sense to let it go unaddressed. Amy finishes out with some genuine gratitude to her lovely family, the children she’s so proud of, and the chance to gather all together for whatever amount of time. Everyone cheers, takes a drink, and that seems to be that.
That is, until Amy glances at Josh and makes a small comment under her breath when she looks back towards her plate.
Amy: Would be nice to say those words more often, but…
Josh: Okay. [ dropping his fork and holding his hands up ] Why did you look at me when you said that?
Amy feigns innocence, shaking her head.
Amy: I didn’t. I didn’t do anything of the sort.
Josh: Don’t do that. Don’t do the thing where you make me feel guilty, and then make me feel crazy.
Eric: Here we go…
Amy: I wasn’t singling you out, Joshua.
Josh: You looked right at me!
Amy: I did not!
Morgan: You totally did, mom.
Alan: Not helping, Morgan.
Morgan shrugs. This is what she’s been waiting for since she got here. It had to happen eventually!
Josh: And for the last time, please, don’t call me Joshua. 
Amy: It’s your name!
Josh: Yeah, and I don’t like it! So maybe you could respect that, unlike everything else about my life you’re constantly judging.
Alan: We do not judge. We are never judging you all.
At that, the entire table basically does a group snort. Is he for real? Amy and Alan are the royalty of passing judgment! They try to retort this, but each kid backs it up. Amy grows frustrated, waving them all down and clasping her hands together in front of her almost like prayer.
Amy: I was not trying to pass judgment nor target a comment at Josh. To be frank, that note was meant for everyone at the table.
Cory: So it was judgment.
Amy: We don’t see any of you enough! It’s like you’ve all gone off the grid.
Shawn: [ with a mouthful of mashed potatoes ] God, I wish.
Amy: You’re just the most obvious offender, Josh, since you choose to be so far away.
Josh: I’m following my passion. I’m building a career.
Cory: Well, what kind of career is being someone’s assistant for three years…
Oh, so now Cory is getting ballsy?! Josh scoffs, getting defensive.
Josh: Jeez, chill! I don’t need this again like every other time I come home. And for your information, I have a song coming out this week that I single-handedly produced.
Eric: What?
Riley, excitedly: You do?!
Morgan: Say more right now. The fuck?
Amy: Morgan! Language!
Morgan: The frick?
Josh: Yes. I collaborated with an up and coming artist, Maya Hart.
Morgan: OMG, “OMG” girl? I love that song. Such a bitch bop.
Riley: You didn’t tell me this! When did this happen?
Josh: And you shouldn’t be on my case, Cory, considering you’re one breath away from being let go at a moment’s notice for being such a crap teacher.
Oh brother. CORY MATTHEWS gets huffy, while Eric quickly ducks his head considering he’s the one with said power to fire him. SHAWN HUNTER raises a hand in surrender.
Shawn: I mean, let’s be honest, is Adams exactly the pinnacle of good teachers…
Eric: Hey. Hold on --
Jack: Speak for yourself.
Cory: Well, even if I don’t like my job --
Eric: I’m sorry, what?
Cory: At least I’m still nearby enough to pay visits to our aging parents! At least I’m a good son!
Alan: Hey, who said anything about aging --
Eric/Cory/Morgan/Josh: You’re aging.
Morgan: And you’ve got all the time in the world to be here, Cor, since you’re not trying to impress your hardass ex-wife anymore. Ain’t divorce a magical thing?
Not the divorce… Amy remarks that they don’t need to bring that up, as it still makes her sad. Riley makes a face at that, but wisely doesn’t comment. Cory desperately tries to deflect attention off of him.
Cory: Well, at least I got married! Rather than just shacking up with my coworker for months without doing anything about it!
Hey, whoa, whoa, hey! Jack coughs in surprise, Eric immediately going on defense and snapping back at Cory that his relationships are none of his business. Amy and Alan try to take the moment to probe, like is there more they maybe should know about him and Jack, but he again reiterates it’s none of their business.
Eric: And even if there was news to share, think it’s probably going to be off now that he’s seen the shitshow this clan is capable of!
Josh: So there is news?
Riley: Wait, what?!
Eric: NO. THERE IS NO NEWS. I guess I’m just a slut and shacked up at forty!
Well, better that than alone, right… or tying yourself up too young. Cory is perfect evidence of that, and based on Amy’s aside comment about it, it’s clear who the other target is meant to be. Riley stares at her grandmother, not expecting to be pulled into this.
Riley: I’m sorry, are you talking about me?
Alan: Maybe this isn’t the best time to have this conversation…
Riley: No, by all means, go ahead. If you have something to say, please say it.
Eric: I don’t think --
Amy: Riley, honey, I did not mean anything by it. Just like I’ve said this whole time, I’m not trying to single anyone out.
Morgan: But you’re so good at it…
Amy: Cory’s just been telling us about how things are going, with Lucas’s deferment and everything, and… I’m just a bit worried! That’s all! I can’t help but care about how things might be going for my only granddaughter.
Eric: All right, cheap shot.
Morgan: We get it. 
Josh: This is why I never come home.
This even gets a stray shot thrown towards Shawn, as Amy points out he had the perfect opportunity to bring his baby to this event and neglected to consider it. Shawn frowns.
Shawn: Hey, don’t take this out on me! It’s not my fault your kids don’t want to bring more Matthews into this world.
Morgan: One can scarcely imagine why…
This conversation is just spiraling at this point, as most ridiculous Matthews family gatherings do, but Riley hasn’t moved past the Lucas comment. She’s still dumbstruck that he would be brought up when he’s not even here, and that they seem to be discussing him so much behind her back. That they think they’re acting concerned, “caring” about her, but all they’re doing is gossiping and acting as yet another relentless voice doubting her heart.
In an abrupt cut away, off her fuming expression --
Maya is enjoying a much more idyllic evening, the tree farm just as pretty at night with the string lights and blow-up decorations around the lot painting it in delightful, colorful glows. She’s Christmas tree hunting for a fir for their apartment with Katy, Farkle tagging along for the ride and trailing a bit behind them. This isn’t something his family does, personally, so he’s just having fun observing.
It’s particularly exciting for Katy and Maya this year, as it’s the first time they have the space to even get a real tree rather than use their miniature plastic fake one. Maya is buzzing with enthusiasm about it, wondering how much tree they can actually fit in their space.
Space they’re only fortunate enough to have because of the generosity of an old friend… Katy tentatively broaches the topic of how Isa is doing this holiday season. Have they managed to patch things up -- or talk at all for that matter? Maya’s mood dampens somewhat, and she side-steps answering. She doesn’t want to think about all of that. It’s the holidays, damn it! ‘Tis the damn season!
She tries her luck with Farkle instead, hanging back to chat with him. But he’s not in much better spirits. Even though he’s enjoying the tree hunt from a distance, he’s still mentally far away, mind on his conversation with Jordan about how things are with Isa. His low mood is palpable, and it just frustrates Maya more.
Maya: Jesus, is this all the holiday is now? Melancholy and blues? What happened to holly jolly and all that?
Farkle: To be fair, I think Christmas has always had a dark side. It’s got just as many “Blue Christmases” and “Merry Christmas Darlings” for every “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.”
You and your answers, Farkle. There’s no time for facts right now! We’re in denial mode! Maya groans, claiming she’s leaving him to sulk and is going to hunt one section for trees. If they find anything glamorous, holler.
The bouncy pop tune kicks up as she marches off.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “It’s Not Christmas Till Somebody Cries” as performed by Carly Rae Jepsen || Performed by Maya Hart
Putting a sardonic spin on the holiday, Maya breaks into this track by one of the queens of pop. The rendition is pretty straightforward, a good chance for Maya to diva as she does while walking through the rows of greenery and lights twinkle above her. She’s good at chewing up the scenery with little to no help, so delivering a good performance isn’t hard.
At the same time, we watch the Matthews argument continue muted in slow motion, the chaos feeling more humorous and theatrical in this slant. It does a good job of highlighting the ridiculousness of their bickering, honestly, much in the same way that the lyrics of the song convey the silliness of holiday drama. It’s meaningless, and doesn’t actually reflect at all on the families involved, but it feels downright inevitable. So might as well just enjoy it and get through the worst of it -- as Morgan seems equipped to do, chewing her dinner and watching the tea be spilled all around her.
But even when drama is silly, the hurt can be real. Riley is the first one to finally have enough, not as steeled as the kids who grew up in the dynamic their whole life. She’s still stinging about the Lucas comment, and makes one final muted rebuke with flushed cheeks before storming out of the dining room. Amy becomes overwhelmed by this, apologizing after her, but the tears start almost as quickly at how this has devolved. So she retreats from the table as well, classic, while Alan gets up to go after her. Josh rolls his eyes and throws his napkin down, also ditching the table.
As Maya’s vocals wind down and the performance comes to an end, Shawn shrugs his shoulders, raising his glass in mock cheers.
Shawn: Hey, it ain’t Christmas till somebody cries. Am I right?
As he knocks back his eggnog --
We’re in darkness for a long moment, until the door opens and light bleeds into the room. Charlie and Yindra are silhouetted in the doorframe until Yindra finds the light, pulling the cord to turn it on and illuminating the storage room in her church.
Charlie: If your plan is to lock me in here so I die a slow death and don’t have to perform at all, I’m not sure I’m game for that. Me of two years ago would’ve loved it, though.
Whomp. But Yindra isn’t planning his premature death. She claims they need to dig through the junk a bit to get to the good stuff. She leads the way through the classic clutter, making it to the back and landing against a rusting filing cabinet.
But the rust holds the jackpot. She pulls open the drawers and gestures for Charlie to come look -- sheet music. Folders and folders of sheet music, mainly of the holiday and gospel variety, in every genre. And although the cabinet looks like it’s ancient, the collection is kept up-to-date. Much more to choose from than Charlie’s church.
Charlie: Dang. This is epic.
Yindra: The world is your oyster, my dear. [ patting his shoulder ] Let’s find something spectacular.
Challenge accepted. Charlie starts to rifle through the file folders, Yindra searching the cramped space for the registry that has a list of all their songs. That would be a good place to start.
Yindra: We have to find something really awe-inspiring, if we’re trying to assure that Zay is going to fall in love with you.
Charlie gives her a look, not able to hold back a smirk. Little does she know the history… but he can’t argue with that. The past is not the present. The stakes are high!
Not as high as they feel at the Matthews, though, in the aftermath of their theatrical spin-out. Eric and Morgan have convened in the living room, the least injured survivors of the bloodbath, discussing what they should do next and whether it’s worth trying to bring everyone back to the table. Eric is genuinely trying to mediate, as his counselor instincts demand, whereas Morgan seems more amused at the absolute ridiculousness of her family.
Jack is present as well, faithful by Eric’s side, but he gains an escape hatch when his phone rings. A photograph of him and Lucas lights up his screen, taken at the graduation party last May. Jack claims he better take this call, and Eric nods him along. He skirts away and exits out the French doors to the terrace.
Jack: Hello?
Lucas has returned to the apartment, but followed his usual pattern of escaping to the fresh air for sanity. He’s camped out on the moderately sized fire escape just outside the back bay window, accessible by one of the windows. An upgrade from his bite-sized version back at the Friar apartment building. He tries to play off casual as he greets Jack on the other end of the line, but he’s still frazzled from the confrontation with Kenneth and the tremor in his voice gives him away.
Lucas: Just thought I’d call. How is the family reunion?
Intercutting between them, Jack steps out into the chilly Philadelphia night. He doesn’t buy Lucas’s easy-breezy reasoning for calling, but he humors him for a moment.
Jack: Oh, an absolute shitshow. There’ve been about four different arguments rolled into one on the first night and everyone has dispersed to fume. I also didn’t get to finish my biscuits and gravy.
Lucas: Bummer.
Jack: Typical family nonsense, in a word. [ a beat ] Probably less stressful still than whatever you’re calling about though, I’m sure…
He does know him well. Lucas sighs, not bothering to deny it. When Jack prompts him to talk about it, it takes him a minute to get his words together, but he describes the gist of what happened with his parents. It’s not just this isolated event though -- it’s not like he hasn’t had plenty of battles with Kenneth in the last twenty years -- but the greater trend it’s a part of. The thing Lucas hasn’t been able to shake, the faux familial warmth they’re suddenly sharing around the holiday season.
Lucas: Like, I can’t get it all figured out in my head. Am I the ungrateful one? Is Kenneth finally trying to make up for lost time, doing what good he can before he fizzles out, and I’m a fucking asshole for not being able to accept it? This is… this whole routine is exactly the shit I wanted as a kid. All I wanted was for holidays to feel like this, in theory, for us to seem normal and happy and do all the stereotypical things. And now I’m finally getting it, and it’s like I can’t stomach it. Am I a shitty person because I don’t want to… I don’t know, play this game?
Jack: That would depend on who you ask. Every person would have a different reaction to this situation, a different sense of what’s right or wrong. Unfortunately, for many reasons, your dad has a powerful card to play. He’s dying, and neither of you can change that or deny its implications. But that also puts zero obligation on you to forgive and forget the past.
Lucas: … yeah? So I’m not just like irredeemably fucked up?
Jack: What he did to you for twenty years is irredeemably fucked up. It’s unfair, and likely impossible, for you to just forgive twenty years of abuse in a couple weeks. No matter how genuine it actually is. That’s going to be especially difficult for you, given your personality.
Authentic to a fault and stubborn, yes. Lucas shies away a bit from the use of “abuse,” not acknowledging it, but he doesn’t refute it either.
Lucas: Grace seems to be doing that just fine.
Jack: You and your mother are two different people. And you have two very different relationships with Kenneth. Yes, you both suffered the same pantheon of treatment, in the same household, but the nature and details of each of your circumstances are not identical. Not to mention she has a longer history with him, a whole backstory to draw on that you don’t. I’m not saying her willingness to go along with the domestic routine is right or wrong -- again, that depends on your perspective. She’s different than you. You can’t be expected to react to this experience in the same way.
He doesn’t have to, either. He should let Grace do whatever she wants, placate or pretend if that makes them feel better. That’s not his business. But it’s not his duty to join in, and he’s totally valid in his complicated feelings about it. Without a doubt, as Kenneth’s deterioration continues, it will only get more confusing and conflicted. That’s okay. He just needs to give himself the space to feel those things, whatever they are, and not punish himself for not responding in the perfect way. A perfect way doesn’t exist.
Regardless, Jack reminds him that he has a support system in place to help him process it. He’s glad he called him now, though he regrets that Lucas has to be working through all this in the first place. And he will always be there to talk through these things -- as will Eric, Riley, Dylan and Asher, etc. he’s certain. Lucas nods.
Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Thanks, Jack.
Jack: Any time.
Lucas wishes him luck with the family, and tells him to let Riley know that if she needs to vent to him, he’s around. Jack laughs and agrees, smiling as they end the call.
As Jack heads back inside, the camera pans away from him and further into the backyard… focusing on the old treehouse built into the large oak tree. A light is on, dim but still going, probably untouched for the last ten or so years until tonight.
Riley has sought refuge in the old play place, leaning back against the far wall with her knees curled up to her chest. She was clearly crying earlier, eyes puffy and tinged red, but the tears have subsided. She’s mainly still up there to hide, to avoid any more emotional labor for as long as she can.
She stiffens up when she the creak of wood signaling someone else is climbing the ladder. She grows more stoic, not prepared to negotiate with her dad or anyone else… but she exhales in relief when Josh’s head pops up in the entrance to the house. He is maybe the one person she can stomach seeing right now.
Josh: Knock knock. Any vacancy?
Riley: No. But I suppose I can roll out a cot specifically for you.
Josh makes a face, then grunts as he pulls himself fully into the tree. He remarks how long it’s been since he last climbed up here, at least a decade.
Josh: These old bones aren’t made for this kind of exertion anymore.
As if twenty-four is the peak of the hill. Riley rolls her eyes, but he earns a smile all the same, which was his goal. He crawls over and joins her against the wall, stretching out his legs with a sigh and tilting his head back. His legs are almost long enough to reach the other end of the treehouse -- he’s definitely outgrown its shelter.
Josh: So I’m guessing from those eyes you were either crying, or you’re high. If it’s the latter, I’m offended you didn’t invite me to join. Lord knows I could use a hit right now.
Riley: [ with a chuckle ] The former, sorry.
Josh: Hurt?
Riley: More frustration. I’d have to have pretty thin skin to let comments like that actually hurt me after years of being mothered by Topanga.
Touché. Frustration is a bit more manageable than sadness, though Riley shouldn’t have to be dealing with either. Josh gives her the space to discuss it, if she wants. After a moment of silence, she speaks.
Riley: I’m just tired of it. I’m so sick of everyone getting in my business.
Josh: About Lucas?
Riley: About everything. But yes, mainly about that. [ tilting her head back ] It’s just like… everyone acts like they know what’s best for me. No one seems to believe I might know what I want better than anyone else. I get that I’m young, and I’m still learning. But I know enough to know what’s good for me.
Josh: Preaching to the choir, kid. Tell me about it.
Riley: Like even… I’m having fun at NYU. Really, I am. I’ve met some cool people, and I’m really excited about the musical I’m working on now. But I still don’t know for sure that it’s where I’m meant to be.
Josh: Really? I didn’t know that.
Riley: Not in a bad way. It’s just… sometimes I think about what would’ve happened if I’d gone to Barnard. Or gone undeclared, or chosen something different. I like performing, don’t get me wrong. But I feel like I decided to give Tisch a try because it seemed like a mistake not to, given how hard it was to get in… but also because everyone else said I should. Or acted like it was inevitable I would. Even people I love, who know me well and I know just want what’s best for me. Everyone kind of made the decision for me, so I went with it.
Josh: Do you think you’re going to stay?
Riley: I don’t know. It’s not like I’m gunning to leave or anything. But I don’t feel like oh, yes, this is my holy grail. It doesn’t feel like Zay does about Turner. But I haven’t talked much about it, because I don’t really want anyone else’s input. If I decide to switch things up, I want to do it on my own terms.
Josh can get that. Sometimes, he might feel that way about Global Beat, too, but his is sort of the opposite problem. It’s not that everyone is telling him to stay, it’s that everyone wants him to go, and so he feels like he has to dig his heels in just to hold his own ground.
Riley: Exactly. And all of this feels like, doubly frustrating with Lucas. People have been telling me how to feel about him literally since the moment I stepped foot in Adams. Eric told me the first time he mentioned him that I shouldn’t talk to him, or even look at him if I could help it. Then everyone was telling me to dump him when stuff was rough in junior year, that he wasn’t my problem and I was acting like an idiot for trying to help him -- as if letting someone in crisis just sink on their own is ever a good idea.
Josh: Agreed. Although I do agree with the idea that it’s not your job to do any of that.
Riley: I know. As I’ve said the entire time, I don’t have to do anything. I choose to help my friends because I care about them; I choose to be with Lucas because I care about him. I’m with him because I love him. But no one seems to believe that. Everyone seems to think I’m in over my head, or just going through a fad, or that I could do “better.” And they’re wrong. Sorry, they’re fucking wrong. This isn’t about whether or not Lucas is good enough for me. He is. There is no “better” than Lucas, not in my book. I don’t care about his past, or his employment, or whether he gets a degree or never goes to college. None of that means anything to me, and that doesn’t make me naive or stupid. I’m not naive. I just know what I care about, my priorities, and who he is will always matter more to me than what he has. And he’s good. That’s who he is. He’s good, and he’s mine. [ exhaling a sigh ] Now I just need everyone else to accept that, trust me, and shut the hell up.
Josh laughs, nodding along. Honestly, he admires Riley’s certainty -- nothing about her delivery there gave him any sense that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Josh: To be honest, I wish I had more of that. The certainty.
Riley: Don’t you? I thought you liked what you do.
Josh: I do. The music part of it. I like finding talent, finding the right mix, creating something that gets shared with the world. Music has always been my heart -- that’s what I care about, to use your phrasing. But am I going about it the right way? Is Global Beat, doing this junior prod thing, what I’m supposed to be doing? I don’t know. I don’t know that I can ever know, with the nature of my job. And I wish it was easier, so that I could have the conviction to get people to shut the hell up, but I don’t. Which is probably why I get so defensive. Feels like I have to compensate extra hard, act like I know with conviction, to cover for the small parts of me that don’t.
Suffice to say, both of them are in periods of transition right now. Such is the way of being in your (almost) twenties. Riley assures Josh that she’ll continue to support him no matter which pathway he takes, and she hopes that whatever he does always remains true to the good she knows he has in him too. Josh smiles, returning the sentiment and giving her an elbow nudge.
Nigel is looking for some certainty, too, though he likely isn’t going to find it. He’s out shopping with Jade, still trying to figure out what to get Riley. He basically vetoes every idea he starts to form, way in his head about it, which is why Jade has stepped in to help. She can tell he’s stressed, although she has more context as to why than anyone else.
Jade: I don’t think you need to put so much stake in this. The perfect gift isn’t going to assuage your guilt, nor is a lackluster one going to blow it all up.
Nigel: I know. I know that. I just… I want it to mean something. I’ve been so shit this semester to Riley, and I want her to know I care. That I appreciate being her friend. They don’t exactly make greeting cards that say all that.
Jade: Well, I’m sure you could request Dylan and Asher custom make you one. You know Dylan loves any excuse to use his glitter gun.
Nigel makes a face, causing Jade to laugh. She steps closer and takes his hand, reassuring him that it’s going to be fine. He just needs to trust himself again, to follow his instincts and get something from his heart. Riley can sense stuff like that; Jade is sure she’ll get it from whatever he chooses to pull together.
Jade: That’s all Riley is going to care about, anyway -- that you took the time and thought to get something, and that it evidently came from the heart. [ patting his chest ] You just need to give it a little more credit.
It might be a bit scraped up after this semester, but it’s still good in there. Jade gives him an affectionate smile and kiss on the cheek, then caresses his face before walking ahead of him. Nigel lets the advice sink in, trying to take it to heart.
As he follows her out…
A time-lapse unfolds to let night pass into day, then evening again, showing the mad rush of shoppers coming in and out for the holidays.
Time slows again, and we find Isa exiting one of the stores, having purchased a small gift for the wrap party at Chelsea’s they’re on their way to. They pause to respond to a text in the roommate group chat that they won’t be able to make the thing they’re all going to tonight, but they’ll catch them at the apartment later.
Time to go. Isa takes a deep breath, squaring their socializing shoulders and marching off --
And arriving at the doorstep of Chelsea, a cute little condo in Soho. Chelsea greets them cheerfully, looking especially quirky and festive in her sparkly sweater, and ushers them in to join the party.
The wrap party goes well to start, Chelsea enthusiastically chatting up the guests while Isa finds where to settle. Thankfully, it’s not a crowd of strangers, as many of them are people who were involved in the short film. Even so, Isa finds they’re most comfortable sticking with the other students who worked on it, particularly since they actually have topics they can discuss. When Isa mentions they have suffered through having Bennet as their professor all semester, the upperclassmen react accordingly.
Senior Student: Oh man, Mr. B. That guy’s a tough cookie.
Junior: So fucking true.
Isa: Great, I’m glad it’s not just me. Did you guys hate the course as much as I feel like I am right now?
Junior: Hate it? No way dude, I loved it!
Now Isa is totally lost. As the upperclassmen go on to explain, Bennet is a hardass, but he really genuinely cares about the work. He knows what he’s talking about, and he doesn’t give anybody special treatment -- no matter who you are. He can be blunt and hard to read, but he never does anything with ill intent. That’s a major gold star in this industry.
Senior: He gave me some of the best advice I ever got during my career at NYU during my sophomore year. About my focus, where my head was at, what I was trying to accomplish. He read me like a fucking book, and yeah, at the time I didn’t want to hear it. But he was so right. I tell him that all the time now, though he never takes the credit for it.
Oh boy… could it be… Bennet doesn’t suck? Maybe he has been right? That’s a disturbing thought, one Isa isn’t sure they’re ready to process.
And it’s about to get even tougher. As the upperclassmen continue to chat, Isa starts to realize something -- they seem connected. They’ve got a famous uncle, or successful in-law, someone who adds credibility to their name. Regardless of whether or not they’re talented and friendly, which Isa thinks they are, those details of their identity start to creep up more and more.
With a sinking feeling in their gut, Isa excuses themselves, and goes to seek out Chelsea again. She spots her mixing and mingling with some fellow young creatives, the slightest bit tipsy from the eggnog. She greets Isa cheerfully when they approach, putting an arm on their shoulders and showing them off to her friends.
Chelsea: You’ll never guess who her mom is. Seriously, take a guess!
That’s the first thing out of Chelsea’s mouth when introducing them. When the inhibitions are lowered, when they’re no longer in the classroom, that’s how she sees Isa. Not as a budding director, not as their own person. Just Valerie De La Cruz’s child.
Exactly what they’d been running from all semester.
Highly uncomfortable, Isa peels away from Chelsea’s clutches and lies, claiming they’re getting some air. They make a beeline for the front door, rushing to escape this showboat soiree as fast as possible. Chelsea smiles at her circle of friends.
Chelsea: Mentor of Valerie De La Cruz’s kid. Pretty swanky, huh?
Speaking of women who view the next generation as clout… ELEANOR GARDNER is in top form as she chats with members of the church in between performances at the Christmas show. She passes for humble as she fields compliments left and right, applauding yet another lovely evening. How does she do it? Oh, and everyone is so excited for Charlie’s grand return to the sanctuary stage.
Danielle: Will he be doing “O Holy Night” again? That gets me choked up every time!
We’ll just have to wait and see! The only one who doesn’t seem positively joyful is Rosie, who is still stressfully attempting to gin up enthusiasm for her caroling fundraiser. Every person she tells about it with a plastered on smile assures her they’ll try to attend, but she knows most people in this church don’t mean a word that comes out of their mouths. And she can’t blame them -- if it wasn’t her reputation on the line, she wouldn’t want to go to this stupid fundraiser either!
Her evening is about to get a little bit better though. Ripples run through the crowd at Bridgette’s arrival through the doors, not as calamitous a wave as it may have caused prior to her appearance at Charlie’s graduation, but a murmur or two all the same. MAITLAND and TRINA immediately turn to point her out to Eleanor, whose warm and cheery persona grows a little colder. DANIELLE audibly gasps.
Rosie, on the other hand, is thrilled. She rushes through the pews and comes to greet her sister, giving her a hug and claiming she had no idea she was coming.
Bridgette: Neither did I. You know our brother can be surprisingly persuasive.
Ain’t that the truth. After a moment, AMBROSE GARDNER saunters over to join them, awkwardly but kindly greeting Bridgette. They don’t hug or anything -- haven’t quite broken down that barrier -- but Ambrose states it’s good to see her. Especially this time of year. Bridgette nods.
Eleanor should count her blessings, though, because Bridgette is about to be the least of her worries. A whole new gang has rolled up to crash the party -- Riley, Zay, and the entire crew have turned up to support Charlie, making good on their invite. It’s quite the spectacle, this crop of colorful, queer, quirky misfits descending on the saltine sanctuary in their holiday best.
Most of the churchgoers don’t seem to know how to respond -- Eleanor has gone speechless -- but what are they gonna do? Turn them away? So Riley and friends go unstopped through the pews until they file into an empty one and take up the row. Dylan smiles and cheerfully greets others as he goes, not the least bit shy at imposing on their soiree.
Trina: [ to Eleanor ] Did Riley come to support Charlie? That’s so sweet.
Maitland: Wife material, definitely.
Danielle: [ faux pleasant ] And she brought… friends.
She sure did. Riley seems much more happy here, in this unforgiving chapel with her band of misfits, than she did suffering through familial awkwardness in Philadelphia. This family has never been difficult to be around, once she found it.
Charlie seems to agree. He peers out from backstage and grins when he sees them all assembled in the crowd, bright spots of color against the more demure landscape of his usual church community. He takes that as his cue to get moving, taking to the stage and heading towards the microphone. In a pew a few rows behind Riley and company, JOHN DUFFY eagerly starts applause.
Charlie’s smile grows bashful and he sheepishly waves off the premature praise, his smile only growing brighter when he spots Bridgette in attendance with Rosie and Ambrose. He clears his throat, adjusting the microphone to his height.
Charlie: Hi church. [ waiting for their attention ] Wow, it’s really good to see everyone. Thank you so much for being here. Old friends and new. I think it feels equally good this year, because as you may or may not know, I’ve been out of town for a little bit. Actually, I figure you probably do know, because if I know my mom, I’m sure she didn’t let anyone forget it.
The congregation chuckles at this, smiles being tossed Eleanor’s way. She reacts in stride, shrugging her shoulders coyly. Zay and Riley exchange knowing looks, trying not to laugh for their own reasons.
Charlie: I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone, and I’m sure you all have a lot of questions for me. About what I did, what I saw, how I spent those six months I was away. Or maybe you don’t, that’s fine too. But one takeaway I wanted to share is how much beauty there is out there in the world. Everywhere you look. This time of year always makes me think about that even more, how lovely a world we get to share in this place God created for us. That I try to appreciate every day, lest I forget how much of a miracle that gift is. To be here, experiencing it all.  [ a beat ] But going far away to see it all also made me realize just how much of it there is right here at home. In this place, with these people. There’s beauty in just about everything if you really pay attention, if you take the time to look. And I realized that I shouldn’t be making it harder for anyone to find more of that beauty -- to see it in me. I’m looking forward to living more authentically, more beautifully, I hope, now that I’m back. To give back just a fraction of what I’m getting. Hopefully letting more of my inner beauty, if you will, shine outward to be shared with the world.
Long story short, he wants to start giving more of his authentic self, and whether that’s beautiful or not is up to them. But we can see he’s already begun that transition -- his wardrobe for his performance is bolder than his usual church fare, a deep red turtleneck sweater paired with a sharp suit jacket. The red is an especially new flavor for him… and conveniently goes well with the new ring he’s currently sporting on his finger, inconspicuously included with the rest of his usual ones.
And he’s carrying that same energy through with his song choice, which he notes he’s employed his friends from the church choir to help him out with. It’s a bit snazzier than his usual repertoire, but it feels like him, and he hopes it still instills in all of them a little more holiday cheer.
With that, he nods to the small band, teeing up the song and initiating the new era of Charlie Gardner.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Lead Me With Your Light” as performed by Tess Henley || Performed by Charlie Gardner
This isn’t your typical Christmas fare, not the song you’d hear on the radio or from the carolers out on the street. But that’s perfectly fitting for Charlie, who has never exactly been Top 40. He’s channeling a bit of that Frank Sinatra through -- it’s jazzy, a little funky, a sleeper hit just like him. And it’s guaranteed more fun than anything his church has seen in years, totally rejuvenating the energy in the sanctuary.
Against all odds, the risky deviation from the norm seems to go over well with the congregation too. It’s the kind of groove you can’t help but get sucked into, and Charlie’s vocals are in peak form when infused with the joyful life in the piece. AGATHA DUFFY lets John sway her playfully along to the music with their baby nestled in between them; Rosie has her arm around Bridgette and is bouncing along with her. Even Eleanor can enjoy it, considering it’s playing so well, looking on proudly and doing her usual faux humble reaction as people turn to her to gauge her response.
No one is enjoying it more than his friends, though. Yindra grooves along familiarly, mouthing along with the words, Jade and Nigel smiling beside her. Dylan and Asher are having a grand old time, dancing along even though they clearly do not know the words. Even Maya is mildly impressed. Finally, some pizazz! Lucas seems to be receptive to it, too, Riley grinning proudly next to him. Zay just seems amazed, but it’s hard to tell if that’s because of how unapologetically vibrant the performance is, in his church no less, or because of… other feelings.
Either way, Charlie is glad they’re having fun, because this performance is really for them. They’re the true audience, the ones who really know him, who know how much work it took to get here. It’s not just a bouncy tune; it’s a rebirth. Charlie is reintroducing himself, no holds barred this time, and this is only the beginning.
Thus, it’s only fitting that they’re the first to jump up when the true hype begins. When Charlie hits the bridge at two-and-a-half minutes in, he pulls the microphone off the stand and breaks free, getting into the groove and trying to pull the congregation into it. Riley and Zay both don’t hesitate, cracking up as they race to beat each other in jumping to their feet and starting the clap along to the beat. The rest of the group doesn’t take long to follow their lead, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone is on their feet.
Charlie tosses them a smile and wink before descending down the steps and into the aisles, getting everyone to sing along to the bridge’s refrain. He belts out the big note with skill when he reaches the back of the house, showing off his range for once, then makes an energized dash back through the pews to the front to hop back onto the stage for the final run of the chorus.
Now everyone is into it, energy high as Charlie cascades through the last notes. He’s having fun with it, improvising some runs and doing little dance moves as he does one more lap across the stage, arriving back front and center just in time to deliver the final, powerhouse “star shine...”
Then he tosses off the final notes, spinning and returning back behind the microphone stand. He puts the mic back in place and descends into a bow as the orchestration tumbles into its conclusion. When he gets back upright, he’s greeted by thunderous applause, more genuine acclaim from this community than he’s ever received.
And how wonderful it is, that it’s because he was purely himself. His beam is impossibly bright as he accepts the applause, mouthing thank you and bowing his head.
Isa makes it back to Eric’s townhome, inhaling a deep breath and doing their best not to get overwhelmed. They hug their coat closer around themselves and close their eyes.
They don’t understand anything. The whole time, they thought Chelsea was their ally, because she was so hip and charming and tuned in. She seemed to get Isa, was so supportive of their quirks and puffing up their confidence. But that’s all it was -- puffing up. Hot air. No matter how nice she was, it appears Chelsea only ever viewed Isa as their last name.
They wonder if it’ll ever get easier, constantly being defined by their mother’s name.
Hands shaking, Isa gets out their phone. They need to talk to someone. Without thinking, they dial the first number they can think of, the only person who they think would understand this feeling.
ZACHARY MACNAMARA is watching a movie with his family, his sons just out of frame on the floor. When his phone buzzes, RUBY MACNAMARA shoots him a side-eye -- really? During movie night? -- and he apologizes, going to silence the call.
But he stops still when he sees who it is. He didn’t expect Isa to start calling him out of the blue. Their scheduled chats have been great, but they never discussed what the next steps of comfort might look like. Ruby glances at the screen over his shoulder, raising her eyebrows as well.
They exchange a tacit look. Better take it. Ruby nods for him to go on, Zachary patting her hand in thanks as he gets to his feet and escapes the room.
Zachary picks up the call, still speaking softly.
Zachary: Hello?
Even though they initiated the call, Isa seems surprised that Zachary actually picked up. They clear their throat.
Isa: Um. Hi. I’m not… you’re not busy, are you?
The conversation continues intercut between them. Zachary glances over his shoulder towards the living room, then shakes his head.
Zachary: No. No, I’ve got a few minutes. Everything okay?
Isa: I just had a weird… I really need to talk about something. If that’s okay.
Zachary: I’m all ears. What’s going on?
It was that easy, huh… weird, being able to be vulnerable with someone like this. Someone new. But suppose that’s family, purportedly…
Isa takes a deep breath, clearing their head before they start to explain.
The afternoon of the holiday party, Yindra makes her way into Svorski’s to grab a pick-me-up. Who should she run into but Zay and Vanessa, just wrapping up a coffee date.
Yindra: Fancy seeing you here.
Zay: Desperate for coffee today?
Yindra: Are you kidding? I’m gonna need hella caffeine to get through tonight. Don’t know if you remember this, but our classmates are freaks. Also, I can’t believe you went somewhere and didn’t invite me. You realize you’re my social life, right?
Zay: When do you go back to L.A. again? Having you and Nigel here full-time again is too much for me.
Yindra makes a face, then realizes Vanessa is standing there and must be with Zay. She apologizes, extending a hand to introduce herself.
Yindra: My bad, I didn’t assume you two were here together. I just figure we’re Zay’s only friends.
Zay: Um.
Vanessa: No worries. And actually, we’ve met before. I was on the Quincy team during fitness week when you all came to our class.
Yindra: [ with a gasp ] Oh my God, yeah. Okay, I take back my apology and warm welcome.
Vanessa: I get that a lot.
The barbs are playful, more banter than anything. High school rivalries feel like such old drama these days. Yindra does point out though that it’s kind of hilarious she and Zay are hanging out together -- he is so stubborn and never lets grudges go.
Yindra: Actually, I’m kind of shocked. Pretty sure earlier this semester he mentioned you were plotting his murder.
Zay, quickly: I didn’t say it like that.
Yindra: You said it word-for-word exactly like that.
Vanessa: That’s okay, he’s not wrong. The jury is still out. I’m holding my cards close to the vest.
Yindra: Ah, yes. Wise. Keep your friends close…
Zay, interrupting: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, considering we’re seeing each other, think she’d be taking that adage a bit too literally.
Oh, there it is. Vanessa grows a bit sheepish, not sure how that information is going to go over. But Yindra doesn’t react poorly -- at least, not at first. At first, it’s just an unexpected but neutral surprise.
Yindra, brightly: Oh!
Then, she remembers. That big thing she learned on the road. That thing she’s been encouraging since they got back.
Yindra, foreboding: [ expression dropping ] Oh…
All the above happens in the span of a second or two. Vanessa watches her, uncertain; Zay gives her a puzzled look.
Zay: You good?
Yindra: [ remembering they’re there ] Mm? Oh, yeah, yeah, no. Yeah, I’m -- no it’s all good. I was just -- I had a thought. But it’s fine. I’ll handle it later.
Zay: [ to Vanessa ] You notice she said our friends are freaks? Birds of a feather.
Yindra swats at him, then insists she has to run. But she’ll see him at Riley’s thing tonight, and likely see Vanessa around sooner rather than later since Manhattan is the smallest town on Earth. Before she goes, she offers some parting words of wisdom.
Yindra: Nice to meet you outside the toxic walls of Quincy. By the way, you’re way too hot for him, but that’s none of my business.
Zay, flatly: Thank you, Yindra.
She gives him a wink and then dashes, leaving the shop without ordering anything. Vanessa exchanges a look with Zay, a bit amused.
Vanessa: Didn’t she want caffeine?
Eric is out on the steps of his back porch, taking in the cool Philly afternoon air and looking reminiscently at his childhood backyard. The screen door opens behind him, and moments later Jack joins him, grunting as he crouches down to settle onto the step.
Jack: Getting up and down is a chore these days. Are we getting old, Eric?
Eric: Maybe. I think it feels more pronounced when you wake up in what used to be your childhood bedroom.
True that. They actually have the leeway to make such claims though, unlike Josh. They sit in silence for a few moments.
Eric: You know, my elementary school principal used to live in that house right there.
Jack: No way. Next door neighbors with your administrator?
Eric: Yep. And oh, he hated it, I know. Especially since we were menaces. Mainly Cory. [ off his chuckle ] Wonder what he’d think of me today, ending up as a principal. Not sure he’d believe it. I’m not sure I believe it still.
Jack: It takes a couple years to sink in. [ looking around ] It’s a nice neighborhood. Seems like a nice place to grow up.
Eric: It was.
In spite of it all… even though his family is dramatic, and imperfect, Eric knows he’s lucky. He came out okay, and it could’ve been worse. Although their level of theatrics is still embarrassing…
Eric: So. You’ve had the true Matthews experience now. Ready to break up with me?
Jack: Well… [ off his side-eye, with a smile ] Not a chance. You thought this was a lot? Just wait ‘til you meet my mom. Then we’ll have notes to compare.
But in short, no. He’s not fazed. They’re quirky, sure, but nothing he can’t handle. The two of them have faced far more daunting challenges in their partnership. Jack takes his hand and rests it on his knee, waiting for him to meet his eyes.
Jack: I’ve come to learn that so long as I’ve got my trusty counselor-turned-principal in my corner, anything is possible. For better or worse, I’m in this for the long haul. Long as you’ll have me.
So he need not worry. They’re good. He’s his. Jack leans forward to give him a soft kiss, which Eric accepts with a smile.
They’re interrupted when Amy pokes her head out, apologizing for intruding but wondering if one of them would be willing to help her in the kitchen. Jack cheerfully agrees, giving Eric a wink before getting back to his feet and following Amy back into the house.
Eric watches him go, smile still lingering on his lips. The twinkle of an idea is forming in his eyes…
The holiday gift exchange is almost underway! Most of the attendees -- Zay, Nigel, Jade, Maya, Charlie, Lucas, Isa, Dylan, and Asher -- are in attendance, milling around their corner of Chubbies and chatting idly while a holiday playlist plays on the sound system. Farkle makes his way in and comes to join Riley by the counter, apologizing for running late and handing over his gift. She tells him not to worry, happily taking his present and contributing it to the proper place in her elaborate set up.
Yindra enters last but not least, Riley cheerfully proclaiming that she was the last one they were waiting for so they can nearly get started. Yindra hands over her gift with a smile and then quickly spins to scan the room, finding Charlie nearby and pulling him to the side. Her smile has evaporated.
Yindra: I really need to talk to you.
Charlie frowns, understandably concerned by her tone.
Charlie: Is everything okay?
Yindra: No, no yeah. Everything is -- like, things are fine. Objectively. It’s just, I recently learned something that I think is very important for you to --
Before Yindra can finish, Riley slides up to join them. She lovingly but firmly insists that they go mix and mingle with others, not to mention the gift exchange is about to start.
Riley: You had two whole weeks with each other on the road already. It’s great that you’re besties now, but you’ve got to share the wealth a little with everyone else!
Yindra: Okay, sure, it’s just that I really have to --
Riley isn’t hearing it. They can bestie it up later! She shakes her head playfully at Yindra and pulls Charlie away, who gives her an apologetic shrug. Maybe later?
That would be fine, if this didn’t feel like a dangerous thing to leave unsaid until later. Yindra nods to herself, trying to keep it chill.
Yindra: Cool. Cool, cool, cool, that’s fine. That’s chill. It’s all good.
Man, being in the know about things sucks!
Riley returns to the center of the room and steps onto one of the chairs, trying to get everyone’s attention. When that doesn’t work, Dylan reaches for a glass and silverware to knock it daintily the way people in old movies do, but that doesn’t do much considering the drinkware is made of plastic. Finally, Lucas rolls his eyes from behind the counter and wolf-whistles, which earns disgruntled commentary from everyone at the pitch but does succeed in getting them to shut up.
Riley: [ to Lucas ] Thank you. [ off his nod ] First, let me just say it is so wonderful and exciting and fill in all the synonyms here to see all of you and have all my favorite people back in the same place. Trying not to be too mushy about it, but I am failing.
Zay: Riley Matthews, we love you!
Everyone claps and cheers along, causing her to blush. She waves them off and redirects, jumping to the fun part of all this -- the gift exchange!
Riley: Thank you everyone for being good sports and taking the spirit of this in stride. There’s not really a surefire organized way to go about this with a group as large as ours, but I’ve tried my best. I’ve set out each gift on a table -- they’re easily identifiable by giftee, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding yours. Once you get there, feel free to open it up and enjoy all the wonder of whatever you’ve received. Then, after about five minutes, I’m going to set the dogs loose and you can all convene to reveal who your secret snowflake was. Sound good?
Five minutes will probably be more like two, but close enough. Once everyone has caught on, they disperse to scan for their gifts, scattering throughout the diner. Lucas comes around to help Riley down from the chair by her waist, which she thanks him for with a kiss on the cheek.
Nigel is one of the first to find his, a plain evergreen envelope with his name printed on it. Understated, and not very indicative of what might be inside… he takes the plunge and opens the sleeve. Inside, he retrieves a couple of items -- a gift card to one of his favorite bookstores, and two tickets to an Emerald City Lounge exclusive Q&A with performers from the current stage production of Richard III on Broadway. Not a bad haul! Nigel smiles, pleased with it.
He doesn’t have to wait too long to see who gave it to him. Maya just can’t resist catching his reaction, leaning around the adjacent booth.
Maya: So? What do we think?
Nigel: You put this together?
Maya: I had a bit of help in the form of one Yindra Amino, who recommended the bookstore. I figured a gift card was the kinder move, as I wouldn’t pretend to know which nerdy edition of what Shakespeare snoozefest you’d want me to get.
Nigel: That’s fair.
Maya: But the Q&A was all me. I usually skim the Minkus’ subscription newsletter to see what’s coming up and that was a no-brainer. Some assistance from my connections in Hollywood helped me score them; a diva knows when to delegate to get the job done.
All in all, it’s a thoughtful gift, and one Nigel will certainly enjoy. He thanks her, then admits that it’s weird to be thanking her. She flips her hair off her shoulder.
Maya: The whole world will eventually. But you’re welcome.
In spite of Asher’s apparent lack of assistance, Zay seems to have pulled a winner together for Dylan. He’s gleefully unpacking his hodge-podge of stocking-stuffer type gifts from a vintage thrifted Spongebob fanny pack -- ring pops, gel pens, a rainbow pinwheel. When Zay reveals himself as the sender, he explains his methodology.
Zay: I just walked the aisles of the Dollar Tree and picked up anything that screamed whimsy and gave me that same slight headache between my eyes that I get from too much direct sunlight.
Dylan: [ putting his hand to his chest ] You get me.
Apparently so. Behind them, another trio of exchanges is occurring together. Isa receives their gift from Asher (a new sketchbook for storyboarding, a high quality type Asher would know well, along with assorted snacks he knows they like) while Asher gets one from Jade -- an easy one, considering they’re best friends. In fact, Asher knows immediately that Jade is the gifter, because he cracks up at one of the items that is very clearly an inside joke with a long history between them. It makes Jade instantly laugh too.
Yindra opens hers, retrieving a handful of items collected together in a nice Beyoncé tote bag. Similar to Asher, she knows who gave it to her instantly, because all of the items are stuff she definitely likes… and talked about semi-recently. She lifts her gaze and meets Charlie’s eyes across the room.
He was definitely listening to all that talking they did on the road -- enough to put together the perfect gift. He gives her a wink, which she accepts with a wide smile.
Charlie turns his attention back to his gift, which he’s just finished unwrapping with care. The first item is straightforward, which he can appreciate, a new and simple planner. He’ll definitely get use out of it given his impending return to academia.
The other item in the wrapping is a little more… eclectic. It’s a little pad of papers, like sticky notes, only it’s also a dead giveaway to who must have given him the stuff.
It’s a Chubbies receipt pad. Like, the kind waiters use to jot down orders. Charlie stares at it, not sure what he’s supposed to do with it. But he does a valiant effort of trying to look not confused and very happy with it when Lucas saunters over, not wanting to make him feel bad for not getting it.
Lucas: Surprise. Or whatever.
Charlie: Hey. Thanks for putting this together, it’s great. The planner is gonna come in handy this coming year when I’m trying to get my life together for sure.
Lucas: Yeah, admittedly, Riley helped with that suggestion. Sorry you got stuck with me. [ off his dismissive hand wave ] What about the other part?
Charlie: … the other part of the gift? This one?
Lucas: Yeah. What did you think of that?
Oh so we’re not going to be able to just brush past this then… Charlie clears his throat, giving the most genuine enthusiasm he can muster.
Charlie: Oh, it’s -- it’s great! So cool. Very cool to have bonafide Chubbies paraphernalia. [ a beat ] And you know how I love… lists…
This is just painful. But also hilarious. Lucas does his best not to laugh, letting the awkwardness marinate for a second longer before he gives him a hint.
Lucas: It’s on the back side.
Charlie blinks, then flips the pad over. Lo and behold, there’s more to discover -- the back slip has a note written on it in Lucas’s scrawl, with a date and time in the top right corner.
“Speaker: Zay, to Riley Gist: ‘and I was like shit, I wish Charlie were here, he would know exactly what type of tree in Central Park this is’”
Charlie smiles at the message, since it’s funny, but the meaning of it hasn’t dawned on him yet. Still a bit confused, he tentatively flips to the next sheet… where there’s another entry. A different day, a different time, new notes.
“Speaker: Jack Gist: talked about how great a student Charlie was during conversation about current classes at AAA. wished more students could be like him, academically and socially”
And another one.
“Speaker: Bean + Jake (AAA freshmen) Gist: overheard them talking about how Harper started lessons on dance and remarked on Charlie’s talent and skill for teaching others”
It goes on like this for pages and pages of the receipts. On the back of each one, Lucas took the time to jot down any time he heard someone in their friend group or community talk about Charlie while he was away. The fact that it could fill a whole receipt book goes to show just how often everyone was thinking of him, how much he was missed and the impact he left behind even in the most passing ways.
Lucas: To be frank, I’m pretty shit at giving gifts. When I joined the secret gift thing, and I picked a name…
Lucas gets the message on his phone, informing him of his fate. He’s giving a gift to Charlie.
He doesn’t react much. He simply lifts his head and sighs, resigned.
Lucas shrugs.
Lucas: I mainly felt bad for you, because I have no idea what to get people. Ever. So I wracked my brain on it for days, getting nowhere, until I started to realize people talked about you a lot. Like, all the time. And since I’m stuck in this hell all the time, I was always overhearing it. So I thought… I don’t know, I’d just start writing it down. So you could see it when you got back.
He gifted him the intangible -- proof that he’s loved. Proof of his value, of the way he’s touched his friends, his community. That even when he’s gone, he’s not forgotten.
Lucas will never know just how wonderful a gift that is. Charlie is choked up, flipping through the booklet again and unable to believe there’s that many notes. He clears his throat, letting out a bashful laugh.
Charlie: It’s great. It’s seriously, seriously perfect. [ meeting his eyes ] Thank you, Lucas. Merry Christmas.
Lucas offers a light smile, nodding with just a touch of awkwardness.
At her table, Maya is preparing herself to open her gift. She’s leveling her expectations for disappointment, because she is notoriously hard to please… but somehow, it’s a masterful assembly of items. It’s got everything -- a bit of beauty and glamor, a bit of music, some plain cold hard cash in the form of an American Express gift card. It’s the perfect gift for her.
After gleefully going through it all, she eagerly scans the room to figure out who could’ve possibly gotten her something this well-curated. Her assumption is it must be Farkle, because who else would know her well enough…
But no. She’s absolutely stunned with Dylan of all people comes and plops down in the chair opposite her, smile bright on his face.
Maya: You’ve got to be kidding me.
Dylan: By trade, usually. But not this time. Merry Christmas, beauty queen.
Maya shakes her head. How is this possible?
Dylan: Well, Riley sent me the link to sign up for the gift exchange, and then I pulled a name --
Maya: No, I mean, how did you put this together? This is an incredible gift.
Dylan: Thank you. And you’re welcome.
Maya: So how could you have made it for me? I’m positive you weren’t thrilled when you pulled that name and got mine.
Dylan pauses, thinking back on it --
In the aftermath of drawing Maya’s name, Dylan actually doesn’t seem bothered. He’s thoughtful, kind of chuckling to himself, already brainstorming how he’s going to play this. Asher, on the other hand, is downright livid, pacing behind him and rambling about how messed up this is and that he should ask Riley for a partner swap, because no one should have to be saddled with picking a gift for Maya Penelope Hart.
Dylan shrugs his shoulders coyly, enjoying the lowkey drama of it all.
Dylan: I never complain in the face of holiday cheer. I’m more than happy to spread it like the plague.
In terms of pulling the gift together, it helps that Dylan is observant about others and Maya has never been shy about sharing her opinions, loudly, about just about everything. But in full disclosure, he had help.
Dylan: I got the obvious stuff, but Isa was great at narrowing down the details.
Maya: … Isa?
Dylan: Yeah. When I was stumped, I’d just go to them and they’d know exactly what it needed. So you have them to thank for a chunk of that award-winning gift.
Maya blinks, looking down at the gift in a new light. Man, the way you never forget some things about your friends, no matter how long it’s been or how far you’ve drifted apart… she lets her gaze drift across the room, where Isa is in conversation with Jade and Asher about their gift exchange.
Farkle is about to open his, but he gets distracted by noticing Zay has already torn open his. Not wanting to miss the moment, he pauses on his own reception and goes to join Zay at his table, gauging his reaction as he pulls the items out of the hat box they’re stored in. It’s a good haul -- a nice and stylish dress shirt that actually matches Zay’s tastes, a new and better pair of headphones to use while dancing, and a pair of tickets to Hadestown.
Zay: Can’t say I’m surprised to see you sitting there with that smug grin. You are the only one who could afford to put a package together like this. Well, or Isa, but I know they don’t know me well enough to compile all this.
Farkle: Does that mean you like it? And are you admitting that I actually know you?
Zay shrugs, not committing to that confession either way… but he does soften and offer Farkle a smile. He thanks him for the gift sincerely, at least admitting that it has been nice having him back in town.
Farkle: Thanks. It’s been nice to be back. And I’m glad you like the gift. I don’t know if you knew this, but your approval has always meant a lot to me. I’m very grateful to get to call you a friend, even if I didn’t always deserve it.
They still don’t do sentimental all that easily, but the moment is sweet. Zay nods, accepting the kind words, before backing off the emotion a bit to focus back on the gift. He remarks that he’s especially impressed by Farkle’s ability to pick something that he would actually wear, holding up the shirt to get a better look. Farkle beams, pleased.
Zay: For real, it’s a fresh look. Not to be like I didn’t know you had it in you, but you literally wore blazers unironically to school for like two years.
Farkle: You got me there.
Zay: What can I say? You keep exceeding my expectations this break it seems. What mind-blowing thing are you gonna reveal next? Did you get the lead role in Hamilton in Los Angeles and have a one-off hook up with, I don’t know, Harry Styles?
Not quite, but you’re onto something, Zay! Farkle is spared having to respond (and likely flubbing it) by a text coming in on his phone. It’s from Jordan, asking where he is. Farkle is a bit confused, but types out a response, the pause in conversation earning curiosity from Zay.
Zay: Everything okay?
Farkle: Huh? Oh, yeah. Just my boyfriend.
Zay: It couldn’t wait five minutes? Surely talking to yours truly is reason enough to have your undivided attention.
Farkle: Yeah, it’s just -- he was asking where I was. So I didn’t want to leave him hanging.
Zay: Right… does he always ask where you are? Or expect you to answer that fast?
Farkle: Not really. It takes five seconds, so. Plus I mentioned this party earlier in the week, so he’s probably just checking that I made it here okay. I wouldn’t call it a pattern or anything. It’s nice, you know, having someone care enough to wonder what I’m up to.
That’s one way to look at it. Zay doesn’t seem to share that perspective.
Back by the counter, Riley takes a break from her hostessing and watching everyone else enjoy her social masterminding to open her gift. It’s neatly wrapped in shiny wrapping paper with a pretty purple ribbon, which she takes care to delicately remove as to not ruin it. Once she opens the box, she retrieves a handful of items from inside -- the Waitress cookbook, a set of socks in shades of purple with cats on them, and an envelope containing a couple of coupons for a nice spa.
It’s a sweet gift, and Riley is clearly happy with it. She grows even more cheery when the gifter is revealed, Nigel shyly sauntering over to join her. She thanks him for the thought and effort he put into it.
Riley: These socks are adorable, and I can’t wait to dive into this cookbook. Dylan and I can probably try a couple before he goes back to Rochester to break it in. I’m so curious about the spa idea, how did you come up with that?
Nigel: My mom recommended it -- one of her friends works there and was able to get her the coupons. They have really good reviews. I just thought, given all the energy and effort you put into taking care of the rest of us and keeping this train on the tracks, you deserved some time to take care of yourself too.
Riley tilts her head, genuinely touched. She holds the envelope to her chest. Nigel grows a bit more nervous but powers through to say what he wants to say, trying to convey to her just how grateful he is for her friendship.
Nigel: I know I haven’t exactly been super social this semester, or made a point of showing it --
Riley: Don’t apologize. It’s been a weird time, adjusting and everything.
Nigel: Maybe. But I just really want you to know how much I value your friendship. You’re one of a kind, Riley, and I am very, very lucky to be your friend. I’m trying not to take that for granted. Thank you for letting me into your world.
Riley’s eyes get glossy, and she insists she’s not going to cry. She reaches out for a hug instead, which Nigel accepts, returning the embrace tightly. Really putting his heart into the hug, hoping it’ll translate his gratitude and make up for all of the bad choices he made this semester behind her back. He can’t change the past, but he can be present in the present.
Now that the gift portion of the evening has started to wane, Dylan and Asher have regrouped in a booth together, sharing what they received in the gift exchange. Which is the perfect place for Charlie to catch them, greeting them both and sliding into the bench opposite them.
Charlie: Do you both have a second?
Asher: Of course. It’s great to see you. You look great.
Dylan: Yeah, nice tan!
Charlie laughs sheepishly. It’s true, he is glowing! Compliments aside, he claims he was hoping he’d be able to catch them before the crowd came in for the full reunion party. He thinks he might need their help with something.
Charlie: I kind of have a big favor to ask.
Color them intrigued. Asher raises his eyebrows, glancing at Dylan, who already has a mischievous smile creeping onto his face.
Meanwhile, Riley is pulled away from her conversation with Nigel when Vanessa steps through the doors to the diner. She immediately goes to greet her, warmly welcoming her in with Zay not too far behind. Vanessa admits she isn’t sure if she showed up too early -- she didn’t mean to intrude. Riley assures her otherwise, and that she’s so glad she could make it.
From where they’ve gone to regroup with Lucas by the counter -- he seems chronically drawn to stand behind it, like a Pavlovian response to being in the diner -- Dylan, Asher, and Charlie watch Vanessa’s arrival with interest.
Asher: Kind of weird she’s here. I thought she hated Adams?
Dylan: I love it. Rivalries suck, love wins.
Charlie: For sure. I’m kind of surprised she and Zay seem so close though. I thought they were having some friction at Turner last I heard?
Lucas: Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I think they’re like, friends now.
Leave it to Lucas to have absolutely zero helpful intel. Joe heads out from the kitchen and makes his exit, reminding them all to lock up when they leave and not to burn the place down.
Joe: Been running this place for a decade or two, like to keep it standing for a year or two more.
Dylan: I will protect this place with my life. It’s never dying.
Lucas: I’ll lock up when we’re done.
That’s all he needed, but the Orlando enthusiasm is noted. All of them thank him profusely for letting them rent out his space, wishing him happy holidays. Before he jets off, though, Riley jumps in and asks if he’d be willing to take a photo of all of them.
Riley: For posterity my sanity, I’d love to have proof that this happened and all my beloveds were in fact here together.
Can always count on Riley to get the documentation. Some folks are reluctant by nature, but they all oblige, gathering by the counter and letting Riley rearrange them to fit. Half of them hop up onto the counter while the rest fill in on the stools and in front of it, managing to pull it together just in time for Joe to figure out Riley’s smartphone camera.
Joe: All right, all right, now if you can all stand still for five seconds I might be able to take this. One, two…
Joe snaps the photo, capturing the moment in time forever -- all of them assembled together, in their cutest winter attire, in their favorite hometown haunt. The neon lettering reading “Chubbies” above the kitchen is visible on the wall behind them. Asher is perched on the counter on the right end, just behind Dylan, who is bookending the right side; next to them, Lucas is on one of the stools, smiling lightly while Riley leans over his shoulder and hugs him from behind. Charlie’s got a hand on her shoulder, also on the counter in the back row with Yindra on his right, who has an arm around his shoulders to hug him close and throwing up a peace sign. In front of them, Zay and Vanessa are on the stools, and next to them, Farkle’s breaking up the back row with his height from the front. He’s got Maya on one side, tucked between him and Zay and looking appropriately diva at the near center, and Isa on his other, braving an arm around their shoulder that Isa doesn’t seem opposed to. Then, finally, Jade and Nigel bookend the left side, mirroring most of the other couples in their set up of Jade seated behind Nigel on the counter.
It’s an adorable photo, an instant classic. All of our favorites, together like they belong. As the jingle of bells cues up the next song…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “One I’ve Been Missing” as performed by Little Mix || Performed by AMBITION Ensemble
The cute, sentimental pop bop underscores the transition into the full reunion portion of the party, more of the A class friends arriving and joining the festivities. The ensemble’s harmony, reunited once more, acts as a backdrop to the montage of the community coming together at Chubbies, exchanging tight hugs and jumping into eager chatter about how their first semesters are going.
Darby gives Chai an excited hug when they see each other again; Yindra wraps Jeff in a bear hug and swears she’s never going to let him go. NATE MARTINEZ, NICK YOGI, and Dave are back to their usual antics with Dylan, like they were never apart, trying to see how many candy canes they can hook into Dave’s mouth at once. Charlie sits in a booth with Haley and Clarissa close on either side, showing them photos from his travels.
The whole montage emanates warmth, the undeniable cozy feeling of being home for the holidays. As the vocals slowly peter out and fade into the background, becoming diegetic, the scene continues.
Braving guaranteed tension, Maya makes her way through the throng and finds Isa. She clears her throat as she approaches, getting their attention and waiting for a signal that it’s okay to engage. Isa stares at her, frozen in shock for a second that she’s even bothering to try… but then relaxes somewhat, keeping their head held high. It’s not a detente, but it’s not walls up either. They’re willing to hear what she has to say.
Maya: Dylan told me you helped with my gift.
Isa: I wouldn’t say that. Dylan is a master of gift-giving; he hardly needs my help.
Maya: Well, he said you did. [ a beat ] And it was a really fabulous gift. I liked it a lot.
Isa: That’s good.
Maya: So… thanks. Merry Christmas.
Isa hesitates, not sure how to respond. It feels wrong -- dropping their pride and letting her in, but also continuing to let them stay in this fractured, broken state. Being with Maya isn’t supposed to feel this way. And even if the freeze out feels good in a vindictive sort of way, it hasn’t addressed anything. Isa doesn’t feel any closer to closure.
But they aren’t going to find the solution tonight. So for now, Isa accepts the truce, nodding.
Isa: You’re welcome.
Meanwhile, Nigel is taking the chance to catch up with Chai, curious to hear about how her experience is going in London. In sharp contrast to him, she loves her program. When she raves about the classes and her peers and the excitement of being in an entirely new city, it’s more than evident that she’s not bullshitting. She’s not making up enthusiasm to save face, she’s honestly enjoying her year and all of the things her program has to offer.
Chai: I don’t know how to explain, but I feel like a lot of the students in the UK just have such a different approach to the craft than we do here. Maybe it’s because we’re all spoiled in the saturation of growing up right by Broadway, I don’t know, but I think my classmates just seem to have… like, a more authentic appreciation for it. What goes into it all. Less Maya Harts, if that makes sense.
It does. It does, and it sounds like a dream.
Chai: I honestly don’t even know if I’m going to stay on the performing side of the industry. I’ve taken a couple courses this semester on producing and writing, and they’re super interesting fields. Still adjacent to the performing part, but maybe more up my alley. I don’t know.
Nigel: So you might just totally change your plan? And that doesn’t freak you out?
Chai: No. I thought it might, like I get what you’re saying, but it’s way more like excitement. It just feels like an experiment, maybe something I’m better suited for, but I won’t know until I give it a shot. I’m fortunate that my school feels like a place where I can do that. You know what I mean?
He doesn’t. Not familiarly. But it’s enticing -- Nigel asks to hear more, enraptured by her stories, which she’s happy to oblige. But she first mentions that she actually thought of him this semester, because she’s ended up in this extremely nerdy Discord server with some of her classmates that’s all about analyzing Shakespeare and other stage plays as well as exchanging recs. Super helpful for monologues, for one thing, but also just fun to unpack with people who are as interested in the subject matter.
Nigel: [ with wide eyes ] That sounds amazing.
Chai: I knew you’d say that. I literally said to myself after one of my peers sent this whole paragraph about Othello, “damn, Nigel would love this chat.” If you’re down, I’ll ask my friends and see if they can add you? It’s not like exclusive to my school or anything.
Nigel smiles, eagerly agreeing. He makes sure Chai has his info for the invite, should he be lucky enough to receive one.
It’s taken all night, but finally, Charlie finds a moment where Zay is alone. He steels himself and then approaches the table he’s sitting at with as much confidence as he can muster, trying to appear nonchalant. He has no chance of tempering his smile though -- it’s natural, instantaneous, the second he’s in his presence.
Charlie: Hi.
Zay mirrors his smile as he settles into the chair across from him.
Zay: Hey.
Charlie: I feel like it’s taken a thousand years to finally talk to you. Not how I planned it, I swear.
Zay: It’s all g. I get it. It’s crazy busy.
Charlie: Yeah, but still. I’m especially sorry I didn’t get to see your winter recital.
Zay: Please. It’s not as if you’ve never seen me dance before.
Charlie: Well, I always want to.
Well indeed. Zay absorbs that, even more impactful with Charlie’s earnest, sincere delivery. It’s much more potent up close and personal, not filtered through electronic devices. When he can see his smile, look into his bright eyes -- the prolonged break from it all only makes it worse.
Zay: Next time.
Charlie nods. It’s a promise.
Charlie: And I’m glad you were able to be there for mine. Even if stepping foot inside my church might have risked incineration.
Zay: Yeah, how fucking wild is that, huh? Think the us of a couple years ago would even believe it?
Charlie: Absolutely no chance. But I’m happy we got to prove them wrong. [ holding his gaze ] It really meant a lot to me. For you to be there.
God, he’s hard to look at sometimes. When he gets like this, when his eyes are shining like that. Zay has to look away, managing a smile as he drops his gaze to the table for a second to breathe.
Charlie hopes there’s more proving the past wrong to come. Now that the reunion ice has been broken, he shifts gears, reaching into his coat pocket.
Charlie: I have something for you.
Zay gasps, feigning offense.
Zay: You got me a gift? When you didn’t draw my name for the gift exchange? That’s not how Secret Snowflake works, Charlie. [ off his bashful laughter ] You can’t just break the rules like that.  My God, what did all that foreign sin do to you?
Charlie: I mean, I can take it back if you don’t want it.
Zay: [ playing humble ] Well… if you’ve already gone to all the trouble, I guess I could accept it. Out of the generosity of my kind, gracious heart.
Charlie grins, fondly amused as he shakes his head. He retrieves a small wrapped parcel from his coat and slides it across the table for Zay to take.
Zay wastes no time opening it, unveiling a handful of items from his travels abroad. Some are lighter in tone, like candy from different cultures and a German version of some Frank Ocean merch Charlie happened to find at a thrift shop. But the true star of the show is a classy and simple gold signet ring, similar in taste to ones Zay wears already but with its own unique touch due to its foreign design…
And maybe to make up for the one he’s missing, currently on the chain tucked under Charlie’s sweater.
Zay: Shit, Charlie. This is sick, man.
Charlie: … so you like it?
Zay: It’s all dope. I’m relieved to see that being in France didn’t irreparably damage your brain. [ meeting his eyes ] Thanks. Thanks for thinking of me, dude.
As if he ever isn’t. But it’s so good to see that smile again, and a relief that the gift went over well. But Charlie’s not finished. He licks his lips, taking Zay in for another long moment -- capturing the scene in his memory -- before he gathers his courage. He subtly reaches into the inner pocket of his coat.
Charlie: There’s actually one more thing that I --
He doesn’t get to finish, interrupted by Vanessa arriving at their table by Zay’s side. Charlie blinks at her, then manages a polite smile. Vanessa apologizes for interrupting their conversation, but Zay waves her off.
Zay: You’re fine. We were just talking.
Charlie looks like he disagrees, but it’s so subtle beneath his expertly crafted polite persona that you wouldn’t notice at a glance. He moves whatever it was he pulled from his coat down to his lap, out of sight.
Charlie: Vanessa. Hey.
Zay, confused: You know each other?
Vanessa: Barely. And not by his choice.
Charlie: Don’t say that. It wasn’t weird. We ran into each other this week by chance, and she mentioned she knew you.
He says it wasn’t weird, but based on Zay’s uncertain expression, it’s weird to him. It’s like his brain refused to process a world where both of them existed, let alone collided, and now he’s a bit slow to accept it as reality. He claims that if he was the connecting point, he may as well give them formal introductions, clearing his throat to do so.
Zay: Vanessa, this is Charlie, our friend who ditched us for the grand allure of being a French person.
Charlie: [ with an eye roll ] Zay, tu es tellement dramatique.
Vanessa: I don’t even know French, but I got enough of that to know I agree.
Zay: [ ignoring that ] And Charlie, this is Vanessa. My classmate at Turner. [ a beat ] And my girlfriend.
Oh. That lands about as heavily as you’d expect it to. It’s like lightning strikes their table, sending shockwaves through their corner of the diner. Vanessa stares at Zay, surprised -- she wasn’t expecting him to say anything. She didn’t expect him to proclaim it like that.
But she’s nowhere near as surprised as Charlie. At least she knew going into the conversation. At least she’s tethered to reality, not handicapped by so much time away and blinded by the rose-colored glasses he forgot to take off that just assumed things would work out. That thought it was finally the right time, that there wouldn’t be any obstacles he knew damn well could have materialized in the time he chose to be away, as if Zay would wait for him forever. His romanticized, daydreamer brain got carried away again, hoping for the impossible, and it always gets him into trouble.
He can’t think all of that right now, though. He can’t process it, because the moment he does, he doesn’t want to make everyone else have to see it. He forces himself to focus on the positive takeaways -- Zay is moving forward. Zay is with someone he likes.
Zay is happy. All he wants is for Zay to be happy.
So painful as it is, he manages a smile. Genuine, in some ways, just enough to cover for how it feels like his lungs are caving in.
Charlie: Wow. That’s -- that’s great. Congratulations.
Vanessa offers an awkward smile, crossing her arms and pushing some hair behind her ear. Zay keeps his eyes trained on Charlie, trying to sense if he’s okay. Unable to stop thinking of him, such a trained instinct now, even if it’s none of his business. A bit apologetic for how unceremoniously he dumped this information on him -- ideally, there would’ve been a better way to tell him.
But Charlie is holding it together impressively well. He’s trained all his life for moments like these. He’s grateful when Vanessa makes an attempt to change the subject, getting the attention off of him. He casually adjusts to clasps his hands behind his back… hiding the journal Zay gave him with them. The last gift he was planning to give him, just the start of his way of finally telling him his truth.
Plans change fast these days.
Farkle has escaped into the cold night to have a second alone, finally getting the chance to focus on his gift. He starts to tear at the paper when the bell jingles behind him, signaling someone coming outside to join him. So he starts to hide the gift instinctively… but it’s only Isa. He relaxes, exchanging a light smile with them as they come to join him by the wall.
Isa: Hey. Wondering where you’d disappeared to.
Farkle: You noticed I was gone? [ after a beat ] Not that I think you should, or anything.
Of course, Isa wants to say. Of course I noticed you were gone. All I’ve been able to think about for months is how you’re not here. I can’t be near you half the time because of how overwhelming it is to confront the fact that you’re not here when you aren’t.
But they don’t say any of that. They stammer through a casual response instead.
Isa: Well, it got remarkably quieter in there. [ off his playful eye roll ] And I noticed you still hadn’t had the chance to open your gift…
Oh, yes… they would notice that, wouldn’t they? Considering they’re the giver -- something Farkle was able to figure out, given how most everyone else shook out -- it’s impressive Isa waited this long to question him about it. He smiles sheepishly, lifting the present back into view again.
Farkle: Yeah. Sorry. It’s been so crazy in there, catching up with everyone. I didn’t want to miss Zay opening what I got for him, and then once everyone else showed up it’s like time evaporated. It’s part of why I came out here. I’m dying to check it out, but I didn’t want to make anyone else feel bad by opening it in front of them.
But now they’re alone��� Isa raises their eyebrows, inviting him to go on. They hold their breath as he does so, peeling back the wrapping paper and revealing the contents of the small parcel.
Two novels, bound together with a nice, understated ribbon. Rare vintage copies of two of the literary classics -- The Great Gatsby, and of course, Pride & Prejudice.
Farkle gapes at them, mouth hanging open slightly. He turns the bundle over to get the full experience, marveling at the quality of the preserved rare editions and shaking his head in disbelief.
Farkle: Holy shit. Isa…
Isa, quickly: You don’t have to say anything. It’s okay if you don’t like them. [ anxious ] Would you believe it if I told you those literally came bundled together from the seller? Those two books exactly. Which I thought was insane, but it felt like, okay, there’s no way I can’t get these. It’s too fitting. Because I know you told me about how you like Gatsby before, how it’s one of your favorites. And it reminds you of your dad. And then P&P, I figured, well, best to finally give you your own copy so you don’t always have to read my shitty one cluttered with annotations. Since you never got to get one in junior year.
They’re overexplaining themselves, but Farkle doesn’t mind. He’s honestly barely listening, still processing how meaningful the gift is. It does prove one thing, that’s for sure -- Isa knows Farkle. Isa knows him all too well.
Isa: So yeah, sorry if this is dumb. I can get you something else.
Farkle: Are you kidding? This is incredible. [ meeting their eyes ] Thank you.
Isa tries to catch their breath, but it’s hard when he’s holding their eye contact like that. It’s been so long since they were this close, since his eyes looked so blue when viewed in proximity like they are now. It’s intimidating, making Isa’s heart pound… but it’s good, too. It’s so, so good.
Isa: You’re welcome. [ softer ] It’s really good to see you, Farkle.
Farkle lets the sentiment hang between them for a moment, soaking it up. Holding Isa’s gaze, not taking for granted the fact that they’re actually looking him in the eyes. It feels like they’ve been running from view all semester. Now they’re here, right there in front of him, and it’s impossible to look away.
Farkle: [ with a nod ] It’s really good to see --
Until it isn’t, and there’s something more eye-catching to grab his attention. Farkle glances over their shoulder, and then double takes, his eyes widening in shock.
Farkle: Jordan?
Isa frowns. Surely, they haven’t been apart so long that he’s forgotten their name already -- but no. He’s not looking at them anymore. Isa turns around to follow his line of sight, both of them watching as yes, Jordan Nelson walks towards them down the street. He’s got a bright, charming smile on his face, and he holds out his arms as he approaches.
Jordan: Surprise.
Farkle: What -- [ with an incredulous laugh ] what are you doing here?
Jordan: [ with a nonchalant shrug ] I was bored. L.A. is so lame this time of year; everyone books it out of town. And what can I say? I missed my guy.
Farkle chuckles bashfully, accepting the kiss Jordan greets him with. He has to be dreaming. Someone pinch him.
Isa looks like they’d be up for the job. They stare at Jordan and Farkle, torn between utter shock and mild disgust. They simply can’t make sense of what they’re seeing. Who the hell is this? And why the fuck are they calling Farkle their guy? The kiss doesn’t even register, it’s like they’ve blacked out.
Jordan: Besides, it’s been a while since I saw the Big Apple. Figured you could show me around. [ glancing towards Isa ] Speaking of. You gonna introduce me?
Farkle: What? Oh! Yes, yes. [ giggling, flustered ] Um, Jordan, this is my friend Isa.
Jordan: Ah, yes, the fellow director.
That’s all he says. No “nice to meet you,” no “Farkle’s told me all about you.” He’s over the introduction before Isa can even find the brain power to respond, tilting his head at Farkle.
Jordan: So, this is the party right? I’m looking forward to meeting everyone. [ with an elbow nudge ] Your turn to show me off.
Farkle looks more than ready to do that. He grins and takes Jordan’s hand, leading him back towards the diner. Isa blinks, suddenly left standing in the cold on their own.
What the hell just happened?
Farkle and Jordan reenter, quickly catching the attention of some of the attendees with this new guest appearance. Riley is surprised but reacts aptly, a strong hostess as always, going to meet Farkle and cheerfully shaking hands with Jordan. Isa blankly walks in behind them, still in shock.
They aren’t the only one unsettled by this development. From where he’s chatting with Vanessa and Nigel, Zay clocks Jordan’s new appearance. Even without an introduction, he can tell who he is by how Farkle is acting around him -- and he doesn’t seem impressed by his presence. He frowns.
Maya is equally stunned to see him, thinking this two-week stint in New York might be a window of time where she actually got the old Farkle to herself. But apparently, Jordan is like gum on his shoe he isn’t scraping off, sticky and hard to remove. Before she can react, though, she’s distracted by a text on her phone in her group chat with Justin and Melissa.
Melissa Suzuki: Just dropped Lolli a few minutes ago. Strong reception so far -- you’ve def got a following after OMG that’s hungry for more
He sends several fire emojis to accent the point. Maya grins, eagerly clicking to her profiles on social media to take a look for herself. They’re telling the truth -- “LolliPop” is still fresh out of the musical oven, and it’s already making a dent in the landscape.
Josh is checking out the same stats in his childhood bedroom, hunched over his laptop and eagerly watching the praise start to pour in. He’s filled with pride, and excitement -- finally, a song he helped produce, that he really believes in, is making some waves. He opens his messaging app to text Maya about it, to offer early congratulations and a job well done.
But then he freezes, something on the YouTube page catching his attention. Once he notices, he can’t look away, closing the messaging app and clicking on the description of the song to make sure he’s not misreading it.
But he isn’t. In the song credits, he isn’t listed. There’s no “Josh Matthews” anywhere on the song. Justin and Melissa are represented under producers, and Maya has her top billing under lyrics.
But nothing for him. He’s totally erased from the creative footprint.
Amy, off-screen: Josh? Are we doing this?
Morgan, off-screen: Yeah, come on, Joshie! I wanna see your big hit song!
All the color has left Josh’s face, numb as he stares at the song credits that erase his existence.
He’s nothing.
A quiet has settled over the apartment after the social chaos of the evening, something Lucas is clearly grateful for. He’s much more comfortable in the safety of this space, enjoying the glow of the Christmas tree lights that he put up with friends than he could ever be in the apartment of his parents -- no matter how many pretty decorations they put up.
The peace isn’t disrupted by Riley’s return home, evidently one of the last to leave the gathering at Chubbies. No surprise there. Lucas offers her a light smile and greets her, which she easily returns. He waits for Isa to step inside as well, frowning slightly when they don’t appear.
Lucas: Where’s Dora?
Riley, coyly: I may have requested they go back to Eric’s for the night. Thought it might be a nice gift to all of us to take a break from the roommate-ing for a bit.
Lucas: And they agreed? That’s big of them.
Riley: Tis the season. Besides, I think they understood -- I know you don’t prefer company, especially when things get sentimental. And I want things to be as comfortable as possible… considering I still need to give you your gift.
Ooh, surprise, surprise! Except not really, because Lucas figured out pretty quickly during the party that Riley must be his Secret Snowflake. He feigns acting taken by surprise, but Riley sees through it, tilting her head at him in amusement as she comes to join him by the couch.
Riley: You knew?
Lucas: [ with a shrug ] Once I was standing empty-handed while everyone else was opening their gifts, it was fairly obvious. I figured it had to be you, because if anyone else simply decided not to get me something, I know you’d chew them out and it would have been a whole ordeal.
True that! Riley smiles, proud, then nods in acknowledgement.
Riley: Sorry if you felt left out. Like I said, knowing you, I thought you’d probably prefer to get it later when there were less people around.
Lucas: No worries, and correct. Sparing me that is already gift enough, thank you.
Riley rolls her eyes, shaking her head at him. Easy a gift as that would’ve been, she has more than that -- she holds up a small, wrapped box in her palms, topped with a blue bow.
Riley: Merry Christmas.
Lucas takes it delicately, giving her a playfully suspicious look before he opens it. He lifts the lid off the box, revealing the contents as he pulls it out.
A lanyard. Simple, understated navy, dug out from the supply closet of the animal shelter they work at together. Just like he joked he might need, now that he’s building all these spaces one might call a home.
Riley: Since you’re acquiring all these keys, I thought it would be wise to make sure you don’t lose them. Especially when you go off to Davis, and there’s even more to keep track of.
Lucas doesn’t know what to say. It’s sweet, something he’ll actually use, and so perfectly Riley to think to get him something like this. Thankfully, she fills the silence for him, continuing to explain.
Riley: I know you’ll be able to put the keys on yourself, but I wanted to make sure you had something on it to start with. A little piece of home to carry around with you.
She points out the small keychain on the ring, currently the only item attached. It’s basically a locket, and when he opens it, we see a photo of the two of them on the inside. A copy of the one Grace took on prom night, where they’re looking at each other and so naturally at ease. At home, with one another.
More than a piece of home -- she’s given him the whole thing.
Lucas: Riley…
Riley: Shh. We’re not done quite yet.
She takes the lanyard from him and holds it up, gesturing for him to dip his head. He obliges, letting her drape it around his neck. Once he straightens up, eyeing her for approval, she beams and smooths it out against his chest.
Riley: There’s a couple more pieces to this gift -- one of which we’ll need to retire to the bedroom for, so mentally prepare yourself for that accordingly --
Lucas: [ with a bashful cough ] Okay, we don’t need to…
Riley: [ not hearing it ] But first, it’s a special time of year, so I believe a dance is in order. Admittedly, this is more of a gift for both of us, since I know that’s a sacrifice for you, but I’m willing to offer a bit of singing to compensate. I have it on good authority that you’re not opposed to the sound of my voice.
Lucas: Well… if it’s for you…
She didn’t need to sell it that hard, honestly. If Riley wants to dance, then Lucas will dance -- and she’s right that hearing her sing is a gift all its own to him. She gives him an affectionate smile, reaching for the remote on the side table to turn on the sound system and cue up the song she had in mind.
Then she takes his hands, leading him to the center of the living room.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)” as performed by Nat King Cole || Performed by Riley Matthews
In the grand, essential tradition of Riley and Lucas slow-dancing, Riley has chosen one of the gentlest, most tender Christmas songs to do it justice. And she does deliver, quietly serenading Lucas as they sway together in the middle of the living room. It’s simple, understated, and sweet, which is all it has to be. For the two of them, that’s enough.
As the piano interlude begins, breaking up the choruses, we transition…
Into a montage, chronicling other glimpses of the upcoming holidays. In the Garcia home, the usual Christmas eve gathering goes off without a hitch. Dylan helps Asher put the finishing touches on an ornament he can’t quite reach at the top of the tree, then leans over his shoulder to gift him a peck on the cheek. It’s warmly received, Asher giving him a fond smile.
Passing that tree…
We emerge behind another one, this one surrounded by presents piled high on the tree skirt. The lights are low save for the tree lights, casting the room in a glimmering subtle hue of colors. The house is quiet for the evening, most of the family seemingly having retreated for the night.
But not Charlie. He’s curled up on the couch, holding a mug in his palms but not drinking it. He’s lost in thought, staring at the tree but not really seeing it. He’s still processing what he learned at the party, trying to accept it as reality without letting it utterly crush him. He knew this could happen. He knew he had to be okay with the possibility when he went away.
That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt, though. It was always going to hurt. And once it really hits him, it will. There will be time for regret; there will be plenty of time for tears.
Later, though. Not tonight. Tonight, life goes on, as Rosie comes to join him in the living room moments later with a mug of her own. She happily plops on the couch next to him, commenting on how pretty the tree is. She holds out her mug, inviting a cheers.
Life goes on. Charlie shakes off the melancholy, returning her smile and clinking his mug against hers. Skippy scampers in to join them and hops onto the couch, curling up in between them. Even DAISY GARDNER ambles in a couple seconds later, acting nonchalant as she comes and sits on the floor against the couch.
Reclined against his pillows but not quite asleep, Zay is doing some ruminating of his own. His mind is buzzing too much to sleep. Too much to think about, even though he isn’t sure he knows what. So much social stimulation, maybe. Mixing the old with the new. Good friends. Dealing with Maya Hart.
Long-awaited homecomings. He turns the gold signet ring over in his fingers, smiling lightly to himself.
Speaking of Maya, she and Katy are celebrating the big release of “LolliPop” together, dancing around their living room together and singing along. Katy spins her daughter under her arm, who laughs loudly and tries to return the favor.
Maya doesn’t think to check the production credits. She doesn’t even look, even as they’re sitting right there on her laptop screen underneath the lyric video that’s playing.
In her mind, it never occurred to her that something would be amiss.
Farkle is enjoying blissful ignorance of his own, making the most of Jordan’s surprise visit and introducing him to his family. Jennifer is more than eager to meet him, while EZRA MINKUS hangs back uncertainly -- he gets more shy as he gets older. Uri also hangs back, but for different reasons. He looks suspicious and unimpressed as he chews on a carrot stick, watching Jordan attempt to charm their mother.
Lucas gets another unexpected holiday surprise, opening an email on his laptop.
It’s from Evelyn Rand. He’s got the job. He’s her brand new assistant, and he’ll start training next week. She’s looking forward to working together and seeing what he brings to the table.
After a beat, Lucas smiles.
Jade makes a career move of her own. After one last moment of hesitation, she hits send on a message, responding to Pinhead Threads. She’s open to an interview, if they’re still interested in bringing her on.
Now it’s time to wait and see what the universe has in store. She exhales a deep breath.
Later that week, Isa returns to their room with mail, including a thick envelope addressed to them. It’s from the MacNamaras, including another holiday card with their family and a new letter from Zachary.
And plane tickets. A flight voucher for a round trip to Los Angeles, for whenever they decide they’re ready to come for a visit.
Somehow, the idea doesn’t fill them with dread, but rather excitement and a bit of hope. They smile, looking at the letter and starting to read.
Back in the present, Riley and Lucas wrap up the number, holding each other close. Riley hums out the last few notes, and then Lucas initiates a soft kiss, effectively ending the performance. Riley has no complaints about that, nudging her forehead against his and stealing another one.
As the gentle piano fades out…
Jack returns home, starting to chat about the school board elections as he assumes Eric is going to be right inside where he left him earlier that afternoon. He only pauses when he realizes no one is in the living area, taking a moment to look around and confirm it’s so.
Jack: Eric?
Eric, off-screen: In here.
Coming from the dining room. Jack follows his voice.
Jack: You’re not going to believe the smear ad Connelly is planning to run about me. I got an advanced notice of it from some folks on the campaign, and --
Jack halts his story when he enters the dining room, surprised at what he’s found. The table has been set for two, a dinner ordered in from the restaurant they both like where they had their first official date in 304. Candles are lit; one of Jack’s favorite classical pieces is playing on the speakers.
And then there’s Eric. Smiling at him, looking charming as ever. Jack tentatively returns the smile.
Jack: What’s all this? [ with dread ] Shit. I didn’t forget an anniversary or something, did I --
Eric: No, no. No, you didn’t. This was all my scheming.
Okay, that’s a relief. And a curiosity, as it leaves open one question -- why? What’s the occasion? Eric comes around the table and joins Jack by the doorway, telling him there’s something he really wants to say to him.
Jack: Is this the grand reveal of the long game you’ve been playing to psychologically torture me? Where you reveal this whole thing has been a ruse to gain my trust?
Eric: No. Although that would be wonderfully theatrical.
Jack: Knew you’d say that. Drama king.
Eric: In another life, perhaps. But no. Right now, I’m kind of thinking the opposite.
Jack raises his eyebrows, letting him take the floor. Eric takes a deep breath, holding his eye contact as he puts his thoughts together. He remarks on the fact that Jack’s joking aside, he does have a point -- who would’ve thought, even just a couple years ago, that they’d end up together like this. Friends, lovers, partners. Shacked up without doing anything about it, as his family might say.
Jack: I hope you’re not taking that to heart. I’m fine with how things are, Eric. Really.
Eric: I know. I know, me too. If I were going to change something, trust me, it wouldn’t be because of my family.
But they do play an important part in what he’s trying to say. Because for all his jokes, he was certain when Jack met them, he was going to realize just how nutty his roots really are. His family is a lot to handle -- which he probably already guessed from just working with him and Cory for so many years -- but he dreaded the possibility that meeting them would send him running for the hills. Particularly since he’s so dismissive of drama, no matter how silly or serious it is.
Eric: But you’re always full of surprises. First of all, you’re actually just as dramatic as I am, you just hide it better.
Jack: Well.
Eric: And you handled my family like it was nothing. With compassion, and grace, and a bit of humor, which believe me is an absolute essential in my clan. You nailed it. And I kept trying to understand that in my head, why it felt so easy when it should have been so hard, but then it finally clicked. You fit right in with my family because you are my family, Jack. You have been for years.
Jack smiles, touched. He lets Eric take his hands.
Eric: I swear what I’m about to ask has nothing to do with what my parents said, or any other factors but my own heart. Because I know this is right -- this is a change that’s been held off far longer than it should have been. But I’m thinking I want to make our shared family more official.
Now he’s got his attention for real. Jack’s eyes widen -- even more so when Eric gets down on one knee.
Jack: Oh my God. What are you doing?
Eric: Jackson Hunter. I promise you, me of a few years ago is screaming bloody murder right now. But the past is the past -- what I care about is right now. And the future. The future I want to build with you.
Eric reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ring. One from the Matthews family, belonging to Amy’s grandfather, the wedding band he wore right up until the day he died. A symbol of a life-long commitment -- one Eric is more than ready to make now.
Eric: Will you marry me, Jackie?
Jack stares in disbelief, his brain taking a few moments to catch up. His eyes are glossed over with tears, which he blinks away before releasing a pointed exhale. One last chance to catch his breath, to live in the before. Then he breaks into a grin.
Jack: Yeah. Yes, Eric, now get up so you can kiss me.
Eric’s smile is pure sunshine. He jumps back to his feet and slips the ring on Jack’s finger with shaky hands, before pulling him into a kiss. It’s a bit sloppy, broken up by their shared laughter.
It’s happening. Jack Hunter and Eric Matthews are getting married.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing” as performed by Vince Guaraldi Trio || Performed by Rosie Gardner & The Gifted School Carolers
In a cute but chilly area of the upper east side, Rosie’s school fundraising group has set up shop even under a light sprinkling of snow. But it seems like this part of town may as well be deserted, not much foot traffic despite how hard Rosie worked to pick a spot.
Basically, it’s her worst nightmare. As the other choir members mumble the opening hums of the Charlie Brown tune in the background, Rosie is in lowkey hysterics, rambling nervously to one of the few guests who happens to be there to watch -- Uri Minkus. He’s doing his best to be supportive and listen, but he looks decidedly overwhelmed and unprepared for a Gardner-level mental breakdown.
Rosie: This is a disaster! I mean, not only am I going to be the flop of the century at school, and everyone is going to know about it -- and oh my gosh, Ashlyn is going to have a hecking field day -- but now I’m gonna flop at church too. Everyone in my church is going to know I’m a big, holy failure. I’m gonna be frickin’ excommunicated for being such a flop! Like, what the heck am I going to do?
Uri: … convert to Judaism?
That’s an idea, but not helpful right now, Uri! Rosie stares at him, eyes wide, then releases a pitiful dying noise from the back of her throat before whipping away from him and rushing back towards the carolers. Uri awkwardly scratches his ear, knowing damn well he did not handle that well. But what do we expect? He’s fifteen!
Thankfully, Rosie has other support systems coming to the rescue. Her choir director points out that it looks like there may be a few folks coming their way they could sing to -- and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. All of a sudden, like a blessing from above, a big crowd of listeners makes their way towards the locale. A class alumni are peppered amongst the throng, Nate making himself known unapologetically.
Nate: All right, let’s get this caroling bread. Come on, I wanna hear some harmonies!
Rosie spins and watches the incoming rush in amazement, totally bewildered… until she sees Charlie and Bridgette in the crowd. She weaves her way through to come and meet them, both of them greeting her with smiles. She takes Charlie’s arms.
Rosie: What is all this? Did you do this?
Charlie: What are you talking about? You’re the one who organized this fundraiser, not me.
Rosie: But all the people --
Bridgette: Yeah, a lot of people who want to hear your adorable little caroling. You better get back up there and pipe up, it’s your event after all.
They may be playing coy, but Rosie knows they did this. They came to her aid, rescued her when she was seconds from drowning. She lets out a relieved giggle and squeezes Charlie’s hand, then breaks away to rush back to the carolers. Charlie and Bridgette exchange a knowing look, still grinning.
From a few feet away, Zay poses the question to Dylan, who has his arm around Asher’s shoulders.
Zay: Just how did you get all these people to show up?
Dylan, blithely: [ with a shrug ] I figured some of my followers had to live in Manhattan, so I sounded a clarion call. Magic happens when you’ve got tens of thousands of followers.
Maya: [ with a disturbed shake of her head at his follower count ] Unbelievable…
Count on Dylan Orlando to use his power for good! Rosie has rejoined her classmates now at the front of a bustling crowd, sparkle back in her eyes and ready to sing. The choir director tees them up, and they launch into the carol “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing” (though I must clarify, they’re much better than the Charlie Brown choir. No offense Vince Guaraldi and company).
As the fundraising donation box gets passed around, we catch a few more glimpses of the holiday cheer. Farkle bounces along to the carol and teasingly elbows Uri to the beat, who does his best to look irritated but cracks a smirk. The techie tots, Yogi, and Nigel huddle together, swaying in a big block to the music. Riley hugs Lucas’s arm and rests her head against his upper arm, causing Lucas to smile.
And from where he’s watching with Vanessa, Zay casts a glance over a couple feet in front of him… and can’t help but smile. Charlie is beaming as he watches his sister perform, glowing as bright as the twinkle lights set up in the snow around them. Seemingly the epitome of the season’s joy -- and so, so happy to be back home.
Glory to the newborn king!
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nealcassatiel · 4 years
Supernatural and Russia and the mess of Television Legal Contracts
One of the most important aspects of a television series’ life cycle is its distribution. It is in the stage of distribution when the production companies/studio recoup the largest amount of costs.
By looking at who distributes the show, as well as which companies stand to gain the most from distribution profits, we can gain greater understanding of the various complex agreements and finances at play.
Viewing Statistics in the USA, Russia, and other International Territories
Let’s take a look at where Supernatural is distributed, and it’s popularity in the countries in which it airs. 
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After the US, in the past 30 days, Supernatural’s next biggest market is in Russia. The next is in Brazil. 
This got long - more under the cut (I’ll be talking about cuts shortly)
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In Russia, Supernatural has been in the top 0.2% watched shows in Russia (link) . This is also the case in Brazil. 
In 2019, a modest survey was done on urban and rural Russians asking them what foreign television they watch. Supernatural was the 6th most mentioned foreign television show (link).
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In 2017, Supernatural was three times more popular in Russia than it was in the US (link - this article has just a whole other host of information about it being popular amongst urban and rural US residents, as well as popular amongst both Republics and Democrats, however i haven’t looked further into that data so not going to discuss it much here)
So selling Supernatural to Russia and airing it in Russia is going to bring in a lot of revenue for The C*W and the production companies. That is a lucrative distribution territory and of a huge amount of importance to the network. Russia will air both new episodes, and reruns. Of course, if Supernatural made a queer love story a central premise, then execs are going to get scared that not only will the finale may not be aired in one of their biggest, if not their biggest market: Russia, but that the broadcasters who distribute the show in Russia might also pull the rest of the show and stop broadcasting reruns too. That’s a shit tonne fo distribution profits gone for The C*W, and who knows, maybe their relationship with Russian broadcasters who air their other shows will be on the rocks. After all, trying to sell gay tv to Russians right now is, sadly, never going to happen. This is not an indictment on the Russian viewers, but me saying that the show won’t be sellable to Russian broadcasters if it is too queer.
A huge huge majority of US Supernatural fans are progressive and wanted the more queer focused and found family ending. But the C*W and Warner believes that there are still enough US fans who don’t want something that progressive to be shown. They also know that one of their biggest markets is Russia, and Dean being shown to be bi will not go down well there. I’m just speculating, but The C*W may have looked at those chunks of audience who give them money and decide that they only care about those profits. 
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The frustrating thing however, is that no matter the power of Russian Supernatural audiences, looking at the other progressive countries and the popularity of Supernatural there - these numbers as a collective outshine those of Russia. So maybe Russia isn’t that important. Or maybe all The C*W needed to think was ‘we don’t want to stop profits from our biggest international viewership’ and so they never even went further and thought about the collective viewership of the audiences from progressive countries. As I said at the start, distribution is where the companies who invested into making a show recoup the most costs. All the money that comes from distribution is incredibly important.
The writers, the crew, the actors, don’t really get the distribution profits. They may get small cuts of things or bonuses here and there, but they’re all essentially employed by the production company. It is the production company and studio who has sunken money into making the show who will get a cut of the distribution profits. So the production companies and co-production companies, the creator (maybe still if they had a good agent when they first sold the pitch), the network are all going to be the ones to care about how much a finale will matter to profits from showing reruns in less progressive countries. Dabb is an employee - he personally will be paid a fixed sum which is given to him by the production company. He does not care if SPN can’t be aired in Russia - that has no personal affect on him. He was paid to showrun the series and he’ll get nothing more even if it becomes the most watched anti-gay homophobic celebrated show in Moscow. He has no financial reason to cater to anyone. He’s just an employee. 
But if information like this, the knowledge that for multiple years TPTB have wanted Supernatural to cater to a non-progressive international and national audience for the sake of distribution profits, then the show should have never have taken the narrative to a place whose ending could not be green-lit.
If for the sake of these pofits and other secondary rights, for the sake of appeasing rural/southern USA viewers, and trying to keep an audience for Walker, The C*W derailed the final two episodes, then I still don’t fully understand why the ending was heading towards destiel when all of this distribution finance information has been known for many many years. 
It makes sense why such a terrible finale would happen, but it doesn’t make sense why up until episode 18, the entire narrative of the show was leading somewhere completely different? Why were the writers of SPN heading straight towards one thing, if they knew they always knew that they’d have to have a completely different ending? 
The Right of Final Cut / Final Cut Privilege
The answer may lie in the fact that The C*W wasn’t really paying that much attention to SPN, they couldn’t really see all the subtext, but suddenly the subtext all was going to become text and they were all twiddling their thumbs and looking for something to do during COVID when the industry shut down, so they suddenly got way more involved. 
Let’s quickly clear up who The C*W is and how they relate to SPN as a company. Supernatural lists The C*W as one of it’s distributers, but lists Warner Bros Television as a production company. When SPN started it was made by The WB (which is now The C*W). It’s all under Warner Media anyway, but we can basically say that Warner Bros Television (listed as a co-producer of SPN) is the sam as The C*W who is listed as a distributer of SPN. They’re essentially the same so The C*W is both producing and distributing SPN, as well as owning the format rights to the show - sorry that’s all complicated anyway The C*W are the big dogs who own Supernatural and have done from the beginning back when they were called The WB)
Essentially, The C*W have a co-production and distribution agreement for SPN. The power they have from that first agreement when they bought the show off Kripke is almost certainly still MASSIVE today. They are not only the ultimate distributers, but the ultimate producers with all the agreements and all the rights. 
Anyway, back to that first agreement: This was Kripke’s first big deal, and he almost certainly gave Warner Bros/The C*W a whole host of creative control in exchange for them sinking a shit tonne of money into making the show. Which makes me wonder if The C*W has something in entertainment law called “the right of final cut/final cut privilege”. If a studio or distributer has sunken a heck tonne of costs into making the series and are the ones who most need to recoup the distribution costs, then in their contract they may try to give themselves the ‘final cut privilege’ - essentially, this is the final edit. There’s the Director’s Cut, but then after that there is the Final Cut. The Final Cut is what is broadcast. Nowadays, most series and films don’t allow the directors to have final cut privilege anyway - it’s fairly rare from my understanding (one of my hats is a television legal contracts assistant, and all of these contracts still confuse me even though it’s an element of my job - I’m not trained in this outside of work so i apologise if this isn’t clear). The studio or distributer doesn’t even need to clear their final cut with the writer/director/producer. They can just do it. Cut it up and broadcast it, because they’re allowed to in their contract.
So with the finale episode being so short, a mess of montages, Carry on My Wayward Son versions back to back, a narrative mess, the pacing completely off, some scenes way too short and others way too long - this really could insinuate that the stupid clause of ‘the right of final cut’ was utilised by The C*W and without the need to get the permission or allowance of Dabb or even the other production companies, they edited everything they didn’t like out of the finale, citing their contract and the fact that they’re the ones who need to recoup distribution costs, and they don’t want to piss off large swathes of their national and international audience.
In Conclusion
So positives? Well, now that SPN is done and dusted, if there is a spin-off then this shouldn't affect distribution deals in Russia or Brazil. If whoever buys the format rights for Supernatural, allows The C*W to still sell the old series distribution rights, then market the new season of SPN not as a new season but a spin-off, then this will give them more freedom to not cater to the conservative international and national audiences SPN was beholden to due to distribution profits. What I’m saying is - a spin-off could free itself from catering to anyone who isn’t progressive. The old audiences can carry on showing reruns of SPN and completely ignore the new ‘fake’ gay spin-off. They can say that it’s a different production company, a different network - and therefore not the legitimate show. Great. Free SPN. 
A new format agreement could also mean that the new producers could ensure that not the distributer, but the director, or the new trusted production company themselves gets the Right of Final Cut. If another agreement is made, please please please take that right away from The C*W/Warner. 
The difficulty in getting the SPN rights would be caused by the mess of a Format Agreement to even get those rights... Supernatural is co-produced by Kripke Enterprises, Warner Bros. Television, Supernatural Films, and Wonderland Sound and Vision. I’m assuming Kripke Enterprises and Supernatural Films may be under Warner Media (as Warner Bros and The C*W itself is). If Jensen wanted to produce the new spin-off then his new production company is under WB/Warner Media too... so. Disentangling meddling and shitty Warner Media execs from a spin-off would be difficult because they own everyone. 
All in all, it’s easy to see now with that mess of a finale that this was caused with whoever has “The Right Of Final Cut/Final Cut Privilege’. And I HIGHLY doubt Singer or Dabb or any mere employee on the show has it. It’s more and more obvious to me that this power lies in the hands of The C*W/Warner and they didn’t even try to loop Dabb or the main cast in when making the final edits. I’m sure the C*W started to get involved at episode 19 and in the development stage of episode 20, but i’m certain they had a hand in the disastrous final cut. 
I hope we’re able to pry our beloved show out of the hands of those who don’t care about its narratives, but have more power than anyone to change the show’s narratives. Thanks for coming with me on this essay/me working out this complicated mess. It’s 00:50 and I'm super tired so I hope all this makes sense. Television contracts confuse me and I work with them so i dunno how clear any of this is. 
Anyway - I hope it was totally boring.  
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
tommy is definitely the most self conscious out of the trio while also being the least likely to say anything about it, anything said about his intelligence, appearance, weight, anything really just goes straight to his heart and eats at him. it leads to some amount of friction between him and billy bc while steve’s known tommy his whole life and has had ample time to analyze all his reactions (and is generally the most emotionally intelligent of the trio) he tends to simply praise tommy when flirting. billy just genuinely has no idea and loves to playfully tease tommy as a form of flirting, and even just in general for banter bc that’s just who he is. tommy almost always ends up crying in his car and it ends up taking his self image issues to a degree they haven’t been at since middle school and it goes on for MONTHS until anyone even realizes he’s hurting
instead of leaving off on an abrupt and non-comfort ending again, i’ll offer a nicer one this time. scouts honor. probably.
tommy had always been a second choice. besides for a short while when he was steve’s first choice. that was when it mattered.
steve would call him if he was lonely. steve would call him if he had new plans for a party. steve would call him if he was horny. they had their thing.
and then billy hargrove came along and steve stopped calling him as often. and then altogether it ceased.
for three weeks.
“hey, tommy,” steve slipped an arm over his shoulders. all smiley in the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. like his mother’s.
tommy stopped himself from shrugging the touch off, decided to enjoy it while it lasted. “hey, how have you been. haven’t heard from you in a while.” he offered the comment as a passive reminder and steve took it. actually looked shocked, like he sincerely hadn’t even realized the passed time.
he took his arm back in but left his hand on tommy’s other shoulder, “i’m so sorry, tom.” his eyes lost their wrinkle and morphed into that deepened look he got when he messed up. tommy knew it very well. steve knew when he made a mistake, could tell easily and it tore him inside. tommy knew that. so he metaphorically bandaged it up per usual.
“it’s alright, man.”
steve linked their arms. tommy glanced around to make sure none of the big-shot homophobes were lurking. steve didn’t seem to care.
“are you sure? are you free friday night? billy and i are going bowling at six. you wanna join?” tommy could lose himself so easily in steve’s eyes. it was infuriating. what was also infuriating was billy. he loved the dude. stared at him just as much as he did steve probably.
but he seemed to never catch steve’s eye anymore.
he cleared his throat and slithered a hand up to steve’s back, “yeah, i’ll be there. same lane as always?”
steve ruffled his hair, earned a laugh out of tommy with it, “definitely. would never let it go. there’re too many memories of ours there.” tommy nodded in agreement and then halted unsurely at steve next words. “maybe we can even start including billy in them now, hm?”
the way he said it. wasn’t even remotely insinuating that tommy should take any hints other than more. but. what if they dropped him. what if steve just forgot about him entirely. what if billy did?
he looked right at steve after those backtracks. and he found only softness. no. they wouldn’t just let him fall off a ledge like that. steve would never.
when steve’s face started to fall he pinched his hip and laughed with him when he head butted tommy’s chest to escape it, he whispered into steve hair. “yeah, more the merrier. right?”
steve grazed his lips across tommy’s collar bone as he stood back up, that smile was the prize.
bowling on friday turned...not exceptional.
billy was a beast, as he was usually. tommy had to watch as steve touched all over him in the beginning. they got all unapologetically close and handsy to his dismay. steve looked at him exasperatedly after a while of billy not taking it seriously, he didn’t know if it was joking or not.
“can you come show hargrove how to steady the ball please. like you taught me. remember?”
tommy did remember. he frowned though, suspicious. the night tommy had tried that move on steve, had ended in their first kiss together. that was special.
but he stepped up and gently nudged and maneuvered billy’s calloused fingers into the ball. he bent his elbow slowly and tapped his shin to indicate the slightly kneeling stance. all while silent.
billy looked rather amused when tommy stepped back to continue, “are you shy? i like your voice, bud, use it.” it sounded more like an order than the flirty tease he was seemingly trying to produce.
tommy coughed and brought billy’s bent elbow back so the ball was closer to the ground, “you aim and you let the ball slip out. put some fire behind it or it’ll gutter. okay?” his tone was rushed but billy was staring at him intensely.
he felt steve’s familiar hand take hold of his bicep and tug him back. didn’t step away and kept close as they watched billy make his play.
he got a strike and threw them both the bird, “told you i didn’t need instructions.” tommy couldn’t hold his smile like steve could.
he cried silently against his pillow that night, thinking back on it.
billy was the one to catch him again three weeks later. the three of them had been going strong. closer due to steve, and even occasionally billy, making sure to invite him to new outings. threw his arm over his shoulders just like steve would normally. he found he liked how there was more muscle weight.
“your face got all red today during practice, have you been drinking enough water?” he poked tommy’s cheek lightly with his index finger. he couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or happy that billy was being so caring.
“i have a, uh, water bottle in my car,” he pointed off to the parking lot.
billy waved a hand dismissively, “steve’s meeting us at the fountain. let’s go there instead.” tommy smiled when billy’s arm grew more relaxed around him. tommy’s own limb was squished into billy’s side by how close they were. billy chuckled to himself and squeezed his hand around tommy’s arm. “you’re so plump,” he commented. tommy felt himself flush in humiliation. “so soft,” he thought he heard him whisper. but after that, billy didn’t say any more and he didn’t remove his hand. seemed content in a way tommy couldn’t understand.
he ended up sobbing in his car after their casual gathering. scratched at the part of his arm billy had held, willing the demeaning thoughts away. plump plump plump. pig.
steve kissed him again another three weeks later. right in front of billy. hugged him so they were hip to hip and so his hands were to the roots in tommy’s own feathered puff of hair.
he gripped the back of steve’s shirt with both hands. felt someone pry them off and hold them not too long after. when they broke off he saw billy staring over steve at him.
“don’t rip the polo now, big boy,” billy grinned and leaned his chin on steve’s shoulder. made a pucker sound and kissed the air towards him. steve turned his head and accepted a peck from billy before facing back to tommy. he felt his heart already shattering though.
steve hummed a pleased laugh with his eyes still closed and placed a hand behind tommy neck before guiding him right to billy’s mouth. his eyes were frozen open as billy’s closed and their lips touched for a short, dry moment.
tommy pulled away with a forced shove. stared right back at the wide open blue and brown eyes. he grabbed his coat off the back of steve’s desk chair and ran out. bawled his goddamn eyes out on the drive home. had to stop at a stop sign longer than he needed to just so he could clear his eyes enough.
don’t rip it. big boy. big. big. big. don’t rip it now. big. big. boy. boy.
he ignored both their calls.
two weeks later he allowed steve to walk with him to their cars.
“you look nice today,” he complimented after they’d been walking for a minute. “always did think yellow was your color.” tommy returned his smile, slowly. and then steve had those sunken eyes again, “i thought you liked him too,” he started off, tommy could tell he wasn’t sure how to carry the conversation.
“are you sure he likes me?” he asked.
steve gave an odd look, “are you kidding? he’s missed you so much he’s about to break into your house at this point.”
tommy blinked twice, “excuse me?”
steve scratched his temple unsurely, “he wants to apologize. we both do. we thought you felt the...same.”
“the same,” tommy repeated.
“tommy!” steve closed his mouth and they both looked over to where billy was jogging over.
steve nudged his arm, “see?” he gestured. billy reached them before tommy could step out.
“tommy,” billy breathed out with a small smile. not a smirk, a smile. “how are you?” the downturn of concern present in his eyes threw tommy off. this was new.
“i don’t really know anymore,” he responded. looked back at steve who hadn’t even turned away. they held their own contact, steve took his hand hesitantly. linked their fingers even slower.
“i’m sorry,” billy rushed out, captured all their attention with it. “it was my idea, to lay one on you.” they all squinted at the wording uncomfortably. tommy wasn’t sure if he was having trouble looking billy in the eye or billy was with him.
he took in a breath and felt both pairs of eyes on him, “i do like you. like...like that. but....” he closed off. but then steve rubbed his thumb across the back of his. the way he always did when encouraging him. so he went on even if he felt unconfident. “i think you’re gorgeous and funny. but, you say things sometimes that...i don’t know,” he excused, even though he did. he tightened his grip on steve’s hand, “it makes me feel ugly.”
he heard steve’s voice harden, “you’re not ugly. you’re the most handsome person i know.” tommy expected billy to make some comment about how he wasn’t even considered.
but what he heard instead was, “the damn cutest i’ve ever seen.”
he looked up at the two of them, took in their smiles and kindling eyes of adoration. aimed at him.
he realized it then, fully, “you both like me.”
steve opened his car door, “mhmmm,” he carefully tucked himself inside the backseat and pulled tommy with him.
tommy blankly watched as billy assisted him in the middle seat and closed the door so they were all inside. together.
billy cupped his cheek, “can i get that kiss by chance, sweet thing?”
he felt steve press a kiss onto his shoulder before he nodded vigorously. billy didn’t disappoint. none of them did.
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