#the ice type aipoms
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
Ah, to be a Kalosian lesbian on Rotomblr. A whole other layer of queer right there.
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
OOC This is gonna be long so I'm putting it under a cut
We'll Carrie On (Caroline)
G Note (Billie)
Drum PILF (Jude)
Doc Petra (titty skittles supplier)
Yell grunt GC
Lover Girl. (Helena)
Lover Girlish. (Billie)
Lover Girlest. (Caroline)
Boat repair.
Cousin George.
BB🧡 (Billie)
Hel❤️ (Helena)
J💜 (Jude)
Mum <3
Mama <3
Paya from HS band
Leg repairs🦵
Alamos Brass Band GC 🎷
Emo cutie (Helena)
Kirby cutie (Caroline)
Quiet cutie (Jude)
Mr Joel old piano teach
Tim therapist
OOC: Actually, you know what, lets make a game out of this. Reblog this post with your character's contact list (doesn't have to be the whole list, the one I posted for Mare is only part of hers).
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cyborg-franky · 1 year ago
Pokemon Headcanons
Just sillyness today I'm afaird! Just what types I think OP chars would have on their teams.
If you guys have other suggestions and chars I didn't include please share <3
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Marco Flying types [Pidove and Altartia]
Ace Fire and ground [Alolan marowak]
Thatch Food based pokeon [Appletun, Fidough, Smoliv etc]
Deuce Water [With the expection of Riolu] Sanji Fire and Fighting [maybe some food pokemon] [Blazikin, Hitmonlee] Zoro Anything sword like/sword using Scyther, Sceptile, kabutops, Honedge]
Usopp Bug and grass [ Heracross, Volcorna, Wimpod, Oddish,Nuzleaf]
Nami Weather based pokeon or water [Castform, Lapris]
Robin Ghost and Pyshic [Mismagius, Cofagrigus, Runerigus] Brook Ghost [Duskull, Sinistea,Dhelmise] Franky Steel and Electric [Klinkklang, Metagross, Varoom, Magneron, Rotom] Luffy Monkey pokemon! [Infernape, Simisear, Manky, Aipom] Vivi Ground or Flying [Numel] Sir Crocodile Ground and dark [Krookodile, Sandygast]
Doffy All the spider and mind control ones. Corazon Fairy and normal [Spinda]
Law Artic, ice, bear pokemon [Cubchu] Jinbei Water and Fighting, all the whale/shake pokemon
Kidd Pure steel types X Drake All the dino pokemon
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the-antiapocalyptic-man · 1 year ago
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back on my Pokemon art kick and as usual refusing to just be normal abt it, so they're all (somewhat drastic) redesigns and reimaginings.
Magikarp and Gyarados are difficult bc as far as Pokemon designs go, they're basically already perfect, so instead I tried combining Beta and Mega Gyarados with their main form, then backdating those changes to Magikarp who's now eyeless. I was toying with dropping the water typing from them entirely and having them as Dark and Dark/Flying, but that might be too drastic.
The Nido line I have weirdly strong feelings about, so they'll like change again, but I wanted to make King and Queen more mammalian, as well as differentiate them a bit more by keeping Nidoking as a land predator while the larger Nidoqueen is Poison/Ice and mainly an aquatic predator.
Sandshrew and the re-named Xandslash are a bit funky. Instead of separate Kanto/Alola variants, this Sandshrew is from a hybrid population and a Ground/Ice Type. Xandslash is always Steel when it evolves, but changes its primary typing based on temperature and can shift between typings either naturally over a period of time or spontaneously with human (read: player) intervention.
Aipom and Ambipom I posted the pencils for. I wanted to rework Aipom with aspects of its evolution in mind, but Ambipom is a pretty major departure. I had kind of a menacing jungle cryptid (a la Zarude) in mind, but between the coloration and the visual tweaks, it probably doesn't qualify as "Normal" anymore.
Not a lot of strict lore here, more of an impressionistic "reimagining" but I've been on a kick
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heartlesslygold · 1 year ago
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Sweet Screams!
lmao finally finished this I'm not proud of the background, I think it could have been better but it is what it is :P Design concepts!
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I wanted to share the concepts because it took me a while to design and make changes. It was a little difficult since I wanted to maintain the theme of candy and Pokémon, as well as her origin. There weren't many candies in the Pokemon world that could inspire me and the few that there were i didn't really like, so i ended up making a fusion between rare candies (Pokemon Go) and a shiny Alcremie! For Aipom I tried to make a type of candy machine, the rest of his body would be a type of hard icing
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
Pro tip, if your pokemon knows Boomburst, bring noise dampening earbuds
Miku thinks the whole world is hers so I've been on the wrong side of a few Iron Tails for not giving her a treat on her command.
I spar with a Machamp.
Sweet's very gentle, so I've never taken any damage from her ^-^
Research post.
Has one of your Pokemon ever hit you with a move? Was it intentional or accidental? Did it cause long term pain or injury? How much did it hurt?
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
Hi! I went to Unova once as a kid and I just couldn't get the music at Gear Station out of my head! Here's our best attempt to rearrange based on memory alone ^-^
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werepuppy-steve · 10 months ago
long time no see! we've got more pokemon au, this time with the johto dex!
i really didn't mean to take so long with this one. i wasn't really vibing with this pokedex at all and i was getting frustrated. so i took a break from it and now i'm back! some character's types have changed in this one and some have stayed the same.
to reiterate from last time:
we're going off vibes, not stats. this may change in later posts.
fist set is battle teams, second set is rotation teams
if yall any any suggestions per gen, please feel free to list them in the replies or tags!
tagging: @nburkhardt @hitlikehammers @doomcheese @spectrum-spectre @sentient-trash
@worstsequence @matchingbatbites @tangerinesteve @bramble-berries
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Eddie - Dark/Psychic
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gengar • gligar • golbat • haunter • jigglypuff • noctowl
Steve - Water/Ice
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lantern • mantine • polytoed • qwilfish • shuckle • wartortle
note: he and robin have shared custody of shuckle
Robin - Grass/Electric
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apom • bellossom • dunsparce • oddish • parasect • wobbuffet
note: oddish is her little buddy and she would kill for him
Nancy - Unspecified
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arcanine • clefable • gengar • houndoom • murkrow • stantler
Jonathan - Bug/Ground/Normal
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doduo • girafarig • houndour • mr. mime • porygon2 • remoraid
Argyle - Grass/Rock
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jynx • oddish • persian • quagsire • sunflora • wobbuffet
Chrissy - Water/Ice
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goldeen • kingdra • snubbull • tododile • vaporeon • wigglytuff
Dustin - Grass/Bug
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aipom • clefable • phanpy • tangrowth • typhlosion • zubat
Lucas - Rock/Steel
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dragonair • dragonite • eevee • feraligatr • marill • vulpix
Max - Fighting/Psychic
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ambipom • krabby • ninetails • raticate • tauros • hoothoot
El - Psychic/Normal
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Will - Unspecified
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Mike - Unspecified
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mantyke • mawile • igglybuff • natu • piloswine • slowking
Erica - Normal/Poison
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teddiursa • flaaffy • vulpix • corsola • bellossom • venonat
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up next: ruby/sapphire/emerald
< prev
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djfan-naftv · 1 year ago
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I embarked on this quest where I would design at least 16 lines of ancient Hoenn variants of existing mons for the merchant Emmet fic, just like the Joltik line.
Here’s the list for the basic info:
Aipom and Ambipom: Ice type. Based off the japanese snow macaques.
Houndour and Houndoom: Dark-Steel type. Based off the Okuri Inu legends and temple guardian dogs. (they parallel the hisuian Growlithe and Arcanine)
Riolu and Lucario: Fairy-Rock type. Based off the moon people from the bamboo cutter tale.
Dunaparce: Flying type. An alternative evolution of Dunsparce. Since it defies what Dunsparce is meant to be (a joke Pokémon that crawls on the ground) only the Dunsparces with certain natures can evolve into this (Adamant, Brave, Bold) since it requires strength to defy your own destiny.
Phantump and Trevenant: Ghost-Ground type. Based off clay statues, bojobo dolls and object yokais.
Stufful and Bewear: Fighting-Electric type.
Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist: Water-Ghost type. Based off dead sea urchins, for the sole reason that dead sea urchins look like tiny pumpkins.
Smeargle and Beahive: Normal-Bug type.
Golett and Golurk: Rock-Grass type. Based off ents and of course golems.
Incineroar: Fire-Fairy type. Based off the Byakko and the extinct Japanese tigers.
Feraligatr: Water-Dragon type. Based off the Wani myth.
Serperior: Grass-Psychic type. Based off various snakes like the rattle snake, indian cobra and vine snake, as well as carnivorous plants like the pitcher plant and the venus trap. Also the stereotype of snakes hypnotizing the prey to eat them. It uses its rattle to hypnotize its victims.
Toxel and Toxtricity: Poison-Psychic type. Based off poisonous salamanders. Their skin produces a mucus that upon contact can cause hallucinations.
Mystigoon (Obstagoon): Normal-Fighting type. Hoennian counterpart of Obstagoon, it’s the only Pokémon that has a beneficial effect from Toxtricity’s mucus, thus the two species often collaborate.
Turtonator: Grass-Dragon type. Just like Alolan Turtonator, it’s based off the Mata Mata turtle, but leaning more towards the leaf camouflaging aspect of the animal.
Blastik and Lavantula: Bug-Fire type. Based off the joro spiders and the Jorogumo yokai.
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
I'm Galarian, reppin the punk scene and that sweet Spikemuth sound
I'm from Sinnoh and bring a classical sound from Alamos Town!
Alola, I'm from Alola. Don't consider it home, though. Only the open road beats onwards.
Johto represent! Connecting tradition with a brand new future, many regions in harmony are better than a solo act!
What region are you from?
Feel free to talk about what you think of your region
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kitsumidori · 9 months ago
Soooo........ I've ended up staying up late, typing a Borderlands/Pokemon au and it was going to be something small but it ended up being a lot more long..........
Unlike the last few, this au is basically the Borderlands characters in the actual pokemon universe (no vaults, no eridian's ECT) and I've since changed a few teams because I wasn't satisfied with the previous choices.
(I've put it under the cut so it wouldn't come out long)
✨ = Shiny
♀️/♂️ = Gender
⭕ = Genderless
Main cast
PKMN Trainer Ava
Team: Stunky ♂️, Zubat ♀️, Cyndaquil ♀️, Oshawott ♂️, Rowlet ♂️, Applin ✨ ♂️
Streamer Girl Tyreen
Team: Lycanroc ♂️ (Midnight form)
Stewartisbot Claptrap
Team: Trubbish ♂️, Alolan Grimer ♂️, Kantonian Meowth ♀️, Koffing ♂️
Gym Leader's
Sasha Dillon the Hollow Point Gym Leader
Specialty: Dragon type
Team: Noibat ♀️, Fraxure ✨♀️
Gaige DiMartino the Overlook Gym Leader
Specialty: Electric type
Team: Pikachu ♀️, Magneton ⭕, Vikavolt ♂️
Wainwright Jakobs the Cursehaven Gym Leader
Specialty: Normal type
Team: Stoutland ♂️, Dundunsparce ♂️, Ursaring ♂️, Drampa ✨♂️
Mad Moxxi the New Haven Gym Leader
Specialty: Poison type
Team: Salazzle ✨♀️, Toxapex ♀️, Roserade ♀️, Arbok ♀️
Maya the Sanctuary Gym Leader and Ava's mom
Specialty: Psychic type
Team: Orbeetle ♂️, Meowstic ♀️, Espeon ♀️, Hatterene ♀️, Gardevoir ✨♂️
Vaughn Sunwalker the Backburner Gym Leader
Specialty: Ground type
Team: Kantonian Sandslash ♂️, Clodsier ♂️, Palossand ♂️, Rhyperior ♂️, Marowak ♂️
Salvador the Ovejas Gym Leader
Specialty: Dark type
Team: Sableye ♀️, Mightyena ♂️, Grimmsnarl ♂️, Urshifu (Single Strike) ♂️, Krookodile ♂️
Aurelia Hammerlock the Liarsburg Gym Leader
Specialty: Ice type
Team: Weavile ♀️, Froslass ♀️, Glaceon ♀️, Frosmoth ♀️, Alolan Ninetales ♀️
Elite 4 and Champion
Specialty: Flying type
Team: Dodrio ♂️, Mandibuzz ♀️, Hisuian Braviary ♂️, Staraptor ♂️, Altaria ♀️, Skarmory ♀️
Specialty: Steel type
Team: Bastiodon ♂️, Lucario ♀️, Perrserker ♂️, Archaludon ♂️, Steelix ♂️, Tinkaton ♀️
Specialty: Rock type
Team: Minimor ⭕, Hisuian Arcanine ♂️, Carbink ⭕, Probopass ♀️, Alolan Golem ♀️, Tyranitar ♀️
Dr. Patricia Tannis
Specialty: Ghost type
Team: Spiritomb ♀️, Polteageist ⭕, Rotom ⭕, Golurk ⭕, Chandelure ♀️, Basculegion ♀️
Champion Lilith
Specialty: Fire type
Team: Talonflame ♀️, Blaziken ♀️, Flareon ♀️, Kantonian Ninetales ♀️, Salazzle ♀️, Charizard ✨♀️
Other Characters
Krieg, Owner of the Pokemon Daycare in Sanctuary, Maya's husband and Ava's dad
Team: Kantonian Raticate ♀️, Annihilape ♂️, Bloodmoon Ursaluna ♂️, Hydreigon ♀️, Alolan Marowak ♂️, Silvally ⭕
Timothy Lawrence, Moxxi's husband and bartender at her bar/gym
Team: Clefable ♀️, Skitty ♂️
Angel Coldwell, adopted daughter of Lilith and Gaige’s fiance
Team: Absol ♀️, Corvisquire ♀️, Maushold (Family of Four) ⭕, Galarian Rapidash ✨♂️, Alolan Raichu ♂️, Kantonian Articuno ⭕
Professor Alistair Hammerlock, Wainwright’s husband and pokemon researcher
Team: Decidueye ♂️, Crabominable ♂️, Galarian Wheezing ♂️
Janey Sprigs
Team: Lopunny ♀️, Revavroom ♀️
Athena, Pokemon ranger and Janey’s wife
Team: Armarouge ♀️, Ceruledge ♂️
Naoko Katagawa Kitagawa
Team: Galarian Darumaka ♀️, Lurantis ♂️, Bewear ♀️
Greninja ♂️, Ninjask ♂️, Shiftry ♂️
Rhys Strongfork, Sasha's husband
Team: Porygon Z ⭕, Klink ⭕
Fiona Dillon
Team: Hounchkrow ♂️, Thievul ♀️
Ace trainer Fl4k
Houndstone ♂️, Ariados ♀️, Aipom ♂️, Magearna ⭕, Falinks ⭕, A whole bunch of Zubats
Ace trainer Amara
Incineroar ♀️, Machamp ♀️, Pyroar ♀️, Sneasler ♀️, Conkeldurr ♀️
Ace trainer Moze
Hisuian Ursaluna ✨♀️, Bewear ♂️, Pangoro ♂️, Tinkatink ♀️
Ace trainer Zane Flynt
Dragapult ♂️, Manectric ♂️, Galvantula ♀️
Antagonist (Team Hyperion)
Nisha the Sheriff of Lynchwood
Team: Banette ♀️, Kantonian Rapidash ♀️, Dusknoir ♂️
Troy Calypso
Team: Bisharp ♂️, Scizor ♀️, Obstagoon ♂️
Hansuke Katagawa (Katagawa jr)
Team: Aegislash ♂️, Unovan Darmanitan ♂️
Handsome Jack, Leader of Team Hyperion
Team: Galarian Rapidash ♀️, Alakazam ♂️, Malamar ♂️, Kantonian Persian ♂️, Hatterene ♀️, Hydreigon ✨♂️
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thedreamworldlibrary · 11 months ago
Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 2-The Legend of Mew
Hehe... if you saw this posted before a few days ago for a few seconds. That was me, sorry!
Here is the next chapter! So I finished chapter 1 and the second I finished it the newest episode of WTDW (Season 2 Episode 3 for those reading this in the future) dropped and my brain immediately started to work on the next chapter.
Also, I went on a road trip during that time and my brain got TONS of ideas for this AU! Get ready for a TON of adventures featuring the four because this new AU is about to be fun!
Lastly, this story got some attention from one of the WTDW wiki founders, aka feral.fettucclni on Instagram! Thank you!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
At night in the forest near the mountains, a mysterious Pokemon dodged an incoming Shadow Ball, which ended up crashing on the ground. The figure giggled as the Pokémon who was attacking it growled before trying to launch another Shadow Ball in its path.
The mysterious Pokemon then transformed into a Pidgeotto and dodged the Shadow Ball again before attacking back with Gust.
The other Pokemon, who was now revealed to be a Dusknoir was then slammed to the tree thanks to the flying-type move, as he growled and went to use Ice Punch.
The Pidgeotto de-transformed and it was revealed to be Mew. Quickly Mew teleported before the Ice Punch could hit them.
Dusknoir growled as it searched for Mew. Seeing that the New Species Pokemon was gone. He retreated hoping to find it next time. Once the ghost-type Pokemon was gone, Mew reappeared and laughed, finally outsmarting the creepy Pokemon. Mew then flew off into the mountains.
The following morning, the sun rose by the facility causing a ray of light to wake up Oddity. The Eevee let out a yawn and started to wake up Wiatt, which caused the rest of the new researchers to wake up too, except for Wiatt.
“Morning darlings.” Lewis yawned as he put his glasses on.
Sara got up and stretched, as she rubbed her eyes. “Morning.” She replied.
“Morning,” Oliver replied as well, stretching.
The three then looked at Wiatt who was still asleep as Oddity was trying to wake him up. Sara growled and got down from her bunk looking down at Wiatt. “Great, he sleeps like a Snorlax.” She commented.
Lewis then shook Wiatt a bit, causing the boy to turn away, yet continue sleeping. “Come on darling,  you've got to wake up.” He said, shaking the other boy some more. 
“Eevee! Vee! Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed, using his paws to smack Wiatt in the face, but even that didn’t wake him up. Oddity growled and quickly got out of the bed, before charging at Wiatt with a Quick Attack, slamming him into the wall.
The attack was enough to be felt in the kitchen and caused Eric, Carly,  and Ridley to flinch and groan. “Ridley, would you like to check up on them for me?” Eric asked.
“Aipom!” Ridley exclaimed, saluting to his trainer before running upstairs to the researchers' dorm. He jumped up and opened the door to see Wiatt knocked out while Oddity smiled proudly. Oliver and Lewis looked worried at Wiatt, while Sara smiled, finally finding a solution to wake up Oddity.
“Looks like we got ourselves an alarm clock!” Sara exclaimed, joking over Oddity waking up Wiatt.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Wiatt groaned in pain as he rubbed his head. He looked around before putting on his glasses to see that it was Oddity who woke him up using Quick Attack. “Morning, Oddity.” He sighed.
“Vee!” Oddity beamed as he ran over to his trainer and gave him a nuzzle.
Wiatt sighed and gave his Eevee a pet.
Later, the four got dressed in their clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. There they saw Eric cooking pancakes for the group.
“Morning guys!” Carly beamed. She was already seated as she ate her pancakes. “We heard you had a rough awakening.”
Wiatt chuckled, “Nah I wouldn’t call it rough, more like an everyday routine.” He replied.
“Eevee!” Oddity chuckled.
The group sat down as Eric placed the pancakes on the table. The group each took one and enjoyed the breakfast cooked for them.
“Eric, this is really good!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Vee!” Oddity exclaimed eating his Pokémon food for breakfast.
Eric smiled seeing everyone enjoy his homemade breakfast. “Once you guys are through with eating. I’ll be giving you guys your first task!” He explained.
“Thanks!” Lewis exclaimed.
Meanwhile, Carly finished breakfast and put her plates in the sink. “While you guys go do your research stuff, I’m going to school.” She said as she grabbed her backpack.
Just before she could leave, Oddity ran up to her, almost asking her if she wanted to join the group on their research. Carly froze and slowly went around the Eevee before rushing out the door.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed.
“Give her time Oddity. She’ll warm up to you.” Lewis reassured the normal-type Pokemon.
“Eevee,” Oddity replied.
After breakfast, the four made it to the laboratory, Eric showed footage of a forest near the mountains being destroyed. This forest was the same one Mew and Dusknoir were fighting in.
“Man, what happened?” Wiatt asked.
“Not sure, from my knowledge this area is well known to have unusual activity,” Eric explained. 
“Unusual activity?” Wiatt asked, piquing his interest.
“I’m guessing you want us to go over and investigate it?” Lewis asked.
“Exactly!” Eric exclaimed, with Ridley agreeing.
Wiatt chuckled, “This is great Oddity! Unusual things and researching, it’s the best of both worlds!” He exclaimed.
“Eevee! Eevee!” Oddity cheered jumping up and down.
“Don’t get too excited Wiatt,” Sara spoke up. Wiatt and Oddity turned to the girl, “We’re here for work, not a picnic.”
Lewis chuckled, “Come on Sara. This is our very first mission as researchers.”
“Yeah, we’re all excited for this,” Oliver added.
Sara sighed, realizing none of her friends were siding with her. “I’m excited too, Lewis, but Wiatt is way too excited for this.”
“Well, that makes it all better!” Lewis explained.
Sara rolled her eyes.
Eric then typed something on the computer and the group’s Rotom Phones went off. The group grabbed their phones and saw that their map app had a notification. They each clicked on the app and saw that the location they were headed to was near Route 26.
“I sent you guys the coordinates to where you're going. If you find something, document it and report back to me tonight.” Eric explained.
“Got it!” The four said together.
“Eevee!” Oddity cheered.
Soon the four left the facility and went to the forest area where they were located to go. By then Sara started to feel tired, complaining about walking so much. 
“How long have we been walking anyways?” Sara asked.
“It hasn’t been that long,” Wiatt replied. “I mean we stopped for lunch just 10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah, but we’ve been walking for hours and only rested for 45 minutes!” She whined.
“Well if you want to go back to the facility, you can. No one is stopping you.”
Sara glared, her cheeks puffing up. She was fed up with Wiatt’s attitude. “Excuse me, Wiatt I’ll have you know we’ve been walking for hours! No way I’ll just be walking back!” She yelled.
“Then stop complaining, and do the research we were asked to do!” Wiatt yelled back.
Sara glared, but before she could do anything Lewis put his hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, darling.” He reassured his best friend. “We’re almost at our destination, so you could just relax.”
Sara sighed but crossed her arms and pouted.
As the four continued walking, something was watching them from the bushes. The eyes blinked before deciding to continue following the four. Oliver paused and looked back hearing something escaping the bushes.
“Did anyone hear that, just now?” Oliver asked.
“Hear what exactly?” Lewis asked.
Oliver looked around and saw no one else heard what he just heard. “Like something appeared in the bushes and just disappeared.” He explained.
The group kept looking around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. “It was probably a Pokemon just playing,” Sara reassured her friend. She gave Oliver a light punch to the shoulder, which still hurt the taller boy, “relax!”
“O-Ow,” Oliver whispered.
Up in the sky, a Starly kept their eyes on the four, but once the four were far enough the Starly transformed into Mew and continued to follow the group. However, Mew didn’t know it was being followed by the same Duskinor it was fighting with last night.
“Noir,” Duskinor growled.
The ghost-type disappeared into the shadows following Mew and the researchers.
The mythical Pokemon sensed this and decided to lead Duskinor away from the four. Duskinor looked up and looked between following Mew or following the researchers. The ghost-type decided to follow Mew, but their presence was now felt by Oddity.
“What’s wrong, Oddity?” Wiatt asked.
“Eevee! Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“You sensed something?” Wiatt asked, again.
Oddity nodded, “vee!”
Oddity sniffed the air and followed where Mew and Duskinor ran off. “W-Wiat Oddity!” Wiatt yelled chasing after his Pokemon. 
“Wiatt, wait!” Oliver yelled going after his friend.
“Hey you two, wait up!” Sara yelled.
Lewis was about to go after his friends, but he heard a call coming from the other side of the forest.
Lewis looked up hearing a cry. He looked around wondering where the cry came from before hearing the cry again. “Lewis!” Sara yelled, “Where are you going?!”
“I hear someone calling for help, darling!” Lewis yelled. 
Sara sighed, she heard the cries too, and decided to run after her best friend. “Man, what a day.”
He ran as fast as his legs could take them as the cries for help got louder and louder. Lewis stopped and his eyes widened in horror seeing a Sprigatito trapped under some thorny bushes and struggling to get out.
“Oh no! Here let me help, darling!” Lewis exclaimed, running over to the Grass Cat Pokémon. 
The grass-type Pokemon mewed and whimpered as Lewis struggled to untangle the thorns from her body. He decided to untangle the ones that got caught in Spirgatitio’s front paws. The thorns did scratch his hands a bit, but he held back his flinch to help out the Pokémon. Sprigatito let out a cry as the thorns got off of her paws, but Lewis soothed her with a pet.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay darling.” He whispered. “You're almost out.”
Sprigatito sniffled and saw the last of the thorns were removed. Lewis was able to hold Sprigatito and remove the last of the thorns from her body. “There, you're free.” He said.
Sprigatito looked up at Lewis and smiled. “Meow!” She beamed, giving the young man a thank you.
“You’re welcome,” Lewis replied. He realized he had never seen this kind of Pokemon and decided to scan it on his Rotom Phone.
Sprigatito, the Grass Cat Pokemon. A Grass Type.
It releases a sweet scent every step it takes, memorizing everyone around it. This scent becomes more potent anytime Sprigatito are near sunlight. They are also known to be attention seekers, and would sulk if ignored by people. 
“So you're a Sprigatitio, huh darling,” Lewis said looking at the Pokemon.
“Meow,” Sprigatito replied. The two stared at one another for a moment, as Lewis reached into his pocket to grab a Pokeball, but before he could a familiar call rang out.
“Lewis!” Sara called out.
Sprigatito heard someone calling and then ran off to hide. Lewis tried to stop her, but soon Sara came by to find her friend. “There you are!” Sara exclaimed. “Why did you run off like that?”
“S-Sorry I was helping out a Sprigatito,” Lewis explained.
“What Pokemon?” Sara asked. “Don’t remind me you're crazy like Oliver was earlier?”
“N-No! Of course not darling!” Lewis exclaimed, defending himself, “It ran off when you called for me.” He pointed at the bushes where Sprigatito ran off.
Sara sighed, “Lewis, we need to find Oliver and Wiatt. Because of you, we split off from the two.” She told him.
“Alright, do you know where they went?” Lewis asked.
Sara was about to answer, but because she was focused on finding Lewis, she lost sight of where Wiatt and Oliver ran off too. “I don’t know.” She answered. “Both of you ran off, and I had to find you before you got lost! Now it looks like we’re both lost.”
Lewis thought and looked at their surroundings, and saw Sara leave footprints when looking for him. “Not yet.” He said. 
“Huh?” Sara asked, confused.
Lewis pointed at her shoe prints on the ground, and the two smiled knowing Oliver and Wiatt weren’t too hard to find. “Come on!” Lewis exclaimed as he and Sara followed the footprints.
Once the duo was gone, Sprigatito appeared out of the bushes feeling safe to come out. “Meow?” She asked.
Meanwhile, Oddity was running and stopping each chance he got as he sniffed the area. Once getting the scent of the Pokemon he kept on running.
“Hey Oddity! Wait up!” Wiatt yelled.
“W-Wiatt slow down!” Oliver yelled, trying to catch his breath. “I’m…not a runner.” He finally caught up to Wiatt and bumped into him. “S-Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Wiatt replied, as he stared at the damage. Oliver’s eyes widened seeing that they were in the part of the forest, Eric showed earlier before they left. “Oliver, I think we’re here.”
The two boys and Oddity looked around as Wiatt took photos of the damages close up. “I wonder what caused these damages?” Oliver asked.
“Eevee.” Oddity exclaimed, looking at the mess. Soon a tremor was felt and Oddity sensed it wasn’t too far away. The Eevee went off running again causing Oliver and Wiatt to chase after the normal-type Pokemon.
Mew and Dusknoir were in a 2nd round of their battle when the ghost-type went in to attack Mew with an Ice Punch. Mew dodged the attack and went in with Thunderbolt shocking the ghost-type Pokemon.
Mew laughed seeing it land the attack, but it angered the Dusknoir. The Gripper Pokemon growled and went in to use Will-O-Wisp to burn Mew. The New Species Pokemon dodged and missed the wisps and laughed once again before using Psychic to lift the ghost-type and slam it to the ground.
Soon, Oddity, Oliver, and Wiatt came in and saw the battle, and were in shock seeing Mew and Dusknoir into battle.
“What Pokemon is that?” Oliver asked.
“I believe it’s Mew,” Wiatt answered. To make sure it wasn’t another Pokemon, Wiatt grabbed his Rotom Phone and scanned the Pokemon in his dex.
Mew, the New Species Pokemon. A Psychic-type.
Due to how rare this Pokemon is, people think it’s only a mirage. However, it is said that Mew will appear to those who have a pure heart and desire to see it. 
“It is a Mew!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed as well.
“Y-You mean that’s Mew! As in the mythical Mew!” Oliver exclaimed.
Soon an oncoming Shadow Ball flew right over them causing them to dodge the attack. The two looked up to see Mew transform into Absol and went in to attack Dusknoir with Night Slash, which caused major damage thanks to it being a ghost-type.
Dusknoir roared again and decided to go in for Will-O-Wisp one more time, but Mew used Absol’s Razor Wind attack to destroy the Will-O-Wisp before it could do damage. Soon Mew de-transformed and went back to normal.
While battling, Wiatt turned on the recording button on his Rotom Phone to take footage in hopes of showing it to Eric.
Lewis and Sara continued following the footprints and stopped seeing a Shadow Ball pass by and destroy a nearby tree. The two looked at each other and nodded and followed where the Shadow Ball came from and saw Oliver, Wiatt, and Oddity as well as Mew and Dusknoir’s battle.
“There you guys are!” Sara exclaimed. “We’ve been looking for you!”
“Shh.” Wiatt shushed the only girl in the group.
“Hey don’t shush me!” Sara exclaimed. “You and Oddity ran off, and I almost lost Lewis! You better have a good explanation?!”
Soon Dusknoir spotted the group and was ready to launch a Shadow Ball at them. Oliver and Lewis stared in horror as the Dusknoir made sure his Shadow Ball was big enough to obliterate the researchers.
Seeing the boys' faces in horror, Sara and Wiatt looked at Dusknoir as he launched the Shadow Ball at the four. The group huddled in fear but soon didn’t get hit. Oddity looked up and saw it was Mew using Protect on the group.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity cried out.
The four looked up and saw Mew used Protect to keep Wiatt and his friends safe. The Shadow Ball exploded into sparkles, as Mew dropped Protect and went in one more time with Thunderbolt. This time it hit Dusknoir directly, causing it to get paralyzed.
Before it could be damaged even more, Dusknoir sank into the ground disappearing into the shadows.
Mew cheered doing flips in the air seeing it finally defeated its enemy.
“M-Mew!” Wiatt spoke up.
The mythical Pokemon froze and turned to Wiatt and his friends who appeared out of the bushes, still in shock that it saved them.
“Thanks for saving us,” Wiatt added.
“Eevee!” Oddity replied.
Mew smiled, “Mew!” They replied before teleporting away.
The four looked at each other and smiled seeing they figured out what caused the destruction causing their first research mission to be completed.
By nighttime, Wiatt and the others made it back to Eric’s research facility and told him everything they witnessed. Heck, Wiatt showed Eric the footage of the battle between Mew and Dusknoir.
“You see, Mew saved us!” Wiatt exclaimed. “It’s been battling with Dusknoir or other wild Pokemon hence why all the damage.” He explained.
Eric chuckled, “Well you four did a great job doing this research, and this footage is amazing!” He exclaimed.
The group chuckled and smiled seeing their first mission was a success. Soon something came to Wiatt’s mind.
“That's it!” Wiatt exclaimed. The four turned to the shorter boy, as they saw his eyes sparkling in pride. “For our research, let’s do it on mythical and legendary Pokemon!”
“No,” Sara replied, after a few minutes of silence.
“W-What?” Wiatt asked.
“Wiatt you're crazy. I mean sure, legendaries and mythicals are fun to research, but that can’t be our top priority.” Sara explained.
“It doesn’t have to be! We’ll still be doing research for Eric, but on the side, we can find clues and mysteries about mythical and legendaries.” Wiatt explained.
Sara wasn’t impressed and still glared at Wiatt, “Yeah no! We’re not doing it!”
“Actually,” Lewis interrupted the two. “It doesn’t sound like a bad idea, darling.”
Sara’s eyes widened in horror seeing her best friend was agreeing with Wiatt. “W-Wiat, Lewis!” She exclaimed.
“I agree,” Oliver replied with a smile.
Sara was more in horror and shock seeing her two best friends agreeing with Wiatt’s plan. She turned to her only hope, Eric. “Eric, are you gonna say anything in this?” She asked.
“Well, this is my first ever facility, so you guys do what you want. I’m fine with it.” Eric replied.
Sara’s mouth dropped as she was in shock seeing no one was on her side in this. She let out a sigh realizing she was the only one with a brain in this research team.
“Alright!” Wiatt cheered. “From this day forward, the four of us are gonna do research on the legends of myths of the world!” He put his hand out as Lewis and Oliver put their hand on top of Wiatt’s. Seeing they were missing a hand, they looked at Sara who felt embarrassed doing this, but she sighed and put her hand on top of the guys.
“The four of us, are gonna be the best researchers forever!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Exploring the myths of legends of the world, darling,” Lewis added.
“Researching everything we need to know as we discover secrets, big and small,” Oliver added.
“And who knows, discovering something new or making new friends,” Sara added, giving a small smile despite not wanting to do this.
“Together,” Wiatt and his friends lifted their hands in the air, as the four shouted at the same time, “We will be the Dreamers of Myths and Legends!” They exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed finishing the speech. 
The four looked at their hands and each other as they shared a laugh.
Outside the facility, the Sprigatito that Lewis rescued earlier watched through the window and smiled. “Meow.” She beamed as well.
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hotcat37 · 2 years ago
Käärijä crew Pokémon teams
Someone mentioned something about the Käärijä crew and their hypothetical Pkmn teams so here's my takes on that <3
Käärijä: Bulbasaur (obvious) Gengar (he just screams gen 1 boomer to me but Gengar also really fits with his stage persona) Galarian Zigzagoon (unhinged raccoon like creature, like owner like pet) Toxtricity (Pokémon that can rock n roll🤘) Aipom (mischievous little purple monkey) Wishiwashi (supposed to represent how Jere can turn on a dime from puppy to beast which is this Pokémon's whole gimmick)
Jukka: Krookodile (the sunglasses....) Umbreon (I just think Jukka would look sick with an Umbreon) Farigiraf (tall and weird)
Häärijä: Pikachu (obvious) Eiscue (strange little penguin creature with a block of ice for a head, huge Häärijä vibes) Eevee (it looks like Chelsea <"3)
Jaakko: Arrokuda (it kinda looks like him ngl) Loudred (HERRÄÄÄ!!!) Tadbulb (idk why but Jaakko screams like the type to have a cute lill guy on his team that feels totally out of place with the rest💖)
Allu: Electrode (that lill smirk is giving Allu energy) Murkrow (I could've gone for Chatot but aesthetically I think Murkrow is a better fit) Porygon2 (technological creature that fucks with his lill sound table)
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berry-little-infiltrator · 2 years ago
Be honest. You're you, and what makes you happy is the best you can be. She should see how you want to dress. She has already seen the scars. Don't pretend to be who you think she thinks you are. That selects for disappointment immediately. If she knows you, then she knows you enough to want to date you. Hiding just makes it worse overall.
It will go well. Time beats on and honestly you just need to find the right rhythm for it. Romance follows no theory. I asked out my entire band after doing a shitty opening act for a shittier underground pop star. It was impulsive. It worked. Follow your heart and let her follow hers. Hand holding, ferris wheels, texting, let it happen. If you want to, ask.
And you can do this. Many people don't get this far. It might seem rough, but sometimes the best songs recorded are the rough demos. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better.
Hey Rotomblr how do you date.
Like. I have no idea how I got this date. But what do I do.
Is this when I'm supposed to wear a dress and be feminine and pretty? Or is she into more masculine people and I should be wearing a decent shirt and pants? Should I be covering up all of these scars? I mean, she's already seen them, but maybe she won't like how they look in person, or maybe it's a bad idea to go out to a coffee shop as me, and not just "Vanilla the normal human", but then again, maybe that's what she likes?
What was I even like back as a kid that she remembered me so well? I really hope she's not still expecting some cool criminal runaway that breaks into homes... Because I am so the opposite of that now, but then again she's had to have seen more about me, right?
I wonder if she knows about the Galar League, or the Cresses, or me being Champion Rank, or this blog... arc, Cheri, I hope you're not reading this I'm a mess.
And then there's what to do after grabbing coffee, if things go well (miraculous outcome, really)... Do most people just ask for a PKMNSnap, or a Luminstagram? Is it rude to go straight to texting? Should we go somewhere else after if it does go well? ...Is the ferris wheel way too forward? Is hand-holding too much?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry to anybody reading this absolute breakdown of professionality. Just...
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
Now I'm interested, what are some of your favorite picks for the cast? Any choices that don't make sense on paper but you have an odd reason for?
Oh for the bnha pmd thing? Okay so they're all pokemon and like. I have. I have Thoughts™.
Like we brianstormed half of this ages ago in the discord and then I made a joke and we brought it back up and Aki is making their own spin on it now(I love this for you btw it's fun and I love seeing the overlap on our thoughts)
ANYWAY: Who is what pokemon!
So first off. All of 1-A are first stage evolution because they're baby.
Izuku - Oh boy. Short version: Mew 3 but thinks he's a Shaymin. Long story will swing back to it eventually
Katsuki - Riolu! I had narrowed it down to Riolu, Cyndaquil, or Mankey, all for appearance and vibes and some in the power category. But then it was pointed out that Riolu evolves through /friendship. and I just. The narrative there? Beautiful.
Ochako - Cleffa! They're from space!
Kiri - Sandshrew! I knew he'd be a ground or rock type and Sandshrew's a vibe and they're all pointy, but also because my AU has Kiri and Tetsutetsu as siblings I wanted something to fit both of them as they'd be the same thing, and main Sandshrew is ground but the Alolan one is part Steel for Tetsutetsu
Shoto - Vulpix, still a Chimera so he's both Kantonian and Alolan.
Denki - Pichu. Like how can I not he already gets the Pikachu jokes but Pichu is extra baby and can't yet control the electricity!
Jiro - Noibat! Just fuckin look at it!
Tsu - Froakie. Frog!!! Will eventually be a Greninja and look at the similarities!
Fumikage - Murkrow. Once again. Obvious choice.
Hagakure - Kecleon! Invisible baby!
Ojiro - Aipom! Monkey! Tail is a hand!
Sato - Milcrey but like. Big one.
Momo - Eevee. Simple but many possibilities!
Himiko - Zorua. Known for disguising!
Mei - Tinkaton. It just. It's pink and it builds weapons!!!!
Monoma - Smeargle. he copies things!
Recovery Girl - Blissey. Nurse pokemon!!
Present Mic - Chatot. I have to make the gay bird be the other gay bird it's a pmd story I have to!!
Midnight - Slazzle
Cementoss - Conkledurr
Power Loader - Exadrill
Nezu - Ironically, the one random Human who got yeeted into the pokemon world.
AfO - A VERY pissed off Mewtwo.
Going into the Todoroki drama for a second:
Enji is an Incineroar(Seriously LOOK AT IT).
Rei is an Alolan Ninetails, chosen because 1.) compatible with Incineroar and 2.) can make both fire and ice kids.
We're /kinda/ breaking some of how in-game genetics and abilities work for the kids to match their canon powers.
Toya is a Kantonian Ninetails but he got Snow Cloak instead of Flash Fire
Fuyumi is all Alolan
Natsuo is the opposite of Toya, being Alolan but having Flash Fire instead of Snow Cloak.
Shoto, as mentioned above, is a Chimera. So he got both the Kanto and Alola forms in one.
Swinging back to Izuku's bullshit: Basically Dad for One but with me yoinking from my other Monster AU.
AfO being a very pissed off Mewtwo. Has become the thing he hated and tried to make another Mew, resulting in Izuku. Baby Izuku ends up teleporting his ass out of there and is found by Inko(a Shaymin). Imprints on her as a mother figure and unconsciously uses the transform ability to copy her form. Inko does not know what happened there but that is a baby and it's hers now damn it. Izuku knows Inko isn't his mom but isn't aware that he's not a Shaymin.
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bonetunnels · 9 months ago
Pokepark - Shout out a Pokemon IRL blog you really like!
I used to interact loads with @piers-official when I used to do the Ice Type Aipoms blog. And Galar Flying Taxi. Anyway yeah Piers and Marnie and the occasionally haunted phone
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