#Eevee Oddity
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Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 2-The Legend of Mew
Hehe... if you saw this posted before a few days ago for a few seconds. That was me, sorry!
Here is the next chapter! So I finished chapter 1 and the second I finished it the newest episode of WTDW (Season 2 Episode 3 for those reading this in the future) dropped and my brain immediately started to work on the next chapter.
Also, I went on a road trip during that time and my brain got TONS of ideas for this AU! Get ready for a TON of adventures featuring the four because this new AU is about to be fun!
Lastly, this story got some attention from one of the WTDW wiki founders, aka feral.fettucclni on Instagram! Thank you!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
At night in the forest near the mountains, a mysterious Pokemon dodged an incoming Shadow Ball, which ended up crashing on the ground. The figure giggled as the Pokémon who was attacking it growled before trying to launch another Shadow Ball in its path.
The mysterious Pokemon then transformed into a Pidgeotto and dodged the Shadow Ball again before attacking back with Gust.
The other Pokemon, who was now revealed to be a Dusknoir was then slammed to the tree thanks to the flying-type move, as he growled and went to use Ice Punch.
The Pidgeotto de-transformed and it was revealed to be Mew. Quickly Mew teleported before the Ice Punch could hit them.
Dusknoir growled as it searched for Mew. Seeing that the New Species Pokemon was gone. He retreated hoping to find it next time. Once the ghost-type Pokemon was gone, Mew reappeared and laughed, finally outsmarting the creepy Pokemon. Mew then flew off into the mountains.
The following morning, the sun rose by the facility causing a ray of light to wake up Oddity. The Eevee let out a yawn and started to wake up Wiatt, which caused the rest of the new researchers to wake up too, except for Wiatt.
“Morning darlings.” Lewis yawned as he put his glasses on.
Sara got up and stretched, as she rubbed her eyes. “Morning.” She replied.
“Morning,” Oliver replied as well, stretching.
The three then looked at Wiatt who was still asleep as Oddity was trying to wake him up. Sara growled and got down from her bunk looking down at Wiatt. “Great, he sleeps like a Snorlax.” She commented.
Lewis then shook Wiatt a bit, causing the boy to turn away, yet continue sleeping. “Come on darling, you've got to wake up.” He said, shaking the other boy some more.
“Eevee! Vee! Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed, using his paws to smack Wiatt in the face, but even that didn’t wake him up. Oddity growled and quickly got out of the bed, before charging at Wiatt with a Quick Attack, slamming him into the wall.
The attack was enough to be felt in the kitchen and caused Eric, Carly, and Ridley to flinch and groan. “Ridley, would you like to check up on them for me?” Eric asked.
“Aipom!” Ridley exclaimed, saluting to his trainer before running upstairs to the researchers' dorm. He jumped up and opened the door to see Wiatt knocked out while Oddity smiled proudly. Oliver and Lewis looked worried at Wiatt, while Sara smiled, finally finding a solution to wake up Oddity.
“Looks like we got ourselves an alarm clock!” Sara exclaimed, joking over Oddity waking up Wiatt.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Wiatt groaned in pain as he rubbed his head. He looked around before putting on his glasses to see that it was Oddity who woke him up using Quick Attack. “Morning, Oddity.” He sighed.
“Vee!” Oddity beamed as he ran over to his trainer and gave him a nuzzle.
Wiatt sighed and gave his Eevee a pet.
Later, the four got dressed in their clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. There they saw Eric cooking pancakes for the group.
“Morning guys!” Carly beamed. She was already seated as she ate her pancakes. “We heard you had a rough awakening.”
Wiatt chuckled, “Nah I wouldn’t call it rough, more like an everyday routine.” He replied.
“Eevee!” Oddity chuckled.
The group sat down as Eric placed the pancakes on the table. The group each took one and enjoyed the breakfast cooked for them.
“Eric, this is really good!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Vee!” Oddity exclaimed eating his Pokémon food for breakfast.
Eric smiled seeing everyone enjoy his homemade breakfast. “Once you guys are through with eating. I’ll be giving you guys your first task!” He explained.
“Thanks!” Lewis exclaimed.
Meanwhile, Carly finished breakfast and put her plates in the sink. “While you guys go do your research stuff, I’m going to school.” She said as she grabbed her backpack.
Just before she could leave, Oddity ran up to her, almost asking her if she wanted to join the group on their research. Carly froze and slowly went around the Eevee before rushing out the door.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed.
“Give her time Oddity. She’ll warm up to you.” Lewis reassured the normal-type Pokemon.
“Eevee,” Oddity replied.
After breakfast, the four made it to the laboratory, Eric showed footage of a forest near the mountains being destroyed. This forest was the same one Mew and Dusknoir were fighting in.
“Man, what happened?” Wiatt asked.
“Not sure, from my knowledge this area is well known to have unusual activity,” Eric explained.
“Unusual activity?” Wiatt asked, piquing his interest.
“I’m guessing you want us to go over and investigate it?” Lewis asked.
“Exactly!” Eric exclaimed, with Ridley agreeing.
Wiatt chuckled, “This is great Oddity! Unusual things and researching, it’s the best of both worlds!” He exclaimed.
“Eevee! Eevee!” Oddity cheered jumping up and down.
“Don’t get too excited Wiatt,” Sara spoke up. Wiatt and Oddity turned to the girl, “We’re here for work, not a picnic.”
Lewis chuckled, “Come on Sara. This is our very first mission as researchers.”
“Yeah, we’re all excited for this,” Oliver added.
Sara sighed, realizing none of her friends were siding with her. “I’m excited too, Lewis, but Wiatt is way too excited for this.”
“Well, that makes it all better!” Lewis explained.
Sara rolled her eyes.
Eric then typed something on the computer and the group’s Rotom Phones went off. The group grabbed their phones and saw that their map app had a notification. They each clicked on the app and saw that the location they were headed to was near Route 26.
“I sent you guys the coordinates to where you're going. If you find something, document it and report back to me tonight.” Eric explained.
“Got it!” The four said together.
“Eevee!” Oddity cheered.
Soon the four left the facility and went to the forest area where they were located to go. By then Sara started to feel tired, complaining about walking so much.
“How long have we been walking anyways?” Sara asked.
“It hasn’t been that long,” Wiatt replied. “I mean we stopped for lunch just 10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah, but we’ve been walking for hours and only rested for 45 minutes!” She whined.
“Well if you want to go back to the facility, you can. No one is stopping you.”
Sara glared, her cheeks puffing up. She was fed up with Wiatt’s attitude. “Excuse me, Wiatt I’ll have you know we’ve been walking for hours! No way I’ll just be walking back!” She yelled.
“Then stop complaining, and do the research we were asked to do!” Wiatt yelled back.
Sara glared, but before she could do anything Lewis put his hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, darling.” He reassured his best friend. “We’re almost at our destination, so you could just relax.”
Sara sighed but crossed her arms and pouted.
As the four continued walking, something was watching them from the bushes. The eyes blinked before deciding to continue following the four. Oliver paused and looked back hearing something escaping the bushes.
“Did anyone hear that, just now?” Oliver asked.
“Hear what exactly?” Lewis asked.
Oliver looked around and saw no one else heard what he just heard. “Like something appeared in the bushes and just disappeared.” He explained.
The group kept looking around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. “It was probably a Pokemon just playing,” Sara reassured her friend. She gave Oliver a light punch to the shoulder, which still hurt the taller boy, “relax!”
“O-Ow,” Oliver whispered.
Up in the sky, a Starly kept their eyes on the four, but once the four were far enough the Starly transformed into Mew and continued to follow the group. However, Mew didn’t know it was being followed by the same Duskinor it was fighting with last night.
“Noir,” Duskinor growled.
The ghost-type disappeared into the shadows following Mew and the researchers.
The mythical Pokemon sensed this and decided to lead Duskinor away from the four. Duskinor looked up and looked between following Mew or following the researchers. The ghost-type decided to follow Mew, but their presence was now felt by Oddity.
“What’s wrong, Oddity?” Wiatt asked.
“Eevee! Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“You sensed something?” Wiatt asked, again.
Oddity nodded, “vee!”
Oddity sniffed the air and followed where Mew and Duskinor ran off. “W-Wiat Oddity!” Wiatt yelled chasing after his Pokemon.
“Wiatt, wait!” Oliver yelled going after his friend.
“Hey you two, wait up!” Sara yelled.
Lewis was about to go after his friends, but he heard a call coming from the other side of the forest.
Lewis looked up hearing a cry. He looked around wondering where the cry came from before hearing the cry again. “Lewis!” Sara yelled, “Where are you going?!”
“I hear someone calling for help, darling!” Lewis yelled.
Sara sighed, she heard the cries too, and decided to run after her best friend. “Man, what a day.”
He ran as fast as his legs could take them as the cries for help got louder and louder. Lewis stopped and his eyes widened in horror seeing a Sprigatito trapped under some thorny bushes and struggling to get out.
“Oh no! Here let me help, darling!” Lewis exclaimed, running over to the Grass Cat Pokémon.
The grass-type Pokemon mewed and whimpered as Lewis struggled to untangle the thorns from her body. He decided to untangle the ones that got caught in Spirgatitio’s front paws. The thorns did scratch his hands a bit, but he held back his flinch to help out the Pokémon. Sprigatito let out a cry as the thorns got off of her paws, but Lewis soothed her with a pet.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay darling.” He whispered. “You're almost out.”
Sprigatito sniffled and saw the last of the thorns were removed. Lewis was able to hold Sprigatito and remove the last of the thorns from her body. “There, you're free.” He said.
Sprigatito looked up at Lewis and smiled. “Meow!” She beamed, giving the young man a thank you.
“You’re welcome,” Lewis replied. He realized he had never seen this kind of Pokemon and decided to scan it on his Rotom Phone.
Sprigatito, the Grass Cat Pokemon. A Grass Type.
It releases a sweet scent every step it takes, memorizing everyone around it. This scent becomes more potent anytime Sprigatito are near sunlight. They are also known to be attention seekers, and would sulk if ignored by people.
“So you're a Sprigatitio, huh darling,” Lewis said looking at the Pokemon.
“Meow,” Sprigatito replied. The two stared at one another for a moment, as Lewis reached into his pocket to grab a Pokeball, but before he could a familiar call rang out.
“Lewis!” Sara called out.
Sprigatito heard someone calling and then ran off to hide. Lewis tried to stop her, but soon Sara came by to find her friend. “There you are!” Sara exclaimed. “Why did you run off like that?”
“S-Sorry I was helping out a Sprigatito,” Lewis explained.
“What Pokemon?” Sara asked. “Don’t remind me you're crazy like Oliver was earlier?”
“N-No! Of course not darling!” Lewis exclaimed, defending himself, “It ran off when you called for me.” He pointed at the bushes where Sprigatito ran off.
Sara sighed, “Lewis, we need to find Oliver and Wiatt. Because of you, we split off from the two.” She told him.
“Alright, do you know where they went?” Lewis asked.
Sara was about to answer, but because she was focused on finding Lewis, she lost sight of where Wiatt and Oliver ran off too. “I don’t know.” She answered. “Both of you ran off, and I had to find you before you got lost! Now it looks like we’re both lost.”
Lewis thought and looked at their surroundings, and saw Sara leave footprints when looking for him. “Not yet.” He said.
“Huh?” Sara asked, confused.
Lewis pointed at her shoe prints on the ground, and the two smiled knowing Oliver and Wiatt weren’t too hard to find. “Come on!” Lewis exclaimed as he and Sara followed the footprints.
Once the duo was gone, Sprigatito appeared out of the bushes feeling safe to come out. “Meow?” She asked.
Meanwhile, Oddity was running and stopping each chance he got as he sniffed the area. Once getting the scent of the Pokemon he kept on running.
“Hey Oddity! Wait up!” Wiatt yelled.
“W-Wiatt slow down!” Oliver yelled, trying to catch his breath. “I’m…not a runner.” He finally caught up to Wiatt and bumped into him. “S-Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Wiatt replied, as he stared at the damage. Oliver’s eyes widened seeing that they were in the part of the forest, Eric showed earlier before they left. “Oliver, I think we’re here.”
The two boys and Oddity looked around as Wiatt took photos of the damages close up. “I wonder what caused these damages?” Oliver asked.
“Eevee.” Oddity exclaimed, looking at the mess. Soon a tremor was felt and Oddity sensed it wasn’t too far away. The Eevee went off running again causing Oliver and Wiatt to chase after the normal-type Pokemon.
Mew and Dusknoir were in a 2nd round of their battle when the ghost-type went in to attack Mew with an Ice Punch. Mew dodged the attack and went in with Thunderbolt shocking the ghost-type Pokemon.
Mew laughed seeing it land the attack, but it angered the Dusknoir. The Gripper Pokemon growled and went in to use Will-O-Wisp to burn Mew. The New Species Pokemon dodged and missed the wisps and laughed once again before using Psychic to lift the ghost-type and slam it to the ground.
Soon, Oddity, Oliver, and Wiatt came in and saw the battle, and were in shock seeing Mew and Dusknoir into battle.
“What Pokemon is that?” Oliver asked.
“I believe it’s Mew,” Wiatt answered. To make sure it wasn’t another Pokemon, Wiatt grabbed his Rotom Phone and scanned the Pokemon in his dex.
Mew, the New Species Pokemon. A Psychic-type.
Due to how rare this Pokemon is, people think it’s only a mirage. However, it is said that Mew will appear to those who have a pure heart and desire to see it.
“It is a Mew!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed as well.
“Y-You mean that’s Mew! As in the mythical Mew!” Oliver exclaimed.
Soon an oncoming Shadow Ball flew right over them causing them to dodge the attack. The two looked up to see Mew transform into Absol and went in to attack Dusknoir with Night Slash, which caused major damage thanks to it being a ghost-type.
Dusknoir roared again and decided to go in for Will-O-Wisp one more time, but Mew used Absol’s Razor Wind attack to destroy the Will-O-Wisp before it could do damage. Soon Mew de-transformed and went back to normal.
While battling, Wiatt turned on the recording button on his Rotom Phone to take footage in hopes of showing it to Eric.
Lewis and Sara continued following the footprints and stopped seeing a Shadow Ball pass by and destroy a nearby tree. The two looked at each other and nodded and followed where the Shadow Ball came from and saw Oliver, Wiatt, and Oddity as well as Mew and Dusknoir’s battle.
“There you guys are!” Sara exclaimed. “We’ve been looking for you!”
“Shh.” Wiatt shushed the only girl in the group.
“Hey don’t shush me!” Sara exclaimed. “You and Oddity ran off, and I almost lost Lewis! You better have a good explanation?!”
Soon Dusknoir spotted the group and was ready to launch a Shadow Ball at them. Oliver and Lewis stared in horror as the Dusknoir made sure his Shadow Ball was big enough to obliterate the researchers.
Seeing the boys' faces in horror, Sara and Wiatt looked at Dusknoir as he launched the Shadow Ball at the four. The group huddled in fear but soon didn’t get hit. Oddity looked up and saw it was Mew using Protect on the group.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity cried out.
The four looked up and saw Mew used Protect to keep Wiatt and his friends safe. The Shadow Ball exploded into sparkles, as Mew dropped Protect and went in one more time with Thunderbolt. This time it hit Dusknoir directly, causing it to get paralyzed.
Before it could be damaged even more, Dusknoir sank into the ground disappearing into the shadows.
Mew cheered doing flips in the air seeing it finally defeated its enemy.
“M-Mew!” Wiatt spoke up.
The mythical Pokemon froze and turned to Wiatt and his friends who appeared out of the bushes, still in shock that it saved them.
“Thanks for saving us,” Wiatt added.
“Eevee!” Oddity replied.
Mew smiled, “Mew!” They replied before teleporting away.
The four looked at each other and smiled seeing they figured out what caused the destruction causing their first research mission to be completed.
By nighttime, Wiatt and the others made it back to Eric’s research facility and told him everything they witnessed. Heck, Wiatt showed Eric the footage of the battle between Mew and Dusknoir.
“You see, Mew saved us!” Wiatt exclaimed. “It’s been battling with Dusknoir or other wild Pokemon hence why all the damage.” He explained.
Eric chuckled, “Well you four did a great job doing this research, and this footage is amazing!” He exclaimed.
The group chuckled and smiled seeing their first mission was a success. Soon something came to Wiatt’s mind.
“That's it!” Wiatt exclaimed. The four turned to the shorter boy, as they saw his eyes sparkling in pride. “For our research, let’s do it on mythical and legendary Pokemon!”
“No,” Sara replied, after a few minutes of silence.
“W-What?” Wiatt asked.
“Wiatt you're crazy. I mean sure, legendaries and mythicals are fun to research, but that can’t be our top priority.” Sara explained.
“It doesn’t have to be! We’ll still be doing research for Eric, but on the side, we can find clues and mysteries about mythical and legendaries.” Wiatt explained.
Sara wasn’t impressed and still glared at Wiatt, “Yeah no! We’re not doing it!”
“Actually,” Lewis interrupted the two. “It doesn’t sound like a bad idea, darling.”
Sara’s eyes widened in horror seeing her best friend was agreeing with Wiatt. “W-Wiat, Lewis!” She exclaimed.
“I agree,” Oliver replied with a smile.
Sara was more in horror and shock seeing her two best friends agreeing with Wiatt’s plan. She turned to her only hope, Eric. “Eric, are you gonna say anything in this?” She asked.
“Well, this is my first ever facility, so you guys do what you want. I’m fine with it.” Eric replied.
Sara’s mouth dropped as she was in shock seeing no one was on her side in this. She let out a sigh realizing she was the only one with a brain in this research team.
“Alright!” Wiatt cheered. “From this day forward, the four of us are gonna do research on the legends of myths of the world!” He put his hand out as Lewis and Oliver put their hand on top of Wiatt’s. Seeing they were missing a hand, they looked at Sara who felt embarrassed doing this, but she sighed and put her hand on top of the guys.
“The four of us, are gonna be the best researchers forever!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Exploring the myths of legends of the world, darling,” Lewis added.
“Researching everything we need to know as we discover secrets, big and small,” Oliver added.
“And who knows, discovering something new or making new friends,” Sara added, giving a small smile despite not wanting to do this.
“Together,” Wiatt and his friends lifted their hands in the air, as the four shouted at the same time, “We will be the Dreamers of Myths and Legends!” They exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed finishing the speech.
The four looked at their hands and each other as they shared a laugh.
Outside the facility, the Sprigatito that Lewis rescued earlier watched through the window and smiled. “Meow.” She beamed as well.
#welcome to dreamworld#wtdw#wtdw au#wtdw sara#wtdw lewis#wtdw oliver#wtdw wiatt#wtdw eric#Pokemon AU#Dreamers of Myths & Legends#Dreamers of Myths and Legends#mew pokemon#eevee pokemon#Eevee Oddity
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Sometimes it's just not worth walking away. Oh I caved so fast after I found the acrylic stand.
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OMG THANKS!!!!! Please go give @chaos-squared-house some support!!
The Silly Thing!!
A little thing of Oddity from @dreamnoteprincess’s pokemon au!!
I don’t quite know how to make gifs for the most part, but still hope this looks cool nuff! :3
#welcome to dreamworld#wtdw#oddity wtdw#Pokemon AU#dreamers of the myths & legends#dreamers of the myths and legends#oddity the eevee#chaos-squared-house#wtdw au
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Bingo @ Angel: Hi hi!! So cool to see everyone here!! Are you an Eevee, too? Did you come alone, or did you bring someone?
Angel gave a little bounce when she saw Bingo. “Hi! I am also an Eevee- my name’s Angel! And I'm here with my dad, Solaris, a Giratina! He's…around here somewhere.” Angel wasn't worried about being able to find him- her father definitely stood out in a crowd, and she knew his scent pretty well, so she could find him that way if she needed to. However, she still glanced around, looking for Solaris— or the much more likely slight oddity in the background as he shifted while invisible, since her father seemed to enjoy suddenly appearing behind whoever she was talking to. No sign of him. She tasted the air, but only got a slight hint of his scent, probably from back in the entrance area. “It's been a while since I last saw another Eevee! Your rainbow markings are very pretty! Are you here with anyone else?”
Sorry this took so long, I had the answer done a few days ago but just forgot!
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on a similar vein to a recent ask, are there any color mutations that dont severely impact/dont impact at all a pokemons health?
it really depends on the pokemon and what's causing the color mutation! for example, while white rattata are pretty common and are even selectively bred, the mutation that caused my umbreon's white coat and blue eyes is highly associated with deafness in eevee and its evolutions.
here are a couple examples of color mutations that aren't typically detrimental to the pokemon, though!
melanism in many feathered pokemon is actually associated with better feather quality.
color mutations are common in many domesticated pokemon, such as pidove, without any impact to the pokemons quality of life.
some shiny pokemon, depending on their natural environment and the impact the gene has on their health, may actually benefit from it! for example shiny garchomp, aside from the occasional tooth oddity, actually dont seem too affected by effects from the gene; shiny gible struggle with being able to hunt properly because they stand out, but if they make it to evolution they actually do pretty well for themselves.
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The Gravity Fall’s Characters as Pokemon trainers
I have been getting back into pokemon lately, and I made a few Owl house posts about what if the characters in that were Pokemon trainers, what Pokemon they would have, and why. That was so much fun that when I was done I wanted to keep going and do one a list for every Disney cartoon from this renaissance. Ie Gravity Falls, Ducktales, Star vs the forces of Evil, and Amphibia.I am not sure how popular these will be since while GF still has a live fandom, some of these other cartoons fandom may have died out. But making these was fun and I want some people to see my lists, even if its not that many. If I do get a lot of views I will binge more Disney cartoons to get more characters to make teams for
Before I start I do want to give credit for an idea I remember seeing in a post years ago. Someone did a comic of child Stanley and Stanford playing with two Eevee’s and planing to evolve them into vaporeon’s once they become adults and then they can help them sail around the world. But then because the Stan brothers have their fall out and do not go on their trip They never use water stones to evolve their eevee’s into Vaporeons. Stan’s winds up evolving into an Espeon and Ford’s into an Umbreon. That was such a good idea that not only do I want to use it, but it inspired me to turn the pines family into an eevelution family, and everyone who is a Pines by blood or by heart will have an eevelution. I purposely did not use Vaporeon though. I wanted to leave it as what could have been if things had been different, ...or a maybe in the future. Say Soos and Melody get married, and Melody is given an Eevee as a wedding gift. She could decide to evolve it into vaporeon...
But without further rambling the actual teams are below
Stan(ford) Pines a.k.a Grunkle Ford
I will start with Ford. He is the oldest Pines so I guess he can go first. He was also the second easiest (after Mabel) of the Pines to make a team for
Umbreon. Like it says up there Ford and Stan both got Eevee’s as kids. They’d planed to evolve them into Vaporeons when they were ready to leave on the Stan-O-War. But then had their falling out and never went on their trip. Ford did not use a stone on his Umbreon, it stayed u with him on all nighters he pulled studying, and just took it with him on nightly explorations. It eventually evoleved on its own into an Umbreon. This is his top pokemon, and it protects him the most from walking off cliffs, or being jumped by mystical monsters. It will never leave/go against Ford, but it misses Stan, his Eevee/Espeon, and the days when the four of them were a quartet.
Now Ford is a investigative researcher of the paranormal/magical/oddities/weirdness. So I also picked pokemon that kinda represented paranormal/magical/oddities/weirdness. Clarfairy (a fairy like alien from the beyond), Ninetales (a Kitsune, they’re also known to be very intelligent, but slow to let go of things... kinda like Ford), and Nosepass (a Moai head. Plus a magnetic compass that Ford would love studying and would help him navigate his way through dimensons).
Ford also likes researching ghost’s, and needs a ghost type. I decided to give him a Banette, for reasons similar to the secondary reasons I gave him a Ninetales. Basically this ghost is a powerful grudge pokemon, and Ford has some powerful grudges against Stan, Bill and himself (for believing Bill and playing a part in hurting Fiddleford). I am thinking that this Banette may actually be photos or some other memento Ford held onto of him and Stan’s childhood, and it was born from Ford’s conflicting feelings over those times. I also imagine that Ninetales and Banette share Ford’s resentment towards Stan over the incident with portal (all six of Ford’s pokemon were in their pokeballs and went in with him), and they stand guard in the basement to keep him out. Umbreon is not to crazy about this, but it’s outvoted.
Lastly I had to give Ford a water-type. Even after changing his mind about sailing away on the Stan-O-War, and having the fall out with Stan, Ford still spent a lot of time reminiscing down by the lake, and loved boats enough to buy multiple paintings of them for his house. I also wanted to show his and Fiddleford’s bond, by giving both of them fossil pokemon that they could have found and caught in their excavations together. So I decided that Ford would have a tirtouga. (ex. has anyone heard the legend of the great turtle Kachapa? Because its another myth Ford would probably love).
Stanford Pines team: Umbreon, Clafairy, Ninetales, Nosepass, Banette, tirtouga. When I did the owl house I also mentioned if I thought each character would be a trainer/coordinator/breeder/gym leader. I am not doing that again. Mabel would probably like contests, Dipper gym battles. Bput generally everybody in GF is exactly who they are in GF.
(Stan)ley Pines. a.k.a Grunkle Stan
Espeon. So like it says up top Stan and Ford had Eevee’s as kids that they planed to evolve into Vaporeons to come with them on their sailing journey, but after their fallout neither left on the Stan-O-War and neither evolved their eevee’s into Vaporeon. Stan never used a stone to evolve his eevee. He took it on the road with him. They combed beaches for treasure, and put on shows and mysterious acts, and eventually it evolves onto an Espeon on its own. This is Stan’s top Pokemon and spends a lot of time trying to protect him from cops, angry mobs of people he scammed, and guides him to his chair/bed after he’s spent all night working on the portal. It missed Ford and his Eevee/Umbreon as much as Stan did. Once Ford comes back Espeon tried to push for a reconciliation, and tries to get Umbreon’s help. Umbreon tries to make it clear that it still loves Espeon (sibling love not ship love), but that its best to give Ford time.
Hitmonchan: This one was the easiest choice for Stan. Stan loves and is very talented at boxing. Of course he would have a boxing pokemon. It’s Stan’s muscle/guard pokemon for the shack.
Meowth and Purrloin: two sneaky and money loving kittens; that Stan caught on the streets and they helped him pickpocket, steal, and fleece people to get by. Once he opened the mystery shack the pair where frequently part of his attractions. Since Stan has had them for a while I am going to pull a Ash’s bulbasuar/squirtle and just say that the reason they never evolved, is that they simply do not want to. Their first forms eat less, are more marketable when it comes to scams/shack merchandise, and are just the right size for pick-pocketing.
Ditto: Stan changes his identity on the fly whenever it suits him, and in pokeverse has a ditto that helps him do it. Learn from the master and all that.
Cubone: Stan’s final pokemon. I googled the loneliest pokemon and got Cubone. Okay y’all Stan is a lot of things: he is a liar, a thief, and a con. He can be selfish at times, and has acted without regard for others property, feelings, and well being. But at his core Stan is not a bad person. Deep down Stan is just a lonely man who desperatly wants to fix rifts he has caused and find a way to be safe and happy with his family.
Stanley Pines Team: Espeon, Hitmonchan, Meowth, Purrloin, Ditto, Cubone
Mabel Pines
She was honestly the easiest Pines to create a team for just because she has so many distinct interests that I can use for refrence
Sylveon: This is Mabel’s eevloution. She is the warmest Pines, and is all about creating strong bonds with the people around her. So Sylveon is perfect for her.
Tepig: She also would of course have a pig pokemon because of Waddles. I looked up Pig pokemon and only saw three: Gruntpig, Swinal, and Tepig. I do not want to give Mabel a Swinal because it’s skinny; and canonically one reason Mabel found Waddles so cute was because he had a fat face. Gruntpig seems like the fattest, and cutest, of the three, but its abilities are to similar to things Gideon did to the Pines family. That leaves me Tepig by default. Tepig actually works pretty well for Mabel. It’s small, pudgy, adorable, is a strong fire type pokemon that will evolve into a strong fire/fighting type.
Luvdisc: Mabel is a huge romantic who loves to flirt with boys and try to play matchmaker with her friends and relatives. I am giving her a Luvdisc to represent that. It would be cute if Marmando (her one positive, yet brief, relationship that summer) sent/gave it to Mabel; as a thank you for helping him get back to the ocean and his family.
Teddiursa, and Smeagle: Pokemon that I chose to reflect Mabel’s love for stuffed animals and art/creative projects.
Ponyta: She loves Unicorns, or at least did before she met Celestabethabellabell (Her name is stupid and I do not care if I spelled it wrong). Seriously I kinda thought about taking ponyta off remembering how cruel that judgemental hoof-face (thank you for the insult Wendy) was to Mabel and her friends. But I left it on for a few reasons. 1.) Unicorns are feminine, powerful, and chaotic creature. Mabel is also feminine, powerful, and chaotic. Those traits made her the break out star of GF when it originally aired, and the start of a new trend of female Disney protagonist who were adventurous, feminine, chaotic, and powerful (which I have loved for 10 years). 2.) Ponyta’s database says that once it gets to know someone, its flaming mane will cease to burn them. Mabel is absolutely the type to catch and befriend a ponyta just because she wants to braid its fiery hair. So Mabel still gets a ponyta.
Mabel Pines Team: Sylveon, Tepig, Luvdisc, Teddiursa, Smeagle, Ponyta. Sylveon, Ponyta, and Teddiursa came with her to GF (she couldn’t use Ponyta’s hair because it would have incinerated The Shack.) She caught Smeagle in “Headhunters”, won Tepig from the Farmer Sprout in “Time travelors Pig”, and Lovedisc is from Mermando.
DIpper (Mason but he would prefer you to use his nickname) Pines
So Dipper was the hardest of the Pines to make a list for, because while he is a fun character with development, he wasn’t as zany/goofy as his family. So to form this list I looked more at his tenancies and attitude; as apposed to with his sister and Uncles I made there lists off their interests and corks.
Glaceon: This is gonna be his eevelution. None of them really fit perfectly with Dipper, and of the four I had left I decided to give him Glaceon; because it can cool temperatures around it. Some running jokes with Dipper are that he has a sweating problem, yet also hates showering and doing laundry (also appearing nervous, but that’d not really a joke, everybody hates that). So I thought maybe Glaceon could use its abilites to help Dipper sweat less.
Bonslie: its a tree. Dippers prophecy and hat symbol is a Pine tree. For dipper I needed to use that symbol to get six
Question Mark Unkown: Dipper Loves Mysteries, books, solving the unknown. He spends the whole summer treating Ford’s journal like a bible in his quests to learn all about the mysteries of gravity falls; especially who the author was and what happened to them. Let’s say Dipper found it around the same time he found the journal and started looking into the mysteries of gravity falls
Gastly: Ghosts are Dipper favorite Paranormal creatures, so he would have at least one ghost pokemon. I have seen some fans give Dipper a Phantump because of his tree symbol, which is valid. But I really wanted give him a Gastly because its such a silly ghost. Dipper is so serious a lot of the time. He sometime seems to associate being serious with coming across as mature. (Dipper grownups can be silly too. Please look at every adult in the show). I wanted to give him a goofy ghost, that help his family tease him into acting like a kid and having some fun.
Tyrogun: its a baby fighting type, and raising and training it couId represent how Dipper is beganing totransition from a boy to into a young man. I image Stan saw it in the wild, took Dipper to where it was at, and told him to find a way to catch it. It also likely has a similar relationship with Stan’s Hitmonchan as Dipper does to Stan.
Cranidos: It’s a baby dinosaur, fossil, pokemon. I would say its more likely Dipper caught it post “Land before Swine” than that Ford gave it to him. We’ll say that Dipper caught the little dino that followed them home, instead of Stan taking it to Farmer Sprout when it caused trouble. I am giving him this pokemon because its hard headed and runs head first into battle. Dipper spends all of Gf running head first after any creature Ford wrote about (even the ones Ford said were super dangerous). Dipper also is the most hardheaded of any Pines. (If you don’t believe me re-watch episodes like Dipper vs. Manliness, Time Travelers Pig, and Scaryoke.).
Dipper (Mason) Pines team: Glaceon, Bonslie, Question Mark Unkown, Gastly, Tyrogun, and Cranidos. Glaceon, Bonslie, and Gastly came with him to GF. The Unkown, Tyrogun, and Cranidos are all pokemon he caught during the summer; its says how in their posts.
Soos Ramirez
Jolteon: Soos is a member of the Pines Family. He is Stan’s son, even if he was never legally adopted. So at one point growing up, he got an eevee from Stan. Jolteon fits him the best. He likes lightening and lazor’s. He knows how to work a fuse box and various electronics. Both him and Jolteon are good at retrieving things. Also I get the feeling he would like how pointy it is.
Aipom: Another pokemon I picked because it could probably help him out with his work around The Shack. It’s a very hand monkey, that could climb up to top shelf’s to get things for Soos (Since Stan does not allow ladders at the shack), and he could probably train it to use non-power tools.
Munchlax: Soos got an time wish of unlimited power for his birthday, and he used it to wish for a slice of infinite pizza. Munchlax is his snack buddy.
Beware and Pancham: Soos is a big old teddy bear/ panda bear; he says so himself on his and Melody’s first date. So I am giving him 2 bear Pokemon that reflect that. One fully evolved, and one that still has some evolving to do. The Pines need to have fighting pokemon, for all they get up to. These two are about the only ones Soos is not to sweet for.
Arcanine: It is listed as being one of the most loyal pokemon, and as we all know, there is no one more loyal than Soos
Soos’s team: Jolteon, Aipom, Munchlax, Beware, Pancham, Arcanine
Wendy Corduroy
Because Wendy is from a family of Lumberjacks I made all of her pokemon woodland creatures. Her team is also comprised mostly of ice/fighting/ and normal types, for obvious reasons
Leafeon: I wasn’t really sure about Giving her an eevee evolution while she’s clearly close friends with the Pines I am not sure if she would call them her family, or if any of them except Mabel would call her so (Dipper certainly does not see her as a sister/cousin, and Stan’s feelings with her are debatable). But then I remember that she was close enough to the Pines that when her Summerween plans were a bust she went to the Shack and joinned the family for movies and jack-o-melons. That’s enough for me. Leafeon is my favorite eevelution, its woodland appearance and chill nature compliments Wendy, and its the same gen as Glaceon, so that kinda shows her and Dippers friendship.
Komala: Chosen for much many of the same reasons Leafeon was. It is a fuzzy, woodland koala, that’s general disposition is chill and lazy. It would likely be down to sneak away and chill on the roof with Wendy.
Abomasnow and Cubchoo: Here is ice-bag Wendy’s ice type pokemon. I gave her two since she has that much practice remaining calm under pressure. Abomasnow is also a grass type (it’s a big snowy yeti/tree thing), and I put it as fully evolved because Wendy is such a skilled woods-women... which meant I also needed to pick a first evolution for Wendy’s second ice type. Cubchoo will one day evolve into a huge polar bear, who’s level of terror could rival Ursaring (which I headcannon is one of Manly Dan’s pokemon) but right now its this cute, little, sniffling cub, that’s appearance kinda reminds me of some of Wendy’s stuffed animals.
Braixen and a Gargalian Farfetch: Here are her two fighting types. Once again she has two because she is such a strong and skilled fighter. I picked Braixen; partly because its in the middle of its evolution line which is I felt was an okay metaphor for Wendy being a teenager; and partly because its pretty, tough, and has an attitude. Just like Wendy. The Gargalian Farfetch (regular ones aren’t fighting type) I picked because it doesn’t really look so tough, till it brings out its giant stick and start’s swinging. Like with Wendy, it’s a mistake to judge this skinny, short, bird by looks alone.
Wendy’s team: Leafeon, Komala, Abomasnow, Cubchoo, Braixen, Gargalian Farfetch.
Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket
Flareon: Chosen for its destructive power and because, after Mcgucket went mad and had to live in the dump, a fire poekmon could have helped him keep warm/cook food. Like Soos Mcgucket is pretty much family. He and Ford were cannoly each others lifeline in college and friends off and on for many years afterwards (Stanford was the password to Mcguckets prototype laptop). Mcgucket also became close with the twins during “the society of blind eye:” episode. Ford gave him an Eevee in college, and Mcgcket eventually evolved it into a flareon.
Aurorus: a dino pokemon he got while on an excavation with Ford during the time they worked together in gravity falls. I picked it specifically because its design reminded me of Mcguckets robotic gobblewonker
Zigzagoon and Totadile: because in the show a raccoon and baby gator were two animals that lived with Mcgucket in the junkyard.
Rotom: This is the closest thing I could find to a digital/computer based electric pokemon. It’s also part ghost; so maybe it could also represent parts of his intelligence/personality that the memory guns weren’t able to take away.
Celesteela: It’s a giant, destructive, steel robot. Enough said
Fiddleford Mcgucket’s team: Flareon, Aurrus, Zigzagoon, Totadie, Rotom, Celesteela. This is by far the most OP team of Pokemon I have made. But Fiddleford, the homeless man who can make giant battling doom-bots in a days time, is honestly a really Op character, and would honestly have to have a really OP team.
Note these are all the characters I consider the most important in the show (the Pines Family and their closest friends), and so they are the ones who’s characters felt explored enough for me to make a team of six for. I put other important characters below: the other three members of the prophecy plus Candy and Grenda, but as they had less character their teams will be smaller
Robbie Valentino
Loudred: Robbie thinks of himself as a musician, and is into loud heavy music.
Spinarack: his thing, other than being a moody “ dark, emo-goth” teenager, is that he is kind of a creep. He also has a pet tarantula. So I am giving him a creepy little spider
Shuppet: Because it is drawn to people dealing with negative emotions; and Robbie is again a moody “dark, emo-goth” teenager. I gave Amity one too on my The Owl House character list. Granted Amity deals with a tense, oppressive home life; and Robbie is the way he s mostly because of chemicals in his head (teenager). But Shuppets are not picky about causes of those feelings. In the anime Max befriend one after a fight with May.
Robbie’s team: Loudred, Spinrack, Shuppet
Gideon Gleeful:
Morpoke: He is shown to have a pet guinea pig, and this is the closest pokemon I could find to one. I also wanted him to have something small and adorable to use as a mascot, since that is his selling point as a performer.
Starmie: He gets a star pokemon partially because that’s his symbol on the prophecy wheel, and also because in season 1 he was the towns local celebrity.
Kadabra: Sabrina used one against Ash when they battled, and Sabrina and Gideon are pretty similar.
Gideon’s team: Morepoke, Starmie, Kadabra
In the show Gideons personality is in part due to the stress and power that being a child star bring him. But, It’s also because that amulet he found after reading Journal #2 is revealed, in Journal #3, to corrupt your soul and whiten your hair, if you experience prolonged exposure. Because Gideon did not have Journal #3, he did not know it was so dangerous and wore it around his neck. In this I am gonna say he acquired pokemon that were to powerful, to young, and they (particularly Kadabra) control him more than the other way around. Post show his new uncles (the prisoners) help him get to where he can better handle his pokemon and that helps him change for the better
Pacifica Northwest:
She was the hardest one of these three. She loves fashion and appearance more than anything, so you know she would only want pokemon that were considered the most beautiful. But she isn’t really experienced/mature enough for a milotic, would probably not like febass (they are kinda ugly), and I doubt her parents would allow her to have a beautifly or pikachu, because “eww bug and rodent. Here is what I eventually found for her”
Carbink: Gems, particularly Diamonds, are Pacifica’s favorite accessory. So its fitting that she would want this little diamond pokemon, to carry around and lords its shininess/beauty over people.
Galgarian Ponyta: according to the database this Unicorn is a bit more judgy and has potentially more mean girl energy, than a regular ponyta. So its less suited for Mabel, but more so towards Pacifica. Which also shows their rivalry given that Galgarian pokemon are more rare/exotic. Pacifica has a lot of the same interests and style as Mabel (They both love golf and parties. They dressed similarly to Pioneer Day and wore similar colored gowns to the Northwest Party), but because Pacifica is rich she has a lot of expensive and designer things, to Mabels more homemade, generic things, and hates that Mabel does not envy her. Pacifica probably isn’t close/friends with her ponyta though. I imagine that throughout the shows runs she has servants taking care of it, and only acknowledges it when she wants to make a fab entrance to a place she is going. This would change post show when she loses her servants and has to start caring for her pokemon herself.
Glameow: I do not think she had this one in the series. The show ended with the Northwest family losing all their money, and Alex tweeted that after the show Pacifica had to get a job and start working for things she wanted. Specifically she got a waitress job at Greasy Sai’s dinner. I like that she did that because then she will be spending days with Lazy Susan, who is a very sweet women, and would be a good influence for Pacifica and the changes she wants to make on herself. Since Lazy Susan raises cats, I like to imagine after she saw how lonely this girl is, and that she was trying to be a better person, she let her take home one of her kittens for a new friend. Pacifica chose Glameow. It’s the closest pokemon to Pacifica, since it did not know her before, and never had a more negative assessment of her.
Pacifica’s Team: carbink, Galgarian Ponyta, Glameow
Candy and Grenda
Okay I was originally just gonna pt the characters on the Prophecy wheel, But that excluded Candy and Grenda and I did not like that, so I had to Add them. I am giving both of them two pokemon (their main purpose in the show was to be Mabel’s friends). Also to show sisterhood between the three girls I am giving each of them a feminine, love based pokemon; because when they had sleep overs they explored femininity and romance together. Mabel’s feminine love pokemon was again luvdisc
Grenda Grendinator
Smoochum: Her feminine/love based one. I have heard some people are not that fond of Smoochum (because of controversy around Jinx/ human shaped pokemon. ) I want to go on reccord by saying i do not think Jinx’s design is okay and I would not consider Smoochum if it did not look very different (less human more penguin/tee-key thing) than it’s evolution, and everstones were not a thing. But I think its a pretty good fit for her Grenda. Like her it has a different body shape, is cute, flirty, and confident.
Kecleon: Grenda had a pet iguana in the show, and this iguana pokemon looked the most similar
Candy chiu
Spritzee: Her feminine/love based pokemon. Spritzee admits a perfume like fragrence where it flys and that is something I cold see Candy (who reminder was most curious about if a unicorn’s neck would taste like ice cream when licked) would love.
Oshwatt. This little otter has a shell that is a stylish accessory, a battle weapon, and a comfort item. Basically the shell is an “improvement of pokemon”.
#Gravity Falls#alex hirsch#Grunkle Stan#Stan Pines#Grunkle Ford#Ford Pines#Stanford Pines#Stanley Pines#Mabel Pines#Dipper Pines#Pines Twins#Stan twins#Soos Ramirez#Wendy Corduroy#Fiddleford McGucket#old man mcgucket#fiddleford hadron mcgucket#robbie Valentino#gideon gleeful#pacifica northwest#Candy chiu#grenda grendinator#Gravity Falls Candy#Gravity Falls Grenda#gf#Disney#The Owl house#Amphibia
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I feel like too many people sleep on experimentation for Pokemon ocs. In Pokémon Adventures, Red has an eevee called Vee that was experimented on by Team Rocket. He can evolve into Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon based on what’s needed and he can also devolve back to eevee. (He permanently evolved into an Espeon later and it’s treated positively if you’re curious). In the same manga series the Kantonian birds were fused together too! I get you might not want the angst that’s generally inherent to this, but you can push it further than natural oddities.
I’m going to be thinking of more ideas while adding more human names based on Pokemon to the big list.
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🎀- I’m Mercie (Mercury)
🍰- Mercie is pronounced like Murky
🌈- I am a little
💗- I regress too 6-7 usually
🩰- my favowite shows:
glitter force!!!!!! Phineas and Ferb! My little pony, Sarah and duck, bluey, peg + cat, 64 zoo lane, ruby gloom, fosters home for imaginary friends and some more!!!
🍬- my favowite songs:
Speed drive -Charlie xcx, space oddity -David Bowie, can’t stop -RHCP, mr. Blue sky - electric light orchestra and more!!
🌸- bige me updayts will be titled from Mercury
🛼- I like colowing, barbies, squismelos, the Pokémon EEVEE and dogs!!
Mercury here: this is a SFW blog!!
#Little#little space#age regression#Age regresser#Agere#sfw agere#sfw little community#sfw littlespace#sfw little blog#agere sfw#sfw agere blog#age regression community#sfw age regression#safe agere
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Just a couple snippets
[Based on art by @retrofeather]
Leif groaned, tossing and turning as he awoke to a heat wave. What had happened? Everything was dark and way too toasty and...
“Leif? Are you alright?”
And there was a strangely familiar voice outside asking for him. Drowsy and heated as he was, he could only let out a grumbled murmur in reply.
“Leif? Leif, are you there?!”
“5 more minutes, Ube...”
“What is an Eevee doing in your tent... Zekrom’s sparks, I’M COMIN’ IN!!!”
And before he could think any more than 'wait, what’s this about an Eevee?' ears shot up at the sound of tearing and rending fabric and oh look there’s Ube’s face in his own. “Alright, who are you and what are you doing in Leif’s tent.”
“...Did you just talk?!?”
More snarling (wait, more?!?) as some saliva fell onto Leif’s chest (eew). “Of freaking course I did, I’m a Pokemon-”
“That’s kinda the point, shouldn’t you just be saying your name?”
“...Alright, did you hit your head or something? Because you’re acting really weird, even for an Eevee.”
“What th-I’m a human, not an Eevee!”
A vulpine mouthe fell ajar, letting the trainer scamper out from under his Zorua’s paw. Scrambling up to four legs, he took a deep breath, looking Ube in the eye. Which was yet another oddity. “Alright, clearly I’m dreaming because my Pokemon is talking to me for some reason, and has also grown a LOT larger.”
Ube declined to answer, instead letting her eyes dart around the torn-up tent. The wrecked sleeping bag. The small pile of clothes Leif had worn to bed last night - wait, wha?
He leaned in to take a closer look, moving a paw in to gra-
Alright, timeout. That’s a paw. And he was moving it, left-right-left-right-down-up-”Hey!”
“Sorry!” Ah, he hadn’t meant to bap Ube in the face...wait, he could feel his ears droop. What in the actual world?
Craning his neck back to look, the trainer’s jaw dropped. That was very much a fuzzy, brown-furred Eevee body, not the human body he’d gone to sleep with. So his muzzle did an impressive imitation of Ube’s, thoughts racing behind big brown eyes. “...Ube?”
“Any idea why I’m an Eevee?”
His only reply was to be slammed into the side of his tent, tumbling over and down a nearby hill, a tumble of fur and paws and fabric and foxes (is Eevee a fox?).
Oh, and kisses. Wet Zorua kisses. “Oh my goodness I thought you were gone I’m so glad you’re alright and you can understand me now oh Arceus thank you this is a dream come true I can’t believe it I just-”
Lief did his best to turn out his enthusiastic starter (and tame the growing blush in his cheeks) as she kept licking as much as a motormouth could. Somehow he was an Eevee, and Ube was being incredibly affectionate now, honestly it was so mu-
Did he just lick her?!?
“MMMMPH!” The Eevee was in shock, face a bright red as his Pokemon worked that mouth, muzzles joined together as she held him against the rock. W-why was Zorua doing this to him? This wasn’t the time or the place, no matter how good it felt...with her tongue working around his mouth and ahnonononnonoththetimenothetime!!!
But despite all of Leif’s protests, the brown-furred vulpine couldn’t help but lean forwards slightly, tongue slowly making its way into the darker ‘mon’s mouth as he rurred a bit. As much as he wanted to get away from this, try and get back to normal...
He couldn’t help but return the love Ube was showering onto him.
#pokemon#zorua#eevee#Transformation#Shipping#Bit of a big jump between the snips#I'm calling the Zorua Ube instead of Taro#since Taro is a bit more masculine#especially in Japan - it means “Boy”.#No name for this yet
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Screw it, it's time for a
Pinned post
Hi! I call myself Ford and I am a very autistic 23-year-old pansexual alien human woman (she/they) from the planet Venus United States.
First and foremost, I am a yoga practitioner. This means I practice yoga in many different styles, but that's not all! I also practice meditation, yoga nidra, and once in a blue moon, breathwork. I know some things about chakras and would really like to get certified to teach yoga someday.
Second off, I am a hardcore geek who enjoys collecting physical media, geeking out over sci-fi, playing video games, and fiddling around on my computer when I get the chance. I'm also a failed artist, an ex-roleplayer, and a member of a couple communities. I get around a lot! Interests are behind the cut.
Favorite bands/artists: Duran Duran, the Bee Gees, Enya, Wham!, George Michael, Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, The Monkees, Andy Gibb, Tears for Fears, Modern Talking (among others)
Favorite shows: Doctor Who, SpongeBob SquarePants, Night Court, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Blake's 7, General Hospital
Favorite video games (and game franchises): Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Tetris, The Sims 3, The Sims 4 (the build/buy mode is god-tier), Destiny 2, Super Mario Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, Borderlands
Favorite movies: STAR WARS!!!! PREQUEL AND OG TRILOGIES AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, FUCK OFF!!!! ....sorry about that. anyway, Casablanca, Xanadu, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, a whoooole bunch of James Bond movies, The Kid (with Charlie Chaplin), Saturday Night Fever, a couple Pokemon movies, The Great Escape
Favorite YouTube channels: ExplainingComputers (my beloved 😍), Techmoan, Oddity Archive, Ashens, LGR, Yoga with Adriene, Yoga with Bird, SarahBethYoga
Favorite Pokemon: Eevee (SQUEEEEE), Vaporeon, Sunflora, Clefairy, Scorbunny, Cinderace, Magnemite, Quaxly, Roserade
Hobbies: yoga/meditation, collecting, gaming, building stuff in games, cooking/baking, making memes
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Fallout Pokemon Teams Pt. 2
Moira Brown
Trubbish - Moira's first Pokemon. Moira spent her time scavenging as a child and found Trubbish thrown out with the rest of the trash, so she took Trubbish with her and dotes on Trubbish to this day. It spends its time wiping the ground of the Craterside Supply cleaning up after Moira's experiments. Trubbish is extremely loyal and kind and despite being exceptionally weak its very protective over Moira.
Klefki - Klefki had simply appeared one day in a crate full of spare parts, keys, and scrap back during the early days of Craterside Supply. It'd been attracted by the jangling of metal and had been collecting keys for centuries, but was too heavy to get back out. Moira had helped the little one out and bartered with it to let her take some of these keys off for its own good. Now it guards the key to Craterside Supply.
Eevee - Evee had been an oddity Moira had found shortly before meeting the LW and helped spur on the Wasteland Survival Guide. This Eevee is especially small, being the size of a small Pomeranian or Chihuahua, and sits on her shoulder. It's also special in that this Eevee can't permanently evolve like how it does in the games. This particular Eevee was such unstable DNA that it can only temporarily evolve, but always ends up reverting back into its base state. Moira uses this to evolve Eevee into different forms when she needs it.
Craterside Supply Mercenary
Houndoom - Big scary guy has a big scary dog that breathes fire. These two guard Craterside Supply together creating such an intimidating team that no one would dare to steal from Moira. His Houndoom is truthfully quite lazy, but no one is able to tell.
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Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 7- The Piplup Plan
Next chapter is here!
So I wrote this chapter while I was finishing up Chapter 6 because I got so many ideas for this chapter back when I was working on Chapters 3 through 5. I’m excited for this chapter as this one was fully planned before anything else PLUS we get a new Dreamworld character into the mix.
Big thanks to my beta reader @gigilefache
It was a normal day at Eric’s facility. The man was typing away on the computer till he got an oncoming video call. He smiled seeing the call was from a student of his. He answered the call and on the video, the screen showed a young girl around Dream Quartet’s age, with blonde hair with her tips dyed blue, hazel eyes, and wearing a blue t-shirt, a red whistle around her neck, and a dark blue skirt.
“Hi Mr. Gale.” She beamed waving to her former teacher.
“Alyssa!” Eric beamed. “How are things in Sinnoh?”
“Great!” Alyssa replied. “I was wondering if Lewis and the others would like to join me on a special research at the beach?”
Eric smiled, he knew the four would love to travel to another region as they’ve been in Kanto for a while. “I’ll go and ask them.” He said.
Eric got up and went to the observatory, where the four were going to work on training.
At the observatory, Ridley stood in front of Oddity, Sprigatito and Skiddo. The four were preparing to practice their combinations and attacks.
“Alright,” Carly said. “You ready Ridley?”
“Ai! Aipom!” Ridley replied.
“Good luck you guys!” Oliver cheered on the sidelines as he didn’t have a Pokémon himself.
The three Pokemon turned to their friend and replied before they prepared for their battle as their trainers stood behind them. “You ready darlings?” Lewis asked. The three Pokemon nodded ready to practice training with Ridley.
Ridley moved his paw, signaling them to “bring it on,” as Oddity and his friends smirked, ready to battle their friend.
“Ridley, let's use Swift!” Carly commanded.
Ridley jumped and launched stars from his tail as the three opposing Pokemon dodged the attack. “Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
Sprigatito’s neck glowed as she launched leaves over at Ridley. Who missed the attack, but Oddity was behind him ready to attack.
“Oddity, use Quick Attack!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity quickly dashed towards Ridley, tackling him. The Long Tail Pokemon used his tail to skid the ground. Ridley chuckled, as Oddity growled.
“Skiddo, use Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo then launched Razor Leaf at Ridley.
“Dodge it with Double Team!” Carly commanded.
Ridley made copies of himself missing Razor Leaf as they surrounded Skiddo.
“Sprigatito, use Scratch to remove the copies!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, do the same but with Buzzy Buzz!” Wiatt added.
Sprigatito’s paw glowed white as she jumped to scratch one of Ridley’s doubles, which disappeared upon touching him. Sprigatito was confused till another Ridley appeared behind her, scaring her. She let out a meow as she hissed at the copy.
Oddity used his electric type move to zap as many of the Ridley copies as he could only for Ridley to appear as each duplicate appears. The three Pokemon were cornered as no matter how much they attack, there will be more and more copies.
“Let’s attack together,” Wiatt said.
“Got it.” Lewis and Sara replied at the same time.
“Skiddo, use Vine Whip!” Sara commanded.
“Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, use Buzzy Buzz!” Wiatt commanded.
The three Pokemon used their attacks together to take down Ridley’s copies, but each time one was taken down another appeared. As the Pokemon were attacking, the real Ridley appeared behind Oddity, which made the later gasp in surprise.
Carly smirked, “Ridley, use Focus Punch!” She commanded.
Ridley’s tail glowed blue and punched Oddity, knocking him to the ground.
“Oddity! Are you okay?” Wiatt asked, worried for his partner.
“Vee!” Oddity got up, not phased from being hit by a super effective move.
Wiatt chuckled, glad to see his buddy okay.
“I’m surprised to see Oddity was able to withstand Focus Punch,” Carly said, surprised.
“What can I say, my buddy is full of surprises!” Wiatt replied.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Carly smirked, “well, I’m guessing this practice lesson is just getting started!”
“Indeed it is darling!” Lewis added.
“Well then, Ridley, use Swift!” Carly commanded.
Ridley then launched stars from his tail at Oddity.
“Oddity dodge it, and use Copycat on Swift!” Wiatt exclaimed.
Oddity jumped and started to glow as he released stars from his tail as well. The two attacks collided with each other before exploding. The two Pokémon held their ground as the explosion pushed them back.
“Oddity, use Buzzy Buzz!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity then launched his electric type move at Ridley.
“Dodge it!” Carly yelled.
Ridley jumped to dodge the attack, but Eric was coming by, which shocked Carly and Wiatt. The two panicked, warning Eric of the oncoming electric attack. “W-Wait Wait! Stop!” They shouted.
“Guys! I got some news for you all-ahhh!” Eric was cut off as Buzzy Buzz hit him, he was paralyzed, his hair was all over the place and a bit charred.
“D-Dad!” Carly yelled as she ran to him.
“Aipom!” Ridley yelled following Carly behind. The two went over and helped the man up.
“Are you okay?” Carly asked.
“I-I’m fine,” Eric replied, dizzy from the attack. “Wiatt, your Eevee’s attack is…shocking.” He let out a cough, causing Wiatt and Oddity to look at each other and chuckled nervously. The group decided now was a good time to end training.
The four headed back inside as Eric brushed himself off, and explained the four of their task. “So it’s been a while since you got your frist mission from me, and I figured it’s time for you to get another one.” Eric started.
Wiatt smiled excited what the mission was, before Eric responded.
“No, nothing on Mew yet Wiatt,” Eric added.
“Aww.” Wiatt sighed.
Sara chuckled, which made Wiatt glare at his friend. However, she quickly acted all innocent like she wasn’t poking fun at her friend’s dream.
“Actually, its an old student of mine,” Eric answered. “Lewis, do you remember Alyssa?”
Lewis’s eyes widened and nodded, “I do.” He replied.
“Well she’s inviting you four to Sinnoh to check out something she’s been researching,” Eric explained.
“Splendid!” Lewis beamed. “When does she want to see us?”
Eric chuckled, “today, your ferry ride to Sinnoh is in one hour.” He told them.
The Dream Quartet looked at the professor in shock before turning to the clock and see it’s already 10:30 am.
“Make that, half an hour,” Carly added.
The Dream Quartet quickly left the facility and ran off outside to catch the fairy boat to the Sinnoh region.
“Hurry! We’re gonna be late!” Oliver yelled.
“We’re coming!” Wiatt yelled.
Eric, Carly and Ridley watched as the four quickly dashed off, which made Carly speak up, “there they go.” She said.
In Jubilife City, located in Sinnoh, Alyssa waited at the port as the ship started to dock. There she saw people exiting off the boat, and waited for Lewis and his friends to board off the ship. It wasn’t long and soon Lewis and the others came off waving to Alyssa.
“Lewis! Oliver! Sara!” Alyssa beamed.
“Alyssa!” Lewis and his two friends beamed. The group ran to their friend, with Wiatt following behind. “How are you darling?”
“Doing great!” She replied. Alyssa turned to Lewis’s other two friends, “how have you guys been?”
“Great!” Oliver replied.
Alyssa smiled before turning to Wiatt, “you must be Wiatt and this must be your Eevee, Oddity?” She asked.
Wiatt nodded. “It’s nice to meet you Alyssa.” He said.
“Eevee!” Oddity replied. His eyes widened as Alyssa petted the Evolution Pokemon, which he enjoyed.
Alyssa stopped petting Oddity and looked down to see Lewis’s Sprigatito, wanting to be petted too. The girl’s eyes widened as she saw the Grass Cat Pokemon. “Aww is this your Sprigatito, Lewis?” She asked, as she kneeled down to the grass-type Pokemon.
“Yep, she’s my little star,” Lewis replied.
Sprigatito blushed hearing her trainer’s nice words about her. Alyssa gave a soft chuckle as she pet the Grass Cat Pokemon causing her to purr.
“Pop?” A Poppio asked, as she pops up behind Alyssa. Sprigatito jumped in surprise seeing the other Pokemon.
Lewis and his friends gasped, “Alyssa is that your Popplio?” Sara asked.
Alyssa nodded, “this is Glory, she’s a sweetheart.”
Glory gives a proud smile as she put her fins to her hips.
“She’s so cute!” Sara beamed as she took her Rotom phone and scanned Popplio in her Pokedex.
Popplio, the Sea Lion Pokemon. A Water-Type.
Popplio can blow balloons from its nose. These balloons can grow as large as Popplio can make them with enough practice.
“Pop. Pop!” Glory replied, agreeing with what the Pokedex explained about her species. She decided to show off making one of her balloons, which quickly popped causing the group to chuckle.
“So,” Alyssa spoke up, calming down. “Ready to show you guys what I’ve been researching?” The group nodded in reply. “Great follow me to my car.” The girl lead the four to her car, a red Hummer, and once everyone was in, the young girl started driving.
While driving, Wiatt had some questions for the other researcher, “so Alyssa, what do you research?” He asked.
“I normally research water-type and ice-type Pokemon. I go into the oceans to explore and learn things about the Pokemon that live there such as migration patterns and habitats.” Alyssa answered.
“That’s amazing!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity added.
Alyssa smiled, and suddenly she got an idea. “Hey want me to go faster?” She asked.
“Huh?” Everyone asked in reply.
“How fast are you talking about?” Oliver asked.
“I’ll show you,” Alyssa replied. She pressed her foot on the gas gently, and drove fast. Not insanely fast, but fast enough to get to their destination quicker.
High above the sky, Team Rocket was following Wiatt and his friends in their Meowth balloon and using a pair of binoculars to get a close up of what the twerps were doing.
“So, where are the twerps going this time?” Jessie asked.
James looked up ahead and saw the beach, “seems like they're going to the beach.” He answered.
Meowth sighed as he put down his binoculars, “ah the beach sounds fun!” He beamed. “A day to relax and catch some sunlight.” Meowth then fantasized him at the beach lying down on a chair wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, sunhat, and drinking coconut milk.
However, Meowth’s fantasy was interrupted when Wobuffett and Jessie smacked him on the head. “This isn’t a vacation, Meowth!” Jessie growled.
“Yeah!” Jame spoke up, turning towards his partner, “We’re here to follow the twerps and see what twerpy adventures they have planned!”
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet beamed.
Team Rocket’s eyes widened wondering who said that. They looked around, until they turned to see a Cramorant sitting on the edge of their balloon, blinking in surprise.
“Cramorant.” Cramorant said.
“Now what’s a Cramorant doing relaxing with us?” Meowth asked.
“Don’t know?” James replied.
Jessie growled and tried to shoo away the Gulp Pokemon, who missed every hit the female Team Rocket member try to throw at it, “h-hey move it you dumb bird!” She yelled.
Cramorant ended up flying away, but got its beak stuck on the Meowth balloon.
“Hey! Get off my face!” Meowth yelled.
Cramorant did just that, however that ended up being a mistake in Meowth’s part, and it left a giant hole on the Meowth balloon. “Big mistake!” Team Rocket yelled as their balloon blasted away, leaving a twinkle in the sky.
The Gulp Pokemon tilted its head in confusion before flying off.
Alyssa and the Dream Quartet finally made it to the beach. She parked her car to the side as the group got out and started walking.
“So what did you want to show us?” Wiatt asked.
Alyssa giggled, “you’ll see.”
The group turned a corner, and their eyes widened at what they saw. There a pack of Piplup was swimming and having fun on the beach. There were also nest with eggs as well.
“Are those Piplup?” Oliver asked.
Alyssa nodded, “I’ve been watching these Piplup for a month now, and figured you guys should check them out too.” She explained.
Wiatt pulled out his Rotom phone and scan Piplup into his Pokedex.
Piplup, the Penguin Pokemon. A water-type.
Piplup are known to be very proud. They are poor walkers, but excellent swimmers as they can dive for 10 minutes to hunt.
“So what are the Piplup doing here?” Lewis asked.
“These Piplup come from the coldest part of Sinnoh, once a year they come to this beach to raise their eggs and once they fully hatched,” Alyssa explained.
Soon, the group saw two of the Piplup eggs glowing, ready to hatch.
“And we just made it in time,” Alyssa said.
The egg glowed for a bit before hatching into baby Piplup. “Pip!” One baby Piplup said.
“Lup!” The other baby Piplup said.
“Awww.” Everyone said seeing the babies.
“I have got to show this to Celio!” Sara exclaimed as she quickly got her Rotom phone, wanting to get a photo of the cute water-type Pokemon. She got a little closer, ignoring the warnings from her friends.
“S-Sara we should stay here,” Wiatt warned.
Sara ignored Wiatt’s warnings, but at that point a bigger Piplup appeared glaring at Sara. The later stopped, and soon Piplup used Bubble Beam on Sara getting her wet.
“I warned her,” Wiatt said.
“Piplup! Pip!” The Piplup yelled, telling Sara to get off their land.
“S-Sorry.” Sara apologized. “I just wanted to take a photo.”
Piplup glared and was ready to launch Bubble Beam again before Lewis stepped in and dragged his friend back to where everyone was standing. However, Piplup still launched the attack getting everyone wet.
“Smart move Sara,” Wiatt said sarcastically.
“Vee Eevee!” Oddity yelled.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito hissed, hating getting wet.
“Sorry.” Sara apologized. She then turned to Piplup who glared ready to launch Bubble Beam again. “Wait,” Piplup stopped as Sara spoke up, “I’m sorry again Piplup. We’re not trying to hurt the babies I promise.”
Piplup loosened up, “Pip?” He asked.
“I just wanted to take a photo of them, but I didn’t realize we were in your territory,” Sara said.
“It’s true,” Alyssa spoke up, causing Piplup to turn to the water-type researcher. “I do know your protective of your friends, but we’re not here to hurt any of them I promise.” Sara turned towards the girl surprised she knew this Piplup.
Piplup’s eyes widen, “Piplup.” He said. Piplup thought for a bit and sighed and loosened up giving Alyssa and her friends to get close to his friends.
“Thank you Piplup!” Sara beamed.
A star twinkled in the sky, which caused everyone to look up to see Team Rocket and their balloon crashing down into the ocean. Team Rocket groaned as it was a rough landing.
“Team Rocket!” Wiatt growled.
“What brings you three down here!” Lewis yelled.
Jessie groaned, “blame the oversized Pidgey.”
“Cramorant.” Meowth corrected her.
Jessie growled and hit Meowth over the head, “what Meowth said…for popping our balloon.”
The Dream Quartet glared at the villainous trio, but Alyssa and Glory were confused over who the trio were. “Who are those three?” Alyssa asked.
“Team Rocket,” Oliver answered.
“These three love to cause trouble,” Sara added.
Skiddo, Sprigatito and Oddity growled seeing their enemies.
Even though they were villains, Glory looked up, “Pop! Pop? Pop!” She exclaimed getting her trainer’s attention as she pointed out that Team Rocket’s balloon was ready to sink.
“Uh…do you three need help!” Alyssa exclaimed. Team Rocket looked up at the girl, “your balloon is ready to sink.”
The Dream Quartet looked shocked as their new friend mentioned she wanted to help Team Rocket. The latter glared hearing the new twerp wanted to help them. “No thank you!” James yelled.
“We don’t need help from twerps!” Meowth added.
“Yeah! We’ll be fine on our-” Jessie was cut off as the balloon started to fill with water and was now pulling Team Rocket deeper into the ocean.
“Somebody help us!” Team Rocket screamed.
“Oh brother…” The Dream Quartet sighed.
Later, the Dream Quartet pulled Team Rocket out of the ocean with help from Piplup and Skiddo. They sighed in relief seeing they were on land and not at the bottom of the ocean. “Thank you.” Team Rocket said at the same time.
“No…problem…” Wiatt replied, not impressed seeing he and his friends had to help Team Rocket.
Team Rocket got up and looked around see the twerps and the pack of Piplup. “Hey look at all the Piplup here!” Meowth exclaimed.
“Now what would a group of Piplup be doing here?” Jessie asked.
“They’re raising their eggs here. Once the Piplup eggs hatch they’ll go back to their home up in the northern part of Sinnoh.” Alyssa explained. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to Wiatt.
“You sure you want to be telling them everything?” Wiatt whispered.
“Yeah those three are criminals and they steal Pokemon,” Oliver added, whispering as well.
“Yeah, but we just saved them,” Alyssa replied. “I doubt they would steal them after all we did.”
Wiatt, Oddity and Oliver sighed knowing this was going to be a bad idea.
“Wow! So this is the answer why Piplup swim south for the summer!” Meowth exclaimed. He then got pulled into a huddle by Jessie and James.
“This isn’t the time for jokes, Meowth,” James whispered.
“Yeah, were surrounded with a bunch of Piplup,” Jessie whispered. “Once the time is right we capture them and bring them to the boss.”
Meowth snickered, “the boss would reward us with being millionaires.” He said.
Team Rocket’s eyes widened to see the bigger Piplup coming into their conversation. They jumped in fear before glaring at the penguin Pokemon.
“Don’t scare us like that!” James yelled.
“Yeah!” Meowth added. “Weren’t you taught any better?!”
Piplup glared and was ready to hit Team Rocket with a Bubble Beam before he stopped and looked up at the sky. Everyone else looked up and saw dark clouds covering the sky as thunder rumbled and raindrops started to fall.
“Aww great! It’s raining!” Wiatt yelled.
However, it wasn’t just rain, but also a long gust of wind causing everyone to scream.
“Quick!” Alyssa yelled. “Follow me, my villa isn’t far from here!”
Before anyone could take a step, Team Rocket dashed passed Wiatt and his friends causing them to get dizzy. “You don’t have to tell us twice!” Team Rocket yelled at the same time.
The Dream Quartet shook it off and followed Team Rocket into Alyssa’s villa. A few of the Piplup followed the group behind the group except the bigger Piplup who stayed behind to watch the unhatched eggs.
Skiddo turned around and bleated, calling for Piplup to follow them.
Sara turned around to see Piplup staying behind, “Piplup!” She called out. Piplup turned to the young girl. “Come on, we gotta get inside!” She yelled.
Piplup shook his head and decided to stay behind to take care of the eggs.
“Piplup…” Sara said.
“Darling!” Lewis yelled. He grabbed Sara’s hand and took her inside as the storm got worse. “Come on, let's get inside!”
Sara didn’t struggle as her best friend took her inside to stay safe.
Once inside, Team Rocket sat in front of the fire and sighed with the warmth of the flames.
The Dream Quartet sat on the couch as two of the baby Piplup snuggled with Sara. She put a blanket over them to keep them safe and warm. “There, you're safe now.” She said.
“Piplup.” The baby Piplup said, thanking the girl.
Sara smiled and looked over at Skiddo who was also caring for some of the baby Piplup. “How are you doing, Skiddo?”
Skiddo bleated in reply knowing she’s fine taking care of the babies. She then saw Oddity and Sprigatito playing with one of the baby Piplup, who loved chasing Oddity’s tail.
Sara smiled till she saw Wiatt put a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. She looked up at her friend who sat down next to her along with Oddity. “Alyssa and Lewis made hot chocolate for us.”
Mewoth’s ears twitched as he heard hot chocolate, “ooh! Is there some for us?” He asked.
Wiatt glared, “no.” He replied.
“Yes,” Alyssa replied, handing the three villains their hot chocolate.
Their eyes widened as they took the cups and took a sip. “Ah…This is life.” They said with a sigh.
Alyssa gave a soft chuckle. “Glad you like it.”
Lewis and Oliver got their hot chocolate as well and sat down with their friends. As the four drank their hot chocolate, Sara couldn’t help but keep glancing at Piplup who was watching the storm as he guarded the eggs.
“Alyssa,” Sara spoke up. Alyssa looked up at her friend the second she sat down. “You mentioned you knew about this specific Piplup.”
Alyssa nodded. “Since I started being a researcher and watching the Piplup migration, I’ve seen this specific Piplup being a bit different then the others.” She explained.
“Different?” Oliver asked.
“How so darling?” Lewis asked.
“Well, for starters it’s a bit bigger than the Piplup I’ve been watching. However, I don’t know if a trainer left this Piplup behind to take care of the younger Piplup or if this specific Piplup is the oldest out of all of them.” Alyssa explained.
As the researcher explained, Sara glanced at the window to see Piplup guarding the eggs while the rain poured down on him. “He’s so determined to protect the eggs,” Sara whispered.
“He sure is,” Alyssa replied. “He’s…ambitious in a way.”
Sara smiled as she can relate to being ambitious. She then looked at the baby Piplup that snuggled with the blanket she gave them. “You know the reason why I understand him is because I cared for Pokemon eggs before.”
“Really?” Wiatt asked.
Sara nodded in reply.
“Oh yeah, doesn’t your caretaker take care of baby Pokemon?” Oliver asked.
“Correct,” Sara replied. “Celio and I took care of so many baby Pokemon, they taught me everything I needed to know.” She remembered when her and Celio would feed baby Pokemon their food and keep an eye on the eggs to make sure they hatched healthy and safely.
The sound of the thunder and flash of lightning illuminated the room, causing everyone to cover their eyes from the flash. Some of the baby Piplup cried as Skiddo and Oddity comforted the little ones that it was just thunder and nothing else.
“Man this storm is getting bad,” Wiatt commented.
Sara saw the storm getting worse before turning to where Piplup was and saw he was struggling trying to protect the eggs. “Piplup is doing this all on his own.” She thought to herself. “However, if he’s not careful him and the eggs…” Sara’s eyes widened as she quickly got up. “Skiddo let’s go!”
Skiddo looked up at her trainer, and nodded.
“Darling, where are you going?” Lewis asked.
“I’m going to help Piplup!” Sara answered as she pulled a pink rain coat from her backpack as well as an orange one for Skiddo and put it on.
The group looked at their friend like she was crazy. “You're not serious!” Wiatt yelled.
“In this weather?” Oliver asked. “That’s dangerous.”
“Piplup needs help, and I’m worried for him and the eggs,” Sara said. She opened the door, which swung open as the wind came through. Sara and Skiddo braced themselves as they stepped outside and into the storm.
Everyone stared in shock, even Team Rocket was speechless over Sara’s actions. “That twerpette is crazy!” Meowth exclaimed.
“She sure is,” Wiatt said.
Outside, Piplup was trying to make the nest more sturdy as well as building a wall using the sand to prevent the eggs from being washed to sea.
“Piplup!” Sara called out.
Piplup looked up and saw Sara and Skiddo coming towards him before glaring at the two. He walked by to protect the eggs and prevent Sara and Skiddo from taking another step.
“Pip Piplup!” Piplup yelled.
“Piplup please let us help you!” Sara yelled.
Skiddo bleated begging Piplup for their help.
“Piplup! Piplup! Pip!”
Soon the waves from the ocean came closer to the eggs causing Piplup to look behind and quickly ran to the eggs to shield them from the oncoming waves. While the waves didn’t harm the eggs, it did drag Piplup into the ocean.
“Oh no! Piplup!” Sara yelled.
Piplup tried to swim back, but due to how strong the waves were, he couldn’t swim back to shore.
“Hang on! Skiddo, use Vine Whip!”
Skiddo then used her Vine Whip and grabbed Piplup around his waist. He was confused, but accepted the help. Skiddo pulled the Penguin Pokemon out of the water and put him back on land.
“Are you okay?” Sara asked.
Piplup blinked and nodded. “Lup.” He replied.
Sara sighed in relief, “that’s good.” She then looked at the eggs as she and Skiddo looked around to find something to keep the eggs safe. Not far behind there were some sticks and leaves that could be used for a shield. “There!”
Sara and Skiddo ran and gathered as much sticks and leaves they can. Once they gathered enough, they went to the nests and used the leaves and sticks as a barricade to keep the eggs safe. Piplup helped using the sand to keep the barricade steady. Skiddo used her vines to tighten the barricade well.
“There, that should keep it safe,” Sara said. Skiddo bleated in reply, the two looked at the other nest and decided to do the same thing. The three gathered as much as they could and started to build barricades to protect the nests.
Wiatt and the gang watched from the window seeing their friend do everything she can to protect the eggs. “She’s so determined to protect the eggs.” He whispered.
“Vee.” Oddity agreed.
Sara and Skiddo were finishing up one of the barricades for the eggs, and sighed seeing there’s only one nest to go. “Almost done,” Sara said.
Soon the winds picked up as the waves rolled in wildly. Sara and Skiddo braced themselves from the wind not knowing a giant wave was on top of them ready to fall. Hearing it the two turned and their eyes widened in horror seeing the monstrous wave on top of them. The two braced themselves, but before the wave landed on them, Piplup stood in front.
“Pip…LUP!” Piplup yelled as he launched a light blue beam on the wave causing it to freeze.
Sara opened her eyes and saw Piplup using Ice Beam to freeze the wave. “Piplup…you saved us.” She whispered.
Piplup turned to the girl with a smile, “Pip. Piplup.” He replied.
Sara’s eyes widened as she smiled. The frozen wave cracked causing one half of the wave to go back into the ocean while the other half broke into shards. “Come on, we got one more nest to save!”
Piplup nodded and he and Skiddo followed the girl to gather the remaining leaves and sticks for the barricade.
Inside the villa, Wiatt smiled seeing Sara was alright.
As Sara, Skiddo and Piplup get the last barricade up the storm starts to die down. The wind slowly calmed down, the rain stopped, the waves rolled in smoothly, and finally the clouds started to blow away as the sunlight started to peek through them.
Sara sighed and lay down on the sand alongside Piplup. The trio took heavy breaths before Sara turned to the Penguin Pokemon. “We did it.”
“Lup,” Piplup answered.
The two turned to face each other before giving a small smile. “You're pretty confident for a Piplup,” Sara said.
Piplup blinked in surprise before smiling. “Pip. Piplup.” He replied.
Sara gave a light chuckle as she slowly sat up and removed her raincoat. She then helped Skiddo with removing her raincoat, but as they were doing so they saw something glowing where the Piplup eggs rested. Sara, Skiddo and Piplup got a closer look and saw each and every egg started to glow. One by one, the eggs hatched into baby Piplup.
Sara and Piplup’s eyes widened, smiling with joy, as they removed the barriers so the babies could be free. Piplup looked over at Sara and tapped her arm, “Piplup. Piplup.” He said, translating to thank you for helping him.
“You’re welcome,” Sara replied.
Sara and Piplup turned to see Wiatt and the others coming by and checked on the trio. “Wiatt!” Sara yelled.
Once the group caught up, Wiatt gave a small glare, “what you did was stupid.” He said.
“I know,” Sara replied.
“But, we are glad you're okay darling,” Lewis added.
Sara gave a smile, “thanks. Besides, I couldn't leave those eggs alone.”
The Piplups who were inside the villa came and met the newborn Piplup and started to play with them. The group chuckled seeing everyone reuniting and getting along.
However, Alyssa stopped chuckling realizing something. “Hey, where were the other three that were with us?” She asked.
“Team Rocket?” Oliver answered.
“Now that you mention it, the second the storm cleared up they ran off,” Lewis answered.
“Guess the storm scared them off,” Wiatt replied, crossing his arms.
Soon something came out of the water causing everyone to turn in shock. It was a blue and red robot, and on it’s forehead was a red R on it.
“Now what?!” Sara yelled.
From the mecha, laughter was heard, “No storm scares us!” Jessie exclaimed.
“And now that we got warm from hot chocolate and the storm has gone away another day, we can finally start what we were here for!” James exclaimed.
“Catching the Piplup for the boss using our new mecha!” Meowth exclaimed, as he clicked the button. Once he did, tentacles came out of the robot and started to grab the Piplup and throw them inside the chest, trapping them.
“Oh no the Piplup!” Alyssa yelled.
“Stop it Team Rocket!” Wiatt growled.
Team Rocket laughed and continued to grab as many Piplups as they could.
Alyssa frowned feeling betrayed by Team Rocket, “I-I can’t believe I was nice to them.”
“We did warn you darling,” Lewis replied.
Piplup glared and was ready to fight the bad guys from taking his friends. “Wait, Piplup,” Sara said, stopping the water-type. “I know Team Rocket is stealing your friends, but you can’t battle them alone. Let us help you.”
Piplup shook his head and was ready to fight Team Rocket on his own.
“If you let me help you before, why not now?” Sara asked.
Piplup paused and turned to not only see Sara, but Lewis and Wiatt and their Pokemon ready to help him too.
“In our group, we're a team,” Lewis said.
“And if anything we wanna get a chance to fight Team Rocket too,” Wiatt added.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“Meow!” Sprgiatito added.
Skiddo bleated in response.
Piplup’s eyes widened, he turned to the mecha before turning back to the group and nodded, accepting the help.
“Alright!” Sara beamed. She then looked at the mecha as its tentacles cornered the last remaining Piplup. “Okay, we need to practice like we did earlier back at the facility.”
Lewis, Wiatt, Piplup, and their Pokemon nodded in agreement.
“Ready!” Wiatt and Lewis exclaimed.
“Skiddo, use Vine Whip to stop Team Rocket!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo quickly used her vines to slap away the tentacles from stealing the other Piplup.
“Hey, watch it!” Jessie exclaimed. “Meowth handle that little brat!”
“Roger that!” Meowth exclaimed as he pressed another button causing the vines to head towards Skiddo.
“Alright Piplup it’s your turn! Use Ice Beam!” Sara commanded.
“Piplup. Pip…LUP!” Pipulp yelled, launching a light blue beam from his mouth freezing the robot’s tentacles.
Team Rocket struggled to get the tentacles out, but they were frozen.
“Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, use Copycat on Leafage!” Wiatt added.
Sprigatito launched the leaves from her neck, while Oddity glowed green and launched leaves from the tuft on his neck hitting the frozen tentacles and breaking them.
Team Rocket yelled in surprise seeing the tentacles were destroyed.
“Great work you guys!” Sara exclaimed. The two Pokemon turned towards the young girl and replied back to her. She turned to Piplup, “Now let’s rescue the babies!”
“Piplup!” Piplup exclaimed.
“Skiddo, use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
“Oddity, use Quick Attack!” Wiatt commanded.
The two Pokemon started to charge at the robot and soon Piplup was right next to them as his beak glowed white, issuing a Peck attack. The three charged at the mecha, causing it to lose its balance.
“Woah! Woah!” Team Rocket yelled as the mecha lost balance and they fell. The door that that held the Piplup cracked open before breaking and all the baby Piplups escaped from Team Rocket.
“Oh no!” Meowth yelled.
“Alright!” Wiatt beamed. He then looked at his two friends, “ready to finish this?” Lewis and Sara nodded. “Oddity, use Buzzy Buzz!”
“Sprigatito, use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Skiddo, use Razor Leaf!” Sara commanded.
The three Pokemon went to use their signature moves, with Piplup using Bubble Beam to make the attack even stronger. The attacks combined together and hit the machine. Oddity’s electric attack shocked Team Rocket before the rest of the attacks came by and destroyed the mecha.
“You know if we weren’t too relaxed from the hot cocoa, this would’ve been an easy capture,” James said.
“Well, it was good hot chocolate, but you're right,” Jessie added.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet shouted coming out of no where.
Meowth shrugged, “oh well today was a win loose situation.”
“Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!” Team Rocket screamed at the same time.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet added.
Soon a star twinkled in the sky showing Team Rocket has blasted off far away.
Everyone cheered over Team Rocket’s defeat, glad they stopped them from taking anymore Piplup.
“You guys were amazing!” Sara beamed.
Skiddo belated and gave a smile, while Piplup chirped in reply.
“Especially you Piplup. You were awesome!” Sara exclaimed.
Piplup blinked in surprise. “Piplup?” He asked. “Piplup!”
Later, the sun started to set and the Piplup were all in the water ready to leave. “You guys get up north safe and sound, okay?” Alyssa reminded them.
“Piplup.” The Piplup pack replied.
Piplup saw his friends in the ocean, and was ready to step in and swim. Before he did he looked back at Sara. “Piplup. Pip.” He said.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” Sara said. Skiddo belatedly replied to what he just said.
Sara petted his head, “hey you and I will see each other again one day.” She said, The girl looked back at the pack of Piplup before looking back at her friend. “They’re waiting on you.”
Piplup nodded and got in the water and started to swim to his friends. “Piplup Pip?” Piplup asked if everyone was ready to go.
“Piplup!” The Piplup pack beamed.
“Piplup! Pip!” Piplup yelled as he and the group started their travels back home. As Piplup swam away with its pack, he constantly turned around to see Sara and his friends. The further away he was he felt sad separating from his new friends.
“Lup?” A younger Piplup asked.
Piplup looked up at the pack, who were concerned for him. “Piplup pip?” The younger Piplup asked.
Piplup sighed, he couldn’t lie to his pack, “Lup. Pip Piplup.” Piplup replied.
The Piplup looked at one another and smiled before turning to the oldest Piplup. “Piplup Pip!” They all exclaimed.
Piplup looked up to see all his friends cheering him on to go on his new journey. Tears were in his eyes as he smiled and nodded, he turned around and swam away before waving to his friends.
“Piplup! Pip!” Piplup exclaimed.
“Piplup!” The Piplup pack exclaimed back.
Alyssa and the Dream Quartet were about to head inside the villa till they heard Piplup calling out to them. They turned to see Piplup swimming back to shore.
“Piplup!” Sara exclaimed as she and Skiddo ran back to their friend.
Once Piplup was close to shore, he jumped out of the water and into Sara’s arms, who caught him and held him close. “Piplup, are you just here to say goodbye?” She asked.
Piplup shook his head, and nuzzled close to his trainer, causing the girl’s eyes to widen.
“I get it.” Alyssa spoke up, “Piplup wants to join you guys.”
Wiatt and the others gasped in shock before turning to Sara. The latter’s eyes widened as she looked down on the Penguin Pokemon, who looked back up at her. “Piplup.” He said.
“Piplup, you want to join us?” Sara asked.
“Piplup!” Piplup replied.
“Pip! Piplup!”
Sara looked up to see some of Piplup’s friends giving the two approval to be friends and go off on their journey together. The young girl smiled and nodded as she put Piplup down and took out a Pokeball, “Piplup, you and I are going on so many adventures together.” Sara explained.
“Lup!” Piplup beamed.
Sara tapped the Pokeball on Piplup’s head, which opened as a light came out and sent Piplup inside the Pokeball. Once the ball closed, it wiggled three times before a chime was heard showing that Piplup was caught. She let out a chuckle as she got a new partner.
“That’s awesome darling.” Lewis beamed as he, Wiatt and Oliver walked over to her.
“You got yourself a new friend,” Oliver added.
Skiddo bleated happy her trainer caught a new Pokemon. Sara let out a chuckle and looked back at Piplup’s friends. “I promise, I’ll take good care of him.”
“Piplup!” The Piplup pack beamed.
“Piplup! Come on out!” Sara shouted as she threw the Pokeball up in the air and out came Piplup.
“Piplup!” Piplup beamed. Once landing he turned to his friends and waved them goodbye once more. “Pip Piplup!”
“Piplup!” The Piplup pack waved back before swimming off and catching up with the rest of the group.
Piplup smiled glad to see his pack would be fine on their own, he sighed and watched his friends leave. Sara and Skiddo smiled and went to sit down next to her new friend as they saw the Piplup leave towards the sunset.
#wtdw#welcome to dreamworld#wtdw au#pokemon au#dreamers of myths and legends#dreamers of myths & legends#wtdw sara#wtdw alyssa#wtdw wiatt#wtdw oliver#wtdw lewis#Pokemon Piplup#Team Rocket#Oddity the Eevee
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After replaying red and blue (skipped yellow because I didn't feel like it) and having played so many other rpgs and games in general, I can confidently say that they are fantastic games that hold up really well after 28(!) years.
Not without flaws obviously. Major glitches aside, there are some odd design choices. Crit rate being tied to speed means that high crit rate moves eventually crit every time (slash, razor leaf and karate chop, maybe something else?). Some pokemon have terrible movesets for the stats they have; thinking of Flareon or Rapidash with their high attack stat and they have nothing to use it with. Some other minor things that are not a big deal and other limitations of the time, such as the UI, lack of information, weird menu oddities and occasional visual bug.
BUT! The progression is excellent. Brock feels like the first challenge, as he should be. Geodude at 12 and Onix at 14 means that any pokemon you catch can't do effective damage due to being normal/poison moves. Your starter will be the one to do best there due to water/grass being effective and even Charmander with ember does decent damage. After that you have all the trainers before and during mt moon and before Misty you can go check Bill and do the second (or third) Gary fight. He's not really dangerous at that point and after that you get another batch of trainers.
At that point you can go Misty, SS Anne or go east for more trainers. There's a couple stand out battles so far: Rocket with Raticate at 16, a menace; Youngster with a Slowpoke at 17, confusion can hit hard; and some dude with a Magneton at 18(?) with thundershock. Those are foes with concerning STAB moves, but you get plenty of room for leveling and team building.
Dig is pretty strong and many pokemon can learn it. After Misty you get bubblebeam and after Surge thunderbolt. Strong moves that you could give to someone for STAB or type coverage.
Misty has Staryu at 18 and Starmie at 21. They both have water moves but at that point you can have a solid level advantage if you've skipped her for a bit. No great pokemon for type advantage other that Oddish/Bellsprout but it should be enough.
Surge has Voltorb at 21, Pikachu at 18 and Raichu at 24. Ground immunity is broken here due to low attack on Voltorb and Pikachu and Raichu's lack of nonelectrical attacks. Sonic boom is somewhat dangerous but not a big problem.
You could skip Surge and through dark cave (more trainers) into Lavender. More trainers west and then Celadon. You could go Erika or rocket hideout. Through all of this your team would be high 20s low 30s. Maybe you don't grind anything and your team is a bit lower. You also get Eevee and/or whatever prices in the game center: Abra, Clefairy, Dratini and Porygon on both and Nidorino/Nidorina and Pinsir/Scyther depending on version.
Erika's Victreebel and Vileplume are 29, Tangela is 24. You have lots of options here and I found her slightly too easy for this point in time.
You could go Saffron but Rockets block the gym and Silph buildings. After you get the Silph scope you can go pokemon tower, fourth Gary fight and eventually get the pokeflute that grants access to Fuchsia.
Once you can get past the Snorlaxes there are dozens of trainers to get levels on both sides, whether you go east, west or do both. Silph building is open now, with another bunch of rockets and the fifth Gary fight. You can do the Safari Zone for more pokemon (and strength/surf for progression).
This is the one point where it feels off for the first time. You get access to a lot of places but at the same time Gary's starter (40), Giovanni's Nidoqueen (41), Koga's Weezing (43) and Sabrina's Alakazam (43) are much higher level than Erika's aces. For the first time you must take some time to get levels before continuing. Before this point you could skip trainers and not grind and you would be roughly the same level as your opponents. Not the case anymore as the jump from 29 to low 40s is a bit too high.
I understand this to be intentional (might not be, unlikely) so the player takes the time to explore, battle and build their team before the "second" part of the game. If you don't take the time to level, once past Koga and Sabrina, Blaine's Arcanine and 47 and Giovanni's Rhydon at 50 will be too far ahead. One or two pokemon could almost catch up, but not your entire team.
Since after Koga you can surf, the whole map (except Victory Road and Cerulean Cave) is open now. You can go anywhere and (almost) complete your ideal team. If any of your new pokemon needs to be leveled you are going to spend a bit just grinding for the last gyms.
After that, the sixth Gary fight (levels 47/45/45/47/50/53) is not that big of a jump. All trainers in Victory Road have lower levels.
Then the elite 4: Lorelei (54/53/54/56/56), Bruno (53/55/55/56/58), Agatha (56/56/55/58/60) and Lance (58/56/56/60/62). It's balanced and gets higher without any huge jumps. For the final Gary fight (61/59/61/61/63/65) there's a tiny increase in levels but not too noticeable so far into the game.
There's a massive unbalance when it comes to types. Ghost, bug, rock and dragon have very few and weak moves. Psychic type is also immune to ghost due to a bug when it should be weak to it. Poison types are also the most used by trainers making ground/psychic moves extremely strong. Dig and earthquake can be taught, Cubone/Marowak get the other 2 damaging moves for ground; psychic can be taught, almost all psychic types and Butterfree, Venonat line and Psyduck line learn confusion.
The physical/special divide being tied to type also makes certain pokemon weaker or stronger than they should be. Repeating the previous example, Flareon or Rapidash having high attack makes STAB fire moves not benefit from it. Many fighting or normal pokemon having very low special stat makes them susceptible to fire/water/electric/grass/ice moves even without type disadvantage.
Despite all of these issues I think they are games worth playing, specially for younger people that might be familiar with newer titles or perhaps the remakes but didn't get to experience the originals.
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I have reached Veilstone, and I think settled on a final team.
Wormadam is a given. I got one with Hidden Power Water which is very funny. I can make the Bug Bite situation work until Signal Beam in post-game.
I settled on Gastrodon after all. Because it’s Hidden Power was Electric, and that’s hysterical. It unfortunately has Sticky Hold, so no hard counter of Cynthia’s Milotic, but it did save my Ice Beam as a TM need, which means all the money for coins in the game corner are now for stat boosters.
Eevee will one day be Glaceon. I really want to run it. I reset looking for optimal nature since it’s static, but got what I’m pretty sure is max IV Sp Atk with Naive and that is as good as it gets. I fed it a bunch of Carbos as the main focus of the stat boosters.
Kadabra is still around. I’m pretty sure it’ll stay for the run. I like Kadabra a lot, and again, feeling nostalgic. The first level 100 I ever had was an Alakazam in Diamond.
I got a Lickitung. To be honest, I forgot it existed, and realized yeah, I have never run one. Then I further realized…it’s not bad for the League. Rock Slide handles a lot of Aaron, Power Whip handles Bertha well, and Earthquake bops Flint. It’s not too bad at all. So we’re running Lickilicky, a first time ever. I even invested the rest of my stat boosting money into Protein for it.
Finally, I opted for Houndoom. I tend to prioritize Pokemon new to the game, but Houndour has the oddity of being postgame in Johto and therefore basically unusable. So using it in Platinum feels fair. It’s a useful pick overall, answering Lucian who is otherwise pretty good against us. That said, in post-game, Wormadam has Signal Beam, and I’m thinking of swapping Houndoom for another Pokemon I have never, ever run: Heatran. It’s no longer Gen 4 and 5 competitive. I can forgive old foes like Heatran and Rotom-Wash now. Not Lando-T though. Never Lando-T.
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I'm going to start recording my gaming stuff on this blog instead of in my private journal to save space in my physical journal so here goes.
Mobile note: I downloaded Pokemon Smile, Pokemon TCG Live, and Pokemon Shuffle even know I already have pokemon shuffle on my 3DS
1. Super Mario Run- got 4/5 pink coins in level 1-2
2. Pokemon Go-caught a diglett
3. Pokemon Masters- I beat Rosa and leveled up to level 9 on all my pokemon.
4. Magikarp jump!- I won battle 2 of the quick league with my calico Magikarp mittens and turned down a glittery thing for fear it would eat my Magikarp.
5. Neopets Faerie's Ruin- I beat level 4 and built the faerieland city hall entrance
1. Neopets- I did Trudy's surprise, got some giant omelette, and fed my pets
Note: needs charging and battery not working
1. Pokemon picross- did a training session before I ran out of battery
2. Pokemon Yellow- caught a paras in the cave
3. Pokemon Blue- caught a diglett in diglett cave
4. Pokemon Moon- caught a Weedle I think
5. Pokemon Diamond- went into the forest, teamed up with Cheryl, and caught a bunnery
1. Played pokemon legends Arceus a bit but didn't catch anything new
2. Pokemon Shining Pearl I got to Florida town, picked some berries, went into the flower shop and got a spray duck, battled a team galactic grunt who locked himself in the Valley Windworks, caught a buizel, and made pokeball seals for my Zubat, budew, and prinpulp
3. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond I went into the forest teamed up with Cheryl and caught a wurmple
4. Pokemon Scarlet I caught a deerling, added him to my team, and named him "Season"
5. Pokemon Violet - I battled a student trainer and caught a pachrisu and named him "Alvin" but misspelled it so had to edit his name in the boxes.
6. Pokemon Sheild- battled two schookid trainers and caught a mudbray and named her "Donkey"
7. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu- I caught a Paras in the cave
8. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX: I leveled up my main two pokemon with the makuhita dungeon, leveled up all 3 of my team members with rainbow gummies, made my Eevee character stronger with zinc and a sitrus berry, and did a job rescuing a Pidgey on lv 7 of Oddity Cave
9. Pokemon Quest- I beat level 2-3 and got a more powerful power stone and replaced the weakest one on my Abra with it
10. Super Mario 3D Land- beat the 3 big galoombas on level 2-A and grabbed the green star in the main game. On bowsers fury I got the cat shine in key to the cat shine. I failed the first time I tried to carry the key across the water to the cage with the cat shine in it.
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Spotted this oddity on a walk ....
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