#the hunchback of notre dame 1996
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philiponmycracker · 4 months ago
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Tom Hulce as Quasimodo with his beautiful, unique and emotional voice - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
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yen-sids-tournament · 1 year ago
Judge Claude Frollo v Emperor Belos
The Finals!
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"Frollo has always been the scariest villain to me because his evil is so realistically portrayed. He represents the evils of rape culture, but he goes throughout the whole movie believing he is the good guy, and he never recognizes his own hypocrisy."
despite living with the witches for a crazy long time, he never reconsiders his prejudices or genocidal end goal. According to trivia, he is often considered to have been a Puritan before everything happened.
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princess-pathetic-112898 · 2 years ago
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Just one day
And then, I swear I’ll be content
With my share
Won’t resent, won’t despair
Old and bent, I won’t care
I’ll have spent one day
Out There
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smallpinapple · 2 years ago
This era of animated horses provides me with so much comfort.
I mean the emotional complexity they have taught me so much about life.
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321spongebolt · 4 months ago
What if "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" crossed over?
If you've seen "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", you'll find Belle making a silent cameo during the song, "Out There". Considering "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" used the same directors and whatnot, I imagined that the events of "Beauty and the Beast" took place sometime after Frollo's demise. If that's the case, and Belle was still around, here's my interpretation of what would happen if Quasimodo met the characters from "Beauty and the Beast".
Shortly after Quasimodo is hailed as a hero for defeating Frollo and saving the Notre Dame cathedral, I assume the Archdeacon would've taken over Frollo's duties of raising Quasimodo. The big difference being that the Archdeacon would be far nicer to the hunchback and felt Quasimodo should be rewarded for Frollo's demise, and all that he's done while being forced to live in isolation by Frollo. Maybe he could give Quasimodo time off and allow him to see as much of the world as he wants.
Quasimodo would trust his gargoyle friends, Victor, Hugo, and Laverne to carry over his duties while he's away, and Quasimodo climbs down from outside the cathedral, beginning his journey after landing in the streets of Paris. Quasimodo wouldn't know where to start, as this is the first time since the Festival of Fools where he could truly explore the outside world.
Suddenly, Quasimodo notices smoke rising and would head over to where it was coming from. We would see Belle waving goodbye to her father, Maurice, who has left for the science fair, only to wind up lost in the castle of the Beast. Belle would notice Quasimodo, and would be frightened at first, but would feel sorry after the hunchback introduces himself. Quasimodo would mention that he lived a cruel 20 years under his abusive master, Frollo, and would explain the events that happened in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" as like a small recap. Belle, feeling like Quasimodo never got to have a proper life, allows the hunchback to stay with her at her cottage until Maurice comes back.
The next morning after Maurice's imprisonment, Gaston arrives at the cottage to propose to Belle. She would tell Quasimodo to hide somewhere, explaining that even though Belle knows who Quasimodo is, Gaston likely wouldn’t. Obediently, Quasi hides upstairs and watches Belle talking to Gaston without being spotted. As he spies on the two, he starts to realize Belle's point about Gaston, and would also watch Belle cleverly open the door on Gaston and watch him fall in the mud.
After Gaston angrily storms off, Belle checks to see if the coast is clear, and tells Quasimodo to come out of hiding. Quasimodo tells her about she was right about Gaston, and Belle sings a reprise of her theme song to further express her point to the hunchback. Phillipe, Belle's horse comes back to show Belle Maurice's scarf, and would panic at the sight of Quasimodo until she calms him down long enough to explain that Quasimodo is her friend. Phillipe leads the two into the woods where the Beast's castle is and when they get inside, Belle and Quasimodo decide to split up in order to find Maurice faster. Quasimodo searches downstairs while Belle searches upstairs. Lumiere sees Belle walk by and is overjoyed to see that she came. It would be explained by Lumiere that Belle is whom their master needs to can break the spell.
Belle finds Maurice in the dungeon, and the two reunite until the Beast shows up. Belle makes an offer to spare her father if the Beast can take Belle as his prisoner instead. Beast decides to take Maurice out of the dungeon, and throws him into a wooden spider carriage that walks him to the streets of Paris. Belle cries as she watches her father go, as she never even got to say goodbye, which, of course Beast feels bad for. Lumiere suggests that Belle should be taken to a more suitable room, so Beast walks Belle to the East Wing as he tells her the rules of living in the castle. He also explains to not go to the West Wing, which is forbidden. Quasimodo comes back from searching downstairs only to see Belle from a distance, who’s with the Beast, much to his horror.
Quasimodo decides to sneak upstairs and follow after Belle and the Beast without alerting them. Belle and Beast arrive at the bedroom Belle will be staying at and Beast yells “You’ll join me for dinner. That’s not a request!”. Beast slams the door on Belle, and Beast thinks someone was following him. He turns around, only to find nothing. As he walks away, we would see that Quasimodo was blending in with something on the walls (like maybe a tapestry, or a painting. Or even if Quasimodo was hiding behind one of the knights’ armors, or posing as a statue.). Once the coast is clear, Quasimodo breaks formation and searches the East Wing for Belle. Belle, who is shown crying on her bed eventually hears knocking on the door, much to her alarm, only to hear Quasimodo’s voice. The door opens, and Belle and Quasimodo reunite, only with Belle crying on one of his shoulders as they hug.
Quasimodo: What's the matter? Did you find your father?
Belle (Crying): I did, but at a cost.
Quasimodo: (Sits on the bed with Belle) Tell me everything.
Belle (Sad): Well, it was like this.
As Belle is about to explain how she lost Maurice, we cut to the tavern where Gaston, LeFou, and the other bar members sing Gaston's theme song as a means of lifting his spirits. After their performance, Maurice barges into the tavern and warns everyone about the Beast and how he has Belle locked in the dungeon. Gaston and his friends laugh at Maurice and throw him out of the bar, until Gaston gets an idea while singing a reprise of his theme song with LeFou.
While out in the snow, Maurice shouts to the sky, “Will no one help me?”, and sees a shadowy figure riding a horse. The figure gets closer and closer to him, until it is revealed to be a man wearing golden armor, brown gloves and boots, and a blue cape. This is where we see Captain Phoebus and his horse, Achilles. The captain gives Maurice a lift and escorts him to his soon-to-be-wife, Esmeralda. The gypsy girl welcomes both men with open arms, and tries to help the ill Maurice with some leftover spices and herbs (since I figured Gypsies would carry some of those kinds of supplements around as remedies). We could even have a moment where Maurice and Phoebus would have a conversation among themselves (Just a side note, this can also act as a reference to Kevin Kline, who played both characters. He voiced Phoebus in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" duology and portrayed Maurice in the 2017 live action remake of "Beauty and the Beast").
We cut back to Quasimodo and Belle in the East Wing as she tells Quasimodo, "And that’s how I lost my father. And now I’ll never see him again.". Belle then bumps into Wardrobe on accident, who comes to life and suggests an outfit for Belle to wear for her dinner with Beast, but Belle tells her she won’t be coming for dinner, even though Wardrobe insists. Like in the Broadway adaptation, Belle snaps at Wardrobe that Beast isn't her master, and apologizes because things are happening so fast for her. Mrs. Potts and her son, Chip then enter the room to serve Belle tea. Chip is at first nervous of Quasimodo (due to his appearance), but Quasimodo assures the little teacup that he’s very nice. Mrs. Potts serves tea for the two humans, and Quasimodo is delighted by the taste of the tea (since I figured Quasimodo may not have had tea before). Later, Mrs. Potts tells Belle how brave she was to spare her father’s life by taking his place, and how things will get better soon.
Cogsworth comes into the room to tell Belle dinner is served, and becomes horrified at the sight of Quasimodo. The hunchback is able to at least calm him down long enough for Belle to explain, and asks if Cogsworth can keep a secret about Quasimodo being in the same room as Belle. Of course, Cogsworth walks down the hallway feeling conflicted. It was bad enough that Belle doesn’t want to come for dinner, but he can’t tell his master that they have a deformed human being in the castle. Who knows how Beast will react? In the parlor room, Beast’s patience starts wearing thin, but Lumiere and Mrs. Potts try to help Beast improve himself. As soon as Cogsworth arrives, he nervously tells Beast what’s taking so long, until he mutters, “She’s not coming”. Beast raises a sharp eyebrow and asks, “What?”, which makes Cogsworth scared and shout “I SAID SHE'S NOT COMING!”. From outside the parlor, Beast yells “WHAT!?” and charges up to Belle's room in a fury. Belle hears the incoming footsteps, and tells Quasimodo to hide somewhere. Things will get ugly, but Belle assures the hunchback that she can stand up for herself. From behind the closed door, Belle yells at Beast telling him she isn’t hungry. Even when Beast tries to ask nicely, albeit forced, Belle rejects his offer, causing Beast to storm off to the West Wing. He wonders why Belle was being stubborn with him, and looks into his magic mirror saying “Show me the girl”. In the magic mirror, we see Belle telling Wardrobe she wants nothing to do with the Beast after he refused to give her father a chance.
Wardrobe (In the mirror): The master's really not so bad once you get to know him. Why don't you give him a chance?
Belle (Mad) (In the mirror): What about my father, did he give him a chance!?
Wardrobe (In the mirror): Well… no. But once you get to know him…
Belle (Mad) (In the mirror): I don't want to get to know him! I want nothing to do with him!
Beast feels hurt by this and laments as a rose pedal falls off.
Beast (Saddened): I'm just fooling myself, she'll never see me as anything but a monster. (Puts down the magic mirror and starts to sing) ♪How long must this go on? This cruel trick of fate? I simply made one careless wrong decision.♪ ♪And then the witch was gone, and left me in this state! An object of revulsion and derision.♪ ♪Hated. Is there no one who can show me how to win the world's forgiveness?♪♪ (A rose pedal falls) It's hopeless.
Belle allows Quasimodo to come out of hiding, and could apologize for dragging him into this. But for Quasimodo, his priority is making sure Belle is okay. Belle slowly opens the door to see that the coast is clear, and they both sneak downstairs to the kitchen to have dinner for themselves. Lumiere greets Belle and Quasimodo with open (and unlit) candlestick arms and gives them a dinner banquet through the song, "Be Our Guest".
The two enjoyed their dinner and show, and Quasimodo and Belle want to see more of the castle. With Lumiere and Cogsworth distracted, Belle takes Quasi’s hand and they enter the West Wing. While exploring, Quasimodo could gaze at the enchanted rose he found. Belle would be just as stunned, and she walks to the table to get a closer look at it. After removing the glass case, they start to get a closer look at the rose, until the Beast shows up in shadow and takes back the glass, covering up the rose as he reprimands Belle.
Beast (Mad): Don't touch that! Why did you come here?
Belle (Nervously): I’m-- I'm sorry.
Beast (Mad): I warned you never to come here!
Belle (Nervously): I didn’t mean any harm.
Beast (Mad): Do you realize what YOU COULD'VE DONE!?
Quasimodo would reveal himself to Beast and apologize. Beast, seeing Quasimodo for the first time, would start to have a flashback like the one we got in "Beauty and the Beast 2: The Enchanted Christmas" (But without Forte if you want to ignore the sequel’s events). In it, Beast is shown in his human form as Prince Adam, and he would angrily reject the beggar woman's offer for shelter in exchange for her enchanted rose. She warns the prince not to be disturbed by her haggard appearance and that true beauty is found within. The prince just scoffs at the old woman and closes the door on her. But when he opens it, he sees that the beggar woman was a beautiful enchantress in disguise.
Enchantress: You have been deceived by your own cold heart. A curse upon your house and all within it. Until you have found one to love you as you truly are, you shall remain forever... a beast.
Prince Adam apologizes and pleads for a second chance, but the Enchantress just watches the prince turn into a beast as punishment for his spoiled, selfish, and unkind demeanor. We fade back to reality as Beast is even more furious than before. Not only did Belle deliberately disobey him, but he can’t believe she let a misshapen human being into the castle. Beast starts going savage, and begins throwing stuff at Belle and Quasimodo to get them out of the West Wing.
Beast (Mad) (While violently throwing and smashing stuff): GET OUT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE IN HERE! NO RIGHT! GET OUT!
By this point, Quasimodo becomes assertive like he was when he thought Frollo killed Esmeralda. He starts fighting Beast and tells Belle, "Go! Save yourself! I’ll hold him off!”, only for Belle to be scratched by her sleeve (either through Beast’s claws like in the Broadway version or if she got hit by one of the objects Beast threw at her). Beast, seeing Belle got hurt comes back to his senses and apologizes, but Belle runs away yelling “Don’t touch me!” as Beast shouts, “Wait, come back!”. Beast feels a sense of remorse and says "What have I done?" before Quasimodo gets on Beast and wrestles him to the floor, with Beast clearly too miserable to fight back. And just like he did with Frollo, Quasimodo is about to angrily stab the Beast (with any weapon he had on him), but instead throws away his weapon while angrily yelling at him and calling him out for his actions. Beast apologizes and tells the hunchback that he never meant to frighten them both, there’s just so little left of him. Beast sings "If I Can't Love Her" and Quasimodo feels bad for the Beast, now knowing he was put under a curse.
Quasimodo and Beast would talk for a bit, and then later decide to put their differences aside to find Belle. When they make it into the woods, they see Belle being attacked by wolves. Fortunately, Beast and Quasimodo arrive and save her from the pack. Beast claws at the wolves and roars at them while Quasimodo uses a torch to shoo them away. After the wolves run off, Beast falls unconscious, but Belle and Quasimodo are still standing. She thanks the hunchback for coming back to save her life, but Quasimodo tells her to thank the Beast. The two humans wrap Beast’s arms around them, and drag him back to the castle. On the way back, Quasimodo would tell her everything he witnessed. And how it took a little pep talk, but he was able to get Beast to work with him and find Belle.
Back in the parlor room, Mrs. Potts pours hot water from her nose into a bowl, and Belle dips the rag into the water to begin cleaning up Beast and Quasimodo’s wounds. Beast goes first, and roars in pain when Belle presses the damp cloth onto his bloody arm. Beast and Belle have a heated argument.
Beast (Mad): (Roars in pain) THAT HURTS!
Belle (Mad): Well, if you'd just hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!
Beast (Mad): If you hadn't run away, (Points to his wounded arm) this wouldn't have happened!
Belle (Mad): If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!
As soon as Beast says “Well you and your friend shouldn’t have gone to the West Wing!”, Quasimodo intervenes by coming to Belle's defense, and explaining how Beast needs to learn to control his temper, and think of others more than himself.
Belle: Thank you, Quasimodo. You've said more than enough. (Turns to Beast) Now, hold still. This might sting a little.
Beast winces in pain and finishes cleaning Beast’s wounds. Once she’s done bandaging him, she heals Quasimodo next. And although he too winces in pain, it isn’t as bad as how Beast handled it. This makes Beast feel a little bit better knowing he had someone to share his pain with. But then, Belle decides to follow Quasimodo's advice.
Belle: (Turns to Beast) By the way, thank you for saving my life.
Beast is stunned by this remark, as he had never been thanked before, but Beast starts warming up to Belle and says “You’re Welcome”. Mrs. Potts comments, “Well, that's more like it. I knew they could get along if only they tried.”.
Back at Gaston’s tavern, Monsieur D'Arque meets Gaston and LeFou. Gaston expresses his plan to use persuasion to get Belle to marry him.
Monsieur D'Arque: So, you want me to throw her father into the asylum unless she agrees to marry you? (Frowns and drops his head) Oh, that is despicable. (Rises up while smiling sinisterly) And I love it!
Monsieur D'Arque happily goes along with Gaston's plan and we cut back to the Beast's castle as Beast watches Belle, and later Quasimodo, and starts to wonder what he should do for the two of them (Leave a comment for what you think Beast would do for Quasimodo).
Later, Beast surprises Belle with a massive library. In turn, Belle thought about considering giving Beast another chance. Belle asks Beast if he could join her and Quasimodo for lunch, which he replies, “Me? W-with you? That'd be... I mean...” and joyously yells “OH YES!”. At lunch, Belle, Beast, and Quasimodo have some soup. Beast, obviously eats like a beast, but slowly gets better and better with his table manners. The three would start out by clinking each other's bowls and slurping. As days goes by, the friendship between the main trio starts to grow during the song, "Something There".
Belle (Thinking): ♪There's something sweet. And almost kind.♪ ♪But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined.♪ ♪But now he's dear, and so unsure.♪ ♪I wonder why I didn't see it there before?♪
Beast (Thinking): ♪She glanced this way. I thought I saw.♪ ♪And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw.♪ ♪No it can't be, I'll just ignore. But then she's never looked at me that way before.♪
Belle (Thinking): ♪New and a bit alarming, who'd have ever thought that this could be… true that he's no Prince Charming?♪ ♪But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.♪
Quasimodo (Thinking) [Original lyrics by me]: ♪I thought at first, he was no good. But then, I learned that he was just misunderstood.♪ ♪And just like me, his heart is pure. I can't believe I did not see it there before!♪
Lumiere: ♪Well, who'd have thought?♪
Mrs. Potts: ♪Well, bless my soul!♪
Cogsworth: ♪Well, who'd have known?♪
Mrs. Potts: ♪Well, who indeed?♪
Lumiere: ♪And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?♪
Mrs. Potts: ♪It's so peculiar.♪
Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth: ♪We'll wait and see, a few days more. There may be something there that wasn't there before.♪
Cogsworth: ♪You know, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before.♪
Chip (Confused): What?
Mrs. Potts: ♪There maybe something there that wasn't there before.♪♪
Chip (Confused): What's there, Mama?
Mrs. Potts: Shh! I'll tell you when you're older.
The doors close and we fade to Cogsworth making an announcement in the hallway that they have exactly 12 hours, 36 minutes, and 15 seconds to create the most magical, spontaneous, romantic atmosphere known to man or beast before the last pedal falls from the rose. The objects all pitch in and clean up the castle as they sing "Human Again" (Taking a page from the 2002 IMAX Special Edition). During the song, Belle is shown reading “Romeo and Juliet” from another part of the castle. Quasimodo and Beast, who both are listening to the story, are rather fascinated by it. She even helps Quasimodo and Beast read properly.
In the West Wing, Quasimodo and Beast take their baths and dress nicely for the big night and Cogsworth comes into the room to tell Beast, "Your lady awaits". Belle appears in her yellow ballgown with matching slippers and long evening gloves and Mrs. Potts begins to sing "Beauty and the Beast" as Belle and Beast begin their romantic dinner. After dinner, Belle takes Beast's paws and they enter the ballroom and start dancing, with Quasimodo, Cogsworth, and Lumiere cheering on the happy couple. As for Quasimodo, he starts to feel a bit sad, not because of Belle being with Beast more, but because he never saw a happy couple dancing together before (kinda like in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2" when Quasimodo got curious about couples). Quasimodo decides to go back to the East Wing to respect Belle and Beast's privacy, and of course, to pray for his friends back home (since I figured it would be in character for Quasimodo would pray to God). Quasimodo would pray to God and bless Laverne, Hugo, Victor, the Archdeacon, Captain Phoebus, and Esmeralda, especially Esmeralda, considering Quasimodo still has feelings for her.
Beast notices Belle is upset because she misses Maurice, and takes her to the West Wing to give her his Magic Mirror. She says “I’d like to see my father, please.”, and the magic mirror shows Maurice riding on Achilles from behind Phoebus. Both men are searching for Belle, likely because Maurice told the captain about her. Maurice falls off the horse, and Phoebus stops Achilles to help Maurice, who has fallen unconscious from his illness. Phoebus’ guards were thankfully with them, and Belle is horrified to see her father dying. Beast, with his heart decides to free Belle. She is no longer her prisoner.
To Quasimodo's surprise, Belle came back into their bedroom to change back into her village clothes (which were repaired). She tells Quasimodo that Beast let her go to save her father. She would show Quasimodo the magic mirror Beast gave her. Quasimodo asks if he can try it out and Belle tells him to be quick. Quasimodo says to the mirror, "Show me Esmeralda" and from the magic mirror, Quasimodo and Belle see Phoebus handing the fallen Maurice to Esmeralda and the gypsies as they enter the Court of Miracles.
Quasimodo thankfully knows where to find it and shows Belle his woven band Esmeralda gave her. He tells Belle what Esmeralda taught him, "When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand." and he would explain to her that it's like a map. Belle starts to get the idea and would trust Quasimodo, allowing him to lead the way. As Beast watches Belle and Quasimodo leave while riding Phillipe, Cogsworth comes in and Beast tells him he had to let them go, as it was the right thing to do. He also reveals that he loves Belle, and considers Quasimodo his best friend. Cogsworth spreads the news, and everyone is disappointed as Beast tears up the West Wing in despair and sings a reprise of "If I Can't Love Her".
Belle and Quasimodo make it to the graveyard, and find the secret passage that takes them to the Court of Miracles. Once inside, the head gypsy, Clopin and all the other gypsies prepare their weapons, but see Quasimodo, and Clopin says “False alarm”. The gypsies calm down and Belle asks where her father is. Clopin directs them to a medical area in the Court of Miracles (Think of it as an ER in medieval times), and Belle reunites with her bedridden father, Maurice. In turn, Quasimodo reunites with Phoebus and Esmeralda, who catch him up to speed in terms of Phoebus and Esmeralda’s relationship status. While Maurice may have been afraid of Quasimodo at first, Phoebus would explain that he’s a good friend of his. He helped saved Esmeralda from Frollo’s madness. Just then, Chip comes out of Belle’s saddlebag saying “Hi!” much to the surprise and confusion of the gypsies. Quasimodo explains to them that there’s no need to be alarmed, and tells them about the enchantress’ curse at the Beast’s castle that he and Belle temporarily lived in (I assume Phoebus wouldn’t really believe Quasimodo, but would trust his instincts like in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”). Quasimodo tells Maurice that as soon as he and Belle take Maurice home, he’s going back to Notre Dame tomorrow because he knows the Archdeacon may start to worry about his long absence.
When they make it to Belle and Maurice’s cottage, Quasimodo ends up in a net trap set by Gaston. But as Monsieur D'Arque and the other townspeople arrive, Gaston tells him, “I’ll deal with you later” and heads over to Belle as he watches Monsieur D'Arque collect Maurice and lock him in the asylum wagon. Gaston gives Belle a choice, but she refuses to marry him again. Only this time, she pulls out the magic mirror Beast gave her, and says to it "Show me the Beast!". The mirror’s reflection shows Beast roaring from the castle, which frightens the people. Quasimodo notices this, and struggles to break free as Gaston leads the villagers to the castle after locking Belle and Maurice in the basement.
As Gaston and LeFou lead the townsfolk to the castle, Phoebus, Esmeralda, and even the guards notice this and decide to follow them. Back at Notre Dame, Victor, Hugo, and Laverne notice the distant angry mob and sneak out of Notre Dame without being spotted by the Archdeacon and the other clergymen. Heck, maybe the birds that give Laverne a hard time could give the gargoyles a lift. Once they leave Notre Dame undetected, they catch up to the angry mob by hitching a ride on a horse-drawn wagon full of straw, and the gargoyles hide in the straw until they reach The Beast’s castle. Gaston and the others break in, and Lumiere shouts “Now!”, allowing the household objects to attack the trespassers. During the battle, the gargoyles approach Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Cogsworth and help them fight the villagers like they did when they fought Frollo’s army. Phoebus and his guards break in too, to fight off some of the villagers and arrest them for breaking and entering. Esmeralda and the other gypsies also break in to help fight off the villagers, with her pet goat, Djali ramming some of them.
As LeFou and the other surviving villagers retreat, Quasimodo shows up after Chip freed him, Belle, and Maurice with the wood chopper. The hunchback and Phoebus team up to follow Gaston as he runs up the stairs to the West Wing. Gaston sees the Beast and starts wailing on him. Beast is too sad to fight back. Quasimodo and Phoebus interject and fight Gaston to protect Beast. Then, Beast hears Belle calling from below and helps Quasimodo and Phoebus fight Gaston. As a team of three, Quasimodo, Phoebus, and Beast distract Gaston until Belle reaches the West Wing. Beast grabs Gaston, and is about to drop him, but Gaston begs for mercy. Quasimodo warns him he'll end up being like Gaston if he does drop him, and Beast spares Gaston's life, giving him a sharp “Get out. And never return.”. The three turn to Belle, and Beast reaches for her hand. As Belle and Beast hold hands, Gaston pulls out a dagger and is about to impale him. Fortunately, Phoebus saw it coming and blocks the dagger with Phoebus’ sword and pushes Gaston away, gaining the upper hand. Gaston screams as he falls into the icy river (I don’t know if either Gaston would freeze in the water and die of hypothermia or by falling down a waterfall, but either way, he’ll still be dead.).
Belle helps Beast come up to the balcony, and Beast thanks Quasimodo and Phoebus for saving his life. Suddenly, Beast feels something and collapses to the floor as if he were poisoned. Beast dies and both Belle and Quasimodo cry for their furry friend as Belle gives him her love in turn as the last pedal falls off. Phoebus is of course sorry for the both them. Esmeralda comes upstairs to reunite with her soon-to-be husband and Quasimodo and sees the dead Beast, which breaks her heart as much as Quasimodo and Belle’s. Then, they see falling stars in the sky, and watch as Beast is lifted into the air and transforms back into a human. As soon as he wakes up and turns to Belle, he says, “Belle, it's me!”. Belle remembers the torn portrait and recognizes the prince. As they kiss, fireworks launch into the air, and everyone who lives in the castle is freed of the curse. The Beast (now Prince Adam) tells Quasimodo that he can now call him Prince Adam, but he’ll accept “Beast” as his nickname. The now human versions of Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Cogsworth tell the gargoyles that their secret about being alive will be safe with them (similar to what Madellaine, Quasimodo's future wife will say to them in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2".), and Belle dances with Prince Adam in the ballroom of the castle.
For the ending/epilogue of this crossover fanfiction, a double wedding would be held inside the cathedral of Notre Dame, with Prince Adam and Belle now entitled King Adam and Queen Belle. And in turn, Captain Phoebus will be married to Esmeralda, with Quasimodo serving as the best man for both Adam and Phoebus. The Archdeacon marries both couples, allowing them to have their “I dos”, and announces his retirement. He would say goodbye to Quasimodo and hug him, and sometime after the wedding, Quasimodo would carve wooden statues of Belle (in her signature yellow dress), Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and all of Beast’s other servants who were once household objects (If you wanted to, you could also have a scene before the double wedding with Belle and Adam visiting the Bell Tower. Prince Adam would be impressed that Quasimodo has so many wood carvings of the townspeople, as well as the model of Notre Dame. And perhaps, Belle can assure Quasimodo that someday, he’ll find a woman just like her, who understands that despite his outside appearance, Quasimodo as a good heart, which is what he helped Belle learn.).
This could a bit of adjusting, but hopefully you enjoyed reading my crossover scenario.
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punster-2319 · 2 years ago
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collectorspose · 3 months ago
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1996 the hunchback of notre dame pin
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philiponmycracker · 2 months ago
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Stunning, gorgeous, fabulous darling Tom Hulce in an interview in 1996, for The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (Bobbie Wygant Archive)
At random moments, my heart fills with overwhelming joy whenever I remember that Mr Hulce is an actual Disney prince, and that he has been MY Disney prince since i was 11 years-old. I know I wish he did some more musicals during his acting career, but I can't deny a part of me is very pleased that he chose to do it one time only, and THIS is the one he chose to do, and by god did he make the right choice..! How incredible it is he graced us with his gorgeous voice, in what can be considered Disney's most ambitious and daring animation project, to sing perhaps one of the most spectacular scores they ever wrote. Words can't describe how incredibly happy all this makes me.
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 years ago
Beauty and the Beast (1991) v The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Third Place Round (or "The French Round" if you will allow)
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Youtube playlist Aladdin Soundtrack (not ours)
Youtube playlist The Hunchback of Notre Dame Soundtrack (not ours)
movie Heaven's Light
movie Hellfire
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would-they-listen-to-that · 5 months ago
He would NOT listen to that!
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ thanks for dialing in!
Would Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame listen to Addicted by Kelly Clarkson?
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⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ reblog for bigger sample size!
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adventurelandia · 2 years ago
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
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cohendyke · 1 year ago
well not to sound like a “disney adult” on main but it actually is bonkers that the best disney villain song is in the form of a traditional catholic prayer… as a whole that movie goes pretty easy on catholicism (in comparison to the source material where the villain IS actually a priest as opposed to a religious fanatic like in the movie) but that song is just. ohh my god they really didn’t pull any punches there i can’t lie. alan menken i’m coming to your house
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sunkissedfawn · 29 days ago
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
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Tangled (2010)
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DISNEY + KISSES Pocohantas (1995) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Beauty and the Beast (1991) Hercules (1997) Aladdin (1992) Tarzan (1999) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) The Little Mermaid (1989) Sleeping Beauty (1959) Cinderella (1950)
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punster-2319 · 2 years ago
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 6 months ago
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Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Rating: G
Director: Kirk Wise, Gary Trousdale
Cast: Tom Hulce, Demi Moore, Tony Jay, Kevin Kline, Charles Kimbrough, Mary Wickes, Jane Withers, Jason Alexander, Paul Kandel, Mary Kay Bergman, David Ogden Stiers, Gary Trousdale, Corey Burton, Bill Fagerbakke, Jim Cummings, Patrick Pinney
Release year: 1996
Genres: drama, romance
Blurb: Isolated bell-ringer Quasimodo wishes to leave Notre Dame Cathedral, against the wishes of Judge Claude Frollo, his stern guardian and Paris' strait-laced Minister of Justice. His first venture into the outside world finds him with Esmeralda, a kindhearted and fearless Romani woman who openly stands up to Frollo's tyranny.
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fgadfanpage · 4 months ago
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Protect me, Maria. Don't let this siren cast her spell ♫ Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone ♪ Destroy Esmeralda! And let her taste the fires of hell ♫ Or else let her be mine and mine alone ♪
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996). Dir. Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise.
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