#the hive mc
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thehivemc-official · 11 months ago
welcome to the hive mc!
follow for updates!
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gingus-doon · 1 year ago
does any game burn your soul with such rage as building competitions in minecraft, ive only gotten the WORST rating on it and im not THAT bad. I KNOW IM NOT THAT BAD. I THINK
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randomwords247 · 2 years ago
Highkey disappointed with The Hive MC (bedrock)'s block party. I remember how upset I was when the hive closed on java edition and how I could not wait to get bedrock for free (with having a java account) so as I could play block party again because it was like my favourite minigame from any minecraft server.
Pixel party on hypixel is no where near as good and screams of 'rip off because my competition is gone', and when I did get bedrock I was distraught that there WASN'T block party on the hive bedrock edition
I found out today that it had recently been added and I'm.... disappointed. It's nothing like it once was, it's flashy and resource-packed out the roof. The music is the same (or has been for every game I played). You don't get to choose the music. There's no selection of cool minecraft/indie songs, or villager talk inbetween. The platform is much MUCH smaller than it was. Powerups are way more frequent. It almost feels way easier and. Well, nothing like it was before.
I'm disappointed thoroughly and wish I hadn't hyped myself up so much for it :/
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years ago
Heatwave Drabble
MC: God, how is it so fucking hot down here? Solomon: It's the Devildom. What did you expect? MC: I dunno! Maybe an ice tundra or some normal boring weather not a melt your skin off heatwave! Solomon: There's not much I can do to help you there, MC. What would you want- *Spots Simeon and Luke grooming their wings in the other room. Glances at each other* *10 minutes later* Simeon: You know, this isn't at all the appropriate use for our wings. MC: *Sighs, happily getting fanned by massive angel wings and being given an ice coffee from Luke* Does that mean you're going to stop? *Pouts* It's fine if you do. It's just- I've felt like I was dying all day and your wings is the only way I've been able to cool down. Luke: *Immediately falls for it* Don't worry MC! We're not going any where! Faster Simeon! Simeon: *Sighs and picks up speed* Solomon: *Cackles and cheers his glass against MC's* You, my friend are a diabolical genius. MC: I try.
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gus-dix · 2 years ago
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wanted to draw the girls from hunchback of notre dame 1 and 2 dancing cause they both have a red dress and i thought it would be cute
+ it always seemed likely to me that one of the triplets in beauty and the beast was only pretending to go along with her sisters... and due to that she’s good at playing a role but not so much at being herself so when she gets an interest in belle she suddenly turns real shy
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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wings-of-ink · 2 months ago
Oswin getting 'honeybee' as a childhood nickname is so cute, and it reminds me of the Steam Powered Giraffe song Honeybee which fits Oswin and MC's dynamic imo
Oh golly that took me back. I haven't heard Steam Powered Giraffe for a long time. I wasn't a huge follower but I liked a couple things they did. I never heard Honeybee though and it really does feel like a good fit!
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adoriels-tears-if · 10 months ago
I'm not sure if you've answered this before but how does the elven hivemind affects elven half bloods?
It's the Elf Queen Amandil who links the young Elves to the Hive, but only after a period of seclusion during which the Elf child's parents have allowed them to build up a strong spirit. During this period, the child is only linked to the minds of its two parents (a period of around 20 years), then comes the turn of the inner circle, and when the Elf reaches one hundred years of age, he or she is linked to the Hive in its entirety.
Mc is therefore not connected to the Hive, and Elianna and Saschta, along with Tobias and Snow, are working to enable them to erect mental barriers strong enough to block or withstand any intrusion into their thoughts.
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emlovesatla · 6 months ago
A team of Bedrock players are on the road to win MCC, a java event. LETS 👏 FREAKIN 👏 GO 👏
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diabloii · 1 year ago
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fuuuckkk.... take me back..../..
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akkivee · 2 years ago
lmao you ever see a character and/or a ship on your feed of a series you have an interest in and you just know it is Them they are the Chosen Ones
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thehivemc-official · 11 months ago
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spot the difference
✅ cute
✅ adorable
✅ beloved by everyone
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pastacurls · 2 years ago
If we’re playing minecraft on the hive and I get most taunt points in hide and seek, internally I am screaming at you to go fuck yourself and I’m better than you
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igonnatalknothing · 2 years ago
To the guy on Hive that I was dueling against godbless
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years ago
For Forever With You pt. 2
***This. Took. So. Much. Longer. Than. I. Wanted. It. Too. BUT IT'S DONE! Thank you all so much for being patient while I finished school and took a break, but I am BACK and I am so so glad to be. I hope you all enjoy this lovely little fic! -B***
Summary: A mortal human and an immortal wizard dating is great until something bigger than the world shakes them. War starts in the human world, and the supernatural worlds around them and Solomon can only watch as everything he has carefully nurtured for the past few years begins to crumble.
Part 1
Late 1930s
It turned out that life with you was riveting.
Solomon could hardly remember the last time he had felt so young and free.
With you, he took time to stop and smell the roses. With you, a decade that would usually be an insignificant droplet in his life has become a vibrant waterfall. With you, he is aware of every second, of every step, of every breath that he takes and just how valuable and rare they are to be shared with you.
He treasured you in a way that he hadn't treasured anything since he last sat on a throne in the days of old.
But just as his crown was eventually taken from him, so were the days of peace, joy, and love that he shared with you.
Lightning cracked outside your apartment windows as rain rattled the glass panes. He stood there, gaping at you as you walked around your apartment, packing your things.
"No," he whispered. "MC, please, you can't do this."
You glanced back at him in sympathy as you shook your head. "I'm sorry, Solomon. But you've heard the news; war is on our door step. I can't just sit back and watch, not when I have skills that help."
He gritted his teeth as he clenched onto the enlistment papers you had handed him to read — the very papers with your name written all over them. "If war is really coming, then we can go somewhere away from the war. Away from all of this."
You frowned as you blinked at your partner. "Wait, what?"
Solomon shoved a hand into his suit pocket, quickly magicking a wad of cash into existence before pulling it out in front of you. Your eyes bulged at the sight. "We run. We leave this damned country together. Somewhere the war will never find us. Somewhere safe."
You sighed as you put your hand over his and gently pushed the money back towards him. "I can't. These are my people. My friends. My co-workers. I can't just abandon everything when there's something I can do about it." Keeping your hands on his, Solomon's breath caught in his throat as you pulled him closer to you. "I'm sorry. I understand that you're concerned. But think of it this way, I'm drafted as a telegrapher. I won't even be on the front lines-"
"The front lines don't matter when there are bombs involved," He couldn't help but hiss back, his hands twisting around the money to grip tightly onto yours. "Hospitals were targeted last time. Camps obliterated. What if you're there when- Please, love. I ... I don't want to lose you."
He couldn't lose you. Not yet. Not this soon. He thought he still had decades left with you, not hours.
Your expression softened as you leaned forward and gently pecked Solomon's lips. He savored the sensation of your soft touch like as though it was his final breath of air before death. He clung to every second of your attention and affection that you gifted him with grasping, never-satisfied, hands.
He leaned into your delicate touch, as you cupped his cheek and pulled away. "Solomon, I will do everything in my power to come back to you. Just ... Promise that you'll be here for me when I return."
He closed his eyes, putting of his weight against you as he pulled his lips into a thin line. He wanted to make that promise, but there was more than one reason why he was asking you to run away with him.
You weren't the only one being called to fight — only his was with greater powers that he had been hiding from you.
"I'll do my best," he whispered instead. His heart clenched as he squeezed tightly onto you. "And ... When all this is all done, when we find each other again ..." his heart ached as he met your confused stare, "We never leave each other again. We ... We become forever."
He watched as your breathing halted and realization slowly lit behind your eyes. "A-Are ... Solomon, are you saying that you want to-"
He gathered your lips with his, suffocating the words before they dared enter the world. "Don't say it. Not yet. When all this is over."
You shakily nodded, new tears lining your eyes as you stared at him. "O-Okay. When this is over."
It turns out that was all easier said than done.
The war wasn't quick — Solomon didn't know why he expected it to be. It dragged on for a torturous amount of time filled with seemingly endless evolutions of ways to tear each other apart. Not a day went by that he didn't think of you and yet ...
He hadn't dared to send you a letter, or contact you in anyway.
Solomon didn't doubt that you had attempted to reach him, but he wasn't anywhere close to his normal address. He was traveling across realms, taking part in the supernatural side of the war. He was constantly surrounded by beings who had the ability to snuff out mortal lives with the snap of his fingers — he couldn't let them know about you.
So he went silent. He never spoke of you to anyone. He kept an eye on you and where he knew you were drafted from a distance and ensured that you were safe.
He hated it. God, he hadn't known that being apart from someone could hurt so badly. But he knew it was for the best.
Years passed. Victory was finally earned. The violence and blood shed began to settle, and the world became still once more.
So now he stood outside of the apartment that he hoped you still called home, a bouquet of blue hyacinths in hand and fear stewing in his gut.
With a deep breath, he raised a hand, and knocked on the door.
"Just a moment!"
Several locks clicked and suddenly you were there, looking just as captivating as the day you left.
Your eyes widened as they met his, your butter-soft, kissable lips parting shock. "Solomon," God, he missed the sound of his name dripping from your tongue.
"Hello," he whispered in adoration.
Hearing his voice seemingly shook you out of whatever stupor you had been in, as the beautifully stunned expression on your face melted into fierce furociousness and you began to slam the door.
The wizard quickly stepped forward and caught it. "MC, please! Just a moment!"
"No!" You shouted from behind the door. "You do not get to skip back into my life after abandoning me during a literal war!"
Solomon winced as the heavy oak door rammed against the side of his foot. "My love-"
"You don't get to call me that," you snapped, the door ripping back open. He nearly choked on his own spit at the heat behind the glare you were pointing at him. "I wrote to you daily. I called. And not once did I receive word back. I tried to visit you in the middle of all this mess, you know," you stepped out from your doorway and was now standing nose-to-nose with Solomon. "You weren't home. I asked about you, and even our closest neighbors somehow didn't know who you were. I thought you were dead, Solomon!" His chest ached at the utter grief in your voice as you screamed at him. Your lip quivered as a broken gasp bubbled up them. "Where were you? I- I needed you, and you left me after everything! After you- You had hinted that-"
He moved closer to you, regret pooling in his stomach regardless of how he knew his actions were for the best. Although you may not have wanted to be anywhere near him at this exact moment, he couldn't stand there and watch you fall apart. Without another word, he gathered you tightly into his arms, pulling you as impossibly close as he could and curling himself around you.
For the first time since he first saw your name on your enlistment papers, he could breathe.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as you sobbed into his chest, your balled fists punching against him. "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone. I ... I thought I was protecting you."
Your movements stilled at his explanation. "What do you mean? Are you a spy?"
There was no stopping the snort that ripped out of him. "Oh definitely not. Just ..." he let out a shaky breath and smiled at you. "Let's take this inside. I think it's finally time that I explained a few things."
You stared at him, and for a moment he feared this was the end, that he was about to lose the only mortal that he had truly cared about for centuries. But then you sighed, and you dropped your beautiful eyes to the ground as you stepped back and pushed open the door. "Fine," you breathed and simultaneously breathed hope back into his soul. "Fine. Come in, just ... Talk."
He nearly fell to the ground in relief, but quickly walked in, whispering thank yous under his breath as he did.
After an awkward silence as you made tea (complete with a splash of rum) and some cold sweets you tossed onto a plate, you met him back in the living room and sat sternly across from him. "You have one and only one chance," your words blew over him like the tundra's wind. "Speak."
He swallowed thickly, wiping his unusually calmy palms on his pant legs before taking a deep breath. "This ... This is going to sound insane. You might not believe me, but please, trust that I am telling the truth," your eyes narrowed suspiciously on him as you took a sip of your tea. He nodded in acknowledgment of your attention. "I'm a wizard, an immortal one at that. I was called by the powers of Heaven and Hell to fight the supernatural elements of the war and, as I do every time I leave a location, I wiped the memories of our peers before departing." You looked at him, face remaining neutral, before you slowly set down your drink. "Get out," you hissed, the venomous anger that lay barely restrained under your skin, finally beginning to break loose.
Solomon's heart plummeted. "Love, please. I promise, I'm telling the truth!" You laugh, your expression morphing into one of pure disbelief. "Are you kidding me?! Wizards? Supernatural? Do you even hear yourself?" You choked on your words as you shook your head at him. "If you wanted to lie, you could've done so without mocking my intelligence. Get out."
"I can prove it!" He shouted desperately, rising to his feet. "I can show you!" Without waiting for a response, he began moving his hands in familiar semantics, whispering incantations under his breath as glyphs float in the air for a moment before suddenly a large tome apparated into existence and dropped into his hands. He rushed towards you, flipping open the book and showing you the contents. "This is my spell book. Every spell I've ever created and/or mastered is in here. Look for yourself."
Your eyes widened, jaw dropping a little as you took in the display and the book now being thrust into your hands. You shakily flipped through the fragile pages and sure enough there was page after page of strange symbols and words written in a language you didn't understand. There was a tingling presence to the book that ran through your fingertips up your arms and caused you to shiver.
Solomon slowly comes to stand beside you, watching you take in the precious artifact in your hands. "I wasn't lying," he whispered softly. "I didn't want to go. They didn't give me a choice. Then it was too dangerous for me to stay in contact. I didn't want to risk you getting pulled into an ever greater war than you were already fighting."
At that moment, he wished he could read your mind. Your lips pursed as you continued flipping through the pages. His stomach twisted in knots the longer you perused. There was always the chance that you still wouldn't believe him and would brush him off. There was always the possibility you would believe him, but would be disgusted and would turn him away regardless.
It had all happened before. He didn't want it to happen again. Not with you. But he had no say in the matter.
The snap of the books pages slapping shut pulls his attention back to you as you look up at him. You silently hand it back to him and then you stare. Your eyes dig deep into his soul, they crawl under clothes and beneath his skin, they bury themselves into every mark on his flesh, until they close and you let out a tired sigh, falling against your chair. "That's- It's a lot to take in Solomon," you breathe.
He nods, shifting on his feet and trying to get some grasp on your body language, but the mask you've built for yourself is carefully locked in place and no longer budges for him. "I know," he whispers. "I know it is. But that's the truth, dearest. That's why I left. It's why no one remembers me, but you. Please believe me." You sigh, and run a hand through your hair. "I do, I just-" you cut yourself off, troubled eyes looking into the distance but not truly seeing anything. "This brings out so many more questions. How many other lies did you tell me? If you really are this immortal powerful being, what are you doing here? Why-" Your voice cracks and you finally look at him again — tears, that he has always hated but is now the cause of, lining your eyes. "Why did you chose to haunt me?" He can't handle it. He moves closer, getting down on his knees before you as he takes your hands into his own. "I don't haunt you. I don't have that ability," he lightly jokes before getting serious once more and coming just a little bit closer until your legs brush against each other. "I love you. It's true that I have told you lies before to protect my identity and keep you safe, but that has always been true. I stayed here because I love you. You enchant me, MC. In ways that, even with hundreds of lifetime's of knowledge, I cannot begin to understand," your breath hitches as he runs his thumbs across your knuckles. He leans in and ever so delicately presses a kiss to them.
"Please," he begs with the voice of a broken man whose only thing he had to lose was sitting before him. "I don't want to lose you. Not when we still have time. Let me prove myself to you again. No more lies. Just you. Just me." You hands slip out of his, and a single finger comes under his chin, tilting it up until he was looking at you. For the first time that evening there was something different glimmering in your eyes — a willingness and acceptance. "Alright," you say. "You get one more chance," your other hand swoops around to caress his hair, brushing it up and back away from his face lovingly. "Show me your strange funky world, magic man. All of it this time. Show me the real, Solomon." His body slumps in relief, silver eyes overflowing with the love for you that he has been floating in without you being there to share it with. "I will," he nearly whines. "I will. I promise." And he did. It wasn't easy, but he spent the next year showing you all that he had always fought so hard to keep secret. He introduced you to magic, to other strange and greedy witches. He showed you his demon pact symbols that are burned into his skin, and brought back delicacies from the other realms and taught you about their existance. Slowly, you were introduced to a whole other layer of the man you were already enamoured with. A man who wasn't sketchy or mysterious as people so often thought him to be — but who was curious, childlike in his wonder, and hungry for the knowledge of everything around him.
This Solomon was lighter, even happier than the one you loved before.
And after a year of magic and witches and spells and demons and angels, you approched Solomon as he worked on a potion in your kitchen and pulled out a ring.
You asked to marry this strange wonderful man, and Solomon felt the worlds around him still. You asked to stay by his side, not just for this life time, but to aid you in doing so forever, and Solomon felt the air escape his lungs.
You asked to swear yourself to him and him to you in a pact that no magic could ever comprehend, and Solomon's heart nearly exploded alongside the potion on the stove.
With shaking hands, and trillion reassurances, he said yes. And with a single potion, a piece of paper, and beautifully personal ceremony the two of you were bound together, until the ends of time. It took another month after your marriage and consumption of your immortality potion for him to realize that this was real.
He would never be alone again. ***Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I've been trying to write this for so so so long and I'm so happy I finally got it done! Thank you all so much for your patience and hanging around while I worked on these two! I love them so much. I hope you guys do too! Thanks! -B***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @chirikoheina @sailboat21 @theother4 @todoroses @circus-of-freaks @mcx7demonbros @bloopthebat @simpinginthecorner
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tsukii0002 · 5 months ago
Mc: Aagh- damn Agonizing ivy.
Mammon: What happen?
Mc: I got hives and burning from the ivy….
Mammon: Oh, leave me just- *proceeds to grab Mc by the wrist and lick the wounded spot*
Mc: *it heals immediately* ??????
Mammon: What? We demons have salivary glands with various effects, including healing.
Mc: *clearly confused* ??????!!!!!!
Mammon: What? We are demons remember? *quietly walks away*
Mc: ????? *still not processing it*
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creepsterdreams · 2 months ago
heyyy, is it okay to ask for touchstarved li's with a reader who's a hugger? Just something fluffy for the soul. Thankss :D
Fluff is always a win in my book✨plus I have a feeling some of them absolutely LOVE hugs even if they don’t admit it themselves
I hope you enjoy anon! Your very welcomeee ^_^
TOUCHSTARVED headcanons: MC who’s a hugger
Cw: tooth aching fluff, Vere and Mhin being meanies at first, some mentions of violence, some suggestiveness from Vere
You picked just the right man for this
He could be having an entire conversation with someone and if he sees you rushing towards him he opens his warms with a huge smile on his face and waits for you to jump on him
And he will excuse himself and casually walk away with you in his arms
“Excuse me please, it seems someone needs my attention.😁”
The fact that you are a hugger only makes him fall even MORE in love with you
Uses any and every possible excuse to have his arms on or around you
Sitting at the bar of the Wet Wick? He’s draped himself over your body and is cuddling into your nape
Just succeeded at the smallest thing? He’s lifting you up and twirling you around
Just seeing you for the first or last time that day? Your both huddled up and swaying back and forth for at least 5 whole minutes
He’s blackout drunk? Will literally drag you around wherever with an arm around you
It irritates almost everyone around you but they don’t have the heart to say anything about it
You know except Vere, Mhin, and Ais probably-
The amount of times they’ve walked in on you two damn near molded into one, they lost count
“Should we let you two be so you can keep humping each other?” - Vere
Cue Leander’s embarrassed laughing
That still doesn’t stop him though
But in all honesty he loves the fact that you love hugs
Because that means he can be as affectionate as he wants with you :>
But it also means that whenever he’s sad mode he can just…flop into your arms and lay his head on your chest
Trust him when he says that no therapy can top the feeling of your arms wrapped around him while you gently rub his back
Will totally NOT use physical affection as a way to get what he wants
Please hug this man I can tell that he needs it
Whew boy…this one’s a doozy
He has the option to just hug you back and go about his day, but then again this is Ais we're talking about he refuses to NOT tease you
He see’s you running up to him, opened arms preparing to jump on him and he stands there, not doing a damn thing
He fully allows you to just tackle him and stand there with your arms around him
He stares down at you with that same smug grin
“Feeling touchy today, sparrow?”
Now just because he’s teasing you doesn’t mean he doesn’t like the hugs
In fact he l o v e s them
The rare days he actually does decide to reciprocate the affection he doesn’t let you go for as long as he can
He’s walking into the wet wick with your legs wrapped around his waist and arms on his shoulders, his hands sitting right underneath your butt securing you in his embrace
All everyone can do is just stare at him like “this fucking guy”
Especially princess
The days where it’s extremely cold or he’s just feeling lovey dovey you’ll spend hours huddled up at the seaspring with princess laying across both of your laps and the rest of the soulless surrounding you
Like Leander, uses any possible reason to hug you like it’s the last time he’ll see you
Will walk up to you and lift you up with one arm to spin you around
Do not say your too heavy. He will challenge you on that
The last thing you hear before being lifted up is a raspy “come ‘er you”
The worse days where the voices of the hive mind are clouding any of his own thoughts and making him more loopy than usual, your arms is usually the first thing he seeks
Standing there for long periods of time, his body simply draping itself onto you, his head buried deep into your neck, all he needed was the feeling of your own arms around him, your face pressed against his chest
And just maybe if you listened close enough, you could hear what sounded like purring
I get the feeling that at first he would be caught off guard, not used to the feeling of someone clinging onto him so often
For some time he simply chuckles whenever you hug him and gives you a slightly awkward pat on the back before you pull away
But once he actually starts getting used to your affection, he’s more than happy to give it right back :>
Unlike the others who are fully prepared and have arms waiting for you, this tall man instead stands there with absolutely no intention of moving
He lets you run to him and pull him into a tight hold, paying no attention to what’s happening around him as he rests his hand on the small of your back, gently rubbing it
He never explicitly states that he loves or hates the hugs, but he does never pull away whenever you do it
If you happen to be at the clinic whenever he’s dealing with a patient and you wanted a hug he would tell you as gently as possible to wait a moment
“Give a minute would you my dear, I’ll be with you in a moment.”
Very soft but very firm <3
Does not give a fuck if other people say something about your excessive hugging
He’ll give them a harsh side eye but otherwise say nothing about it 
If there is any chance he wants a hug back, he won’t directly say it, but he will make it known he wants one
Walks up to you and simply says “my love” before grabbing you by the hand to pull you close
It’s sudden, but that doesn’t make it any less wholesome
The kind of man to let you run up and hug him with all of your strength and simply continue the conversation he was having
Imagine one rare night he decides to bring out his wings and wraps them around you to add to the hug
Probably one of the few cases where he’s brought out his wings that wasn’t for “other” reasons
Wheeewwww all I have to say is, good luck
If you thought Ais was bad with the teasing, Vere will do you one better
The second you wrap your arms around him it’s like he’s programmed to bully you
“Aw well isn’t someone feeling needy.”
He’s not pulling away, but that doesn’t mean he’s shutting up lmao
The first time you did it, he simply stood there. Ears pressed down as his tail was fluffed up
He didn’t know what to do. I don’t think this guy has gotten a genuine hug before
His first instinct was to push you away, but he couldn’t find it in himself to do that. You weren’t attacking him or anything, you were just, embracing him?
Once you did pull away he replaced his initial shock with a smirk, using his pointer finger to lift your chin and ask if you wanted to touch him that badly
It takes him longer than Kuras to get used to your affection, he’s probably only used to being touched if it’s sex related unfortunately
Prefers if you gently wrap your arms around him instead of running up and practically jumping on him
He’ll be damned before he looks like a fool in public
Pray for whoever decides to be brave enough to comment on your hugging because it can go two ways
Vere says fuck it and kills them right there
Or he sends them so many passive aggressive comments they just walk away reevaluating their life
Only HE can bully you
Takes him forever to start coming to you for comfort hugs
It would have been at least some time after you’ve known each other
One day he just straight up drags you away from what your doing, making sure it was just you and him
He then proceeds to damn near suffocate you with his hold, but after a few seconds you hug him back, both of you locked in place, his tail wagging in pure glee
He tells you to pretend it never happened but you can see the way his tail sways whenever you hug him again
In all honesty, they are probably the first one to actually push you away the first time you hug them
Not used to physical affection at ALL but also does not desire it
They didn’t mean to be so forceful when they pushed you, they just genuinely weren’t expecting you to be so…so
So when you run up and jump on them one day after they just finished hunting soulless their all like “⁉️⁉️”
When you look at them with concern they just tsk and look away
“At least ask first.”
Is fully aware of your hugger tendencies they just…don’t know what to do with that
For some time you do ask first if it’s okay to hug them, and they say yes, but then they proceed to just stand there stiff as a board as you love on them
But if anyone dares to bring up your clinginess their quick to snap back at them
ESPECIALLY if it’s anyone besides Kuras
Even if they don’t show it, they do appreciate you being willing to be physically affectionate in anyway
Especially after so many years of them being convinced that no one could love a monster
Also prefers if you would gently hug them than run up, but also wouldn’t mind the second thing
If you do then they just blush and flick you on the head
Because I have a feeling that they are someone that you cannot sneak up on so there’s a good chance they heard you coming💔
After a while (like a few months) they eventually get used to your constant hugging, so if there’s ever a day where you aren’t wrapped around them then they are quick to wonder if your okay
We love soft Mhin
On the very rare days that Mhin ever seeks out your hugs for comfort, they make sure that they make it count
Like Vere, pulls you aside so it’s just the two of you and simply gives you a tight squeeze, with their hand resting on the back of your head
After that pull away and then pretend nothing just happened but you can see the blush on their face <3
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