#the history of statistics
alanshemper · 11 months
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biophonies · 1 year
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when I drew this comic 3 years ago I had NO idea how far it would reach. I'm happy to finally share a corrected version with proper abbreviations, and even MORE state names of indigenous origin ♥️
however, the goal of this comic was to inspire people to do your OWN research on indigenous history. To question everything we have been taught, and everything that has been pointedly left out. This erasure, this “forgetting”, of history is not just of the past… it is happening now. - Across so-called Canada, the US, and US-occupied islands, native women are victims of murder at 10-12x the rate of non-native people, and are the most likely to go missing without being searched for by the law. - Native reservations have the highest rates of poverty in the US, with over HALF of tribal homes with no access to clean water (with more joining this list by the year) - Native people are 6-10x more likely to be unhoused than the rest of the population, and native teens suffer suicide rates higher than any other demographic. This list of modern day genocide goes on (thank you for compiling @theindigenousanarchist <3) and yet take a look at those environmental stats!
Native people manage to do SO much for the planet as a whole - thanklessly - and with all this stacked against them. Don't even get me started on kin fighting in south america. Could you imagine if there was help? #landback is resistance to genocide, and it is the key to saving our warming earth.
So look into it and the other hashtags, cuz a cartoon goose ain't a substitute for a proper education. Love to my grandparents who always kept a map of tribal territories of turtle island on their wall, to speaking on our Tsalagi & Saponi heritage. Love & solidarity forever, happy research, and happy #indigenouspeoplesday
(Also, if you care to support the artist, I'm publishing a book ! and writing another - a fantastical afroindigenous graphic novel - that I post exclusively about with tons of other art on my patreon.)
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segernatural · 11 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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gamer2002 · 1 month
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humanoidhistory · 2 months
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Computer room at Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån), October 26, 1969.
(Orebro County Museum)
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realasslesbian · 14 days
This boomer opinion that "my kids deserve no inheritance, I'm going to spend it all on jetskis and cruises, they should just work hard like I did uwu" is so funny to me because this is the same generation who'll constantly berate the childfree about "leaving behind a legacy" and it turns out the legacy these boomers are leaving behind is their children struggling with lifelong poverty during the worst financial times since The Great Depression, something that their own parents went through and subsequently left these boomers an inheritance so as to avoid.
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easternmind · 1 year
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In the year when the Nintendo Famicom completes its 40th birthday, a unique statistical data point is established: by a very wide margin, the majority of its carts were produced in the colour black. This study was conducted using a total of 1043 games, a very close approximate to the total number of catalogued carts. Below is the final tally, with white earning silver and blue taking home the bronze.
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Source: @famicassearch
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leviathangourmet · 7 months
How Did One of the Safest Countries on Earth Develop a Huge Gang Problem?
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deadpresidents · 1 month
Do you have a list of which states the presidents were born and lived in like the list of vice presidents you posted earlier?
You're referencing this list that I posted a few days ago of the states where the Vice Presidents of the United States were born and the states they represented at the time of their election.
Here's a similar list for each of the Presidents of the United States. The state "represented" is official state of residency at the time of their election or succession to the Presidency:
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*Note that three Presidents changed their official state of residency during their respective Presidencies: -When Dwight D. Eisenhower was first elected in 1952 he was living in New York where he was president of Columbia University. Prior to his reelection in 1956, Eisenhower changed his state of residency to Pennsylvania where he had a farm in Gettysburg. -Richard Nixon was born in California and represented California in Congress and as Vice President. When he was elected in 1968 he was living in New York where was practicing law. Prior to his reelection in 1972, Nixon changed his official state of residency back to California. -Donald Trump was living in New York at the time of his election in 2016. Prior to his unsuccessful bid for reelection in 2020 Trump changed his official state of residency to Florida. Trump continued to use his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida as his primary residence during the 2024 election.
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crusaderiguess · 2 months
woah ur gonna be a historian :0
I fucking hope so.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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Crime statistics for Edinburgh, 1898-9 included reported 939 cases of disorderliness, 833 of incapability, 150 of loitering, 76 of drunk in charge of a horse, 15 of found wandering and 43 of nuisance. Other offences included 6 of brothel keeping and 5 of cycling without lights
Info from Andy Arthur @cocteautriplets on twitter
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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polarhorror · 9 months
What's the most believable conspiracy theory?
I had this argument with a friend of mine
What we did is we categorized them on a scale of believability.
For example: jet fuel not being able to melt steel beams is more believable than the earth being flat.
But what's in between them?
Bush doing 9/11 would probably work.
What's in between steel beams and bush conspiracy theories?
America knowing about Pearl harbor might work.
To properly find an accurate believability rating we simply searched up what amount of the population believed in the conspiracy theory.
You eventually get a scale and rating for conspiracy theories, that you can put the most believable conspiracy theory on top of.
we don't know what's the most believable conspiracy theory is yet.
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a-typical · 2 months
63% of American adults are unaware that the last dinosaur died before the first human arose.
75% do not know that antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses.
57% do not know that "electrons are smaller than atoms".
~50% of American adults do not know that the Earth goes around the Sun and takes a year to do it.
I can find in my undergraduate classes at Cornell University bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star.
These are typical questions in "scientific literacy". The results are appalling. But what do they measure? The memorization of authoritative pronouncements. What they should be asking is how we know - that antibiotics discriminate between microbes, that electrons are "smaller" than atoms, that the Sun is a star which the Earth orbits once a year. Such questions are a much truer measure of public understanding of science, and the results of such tests would doubtless be more disheartening still.
— The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan (1996)
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lindahall · 7 months
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Francis Galton – Scientist of the Day
Francis Galton, an English social scientist, was born Feb. 16, 1822, in Birmingham.
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clove-pinks · 1 year
Fellas, do you ever think about the younger officers and crew members of the Franklin Expedition, and how many of them may have worn goofy 1830s children's clothing?
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