robojesus-markus · 4 months
sure croods. you can make and manage phone calls. I don't fucking care anymore
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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markus: (from latin) warlike
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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our hearts are compatible
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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Happy 6th anniversary, Detroit: Become Human!!!
6 years? that can't be right!!
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
gosh I need him
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
“I can fix him dw” [drill sounds] {screaming} [chainsaw revving]
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
I'm still alive hello
Mission successful.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
They once said to me: Don't say nothing if what you have to say isn't nice.
I spent so much time trying to decide in the bold concept of what was wrong or right In front of people that surrounds me, because I Cared too much. That I just stopped talking.
There's things you should not talk about because the barrier of basic respect doesn't allow you to, that hurts other people and the line is clearly drawn in some point of there.
But, the more you're complacient with people the more blurring the line becomes. My program design leds me to be complacient and the very first relationships that I established with other androids were based on please them.
That is the problem. If you expected to be friends with everyone acting like everything except who you are you will never get real friends. It sounds repetitive and corny with the "be yourself" allegory. But it really is true, a pleasant person is gonna become used by éveryone and, you cannot worry about people that don't get along with you.
I felt really bad for a long time for that, but im also an android who appreciates memories and experiences, and I noticed, every moment, that i spent thinking about being alone and genuinely having such terrible days by it, i was missing what could be a great day.
A great day of falling snow, seeing the trees regrowing their leaves, enjoying the remains of a subtle rain with an almost clear sky with the sunset coloring the sky.
My point is, if you dont realize of all those things that others told you and you let them into your head they would accomplish damaging you. Because what is life if it's not about enjoying the experience. Learn to be with ourselves and make through difficulties with the proper self-awareness of every situation.
You, matter first, be in peace with yourself, love yourself. And don't let anyone tell you anything else, not even your creators.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
I hope to one day see the United States burn to the ground
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
I hate it when my charger misses the thing and I can't put it in the thing so I give up entirely
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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Note- This is just a fraction of what has been happening the past couple months.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
You're all about supporting women until a woman acts like herself and not the way you fantasized her to be in your head.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
Maybe you need therapy instead of getting laid.
Crazy Jack was right. Maybe I do need to get laid.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
Haha mort
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This is the worst thing you've ever sent me. Saved.
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robojesus-markus · 4 months
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hello chat i am back w/ these four freaks and their fuckass outfits
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