#the hearing centre singapore
thehearingcentresg · 1 year
Why is it important to get a regular hearing screening?
Regular hearing tests are crucial to help you keep track of your hearing. It can be easy to overlook the health of your hearing, especially if you’re not experiencing any obvious troubling symptoms. Regular hearing screenings are important for various reasons:
Early detection of hearing loss:
Regular screenings can help identify hearing loss at its early stages, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Early detection allows for timely intervention and increases the chances of effectively managing or even reversing certain types of hearing loss. The earlier hearing loss is identified, the better the chances of managing it effectively.
Prevention of further damage:
Hearing loss can be caused by various factors, including exposure to loud noise, ageing, certain medical conditions, and ototoxic medications. Untreated hearing loss can lead to additional complications such as straining your ability to communicate effectively, impacting your relationships, and potentially affecting your overall well-being. Regular screenings help in identifying potential risk factors and allow for appropriate preventive measures to be taken to avoid further damage to the hearing.
Improved quality of life:
Hearing loss can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. It can lead to communication difficulties, social isolation, emotional distress, and reduced cognitive function. With regular screenings, you can proactively address any hearing issues and seek appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids or assistive devices, to improve your ability to hear and participate fully in daily activities.
Early detection of underlying health conditions:
Hearing loss can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or certain neurological disorders. Regular screenings can help in detecting these conditions early on, allowing for appropriate medical intervention and treatment.
Customized treatment options:
Hearing tests provide valuable information about the type and severity of hearing loss, which helps in determining the most suitable treatment options. Whether it’s hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, or other interventions, regular screenings ensure that individuals receive personalized care and support tailored to their specific needs.
Monitoring changes over time:
Hearing abilities can change over time due to various factors, such as ageing, noise exposure, or certain medical conditions. Hearing screenings performed at regular intervals enable audiologists to monitor any changes in hearing abilities over time. This tracking helps in adjusting treatment strategies as necessary and ensuring optimal outcomes in the long run.
Regular hearing tests are essential for early detection and management of hearing loss. Each type of hearing test serves a specific purpose, and a combination of tests may be necessary to accurately diagnose and treat hearing loss. Consult with an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional like The Hearing Centre Singapore to determine the most appropriate hearing test for you.
For more than 20 years, The Hearing Centre has been a leader in providing top-quality hearing aids in Singapore. Their team of audiologists, who have more than 15 years of experience, specialize in providing hearing aid care for patients with varying degrees of hearing loss.
Having been a specialist in hearing loss healthcare for nearly two decades, The Hearing Centre understands the emotional distress, fear, and worries that individuals with hearing loss and their loved one’s experience. As a result, their goal is to enhance their appreciation for the value of hearing and rekindle the joy of hearing and communication in their lives.
So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment at 6747 2216 or 9776 7615 to claim a FREE hearing test now!
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turndecassette2 · 5 months
I do remember those magic knight people! Every once in a while I go back on your blog to try to track down those drawings because I like them and the concept in the description so much. I would love to hear more about them. Do you have a story planned out?
yeah, vaguely. so for the cosmology; there's this dystopian city I desperately need to draw a map of built above the fossilised remains of an ancient hell. the city mines the hell for 'hell-flesh', a semi-sentient magical substance that's kind of the physical container of the souls of the damned. I suppose this is like fantasy rare earths for fantasy compute or w/e. this has been going on for a while and the city is, kiruna-style, gradually falling down the pit. also as more of the hell is laid bare, semi-autonomous demonic creatures are let loose, maybe as a kind of immune response against human incursion.
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(imagining this sort of thing + branching passages. but in the middle of an italian intra-feuding city-state w a population ca modern day singapore)
a kind of grid of bridges and fortresses has been built above the pit to protect the fancier, upper parts of the city from the decaying/descending bits below. the lower city is mostly miners etc & due to the fucked up mutagenic influence of living near a hell & touching hell stuff all day the people in the upper city treat them with suspicion. there's a 'join the US navy-army-whatever to get health insurance & education & basic human dignity' or like french foreign legion situation where by joining the elite magic army manning the little fortresses, ppl from the lower city can gain some access to the upper. in the reverse I guess for the upper city ppl it functions a bit like 'the wall' in asoiaf where criminals, noble bastards etc go to maybe redeem themselves or die horribly.
the fire magic used by the guards to fight demons etc is derived from the burning corpse of a god that is said to have been there since before the founding of the city (presumably the entity responsible for the hell situation in the first place). by swearing fealty to this dead(-ish) god one gets the ability to summon his divine flame but you forfeit your chance at an afterlife, or maybe you go to hell (no-one is quite sure). everyone kind of assumes once the body is fully burned the god will return/reincarnate (and either save or destroy the city, depending on who you ask).
the politics part; at its founding the city was part of some empire that has since collapsed (pretty recently). the city is dependent on trade to stay viable/fed and to appease the new warring states/mini-empires that have sprung up around it. the current ruler is a reclusive young queen & she has her favourite lord/advisor, an ageing academic who is sort of trying to liberalise the place or make it superficially less fashy. other lords dislike this & are working to either find her a proper king or hasten the return of some deity or other that will return the place to its former glory.
I guess the story? has this noble child bastard protagonist from a shady family* of word-mages who is sent to the 'centre' fortress & works her way up to become the apprentice of some hero-knight demon slayer guy with a possibly shady past (I think rn the name I have for the guy is Chaimé & idk if this is a good name? like the spanish jaime but w more e, & the tiny bastard is Myia I think). I imagine her being the sasuke to a happier, more popular girl who saves her from a demon (embarrassing) then is outed as a half-demon herself (she's the redhead in the drawings) & Myia warms up to her as she (demon girl) becomes increasingly isolated from the outside city (being supposedly dangerous or too powerful? I don't think Myia has much natural magic or w/e in her aside from being a nerd & very persistent).
sorry there's a lot here that would be SPOILERS if I ever actually made this into something coherent enough to be an actual comic ha ha. the knight/mentor guy gets dragged into a kind of fantasy 'business plot' & I guess part of that would be like, seeing to what extent he goes along with it & if he's actually a good person ha ha. + there's a bunch of other characters w stuff going on that I haven't figured out the looks of yet but. they're important in my head. the big bear-ish bf guy who gets sent on an expedition down the pit etc
* I have a distinct image of these people living hidden away in some gormenghast-style estate. they've habsburged themselves into being mostly deaf but the only ones around who can fully read/write the divine language that lets them do word-based magic & the other houses kind of have to put up w their weirdness. also scheming nobles in dune using sign language is 1 of my favourite things in the new film adaption & I like the idea of outsiders being forced to learn to sign (or else being cut-off from higher level magic) as some sort of power move? I don't think they involve themselves that much in politics since that's below them but are def part of the 'bring the gods back' thing, for better or worse. anyway after 'avas demon' (GUILTY PLEASURE I know it has such pretty colours but comes from such an unhinged part of the internet, will never stop apologising for this) started posting again I realised it had a character w the same look & vibe so will try and re-design protag girl to look more like this cute person I saw in a fashion post on IG
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... let's see how this goes. came up w all this BS after some viz lady at comicon asked me if I wanted to make them a manga but it's grown from being too little to being too unwieldy to pitch. will see after I finish up my current projects. how much blood, swearing & genocide can a story have before it stops being YA. I think chainsaw man is sort of YA but dorohedoro isn't
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melodramaticmelon · 1 year
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I was invited as a contributing illustrator for Singapore’s National Day art competition held by the local museum. The prompt was to draw something reminding me of Singapore with the little red dot in the centre integrated into the illustration. A lot of people usually go with food or big landmarks / the skyscape, which I felt were very human things (ew @ the Anthropocene lol) and i was going through a bird phase and dealing with c*vid so i ended up focusing on birds.
I was also going thru a small riso print obsession bc of that one tutorial floating around tumblr in July 2022 and really really really wanted to emulate the CMYK riso print process digitally, it was a super fun challenge and i think one of the few times i had felt excited about art in a long time.
The pandemic offered a chance for everyone to slow down, and I’ve observed more of my friends exploring the natural side of Singapore. In the last few years, I’ve found myself trying to pay attention to the different birds in my neighbourhood. My hope for Singapore and Singaporeans is to develop a greater appreciation for the little natural spaces we have, and to increase our collective respect and protection for the other residents of the island that were here before and alongside us. 
For my artwork, I've chosen to cast a spotlight on the Asian Koel, with its bright red eyes and signature calls—the bird that you either love or hate to hear in the early mornings. While many (including myself) have never seen it in person before, it’s a bird I strongly associate with our local soundscape.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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The pharmacologist James Whyte Black was born on 14th June 1924, in Uddingston, Lanarkshire.
During his lifetime James Black was involved in the development of two different treatments, Propranolol, (Inderal) a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and Cimetidine ( Tagamet), used for heartburn.
He attended Beath High School where his teacher persuaded him to take the competitive entrance examination for St Andrews University. An intelligent boy, he managed to earn the Patrick Hamilton Residential Scholarship. Going on to study medicine but decided against a career as a doctor instead going on to lecture at University College before moving to Singapore and then back to University of Glasgow
It was in Glasgow Blacko built a research laboratory providing the most advanced cardiovascular technology and developed an interest in the effects of the hormone adrenaline on the human heart.
He was persuaded to leave the academic life and joined ICI Pharmaceuticals in 1958. His years with the company led to some extraordinary discoveries in medical science. He collaborated with scientists in his team to develop propranolol which is a beta blocker used for the treatment of heart disease. The discovery of propranolol is considered one of the greatest breakthroughs in the treatment of heart disease.
Along with the development of propranolol, Black was also working on developing a similar method of treatment for stomach ulcers. However, ICI was not interested in pursuing research in this direction. Thus, Black resigned in 1964 and joined Smith, Kline and French, it was with them he developed a new drug called cimetidine, now you might not have heard of it by that name but the company branded it as Tagamet in 1975, used in the treatment of heartburn and peptic ulcers it became the world’s largest-selling prescription drug.
Black was knighted in 1981 and was awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Medicine along with Gertrude B. Elion and George H. Hitchings “for their discoveries of important principles for drug treatment.”
In 2006 Dundee University honoured him with the opening of the Sir James Black Centre, the following year King’s College London followed Dundee by also opening a centre named after Black.
Black died, aged 85, on the morning of 22nd March 2010 after a long illness and is buried at the Ardclach cemetery near Nairn. Upon hearing of Black’s death, Professor Pete Downes, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dundee said Black “was a great scientist, but he was also a great man to know” while the BBC said he was “hailed as one of the great Scottish scientists of the 20th Century”. He was described by The Daily Telegraph as the man who earned the most for the pharmaceutical industry through his drug development, though he received little personal financial gain from his work.
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beardedmrbean · 17 days
A former Philippine mayor who was on the run for weeks after being accused of spying for China has been arrested in Indonesia.
Philippine authorities have been pursuing Alice Guo across four countries since she disappeared in July following an investigation into her alleged criminal activities.
She has been accused of protecting online casinos, which were a front for scam centres and human trafficking syndicates in her sleepy pig farming town, Bamban.
Ms Guo denies the allegations. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said she would be flown back to the Philippines as early as Wednesday.
She said she grew up on the family farm with her Chinese father and Filipina mother, but MPs who investigated the scam centre operations said her fingerprints matched a Chinese national named Guo Hua Ping and accused her of being a spy who provided cover for criminal gangs.
The dramatic nature of her case, which has since seen her sister arrested and questioned by the Philippine Senate, sparked fury in the country and drew international attention.
Ms Guo's case has played out as the Philippines and China continue to spar over reefs and outcrops in the South China Sea.
China has not commented on the allegations against her.
Authorities believe that Ms Guo slipped past border checks in July and took several boats, crossing neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore, on her way to Indonesia, where she was arrested on Tuesday on the western border of the capital Jakarta.
Mr Marcos said her arrest is "a warning to those who attempt to evade justice".
"Such is an exercise in futility. The arm of the law is long and it will reach you," he wrote on Facebook.
Photos showed Ms Guo wearing light pink pyjamas and a white coat when she was arrested.
A scam centre in a sleepy town
Ms Guo was thrust under the national spotlight after authorities in March uncovered a sprawling scam centre in Bamban that were hiding under online casinos, known locally as Philippine Online Gaming Operations (Pogo).
Pogos cater to clients in the Chinese mainland, where gambling is illegal.
Ms Guo's case confirmed suspicions that Pogos were being used as a front for organised crime and led to Mr Marcos outlawing them in response to public anger.
Pogos flourished under his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte, whose presidency was marked by close ties with China.
But Mr Marcos reversed the country's foreign policy direction and has cracked down on Pogo-linked crimes since assuming office in 2022.
During the raid in Ms Guo's town, police rescued close to 700 scam centre workers, including 202 Chinese nationals and 73 other foreigners who were forced to pose as online lovers.
A Senate investigation that followed centred on her inability to detect the eight-hectare scam centre despite its location near her office.
Senators also grilled her on her parentage. A relative unknown in local politics, she was elected mayor on her first run for public office, which is rare in areas ruled by political families.
Ms Guo's opaque answers on questions regarding her roots, led some senators to accuse her of being a Chinese "asset" or spy.
She gave a television interview where she attributed her low profile to being her father's illegitimate child with her mum, who is also his maid. She said this forced her to lead a sheltered life in the family farm, until she was elected mayor of Bamban.
But the controversy did not subside and after she refused to appear in subsequent hearings, senators in July ordered her arrest. By that time, however, she had fallen from public view.
Soon after, an anti-graft body removed her from office.
In August, Filipino authorities said she had fled the country undetected and passed through Singapore and Malaysia on her way to Indonesia.
One official said she could be headed for the Golden Triangle, a border region in mainland South East Asia that is a known hideout of organised crime groups.
A furious Mr Marcos then ordered her Philippine passport cancelled and warned then that "heads will roll".
He said Ms Guo's escape "laid bare the corruption that undermines our justice system and erodes the people's trust".
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wozibear1978 · 2 months
Written circa. 3 months ago on Instagram:-
Proof that they hack off ny whatsapp back ups by inpersonating my iph5s and by hacking directly in through my iph5s. They keep raping my internet connection which is the 3rd router box in 7 yrs as per set up (Cudy by Dasan). They raped my Bandsintown app which was left on my apple cloud this afternoon as per their 7 yr long stategy of gaslighting/destabilizing through massive trauma affliction. Internal app safari and normal safari with apple cloyd are probably the 2 nd most unsecure and dangerous places in the world to that of my “death trap/ mini treblinka” of a bedroom. They raped through google maps & facebook & amazon this afternoon and boasted that theve now stolen all of my “frequbncy budgets” ibcluding my Tesco bank account. This crime & terror syndicate is responsible for the cyber attacks on Virgin Active (cape town) and Tescos last 2 yrs facilitated theft of my health contracts and bank accs. More perpetrators names:- Dean Meintjies,?Natasha Sams, Murat, Toweel Brothers, Quenton Chong, Tony Adams, jonothans wellbeck & atherton, jannie stegman, Derrick, roger foley, neil schoeman, erol mann, mildred, eleanor, kevin, trevor, andre & evelyn solomons, richard truro, chad.
Allan s threatened and abused me emotiobally again this eve to force to sleep on the street or handcuffed by police to mental hospital (done to me for 3 months late 2021 where crimbsyndicate members stole my MTN sim card off my semi naked unconscious body at somesertbhospital A&E after they injected me with ant-trlepathy /psychothics in that grotesque SA gov grade hospital. If i dare contest or contradict allannserchuk or try bring up the truth with basic facts of the past 7 yrs, he threatens me with hospitalising and always institutionalising. Isnt that the mark of a guilty and utterly self centred man? Slavery has been mainly based on financial & social terrorism. Alan S knows full well im super set up and hacked given the role he has played. Even his TV repairman mebtioned to me of my Amazon enplotment contracts in the UK. Alan S IT repairman for Citiprop CC is Michael, stange that michael was in the flat next door to my lgf bedroom in Biko house, Hanspread Village july 2016 during the covert hypnosis into mental (voices trabscended through the walls) then synthetic telepathic and vocal abilities (internet, musical and mesmeric hypnosis). Michael (said he was AA and mate) chased me out of my flat to a hotel off Fincgley Rd. Aim was to “break me down”, Evelyn was in the flat above me. I remember hearing Tony Adams pn the lutton terrace walkway one avie telling them to stop hurting me so much (2016). My brainwaves seened to connect with council frequencie and i remember hearing 2nd party conversations when indrove into different boroughs in London, change of accents especially).so Allan S has 2 enployees in his CLose Corporation and has never in 15 yrs had an IT repairman. Coinxidence? My primary google co. Is called citiprop real estate which these criminals purposefully duplicated to allan s conpany address in vredehoek tactic was to hack over my frequency network (6 yrs ago) at thr start of camouflaging me. I found 2 Citiprop Real Estates in Singapore which i reckon could be fronts fot stolen money laundrring operations. Noticed that MTN yello cam app was regustrred in Singapore (off my special licenses remember my primary app store is still in the UK where i was meant to be past 7 yrs yet inpersonated there primarily & then globally. Criminal ploy as all are still in the commonwealth should anyone raise an eyebrow. I have litrrally proven absolutely everything that this syndicate has done to me having reported almost daily and nightly trying to be heard on my vocal & telepathic to radio fqy channels. They have had 10-12 of my own radio fqs on me to distort my vocals and inflict massive pain via hyper acusis. They essentially highjacked my life contrcats licenses then attacked me on my very own platforms utilised my own working budgets to purchase the gangstalking equipment to traumatize and terrorize me with. Microsoft insider portal on my HP laptop linked with VR /synthetic telepathy headsets microphones, xbox via you tube and used holograms all linked directly to my brain and body which is the epicentre of my fqy network that they never insured me against in the huge indembity fraud projects. My telepathic brain and vocal chords were not insured agajnst my portfolio of assets so real estate, health, insurance, marketing portfolios & licenses contracts. Of course they used fraudster murderous imperonators of the “original angel” warren esser serchuk
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justforbooks · 6 months
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Le Crookie 🥐🍪
It was 3 February when the queues started forming at Boulangerie Louvard in Paris. Even in the sort of downpour that usually empties streets, clued-up teenagers gathered outside the family-run bakery in the 9th arrondissement, desperate to get their hands on one thing: its owner Stéphane Louvard’s invention, le crookie.
It’s a crisp croissant filled with American-style cookie dough, then baked to achieve a soft, gooey centre, and a video of the Frankensteined pastry had gone viral on TikTok.
Arriving a decade after the New York-based French pastry chef Dominique Ansel revealed the recipe for his cronut, the crookie is the latest in a long line of hybrid croissant offerings to cause international fervour. “We were very surprised,” says Louvard, who now sells up to 2,200 crookies per day. “We had to hire two additional people to be able to produce the necessary quantities. It was a little stressful.”
Bakeries across Paris have now started selling them. “My local is doing it, even though it’s not very trendy at all,” says Houssine Bouchama, director of Time Out Paris. Meanwhile, from Singapore to Toronto, copycats are making their own versions. Cookie Crumble, a micro-bakery in London, has been getting orders from across the country. Rhiain Gordon, founder of Babyfaced Baker in Edinburgh tells me it’s “unusual to see any left by 10am”.
To say that cross-bred takes on classic breakfast pastries have captured public imagination is an understatement. In 2013, when Ansel first brought the cronut, with its glazed doughnut outside and flaky pastry inside, to New York, they sold out so quickly that a black market arose on advertising website Craigslist. By the time it landed in the UK in 2016, it was with so much fanfare that Londoners skipped work to try it.
A muffin-croissant hybrid, the cruffin, was next, causing such a stir at Mr. Holmes Bakehouse in San Francisco that in 2015 the recipe was reportedly stolen. Then came the croloaf (croissant dough baked in a bread tin, debuted by M&S in 2016). There have been tacros (pulled pork filled taco-shaped croissants created by San Francisco’s Vive La Tarte) and cretzels (salted pretzels made with croissant dough, by Seattle’s Coyle’s Bakeshop).
Since the global launch of TikTok in 2017, the appetite for these hybrid snacks has accelerated. In 2022, the suprême – a spiral of croissant dough stuffed with the pastry creme-filling of an Italian bomboloni doughnut – became a global sensation. Next came the croffle; croissant dough pressed in a waffle machine, popularised in South Korea by cafe chain Aufglet.
What is it about hybrid croissants that have captured global public imagination for so long? Meg Palmer, a research manager at market research agency Verve, thinks it’s because “there’s something about the merging that makes it more permissible to be indulgent”.
Pastries are also perfect for TikTok, she explains, because they look and sound great. “[In videos of] the crookie you see hands breaking through the croissant. You hear that initial crunch, and you see whether it’s got filling if it oozes out. It’s very sensorial.”
She ties the constant invention of hybrids to small businesses trying to stand out on social media. “They’re always thinking ‘what can be our hook?’ People do latch on to these trends, and they don’t just want a flat white and a croissant any more.”
Bouchama has seen the impact of this in Paris. “There’s an Americanisation of French patisserie going on; the desire to reach an international audience on TikTok,” he says.
Bakery Philippe Conticini in Islington is London’s main purveyor of novelty croissants. The chain launched in London in 2020 with classic French patisserie, but found it hard to survive.
“We’ve found we have to be creative all the time and follow the trends,” says Ludovic Carassi Del Villar, operations manager. The shop soft-launched its £5.90 crookie last week and is already getting calls demanding more.
Back in Paris, TikTokers are already moving on, says Bouchama: “Some bakeries are now experimenting with the pain au chocolat-brownie.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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zimbabwelive · 2 years
Man assaulted sister, perforated her eardrum during row
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SINGAPORE - Unhappy with his younger sister for quarrelling with their mother, a man assaulted his sibling, whose left eardrum was perforated during the attack.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Louis Ngia said that the victim, Ms Jessie Raj, 31, suffered hearing loss but has since recovered.
Following the attack, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Ms Jessie’s assailant, Suresh Minhas, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday to an assault charge.
Three other charges, including another count of assault, will be considered during sentencing.
Ms Jessie had quarrelled with her mother on Sept 25, 2021, at around 3pm as the older woman had allowed Suresh to take items such as their family photos.
DPP Ngia said: “The victim demanded possession of some of those items, and that if he did not return those items, she would confront the accused in front of his wife... The victim’s mother then contacted the accused to inform him about the quarrel.”
Suresh arrived at the women’s home at around 3.30pm and confronted his sister.
The siblings argued, and he hurled insults at his sister. He also spat on her, said the prosecutor.
Suresh then punched Ms Jessie in the face after she threatened to call the police.
DPP Ngia told the court: “They entered into a scuffle, during which time in defence of herself, the victim tore the accused’s shirt, and bruised his left collarbone area.
“As a result of the said punch, the victim suffered hurt – a left eardrum traumatic perforation secondary to assault, with bleeding from the left ear. She also suffered conductive hearing loss.”
Ms Jessie called the police at around 4.20pm.
Suresh, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, has given his sister $10,000 to date to compensate for expenses such as medical, legal and counselling fees.
He has also handed her $3,000 for joint counselling sessions for Ms Jessie and their mother.
On Thursday, the prosecutor said he did not object to Suresh being assessed for suitability for a mandatory treatment order (MTO) as the offender had been found to have intermittent explosive disorder at the time of the offences.
Individuals with the disorder have frequent, recurring and intense outbursts of rage and aggression.
Those issued an MTO undergo treatment for their mental condition in lieu of jail time.
The court then called for an assessment report and Suresh is now expected to be sentenced on Dec 2.
On Monday, the police said more people have been making police reports on family violence since 2020. A total of 5,190 such reports were filed in 2021, up from 5,134 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the police have been ramping up efforts to better support victims of family violence.
For instance, in July, family violence community policing officers were introduced in all 34 neighbourhood police centres.
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mysgprop-cstee · 1 month
Opus Bay at Batam Indonesia
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Opus Bay - Marina City of Batam
Opus Bay is the first integrated township in Batam, Indonesia. It features a Smart Urban City and an Integrated Intelligent System, as well as the first Shopping Galleria in Indonesia and special VIP lanes for express entry/exit at our Waterfront Ferry Terminal. ⭐LIMITED EDITION, LIMITLESS LIFESTYLE⭐ ✔ 21% Guaranteed Rental Returns over 3 Years!✔ 10yrs hassle free investment package (Renewable)✔ Instalment payment available ✔ Low Entry Price for Resort Living from S$85K. No ABSD ✔ Growth potential & excellent investment ✔ Rare Integrated Waterfront Township with world-class facilities & amenities - Shop till you drop! ✔ State of Art Clubhouse span across 30,000sqft with Roof Top Bar, and Man-Made Beach ✔ Conveniently IN/OUT Singapore- Batam with express VIP lanes for Residential ✔ Luxury Landed Home by Singapore renowned developer - Tuan Sing✔ Private jetties for yachts.✔ New Bridge Linking up with Bintan Island✔ Short drive to Batam Center.  Attractive Early Birds pricing from Studio 28sqm from ~S$90K 1BR 58sqm from ~S$160K 2BR 88sqm from ~S$250K 10Yrs Hassle Free Rental Package Available Don't Miss, Act Before Others! Full Seaview Units are moving fast! NEW Showflat (for Studio & 1BR) available for viewing by appointment basis in Singapore. Book Appointment Videos Introduction Construction Progress Project Flythrough English Intro Chinese 中文 Intro Bahasa Intro Hear from CS Tee Latest Construction Progress Q3 2024 https://youtu.be/k6iEOkfHgfQ Official Project Fly-Through of Opus Bay https://youtu.be/DYexfZUnYwQ English: Intro of Opus Bay Inside Out & Singapore Showflat Tour https://youtu.be/j98fw0QZ2rI Chinese中文: 李铭顺 Christopher Lee Introduce Opus Bay https://youtu.be/xhyvWa_SDDU BAHASA: OPUS BAY - The First Fully Integrated Township in Batam, Indonesia https://youtu.be/0fVy_Eh0xkY Hear From CS Tee +6584188689 about Opus Bay! CS Tee (Yes, that's me! 🤗) 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙏𝙪𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 99.𝙘𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙥𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙖𝙮: 𝙊𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙤𝙣𝙨! Full Article: Opus Bay: Opportunity Beckons https://youtu.be/zdO5OVtE_-8 “Your Home Next to the Sea”
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Opus Bay at Batam The First Township in Batam, Indonesia Opus Bay by Tuan Sing Holdings Limited aims to establish an integrated community where one can live, work, play and learn. We will be introducing amenities which shall include but not be limited to medical healthcare, international schools, retail experience, hotels, high rise residential apartments, villas and numerous tourist attractions all within easy reach. We will be upgrading the existing Waterfront Ferry Terminal to enhance the visitor experience and connectivity. Our Waterfront Residential Apartments offer 1,500 units from studio to 3 bedrooms, while our Resort Style Luxury Residential Villas offer 300 premium villas from 3 bedrooms to 6 bedrooms. Just a stone’s throw away are our exclusive, members-only Club House for the Opus Bay Community, a first-of-its-kind Shopping Galleria, and Theme Park with fun-filled activities. Visitors will find our collection of world-class attractions, shops, restaurants and hospitality establishments that cater to all ages. The Opus Bay masterplan was designed by KPF, the leading international architectural firm behind the redevelopment of Hudson Yard in Manhattan, New York; Roppongi Hills in Tokyo, the Shanghai World Financial Centre, and many more. With an unprecedented investment in eco-friendly designs, Opus Bay developments aim to raise the bar for sustainable living not just in Batam, but Indonesia. ENTRY PORT TO INDONESIA Up and Coming Tourist Destination As the third-busiest entry port to Indonesia next to Bali and Jakarta, Batam is one of the most popular tourist destinations, drawing 75% of its tourists from Singapore and Malaysia and 25% from China, South Korea and Vietnam. Batam is a free trade zone that also offers streamlined procedures for foreign property purchasers. With Singapore serving as a regional hub for tech entrepreneurship and Indonesia being home to an increasingly competitive digital talent pool, Batam is shaping up to be a catalyst that can help bridge digital economies in the region, and embolden its collective digital performance. The Indonesian government strongly supports Batam as its next up-and-coming tourist destination and will be investing approximately USD60 billion to make it work. Indonesia has begun building a 7km bridge linking Bintan and Batam which would also complement Singapore’s efforts to boost air-passenger traffic by building a fifth terminal for its Changi Airport. TypeDescriptionsProject NameOpus Bay @ Batam IndonesiaDeveloper NamePT Goodworth Investments (Tuan Sing Holdings Limited)  PT Batam Opus Bay (Tuan Sing Holdings Limited) LocationGedung Ferry Terminal Teluk Senimba LT. 1 Unit 06 – 08, JL. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan No. 1 Waterfront City, Sekupang, Batam 29422  Indonesia Tenure of Land80 yrs from 2004 to 2084 (renewable at minimum cost)Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)Apartment: 31 December 2025  Villas: 30 June 2024 Site area125 hectaresTotal No. of UnitsApartment: 559 units (Balmoral) Villas: 275 units Updated Fact Sheet for Opus Bay at Batam The Apartment - ARDMORE, BALMORAL & CLAYMORE Your Home Next to the Sea Designed by widely acclaimed Singapore firm, RT+Q Architects Pte Ltd, Opus Bay’s Ardmore, Balmoral & Claymore apartments are designed with you in mind. Since its founding in 2003, RT+Q has completed numerous projects ranging from private residences, residential towers, commercial and office complexes, resorts, masterplans and architectural interiors. The firm has also received numerous local and international awards including Design Awards from the Singapore Institute of Architecture (SIA) Architectural Awards.
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Ardmore, Balmoral & Claymore are just next to Waterfront Ferry Terminal and just minutes away on foot to the exclusive Club House created for the Opus Bay Community. Though our apartments are surrounded by a variety of high-traffic retail establishments, Opus Bay cares for the safety of our apartment residents. These apartments will be within a gated community coupled with smart home features for your convenience. There will also be basic facilities such as a pool and gym should you decide not to head over to the Club House. Our apartments will be managed by our own Hospitality and Property Management arm because we take pride in our projects and do all we can to keep them it in their best condition. With choice options from Studio apartments to 3 bedroom units, these apartments are ideal for investors and also working singles or couples looking for affordable homes. Villa - CLUNY@OPUS BAY Your Luxury Resort Home Opus Bay villas are designed by ONG&ONG, a name that is synonymous with excellence and innovation. Founded in 1972, the firm currently boasts a Pan-Asia reach with 10 offices in key cities across the region. Its projects include the Heartbeat@Bedok in Singapore, Kamala Kandara in Indonesia, Faber-House in Singapore, KAP-House in Singapore, Yishun Nature Park in Singapore, and Monterey Residences in Malaysia. Cluny@Opus Bay is designed to give you that holiday resort feel in your own home. The villas are just minutes away by buggy to the Waterfront Ferry Terminal and the exclusive Club House created for the Opus Bay Community where retail and entertainment facilities can be found. If you wish for a quiet space of your own, each villa comes with a private pool and is surrounded by lush greenery to create an atmosphere of privacy and comfort. Similar to our apartments, Cluny@Opus Bay is protected within a gated community coupled with smart home features for your convenience. These villas will be managed by our own Hospitality and Property Management team because we take pride in our projects and do all we can to keep them in their best condition. Cluny@OpusBay offers choice options from 3-bedroom to 6-bedroom units, making it ideal for investors and families looking for affordable urban resort-style living.
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Established in 1969 and listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange in 1973. Tuan Sing Holdings Limited is an investment holding company with interests in multiple industries, particularly in the areas of property development, property investment and hotels investment. Headquartered in Singapore, the Group has over 60 subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates serving a broad spectrum of customers through its workforce of employees across the Asia Pacific region. Tuan Sing Holdings Limited is a recognised property developer of quality residential, commercial and industrial properties in Singapore and China. With Opus Bay, Tuan Sing Holdings Limited aims to build an integrated community where one can live, work, play and learn. This will be enabled by introducing amenities which shall include but not be limited to medical healthcare, international schools, retail options, hotels, high-rise residential apartments, villas and numerous tourists attractions all within easy reach. The Group also aims to unlock the potential of the undiscovered side of Batam which is the corridor to Indonesia and the third busiest entry port besides Jakarta and Bali. This can be seen in the high influx of tourists, which is why the Indonesian government has made significant investments in enhancing the connectivity of the Riau Islands. Foreign international firms are also keen on building a presence in Batam for the same reasons.
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Oxley - International Projects Track Records AN INTEGRATED TEAM A World-Class Collaboration Developed and meticulously executed by an integrated team of like-minded experts and renowned visionaries who are highly successful in their fields, Opus Bay is home to the best experiences and blossoming opportunities. Our masterplan architect, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) is an American architectural firm which provides architecture, interiors, programming and master planning services for clients in both the public and private sectors. KPF is one of the largest architectural firms in New York City, where it is headquartered. Over the past few years, KPF has completed the tallest towers in a number of countries: Lotte World Tower, the tallest in Korea (2015), the International Commerce Centre, the tallest in Hong Kong (2011), Tour First, the tallest building in France (2011). It also has major projects in Roppongi Hills in Tokyo (2003), the RBC Centre in Toronto (2009), and the University of Minnesota Science Teaching Center in the US. KPF is presently designing the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project, a 26-acre site on Manhattan’s West Side that is the largest undeveloped single piece of property on the island. It has also worked on Midfield Terminal Complex at the Abu Dhabi International Airport and has been appointed as the master architect for Changi Airport Terminal 5.
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- Integrated Township: Opus Bay is the first integrated township in Batam, Indonesia, offering a unique blend of living, working, playing, and learning within one community. This integrated approach can enhance the appeal of the development to potential investors. - Prime Location: Being strategically located as the third-busiest entry port to Indonesia, Batam attracts tourists from neighboring countries like Singapore and Malaysia. The Indonesian government's substantial investments in the region, including a bridge linking Bintan and Batam, signify its commitment to Batam's growth as a tourist destination. - Investment Potential: Batam has shown consistent property price growth, with an average annual increase of 4.2%, according to sources. Additionally, Opus Bay's unique offerings, such as a Smart Urban City and Integrated Intelligent System, can potentially make it a sought-after destination. - World-Class Amenities: Opus Bay boasts a wide range of amenities, including a Shopping Galleria, Theme Park, Club House, and more. These facilities cater to residents and visitors of all ages, adding to the development's allure. - Connectivity: Opus Bay is easily accessible from Singapore through frequent daily ferries, providing a hassle-free commute of around 40 minutes. The existing Waterfront Ferry Terminal has been upgraded to enhance the visitor experience and connectivity. - Renowned Developers: Opus Bay is developed by Tuan Sing Holdings Limited, a respected Singaporean developer with a track record of quality residential and commercial properties. This association with a reputable developer adds credibility to the project. - Security Measures: Opus Bay emphasizes safety, with gated communities, smart home features, and security personnel ensuring residents' and visitors' well-being. While Opus Bay offers a promising investment opportunity, it's essential to conduct thorough due diligence, consider your investment goals, and assess the market conditions carefully. Factors such as market trends, financing options, and your risk tolerance should all be considered when making investment decisions. Please consult with us for a throughout, valuable insights tailored to your specific situation and objectives. Shopping Club House Theme Park Shopping YOUR SHOPPING DESTINATION The First-of-its-Kind in Batam This unique shopping paradise was designed by Lead8, an international design studio with award-winning expertise in architecture, interiors, masterplanning, branding and graphic design. Inspired by the same vision as Tuan Sing, Lead8 designs are driven by creativity, integrity and design excellence. As the first of its kind in Indonesia, the Shopping Galleria features all your favourite leading retailers, made possible by our partnership with PT. MITRA ADI PERKASA (MAP). MAP is the leading lifestyle retailer in Indonesia with over 2,600 retail stores and a diversified portfolio that includes sports, fashion, department stores, kids, food & beverage and lifestyle products. With current trends in the retail climate and shopping habits, we have also incorporated special drive-in concepts, pick-up points and social spaces in our designs. For instance, you can shop using your mobile shopping app and pick up your products or your food items at the designated pickup points. You can also have your purchases delivered to your home through our special buggy delivery service for your ease and convenience. Club House YOUR EXCLUSIVE CLUB Not Your Traditional Club House The members-only Opus Club House is designed by ONG&ONG, a holistic 360 solution consultancy company that excels in infrastructure, education, commercial and high-density living. The company designs, engineers and manages with an intimate understanding of modern living which allows it to curate unique and inspiring environments and set new benchmarks that set it apart. ONG&ONG also embraces the latest AEC technologies and understands Asia with on-ground insights from key cities across the region. Its projects include the Heartbeat@Bedok in Singapore, Kamala Kandara in Indonesia, Faber-House in Singapore, KAP-House in Singapore, Yishun Nature Park in Singapore, and Monterey Residences in Malaysia. Exclusive to our Opus Bay Community, this club house is a next-generation private member’s club that strives to be a little different from its traditional predecessors. Have a leisurely lunch or afternoon coffee at the club house’s restaurants or cafes, mix business with pleasure in its function and activities, or sit back and relax in the spa, rooftop bar, and more. Hold unforgettable private events and weddings at the club house’s venues overlooking a spectacular sea view which makes them even more memorable. Or take your family to the Beach Club on level 1 which is publicly accessible and specially designed for a day of seaside fun and excitement. Theme Park YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ZONE Indoor and Outdoor Fun for Everyone Our sports and entertainment-based Theme Park was designed by Park + Associates, a studio established in 1999 and made up of dedicated like-minded individuals that strive towards shared conceptual and aesthetic values. P+A recognises the importance of people and the human experience in architecture, as well as the importance of having solid structural foundations. Each P+A project is customised and crafted with rigour through a painstaking process, building upon the clients’ expectations and challenging its own body of work, whilst respectfully responding to the site context. The Opus Bay Theme Park has attractions for family members of all ages. Read the full article
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thehearingcentresg · 1 year
Is hearing loss curable?
The curability of hearing loss depends on the underlying cause and the specific type of hearing loss. Some types of hearing loss can be treated or even cured, while others may be permanent or require management strategies to improve communication abilities.
Conductive Hearing Loss is a form of hearing loss that happens when sound is not efficiently transmitted through the outer or middle ear. A blockage in your ear canal, a hole in your eardrum, difficulties with three little bones in your ear, or fluid in the area between your eardrum and cochlea are all common causes of conductive hearing loss. Most cases of conductive hearing loss, fortunately, can be improved. This form of hearing loss may be treated or cured using medical treatments such as earwax removal, infection treatment, or surgical operations to fix structural abnormalities.
Age-related hearing loss like Sensorineural Hearing Loss is the most common type. This form of hearing loss is gradual and irreversible, caused by the damage or dysfunction of the inner ear (cochlea) or the auditory nerve. Individuals with this type of hearing loss may struggle to perceive soft sounds or even louder sounds, which may be unclear or sound muffled. Sensorineural hearing loss is typically permanent because the damaged cells in the inner ear cannot regenerate. However, certain cases of sensorineural hearing loss caused by specific conditions or medications may be reversible if detected early and treated properly.
Mixed hearing loss has elements of both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. This indicates that there is damage to both the outer and inner ear. The outer ear cannot effectively conduct sound to the inner ear, and the inner ear can't process the sound to be sent to the brain. The primary symptoms of mixed hearing loss include difficulty hearing soft sounds and trouble understanding speech, especially in noisy environments.
Though there is no cure for these types of hearing loss problems, hearing aids CAN help you hear better again. The use of hearing aids along with auditory training can help maximize your hearing abilities.
Hearing aids are not a cure for hearing loss, but they can significantly improve a person's ability to hear and communicate. They amplify sounds and make them louder, helping individuals with hearing loss hear more clearly. Hearing aids work by capturing sounds from the environment through a microphone, processing the sounds through an amplifier, and then delivering the amplified sound to the ear through a speaker. This can make it easier for individuals with hearing loss to understand speech, hear environmental sounds, and engage in conversations.
The effectiveness of hearing aids is determined by a number of factors, including the severity and type of hearing loss, the individual's specific needs and preferences, and the proper programming and fitting of the devices.
It is always best to consult with an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional like The Hearing Centre Singapore to determine the most suitable treatment options based on an individual's specific hearing needs.
For more than 20 years, The Hearing Centre has been a leader in providing top-quality hearing aids in Singapore. Their team of audiologists, who have more than 15 years of experience, specialize in providing hearing aid care for patients with varying degrees of hearing loss.
Having been a specialist in hearing loss healthcare for nearly two decades, The Hearing Centre understands the emotional distress, fear, and worries that individuals with hearing loss and their loved one’s experience. As a result, their goal is to enhance their appreciation for the value of hearing and rekindle the joy of hearing and communication in their lives.
So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment now at 6747 2216 or 9776 7615!
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warrenserchuk1 · 2 months
Attached pics show. 1. Hack of my primary outlook mail acc link to my primary Facebook acc access. I found my outlook mail implanted in 1 of 4500 apple contacts yet again. Pic 2 is Barclays online “open beneficiaries clause” set up in 2020 by impersonator Fraudster corruptor which I found in my Apple messages about 2,5 months go now. Pic 3 depicts the mailru to vkontakte cyber terror tactic linking them then link to 02 (my old UK contracts of about 12 yrs ago by id fraudsters, of course) link to Octavius and a Russian Bank for embezzlement practices Eastern Bloc styly…
Written 3 months ago on Instagram:-
Proof that they hack off ny whatsapp back ups by inpersonating my iph5s and by hacking directly in through my iph5s. They keep raping my internet connection which is the 3rd router box in 7 yrs as per set up (Cudy by Dasan). They raped my Bandsintown app which was left on my apple cloud this afternoon as per their 7 yr long stategy of gaslighting/destabilizing through massive trauma affliction. Internal app safari and normal safari with apple cloud are probably the 2 nd most unsecure and dangerous places in the world to that of my “death trap/ mini treblinka” of a bedroom. They raped through google maps & facebook & amazon this afternoon and boasted that theve now stolen all of my “frequbncy budgets” ibcluding my Tesco bank account. This crime & terror syndicate is responsible for the cyber attacks on Virgin Active (cape town) and Tescos last 2 yrs facilitated theft of my health contracts and bank accs. More perpetrators names:- Dean Meintjies,?Natasha Sams, Murat, Toweel Brothers, Quenton Chong, Tony Adams, jonothans wellbeck & atherton, jannie stegman, Derrick, roger foley, neil schoeman, erol mann, mildred, eleanor, kevin, trevor, andre & evelyn solomons, richard truro, chad.
Allan s threatened and abused me emotiobally again this eve to force to sleep on the street or handcuffed by police to mental hospital (done to me for 3 months late 2021 where crimbsyndicate members stole my MTN sim card off my semi naked unconscious body at somesertbhospital A&E after they injected me with ant-trlepathy /psychothics in that grotesque SA gov grade hospital. If i dare contest or contradict allannserchuk or try bring up the truth with basic facts of the past 7 yrs, he threatens me with hospitalising and always institutionalising. Isnt that the mark of a guilty and utterly self centred man? Slavery has been mainly based on financial & social terrorism. Alan S knows full well im super set up and hacked given the role he has played. Even his TV repairman mebtioned to me of my Amazon enplotment contracts in the UK. Alan S IT repairman for Citiprop CC is Michael, stange that michael was in the flat next door to my lgf bedroom in Biko house, Hanspread Village july 2016 during the covert hypnosis into mental (voices trabscended through the walls) then synthetic telepathic and vocal abilities (internet, musical and mesmeric hypnosis). Michael (said he was AA and mate) chased me out of my flat to a hotel off Fincgley Rd. Aim was to “break me down”, Evelyn was in the flat above me. I remember hearing Tony Adams pn the lutton terrace walkway one avie telling them to stop hurting me so much (2016). My brainwaves seened to connect with council frequencie and i remember hearing 2nd party conversations when indrove into different boroughs in London, change of accents especially).so Allan S has 2 enployees in his CLose Corporation and has never in 15 yrs had an IT repairman. Coinxidence? My primary google co. Is called citiprop real estate which these criminals purposefully duplicated to allan s conpany address in vredehoek tactic was to hack over my frequency network (6 yrs ago) at thr start of camouflaging me. I found 2 Citiprop Real Estates in Singapore which i reckon could be fronts fot stolen money laundrring operations. Noticed that MTN yello cam app was regustrred in Singapore (off my special licenses remember my primary app store is still in the UK where i was meant to be past 7 yrs yet inpersonated there primarily & then globally. Criminal ploy as all are still in the commonwealth should anyone raise an eyebrow. I have litrrally proven absolutely everything that this syndicate has done to me having reported almost daily and nightly trying to be heard on my vocal & telepathic to radio fqy channels. They have had 10-12 of my own radio fqs on me to distort my vocals and inflict massive pain via hyper acusis. They essentially highjacked my life contrcats licenses then attacked me on my very own platforms utilised my own working budgets to purchase the gangstalking equipment to traumatize and terrorize me with. Microsoft insider portal on my HP laptop linked with VR /synthetic telepathy headsets microphones, xbox via you tube and used holograms all linked directly to my brain and body which is the epicentre of my fqy network that they never insured me against in the huge indembity fraud projects. My telepathic brain and vocal chords were not insured agajnst my portfolio of assets so real estate, health, insurance, marketing portfolios & licenses contracts. Of course they used fraudster murderous imperonators of the “original angel” warren esser serchuk
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 3 months
crystal NOT in nagasaki, singapore: part five
Hello again! We've finally reached the final part of my time in Singapore. After this post, I'll talk next about the few days I spent in Thailand before returning to my home in Japan. Please look forward to it!
On my ninth day in Singapore, I was able to explore a bit of Singapore's Chinatown and Little India. As I mentioned previously, there are many different ethnic groups living in Singapore, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Muslim people. We saw some of Singapore's Middle Eastern and Muslim culture on Arab Street, and now we were able to explore more of the Chinese and Indian culture in Singapore.
In Chinatown we explored some souvenir shops, where I searched a bit desperately for novelty/authentic mahjong sets, but unfortunately wasn't able to find any. We also were able to see the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, a temple for Chinese Buddhism. It was very grand and ornately decorated. I particularly loved looking at the beautiful tapestry behind the Buddha woven with gold thread. The temple was very similar to many temples I've seen in Japan, and it was interesting to look for the differences between Japanese and Chinese Buddhism.
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After this, we spent some time walking around Little India. There were some very beautiful cultural murals painted on the buildings.
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We also went shopping at a huge mall in Little India called Mustafa Centre. It had TONS of really cheap foods and souvenirs. I felt like I walked forever and there were still more and more aisles of various foods laid before me. It was heaven.
In the evening, we returned to my friend's home to rest and eat another homemade dinner with her family. Our trip in Singapore was coming to an end and it was incredibly fun but tiring, so it was nice to take a quiet rest for the night.
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On my final day in Singapore, one friend and I broke off from the group to go to Bird Paradise, an entire zoo park near Singapore Zoo and Night Safari dedicated to the various bird species of the world. Each section was separated by continent or region, so we got to have a world tour of many kinds of exotic birds!
We started in Antarctica, where there was an indoor penguin tank.
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Next we walked through the Australian section. I don't know much about the types of birds we saw, but here's some pictures I took.
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I was also able to see a real kookaburra! They're much bigger than I thought, and very round.
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Since the tropical temperature in Singapore is very hot and humid, there were small air-conditioned buildings separating each of the sections. These buildings usually had small educational exhibits and diagrams about the birds that you could look at while you rested in the cool air. In one of the buildings there were beanbags all across the floor and giant screens showing bird mating dance documentary footage. It was so funny and cool.
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In another building, you could rest on benches shaped like birds' beaks, which we had a lot of fun with.
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And these giant eggs:
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Anyway, I don't remember what region they're from, but enjoy these other pictures of birds I saw.
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At the far back of the park we reached the African section, which had flamingos and beautiful macaws. They were so colorful and much larger than I thought they would be! I tried to take a picture with one of them that was waddling around on the path to show their size, but it's still hard to really understand from the picture just how massive they were.
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They also held an educational bird show at a large amphitheater in the park. We got to hear a parrot sing happy birthday and witness a beautiful great hornbill fly across the arena. For the show's finale, they released a bunch of the birds into the center of the amphitheater and it was so chaotic and fun.
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After that, we finished up at Bird Paradise and went out in search of lunch. We decided to try Jollibee, a Filipino fast food restaurant specializing in fried chicken. I originally thought that this shop only existed in Singapore, but they actually have shops across Asia, with shops even in Canada, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Italy! My Filipino friend in Japan told me that Jollibee is one of the only fast food chains in the world that outperforms McDonald's in their native country.
Since I have a Filipino friend in Japan and my partner is American Filipino, I had been interested in trying it while I'm in Asia and it was really good! A distinct part of the meal that makes it so loved by Filipino people is that it comes with rice as a side, which is wrapped in paper to the left of the chicken. Thank you Philippines for making such a delicious fast food chain <3
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At the end of the day, we met back up with all of our friends, new and old, and enjoyed some drinks at a bar. I was surprised to find that drinks in Singapore are pretty expensive, and public consumption of alcohol is banned after midnight! So the drinking culture in Singapore is fairly reserved. As someone who enjoys a few social drinks and an early bedtime, I was completely happy with this.
I ordered Singapore's signature drink, the Singapore sling, made from gin, cherry liqueur, Cointreau, Benedictine, pineapple juice, lime juice, grenadine syrup, and Angostura bitters. If I remember correctly, it cost something like $17 which was kind of crazy, but it was really tasty. According to Wikipedia, it was created by a Chinese bartender at the Raffles Hotel around 1915. I didn't order my drink there, but the Raffles Hotel still stands today, and is still famous for their Singapore slings, which draws in many tourists each year. Apparently they sell 800-1200 Singapore slings every day, and the drink makes up about 70% of the bar's total revenue!
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After a night of fun and delicious drinks, we headed to my friend's home on our last night in Singapore content and a little tipsy. The next morning we headed to the airport bright and early to catch our flights to Thailand, the next part of our adventure!
We've finally made it to the end of my time in Singapore, after five long parts. Thank you for sticking with me through all of my long posts. <3
I'm so so grateful to Chrystal's family for not only allowing me to stay in their home, but showing me around, feeding me delicious food, and overall taking very good care of me. It meant so much to me and made this one of the most memorable and fun trips of my entire life. I'm forever grateful to have been accepted into their family for this short time.
Finally in the next part, I'll talk about the few days I spent in Thailand in the first few days of 2024. Stay tuned!
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whattheabcxyz · 4 months
Owner of 3-room flat ordered to demolish illegal loft after listing unit for sale at $480K - the loft comprises the building's structural integrity, but I suppose some idiots don't care... wait till the block collapses!
Female representation on corporate boards reaches record high
Rental for over 190 gardening plots now open for application
MOH rejects call by People’s Power Party to temporarily suspend COVID-19 vaccination
Science Centre cancels talk discussing differences between sex & gender following public outcry - 1 of the speakers was a gay trans man ...I bet people will become even more confused after hearing him speak!
Donald Trump banned from 37 countries as convicted felon, including major allies like Canada & UK - does that mean if he becomes president, he can't go there?! 🤣
Singapore & Ukraine sign air deal during Zelensky’s visit
Baby dies after being attacked by family dog in crib - it's a husky & it was not put down even after the incident, but sent to a local animal shelter
More about David Yong from Netflix show "Super Rich In Korea" - how is he allowed to have both Singapore & Cambodia citizenship?! 😒
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^ What really works & what doesn't!
Time may be an illusion created by quantum entanglement - say what?! 😵
Indonesia's independent business watchdog launches probe into potential collusion & price-fixing among Batam ferry operators
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noragrace2224 · 5 months
You can visit the website of the Malaysian company Soundbar Malaysia
Our business in music was first established in 1962 with humble beginnings in a shop house at Market Street Singapore. Our dedication and determination over the years are the reasons why we are today one of the pioneers in the field of sound & vision products.
In a nutshell, sound bars make it easier to hear, and what you are hearing is clearer. Directs audio into the  centre of your space, not to the area behind or to the sides of the TV, which is where most built in speakers are located. bluetooth audio transmitter
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bonbon-bonny · 5 months
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A supplicant seeks the compassion of Kuan Yin
The Practice of Meditation
By the autumn of this year, 2020, I will have been practising meditation for fifty years. I began as an undergraduate, when I joined a Buddhist class to learn Samatha meditation, which focuses primarily on the breath. Later I changed to a different, Western practice which uses an inner sound as its focus. Meditation itself is subtle, but the most effective practices tend to use very simple methods to help still the mind, paying attention to breath, sound, or an image. There is no striving for effects; the aim is to bypass the ‘busy mind’. Trains of thought, rising and falling emotions, and physical sensations can be acknowledged, but are not dwelt on. We cannot stop these entirely, but we can learn to let them go, and thereby open up to a different, spacious and more inclusive form of consciousness.
‘The essence of meditation is the engagement and holding of a mental object, which can be a sound, image, or movement like walking. As the mind stays with this object it gradually magnetises all the mental movements, flurries of thought and feelings, associative chattering etc. towards a single vector, rather like iron filings turning in one direction. And so random thought activity tends to die down, and settle, not so much around, as near the object, which itself gets finer and finer as does the breath. The seed-object can disappear, or hover on the edge of awareness, and pure consciousness rest within itself like fine wine upon its lees.’
(Tessellations, Lucy Oliver – Matador, 2020, p.51)
In the traditions I’ve studied and encountered, regular practice is crucial, along with an experienced teacher or ‘checker’, at least in the early years, to help you stay on track. Meditation as such can’t really be learnt from books. And it also takes time. My first meditation teacher described the practice as being like a drip, drip, drip of water – a drop a day, perhaps – until the cistern eventually fills up and you have a reservoir. Regular meditation is not exciting or instantly gratifying, although it can and does bestow a sense of calm, and helps to centre one’s being. Over time, though, it becomes a core practice, which can become the quiet centre of your daily life.
I’ve written this brief overview of meditation as a prelude to introducing a more specific and defined kind of practice. This is the Moon Meditation of Kuan Yin: a combination of meditation and visualisation. I suggest though that rather than using it a core meditation practice, it’s perhaps best attempted occasionally, or for short periods. It does not need a teacher as such, and is something that might be rewarding to try, whether you’re already a regular meditator or not. As I’ll outline, it focuses on a female figure – archetype, goddess, spirit of the feminine as you will – that of Kuan Yin.
Spirit of the feminine in meditation
Meditation generally aspires to reach a level of consciousness which transcends male and female differences. But it could be argued that some practices are at least more outwardly orientated to a masculine or feminine approach. So how do you approach a more feminine form of meditation? A few years ago, I was delighted to come across a tradition of meditation which does just that, and is associated with the archetypal figure of Kuan Yin, also known as ‘the universal goddess of compassion’. Since then, I have often practised Kuan Yin Moon Meditation at times when I wish to strengthen my contact with the feminine spirit, perhaps when life has been particularly bruising. ‘She Who Hears the Cries of the World’ is a calming and helpful presence.
The temple of Kuan Yin, Georgetown, Penang
Discovering Kuan Yin
I first discovered Kuan Yin’s temples when visiting Hong Kong, Penang and Singapore on different occasions. Each one was a feast for the senses, decked in rich, red and gold colours, imbued with the heavy scent of incense, and enlivened by the constant clatter of divination sticks shaken in brass cylinders. The temple is also an oracle, and so it’s possible to ask Kuan Yin personal questions through the 100-stick divination system, each of which has its own interpretation. Here, I watched worshippers young and old, male and female, as they piled fruit and flowers on Kuan Yin’s shrines, and sought her guidance. Later, looking into the mythology of her origins, I found that she is one of the most widely prevalent forms of the divine feminine spirit, who cannot be pinned down to one religion or culture. She slips from Buddhism to Taoism and Shintoism. She has connections both with Christianity, and the ancient religion of Egypt. And, strictly speaking, she is neither a goddess, immortal spirit, nor Madonna, but embraces all these definitions. Her predominant qualities are that of mercy and benevolence.
The temple of Kuan Yin, Georgetown, Penang
Kuan Yin’s Meditation
The meditation that I share here is a traditional one, based on her long association with the moon and the ocean. (She has other attributes, but these are the most relevant here.) In her Moon form, she represents the waters of compassion, and the gentle light of healing.
This Moon Meditation can be practised without having a particular religious or cultural affiliation. The version that I use comes from the account of an old Chinese nun, who had practised it constantly during her lifetime.* Here, Kuan Yin is seen robed in white, a lady of the seas, who rises above the waves to unite sky and sea, moon and earth. This is the theme of the meditation, where she is invited to shine forth, and – if we’re lucky – bring comfort and wisdom to our hearts.
Practising Kuan Yin meditation may be particularly appropriate at certain times in our lives. For women, it may be when we long to re-connect with a tender, intimate version of the feminine spirit. For men, the practice of opening the heart via the feminine spirit can help to awaken subtle emotions. For both, the practice can be consoling in times of need. And beyond the personal level, the aim of this meditation is to help generate compassion for the good of all our fellow human beings.
A blanc-de-chine porcelain statue of Kuan Yin, in my possession, which has been made in the same way, and in the same location in China, for several hundred years. There is a water reservoir inside, so the figure of the goddess can pour little drops of water from her flask into the lotus pool below.
The Practice
Here is how I’ve formulated this ancient practice, and taught it to others in accordance with modern needs:
The meditation can be practised for between ten minutes and half an hour, but I suggest you aim for something shorter to begin with. It’s suitable for practising either within a group, with someone who can lead it from stage to stage, or else as a personal contemplation, where you go at your own pace. It’s necessary to conduct it in a quiet place, which is likely to be in a room indoors, although the traditional instructions suggest it can also be done on a hilltop, or under an open sky. Do everything gently: no forcing, just allowing. You are activating this sequence, and envisaging images as needed, but in a spirit of gentle calmness.
To begin:
Sit quietly, with your eyes closed, and let your mind go still. Release any thoughts or images, and gradually glide into neutral. Relax the breathing, until it finds a natural, unhurried level.
Now let your internal gaze rest on an empty expanse, as if on a dark, empty sky, or as if you are looking into darkness before your eyes adjust to what is there. This might sound difficult, but is quite easy in practice, and you only need to hold this for a few seconds.
Then, something comes into view. You can now see the sea in front of you, and you witness the moon rising above in the night sky. The moon bathes the sea with a soft brightness, rippling with little silver-topped waves. Allow yourself to gaze now at the moon, and to feel calm and happy. Give this a few minutes to develop.
Then observe how the moon is getting smaller, but brighter. It becomes so bright and so small that it reduces to a dazzling pinprick of light, a radiant tiny pearl in the night sky. Then this seed of light begins to grow, and, as it does so, it becomes the figure of Kuan Yin herself. She stands tall against the sky, robed in gleaming white. Around her head is a halo of light. Her feet float on the crest of the waves.
Kuan Yin smiles, and you feel her affection, love and compassion. Allow yourself to rest in her presence. You can allow emotions to arise and fade away again, like the lapping of the water. Let the meditation take its course: Kuan Yin may stay with you for a long time, or just for a brief spell. As she leaves, your image of her gets smaller and smaller until she vanishes, along with the sea and the sky. All that is left is space. Relish this space; become a part of it, and know that you are not separate from it.
As with all meditation practices, it’s advisable to make a definite ending, but to do so calmly and slowly. Now return gently to sensing your body; observe your posture, and allow sensation in your limbs. Then open your eyes, and collect yourself, body and mind. If it seems appropriate, offer thanks for the experience.
*The original description of this meditation is contained in Bodhisattva of Compassion: the Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin, John Blofeld (p.124 in my edition).
You may come across Kuan Yin figures in unexpected places. This one sits on a resplendent mantlepiece in Saltram House, a National Trust stately home.
Other References
The Kuan Yin Oracle: The Voice of the Goddess of Compassion, by Stephen Karcher
Kuan Yin: Myths and Revelations of the Chinese Goddess of Compassion, by Martin Palmer, Jay Ramsay & Kwok Man-Ho
The Meditator’s Guidebook: Pathways to Greater Awareness & Creativity, by Lucy Oliver; see also her website ‘Meaning by Design’
Samatha meditation classes can be
Source: https://cherrycache.org/2020/05/28/the-moon-meditation-of-kuan-kin/
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wozibear1978 · 2 months
Attached pics show. 1. Hack of my primary outlook mail acc link to my primary Facebook acc access. I found my outlook mail implanted in 1 of 4500 apple contacts yet again. Pic 2 is Barclays online “open beneficiaries clause” set up in 2020 by impersonator Fraudster corruptor which I found in my Apple messages about 2,5 months go now. Pic 3 depicts the mailru to vkontakte cyber terror tactic linking them then link to 02 (my old UK contracts of about 12 yrs ago by id fraudsters, of course) link to Octavius and a Russian Bank for embezzlement practices Eastern Bloc styly…
Written 3 months ago on Instagram:-
Proof that they hack off ny whatsapp back ups by inpersonating my iph5s and by hacking directly in through my iph5s. They keep raping my internet connection which is the 3rd router box in 7 yrs as per set up (Cudy by Dasan). They raped my Bandsintown app which was left on my apple cloud this afternoon as per their 7 yr long stategy of gaslighting/destabilizing through massive trauma affliction. Internal app safari and normal safari with apple cloud are probably the 2 nd most unsecure and dangerous places in the world to that of my “death trap/ mini treblinka” of a bedroom. They raped through google maps & facebook & amazon this afternoon and boasted that theve now stolen all of my “frequbncy budgets” ibcluding my Tesco bank account. This crime & terror syndicate is responsible for the cyber attacks on Virgin Active (cape town) and Tescos last 2 yrs facilitated theft of my health contracts and bank accs. More perpetrators names:- Dean Meintjies,?Natasha Sams, Murat, Toweel Brothers, Quenton Chong, Tony Adams, jonothans wellbeck & atherton, jannie stegman, Derrick, roger foley, neil schoeman, erol mann, mildred, eleanor, kevin, trevor, andre & evelyn solomons, richard truro, chad.
Allan s threatened and abused me emotiobally again this eve to force to sleep on the street or handcuffed by police to mental hospital (done to me for 3 months late 2021 where crimbsyndicate members stole my MTN sim card off my semi naked unconscious body at somesertbhospital A&E after they injected me with ant-trlepathy /psychothics in that grotesque SA gov grade hospital. If i dare contest or contradict allannserchuk or try bring up the truth with basic facts of the past 7 yrs, he threatens me with hospitalising and always institutionalising. Isnt that the mark of a guilty and utterly self centred man? Slavery has been mainly based on financial & social terrorism. Alan S knows full well im super set up and hacked given the role he has played. Even his TV repairman mebtioned to me of my Amazon enplotment contracts in the UK. Alan S IT repairman for Citiprop CC is Michael, stange that michael was in the flat next door to my lgf bedroom in Biko house, Hanspread Village july 2016 during the covert hypnosis into mental (voices trabscended through the walls) then synthetic telepathic and vocal abilities (internet, musical and mesmeric hypnosis). Michael (said he was AA and mate) chased me out of my flat to a hotel off Fincgley Rd. Aim was to “break me down”, Evelyn was in the flat above me. I remember hearing Tony Adams pn the lutton terrace walkway one avie telling them to stop hurting me so much (2016). My brainwaves seened to connect with council frequencie and i remember hearing 2nd party conversations when indrove into different boroughs in London, change of accents especially).so Allan S has 2 enployees in his CLose Corporation and has never in 15 yrs had an IT repairman. Coinxidence? My primary google co. Is called citiprop real estate which these criminals purposefully duplicated to allan s conpany address in vredehoek tactic was to hack over my frequency network (6 yrs ago) at thr start of camouflaging me. I found 2 Citiprop Real Estates in Singapore which i reckon could be fronts fot stolen money laundrring operations. Noticed that MTN yello cam app was regustrred in Singapore (off my special licenses remember my primary app store is still in the UK where i was meant to be past 7 yrs yet inpersonated there primarily & then globally. Criminal ploy as all are still in the commonwealth should anyone raise an eyebrow. I have litrrally proven absolutely everything that this syndicate has done to me having reported almost daily and nightly trying to be heard on my vocal & telepathic to radio fqy channels. They have had 10-12 of my own radio fqs on me to distort my vocals and inflict massive pain via hyper acusis. They essentially highjacked my life contrcats licenses then attacked me on my very own platforms utilised my own working budgets to purchase the gangstalking equipment to traumatize and terrorize me with. Microsoft insider portal on my HP laptop linked with VR /synthetic telepathy headsets microphones, xbox via you tube and used holograms all linked directly to my brain and body which is the epicentre of my fqy network that they never insured me against in the huge indembity fraud projects. My telepathic brain and vocal chords were not insured agajnst my portfolio of assets so real estate, health, insurance, marketing portfolios & licenses contracts. Of course they used fraudster murderous imperonators of the “original angel” warren esser serchuk
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