#the health of my body directly affects my worth
your-local-granny · 1 year
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kitkats-and-kittens · 2 months
One of my favourite things in MHA is the way society is structured to uphold powerful quirks affects the main 3 in such different ways.
Izuku is the most obvious. Being quirkless meant he was seen as inherently less capable. His own mother didn’t believe in him and of course he faced loads of bullying as consequence of his place in society.
I wouldn’t say quirk discrimination is a direct parallel to disability, because he is still able bodied, and a lot of the things he is unable to do are more because of the way society views him rather than his inherent capabilities.
I do see it as maybe a stand in for classism or something of the sort as we see how his lack of a quirk directly hinders opportunities and clearly affects his worldview in a big way throughout the series, especially how he views quirks after growing up in a world that teaches you to revere them.
Then you have the complete opposite in Shoto and the Todoroki family, who show how Society tying a persons merit/worth in direct relation to their quirk also affects those at the top. In the same way toxic masculinity means men under the patriarchy still suffer abuse under their own system as they have to conform to standards that mean sacrificing mental and physical health.
Shoto was of course born to surpass All Might, pushed and abused into a role he never wanted all because he has a strong quirk. Which then also relates to how those with flashy superpowers are upheld and pushed into hero work from birth. Which while also pushing people like Izuku further down, simultaneously traps people like Shoto in a cycle they were given no choice but to take part in.
Then of course you have Katsuki. Who is similar to Shoto in having a powerful quick but is also different because rather than being physically forced to conform under the system he represents not only how quirk society as a whole seems to manipulate and groom kids like him onto a certain path but also how someone can overcome that.
Katsuki bullied Deku for being quirkless. That much is a fact and while it isn’t shown much in the anime there’s so much subtext surrounding the shows themes as a whole that show why it happened, but in a world that actively propels children like Bakugo forward while shoving less powerful kids like Izuku downwards it was practically impossible for them to stay friends.
You can see the propaganda even if it’s just in the way hero’s are placed on pedestals as something all children should want to be, while the access to the very thing society deems important is cut off and streamlined to children with a certain type of quirk.
I mean it’s stated in the first episode that until recently quirkless kids weren’t even allowed to apply to hero schools, which just shows another way they are cut off from the resources other kids are provided.
And that’s not even touching on the variety of other factors. How aesthetics and beauty play into how people with mutant quirks are received (Miriko and Shoji) while you also have the heroic/flashy quirks Vs villainous and subtler types of power. (Izuku and Shinso)
I just love how the themes of this show are so imbedded in the world building and a lot of the show don’t tell aspects reveal a lot more about the world they live in.
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
oh god ed reddit is having the “uwu anorexia isn’t rooted in fatphobia my mental illness is not abt you” talk again please god help me
fatphobia doesn’t mean “being a meanie to fat ppl” i’m begging you to use critical thinking skills for five seconds and apply what you know about literally any other form of oppression to this situation.
people’s point isn’t that you having anorexia makes them feel bad and therefore you’re a bad fatphobic person.
they’re pointing out how the deeply ingrained fatphobia our society upholds, from misconceptions about health to moralization of looks and weight, including yes being jerks to fat ppl’s faces bc they’re fat, is affecting what you think about your own looks, weight, health, body, clothes, eating habits, etc.
the logic isn’t “you became anorexic because you hate fat people so much you never wanted to be fat yourself (and that makes you a bad person)” it’s “fatphobia is a prism that transforms the root cause of your ed into disordered thoughts, behaviors, and patterns (and unlearning fatphobia will help you with recovery and harm-reduction)”
like. it’s not for no reason that anorexia is a disorder that disproportionatedly affects women. it’s not for no reason that there’s sky high comorbidity rates for eds and ocd. it’s not for no reason that people who need control in their lives so badly that they develop a mental disorder abt it get obssessed with being skinny and not with being a sumo. it’s not for no reason that ppl who feel the need to retract to childhood due to trauma envy things like being skinny light and frail, instead of being a tubby baby. it’s not for no reason that there is an incredibly common anorexic thought pattern (internal and self-directed, don’t make me say what i didn’t say) that associaties restriction and weight loss with moral goodness.
for each of these there IS a number of exceptions, but you can see case by case how the root cause (trauma, need for control, for self-destruction, growing up poor, whatever you think is “unrelated to fatphobia” basically) is processed through the prism of the fatphobic culture we’ve all been raised in. some people just, voluntarily or not, deal with those root causes in different way, which might or might not be healthy. but it’s a consequence of ambiant fatphobia that “i should starve and be skinny about it” is a statistically pretty common response to this distress.
the point isn’t “it’s fatphobic that you don’t deal with your neuroses in a body positive way uwu” the point is that no matter how cool you are with fat people on like, a personal level, you’ve been (like the rest of us) bombarded with fatphobic thought patterns your entire life basically, both directly fatphobic things and reactions to this fatphobia. maybe spoken to you directly, maybe not. maybe about you maybe about other people. you live in a society that places moral values into looks and health, and also pushes some deeply rooted falsehoods about how those things tie into each other. you have a disorder defined by obsessive behaviors. maybe, just maybe, deconstructing the logic that those obsessives behaviors are based upon will help you deal with this disorder. and recover or reduce harm.
basically, anorexia isn’t “getting skinny disorder” it’s “obsession disorder”, obsession with looking attractive, or pleasing your family, or going back to being a kid, or being healthy, or being fit, or being driven and capable, or being worth saving, or having your suffering known, or having control over something, or whatever. the fatphobia that is omnipresent (and i repeat, omnipresent, nobody is singling you out as a bad fatphobic meanie, or even talking about your behavior towards other people around you) in our society picks the direction in which many many people will express that disorder.
of course if you live in a society that tells you “being fat is morally bad” at every turn, when you start developping an obssessive pathological need to control things, without another factor weighting in, most people’s default reaction will be anorexia. food is a regular fixture of everybody’s life, everyone wants to be morally good, and even if we know/understand/believe to an extent the flaws of that “fat = bad” logic we know the world around us still believes it, and nobody wants to be treated like shit. we can think it’s stupid and fight against fatphobia and work to treat fat ppl better in our lives and support body positivity, but in any case, one always judges oneself on different metrics than they judge others, cuz we control our self-improvement. that’s natural. just it doesn’t mesh well with a pathologically obssessive need for control above self-preservation.
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gumpistol · 5 months
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   ***trigger warning:  discussion of major character death and mentions of terminal illness and chronic heart disease under the cut
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   Luffy lives his life to the fullest and recklessly. he pushes himself to the limit, even learning how to manipulate his devil fruit ability to push his body to do things it shouldn't be able to do. he is a living miracle, having survived Magellan's poison, his wound suffered at marineford, his heart literally stopping and restarting during his fight with Kaido, and other countless, near-death moments. so while in the current manga timeline, at the young age of nineteen, Luffy makes miracle recoveries from injuries and exhaustion, it is highly unlikely that he will live a long life. but of course, he hardly cares about that and all the stress placed on his body if it means protecting his friend and achieving his dream. 
   pre-timeskip alone, Luffy puts extreme strain on his body, especially his cardiovascular system.his unchecked use of gear 2 and 3 during enies lobby and thriller bark were noted to be damaging to his health as a whole and chipping away at his life, with Chopper even fearing the worst in the moment of both their use.
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   and when treated by Iva's healing hormone during impel down, it’s made known that the energy level required to activate his immune system and fight off the poison is ten years-worth of his life.
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   these are just a couple points in which it is directly mentioned how Luffy’s life is periodically being shortened. and while it’s not directly mentioned how it affects his overall health after recovering, the massive damage from the chest trauma wound he received at marineford ( which i plan on outlining the details of soon ), has likely left behind lasting effects that aren’t yet visible or known. so at only 17-years-old, Luffy's body has taken a lot. and this doesn't even begin to touch on the various physical traumas he dealt with while growing up. 
   post-timeskip, he hardly slows down. despite training and technique improvements for gears 2 and 3, Luffy’s new transformations put just as much strain on his body as before, if not more. gear 4 is incredibly exhaustive and nutrient taxing, and leaves Luffy immobile after its use.
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   the same goes for a gear 5 transformation. besides the fact that Luffy had to physically die for several minutes before his devil fruit awakened, the use of gear 5 escalates the rate at which energy and nutrients are depleted even more, showing to even physically age Luffy's body temporarily in the aftermath. in addition, Luffy has to consciously change the rhythm of his heartbeat to match the drums of liberation in order to transform, effectively giving himself an irregular heartbeat. i’m sure you might see where i’m going with this, as i mention his heart repeatedly.
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   being the intentional spitting image of Roger, and following in his footsteps to become king of the pirates, it's my belief that Luffy won't live to be much older than Roger was at the day of his execution ( 53-years-old ). maybe he'll live a few years longer, but i really don't see Luffy ever reaching the age of 60, especially if there's no point in which an older version of him slows down. it will definitely be a challenge to get him to do so, even if it's recommended.
   i've spoken in part about this with a couple others, but due to the type of internal damage that Luffy has endured, i headcanon that he will develop some sort of heart condition ( which i will go into more detail on a later post ). but whether Luffy ends up slowing and eventually picking an island to settle/retire to, or if he continues his reckless adventuring to the end, has yet to be decided. regardless of how the story goes though, Luffy will die relatively young, and it will likely be from premature heart failure.
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transqueerquestions · 4 months
When binding can you slouch/lay down?
This may sound like a weird question but I wanted to know:
When wearing my binder, can I slouch/just lay on my bed(Not sleeping, just laying down)
I can’t find any good results for this question
Tobi: Hey nonnie! Firstly, absolutely no worries, i do not consider questions to be weird, strange, wrong, or anything else here, they’re all just questions, and I will always try my best to answer to the best of my ability.
That being said, I’m both surprised and not surprised there’s nothing in particular on slouching or laying down in binders, so know this answer is coming directly from my own experiences, and may not be applicable to everyone.
For slouching: I’d say intermittent/not constant slouching is a-okay. Best practices while binding would be keeping good posture as much as possible and ensuring the best possible opportunity for your lungs to expand fully, as the main concern with binding in general is its restrictiveness to the ribcage/torso/lungs.
Slouching inherently squashes that important expansion ability, and the severity depends on how and how much you’re slouching, but either way, while it’s not going to be terrible for you to do here and there, it’s not recommended that you stay slouched for long periods of time while binding.
For lying down: So long as you’re not sleeping, lying down is a similar answer to above. The restriction with lying down is more gravity based-On your back you’re expanding against both gravity and the binder, on your stomach you’re expanding against your own body and the binder, and on your side, you’re adding another point of pressure to the front and back the binder already covers.
Mind you-these restrictions are minor, even less so than slouching. However, that is not a reason to not be aware of how these positions can affect your binding health and safety. Sleeping is a concern for binding in particular because your breathing pattern changes and deepens as you sleep, meaning the binder adds unnecessary restriction for a long period of time.
Overall advice: My biggest emphasis when talking about binding is highly focused on being in tune with your individual body and it’s cues.
Good posture is always going to be helpful in the long run, but I know just how hard that can be to maintain. A good rule of thumb that I live by, as I do still bind myself and I have made far too many mistakes in my youth that still haunt me:
If you are feeling short of breath at any given time, that’s a good indication to take off your binder and do some breathing exercises, do some deep coughs to stimulate circulation, etc.
No amount of dysphoria is worth binding improperly, incorrectly, or for too long. Please trust me on this, because it can (and has for some folks) affect your ability to get top surgery down the line.
For myself, as an example, my previous excessive binding has somewhat ‘warped’ my ribcage, and as such, forced me to really scale back how much I bind to avoid it causing any more problems.
To be fair, I’m glad that I’ve been forced to cut back though, because it’s really helped with my own resilience towards outside perspectives of my body. No matter what I do, wear, act, whether I bind or not, etc, 90% of the time I’m perceived as a woman by strangers. This in turn forced me to reckon with how other people’s perceptions of my gender expression AND the forms my body takes has NO bearing on my own understanding of myself, and subsequently my own understanding of my gender.
At the end of the day, I know I’m a man. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, or think otherwise, but they don’t get any decision on who I am, only I have that power.
If you choose to bind, ensure you are doing so with a full understanding of what it can and cannot do for you, as well as making sure you’re doing it as safely as possible. This means:
- Monitoring your breathing and posture.
- Ensure you do not wear one excessively. The general consensus is up to 8 hours, but it is always better to wear for less time.
- NOT wearing one to perform excessive physical activity (workouts, running, anything that gets your heart and breathing rate up for extended periods), or to sleep in.
- Taking it off the moment anything hurts, you find it harder to breathe, or even if anything feels off. Your body wants to keep you safe, listen to its cues!
All in all, I hope this helps! Good luck and stay safe! ♥️
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qipsir · 4 months
Example of How to Treat Yourself
By someone whose care team has enough trust in that I have permission to mess with/alter my medication as I see fit
Credentials: the grandchild of a pharmacist, the child of a pharmacist tech and ex-librarian/college teacher/personal trainer; Clinician Associated Traumatization and severe betrayal issues, researches everything to a professional degree, psychiatrist + therapist + friends agree I would be an EXCELLENT therapist (and I've been told throughout my life I would be a wonderful teacher as well if that's worth anything here)
Topics + Hyperlinks
Debilitating anxiety
Chronic nightmares/night terrors
Clenching your jaw at night
Allergies (+ post-nasal drip)
Eczema, specifically dishydrotic (blisters on hands/fingers/feet)
Taking care of yourself on low/no spoon days
Locate the source of the issue. For example, if you're sneezing, why are you sneezing? Are you sick or is there something in your nose? Or if you're coughing, do you have post nasal drip? Is it allergy season? Do you have a cold or non-seasonal allergies? Are you a smoker/vaper?
Determine what course of action is both most accessible and most comfortable for you (we want to work with our meat prisons, not against them).
Note: Your preferred course of action may ABSOLUTELY be inaction. You may not want to change how that situation is at that time and that is Perfectly. Okay. It's your body, your life, and entirely your choice, okay? Okay. Let's continue.
3. Check EVERYTHING you intend on taking for interactions with all medications + supplements you are currently taking. Check for allergies. Double check side effects and if there is anything you can do to counter them (i.e. taking milk thistle to counter liver damage done by prolonged use of ashwaghanda)
4. If cooperation with brain/body has failed, research local professionals for assistance. Then, hopefully with a newly established baseline, start from step 1 as needed.
5. If the problem is psychological or psychosomatic, shadow work/therapy and alternative medicine may be of interest to you. The latter can include but is not limited to massage, somatic touch therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology, and more. Take the time to sort out to whatever degree you are capable what the root problem actually is and how it's specifically affecting you. This will help you to work through it or find someone to help you work through it.
Note 2: let it be known that I fluffin DESPISE the kind of people who are like "oh just be mindful and you'll be fine" bull.SHIT. I've got nearly two decades of trauma and neglect to work through and my anxiety/PTSD/panic/paranoia is so tired of this that it evolved to work around most grounding techniques. Being mindful and grateful is as effective at healing that as a singular spritz of mist is at putting out a bonfire.
Yes, this is just an excuse for me to yammer on about herbalism and shadow work. It's neat stuff, can you blame me?
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
before today, i had a pretty neutral position on JA. loved his work as dean, didn't really care for whatever else he did outside of that (including his personal life), but i did enjoy reading your insights about him on the blog. from today onwards, i am jensen ackles hater. i wish nothing but failure for whatever is left of his career. what a greedy pig he is to take russian money.
Anon, just my two cents but hatred is toxic to your body, no one is worth losing your health over and don't ever wish harm upon another because that directly affects your subconscious paradigms.
I don't hate Jensen but his choice reveals something I didn't know about his character, something I deeply dislike. I'm saddened he did not publicly clear the air, he should have at least brought some awareness towards the people in Ukraine but I guess he is too selfish and conceited to do that.
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snorlaxlovesme · 2 years
it’s hard to say what I feel about Greywaren because it was such a clusterfuck of things I didn’t expect and things I’d been waiting for. but i think that overall i’m happy with it. my sister has been asking me as i read The Dreamer Trilogy “so if i’ve only read TRC, would you recommend that I read TDT too or stop?” and that’s been what i’ve been grappling with the whole time. and i think that as a TRC reader and massive fan, i think this series worth following up with, if i was telling a casual fan.
as a fandom we all knew that the ending of TRC (while still fantastic in its own right and should not be discredited) was a bit of a clusterfuck, due to Maggie’s failing health and the fact that a five-book series needed to be whittled down to four, making Gansey’s death a lot shorter than it could have been. it means that TRK specifically has left a lot of What Ifs that got harder and harder to ignore. i really wanted to know what Maggie could write in more ideal circumstances, with more creative freedom and a body with fewer parasites in it. and i think that she did a great job delivering an ending that satisfied me, actually a lot better than a lot of her books do (i’ve often found her endings kind of weak)
BUT. and this is an incredibly big but (har har) a thing that has always ALWAYS grated me about The Dreamer Trilogy is that it was presented as a sister series instead of a sequel series. having a series that takes place directly after a mindblowing series like TRC and having to act like NONE of that development affects where the characters start in this series just fucking ate at me constantly. Maggie has to jump through so many writing hoops to make CDTH make sense since she can’t introduce an already established character and assume the reader has knowledge of them and it drove me nuts. it makes CDTH an incredibly annoying read for me to this day, despite all the good content in it, because every time a TRC specific scenario or cameo appears i always have to step back and wonder what non-TRC readers think is happening right here, and pick apart the way Maggie has to find a way to shoehorn previous plot points into a narrative that doesn’t really allow time for Mr. Gray flashback, doesn’t have the space to really get into the nitty gritty of Adam’s abuse or his use of magic, and such. things like that needing to be smooshed down into like a two-paragraph summarization of BOOKS worth of development was....annoying.
MI has a lot less TRC content which makes it more enjoyable, and by the time Greywaren comes around and the TRC easter eggs start popping in every other page I legit just have to assume that MAGGIE assumed she’d given TDT readers plenty of time to pick up TRC so if they don’t know what’s going on by now, that’s on them. Greywaren is an end to ALL of it, not just The Dreamer Trilogy, that’s super evident.
okay, now time to get into Greywaren specifics. the likes and dislikes. 
i was very thrown by Ronan being asleep for most of the book. i think that bummed me out, for obvious reason, i like Ronan and like his interactions with people. also I just didn’t expect that to be the focal point of the book. but i thought the descriptions of the sweetmetal sea were really cool and i like just the viney, veiny, lightning strike descriptions of Ronan’s consciousness when he was in that nebulous dreaming space. so much of this books is really High Concept and i think that Maggie did a good job helping me envision something so surreal
i loved every page with Adam, unsurprisingly, even the ones where he told Declan he was just gonna LEAVE Ronan’s body and never visit it (absolutely insane thing to say, Adam, what the fuck). but the description of that scene, how Adam could barely even look at Ronan, were super telling. i thought the development of Adam’s character was fantastic despite having so little of him in the series. the scene where he works out all of his troubles, told in essay format? fucking divine writing. having his story mainly be about his love of Ronan, his proficiency with magic, and his desire to Be a Normal Successful Student With No Tragic Backstory were SO GOOD. i wish that the ending was a bit more concrete about where his life went in the epilogue, but knowing that he gets a good job and gets Ronan is enough. i’m still satisfied.
Hennessy and Jordan is muddier. i guess i wanted a more concrete answer as to why they were proficient in making sweetmetals, though im glad they eventually got good enough at it to help out the world and make it a career. i liked that we finally got the answer that Jordan is what Hennessy would be without the influence of Jay. her optimism and her drive were all things that were stripped away from Hennessy because of her childhood (AND because she’s a dreamer). i think that Jordan’s story was more MI than this, but i always enjoy reading Jordan’s perspective.
Hennessy learning that her artist’s ability made her made her supernaturally valuable was really nice, though. i liked that she finally found the same sort of power that Ronan had when dreaming, but in the waking world. that was very cool. 
Hennessy’s relationship with Farooq-Lane was....interesting.
Listen. I’m going to be real here. I don’t really care for Carmen much. I care for Liliana even less. They’re integral pieces to this story, but I didn’t like them at all in CDTH, they grew on me a little in MI when they realized working for the Mods was wrong, and they fell a little bit flat for me in this series. I did not care with Liliana died, I literally THOUGHT that Carmen died and had to go read the epilogue again just now to see if she was in it (apparently she lived). Idk. i don’t want to say the relationship between Carmen and Hennessy was forced, but for me the spark wasn’t there. that might just be because Hennessy’s relationship with Ronan was much messier and more interesting than her and Carmen’s. 
Carmen’s whole intrigue for me was centered around Nathan. I liked all the insight we got into her having a serial killer brother and the emotional complexity behind that. Thinking that he died at the very beginning of the series and all the horrible feelings associated with helping KILL your brother and the fact that your brother killed so many. The twist that Nathan was still alive was cool, the fact that he was the REAL apocalypse villain was neat, but I was still upset it wasn’t Bryde who was the real villian
I don’t even know where to start. Matthew? Let’s talk about Matthew bc he’s probably the easiest to begin with. Every scene with Matthew was amazing, even if there were only a couple since Declan STOLE HIS SWEETMETAL OFF OF HIM. I’d punch him too, oh my GOD. i’m so happy Matthew punched him. I’m so happy he fucked up his car. i was getting so irate that Declan time and time again kept infantilizing him and treating him like a pet more than a brother and just being really reductive to all of Matthew’s turmoil. so having Matthew snap was amazing. his scene with Bryde in the museum was SO funny. and having him finally return an wipe Declan’s tears away after Declan assumed he’d been dead the whole time was very satisfying. i desperately want art of that reunion
Ronan was. well. RONAN. all caps. like him being a manifest godling makes perfect sense, it tied together why Cabeswater favored him, why his dreaming was more powerful than anyone else’s in the whole series (besides Bryde, the Experienced Dreamer dreamt by said godling). i want to read the whole series again with this complete picture of Ronan. knowing that FEELINGS, all caps, were dreamed into him by Niall intentionally to make him more human, to make him deeply understand humanity, was such a fantastic detail. and knowing that there was a REASON behind the batshit rule of no one mentioning dreaming outright, of Niall never teaching Ronan how to dream. that’s some GOOOODD retconning right there
and sidenote, all the Niall/Mor flashbacks, being told in those expository chapters to give the reader more and more of a complete picture, and then later revealed as the threads of memory to be given to Declan at the end of the book? GENIUS way of formatting that. i loved that that exposition could be so neatly given over to Declan like that
and man. fuck. Declan.
Declan and Mor and NIALL. 
on the one hand i’m actually MAD that Niall got a redemption arc, purely for the fact that for the past seven years that i’ve been in the fandom we’ve been ragging on him so hard to the point where it’s a meme. Worst Father of the Year with always always be Niall, so having Maggie so completely flip that was so GENIUS and so infuriating lol
but Godddd, finding out that Declan had always been Niall’s favorite hurt me in ways nothing else in TDT ever could. he took away his memory of Declan’s birth because it was the happiest moment of his life and he couldn’t bear to revisit it with Mor leaving like that. that he brought Declan with him on all of his travels BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO HIM aHH it’s so fucked up. i have not stopped thinking about the scene were Declan is sick and you can tell that Niall went through hell to make it back home to him just so he could drape Declan across him and hug him while he slept. it’s such a tender image it hurts my heart. especially to be followed up by all of the family having to abandon all tender Declan moments to rid the room of the dreamt claddaugh rings afterwards. just another instance of Declan’s pain having to be pushed aside in favor of dealing with dreams AUGH
all the times Declan thought “I hate you” meaning “I miss you”??? the searing memory that the Barns weren’t left to him, but the DC townhouse was because Niall knew that Declan wanted to go into politics and this would put him closer to the action?? I WEEP
reading the whole series recontextualized with this knowledge is going to break my brain
and the symbolism of Declan not being a part of the final showdown and having to put his trust in other people? to allow others to carry HIM? i weep more. god, Declan, god.
there’s so much i could say about just Declan alone. there’s so much i could say about the whole series but this is ridiculously long as it is. i didn’t even get to mention the John Wick-style MASSACRE Declan unleashed in the Fairy Market because of how fucking wrecked he was about Matthew and how desperate he was to wake Ronan.  the essays one could write about Declan Lynch, man.
and i need an entire BLOG dedicated to all the callbacks and easter eggs in Greywaren that reference something from the other six books. i stg only half of the pages in Greywaren were original content an the rest was an amalgamation of quotes from the rest of the series. i felt so insane frantically flipping through like BLLB to find the quote of Ronan dreaming “a piece of Cabeswater, a dream” and having that mind-bending piece of a dream pop up in the Greywaren epilogue. shit like THAT made me feel like a mad scholar just tearing through the other books to find that specific references and parallels like that. Genius writing. so much fun.
i’m gonna cut it short here, though. i will probably have much more to say and will be saying it in smaller chunks as time goes on, i have no idea if any of these opinions are commonplace or Hot Takes, but i’m interested to see what the fandom thinks about Greywaren.
so yeah. Greywaren thoughts! the end.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
Ricky Montgomery - Line Without a Hook
After listening to his other songs (again) and now having extreme brain rot again for this song (...again)
I wanted to post a little something about this song.
When playing this song, I am not thinking of a person that I am 'a wreck without' but my own sense of self, my own heart, my individuality.
Triggers below: Reference to many trigging things. Self-harm, abuse, ect.
The last SERIOUS relationship I was in, was literally 10 years ago. And I gave EVERYTHING of myself to this relationship. - Physical Health (anorexia, compulsive exercise [sometimes I would find myself unable to sleep, so I would do P90X and Insanity work outs to try and wear myself down to get to sleep....after a full day of military work and PT training...], cutting, and burning) - Mental Health (Depression and anxiety skyrocketed, I was pressured into get as close to sex as possible without actually having sex [hand jobs, thigh jobs, make outs in the shower while he rubbed one out, had him go down on me...which hurt and was terrifying for me), suicide attempt, was starting to hallucinate. I broke my morals (he was married and with a 2 year old son....and being the naïve idiot I was at the time, I believed him when he convinced me that because we 'weren't having penetrative sex that it wasn't cheating' - had a whole break down about this afterword) - My military career (I left as soon as I could - even when I had no idea what I wanted to do at the time) - My family (it nearly broke my family relationship with me. It took me YEARS and multiple therapists before I could talk to them about everything that happened when I was away. How it affected me.) - My friendships (I don't talk to anyone, except one person, that knew me before I was 18)
I end this just to say that this song matters a great deal to me.
I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me When we're alone You can hold my hand If no one's home The whole cheating aspect of our relationship. Because in the military you can be dishonorably discharged if they catch you cheating, our relationship was hidden.
Do you like it when I'm away? If I went and hurt my body, baby Would you love me the same? I started, keyword started, self-harming as a desperate attempt to keep his attention. He only really seemed to care when he could be 'the hero'. So I started it when he started pulling away....to then later find out that I couldn't stop for a very long time.
I can feel all my bones coming back And I'm craving motion The fact that I started feeling like I could do things again. Looking back I think it took me nearly 2-3 years to start having a desire to do anything. Mama never really learns how to live by herself It's a curse And it's growing You're a pond and I'm an ocean A feeling I have a lot. Later finding out from a therapist that I am a 'Highly Sensitive Person' as well as a person with ADHD, Misophonia, ect. Constantly it felt like I was feeling an ocean's worth of emotions compared to someone else who was feeling a pond's worth.
Oh, all my emotions Feel like explosions when you are around And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh Honestly, for years I drowned out all thoughts and feelings about that time. Using anything to keep that time period out of my mind.
Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you I need you here to stay I broke all my bones that day I found you Crying at the lake Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden? Oh, and if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the tide Spoken directly to my heart. I am a wreck when I give my heart away and I am a wreck when I am without it. And from now on, it will stay with me. And that I apologize to myself for insulting my heart. For calling it too sensitive, a cry baby, ect. That I apologize for calling myself 'weak' for having emotions for years after the relationship.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa I said no (I said no), I said no (I said no) Listen close, it's a no The wind is a-pounding on my back And I found hope in a heart attack Oh at last, it is past Now I've got it, and you can't have it Pretty clear. No, I will not give my heart away anytime soon. No matter how much the wind (society) pressures me to 'find the one', to go out and date.
Darling, when I'm fast asleep I've seen this person watching me Saying, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?" Oh Honestly, something I still wrestle with. Is it worth it going through the dating and break-ups in the hopes of finding love? Guess there is something, and there is nothing There is nothing in between And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer Watching over me, he's singing "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy" He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook" A horrible way to think of it...but it how I sometimes see it. That the relationship broke my line, that now I am just a line without a hook. That because a key part of me broke during that time- I can't 'catch' love anymore.
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groundluxe · 5 months
Does Earthing Help Lower Blood Pressure? Exploring the Benefits
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In my journey to uncover natural remedies that support our health, I've stumbled upon a fascinating concept: earthing. Also known as grounding, it's the practice of connecting with the earth's electrical charge. It's said to offer a myriad of health benefits, but one question that particularly piqued my interest was its impact on blood pressure. With hypertension being a silent killer that affects millions worldwide, the potential of a natural solution like earthing is both exciting and worth exploring.
As someone who's always on the lookout for ways to enhance health naturally, I dove into the research and anecdotes surrounding earthing with keen interest. The idea that simply walking barefoot on the ground or connecting to the earth through grounding technologies could influence our vascular health is intriguing. Let's delve into what the science says and whether earthing could be the key to managing blood pressure more effectively.
Unveiling the Concept of Earthing
In my journey to understand the influence of earthing on blood pressure, I've delved into the science behind this fascinating concept. Earthing, essentially, involves making direct contact with the Earth's surface, experiencing the planet's natural electrical charge. This practice, rooted in reconnecting our bodies to the Earth's inherent energy, posits intriguing benefits for our vascular health.
Research suggests earthing may enhance blood flow, a critical component in managing blood pressure. By grounding oneself, either through walking barefoot outdoors or using conductive systems like grounding mats inside, the body's electrical balance is thought to stabilize. This process, in turn, might encourage the dilation of blood vessels, facilitating smoother blood flow and potentially easing the burden on the heart.
Exploring studies on earthing presents evidence of its impact on the body's electrical activity. The earth's surface has a negative ionic charge; when in direct contact, the body can absorb these ions. This absorption could neutralize positively charged free radicals, notorious for their role in inflammation and tight blood vessels. Reduction in inflammation and improvement in blood vessel function could, therefore, directly influence blood pressure levels.
Additionally, grounding's effects on the autonomic nervous system, responsible for controlling heart rate and blood vessel constriction, hint at a calming influence. This could mitigate stress responses, further supporting blood vessel relaxation and improved blood pressure.
As I navigate the correlation between earthing and blood pressure, these pieces form a compelling argument in favor of grounding's potential health benefits. While the investigation into earthing as a practice to manage blood pressure is far from conclusive, the preliminary insights offer a promising avenue for holistic health approaches. My aim is to bring these insights to light, encouraging deeper exploration into how reconnecting with our planet could be a key to unlocking natural pathways towards better vascular health.
Understanding Blood Pressure
Understanding blood pressure is crucial to grasp earthing's potential benefits on vascular health. Blood pressure measures the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps it around the body. It's indicated by two numbers: systolic pressure, the pressure when the heart beats, and diastolic pressure, the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.
Several factors can influence blood pressure, including stress, diet, physical activity, and genetics. Maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range is essential for preventing risks like heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. The American Heart Association suggests that a normal blood pressure reading is around 120/80 mmHg.
Research into earthing suggests it may positively affect blood pressure by promoting dilation of blood vessels and enhancing blood flow, as I've mentioned earlier. This is significant because when blood vessels dilate, they allow blood to flow more easily, potentially lowering the force needed to move it through the body. Moreover, by reducing inflammation and stress, earthing might help regulate the autonomic nervous system, further stabilizing blood pressure.
It's important to note, while earthing presents a promising approach to supporting blood pressure regulation, it doesn't replace traditional methods of management such as medication, diet, and exercise. However, it could serve as a supplementary practice that complements these established treatments.
As someone diving deep into the intricacies of how earthing could influence blood pressure, I find the existing data promising. However, more comprehensive studies are necessary to fully understand the extent of earthing's benefits. Bridging our connection with the Earth's natural electrical fields might just be another piece to the puzzle of maintaining optimal vascular health and blood pressure levels.
Exploring the Connection Between Earthing and Blood Pressure
Delving deeper into the relationship between earthing and blood pressure, it's crucial to understand how this practice influences physiological functions. Research indicates that earthing may reduce blood pressure by facilitating blood flow and decreasing inflammation. When individuals connect directly with the Earth's surface, the electrons transferred are theorized to neutralize positively charged free radicals, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which are key contributors to hypertension.
Several studies provide insights into earthing's impact on blood pressure. For instance, a documented experiment involving 40 participants revealed that those engaged in earthing experienced significant improvements in blood pressure levels compared to the control group. They reported a reduction in pain and stress, factors closely linked to elevated blood pressure. This study, like others, suggests that regular earthing practices might enhance vascular health by promoting dilation in the blood vessels, thereby improving circulation and potentially lowering blood pressure.
It's necessary to highlight, though, that while earthing appears beneficial for blood pressure management, it cannot solely remedy hypertension. Hypertension, a complex condition influenced by diverse factors including diet, genetics, and lifestyle, necessitates a multifaceted approach for effective management. Earthing, accordingly, should be considered an adjunct therapy rather than a standalone treatment. Integrating earthing with conventional management strategies, such as medication, dietary adjustments, and physical activity, can augment overall cardiovascular health.
From a scientific standpoint, the positive correlation between earthing and blood pressure underscores the significance of our connection with the natural environment. As researchers continue to explore this fascinating field, incorporating earthing into a comprehensive wellness plan might offer a simple, yet effective, strategy for supporting cardiovascular health and mitigating hypertension risks. Nonetheless, it's imperative for individuals interested in earthing as a therapeutic modality to consult with healthcare professionals, ensuring it complements their tailored health regimen optimally.
The Benefits of Earthing Beyond Blood Pressure
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Exploring the realm of earthing, I find its advantages extend far beyond just aiding blood pressure regulation. This practice, connecting with the Earth's natural electric fields, offers a myriad of health benefits that contribute to overall well-being.
Firstly, earthing has been associated with reducing chronic inflammation, a root cause of many long-term health issues including autoimmune diseases and chronic pain. The Earth's negative ions are thought to neutralize free radicals, potentially diminishing inflammation throughout the body.
Secondly, improving sleep quality is another remarkable benefit of earthing. Many people report feeling more rested and experiencing deeper sleep cycles when practicing earthing. This improvement in sleep can be attributed to the normalization of the body's circadian rhythms.
Additionally, earthing helps in enhancing mental health and emotional well-being. It's known to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress by moderating the body's autonomic nervous system. People who practice earthing regularly often report feeling more grounded and less overwhelmed by life's stresses.
Moreover, earthing can accelerate recovery from physical exertion and decrease muscle damage. Athletes and individuals engaging in physical activities find that grounding helps speed up the recovery process, reduces soreness, and improves overall athletic performance.
Lastly, strengthening the immune system is another critical advantage of earthing. By promoting better sleep, reducing inflammation, and improving mental health, earthing contributes to a stronger, more resilient immune system.
While earthing positively impacts blood pressure and cardiovascular health, its benefits are multifaceted. From enhancing sleep quality to boosting the immune system, earthing offers a holistic approach to health that complements traditional medical treatments and supports overall well-being. As I delve deeper into the study of earthing, its broad spectrum of advantages continues to impress me, encouraging a closer connection with the Earth to harness its healing powers.
Practical Ways to Incorporate Earthing
Incorporating earthing into daily routine might seem challenging at first, especially for those living in urban environments. However, with a bit of creativity and commitment, it's possible to connect with the Earth’s natural electrical charge and reap the health benefits, including support for blood pressure regulation. Here, I outline simple yet effective methods to practice earthing.
Walking Barefoot: Taking a walk barefoot, especially on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil, allows for direct contact with the Earth. This practice not only helps in improving blood flow but also offers a grounding experience that can be both relaxing and invigorating.
Using Earthing Sheets or Mats: For those living in high-rise buildings or areas where direct contact with the ground isn't feasible, earthing sheets or mats come in handy. These products are designed to mimic the electrical charge of the Earth and can be used during sleep or while sitting at a desk, providing a convenient option for daily earthing. There are many grounding products available in the market that you can choose from.
Gardening: Engaging in gardening activities requires physical contact with the Earth and serves as an excellent way to practice earthing. This not only helps in connecting with nature but also promotes relaxation and stress relief, which are beneficial for blood pressure management.
Swimming in Natural Waters: Swimming in oceans, lakes, or rivers where the water is in direct contact with the Earth can provide an earthing experience. The natural bodies of water carry the Earth’s negative charge, and swimming allows for full-body exposure, offering an enjoyable and effective way to ground oneself.
Practicing Yoga Outdoors: Performing yoga on grass or sand provides a double benefit of physical exercise and earthing. The direct contact with the Earth during yoga poses enhances the grounding experience, supports circulation, and aids in stress reduction.
I find these methods not only feasible but also enjoyable, allowing for a connection with the Earth that supports overall well-being, including blood pressure management. Whether it's a quick walk on the beach, a night’s sleep on an earthing sheet, or a gardening session in the backyard, each practice contributes to the holistic benefits of earthing.
Addressing Skepticism and Safety Concerns
As I delve deeper into the benefits of earthing on blood pressure and overall health, it's crucial to address the skepticism and safety concerns that often arise. Despite the promising results reported by many, skepticism exists due to the limited scientific research available on earthing. Critics often point out the need for more extensive, rigorously controlled studies to firmly establish the connection between earthing and its purported health benefits, including blood pressure regulation.
Safety concerns also warrant discussion, especially regarding the direct physical connection with the Earth. When practicing earthing, using properly designed products like mats, sheets, or specific grounding devices is paramount to mitigate any risks of electrical exposure. It's advisable to purchase these from reputable sources to ensure they meet safety standards. Engaging in natural grounding practices, such as walking barefoot on grass or soil, poses minimal risk if one selects areas free from potential hazards like sharp objects or contaminated surfaces.
Moreover, individuals with existing health conditions or those using medical devices such as pacemakers should consult with healthcare professionals before embarking on earthing practices. This precaution ensures that earthing complements their health regimen without interfering with medical conditions or treatments.
In essence, while skepticism towards earthing exists due to the nascent stage of its research, adhering to safety guidelines and consulting with healthcare professionals can help mitigate risks. As interest in earthing grows, I anticipate further studies will shed more light on its relationship with blood pressure regulation and address the concerns skeptics have. Meanwhile, incorporating earthing into one's wellness routine, within the bounds of safety and health guidelines, offers a natural way to potentially enhance vascular health and well-being.
Exploring the relationship between earthing and blood pressure has opened up fascinating insights into how connecting with the Earth's natural energies might benefit our vascular health. While the skepticism is valid and calls for more in-depth research, the potential benefits can't be ignored. It's clear that incorporating earthing practices, with a mindful approach to safety and health, could be a game-changer for many. I'm convinced that with proper guidance and precautions, earthing might just be the missing link in our quest for better health and well-being. Let's keep our minds open and our feet grounded.
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lunaprincipessa · 7 months
Comfort Shows:
Many different people enjoy many different kinds of shows, but there is one thing all comfort shows have in common, and that is the ability to take viewers away from reality.
They (comfort shows) are said to ease the symptoms of stress utilizing plots and characters that appeal to viewers. Of course, the people creating these shows don't always have the element of comfort in mind, but that's certainly how many of their viewers respond.
Psychologists weighed in and said there is absolutely nothing wrong with a person having a comfort show, as long as it's a positive distraction that offers a nice break, and not a negative distraction which may keep us from our responsibilities for any elongated period of time. In other words, watch all ya want but get your shit done.
Moving on, the criteria for these shows to meet in order to be considered "comforting" is to have low-stake situations and fun characters that can bring the viewers a sense of familiarity and calm. Basically, something gentle on the nervous system.
Not my comfort show.
My comfort show is Chernobyl.
Chernobyl is an HBO miniseries and historical drama that was released in 2019. It gives an inside look at the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986. I was a 4-year-old girl growing up in the U.S. at the time. Those older than myself told me many people were concerned or scared that the radiation may have had the potential to reach us despite the distance.
It's like the Titanic, we all know the story. On April 26th, 1986, a sudden surge of power created by irresponsible employees during a reactor systems test caused an explosion. This explosion destroyed a Chernobyl nuclear power station unit (#4), releasing a massive amount of radiation into the environment directly affecting Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. It is said that to this day, there are people still living with health defects caused by that disaster.
The show reveals what happened behind closed doors: how the nuclear employees responded (the majority of them dying in attempts to save each other), how the townspeople responded (the majority getting sick/being evacuated etc), how the doctors and scientists responded (the majority threatened with demotion or jail time for telling the truth), and how the government responded (willing to sacrifice human life to keep secrets).
Then there's the story of Lyudmilla Ignatenko, who lost her newborn baby due to radiation poisoning. She received the radiation poisoning from caring for her husband, a firefighter and first-responder at Chernobyl dying of radiation poisioning himself. Unfortunately, the baby absorbed it all, saving Lyudmilla's life but passing away just four hours after birth.
Allow me to explain why it's a comfort show. It is not the suffering that I find comforting. For what it's worth, my heart goes out to everyone involved, like Lyudmilla Ignatenko, who is alive and well, or Valery Khodemchuk, who is presumed to be permanently entombed under the remnants of the circulation pumps (his body was never found). The suffering is no comfort to me at all, I cannot emphasize on that point enough.
What comforts me is the reality of this show. There is no superhero that flies in and fixes everything. There is no prince or king that rides in and fixes everything. No, this is real life. You see unfiltered, raw tragedy and then you see people doing the best they can to make it through. That comforts me because it's real. Average people working together with the odds stacked against them. That comforts me because it's real.
True, this story lacks a happy ending, but so does many of our real life adventures. We just pick up the broken pieces and move on without any cheering or any fun music playing. We just do the best with what we've got, with what we've been given in this life.
I watch that show for comfort because even in the midst of battling a deadly and invisible enemy, in the midst of fighting to heal under an apathetic government, the people still did what they could to pull through. It's a reminder to keep going no matter what, no matter what the odds are or who is against you. That's the best way I can explain it. Words escape me tonight.
More thoughts later.
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – This September, Promise To Live
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September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The Promise to Live Pledge can help those struggling with mental health By Kevin Guest Prioritizing mental health and suicide prevention is a goal worth focusing on every day. A few years ago, I experienced one of the most heart-wrenching moments a parent can face. I found myself in an emergency room, looking at my own child who had just attempted suicide. It was a brutal shock that left me questioning everything I thought I knew about my family’s mental health. I’d spent my career at USANA Health Sciences, a company dedicated to promoting physical health. But in that sterile hospital room, it became painfully clear that we hadn’t given enough attention to mental health. The experience ignited in me a fierce determination to change this — for my family, my company and society at large. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com As I navigated this crisis, therapy helped me understand the importance of openly addressing suicide. I had initially feared that discussing it would plant dangerous seeds in my child’s mind. However, my therapist made it clear that it’s not only OK but necessary to say the word “suicide” directly. Avoiding the topic can actually exacerbate feelings of isolation and despair. Embracing this realization led me to the Promise to Live pledge. This pledge involves promising to reach out to trusted resources when struggling personally and sharing this commitment with others. It’s a proactive step toward prioritizing mental health and suicide prevention, embodying a promise to live, seek help when needed and encourage others to do the same. At USANA Health Sciences, we’ve taken this pledge to heart. We’ve actively encouraged our associates to make this commitment because we believe that true health encompasses both body and mind. We must do more to understand and nurture our mental well-being, just as we do our physical health. Professional therapy played a crucial role in my family’s journey. It’s not a sign of weakness, but a vital tool for managing mental health. It’s beneficial for those struggling with mental health issues and their loved ones alike. I still attend therapy and advocate for the normalization of mental health. Like treating a physical illness, seeking professional help for mental health should be seen as a standard, not a stigma. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is September, and World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10, but the urgency to act is now. We can’t afford to wait until we’re personally affected by mental health issues or suicide. Taking the pledge at Promise2Live.org takes little time but can potentially save lives. My call to action is simple: Let’s normalize conversations about mental health. Let’s remove the stigma surrounding therapy. Let’s make the promise to live. It’s not just about raising awareness; it’s about making a difference, one promise at a time. Join us today at Promise2Live.org. Make your pledge, and together we can create a world where mental health is discussed, understood and prioritized. Because every life matters, and every promise brings us one step closer to a healthier, more compassionate world. Read the full article
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How Crowdfunding is Helping to Pay for Liver Transplants
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The liver is the body’s second-largest solid organ. It performs multiple functions and is vital for digestion. It liver processes and balance nutrients from the blood that comes from the intestines and stomach. It also metabolises drugs into forms that are easy to use for different parts of the body. Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer, Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, and a few others are all liver diseases proven to be fatal.
There is a multitude of reasons that cause these diseases. A viral infection, autoimmune problems, consumption of too much alcohol and fatty foods, and consuming too many toxins, and drugs are various causes of liver diseases that are fatal.
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A liver transplant is a treatment which has to be resolved quickly, especially in infants and young children who have a lower immune system than adults. According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 200,000 of the 2,60,000 deaths caused by liver diseases may be directly related to liver failure, and an unbelievable 10–15% of these lives may have been saved if a liver transplant had been provided in a reasonable timeframe.
But how to afford a liver transplant? At such times, what people do is, mortgage or sell their ancestral property or belongings and are found to be in debt later. Now that the world is expanding, you can find ways to fund even prolonged expensive medical treatments.
Crowdfunding is a way that can assure paying for expensive long-Medical Treatment. Medical crowdfunding is a social cause that has received considerable donations from kindhearted people all around the world. People in India who are in desperate need of financial support for a liver transplant can do so by joining crowdfunding platforms to raise funds necessary for the patient’s care. medical treatments that also include transplants without you selling your valuables.
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Aditya Needs A Liver Transplant To Survive. Help Him!
“My son is suffering from a disease I cannot even pronounce. He has blisters on his joints they say. His liver is severely affected. Doctors say he needs a treatment that would cost Rs. 16,50,000/-. I am a daily wage labourer and earn only Rs. 450/- per day. My wife used to work on a farm but had to leave that work to look after Aditya. The amount required is too much to arrange for us, and I have spent every penny I had with me on my son’s treatment so far. I do not think I will be able to gather this sum of money in my whole life! I need your help to save my son. I want to see him happy and healthy. Please help me!”
-Mr. Dadasaheb Raut
Aditya deserves a second chance at life, please help him.
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An Urgent Liver Transplant Will Set Little Gourav Free From All His Sufferings; Help Him!
Gourav, a 10-year-old boy from Madhya Pradesh is suffering from Biliary Atresia, a liver disease. He started living a difficult life full of hospital visits and medicines after he was diagnosed with it when he was just two months old. He is currently taking treatment at Rela Hospital and needs a liver transplant worth Rs. 22,50,000/- (Rupees Twenty Two Lakhs Fifty Thousand only). His father is the sole breadwinner in the family and earns a minimal income that barely supports their monthly expenses. Please help Gourav so he is free from this dreadful cage.
Visit https://filaantro.org/fundraiser/view/help-gourav-rao to help Gourav
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Remorseless sweaty palms
despite being prescribed glycopyrrolate.
Though the angst riddled psyche of mine crafted youth, long since receded, ebbed in the past, infringement, impingement, and indecent wracking wrath of mental illness, that even as a middle aged mwm of lxiv bold faced roam min times, I can acclimatize, characterize, empathize, harmonize, italicize, and massage sympathy for prevailing physiological symptoms of =>
Sweaty Palms
an ur...bane curse
worse than mega death
aggravating enough fo' me
to resort tit take or meth
speed dilly, and then not
getting ticked off watching Seth
Thomas - thee clock man
ewe fact chore er, and his hands
incrementally inch to...
regarding the aforementioned
relentless frenzied state.
No idea when the chronic onset
of sweaty palms first burst forth
upon thy totally tubular
handsome grooves that criss cross
the flat skin surface of my hands.
These lines called 'palmar flexion creases'
develop before birth.
This modern day bipedal hominid i.e. human
primate attests (like the average person)
two main lines across the palm,
but some have a single 'Simian crease'.
Profuse outpouring of perspiration
(as if Biblical Flood gates opened)
oft times directly related to adrenaline
coursing through every pore sans the underside of my hands)
reflexively followed by swiping said clamminess (in vein)
on clothing or woolen pocket size cloth
brought along with me everywhere I go
(cuz a lamb might not part ways with mother
Mary (of story book fame),
and this chap would shear lee feel sheepish
toting extremely cumbersome
to tote in the event this intimation
predicated on decades worth of experience,
when in the throes potential
such ordinary action strongly shaking,
grasping or holding hands took place
occurred sopping wet
clangorous human clapper,
(which frenzied trickling akin
to a vicious feedback loop),
my psyche feels under staccato
rat-a-tat siege from an
unknown invisible enemy),
the natural inclination
to withdraw myself
from bad company of others helps
stave of self-consciousness.
This avoidance of socialization
subsequently impedes any promotion
of a hankering viz genuine friendship,
employment and desiring carefree
bona fide affectionate
bonding with family of origin and/or
thy two precious progeny.
Understandable per the human reaction
to shrink away and recoil quickly
when pressed to touch
what feels like a wet noodle.
Ah…courtesy of Google
I now know sweaty palms sports
a dignified name known as palmar
Here all along (meaning the majority
of my LXIV chronological
hash tagged buzz feeding
orbitz around the sun)
this plague constitutes
a bona fide medical condition.
Also reassuring to realize,
this generic guy need not
count himself alone
in the sopping wet wilderness re: this plague.
Such problematic health condition
impacts, comprises, and affects
one to two percent of the world’s population.
One Doctor Rafael Riesfeld
purportedly knuckles down and makes hand over fist handsome income.
Will power alone seems
a dauntlessly futile endeavor
to rid oneself of this disruptive condition.
Try as one might to put a lockdown
on the propensity for sweat glands
(synonymous with the term eccrine)
are pack within sub surfaces of
hands, forehead and feet.
As linkedin to the sympathetic
nervous system, the body electric
under stress activates said glands.
Profuse moisture dripping
like a faulty faucet
severely affected everyday activities
of my existence since a young adult.
Frustration to complete a simple task
such as opening a doorknob,
using the laptop, and even writing
concomitantly associated
with droplets of water soiling
green sleeves to appear near saturated.
Without fail interpersonal ambitions
hi-jacked when wet as a dishrag hands
found me disinclined
to experience social rejection.
Though sprung from overactive
predisposition to anxiety, these secret
tory organs get exacerbated
with the honorable privilege of
being gifted with panic attacks,
offers little consolation.
your prospective clammy handy dandy
blues clues budding friend
where chocolate candy melts in my hands not my mouth.
0 notes
yoursleepingbaby · 2 years
I know in this day and age we think Google can give us all the answers we need. But sometimes, it can leave us feeling more confused and divided with all the conflicting information. Who knows what to believe? It makes it difficult to know the answer to the search: Why Hire a Sleep Consultant?
The most common reasons I hear when people say they don’t need a sleep consultant is:
It’s too expensive
What can you offer that I can’t learn in a book or on a website?
I have plenty of family advice or I can figure this out on my own
The most common reason, understandably, being the cost and the idea that all knowledge can be found online.
Books are great. Google is great. But it’s not a real human guiding you and speaking directly to your personal situation. After working with a sleep consultant, you’ll be wondering why you waited.
It’s Too Expensive
You must ask yourself: Can you really put a price on sleep? If you are a working parent, getting enough sleep is directly tied to your work performance. Do you think sleep deprivation contributes to how well or how poorly you can do your job?
How much is a well-rested body and mind worth? The quality of your sleep impacts your mood, attitude, and even health. It may seem insignificant, but if your family is grumpy, short-tempered, and impatient because of lack of sleep, doesn’t that nighttime sleep (or lack thereof) spill over into affecting your awake hours?
How important is it for you to have a flow to your day that you can depend on? Predictability and routines that are the same each day and each night. Unpredictable sleep and feeding patterns can seriously upend your life when the lines of night and day get blurred. You’ll have trouble planning things in advance, checking things off your to-do list, or having any designated time for yourself or your spouse. With a sleep coach, you will come away with an invaluable education about all things related to babies and sleep. Plus the skills, and support that will serve you throughout your baby’s development and even apply to future children.
Your day will have routine, flow, and consistency and your nights will be restful.
You have to ask yourself, what is the value of peaceful nights, structured days, and ongoing support from an expert? Isn’t a well-rested family worth every penny! If you don’t believe me click here to hear from other families like you. If you truly are in a situation where a sleep package is just not possible please reach out to me here and I will come up with a custom option that works for your family.
I Can Find This On Google or Read a Book
The cost of a book may be a fraction of what a sleep consultation may cost, but a book is coming from a singular point of view. You may browse blogs, forums, and Facebook groups for more support, ideas, and methods- and end up with a lot of conflicting information.
This is where having an expert becomes an invaluable resource.
Aside from being a mom of 3 myself, I am a Certified Newborn Care Specialist and sleep coach. I have 12 years of experience working with newborns, babies, and toddlers, sleep shaping, and sleep training. I also have over 15,000 hours of in-home sleep shaping experience with newborns and have worked virtually with hundreds of families. All that to say, hiring me means you are hiring a highly qualified sleep coach to guide you on your journey to creating an independent sleeper. I will work alongside you, as your Baby and Sleep Training Expert to help direct and guide you through one of the most joyous, but often overwhelming, times in your life.
My cumulative knowledge and experience can’t be found on a webpage or in a Reddit thread. Plus, you can be sure you are doing it the right way, for YOUR baby, with me there to help you navigate every step of the way.
Gain peace of mind! Invest in something far more personalized and comprehensive than a book or a blog.
I Can Do This On My Own or Take Family’s Advice
Yes. You can absolutely listen to your mom, grandma, sister, in-laws, cute old ladies at church, and friends’ advice. Much of it comes from battle-tested experience!
When you have a new baby, everyone wants to offer advice and helpful hints. That’s great! But, with your baby, family, and household comes a unique set of circumstances that isn’t like anyone else’s.
They may have valuable insight, it may actually help, for a while- and if it does, that’s amazing!
However, if you still find yourself searching the internet at 2 am asking, “Why won’t my baby sleep?” or you keep telling yourself I can do this on my own, you may need advice specifically tailored to your baby.
We all say things like, “Sleep deprivation is just part of the deal, right?” and try to convince ourselves it’s normal. But I’m here to gently remind you that a baby that sleeps through the night and has healthy sleeping habits can ALSO be normal.
You don’t have to justify your suffering.
Each child is unique and what worked for one mom, may not work for you. That’s okay! You are still a good parent if your child isn’t sleeping well. But I know that understanding still doesn’t solve your problem!
Usually, clients have already tried these routes. The books, the Googling, the advice from friends and family. Those routes just didn’t give them success. The reason behind that is simple.
The advice wasn’t tailored to their baby
With a sleep coach, you can get individual advice, tailored to your specific situation. You also get encouragement to stay the course and help to get back on track when you hit the bumps in the road that inevitably come.
With every virtual consultation, you get time-tested, expert advice — I listen to the specific needs and unique challenges you are currently facing with your baby. Then I provide a step-by-step plan that includes sleep training education, printable resources, video training, and AMPLE follow-up support to ensure you WIN at this whole sleep thing! If you’re ready to make the investment that keeps on giving click here and let’s connect!
What if Sleep Training Doesn’t Work? How to Encourage Independent Play (and carve out time for yourself at the same time!) This is THE Key to Successful Sleep Training
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therealieblog · 3 years
Posting a small reminder that diet culture affects everyone. That includes men and boys. Men make up 40% of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) sufferers, and two of my ex boyfriends both struggle with Eating Disorders (ED). Everyone suffers under a culture that tells us the shape and size of our bodies correlates directly to our health and self worth. That includes non binary and trans people, kids and teens and the elderly. Diet culture harms us all. 
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