#the hand is hot tbfh
femmefaggot · 2 months
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alices doll lol
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enviedear · 10 months
helping billy after he gets injured is so sweet to me idk
helping billy when he's injured...
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don't worry nonnie, it's so sweet to me too. poor boy needs someone to stitch him back up. somehow this ended up being 1.2k words ?? this was supposed to be a drabble... idk but enjoy hurt/comfort + crush confession billy
tw— mentions of blood, a stab wound, cleaning a wound, dressing a wound, cursing (it's in every fic tbfh), confession of love, some kissin'
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"m'sorry, honey." billy's frail voice shocks you out of your stupor. he looked like hell— pale, shakey, and bloodied.
your chair scraps against the wood floors as you bolt upward, rushing over to your friend. your hands pull his face nearer yours, studying it with frenzied worry.
"what happened billy? i thought i said no fightin' tonight." your own voice sounds strangely wild in nature— angered yet nurturing.
the tall young man falls into you, hands on your shoulders, weakly stopping himself from putting all his weight on you, "i wasn't... swear," he grimaces, right hand pulling away from you and to his left shoulder, "one o'em stabbed me. didn't know m'fucker had a knife."
"god, is it deep?" you ask, eyebrows raised with concern.
billy shifts away from you, trying to ignore the searing pain surging through his shoulder, "not deep, just hurts like hell," he says through gritted teeth. "i can handle it—had worse."
you shake your head, knowing better than to trust his nonchalant attitude when it comes to injuries, "you need to let me take a look. if it's bad, i'll have to get you to the doctor."
billy hesitates for a moment, but ultimately nods in agreement. you guide him over to a nearby table and carefully lift his shirt to inspect the wound. it's a clean stab, not too deep, but you can tell it's still going to require some attention.
"i'll need some hot water and clean rags," you say, already moving to the kitchen area. you grab a pot and fill it with water from a nearby bucket, placing it over the stove to heat up. you start to tear up a clean sheet into strips, preparing them to use as bandages.
billy watches you work, grateful for your tender touch. "you're too good to me," he whispers.
you don't respond, just focus on the task at hand. you soak one of the rags in the hot water and wring it out before placing it gently over the wound. billy hisses in pain, but you know it's necessary to prevent infection.
for the next few moments, you work diligently to clean the wound and wrap it up tightly with the makeshift bandages. billy winces and squirms occasionally, but ultimately endures the pain without a complaint.
as you finish the last of the bandaging, you glance up at billy with a small smile, "there, all done. you should be good as new in no time."
billy chuckles weakly, still gritting his teeth from the pain, "thanks, i owe you one," he says, his voice shaking slightly.
you roll your eyes, knowing billy would do the same for you if you were ever in his position, "don't mention it," you reply, "just promise me you'll take it easy for a while. no more getting into fights, okay?"
billy hums, nodding his head in agreement, "think i learned m'lesson' this time."
you both fall silent for a moment, the only sound in the small room being the crackling of the fire in the stove. you glance up at him, taking in his rugged features and the way his dark hair falls across his forehead, stark contrast to his bright blue eyes. despite the danger and uncertainty that is billy, a warm feeling spreads through your chest whenever you're near him.
without warning, billy reaches out and takes your hand in his, his eyes searching your own, "i don't say it enough, but… i appreciate everything you do f'me," he murmurs, "you're the only thing that keeps me sane in this goddamn place."
your heart skips a beat at his words, the intensity of his gaze making your breath catch in your throat. you know that you shouldn't let yourself get too attached to someone like billy, as hard to pin down as the wind, but you feel yourself tethering.
you give him a small smile, trying to hide how much his words affect you, "it's nothing, really. just doing what any decent person would do." you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
billy squeezes your hand gently before slowly letting go. he leans back against the wall, his eyes never leaving your face, "you're more than just a decent person, you're an angel t'me?" he says, his voice low and gravelly.
you feel your cheeks heat up at his compliment, and you look away, suddenly shy, "stop it, billy. you're talking out of your ass." you mutter, trying to lighten the mood.
he chuckles softly, the sound making your heart flutter, "m'not, i'm sweet on you." he confesses, his eyes full of something you can't quite decipher.
you can feel yourself getting lost in his gaze once again, the world around you fading away until there's only the two of you. you know that this is dangerous, that you shouldn't endear yourself to someone like billy— but you can't help but crave his touch and his attention.
without thinking, you lean forward and press your lips to his, your heart racing in your chest. for a moment, he freezes, his eyes widening in surprise, but then he responds eagerly, his hands finding their way to your waist.
the kiss is like fire, all-consuming and intense, and you can't help but lose yourself in it. you know that this is wrong, kissing an outlaw as an unmarried lady would surely land you well into public scrutiny— despite their own sins.
you can't seem to care the longer billy kisses you, slow and deep, like honey off the comb. you feel utterly entranced by him, with his tender hands, towering body, and scent of iron and whiskey.
just when you feel like you could stay like this forever, time seems to speed up again and the kiss breaks.
billy stares at you with wide eyes, pressing his forehead to yours. "i'll try to be more careful, i swear," he murmurs, his voice hoarse, "and if i ain't, you have my permission to scold me until i'm beggin' for mercy."
you laugh softly at his joke before gently pushing him away from you. you shake your head fondly and meet his gaze, sighing softly as you take in the moment.
"well then don't," you reply firmly but sweetly, a small smile on your face, "because if something happened to you and i have to patch you up again with my scant knowledge…i'll be very upset."
billy's gaze softens as he looks back at you and he reaches out to brush aside a strand of hair that escaped from its pins, "don't worry, honey," he says softly, assuring you with a gentle smile, "i'll be more wary from now on."
you grin at that and pat his hand fondly, you take one last look into each others' eyes before finally breaking the spell between the two of you.
"alright then," you say, your tone determined, "i suppose you'd better go back and ride off into the sunset before i get too upset."
billy nods, meeting your gaze once more, grin tugging at his lips before brushing off his trousers. he doffs his stetson, takes your hands in his own, and takes a step forward, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"i'll ride back over tomorrow afternoon," he promises earnestly, "and i'll bring you somethin' to show my appreciation. a gift for the angel who saved m'life."
you can't help but smile at him, brain foggy at his sweet words. you know that this could hurt both of you if anyone found out— but as long as no one does, you can savor the moments like this one.
"that sounds mighty fine." you whisper softly before giving him one last wave goodbye.
billy tips his hat to you and gives an easy grin before sauntering out of your view.
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
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borathae · 5 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Destiny]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Warnings: the chapter ends in smut but the the cut is very clear so peeps who don't want smut can stop easily, so many fluffy sweet moments, a small wound, Tae needs to be protected at all costs please, Yoongi is so perfect i love him sm, Kook is the sweetest man ever, they're just a polycule of soulmates at this point tbfh, next warnings are for the smut: soft yet passionate Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, sex in a bathtub, passionate love making, lots of kissing, body worship, oral (both receiving), pussy fingering, sex standing up & from behind, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), praise, strength & muscle kink, he helps her to stay quiet in such a sexy way, holy fuck i'm his bitc-, cum swallowing, giggly aftercare, he is the safest boyfriend ever :(
Wordcount: 14.2k
a/n: i hope you guys understand why i couldn't possibly not include this smut in the mainstory I MEAN it's hot as fuck AND it's Kook first time with her without having to be supervised, it was necessary for the plot. have fun holy fuck i'll daydream about him until i draw my last breath 💙
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“___, please come quick! It’s Taehyung!”
It is the second day of your stay here and you are currently plucking weeds in the vegetable beds when Jungkook comes screaming and running for you. He is almost stumbling over his own feet from how frightened he seems.
“Tae. He. He needs your help! Please.” 
“Holy shit, what happened?” you gasp, dropping what you were doing to follow Jungkook to the cow stable. You are running so quickly that tears well up in your eyes and you can barely breathe. Jungkook is panting beside you, gripping your hand so tightly it feels borderline painful. 
“He’s with Moo. Oh god, it all happened so fast.”
“Holy shit Kookie, what happened? Oh god, what happened? If, if something happens in here he, he could be lost forever. Kookie, oh god, I told you to be careful. I, I told you, oh god”, you fall over your words, panting from worry and fear. 
You and he stumble into the stable. There in the corner, hunching on a stool, sits Taehyung. 
“Darling!” you scream, breaking out of Jungkook’s grasp to run to your darling, “holy fuck, what’s wrong? Tae, talk to me! What’s wrong?!”
“Look”, Taehyung whines painfully, “I got a splinter and it, it hurts”, he says, showing you his finger. 
You stop and stare. Stare. Stare. Look at Jungkook. He is panting, looking so utterly distressed.
“It’s so deep”, he squeaks, “and, and it doesn’t heal. ___, you have to help him. He doesn’t heal in here.”
You sag your shoulders, putting your hand so your hips. 
“Seriously?” you ask in a deep voice.
“What do you mean? He can’t get the splinter out.”
“I am scared, darling. I have never gotten a splinter before.” 
“You two deserve your bums spanked. Do you have any idea how scared I was?” 
“But it’s scary”, Jungkook insists. 
“I can’t get it out”, Taehyung stresses.
“Heaven help me, you two are gonna cost me my last nerve. I was imagining the worst things ever and you’re making such a fuss over a silly splinter.”
Taehyung and Jungkook pout.
“But it hurts.”
“What if he won’t ever get it out?”
You roll your eyes at them. Look at those two vampires, being sacred of a small speck of wood. 
“The gentlemen lose their powers and are suddenly scared of splinters”, you mumble and then take Taehyung’s hand to inspect it, “is it there?” you run your finger over the tiny dark spot on his ring dinger.
“Yes. I was filling up the hay when I suddenly felt piercing pain and now my entire finger aches.”
“I’m sure it’s as terrible as you describe it”, you say and sigh in defeat, “come on, I’ll take it out for you.”
Jungkook follows you, clutching Taehyung’s “okay” hand as tightly as possible. 
“You can really get it out?” he asks.
“I’ll try at least. It’s a very difficult task”, you say sarcastically, sending them a look.
“Oh darling, thank you. I feel so relieved”, Taehyung says and laughs breathily.
“Wow ___, thank you. I knew getting you would be the right decision”, Jungkook gushes, looking at Taehyung, “you’re gonna be okay again, Tae.”
“I know. Oh, I feel so relieved.” 
You roll your eyes. What a bunch of big babies.
Yoongi is by the front door, looking worried as well. He must have been in the middle of putting on his shoes when Jungkook’s screams reached his ears. He still hasn’t put them on, watching you walk up the path with his eyes big. 
“What happened? I heard screaming”, he asks, scanning his eyes over you and your two dramatic boys.
“Taehyung almost died”, you say with sarcasm in your voice.
“Hey, not cool”, Taehyung complains.
“Yeah, not cool. Tae is seriously hurt”, Jungkook throws in.
“I don’t get it”, Yoongi confesses.
“Tae got a splinter in his finger and can’t get it out. Now they’re acting as if it’s a life or death situation”, you explain and tug them past Yoongi into the cottage.
“Ah”, Yoongi turns to follow.
“Hey, you are making fun of the situation. It really hurts.”
“I believe you, Tae. It’s just not a reason for you to almost give me a panic attack. Upstairs. We’ve got something in the bathroom.”
You lead the way while your boys follow you.
“You should have seen Jungkook. He came running and screaming as if Taehyung was dying. I almost threw up ‘cause I panicked so hard.”
“I know. I heard it.”
“I think our reactions are very reasonable. We cannot heal here.”
“Yeah, we can’t”, Jungkook throws in and looks at Yoongi for help, “it’s really scary, isn’t it?”
“Don’t pull me into this”, Yoongi says, “I’m very well aware that I can’t heal in here. Why am I following you upstairs either way? It’s a fucking splinter. I wanted to help Agatha and Harald with the gate. You guys can manage without me, yeah? I don’t gotta worry you die on me?”
“Very funny, hyung”, Taehyung says and rolls his eyes.
You snicker, earning yourself a nudge from Taehyung.
“Don’t laugh at his joke, it isn’t funny.”
“It kinda is, sorry darling.”
“Tch, I am being bullied.”
You snicker, exchanging a playful look with Yoongi. He caresses the small of your back and pecks your cheek.
“I’m outside if you need me, yeah?”
“Okay, take care. Don’t forget to drink water.”
“I won’t, my love”, he says and leaves the bathroom with a playful, “try not to die, boys.”
“You’re not funny today”, Jungkook calls after him, while Taehyung pouts.
The door opens and closes as Yoongi leaves to help your grandparents. Now it is just you and your two drama kings. You snicker to yourself, turning your back to them as you get what you need for the lifesaving operation.
“Don’t worry, Tae. I’ll get the splinter out in no time. Wah you two, seriously. You almost gave me a panic attack back then.”
“Yeah well, it’s scary”, Jungkook defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He huffs out air, pouting.
“I’m sure it is”, you say and turn back to them with a medical kit in your hands. You look around the room. Because the bathroom is located upstairs and it is an old, homely cottage, the ceiling is tilted in the way the roof goes down. Only a small skylight window lets in natural light, making the room darker than other rooms.
“We should go outside, it’s really dark in here.”
“Yes, okay. Do whatever helps with it. You know better. I’ll get us something to drink too”, Jungkook says, hurrying away to be helpful.
“Okay, do that”, you say fondly. You must admit that his dramatic worry is a little adorable. You would rather take a person who cares too much than one that doesn’t care at all.
“Come on, darling. Let’s go outside where the sun shines”, you tell Taehyung, taking his hand gently.
He follows you with just a little gleam of annoyance in his eyes because you teased him with Yoongi. 
You pass Jungkook, leaving the front door open because it was a warm enough day for it to be possible.
Your grandparents have many spots where you can sit in their spacious garden. In front of every stable and shed, a bench with a small table invites one to take a short break. Under some of the tall trees, benches or chairs wait to be rested on and even beside some of the flower beds, something can be used to rest. You sit Taehyung down on the bench next to their front door. Pots of flowers and other plants surround you, right behind you a window looks into the living area. 
“Hold that for me”, you tell him, placing the medical kit on his lap. You open it, looking for the needle you know for a fact is kept in there. Your grandfather used it very often to get out little splinters from your fingers or toes whenever you got them during play outside. He always wiped your little tears afterwards and gave your small ache a healing kiss. It made the pain go right away and you went right back outside to continue playing.
“Got you”, you say to the needle, pulling out some sanitising wipes right along with it. You use it to clean his finger and the needle.
“It’s cold”, he says, watching you with curious eyes.
“Yeah, it’s going to make sure that you’re clean. We can’t have you catching an infection.”
“I could get an infection like this?”
You lift your eyes from his finger, “obviously.”
He pouts, “you are mocking me.”
“Obviously”, you tease.
“You are cruel”, he pouts even harder, earning himself a fond chuckle.
“I’m sorry, it’s my revenge for you guys scaring me like this.”
His eyes soften, he chuckles.
“I might have deserved it then.”
“Heh, maybe yeah”, you snicker, looking back at his finger, “I’ll begin now. Are you ready? I’ll try to be gentle, but it could still hurt a little.”
“Can I tell you when it hurts?”
“What?” you meet his eyes in surprise, “what? Of course you can. Darling, why shouldn’t you be able to do that?”
He lowers his head, “just so”, he whispers.
“Gosh, Tae”, you tilt his head back up with two fingers under his chin, “you can always tell me to stop, okay? You’re safe with me.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he smiles shyly, “thank you for telling me this. I feel more confident already.”
“Of course”, you kiss his lips, then sit back, “now, I’ll get started.”
“Okay, oh heavens, I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ll be gentle. Here comes the first poke”, you say as you begin removing the first layer of his skin, “how is that?”
“It tickles a little.”
“But it’s not painful?”
“Not at all.”
“That’s good.”
Jungkook comes outside as you are lost in the extraction process. He studies you and Taehyung.
“How’s it going?” he asks.
“It’s really deep in there”, you mumble, furrowing your brows tighter.
“Oh no, that’s bad isn’t it?”
“No, I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook puts the tray of lemonade on the table and sits down next to Taehyung, rubbing his thigh.
“How are you doing?”
“It doesn’t hurt. Ah”, he flinches back, “nevermind. I jinxed it.”
“Sorry, so sorry”, you look at him, “sorry, are you okay?”
“Yes, it pinched. Forgive me, I startled.”
“No worries. Can I continue?”
Taehyung sucks in air through his teeth, moving his head away as if he wants to flee. You glance at him.
“Should I stop?”
“No, it’s just uncomfortable.”
“Here, I’ll hold your hand”, Jungkook offers.
“Yes, that’s good, hold his hand. I’ve reached the second layer of your skin so it’s gonna be a lot more sensitive. I’m trying to get this piece free so I can tug it out with tweezers.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand tightly, scrunching his nose in discomfort. You grace the needle over his skin. He whimpers and turns away. You stop instantly, straightening your back and rubbing his thigh softly.
“Do you need a break?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Let’s drink something, okay?” you say and get the glasses, “did you make something yummy?”
“Yes, raspberry lemonade with fresh lemon balm.”
“Uh, that sounds good. Thank you for making this.”
“Of course, yeah.”
The three of you share a nice moment where you enjoy the delicious lemonade Jungkook made and look at the view. It also gives Taehyung time to decide whether he wants to continue or not.
It may seem weird to some and as if Taehyung was just being dramatic, but to you and Jungkook it doesn’t seem this way. Taehyung’s confession from your first night here is still in your head. That he doesn’t know how to be happy now that he is free and that pain was his reality for many decades. He wasn’t allowed to say stop when he hurt, he wasn’t allowed to make it end. Needing a break from getting a small splinter removed may seem like a silly thing to some, but it’s not in Taehyung’s case. It’s the first step of many on his healing journey. He can say that it hurts and he can stop it, even if the pain is just small. He can stop it.
It is very important to you that he knows that he has this right. You might have teased him a little at first, but you never seriously meant it. He is allowed to whine and to go his own pace. 
“I think I feel ready again”, Taehyung says softly after a while.
“Yeah? Then I’ll continue. It shouldn’t take long anymore. It hurt before because I’m so close to getting this part free”, you explain as you put the glasses back on the table, looking at his finger afterwards.
Jungkook holds his hand again, using the other to rub his knee.
“I’ll start now, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
“Squeeze my hand really, really hard if you need to”, Jungkook tells him to which Taehyung thanks him shyly.
Taehyung’s finger feels hot in comparison to his other fingers because the attention on it made the blood rush to it. You remove the skin as gently as possible, sticking out your tongue in pure concentration.
“How’s the pain?”
“It pinches.”
“But it’s bearable?”
“For now. Do you still have to do a lot?”
“No, I’m almost done. I just gotta get this part and then do this.”
“Ah”, he flees again.
“Sorry, that was the last part I had to do”, you say, pulling his finger back to you so you could blow air on it, “does this help?”
“Yes, a little.”
“You’re being very brave, my darling”, you praise, “we just have to use the tweezers now. Do you need a break before that?”
“No, I think I can manage.”
“Okay, tell me if you changed your mind”, you say and get the tweezers ready, “you’re getting a little break anyways. I need to sanitise them.”
Taehyung laughs, having the exhale deeply afterwards.
“I, I swear I am not normally like this”, he says.
“Don’t explain yourself. We don’t judge, everyone’s different with pain.”
“Exactly. I, for one, may be a little bit too into it”, Jungkook jokes in hopes of lifting the mood.
It works. Taehyung laughs honestly, looking at him with shy puppy eyes. Jungkook chuckles and nudges his chin, flustering Taehyung so much that he needs to look away and blush.
“You’re not wrong”, you tease fondly, taking Taehyung’s finger again, “are you ready, darling?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
“It’s gonna hurt a little because I need to push it out so I can get it.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Here it comes”, you warn and push at the back of the splinter to move it.
Taehyung huffs out air but stays still, feeling safe with you. He knows that the pain isn’t evil right now. It’s not meant to hurt him, it is an unlucky side product of an attempt to make him feel better. He braves through the sting with this knowledge and after one last uncomfortable pinch, his finger is finally free of the long splinter.
“And it’s done”, you say, wiping over the reddened spot. You kiss it, “good job.”
“It didn’t feel that painful in the end.”
“That’s good to hear. I really tried to be gentle”, you say, cleaning the wound with a new sanitising wipe.
“You were. Thank you so much. It meant a lot to me.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m just happy to help”, you say, leaning in to peck his cheek.
Taehyung chases your affection with closed eyes and his hand holding your elbow.
You stay seated on the bench afterwards. Jungkook and Taehyung finish their lemonade and you clean the tools to store them in the bag again.
Yoongi comes up the path as you do, studying you. He took off his flannel, keeping it around his hips for now and is now presenting his torso in a black, skin tight t-shirt. 
“Don’t mind me. I’m just going for a piss”, he says.
“Good to know”, you chuckle.
“Couldn’t you have gone in the woods somewhere?”
“I prefer not to take my dick out somewhere close to ___’s grandparents”, he says as he takes off his shoes and studies Taehyung, “how’s the finger going?”
“Good. We just managed to get it out”, Taehyung says, showing his reddened finger to Yoongi.
“Just now? It’s been like forty minutes.”
“Tae needed to take some breaks”, you explain.
“Mhm, okay”, Yoongi says and goes to ruffle his gloved hand through Taehyung’s hair, “silly one.”
He doesn’t even realise what he is doing until he is already gone inside. Taehyung touches his hair, gawking at the door before exchanging a look with you and Jungkook.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jungkook asks.
“I don’t know, but that was really cute”, you say.
“I liked it so much”, Taehyung confesses with a blush.
“Gosh Tae, you absolute cutie you”, you say, hugging him, “I hope that this holiday can help you and Yoongi get closer together as well.”
“You do?”
You nod your head, “you’re both very important to me and I wish that you could at least become friends.”
“Oh”, he blushes, smiling softly, “I feel the same.” 
“You do?” 
He nods his head, “I truly wish to be his friend.”
Speaking of Yoongi, the latter comes back outside after his toilet visit, carrying two bottles of water in his pants pockets. He opens a third one with one hand and takes a healthy sip of it, ending it with a content sigh. He looks at the sun, squinting his eyes and sticking his tummy out in a cute stance. He almost looks like a cute cat trying to stand on two legs like this. If you try to ignore his exposed arms and his torso in that shirt and the fact that he can open a bottle with one hand.
“I think it’s gonna be a clear night today”, he says.
“I hope so, I wanna watch the stars later”, Jungkook says.
“Sounds good. You’ll have a clear view of them, yeah”, Yoongi nods his head and straightens up, “I think the gate’s still gonna take a while. The hinges are being little bitches.”
You chuckle at his harsh choice of words.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Just so. I like the way you talk.”
He scoffs fondly.
“I’m serious. They’re fucking with us on purpose”, he looks into the distance, “it’s good work. Yeah, a good day. It’s a good day”, he mumbles and glances at you, “what are you gonna do?”
“I still need to finish plucking the weeds”, you say.
“We still need to finish the stables”, Jungkook says.
“Mhm, sounds like good work”, he takes a deep breath and releases it, clapping into his hands as he does, “back to work. I’ll see you guys later. Agatha and I wanna make burritos for dinner, it’s gonna be good”, he says, kissing you and Jungkook on the lips. He ruffles Taehyung’s hair last, then turns to jog down the path back to the gate. Happiness practically radiates off of him.
“He is so cute, oh my god”, you gush.
“He really is. I think being here really does him well”, Jungkook agrees.
“Yes, I think so too. I think it does all of us well. We really deserve it, looking back at what we had to go through to get here.”
“Yeah, that’s right. We didn’t have it easy”, Jungkook takes a deep breath of relaxation, “this is easy though.”
“Yeah it is.”
“I feel good too”, Taehyung says shyly.
“You do?”
He nods his head.
“Right now I feel good.”
“That’s good to hear, my darling.”
“Yeah, it is”, Jungkook says, draping his arm over his shoulders.
Taehyung, blushing and entirely shy, leans into him as inconspicuously as possible. You enjoy their company for a while longer, then stand up to stretch out your back.
“Imma go back to the weeds soon”, you say mid stretch, which contorts your voice in a funny way. You straighten up, studying them.
“Are you gonna relax a little longer?”
“No, we need to go back too. Moo and Milky need their hay”, Jungkook stands up, stretching out his arms. They are exposed as well, because he is working in only a white tank top and cargo pants.
Taehyung is wearing a linen shirt, of course he is. He stands up as well, inching closer to you almost shyly. He tugs on your dungarees, looking at you with big puppy eyes.
“May I help you instead please? I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Of course, darling. Can you manage alone, baby?”
Jungkook nods his head, “easy. We had so many cows and pigs at home. Stable work is like riding a bike to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”
He makes you laugh.
“You’re so random sometimes. Well, see you later baby.”
“See you”, Jungkook says and leaves with a melody on his lips. 
You and Taehyung go the opposite direction to the back of the garden. Your grandparents grow their shadow-loving plants there. 
“Did you do a lot of garden work before?”
“I did. With Jimin and Ava when we lived on our farm.”
“Well, then I’m sure that you’re gonna do very well”, you say, kneeling down on the spot you worked at before.
Taehyung kneels down next to you.
“Is it safe for me to use my hand already?”
“Yes, it’s safe. The wound isn’t deep enough to be vulnerable.”
“I see, well then I shall work very diligently”, he says and rolls up his sleeves.
“Be careful with what you pluck though. We don’t wanna rip out good plants.”
“I understand”, he says and begins working.
You and he share a few moments of comfortable silence until Taehyung breaks it.
“I always wondered what differentiates a weed from a flower. Is it nothing but want? They grow and bloom the same and yet one is wanted, while the other gets killed.”
You glance at him. His hands are dirty from work, his hair hangs into his face, framing his pretty features.
“I never really thought of that. Damn”, you sit back on your heels, “that’s actually true. Why do we curse some plants while we marvel at others?” 
You look at the heap of weeds you already plucked.
“No, now you’ve got me feeling really bad for weeds. No, I might cry”, you whine with a sad pout on your lips, “poor weeds, I feel so bad.”
“Don’t cry. Oh goodness, I was being my silly poetic self again”, he gasps, clasping your hands.
“You really were and you’ve got me rethinking my own gardening habits. From now on, I will only pluck weeds if it is really necessary. So other plants can grow for example. You know? When I grow tomatoes I want them to be able to grow big.”
“Yes, that is a very good reason. Sometimes certain plants aren’t meant to thrive in certain places, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot find a place in the world where they will blossom.”
“Exactly. Gosh Tae”, you have to kiss his cheek, “you seem like your old self today. I love to see you being poetic like this.”
He smiles shyly, “I was being truthful when I said that I felt good. I truly do. Although, I feel rather weak. Oh darling, it was rather frightening to get hurt so easily.”
“I can imagine. That must have been weird for you.”
“It truly was. If something like this happened to me in the real world, my powers would have pushed out the splinter before I could have even felt it and yet here, I felt every second of it.”
“It’s so crazy to me to think what your bodies can do. Getting a splinter is so normal to us humans. Sure it hurts, but it just happens sometimes. But it’s totally new for you.”
Taehyung nods his head, placing a heap of weeds aside. He fixes the messy dirt, looking very peaceful as he does it. 
“Something which also utterly surprises me is how weak I am to bodily functions. I have to eat and drink and moments later, I have to relieve myself. And there is so much of it. Oh, being human is so utterly exhausting. One has to think of everything.”
You laugh, “now you’re just whining. Goodness, you are so spoiled as a vampire.”
“Indeed I am”, Taehyung agrees, laughing honestly.
Spending time with each other like this is truly wonderful.
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The burritos Yoongi and your grandmother make for dinner are the best burritos you have ever eaten. With vegetables and spices from the garden and homemade cheese, it truly melts on your tongue. Jungkook was helpful as well, making nachos from home-grown corn flour and serving them with the best Pico de gallo ever. Truly, you eat very well, finding it difficult to stop because it is in fact the best dinner ever.
Taehyung excuses himself to the garden after dinner, saying that he wanted to paint the fireflies. Jungkook excuses himself upstairs, saying that he wanted to relax in the guestroom. You and Yoongi stay with your grandparents. You are cuddled up to Yoongi, resting your head on his lap as you read. Yoongi runs his hand over your forehead every now and then, lost in his own book. On the other couch, your grandparents are cuddled up together. Your grandfather has his head on your grandmother’s lap as he solves a difficult riddle and she is lost in crocheting. Sometimes you hear them exchange a little kiss, which always makes you tug at Yoongi’s shirt to ask for a kiss as well, which he gladly gives you. It feels so nice to spend time this way. Your parents were never affectionate in your presence, making you question if they even loved each other and in return, if that meant they didn’t love you as well. You don’t feel this way in your grandparents’ presence. The love they have for each other and for you fills the room with warmth. They don’t have to speak it, it is so obvious even in the silence.
The clock shows ten when you start to get sleepy. You try to fight it for a while by putting the book aside and lying with your face snuggled into Yoongi’s stomach.
He lowers his book for a moment, studying you fondly.
You snuggle and nuzzle, looking up at him afterwards. You grin, he retorts it. 
“My eyes are tired”, you speak softly in order not to disturb the peace.
“Mhm, close them it’ll help”, he answers you quietly, helping you close them by brushing his thumb down your lid gently.
You snuggle back into his stomach, while he returns to his book. It becomes harder and harder not to fall asleep when he runs his finger over your face and neck so soothingly. He even rubs your ear and plays with your hair as best as possible. It is quite frankly, impossible not to fall asleep. You sit up, smacking your lips. Yoongi glances at you.
“I’m too sleepy.”
“I can tell.���
“I think I’m gonna go upstairs already.”
“Yes, okay. Do you mind if I still stay up for a while?”
“No, it’s okay”, you say and get up, “good night everyone, I’m gonna go to sleep already”, you tell your goodbyes to your grandparents and Yoongi.
“Sleep tight, my honeybee”, your grandmother says without looking up from her crocheting project.
“Sweet dreams, my girl”, your grandfather says without looking up from his Sudoku.
“Good night, princess”, Yoongi says, looking up from his book to give you a kiss good night. He tilts his head back because you stand behind the couch, holding his cheeks between your hands.
You break the kiss with a smile, feeling your heart flutter when he retorts it.
“Good night, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums, rolling his head to the front to continue reading.
Tranquillity surrounds them and so you let them enjoy the hours of the night, hurrying upstairs.
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The door to the guest room is next to the bathroom door. It is open, showing Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the window bench and looking outside.
You were planning to take a bath, but seeing him sit here in darkness is giving you an idea.
You knock on the doorframe, making him turn to you.
“Why are you sitting in darkness?”
“Don’t turn the lights on, they’re too bright.”
“Okay”, you chuckle, “do you wanna be alone?”
“No, I’m just looking at the stars. You can see so many here”, Jungkook says and looks outside again, swaying his shoulders from side to side mindlessly.
“Can I see?”
You hurry to him, sitting down next to him. Jungkook hooks his hand in your knee and pulls you closer to him so your legs were touching and he could rub your lower back. 
“Wow, you’re right. There’s so many”, you gasp.
“I know. Look, that’s my star sign and over there is yours”, he shows them to you, tracing their shapes with his finger, “can you see them?”
“I can. Wow, so cool.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. You know, when I was still hiding in the sewers, I sometimes came out of hiding when the streets were empty. I sat somewhere secluded and looked at the stars. All my problems felt so small in comparison to the night sky whenever I did.”
“This actually sounds really nice. I know your situation was shit, but you had moments of beauty.”
“Yeah, I was happy during those moments. Maybe they were what kept me going back then.”
“Maybe yeah.”
Jungkook leans in to kiss your cheek.
“I’m glad that they did. I could meet you and our family because I kept going.”
You meet his eyes, “you are so sweet, oh my god.”
“Heh”, he pecks your lips, “you’re cuter”, he says, looking at the sky again. He smiles to himself, “I love the stars and the moon. I really do”, he mumbles, reflecting the entire night sky in his dark, pretty eyes.
He makes loving him so easy. You rest your head on his shoulder, speaking your next words softly.
“They’re really beautiful.”
“Yeah, they are”, he agrees and sighs contently, “so nice.”
You and he share a moment of silence. The night sky is endless. No wonder he felt that his problems were small in comparison back then. The sky is endless, reminding you just how small you truly are in the grand scheme of existence. 
“Hey, Kookie?” you whisper.
“Do you wanna take a bath together?”
“Yeah. I wanted to take it alone, but then I saw you sit here and thought that maybe we could take it together. You can say no if you want to continue looking at the sky.”
“No, I would really like a bath with you, my honey”, he says, kissing your hair, “the stars are gonna be there afterwards too.”
“Yay, I’m happy. Wanna go right now?”
“Sure, let’s go.”
You and he undress as the bathtub fills up. 
“Can you untangle my hair?” 
“Of course. What do I gotta do?” 
And so you and Jungkook sit in your little robes as he rids your hair of today’s tangles, gently and with lots of care. He even massages you behind your ears and down your neck, ending the pampering session with a kiss to your shoulder.
“Did I do a good job?” he asks quietly.
“The best job. You only tugged on my hair three times.”
He chuckles, “sorry, I’m still learning. I promise to be gentler next time.”
You lean into him, practically melting in his arms when he slides his hand into your robe to rub your naked skin slowly. His touch never graces places he would need consent for, making you feel so safe and cherished.
“You’re already so gentle with me”, you assure him.
“Mhm, I can do better.”
You chuckle, “if you say so, my little perfectionist.”
He smiles against you, “I really am, yeah.”
The tub is soon filled and so you get inside together. Jungkook insists on holding your hand for support even if you could have managed on your own. You let him hold it because he looks so happy being helpful. He steps in after you, sitting down opposite of you. You can rest your feet on the edge and he instantly takes the opportunity to cradle your foot and kiss your ankle, even closing his eyes for it.
“That’s so nice”, he says, smiling at you. 
“Yeah, it’s nice”, you agree and turn your head to kiss his ankle, resting your cheek against it afterwards.
“Heh”, he lets out and scrunches his nose.
“You’re cute.”
He shakes his head, “you are.”
You and he exchange a giddy grin. It is so nice to be so close and to share this kind of intimacy. Your bodies are touching at parts and you get to warm up and pamper your noses with the relaxing scent of lavender. You can’t do stuff like this in the real world yet, so this feels extra special. Just you and him, sharing a warm moment.
“Do you like your baths hot or warm?” you ask him because you love listening to him talk. His voice is so nice and he is always so soft spoken.
“I think this temperature is good. You?”
“I like it hotter. I kinda wanna feel like I’m being boiled.”
He laughs, “that’s really bad for your skin though.”
“I know, but I’m here for a good time not a long time.”
He laughs again, “that’s not true. Not with the spell Meredith is going to show you one day. You’ll live forever with us.”
“Right. Maybe I should stop boiling myself then.”
He laughs a third time, making your heart race. Knowing that you can make him laugh that much feels really good.
“Yeah, maybe you should”, he jokes and grins, “okay, question time. Shower or bath?”
“Wah, that’s a hard question. I think both have their pros and cons. I would say showers though because they’re faster than baths. I really love a good bath though, don’t get me wrong.”
“Yeah, I agree. I prefer showers for daily life, but baths are special.”
“Okay, next question. Liquid soap or bar of soap?”
“Are the questions gonna be bath based?”
You laugh. He grins.
“Liquid soap. I don’t know, but I can’t befriend the idea of using a bar of soap.”
“Interesting. I’m so for bars. They’re so convenient. I also think that they last longer.”
“You’re probably right. Okay, I have a question too.”
“Go ahead.”
“Dry off in the shower or step out wet and dry off on the rug?”
“Oh, hard one”, he says and tilts his head to the side as he thinks, “I would say step out wet and dry off outside.”
“Interesting. I’d pick dry off in shower and only dry off my feet on the rug.” 
“That’s good too. I’m just always forgetting my towel so I gotta run through half the room to get it.”
You laugh. He laughs as well.
“That sounds like you.”
“It does?” 
“Yeah, it’s a good thing”, you assure him, kissing his ankle.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says, gazing at you, “next question.”
“When are you the happiest?”
“That’s your question?”
“So no more bath questions?”
“I thought I’d switch it up.”
You smile fondly.
“When am I happiest?” you repeat, “wow, that’s a big question”, you say and look to the side to think. 
All the moments of laughter with your found family come back to you, all the mornings with Yoongi and Taehyung, all the sweet moments with Jungkook and the endless chattering you can do with every single member of your forever family. You think of the moments you spend in the garden and the hours in the kitchen spend cooking with them. You think of the nights of dance with Taehyung and of naps with Yoongi. You think of cuddling Jungkook for the first time and of hugging Hoseok. You think of Seokjin’s laugh and Emma’s silly jokes. 
You look at Jungkook 
“I’m happiest ever since I’m with you guys”, you say. 
His eyes soften.
“All I could think of right now, were moments with you guys, so that’s my answer. I’m happiest ever since I found my family.”
Jungkook smiles, “that’s a good answer.”
“When are you happiest?”
“I’m boring, but I actually have the same answer as you.”
“That’s not boring, that’s so sweet”, you say, caressing his calve, “is it my turn?”
“What made you get tattoos?”
“I always liked the look of tattoos. Not really when I was a human because back then, only gangsters had tattoos and I had a bad view on them. I got them in the early 2000s.”
“Did they hurt a lot? Tae told me that you guys would heal during a normal tattoo, so vampires need special tools and magic for them to stick and that it hurts really bad.”
“I could get them normally because my arm isn’t cursed.”
“Because your arm is still human?”
He nods his head.
“But isn’t that really dangerous? It makes other vampires know you have a weak arm.”
“Until now, everyone always thought that I’m just totally mental and got an entire sleeve on my vampire arm.”
You laugh, “okay that makes sense. So it really didn’t hurt?”
“They still hurt at some parts, but I kinda liked it.”
You chuckle, “of course you did.”
“I was just joking.”
“I don’t think so”, you joke, making him chuckle.
“Maybe not”, he confesses and changes his position. He pulls his legs to him, sitting cross-legged because the tub is big enough for it. Then he shimmies closer to you.
The water ripples, hitting you over your collarbones. You change position as well, keeping your legs parted so Jungkook can be between them.
“I started off on my under arm and added more and more stuff as time went on”, he explains, tracing his tattoos, “this one’s special to me because it’s my birth flower. Do you know this flower?”
“I actually don’t, sorry.”
“That’s okay. It’s a tiger lily. It symbolises the desire to be loved. If someone gifts you tiger lilies, they want to tell you please love me. I think it’s really romantic”, he says, caressing the tattoo, “I’m happy that this is my birth flower.”
“It fits you so well”, you say and trace the tattoo, “it even fit you when you had to isolate yourself. You wanted love, but couldn’t have it. It fit you.”
“It did. It’s destiny”, he scrunches his nose, “sorry, I sound a little crazy, but I really like the concept of destiny and fate and something otherworldly making sure that the right people meet each other when they need it most.”
“You don’t sound crazy at all. I love this concept as well. Honestly, my life feels like something big made me find you guys. Just think about it, I magically got a scholarship at a university where you all coincidentally pretended to be students at. Somehow former Sanguis, crazy old vampires with nothing to do, decided to try out studying and somehow you decided to keep an eye on them right in time so I could meet you.”
“I know, right.”
“And because I stumbled onto this path, the order of before crumbled and you managed to meet Yoongi, who in return helped you find your freedom. And if we spin it even further, Taehyung and Jimin found freedom as well. Seokjin found Emma again. And we all met love and bonded and became one big group and to make it even better, it turns out that I was a witch all along and now I’m being taught by one of Nilrem’s students and you have your very own witch to protect you. It sounds as if it was always our destiny to meet.”
“It does. Wow, it really does”, Jungkook flutters his lashes in adoration, “wow ___, this is so romantic.”
“It is. And the most beautiful part? I wasn’t even looking when I found you. I just found you and knew this is where I am supposed to be”, you say, having to giggle.
Jungkook giggles as well, taking your hands under the water.
“I love you”, he says.
“I love you too.”
“My heart is racing like crazy. I can’t believe how connected we have been since the beginning.”
“Me neither.”
“Can I hug you? I, I wanna hug you.”
You close the distance, hugging him as best as possible. Jungkook wraps you in his strong arms and giggles into the crook of your neck, cradling you against his chest. 
“What you just said means a lot to me”, he confesses.
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper.
His heart is racing unbearably. He moves back because he needs to look at you. He does so, brushing his palms over your cheeks in a soft cradle, scrunching his nose as he does it. He is such a gentle person. There is truly no evil in his heart. Now that he is just human and no curse twists him, it is so entirely obvious how being gentle is his natural state. 
You lean into his touch, gazing at his pretty face. 
“I think I need to get a tattoo dedicated to our family”, he says.
“Yeah? That sounds so wonderful.”
“Yeah. Yeah, but I don’t know what I want. I want something meaningful.”
“What if you tattooed how the moon looked on the day our destiny started?”
He widens his eyes. The galaxies in them grow. 
“I love this”, he presses out and touches your upper arms, “___, oh god, wow.”
He hugs you again, squeezing you gently.
“Do you like it?” 
“I, I love it so much. Wow, you’re so perfect”, he says and squeezes you just a little tighter, forcing a giggle out of you.
He is still so gentle with it. Despite his obvious strength, he makes sure that you aren’t hurting.
“I’m far from perfect”, you mumble into his shoulder.
“No, don’t put yourself down. You may not be perfect to yourself, but you’re perfect to me.” 
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper, melting in his arms. 
He breaks the hug, showing you his tattooed arm.
“Do you want to decide the placement?” 
“I can do that?” 
He nods his head, gazing at you. 
“Wow, this is so much trust you put in me.”
“Don’t worry, if you pick a weird spot I’ll change it”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Wow, okay I see how it is.”
He snickers, pecking your cheek.
“I’m joking. I bet you’ll pick out a good spot.”
“Gosh, I don’t know”, you say and cradle his arm. You run your fingers over his tattoos, taking all of them in. They all fit so well together, telling the stories closest to his heart. 
“What are you thinking?” he whispers into the silence.
“Just that your tattoos are beautiful. It’s like your arm is a storybook telling what matters most to you.”
Jungkook finds it hard to breathe, gazing at you with such fondness that he wants to scream from the intensity of it. You might not have been looking when you found them, but he did. He looked. He spent so many hours staring at the moon and thinking to himself that he will never meet someone who will understand his silly, hopelessly romantic views on the world and then you came into his life. And you look at the moon and see stories in it, you look at flowers and see meaning in them, you look at the invisible threat of fate until it becomes visible and you can embrace it. 
You lift your eyes, meeting his gaze shyly.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t assume what your tattoos mean.”
He shakes his head slowly, “you’re right. You are so goddamn right.”
“Oh”, you fluster, looking at his arm again. The emotion in his eyes is difficult to accept. In a good way of course. It is just very difficult to breathe properly when he looks at you as if you were his moon because sometimes it is still difficult for you to accept that you shine to other people.
“I have an idea”, you whisper.
“Tell me”, he encourages you in a soft spoken voice. 
You touch the tiger lily, tracing it with your fingertip.
“What if you put the moon here? To make it seem as if it is rising from behind the flower. It symbolises that you finally found love” you meet his eyes shyly, “that you finally have someone who is worthy enough to receive your birth flower.” 
You widen your eyes in shock.
“Are you crying?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers and hugs you tight against him before you can react.
“Kookie, what’s wrong?” you gasp.
“I’m happy”, he says and does a loud sniffle, “I’m crying because I love it so much.” 
“You do?”
“Yeah. Wah”, he grunts, “wah, I’m so grateful.”
“Gosh, you’re gonna make me cry too if you’re being so sweet”, you confess in a fond giggle, rubbing his back.
He giggles as well, wiping his tears on your shoulder and lifting his head afterwards. You stay close like this. You have your legs over his’ and he holds your waist.
You wipe the tears from his cheeks, allowing a bright smile to wash over his face. He leans into the touch.
“This kinda made your face wetter than it was before. Sorry.”
He laughs, “it’s okay”, he scrunches his nose, “thank you so much. I love it so much and, and I love the meaning even more.”
“I thought that it would have to mean something for you, so I thought of this.”
“It’s better than I ever could have imagined. It already means everything to me.”
“I’m so happy to hear this.”
Jungkook smiles, touching your stomach before moving up to your shoulders.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
He grabs your waist and pulls you closer, changing the position of his legs so they cage you in and your middles are almost touching. He keeps his left hand on your waist, cradling your cheek with his right hand. 
“My destiny”, he whispers, sending flutters through your heart. 
You lower your eyes, trying to do the same with your head but before you can, he has it tilted for a kiss. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, having to grasp his shoulders and whimper. The kiss isn’t that passionate for you to have such a reaction, but your souls intertwined so tightly in this bath that finally tasting his love overwhelms you. 
Jungkook answers your whimper in a whimper of his own, breaking the kiss just enough that he could talk.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re perfe-”
He swallows your words, kissing you deeply and gently. You aren’t even mad that he did it, letting yourself fall into the kiss until it is all you exist for. 
You can’t tell how much time passes where you and he solely breathe to kiss, where your heart solely pump the blood through your bodies so you could taste each other’s love, where every single cell in your bodies functions so you and he could connect. Perhaps a lot of time passed, perhaps rather little time passed, but what is clear to you is that through it all, Jungkook never once allowed his tongue to join the kiss. 
You haven’t been kissed like this before and it makes your heart race like crazy because it is so gentle. He is so gentle. The way his hands caress your body in its most vulnerable, naked state. The way he lets your weakened legs rest over his’, the way he pulls you close when you get just a little wobbly from your emotions. He is so gentle that all you crave is the tenderness of his tongue. 
You break the kiss for air, going back into it with your fingers in his hair and your tongue tracing his lips.
Jungkook moans softly, parting his lips to finally allow his tongue a taste. He traces your lips, meeting your tongue when you look for it almost needily. 
Not long and you have to break the kiss to gasp for air. He caresses your cheek, feeling breathless himself.
“Okay?” he checks up on you.
“Yeah”, you get out, having to pull him back into a kiss. Your tongue looks for his’ instantly. He smiles, meeting you with it moments later. 
He loves it so much to know that you are comfortable. He feels so utterly smitten for you, so ardently obsessed that he wishes to replace his air with your scent. He could kiss you differently if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t because your comfort is the most important thing to him. And now that he can finally slow down, now that no curse forces him to be ravenous, he really wants to savour the gentleness of it. He can finally make you feel as comfortable as possible. He can finally steal your heart with just a kiss. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss for air.
“My beautiful girl”, he whispers.
You giggle, leaning into his hands when he cradles your face to kiss it all over. You keep your eyes closed, feeling your heart race like crazy. He doesn’t leave out any spot, placing the softest kisses all over your face. And as he does, he keeps whispering the sweetest words, finally making you realise just how much he actually feels for you.
You and Jungkook became a couple just like this. One day you didn’t know each other, then time passed and you suddenly were so tightly intertwined that being apart was too painful to even think about. You couldn’t tell when you fell for him, Jungkook has no recollection of it either, but it is clear to both of you that it was always meant to happen. 
“My beautiful girl”, Jungkook whispers and kisses your neck. 
“Koo, oh god”, you croak, writhing from side to side. The tingles he sent through you were unbearable in the best way possible.
He opens his eyes, “need a break?”
You shake your head, having to hide away in his neck afterwards. He rubs your back, letting you melt in his arms.
“What’s the matter, beautiful?”
“You”, you fluster, “oh god, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” 
“You make me feel safe and it’s”, you shake your head, “it excites me.”
You lift your head, “sorry. I, I don’t expect anything. I just love this so much.”
His eyes soften, he cradles your heated cheek.
“Look down.”
You glance down, “oh.” 
“Yeah, it’s affecting me too. You have no idea how much I’m enjoying this.”
“Oh god, Kook”, you let out a giggle.
“Yeah, I know”, he giggles too, caressing your waist.
“Should we do something about it?” 
“Do you want to do something about it?”
“Do you?” 
“I’m down for whatever you want.”
You nod your head shyly, “maybe we could do something about it?”
“Yeah?” he smiles, “god baby, come here.”
He pulls you into a tongue kiss, finally allowing his middle to melt with yours by pressing his hand to the small of your back. You moan into him, chasing the connection instantly. The angle allows you to rub against his base. His skin is so soft there, contradicting the raging hardness of his shaft. He is so hard. The proof of how deeply affected the long kisses and gentle touches left him makes you even needier. 
He feels the same. It is such a wonderful realisation. He feels the same. He does. You have to break the kiss after little time, touching the sides of his neck needily. 
“Kook I…” you trail off, wiggling your hips against him and whimpering softly.
“I’ll take care of it, yeah?”
“I’ll show you”, he says and shimmies back, changing position so he is sitting on his heels. 
Like this, he closes the distance again, kissing you and smiling into it in such a sexy way that your heart is fluttering like crazy. His hands are between your legs, supporting his weight. He isn’t touching you, but man the way he kisses you makes you wish he did.
To make matters even worse, he breaks the kiss again, giving you a sweet smile.
You retort it, feeling just a little out of breath.
“Stay like this”, he says.
He slides down until he is submerged under the water. 
“Huh? What are you- ah!” your hand is over your mouth instantly, your legs close at first but open wide again, trembling in the first shock of pleasure.
Jungkook is licking your clit. This madman submerged himself so he could eat your pussy.
His tongue is cool in comparison to the hot water. His licks are quick and placed without a plan in mind. You don’t blame him because he is underwater, having to hold his breath. 
Speaking of breath. Jungkook gives your clit three more flicks of his tongue and then he is diving up again. The water drips off his body and hair, covering his skin in a glistening layer of sin. It wasn’t always sinful, but the pulsations between your legs is making it hard not to see his wet body as a fucking sin meant to haunt you. 
You gawk at his lips and the sexy smile they are showing.
“How was that?” he asks in a rasp, breathing heavily to recover from his dive.
“So hot”, you get out.
Jungkook smiles even sexier and lowers his lips to your shoulder so he could kiss a path down to your breasts.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah, so much.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl…”
He sucks on your nipple, tugging on it like this. Release. Your other one. Not a lot of time wasted and he is kissing a tingling path down your stomach. You arch into him, having to hold your breath with him when he disappears under the water again.
You release it in a shaky sigh when his lips lock around your clit and suck. You roll your head back, trying so fucking hard to be quiet. 
It is difficult when you have him playing with your clit with just his lips and tongue. Each time he lets go, the hot water reminds you of how sensitive you actually are and how his mouth is the kind of relief you didn’t even know you needed.
Up again. Jungkook gasps for air, lets the water drip off of him. He fixes his hair, his arms flex as he does it. 
“Kook”, you get out. 
He smiles and comes closer, pressing his thick thigh against your pussy. He places his tattooed hand around your throat, making you whimper.
No pressure, just wet, hot contact. He pushes. Your head falls against the edge of the bathtub, your body slides down and forces your pussy to rub against his thigh. Another whimper leaves you willingly.
“Relax, okay?” he speaks softly but with sexy playfulness in his voice. 
“Okay”, you get out.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he says and lets go of your throat to dance his hand down the middle of your torso. He scoots back so he can brush his fingers over your pussy, going slow but calculated.
You roll your hips into his touch, parting your lips in a moan.
“Relax, just relax. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Oh god, Kook…”
He gives you a little smirk and inhales deeply, diving down seconds later.
“Oh god”, you croak, closing your eyes in a sensual roll. 
Jungkook grips your hips and lifts them closer to his face, flicking his tongue over your clit as quickly as the water allows him to. He has his feet out of the water like this, resting on his stomach. He means business this time around, finding himself in a sexy fight between his own lungs and your willing body. Who will give up first? His instincts to breathe or your perfect body? Jungkook can’t decide what he wants. Breathing sounds fun, but so does dragging out your orgasm. Where’s the fun in getting you off after seconds? 
He dives up again. He didn’t need to, but keeping you on edge is more important.
Your needy whimpers meet his ears instantly. Jungkook can’t see your face like this, but doesn’t care because he can see your chest like this.
“You’ve got the most beautiful breasts”, he purrs, “my pretty girl, fuck”, he says and takes a deep breath.
“A-ah”, you cover your own mouth again. Having him return to your pussy never loses its spark. You have to writhe and squirm and arch your back, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to function. It’s hard to describe how good it feels to have him lick you under the water. There is a certain veil between the sensation and your nerves. As if the water is hiding away the true potential of his tongue. You can’t feel his spit, his slickened tongue and wet lips. The water hides it away, keeps it from you, steals it from you. 
Jungkook makes up for it with an eager suck until you clit sits between his lips and he can swirl his tongue around it. For just a second you feel his spit, his slickened tongue. 
You moan his name into your hand, rolling your eyes back further. Electricity is all you feel. 
Until you don't. Jungkook dives up again, fighting for air as his eager lips kiss up your torso. He is fixing his position again, whispering curses against your skin.
“Fuck, I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could, sorry”, he says and chuckles deeply, “I could have done better.” 
He drags his tongue from your collarbone up to your neck. You writhe uncontrollably. This is it. His slickened tongue. Your neck feels it before your pussy can. 
“Kook please”, you beg.
“Soon. Soon, gotta”, he takes a few deep breaths, “gotta breathe more.”
You can’t take it. You are so impatient. You stand up and sit down on the edge. 
Jungkook looks up at you between your legs. Water still drips from his dark hair.
“Please”, you beg and open your legs, propping one foot on the spacious edge and exposing yourself even better.
“Fuck, look at you. I’m actually crazy for you”, he growls and dives in face first. He quite literally and genuinely buries himself in your pussy, rubbing his face into her eagerly. His nose is so big and perfectly shaped that the impromptu facial makes you want to give him a different kind of facial.
Your hand is over your mouth again, you drop your head against the wall, curling your toes. If he keeps this up, he is going to make you cum with nothing but his nose. Oh god, this is getting you off so hard and good. 
“I can’t wait to do this in real life. I’m so fucking impatient”, Jungkook rasps, dimpling your hips, “Imma make my skincare your pussy once I can. Hear me? The others are gonna have to drag me away if they wanna get a taste as well”, he says and replaces his nose with his tongue.
He uses all of it. The precise tip, the wet edge and the warm flat of it. Jungkook uses every single inch of it, making you writhe and squirm on the edge of the bathtub. He might not be able to go down on you in real life, but in here? In here where no curse tells him to rip you apart, he is going to make up for it. He is going to drink every droplet of your pleasure, swallow every twitch, savour every throb. Jungkook moans into you, using his lips just as much as he does his tongue. His soft, pouty lips. He sucks and kisses, rubs them against you and messies them with your leaking pleasure. And as he loses himself, he keeps moaning and keening and sighing, sending the most back-arching electricity through your sensitive nerves.
“Holy fuck Kook, I can’t do that for long” you croak into your hand, having to pant for air afterwards. 
“Mhhm”, he hums, pressing himself closer just so he can grind his tongue against your pussy. He lowers himself, tilting his head back and holding your hips so he can drag his tongue all the way from your taint up to your clit. No inch of your perfect heaven should be missed out, no inch will be left unlicked and cherished. Jungkook needs to taste you, devour you. It’s all he exists for right now. 
“Kook, wait please”, you beg, grabbing his hair. 
He lets you pull him away, worrying that he might have hurt you, used too much teeth maybe.
“Did it hurt?” he asks, gazing up at you while his lips worship the inside of your right thigh.
You shake your head, “close.”
He smiles, rubbing your thigh with his gentle hand.
“Why did you stop me?” he asks and sucks a little hickey to your thigh.
You writhe, having to croak your words because of the sensation.
“It’s too soon.”
“Mhm, is it?” he whispers, guiding his kisses to your other thigh. He lingers on your pussy on his way, tongue kissing your clit slowly. The electricity builds quickly. Way too quickly. You tense and gasp and Jungkook is already gone, chuckling softly because you squirm from denial. He finally reaches your other thigh, cradling it in his big hand and kissing every inch of the sensitive inside. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, showing you his honesty with gentle touches. His hands are so warm, his palms so soft. It feels so good to be adored this way.
He lifts his lips, touching your inner thighs as he gazes up at you.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“And this?” he asks, brushing his thumb over your pussy.
You twitch into it, parting your lips in a silent moan. 
He places his other hand on your lower stomach and uses his fingers to part your folds, exposing your clit this way and brushing his thumb over it as softly as possible.
“Is this okay, honey?” he whispers.
You nod your head vigorously, struggling with looking at him.
“You’re so beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” 
You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter in your chest.
“Yeah, you do. That’s why you’re being so perfect right now”, he says and lowers his tongue to your clit, sliding his thumb to your entrance so he can massage it as his tongue worships your exposed clit in precise licks. He uses his tip for it, forcing your head to roll back and your back to arch against your will. 
“Don’t stop, please.”
“Mhhm, baby…” he lulls, smiling against you and kissing your clit, “so sweet, you’re so sweet”, he purrs, returning to licking you softly but precisely. 
He closes his eyes, falling into the moment with you. His heart is racing, his tummy is filled with butterflies. He is so happy. All he wants to do in the real world is to love the people he loves gently. There is no desire for violence in his tender heart, no wish to be rough in his gentle hands. And yet his curse turns him into a violent, rough monster. This is paradise to him. He can love you how his golden heart desires, he can touch you how his loving hands crave. 
You touch his thumb, searching for his pointer finger. He gives it to you, kissing your clit slowly as he concentrates on what you are going to do with it. You guide it to your entrance and push, burying his first knuckle in your warmth.
“Baby”, he moans and fulfills your sweet wish. He buries his middle and ring finger inside you, curling them in search for your sweet spot.
“Aah, Kook….”
“Is that the spot?” he asks against you.
He bottoms out, curling his fingers slowly.
“Not there.”
He fixes it a little, feeling it before you can voice it. Your walls clench and throb around his digits, your clit pulsates under his tongue.
“Kook”, you squeak out, holding his wrist for support, “there…”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs, squeezing his thighs together needily. He’s doing a good job. All his wishes are being fulfilled right now. 
You grip the edge of the bathtub with your other hand, biting down on your lower lip because otherwise you would be way too loud. He’s devoting his all to your most sensitive nerves on both sides. His tongue on the outside and his fingers on the inside. You don’t know where the pleasure begins and ends, it spreads all over your body by now, feeling strongest where you have his devotion. It warms you up so much that you can’t even feel the cool air on your wet skin anymore. It is also growing more and more the longer he stays between your legs. 
Soon you roll your hips into his mouth against your will, keeping his fingers inside with desperate clenches. Jungkook soaks up every shift, clench and shake. This is how your body moves when he is leading you to climax. It feels like a dance to him and he wants to learn every fucking step of it until he can recall it in his sleep. 
You taste so much richer too. Jungkook isn’t even a Ripper right now and he still finds it difficult to keep such a gentle rhythm. He wants to munch. Fuck, he wants to slurp you up until he can’t anymore. But he doesn’t. He stays gentle, furrowing his brows in desperation while you bury your hand in his wet hair and tug.
“Don’t stop, ah please.”
Jungkook moans into you from the burn of his scalp. You are losing yourself so hard that you can’t control your strength. Fuck, his cock is so hard. You are ruining him.
“I have to…you make me…Kook, I’m cum-ah”, you choke out, ripping your mouth open to scream silently as he throws you over the edge. 
Hard. He was so gentle, resulting in your orgasm to take control over you roughly. You shake and tremble, twisting his hair. 
Jungkook moans and growls, looking up at you with blown out pupils. His head is pounding from ecstasy. He’s feeling your orgasm. He is finally feeling it. One eager curl of his fingers and you feed it to him as well.
“Sorry, ah!” you squeak, squirting all over his face against your will.
“Ngn”, Jungkook gurgles, widening his eyes in surprise at getting his face wet. It gushes out of his mouth at first until he finally finds his composure again and he begins to basically suck it out of you, losing every single composure in the process. He moans and growls, sucks and slurps and rubs his face into your weeping cunt. He spoke of your pussy being the only skincare he needs and he is hellbent on showing you how honest he was. He shows you and shows you and shows you until you are drained and empty, now twitching on his fingers weakly.
“Please stop”, you get out, trying to pull him away, “no more, please.”
Jungkook breaks away with a sinful moan, stilling his hunger by kissing up your stomach. He grabs and kneads your softness as he does it, panting heavily because he is far, far gone in his obsession for you. 
“I need to live inside you”, he gets out between his wet kisses, “holy fuck, I need my air to be replaced with you scent. Baby, holy fuck, baby.”
“Koo, I’m falling, ah”, you squeak and slide into the bathtub.
Jungkook cushions your fall with a strong grip, lifting you on his lap even if the position is a little uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ahm Kook, dizzy.”
“Lean into me, I got you”, he soothes you, rubbing your back.
“Oh god, Kook this was so intense oh god��, you babble, barely catching your breath.
“It was. Baby, I wanted to do this for you for so long. Oh god”, he hugs you closer, “don’t let this be over please”, he begs, looking up at you with obsessed eyes.
“I’m sensitive”, you whimper.
“I’ll be gentle, promise. I’ll be so gentle.”
“Can you kiss me first, please?” 
“Of course, baby. Of course, holy fuck of course. My baby, oh my baby.”
Jungkook lifts you off his lap so he can lie you down in the water, using his hand as your pillow so you wouldn’t dive under. He keeps his other arm around your waist, pressing you against his torso as he claims your lips in a kiss.
You are so utterly under his control right now. If he decides to drop you, the water would swallow you whole. He is giving you oxygen just as much as he is stealing it with every kiss. His lips taste like you, his tongue feeds it to you in sensual licks. His face smells just a little like you as well, messing up your sanity. He kisses you until you ache between your legs and the thought of having him inside is the only thing running through your scrambled mind. A lot of time passed before you felt ready and the realisation that Jungkook was willing to wait despite his aching desire makes you want him even more. He is willing to wait for you, he is seeing your comfort as a priority. You need him to fuck you violently, quite frankly, it is difficult not to when he is being such a safe space.
You break the kiss, “fuck me, please.”
“Really?” his voice is shaking as he speaks, “are you sure?”
“Yes, please.”
Jungkook pulls you up with him, swiping the water out your face. He can barely breathe, panting like crazy.
“Are you really sure, baby?”
“Yeah, so sure.”
He laughs breathily and shakily, gazing at you with blown out pupils and flushed cheeks. He can’t stop cradling your cheeks. He does it over and over again. Letting go, cradling, letting go, cradling.  He is so utterly smitten for you and it is so sweetly obvious to you.
“How do you want me?” he asks, exhaling shakily when you touch his chest. Your fingers rub his nipples mindlessly, forcing his cock to twitch repeatedly. 
“Take me how you want to”, you make submissive eyes at him, “please, I trust you.”
“You”, he cradles your face, widening his eyes, “I’m fucking obsessed with you. Holy fuck.” 
“Then fuck me like you mean it, please.”
He gulps and nods his head vigorously.
“Fuck, this is hot”, he laughs breathily, “okay so uhm. Stand up”, he orders.
You obey, feeling your knees wobble when he pulls you close by the small of your back and kisses you. His left hand is still on your back, his right is holding the back of your head. You are skin to skin, body to body. No distance. Just wet, heated contact. It gets you off just as good as the best fuck would. Your hands are restless. Where to touch? His neck, his shoulders, his arms, his big chest or small waist? You can’t touch him like this in the real world and you don’t know where to start now that you can.
You are so far apart in real life. So fucking far apart because his veins are filled with a curse. You want to be how you are right now but can’t. It’s impossible to decide on which spot to touch first now that the only thing filling your veins is obsessive pleasure.
You somehow end up fondling his chest however. It feels so strong and big between your fingers.
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a moan when your fingers find his nipples. His puffy lips stay parted, he lulls his words as he looks at you half lidded and droopy.
“This is doing something for me.”
“It is?” you croak, feeling your stomach tighten.
“Yeah, you’re touching me so fucking good.”
“Kook, oh god.”
“Mhm”, he purrs and grabs your waist, “do you want to turn around?”
You obey happily. Jungkook takes your hands and places them on the wall next to your head. He touches your torso until he can hold your right leg. He lifts it, guiding it so you stand on the edge of the bathtub. 
Then he finally steps closer, caressing your waist and kissing your neck.
“Stay like this, my beautiful honey”, he orders in a loving whisper.
“Mh-hm”, you whimper.
“Do you want to stay like this, mhm? Can I fill that pretty pussy of yours like this?”
“Please”, you beg, nodding your head vigorously.
“Mhm, I love when you’re begging me, babygirl”, he says and steps back.
He spits on his own cock, spreading it quickly so he can get to where he actually wants to be. He drags his cock down your ass until he finally has your wet entrance against his tip.
“I can call you babygirl, can’t I?” he asks.
“Ye-aAh”, you moan loudly in sync with Jungkook sinking into you.
“Shit, so tight”, he rasps, placing his hands over yours and pinning you against the wall like this, “breathe babygirl, you’re not hurting are you?” 
“No”, you croak and drop your cheek against the cold tile, “I love cock so much, oh god”, you get out and sob softly, arching your back so he can slip deeper. 
Jungkook bottoms out, caging you in between his strong body and the wall. He is burning up, squeezing your hands. 
“You love cock?”
You nod your head vigorously. 
“Mhm, babygirl….” he purrs and begins to roll his hips into you, making you moan and whimper instantly, “lucky for you, I’ve got what you want. Does that do something for you, babygirl?”
“Course it does. Such a good girl, you’re made for me. Made for my cock”, he rasps, putting emphasis on the last word by pressing his cock right against your sweet spot.
You sway uncontrollably, trying to claw for support. He gives it to you by pinning you tighter against the wall, holding your hip with a strong grip.
“Too rough?”
“No”, you mewl, fucking back onto him, “please don’t stop, please.”
“I’m not gonna stop. You feel so good, babygirl. So fucking good.”
He is right. This feels so good. Your bodies are so close, you feel every thrust. The position gives you a natural tightness, resulting in you to feel every inch of his cock going in and out of you. You feel the shift of your tightness tugging his skin over his tip, feel his veins and the throbbing of them whenever he is especially deep. This is so good. He is so right for saying that. This feels so good. 
“You’re so perfect, holy fuck, you’re perfect”, Jungkook pants, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He lets go of your right hand, painting an adoring touch down your torso until he has your clit under his fingers.
Your knees buckle, he pulls you back up, keeping his grip on your hip and moaning into you when you reach behind you to bury your hands in his hair. 
“Jungkook”, his name from your lips feels like ecstasy to him.
He keeps his fingers still on clit, using the natural movements of your hips to pleasure you. You begin chasing him even needier, now running after the warmth of his touch and the electricity of his cock. 
“Do you like this?” 
“Koo, help me”, you beg, having to fight your own voice.
“What do you need?”
“Can’t stay quiet.”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs and presses you against his chest, placing his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ve got you. Let go, I’m keeping you quiet, let go”, he growls, drilling you so, so good that you actually moan into his hand.
You grip his strong lower arm, tattooing nail marks on his empty skin. Your eyes roll back when his cock hits your deepest spots, knees buckling as he is the only one keeping you standing. 
“That’s my girl, moan for me. I’m keeping you quiet, keeping it all for myself. Fuck, your pussy’s heaven on earth.”
You are falling into him and the pleasure he gives you. Now that he is keeping you quiet, you can finally let go. And how you let go. His touch feels like paradise, his cock truly seals the deal. There is nothing holding you back anymore and it feels as if you are floating away on pleasure.
“My destiny, my girl, my everything”, Jungkook chants, living on nothing but your scent. He doesn’t keep his fingers still on your clit anymore. He is too desperate for it, too obsessed with every second. He hopes that you like it. He hopes that you get off on it because it is the main reason he does it. He gets off on getting you off. It is the proof that he is destined for tenderness, that his hands can do good and not just hurt. He is making you shake and it isn’t from fear but ecstasy. 
You drool into his hand, mewling his name because he rubs your clit just right. It is so difficult to stand when he is quite literally forcing your legs to stop working. You want to crumble and fall down with your legs spread so he could do whatever he wants with them. 
“Lean into me, don’t worry I’ve got you”, he tells you with a shaky voice. The shakes are timed with his deep grinds into your warmth. He can’t thrust a lot in this position, but neither of you care because his cock sits just right to massage your favourite spots. Which it return, makes your needy pussy suck on his cock in desperate clenches. Truly neither of you care that he can’t thrust, grinding against each other as he makes it harder and harder for you to stand. 
You tug his hand away from your mouth.
“I have to cum”, you choke out.
“Let go, I’m here.”
“You, you, you have to hold me, I’m so…ah…weak”, you stutter and feel the knot break, losing all strength instantly. 
Jungkook pulls you against him, keeping you standing easily.
“Relax, I’ve got you. I, I’ve…holy fuck, you feel so good. Holy fuck”, he moans, scrunching his face as your pussy pulsates around him. 
He treats you so well, is so strong and gentle that your emotions make you orgasm even harder, resulting in your seemingly drained body to wet his cock as well. It runs down your legs and his thighs, trickling into the water loudly. 
You have to bite his hand because otherwise you would scream.
“Holy shit, you’re so hot. Oh god baby, I have to cum too”, he croaks, “please fuck, please, baby, please.” 
You tug his hand away again, “cum for me, please.”
“Urgh fuck”, he growls and pulls out quickly to jerk off his cock. You turn around even if it is difficult, gawking at him in surprise because you expected his seed. He meets your eyes, his face is tight in concentrated pleasure, “just in case. We’re human here.”
He is so fucking considerate. Holy fuck.
“Kook”, you moan and fall down onto your knees, dragging your hands down his big thighs.
You tilt your head back and open your mouth. 
“Seriously?” he squeaks.
You nod your head. 
“Holy fuck, baby”, he moans and takes your head to guide your mouth onto his cock. He fits into you easily because he is only human right now. 
He wants to be considerate and only feed you his tip, but you sink down deeper until you have him at the back of your tongue just about where your gag reflex would start. You slide your other to his balls and shaft, playing with what you can’t fit while your eyes gaze up at him. You begin bopping your head up and down, sucking as best as possible. 
Jungkook’s knees buckle, he finds support by slamming his hands against the wall. He opens his mouth, letting out a shaky “a-ah” before closing his mouth again and furrowing his brows. 
His fingers deepen in your hair, his lids flutter. 
You suck on his tip as harshly as you can, making him growl before he remembers that he has to be quiet and he whimpers instead.
“Soon, really soon.”
He is throbbing in your mouth. You slide your hand up his shaft to get a good grip so you can pull his foreskin back and expose his tip even better. With his tip exposed, all his most sensitive nerves are sitting on your tongue, getting licked and sucked as you fuck your face with him.
“Now”, of course it sets him off. Of course it does. It feels so good to him. Jungkook rolls his eyes back and throws his head back, climaxing down your throat with a squeak of your name. His fingers tremble in your hair, his shaky legs can barely keep him standing.
You mewl around him, swallowing every single droplet your mouth can fit. The rest, you let trickle out of you, soiling your chin and chest. You are so hungry for him and show him until he is sucked dry and he has to flee in overstimulation.
He drops to his knees loudly, “holy fuck”, he croaks and pulls you into a kiss. You are both kneeling, pushing and pulling each other to get closer. He doesn’t even care that your mouth was still filled with his cum, licking it out of you hungrily as he floats on the afterglow with you. 
You recover like this. Kissing and touching each other. You go from sloppy, needy tongue kisses to slower yet needy kisses until you reach gentle, little kisses and caresses. 
Enough time passed that you and he feel a little chilly already, hugging each other to get warm.
“This was amazing”, he says and lies down in the water, pulling you with him so you rest between his legs with your head on his chest.
“Yeah, it was.” 
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
“No, I feel so good, just really tired.”
“Yeah, me too. Wanna clean up and then get under the sheets?”
You and he wash each other with fresh water, you dry each other and help each other with your hair. And as you take care of each other like good lovers should do after such a moment of passion, you talk about said moment. Jungkook shares with you how he dreams of being like this with you in the real world and you assure him that one day he will. You share with him that when you first started having sex you found it scary at first to give yourself in submission but that he and the others make you feel really safe to which he holds you gently and thanks you for allowing him the privilege of seeing you this way. 
Then you leave for your bedroom, holding hands as you do.
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You are already under the blanket and Jungkook is in the midst of climbing inside when you stop him.
“Hey, Kookie?”
“Can you get me some water? I’m so thirsty.”
“Of course, I’ll get it”, he says and leaves the room after kissing your forehead and putting on pants.
You are fighting sleep when he comes back a few moments later. He fucked you so good that you’re really exhausted now, fluttering your eyes at him sleepily.
“You won’t believe what I just witnessed downstairs”, he says, handing you the glass of water. You sit up, accepting it.
“What?” you ask, drinking the water gladly.
He takes off his pants and climbs into bed.
“Taehyung and Yoongi had a bonfire outside and apparently they talked it out. They’re friends now.”
“Really?” you gasp, feeling your heart flutter.
“Yeah, they’re washing the dishes downstairs and they’re talking.”
“Oh my god”, you get out, “oh my god, I’m so happy right now. I really wished for them to be friends again.”
“Yeah, me too”, he says and places the empty glass on the bedside table after you handed it to him.
You and he lie down, cuddling together under the blanket. Jungkook turns off the light and wraps his arms around you afterwards, tracing your spine slowly.
“Did you actually see them?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah, I talked to them and they told me.”
“Wow, this is so amazing. I’m so happy”, you whisper and cuddle closer, “I love you so much. All of you.”
It is the last thing you want to share before sleep drags you down. 
Jungkook smiles, kissing the crown of your head.
“I love you too. The others love you too”, he whispers, rubbing your back, “sleep tight, my gentle destiny.”
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hungharrington · 1 year
The NEED to tease stevie with your boobs though 😩😭 like anything, anywhere. Not wearing a bra on a hot summer day so he’ll see your nipples when they pebble in the breeze, driving home and randomly taking your shirt off to distract him, wearing tiny tiny bikini tops to swim in his pool, acting concerned and asking him if one’s bigger than the other and tbfh he’s not even listening. Just driving that boy crazy with your tits 😌
hehe thank u for the ask nonnie!! i’m dubbing this… menace!reader…. bcos that’s what u are, u little minx <3 afab!reader, MDNI this entire blog is 18+ but also no smut in this one!
“Are you trying to kill me?”
You pretend to consider his question thoughtfully, humming as you drop your chin into your palm. The car rumbles beneath you. You’re sure your grin is nothing short of a cheshire grin.
“Don’t know what you mean, Stevie.”
Steve manages a glare between his glances at the road, out the windshield. It’s quiet out on the road, a stretch of burning hot asphalt stretching out before you. Hawkins Pool is entirely too crowded today. Naturally, you and Steve have decided on heading further out to cool off beneath the climbing spring-time temperatures.
It also means you’re wearing barely anything to combat the heat.
“Shut up,” Steve scoffs. He takes his eyes off the road to look you up and down again. His eyes get stuck on your chest, staring at you tight tank-top that does little to cover the cherry red bikini beneath it. It looks like it pains him to drag his eyes back to the road.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
His hand reaches out, fingers curling around your thigh. He gives it a quick squeeze, chiding and eager all at once.
“Mmm,” You hum again, covering his hand with your own. You give it a little pat and then lean over to wind the window down, twisting the handle once, twice.
Wind rushes in, still cooler than the inside of the car which had been slowing heating sitting in Steve’s driveway all morning. The chill coats your skin, a flush of cool air sending a shiver over your body— you feel your nipples pebble in response.
It’s comical, watching Steve’s hair muss up as his gaze flicks rapidly between the road and the passenger seat. He sputters.
“That’s not— you are-” He cuts himself off with a throaty growl, eyes fixed on the road as he shifts across the car. His large hand moves from your thighs to clutches the knob and you watch as his bicep bulges gloriously, pumping the window handle to close it.
It closes much faster at his hand, closing with a hiss, than it did opening at yours. Muscles and all. You drool a little.
“—Unbelievable. You are unbelievable.” He finishes. The heat of his words is lost when he glances down at your tits once again. There’s this adorable pink in the apples of his cheeks.
Something in you gleans at how easy he is to rile up. You smile.
“Fine, no window.” You concede.
You slip your arm under the seatbelt and get a good grip on the fabric bunched around your waist. Steve manages a quiet What are you—? before it dissolves into an Oh my god as you pull the shirt off. It’s thin enough that it barely makes a difference in the heat but you make a show of it anyways.
“Whew,” You slip back beneath your seatbelt and fan yourself dramatically. “That’s much better.”
Steve’s hand on your thigh tightens. You hear how hard his head smack back against the headrest, even if it is smothered by his loud groan. You can’t tell if it’s in complaint or appreciation. Probably both.
“You can’t wait?” He whines, his fingers squeezing your flesh a little. “We’re like, 5 miles out. I can deal with you then, I promise.”
He steals a glimpse your way and can’t resist another look down at your chest. Keeping most of his focus on driving straight, a bit of it slips away as his hand moves to fiddle with the string of your bikini.
“This is a nice one.” He says, far too nice for how much you’ve been teasing him. Too bad you’re not feeling merciful.
“Thanks baby,” you murmur slyly. Your hand creeps up and dusts over his, heading for the knot at the back of your neck. It only takes one well targeted tug for the knot to release the strings and at the same time, the car swerves an inch, and Steve’s hand jumps up to grab them. It’s a miracle — or maybe he’s a well coordinated jock — but he manages to wrangle both of them and the car. A giggle pushes past your lips.
“Oh my God, I never thought I’d say this,” Steve says, releasing the strings to grasp both hands on the steering wheel very tightly. The bikini falls. Steve looks like he might be in pain, glancing out the drivers side window, his bottom lip trapped in his teeth. “But please put your boobs away.”
You giggle again, even as you gather the straps and re-tie it, not too keen on being exposed as it is. Regardless, it seems entirely worth it for Steve’s flushed face and his shifting hips. His swimming trunks hide… nothing. Finally, only when you’re shucked your shirt back on, tugging it down to cover your tummy, does Steve glance back at you.
His glorious pink face hadn’t faded but he has this grin that promises all sort of trouble, mixing with his fondness for you. “Y’know, I think you really are tryna kill me.”
“Death by boobs?”
“Hey,” Steve grins. “There are worse ways to go.”
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goldustwomun · 1 year
will we talk? (j.p.)
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pairing: bodyguard! james potter x baker! reader
summary: it was only meant to be a one night stand-- a pretty fucking amazing one night stand, but one night nevertheless. so when your dad informs you of a bounty on your head and beloved bakery, you expect just about anyone in the world but james to show up as your newly appointed bodyguard. he doesn’t even fit in with the decor!
warnings: allusions to sex (minors dni!!!), swearing, mentions of a sketchy job (drugs, arms, trafficking etc. u kno the drill w/ obscure mafia stuff), very very hot james xoxo
wc: 2.9k+
note: guess who’s back! (back back) back again! (again, again). anyway, hey :) i had random lines written for this for over a year & tbfh first yr of uni was great and then shit and then really shit so i had no desire to write, but i want to try!!! i really do!!! please, <3 comment & reblog <3 it means the world to me & literally every writer out there! excited for u all to read this :)
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Some might say it’s obscene to be sat at a bar, three vodka cokes down, when it was only just past 7 o’clock. The sun still stared pointedly down outside the window, streets bustling with people only just starting their commute home. And sure, any other young adult might have used this opportunity to meet some friends, have a quiet night in, maybe text that one guy on Tinder they’d been putting off meeting– something, anything to fill the awkward lull in time that wouldn’t be too much of a regret the next day.
Some might say it’s obscene, but you like to think it’s just another Tuesday.
The problem with Tuesdays is that more often than not, Wednesdays tend to follow. And it was at noon on the dot that you’d have to make your forty-minute bus ride downtown (a mistake in itself when all anyone could smell was weed, piss and something else indistinguishably rancid), into the one office building that seemed to substantially out-tower the others like some sort of architectural pissing contest, only to sit in front of your Dad and his ever-overpowering bluntness.
And it’s not like you despised him with every molecule in your body– rather, a few molecules here and there. He loved you, that you were certain of, but owing anyone money, your own father especially, made relationships uncomfortable in a sticky, sweaty, clammy-hands kind-of-way. He had always been an immovable figure, suspiciously mafia-esque, even, but of course, you’d never dare broach the subject.
So, Dad, Pa, Father dearest– are the rumours true? Do you really run an underground boxing ring? Or is it arms? Drugs, maybe? As long as it’s not human trafficking, I’ll still love you!
Some things are better left untouched. If ignorance was bliss, you were determined to remain in whatever liminal state of unknowing you’d been in your entire life.
And while he kept to himself and you did to, the last Wednesday of every month, noon on the dot, was not to be messed with. You’d learned that the hard way when you’d missed one during a particularly harrowing cold. It’d been like a SWAT team smashing through your apartment windows when you’d forced her eyes open.
So instead, you gulped down another glass of scathing liquid, all but gagging near the end at the acidic taste of un-mixed liquor swirling around the bottom of your glass.
It was Tuesday, after all, and you hoped if you drank enough, there would be a chance you’d be able to zone out tomorrow– a sweet spot you’d yet to master (somewhere between mildly hungover but still coherent enough to please him).
“What is that– your fourth? Fifth?” A voice questioned alongside a scratch of the bar stool to your left. It was deep, curious, deliciously rough– enough so that your mouth quirked behind your glass, bracing yourself for the face attached to such an addictive timbre.
“Third, actually–” you turned, finally taking in the tousled, black hair, crooked nose with rounded glasses perched on top of them, “--have you been counting?”
He had a kind of all-consuming appearance. Dark yet boyish when you noticed how his smile leaned one way, and a slight chip in his front tooth. An athlete, maybe? You were going to thank whatever misguided angel, deity or God herself had brought him to you.
You didn’t make a habit out of chatting up posh-looking lads with egos that rivalled even that of Icarus and his melting wings, but maybe just this once you’d give in– actually take what’s being offered.
“Huh– dunno why you’re sounding so smug, love. Three drinks and it’s not even dinner time. Some might call that a problem.” Almost immediately that smile of his morphed into an all-knowing smirk, a teasing gleam swimming about in those swampy hazel eyes of his.
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. “Who? Eighteen year olds having a taste of their first legal drink? Not sure three drinks add up to literal alcoholism, love,” you threw back, defensive, accompanied by that kind of uppity tone in your voice you despised hearing in others’.
His irrefutable bemusement only sharpened the knife poking away between your ribs. Your frown deepened, and so did his grin, but still, his hands flew up in mock-defence as if your words could bite back (and boy, did you wish they could).
“My bad, sweetheart, only teasing,” he assured, nodding at the bartender and then your now-empty drink. Another one, his practised movements seemed to say,
“Do you make a habit out of calling girls alcoholics and then buying them a drink?” you asked, curiosity taking over your irritation.
He shrugged and you couldn’t help but follow the movement, watching as his broad shoulders seemed to invade your space with such careless effort. “So far, just you. It’s something new I’m trying out. What do ya’ think, is it working?” Again with that boyish charm– some sort of arrogance and humility all at once.
Your head shook in an immediate no, but more so to hide the smile that had unwillingly crept onto your face. You knew, with the way things were going, that you’d give into just about anything the man offered (of which he’d not even hinted at yet, but you were just so mesmerised and maybe a little tipsy so you didn’t quite care enough to think of how desperate you may be coming off).
“‘M James, by the way,” he offered as a white flag, a surrender, if you will. You accepted by returning the formality and raising your new drink to his own– a half-empty glass of clear liquid and ice.
“What is that?” you motioned to the beverage in question, “like– 10 shots of straight vodka at once?”
He snorted, a little ugly yet somehow endearingly attractive. Fuck. “Even better, actually– water.”
“And is that new as well, to go with the accusations and drinks?”
“Oh, yeah– I’m really trying to commit to this new year, new me thing,” he bounced back effortlessly.
“It’s November,” you deadpanned, brow arched.
“So I’m either a month and a bit early, or eleven late,” he quipped. You were stunned by the easy rhythm of your back and forth, wondering in what world someone like him could exist– a paragon of a man or whatever the scholars called it. “And while that’d be a fun little story if it were the truth, ‘m actually starting a job tomorrow. Big one, as well. Figured some self-restraint was in order.”
And it was only then that you’d noticed just how little space there was between the both of you, having somehow drifted closer, closer, closer like galaxies hurtling towards each other.
You all but swallowed, staring at his drink held between you, a last barrier that seemed both momentous and insignificant. He’d got you caged in as well, an arm lazing on your backrest, near enough to feel the heat radiating from his skin, blood, maybe even his desire. And his legs, in a somewhat similar position, only a whisper away from knocking into your own.
You considered giving in right then and there, urging his mouth to yours, maybe leading him to the restroom in a grungy stall you wouldn’t otherwise go near on even your worst, most wasted nights.
“Self-restraint with the drinks only, right?” you questioned, tearing your gaze from his glass to his eyes, only to find them already fixated to you. His mouth was perched open, a glide of his tongue against his bottom lip, and the action draws you closer to that chip in his tooth you’d noticed earlier– the one that begged you closer. For inspection, a taste– whatever.
“Oh, but of course. It’s my undoing really, my Achilles Heel, my Hubris,” he seemed to murmur, his words a secret between the two of you. You felt bold then, a rush of heat pouring through your veins as your palm came to rest on the thigh closest to you.
His eyes flickered down for a moment, as if making sure it was real — that touch — before they returned to you. Waiting, watching, with bated breath.
“What is?” you asked, questioning if you’d missed a part of his sentence or if he really was striking you speechless and a little stupid with his words.
“Pretty girls with drinking problems,” and you couldn’t help the surprised laugh that burst from you. He grinned and it was pure majesty.
“Yeah?” you mumbled, inching forward.
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, sealing his mouth to yours.
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It was bright, too bright in his office– like the ceiling lamps worked part-time in interrogation rooms on the weekends. As much as you needed to be alert, comprehensive, at least mildly sober– it just wasn’t going to happen.
Last night had been something else entirely– the kind of mind-blowing fuck you could only ever dream about, when nights were lonely and the left side of the bed cold for too long. Your memory was somewhat hazy, tinged red with lipstick and lovebites and kicking the duvet out of the way to reach more skin. It was scathing yet sweet and a kind of ruination you welcomed with open arms.
But it also ended abruptly when your eyes flickered open the next morning (a few hours later, more like) and he was already gone. You knew it was for the best– you barely had time for yourself, your family and friends, let alone a stranger with a quick (and skilled, in many ways) tongue and wit.
So there you were, jarred by the empty feeling seeping into your bones. And the lights (had you mentioned the lights?).
“Now, how have things been going this past month?” your Father asked in that all-business, no-nonsense way of his. You think he knows you’re hungover but like all things in your relationship, the two of you choose to ignore it.
“There haven’t been as many customers as I would have liked. The school down the road has been half empty since most of everyone is on study leave, but I–”
“I didn’t ask for excuses, only how it’s going,” he interrupted swiftly. A stabbing pain seemed to appear at the base of your skull as you conjured the remaining energy inside of you to not roll your eyes at your own Father, as well as the man you quite literally owed thousands of pounds to.
“Of course, my bad,” you bit out, taking a deep breath before continuing. “The shop wasn’t as successful as previous months but I’ve got the money here anyway so I’ll still be on track.”
He nodded, accepting your answer and the envelope you placed on his otherwise scarce desk in front of him, before he slid the money, unchecked, into his top drawer.
You sighed, hurrying your words and rushing to gather your things and be out of that dreary office, “Well, if that’s all, I’ve got some errands to run and–”
“--Actually, there’s more I need to discuss with you.” For the second time that day, he cut you off and you fell, defeated, back into the cold leather of the chair. You tilted your head in some sort of half-nod that said, go on.
With his hands clasped in front of him, a stern front if there ever was one, he continued. “As you know, my work is complicated–” (you frowned) “--complicated and expensive. And when one is dealing with the amount of money this company makes, things can get… messy.”
To say you were confused would be an understatement. An actual conversation, albeit clouded with obscurity, about his job? “And when things are messy, one tends to make enemies.”
You couldn’t help how your frown deepened, but you held back any concerns before they could make their way past the tip of your tongue. Your Dad wasn’t one to be interrupted, even if he was particularly talented at doing it to others.
“Essentially, there’s someone who’s not very happy with me–” your mouth opens finally to prod at his statement but he continues anyway, “--and despite every precaution I have taken in order to keep you safe and separate from my work, it’s unfortunately backfired this time around. And so, for your safety, I’ve hired a bodyguard to watch over you for at least the next few months.”
He finished and then there was a resolute silence hanging over you as you took in his words.
You couldn’t help it– you burst out laughing.
“Dad, you’re not– I mean–” the sentence barely made its way out of your mouth before you were overcome with a fit of nervous giggles once more. This is absurd. “You’re not being serious, you can’t be. Right?”
So that’s when the panic set in, your fingers clutching the armrest on either side of you until your knuckles were white. “Holy fucking–”
“Language,” he scolded with no particular bite and you couldn’t help but scoff,
“Language? Seriously, language. That’s all you have to say. You’ve just told me there’s some kind of bounty on my head and that I need a bodyguard– like, a person to follow me around, twenty four-seven, and carrying a gun or some shit– but all you can think to say to me is fucking language?!” Your breath came out in quick pants, jumping to your feet as you paced the office.
This must be a joke, you thought incredulously. You can’t have some stranger following you around. You had a business to run, croissants to sell, debt to pay off! Who could possibly–
And somehow it got worse.
He walked in and the two of your gazes connecting immediately, like magnets (though this time in a completely different context with your own Father as a member of the audience). You could see, from your place by the window, how his irises grew imperceptibly wider for barely a second as the recognition set in.
“No. No, no, no,” you blurted out immediately, mouth still wide from shock and suddenly you questioned whether your rapid heartbeat was a surprise or something close to a heart attack. Oddly, you’d have preferred the latter.
“Sweetheart,” he had pulled out the big guns now, “this is James Potter.”
“Dad—” you tried and failed to interrupt.
“Don’t worry about the logistics, I’ve sorted it all out. I’ve already rented the apartment next to yours so that he’s nearby at all times. He’ll need to be hired as an employee at your bakery– you know, for appearances sake— but don’t worry about the cost, i’ve got it covered.” Your mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish out of water.
“And most importantly, he is not to leave your side. Ever.” He said it with ease like he hadn’t just informed you that your one night stand had turned into your shadow for the foreseeable future.
James had yet to say anything, his face a facade you wished you could slap off in that moment. Instead, he stood stalk still, arms poised behind him like some sycophantic robot ready to do whatever your Father pleased.
“He can’t be my bodyguard, Dad,” you urged, rushing to his desk, palms slamming down in front of him.
His response was a raised brow (you shared that in common). “And why’s that?”
It’s like you could hear James’ heart skip a beat, probably because yours had as well. You couldn’t tell him the real reason– that’d be a death wish, for the pair of you, if there ever was one.
“It’s just– he’s too big!” James didn’t smile, not outwardly, but you could see it in his eyes when you glanced his way. “I mean, he’s scary or whatever. He won’t fit in with the decor and it’ll scare away the customers,” you reasoned.
He finally spoke and it was then that you truly did consider walking over and slapping him across his stupid, gorgeous face. “What customers?”
You scoffed, whipping your head towards him. “Oh, screw you!”
James looked as if he were going to bite back, mouth poised for a reaponse, but your Dad cut in to save the two of you from outting yourselves.
“That’s enough. This isn’t up for discussion. James is your bodyguard and you’ll have no say in the matter.”
You deflated immediately, collapsing into the same chair you’d sat in, clueless, earlier.
So much for one night.
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comment & reblog :)) if u have any ideas for the next chapters do lmk!!! woo!!
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matchadobo · 10 months
KIDD; biker kidd au
summary: fluffy stuff abt this hot headcanon of mine that he'll look so biteable as a biker WHAHDUAHDHS LMAO warning/s: borderline nsfw since some nsfw stuff are mentioned but not there is no occurrence of the actual thing, all fluff!!, super hot kidd ahead nGgghhhhHHh
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just imagine, this fucking fridge of a man in a bike with a helmet
you'd always be delighted when he picks you up after work with the bike
he'd look so hot leaning on the bike while waiting for you
you'd have your own helmet and he loves putting it on for you, giving you a kiss before locking the helmet
he'd let you sit behind or in front of him, but he likes it when you're infront. he feels your ass more 😫. pros for behind is that he gets cuddles, would always have a hand on your leg
for the first time when you were shy enough to join him in his bike but is painfully required to hold onto him. you'd insist in holding the other edge of the bike even when he insists on you holding onto him, he'd fucking convince you so much to do so mf engineered for you to be in that position!! so when you would be too shy to comply, he'd start up the engine and move instantaneously a little so you can fucking fall behind him and subconsicously hold onto him. he'd be smirking and tightening your grip saying "hang tight, princess. don't want you falling further than you already have."
the feeling of the breeze on your skin while his arms are caging you and you have the free view of the road
he'd always do the thing where the bike goes vertically (IDK WHAT IT'S CALLED), you'll be scared at first but as he does it more often it's an adrenaline rush for both of you
his favorite position on the bike is when it's parked and you're sitting infront of him and facing him. he'll stare you down, lift your helmet, and give you a kiss that'd last a little too long
he'll love pretend-fucking you in the bike, where whenever it stops he'll just playfully thrust into you with a hand on your hip. always relishes on your flustered reaction, not knowing what to do with yourself. gives you a pat on your helmet after
you'd love to play on his bike, pretend like you'll drive it and leave him. mans will be pouting with that usual scowl
he likes taking you on mountains and parking it there on his previously mentioned favorite position, watching the view or doing something more than kissing 🤪
i just think this fits him so well than having a car, he metal like that
just imagine HIS ARMS while maneuvering that shit 😩
whenever you're in front of him, his titties are such a good cushion on the ride, it's so soft!! even when you're behind, you'll be clutching on them and squeezing
if you're down, he'll teach you how to ride the bike. just expect a very non-patient teacher 😞 so expect to get yelled at (affectionately). he'll even take you out to canvas on finding your own bike, secretly thrilled he'll have you as a biking partner
he loves customizing his bike, he fixes and replaces parts on his own. he'd love saying, "hey baby, look at my new fucking tires.", "look at my cool rims and headlights, love" with a proud, nerdy grin. always cooped up on his garage, tattered with grime and motor oil or some shit, always shirtless in the process. it'd be a hot spectacle tbfh!! you'd have to physically drag him out and ask him to take a bath.
he'd participate in races from time to time, bringing you as his little cheerleader. would use the cash prices for dates afterwards and use the remaining for bike work
would get your name somewhere in the design of his bike
during long trips, whenever there's a chance to stop due to traffic or stop lights, he'd let out a heavy breath and remove his hands from the clutches, you'd massage his shoulders and arms. he'd moan silently ij reliefwhile rubbing your thighs as a thank you, leaning his head down a bit on yours
he also loves (begrudgingly) when you ask him to bring you to places you need to go to. especially when you go out to your friends, he loves to show your friends that you bagged a fucking stud like him but more so show off his bike
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omg i have been so absent AKASJDHAHD there was just a lot happening with my life plus this was the only hc i can properly execute, i don't want to post anything half-baked!! i hope this one somehow makes up for my absence ><
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hanasnx · 2 years
once again my greatest weakness is exploited…. my inbox ….
ppl say jump in an inbox message i say how high
bcos quite honestly fratboy!anakin is so hard for me to write, simply bcos its so difficult for what i know of anakin and his character to align with a fratboy persona. however! i married the concepts my last fratboy post and i’ll do it again for u jelly. ive had to brainstorm a couple days…
next part
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☥ likes nuts. peanut butter. pistachios. nut and seed bread. u ask and he’s like “i like feeling like a squirrel” and ur not sure if its a joke. probably keto diets. he eats his body weight in good fats and goes to the gym as an obsessive hobby bcos hes got so much energy and nowhere to put it
☥ mario kart is one of his favorite games. he has a nintendo switch solely for mario kart. his friends play in competitions and get super hyped about it, sometimes they play normally but sometimes they make it an entire event. his frat makes a tournament out of it tbfh and winner usually gets some stupid made up prize like “mk-losers of the frat is your slave for a day” or “everytime you enter a room, if a MK-loser member of the frat is present, they must announce you to the room like ur a king” or “you gotta set up the winner with one of your hot exes”
anakin usually wins. and gets pissy when he doesnt. hes so competitive. especially if the people around him make it a big deal that he didnt win, hes all like “whatever its just a stupid game anyway. i changed my vehicle settings this time around”
☥ as an excuse to be close to you he asks you if he can crack your back for you bcos you complained about it hurting and when you stretched trying to get it to pop it wasnt as satisfying as you wanted it to be.
“i can crack your back for you.”
you fall for his trick. “would you? that would be so great thank you,” you fist your hands and cross your wrists over your chest, like usual, expecting him to get behind you and lift you and jostle you like people always did when they cracked your back. instead, he gets to your front with a smile.
“i know a better way.” you look at him quizzically as he takes your wrists and drapes your arms over his shoulders. he stoops, large frame wraps around you and your waist, fists at the base of your spine. you get nervous. “go limp.” you relax as best you can, your cheek against his neck surely heating up with a blush at how youre pulled flush against him.
he knows exactly what hes doing and his cheeky grin is hidden from you. “alright, inhale deep.” you do as he says. “and exhale.” you do. and slowly he lifts you from the ground easily by standing straight, and his fists slide up your spine, squeezing you to him. your heart is pounding, and your spine pops as he moves up. he gets to the top and sets you down, and holds you while the black dots in your vision subside. you realize he’s embracing you so tender and patient and you politely push off of him.
“um. thanks.”
and he meant that. bcos he gets into the habit of asking you if you want your back cracked, and you get into the habit of saying yes bcos of how good it felt, how good he was at it, and how close the two of you got when he did it.
to the point that when you saw him, he’d pavloved you, and you lift your arms above your head reaching for him, waiting to rest them on his shoulders so he can pick you up and pop your spine. he obliges every time, excited to do it. he loves pressing you against him like that.
☥ hes an engineering major i just know it. very bright, but not the top of his class. he doesnt study really, things just make sense to him. and he also admits to you that he does a lot of things in his free time that requires engineering.
“like skateboard ramps?” you taunt.
“something like that.”
☥ his favorite movie is treasure planet and he wants to watch it every time you two end up hanging out. if you ask what movie he wants to watch, its treasure planet. if you look over at him randomly, you see him mouthing the words. it was his hyperfixation as a kid and heavily influenced him. especially bcos he doesnt have a dad, and hes got a father figure named obi wan in his life that had no business caring for him but did anyway. like that pirate in his favorite movie:)
if youre not sick of it, you dont even bother to ask him what he wants to watch. u just put it on. it usually is background noise anyway for whatever conversation arises bcos this boy cannot focus on one thing at once, and must multitask and get distracted
☥ hes the band “chase atlantic” coded unfortunately
☥ would wanna sleep with u in ur bed all the time even if ur not dating. he wants to take naps with you. he has insomnia, and he noticed that one time when you hung out, he fell asleep with you so easily. now he asks for sleepovers constantly. also bcos it means he can subtly cuddle you.
and when youre closer, and he can flirt with you, and youre comfortable with him. he probably cops a few feels so you smack his hand or move it away for him.
at one point you move his hand onto your chest, indicating you wanted him to grab and massage it for real this time. just like he always teases. and it turns into grinding his dick onto your ass and squeezing your chest til the flesh pops out in between his fingers. circling and pinching your hardening nipples. arm under your head, hand on your jaw to inclined your face in his direction so he can bite and nibble your ear, lick at it while he talks dirty shit in it.
“you’re so hot, can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you… you know half the guys at house would kill for this…
you wanna help me make ‘em really jealous?”
☥ the horny texts and pics this man would send once you two are officially talking or together.
“i think about fucking you all the time.”
“you gonna let me hit after class? cmon i deserve it.”
“baby you gotta show me that pussy. its been so long i forgot what it looks like. remind me.”
“coming over today. you want a ride? on my cock i mean.”
“some guys at the house were talking about you today. can i tell them about us?
gotta see their faces hearing what a slut you are. i promise i’ll spill every dirty detail. could even show em some of the pictures if you want… or the videos. i like the bareback one, doggy style? cant get over the way you sound in that one. wet pussy, pretty moans, twerking on my cock like a porn star. miss you sweet girl.”
☥ he honestly would pick out a hoodie for you to wear. he wants u to wear it. gets pouty when you dont “wheres my hoodie?”
“at my dorm.”
“why arent you wearing it?”
“its cold outside.” he wants ppl to know youre wearing a guy’s hoodie— specifically his hoodie— for a reason
☥ he’d still call you stupid nicknames like “killer” and “champ”.
“hows it hangin today, killer? you look fucking good.”
“you’re late again champ, usually you get here before me. you avoiding me or something?”
☥ trying to get you to fuck him at his frat house or dorm or whatever bcos he wants the guys to hear you .. just so everybodys clear on whats going on between you two
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fruitxbat · 1 year
I was tagged by @100percent-unimpressed & @hospitalchapel (thx, yall <3) to fill this out and tag some other people I'd like to get to know better 👍
Favorite color: right now, I'm really into bright red-ish orange, pastel blue, and lime green
Currently reading: well I started to read Good Omens a couple months ago, but I haven't picked it up in a while. Otherwise I’ve been reading a lot of tbs fics lately-- I'm between a few rn, but I will say pocketpepper's been a godsend in that fandom. I'm also technically doing a reread of Paradox 'verse by stoplightglow, as I've been putting together a horrendously amateur podfic of it for my sister (she likes to listen to it while doing the dishes, lol).
Last song: p sure it was Hands In The Sky (Big Shot) by Straylight Run... obsessed with the music video, like it's so strange but also has some of the coolest visuals, ough.
Last series: ohh, that's hard to say. It’s been a while since I've watched one... it had to have been either Chainsaw Man or Regular Show, tbfh 🙈
Last movie: also been a hot sec, which is out of character for me actually? I love movies. I thiiiiink it was Sinister (2012). Can I just say, its original score kind of slays 👀
Currently working on: not much, now that challenge season is over... I mean there's obviously the podfic I mentioned above, but besides that just like. trying to muster the courage to clean my bathroom, basically 💔
I tag @asthevermincrawls, @adamlazzara, @ruffgem, @void-flesh, @stoplightglow, and @nadiea
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thorsefni · 9 months
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here's a little write - up of important thorfinn tidbits & events, that i especially find major for my characterization, for anyone who may be interested in plotting soon or who may like future starter calls [ if you're unfamiliar with the story in any capacity ] !
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thorfinn, born in 996, is the youngest child of the great jomsviking commander & warrior, thors snorresson [ "troll of jom" ]. his father faked his death & migrated to iceland for a better, calmer life. there he & thorfinn's mother, helga, gave birth to him.
at the age of six it's revealed that thors' former allies learned he was still alive & approached him, stating they will being out to war & he is to join them. thorfinn, being the most skilled in the village, wanted to join his father at battle, telling thors he's fit to fight because of his natural skill eyed by the other men around him. although being told no, thorfinn sneaks onto the ship anyway.
whilst at sea, a danish commander, askeladd takes thors' life in front of thorfinn's eyes. it's then thorfinn sets his mission that for as long as he breathes he will behead askeladd & avenge his father's death. this is the entirety of thorfinn's boyhood, nearly an entire decade with just the intent to murder, nothing but blood on his hands, on his face, in his mouth, & on his blades.
to do this thorfinn essentially lives with askeladd & his band, waiting at askeladd's hand & foot off & on battle. [ this basically entails thorfinn doing askeladd's dirty work; beheading men, stealing jewels, setting villages aflame, being overall mischievous & troublesome. he becomes numb to this ritual, the pain absolutely nothing to him ]; this is because he always let's thorfinn know that for any task he achieves, he will have the chance to duel with him, which is thorfinn's ultimate goal, at the end of the day. [ * it's kind of fun to note here that thorfinn is canonically very short. around five foot one / five foot two. so imagine you see this little boy on the field, around sixteen - eighteen, with death in his eyes killing grown men with ease. terrifying ]
during these many tasks of receiving riches, losing duels against askeladd, missing his father, & beheading literal commanders of rival teams; thorfinn is asked to watch over a meek, mute prince again his will [ prince, later king, canute; ruler of denmark & england ]. this is all askeladd's doing that has major consequences at the end but i'm not writing thorfinn at that time so it doesn't matter for this blog, not right now <3
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random important personality points: thorfinn is extremely hot - headed & rude. childhood aside, he has raised himself & hasn't had any positive figures in his life since his father. this is a boy who taught himself to fight & can kill animals with ease in order to survive.
thorfinn can be selective when he speaks. not mute like canute, but selfish when it comes to his voice. but when he speaks, he speaks.
he's canonically extremely fast. it's one of the first thing people notice about him when he fights. he knows how to angle his body to take less hits &, again in canon, has taken up to 100 punches & was still standing, bruised & bloody, because he's a true warrior.
his family, & everyone in the village, those who remember him, all think he's dead. the last time they saw him was before his father was set to war when he was six. they had no idea he snuck onto the boat with him. in many aus & modern interpretations i have him set as an orphan.
HEADCANON: he's really just a troubled, traumatized baby, tbfh. there's an entire scene where he loses a duel to askeladd & he's so disappointed in himself he becomes a sulking mess. instead of joining dinner with everyone else he sits on his father's ship, in the snow, wrapped in a blanket, seeing astral projection - like images of him & his father when he was a child. his walls are up extremely high & i bet he wishes he could talk to someone about all of this without having to be in fight mode 24/7. just look at him:
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what-if-nct · 10 months
hi hello annyeong! today I realized I am no better than a cat in heat because whyyyyy did an older man show the barest bit of chivalry today and I was ready to thank him on my hands and knees? any way he wanted it.
tbfh, it is not taking a lot anymore to rile me up, cause a stiff breeze will do it. he wasn’t even like, movie star or model grade hot either, just a clean cut older man. it’s the bare minimum for me. he smelled clean, clothes neat, like, why shouldn’t you be out in public not disheveled???? I blame the boss at my job, he came in today with a new hair cut, cologne spritzed up, and just parading around with a saunter that denotes he’s secretly part horse (wink wink wink).
I feel like I need to spritz myself like Blanche Devereau from golden girls. just hot and bothered for no good reason
When I say I feel you, honey I feel you. Like sometimes you just get feral, and you're like a cat in heat I get it! When I think the most wild and obscene things I check my period tracker and low and behold i am in deed in heat. Then when I am not it's something I have to analyze about my character because it gets wild. I just had a thought yesterday I can't say in public but I think I know who you are so I'll tell you later, sorry if I'm wrong but i have good idea I might know. I know a lot of girls hate this and its probably cause for me it's only been guys I'm actually attracted to have done this to me but when a guy moves you over by your waist oh i get weak in the knees. The last time it happened was in Spencer's and like Spencer's is small and he was tall and had like dark kinda long hair and piercings and he just moved me over by my waist I think he worked there and I was like swooning a little bit. Usually it's mostly women and they say excuse me honey or sweetie and im swooning just as much. There is nothing better than a woman calling you honey, baby or sweetie. It's just the best thing. With men it's hit or miss but with women it always hits every time.
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
just wanna make out with steve harrington right now tbfh with you
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spending the day at steve's house, mainly his pool, on hot july days was the best way to spend summer vacation. you and steve barely left the water, playing different games and then just floating.
the sun was starting to get low and you both sat on the stairs of the pool. you slowly started to scoot next to steve. "thanks for letting me use your pool all day. you're the only one i know with a pool and.." you smile and he looks at you, cocking his eyebrows.
"oh yeah? that's all i'm good for?" steve smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you on him and having you straddle his waist.
"hmm.. maybe a few other things" you shrug and he hums, holding your face and pulling you down to kiss him. you placed your hands on his chest, lips slowly moving with his as the water softly splashed around you two when you ground your hips into his.
"did you want to head upstairs?" steve mumbled against your neck and you smile, sitting up and falling back into the water.
"why head upstairs when we have this amazing pool?" steve swam next to you and held your waist, pressing you against the wall as his eyes darted back and forth between yours.
"i'd go anywhere as long as you're there" steve mumbled and you smiled, running a hand over his hair as you wrapped your legs around his waist as you kissed him deeper.
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moonknightly · 2 years
Hey! I'm here, because I've been missing the moon boys a lot. So, PROTECTIVE moon boys, but like about mundane stuff. Bumping into the edges of furnitures, burning yourself while cooking, hand in front of you before crossing the street, to make sure you don't move without them checking the surroundings.
How bad they can deal with all these small things, how overprotective they can get sometimes when they are tired or worked up. And all of em still reacts differently but somehow simultaneously.
oh my goddddd i think marc kind of shows this side of himself before the others? he makes you hold his hand when you’re crossing the street and makes sure you have pepper spray or something you can use to protect yourself when you’re walking by yourself even though let’s be honest, you’re never walking alone because he’s in the shadows watching tbfh🤷🏼‍♀️he’s kind of more like, preventative than the others i guess? like he’s overprotective in the way that he goes above and beyond to make sure that there’s no possible way you could get hurt
i think steven supervises or hovers. he’s kind of like marc where obviously he’s trying to keep you from getting hurt but he also allows you a little more space (i’m not going to say freedom because marc isn’t like this in a controlling way and sometimes he feels such extreme guilt because he’s scared he comes off that way). when you do get hurt honestly i could see steven cursing at whatever it is that cause you pain, whether it be a hot oven or the corner of a table or a knife, just to make you laugh a little bit if nothing else
jake is more in line with steven i think, but when you get hurt he just pouts and glares and thinks of ways to keep it from happening in the future. one time you hit the corner of something so hard and cut yourself so bad that when you get home the next day, he’s installed like those fucking foam things people put on the corner of tables for babies and it’s so ridiculous but it also makes you smile…but you ultimately get him to take them off because it looks a little ridiculous lol
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 14
you say hooking your fingers in his chest harness and pulling him closer slightly. fucking hell thats hot
 You whistle through your teeth. 
haha she is figuring out who all are vampires
damn we really got jungkook hard
wow they all are making out .... for science HOLY FUCK THIS IS TOO HOT AND ON THE DANCE FLOOR WOW good thing kook wasnt there, he would have died
GOD DAMNIT TAE WHAT NOW oh the ring ok apology mildly accepted
ok your friends?? does that include yoongi? or just jimin and joon?
NOO FUCK FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK JIMIN AGAIN NO HE TOOK THE RING FUCK EVERYTHING istg im gonna wear the ring as a toe ring ha you cant snatch a toe ring that fast unless it falls off
OMG ITS KOOK THANK YOU MUAH oh sorry he doesnt like that *flying kiss
“Too many questions, just keep walking. Pretend everything’s okay” kook huh? why so much pushing? almost unlike him
There are two voices coming out behind that mask. One that sounds like Jungkook and one that is dark and doesn’t sound like him at all. huh? is he possessed? THE POWER CHRIST COMPELS YOU
his gloved hand pressed against your mouth. He wasn’t wearing gloves earlier tonight. OH SHIT AAAH
you say hooking your fingers in his chest harness and pulling him closer slightly. fucking hell thats hot
damn we really got jungkook hard
wow they all are making out .... for science HOLY FUCK THIS IS TOO HOT AND ON THE DANCE FLOOR WOW good thing kook wasnt there, he would have died
jfjasdfj honestly this smut is still so random and I'm living for it
GOD DAMNIT TAE WHAT NOW oh the ring ok apology mildly accepted
me tbfh JFAJSFJ I'm too weak for him
ok your friends?? does that include yoongi? or just jimin and joon?
NOO FUCK FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK JIMIN AGAIN NO HE TOOK THE RING FUCK EVERYTHING istg im gonna wear the ring as a toe ring ha you cant snatch a toe ring that fast unless it falls off
OMG ITS KOOK THANK YOU MUAH oh sorry he doesnt like that *flying kiss
oh sweet summer child if only you knew
“Too many questions, just keep walking. Pretend everything’s okay” kook huh? why so much pushing? almost unlike him
hihihihiihih 🌚
There are two voices coming out behind that mask. One that sounds like Jungkook and one that is dark and doesn’t sound like him at all. huh? is he possessed? THE POWER CHRIST COMPELS YOU
his gloved hand pressed against your mouth. He wasn’t wearing gloves earlier tonight. OH SHIT AAAH
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izukult · 3 years
little things with denki kaminari
happy birthday to my love. latest in this series here
—whenever one of you is listening to music, you always share earbuds (or at least offer). you have a shit ton of playlists for situations (bus rides with loser, people in class won’t stfu and we have to act like we care¿?, bored asf) etc. it’s also customary for you to have at least one song rec for each other a day.
—bro this motherfucker has bit you before? how odd.
—he really, really loves to talk. so no matter how talkative or how quiet you are, you two are constantly interrupting each other and it always makes him laugh.
—denki has no idea what to do when it comes to relationships. not one thought is running through that mans head and it shows. when you two first get together, he has genuinely no idea what to say. he’s smooth and casual when he’s not thinking about it, but the second he processes the fact he’s your boyfriend and he’s supposed to be boy friendly, he’s clueless.
—he literally quotes romance movies to try to sound cool. it’s so bad. he sounds awful. it’s horrible. it’s ugly. please, kaminari, i’m begging you. be quiet. it’s kinda cute tho tbfh
—also! he gets so flustered. he would never show you but like when you send a text that’s even remotely romantic he’s done for. that one video of the girl holding her phone to her chest and kicking the bed? that’s him tbh
—after every fight, near miss, or villain encounter all he ever wants to do is spend time with you. even if you’re both just sitting there silently, it calms him down so much.
—speaking of, he freaks out really easily. and he finds so much comfort in you. and he wants to do the same for you. he has a list of things he knows make you feel better. be like that for him or ur a fucking loser
—you’re a big motivator in his training. after all the shit he’s seen, he’s got a lot of valid fear and trauma. so he doesn’t want you to ever have to go through that type of thing, even if you were training to be a hero. he wants to be able to protect you, so he pushes himself super hard to learn how to channel his electricity.
—did you know kaminari skateboards? well, he does! and he is itching to teach you. you two love to go to this little park at night, only lit by street lights and the city. his hands are on your waist as you wobble on the board and he’s laughing at you. teaches you about footing and all the terms (“i’m not gonna be dating anyone who stands goofy, you hear me?” clearly he doesn’t actually give a shit.). once you’re pretty good, he buys you a board as a gift.
—denki is a pretty chill dude. he doesn’t get offended much and when he does he’s never really angry about it. but if someone even looks at you wrong he’s laughing almost politely and flicking his wrist back and commenting some snarky insult about that person not really to them but definitely loud enough for them to hear.
—he sneaks into your room every night to fall asleep with you. you fake being annoyed when he comes in and runs his mouth for fifteen minutes, but you don’t actually care. kaminari sleeps with his head covered in pillows, so i imagine he shoves his head into your neck or back, and wraps his arm completely around you once he actually falls asleep. very cuddly dude. once you complained about how it was too hot at night because of him, and instead of letting up he bought you a 75 dollar desk top power fan and told you problem solved.
—movie nights every thursday. you tried to argue it should be saturday for months, talking about sleep schedules and responsibilities the next morning but he does not care. it’s thursday’s, you will enjoy it. srz
—he unironically wants you guys to get one of those big shirts you can both wear. every time a birthday or holiday or anniversary comes up and you ask what he wants, he tells you that shirt. he begs for you to wear one with him. one time he was sobbing over something completely irrelevant and you asked him if there was anything that would make him feel better and through tears he said “big couple shirt” and cried harder when you said no.
—he wakes you up with a shitty pickup line every single morning. sometimes he looks them up, sometimes he makes up shitty ones specific to you.
—you two have matching bracelets. you made them together one night, he bought a bunch of beads and shit and insisted that you make them. he made yours, you made his. so yea basically you walk around with a shitty yellow and black bracelet that says denki (self projecting as i literally wear that bracelet right now)
—no matter where he is, he always makes sure a spot next to him is available for you, just incase you show up. he wants you to feel included and even if he’s silent about it, he makes sure you’re always comfortable.
—he makes you recreate funny couples photos all the time. like the reaction meme looking ones. his favorite (which is also his lock screen and his profile picture) is the one with that couple making out on the fence and the girls holding the guy up lol. also loves to take really uncomfortable ones that look like posed white people family photos and you’re both just doing thumbs up and standing too far away from each other.
—y’all are so funny for real. like constantly laughing, always having fun, just so comfortable?? such a good relationship i’m ngl would die for it
—he gets a star projector and makes you stare at it with him for hours. for the first thirty minutes he aggressively shushes you if you try to say anything. loves it.
—he’s really good at balancing being a good friend / conversationalist / person to be around and being affectionate. he’s pretty good at gauging what you need when you need it. he’s such a good boyfriend yea <33
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Them Walking In On You/ You Walking In On Them While Changing Pt 1
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a/n: @awmahleebkg hey baby <))) i love this req so much omg ofc id love to do it for you bunny <) ALSO I GOT MY NEW BANNERS ON HERE YAYY
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff/Crack
Warnings: cursing? not proofread
Includes: Todoroki, Midoriya
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yall were going on a double date with another couple in class
you were excited asf bc you were going to your fav cafe
i hc that shouto is either incredibly fast at getting changed or he takes his weet mf time with NO in between. and today was the day he decided to take his time
you waited like 20 min for him to GET DRESSED and he still wasnt done
so walking upstairs to his dorm, you slowly open the door to see a shirtless shouto with his back facing you and a shirt wrapping around his arms like he was ab to pull it over his head
you freeze- bc holy DAMN is he fine-looking at his back muscles like KASKJDHSAKJDAS (ABSOLUTELY BARKING RIGHT NOW)
he just nonchalantly turns around like "Oh, hey, y/n"
and you've completly malfunctioned bc his back is still facing you and and and
momo.exe has stopped working
"um- uh- hi" you smile as you stare at his muscles😩😩
"was i being too slow, sorry i-"
"oh, no, its okay, i guess i just wanted to see you," you trail off
"well, we are leaving in a few minutes. together." he says it like it isnt obvious🙄✋
KIDDING we love him
now your baby is just confused- youre staring at him like youve never seen him before- he thinks something is wrong w him by the way youre looking at him
"is there something on me? what is it?"
he turns around to you, walking towards your frozen figure, breaaking your trance
you stumble a little while taking a step back
"i'm fine! you're good! you look great, hot- GREAT! you look great."
his head tilts in confusion
"ill just wait...outside...for you"
you SPRINT out that mf door so fast
you spent the rest of that time trying to calm your thoughts and heartbeat oml i dont blame you that man is-
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the most awkward experience you ever had tbfh
yall just got done studying
and while you were picking everything up you find his phone just laying on the floor
obviously you had to return ittt
you expected him to be just chillin on his bed or finally realizing his phone was gone
but when you open his door and hand his phone out, you dont see that
izuku is not wearing a shirt
or pants
the only thing you look at are his boxers
...his allmight boxers-
you chuckled subconsciously, seeing the blue and yellow underwear and his red face freezing and his hands trembling in embarrassment
"uh, you, uh, you left your phone," you stutter, not knowing if you should take a step forward or back
"oh, uh, t-thanks" he stutters, reaching out to take the phone with his shaky arms
this man is so embarrassed omg 😭
you dont say anything as you awkwardly hand him the phone, stepping back into the doorway
"uh, im really sorry, by the way," is all you mutter out before slipping out of his room and sprinting back to yours
you just saw midoriya half naked- wearing nothing but allmight boxers-
you didnt know if you loved it or hated it
the next day he avoids the shit out of you, but you trail after him like a dog trying to apologize
once you get him cornered, you reassure him that you didnt think anything of it, and you wont tell anyone
pls do that this man is scarred🙏
make sure to read part 2! ill post the link in a reblog!
taglist: @combat-wombatus @hitosushi @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @toosharkinternet @iicekking @alpha3113
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hanasnx · 1 year
OMG BRO I JUST READ YOUR LAST TWO ON ANAKIN BEING "GROSS" 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️ what if i just moaned. What if i barked. I dont even have words. Could you elaborate on dripping wax on him? Smth about wax play makes me wanna scream 🤤
anakin is fucking nasty during sex its part of his sex addiction and his unhealthy coping mechanisms. wax play is one of those things he tries bcos hes fascinated mixing pain and pleasure and the worse it hurts the closer he gets to finishing tbfh (i wouldnt put it past him to have an orgasm as you beat him the fuck up,,, consensually ofc)
prev post one ⟹ two
excerpt from: “anakin’s kinks”
☥ wax: he wants you to drip it on him, he likes the way it stings and burns and the hiss of pleasure he emits when you let him jack himself off for being such a good boy for you
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“Easy— easy,” he chastises, the muscles in his abdomen tensing.
“Are you done?” you ask, awaiting the utterance of his safe word while the candle remains suspended above him, but tipped back to ease its trickling.
Sweat beads on his furrowed brow, too concentrated to spare you more than a glance. “No, no, of course not.” You deduce he’s masking his tone to give you the impression he’s fine enough to continue. For the truth, you flicker your gaze to the tent in his pants, just to confirm he’s into this. You slow your movements, so the candle’s spilling percolation is not so rapid, one drop at a time. Anakin throws his head back, fisting the waistband of his boxers for purchase. “It burns,”
A wry laugh chuffs out of you, “Yeah, baby, it’s supposed to. Sit still,” You watch with fascination how the wax collects in the crevices of his muscle to harden. Some land on his side, sliding down.
He squeezes his eyes shut, thrashing his head side to side, breathing hard. “Is it supposed to be this hot?”
You can’t help but be amused, tilting your head at him, pupils dilated at the sight of your lover going out his mind. “Are you telling me you can take on the heat of battle but you’re fussy over a little candle?”
He peeks at you. “It’d help if I could touch myself.” he whimpers, that sweet sound sending a shiver right down your spine straight to your core.
The countenance you wear offers him clarity as to what you want from him.
You press your lips together to hum in thought, and punctuated it with dipping your hand to trail wax up his chest, dangerously close to his areola.
He whines. A sharp breath hitching in his throat as he steels himself from the pain.
You shift in your seat to settle that ache in between your legs listening to him make a fool out of himself. “I suppose you’ve earned it.”
His herculean front curls in the most picturesque way, tense muscles folding over themselves looks good enough to eat. If only this substance was edible…
He pushes his boxers down, his throbbing cock springing free. So desperate, he licks his hand to slick up his member, mixing it with his leaking pre-cum. You’re entranced, but it doesn’t prevent you from continuing your task. He relaxes into the bed as soon as he gets a steady rhythm going, until he gets close with the use of the wax, spasming as his arm alternates from slower to quicker speeds.
A glint in his eye shifts to something darker, as he grabs hold of your wrist. “More,” He ignores your questioning expression. “like you did before.”
You obey, pouring the candle’s remnants onto the path in between his pecs and abs. He hisses, and you can’t tear your gaze away from how his cock spurts thick ropes of milky cum all because he was tortured a little.
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