#the guy that makes perfect latte art
fazcinatingblog · 7 months
"who is the real marnus" sir, you're just begging me to write an essay using that question
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inkspiredwriting · 24 days
Espresso Envy
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: I just love jealous five
Warnings: None
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Five Hargreeves was not used to feeling insecure. As a seasoned time-traveler, assassin, and occasional apocalypse preventer, he’d faced threats far more daunting than everyday emotions. But watching his wife, Y/n, laugh with the handsome barista at their favorite coffee shop brought out a side of him he wasn’t quite familiar with—jealousy.
It was a sunny Saturday morning, and the small café was bustling with activity. Five and Y/n had settled into a cozy corner, enjoying their rare day off. Y/n had just gone to the counter to get their second round of Coffee’s when Five noticed the interaction.
The barista—let’s call him Chad, because Five immediately decided he looked like a Chad—was tall, with an easy smile and annoyingly perfect hair. Y/n was chatting animatedly with him, her laughter ringing out like a melody that grated on Five’s nerves when paired with Chad’s obvious admiration.
Five narrowed his eyes, feeling an unfamiliar twist in his stomach. Was Y/n flirting with him? Was Chad flirting with her?
Y/n, oblivious to her husband’s inner turmoil, was just asking Chad about the origin of the café’s unique blend. Five knew this because, in between sips of his black Coffee, he had tuned his hearing to pick up their conversation. “It’s nothing,” he told himself. “Just a friendly chat.”
But as the conversation continued and Chad seemed to grow more animated, Five decided he’d had enough. He stood up and sauntered over to the counter, trying to exude casual confidence but managing more of a stiff-legged march.
“Hey, honey,” Five said, slipping an arm around Y/n’s waist a bit too possessively. “Everything okay here?”
Y/n looked up, surprised but smiling. “Hey, Five! I was just talking to Chad about the coffee. He was telling me about this new blend from Guatemala.”
Chad, who clearly had no idea what he was stepping into, gave Five a friendly nod. “It’s a unique roast—very complex, with notes of chocolate and citrus. Would you like to try a sample?”
Five’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he plastered on a tight smile. “No, thanks. I’m not interested in... complicated blends.” He tightened his grip on Y/n, causing her to glance at him quizzically.
“Oh, Five, you should try it!” Y/n said, missing the tension in his voice. “It’s really interesting.”
Five huffed, attempting to sound nonchalant. “I’m more of a classic black coffee guy. Simple. To the point.”
Chad, apparently unbothered by the awkwardness, handed Y/n her latte. “Well, if you change your mind, just let me know. I’m always here.”
Five’s smile turned into a grimace. “Always here, huh?” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, we won’t keep you from your important work, Chad. Thanks for the coffee.”
Chad raised an eyebrow, sensing the underlying hostility, but shrugged and returned to his duties. Y/n, meanwhile, was thoroughly confused by Five’s sudden mood swing.
As they returned to their table, Y/n couldn’t help but giggle. “Five, are you... jealous?”
Five scoffed, though his cheeks tinged pink. “Jealous? Me? Absolutely not. Why would I be jealous of some... latte-making, foam-art... Chad?”
Y/n laughed, setting her latte down and reaching for Five’s hand. “Chad is just a barista. A nice one, sure, but it’s not like I’m running off with him.”
Five sighed, feeling a bit sheepish. “I know, I just... I didn’t like how he was looking at you. Or how you were laughing at his stupid coffee jokes.”
Y/n squeezed his hand. “Five, you have nothing to worry about. I love you, not some random guy at a coffee shop. Besides,” she added with a mischievous grin, “you’re much better looking.”
Five’s frown melted into a smirk. “Well, that’s true. But just so you know, if Chad tries anything, he might find himself serving coffee in the Stone Age.”
Y/n laughed, pulling him into a hug. “Noted. But for now, how about we enjoy our coffee and let Chad keep his job?”
Five rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fine, but I’m keeping an eye on him.”
The next weekend, Y/n dragged Five back to the café, much to his reluctance. “Let’s give it another try,” she said, nudging him playfully.
When they entered, Chad greeted them with a bright smile. “Hey, it’s my favorite couple! What can I get you today?��
Five stiffened but managed a polite nod. “I’ll have a black Coffee.”
Y/n chuckled, ordering her usual latte. As they waited, Five leaned over to whisper in Y/n’s ear. “If he tries to give you a free sample of that Guatemalan blend, I’m dumping it on his head.”
Y/n laughed, kissing his cheek. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
Five grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Ridiculously in love with you, maybe.”
As they sipped their drinks, Five’s jealousy faded into the background, replaced by the warmth of Y/n’s laughter and the comfort of their love. Chad, blissfully unaware of the near prehistoric coffee trip he’d narrowly avoided, continued making his foam art, completely oblivious to the small drama he’d unwittingly starred in.
And Five, despite his occasional lapses into jealousy, realized that with Y/n by his side, there was nothing he couldn’t handle—even a charming barista named Chad.
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korereapers · 11 months
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I collaborated with the amazing @laxi0v0 for a cute little event we made in the scriddler server. This is Laxi's art about the fic I wrote, and HONESTLY HONESTLY i couldn't have asked for a better and more supportive partner. Her art is way better than I would ever dream on writing and honestly, Laxi, I'm so glad it was you bc we vibe a lot about our tastes w this ship.
The fic will be on ao3 later, but here, for you guys, before anyone else:
Jonathan takes a sip out his mug, nicely decorated with a pumpkin, the recipe of the pumpkin spice coffee perfected by him for decades. It’s warm, it tastes like fall, and it’s the start of what Jonathan considers to be the best time of the year.
It started like a small tradition for him, when he finally left home and started studying to become the psychologist he wanted to be. Halloween was to be celebrated, especially for freaks like him, abhorrent creatures that made great-granny’s skin crawl. He was proud of that, in a way. It was his moment, it still is, after all of these years, because he is still a freak, he belongs to this weather and these colors more than he belongs anywhere else. He belongs between ocher leaves and the smell of fog, the rain starting to fall over Gotham, only to leave when it’s summer again. The start of his kingdom, of the time he rules over.
Or it would be, if Edward wasn’t so adamant about going to freaking Starbucks.
He doesn’t get it, not really. A malnourished child from Georgia, surrounded by overworked kids that serve them with the most forced smile when Edward asks, yet again, for the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte. With ice. Oatmeal milk. Whipped cream.
Jonathan wants to die.
“How is this even supposed to be spooky?”
Edward rolls his eyes, green contact lenses barely moving, as if they were starting to get glued to his irises. Which should be a bad sign, but Jonathan is, yet again, not his boyfriend’s keeper.
“Not everything has to be spooky when this time arrives, Jonathan.”
He kind of dislikes it, when he calls him by his full name. He calls him Jon when they are alone, when they are intimate, when their bodies or their hearts are entwined. He doesn’t like when he calls him Jonathan, because that means that Edward thinks he is being too bitter, complaining too much, a complete prick.
It’s not that he dislikes the stupid PSL, either, but it feels like desecrating one of his oldest traditions, and he feels as if he were betraying himself.
“Don’t you like my recipe, then? Do you dislike it so much we have to come here every single week?”
The cashier smiles at them awkwardly as Edward pays for their order, tipping the young lady generously.
“Do you have to take everything personally? I started getting here when I finally had my own money to spend. Is it that hard to just enjoy it, when I want to share it with you?”
Oh. A tradition. Jonathan distractedly drinks from his thematic glass, but says nothing.
They are really different, Edward and himself. To Edward, spending time and money like this… is almost a love language. It’s a lifestyle that he works hard to keep, having dinner in expensive places, getting coffee every time he can. Sharing it with him, because Jonathan is important to him.
Jonathan may be unable to feel fear, and his brain may be as damaged as Edward’s heart, but guilt still crawls its way into his psyche. It still makes him feel uneasy, because he cares, because he understands the feeling, because he wants to share his recipe with Edward because of the exact same reason.
He touches Edward’s hand when they sit, an apology he doesn’t utter but that can be felt in his irradiated orange eyes.
“I like it when you share time and nourishment with me.”
Edward’s expression softens, a glint of blue under the bright green contact lenses.
“Wow, when did you get emotionally aware?” his mouth says instead, and for a moment, Jonathan understands the Bat and his compulsion to punch him in the mouth.
“I’m a psychologist, Edward.”
“... right,” he mutters, his voice cheeky, still clearly a little mad, his thoughts loud. Jonathan loves that about him, his expression when he is deep in thought, when he is trying to understand something. A puzzle, a new riddle in their lives. “That recipe of yours is really important to you, too, if I’m guessing correctly.”
Jonathan nods, his eyes still on Edward’s, who seems to be feeling a little bit too shy to look at him, knowing that they are having an emotionally vulnerable moment.
“It is. I made it myself and… I want to share it with you.”
Edward does smile a little at that, his voice softer when he speaks.
“Let me try it later. I want to give it the thought and recognition it deserves.”
Jonathan’s thumb caresses Edward’s hand, his smile contagious. Like a well concocted virus.
“I would love to.”
Edward is pretty sure that he is (very unluckily, by the way) dating the man with the poorest taste in the world. Jonathan seems to think that he is hilarious, dressed in his usual costume, even the needles oozing toxin as he sits quietly on the couch.
There is a thing about him that Edward has always loved: how he becomes a different person when the mask is on.
They used to talk about it, back in the day, when they used to share a room in the Asylum. Jonathan felt naked without his mask, his expression dull and almost tense, devoid of what made him himself. Edward, at least, has managed to make those expressions change, the real Jon emerging from behind whatever aloof façade he tries to put on to protect himself, to pretend he is a regular human being and not the freak that makes his heart melt.
He must surely be smiling behind the mask, then. Edward can almost feel him vibrating in excitement, like a small child, and in a way, he kind of is. A reclaimed childhood, the enjoyment of a joy he wasn’t allowed to feel. He can understand that.
Still, the poorest fucking choice of a Halloween costume.
“Really, Jon? The most original idea, I have to say.”
Jonathan looks at him, and he can feel his piercing eyes even behind the mask, the expression of a predator, so dangerous it makes his face flush a little. Birds of a feather, both of them. The Scarecrow sighs, deeply, the sound distorted behind the mask. It’s creepy, he has to admit, which is probably… kind of the point.
“Like you’re one to talk, Herlock Sholmes.”
Edward gasps, indignant. His Poirot costume is nothing to be laughed at.
“Excuse me?!”
He can almost feel the smile behind the mask, because Edward knows him, he knows Jonathan is an avid reader, he knows the difference between Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, for fuck's sake. He is doing this on purpose, to rile him up. He always is.
Edward's mind goes somewhere else, somewhere private. Somewhere where he is indeed riled up, and Jonathan touches his cheek, looking up at his face from behind the mask, Edward sitting on his lap, while long, dangerous hands go up his thigh, eyes hungry-
The doorbell rings. Edward goes back to reality, Jonathan's eyes on him as he moves towards the entrance, the tips of his ears surely blushing.
When he opens the door, he has to look down, because damn, kids sure look tinier these days. He cannot remember to be this short, this innocent, this…
He feels Jonathan's chin on his shoulder, almost jumping in place because the man is silent like a ghost, no matter how eager he is to take part in the holiday.
One of the kids is wearing a Batman costume, and Edward tries his hardest not to roll his eyes, with better or worse success. Another kid is dressed as Harley Quinn, what makes him wonder if these parents are in need of any kind of psychological help. The youngest, a child dressed as Wonder Woman, looks at them with badly hidden mischief, and Edward feels tempted to just close the door.
"Trick or treat!" They ask in unison, and before Edward can answer, Jonathan drops a bag in front of them, full of who knows what, but the kids don't ask.
Such blissful ignorance.
"Thank you Mister Holmes! Mister Scarecrow!" The girl dressed up as Batman says, and the one dressed as Wonder Woman purses her lips in disgust.
"Poirot's moustache isn't like that. You're a fake."
The kid dressed as Harley Quinn laughs in response, taking the bag of candy and running away with Wonder Woman. The one dressed as Batman follows who Edward believes to be her sisters, and he blissfully thanks that they don't have any children.
"Please tell me the bag is full of drugs."
Jonathan chuckles a little, his arms around Edward's waist.
"Hershey's," is everything he says, his sudden lack of malice and evil intent a headache for Edward.
"Oh, Jon. Are you going soft on me?"
Jonathan's smile can be felt in the air, a predator, a killer awaiting their next victim.
"Me? Oh, darlin'..." he whispers against Edward's ear, his distorted voice making him shudder in anticipation. "Never."
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genshin-scenarios · 11 months
Anemo androids with a reader whos slowly dying? Could be a good chance for both fluff and angst
Or alternatively, I raise you...
anemo androids who lost their previous user
Ever since, they've wandered around alone as independents, before running into you.
Content warnings: angst. death by natural causes (Heizou), death by illness (Venti, Wanderer), hospitals + grief + accidents (Kazuha).
Not specified or gone into detail, but thought I'd give a heads up! The guys are… very traumatized.
Characters: Xiao, Wanderer, Venti, Kazuha, Heizou
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Xiao, whose user was working a risky job. Everyone knew that shorter lifespans were common in their line of work, considering how many enemies they could make - but that never stopped them from greeting each day as if it was the most beautiful morning they've seen.
Xiao expected them to appoint him to work, doing tasks that regular humans would avoid if they could. While they did ask him to help, they'd always put themselves on the front line instead. He never understood it - still doesn't. And it's arguable that Xiao also doesn't get why their last command to him was to live like a human.
He tries, truly. But he's quite sure he's lost his purpose after his user was gone; that is, until he ran into you.
You're a person with a pretty domestic life (domestic by his standards at least, which wasn't saying much). He's not sure if one can describe it as a crush, but Xiao finds himself visiting the places where he first ran into you in hopes he'd see you again. And then... maybe start a conversation. Or if you were in trouble or had too many bags to carry, he might offer his assistance.
He thinks it's just a passing interest until you thank him with a smile that has him blurt out a question, asking if you'd need more help in the future.
You exchanged phone numbers and promised to contact him soon. Xiao thinks that's the most he's spoken in a long time - and there's an odd feeling in his chest that might be the equivalent of grief and butterflies, finally fluttering out of the sea of autumn leaves that have dried against the forest floor.
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Wanderer who unfortunately, has went through 3 users before you, if that's what you could call them. The first was a guardian who needed an assistant for her work, before she eventually tried to set him free. Little did she know this felt like abandonment more than liberation to the android.
Next was a well-meaning person whom he considered a friend, but wasn't aware of his nature as a droid and eventually moved away from the city. And the third...
...forget it. It was brief: a child who couldn't see him anymore once their parents realized Wanderer was an independent android. He's sure the kid's doing fine though, getting the medical care he needs.
Wanderer expected himself to learn his lesson: don't get attached to anyone, as they'll never stay or need him for long. That is, until he sees you; too kind for your own good despite his sharp personality, offering him a role at the cafe you owned. 'If you truly have nothing to do, perhaps you could join us here?'
A cafe. How ludicrous. He's worked in high-profile science labs, and now he's a cashier and waiter in an unsuspecting part of the city. You say he has a talent for beautiful plating and latte art. He holds back from telling you that as an android, of course he'd reach perfection more easily than humans.
...But, you seem like you need the help. And you're not as annoying as other people - so maybe he'll stick around. Just until you try to get rid of him (you never did.)
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Venti was a companion droid for a boy with an illness. He was a friend and caretaker who'd make sure the child's vitals were alright, and would be able to call for emergency aid or apply it himself if something were to happen.
Venti was surrounded by a family full of love, and just as equally the despair of knowing that their time together was limited.
The boy passed after he graduated highschool. His parents had since given Venti his independence, saying he had the freedom to decide what he wanted to do next.
He knew that they saw parts of their son in him. So as an android who was always a little too kind, Venti left soon after he paid his respects to the boy. He pursues a dream that was both his user's and his own - shared hopes that were supposed to be debuted by a pair, rather than one.
He becomes quite a successful singer. Venti's no celebrity (maybe an internet idol at best, though he doesn't post his appearance without a mask or wig), but he's popular enough to live on his own and donate his profits towards causes related to his past user.
Eventually, you come into his life as a housemate - he'd accepted the idea on a whim, seeing as you just needed a quiet place to live in the city for your new job. It was only then when Venti realized how much he missed having someone to return to at the end of the day.
Was it possible for an android to have more than one dream? He must be greedier than he gave himself credit for.
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Kazuha is still at a point of recovery, after his previous user's passing.
It'd all happened too fast; an accident right when Kazuha wasn't with them, realizing it was too late by the time he rushed to the hospital. He was a complete mess, panicking and standing there numbly as he processed the announcement made by the doctors. No tears could shed, for androids couldn't cry.
He still keeps their apartment tidy, seeing as his user's relatives were still in grieving as well. He goes on his usual chores, everything except the laundry and cooking. The pet cat feels grief too, finding comfort in Kazuha as it nuzzled into him. It grounds him a little.
Days, weeks, and months pass. After enough time, Kazuha's taught himself how to manage his grief, thought part of it still clings to him like a ghost. The first time you met Kazuha was when he'd pulled you out of the way of a speeding car that rushed the traffic lights. You're shaken by the near-accident encounter, but Kazuha even more so.
You see the worry in his eyes and the way he grips onto you so tightly, it was as if he'd be willing to use his body to shield yours to prevent another tragedy.
When you gently ask Kazuha if he was okay, he stiffly nods, before allowing you to pull him aside to a nearby bench to sit down.
...Ah, he was supposed to be a companion droid that comforted others. But you didn't seem to mind even if you noticed the slight scratches on his synthetic skin, left uncared for after a while of living through an isolated season.
It was safe to say that you brought the sunlight back to him again, little by little. Kazuha doesn't know how to thank you enough for that.
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Heizou was bought to accompany an elderly couple who had a bit too much saved for retirement. They brought him onto their holiday trips, thinking of him as a son of sorts that they doted on - not that he allowed them to do so without doing anything in return. He'd make sure the house was in good shape, that they were healthy, and operated the electronics needed for them to call their loved ones.
He can't exactly be mad about how old age took them in their sleep. Ridiculously enough, they'd tried to fit him into their wills during their reading, which he pushed back against until a small fortune was given to him in cash. He had to open a bank account after that. He wonders how different things would be if that elderly couple had actual children to spend their time on. He's sure they would've been very happy.
Heizou goes on to become a detective; he's good at it, and they'd always joke that one day, they could see him helping a lot of people. Passing off as a genius detective, Heizou presents himself as a human and works at an agency. His boss and closest co-workers know he's an android, after dangerous missions where he threw himself in front of them and survived an otherwise fatal wound to the chest. He finds a family of sorts there - people who'd have his back despite how he likes to tease them.
You're a client that walks into the agency one day with a sensitive case. Perhaps it's because two lonely souls found comfort in each-other, but Heizou immediately forms a connection with you as he tries to make you more comfortable around him. You're not opposed to his charming jokes either, even expressing your thanks for his help when the job was done, and asking if he'd like to get coffee together sometime.
Heizou simply wanted to cheer you up at first. But at this point, it was safe to say that he's grown a little more attached than he intended to. (He'd love to get coffee, but would need to get around the fact that he couldn't actually consume drinks.)
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ramblingoak · 1 year
Ratte Art
A little drabble set in an au where Omega runs a coffee shop called The Ghouls Den. (Thank you to the amazing @writingjourney for the art!)
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~ Omega helps Copia deal with a customer that doesn't appreciate his latte art ~
Copia x GN Reader (coffeeshop au, background Terzo x Omega, nothing but fluff here, sfw, 1,300 words, not beta read)
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Omega had owned The Ghouls Den for almost 10 years now. 
He named it after the mascot of the local college, a place that held a lot of sentimental value for him.  For almost four years he had been the captain of their rugby team.  It all came crashing down when he’d injured his knee and was told he wouldn’t be able to play his favorite sport ever again.  So he ended up being forced to fall back on the business degree he had half-heartedly been working on.  
The coffee shop was right on the edge of campus.  It was his favorite place to study and eventually the owner threw an apron at him and told him if he was gonna be there all the time he might as well earn some money.  So he slowly began to learn how to make all sorts of caffeinated beverages as well as all the ins and outs of running a coffee shop.  When he graduated the owner offered him a chance to buy the place and Omega couldn’t think of a reason to tell him no.
There was only one thing that would have stopped him from buying the place (besides a severe lack of money).  Although it wasn’t so much a thing as it was a person: Terzo Emeritus.  He and Omega had met in their first year of college and despite a rocky start it didn’t take long for them to realize they were meant for each other.  Terzo was there when Omega hurt his knee and had to face the harsh truth of never playing rugby again and Omega was there when Terzo’s father, Nihil, cut him off.
Thankfully Terzo was an extremely talented artist and with his income from selling his pieces to Omega’s income from The Ghouls Den they both lived a very comfortable life.  Terzo sometimes worked at the shop (although Omega would use the term ‘work’ very loosely), but the majority of the other employees were college students.  His newest employee was hired as a favor for Terzo.  He had waltzed into the shop one day dragging a guy behind him.  Omega had vaguely recognized him, but the sideburns and mustache were definitely new.
College is for experimentation afterall.  
He hadn’t been very confident in Copia’s barista abilities at first.  Or his customer service abilities.  The guy seemed way too anxious for his own good.  After a few extremely iffy shifts Omega had decided to schedule him with Aurora during the mornings.  The perfect companion for Copia while he learned the ropes. She was his best employee, personable and quick.  Although she was a terror with sprinkles and ever since she had started Omega had been forced to double his order for them every week to keep up with her.  
Omega’s biggest worry was how Copia would handle a rude customer.  Most of the folks that came in were pretty chill.  Everyone wanted to be nice to the people providing caffeine.  But every now and then you’d get someone that seemed to be itching for a fight no matter how stupid the reason was.  Unfortunately this morning would be the real test because Omega had been pulled out of his office by the shouts of a woman from the front of the shop.  She was squared off against Copia, wearing a business suit that probably cost more than his monthly rent.  He observed for a few moments to figure out what was going on and once he did, Omega had to turn around to hide his laughter.
“Why would I want a rat in my latte?!”
“Technically it’s on your latte.”
Poor Copia, he seemed genuinely bewildered as to why this woman didn’t like his latte art. 
“Rats are pests!  They’re disgusting!”
Copia immediately straightened up and squared his shoulders.
“Rats are actually some of the most intelligent and cleanest creatures in the world.”
“Well I still don’t want one on my latte.”  While Copia just stood frozen in place Omega could see her gear up and he knew the next thing out of her mouth was gonna involve asking for him so he decided to intervene.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
He had honed his customer service voice many years ago although anyone that knew him well enough could tell he was annoyed.  Aurora was definitely one of those because out of the corner of his eye he saw her turn around, her shoulders shaking with laughter. 
“Yes this idiot seems to think putting a picture of a rat on top of my latte was a good idea.”
He was really glad Terzo wasn’t here right now.  Terzo had a protective streak a mile wide when it came to Copia and Omega knew this woman would’ve been wearing the latte if he had heard her insult his little brother.  Omega was angry enough on his own and all of his fake niceties flew out the window.
“My apologies ma’am, I’m sorry you didn’t like the rat.  We’ll skip the art next time.”
“That’s all I get?  An apology?!  You’re not going to offer to fix it or even refund me?”  
The woman’s voice was getting more shrill with each word and the line of customers behind her was growing.  He always hated dealing with this shit, but he hated giving in to rude people more.   
“You want me to fix it?  Fine.”  Omega reached around Copia and grabbed a small straw.  He plunked it into the cup and gave it a quick stir.  As the poor rat disappeared Copia sighed next to him.  Omega clapped a hand on his back before addressing the woman again.  “There, the rat’s gone.  Next!”
No one in the shop moved for a moment as they waited to see what the woman would do.  Omega was really hoping he wouldn’t have to call campus security on her.  When she finally moved it was to dump the latte all over the counter.  With a frustrated growl she turned and started shoving past the other customers towards the door.  She had just made it outside when Aurora shoved her way in between Omega and Copia, shouting after her as loud as she could.
“Have the day you deserve!”  The woman’s gasp was cut off as the door shut behind her.  “What a bitch.  I can help the next customer!”
Aurora gave Copia a quick hug and then scooted back to her register.  Copia was quiet as he grabbed some towels and started to sop up the spilled mess.
“Hey, you ok Copia?” 
“Si, si.  I’m fine.”  
Omega was pretty sure he wasn’t fine, but he didn’t want to push.  
“Don’t let someone like that bother you.  They just enjoy making everyone around them miserable.”  Copia nodded as he finished wiping the counter off.  “But maybe don’t do any more rat art, ok?”
“Yeah, you’re prob—“
“Actually I’d love a rat on my latte!”  Omega, Copia and Aurora all turned to stare at the customer that had spoken up.  They actually appeared to be blushing a bit when their eyes met Copia’s.  With a little shrug they walked up to the counter.  “Rats are my favorite animal.”
Copia’s mouth fell open and Omega was pretty sure if this was a cartoon there would be hearts coming out of the younger Emeritus’s eyes.  Another good reason Terzo wasn’t here.  The teasing would be relentless.  Omega would have to use some of his old rugby moves to make sure Terzo didn’t try to “assist” his little brother with whatever this might be and judging by how Copia and the customer were looking at each other this was definitely going to be something.
Omega knocked his shoulder against Copia’s and gave him a wink when he looked up at him.    
“One ratte coming up.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
P.S. Ratte is rat in German (thank you again @writingjourney 🤣)
If you'd like to see more from this au let me know!
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milykins · 12 hours
This is my first time writing one of these things, so be gentle. I had the idea of how each of the guys would give the reader a hot drink after a hard day. Everyone is aged up in their 30s.
TMNT Headcanon- Hot Drinks - TMNT X female reader
You've had a rough week. Work has been beyond frustrating. You're under-staffed and you've been denied a raise for the second time since you've worked there. To make matters worse, it starts to rain on the way home.
Mikey jumps up immediately upon seeing the state you're in. He immediately moves to grab you a towel and tells you to go change into some dry clothes. When you emerge, towel-drying your hair, you'll see he's put a very elaborate pillow fort together and has two hot drinks on a tray.
Mikey is a hot chocolate guy, and his recipe is carefully guarded secret. One sip will make it clear that it is the richest, most decadent hot chocolate you've ever tasted. He's also included a can of whipped cream and little bowls with several toppings which include mini marshmallows and sprinkles.
He hands you a cup and asks him to tell you about your day.
Donnie starts fussing over you as soon as you walk through the door. He quickly ushers you to the bathroom so you can take a shower and bring up your core body temperature. You do as he says while he brings you a new set of dry clothes.
Once you're out, he pushes a cup of coffee into your hands, made just the way you like it. Donnie is the master of coffee. He's put together a coffee machine that pretty much does it all. It will make lattes, cafe mochas, and even hot chocolate, which Mikey deems a travesty because his is obviously better. Regardless, the coffee he gives you is freshly brewed and you sip it while he rambles on about how important it is to dress properly for the elements and how drinking something hot is the best way to warm up.
You both end up cuddling on the couch while he listens to you rant about your workweek.
Leo is the one who quietly wraps a blanket around your shoulders and walks you to the bedroom so you can change. He tells you to meet him in his meditation room once you're finished.
You softly pad your way there once you're dressed. Leo has his teapot ready. It is a beautifully patterned Japanese teapot with a blue swirling design. Leo had found the teapot broken in several pieces while scavenging and had repaired it using the gold kintsugi method. The repair process he tells you is a reminder to embrace your flaws rather than hide them for you are beautiful regardless.
Leo has an entire cupboard dedicated to his many blends of loose-leaf tea. His favourites are jasmine and gunpowder green. He's chosen a gentle blend for you, not too caffeinated, and has included a small bottle of honey so you can sweeten it as you like.
He pours it into a matching teacup and asks how your day went.
Upon seeing you, Raph knows you need something stronger than some weak-ass tea. He tells you to go change and goes to fix something up for you.
Raph, by no means, is an expert in the kitchen, but he knows how to use Donnie's fancy coffee machine. He doesn't actually drink a lot of coffee. He prefers his protein shakes in the morning. He knows you like lattes, though, and asks the machine to make one of those. He sweetens it with some caramel syrup and adds a shot of Bailey's. He sips it and gets a smile of satisfaction, deeming it perfect.
Instead of you finding him, he finds you in a state of undress. He smirks slightly and admires you a moment while he waits for you to finish dressing. He hands you the cup warning you that it might be hot and to blow on it slightly.
The shot of Bailey's warms you up instantly, and it's delicious with a fine layer of froth on top. You joke that he should try doing some latte art next time. He laughs and says fat chance of that. You both move to the bed and cuddle while he asks how you're doing.
Edit* this is how I picture Leo's teapot
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jaetaimjadore · 1 year
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Pairing: enhypen x reader
Genre: fluff with a touch of angst
Warnings: some suggestive themes, mentions of sexual tension (nothing explicit whatsoever), mentions of food and alcohol, please let me know if i've missed anything else :)
Word count: 1.08k
a/n: this is just a compilation of the silly little musings running through my head that i just so happen to associate with each enha member, so, really, i thought why not share it with you guys? hehehe. enjoy <33
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이희승︱Lee Heeseung
Tired lovers whose heads rest upon each other in the quiet corner of a subway. Lying upside down on the sofa just because you can. Playing with another’s hands. Smiles that find two faces at the same time. Thanking yourself for exercising when you really didn’t feel like it. The shimmering lights of a cityscape at night. Admitting that you made a mistake. Remembering that you’re one in eight billion. The sultry flicker of a gaze between two eyes. Silver cufflinks. Better by Khalid. Admiring someone as they ramble on about the things they love. Sexual tension that blinds everything around it. Black button-ups. Sudden moments of crippling nostalgia. Compulsively slapping a sack of rice at the supermarket. Dedicating a hoop to someone and missing by a mile. The irresistible scent of your best friend’s shampoo. The dream that left you feeling butterflies the entire day.
박종성︱Park Jongseong
Monotone outfits. Your phone falling onto your face when scrolling in bed. Red, hot lipstick stains littered on the smooth skin of a neck. Gold necklaces and gold earrings. The calming reassurance that you tried your best. Pulling off your socks after a long, exhausting day. Waking up to the rain of a thunderstorm. The moment you realise your enemy is actually kind of hot. Eye contact that brings with it an endless wave of goosebumps. Round-rimmed spectacles sitting low on a nose. The bubble of champagne in a glass. The click of shoes on shiny tiles. Gallery visits but the art on the walls isn’t what you're staring at. Fond shakes off the head. The muscle that moves so visibly beneath a fitted shirt. A protective hand finding itself hovering over a lower back. Bumping into a glass door and playing it off cool. When one person cooks dinner and the other washes the dishes. A breathy chuckle that grazes the cusp of an ear.
심재윤︱Jake Sim
Almost losing your balance when the sand under your feet glides back into the ocean. The warmth of skin under a cool duvet. Wet smooches from your dog. That one perfect strand of hair you wish you could keep that way forever. Sudden bursts of inspiration that make you feel like you can conquer the world. Kisses on the temple. Kisses on a smile. Hands squeezing hips. Barely contained laughter. The deep regret of walking away. Jumping up to touch the top of a doorframe. Wholeheartedly believing in the five second rule. “You’re perfect to me” whispered in the early hours of morning. Key smash conversations over text. A silver chain that dangles down onto your lips. The one eye that opens to the dawn of a new day. The brief fluttering in your chest when the carousel horse rises up once again. Cold fingers that caress the skin beneath your shirt.
박성훈︱Park Sunghoon
Sunglasses worn indoors because you forgot to take them off. Messy latte art that means so much more because it’s the effort that truly counts. Loosely intertwined fingers. Long walks during the freezing winter months. Lip bites and hooded eyes in moments of lust. Looking in the mirror and loving what you see. The divine feeling of velvet beneath your fingertips. Staring up at a skyscraper and almost stumbling backwards. Letting someone win because you love them so dearly. Soft lips planted on soft knuckles. Solemn wishes made on stray eyelashes. Throwing your head back in uncontrolled laughter. Red high heels. Refusing to get out of bed on Sunday morning. Gliding your fingers through silky soft hair. Going through with something you swore you’d never do. Cat-walking your entire closet at an ungodly hour of the night. Strong arms guiding you to sit down on a lap.
김선우︱Kim Sunoo
The taste of the colour yellow. When a piece of clothing fits just right. Finding a picture in your camera roll taken by mistake but keeping it because it looks cool. The indescribable happiness of a clear, blue sky. Light academia and dark academia. The one shoulder you know you can lean on. The hoot of an owl. Realising just how close your lips are to your lover's. The desperate longing to run away from reality for a while. Elbow nudges that silently ask if you’re okay. When the raindrop you were rooting for wins its race down the window. Two warm hands cupping your cheeks. Literally Netflix ‘n chilling all night long. Golden hour that highlights the magic in someone’s eyes. Feeling young and fresh even when you’re old and weathered. New year’s resolutions that inspire positive change…even if it's just for a month. Immediately dropping your bags and jumping on the hotel bed. The hug you didn’t realise you needed so badly.
양정원︱Yang Jungwon
That perfume you caught one whiff of and immediately wanted to own. Spontaneously realising the beauty of the world around you. The flying wisps of hair that tickle your forehead on a windy day. Chequered Off The Wall sneakers. Sleeveless jumpers. The innocent brush of lips on lips. The words of wisdom that found you in a time of need. The entire grentperez discography. Safe hands stroking your head. The same hands ruffling your hair. Making snow angels in the winter. The memory from your childhood that fills you with the most happiness. When you can’t decide if you’re feeling hot or cold. Legs that entangle together among the sheets. Wondering if there really are more atoms in the human eye than stars in the universe. Nicholas Sparks movies. Falling in love with a song after hearing it for the first time. Late-night drives with no particular destination in mind. Foreheads that touch as eyes slowly flutter closed.
西村力︱Nishimura Riki
That beautiful pain in your chest when thinking of the one you love. Lifting your feet from the pedals while riding your bike down a hill. Marmalade streaks that paint the sky at dusk. The moment you realise you’ve fallen in love. The warm smile of a random stranger. Knowing your inner child is gradually healing with time. Pulling your hood up when in a particularly rebellious mood. The moment a maths question finally clicks. Pinkie promises that last a lifetime. The sheer agony of dropping the last chip on the ground. When opposites attract. The tickle of a nose in the crook of a neck. Cuddling close during a scary movie. Trying not to crack a smile when the person scolding you stumbles over their words. Watching the tide wash over the initials you’d etched into the sand. The cheesy quote that actually inspired you one day. The familiarity of your own bed after parting with it for so long. Ignoring your friend when your eyes find the person across the room.
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© jaetaimjadore, 2023, all rights reserved
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
The Official Bio of Yizé Guo
Basic Info:
Name: Yizé Guo
Homeland: Sage Island
Species: Panda Bear beastman
Birthday: 12th July
Age: 18
Height/length: 191cm
Dominant hand: Right
Unique magic: TBA
•His adopted human father
•His little brother
Hobbies: Cooking, martial arts, practising magic, wood carving, drawing
Likes: Anime, food, history, spring, having fun
Dislikes: Being left out, feeling stupid, assholes, fire
Favourite food: Pork chowmein
Least favourite food: Anything involving curry
Yizé is a tall, chubby Chinese teen with long hair that is white, gold, and black, which he keeps either in a bun or a ponytail, like this:
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He has jade green eyes and a little scar above his left eyebrow from tripping as a child. He has Panda ears and tail and he's generally quite hairy/fuzzy. He's got blunt claws and sharp teeth. He wears his RSA uniform rather loose, like Floyd wears his uniform.
Yizé is a passionate, energetic, and kind guy with a taste for banter and cool/catchy phrases. He has big dreams but is quite grounded in reality, and sometimes, his fellow students annoy the hell out of him. He wants to prove himself and struggles with a strong feeling of imposter syndrome at RSA. He's very friendly and does his best to make sure those close to him are happy.
Some Fun Facts/Extra Info
•Yizé is based off Po from Kung Fu Panda. I know it's Dreamworks and I don't caaareee
•His father owns a popular restaurant on Sage Island, from which there is a perfect view of Yizé's dream school: Royal Sword Academy
•Yizé is very skilled in a number of martial arts and is extremely passionate about it
•He has a very high pain tolerance
•Actually doesn't mind losing in training/practice/etc for sports or even practice tests because he has a chance to learn from it, but in actual competitions or real tests he goes a bit bonkers (cue the scene of Po screaming and running away in KFP 1)
•His magic is actually very powerful, but his imposter syndrome and fear being a failure (and his dislike of himself) is keeping it from flourishing
•He likes to ramble about things he likes and finds cool
•He's heard of Mostro Lounge and wants to go sometime
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline @1dont-really-know
@kazumify @minteasketches @officialdaydreamer00 @whspermy-name @elysia-nsimp
@skrimpyskimpy @casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @the-banana-0verlord @skriblee-ksk
@quartztwst @fumikomiyasaki @ramshacklerumble new skrunkly :)
@ghostiidasponk @natsukishinomiyaswife
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
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Dating Tyler Galpin Head-cannons!
I genuinely don’t think y’all understand how down bad I am for him, so here’s these <3
Forehead kisses <3 I think he likes both giving and receiving them
Movie nights!!! You cuddle on the couch and share snacks
When you’re upset he’ll tell you to wait in the bedroom and then he’ll make a pillow fort <3
If you’re out together, he’ll always hold your hand, across the table, to cross the road, when the place you’re at is crowded
If you’re out at a large gathering and suddenly want to go, he’ll quickly excuse the both of you and then take you home and cuddle you <3
Takes you on dates to weathervane
Gives you free coffee even if he’s not supposed to
Loves to put art on your lattes
If you get too cold he’ll take your hands and pull them into his coat
I think he is the jealous type but not the overly jealous type, like if someone’s not taking the hint he’s like “they have a boyfriend” and puffs his chest out
Always tries to make you as comfortable as possible
You guys went to the carnival once and he won you a big teddy bear
His dad thinks you’re a perfect fit for his son so he doesn’t even question it when you’re constantly being pulled into Tyler’s room
Never let’s you pay for anything, always pulling out his wallet or paying for the bill first
Holds your hand at the movies
Prefers to watch movies at home with you so he can hear your commentary
Once messed up a costumers order cause he was smiling and staring at you like a blushing idiot
Got all shy the first time you flirted with him
Enid makes you tell her everything about your relationship
I will be putting out Tyler one shots soon but I’ve had a thousand Xavier requests I need to make first 😭✋
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alxtiny · 1 year
Coffee Grounds | Jung Wooyoung x Reader
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Synopsis: where a cup of coffee sparks feelings for wooyoung
Pairing: wooyoung x gn!reader, non!idol college au
Genre: fluff
Word count: 686
Warnings: none
Notes: my obsession with coffee is showing :D
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The first week of summer vacations always felt like a rush to you. The heat was at its peak as the students deliberated on how to spend the summer. Most students decided to go back to their homes to spend time with family while others stayed behind hoping to earn at summer jobs or catch up on studies or even generally spend time with friends. You were one of them, having quickly found a job at the campus café, as a barista.
Today was another one of the crazier days and you were swamped with preparing drinks and snacks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, and the sound of milk being frothed filled the cozy café as you meticulously prepared the perfect cup of coffee for the customers. So far, even with the afternoon rush, you had managed everything well without any mishaps, but while preparing your fifteenth cup of coffee in the past two hours you slipped on spilled milk, burning your hand in the process of trying to stabilise yourself.
Hearing the crash of the cup against the floor and your pained yelp the manager made her way out, gasping as she saw the angry red burn on your hand. Concerned, she decided to temporarily assign you a different role: calling out orders from the counter. Despite your protests and lack of thrill about the change, deep inside you knew it was for the best.
As the minutes ticked by, with you getting immensely bored behind the counter, you noticed a cute guy sitting at a corner table, completely engrossed in typing away furiously on his laptop. Intrigued, you couldn't help but steal glances at him, marveling at the way his fingers danced across the keyboard.
Time passed, and it was soon it was time to call out the newly prepared orders. Taking a deep breath, you read the name on the first order and yelled “Order up!! An espresso for one Jung Wooyoung?”, looking around you spotted the cute guy get up from his table and make his way to the counter.
A smile formed on Wooyoung's lips as he thanked you for his order. Your fingers brushed lightly against his as he took hold of his cup. At this you felt a flush of warmth spread across you cheeks and decided to compliment his smile, which only caused him to blush too in response.
Intrigued by the encounter, Wooyoung began visiting the café more frequently, hoping to catch glimpses of you. Occasionally, you exchanged a few words, you learned that he was a computer science major and told him about your own passion for creating beautiful structures and spaces as an aspiring architecture major.
As weeks passed, the two of you shared snippets of your lives during those brief encounters at the café. You were captivated by Wooyoung's enthusiasm for coding and his genuine kindness, while he found inspiration in your creative pursuits. You could feel the air change between you and Wooyoung. You soon realised that you had developed feelings for him.
What you didn’t know was that he felt exactly the same and one sunny afternoon, Wooyoung mustered the courage to make a move. He approached the counter, nervously holding a cup of coffee adorned with delicate latte art. "If you were coffee grounds, you'd be espresso, 'cause you're so fine," he said, flashing a sheepish smile.
Both of them couldn't help but burst into laughter at the cheesy yet endearing pick-up line. Blushing yet again, you agreed to go out with Wooyoung, appreciating his sincere and lighthearted approach.
Your first date was filled with laughter, intriguing conversations, and a shared love for coffee. As you got to know each other better, your connection grew stronger, weaving your lives together in unexpected ways.
With each passing day, amidst the aroma of coffee and the hum of conversations, you grew closer, and found solace and happiness in each other's company. The café, once a mere meeting place, became a symbol of your serendipitous encounter—a place where you met the reason for happiness and excitement in your life.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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taglist: @sushi0517
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adviserbylove · 8 months
The day Haruka figured out his romantic feelings for you was the same day he wanted to marry you
The poor ball of anxiety still didn’t know why out of charismatic fun-loving extroverts like Mikoto, a gentleman like Dr. Kirisaki, or even a cool protective guy like Fuuta, you settled for him
Sure he wasn’t the smartest. He knew he was dumb. He knew he was an idiot. Slow, useless, hopeless. But to you? He was the sweetest partner you could’ve been blessed with. He tries, and despite what he thought, he showed to be a fast learner that picked up on your favorite things quickly. He learned to cook your favorite meals, starting out with simple ones and slowly graduating to more romantic and complex dishes. Making you those matching heart necklaces that best friends wear, but replacing the engraving “bff” to “bf + gf” (a little tip Muu gave him when be went to her for advice). Not letting you lift a finger when you got back from work, struggling his way through the housework. It wasn’t until he was bothering you every 5 minutes to ask you if the cleaning was to your liking where you shut him up with kisses
He hugged you everyday and gave you a loving peck on the lips before you headed off to work, waiting for you to get back. It’s almost kinda creepy his eyes seem to have never left the door ever since you left. Spending his money on that bracelet and vanilla scented perfume you loved so much. He rubbed your back when you stressed, mastered the art of latte art whenever he made you coffee, even wrote love letters (thank you our dear love expert, Mahiru Shiina), despite some trouble with making his handwriting look nice
He was honestly perfect, and yet he still thought he was unworthy of you. It didn’t matter if you assured him that he was always worthy of you. Everyday, he’d prove that you wouldn’t regret choosing him
Fast forwarding to a future with all his love language skills aced, he couldn’t help but smile as he reminisced on how far he came. He…was proud of himself, seeing the food he prepared for you after you’ve gotten back from a long day of work. The gold band decorated his lanky finger, as the diamond studded ring glistened on yours when the dining room’s light kissed the translucent gem. He looked down, seeing the baby girl in his arms. He was never fond of children at first, at least that was until you managed to change his mind. He wasn’t afraid anymore. He had no reason to be. As long as he had you
Haruka still didn’t know why you chose him. But maybe he didn’t need to know
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Okay so im a massive tea snobdrinker. Love me my leaf juice. I love everything from old school Chinese to full English drowning in milk. If the OM cast had a signature tea, what do you think they would be?
Personally I can't see Mammon drinking anything but coffee, and Lucifer has a thing for premium aged Pu-er, but the rest elude me. Earl gray seems a little obvious for barbs, so I thought I'd ask an expert 😉
Also congrats on the 50k+ word fiction. Can't wait to read it! I'm seriously thinking of ways to put Pandora on page properly, of which you have her thanks.
Oh, thank you! It was never meant to be that long but here we are 🙃
I do hope you write Pandora's story if you're inspired to!! For me, it's truly the highest of compliments when someone says I've inspired them to write or create something... I hope you enjoy the journey!
Okay, okay, so tea.
I'm kind of a snob too but I also drink coffee... I like all kinds of fancy drinks! But I haven't really considered what I think the characters' signature might be so now I'm curious about it.
Lucifer is interesting because he's canonically a tea drinker - his and Barb's chatroom is called Tea Demons lol. And I think you're right, he's gonna go for the rare or more involved type of tea and the way pu-er is made that checks right out to me.
I kinda think Mammon would drink chai tea lattes. I don't know why, but something about that combo of spicy sweet just makes me think of him.
Levi doesn't strike me as a tea drinker much at all. He gives off massive energy drink vibes. But I could see him maybe going for some southern style sweet tea or like... an Arnold Palmer or something. An obvious exception would be if there was some kind of tea specific to an anime he was into lol.
They don't really talk about Satan drinking tea, but he absolutely strikes me as a drinker of tea. One of his hobbies is latte art so I could see him experimenting with tea lattes. But I think just for regular drinking, he would probably go herbal. Chamomile or mint or maybe lemon.
Asmo likes pretty tea so I assign him hibiscus tea. Either hot or iced, it's this gorgeous dark red. I also think he'd like to dump sugar into his tea and that actually makes hibiscus tea taste delicious imo. I also see him going floral in other ways like maybe having traditional black tea but flavored with rose or lavender.
Beel strikes me as a citrus guy. Orange spice tea. I could also see him enjoying something like peach tea. Or teas that are specifically made for like... giving you energy and such. You know for workouts?
Belphie probably drinks Sleepy Time tea lol. I mean that's probably too on brand but it'd be funny. Still, something soothing like chamomile is probably best for him.
I kinda get the sense that Diavolo will drink whatever tea Barbatos serves him. And I think he probably prefers Devildom varieties. But if he was going to have something from the human world, I'd have to go with acai berry tea. It's also dark red which gives me Dia vibes, but it's naturally a little sweeter than hibiscus so you don't have to add a ton of sugar.
Ahh Barbatos. I'm flattered you think of me as an expert. But it's hard to choose one for him because he seems to appreciate the flavors and uses of many different blends. However, if I was going to choose something, it'd be Jasmine green tea. Simple, elegant, with a subtle flavor profile that's easy to mess up if you don't brew it right, and a hint of floral. I could also see him particularly enjoying silver moonlight white tea - rare and harvested only beneath a full moon. That just feels like the kind of mysterious vibe Barb would like lol.
I think Simeon seems like he would also enjoy a variety of flavors, but I'd give him oolong. It's like in between black and green, smooth and sweet, just kind of perfect, like he is.
Solomon is the Earl Grey drinker. Classic and robust, with its black tea flavor enhanced with that little burst of bergamot. He might drink it black too but he likely puts milk in it. Though I can see him also enjoying it in latte form. I'm just imagining Satan making him London Fogs with cats drawn in the foam~
Mephisto probably drinks only Devildom tea lol. But if I'm gonna say what I think he'd be into rooibos. It's another red tea, so we've got his flamboyance, but it's more earthy in flavor than either hibiscus or acai which I think would fit his palate. Plus we know that he dumps sugar in his tea and I think a good rooibos could handle that.
Raphael strikes me as an English Breakfast tea drinker. Give him the classic black tea blend with some milk, but no sugar. I don't know why, it just feels no nonsense like him lol.
Lastly I give Thirteen matcha tea. Thirteen is different in many ways - the only female in the cast, the only reaper, etc. And matcha is tea but it's different and it has a unique flavor. And matcha powder can be used in all kinds of things, too. It's versatile. And I think all of that fits with her personality.
Oh dear I seem to have written an essay on tea. It's fine, it's fine, I'm totally normal about this I promise.
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genericpuff · 2 years
a shapeshifting time traveler and his apprentice who works as a minimum wage barista get pissed because their perfect speedrun keeps getting ruined by two teenagers with a kill count
they're about to run attempt 9999 and the barista is terrified that his boss is about to end up in some Y2K situation
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the time traveler is very old and really does not care for the pop culture references from his apprentice whose strongest skill is creating latte art
they don't even get the bragging rights of being the main characters but still have to do the job of the main characters because the actual main characters are too involved in their love/hate relationship to be any good at saving the world
this is time gate.
OKAY BUT HONESTLY I've been kind of stressing over making this post not because I didn't want to follow through on that poll I hosted, but also just because like... it's original work! And it's original work that I've been doing for over a decade in relative obscurity. So it's a little nerve-wracking to be like "Hey guys! Go read this comic that I started drawing nearly a decade ago! It really shows!" especially when I'm doing it from an alt account (i.e. this one) that people know me for being relatively confident on. It's like being that "one kid" in show & tell with their Pokemon cards all over again 🤣 I kept trying to come up with some kind of post that would "justify" me posting about it all, but nothing felt "good enough" so I finally went back to this draft about Springlock and decided to use that as the icebreaker. It's now or never.
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Time Gate is a dark fantasy series I've been working on since about 2007/2008ish. It's existed on the Internet in multiple forms, starting as a Zelda fanfic online in 2009 and then dropping all the Zelda stuff and turning into an original comic series in 2014. Since then its first installment, Reaper, finished in 2021, two hours before the 'untimely' death of Betty White that totally wasn't the fault of my main character who can predict people's deaths. Reaper's completed narration of the beginning of [loop: 9998] clocks in at over 2,000 pages.
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Now I'm working on Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH] which is a direct continuation of Reaper and is drawn in the more vertical webtoon style. Yes, the choice of title is intentional, funnily enough the episode featuring my main character bursting out of a tub of her own blood and bodily fluids only got removed by Webtoons for having "too much boob curve". So I covered it up with more blood and that got Webtoons' seal of approval. Webtoons is... weird.
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This series is a love letter to all those "weird kids" who grew up wondering why they got dopamine rushes off of arguments and fights or getting in over their heads trying to grow up too fast. It's a love letter to the people who love hyper-analyzing convoluted and way-too-long narratives with overpowered characters who could only exist within the limitless bounds of the imagination.
But most of all, it's a love letter to the part of me that still adores dumb over-the-top weeb shit.
That being said, this piece of work is not intended to provide comfort, but rather, catharsis. Don't read it looking for any kind of guidance on life or interpersonal relationships. Its story and its characters are only concerned with what comes after - when the lights have gone out and the hourglass has run empty.
This series contains blood/gore and fantasy violence, and depicts adult topics such as post-traumatic stress disorder through a fictional lens. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18+.
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I have a dedicated Time Gate blog, so you might see some reblogs here every now and then as I start to use it more (though I'm currently resting through a hiatus, LORE | REKINDLED came around at the perfect time for me to have something new to work on).
As you may have guessed, with Reaper originally launching in 2014 (when I was literally 18) the comic has... not aged gracefully, at least in my opinion, and could use some reworking, at least the first few volumes (I'm still pretty happy with the stuff that came out around the 2019-2021 mark after I took a nearly 2 year hiatus).
Of course, I can't stop y'all from looking it up and reading it (the original version will still be canon even if it's aged so help yourself) but just know there's a dedicated redraw and rewrite on the way <3
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And if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine! It's a completely different story with different goals from Rekindled. The main characters aren't saints and they're in a relationship I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone be in LMAO
That being said, don't be surprised if you hear the subtle heartbeat of Time Gate underneath the floorboards of Rekindled~
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therealhazelcallahan · 8 months
!!THE HAZEL FIC RAAAHHH!! (Please be nice guys this is my first fic I’m it’s not that good 😭)
Hazel Callahan, a bright and passionate high school student, was eagerly anticipating Valentine's Day. This year, she had something truly special to look forward to—celebrating the day with her girlfriend, (Y/N). As the day approached, Hazel couldn't contain her excitement, and her mind was filled with plans to make the day unforgettable for both of them.
On Valentine's Day morning, Hazel woke up to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through her window. She sprang out of bed with a smile, ready to begin the day's festivities. With a flourish, she arranged a small bouquet of (Y/N)'s favorite flowers, wrapped it in delicate pink paper, and placed it on her desk. Hazel couldn't wait to surprise (Y/N) with the thoughtful gift later in the day.
At school, the hallways were adorned with heart-shaped decorations, and the air buzzed with excitement and romantic anticipation. During lunch break, Hazel nervously glanced at the clock, counting the minutes until she could meet (Y/N). When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of classes, Hazel rushed to the school courtyard where she had arranged to meet her girlfriend.
As she approached their meeting spot, she spotted (Y/N) standing there, a radiant smile spreading across her face as she saw Hazel approaching. They embraced, their hearts beating in sync as they exchanged affectionate glances.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Hazel," (Y/N) greeted her with a hug, "You look amazing."
"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)!" Hazel replied with a grin, "I got something for you." She presented the bouquet of flowers to (Y/N). "I hope you like them."
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with delight as she accepted the flowers. "They're beautiful, Hazel. Thank you so much."
The joy in (Y/N)'s eyes was all the confirmation Hazel needed, and they shared a tender moment before setting off on their Valentine's Day adventure.
Their first stop was at a cozy café, where they shared a decadent dessert and laughed over lattes.
"This is so sweet, Hazel," (Y/N) commented, "I love spending time with you like this. It's perfect."
Hazel smiled and reached for (Y/N)'s hand. "It's even better with you by my side."
They exchanged small, heart-shaped gifts, each one a testament to their love and unique connection. With every shared smile and stolen glance, Hazel felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be—by (Y/N)'s side.
After their delightful café date, Hazel suggested a walk through the nearby park, where they could enjoy the beauty of nature and the serenity it offered. As they strolled hand in hand, (Y/N) pointed to a patch of wildflowers and suggested they gather a few to make personalized flower crowns for each other. "Hazel, look at these flowers!" (Y/N) exclaimed, "Let's make flower crowns for each other. It'll be so much fun!" Hazel beamed at the idea, and they spent a carefree moment crafting the crowns, giggling and stealing kisses in between.
The day continued with a visit to the local art gallery, a place both of them cherished for its ability to evoke emotions and inspire creativity. "This painting, Hazel," (Y/N) said, "It reminds me of us. Two souls entwined in love, just like this." Hazel placed a gentle hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, feeling a surge of warmth in her heart. "It's beautiful, just like our love."
To conclude the evening, Hazel surprised (Y/N) with a private picnic in a scenic spot overlooking the city. The sunset painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow over the world.
"This spot is amazing, Hazel," (Y/N) said with awe, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
Hazel smiled, her eyes reflecting the affection she felt. "I feel the same way, (Y/N). Every moment with you is a treasure."
As the day drew to a close, (Y/N) nestled into Hazel's embrace, and they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky.
"Thank you for this wonderful day, Hazel," (Y/N) whispered, "You've made it magical."
With a contented sigh, Hazel realized that the magic of Valentine's Day lay not only in the grand gestures, but in the cherished moments of togetherness and love. As they said their goodbyes, Hazel knew that the memories they had created on this special day would be etched in their hearts forever.
For Hazel Callahan, Valentine's Day was a celebration of the love she shared with (Y/N), and it marked the beginning of a lifetime of beautiful adventures filled with joy, romance, and the promise of a love story that was uniquely theirs.
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egg-emperor · 11 months
OG!OneTrue!MikePollock!Eggman: *looking at Jim Carrey* How DARE you claim to be me! You’re absolutely pathetic! And your mustache is wrong! And you aren’t even as gloriously fat or handsome as I am!
Jimbotnik: I fought for this mustache, you arrogant penguin!
Agent Stone: *is just happy there’s another Eggman he can fawn over and make latte art of*
lol I do always imagine og Eggman's reaction to be very critical because no redesign can beat what he sees as his already absolutely perfect appearance that's already at his peak with his handsome face with big nose, stunning wide grin, pretty blue eyes, and magnificent big fluffy stache, his stunning polished shiny bald head, beautiful big round egg shaped belly he specifically seeks to maintain, sexy bearish look, and killer fashion sense (and he'd be right!)
so seeing a guy with a completely different face lacking all those features, with hair in a style he'd never have, skinny without the shape to match the name, with much less unique iconic clothes and fashion sense, not a bear at all, and with such a smaller stache? he'd be quite displeased. and him having to fight for the stache wouldn't be good enough for him compared to his huge fluffy stache that he takes great pride in and thinks deserves only the best representation!
Agent Stone would be very based to be into og Eggman and would become very relatable to me that way. now that's the perfect handsome mug to be making latte art of and as the version of Eggman who is actually known to like to slap his visage onto absolutely everything, he would definitely highly approve hehe 💜
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smoments · 1 year
(part 2) memories of a stranger // a satosugu reincarnation au
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❝ let's meet again, for the first time. ❞
╰┈➤ in which 19-year-old gojo satoru happens upon a supposed stranger on a rare coffee shop trip who feels like anything but that, and who makes him question everything he's ever known about soulmates.
➽ chapter 2: the return visit
“So, you called me all the way here to tell me that you had an epiphany about some guy you saw at a coffee shop?”
Shoko is seated across from Satoru, sipping a latte and perfecting the art of exuding energy that is equally skeptical and unbothered. He could point out that they’re a breath away from campus and she usually walks in this direction anyways, but instead he sighs dramatically, crossing his arms over his chest.
“He wasn’t ‘some guy’! I knew him!” He protests, his voice laced with indignace. Shoko stares into the slot of the lid on her paper cup, shutting one eye and holding it up to her face like a telescope, and then shakes her head as though she just caught a glimpse into Satoru’s potentially troubling future and not at the last dregs of her coffee.
“Satoru, are you sure you’re okay?”
“I felt it, Shoko! It was, like, a soul connection!” He insists, his palm flat against his heart for emphasis that she appears to miss- if her derisive snort is anything to go by.
“Oh, really? What, you think you knew him in another life? That you were reincarnated just so you could see him again?”
Satoru doesn’t like the way this sounds, nor the way it resonates deep in his chest, and he contorts his face into one of mild disgust.
“No way, i’m not some loser.” A tense silence hangs in the air between them as they maintain eye contact, Shoko’s gaze steady and almost unnervingly impassive- as though she’s used to staring people down. Unfortunately for Satoru, not only is he less experienced with such matters, but his objectively gorgeous eyes are sensitive to the sun; which is why he relents after a few beats, breathing a sigh of exasperation.
Shoko’s face softens ever so slightly, but in the way that one’s might upon realizing they are face to face with a mentally ill psychiatric patient. Satoru had been hoping for something a little more compassionate.
“You really have lost it.” She murmurs almost to herself, her tone sympathetic.
“What?!” Satoru’s head snaps towards her, and with the slight narrow of his eyes and the way his lips are clearly seconds away from a pout, she thinks that he looks vaguely like a petulant toddler and has to stifle her laughter.
“Nothing. Anyways, Satoru, I don’t see what the big deal is. Why don’t you just go back there and talk to him?” She suggests with a casual flick of her hand, which absolutely baffles Satoru.
Despite the apparent ease with which he approaches most things- people, school, work- he is not above caring, and, contrary to popular belief, never has been. However, he has learned throughout the course of his 19 years that the excess of emotional vulnerability with which most people happily traipse around is not for him, and so he chooses to embrace the fact that his life is out of his control rather than objecting to it and getting hurt in the process. Some might call it frivolous, but he thinks they’re just jealous. 
Either way, given that Shoko has grown rather accustomed to his behavior, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that she expects him to remain loyal to his tried-and-true ways in the case of this mysterious stranger- but for Satoru, it feels like a different realm entirely; something that he’ll have to reshape his mind around. 
Shoko notices that his expression is unusually thoughtful and lifts an quizzical eyebrow, waiting for some sort of explanation, so he lifts his hands to the back of his head in a languid stretch, trying to summon some of his usual cockiness.
“Hm… yeah, I think I will.” he says, forcing confidence into his voice in an attempt to alleviate his uncharacteristic worry.
Shoko nods approvingly. “You do that.” She glances down at the empty cup in her hand, her expression somewhat absent, and Satoru finally notices the dark half-circles carved out beneath her eyes. Blinking in surprise, he traces her movements inconspicuously and picks out a touch of sluggishness in the way she lifts a hand to her bangs to brush them out of her face- but he thinks better of commenting on either for lack of anything he can do to help. Even if he’d been going solely off of the size of the medical textbooks Shoko carried around, or from the sleepless nights she’d spend studying for her exams, he could have preached to any unfortunate soul he knew about how draining the path to becoming a doctor was. 
“I’ve got a research paper to write for bio, so i’ll talk to you later.” Shoko eases herself into a standing position, swinging her bag over her shoulder, and turns on her heel to leave before hesitating briefly. Her fingers tighten around the paper cup in her hand, and the thin walls give ever so slightly.
“Good luck, Satoru.” Her tone holds an undercurrent of sincerity, and Satoru can’t help the smile that tugs at his lips as he waves her off.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about me.” He replies in his breezy fashion, leaning back in his seat and watching as she visibly resists the urge to roll her eyes before striding towards her dorm. Once Shoko is out of sight, Satoru stands, briefly stretching against the table to hype himself up, and attempts to gather his thoughts.
As has become commonplace in the days since he first encountered Suguru, his mind returns to that soft gaze.
To the unnervingly familiar way he’d said his name.
Frustration rising within him, his hand goes to the crown of his head, grazing a stray lock of hair as he tries to figure out just where he could have seen that man before.
And he may be Gojo Satoru, intelligent beyond common understanding and talented beyond belief, but the thought that Shoko’s dismissive words held even a fragment of truth in them does not cross his mind for a second. 
Satoru is back. His hands tucked loosely into the pockets of the tan coat he wore during his last visit, he stares up at the sign in front of the coffee shop, wondering why they chose such large, intimidating letters to represent a drink establishment. The words loom down on him, just foreboding enough to annoy him- to spite him into yanking a hand out of his pocket and clasping it around the silver metal handle of the door, cool against his fingers. He pulls it open and steps inside, realizing a little too late that the chances of Suguru being here are slim; after all, he probably doesn’t work a full-time job if he’s a college student, the way Satoru hopes. 
He silently resigns himself to another hot chocolate and a return trip, simultaneously not wanting to get his hopes up too much and annoyed at the fact that it should affect him at all.
However, when his eyes go to the menu, the familiar and not entirely unpleasant scent of coffee and pastries wafting over him, the glint of a black earring pulls his gaze downwards, and he’s met with the same lovely juxtaposition of features- that sharp face and its impossibly gentle aura- that affected him so greatly the last time he stepped foot into this shop. Suguru is wiping down a display case with a damp cloth, his movements somehow smooth and methodical even in the simple act.
Satoru’s breath catches, but this time, he quickly shakes himself off and advances to the counter, thanking his luck that the shop is considerably quieter at this time of day. He wouldn’t be too bothered at a few dirty looks, but it’s hardly his preference to be glared by hungry customers on their too-short lunch breaks while attempting to strike up a conversation with a barista.
His nails dig into his palm as he clenches his fist, leaving crescent-shaped indents in his skin that are hidden by the lining of his pockets, but he barely notices the pain.
When Satoru stops in front of the counter, the sound of his shoes padding against the hardwood floor alerts Suguru, who turns toward him, tossing the cloth over his aproned shoulder. His eyes light up in pleasant, but not necessarily surprised, recognition.
“Satoru, right?”
He’d thought he was prepared for the smoothness of his voice, but he’s not sure how anybody could be. Satoru swallows, nodding haltingly.
“You remember me?” he asks without thinking, and instantly regrets it when amusement flits across Suguru’s features.
“Well, you have a rather striking appearance.” 
“…Oh.” Satoru disguises his disappointment, wondering briefly what he wanted Suguru to recognize him by. His odd behavior? His glowing personality? In all fairness, he’s not convinced the latter came through in their last interaction, so perhaps his beauty isn’t too bad a place to start. 
“What can I get for you today?” Suguru steadies his hands against the edge of the counter, his thumbs tapping gently against the surface in a slow, soft rhythm that is music to Satoru’s ears. His hands are pretty, too, he thinks, artful in their roughness- almost unfairly so. He forces his gaze to Suguru’s face. The question he’s been wanting to ask finally escapes his parted lips, shattering at his feet like a final wall of security that he has just destroyed with his forthrightness- but then again, he was never one for security.    
“…When do you get off?”
Suguru’s features open up in surprise, his eyebrows lifting and lips parting silently in a way that feels particularly genuine to Satoru, the expression wholly unfiltered.
“Me…? At three.”
“Great. Do you like coffee at all?”
“No, that’s why I work in a cafe.” Suguru’s lips twitch into a semblance of a teasing smile, and Satoru lets out an involuntary laugh, his shoulders relaxing as some of the tension drains from his body. A smirk lingers on his face when he speaks again.
“Well, assuming you remember anything about me besides my face, I came to return a favor.” Words come easier with his newfound calm, and so he informs Suguru of his intentions nonchalantly, opening his palms in an ‘it-can’t-be-helped’ kind of gesture that makes the other smile.
“Favor? …Oh, I see.” Suguru doesn’t acknowledge his snide remark, though the upward tilt of his lips doesn’t correct itself either. He brushes his hands together to dust them off as he speaks, a hint of curiosity on his face. “There’s no need, really, but if you insist.”
“Ha! I do, actually. Ten minutes to three, right? Can I get one hot chocolate and one of whatever your favorite is? Also-“
He’s about to add on two slices of strawberry shortcake, but something gives him pause, an inkling of an idea that jumps out at him from the back of his mind. He can’t quite discern what it’s telling him, but nevertheless, it’s enough that he decides against the dessert.
“Never mind. I’ll be waiting, Suguru.”
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