#the grumpy neighbor
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apcomplexhq · 2 years ago
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✦ Nome do personagem: Conrad Nakahara Ryosuke. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Yuta - NCT. ✦ Data de nascimento: 26/10/1993. ✦ Idade: 30 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Japonês, japonesa. ✦ Qualidades: Perspicaz, confiante, destemido. ✦ Defeitos: Ambicioso, autoritário, arrogante. ✦ Moradia: Elysian Fields. ✦ Ocupação: Proprietário do Dionysus Lounge e traficante internacional. ✦ Prompt: The Grumpy Neighbor. ✦ Twitter: @EF93NR ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Conrad adquiriu o local por sua localização estratégica e luxuosa, recomendada por um contato no mundo criminoso. Sua natureza assertiva gera conflitos com vizinhos e impede a colaboração em projetos coletivos. Ele é exigente, crítico, indiferente aos outros moradores e evita fofocas, mas seu comportamento varia, sendo às vezes um companheiro de festas.
TW’s na bio: negligência parental, prostituição, tráfico de drogas.
Em Gangnam-gu, há rumores de que estrangeiros possam ter caráter duvidoso. Conrad, entretanto, sabia como fingir ser a exceção – ou pelo menos tentava.
Nascido no Japão, filho de executivos, mudou-se para São Francisco, Califórnia, ainda na infância e viveu grande parte de sua vida dentro do raio que designa até os dias atuais a famosa Japantown. Apesar de viver distante do solo nipônico, foi possível cultivar suas verdadeiras raízes e mergulhar na cultura japonesa, embora reconhecesse que não era o mesmo que estar no país de origem.
Ryosuke teve bastante tempo para aproveitar o que as vertentes ocidentais tinham de melhor a oferecer, e mesmo sem precisar trabalhar, já que tinha tudo, durante sua adolescência procurou de alguma forma preencher a lacuna deixada por seus progenitores. Como consequência ele faturou dinheiro, o que não fazia diferença, pois a mesada que recebia era generosa, e o que não era um fator de necessidade acabou se transformando em uma válvula de escape. Não obstante, o unigênito fosse filho de magnatas que possuíam startups renomadas, no extremo oeste dos EUA, ainda havia uma carência afetiva em torno da família que vivia de aparências.
Por mais que os seus pais oferecessem dinheiro, roupas de marcas de grife e regalias, nada preenchia a solidão que ele sentia. A atenção que recebia nas poucas horas que passava com os executivos era insuficiente e detestava ser cuidado por terceiros, exceto por Takehiko Egawa – alguém que teve como amigo por muito tempo. O senhor Egawa era um conterrâneo mais velho que trabalhava na grande casa dos Nakahara, com quem ele, além de admirar, aprendeu a dar valor à música, algo que ainda o cativa até hoje.
Mas como era de se esperar, nada em sua vida era perfeito, a única pessoa que mais demonstrava se importar com ele naquela casa, desapareceu de sua vida devido às acusações infundadas da matriarca histérica.
A solidão despertou nele uma ambição absurda e há muito reprimida, o levando a querer ser o centro das atenções independentemente de quem estivesse ao seu redor. Isso alimentou uma carência afetiva que ele não sabia como lidar. Sem perceber, ele estava a poucos passos de arruinar sua vida com decisões irracionais, mesmo antes de atingir a maioridade. No entanto, o seu problema não era uma simples carência típica de um jovem em sua posição social. Ele não era um mimado, muito longe disso.
Para sua infelicidade teve o caráter moldado a partir de seu trabalho como web lewd model, onde vendia fotos e vídeos de teor sexual em sites restritos, voltados ao público feminino. Isso tudo para inflar um ego insaciável e alimentar um lado narcisista seu que, até então, não havia se dado conta ter desabrochado.
O “negócio passatempo” deu tão certo que o japonês acabou se tornando requisitado entre muitos jovens, recebendo muitas visualizações e atingindo interesse até de públicos não alvos. Afinal, o lucro e a popularidade que partia de outros gêneros não importava para ele, somente a atenção.
Viver a popularidade através do obsceno parecia finalmente ser um tranquilizante de ânimos.
Sem pensar nas consequências de manchar o sobrenome da família, era o seu bem estar em jogo acompanhado da mais pura imaturidade. E a sexualidade não sendo um tabu naquela época e lugar em que vivia, acabavam se tornando suas aliadas nas conquistas, dobrando sua fama e a estendendo para outros grupos de colégios vizinhos, incluindo os rivais.
Os impactos dos atos inconsequentes do rapaz só se tornaram evidentes quando ele foi flagrado aos amassos em um banheiro feminino do colégio, compartilhando substâncias ilícitas com uma colega de sua turma em plena luz do dia. Porém, a parte das drogas não foi levada adiante pela direção, pois havia toda a influência do sobrenome da família envolvida e a pressão imposta pelo patriarca dela furioso; o único detalhe que evitou que o acontecimento viesse à tona, enquanto que o prestígio já não existisse mais tanto depois de inúmeras decisões inescrupulosas tomadas.
Mas o ponto culminante para o estrangeiro foi a cena de seu pai ameaçando acabar com a reputação da instituição, caso tentassem algo contra a sua imagem. Um verdadeiro momento de realização para Ryosuke, onde ele finalmente se sentiu importante, ainda que momentaneamente, ver o patriarca preocupado com algo seu foi extasiante. Sem dúvidas, a melhor sensação de proteção dentre pouquíssimas já vividas.
Apesar da proteção e preocupação do patriarca com o ocorrido, Nakahara foi enviado para estudar na Coreia do Sul, em um pequeno vilarejo localizado na ilha de Ulleung, assim que concluiu a High School, sem poder protestar e sob a condição de ser apoiado financeiramente pelo casal. Aquilo causou uma grande revolta no japonês que, para agradecê-los da “melhor” maneira, se envolveu com o mais perigoso negócio ao contrabandear narcóticos, anos mais tarde.
Conrad, como era conhecido pela maioria, usou todo o dinheiro acumulado das mesadas e abriu um pequeno negócio. Precisava extravasar de alguma maneira, porém manteria uma fachada, pois embora quisesse se rebelar tinha consciência de que era um estrangeiro e sofreria xenofobia acima de tudo. Assim ficou conhecido como "O Pescador", no Condado de Ulleung, ao passar a gerenciar o negócio de um casal de pescadores pobres, que aceitaram vender o ponto por uma bagatela oferecida por ele, sendo este localizado nas redondezas do porto. Rancoroso, já tinha tudo bem arquitetado, só não tinha tantos contatos, mas isso com o tempo deixou de ser um problema já que ainda poderia contar com suas habilidades adquiridas durante a experiência na internet.
No pequeno mercado de peixes que ele ao menos fingia trabalhar, dominava o porto da vila franco-coreana, e tudo o que entrava e saía de lá passava por ele. Na verdade, naquele cenário pacato escondia-se um grande mercado de contrabando de drogas que abastecia países da costeira. Ele comandava o transporte de narcóticos junto com os peixes para abafar o cheiro e não ser rastreado pelos cães farejadores da polícia. Eventualmente, tornou-se um dos principais traficantes de drogas da região, não apenas abastecendo toda a ilha sul-coreana, como também a sua querida Terra do Sol Nascente.
Mais tarde, adquiriu o mais famoso clube noturno dali, para lavar o dinheiro sujo que recebia e depois era enviado aos paraísos fiscais. Desde então colecionou desafetos especialmente com aqueles do meio ilegal. Contudo, sempre foi alguém extremamente cauteloso e misterioso, podendo ser tão perigoso quanto sua falsa cortesia e boa pinta de playboy. Talvez seja por isso que até hoje ninguém ousou entregá-lo, apesar de que já tenha existido suspeitas por parte de alguns e até ameaças.
Dentre tantas desconfianças, possíveis filmagens de um ato impensado cometido pelo japonês envolvendo uma das pessoas mais importantes de sua vida, Yohan, colocou tudo em xeque, forçando-o a deixar sua vida atual no vilarejo para trás, após anos, e se mudar para um novo local por questões de segurança, insistindo com o seu cúmplice que fugir seria a melhor opção.
Após uma meticulosa avaliação das possibilidades, chegou-se à conclusão de que Gangnam-gu, o distrito mais rico de Seul, era a opção mais viável para manter sua vida dupla, lucrando com atividades ilegais e protegendo a vítima de sua loucura. Além de oferecer um leque maior de oportunidades de investimento em comparação ao cenário pacato anterior, a localização conveniente próxima ao porto de Incheon era uma vantagem adicional. No entanto, continuava a temer a possibilidade de ser descoberto por fofocas, algo que odiava profundamente e que o mantinha em constante estado de alerta.
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rafey-baby · 5 months ago
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vampire!rafe doesn’t want to hurt neighbor!reader but he’s just so hungry and she just smells so good...
c/w: blood, vampire!rafe feeding on her w out permission, slightly suggestive, 18+ mdni!
wc: 2.9k
happy halloween & kinktober to all who celebrate xx
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To put it plainly, there has always been something off about her neighbor; a peculiarity in the air surrounding him and an eccentricity in his outlandish aura. She thinks she could count all of their conversations (consisting of a few sparse sentences) with one hand, even though he’s lived in the apartment next to her for almost a year now.   
She remembers their first encounter as clear as day. She’d chirped a friendly ‘Hi! Do you need any help?’ when she’d noticed an unfamiliar presence carrying heavy boxes, even if he made it seem like they were filled with fluffy feathers with how easily he was lifting them with those beefy arms of his.
However, in response, he’d merely halted his movements and stared down at her as if she was some sort of a folkloric monster before muttering out a cold ‘Uh, no thanks’ followed by him slamming his door closed with the back of his foot.   
After that, their interactions haven’t been anything more than awkward nods of acknowledgment in the elevator or her accidentally bumping into him in the hallways, which was more often than not her fault, with how often she got lost in her daydreams and forgot about the world around her. Each time, he’d mutter out a displeased ‘Watch where you’re going, yeah?’ while taking a notable step back for good measure.   
Despite his apparent distaste for her though, she couldn’t help but find his brooding eyes and grumpy demeanor sort of alluring. And it didn’t help that he was quite easy on the eyes as well. However, since he seemed to hate her guts (the reason unclear to her) she tried to stay out of his way the best she could, not wanting to bother him anymore than she apparently already did by simply existing.   
Therefore, she hesitates a few times before knocking on Rafe’s door to inquire if he’d happen to have any gauze or even bandages. At this point, she’ll take anything because the cut on the skin between her thumb and index finger seems to be deeper than she originally thought; warm maroon dripping down her wrist since the paper towels she’s pressing against the wound aren’t being very helpful.   
She’s not entirely sure how it happened. One second, she was contently humming to the music playing from her earphones and cutting up some sweet potatoes to turn into fries in the oven, and the next, she’s bleeding onto her cutting board. And if that wasn’t bad enough, turns out she doesn’t even own a first-aid kit.   
Normally, she’d ask the kind, elderly woman living behind her other wall for help since she’s always so lovely to her; bringing her hand-baked pies and gracing her with the warmest greetings whenever they cross paths. However, it’s rather late and she doesn’t want to wake her incase she’s already in bed.   
Therefore, her only option is her other neighbor since she doesn’t even know the names of the other people living in the same apartment complex.   
She stands on top of his doormat for a few moments, fleetingly wondering if he’s even home, before the door cracks open and all of a sudden, she’s blinking up at Rafe’s tall frame.  
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you. I know it’s late and all but um, was wondering if you had anything to…patch this up with?” she lifts up her wounded hand in emphasis as she stumbles over her words.   
The glimmering sapphires of his eyes slightly widen at the sight of the tissue soaked through in vermilion as he simply stares. His gaze is awfully similar to their first encounter — like she’s just killed his cat — before seemingly snapping out of the haze he’d lost himself; clearing his throat as if there’s some sort of an itch there.   
“Yeah, uh, come in,” he ushers her in with a tense smile; like he’d rather be doing anything other than inviting her into his home.  
“Gonna see if I can, uh, find something for that…you can wait in the kitchen, yeah?” he says before disappearing into the bathroom.   
And he’s always made her rather nervous, however, right now she feels like a little kitten who’s just stepped into a lion’s den as she wanders over to what she assumes is the kitchen. Fleetingly, she wonders if he prefers to order in or eat out since the countertops and cupboards appear far too clean and empty to be used regularly. As she takes a closer look, even the stove and the oven look brand new; like they’ve never been used before.   
“Wasn’t aware my kitchen was that interesting.”   
She flinches when he’s suddenly behind her. And what he said sounded like a joke, however, when she spins on her heel to face him; his expression is as serious as a statue.   
“Sorry, I just…um, nothing, sorry,” she shakes her head to rid herself of the eerie feeling trickling down her spine; her vivid imagination getting the best of her, as always. He’s probably just a clean freak.   
“Sit,” he gestures towards the chair he’s pulled out for her before she hesitantly obeys; a strange ambience following him when he crouches down in front of her in order to take her hand in between his larger ones.   
“How did this even happen?” he flits his eyes over to hers and she could swear there’s something obscure swimming in the watery ponds, almost like a deep craving for something.   
“Oh, I was just making dinner and…got distracted while holding the knife, I guess,” she explains, embarrassed now that she has to recall the moments before disaster.   
“Clumsy girl,” he scolds her. “Should be more careful, you know?”  
“I know, sorry,” she peeps out.   
“Don’t need to apologize. Mistakes happen, yeah?” he reassures her with an uncharacteristically tender tone that confuses her to no end but before she has the chance to question it, he’s slowly breathing in through his nose; eyes fluttering shut along with his exhale as if trying to calm himself down.   
She blinks, disconcerted. “You, um, you okay?”  
“Yeah, yeah. Jus’ had a...long day,” he mutters out before swallowing.   
“Right…” she drifts off when he peels away the saturated tissue to properly inspect the injury.   
In the process, some of the maroon trickles down to stain his fingers and at that, she notices his entire form tense as he halts his movements; tongue peeking out to wet his bottom lip.  
“You sure you’re fine? Do you get like squeamish around blood or? Can do it myself if it makes you uncomfortable,” she suggests cluelessly, not comprehending why his behavior is suddenly even more unsettling than before.   
A dry chuckle tumbles from his throat in response because he’s practically doing everything in his power not to drain her of every last blood cell and she’s concerned for his comfort. What an adorable little thing.   
However, his laughter doesn’t last very long since he can hear the blood flowing in her veins; smell the sweetness of it on her palm and at the end of the day, he only has so much self-control.  
“Nah, I just…” his gaze sticks like glue to the scarlet droplets on his thumb, seemingly contemplating something. Then, to her utmost surprise, he’s bringing it up to his mouth and tucking it past his lips; a low groan rumbling from his throat when her taste melts on his tongue.  
“What are you—” her eyes widen in shock and before she can comprehend what’s happening, he’s bringing her hand closer to his mouth and sinking sharp teeth into the skin of her palm; a guttural moan following his actions.   
And it all happens so quickly, her brain only registering the throbbing pain that follows.   
“Ow, what the hell?” her voice is alarmed as she tries to yank her arm back, unfortunately to no avail since he’s much stronger and doesn’t even notice she’s trying to move; entirely too consumed by the sweet nectar she’s involuntarily providing him with.   
His bite stings; makes her gasp for breath to tolerate the dreadful ache before it turns into something else entirely, something akin to pleasure. Her brows furrow as she tries to grasp onto the nearly obscene sight before her; his eyes flickering shut as he contently hums and grunts around the flesh between his teeth.  
“Shit, why do you taste so good? What the fuck do you eat, huh?” his question is muffled around the wound he’s feasting on; his noises of gratification sending a foreign spark to stir in her guts as they echo around the otherwise quiet apartment.   
“I don’t— I don’t know?” her fuzzy brain is having a hard time understanding what she’s supposed to do in this entirely too strange of a situation. At this point, it feels more like a fever dream than reality.  
“Can’t fucking stop. Shit, I’m sorry, haven’t had a proper meal in ages,” he rasps out as he resumes greedily satiating his sweet tooth with heady moans escaping his tongue.  
“I feel— feel kinda dizzy can you—” she mumbles; vision growing misty as the room begins to spin.   
However, he doesn’t seem to hear her; too lost in satiating his most primal urges as he nuzzles his face even more into her palm.   
“I don’t know if I....” she doesn’t have the strength to finish her sentence before her heavy lids drop closed and she feels her limbs turn lax; thoughts evaporating into thin air when she loses consciousness.   
The last thing her soupy brain picks up is him cursing under his breath before catching her limp body in a steady hold.   
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All-consuming fatigue causes her eyelids to feel as heavy as the washing machine she had to carry to her apartment when she moved in as she blinks her eyes open; desperately trying to piece together where she is and what the hell happened.   
“Good, good, you’re awake,” an all too familiar drawl forces the memories to overwhelm her mind as she tries to sit up on the couch with softened bones and weakened limbs.   
She can still feel the pain of his sharp teeth piercing through the skin of her palm as she looks down at the piece of gauze wrapped securely around her throbbing left hand.  
“Shit, let me help,” she registers Rafe’s voice before his strong arms are maneuvering her into a seated position; steadying her.   
“There you go,” he rasps out before shoving a frigid glass filled with water into her frail hands. However, when she’s unable to properly hold onto it, he lets out a sigh and brings it closer to the seam of her lips himself.   
“Drink,” he orders with a hint of exasperation; tipping the cup and forcing her to gulp down large amounts of the fresh liquid. And she drinks greedily, not even aware she was this thirsty. All too soon though, he decides she’s had enough and draws the magical elixir away.   
And she’s about to ask for more when the reason why she fainted in the first place finally registers in her puzzled brain.  
“What the hell? Why would you— I thought…are you— you’re a vampire?” she stumbles over her words; the realization feeling surreal as she rapidly blinks up at him.  
“I thought— I thought that was a myth? Vampires exist?” her face scrunches up in mayhem as she examines him from head to toe. However, no clear signs of him being a supernatural creature catch her eye; even the maroon she remembers staining the sides of his mouth has been wiped away.   
“Uh, yeah, it’s a…long story,” he scratches at the back of his head. “But I need you to—”   
“Wait. You didn’t turn me into a vampire, did you?” she frantically asks, tongue subtly trying to inspect whether she has grown fangs over the course of her nap or not.   
“Calm down, it doesn’t work like that, I’d have to—”  
“Oh, can you compel me to forget about this like in the Vampire Diaries?” she cuts him off with rounded eyes.  
“In the what?” his gemstone-eyes are perplexed when he opens a packet of what appears to be oatmeal raisin cookies.  
“It’s such a good show, you haven’t seen it?” she gets momentarily sidetracked.   
“Stop asking stupid questions and eat,” he orders and offers the treat to her as if she’s some kind of a dog; a crease forming between his brows when she refuses to open her mouth.   
“Why aren’t you eating it?” he nearly glares at her, as if she’s a major inconvenience that he wishes would just disappear so he could continue on with whatever it is that vampires do.  
“I hate raisins,” she complains with her face crumpling up in aversion.   
“Don’t really care. Just eat it, shit, do you not wanna feel better?” he grumbles out when she pulls her face away from the delicacy.   
“Well, I wouldn’t need to feel better in the first place if you hadn’t drank like half of the blood in my body,” her tone is displeased, making him roll his eyes.   
“It wasn’t even that much. You’re fine, alright? Just eat this and you’ll feel better, yeah?” he breaks off some of the baked good; hovering it in front of her lips while looking at her expectantly.  
And for a moment, he thinks she’s not going to comply, but then she lets out a weary sigh; reluctantly opening her mouth. Immediately, he pushes the piece in while examining her carefully as if to make sure she’s actually swallowing before feeding her more.   
When she’s finished chewing two more cookies, he finally seems at least somewhat content with her cooperation and rewards her with more water that she eagerly sips on. He fills the cup to the brim once more and she’s actually able to hold it this time around; feeling some of her strength returning. She hates to admit that he was right.   
“How do you feel?” he then murmurs, a faint hue of concern painting over the question as he takes a sip from his own mug. And from the potent, metallic odor she can tell it’s not water.   
“Um…like my neighbor just drained me out of my blood without so much as a warning,” she places the now empty glass on the coffee table and flickers her accusatory eyes over to him.  
He scoffs before walking over to her. “And I apologize for that, alright? But what do you expect me to do when you’re practically shoving your bleeding hand in my face?”  
“So, it’s my fault now? Damn, sorry for not knowing you were a fucking vampire,” she huffs out; not caring that she’s poking the sleeping bear, even if he could quite literally eat her for lunch.   
At that, he lets out a deep sigh; running his fingers through his hair in frustration. “That’s not what I meant, okay? Just can’t fucking…think straight when you smell like that.”   
“Like what?” she sounds almost offended for a second.   
“I dunno, like…like real fucking appetizing.”  
“Right…well— since I feel great now, think I’m just gonna go,” her attempt at standing on her feet fails miserably when she stumbles on wobbly feet. She’s about to topple over to the floor before Rafe’s big arms are steadying her with his hands on her waist.  
“Careful now. Told you, you need more rest, okay?”   
“Think I can rest just fine in my own apartment...” she trails off when she notices he’s not even paying attention to her words anymore, instead his gaze is now fixed on her neck due to their close proximity; eyes starving and teeth digging into his bottom lip to seemingly contain himself.  
“You’re still hungry?” she squeaks out with wide eyes when his fingers dent the skin of her waist as he tightens his grip on her.   
“M’always hungry,” he rasps out, before clearing his throat.   
And she silently curses her caring nature for the fact that she almost feels bad for him. Doesn’t want him to suffer but doesn’t want him to drink her dry either.   
“What do you, um, usually eat?” she asks.  
“Uh, mostly blood bags I steal from hospitals. And, well, humans, but been tryna cut down on that cause it’s not…nice. But blood from a plastic bag s’just not the same as fresh from the vein, you know? Doesn’t really, uh, satisfy the cravings...makes me want more,” he explains with a heady tone.    
“Oh, um…you still wanna drink a little from me?” she has no idea why she’s offering more of her blood to him when she already feels so weak; blames it on those eyes that are near hypnotic when they seem so hopeless for some semblance of relief.   
“Don’t say that shit, already took way too much from you,” he mutters lowly. However, with his eyes still glued to the skin of her neck, he leans closer; letting out a vulgar groan when he inhales. “Don’t know how you’re affecting me so much, usually can control myself better around humans.”  
She shivers when she can feel the tip of his nose grazing against her jugular vein.  
“If I just have a little bit…” and then his soft lips are tickling her skin and making her let out a tiny whimper— something innately erotic about his desperation for her.   
All too soon though, he’s shoving her away from him and forcing her to take ahold of the arm of the couch in order to not lose her balance.   
“No, no, I can’t,” his hands turn into fists. “Need you to leave, now,” he’s nearly panting along with his face wrinkled up in frustration as he practically drags her out the front door; slamming it shut behind her.   
And she can’t do anything expect stand there and blink.   
What on earth just happened? 
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sisu-rove-sgr · 11 months ago
Another update, from barbz-mars! So many unibrows…
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charlesemersonwinchesteriii · 3 months ago
Kept thinking about the decline in popularity of Christmas caroling from the 1800s to now and came to the following conclusions:
Would not go caroling in any time period:
Des Voeux
Collins (would like to, but is too shy)
Would go caroling in the 1800s but not in a modern AU:
Hartnell Bros
Crozier (coerced into it by Fitzjames)
Jopson (moral support for Crozier)
Would go caroling no matter the time period:
The Franklins
Little (coerced into it by the former two)
(List not meant to be exhaustive. I left out anyone I was undecided on. Additions and edits welcome!)
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psychicvoidtale · 9 months ago
currently my favorite couple
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joojdraws · 3 months ago
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Whenever Rarold talks about his cat Kevin and/or is alongside him it does warm my heart... the one where he goes "... MY KEVINN!! ♡" with that heart at the end of his sentence is very adorable to my eyes... even a grumpy corn farmer can be cute sometimes!!! 💖
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kawa-goat · 27 days ago
hate to be a bitch about it, but I really don't get the punchline behind weed jokes around here
like, I've been seeing this joke since I first entered here and it didn't manage to make me remotely chuckle once
ik ppl have different tastes in jokes, but wow this is new.
no hate to anyone that likes this thing, I'm just expressing my opinion in my blog, so no fighting please
(also why are we only using the dark-skinned character for this...)
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ask-the-neighbores · 8 months ago
If you guys are the opposites of Edd and his crew then do you guys also have your own Tord? (Like a Todd or something?)
Eduardo: Hey! Don't compare me n' my boys to those losers.... But yeah... Maybe we do also have a fourth.. who wears red.... So what aboutit?! And how'dya know his name??!!?
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Mark: He travels a lot. He's a Botanist, always sending us plant pictures and letters.. Actually, he sent us a letter just this morning..!
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Mark: Aww, treats? Oh, what a peach.
Jon: He knows you're a sweet tooth, Mark hehe! Ooohhh I hope he visits soon!!!
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peachsayshi · 1 year ago
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void-the-bear · 1 year ago
BTW can we talk about how this guy looks like Mr Grumpy
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mediocredoots · 11 months ago
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Slowly drawing my villagers starting off with my favorite—Rolf ❄
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apcomplexhq · 2 years ago
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✦ Nome do personagem: Blair Banks Wu. ✦ Faceclaim e função: @emily.ghoul - Celebridade. ✦ Data de nascimento: 10/11/1993. ✦ Idade: 30 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Norte-americana, americana-chinesa. ✦ Qualidades: Estratégica, persuasiva e ousada. ✦ Defeitos: Impaciente, fria e agressiva. ✦ Moradia: Elysian Fields. ✦ Ocupação: Proprietária do Psique Beauty e Closer de Negócios (ilícitos). ✦ Prompt: The Grumpy Neighbor. ✦ Twitter: @EF93BB ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Condômina dominante e assertiva influencia as decisões, mas sua impaciência causa conflitos com vizinhos. Suas críticas diretas visam melhorias, mas ela é egoísta e indiferente às necessidades dos outros. Impõe altos padrões e busca a perfeição no condomínio.
Blair nasceu em Cleveland, Ohio, em uma família de origens diversas. Sua mãe era americana e seu pai, chinês. Desde cedo, ela aprendeu a valorizar sua herança multicultural e a se adaptar a diferentes ambientes. Já sua personalidade forte e habilidades de negociação foram moldadas pela combinação de influências ocidentais e orientais em sua vida.
Na fase adulta, a primogênita conheceu seu noivo, um sul-coreano que havia vivido no ocidente durante um intercâmbio. Encantados um pelo outro, decidiram construir uma vida juntos na terra de origem do rapaz, Coreia do Sul. Na época, ele prometeu uma vida repleta de amor e felicidade, mas infelizmente, essa promessa se desfez em apenas alguns meses. A traição e decepção que enfrentou com seu noivo fizeram com que ela se tornasse mais fria em seus relacionamentos interpessoais. Portanto, uma espécie de muralha foi erguida ao redor de seu coração, prometeu a si mesma que não permitiria que ninguém a ferisse novamente.
Apesar das cicatrizes emocionais que passava a carregar, encontrou uma válvula de escape para sua amargura e frieza através de sua carreira. Tornou-se uma empresária de sucesso e especialista em negociações, onde sua habilidade em fechar acordos e lidar com transações complexas chamou a atenção de influentes figuras do submundo criminoso. Sua fluência nos idiomas inglês e chinês, além de sua beleza ímpar permitiram que ela navegasse com maestria pelo mundo clandestino, sempre um passo à frente das autoridades e rivais.
Blair habilmente utilizava sua atratividade para seduzir alguns deles durante essas negociações, o que se tornou seu diferencial. Sendo assim, tornou-se uma figura enigmática, mantendo sua verdadeira identidade e atividades ocultas da sociedade em geral. Ninguém poderia suspeitar que por trás da fachada de uma empresária bem-sucedida e dona de um salão de beleza renomado, existia uma closer de negócios ilícitos.
Paralelamente à sua vida no submundo, construiu uma imagem respeitável como empresária. O salão e SPA que ela estabeleceu serviu como uma estratégia para criar sua marca pessoal e ocultar suas atividades ilícitas. Após a aquisição do Psique Beauty, um renomado negócio do segmento de beleza, ela impôs sua exigência implacável em relação aos altos padrões e expectativas dos serviços, oferecendo apenas o melhor para os clientes. Buscava sempre se destacar da concorrência ao fornecer produtos e um atendimento de qualidade superior. Assim, sua vaidade e interesse em cuidados pessoais encontraram uma nova forma de se manifestar por meio desse empreendimento.
Blair é uma mulher complexa e multifacetada. Enquanto mantinha sua fachada de empreendedora de sucesso durante o dia, à noite mergulha nos negócios clandestinos, negociando com criminosos e protegendo seus interesses. Ela carrega consigo a dor de um coração partido, mas também o poder e a determinação de controlar seu destino.
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months ago
Happily Ever After PriceRaven au where everything is good and they’re just so happy and please nothing go wrong—
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so-bitya · 5 months ago
fields of mistria hot take from someone only informed by fanart, I think march is the most popular option so far because he isn't smiling constantly
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callmeonmyrazr · 2 years ago
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today’s mood 🫠
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psychicvoidtale · 9 months ago
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Pride :3
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