#the gregorian calendar
zenosanalytic · 1 year
So a few days ago I watched a Malcolm P.L. video about The Iroquois Calendar, and in it he, in passing, makes the valid point that BCE is just BC, so it's not really moving away from a christocentric dating system, it's just giving a christocentric dating system another name. So I've been thinking about this problem(because obvsl a bush viper and defunct-webcomic-theorist is the proper person to solve it).
Anyway: today is Wednesday May 31st, 441 GC(Gregorian Calendar)
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charlesoberonn · 5 months
Alien: So your calendar was created by this guy Caesar in...
Human: Rome.
Alien: And later updated to its current form by this guy Gregory in...
Human: Also Rome.
Alien: And your international date line passes opposite...
Human: Greenwich, England.
Alien: Why?
Human: Well, they used to have a really good clock...
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twottie-m8 · 6 months
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Kazurei week....day 5.......date night
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egophiliac · 1 year
Wait, is Lilia canonically 700? I thought he was thousands of years old. Did I miss something in Chapter 7....
I thought so too! the stuff about his real birthday being lost to time, the way he talks about the planetary alignment thing that only happens every 100 years, and other things like that made me think he was waaaay older than he is. but nope, in 7-26 he says he's just shy of turning 700! (so he's actually like. 699.) his particular type of fae can live to around 1000, but he's running down early because he pushed himself too much when he was younger (and also he plays too many online games) (he was probably not serious about that but c'mon, man, at least use a blue-light filter or something).
meanwhile, Mal is from a much longer-lived race that doesn't even reach adulthood until 1000 (500 is young adult, and 200 is still a little fledgeling dragon baby). Lilia doesn't say exactly how old he is, except that he's developmentally a "little" older than the third-years (so like about 20 in dragon years? ...can Leona sense this. is this part of why he sees Malleus as his Eternal Rival.) which means he's probably somewhere around or just under 500.
...I just realized that, depending on when it happened, this means Lilia might've been, like, mentally a teenager during the flashback of The Time Baby Malleus Almost Killed Everybody. he's just had Dad Instincts his entire life, I guess.
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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rubiatinctorum · 10 months
We’re worried about the WRONG FUCKING DAY the ides of March Caesar got tossed on followed the Julian calendar and we’re in the Gregorian one now. We really should beware the 26th of March (New Style)
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noneedtofearorhope · 3 months
ok, i just checked like, 40 or 60 years of records of full moon dates. we got a big one coming in 2026. it'll finally land on april first, april fools day. so it'll be a fool moon. get it?
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catilinas · 4 months
making one post about this now and then im not allowed to get pissed off about it later. if you are calculating how long ago a BCE date was by subtracting it from the current year you have to remember to subtract an additional 1 because there is no year 0. on the ides of march 2024 julius caesar will have been dead for 2067 slutty slutty years.
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emjee · 3 months
My nam is Christ
When down I lay
My life for all
The world to save
I share the wine
I break the bread
I harrow hell
Now death is dead.
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brotherdusk · 2 months
sat down to write my [REDACTED] [🚬] foundation fic and ended up spending half an hour hammering out whatever the calendar equivalent of a conlang is. progress is progress right
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peppermint-jade · 1 month
There was a lot of great bits in tonight's taskmaster but for some reason the one that got to me the most was Greg chucking the Alex dummy into the audience
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cheshirelibrary · 1 year
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signanothername · 4 months
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So, Ramadhan officially starts tomorrow :D
Ramadhan Mubarak to all those fasting this year, and if not, hope you have a wonderful day/night <333
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tears-of-amber · 9 months
Ok, so I have this beautiful hand embroidered pillowcase that is older than my Abuela’s abuela (according to the unreliable source known as my Abuela). But it for sure DOES come from her side of the family. It has this Gregorian Birthstone poem written on it for November (which btw is when I was born 👻).
“Who first comes to this world below,
In dull November’s fog and snow,
Should prize the topaz amber hue,
Emblem of friends and lovers true.”
The pillowcase also has a star in the upper left corner with the planet name “Mars” embroidered. And the pillowcase is decorated with mums the birth flower for November. I’ll reblog eventually when I get better lighting so I can take a photo of this pillowcase.
The point is, I think it’s really amazing that something so old from my family is passed down to me, and it specifically is for a November baby who is a Scorpio (because Scorpio in old astrology was ruled by Mars). Someone cared about astrology in my family on my Abuela’s side! Thats so cool! Cause I knew my grandpa’s mom’s mom was an astrologer, but the curiosity of the stars and planets was also on my abuela’s side!
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garlic-and-cloves · 6 months
I really could not care less about the Gregorian calendar or it's new year. Today is the 20th of Tevet, in the year 5784 in the Hebrew calender my people have used for thousands of years
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
So somehow I managed to ony find out today that Jin Zixuan and Meng Yao's shared birthday is in fact just two days from mine which is fucking hilarious. And has inspired a new headcanon.
So I've got two younger siblings, and for some goddamn reason all of our birthdays are in a 15-day window. Something about the month of may just really did it for our parents. Anyway, since we don't officially know qin su and xuanyu's birthdays I think all the 4 known Jin kids should be born in february too, just to subject a-yao to some extra torture. Xuanyu should be, like, early-mid february, the 10th or something. But Qin su's should only be like 3 days after her husband's. They think it's cute when they're courting, and then everyrhing very quickly stops being cute. And in the days where they're married and xuanyu is at koi tower people talk about just how many birthdays zhongzu's family has in february and jgy should feel all kinds of ways about it.
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