#the greates showman
The Greatest Showman: One of the Kids
Summary: Philip has a bad day and his adoptive family tries to make it better.
(I forgot this was saved in my Google Docs years ago before I had Tumblr! 😭 I loved the father-son relationship everyone gave Barnum and Philip and wanted to emulate that in this fic ❤️ The writing is old and choppy and the ending hadn't been written until recently, but I absolutely adored writing this fic and hopes it reaches anyone else in the community who adored this pairing as much as I did ❤️ and still do 😭)
Philip placed one foot in front of the other, not paying attention to where he was going. The day had gone from bad to worse in a heartbeat. First, Philip had woken up late for work, then managed to spill coffee on his pants, run into trouble with the bank, ruin a rehearsal, succeeded in having a fight with Anne, and---the cherry on top---succeeded in angering his parents. Now he was stumbling along without a care where he would end up.
He wanted to avoid any bars, that habit was in the process of being broken. Plus, that would be the first place anyone would look for him and Philip just really wanted to be alone. One foot in front of the other kept him moving to nowhere while his mind replayed each embarrassing moment repeatedly.
Philip had no idea where he was when a sudden whinny broke him out of his thoughts. The young man startled and jumped to the side. A carriage breezed passed, showing the irritated face of the driver. Philp ducked his head while muttering a quiet apology.
"Great," he thought, "another tally in the book."
As he continued to trudge along, he heard the carriage halt a few feet in front. The crunch of boots followed shortly oddly headed in his direction.
"The driver probably wants to yell at you idiot," the young man told himself.
He looked up, expecting to see the face a livid driver. Instead he found himself looking into the kind face of a familiar friend.
"Hello Mr. Carlyle! Lovely day for a walk," Barnum's voice called out to the younger man.
Philip noticed his flinch when Barnum's eyes landed on the raised handmark and cut. Barnum's shoulders tensed, the only outward sign of anger. He refaced the driver and made a motion for him to continue on. The carriage creaked forward down a nearby drive, leaving the two men alone. Philip hadn't even registered when he had turned down the familiar lane of his friend's neighborhood. Yet now he stood facing said man who had what looked like care in his eyes.
"I'm scared to ask where you got those," Barnum explained, closing the gap between the two.
"Better you don't," Philip replied, eyes darting off to the side.
The older man placed a hand under Philip's chin and gently lifted the gaze back up to him. A dark look appeared in the elder's eyes, but he quickly schooled it. "Rough day?"
Philip scoffed, "Understatement."
He hoped the body language he was giving showed he was not interested in having a discussion. Barnum paused before he gave a curt nod and dropped his hand.
Philip inwardly sighed in relief. "See ya tomorrow Barnum"
The younger man started off again, letting his feet guide him to nowhere.
"Hey Philip!" Barnum's voice called out again.
Philip turned as the older man closed the gap again. A hand was placed on each shoulder. "Since you're here, would you consider staying for dinner? Charity will kill me if I let you go without a meal and the girls would really love to see you."
Philip sensed an undertone to that statement. He was sure the other man wanted to keep an eye on him as well, to make sure he was really okay.
"I wouldn't want to intrude," he weakly replied.
Now Barnum scoffed, "Please, you wouldn't be intruding on anyone. We would all love to have you."
Both sounded like good reasons. He knew Anne was staying with Lettie because of the argument and he really didn't want to return to an empty apartment. Plus, this might help take his mind off the terrible day.
Philip relented, "All right, just for a little while."
Barnum beamed. "Excellent!"
An arm was slung over Philip's shoulders as he was lead towards the Barnum house. As they neared the front of the house, the door burst open as Caroline and Helen pounded down the front steps in a manner that would have made his mother blush.
"It's daddy!" Caroline squealed in delight as the two girls raced down the steps.
"And Philip!" Helen added.
Helen managed to clear the bottom step, but Caroline was not so lucky. Both men watched in horror as her foot slipped and she tumbled to the ground.
Helen immediately turned around to help her sister. Meanwhile both Philip and Barnum rushed forward. Caroline had tears in her eyes and had her hands clutched over her knee.
"Caroline! Breathe sweetie." Barnum soothed as he knelt down in front of the sobbing girl.
He carefully lifted Caroline into his lap and ran a soothing hand down her back. The girl's sobbing began to cease until she only whimpered softly. Philip noticed Helen's smaller hand clutching his. He looked down to see the concern for her sister in her eyes. Philip quickly scooped the young blond into his arms. Once Caroline calmed, Barnum stood with the trembling figure in his arms and lead the way back up the steps.
Charity appeared in the foyer. Philip noticed her eyes travel over Caroline's injury before looking at her husband. "What happened?" she asked.
"I fell when I ran to give daddy a hug," Caroline whimpered before anyone else could answer.
Charity's look softened. She placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. "I'm glad you're okay, but now you know why mommy tells you and Helen to be careful when going down those steps."
Caroline glanced downwards, "Yes mommy."
"All is forgiven sweetie. This just means daddy will have to work his special magic to help you feel better quickly."
The two adults shared a wink with each other.
"Can I help daddy?" Helen asked excitedly.
"You know I can't do it unless I have one of my special helpers," Barnum replied.
Philip placed Helen down and watched in amusement as she pulled her mother in the direction of the kitchen. The remaining three followed behind.
Philip knew Charity was worried about her daughter but he felt her eyes look him over on their way to the kitchen. He brushed it off by giving her a tight smile, hoping she'd be able to focus on Caroline easier. Once in the kitchen, Barnum placed Caroline on one of the counters. He removed his outer jacket before rolling up his sleeves to work. Philip sat down in one of dining chairs in case Barnum needed something. He seemed to have everything under control though.
He rotated her knee to make sure nothing was stuck in the wound then had Caroline bend her knee to check for any hidden injuries. While doing so, Helen carefully carried a bowl of water over to her father. Charity followed with a towel and a kit. Thankfully the wound was not deep so no stitches were required.
All Barnum had to do was wash the wound free of dirt then apply an ointment to help keep it clean. While he worked, Philip felt a hand on his shoulder then something cool being placed on his cheek. He looked up and Charity smiled before leaving him with an ice pack on his face.
"Apparently she did notice," he thought.
The ice did help remove the sting from the handprint, leaving his face feeling somewhat normal. He watched as Barnum wound the bandages around Caroline's knee.
"Now we wrap it with a bandage so the super special ointment can do its work." Barum tied said bandage with a flourish. "There we go. Now, a daddy's kiss to make everything better."
Caroline beamed up at her father as he placed a big kiss on her forehead.
"All better now?" He asked her.
"Yes daddy."
Philip smirked at the sight. P.T ladies and gentlemen, always the performer. He saw Caroline's smile beaming over her dad's shoulder as he hugged her. He was glad these two had someone like Barnum for a father. A true father, unlike his.Philip shook his head to avoid revisiting the memories of tonight. He turned his attention back to the father and daughter moment in front of him.
"You did great Caroline, and I'm proud of you." He turned to Helen. "And you were great tonight as well. Thank you Miss Helper."
"Wait daddy, we didn't help Philip!" Helen exclaimed.
The younger man started up right. He didn't know what to say to get Helen to change her mind.
"Yeah daddy, you have to help Philip too!" Caroline added.
"No no girls, it's alright. I'll be fine," Philip tried.
"But daddy makes them stop hurting and heal quicker," Caroline argued while Helen grabbed Phillip's hand and started pulling with all her might. Philip stumbled forward, still unsure what to do in this situation. P.T was no help. Philip wanted to wipe that smirk off of the older man's face as he was pulled toward the counter.
"I'm too big for the counter, I'll break it," Philip protested weakly.
"Oh nonsense Philip," Barnum exclaimed, "you'll fit just fine."
P.T grinned as he placed his hands on Phillip's arms and forced him up onto the counter. Philip felt his face grow warm with embarrassment. He heard P.T chuckle before the ice pack on his cheek was gently removed.
Barnum's hand tightened around the young man's wrist. Philip stiffened, not from pain but because he knew what P.T must be thinking. He shot the older man a warning look out of the corner of his eye. The hand holding his wrist gently moved to grasp his chin and fingers gently pressed into the raised mark. A hiss left his mouth before he could stop it.
"Sorry Philip. Don't worry though, we have something to help take out the sting," Barnum sympathized.
The fingers returned momentarily, smearing a cool something over the mark. Philip gave a slight cry of pain before slowly relaxing into the touch. Once done with that mark, P.T moved up to the eyebrow. Thankfully that cut was not too deep, requiring only a simple clean. However Helen insisted Philip wear a bandage like her sister’s so P.T tied one around the cut. Philip did feel slightly better now too.
He prepared to slide off the counter, but Caroline stopped him this time. "Wait! You forgot the special daddy kiss!"
Philip's eyes bugged out while Barum chortled.
"We can't have that now can we," Barnum laughed out.
Before Philip could react, Barnum grabbed him in a hug and tugged him closer. Philip struggled but couldn't pull away as Barnum placed the biggest, sloppiest kiss he could on the younger man's forehead.
"Eww!" Philip yanked one hand free and swiped at the spot.
"Don't wipe it off! It doesn't work if you wipe it off!" Caroline exclaimed.
"Aw don't worry Caroline. If he does I'll just put another one up there," Barnum sassed.
Philip glared at the older man. "Don't even think about it!"
Barnum just laughed and ruffled his hair. Charity popped back in a moment later saying that dinner was set up in the dining room. The group quickly cleared the medical supplies and hurried to the dining room.
As they ate, Barnum kept the group entertained with stories. Whether they were true or not was left for debate. One in particular sounded unusually like an incident a few weeks ago at the circus---but had been twisted to fit in a witch who taught everyone to fly and shrank Barnum himself down to the size of an appleseed. Philip hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. The stories Barnum told reminded Philip of George, dad's butler that used make up wild and crazy adventure stories. He would tell one to Philip every morning while he was getting ready for school.
Philip's heart twanged a little, it was people like George that made life livable in that house. He shook his head, no use dwelling on the past now. While they were eating, Helen asked an innocent question.
"Philip, why didn't Anne come with you?"
Silence filled the room. Both Barum and Charity stared apprehensively at Philip and even Caroline seemed uncertain.
Philip swallowed the water in his mouth, then looked at Helen with a forced smile. "She's staying with Lettie tonight."
"Why didn't you stay with her?" Caroline added.
"Because they're doing women things and I can't help them out because I'm not a woman."
This answer seemed to satisfy the girl's curiosity as they returned to their meal. Philp returned to his as well, however he more shifted the food around and less actually ate it. The other three returned to their meals as well. Barnum attempted to lighten the mood by telling another story, but the whole room was tense.
After the meal, Charity asked Philip if he could stay with the girls for a minute while she talked with her husband. Philip agreed and moved the girls to the main living room. Caroline and Helen immediately went to two dolls laying on the couch.
"That's Annette and this is Clara. They were taking a nap while we were eating dinner," Caroline explained.
Each took a doll and sat on the floor. Before Philip realized it, he had been dragged into a game more elaborate than one of Barnum's stories. It was obvious which gene the girls had gotten from P.T as they wove a story of two young girls who became princesses by working hard in Princess Primary School. One princess apparently won the heart of her prince by her beautiful dancing and the other amazed her prince with her intelligence.
By the end, both princesses had been kidnapped, helped someone escape the clutches of an evil wizard, and discovered a magical circus that made even the grumpiest person happy. Philip tried to help, but even his playwright mind was no match for the girls. They let him participate by voicing the kidnapper and evil wizard but stopped him several times to say he was doing it wrong.
Eventually, Philip just became the magical ring leader for the circus and flew the girls over his head so they could pretend to be on the trapeze. Every bend in the story helped him forget about the terrible day he had---even if he was missing Anne.
When Philip looked up, he noticed Helen was no longer playing with her sister. Panic rose in his chest until he saw a head of familiar blond hair headed towards the room her parents were talking in. Philip stood to get her back. He stopped outside of the door and listened, catching bits and pieces of the conversation.
The door opened and Barnum stepped out with his youngest in his arms. "Ah Philip, just the person I wanted to see. Charity wanted to talk to you about something while I watch the girls."
Philip stiffened. He nodded and stepped into the room P.T had just stepped out of. Charity was seated on the couch working on something in her hands. She placed it aside when Philip walked in. Charity padded the seat next to her and Philip awkwardly sat down.
Philip didn't know what to say so he just sat there picking at imaginary dust on his pants.
"I'm not going to force you to tell me what happened today, but I am here if you want to talk," Charity began.
Philip felt his shoulders relax. "Thank you."
Charity nodded, then stood to put her project she was working on away. "Everything okay at the circus? Barnum told me about the bank stopping by."
Philip pinched the bridge of his nose. "I thought he left before the bank showed up."
"He left the same time Barnum was coming back."
Philip's hand moved up to his hair.
Charity paused her tidying. "What happened?"
"I messed up."
"I messed up. Apparently some finances with the company we buy feed from were filed incorrectly. We owed them more money than we originally thought and it caused an overdraft fee in the general expense account. The bank sent over a representative to balance things out." Philip placed a hand on his forehead. "That representative was not happy."
"Is that why you two were yelling?" Charity asked.
Philip's eyes widened. "P.T heard that too?"
Charity nodded in agreement.
Philip groaned. He leaned his head back and placed both hands over his face.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, mistakes happen," Charity soothed while resting on the arm of the couch.
"Not when it involves the bank." Philip dropped his hands. "I told P.T I could handle the expenses and I failed. That's it, I failed."
"One mistake doesn't make you a failure Philip."
"No you don't understand. This whole day has shown I'm a failure. I was late to work today, I ruined a rehearsal, I messed things up with the bank and with Anne, and I stupidly believed I could change my parents! I can't even do basic things like drink without spilling coffee all over my pants. These aren't even my pants, someone just gave me a clean pair!"
"Philip, breathe," Charity cautioned.
Philip took a deep breath in and slowly it out.
"Now, start from the beginning."
"Okay---I had been working on some paperwork that P.T asked me to look into. I didn't go to bed until late and accidentally overslept. P.T wasn't in the office when I first got there so I got to work on some papers I had left on my desk. When he got there, he asked me to take over rehearsals later that day because he had a meeting he had to run to around the time it started. About an hour later he left when the bank representative showed up. He told me what had happened at the bank. I tried to argue that it wasn't possible but then he showed me his records; thats when I realized that a couple statements had been misfiled. That took forever to straighten out and since I was focused on that I was late for that rehearsal and kept mixing things up. After lunch is when the letter came. An invite from my parents to "talk things over." I wanted Anne to go with me but she refused. When I told her I was going to go---she said I was choosing them over her. I love Anne, and I know that if my parents would just get to know her they would love her too. I thought I could show them that but when I got there I discovered that their definition of "talking things over" was just another way of saying "you sit there while we yell at you." They were offering to take me back and get help for my "mental condition" since apparently in their eyes I have lost my mind. I refused, repeatedly, and got up to leave. Before I left, my dad said something that sent me over and I snapped. I turned, and I called him a child out of wedlock. Felt pretty good, until this happened. He slapped me and I fell and hit my head on a table. After that I got up, brushed past both of them, and just walked out the door. They kept yelling at me to "turn back now," "this is your last chance," "if you keep walking, no more chances".
Charity smiled. "And you kept walking."
Philip chuckled. "Apparently. Next thing I knew I was standing in front of the Barnum house with P.T leading me inside."
Charity stood and sat beside the younger man to wrap her arms around him. "And I'm glad he did."
Philip felt his shoulders relax as he simply enjoyed the hug.
"Philip, they're going to be days when everything seems to go wrong. The important thing to remember is that there are people there who want to help encourage you along the way."
Philip pulled away to look her in the eye. "Even if we accidentally push those people away?"
"Yes, even then. We encourage the girls to come and talk to us about whatever might be bothering them, even if it's us. No matter how big or how bad, we want them to know they always have someone to turn to."
"That's why Helen followed you into the room," Philip commented.
"Yes. Before the fire at the circus building, Barnum and I talked for a few weeks about divorce."
Philip's eyes went wide. "You two? But you two love each other like crazy!"
"We haven't always. There were times when it was rough and it made it difficult to love each other. However, we learned to talk to each other and work things out. When Barnum started his dream with the show, I supported him because I knew it was something he'd always dreamed of doing. The dream kept growing though and it began to consume him. I never said anything because I thought one day he'd wake up and see how much he already had. Instead he became more and more consumed. We talked very little during that time, and then when the tabloids posted that story about Jenny Lind---I snapped. It felt like a part of me exploded and I couldn't get it back. I said some cruel things and then I left. For two long days, Barnum and I didn't see or speak to each other. The girls had it worse because they were certain we had divorced just like we had talked about. When Barnum came back we were all excited, but there was still worry that it would happen again. The girls always came to us just like Helen did tonight."
"She still worries that you're getting a divorce?" Philip asked cautiously.
"She did tonight. Barnum and I talked to her."
Philip thought over what she said. He recalled the past few days and how he and Anne hadn't talked much. He was so busy with the books and she was so busy with the trapeze that there was hardly time to just sit down and talk. If he thought about it even more he realized he had pushed everyone away with work. Maybe being alone tonight hadn't been the best idea.
Philip felt two fingers slide under his chin and force his gaze back up. Charity's kind eyes stared back at him. "Whatever happens Philip, whomever it may be about, you can always talk to one of us. You're a part of our family now."
Charity slid forward and placed a kiss on his forehead.
Philip smiled. "Thank you."
Charity beamed as she pulled him back into a hug. They stayed there for a few minutes more until Philip felt ready to go back out and face the others.
He rejoined the girls in the living room where they were sword fighting their dad. Caroline managed to stab her father and P.T tumbled to the ground in a dramatic heap. Both girls pounced on top of him as P.T smiled up at Philip. Philip smirked. Yep, a regular showman.
The four goofed around together playing pirates before P.T excused himself to check on something. Philip continued the game with the girls before they demanded they play princesses instead. They would be the brave princesses and Philip would be the brave knight. The trio then set off on an adventure to destroy the magical characters that were terrorizing the town. At one point Caroline was hit by an ogre, and tumbled in a dramatic fashion that looked exactly like her father! Philip laughed at each girl's antics, glad he could join in the fun.
They were so caught up in their game none of them heard Barnum himself enter two hours later.
"As enjoyable as this is, the king and queen have decreed that it is time for the young princesses to retire for the night," Barnum declared.
Both Caroline and Helen groaned.
"Sorry girls, that's just the way the kingdom goes."
An idea struck Philip as he raised his wooden sword. "Is he really the king? Or rather---a shape-shifting dragon that wants to devour us all? Run!"
Caroline, Helen, and Philip screamed while tearing off through the house. Philip heard Barnum cackle before pounding footsteps followed after them. The trio managed to stay ahead of P.T. and even lost him at some point. Philip pushed the girls into a nearby room. He closed the door with a soft click and the three caught their breath.
"You two hide while I stand guard," Philip told the two girls grinning beside him. Helen and Caroline quickly scurried away as Philip opened the door a crack. The hall outside lay still, no sound to be heard. Philip even wondered if they had lost P.T. all together.
Suddenly, a huge growl came from behind Philip followed closely by two screams! He nearly fell as he swung in fright. The fright quickly turned into laughter.
Apparently Barnum had snuck in before the trio and now had both Helen and Caroline pinned beneath him as he tickled them mercilessly. Both girls were laughing with faces still tinged pink from running.
Helen managed to squeal out, "Philip help!"
Philip paused. Should he? He didn’t want to let the girls down, but didn’t know how P.T. was going to react.
Another squeal snapped him into action.
Without thinking, he took a running leap and threw his weight into Barnum. It wasn’t enough to hurt P.T. but it did knock him off balance. The two went tumbling with Barnum landing on top of Philip. Philip was stunned for a moment, but it was a moment too long. Barnum used the moment to pin Philip to the ground.
Barnum flashed a wink at Philip, “Nice try.”
The next instant a hand attacked Philip’s ribs. He let out a startled yelp before falling into helpless laughter. Philip tried to push P.T. off but that just opened him up even further to Barnum’s tickling.
“Do you surrender oh brave knight?” Barnum taunted.
Suddenly, two yells ripped the air and Barnum let out a grunt. Philip looked up and saw that Helen and Caroline had jumped onto their father’s back. Barnum pushed himself up and collapsed in a dramatic fashion on the couch. Meanwhile, Philip recaught his breath on the floor.
“Slain by the princesses, ugh!” Barnum groaned while the girls giggled relentlessly.
Philip found himself laughing at the sight until a knock at the door interrupted the moment. Charity poked her head around the corner, a grin on her face. “Sorry to interrupt, but there are two princesses who still need to head to bed.”
Barnum chuckled, “As you wish my queen.”
He lifted the two girls over his shoulders and exited the room.
Philip stood up and tucked his shirt back in. “I guess that is my cue to leave.”
Charity stopped him, “Can you wait a little longer? Phineas and I wanted to ask you something.”
Philip’s shoulders slightly stiffened and he began to panic. What would they want to talk to him about? Had he done something wrong?
“Sure, I can wait a little longer.”
“Thank you dear. You’re welcome to wait here or in the sitting room downstairs. Wherever you would be most comfortable.” Charity smiled before hurrying to join her husband.
Philip’s thoughts swirled with what he could have done wrong. It wouldn’t surprise him after the day he had. Everything had gone from bad to worse and now he had added another tally.
“Great, just great.” Philip chastised himself.
His mind raced through the events of tonight as he wandered downstairs. Without thinking, he placed the dolls on the couch and made sure a few throw pillows were returned to their locations after a night as landing pads for tumbling tricks.He collapsed into the couch to wait. A million worries swirled through his head---yet he felt oddly calm. Charity's words about coming to them if he had a problem were still fresh in his mind. Perhaps he was worried for nothing.
Then both Charity and Barnum stepped back into the living room and his anxiety spiked again.
Barnum's eyebrows lifted when he noted the tenseness in Philip's shoulders. "Philip, is everything okay?"
"Um yeah, everything's fine."
"You don't have to be nervous sweetheart." Charity smirked as she sat down next to him on the couch. "Phineas and I don't bite."
Philip chuckled as some of the tenseness eased from his shoulders. "Sorry, I just don't know what I did wrong."
"That's just it." Barnum eased himself on to the arm of the couch. "The only wrong thing you did was blame yourself for one horrible rotten day."
Charity gently squeezed his arm. "He's right, you know."
"But the bank—."
P.T. held up a hand. "Have you seen the state of our office Mr. Carlyle. It looks like my daughters went through and sprinkled them around like rose petals."
A smirk came across Philip's face. "You told me it was organized."
"I said it was organized chaos. Big difference."
Charity squeezed Philip's arm again. "What Phineas is trying to say Philip is that he doesn't blame you."
The younger man turned back to his circus partner and Barnum nodded.
"But, everything else . . ."
"Charity told me what you explained to her. You didn't mess up. You did the best you could given the situation."
Charity grinned. "Exactly."
Then P.T smirked. "Except for the pants debacle. That one I don't understand."
His wife promptly slapped his arm. "Phineas!"
The younger man chuckled at his friend. "It's okay, neither do I."
The other two chuckled with him before falling silent once again. Philip felt the tenseness returning to his shoulders. There was something else.
The younger man looked up at P.T.
"About your parents . . ."
"It's okay PT . . . I'm never going back."
Philip didn't expect it, but once he said those words . . . tears sprang up into his eyes. His parents had verbally disowned him near months after he joined the circus, but they were still somehow involved in his life. It never felt real until those words came out of his mouth. Then in an instant, the only life he had ever known disappeared.
And it hurt a lot more than he was expecting.
That's when he felt two sets of arms wrap around either side of him.
"Thank you."
"No matter what happens Phil, you've got us to turn to." Barnum ruffled his hair.
Charity nodded. "Always."
Philip sniffed. "I don't deserve you guys."
"Hey, get that thought out of your head right now Mister." P.T. playfully tweaked one of his ears. "The only one thinking it is you."
With a little bit of effort, Philip slipped both of his arms out and wrapped them around the two people sitting next to him. It was okay he was leaving his old life behind, he couldn't ask for a better one than this.
A warm content feeling washed over him as the last of the tension left his shoulders. With it, the last of his energy too. Philip tried to keep himself alert, but the mixture of the long day and a solid meal had him leaning heavily on P.T.
He felt a chuckle go through the older man. "Are you bored of us already Mr. Carlyle?"
Another solid whack followed by Charity's voice. "Shush. It's been a long day."
Philip tried to rouse himself for a response. "Carriage?"
"It's alright Phil, we've got it taken care of."
In his half asleep state, Philip felt himself being shifted and placed on something soft. He didn't care, the other two would wake him when the carriage arrived to take him back to his apartment. For now, he would sleep.
Meanwhile, Barnum carefully removed the young man's shoes and socks followed by his waistcoat. "That should do it."
While he tended to those things, Charity dimmed the guest room lights. "I'm surprised you were able to lift him."
"I carried him out of the fire didn't I?"
"Yes, and almost dropped him on the cobblestone."
Phineas smirked. "This is different. I wasn't in a rush."
Charity closed the curtains. "Since you're not in a rush you can cover him with the blankets."
"Yes dear." Barnum gently covered him with a blanket and tucked it in around his shoulders.
"And don't fold his waistcoat like that. You always wrinkle your own when you do that."
"Pardon me," Phineas teased as he straightened Philip's waistcoat. "I was busy."
Charity turned with her hands on her hips and a smile on her lips. "I thought you weren't in a rush."
Barnum mimicked his wife's stance. "I didn't say I was in a rush. I said I was busy."
Charity strode across the room to plant a kiss on Philip's temple. "I see."
"He hasn't even been here a full year and you're already coddling him?"
"I could say the same about you."
Phineas playfully tussled Philip's hair before standing. "Well my queen, the children are in bed for the night, the guards are on duty, and the staff has retired to their quarters."
"And all is quiet and peaceful."
"Yes it is." Phineas knelt to help his wife remove her shoes. "Now it is time for us to retire to our quarters."
"What are you doing?"
Phineas stood with her shoes. "Retiring."
Before she could respond, Barnum lifted Charity into his arms.
The younger woman squealed and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. "Phineas Taylor!"
A shuffle from the bed had both of them go still. Thankfully, no other sound came as Philip settled back into a deep sleep.
Phineas lowered his voice to a whisper. "Sleep well Phil."
The younger man lay still as both the Barnums headed out the door.
"Now my queen, the king wishes to put you to bed."
"Oh hush you."
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purpleangiie · 3 months
I was rewatching The Greatest Showman, and of course I was thinking about Dick Grayson completely obsessing over the movie, and the Batfamily having to live with that...
[Batfam is gathered the living room, everyone is minding their own business]
A sudden voice: Whooa!
Jason: Oh no.
Bruce, looking around confused: "What–"
Dick, appearing from behind the couch (almost giving Bruce a heart attack): Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for
Steph, smiling and quickly standing up: Whooa!
Dick: Been searching in the dark, your sweat soakin' through the floor
Steph: Whooa!!
Bruce, whispering to Alfred: "What is happening?"
Dick: And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore
Tim, standing up: Takin' your breath
Damian, rolling his eyes but standing up as well: stealing your mind
Jason, letting out a quick sigh and standing up too: And all that was real is left behind!
Dick, jumping on the couch: So tell me, do you wanna go?!
Steph and Cass: Where it's covered in all the colored lights!
Duke and Damian: Where the runaways are runnin' the night!
Tim and Jason: Impossible comes true, it's takin' over you!
All: OH!
[Silence falls. They're all huddled around Bruce, frozen in their position and staring at him, waiting]
Bruce, swallowing hard, frowning: this... is the greatest show?
Dick, on the verge of tears: YES!
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aprilias · 4 months
Sometimes I think I’m too much of a Bagnaia hater and then he opens his mouth and I remember how right I actually am for feeling the way I do about him…
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sockie2sock · 6 months
I need more Jeremy Jordan content because I'm running out.
Something that's not death note, newsies, the last five years, supergirl, tangled the series, hazbin hotel, bonnie and clyde, the violet hour, the great gatsby, the greatest showman, waitress, heathers workshop version, it's all coming back to me, disney medleys, spinning gold, joyful noise, smash, little shop of horrors, even the livestream he had during quarantine with Ashley and Clara.
I need more, man, I need more.
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bikerchanyeol · 7 days
D.O. Kyungsoo & Lee Suhyun - Rewrite The Stars (cover from The Greatest Showman)
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stardust-sunset · 28 days
i’m sobbing i forgot how good greatest showman was
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nerissa-art · 7 months
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This is something I've wanted to do for a while. I think this is perfect for them.
This is inspired by "Rewrite the Stars" from The Greatest Showman. I listen to that song on repeat all the dang time. It's so good.
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starlit-rainfall · 19 days
Sometimes I sit here and I just think about Jeremy Jordan and how he was done wrong with The Greatest Showman.
Sometimes I just sit here and think about Jeremy Jordan and how he was done wrong.
Sometimes I just sit here and think about Jeremy Jordan.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 1 month
More Than Enough - Charity Barnum/Jenny Lind
A/N: Another new fic for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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Jenny has been exhausted for weeks, finally coming home to Charity helps. Charity’s smile is soft as she hugs her and leads her to the bedroom, letting Jenny change as she prepares the bed before changing into her own comfortable clothing. Jenny nestles closer when they settle, curling into her side as she reads, her voice soft and somewhat shy. “Can you read to me?” “It’s Great Expectations… is that okay?” “Mmm, don’t actually care what, I just need to hear your voice.” Charity smiles then, gently kissing Jenny before settling to read, her voice soft as she begins anew.
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heronchildlove · 10 months
Idk if you still want to do the spotify wrapped thing but if so: number 56
Always, nonnie!!! I get so happy when I get asks, always feel free to send me questions or prompts even if they are years old or just come scream about something!
Send me a number from 1 to 100 and I'll write a drabble based on my Spotify Wrapped playlist - Accepting!
Number 56: The other side - Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron (The Greatest Showman Soundtrack)
Freaks, they called them. Him.
Abomination. Aberration. Monster. There were innumerous names to pick.
But Matthew had never seen sense in any of them. From the first time he saw him, he was transfixed, breathless. He had never seen a more beautiful creature in the whole wide world, and he had travelled many places before.
Sure, the performers of the circus were all amazing and unique - Matthew didn't understand why any of them were mistreated either - but to him their ringleader completely stole the show.
He was ethereal and captivating, shadows and light, the darkness of night lit from inside by the warmest gold. He couldn't look away, and almost whined every time he stepped out the stage to give place to one of his acts.
His limbs were long and his movements gracious, his voice was deep and smooth, his smile invited them to mischief and amazement - two of Matthew's favourite things - and his eyes... His eyes sent shivers down his spine every time their looks met.
Or at least Matthew thought they were meeting, but it could just be his wishful thinking
Many and many times now he had snuck away from home to come watch the show and he couldn't get enough of it. Every day there was a different act, a different trick, a different line, or a different quip from the ringleader. It was intoxicating, and he had always been too weak to resist the call of things he shouldn't mess with.
He had started coming up with plans, ways he could approach the ringleader - James Herondale, even his name was like a poem - and start a conversation, praise him and the show, maybe invite him for some drinks. But so far all his planning had stayed inside his head. He just couldn't figure out when best to approach the other. He didn't want to disturb him before or during the show when he was preparing and working, and the couple of times he had gone behind stage after the performances he had been nowhere to be seen and when one of the performers called out to him he had run away like a deer in headlights. He couldn't escape his duties on the times when he knew the circus was practicing, and he didn't know where or when else to look for him.
So when the ethereal ringleader pushed through the doors of Matthew's favourite pub one night and then walked straight up to him, he didn't know how to act. He had forgotten how to speak, or think, or even breathe, it seemed, with the other's presence so close to him.
When he took the stool next to him, smiled and said "I have an offer for you", it took everything in Matthew's power not to blurt out yes right there on the spot.
But no. He was Matthew Fairchild. His family had a reputation to uphold, no matter how ready Matthew was to throw it away for a pair of liquid-honey eyes.
He put on a smile himself. He was good at that, if at nothing else, smiling and being charming. It was the least - and often times most - that was expected of him.
"What kind of offer, Mr. Herondale? It must be very important if you went through the trouble of coming all the way here for little old me."
"Little old you that just so happens to be the son of Prime Minister Fairchild? She approved my license to run the circus, you know? I am very grateful to her, but that's not why I came here. And the offer I want to propose is more of a... partnership."
Matthew's heart skipped a beat due to his overactive imagination and he forced himself to calm down.
"What kind of partnership, Mr. Herondale?"
"Just James, please. And the kind where I give my most loyal and special customer a chance to be part of it all - the magic, the song, the wonder. Your eyes watching us are so fierce and passionate, wouldn't you love to ditch the stands and be right in the middle of the dream, yourself?"
Matthew licked his lips. Yes, that was all he wanted, even beyond James himself, he loved the colour and the passion of the spectacle, and the heart they all put into it and the strength they showed in front of adversity. But...
"I am afraid I have to decline, Mr. Herondale, I have a responsibility towards my family." He couldn't even begin to think about the scandal if the son of the prime minister got involved with the circus like that, specially that particular one. His whole family would be on disrepair, his mom's competence and standing would be questioned.
"James." The other reminded him. "And a responsibility to what? To show up to endless dinners and fundraisings and pretend to be interested in their vile words while being miserable for the rest of your life?"
Matthew gulped. How did he know him so well when they had never even met aside from the distance between the stands and the stage?
"I am not miserable! And I am proud to help my family."
"Oh yeah? Is that why you are sitting here drinking instead of being at the fundraising gala for the opera tonight?"
Touché. Matthew feigned an affronted sniffle.
"I am planning to arrive fashionably late. It's one of my signature moves."
"Or is it your signature because you don't want to be there so you are always late?"
Touché again.
"Who came first, the chicken or the egg? Guess we will never know."
"Oh, I know. I see it in your eyes piercing mine every presentation. Your soul longs to be free, and that's what I'm offering you: freedom, laugh, life. Become my partner and all of it could be yours."
He painted such a beautiful picture, it made Matthew's soul ache. He licked his lips.
"And what do you gain from it? A partnership goes both ways."
James smiled. "I could use a sponsor."
Matthew's heart promptly fell down to the floor and sank to the center of the Earth, his fingers tightened around the glass. Oh, that's right. He should have known.
"So this is all about money?" Of course it was all about money, that was the other piece of the pie of all he was good for.
"Not for one minute."
James' voice was so serious and deep it made Matthew shiver and look back up, and before he knew it James had taken his hand from where it had bunched against his slacks and was holding it tight. Eyes like the heart of a furnace boring through him.
"Money is what the circus needs, because it always does, but it's not at all why I'm here, and I'm sorry if my jest offended you. But all I'm interested in, all I really want, is you."
It seemed like the furnace in James' eyes had passed straight through Matthew's chest. He felt hot, and short of breath, and like every coherent thought had melted out of his ears.
"I... What... do you mean?"
"Should I spell it out?" James asked, all the theatricality of his profession showing in his giving a quick look around before removing the top hat from his head and holding it in front of their faces.
And there, barely hid from the other patrons by a circle of dark silk, James kissed him.
Matthew gasped and pushed back against his lips, but before he could get more than a taste of it, the other was pulling away, top hat securely back on his head.
"This is what I mean. And much more. A partnership, like I said, in all meanings of the word. It's yours if you want it. I'm yours, if you'll have me."
The click of a key turning in a lock. And all Matthew could say was:
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RCS certainly getting their money's worth for tadej's starting fee 😅
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Watching Rick Astley at Glastonbury like
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i've never considered myself to be a big musical person, (although considering my deep love for the sound of music, i should probably reconsider that one), but damn, those guys who did the soundtracks for the greatest showman and spirited know how to write a song
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When the forecast said sunny so you decided to go shopping but now it's raining cats and dogs:
Me, deep sigh: It's intriguing but to go would cost me greatly, to what percent of the show would I be taking?
Mall employees trying to meet their quota so their selling me the EXPENSIVE but HORRIBLE umbrellas: Fair enough you want a peice of all the action, we'll give you seven (percent quality!) we can shake and make it happen.
Me, with social anxiety: Okay...
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herismess · 2 months
just about to watch the greatest showman just to feel something and I'm not even a musical's girl
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
Been doodling in my notebook some of the lil blorbo guys and design ideas but my MP3 player is dead and the charger is gone so... Yeah that's the end of that. Devastating...
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