#the great schism
thequeeninyellowlace · 10 months
Did you hear that the Methodists are having their very own schism?!! I do hope they’ll start electing competing popes!!!
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mymangamemes · 3 months
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Vatican City: population 99% popes, 1% other (apparently)
From Arrogant Otto the First by Akger
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So wait, can fourteen still regenerate again after the bi-generation?
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theo-toke-os-amirite · 5 months
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hiya! I just find your blog and I LOVE it!! Could you elaborate on what you think the people of White Harbor (Manderly) would wear? Since they’re a port city, closer to the south and that they follow the seven I’m wondering how that would affect their style. Thank you ^^
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White Harbor is kind of at a crossroads of Northern and Southern fashion bc the Manderlys both come from the south and have frequent trade with them. But they’ve also taken up Northern traditions, so thick smock dresses and puffy sleeves are quite popular among the young women there, as they are in all the north. However they don’t usually have to wear any extra layers because it’s not quite as cold. They also keep the southern fashions of bright dyes and lovely patterns and rich detailing
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But traditional norther fashions aren’t the only popular kind. Women who work on the harbor and families with heritage from the stormlands often wear practical stiff skirts and aprons, with a white undershirt and stays to keep it all in place. Because traditional stormlands clothing translates quite well to Whiteharbor, it has become popular among working women of the city. It’s even trickled upwards to the bolder noblewomen of the city (aka Wylla)
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Religious clothing is a conglomerate of the centuries the Manderlys have spent in both the north and south. It almost looks like there’s a combination of the two traditions. It’s kind of it’s own little sect of the faith at this point. A riot of colors and flowers and dyes and patterns that owe their origin to the faith, but almost wild, untamed, and uncoordinated mash of accessories and charms and etc that seem to be more fitting to the old gods
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theoryandahalf · 6 months
New family photo just dropped!
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credit: Team Theorist Twitter/X
Honestly, its giving bible study.
Tom: Patron Saint of dead children and sprained thumbs
Lee: Patron Saint of childhood trauma and VCRs
Santi: Patron Saint of chickens and douglas firs
Amy: Patron Saint of D&D dungeon masters and razor burn
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hi, would you happen to know where this is from? thanks
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Episode 08 — Aishiteruze Baby★★
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macbethz · 1 month
I’m introducing psychedelics into the reality shifting ecosystem
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
with how much discourse tommy gets, the day bucktommy break up is going to be one the most awkward days in the entire fandom, like truly.
honestly pretty sure we're gonna tear ourselves apart before that even happens but we'll see 🤷‍♀️
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pocketramblr · 1 year
5 headcanons for a krakenverse AU where Tamaki's mother married First instead of All for One. (Playing it safe with the weaker but less evil brother.) Tamaki is their son.
1- Amaji has an interesting definition of playing it safe, because AfO killed his brother's lover Second (and possibly his next and last lover Third idk but either way 100% murdered lover rate) but when she manages to catch First alone to explain it, he agrees- it'd be political, but it would hopefully offer protection to Ozoko and freedom to First, as long as he spent some time both in the city and back with his brother.
2- AfO protests, naturally, even citing that he should be married before his little brother, but First points out he had centuries to do that before he was even born and didn't, so he lost his chance.(Shame about Sorahiko, I suppose) Knowing his brother will try to kill Amaji anyway, he also tells him that they plan to magically seal their lives together- if Amaji dies, so does he, and vice versa. The catch here tho, is to do this, they'd need someone somehow related to both of them by blood. (This is related to the spell and method in krakenverse canon that keeps AfO from even lifting a hand to his relatives, but less powerful) As they do not share any relatives, Amaji and First would need to make one... Fortunately for Amaji (on a time crunch because AfO would kill her long before nine months were up) and First (gay), witchcraft exists!
3- which, I guess, makes their marriage technically also a shotgun wedding? Ok sure why not. AfO grits his teeth and says they must really love each other to do that, but he can't not attend the wedding, and when he sees the little tiny Tamaki he decides he really needs to find a way to brainwash Amaji so he can have his brother back... And his little nephew, who's adorable (his hair is lighter here, closer to Nejire's shade) and a potential heir to the throne of Ozoko. Which means he has to play nice, to ensure they are within his home and not the city as much as possible
4- he also just... Acts like Tamaki is named after him. He tries to get his pods to treat him special so he prefers it to the city aquatics, but Tamaki is as shy about the obvious and forced coddling as he is getting sideways looks, so he hates both and he especially hates how his uncle keeps forgetting his name, even if he's the only one who is honest about considering Tamaki weak and ill suited for the city. Instead of drawing this towards the Kraken like AfO hopes, it draws him further into his own room in Ozoko, reluctant to ever leave and worrying First, who can't imagine trapping yourself with so much potential freedom right there.
5- AfO, frustrated that what he considers "playing nice" isn't working, wonders if getting married himself would solve the problem, get First to visit more, perhaps a child would draw Tamaki out. He thinks about suitable options, but there's not really anyone. Inko was pretty, but she got married to someone on land, poor tastes just like her mother. The rest of the pod isn't really attractive either, and if he picks one of his more violent and loyal followers, his brother will never want to visit.
As he muses on the issue, Amaji and First lead their son up to the surface to meet Queen Inko and her boys, slightly desperate to get the kid some positive socialization since neither the Kraken's territory nor the city seem viable options.
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slutvember · 6 months
Yknow sometimes I feel like literally every negative thing I've ever experienced- be it physical, mental social... it would all feel alright if I knew it was someone doing it to me deliberately to get off to my suffering.
Like the divine purpose of being as socially awkward as I am is bc god has some weird kinks and shes edging and chortling to herself watching me fail at basic social interactions. 🥰
...Brb gonna go start a religion about it lmao.
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medievalistsnet · 9 months
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ashesandhalefire · 1 month
wip saturday
so! i got tagged by @alchemistc on wednesday (which is basically today when you think about it!!!) but the only thing i've worked on this week is a bucktommy-adult-film-stars-blind-date!AU, of which 6k came to me in a fit of inspiration in the middle of the night.
it currently sits at almost 11k and it's clearly me biting off more than i can chew and it may never actually see the light of day and i don't know what to say for myself except a lot of anxious yelling!!!!
Tommy has had a lot of sex with women on camera. In trying to clear what he sees as the red in his ledger, he’s fucked a handful of women just because Howie asked. But the numbers from before, from his time at a pre-reformation Station 118, feel like they far outweigh anything he’s done since, like he's still carrying them somehow.  Vaguely, he hears footsteps and the muffled sound of Howie’s voice. The curtain wiggles. As he sits on the stool, curtain pulled to hide him and large headphones tucked over his ears to keep from spoiling the identity of his scene partner before the cameras start rolling, Tommy squeezes the narrow pill container in his pocket. It had been a relief to get away from this aspect of the performance. At this point in his career, Tommy is considered an old pro. He can do what’s needed. It’s just a little tedious. By the time he notices Howie has snuck into the closet in front of him, the camera is already rolling and he’s being directed to take off his headphones by a coordinator with a finger to his lips. Silently, Tommy does as he’s told. A soft rustle of clothing indicates his counterpart on the other side of the curtain has done the same. The bustle of the house has faded into quiet in the interim, and Tommy hears the soft click of his lips separating.  “Alright,” Howie says with a smile. “Let’s get you two acquainted.”  Tommy hands the headphones off to the first person that reaches for them and rolls his neck. As an assistant steps forward to drag the divider out of the way, he takes a deep breath. He’s not bad with people, generally, so this part will be easy. It’ll be the part after that’s a little bit of a grind—no pun intended.  But when he looks at who’s waiting on the other side of the curtain, the breath rushes out of him again. Any of them, Hen had said, pointedly, twice, and he still never considered the possibilities inherent in any. 
...is this anything?
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ep 64 of op there's a nun that appears briefly thereby implying the existence of catholicism in the one piece universe
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itsbinghebitch · 1 year
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lovecatsys · 5 months
i feel so weird being a huge Quentin Quire fan when like I despise the majority of his appearances or at least have a lot of gripes with them
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