#the grabber x oc
mandowifey · 2 years
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Self indulgence is doodling your insert/reader getting snatched up by a nasty killer boy.
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anarchy-n-glitter · 2 years
Summary: After receiving a mysterious offer, a police officer drives to a remote location in the middle of the night to trade the notorious Black Phone off to an unknown buyer.
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He could lose his job for this. That was all he could think as he stared out at the slick roads glistening in the glow of his headlights. The rain continued to pour without any signs of slowing, which was unusual for that time of year. Though he was lost in thought he kept a keen eye on the road, trying his best to see through the haze of the rain. Headlights glaring from the other side of the road helped him, as did the brake lights of the cars in front of him. They took it slow. He couldn’t afford to take it slow. 
He had to wonder what else could happen if he were caught. Would they charge him? Did this count as tampering with evidence even though the case was long over and solved? 
His foot unconsciously pressed harder on the gas pedal. His hands tightened on the steering wheel - his knuckles turning white as he sped through the worsening weather, weaving through traffic with little concern for those around him. It wasn’t the greatest choice he could make. He took a moment to glance at the clear plastic evidence bag on the passenger’s seat with a weary eye. No amount of money should be worth it to do this… yet there he was. 
The buyer, who simply identified themselves as “Charlie” in their voicemail, seemed like one of those true crime freaks. She seemed way too interested in the phone - that stupid phone that winked tauntingly at him under the street lights, like it knew he was anxious. It made him feel dirty. Guilty. 
That damn thing gave off the worst energy when he was around it, like something was attached to it and that thing wanted to hurt him. He was honestly surprised it didn’t ring while locked up in the evidence locker. His hands shook when he unlocked the locker, and when he collected the phone, frightened it would ring and give him away to whatever lurked in the darkness of the closed precinct. The cop couldn’t help but wonder why anyone would willingly go near it, let alone buy the damn thing. 
“Charlie” said she was a writer trying her best to understand the horrors of the Denver Grabber, and that explanation made enough sense and solved the mystery of the missing mask. She definitely bought it off of another cop, which meant he probably had nothing to worry about when it came to keeping his job. Getting rid of the mask and now the phone felt like a relief to the officer, who truly wanted nothing to do with the items now that the case was over, and giving them to a writer seemed like a better option than auctioning them off to some rich freak years down the line. 
The rendezvous spot was an old, decrepit building just outside of the suburbs. It was an old warehouse just off of the main road in the middle of what was now a blossoming field filled with long grass and most likely all sorts of snakes and rodents. Even further behind it was a forest with dark, looming trees that he wouldn’t be caught dead near. The warehouse itself was built in the thirties and quickly renovated into a factory to build aircrafts and such during World War II. Sometime in ‘65 it was converted back to a warehouse for a quickly sinking company, and then it was closed officially in ‘73 and never sold. The vandals and drug addicts got to it quickly, leaving behind broken windows and knocked down doors as well as graffiti mosaics on the concrete. 
And now the cop was driving up to it with an offering. He felt dirty. He felt guilty.
“Charlie” was leaning against a black 1972 Chevy Nova with her back facing the approaching vehicle. She was parked under the mostly intact awning in front of the dark maw of the building. The awning was leaking water through small tears in its fabric and it landed on her car, splashing in the puddle that was no doubt forming on the roof. She remained dry though, nonchalantly checking her watch even though she knew that the cop was there. The headlights cast large shadows across the concrete walls of the building. A larger than life shadow for a larger than life person. 
The woman herself wore a large leopard print coat with the collar pulled up around her neck, undoubtedly to combat the quickly dropping temperature. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail. On her hands were black leather gloves that beckoned the officer to come closer. She hadn’t said a word, nor had she really acknowledged him besides the slight hand wave. In that moment he realized he was handing the phone over to a freak, regardless of occupation. 
This is wrong, the officer thought to himself, this is a murder weapon. He believed the monster got what he deserved in the end, but handing off the phone to the first person who calls and is willing to pay felt wrong. Not only was it a murder weapon, but it bore witness to the murder of several children, and he wasn’t sure how he could handle looking at the thing knowing that. He had to wonder if there was something wrong with this “Charlie.” She’s probably seen worse, he rationalized as he got closer to her.
“Are you Charlie Myers?” She still didn’t look at him. Her hand came up to her face before she spoke. 
“Yes sir, I am.” Her voice was higher than he expected, and it sounded a bit muffled too. He wondered if she truly was the person who left the voicemail. It made him want to stop in his tracks. 
“You have the money?” He continued on, holding out the phone as he inched nearer. Her shoulders stiffened for a moment.
“Oh yeah, give me a sec I’ll get it.” Her gloved hand reached into her handbag, sending nervous chills down the officer’s spine. He knew something wasn’t right. His hand immediately shot to his right hip where his gun holster sat. His instinct told him to turn around and return the phone - his instincts told him this woman was no good. 
“Actually ma’am, can you do that facing me? Can’t be too careful these days.” The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight as the woman froze. Her hand was still firmly inside the handbag. She slowly turned around to reveal a ghostly white, porcelain mask. Black eyes stared at the officer as he froze in fear, unsure of what to do now that his suspicions were confirmed. 
“Sure thing officer.” 
This was a copycat killer. 
He moved quickly to draw his gun, but he wasn’t quick enough. From her black clutch, the buyer produced a handgun and fired three times, hitting the officer in the shoulder twice before hitting its mark: his chest. The officer let out a groan and fell to the ground in a matter of seconds. Despite everything she still wasn’t entirely used to how quickly they fell. 
Calmly, methodically, the woman stalked over, giving a horrifyingly closer look at the mask she wore to conceal her true identity. Through blurry eyes the officer saw the familiar porcelain, with reddish-pink cheeks to simulate blush and long painted on eyelashes. The lips of the mask were small and black and curled slightly upward in an unsettling smile. It looked almost clown-like, though not overtly so. She could be seen as a doll. 
The woman stared silently as the officer wheezed, choking on his own blood as it filled his lungs and throat. She tilted her head like a dog observing a squeaky toy, listening to his suffering. Her gaze shifted from the dying man to the phone that laid a few feet from what would be his final resting place. She looked back at him and pointed the gun at his head as the officer began to weakly sputter out cowardly pleas, clutching his chest and panting. His face was wet with rain and tears. The rasp in his voice was disgusting to her.
She pulled the trigger to finally silence him. No more rattling. No more pleas. 
The patter of rain echoed louder in the suddenly still night, along with the running engine of the dead officer’s car. Her gaze was focused on the phone. That damn phone. He used to yell about it - about the ringing, about the voices. When she was allowed near it she couldn’t hear anything, and it didn’t ring when she picked it up. That damn phone.
It was hers. 
It was fall when they met. She remembered the chilling weather and dying trees well. She remembered the clothes she wore, how her hair was done. She often could recall trivial things like that, especially when it came to meeting new people. 
She knew Max, and he considered her a friend. He came to her after losing his job, and while she knew the reason for it, she actually didn’t mind. Max not having to work meant that she could be around him more often. Yet, her selfish desires didn’t stop her from helping him. She considered that to be her best trait - her fierce loyalty and protectiveness. If there was a problem bugging someone she cared about she’d fix that problem. 
Max was rambling on and on in an anxiety-induced stupor as he tried to figure out what to do. No one would hire him with the record he now had, and on top of that he had to go to meetings mandated by the court. All she could do was watch, wait, and think. He eventually told her that he contacted his brother, and while he still had to look for a job, his brother would be taking him in. His brother who lived in Denver. 
Those words weighed heavily on her. It sunk into her chest and weighed on her heart - it ached. She didn’t like that at all. 
He must have wanted to leave her, like everyone else did. She didn’t like that. 
“Denver? Denver? That’s like, six hours away. I can’t hang out with you if you’re six hours away.” She wondered if she came off too strongly. Her hands were sweating. 
“To be fair, I am going there to get better.” He wasn’t even looking at her. 
“And I can’t help you with that?” She asked, not caring about how she came off anymore. 
“Look, you’re my best friend and I do love hanging out with you but I think it’s best for me to start fresh for a few months and then see-”
“I thought you said your family was fucked up. You said you wouldn’t ever go near them ever again.” She couldn’t believe that she ever took him seriously when he said that. The concerned look on his face turned grim.
“They… you know who I mean when I say that. My brother’s helping me and I’m sure he managed to get help, unlike me.” She felt he was saying this to placate her. His demeanor had changed, and she didn’t like that. It felt like he was shutting down, growing colder as he shrugged off her comments. 
“What did I do wrong?” She couldn’t help but ask him. He furrowed his brow.
“What? Nothing, I’m just -” 
“If I didn’t do anything wrong then why are you leaving me?” She raised her voice slightly, feeling her heart ache and race at the same time. “I thought you liked me!” 
He wasn’t sure how to respond. He did like her, she was his best friend. She had been there for him even at his lowest. She was sweet and kind but at the moment she was scaring him. He didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t upset her further. The look on her face was reminiscent of a madman, and part of him was afraid of what she’d do next. 
“You can drive me there if you want, come see the place and help me move in.” He offered, hoping that would be enough to make her feel better. Her expression softened for a moment, but she was still worked up. 
“Let me come with you. For the whole time. I’ll look for a job there and an apartment. Don’t cut me out Max, I’ve seen what you do. You just leave people behind and I won’t let you do that to me.” He nodded along, letting her get her thoughts out, hoping she’d calm down soon. He’d seen her worked up before but not like this. 
“Sure, we can do that.” He agreed half heartedly, watching her calm down at his reassurance. 
She remembered the day she met him, it was fall. She drove him to the small suburban home in Denver, brought his boxes of various items inside, and for the most part it seemed she wouldn’t be meeting Max’s brother.
Then he stepped out of the basement. 
He was tall, with shaggy, greying hair that dusted his shoulders. She wasn’t sure what to think as she froze in her tracks. He didn’t seem to want to speak with anyone, and as he avoided eye contact with her as he made his way down the hallway she thought she had gotten the hint.
“Oh, you must be Max’s brother.” She mused in a tone that hid her anxiety. Dark eyes stared at her for a moment. His lips were thin and a look of seriousness was chiseled into his features, as well as tiredness. His eyes, though. His eyes seemed to hold some sort of life. He looked as if he were sizing her up, waiting for her to make a move or say something. She shifted the box around in her arms, freeing one of her hands as she held it out for him to take.
“I’m Tanya.” She introduced. Much like moments earlier, he stared at her for a moment before gingerly taking her hand in his. Tanya wasn’t sure what to think just yet, but he was able to take Max in, and while he was a bit weird she was sure he was a good person. 
He glanced over Tanya, as if looking out for something, as he muttered his own name. “Albert.” His voice was much higher than she expected, and softer. She smiled, ignoring the changing expression on her new acquaintance’s face. He hadn’t let go yet. 
Albert wasn’t exactly thrilled about his brother coming to live with him. He didn’t care about the drugs Max would undoubtedly bring into the house, nor did he really care about what happened to Max. He cared about who Max might be bringing around. The girl in front of him could have been a good solution to Max’s problem, and even then he didn’t know why Tanya was there. He watched her with a distrustful eye from the basement window as she brought each box inside from her car. He wanted to know who she was and why she was there. She obviously knew about him, so what was she hiding?
“Sorry about this being kinda last minute, Max didn’t even tell me he was doing this until yesterday but… it’s really cool that you’d do this for him.” He tugged her forward by the hand she so graciously offered, causing her to drop the box of clothing. The pull itself wasn’t that hard, she was caught off guard by it. The noise it made was loud - loud enough to draw attention to what was happening assuming Max wasn’t outside. 
Even a mere inches from his face she was unafraid, still staring into his eyes unyieldingly as her breath caught in her throat. She felt her nerves building, unable to break the feeling she had earlier when she first set her sights on him. It was a familiar feeling she felt before, one that had her cancel plans to drive Max out there in the first place. She could feel the way her heart shifted, the way she felt about Max changing in an instant. 
She couldn’t do it again. She couldn’t throw everything away like that again. 
“He couldn’t stay with you?” He asked, whispering the question in her ear like it were a dirty secret. Tanya snapped out of her thoughts, taken off guard. 
“No… we talked about it though, tried to make it work.” She answered truthfully and out loud, though she made no effort to hide her displeasure with the situation. Her new, oncoming fixation with Albert wouldn’t erase the hurt and betrayal she felt from Max moving anytime soon. His grip on her hand tightened for a moment as he scoffed. “Again I’m sorry if it was last minute, I know he does stuff like that and-”
Albert backed away, suddenly smiling. She wondered if Max was behind them and checked over her shoulder, only to see no one was there. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Tanya.” Her heart fluttered at the sound of him saying her name. He crouched down to pick up the clothes that slipped out of the box when she dropped it, and all she could do was watch. 
“Thanks.” She muttered, trying to take the box back from him.
“I got it, don’t worry. You should get going, it’s a long drive back to Durango.” She couldn’t help but furrow her brow at that. Did he know how she felt? Did he know she hated the idea of living that far away? She brushed a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear. 
“Oh I’m actually moving to Denver soon. I want to keep an eye on him.” That wasn’t entirely true anymore. Six hours was a long drive to come out to see someone she barely knew. He nodded halfheartedly. She wondered if he was actually listening to her. “It was nice meeting you too.” She continued, hoping to get a bigger reaction out of him, but she was met with nothing but his back walking away from her. 
“I see you met Al.” Max said, startling Tanya. She looked up at the face of the man she’d loved for months, and found her obsession was fading. He was a good friend. 
“Yeah, I did. Seems like he’ll be a good influence.” She remarked almost coldly. Her heart was set on someone else now, that much she couldn’t deny. He was odd and cold, but that never seemed to stop her before. She couldn’t do it again. 
She couldn’t do it again.
She knew she would do it again, and she was ready to sacrifice anything to get close to him. 
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stupidbeemeen · 11 months
⚠️NSFW: OC x Cannon⚠️
Arthur Harrow x OC
My first NSFW work 🥺✨
Full pic:👇👇👇
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cherryskyies · 2 years
Could you do hcs for the grabber x gn reader who has frequent depressive episodes pls?
The Grabber with an s/o who has depressive episodes 
warnings are obvious, enjoy <3
Masterlist || Navigation || Ao3
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You were doing so good. Once you had adjusted to your new life it was like the sparkle in your eyes had come back and you were content, until now.
It was a steady decline, slow enough that The grabber hadn’t noticed it the first week, assuming you were just more tired than usual and were getting bored of the eggs he served for every meal. The untouched plates and simple responses had angered him more than worried him. To him, this was a tantrum.
But as more time passed and you looked up at him with dead eyes, he knew it was more than a tantrum, so he racked his brain for hours, desperate to remember what he could have done to hurt you and nothing popped up.
“Doll,” he starts, a whisper in your ear as his warm hand caresses your face. “I need you to sit up for me, I need to ask you something.” There is no malice in his tone, instead worry glazes over his features when you barely push yourself up against the wall in a sitting position. 
The grabber is hesitant, a rare occurrence. “Have I done something to cause this behavior change?” His voice remains calm and steady, but you can hear the desperation slipping through. “Why are you so sad, my dove?”
It was hard for you to explain properly, stressing the fact it wasn’t anything he had done, but that you had a chemical imbalance and sometimes it hit hard and made it hard to breath, let alone be productive.
I see The grabber being a little upset that you hadn’t come to him about this sooner, but also relieved it wasn’t something he’d done. 
During these episodes, he is more gentle and spoils you. Instead of eggs, he makes your favorite meals in an attempt to cheer you up. If you’ve been good enough, he might even offer to get you a little companion, preferably a cat, but he’d do anything to make you smile; he’s your provider after all.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Meadow's Masterlist for Michael Myers & Thomas Hewitt & The Grabber
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My list of works is growing and growing, so I split my masterlist up. Here is the list for the fics I've written for Michael Myers, Bo, Vincent and Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt and The Grabber. Created and last updated on 24-04-2023. All my writing, even the shorter pieces that don't go onto AO3, are reblogged over at @myers-meadow-archive for ease of keeping track and archival purposes.
The link to my list for my other masterlist with Otis Driftwood, other horror writing and several other fandoms is here.
The links are in order of fandom, the newest writings are at the top.
Reblogging my writing is very much appreciated, but reposting it, on any site, is plagiarism.
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Michael Myers
Feeding him by accident (sfw, oneshot)
Sunday roast (sfw, oneshot)
With s/o who likes being picked up (request, headcanons)
RZ Michael Myers x female therapist: New urge (heed warnings, oneshot, 18 +)
Wrapped with a ribbon (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Through lace curtains. (18 +, drabble)
Valentine's Day in Smiths Grove (sfw, oneshot)
Care for me, 18 +, heed the warnings for each chapter. part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. part 5 (final)
Stargazing (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Untitled fluff (sfw, oneshot)
Shapes on his skin (fluff, sfw, oneshot)
Floral and fading (smut, oneshot)
Priest! Michael Myers (RZ) 18 + heed warnings
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Bo, Vincent and Lester Sinclair
Bo Sinclair x reader: Planetarium. (angst, comfort, sfw, oneshot)
Multi-chapter fic Vincent x OC x Bo/Poly Sinclairs. The Ambrose Summer Vacation. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. (ongoing, 18 +)
Vincent Sinclair x gn reader: art and comfort request.
Bo Sinclair x fem OC: Sweet treat. (18 +, oneshot)
Ambrose Boba Tea Shop AU Vincent/Mango boba; Lester/Black milk tea
Vincent x you/female reader x Bo Drabble
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Thomas Hewitt
Letter by letter (sfw, oneshot)
Musings of Luda Mae (Sfw)
Kiss your boyfriend (dark, oneshot)
Safe with him (dark, spiritual sequel to Kiss Your Boyfriend, drabble)
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The Grabber
Eggs for breakfast (request)
The Grabber x Max's girlfriend: The rhythm of life (heed warnings, one-shot).
Punishment (18 +, heed warnings, drabble)
Birthday headcanons
Male reader headcanons (request, sfw)
Request masochist reader (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Helpful people get rewarded (18 +, heed warnings, oneshot)
Request for apprentice reader (sfw)
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Divider by @/firefly-graphics
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Writing Masterlist.
Hello my name is Bex! Welcome to my blog and my writing’s masterlist.
May I ask that before sending me any asks or interacting you read my Rules/Who/What I Write For. Thank you so much!
My Ao3 has a good portion of my stuff but you will find ALL of my writing in this list! Here are my tips for writing smut! Here is my writing process. And Here is my ramblings about things important to me to include in my writing if you care about some of the meaning behind what I do.
Here is the link to my Ko-fi if you wanna support me and what I do.
Did you know I also do commissions? Here is the info!
Writing Links Below The Cut!
Freddy Krueger Masterlist.
Billy Loomis/Stu Macher Poly!Ghostface Masterlist.
Ethan Landry Masterlist.
Mickey Altieri Masterlist.
Danny Johnson/Jed Olson/DBD Ghostface Masterlist.
Buddy Swanson/Metal Killer Mastlist.
Sam Wescott/The Wood Carver Masterlist.
Leslie Vernon Masterlist.
Charles Lee Ray Masterlist.
Tiffany Ray Valentine Masterlist.
Bo/Vincent/Lester Sinclair Masterlist.
Gabriel May Masterlist.
Herbert West Masterlist.
Poly!Coven Masterlist.
The Grabber Masterlist.
The Driller Killer/Johnny Masterlist.
Warwick Wilson Masterlist.
Ash Williams Masterlist.
Event And Sub Masterlists:
Commissions Masterlist.
Love Letter Masterlist.
Fake Fic Ask Masterlist.
Multi-May Masterlist.
Kinky December Masterlist.
Amber Cottrell OC. Freddy's Girl.
"It Was Inevitable" Micheal Myers X FEM! AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"We Match!" The Ghost/"Mitch" X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Making Him The Exception." Machete Sam X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"King Of The Kayaks." Steve The Kayak King X GN! Reader. NSFW.
"Perfect Pretender." Alex Browning X Tod Waggner X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"Something Life Affirming." Willaim Bludworth X AFAB! Reader. NSFW.
"A Deep And Festering Need." Edward Porris X GN! Reader.
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typewriting-robin · 3 months
The Way I See You
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Victor/Robin MC (M x F)
cw: angst, nightmares, ptsd, negative self-esteem, age gap relationship (MC is 24, Victor is...god knows how old), daddy issues, nsfw (rated e), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex
Word count: 5476
note~ it is recommended but not required to read the OC/MC master list and scroll to the very bottom for Adaline, the Robin that corresponds to Victor.
Deep down inside, Adaline knew that her relationship with the leader of Crown was odd. He would catch her in one of her daydreaming spells. It would usually start with an attention grabber. A tap on the shoulder, or a rose would manifest in her lap.
“How about a magic trick to turn that frown upside down!”
Victor’s magic tricks varied. Sometimes they were card tricks. Other times he would pull impossible things from a hat. On one or two occasions he used a tablecloth and summoned a very angry Jude, who threatened to leave him bloody. 
Each time, the memories would evaporate, the way the sun would evaporate the ice surrounding a flower, breathing life and nurturing it.
Their relationship began to change rather quickly. One night she had a nightmare. It was her most recurring one. The fire that broke out at her childhood home when she was 11.
After waking up, she walked around the corridors of Crown manor in an effort to calm herself. That she was in no danger.
“Little Robin,” Victor’s voice cut through the darkness as he too wandered the halls.
“I know, I should be asleep,” she said before he could scold her.
A smile played on Victor’s lips. “I usually would say that but my Robin isn’t quite an ordinary lady. If she happens to be up, then the reason must be important.” There was a pause. “Did your typewriter get swallowed up by an alligator?”
Adaline laughed at his words and the sheet improbability of it, momentarily forgetting her nightmare. “No, of course not!”
“I’m sure you can tell me all about it while I have my boys deal with our pesky alligator. Come follow me,” he said, continuing the joke and beckoning her.
Adaline breathed in before following him. He pulled her into a room that was only just smaller than the ballroom. “Where are we?”
“Home in a home! My room, of course! Now my guest…do you desire for water, milk, tea, perhaps. Chamomile works wonders for sleep!”
“Chamomile will do.”
Minutes passed before he served her a cup of warm chamomile. “Thank you. I used to drink a lot of this when I was young. I was always a little anxious growing up, you could say.” With her finger, she twirled a lock of her honeyed blonde hair. She had inherited the color from her mother. In fact, she strongly resembled her mother rather than her father, who was tall and almost always draped in black. Ellis reminded her of him in terms of his style, but there was something about Victor that truly reminded her of him.
His chamomile tasted like the one her father made, with a dollop of honey for extra flavor.
Victor likely knew she was having nightmares but he didn’t question her nor probe her, only offering her his company and attention. And then one minute she was awake, the next, it was broad daylight and she had woken up in Victor’s bed alone, without a single nightmare.
That’s how it began.
It started off once every few days but lately her sojourns to Victor’s room were becoming more frequent. He was always so kind with her, so patient and never probing. The members of Crown didn’t seem to mind seeing her with her veil off, least of all Victor, who helped her meet Roger, who treated her burn scars with various salves and took notes on her progress.
“You have such lovely hair,” Victor said one night. The nightmares were now gone since she started sleeping with Victor. “Beautiful, beautiful hair. I can tell you take perfect care of it.”
“Thank you. It means a lot to me knowing you have such radiant hair as well.”
Victor motioned her to sit down on a chair facing a mirror where he ran a hairbrush along her long, honey colored hair while humming softly. He moved the brush slowly as if fearing he’d pluck out one of her strands of hair even if by accident, which made her heart flush with warm feelings.
The fire had singed all of her hair, marking her as unrecognizable alongside her burn marks. She had been mistaken for a servant child and sent to an orphanage. Her hair didn’t grow, not immediately as she recovered, passing off as a boy. But when she was just shy of turning thirteen, a miracle happened: her locks had begun to take root.
Adaline would refuse to cut her hair if she could help it, as her hair served many purposes. It was, to her,  her one remaining beauty, inherited from her mother. It also hid her for when she didn’t wear the veil, falling down her waist. She didn’t trust her hair with just anyone, but Victor was so unfailingly kind to her.
She saw his violet eyes focusing on her hair, now applying some kind of lotion on it. “What is that?
“This? A lotion made to make your hair glow. The queen uses it every night before bed.”
“Really?” Her eyes widened in surprise.
Victor smiled. “Indeed. And don’t worry, there’s plenty to go around.” He rubbed the lotion all over her hair, which had a rich fragrance that she couldn’t pin down.
“Does my hair have split ends?” she asked. “I don’t get it cut very often. Sometimes when I say to just trim it, the salon instead makes a mess of it.”
“A little, yes. One of the maids here is an expert at trimming hair. Allow me to help you tomorrow with that and you’ll feel as good as new!” Victor drummed on her shoulders, indicating he was done. “Ready for bed?”
Victor’s bed was twice the size of the one in her room, giving them their own space to lay. He tucked her in. “Do you want to read a story? Or perhaps I’ll tell you one?”
Adaline yawned. “No, thank you. I’m sleepy tonight.”
“Very well. Pleasant dreams, my Little Robin.”
Adaline quickly drifted off to sleep, her world sinking into the comfortable inky black shades of sleep amidst acceptance and warmth. 
…Except, when Adaline woke up, the moon still shone brightly outside, indicating she had risen far too early. Victor was asleep next to her, appearing peaceful and years younger than the likely age he was, which dispelled the notions she had grown to have about him as her father figure. Adaline stared at his features, admiring his beauty.
She slipped out of bed to use the privy. Predictably, Victor had the best one in Crown Castle, with plumbing she wasn’t even used to before cleaning up and returning to bed.
Victor had turned in the interim, facing her side, but still asleep.
She could see his beauty mark as he slept, his lips upturned. It was on his left side of his face, on the very border of his lips. Adaline recalled how her father and stepmother would kiss her goodnight. Without thinking, she leaned over and kissed his beauty mark, her lips grazing over it.
Instantly, regret pulled at her, gnawing at her insides as heat rose in her lower back. What have I done?
Victor didn’t react, as none the wiser.
Her heart raced as she tucked herself into bed, praying to every known deity that Victor didn’t stir or that he had even felt that kiss. Why did I do that? He’s a man, not your father.
Yet he was so kind to her, so funny and gracious and patient with her.
She had a fitful sleep that night, unable to get over the regret she faced as new regrets kept swarming in. Did that count as a kiss?
She left the room and got ready for her observations the next morning before Victor could even wake. There was no way she could ever meet his gaze today.
She sat in the lounge, taking notes with her pen.
“You’re sighing,” a slinky voice said, coming from the depths.
Adaline didn’t even notice she was sighing. “Good morning, Alfons,” she said, ignoring him. She had attracted his interest upon moving to Castle Crown on account of her being difficult for him to enchant.
But Alfons plopped up next to her, sitting too uncomfortably close. “You don’t appear to have writer’s block. Is it matters of the mind? Or perhaps that of the heart? Hmm?”
“Be quiet,” she said, wanting to shoo him off. Since she covered her neck in its entirety. Alfons could only be seen as a nuisance to her. “I’m trying to think.”
“Might I help you? I enjoy thinking as well.” He grabbed a lock of her hair, fingers deftly running down. However, she quickly swatted him.
“Stop that!”
“It’s shinier than usual today. And softer. Reminds me of our leader’s hair.”
“Go touch his hair then.”
“Ah, but Victor isn’t a lady like yourself. A lady’s hair is much--”
Adaline grabbed her pen and moved to face Alfons, as if ready to stab him. “Not a word more or else I will draw on your face.” She hated being teased. Roger was enough already but she benefitted from him so she was able to grin and bear it. Alfons, on the other hand, had nothing of value to her.
Then she paused in realization now that she was close to him.
Being this close to him reminded her of last night, when she kissed Victor.
“You’re doing it again. Is that a sigh I’m about to hear once more?”
Adaline sighed-- in exasperation. “Fine. I’ll ask you since you’ve kissed people.”
“Kissing? Is my Robin--”
She rolled her eyes. “Nevermind. I can’t ask someone like you anything. It’ll be better if I ask Roger.”
Instantly, Alfons relented. “I’ll stop.”
“What is a kiss?” she asked. “Don’t laugh at me. Are kisses--specifically the ones on the lips-- supposed to be romantic or sexual? Like a stimulant?” Then she realized that Alfons was the perfect person to ask this. She gripped her pen, the edge of it near her lips. “Actually, say you use your…ability on someone, yes?”
“Yes? Keep going.”
“And you kiss someone, does that count as a kiss?”
“Of course it does. They believe me to be whatever they desire.”
“I see. And what if they’re in a state where they’re prone or asleep or perhaps don’t react. Does that count, even if the one being kissed is unaware?”
Alfons rubbed his chin with his gloved hand. “If a tree falls down and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” he asked her.
“It does since it fell, didn’t it? It doesn’t negate the fact that the tree fell in the first place.”
“But no one heard it,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “Therefore it did not happen. Not truly. That is why my ability does not count,” he paused for a beat, “to some, anyway. Are you going to write that in your little fairy tale book of secrets?”
“Maybe,” she said. “Now go away,” she said, properly shooing him off with her pen.
Thankfully, Victor wasn’t present for most of the day, so she was able to get her work done and meet with Roger for treatment and to help him with his research on her scars and the pain that would flare in her right shoulder.
When the time came to go to bed, Adaline opted to sleep in her room.
Her world turned black, then morphed into red. Not the familiar red of the fire that consumed her and snuffed out everything dear to her. She was back to that night when she met Crown, the man standing in his pool of blood. She remembered Victor was not there.
“Take the knife and slit your own throat,” William’s voice commanded and Adaline’s arm rose, knife in hand. She was powerless, out of control. Just like the man she found laying in a pool of his own blood that night.
“Please…no…don’t make me do this!” She was shaking but her arm was no longer hers in her final moments. All she could think of was how she’d never see Victor again. He’s never show her his magic tricks, his jokes, nor comfort her when she--
She rose from bed, touching her neck. The scars were still there but she was here. Alive. And healthier than before. “I can’t go to Victor. I’m too dependent on him,” she murmured. She thought of the kiss, the stupid kiss she initiated. He was her father figure and those were her feelings towards him.
Victor never came that night but he was at breakfast and had instantly called for her attention when she arrived in the room. “Little Robin! Over here! Yoo hoo!” Yes, he was a little embarrassing but it was endearing and a smile slipped out of her lips.
I can do this. “Good morning, Victor.”
“How did my Robin sleep?”
“Okay, I guess,” she said, lying.
Harrison, who was nearby, let out a hmph noise. 
“I have a mission for my Little Robin today. You shall accompany me to a ball tonight!” He let out a boisterous chuckle. “And you shall be my lovely, lovely date.”
“Huh?” She hadn’t been to a dance since she was a child but-- “date?”
“Of course! I asked for you, yes.”
“He wants to present ya to Queenie,” Jude said over his paper. “G’luck. You’ll need it with this clown.”
With a flick of Victor’s hand upwards, Jude’s newspaper tore into fourths, then eighths, then sixteenths.
 “I was reading that ya annoyin’ git!”
But Victor did not care one bit, running out the room and giggling. “Meet me in the courtyard!”
After she ate, Victor was indeed inside the gazebo. “Why did you want me here?” she asked. 
“Simple! Because we’re going to practice dancing together.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to do it in the ballroom?”
“Indeed, my precious and sound minded Robin, but we are going to an outdoors event, with fireworks!” He made motions with his hands and sound effects simulating fireworks, which made her laugh. After her laughter died down, he bowed to her, which made her heart race. “May I have this dance?”
Adaline was trained to dance a long time ago, before the fire. She was trained to dance at the same time she learned to walk. She had even taught her stepmother the basics. Doing this with Victor was like returning to a warm, cozy room with a blanket, coming to her like second nature. He was strong, his movements confident. Even when he danced, Victor’s personality seeped forth.
“You’re a natural. I don’t even have to recite the steps,” he said.
He never said anything bad or remotely negative to her, even when she made a mistake. “I enjoy moving with my body.” Regaining control of her body was a long and arduous process but now she was committed to keeping it that way. She danced back in her apartment sometimes. Running was primarily her way to keep her body in her control. She was swift, lithe. The picture of a Robin.
“Very graceful.”
“So are you.”
“I love a good dance, even with only the music of the outside playing.”
“Me too,” she said, meeting his face.
That was her mistake. She saw his beauty mark, the same one she kissed, and fumbled, losing her rhythm and stepping on his toe. “Ahh sorry! I lost control! It won’t happen again!”
But Victor was unphased. “It’s quite alright! We must keep practicing!”
It had turned out that the reason why Victor was out for most of yesterday was in preparation for the ball.He had gotten everything ready for them, including her dress, accessories, and makeup. Her dress was pink, which added an innocence to her look and Maria, her maid, had her hair in an elegant half updo. 
Victor’s words rung in her head. “I’d like to offer you a choice to make for tonight,” he said after he concluded dance practice. “I prepared makeup for you tonight, but you needn’t wear it, my dear Robin. The choice you make is up to you.”
Maria gestured to the makeup box. Everything was in here. Lipstick, rouge, powder, shadow, and makeup for her brows and lashes. But most critically, there was a liquid there that matched the color of her skin. This is what Victor meant.
She stared at the liquid for a spell, pondering if she ought to wear it. It would conceal every last one of her pink and white burn marks, mostly the ones on her face and neck. For just one night, she could live normally But…
“Use everything but this one, please.” If the partygoers couldn’t take her face, her injuries, then at least she had Victor on her side.
Victor gasped when he saw her. “You look positively radiant, my Little Robin! A perfect vision!” 
Adaline’s heart was already racing in adrenaline when Maria finished her makeup job. She knew Victor was waiting for her as she walked down the stairs. When he said those words, she felt like running as a reflex.
Her cheeks were completely red. “T-thank you.”
“I see you chose everything but the foundation. A wonderful choice you made!” He leaned and took her gloved hand, kissing her palm. A subtle heat bloomed from the core of her belly upwards, spreading, spreading until she felt entirely flushed.
He was her father figure, right? So why was she feeling this way? Like she wanted to both run away from and collide with him.
When they were in the carriage, she spoke up. “It’s because of you,” she began as she stared at the window, watching London’s scenery. She turned to face him. He was already gazing at her.
“What was?”
“I didn’t wear the…paint because I knew.” She met his jewel-like eyes. “I knew you’d be there with me every step of the way. You’re always on my side. Since we met.”
His hand moved over hers, causing her heart to race. “And I’ll always be.” 
His hand covered hers for the rest of the carriage ride.
The band played a lively tune when they arrived at the ball. It was an outdoors affair, with rose gardens and marble statues.
Victor wordlessly offered her his hand after he made his greetings and presented them to the Queen, a larger than life woman wearing all black. They danced slowly in time to the music, two bodies dancing as one.
“All eyes are on you,” he said.
Adaline wanted to dismiss it as something someone with a silver tongue would say. “You jest.”
“Look beyond you.”
She felt her cheeks redden, feeling glad yet again that she opted to wear rouge. “I think…” She looked beyond them at the onlookers. She recognized William and Elbert there, and not too beyond Elbert was Alfons, looking at them with a sly expression. It took every fiber of her being not to stick her tongue at him. But all were looking at them. “I think you’re right. Let’s keep dancing.”
It was just as they danced earlier in the courtyard, only in fancier dress. There was no one but her and Victor. She was used to his touch, his gaze, his warmth. They were all things precious to her. Things she thought she had lost, but now found.
Their palms touched and they swayed. Then they heard an “ahem”.
“William! My eldest and co-conspirator. How are you tonight?” Victor’s tone was not unlike a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
William’s arms were crossed, his gaze playful. “How long will you continue to hold our Robin hostage?” his ruby red eyes gazed from Victor, then hers.
“I am not held hostage!” she said, interrupting their conversation, but William ignored her.
“You’ve kept her caged to yourself all day and all night. Allow one of us to have her.”
Victor pouted, but acquiesced. “You may have her. For now. Do take care that our adorable hedonist does not lay an arm on her.”
William was also an adept dancer. “I understand why Victor won’t let you go. You’re an accomplished dancer. Few can keep up with him.”
“I have a lot of deficiencies but as a Robin, I have the best speed and stamina.”
“Nonsense,” William said. “You have a surplus of admirable traits. Otherwise our leader wouldn’t be at your side the way he is. If you left Crown, he would be heartbroken.”
Adaline didn’t say anything, not immediately. “I…” William knew Victor best and he was confirming that Victor cared just as much about her as he did. “They need me at the post office but…”
“No one loves his magic tricks more than you do.” He glanced at Victor, who was standing near some of the Queen’s family, pulling a turtle out of a chalice, which elicited horrified stares.
“Oh dear. Should we do damage control?” she asked.
“Victor must reap his consequences. This is the norm.”
She laughed. 
“You love him,” he said.
His words echoed in their mouth and Adaline was momentarily lost for words. “As a daughter would a father,” she said too quickly.
William smirked. “Is that what you believe?” His eyes narrowed.
“Y-yes,” she said, showing hesitation. She recalled the way she felt when she kissed the corner of his lips. How her heart, her body, her mind were consumed by it during and ever since then.
William let her go. “Then go to him and do what your heart tells you to do.You are in control of yourself, Robin.”
Victor was waiting for her, having given the turtle to a noble’s child, who at least found amusement in his antics. “My Little Robin. Did my eldest fill your head with his pretty little words?” His palm touched her. Despite them being gloved, she felt as if they were bare.
“He tried, but I can resist him.” Her words weren’t necessarily true, and she wondered if Victor could also detect her lie.
“A valiant effort!”
They danced until the fireworks commenced, which signaled the end of the event. Their hands found each other as they sky lit up in various shades of gunpowder. “Should we go with the other Crown members?” she asked him as the crowd began to disperse.
Victor shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s too much of a risk to travel this late and with this many nobles afoot.” Adaline’s stomach dropped from his words. “But you shall be safe with me!”
“Do they want to kill us?” she asked as they departed to the carriage. 
Victor took out a pocket watch and began to time the carriage. “My darling Robin, everyone does. Now if this carriage goes over seven minutes, we must make our disappearing act.”
Luckily the carriage stopped just after six minutes. “Did we arrive?”
He looked out the window. “We did, and not a moment to spare! Now, shall we?”
They were not at Castle Crown, but at a hotel.
“I had the servants help with our booking. Will you be alright with this arrangement?”
She nodded. “I understand the travel risk so yes.”
Naturally, this was one of the most well regarded hotels in all of London, and for England, for that matter. It was opulent, with it having a royal theme. Adaline found a mirror, where she saw her makeup had begun to run and her hair had loosened.
“Are you feeling alright?” She saw Victor’s expression through the mirror. His eyebrows were knitted in concern. William’s words echoed through her ears. If you left Crown, he would be heartbroken.
She turned to him. “Yes. I’m fine. Just a lot of things on my mind.”
He sat on the bed, patting the side for her to sit next to him, which she did without a second thought. “Won’t you tell your dearest Victor what’s on your mind?”
Adaline hesitated. “Just tired,” she lied.
Victor’s hand moved to her chin, tilting it in his direction. His eyes were so gentle, yet carried a weight to them. Much like she did. “My Little Robin…you know it’s not good to lie.” So he did detect when she had lied to him.
Adaline decided to come clean. “William said if I left Crown, you’d be heartbroken.”
The words hung in the air, sucking all the energy out. “Well…he’s….” Victor began, faltering. “He’s right. I wouldn’t make heads or tails without my swift Robin. She’s become important to me. More than she’ll ever know.”
His beautiful jewel-like eyes softened. William said she loved him but her own heart had to tell her. She closed her eyes, listening to her heart. All she could hear was it drumming in her chest as the memory of kissing his lips flooded to her again. She had lost count of how many times she replayed the memory.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Victor’s soft gaze on her. So she moved forward and raised her body, her lips once again grazing his beauty mark.
Victor didn’t react, which brought Alfons’ words back to light. If a tree falls down and no one hears it, does it make a sound?”
But her lips very much did that and he was awake this time.
“Sorry, I won’t do it--”
“My Robin!” he said, moving forward, his lips meeting hers again. He was soft, caring, and warm. All traits she had thought of him since the start. His kisses taste like champagne, like a celebration. He broke the kiss, adding small pecks. “Do not apologize,” he said between kisses. “Ever. Kiss me anytime. Anywhere.”
Her arms encircled around his neck, deepening the kiss.
“Just as you did the other night,” he said, to which she stopped the kiss.
“Huh?” She pulled away from him, but he kept his grip tight on her.
“It left me in a state of shock when you did that! Whatever impulse did you go through to kiss me like that in my sleep?”
“Wait. You felt that?” she was mortified. Now, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and stay there. 
“Of course I did! To know my Robin loves me back…is that why you didn’t come the next day?”
“No! I mean…yes. I won’t ever--”
Victor interrupted her again. “Always kiss me. You have my heart, Robin.”
With that, she leaned in and kissed him again. Victor’s kisses were bountiful, each feeling like the sparks she saw in the sky that night, like magic. Pop. Pop. Pop.
He laid her down on the bed, her hands moving to run her fingers through his silky black hair. He was everything to her and so much more.
“My Robin,” he said.
“Call me by my name.”
“Adaline,” he said and he was rewarded with more kisses. 
She broke for air, but kept her grip on him. “My family would call me Della.”
“Della,” he said, his voice soft. Kiss. “A beautiful name.” He moved to kiss the scars on her neck. “Della…” Goosebumps littered her entire body. No one called her Della since the fire. Not until tonight. “Della, my Della.”
His words were like the wind to her, compelling her to take him. “Victor.” She deepened their kisses, sliding his coat down. She knew this was the man she wanted to spend her life with. Their relationship may have been odd, but this was what her heart wanted more than anything else in the world.
“Della,” he slid the dress off, leaving her in her corset. “I’m afraid I have to make you undergo another choice tonight. I’m sorry I keep doing this to you, my dear, but it is life altering.”
“I want to,” she said without hesitation. “It has to be you. Tonight. On the day when I’ve felt like…no. I’ve become Della again.” She unbuttoned his black undershirt, exposing him.
Victor nodded. “My Robin…er, Della--habit--a wise, confident decision on your part.” He pushed the strings of her corset, laying it beside them as he worked to free her from her chemise.
Adaline suddenly felt nervous, as if the reality of the situation was finally hitting her. 
Sensing this, Victor spoke up. “We can stop. No one will fault you for this.”
“I want to. I want you.”
“Then…” he kissed her scarred cheeks. “Allow me to teach you everything you need to know.” He placed her between the pillows after exposing her, his lips leaving no place unkissed. Every scar, everything white and pink and red and in between was blessed by Victor's lips. She thought of earlier as to why she didn't wear the foundation. She didn't need it. Not when Victor would always love her. 
“Let me see you too, Victor,” she said after he fully undressed her. 
He did as told and revealed himself to her. His hair appeared even more luxurious in this bare state. 
“You're gorgeous,” she whispered. 
Victor kissed her earlobe. “Would you like to learn a magic trick?” He asked, his voice lower than before.
“Please. I adore your magic tricks.”
Victor's hands tickled her abdomen before lowering, lowering between her legs. One finger slid inside her, her walls contracting. “It appears you're more than ready for my trick.” She kissed him deeply as he moved his finger inside her, circling around her nub inside her. But what surprised her was a second one being inserted at a different angle. 
“Victor!” She moaned. 
“Let me teach you, Della,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. He moved his fingers at two different angles. “Move your hips for me. Up and down. Set a nice rhythm. Like we're dancing again.” She did as she was told. “A perfect dancer. So pretty.” He said amidst her growing moans. “Keep going, my darling Della.” She moved in tandem with his fingers, her noises growing louder and louder.
“Sing for me, my Little Robin!” His fingers were now edging her decisively as she felt her entire body lighting up like the fireworks again but this time it wasn't a pop but rather something greater than that. She trembled, her body ringing out for him, moans echoing throughout the bedroom. 
He slowly withdrew his fingers from inside her. “You were so wonderful,” he said. “Would you like to stop here?”
She shook her head. “I want you to teach me everything, Victor. I'm certain.” 
He leaned in to kiss her, which she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. His now dried fingers were weaving through her hair as their bodies aligned. 
She breathed in and Victor cupped her cheek. “I've always desired you,” he said. “And when you were in my bed…” he slowly began to push inside her.
“Yes…” she said as she felt his intrusion. A sweet pressure as he entered her. She had been stretched out thanks to his fingers and she had never felt so complete, so full the way she did now with Victor. 
“I wanted this too. Now let's do one last dance for the night, shall we?”
Their hands found each other’s now stripped free from gloves as he made love to her, each and every one of their fingers intertwined so intimately, like the strings of a piano key, striking a nerve inside her as they moved as one. 
“My dance partner,” she whispered between their kisses and thrusts.
Their movements became more frenzied but their hands never unlocked as they kept going. “I'm afraid I'm about to…”
“Let go,” she said, her hands gripping tighter as she moved even more swiftly underneath him. She was the fastest of the Robins, after all. 
Victor's climax came and he spilled himself inside her, slowing down. Adaline gripped her hands tight, hoping to come again but she couldn't achieve it the way it had happened with his fingers. Victor pulled out of her swiftly and began working his fingers inside her again, this time pumping in and out of her, his fingertips grazing the sweet spot that made her react in increasingly louder moans and whimpers. “I want to make my Robin sing all night. It’s one of the most wonderful sounds I’ve ever heard.”
It only took a few moments for her body to respond the way he did, her body shaking as she cried out his name.
His arms went around her, spooning her from behind. “You're precious to me, Della. Thank you for choosing me. For wanting me back.”
Adaline smiled as she closed her eyes.
“And it seems my Della requires less teaching than I thought. She'll be an expert by the end of the week.”
She turned around to face him, kissing his beauty mark again, her leg wrapping around his. He gave her his widest, most sincere grin. “End of the week? How about the end of the night?”
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the-slasher-files · 1 year
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined in, even if it was just for a week. I appreciate you all and you are all so talented. Thank you... See you in October 2023 🔪🤍
Jason in Trick or treat by @morgue-ratt
Micheal Myers - Teeth by @yeyinde
Jason & The Coven by @thrall-of-the-hill-arch
The Huntress - A Mother's Love by @reijniana
Vampire OC - Payment Plan by @thesightstoshowyou
Bo Sinclair x gn reader by @boxxyass
OC x reader by @queendeeshorrorimagines
Grabber - I won't tell by @lucifers-horror-harem
Werewolf x afab reader by @applesontheground
Billy Lenz x reader by @feelin-woozy
Our strange duet by @morvantmortuary
Sacrificial night by @the-slasher-files
OC x reader by @queendeeshorrorimagines
Asa Emory in God Complex by @morgue-ratt
Touching in the dark @morvantmortuary
Herbert West x gn reader by @applesontheground
Give in by @the-slasher-files
Heavens night by @lucifers-horror-harem
Sugar and Scarlet by @bisexual-horror-fan
Next by @thesightstoshowyou
Michael and Anne by @thrall-of-the-hill-arch
Leslie Vernon x gn reader by @applesontheground
Vincent Sinclair x gn reader by @boxxyass
We match by @bisexual-horror-fan
Glass by @morgue-ratt
OC werewolves x gn reader by @applesontheground
Norman Bates x gn reader by @applesontheground
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marksbear2 · 4 months
So this an update!! I added more things and such with new rules.
keep in mind these are not ALL OF THEM
The boys
We are who were are.
What we do in the shawdows
Jujutsu Kaisen
Hunter x Hunter
Chainsaw man
Marvel,DC, and XMEN
Interview with the vampire 2022 one
Nine perfect strangers
Stranger things
Top gun maverick
NBC Hannibal
criminal minds
The Witcher
bullet train
fight club
Call me by your name
Altered carbon
Kick ass
Heartbreak High
Young royals
Don't hug me Im scared
The black Phone (Only Vance and The grabber)
Mysterious skin
The summer I turned pretty
Doom Patrol
White collar
Bullet train
American gigolo
The umbrella academy
Top Gun
Teen wolf
The quarry
The witcher
Breaking bad
On my block
I write for like thousands of fandoms so I maybe can't remember them all just add the fandom from the characters they are from. I can honestly write an OC x reader I don't mind at all
I don't have many boundaries. Just nothing that's too weird to write. Like on my blog I don't care much about something crazy or weird or something out of this world crazy.
I definitely don't write for female readers. Or incest and just lots of things that other writers don’t write.
So the reader is mostly he/him he/they or they/the, ftm(Trans)
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sxtvrns · 2 years
the thought of you saved me
Tumblr media
🎶 now playing: every breath you take - the police
P: Finney Blake x Fem!Reader
S: You lost a friend to The Grabber. He lost one too. When you lose the last crush friend you have, you'll do anything to get him back, and he'll do anything to get back to you.
W: major tbp spoilers, angst, cursing, mentions of kidnapping, violence, abuse, death, fluff at the end
N: I have no idea if I can get what I have in mind on here exactly the way I want it to, and also it's been like 2 months since I last watched the movie so I apologize in advance for any inaccuracy. Marie is an OC mentioned in this fic.
please interact if you enjoy!
Marie Laura Nattings. Robin Arellano. Victims of the nightmare that's been terrorizing your town for years.
Marie was your closest friend, and you befriended Robin when Finney came into your life for the first time. Ironically enough, Marie had a crush on the school's toughest fighter, saying he'd "defend her if she ever gets bullied" or "fight for her". And now they're both missing. They've been missing.
It was only you and Finney left. Ever since you both lost someone mutually, you began to bond. You both lost your best friends to the same guy, with the same reasons to grieve. As much as you hoped they were alive, both of you were certain they'd already moved on.
Marie went missing shortly after school started. Robin went missing a mere month and few weeks after. The Grabber's habits didn't make sense; why would he leave such a large gap between killings for the other boys and mere months between Marie and Robin?
It was never even confirmed that this was The Grabber's doing but it was obvious enough to deduce the fact that it was him. Marie would've been back by now and you know it. Robin wouldn't have gone down without a fight.
You've only known Finney for a month and a few weeks, but you spent the most time with him. Sometimes he came over to your place to work on homework together. You always sat next to each other in classes together and it was always just the two of you having lunch together.
Though as time went on, those best friend feelings grew into something more. It was odd.
The simplest things he did that you wouldn't usually freak out over, like his hand gliding over yours accidentally when going to grab your pencil sharpener made your face flushed. His baseball games and/or practices he invited you to watch, his drive and determination letting out the best in him, when he let you call him 'Finn'.
They were all just simple acts of kindness and being there for each other, but you couldn't help but view them as something more.
"Finn?" His eyes are focused on his math work as he lets out a hum in response. "Do you still like Donna?" He stops writing, thinking of a response. "Why are you asking?" He looks up at you from his paper. "You just... it seems like you don't like her anymore. You don't stare at her when she enters the classroom, you don't tense up when she talks to you, and–"
"I guess I don't like her. Well, I don't have a crush on her anymore, at least." As much as you feel bad for her, you also feel a bit relieved. "Really?" You ask, almost too excited. "You're the one that asked. How about you? Do you like anyone?"
You suddenly grow bashful. You didn't mean to turn the tables on you. "Oh, um... well, I can't tell you." You say, hoping he couldn't see right through you. "It's only fair enough for me to know who you like. Just say it."
"Well, um..." You start, not planning to finish.
"Finney?" Your older sister barges into your room, both you and Finney looking up at her. "Time to go. You finish all your work yet? Did Y/N help you?" Finney begins packing his bag while you let out a discreet sigh of relief. "She did, yeah. I'll finish the rest at home." You get up along with him, going down the stairs to greet him goodbye.
That was a week ago. Ever since then, he hasn't come to school.
You tried to look on the positive side of things. Maybe he just had some really bad cold that had him bedridden. Maybe he got hurt and had to stay home for a while. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized that this was very out of character for Finney.
He preferred school more than home. If anything, he'd rather be bullied than be abused or witness abuse. He wouldn't stay home that long for anything. And then the worst possible scenario came to mind. He was taken by The Grabber.
You didn't want to admit it, but you were started to think that he was taken. There was no other possible situation. You might be overreacting and just assuming the worst, but this mostly made sense. The Grabber's victims are mostly around Finney's age and they were all boys. But then again, why did he take a girl? Why did he take your best friend?
The phone rings. Your sister goes down and picks it up. "Y/N! It's for you!" She yells, making you rush down the stairs and take it from her. "Hello? Hi, yes, this is Y/N." You speak, clasping onto the receiver with both hands. "Y/N, I’ve heard that you’re quite close with Finney Blake?" The voice on the other end says. "Yes, why?"
He sighs. "We have reasons to believe that he was taken by The Grabber. Now, don't panic; we just have to ask you a few questions and..."
The voice on the other end drowns out as you start to panic. No. God, no, not again. You've lost two people already, you aren't about to lose the last person who's been with you through all this. You need to get him back.
But how? How are you going to do anything? You're just a 13 year old girl. "...if you have any leads, or any questions, call us." You stop spacing out and the voice comes back again. "Okay. Thank you." You say, trying to hide the breaks in your voice. You hang up the phone, turning to your sister. "What happened?" She asks, expressing genuine concern.
"He was taken." You mutter softly, but loud enough for her to hear you. "Oh, Y/N..." She opens her arms and you accept her hug, sobbing into her shoulder. Her hands rub up and down your back as you cry out, drag about him and your feelings through choked out sobs. She listened. Your sister didn't say a word, but you knew she was listening to you.
Her sympathy was silent.
The phone rings.
It's been days in this dingy basement and Finney's been getting calls from dead people. From victims.
First it was Bruce, then Paperboy. Griffin and Vance followed. They all gave him advice that led to dead ends. What was the point of the code on the wall, the cable? It was all for nothing.
He was gonna die here.
He'd never get to see his sister again. He never had a proper chance to say goodbye. Goodbye to her, and goodbye to you. The thought of you crying, the thought of you in despair of losing all her friends to the same monster that keeps everyone awake at night; it only wants to make him get out sooner.
He wants to stay alive, but nothing has worked.
Finney picks up the phone, answering with a frustrated, quiet, "What?"
"Hey, Finn. What's happening?" Finney stands there, a mix of joy and sadness washing over him as he's frozen in spot. "Hey buddy, don't cry." Robin says. "I'm not." Finney wipes his face of the tears that are about to fall down his cheek. "Yes, you are. We can see you."
"We? Who's we?" Finney asks, confused. "Me and Marie. We're with you. We've been with you this whole time." Finney couldn't see it, but the ghosts of Robin and Marie are holding hands as they both stare at him. "A man never leaves a friend behind. My dad didn't leave his buddies behind when he went to 'Nan. That's why he didn't come home. And we aren't coming home either. And we aren't going to leave you behind." Robin continues.
"We'll be together again soon." Finney says. "Fuck that. You ain't gonna go like we did." Robin's grip on Marie's hand grows tighter. "I've tried everything. Nothing's worked." Finney's voice breaks as he speaks into the receiver.
"Do you remember what I told you?" Robin asks. "That I needed to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Finney half-jokes, being it the last thing he does remember. "Before that." Robin specifies. "That someday I need to stand up for myself?"
Marie watches as Finney talks into the receiver and Robin speak back to him. She saw Finney's conflict, a mix of wanting to escape and purely giving up. She wanted to say something, but the two boys kept talking and there seemed to be no way to interrupt.
"I miss you, Robin, Marie."
"Get out for us. Use what we gave you."
"I will."
"Finney?" Marie says. "Yeah?" He replies, now fully convinced that Marie was really there. "The reason The Grabber took me was because… he wanted to see if girls were as desirable as boys. But he went back to his regular male demographic and targeted Robin after killing me.” The truth scared Finney, it angered him. He felt disgusted, enraged. “When you get out… tell her I said goodbye.”
Y/N. The name reminds him of how he's still alive, why he's still fighting even on the verge of giving up. You and Gwen. He's fighting for you and Gwen. "I will." Finney says. He says his last goodbyes to his best friend, immediately wanting to break down after hanging up the phone. But he has to get home.
And he'll do anything to see you again.
The phone rings again. Your mother is yelling from the kitchen for someone to pick it up. You answer the phone, Gwen's voice on the other end. "Hello?" You say, sounds of hyperventilating on the other end. "Gwen? Are you okay?" You ask, concerned. "He's home. They found him." She says. You can hear her holding back tears as much as you are.
"Oh my god..." You break into tears of joy, hands trembling on the receiver. "Do you wanna see him?" She asks. "I'm grounded. I'll see him tomorrow anyways." You sniffle, wiping the tears off your face. You both say your goodbyes, trodding up the stairs. Your sister runs into you before you can get in your room. "What's wrong?" She asks. You look up to face her, glistened with tears. "Finney's alive."
Finney walks through the halls, people making way for him as they mutter about. His bullies even move out of the way, with the knowledge that Finney killed The Grabber. If he could kill a nightmare, who knows what he could do to those who hurt him.
Finney walks into his math class, stopping at the door when he sees you in your typical spot, writing swiftly until you make eye contact with him.
You freeze for a second before getting up from your seat, nearly tripping as you pace across the room. You engulf Finney in a hug, holding back tears. "Oh, Finney..." He hugs you back, feeling safe in your arms. "Are you crying?" You sniffle, wiping your tears away before they could fall. "No."
He laughs, something coming to mind. "Um, Marie wanted me to tell you something." He says, pulling away from the hug reluctantly. As much as you are confused, you don't question it. "She wanted me to tell you goodbye." Your head rests on his shoulder again.
He follows you to your shared desk, sitting down beside you and observing your expression. "I killed him. But you know that already." Finney says, sounding slightly guilty despite the torture he went through. "Don't feel bad. He deserved it. You're the toughest kid in school now, Finn." You nudge his shoulder. "Y/N, I talked to them. I talked to all the kids; Bruce, Griffin, Vance, Robin–"
"Finney?" You say, interrupting his rambling. "I never gave up on you. I prayed with Gwen every single day that you would come home and now," you're able to grab his hand without getting flustered, "now you're here. That's all that matters right now." Finney chuckles. "You wanna know something cheesy?" He returns the gesture, holding your hand. "What?"
"I thought of you every day down there." In a split second, your face was burning hot. "I thought of how happy you made me and how much I'd hate to see you cry if I didn't make it out of there." You nearly freaked out on the spot. "What about your sister?" You ask. "I thought of her, too. I thought of both of you."
"So then the phone rings for the last time, and this time Robin is talking to me and..."
Finney rambles about what he had to go through down in the basement, and how the disconnected cellphone began to ring with the voices of previous victims making him do things that contributed to The Grabber's death.
"He was with Marie, and then she told me to say goodbye for you, then The Grabber came down and I... I killed him. I snapped his neck with the phone cord and then I got out and Gwen was running to me and..." He looks like he's about to cry again. "You're a brave kid, Finn. Y'know, some people could've been stupid enough to have mercy on the guy and not kill him."
"What? No way, anyone could've killed him." You both stop at his door, Finney getting his keys from his bag. "Some people are stupid enough to forgive those who don't deserve it." You say. The door unlocks, Finney quietly opening it and dragging his bag inside. "Finn?" You say, his head perking up.
Come on, you idiot, just do it. Don't just stand there and waste his time.
You go up on your tip toes and leave a small kiss on his forehead before almost tripping down his doorsteps. "Bye! See you tomorrow!" You say, almost revealing the panic in your voice. "Yeah, bye..." He mutters, shutting the door.
His fingers touch the spot where you kissed him, feeling as if he was graced by an angel. A majestic angel who truly felt the same way about him the same he did for you.
every breath you take, and every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, i’ll be watching you. 🎧
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ryroth-tss · 1 year
What we need to be to make it
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SoftDOM!The Grabber x Captive! Reader (OC)
Summary: Cherry is The Grabbers latest victim. But he hasn't done with her like the others, because Cherry is a Good Girl.
---- TW: Dubious consent, non-con elements
Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-conRape, The sex here is dubious so rape tags are added, Dubious Consent, Rough Kissing, Rough Sex, Come Eating, Vaginal Fingering, Praise Kink, Original Character(s)
AO3 link:
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I do:
Dead reader
Your oc x tbp character
Tbp characters x reader
I don't:
Dead black phone character
Character x Character
Yandere reader
Grabber x reader
Finney's dad x reader
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List of Characters Fanfic Requests III
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My third list of character fanfic requests and request inbox is now opened. My other two fanfic lists are still open for requests, so please send them in.
List of Characters I
List of Characters II
I take my time into writing requests, since I’m busy with my job most of the time and writing my stories, so the request box will be opened and closed from time to time so that I can catch up.
And as a side note here, I DO NOT write for Character x OC fanfic requests AT ALL. I write Character x Reader fanfics ONLY...
List of Characters III
Marcus Corvinus-Underworld Evolution 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Michael Corvin-Underworld 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Lucian-Underworld 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Albert Shaw/The Grabber-The Black Phone 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Legolas-Lord of the Rings Trilogy 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Thranduil-The Hobbit Trilogy 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Aziraphale and Crowley-Good Omens 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Albert Wesker-Resident Evil 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Shadow Moon-American Gods 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Mad Sweeney-American Gods 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Technical Boy-American Gods 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Mr. World-American Gods 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Michael Kenmore-Stargate Atlantis 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Todd the Wraith-Stargate Atlantis 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Lestat de Lioncourt-The Vampire Chronicles 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Warlock-Warlock and Warlock the Armageddon (With Julian Sands) 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Bo, Vincent, and Lester Sinclair-House of Wax (2005) 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Citrus Scale:
🍑 (Peach)-No Sexual Interactions 
🍎 (Citrus)-Romantic hug/or kiss 
🍊 (Orange)-Romantic hug/or kiss with a hint of sexual interaction 
 🍈 (Lime)-Heavy making out with light groping 
 🍋 (Lemon) Actual Sexual Intercourse
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vance-e · 2 years
Hey! Can I request a Robin Arellano x little brother reader (platonic ofc) where Robin is teaching the reader how to fight? Also can this be an au where the grabber doesn’t kidnap Robin or Finney, só instead it’s just someone else? (If you’re confused abt what age the reader should be just make it around Gwen’s age like 10-11) And PLEASE don’t rush, take your time. If you don’t feel like writing this request then it’s fine! Thank you!
OMG i love this, im def gonna do this. I literally wrote the whole thing down and it didn't save!! so i'm doing it again!. and sorry guys i haven't been active in 2 months but i've been really busy with school, home and other stuff so i really hope you guys like this!
pairings: robin arellano x little brother (platonic)
characters: finney blake, robin arellano, (name) arellano, OC: lucas williams, brad pitcher, thomas clarke
warnings: robin teaching (name) how to fight, (name) getting bullied but absolutely destroying them, kidnappings, reader is 10 and robin is 13, finney is 13, fluff, angst?, little bit of swearing
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not owned by me >>> happy-xy
(name) loved his older brother very much, but what (name) was hiding from his brother was that he was getting bullied. He didn't want his brother getting expelled so he kept it to himself thinking it would go away.
But i didn't it just kept going and going that (name) was showing up at home all bloodied and bruised up. Robin asked him so many times but (name) didn't say anything. So robin had a plan, teach (name) how to fight his bullies off.
"take a fast step forward, step back and swing" robin said to hit little brother, showing him with an old telephone head. (name) tried it but almost hit himself in the eye with the cord. "watch out (name) don't want your eyes falling out" robin said laughing at his little brother.
kidnappings had been going around so that's another reason why robin is teaching (name) how to fight. last week vance hopper was kidnapped and a lot of people weren't doing anything so that's why robin wanted his little brother safe when he isn't around him.
Robin piled up clothes on the grass making it look like a punching bag. "i want you to punch this for a good 10 minutes while i got and get something and then i will teach you how to kick" robin said to his brother, asking finney to watch him for protection. " your a good brother" finney said to robin, while he was leaving. "thanks finn" robin smiled at finney, going inside to get drinks and snacks for all of them.
After robin taught (name) how to kick, he was already looking like a professional at fighting. "good job (name) robin said, high fiving his little brother while they go to sleep for school tomorrow.
The next day (name) heard his name being called out and found out it was his bullies. Lucas williams, brad pitcher and thomas clarke. They were the school's bullies but (name) felt like the only one that was getting bullied from them. "what do you want" (name) said turning around to face them "where's your lunch money, huh?" thomas said walking up to little arellano. " i don't have it today" (name) said stuttering because lucas, brad and thomas are really tall. "cmon boys" thomas said, running after (name)
(name) was running away until he was met with a wall. "we have you cornered now wimp" brad said, clicking his knuckles "oh fuck off!" (name) yelled at them. Thomas was about to punch (name) until he dodged it and punched thomas in the gut "ouchh" thomas said groaning at the impact. (name) started to kick their asses while a crowd was forming. Everybody was amazed that the school bullies were looking like scared puppies. "run away little pups" (name) said after getting off of lucas. They all scrambled to their feet pushing each other out of the way to get away.
(NAME) (NAME) (NAME) everybody was chanting.
now everybody knew not to fuck with the arellano brothers
hope you had a great night/day/ afternoon and ill see you tomorrow xx hope you liked this fic anon and sorry it was really long!
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Meadow's Masterlist for Otis B. Driftwood, Gaunter O'Dimm and more
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My list of works is growing and growing, so I split my masterlist up. Here is the list for the fics I've written for The Witcher 3, Otis B. Driftwood, Jason Voorhees, Moon Knight, Hellboy and The Conjuring franchise. Created and last updated on 29-04-2023. All my writing, even the shorter pieces that don't go onto AO3, are reblogged over at @myers-meadow-archive for ease of keeping track and archival purposes.
The link to my list for my other masterlist with Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, the Sinclair brothers and The Grabber is here.
The links are in order of fandom, the newest writings are at the top.
Reblogging my writing is very much appreciated, but reposting it, on any site, is plagiarism.
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Gaunter O'Dimm
relationship headcanons (sfw)
multichapter (completed, nsfw) (AO3)
oneshots (nsfw) (AO3)
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Otis B. Driftwood
Heaven help the fool who falls in love (18 +, oneshot)
A muse for him and him alone (heed warnings, multichap)
Gn reader: Knocking on a stranger's door (sfw, alternate beginning to Sweet thing)
Fem reader: Sweet thing/forgotten hot cocoa (mild smut, oneshot)
New Year's (drabble, sfw)
Gn reader: Late Night Visit (to the Firefly House), (sfw, oneshot).
Dating headcanons
Slow burn Otis Driftwood x OC in an AU shared with @immortal-velociraptor and @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better. Chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter 6.1, chapter 6.2.
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Other horror characters/Multiple fandoms
Valak x reader, Ed Warren x reader: Serpent Tongue (dark, 18 + heed warnings, oneshot)
Jason Voorhees x reader: A Strawberry Summer (fluff, sfw, oneshot).
Slashers and their favourite flowers headcannon list
Notes from your slasher S/O
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Other fandoms
Nuada Silverlance from Hellboy 2 - multichapter (completed)
King Radovid and Geralt of Rivia oneshots
Moon boys and Arthur Harrow x OCs: Chapter one.
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Dividers made by me; Knight Daniel Ridgway's Women Washing Clothes by a Stream and Claude Monet's The Artist's Garden at Vétheuil.
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laurasanchez36 · 7 months
The Ghost of Butcher Man My NEW MSA X Legend Quest Enemy OC
Full Name: The Ghost of Butcher Man, Chad (in the past)
First Name:
Las Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 5 (his past/child from), 37 (his adult from, later his ghost from; deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost
Alignment: Good (in the past), Bad/Evil
Likes: Being kind, friendly and helpful (in the past) Being a butcher, sings Ring around the rosies song (if he saids and stops sing like "We'll fall... Fear!"), Being strong like his father, being helpful for his mother, Everybody stucks in his big house,
Dislikes: Not being a butcher, his big sisters are treating him like a little child, Everybody are escaping from him and his spooky big house
Weapons: Cleaver and Butcher's Hook Grabber
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour: ___ (his past from), Electric Blue (his ghost from)
Eyes Colour: Sky blue (his past from), Light Blue (his ghost from)
Hair Colour: ___ (his past from), Light Sky blue (his ghost from)
Clothes: ___ (his past from), Butcher Clothes and Vest (his ghost from)
Shoes: ___ (his past from), Boots (his ghost from)
Accessories: ___ (his past from), Apron and Gloves (his ghost from)
Hair Styles: ___ (his past from), Pushed Back Long (his ghost from)
Mustache Style: Hungarian Mustache
Beard Styles: N/A
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Philip (from The Owl House/his child from) and Butcher (from Hello Neighbor: Welcome to the Raven Brooks and Secret Neighbor)
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