#the friendship just. died. and we live 5 min away from each other yet she’s out of my life forever
mutalune · 5 months
love going on the “hi yeah I haven’t even looked at my inbox/messages for months sorry sorry sorry it’s nothing personal my life’s just been in shambles and I’m starting to pick it back up even though I know I’m gonna drop all the pieces at least 3 more times before the year’s over” shame tour I’mma make t-shirts later for it
#starlight personal#gonna be actually answering the questions in my inbox#planning to post the notes for tmagr since I’m probs never gonna finish it#and I’m making 0 promises to have any kind of consistent online presence#b/c I’ve learned it’s best for my mental health to delete these apps when I’m approaching crisis mode#so I’ll just be like the fun uncle who shows up to holidays with a six pack of nonalcoholic beer;#chats about whatever#slides you a $20#and disappears for the next 2 years#tbf 2023 was a horrible year okay it was so bad#some of it included; I almost got a grippy sock vacation twice#i tried a few new meds and they all sucked and i went through Literal Drug Withdrawal to the point i was sick for a month and lost 30lbs#i started ketamine treatment and experienced ego death twice!!!! horrifying!!!!!#i got my manager fired#i got my coworker fired#everyone else on the team quit and j was the last one left#my cat died and it was the worst thing that ever happened and it still hurts so bad#the person i thought would be a forever best friend was just. not there for me. and b/c i was struggling and not putting in 150% effort#the friendship just. died. and we live 5 min away from each other yet she’s out of my life forever#it’s for the best but that’s a different kinda grief man#ANYWAY I HAD A TERRIBLE YEAR#2024 is off to a somewhat better start but I’m keeping expectations low#first ketamine appt of the year was. brutal. and tough. and it’s been over a week and I still feel raw#everyone who knows about ketamine: it helps you process emotions and trauma and brings those things to the surface so u can work on them#me when it brings trauma to the surface and makes me feel my feelings: this is HORRIBLE what the FUCK my entire innards are exposed and raw#I forgot how easy it is to babble in the tags like this it doesn’t feel real since I doubt anyone will read all of this lmao#god I’d kill for some weed rn BUT HAHA YEAH ANKTJER SHITTY PART LF 2023 I GOTTA CUT BACK ON WEED#can’t even have one bad coping skill like come on
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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gloster · 6 years
Favorite Fanfics of 2018
So after seeing so many booktubers and book people make a list of their favorite books of 2018, I figured why not do one for fanfics. After all, they are stories done by insanely-talented, creative people who deserve more love. Why not make a list of the favorites that really blew you away this away-along with hyping the people up who need more love? 
I implore you all to try, especially: @kila09, @scarlet47, @awjiminie, @profoundfelicity, @dreamydrarry, @sebbies, @goldentruth813, @sasuhinas-fan, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @oh-my-fancan, @eyelashesandentropy. Show some love to your fics, share the recs. 
My favorite fanfics of 2018: 
1). The Changing Lights by @lazywonderlnds (drarry, featuring fem-Draco)
Summary:  Harry returns for an eighth year following the end of the war and soon realizes that although he's put his own animosity towards Malfoy aside, no one else seems to have done the same. When a hex leaves his oldest rival in the body of a female and ridicule doubles, Harry discovers that his hero complex is a difficult thing to fight.
THIS. FUCKING. STORY. OMG. OMG. First off, I have to thank @scarlet47. It is because of her and the insanely amazing fanart she did that I discovered this hidden gem. And I thank her for it since this has to be the best drarry fanfic I’ve read in the longest time.
It has been too damn long since a drarry fanfic had me hooked the way this one did. First chapter in, halfway through, I was hooked. I blew through the chapters, and am anxiously, eagerly waiting for more because it was so good. 
I also love it since I’ve been wanting to read a fem-Draco story. I know some drarry lovers don’t love genderbent drarry but I love it. I’ve read plenty of fem-Harry but sadly hadn’t come across fem-Draco. And the ones I managed to find were just okay.  This one though...set and fucking broke the bar. It makes me CRAVE and want more (feel free to send any recs featuring it). And I loved it so much that I wanna reread but I have to resist since I have a mountain of fanfics to go through. 
2). Oh Darling, Stand by Me by @beatitudinembty (BTS, taekook)
Summary: Kim Taehyung had never coped well when there was an angry alpha around, no matter that he wasn't the object of their fury. Wisely choosing to keep his mouth shut, he had ignored the flaring annoyance building up inside of his chest at being treated like a frail and delicate porcelain doll who did not know any better, once again.
He was not frail.
He was not delicate.
And he was also not anywhere near ignorant.
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Alpha Jeon asked eventually, tiredly taking a seat when he realised that Alpha Kim was not about to open his mouth any time soon.
"How else, Alpha Jeon," Alpha Park said easily, an eerie smile taking over her lips as she regarded both the Kings levelly, "Just like we have sealed our alliances with one another, of course."
If you would have told me that I would fall in love so hard, so quick with a royal-AU, I would either look at you like you are crazy or say...”That would have be one of hell of a story to get me hooked.” Most love royal-AUs, but I typically get too bored with them. Most take forever with the romance, others become too UNNECESSARILY angsty. The political aspect gets so tiring. This one though was the fucking JACK-POT. 
We have a royal-AU with both parties wanting to make the most of the marriage and go from friends to more, which I love and adore so much. Set in an Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamic world done so well. We have feisty, independent Taehyung who may be an Omega but sure as hell doesn’t let people’s narrow mind-sets get him down. We have Jungkook who’s the sweetest in the most softest of ways-and possessive in the most delicious of ways. READ. IT. If you love reading BTS stories, READ IT. If you love royal au with taekook, READ. IT. if you’re in need of a new BTS story, FUCKING. READ. IT. 
3). Love Yourself Series by @profoundfelicity (BTS: namjin, taekook, sope, yoonmin)
Summary: Linear stories revolving around themes of love, self-acceptance, and understanding.
This is a 3-story series following various couples: 
Pretty In Pink follows namjin
My Lovely Lilac follows taekook
Under Pressure follows Yoongi, JHOPE, and Jimin 
This series, this goddamn holy grail of a series-I could not just pick one story of them. Had to say the entire series since it’s THAT GOOD. All stories connect to each other, so even though one story focuses on one couple, the side pairings and characters still play a massive part in them. All stories tackle sexuality, gender norms, trauma, parental abuse and neglect, self-discovery, self-understanding, self-love.  ALL. ARE. FUCKING. AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY, RIDICULOUSLY, UNBELIEVABLY amazing. AND NEEDS TO BE READ BY ALL. 
I feel like this series is painfully underrated, since not too many BTS-fans I talk to know of it. And it’s so good. I honestly learned so much about sexuality, the different branches of it, and the harms of gender norms, rethinking the gender norms through these 3 stories than all the years I’ve been in school. It’s amazing. And is so important during the turmoil we’re currently in. Also the writer is a fucking, perfect, precious cinnamon roll who deserves all the nicer things in life. 
4). It’s The Most Wonderful Time (Of The Year) by @awjiminie (BTS, yoonmin)
Summary: Park Jimin is only three years old when he meets cooler, older, and smarter Min Yoongi for the first time, and is immediately enamoured.
For the first time in his entire life, Jimin feels an emotion he never thought he would feel: infatuation.
Not that he even understands what that feeling means.
All he knows is that there’s a small, pale boy at the front door of his home, right under the hanging mistletoe, firmly gripping his father’s hand and his mother’s skirt as he stares unabashedly into Jimin’s eyes, rendering him absolutely speechless.
childhood best friends yoonmin growing up together and experiencing the complexities of love & relationships, as well as, the harsh realities of growing older over the years, on Christmas day
OH. MY. FRIGGERING. GOD. Warning to all: you will most definitely need a cavity filling from the vast amount of sweetness in this story. It is that fucking cute and so damn good. 
This, to me, is the epitome of sweet holiday goodness every person needs in their lives both during and even after the holiday season. Along with a nice mug of hot chocolate. Or something insanely delicious to go with it. We have yoonmin meeting as kids during the holidays and instantly falling for each other, we have side-taekook that comes along, we have the sweetest, most perfectly-done vmin friendship that just proves they are the definition of platonic soulmates (you will die reading chapter 3).
This story also holds a special place in my heart since I read it during a difficult time and needed some sweetness. Also got to know the author @awjiminie who is the sweetest, purest human being alive and needs love. 
5). Fate Worse than Death by @awjiminie (BTS, taekook)
Summary: For an immortal, five hundred and sixty-six years passed by in the blink of an eye, as time was endless and life was infinite. Yet, for Kim Taehyung, five hundred and sixty-six years of a meaningless existence passed agonisingly slow with each second dragging on to the next as he waited for the day that he would finally see his beloved once more. His beloved who had been ripped from him just as they were on the cusp of freedom. Freedom to finally live and love together without any barriers.
Kim Taehyung lived every day feeling as lonely as he did when he lost him, even when he had his coven to call family, his maker, Min Yoongi, and his lavish lifestyle in one of Seoul's richest districts where he studied at one of the most influential universities.
But nothing was the same. Not without him. Never without him.His lover, his life, and his everything. 
His Jeon Jungkook.
If I could sum up this story in two words, it would be this: HOLY. FUCK. If I could sum up the writer with the plots and twists and fucking cliff-hangers she throws my way, one word in my best Josh Peck’s voice: EVIL. Pure, goddamn evil. And I know for a fact @scarlet47 can agree with me on that one. But it is so damn good. 
Once upon a time, middle school me, along with high school me, was the BIGGEST, die-hard vampire fan. You can thank Twilight for that. And also Vampire Diaries, before season 4 ruined it all. However, like most vampire fantatics, my love for vampires died. Even though I have read the occasional vampire-trope in fanfics with my OTPS, it was just okay. 
This fucking story came out of nowhere and snatched me by my hair and didn’t let me until I got to the recent chapter. It reminded me why I fell in love with vampires in the beginning. Along with that, it also carries so many things I love, so many beloved tropes: reincarnation (which I need more of), enemies-to-lovers, a slow-burn that is so excruciating and so well-done with so many possibilities attached to it, the sweetest taegi platonic relationship that melted my heart. It definitely gave me Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes, and those good, non-annoying alluring feelings Twilight brought to us when we first read it. 
Basically if you love vampires/in need of a vampire story/love angsty enemies-to-lovers story, you will love this. 
6). EPOCH by Sharleena (BTS, Yoongi, Jimin x Hoseok) 
Summary: “It's kind of fucked up that we feel like this, don't you think?” Yoongi asks.
“Yeah.” Hoseok says, Jimin shrugs.
“Maybe we should take this as a sign.” he says.
“A sign for what?” Yoongi looks at the boy and his thumb is rubbing circles on the soft of Hoseok's stomach.
“That maybe we should stick together.” Jimin whispers.
Yoongi doesn't speak for a long time after that, eyes staring at the ceiling where the red lights keep flickering.
“Yeah.” he finally murmurs, words almost getting lost in the echoes of the music “Yeah, we should.”
Or, they are different, but they were lost and their paths still crossed.
Before the end of 2017, if you had told me that I would be into poly-relationships...there’s a good chance I will give you a look questioning your sanity. I could never get into them. To me, it always felt like one person was being the shared toy between two people. That all changed thanks to several stories, including House of Cards (SO FUCKING GOOD) and Guns, Knives, and Lace that were discovered by chance, were read, and completely changed my mind on them. 
This story made me fall deeper in love with poly-relationships. So well-done, so-addicting, and you can feel the love equally shared between the 3 main characters who are all so different but fit each other so perfectly. 
It’s the kind of story that’s so good, you’re stunned by the number of chapters. 
7). Hear the Harmony Only When It’s Harming Me by @horsegirlharry (drarry, fem-slash)
Summary: Before the war, Draco was so certain of her looks, her breeding, knew exactly how to dress to accentuate her curves without ever looking cheap or tawdry. Now, her body feels strange and extra, like something that she’s forced to carry around with her, a lump of scar tissue that only fires a nerve impulse if it’s brushing knees with Harriet Potter over tea and stolen scones.
Or, Harriet and Draco finding themselves (and each other) after the war.
*lets out a low whistle* You know one of those stories you happen to find at random? The story you see on someone’s else’s favorite lists or their collection of favorite stories and become curious? Or, in my case, see a story with an intriguing summary and beautiful edit and you think, I’ll give it a try? And as soon as you finish the last line of the story, you are so grateful to past you for deciding to read it since the story ended up being one of the best perfect stories ever? 
Well this is that story. 
I know a lot of people aren’t the biggest fan of genderbent, especially with drarry. Even I who loves reading about fem-Harry or Fem-Draco get picky since most time you read a story with them, but they don’t feel like them. That wasn’t the case here. Despite the obvious genital changes and names, they felt like drarry. Personalities were right on point, their relationship development was perfect. It was seriously amazing. 
I suggest you give it a try. 
8). Pas De Deux by @julietsemophase
Summary: Harry has a show to put on and the last thing he needs is prima ballerina Draco Malfoy messing things up. But when Draco is injured, the two end up spending more time together and Harry wonders if maybe there's something between them after all?
Muggle AU. Smut.
Really, do I need to say anymore? Given how popular this drarry fanfic writer is? Given how insanely sweet and brilliant her drarry stories are? Do I need to say anymore more? 
I will say this: Ballet-Draco + Stage-hands Harry= one very, very, very happy reader. 
9). Say the Words (Say Them Out Loud) by @goldentruth813 (drarry)
Summary:  When Draco gets assigned as the Auror to guard Harry Potter day and night, he is sure nothing good will come of it. But as the days go on Draco is forced to evaluate himself and things he thought to be true about Potter and relationships. Sometimes it's not love at first sight. Sometimes, first, it's miscommunication and misunderstanding. A story in which Harry and Draco learn to accept the things they want from themselves and from each other.
Again, we see the name. We know the name. We love the name. We love the stories. Do I need to say anything more? Maybe not, since again, we all know and love this person and her amazing stories, but I will make this. 
One of the major things I loved about this story is the fact consent was a big part of the story, of the relationship. Safe to say, we learned, given the BS in the news, that sadly not too many people know the meaning of the word. Don’t seem to grasp the meaning. And this story definitely enforces it and I love it. 
Also LOVE how she did this story. How she wrote their relationship, which was snarky and witty but not tiresome or too annoying. Also, slight spoiler, but the career Janel had Harry be made me so happy. 
This whole story had me so happy, and I loved it so much. 
10). This Isn’t A Dream (Let Me Love You) by...surprise, surprise (NOT) @awjiminie (BTS, yoonmin)
Summary: As captain of his high school’s basketball team, Min Yoongi dedicated all of his attention to his team and their games. His focus on the game never waned, not once for anything or anyone.
Well, until head cheerleader Park Jimin flashed his abs during a solo cheer and made him fuck up his shot.
As we can tell, I clearly gained a new favorite fanfic writer. Seems fitting since I did join a new fandom, aka the phenomena that is BTS. 
What on earth can I say about this story? I feel like it’s one of those that you have to read for yourself to understand why it’s so good. Let’s face it, whenever we try to describe something and hype it up, it’s usually a fail and can never match the goodness of the story. But I will attempt. 
First off, if the summary doesn’t make you the least bit curious, I don’t know what will. Does it sound like a typical high-school AU? Yes, I mean we have basketball player Yoongi and cheerleader Jimin. It is a typical AU? Nope, definitely not. There is so much humor, so much angst, so much slow-burn that drives you nuts and makes you wanna kill the author for the way she ends her chapters but at the same time makes you 10x more thristy for the next chapter.
Also for reasons I cannot explain, but because an inside joke between me and @awjiminie, this story seriously unleashed the High School Musical fangirl in me. I don't know why. It's hardly anything like HSM but every time I read it, the songs play in my head. Especially Troyella.
This is definitely a story I cannot recommend enough. Cannot gush enough over. Please please read
And thus concludes my top 10 favorite fanfics of the year. To the writers who created them, thank you so much for your wonderful stories. I honestly you guys share the fanfics you absolutely loved this year. Doesn’t have to be 10. It can be more than 10. Less than 10. Whatever and how many you love
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minimin1993 · 4 years
S/M 11 & B/L 12
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Warning: Angst. Violence.
Min just got back to her hotel room getting ready for bed not long before she got a phone call from Sebastian.
“SEBASTIAN!!!” Min answered happily plopping the bed.
“No its Dianna.” 
“Oh hi Dianna what's sup?” Min said confused why she is calling her through Sebastian phone 
“Are you sleeping with Sebastian?” She asked out of nowhere
“Umm, no our friendship is strictly friendship. Is everything okay?” Min asked shocked 
“Yeah things are great, I am just confused on why you guys are so close, he messages you more then he messages me. Even calls you ‘Princess’.” 
“We’re just really close friends, I am sorry if it sent you the wrong picture, but we have never fucked if that's what you're implying. Plus you do know I am in a relationship too right?” Min said getting a little pissed off. 
“Never stop people before, so I am going to get straight to the point. Stop messaging him, stop talking to him. He is my boyfriend not yours.” 
“Okay listen here Dianna that isn’t your call to make.”  
“Stop talking to him understand?” Dianna said before hanging up the phone making Min laugh pitifully before sending Chris a text.
    Drink in my room in 5?
ChrisOppa ^-^
 When Chris entered her hotel room, Min have 2 beers waiting. 
“So what happened?” Chris asked taking a gulp of the beer before plopping on the couch.
“Pft, what do you mean?” Min said innocently making him laugh.
“Liar, I see it on your face. I spent plenty of time with you to know when something is bothering you.” He said making her smile softly.
“I thought I could hide my mood better than this.” 
“Not with me princess.” He said seeing her stop smiling a little. “Okay what did Sebastian do?” 
“It wasn’t him, it was his girlfriend.” She said sighing. 
“Jesus, don’t tell me she's one of the jealous type?” He asked seeing Min nod. 
“Her words and I quote, ‘Stop messaging him. Stop talking to him. He is my boyfriend not yours’” She said jokingly making him laugh.
“Oh god” He laugh throwing his head back grabbing his chest.
“Shut up, what do I do? I honestly don’t want to stand between their relationship.” She swatted his shoulder. 
“To be honest, nothing. She needs to get it through her head that you and Sebastian are stuck with each other for many years to come with BuckLin. There really is nothing you can do.”
“God dam, I hate jealous people.” Min said downing her drink. 
“I think everyone does, it always causes a strain on the relationship because it means you don’t trust the person.”    
“Cheers to that.” 
 The next day she woke up with a message from Sebastian. 
 Sebby (>^-^)> 
    What did Dianna tell you? 
MinniePrincess ^.^ 
    What are you talking about? 
 Min was contemplating on telling Sebastian but she really didn’t want to put a stain on his relationship with Dianna so she was playing dumb. However Sebastian knew something was up so he skype call her immediately. 
“Morning.” Min answered with a smile on her face. 
“So you’re going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you?” Sebastian said with a stern face. 
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I somehow have a 4 minute phone call with you on my phone and I know I didn’t call you last night and Dianna was here. So I am piecing the puzzle together.” He said before Min laughed. 
“She just called to see if I knew what your favorite meal was. She wanted to cook you a nice cooked meal.” Min lied hoping he falls for it. 
“You’re not lying to me right?” 
“Why would I do that?” Min said with a smile on her face. 
“Oh thank god, I was scared she said something bad. Lately she had been very jealous, scared I will sleep with my co-stars.” 
“Well you do give a bad boy vibe so who knows. Anyways, I have to get ready to start shooting, and I am a little hungover so I need to fix that.” Min said. 
“You and Chris drank last night didn’t you?” 
“Of course plus we watch ‘The Tourist’ last night.” She said smirking.
“Hey you said you were going to wait to watch it with me.” He pouted. 
“Well you’re in LA and I wanted to watch it. You should watch it with Dianna.” 
“Meanny.” Sebastian said as Chris walks into her room 
“Princess you ready?” Chris said. 
“Nope on the phone with Sebastian, well I am going to go before he jumps me.” Min said getting out of bed running to the bathroom. 
“Okay princess, talk to you later.” 
“Okie Dokie bye.” Min disconnects the call before Chris appears at the door. 
“You didn’t tell him.” Chris said crossing his arm on his chest staring at her brush her teeth. 
“Nope.” She said.
“Why not?” 
“Because I am not going to be between their relationship.” She said washing her face.
“So you let her between Sebastian and yours?” 
“We’re friends Chris, it’s probably better this way.” 
“Chris it’s fine, I am just omitting this from him, it won’t hurt.” 
“So you’re not going to listen to her?” 
“Nope.” She lied again. 
  After everyone was checked out by the doctors Fury called them to the briefing room, Steve, Linda, and Tony sat there listening to Fury. 
“These were in Phil Coulson's jacket.Guess he never did get you to sign them.” Fury said throwing the Captain America Trading cards on the table toward Steve, he picks one up seeing it was stained with his blood. “We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming. Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes.” 
Tony not wanting to hear anymore, stood up and walked out the room leaving Linda and Steve sitting there thinking. 
“Well, it's an old fashioned notion.”
Tony was standing at the empty cell container staring down not standing a world when Linda and Steve walks in. 
“Was he married?” Linda asked holding the ring in her hands.
“No. There was a uh...cellist, I think.” Tony said.
“I guess that’s a good thing. No significant other to mourn.” Linda said.
“I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man.” Steve said 
“He was an idiot.”
“Why? For believing?” 
“For taking on Loki alone.” Tony said walking down the platform 
“ He was doing his job.” Steve said 
“He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should have…”
“Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony.” 
“Right. How did that work for him?” Tony said walking away. 
“Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?”
“WE ARE NOT SOLDIERS! I am not marching to Fury's fife!” Tony said turning abruptly looking at Steve. 
“Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does. Right now we've got to put that aside and get this done. Now Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list…”
“He made it personal.” Tony said after looking at the blood stain on the wall. 
“That's not the point.”
“That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?” Tony said 
“Because he is driven with power, and nothing will get in his way to stop him” Linda whispered. 
“To tear us apart.” Steve said.
“He had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience.” Tony said thinking.
“Right, I caught his act at Stuttengard.” 
“Yeah. That's just a preview, this is opening night. Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered…” Tony said before pausing “Sonofabitch.” 
“Ready to suit up Linda?” Steve asked after Tony left. 
“Lets go get this ‘Full-tilt Diva’.” Linda/Luna said flashing her eyes. 
After they suited up they loaded onto the quinjet and started to head to the coordinate Tony had given them. 
“Wow, so Tony was literally talking about himself.” Linda said smirking staring at the tallest tower with STARK plastered on it with the portal beam opened filling in with Chitari.
“Stark, we're heading north east.”Natasha said when we pulled up. 
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up PARK, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.” Tony said as Natasha pulled in between the building waiting for Tony to pass before blasting the Chitari’s behind him.
They turned to look out the window to see Loki and Thor battle each other on the building blasting the missle at them only to get blasted back with Loki Scepter knocking out one of the engines. Linda and Steve in the back grab hold of the structure of the jet knowing it will come crashing down. 
“Really? Fucken diva.” Linda/Luna transmitted to Loki causing him to pause staring at Quinjet fall long enough for Thor to throw in a few more punches. 
When they crashed, they ran out the Quinjet looking at the Stark Tower staring at the portal when a Chitauri Leviathan flies out carrying what looks like hundreds of Chitauri soldiers when it passes over their heads. 
“Stark, are you seeing this?” Steve said over the com.
“I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?” 
“Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot.” 
“We got civilians trapped” Clint said as they duck behind a cab. 
“Loki.” Steve said seeing him fly over their head. 
“I got this, leave him to me.” Linda said standing up about to go after Loki but Steve grabs her hand.
“Be careful.” Steve said looking into her eyes before she smiles back at him.
“Always.” She said before jumping on top of the bridge and tackle one of the Chitauri on the Hovercraft. 
As Linda navigates the craft she starts to shoot as many of the Chitauri as she can before she sees Tony guild the Chitauri Leviathan toward the rest of the team. She watches as Banner Hulks up and smashes the creature creating a soft spot for Tony to fire a missile blowing it up sending its guts everywhere. Linda jumps down from the craft near the team hiding behind the cab to not get creature guts all over her. The blast caused all the other Chitauri to look down at them roaring in anger before Banner roar back at them standing in a circle looking upward at them. 
Linda flinched when she heard Loki thoughts transmitted into her brain saying ‘Send the rest’ making her extremely angry seeing more Chitauri Leviathan fly out of the portal
“Guys.” Natasha said.
“Call it, Cap.” Tony said 
“Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash.” Steve commanded the orders 
“Wanna give me a lift?” Clint said looking at Tony 
“Right. Better clench up, LEGOLAS.”
“Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up. Linda, Loki is all yours.” Steve continued. 
“Ready to give me a boost?” Linda/Luna said staring at Thor with her black eyes seeing him smirk.
“Like old times?” He asked 
“Like old times” She answered as Thor beams a bolt of electricity and aims it right at Linda shocking Steve. He and Natasha stood there watching her absorb the energy before blasting up into the top of the building near her. 
“Okay that is new.” Tony said as the team looking up at Linda in shock. 
“Not really, she’s absorbs my lighting bolt feuling her powers.” Thor said with a smirk before flies away. 
Once Linda landed on the building she immediately jumped onto another hovercraft after catching a glimpse of Loki fly by.
“Hawkeye, wanna send one of the special arrows to the green diva.” Linda said over the com
“My pleasure.” He said sending one toward Loki only to have him catch it with a smirk on his face, only to have it explode sending him crashing down onto the tower once again. Linda was about to land on the floor seeing Hulk jump onto the building smashing into Loki.
Hulk stands up ready to smash one more but Loki stood up and started to scream at him.
“ENOUGH! YOU ARE, ALL OF YOU ARE BENEATH ME! I AM A GOD, YOU DULL CREATURE, AND I WILL NOT BE BULLIED…” Hulk didn’t have any of it grabs Loki by the legs and smashes him against the floor repeatedly.
“Hulk I think he had enough, go smash others.” Linda/Luna said walking into the building before Hulk throws Loki onto the ground.
“Puny god” Hulk said before leaving the building as Loki groans in pain.
“Luna.” Loki whimpered. 
“Loki.” She said walking up to him touching his face.
“I am sorry.” He said sadly. 
“For what, destroying the world, destroying our soulbond, or for what your father did?” Luna asked. 
“All three.” 
“No Loki you are not, all your life you crave for power and look where that got you. Alone.” Luna said grabbing a knife from her suit placing it on his hand.
“What are you doing?” Loki asked 
“Something that needed to be done.” She said slicing his palm before slicing hers.
“No…” Loki said wanting to pull his hand away but she grabbed it jolting a blast of her energy through him breaking their soulbond.
“Why?” Loki asked weakly with tears running down his face no longer feeling their connection truly this time.
“Because what we have is gone Loki.” Luna said with tears running down her face. 
  “Linda we need help out here.” Steve said over the com. Linda stood up and ran out of the building jumping off the building landing next to Steve and Thor creating a shockwave to knock out the Chitauri within a few feet from them. 
“You ready for another bout?” Thor said calling his hammer back to him. 
“What? You gettin' sleepy?” Steve said breathing hard. 
“Come on old man, I know you got more juice than that.” Linda said with a smirk. 
“I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!” Natasha said through the com 
“Do it!” Steve said 
“No, wait!” Iron man said 
“Stark, these things are still coming!”
“I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it.” Tony said grabbing the nuke. 
“Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?” Linda said worried. 
They all watched as Tony flew the nuke into the portal before all the Chitauri around them starts to power down. They stood there waiting for Tony to come back down but nothing seems to be coming though.    “Close it.” Steve said not able to watch the portal close. Last minute before the portal disappears Tony suit fell through.
“Son of a gun.” Steve said in disbelief before they all  realizing he wasn’t slowing down at all.
“He’s not slowing down.” Thor said twirling his hammer about to catch him when Hulk comes out of nowhere catches Tony in the air protecting him before smashing onto the ground. 
Linda, Steve, and Thor ran towards them turning Tony over removing him mask checking for a pulse.
“He’s not breathing.” Linda said about to give him CPR when Hulk roars loudly waking Tony up scaring Linda. 
“Oh thank god, I don’t have to bleach my mouth” Linda/Luna said jumping up.
“What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me? Unless it’s Linda then I have no problem kissing an old woman.” Tony joked
“Shut up, you’re not that lucky.” Linda said smirking. 
“We won.” Steve said catching his breath.
“Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it.” Tony said making Steve and Linda smirk. 
“We're not finished yet.”Thor said looking up at the tower.
“And then shawarma after.” 
Once they got up to the tower Linda stayed behind as the rest looks at Loki who was trying to crawl away.
“If it's all the same to you, I will have that drink now.” Loki said once he realized he would not be able to get away from this one. 
A week later the Avenger escorts Thor and Loki who is cuffed and muzzled into a secure location ready to go back to Asgard. Once they left, Natasha and Clint heads one way, Tony and Banner got into his convertible, and Linda climb behind Steve on his motorbike driving off waiting for their next mission.  
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