#the four auspicious beasts
lu-zijing · 4 months
Soooooo, me and @cherllyio looked through some scenes in the ~ LMK S5 trailer ~ again, and stopped by this specifically scene yet again:
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Credit to "@SimplyRemarkable" on YouTube for uploading the trailer
Who Is MK Attacking???
Cherrlyio (aka Cory) was like the first time we saw it and said again: "That kinda looks like Li Jing, you know, The one MK is attacking." And I was also like the first time we saw it and said again: "Hmm, are you sure?? I don't know, it could be, but who knows? It's so blurry." Cory: "Well, maybe.. I guess it could be something else, but still." Me: "Fair enough."
((I think they made a post about the whole thing- Go check out their channel, they got good stuff—))
*Us looking through the trailer again today-*
Imagine that whole conversation again- and THEN—
Me: "hm.. I'm still not sure... Waiiiiiittttt-- Dosn't it kinda look like the Black Tortoise? It's feet, I mean."
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Me: "The one who was likely also present in the scene right before?~"
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Cory: "....OHSHI——"
Me:"( ̄︶ ̄)"
Cory: "SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT——!!! w(゚Д゚)w"
Cory: "Ah damn, I just made a post about it being Li Jing...."
Yes, I'm bragging a little bit over for Cory—
It could just be that the angle turned after that first picture we see the Black Tortoise in, where it is behind the kneeling Mk.
Because, it is not behind MK any longer, in the scene where he is seemingly attacking it.
And it could even be in this scene too-!
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Where - in that case - we see Sandy seemingly attacking it??
Credit to @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven For pointing that detail out!
And here comes a theory: ~~
The Black Tortoise is one of Four Mythological Creatures that appear in Chinese Philosophy/Astrology.
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Picture 1: http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/chinese.html
Picture 2: https://www.mapcompanion.org/constellations-song-dynasty/
It is usually represented with a snake coiled around it's body, but I mean - We haven't gotten one good look at it in the trailer, so that doesn't mean it can't be what we saw in LMK
Soo huuh~? Could it be that they are appearing in LMK??
If you wanna know more about them @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven seems to have made some posts about it! I didn't know they had also noticed it, so go check that out if you can't wait!!
Because I am also currently making a video about it, hoping to be posted in the near future on YouTube, A continuation of my collab with @cherllyio "The ULTIMATE Breakdown of the Season 5 Trailer" (on YouTube)
So You might ask... Even if it actually is a black turtle, how do you know it's the one from the Four Mythological Creatures in Chinese Culture??
WELL, ma bud ~ Because there IS proof that ALL THE OTHER THREE CREATURES actually appeared in the trailer-!!!
You wanna know what~? []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
*Psssst* Then here-! Take a quick little sneak peak at the video in process~~
An Azure Dragon:
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A White Tiger:
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A Vermillion Bird:
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AND the Black Tortoise:
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As It seems very likely that we have seen three, if not ALL four of them . . .
-It would make quite a lot of sense that these four creatures who are appearing in the trailer IS INDEED the Four Auspicious Beasts Yes, they got many names, google it- from the Chinese Constellations.......!!!!?OAUFR)EKWNADOIFNKAAODNKFLF——!!???
But WAIT! I'm not done yet--
Here's ONE more detail that we're gonna cover in that video I mentioned~ :
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These characters are wearing White Tiger accessories AND holding an Azure Dragon, instead of an red-gold Dragon that is usually held during Chinese Lunar New Year, which this could very well be..?
Even if it actually IS a thing to use Azure Dragons too, it IS a little suspicious they BOTH have an Azure Dragon and things that represents a WHITE TIGER..?
I'm pretty sure orange tigers is more usual too, just like red-gold Dragon is more common in China as well.
What do you Think~?
If you're interested in that video, where me and Cory will be covering more details and some basic knowledge about these Four Creatures, Then keep an eye out on my Blog!
I will defintely Post an Update here. And Cory will do so too, as it is a Collab~
Well, that was all for now!
Just realised this is the first time ever I made a long theory post like this—
I like it
Cory: "...........*sighs in tiredness, after making so many long theory-posts at this point already...*"
Hope You found it interesting..!
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cloud-somersault · 2 months
it's past midnight so no one will see this, but i'm also SUPER upset that the celestial beasts weren't more prominent and important in s5
like these are THE FOUR BEASTS!!! they are so, so prominent and well-known in east asian culture, but....nah, they get maybe 3 lines each and then they're gone?? WE COULDA HAD A WHOLE SEASON!! with just the celestial beasts bc there's so much lore for them, like holy shit.
i'm forever mad about it. I know it's nice that they gave MK their little tests (two of them, at least) but damn...damn what a missed opportunity
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udonnoodlz · 1 year
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Qīnglóng | Cheongnyong | Seiryuu
I’ll probably end up drawing the other three. Idky but it’s giving me #Otome vibes 😂. Don’t be surprised if it leads to fake screenshots
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pseudowho · 8 months
Thinking about Takuma Ino, who becomes a father so young when you fall unexpectedly pregnant. Thinking about the fear in your eyes, the shaking hands going to hold each other's, the positive test clasped between them. The way Takuma reassures you; "it's okay, it's okay, I always wanted to be a dad...sure, not this soon-- but we'll be fine. Better than fine, we'll be great."
The way Takuma goes for a walk that night, after you've cried yourself to sleep, crouching down in an alleyway with his beanie'd head in his hands, wondering how he could possibly ever be a good father. Wanting to marry you, to do things 'right', but afraid you'd think he only wanted to marry you because of the pregnancy.
The way Takuma arrives on his mother's doorstep (the mother who raised him alone, young, single) in the dead of night, pale-faced. The way his mother holds him as he cries and apologises at the dining room table, his face in her robed chest. The way she cups his face, and stares into his eyes; "we can do this, together, the right way. You're a good boy. Now be a good man."
The way Takuma learns to be a father, from his mother, who was his whole world. The way Takuma works himself to the bone, squirrelling money away, booking in with estate agents to go and view your first home together in a way that makes your hormonal heart clench.
The way Takuma's head hits the pillow, weary after working all night, then comes straight up again as he hears you vomiting in the bathroom, kneeling behind you to stroke your hair back, holding you gently round the waist on the tiled floor; "attagirl...it'll be better soon, right? Toughest girl I know. Doin' such a great job."
The way Takuma takes up embroidery, buying cheap plain clothes for the baby, because he can't afford much, but adding small artistic touches of beauty; a frog with a toadstool hat, a little trailing succulent vine, a shooting star.
The way Takuma is bright and excited; there for every scan, every class, every milestone. The way Takuma puts on a brave face. The way Takuma hides in the staffroom at work, his head in his hands, creaking under the weight of responsibility. The way he feels a strong hand clasp his shoulder, a beige suit, a blue shirt, a leopard print tie at the corner of his eye; "I know you're going to say no...but I'd like to buy a gift. For both of you. For the baby."
The way Takuma feels so ashamed for accepting help; the way a crib, a beautiful buggy, a snug and safe car seat, all gradually arrive at your new home. The way he tries to insist on paying Nanami Kento back. Nanami naturally refuses, pretends to be inordinately interested in his newspaper.
The way Takuma can't help but buy the baby a few beanies. The way you retaliate by buying an outfit that looks just like Ino's. He is thrilled.
The way Takuma's embroidery has advanced so well, he makes four little Auspicious Beasts to hang from a mobile above the crib.
The way Takuma paints beautiful, geometric, zany black and white shapes on the wall in the baby's bedroom; "They only see black, white and red at first babe. Neat, right?"
The way Takuma is pale throughout your labour, his eyes feverish, your pain so much harder than any battle he's ever been to. The way his tears hit him in a huge whooshing breath, a head-holding groan of relief when his baby son is placed on your chest, wet and crying, a little angry clenched face. The way Takuma rests his cheek on his arm at the top of your bed, gazing down and sniffling as his son holds his finger.
The way Takuma takes you both home, proud, woefully in love, still wondering how he's ever going to grow up and be a man, without realising he's already so much more of a man than so many others in this world.
Thinking about young dad Takuma Ino.
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
Ask/Writing Masterlist (irregularly updating)
Ryin(阿璎), 23. She/They. First Gen Chinese student. Ryin_Silverfish on AO3. Currently hyperfixating on old Chinese novels. casual Zhiguai tales and LMK enjoyer.
Investiture of the Gods/FSYY:
Why are the Daoist immortals fighting?
Did Yuanshi Tianzun manipulate Shen Gongbao?
Chan, Jie, and possible prejudice against yaoguai
Azure Lion and the other Bodhisattvas' steeds in FSYY
Daji's fox form in FSYY Pinghua
The historical Su Daji
Is Shen Gongbao a yaoguai?
Are all yaoguai irredeemable monsters in FSYY?
Ao Bing and the dragons Nezha fought
Does deification wipe your memory and personality?
Bi Gan and the Great Fox Massacre
More discussion about prejudice against yaoguai
How old was Su Daji the human when she died?
Differences between FSYY novel and Pinghua
Musing on FSYY's view of fate and its possible effects on Yang Jian
Master Yuding
The messy marriages of FSYY
Is Daji a goddess in the novel?
Names of immortal masters in FSYY
Just for fun: the FSYY drinking game
Nezha's age in FSYY
Nezha's death and resurrection in FSYY
What happened to the original Daji?
Lady Shiji aka the Rock Demoness
Chinese Fox Spirits:
Auspicious/Demonic Foxes
More on fox spirits
The inner core of foxes
Foxes and their association with Fire
Notable fox spirits
The foxes of 狐狸缘全传
Has Daji ever been worshipped as a goddess?
Fox masks
The foxes of Liaozhai
Weaknesses and abilities of fox spirits
Three resource collections on Chinese fox spirits: 1, 2, 3
Human-fox hybrids
Can foxes and their descendents magically know if someone's telling the truth?
The magical properties of fox saliva
Fox exams and Heavenly Foxes
Are male foxes more malicious?
More on fox exams
Offerings to fox spirits
The "Lady Fox Immortal"
Chinese Mythos in General:
The Precious Scroll of Erlang
Into the Erlang-verse: Li, Zhao, Yang
Can immortal masters romance their students?
Why we don't power-rank characters in God-Demon novels
A brief overview of Chang'e
On Chinese Religion and "Respect"
The 28 Lunar Mansions
Can the Heavenly Emperor be replaced + a primer on dynastic successions
A Guide to the Chinese Underworld (and what it isn't)
Is Nüwa JE's daughter?
Weaver Girl
Can yaoguais a/o their descendents enter the Celestial Bureaucracy?
Queen Mother of the West and her husband(s)
Bixia Yuanjun, Lady of Mt. Tai
Erlang's dad
The story that gives us the name "Yang Jian"
On the transformation of Erlang's image (and his relationship with JE in JTTW)
Erlang's mom, Lotus Lantern, and a neat little discovery
Erlang cameos in other stories and Zajus
Erlang's mom-saving story in Chinese operas
Child Manjushri, or: the absurdity of pinning a definitive age on gods
The strange modern ship of Mengpo/Yuelao, and Mengpo's myths
The half-beast form of QMoW
Does Erlang have a wife/love interest?
Nezha's mom
A overview of Gonggong and his mythos
Some introductory sources on the Chinese Underworld
A side-by-side comparison of Nezha's backstory in JTTW and FSYY
Mythos-inspired Worldbuilding:
Dragons of the Four Seas
LMK S5 and a possible "Celestial Council of Regents" AU
LMK S5 Fix-it: the Four Divine Beasts
Character/Story Analysis (JTTW + LMK)
Heart and Mind: Tripitaka
Local Lion Uncle enjoyer goes on a rant
On SWK and his fear of death
Why the Dead People Supreme Court?
No, seriously, why?
Chinese Underworld =/= Christian Hell
LMK S4, Havoc in Heaven, and revolutions
Why I dislike the "class warfare" reading of Havoc in Heaven
In Defence of Li Jing...ha, as fucking if
On Yin-Yang, Chaos/Order, and the Harbringer
JTTW's view on the Three Religions
Disjointed S5 Reactions
"Chaos doesn't work that way in traditional Chinese Cosmology"
Xiangliu, the Nine-headed Bird, and Jiutou Chong
Lotus Lantern: The Summaries
Part 1: Precious Scroll of Chenxiang
Part 2: The Epic of Prince Chenxiang
Part 3: Lotus Lantern 1.0 + 2.0
Part 4: Chenxiang and the Male-Female Swords
My Fanfics:
Climbing the Sky
The Wild Son
The Serpent and the Deluge
South Seas Sojourn
Journey of the Gods AU sideblog
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mxtxdiaspora-may · 7 months
MXTX Diaspora May is back for 2024!
MXTX Diaspora May is an event in which Chinese diaspora creators come together to share the diverse aspects of Chinese culture, as well as connect with each other over lived experiences.
Through the promotion and creation of these fanworks, we hope to encourage thoughtful self-reflection throughout the broader fandom, especially with regard to embracing cultural humility and dismantling structures and behaviors that allow racism to flourish, both in fandom and in real life.
Support of MXTX Diaspora May will go a long way towards creating a more inclusive and open climate in our shared online spaces, especially for creators who rarely get their voices heard in the English-speaking side of fandom. We aim to uplift the unique voices and stories of our participants, and we encourage anyone who enjoys works from this event to share in the celebration of Chinese culture from Chinese creators.
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Any creator with Chinese heritage may participate in MXTX Diaspora May. Event rules and work requirements may be found at the link below.
Please note one major change from last year: all works must be complete at the time of posting. We will not accept works-in-progress into our collection.
Event Rules & FAQ
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Our prompts this year are based on 四象, the Four Symbols, also known as the Four Guardians, Four Gods, or Four Auspicious Beasts. You can find an overview of the Four Symbols on wiki.
Sub-prompts for the event will be posted soon.
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Are you a creator of Chinese heritage who's ready to sign up for this event? Please fill out the sign-up form below!
You will receive a discord link to the event server after you complete the form. Please make sure to join the discord server to connect with fellow event participants and receive event announcements and updates.
Sign-ups will run from March 17, 2024 to April 9, 2024.
Sign-Up Form
Signal Boost!
Reblogs and signal boosts for this event are welcome from both participants and non-participants. Please feel free to boost on bluesky and twitter as well.
Feel free to check out our collections from previous years. Comments and kudos are always appreciated by creators!
2021 (MDZS only)
We look forward to sharing and celebrating everyone's works from the 2024 event!
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digitalagepulao · 1 year
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Prodigal son terror
Li Jing in a fury grabbed his halberd, leapt on his horse and galloped out of the headquarters. He was astonished to see Nezha with his Wind-Fire Wheels and Fire-Tipped Spear. He swore loudly, "You damned beast! You caused us endless suffering before your death, and now that you've been reborn, you're troubling us again!"
"Li Jing! I've returned my flesh and bones to you, and there's no longer any relation between us. Why did you smash my golden idol with your whip and burn down my temple? Today I must take my revenge!"
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since I'm on a Nezha streak, might as well do my design for him on the Expedition AU! given that i've chosen to give characters a closer likeness to their region, it's only fitting i do the same with import deities like Guanyin, Subodhi and Nezha.
he's a complicated figure to place in the timeline because he gained popularity as a deity much after, only really arriving in China by the time the Journey would have been set. FSYY was written closer to when JTTW was written down, and he was retroactively inserted on the Zhou Dynasty period.
so deciding what to even do with him is dicey. but then i said fuck it, mythological rules apply here, he was around for the events of FSYY, and it and JTTW are set in the same universe. and for the sake of having some fun, i decided to get funky with his concept.
Nezha had the likeness of his family when he was alive, as described in FSYY, but once he was reborn with a lotus body he gained Indian traits instead. this is to be a nod to his status as an import deity and his origin as Nalakubara, and as the centuries roll by he may present himself to mortals closer to the locals' appearance wise.
as for his looks, i drew inspiration from multiple sources. read more for my rambles <3
his armor is closer to reconstructions of Zhou dynasty-period armor, skipping over extra parts simply because his lotus body is so indestructible, there's no need for a full set;
there are two red Chinese knots with jade beads dangling from the armor ties. they are said to ward off evil spirits, which felt like a good fit for a guy known to banish demons. i picked a six-petal flower pattern, which represents reunion, unity and a bright future;
i included lotus petals and leaves on his outfit as they are common in Beijing Opera outfits for him, and his makeup is a call to it as well;
The pink from the cheeks and eyeshadow seeps into his ear shell, as to convey the way sometimes, you get so angry even your ears blush;
Another thing i referenced from Opera is the two red ribbons on his sidelocks, though I changed them to two bulbs of lotus roots;
Four petals drawn close to his urna as both to make it look like a lotus but also form five petals, which is an auspicious number;
His hair crown is a fancy princely [knot] with a lotus motif and a pearl in the center, as he was the Pearl Spirit before becoming Nezha;
I was going to go with elf-like ears but I thought I could do better, so I went for stretched earlobes instead. you can't see it that well but hopefully the very large golden earrings imply it well enough xvx;
His cheek dimples are common sight on religious images of him and it was a cute touch imo;
Younger Nezha wears a golden robe because of his title as General of the Central Altar in Daoist belief, and the center direction is connected to yellow or gold, and yellow robes are usually meant for emperors and their sons, which is a minor nod to his self-assureness and boldness;
The Cosmic Ring has spiralling grooves on it both to catch blades on it for defense but also as a callback to Opera props;
On his waist is the embroidered ball weapon he was attributed with in earlier myths, he was also meant to have the leopard skin bag Taiyi Zhenren gave him, bjt it was going to be obscured by the text so i omitted it;
A few depictions of him gave him a halo of fire, which was real cool so i added it as well.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Sounds like we are going to get more lore about Wukong and MK's origins with those stone comments and the stuff about the Pillars. Maybe the Staff will be put back?
Seeing how it seems to be The Flood + Nüwa Patching the Sky part deux; its likely that the Staff might need to be used in some way non-violent. Like say, acting as an impromtu pillar and/or measuring the flood waters.
The two beings we see just for a second in the trailer (a blue dragon + a white tiger) are references to the Major Star Gods in chinese mythos - the Four Auspicious Beasts. Its possible that each Heavenly Stone comes from them - likely an extension of their powers over the universe. Of them are Azure Dragon of the East, White Tiger of the West, Vermillion Bird of the South (who I believe we also see for a glance), and Black Tortoise of the North.
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The only one that may be missing is the representive of the Centre, the Golden/Yellow Dragon or Qilin. The entity that embodies Earth and is the boss of Houtu.
And unfortunatly we do know a certain yellow-themed lad made of earth...
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My theory is that MK *is* the fifth stone/Qilin.
A Qilin you see; "is said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler."
Like say... the death of the ruler of the Universe.
Male Qilin's also have names beginning with "Qi" - example; Qi Xiaotian.
In short: MK was likely created to be universal flex tape. But something changed him - like say a certain creation goddess who thought that the universe needed a little positive chaos in the form of a monkey.
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legendary-cookies · 5 months
!!! Slight Stormbringer Story Spoilers !!!
Okay so the update like just came out and I haven't finished the story yet but I need to talk about something lmao
There aren't any plot spoilers, but I do show the other 3 Legends'(?) designs
Although they're also shown in a loading screen, but I'll put it under a cut to be safe lol
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I didn't get a screenshot of it but ??? is Cloud Deity Cookie
I could be wrong because I don't know a huge amount about other Asian cultures, but I'm pretty sure these four are based on the Auspicious Beasts from Chinese culture
I don't know the full legend, but they're four celestial beasts that represent different elements, directions, and seasons
The four beasts are the White Tiger (metal), Black Tortoise (water), Azure Dragon (wood), and Vermillion Bird (fire)
Now, obviously the colors and elements don't align but design wise I think the beasts do
Stormbringer has buns on her head that look similar to ears that could be tiger ears and she also has stripes all over her and a little tooth
Cloud Deity has pauldrons that kind of look like tortoise shells and they have that cloud bag that's reminiscent of a shell on the back, although that one's a bit of a stretch
Wind Deity obviously has very bird-like aspects like wings for arms/wing looking sleeves, a feather in her hair and a feathered fan
Rain Deity is significantly less obvious and arguably doesn't have any dragon-like features, but their hair and/or dress could be reminiscent of an Eastern dragon and their color palette is blue which aligns with the Azure Dragon
This theory doesn't add anything to anything and is purely just me analyzing their designs lmao
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tranquilskies2 · 16 days
KFP Characters as the five celestial guardians Intro
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(NOTE: Designs shown are NOT final)
If you're a longtime Kung fu Panda fan, you may know about the existence of Paws of Destiny. It's a Netflix animated show that only lasted for one season. To summarize the show, it centers on Po being a mentor to four panda cubs who gained chi of the four celestial guardians.
For those unfamiliar with the four heavenly beasts (Also known as "Four Gods", "Four Guardians" "Four Heavenly Creatures" & "Four Auspicious Beasts), the five celestial guardians are five mythical animals who serve as guardians & protectors of the world and four directions. These five creatures also represent constellations, seasons & elements. For thousands of years, they remained an integral piece to Chinese culture & mythology.
A few months ago I came across a blog post (unfortunately, I can't find the blog post). This blog post proposes a theory that Po & the four movie villains we have so far represent the five heavenly beasts. Although OP did not invent the theory (nor could I find out who originally invented the theory), I still remained intrigued by it.
The four heavenly beasts consists of: Azure Dragon of the East, Black Tortoise (sometimes known as Black Warrior) of the North, Vermilion Bird of the South & finally, White Tiger of the West. You may be wondering:Five heavenly beasts? Weren't there four? Believe it or not, there is indeed a fifth (and often forgotten but yet most important) heavenly beast. The fifth heavenly beast is the Yellow Dragon of the Center.
According to (insert username of person who made the og post here), the representatives of the five celestial guardians is as followed:
Po- Yellow Dragon of the Center
Chameleon- Azure Dragon of the East
Kai: Black Tortoise of the North
Lord Shen: Vermilion Bird of the South
Tai Lung: White Tiger of the West
In the next following weeks, I'll be posting fan-made designs of each along with text explaining why I have them assigned to those roles.
Chameleon as the Azure Dragon of the East>>
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melanie-the-artful · 10 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings Pt.2
Well, since we've got an announcement of our crane mom Cloud Retainer (or it's Xianyun now, I guess) and Gaming (no, not gaming Gaming, but like Ga Ming Gaming, you see), I thought it would be a great reason to sit down and make a compilation of all Liyue characters' names. Once again, I'll be glad if you tell me whether there are some mistakes, and have fun!
Xiangling | From Chinese 香 (xiāng) meaning «Fragrant» and 菱 (líng) meaning «Water Caltrop» - Chinese Name
Xingqiu | From Chinese 行 (xíng) meaning «Carry Out», «Execute» or «Travel» and 秋 (qiū) meaning «Autumn» - Chinese Name 
Chongyun | From Chinese 重 (chóng) meaning «Layer» and 雲, 云 (yún) meaning «Cloud» - Chinese Name 
Hu Tao | Hu (胡, her surname) can mean «Doing things out of order or recklessly»; it's also present in «Butterfly» (蝴) and Tao (桃) is «Peach Tree» in Chinese, associated with longevity, immortality, and a sacred object - Chinese Surname and Name
Qiqi | From 七 (qī) meaning «Seven» - Chinese Name 
Baizhu | From Chinese 白 (bái) meaning «White», «Pure» and 朮, 术 (zhú) meaning «Glutinous Millet» - Chinese Name 
Yaoyao | From 瑶 (yáo) meaning «Jade», «Precious Stone» or «Beautiful» - Chinese Name
Yanfei | From Chinese 烟 (yàn) meaning «Smoke», «Vapor» and 绯 (fēi) which is for «Crimson», «Scarlet» - Chinese Name 
Yelan | Literally «Night Orchid» in Chinese
Beidou | Named after the Big Dipper asterism, which is known in Chinese as 北斗 (Běidǒu). The name literally means «Northern Dipper». Interesting how it is also referred to as 北斗七星 (Běidǒu Qīxīng), lit. "Seven Stars of the Big Dipper" in Chinese. The North Star, Polaris, is located within this asterism and is used by sailors to navigate at sea. Yes, the name of the organization Qixing also consists of the same hieroglyphs, and the titles of the members of the Qixing are the same as the Chinese names for the stars in the Big Dipper
Xinyan | From 辛 (xīn) which is «Spicy» and 焱 (yàn) meaning «Fire», «Flame» - Chinese Name 
Yun Jin | Yun (云) means «Cloud», and Jin (堇) means «Violet (plant)» - Chinese Surname and Name
Gaming | From 嘉 (jiā) «Praise», «Joyful» or «Auspicious» and 明 (míng) meaning «Bright», «Clear-sighted» or «Honest» - Chinese Name
Xiao | 魈 (Xiāo), which derived from a chinese legend "魑魅魍魉” in which there is a group of demons. although its mainly four demons
Alatus | Literally «Winged» in Latin
Shenhe | Most likely from 申 (shēn) meaning «State» and 鹤 (hè) meaning «Crane» - Chinese Name 
Xianyun | 闲云 (xián yún), comes from a four word idiom 闲云野鹤 - «Drifting clouds and wild crane» It means people who are footloose and fancy-free
Ganyu | From Chinese 甘 (gān) meaning «Sweet» and 雨 (yǔ) meaning «Rain» - Chinese Name 
Keqing | From 刻 (kè) «To Carve» and «Clear/Sunny» (qíng) - Chinese Name
Ningguang | Literally «Frozen Light» or «Concentrated Light» in Chinese
Zhongli | 钟 (zhōng) translates to clock and 離, 离 (lí) - «To leave», yet together they form 送钟 (sòng zhōng /song jong), which sounds exactly like the Chinese words for «Attending a funeral ritual» (送终 -sòng zhōng) and thus it is bad luck to gift clocks or watches - Chinese Name (and an interesting game of words)
Morax | Comes from Duke and Governor Morax, the 21st of Goetia Demons 
Ping | 萍 (píng), means «Tender», «Natural» and «Friendly» - Chinese Name
Guizhong | From Chinese 歸, 归 (guī) meaning «To return» and 終, 终 (zhōng) meaning «To end» - Chinese Name 
Osial | May be a portmanteau of Ose, the 57th of Goetia Demons
Beisht | Is likely derived from the Beisht Kione Dhoo (Manx: "Beast With the Black Head"), a creature from Isle of Man folklore, where "Beisht" means «Beast» or «Worm» in Manx.
Marchosias | Comes from Marquis Marchosias, the 35th of Goetia Demons
Havria | Could possibly be a form of Havres, another name of the 64th of Goetia Demons, Duke Flauros.
Phew, that was probably the hardest one. There is still Inazuma up ahead, yet I at least have some knowledge in Japanese, while with Chinese names I had to look up every single one (I mean, I will double-check Inazuman names of course, it's just that I'm more sure about the meanings of some of them).
'Till next time!
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11ofcrows · 10 months
Four Auspicious Beasts wood burning I did for class
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not-so-terrible · 9 months
so Itachi and Kisame's names can kinda match
Like most characters outside Kiri, Itachi's name is written with katakana rather than kanji for weasel 鼬. But in Japanese, tiger sharks are called weasel sharks - itachizame (鼬鮫), with the first kanji from the meaning of Itachi's name and the second from Kisame's. While they're from a different family, another kind of tiger shark comes up in their meeting, as the description of shark pups devouring each other in the womb matches the otherwise docile sand tiger sharks.
And then there's Kisame's given name. While the kanji used are for demon shark, using different kanji, 樹雨 'kisame' is a noun. It's used for when fog settles around tree leaves and falls like rain. So a Mist Ninja finding their place alongside Leaf Ninja through the Rain Village/Akatsuki is literally summed up in his name
While being the only team to share ring placement and nail polish colour, the kanji on them, Vermilion and South, also match. Many of the Akatsuki rings are connected to heavenly beings in some way, but Itachi's, Konan's, and Deidara's are part of a set of Four Auspicious beasts - The Vermilion Bird, the White Tiger, and the Azure Dragon. They're all linked to different elements/weather/etc, tying the two of them together, as the Vermilion Bird is the deity of the south. Each of the symbols also has different phases of the moon connected to them, called mansions; one of them for the Vermilion Bird is 鬼, the first kanji in Kisame's name. And the main occurrence of the south kanji in the series is the Uchiha's Naka Shrine and Naka River; 'The Shrine/River of Southern Joy'. Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan activates at the river, the tablet describing Infinite Tsukuyomi is in the shrine, and they meet by a seaside shrine.
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jedineedlove · 1 month
The Four Symbols
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"According to the archaeological evidence, the concept of the Four Symbols may have existed as early as China’s Neolithic period (some 6,000 years ago). This is based on some clam shells and bones forming the images of the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger that were found in a tomb in Henan." "I Ching (易經), a Chinese divination text also known as the Book of Changes, traces the roots of the Four Symbols back to the beginnings of the world. It alleges that they were bred from the famous ring of yin-yang (陰陽), which instils order upon the chaotic spirit of Taiji (太極)."
Four Guardians, Four Gods, Four Auspicious Beast
Each corresponds to a quadrant in the sky, with each quadrant containing seven seishuku, or star constellations (also called the 28 lunar mansions or lodges; for charts, see this outside site). Each of the four groups of seven is associated with one of the four celestial creatures. There was a fifth direction -- the center, representing China itself -- which carried its own seishuku.
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The four Symbols hold significant symbolic meaning in cosmology and culture. They represent harmony and balance od the universe. The represent the harmony and balance of the universe. Each symbol governing a specific direct , season and set of elements. The symbols are associated with the five elements theory, which is crucial in traditional medicine , Feng Shui, and astrology. The also represent the cyclical nature of time, as they are closely tied to the Chines zodiac and the twelve Earthy branches.
The Four symbols paly a significant role in Shines astrology particularly in the Chinese zodiac, each symbol is associated with the specific year within the 12-year zodiac cycle, along with the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) The combination of the symbol and the element determines the characteristics and destiny of individuals born in the particular year. The four symbol also influence their astrological systems, such as the Eight Characters (BaZi) and the Four Pillars of Destiny.
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I thought I compare the LMK versions of them to the real mythology.
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Vermilion Bird: Symbol of the South
Vermilion Bird aka Phoenix or Zhuniao, is the symbol of the southern direction. It is associated with the season of summer and represents the element of fire. It is the symbol of rebirth, immortality, and prosperity. It is also often associated with love, beauty, and passion.
Color- Red
Time of Day - Midady
Appearance: said to have chicken’s head, swallow’s chin, snake’s neck, fish’s tail, and five-color feather. ;or A mythical bird with colorful plumage and radiant feathers.
Its seven mansions are the Well, Ghosts, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wings and Chario
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Black Tortoise: The Symbol of the North
The Black Tortoise aka Black Warrior, Xuanwu is the symbol of the northern direction. Associated with the season of winter and element of water. Believed to bring protection and longevity. It is also associated with knowledge and wisdom and the control of water.
Color- Black
Time of Day- Midnight
Appearance: A giant tortoise with a snake wrapped around its back
 Its seven mansions are the Dipper, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Encampment and Wall.
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Azure Dragon: Symbol of the East
Azure Dragon aka Blue Dragon or Qinglong, representing the easter direction. The ruler of the sky and is associated with the season of spring, the element of wood and is believed to being harmony and good fortune to those who embrace its energy.
Color: Blue- green
Time of Day - Dawn
Looks – serpent like body, deer-like antlers, fish-like scales and eagle-like claws.
The Azure Dragon as it is said that when the seven mansions in that area (Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket) are joined up, they form the shape of a dragon
White Tiger: The Symbol of the West
White tiger aka Baihu, is the guardian of the western direction. Associated with the season of autumn and the element of metal. Believed to represent strength, courage, and protection. Its is also associated with the celestial guardian of the west a powerful deity known as Xuanwu
Color- White
Time of Day- Dusk
Appearance: a creature with a tiger's body and lions' mane.
the White Tiger, and its seven mansions are the Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Turtle Beak and Three Stars.
it was held to be the God of War. In this capacity, the White Tiger was seen as a protector and defender, not just from mortal enemies, but also from evil spirits.
A symbol of force and army, and so many things entitled White Tiger in ancient China are related to military affairs. For instance, the white tiger banner in the ancient army and the white tiger image on the Commander’s Tally. In the Han Dynasty, the White Tiger was usually carved on the stone relief of a tomb door, or on the lintel of a tomb passage with the Azure Dragon, to ward off evil spirits.
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This puts a lot together and I'm impressed with the details that the show animators and designers put into their character designs.
Yellow Dragon: Symbol of Central
Yellow Dragon aka Qilin the symbol if the Central direction, and is associated with the season Midsummer and the element earth.
Color: Yellow
Comparing them they share the colors with the stones and the yellow dragon (central) seems to correspond with the jade emperor's yellow stone. Once again love the show details.
Nearly forgot about this and left it in the drafts wanted to post this then completely forget them.
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Qilin (Chinese Unicorn)
The qilin (麒麟, or simply lin 麟) is a Chinese mythical creature, frequently translated as "Chinese unicorn." While this term may suggest a one-horned creature, the qilin is often depicted with two horns. However, like the Western unicorn, the qilin was considered pure and benevolent. A rarely seen auspicious omen, the qilin heralds virtue, future greatness, and just leadership.
Throughout history, the qilin can be found in Chinese literature, art, and accounts of day-to-day life. As one of the Four Auspicious Beasts – alongside the dragon, phoenix, and tortoise – the qilin also embodies prosperity and longevity and has a heavenly status. References to the qilin date back to ancient Chinese texts, where this revered creature is regarded as a sign of good fortune and an indicator of a virtuous ruler. Its association with the philosopher Confucius (l. c. 551 to c. 479 BCE) underscores its significance as an auspicious symbol. Qilin imagery was favoured across various Chinese dynasties, and its popularity extends across other Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.
The Qilin in Classical Texts
In the classic The Book of Rites (also known as the Liji, date uncertain), the qilin is listed as one of the four intelligent creatures along with the phoenix, dragon, and tortoise, often referred to as the Four Auspicious Beasts. Each of these divine creatures symbolizes different virtues considered essential for successful and harmonious coexistence. Broadly, the dragon symbolizes power and strength, the phoenix renewal and grace, the tortoise longevity and stability, and the qilin prosperity and righteousness. Together, these beings convey a collective message of good fortune and balance.
The Classic of Mountains and Seas (the Shanhai jing, 4th century BCE), a proposed mythological geography of foreign lands, mentions several one-horned beasts, but none are specifically identified as the qilin. The earliest known reference to the qilin in ancient texts can be traced back to the Western Zhou period (1045-771 BCE), which is the first half of the Zhou dynasty, the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history. The qilin also appears in the Shijing, also called The Book of Odes or Classic of Poetry, said to have been compiled by Confucius in the 4th century BCE, making it the oldest extant poetry collection in China. The Shijing contains just over 300 poems and songs, with some thought to be written between c. 1000 to c. 500 BCE. The piece in question, "The Feet of the Lin", appears at the end of the section that captures the voices of the common people. From Bernhard Kalgren's translation, The Book of Odes (1950):
The feet of the lin! You majestic sons of the prince! Oh, the lin!
The forehead of the lin! You majestic kinsmen of the prince! Oh, the lin!
The horns of the lin! You majestic clansmen of the prince! Oh, the lin!
Here, lin refers to the qilin, and its defining physical features are likened to regal offspring and relations. Karlgren calls this "a simple hunting song, and an exclamation of joy" (7) and suggests it was originally about a real but rare animal, such as a type of deer, which became a fantastical legend later. In James Legge's translation of the same poem, he notes that the qilin had a deer's body, ox's tail, horse's hooves, a single horn, and fish scales. The qilin's feet are not used to harm any living thing, even grass; it never butts with its head, and does not attack with its horn. As a popular and freely available translation, these notes are frequently cited and show the qilin as supremely peaceful and benevolent by choice.
In the 5th century BCE, we find the qilin, again mentioned as the lin, in The Spring and Autumn Annals, a historical record of events occurring in the state of Lu. This chronicle records that a lin was captured in the 14th year of Lord Ai's rule, 481 BCE. Later scholars analyzed and attributed great significance to this event, as Confucius himself, the compiler of The Spring and Autumn Annals, might have done.
From James Legge's translation of The Chinese Classics, volume V, 1872, page 832, (translator's square brackets):
In the hunters in the west captured a lin.
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kkeunimopssii · 10 months
구조 [構造] - structure
왕릉 [王陵] - royal tomb
계급 [階級] - class, rank
장식되다 [裝飾되다] - be decorated
정면 [正面] - facade front
분담하다 [分擔하다] - to share
설화 [說話] - tale
별자리 - star constellation
도교 [道敎] - Taoism
고분 벽화 [古墳壁畫] - tomb fresco
권위적 [權威的] - authoritative
천장 [天障] - ceiling
승려 [僧侶] - Buddhist monk
공양하다 [供養하다] - to offer food to Buddha
기상 [氣像] - spirit
배치하다 [排置하다] - to arrange
웅혼하다 [雄渾하다] - dynamic
원근감 [遠近感] - perspective
설채 [設彩] - to draw background with ink and then color it
씨름 - korean wrestling, ssireum
유래되다 [由來되다] - to originate
무예 [武藝] - martial arts
색채 [色彩] - tone (color)
내세 [來世] - afterlife
귀족 [貴族] - aristocracy
제왕 [帝王] - emperor
사신 [四神] - Four Symbols - four mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic, and viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including "Four Guardians", "Four Gods", and "Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise of the North. Each of the creatures is most closely associated with a cardinal direction and a color, but also additionally represents other aspects, including a season of the year, an emotion, virtue, and one of the Chinese "five elements" (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Each has been given its own individual traits, origin story and a reason for being. Symbolically, and as part of spiritual and religious belief and meaning, these creatures have been culturally important across countries in the East Asian cultural sphere.
청룡 [靑龍] - Azure Dragon, Blue Dragon 백호 [白虎] - White Tiger 주작 [朱雀] - Vermilion Bird, Red Phoenix 현무 [玄武] - Black Tortoise
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