#the first one would be good for amy!!!!! 👀👀👀
adudelolwriting · 5 months
"instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating" but with either brim or jam maybe? 👀👀 (last prompt absolutely gutted me btw it was SO good)
holy fuck i could have SWORN this was meant to be like 500 words. nope. another 1k oneshot . hopefully you'll enjoy :D this ones a lot sweeter than the other one (ask game here)
Alex knew Brian and Tim were close. Brian is one of Alex's closest friends, and he knew about Tim a long while before he met the man. Alex first met him when Brian was 'auditioning' for the part of Brian, the main character in his film he was making. (Brian already had the part, in Alex's mind. Alex heavily based the character of his friend, and named the role after him.)
Don't get Alex wrong, Tim was an attractive man. He just
 he wasn't Alex's type. He seemed very
 nervous, talking to most people, his back stiff and arms crossed. Alex really only saw the man's guard get let down when he was off to the side, having a short, private chat with Brian. And Alex didn't think anything of it — why would he?
No, Alex was far more interested in his long term friend. He had talked to Jay, one time, when it was late into the night. They probably should have been asleep, but instead, Alex was talking about Brian. 
"It's just, he gives me the butterflies, like Amy used to," Alex said, laying on his back and staring at the popcorn ceiling of his room. 
"So you have a crush on him?" Jay asked, his head tilting to the side, like it always does when he was curious or interested in something. Alex shook his head, "no, I can't have one. I know he swings both ways, but he's my friend. I've known him almost as long as I've known you."
Jay chuckled, leaning back on his elbows, looking to Alex. "That doesn't mean much, dude. If he makes you feel like you felt for Amy, I think that's a pretty big sign," he smiles.
But Alex can't have a crush on Brian, right?
Yeah, the man makes his stomach flip, and pretty, and he makes Alex laugh, and

Alex had a crush on Brian.
Alex had a crush on Brian, and Jay was the one who helped him realize.
He let out a groan, blush blooming from his face as Alex tried to hide himself. Jay laughed at him, patting him on his shoulder. "Maybe you should ask him out. It looks like he feels the same for you too, dude."
"I just found out I liked him, I can't just — ask him out like that!" Alex huffed, voice muffled by his hands.
"Why not? Someone else might ask him out first! Imagine if like, he and Sarah got together," Jay laughed quietly, to which Alex groaned again, muttering a 'shut up' and throwing a pillow on him.
Some days have passed now, and Alex could only focus on the fact that he liked Brian. After shooting, Alex had made a plan to ask Brian — er, well, at least tell him. Maybe explain and hope production of Marble Hornets wouldn't be awkward if Alex explained why he couldn't look at Brian without getting flustered.
Once filming for the day was done, Brian and Tim were talking quietly as Seth put the camera away, and Sarah and Jay talked. It was a pretty full day, with all of the crew around. (Sarah even decided to stay and watch after her scenes were done!)
Alex walked over to Brian and Tim, and their conversation pauses as he got closer. "Hey man! What's up?" Brian asks. 
"Could I talk to you for a moment? Uh, privately?" Alex asked, and he felt his blush already starting to rise. Brian looks back to Tim, who simply shrugged. 
"Yeah, of course. Lead the way!" Brian smiled, and god, was the man pretty. Alex shook his head. The two walked a bit further from the set — out of earshot of everyone else. "Uh, I'm not in trouble or anything, right? Not firing me or anything?" Brian laughs, putting an easy smile on Alex's face.
"No, no. Nothing of the sort. It's, uh
" Alex paused, as if thinking of the words of his scrambled brain. "It's more
 personal, I guess."
Brian's eyebrows tilt in concern. "Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah — It's, yeah." Alex took a deep breath. "Brian, I — I like you." 
His face must be so red. He can't make eye contact, instead staring down into the grass. The silence washes over them, and god, Alex ruined everything, didn't he?
"Oh my god," Brian giggles after a second, which felt like an eternity, "God, Alex, I like you too. Did you really not pick up any of the signs?"
 what?" Alex feels like his brain broke. Brian liked him too? Brian had been leaving signs?
"Yeah man!" Brian grinned. "I've liked you, for like, forever now. You never did anything so I didn't think you liked me back."
Alex laughs at himself. Of course. "Ah, in that case
 are you free this weekend..?"
"Alex Kralie, are you asking me out on a date?" 
"If you could be inclined to join me, then
"I would love to. I'll have to ask Tim, to see if he's okay with it." Huh? "We've talked briefly about it, but I'll have to double check if we can get serious, too."
"What?" Alex asked. "Why — Why do you have to ask Tim?" 
Brian's eyebrows now curl in confusion. "Because
 me and Tim are dating?"
Brian giggles, breath whistling quietly from the gap in his teeth. "Me and Tim have been together for like, two or three years!"
"And you — you didn't tell anyone?" Embarrassment and shame flushes through Alex. He asked out a taken man. 
 we did, didn't we?" Brian says, seemingly to himself. "I thought we did. Was it not obvious? I've literally gushed about him for hours."
"I just— I thought you guys were friends — Sorry, I should go—" Alex was about to turn around and leave, but Brian took his hand into his own.
"Hey, dude, it's fine. I'm poly, y'know? I have two hands. I like you too, did you just forget that?" Brian giggles lightly. "Please don't run away from me 'cause of this, Alex. I'm like, ninety-nine percent sure Tim's okay with this."
They talked it out, talked to Tim, and everything was okay. 
And, well, besides.
Brian does have two hands for a reason.
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marinaiguess · 11 months
💜💜💜 “i’m sorry you had to see me like that” sonic + character of your choice 👀
Thank you so much for this prompt, Chaox! I started this today and I'm posting it now, without a second editing round bcuz I need to sleep but I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't finish this today :) Hope you like this <3
Sonic Forces inspired. 2k words.
He's getting out of control. Fists clenched so tight he's sure, weren't it for the gloves, he would have drawn blood. His mind is hazy, vision gradually blurring as he tries to shift his attention from the echidna in front of him to anything else.
He should do that right now; he should look away.
Albeit, he can't.
"Can you repeat that, Knux?" he says, his voice laced with venom.  
Knuckles takes note of the dangerous undertone—of the warning behind it—but doesn't quite grasp the severity of the situation. He crosses his arms, turning his head away from the other's interrogating gaze. Maybe he can't bear the look on his face, maybe he can't bear the fact that he's wrong. For just this once, he can't deny it, he should have been more careful. Yet another responsibility he had failed to take care of successfully.
"You heard me alright," He spits, anger boiling inside him. "He's not here, Sonic."
Knuckles can feel Sonic's gaze penetrating through his skull. From his peripheral vision, he is able to see the way he's staring at him, the way his jaw tenses and he realizes, it might have been a better idea to break the news in another, more tactful way.
Sonic takes one step forward and suddenly the air is thicker, denser; the room turns tenser.
Amy senses it and opts to act first by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Wait, Sonic, please--"
He yanks her hand away without even bothering to look at her. "Stay out of this, Amy."
"You're kidding," Amy scoffs and she’s not sure if she’s reacting to him ignoring her or to him expecting her to just stand and watch.
This time, he doesn't hesitate to turn his head to glare at her and his emerald eyes have never looked more intimidating before, not to her.
Yet, she doesn't back down. "This is not Knuckles' fault, you know that."
He laughs. There’s nothing funny or humorous about his laugh, but it emits from the depth of his soul, echoing in the room as he turns his attention to Knuckles once more.
"Tell me, commander, whose responsibility was it to look after him while I was gone?"
"Don't give me that shit, Sonic. We couldn't really keep an eye on him--"
Sonic's forearm connects to his neck, pushing Knuckles to the wall behind him. "You couldn't?"
He ignores Amy's pleas, putting more force into his grasp. "Where is he?"
"How should I know?" Knuckles growls. "He's been gone for three months."
Everything goes quiet. Even Amy's voice fades out of existence as Sonic registers Knuckles' words. Without really intending to, he backs down a bit, although he’s still holding Knuckles against the wall.
When Knuckles tries to push him away, Sonic doesn’t give him a chance to even touch him and he slams his head on the wall as a warning, his forceful grip returning shortly after, despite hearing Knuckles coughing. Sonic knows he's strong, possibly stronger than him, under normal circumstances, so he understands, even in this state of mind, that Knuckles decides to not fight back.
Good. He doesn’t wanna go all out on him.
"Where is Tails?" he repeats the question.
"I don't know, okay?!"
Knuckles’ scream is the last thing that’s heard in the room, inside the Resistance HQ. Silence fills the void, until Sonic breaks it.
"I trusted you, Knuckles. I trusted you with my little brother's life. And with mine too."
Those words hurt more than Knuckles could have imagined.
But Sonic doesn’t relent, throwing more daggers right at his heart. "Maybe you're just not fit for the job. Or for any job. You shouldn't be taking responsibilities you can't handle."
Knuckles finds himself unable speak, so Sonic does it for him. "I'm gone for six months and you're telling me the war is still going? Great job, commander. On top of that, Tails is gone?"
Knuckles coughs again. "Stop it."
Sonic’s fangs show as a grin carves its way to his face and Knuckles can't tell if it's a sinister act or if it's a coping mechanism to hide his pain. "How does it feel to have failed at everything?"
"Sonic!" Amy intervenes, not courageous enough to properly stand up to him, however.
She's standing still, her hands balled into fists against her chest. It's probably the first time in a long while she's felt this scared. She's never witnessed Sonic lose control like that.
Knuckles meets her gaze and reads her like an open book, agreeing with her thoughts. No matter how well Sonic knows him—well enough to use just the right words to hurt him—in any other case, he wouldn't have gone this far. Something about him is off, his no-die, no-lose attitude is nowhere to be seen, his hopeful, full of excitement for the next adventure eyes are gloomy and dark, his logic is clouded by concern. Even if this is about Tails, this isn't typical of him.
Those six months imprisoned in space did take a toll on him, however much he tried to hide it once they rescued him.
"He's fine," he reassures, getting ahold of Sonic's forearm with both hands, ignoring the way he tenses and hisses. "You trust him, right?"
"Of course, I trust him." he barks, immediately. "But we're in the middle of a war, commander. Eggman might have gotten ahold of--"
"You're--" he scoffs. "You're not thinking straight."
Sonic bares his teeth, his jaw tightening even more. "Are you saying that me being worried is irrational?"
"Yes, it is. The kid can handle himself, Sonic."
"You said it, Knux. Kid. He's just a kid and he's been gone for—for three months?"
"You've left him behind for longer than that before." Knuckles notices out loud.
"It was to protect him!" he spits on his face.
Yet, Knuckles seems unfazed. "What's so different this time around?"
Sonic's mind short-circuits. His eyes widen when he takes in the sight in front of him. He doesn't quite remember how they got here.
"What would he say if he saw you like this?"
The final blow. Sonic had him against the wall but Knuckles had him cornered. He may be right but Sonic would rather not admit that, for the sake of his ego not getting wounded.
He takes a deep breath, letting his arms fall. Knuckles is standing firmly on both his feet now, managing to keep his breathing in check.
Until Sonic approaches him, noses almost touching as he jabs a finger to Knuckles’ chest.
"If there's a possibility, even a slight one, that Tails went through half of the hell I did, I'm blaming you."
Knuckles knows he meant every word, which makes him furious; knowing that he was calm and collected enough to say something like that. Calm enough to walk away after that statement. He can’t just stand there and take it like a champ, resulting in Sonic looking like the bigger guy in this quarrel.
And so, he breaks, guilt washing over him like pouring rain. "You know what, Sonic? You're not the only one who's had it rough. While you were gone, we were fighting our asses to keep the world safe. It wasn't an easy task."
"Yeah? And how did that go?” He turns around to face him. “Ninety-eight percent of the world under Eggman's control and Tails lost,” He huffs a short-lived laugh, bitterness emitting from it. “Excellent work."
Knuckles wants to punch him, he wants to wipe that smug, sarcastic smirk off of his face to knock some sense into him (especially now that he seems he’s pulled himself together, at least a bit) but Amy steps between them, holding her arm out to stop Knuckles on his tracks. He could push her away but she knows he won’t.
"Knuckles is right," She states, locking gazes with Sonic.
For a single moment, she regrets it, upon witnessing the way something passes by Sonic’s eyes, pain written all across his face.
"Knuckles is what? He's right? By saying I didn't have it rough?"
"I didn't—"
Sonic cuts him off, waving his hand as he closes his eyes. "For once in my life I felt truly helpless but I thought you had my back."
Amy and Knuckles can only stare, jaws slack at Sonic’s confession.
"And you just
 proved me wrong. I'm—"
His voice breaks, slightly, but of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Knuckles’ face softens and Amy approaches him, just a little bit. "Sonic..."
Sonic ignores her as he sits on the ground, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. "Shit.”
He brings his knees to his chest, almost curling into a ball as he moves his hands closer to his face, inspecting them. Only now he realizes they’re trembling.
He starts rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms, even if he’s using too much pressure it hurts.
Amy takes a few moments before she kneels next to him, a comforting hand making its way to Sonic’s back. He winces when it makes contact with his fur, arching away from the touch but one look around him persuades him he’s safe. With one long inhale, he decides to relax and accept the friendly gesture, despite it not helping that much.
It is sincere. That’s all that matters.
“We can work this out, like we always do,” She speaks after what feels like an eternity. “We will find him.”
It is wishful thinking more than anything, Sonic notes in his mind. If Tails doesn’t want to be followed, he knows how to hide his tracks. Especially with all the commotion thanks to the war happening around them, it would be ten times harder to get ahold of him or even a rough idea of where he might be.
But Amy’s right. They always win at the end of the day. Together.
Knuckles crouches next to him, patting his shoulder since he seems less tense now. “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” He confesses and Sonic turns his head around so fast he feels dizzy. “You’re right, I wasn’t fit for the job. But it was a real mess, Sonic. We were lost and outnumbered. Tails felt lost as well, helpless.”
At that Sonic tenses but allows Knuckles to continue. “With you around, we might be able to fix things.”
“Yeah, maybe I—”
“Under my command, though,” Knuckles smirks.
“Aye, aye, commander,” Sonic pouts, playfully.
“And,” Knuckles looks at the wall in front of him. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like whatever you had to deal with back there was not rough. With the way you’re acting, I know it was really bad.”
“Meh, whatever,” Sonic waves a hand at him, grinning. “I’ve had it worse.”
Amy snorts and Knuckles’ raises a brow but they both decide to let it slide.
Sonic hugs his knees, his grin falling. “I’m the one who should be apologizing,” He says, taking a deep breath. “I'm sorry you had to see me like that.”
“It’s okay,” Amy reassures without missing a beat. “We know.”
Sonic looks at both of them, their smiles urging his own to appear on his face as well. If he feels his throat tighten, he ignores it. He feels like he’s cried enough the past six months; more than he should have allowed himself to. Good thing no one was around to see the mess the Infinite illusions had made of him.
“Alright,” he gets up, newfound courage flowing through his veins. “Let’s get to it.”
They get up as they nod when a slam of the door catches them off guard.
That voice. Sonic’s smile reaches his ears before he finds the source of the voice.
He’s safe. They both are.
He’s real.
“I was so worried.”
“You worry too much, look! I’m perfectly fine.”
“Who’s gonna tell him he was losing his shit just a few minutes ago?” Knuckles whispers, which earns him a jab on his chest by Amy’s elbow.
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Oh ho ho what a highly interesting question, anon👀
(Answered under the cut because it's a bit long)
Before I give my proper answer, allow me to explain a bit of my interpretation of Tails. I actually see him as a sort of naturally jealous person with some innate possessive tendencies who has grown used to curbing these tendencies of his, which he had to do due to a number of factors.
One major reason is due to Sonic himself. To me Sonic has always had a complicated relationship with different kinds of love or attraction (and I do see him as on the aro/ace spectrum). So, when absolute strangers (or those he doesn't particularly like) obsessively pursue him for clear romance/possessive reasons, he tends to react with strong rejection or indifference, in contrast to how he welcomes ego stroking and praise from those who can be merely categorized as "fans" (or those he does particularly like). To me, Tails' initial admiration and pursuit of joining with and becoming like Sonic very well parallels how Amy Rose began to admire and pursue a romantic relationship with Sonic. Even if we consider that Sonic did save Tails that one time from being bullied (according to Sonic Prime and a new animation for Sonic 2 present in Sonic Origins), his pursuit of trying to work together with his hero (which is detailed a bit more in the jp manual for Sonic 2, and includes Tails going so far as to follow after Sonic everywhere and modify Sonic's plane) really isn't any more "normal" than how Amy begins to pursue a romantic relationship with her hero after Sonic saves her from Metal Sonic. The only real differences here were that Amy was explicitly pursuing romance, and that Sonic rejected Amy's advances but eventually took Tails on as his sidekick/little buddy.
This is also not to mention the implications here and there in what we can find of Sonic and Tails' backstory that Sonic would continue to run away and pretend he did not care, while secretly keeping an eye out for Tails.
And beyond that, as one of Sonic’s oldest friends, Tails gets to spend a lot of time around Sonic, and gets to see firsthand how he reacts to romantic prospects, his complicated relationship with "love" as a concept, and is present as Sonic’s group of friends steadily grows.
With all of that, I at least see Tails learning to deal with his innate jealousy and possessiveness so
Sonic doesn’t reject him
Because he doesn't want to keep Sonic from pursuing relationships with others
And for the sake of one's image/being a good person
If Tails has learned that confessing and making his romantic intentions clear could lead to Sonic rejecting him or it ruining their friendship (since he's seen first hand how Sonic has reacted in certain cases to love confessions or overt romantic affection), it makes sense to me that he would try to hold his feelings back (both those that are not squarely platonic and are explicitly romantic and/or sexual). And when it comes to Sonic, there's a guilt factor and an impossibility factor when it comes to keeping him from other people. Not only would Tails feel at least a little bad for restricting him, but Sonic does not respond well to being controlled. Now of course, how he reacts does depend on the time of his life and who it is, but there is nevertheless a futility in trying to control Sonic "I have no master except the wind that blows free" Hedgehog. And finally, my view on both Sonic and Tails, well... I believe that image and visual alignment is a big thing for these two, and that the two are secretly more...in the gray (or at least, that they're surprisingly immoral so to speak). In their origins to me, Tails is just a kid, minding his business, who does not inherently seek to hurt others (though his faith in those around him does matter), and Sonic is just a kid, free as the wind, who doesn't particularly care about being a good guy, but loves the attention. Essentially, though he does save some people on whim, the idea is that Sonic originally fights Robotnik simply because the Doctor, his machines, and his pollution have such a negative effect on his home. So beyond this point, he fights as a hero both out of interest of having his home intact/being alive, and because (simply put) he likes what comes from being considered a hero (all the praise and perks). And so because Sonic is someone that Tails admires, because Sonic has to uphold a baseline image or reputation so he can still be considered a hero/good guy, Tails becomes accustomed to doing the same. That's a bit of an oversimplification (how I see them and why is the subject of a proper essay about that), but the point is that Tails is also conscious that trying to overtly control or manipulate Sonic would not objectively be considered "hero or good guy behavior", especially if it goes too far.
And so with all of that plus the fact that Sonic has never seemingly accepted anyone's romantic inclinations or dated anyone, Tails curbs his natural inclination towards jealousy and possessiveness so he can be content enough to be at Sonic's side. Perhaps there are more friends Sonic is going to get, people he's going to show an interest in, but Tails can put stock in the fact that it's unlikely that Sonic will date anyone. Plus, even if that somehow does happen, Tails is largely fine as long as he's guaranteed to be by Sonic's side no matter what. So as long as he can be with Sonic forever, no matter their relationship, he's as content as can be.
But then Sonic starts dating Nine, right?
And hahaha don't get me wrong here. Tails is pretty practiced. He's not gonna blow up or anything.
But once he gets past the initial shock of that being true, I think he just feels jealous and conflicted by default. I mean, he's just been accepting that there's no hope of ever being in that kind of relationship with Sonic. And not only has someone gone and done it, it's not just anyone.
It's a version of him.
And if a version of himself managed to do it (a version of himself who once lashed out at and fought against Sonic no less), then what does that mean about him? Does it mean that there's something about Nine Sonic likes better? Does it mean that he's had this entire situation wrong? Does it mean he lost his chance and he'd been so afraid for nothing? Does it mean that he could have had that this whole time?
And that's not to mention navigating this. Even if I believe Sonic is very very capable of having multiple best friends or even partners, it's only natural for Tails to get a little afraid of being replaced (especially if he learns that Sonic also considered/considers Nine as a best friend also)
But Tails is the type to not want to burden Sonic with all of this while becoming increasingly more worried. And although he would naturally have a complicated relationship with Nine, I still think he would generally like him and not want to take out his feelings on him. So with that being said, I think he'd sort of try to hold it in and act normal while really not acting all that normal, because though he could hide his feelings better if he wanted to, he still kind of lets it slip because he kind of does want to talk to Sonic about it or let his feelings be known.
I think that whenever Sonic eventually does see that Tails is acting a bit off he'll eventually talk to him about it or try to get him to, but, honestly, even if Sonic could say things (true things) that would make him feel better, I don't think Tails could be as content as he would be if it was idk... Knuckles or Shadow or what have you. Because if it was anyone else, Tails could be more content knowing that his relationship with Sonic is special and that he'll always be by his side, even if he's dating someone else.
But with the fact that the person that Sonic has chosen to date is another version him—a version of him which Sonic has also kind of clearly developed a similar "best friendship" with? I feel that even if Sonic tries to reassure him, Tails will forever be plagued with bitter and jealous feelings. Even if he'd never force Sonic to stop dating anyone, much less force him to date him, I don't think he can even really feel content here unless Sonic chooses to date him also if that makes any sense.
So, yes. That's my answer. Tails would try to be really good about it, but he's still bitter and annoyed and jealous and wondering if he's enough or has been doing something wrong. He's wondering why it couldn't have been him. And he won't be able to just be content at Sonic's side if he can't also be with Sonic. So while I can't say how long it will take, something will have to give eventually. I think at some point in their future, Sonic will have to tackle his specific feelings for Tails and they'll have to talk about their specific relationship, especially if he's dating Nine right in front of him.
#sonic prime#sonine#sonic the hedgehog#sontails#miles tails prower#tails the fox#miles nine prower#nine sonic prime#nine the fox#unbreakable bond#anon interview#Thank you so much for the ask!đŸ„°đŸ„°#I was very very interested in getting to answer this one just because whoof it's fun to think about#it's the kind of complicated situation that really makes me want to write a fic or something cause god#imagine you've been crushing on your best friend for years but have been holding everything back because you know it'll never happen‚ so you#become content with your nontypical best friendship relationship where you stick by his side as long as you can#And then one day he comes back to introduce you to his boyfriend‚ who is very clearly an alternate universe version of you‚ that he's dating#and kissing‚ even though you've known him much longer#There are so many possible feelings that can arise from that#And that naturally adds more complexity to the relationship between Nine and Tails as well#Gah it's deliciously a bit complex and I just know Sonic is gonna be a bit dense about it. This is a situation where even if Sonic decides#to date both of them‚ it's going to take work and time to make things okay#But if they're all willing to put in that work‚ well....power thruple!!#i just be ramblin#If you have any other questions about these characters or their relationships to each other‚ or even hypothetical situations involving them‚#feel free to shoot me another ask!😊💖
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire
Thanks to @wyked-ao3 (X) , @the-letterbox-archives (X)
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
As in my bio this account was silent for years. I toke it back and I've been active about (counts....) : since may 2024?
What led you to create it? (take it back in my case)
I've been cursed with Banana Fish story so I landed to AO3 last year out of despair and started writing there.
Also AO3 posted mainly here, but I was still silent.
Then around april this year a lovely author (@the-golden-comet đŸ’«đŸ’«đŸ’«) left a bunch of comments on my writing on AO3 and almost simultaneously followed me here 👀 👀 👀👀 👀 👀)
I got curious too, read and fallen in love with his work (ref below 👇 ) and interacted here more, so I met new people (again, ref below 👇 ) and here I am.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Tips and advices, sharing experiences, sharing the fun, the snippets and other writings and characters. The quality and amount of good writing here is pretty amazing!
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Well, this might sound haughty but I'll take the risk. They probably know me as an enthusiastic reader, and I am, I tend to go wild with comments 😅
But I also get bored and snap out pretty easily, and probably end up being very selective. If I follow and stick to an author is that I really believe in them, I don't do half a way 💗
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I'm already seeing a lot that I love, mainly my mutuals. Then, of course, the more the better. One day I'll read it all........
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I have one (big) wip that is living in my head since already one year.
I've worked on and off for several months but since a couple of weeks now I'm fully committed only on this one (My OC is actually glaring at me)
How long have you been working on them?
One year...👆👆👆 (it will take a while I'm a 🐌)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Ashley Knox, my main OC, came in my brain, curly blond, blue eyes and scars and said : write about me!
There have been more or less subconscious inspirations from Banana Fish, Omar little from the Wire, past women as gang leadears and others.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
A lot....which doesn't make me go faster in writing đŸ€Ł
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Very few not on line know....and they don't ask đŸ€Ł
I don't really have a gender neither. I would say I mix reality/existential/magic/healing in a sort of fiction.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
We can walk through fire
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
So far : Ashley Knox, Amy Salinas, Carlos Herrera, Frank Morales, 'The cook'.....
Who’s the most unhinged?
I would say Ashley.....but it's not the perfect term actually.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Ashley and Amy. But it goes from moments to moments.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Until now not that much but I know I will....
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
Same answer, for the moment they're relativeley nice.....
But I do struggle a lot until I don't feel it's right, they don't leave the grip so in a way they're already a pain in the ass.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
I love it. Whatever way is ok.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
It depends, sometimes it's someone that I see around for a few times and get curious. Sometimes it's interest at first sight and I give it a try. Quite a few are mutuals from mutuals.
What makes you decide against following?
If I cringe for some reason.....mostly vibes.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I don't know about "often" but yes, then I love when they actually become mutuals.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I tend to get obsessed easily 😅.....
All OCs of @the-golden-comet (my safety blanket) đŸ’«đŸ’«đŸ’«
All OCs of @fortunatetragedy (even if my heart bleeds like....a lot!)
The upcoming crew of "The Pirate king of deaths redemption" by @wyked-ao3 💗💗 I'm so waiting to read them
Nat and Ron from The Reburial of Natalie King by @saturnine-saturneight , just started and I'm already doomed 😅
....and I stop here for now.
Tag np : @alinacapellabooks @bookish-karina @fortunatetragedy @saturnine-saturneight @aintgonnatakethis + open tag and a drink đŸ» đŸ»đŸ»đŸ» đŸ»đŸ»
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anxiescape · 1 year
Celestial Bodies AU: A Battle Between Two Monkeys
*contains major spoilers for Celestial Bodies*
(Also, warning, this is a bit of a long read.)
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I wrote this out to answer a question for @mage-of-words, so I hope this answers it! (The tag isn’t working and I don’t know why 😭)
So, do you guys remember how in JTTW, Wukong and Macaque had that huge fight during the journey, which ended in Macaque’s death? Of course you do.
But did you know that that same battle happens in Celestial Bodies? And that it still results in Macaque’s death?
“But why?” I can hear you asking in despair. “They’re so sweet with each other. They love each other. Wukong legiterally takes on the Jade Emperor for him! Why would they fight? And why would Wukong kill Macaque?”
Well, let’s start at the... not the beginning, per se, but at a significant point in the story, shortly before Wukong was thrown into the Trigram Furnace.
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During a talk between Wukong and the Jade Emperor, the Emperor claims that Macaque betrayed Wukong, and told the Celestial Realm all about Wukong’s plans and such during the battle. This isn’t true (the Jade Emperor be bluffin’ here), and Wukong doesn’t want to believe him, but... how else could he have lost?
(Because you’re an overconfident, cocky idiot, Wukong. That’s how you lost. But anyway.)
During his 49 days in the furnace, and his 500 years under the Five-Phases Mountain, Wukong has a long time to think about things. About Macaque, and their relationship, but one thing that keeps coming to his mind is what the Jade Emperor told him about Macaque’s supposed betrayal. This continues to be on his mind, even during the journey.
Now, let’s swap to Macaque’s POV. He has been in a magic-induced sleep since his capture by the Celestial Realm. Pretty fun, right?
Well, the Jade Emperor and Lao Tzu have been at work. Obviously, Macaque was pretty darn useful to them, what with his super-hearing and natural intelligence and all. He was a pretty good fighter, too. Obviously, they want him back. But they’re not going to risk waking him, because then that gives him the chance to escape.
So Lao Tzu has been at work. He has been experimenting—making clones of our celestial moon monkey boi. It took at least a couple hundred years before he succeeded in making one that was actually stable and could survive outside of his laboratory, but he isn’t able to make a spirit to put into them—to give them life.
Now this gets into, like, sci-fi territory, just a little bit. Do y’all know that one episode of Doctor Who, where Amy Pond was replaced by a flesh duplicate? (Uhh... Doctor Who spoilers, by the way. 👀) She was piloting the duplicate from a weird tube/containment pod thing that she was trapped in, and she never even knew that it wasn’t her real body, or that anything was amiss, until she was released from the connection with it.
A very similar thing happens here with Macaque. Using some pretty intense magic seals and spells, Macaque’s mind is connected to the first proper clone. From there, Lao Tzu tries to brainwash him, for lack of a better term. And the “good” thing about these clones is that they are significantly weaker than a celestial monkey. So anytime Macaque tries to break free and escape in one of the clones, he is restrained, and the connection is broken until they are ready to try again. If they fail to restrain the clone and he flees, it is destroyed.
This continues for many, many years—decades, if not centuries—until Macaque’s brain is so messed up that he stops trying to run. Then the real brainwashing can begin. They tell Macaque that Sun Wukong has been captured, and is being held captive by a group of demons and their human master. They tell Macaque that they will allow him to go after Wukong, and if he can free him, then the two monkeys can go live happily ever after—they don’t care about the war anymore.
Obviously, this sounds too good to be true. But Macaque is desperate at this point, and his brain is really confused with all sorts of “false memories” that are left over from the previous “de-comissioned” clones. This poor monkey has suffered through quite a bit of gaslighting, as well. So he eagerly agrees to this plan, and is sent off in search of the scripture pilgrims.
“Woah, woah, wait,” you’re probably thinking. “Why would the Celestial Realm send Macaque after the pilgrims? Don’t they want the scriptures retrieved and all that? Aren’t they on Tripitaka’s side? Kinda?”
Well, yes. But as mentioned before, the Macaque clones are weaker than actual celestial monkeys. They are much easier to kill. So, Lao Tzu and the Jade Emperor’s plan is for Macaque’s clone and Wukong to fight, and for Wukong to kill the clone. Then Wukong will think that Macaque is dead, and he won’t bother to look for him anymore anyway, because obviously he would hate Macaque for attacking his pilgrim brothers, right? And then they can leave Macaque’s sleeping form to rot in its prison cell, forgotten, never to wake and cause trouble for them ever again.
Well, not exactly. Wukong fights the clone, and kills it out of a mixture of rage, exhaustion, and many other overwhelming feelings, and he is distraught. He can’t believe what he has done to the one that he truly loved. And he breaks down.
But luckily, the Buddha is here, and he’s pretty frickin’ cool. He could tell immediately that the clone was not the actual Six-Eared Macaque, and he lets Wukong know this. Mr. All-Knowing here lets Wukong know that Macaque is still in the Celestial Realm, being kept captive under powerful spells and hidden away in Lao Tzu’s tower. This sounds too good to be true, but Wukong is willing to believe it—it’s better than believing that he killed Macaque.
So the journey continues, and eventually comes to an end. And now it’s time for a monkey rescue. Wukong and his awesome pilgrim brothers head back to the Celestial Realm to get Macaque back, and I’m not gonna spoil any of that fun 😈, but it does result in Wukong rescuing Macaque and waking him from his so-called “eternal slumber.”
This is the first time Macaque has “woken up” since his “death” by Wukong’s hands, and the first time he has actually woken up since he was placed under the sleep spell. Macaque tells Wukong about this awful dream that he had where they fought, and Wukong killed him. Wukong is silent.
Macaque’s voice shook as he looked Wukong in the eyes, and fearfully whispered: “It... it wasn’t a dream. Was it?”
Yeah, these monkeys have a lot that they need to work through. But that’s okay. Now they have each other, and all the time in the world to work things out. Together.
The end. 💕
Sorry for that info-dump, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway! Let me know what you think!
Also, you guys can thank Amalgamorph for this wonderful clone-Macaque idea, because I was originally just going to have Macaque straight up die. It was going to be really sad. 😭
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idiotwithanipad · 4 months
Random things about Amy (My Ghosts OC)đŸ–€
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(Picture found on Pinterest, I just edited in the blue stars on the hoodie)
mention of Silver, @moonah-rose ‘s OC
Alive Amy: 
・Amy was seen as 'ghostly pale' when she was alive... Ironically
・Amy smoked when she was stressed, often sneeking off to crack open her pack of 20
・ People would comment on how 'skinny' Amy was whe she grew up, so she hid herself underneath oversized hoodies
・Her favourite body mist was 'Red Velvet' by So...? 
・She preferred to go around alone than with others
・Her favourite YouTube channel was 'TGFBro'
・Was and still is in death, Bisexual
・Was and still is even more in death, foul mouthed (will get into why in ghost segment👀)
・Monster energy drink was and still is her absolute favourite brand
・ADORED Sugar Gliders
・The first ghost to actually spot Amy when she got to Button House was Robin (he liked her hoodie because of the stars), but Humphrey saw her the most since his head was left under the bed in the room she was staying in the whole week before she died
Ghost Amy: 
・Died by choking to death on Mango Loco Monster (oop) and still has a wet patch of it on her hoodie from where she coughed it back up, before gasping in back in with air and dying
・Spent the first week of death hiding in a wardrobe because the ghosts scared her at first
・Robin jumps in her face and wakes her up every morning
・Jemima with Cap? ... Yeah, she's the Jemima to Julian... He's petrified of Amy
・Mostly hangs around with Kitty, Humphrey and Robin. Robin and Humphrey introduced Amy to Silver when she settled in more, and the two became best friends
・Frequently calls out Cap for his bossy side
・Her foul mouth?... Growing up, Amy was taught, like most British kids, that if someone were to hit her she had to hit them back twice as hard... Amy was too passive to do that and just took it, though developed a bitter side and instead used harsh words and insults as a weapon, even more so in death. Since she can't actually get hurt permanently, she actually stands up for herself more and others if she senses any wrongdoing afoot. Though this makes her come across as bitter and callous at first 
・Was too uneasy about walking through walls at first, so Robin held her hand and helped her walk through for the first few weeks until she just got on with it
・Spends most of her time with Humphrey since she felt that he was the most chilled out of the ghosts
・Joins Silver and Robin during full moons and eclipses to celebrate, even though she doesn't have a clue why,  she's just with them for the good times
・A lot like Mary and Annie, Amy feels that death has 'freed' her in a way
・For Film Club Amy just reenacts iconic Vines and Memes
・For Coc Soc Amy says she'd mix Mango Loco monster with Vodka
・Amy's response for 'what would you wear today?' would just be: 'stuff like what I'm wearing right now, I dunno what to tell you... '
・Misses being able to use her phone; she had put it on the beside table before she died so it's forever gone😭
・Has random bursts of energy sometimes because of the caffeine still coursing in her body from her death. They can last minutes, to hours, and she always passes out for a while afterwards and can't be awoken 
・She constantly has a sweet sickly stench that follows whenever she enters a room (because of the monster) 
・Her ghost ability is being able to manipulate contained liquid. Such as cups/mugs/cans/flasks. So if she were do dip her finger into a glass of water and swirl it around, she could create a whirlpool that's visible even to livings
・Another of her abilities is to be able to smell things (the other ghosts aside from Robin seem like they can't smell things that aren't dead at least) 
・If she concentrates hard enough, Amy can be seen in mirrors
・When she is very angry, she becomes a shadow person and can be seen by and interact physically with only one living at a time and all ghosts. The only way to tell it's her is her silhouette
・Hardly seperates herself from Humphrey but when she does it's most likely because she's sad/emotional. She either likes to be alone or with Robin or Silver when that happens
. Has become Humphrey’s officially adopted daughter thanks to Alison Cooper who still visits in her old age
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quantumshade · 1 year
I’ll just never to be able to be pissed at River Song’s ubiquity. Crammed into at least one work of every single incarnation. Like. Moffat saw the power of Rose Marion Tyler and immediately needed to be like NO MY DOLL IS BETTER AND IS THE BEST ACTUALLY. LOOK AT AND LISTEN TO HER ALL THE TIME FOREVER.
I truly feel like the two are masterclasses in how to write a good female character versus how to. Not.
I will forever be so fucking mad.
i’m going to fucking cry i had the whole reply typed out and then the tumblr app glitched and ate it. anyway. let’s talk about river song.
here’s the thing. i like to put river into what me and my mutuals call “the salad spinner”. one of these bad boys:
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where you put in your soaking wet lettuce or whatever and press the button on top and it goes WHHSHSHHHHHHSHHHSSSHHH and all the water drains out? yeah i’m putting moffat’s river in there and draining out all the sexism and weird fetishes and she becomes the character that she always could have been.
like, she’s a bisexual time traveling crime committing archeologist. of course i fell in love with her age ten. the “mercy” scene in the big bang was a sexual awakening for me. the scene in THORS where she’s like “i’m an archeologist from the future. i dug you up.” is in no small part responsible for me getting a minor in archeology. river’s a really important character to me, but the more i grew up, the worse her storyline and origins got to me.
and then in early 2021, i had a revelation. the one step you have to take to fix just about everything about river.
make her NOT amy and rory’s kid.
that’s it. that’s all you have to do. it fixes so many of my issues with the story immediately.
my friend @nounpolycule has much more developed headcanons about this based on the audios (and maybe she’ll explain them when he gets the chance?? 👀), but river as a completely unrelated child taken by the silence who grew up in that environment before escaping and running as far as she could is so much more compelling to me than “amy and rory’s kid who is also their childhood best friend”. she escapes the silence, makes a life of her own, puts herself through school, and becomes an archeologist. in this situation, the first time she meets him (in her timeline) is less “i am programmed to kill you and nothing else matters” and more “you showed up in my doctoral thesis research and dude. you’re REAL? the fuck?”
i really like river’s personality, and most of that is thanks to the depth that alex kingston gives her. river would not be nearly as important to me with a different actor; kingston is just incredibly talented and she loves river and she loves playing her, and she gave so much more to the character than moffat ever did.
like you said, moffat notoriously hates rose and originally wanted river to be “better” than her, but he twisted himself around so much and ended up neglecting river just as much as he did rose. according to alex kingston, moffat was the ONLY writer allowed to put river in episodes. no one else could use her but him. a big part of it is “my doll is better than yours!!!” except at the end of recess his doll is left out in the mud, forgotten entirely. he didn’t even believe that she was the best, didn’t care about her at all past her relationship to the doctor, and you can tell!
river deserved better from the narrative from the beginning.
and she and rose should kiss send post
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danieljradcliffe · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday!
This week's theme: Rec a 'gateway' fic - a fic that you read and it was so good it lead you to read multiple works by the same writer. Thank you @rmd-writes and @carlos-in-glasses for tagging me đŸ„°
The Monsters Turned Out to be Just Trees by @liminalmemories21
I don’t know how everyone else is in a new fandom, but when I start reading fic for a fandom, I always look for canon compliant fics first. And then slowly I will venture into AUs. Missing moments are always a go-to for me so this fic appealed me right away. I remember racing through it, falling in love, re-reading it, instantly reading the rest of the series, and then diving into all her other Tarlos fics!!
Gettin’ Down to the Wire by @iboatedhere
Your girl loves an E rated fic so obviously I a) had to read this the second I read the summary and b) ate it up. Then to look and see the absolute gold mine that is the 911 LS section of Rae’s ao3???? I was thrilled!!
I’m here and I’m yours by @reyescarlos
I remember reading this right after “Push” aired and who knew it would be my introduction to one of my favourite smut writers in the fandom👀. Then I instantly had to go read all the rest of Kim’s fics and leave unhinged comments to the point where we had to start sending each other our fav Tarlos songs. đŸ©·đŸ©·
Tagging: everyone I mentioned above @liminalmemories21 @iboatedhere @reyescarlos as well as @rosedavid @maxbegone @three-drink-amy
CC: @welcometololaland
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
What song would you have as the theme for canon-version characters of:
It’s funny that you ask this 👀 I literally was just talking to someone about the next Moodboard event, and it involves songs, but they’re all from a particular artist.
So I’m going to give you two songs, and you can see if you can guess a theme with one set. But instead of just a theme song, I wanted to do a song I (as a partner) would associate with them. Like how would our relationship go.
“Make Me
” Britney Spears. You make me oooh oooh oooh. Need I say more?
“Ain’t No Other Man” Christina Aguilera. It’s a song talking about how there’s no other man that can’t stand up next to her man. I think that’s pretty self explanatory đŸ€­
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“Criminal” Britney Spears. Mama I’m in love with a criminal. And this type of love isn’t rational it’s physical. Is there going to be anything that’s rational with Lloyd?
“Love on the Brain” Rihanna. I am fully aware of what this song is originally about. But the line “but it fucks me so good” and throwing all caution out the window really does suit Lloyd.
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“If U Seek Amy” Britney Spears. Everyone knows this isn’t a song about looking for a woman named Amy, right? I do think the line “all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to (F U C K) me is perfection for Mr. Tanned Titties himself
“Wine After Whiskey” Carrie Underwood. I have talked about how Ari and I wouldn’t be a good pair because he’s always away. I need someone, not with me everyday, but you can’t be gone months at a time and I not hear from you. But I think after loving Ari it would be like drinking something not as stout as whiskey. It’s watered down and you crave him.
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“That’s Where You Take Me” Britney Spears. Cole is going to go anywhere to find you. He will “accidentally” put an AirTag in your bag and he will find you. But honestly, Cole reminds me of sweet love. A first love. It’s not argumentative. It’s wholesome.
“Honey Bee” Blake Shelton. Despite him actually being from Virginia, I only see Cole from Georgia. I think it’s his clothes, the farm, and they filmed in Georgia. Honey Bee is a sweet song, it’s not going to be some big think piece. It’s simple. But the words are about how the two of you fit perfectly together đŸ„č
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voidthewanderer · 6 months
For the OTP Prompt Challenge!
20. Date Night
24. Washing Dishes
((( thank you c: )))
@anonwyvern || OTP Prompt Challenge
I adore that this is also essentially dealer's choice 👀👀 It's been rattling around in my brain for a little bit what exactly I wanted to do for this one, but then it came to me and I get to write two ships for the price of one. It was all I could think about writing when I got home from work on the fourteenth. Tagging @bleumanouche for this as well, as Sweetjane is his! Yeah, I could have also done these spicy as well, but I already knew this would be a long one, didn't want it to be super incredibly long. This entire piece made me an absolutely mushy baby writing it. Lots of moments that I think would bring some of these guys to their knees honestly. A much longer one, but yeah.
Rating: T (mature themes mostly only implied, though also spoken about/teased) Word Count: 2939
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An aggravated growl sounded from the ghoul chef as he tried to prepare for the evening’s meal. It was bad enough that he didn’t have his partner there to help him out, but they’d been busy working on a project that they were keeping a secret from him. He narrowed his eyes at the tanned ghoul perched on the bar stool across from his workspace, slowly starting to get more and more fed up with the badgering.
“C’mon, Arsen, please,” Ripper begged, giving the other a charming smile. He knew this wouldn’t work on the other, but he still had to try, “You can make it after you’re done with this stuff, I know you can! I wanna do somethin’ special for Sweetjane!”
“Then make it yourself,” Arsenic growled back, “Just stay outta my way.”
The elder ghoul pursed his lips for a moment, contemplating what he could do to get out of actually cooking something. What he wanted to do for her was far beyond what he knew he could make. Perhaps a little tease wouldn’t hurt

“If ya do this for me, I’ll tell ya what Crow’s makin’.”
This caught Arsenic’s attention, his brow perking at the thought, “What makes ya think I wanna know?”
“Caught your attention, dinnit? Make this for me an’ I’ll tell ya.” He wouldn’t really ruin the surprise, but he could see that Arsenic was actually considering the offer now. Arsenic studied Ripper for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not he was telling the truth, “Ya’d really break their trust?”
Ripper shrugged, “Act surprised when it’s actually done, ain’t no big deal. You’re gonna find out eventually, anyways.”
Another growl before Arsenic finally gave it, “Fuckin’ fine. This better be worth it.”
Ripper nearly sprung up from the chair, shoving a list of stuff he’d wanted into Arsenic’s hand, “Thank you!”
Just as he was about to run off, Arsenic reached over the counter, tightly gripping the other’s wrist, “Ah, not before ya leave. Speak.”
“O-oh right, yeah! Uh
 let’s just say that
” He had to think fast “-You’re gonna be in th’ same place as me pretty soon.”
Arsenic’s grip lessened slightly, his gaze casting to the ring on his finger for a moment. It gave Ripper enough time to pull himself free and dart off into the farm. He had a lot to prepare for; making sure the kids were gonna be alright for the night, among other things. All the while, Arsenic just stood in his kitchen, frozen with the thoughts that swam in his head now. If what the conclusion he came to was right, there was no way he’d be able to keep it a secret that he knew
 Hopefully, he could. Crow seemed to want to keep whatever it was one and he didn’t want to crush that.
“Ya ready t’ head out?” Ripper smiled at his wife, grabbing the basket he’d filled with everything he needed for their first date night since getting married. Sweetjane gave a nod, “Lead th’ way!”
Ripper gave Arsenic a nod, who only returned it with a half-hearted wave as he served the ghouls waiting for their dinner. On the way out, he gave Amy a hug, “Be good for Crow an’ Arsen. We’re gonna be further up river than we normally go, I don’t want ya wanderin’ off if ya really need us without ‘em, alright?”
“I will! Bye, Dad! See you later, Mom!”
This caused Ripper to hug his daughter just a bit tighter, trying to not cry happily at hearing that. Crow couldn’t contain their coo at the couple, though otherwise kept their mouth shut. They could see that Sweetjane had a smile on her lips, trying to not let out a happy cry as well. They practically pried Ripper off the child, “Go have fun, you two. We’ll keep these two safe, don’t worry.”
The pale ghoul practically shooed the two out the door; Ripper quickly taking the lead towards the riverside. He held Sweetjane’s hand tightly as the couple carefully tread along the small trail they’d started to wear into the embankment. Sweetjane spoke up, “’At was sweet, wasn’t it?”
Ripper nodded, “Not gonna lie, didn’t think either one of them were gonna call you mom. Know ya told ‘em that ya weren’t here t’ replace Amelia, y’know? Or t’ like
 come up with their own thing t’ call ya.”
“She’s a good girl, she is. Wasn’t expectin’ anythin’ ‘at soon, anyway.”
The worn pathway faded from beneath their feet, Ripper taking more care to not drop the basket, but also making sure Sweetjane didn’t fall into the water either. He didn’t lead her too far away from The Slog; though the settlement wasn’t exactly in view either. Just a nice little spot that seemed to have recently been dug out, perfect for the picnic he’d planned.
He laid out the blanket, getting everything out of the basket before setting up a couple of pillar candles to light. After, he held his arms out, giving her a bright smile, “Ta-da! A nice little place just for us! Been comin’ out here t’ make a flat place when I could. Was thinkin’ maybe could make a little gazebo or somethin’ int’ th’ hill a bit, be a nice place for us t’ have our dates an’ a place for us t’ bring th’ family for little outings too.”
“Aww, Rippa, I love it,” Sweetjane crooned at the ghoul, her arms snaking up around his neck and shoulders. His arms found their home at her waist as he dipped his head down slightly for a kiss. He broke the kiss only to lift her up off the ground and spin her around, “Nothin’s gonna change now that we’re married. If anythin’ I wanna make this a regular thing.”
“O’course! This’ll be a great spot t’ get away. How long ya been doin’ this fer?”
Ripper shrugged, sitting on the blanket, and gently pulling Sweetjane down next to him, “Dunno, like three months or so? Figured it was a good place, has good cover with trees, right by th’ water, good fishing spot. If we get some sort of seating or canopy up, think this might be a good place too ‘at Cody would wanna spend some alone time when he wants it, so he doesn’t coop himself up in his room all th’ time, y’know?”
Sweetjane pressed her hand against Ripper’s cheek, him tilting into it slightly, “Chiriklo, it’s perfect. Yer perfect. Now, c’mon
 tell me whatcha got goin’ on.”
Handing off a bowl, Ripper opened up the old thermos that Arsenic had provided, pouring out the soup that was inside, “Rabbit stew! I know it’s a bit warm still for hot soup, but I know ya said ya hadn’t had it in a while. An’ for dessert
” He shifted the two bottles of Nuka Cola that had been leaning on a box to the side, pulling up the box, “A cake! I dunno what Arsen decided to bake for it, but it looks good!”
Sweetjane took a spoon, setting the bowl to the side for a moment to open one of the bottles of soda. She couldn’t help but laugh, “Whatcha gotta do t’ get ‘im t’ do alla dis?”
“I may or may not have teased him about what Crow’s been up to.”
“Rippa! Ya know they wanna keep ‘at a secret!”
“I didn’t tell him! Not outright anyways! He’s not gonna know exactly what they’re making. An’ ‘e already knows they’re gettin’ married anyway!”
Ripper put a spoonful of the stew in his mouth, forgetting for a moment that he’d never actually had rabbit before. Well, he certainly realized now, though seemed to be rather pleased with what he’d eaten, rather than concerned. Sweetjane chuckled at him, “What were ya expectin’? Chicken?”
This caused the other to give a playful little pout, “Ey! Ain’t ever had it before!”
“Clearly ya like it,” she mused. He nodded, “’S good.”
Before he took another spoonful, he quickly leaned over, giving the tip of her ear a little nip, “Ain’t nothin’ like what I could be eatin’.”
“Later,” her tone had been rather nonchalant, only pushing Ripper more on edge. He pulled her to lean against his side, the two savoring the calmness of the evening. Stolen kisses between bites, nuzzles into hair, it made for a perfect first date after wedding. Eventually, bellies were full and the two found themselves laid back into the blanket, Sweetjane tucked close to Ripper’s side. His arm had been wrapped around her waist, keeping her close.
She gave a light kiss to the side of his neck, feeling the other shudder at the touch, “Tesoro
Shifting to straddle against his hip, Sweetjane couldn’t help but smile down at her partner, it only growing as his hands lightly caressed her thighs, “We got all night yannow
“I know
” he hummed, “An’ I want it t’ last that long
Sweetjane arched forward, pressing her lips heavily against Ripper’s. His hands lightly trailed up her thighs, resting somewhat firm on her hips; holding her in place. As the session progressed, his pressed his hip up slightly, drawing out a breath from his partner. She was the one to break the kiss, blue eyes intent on his hazel ones. His lips had been curled into a smile, “Ya drive me wild, ya know that, right?”
Ripper pushed himself up so he could be seated, shifting Sweetjane’s legs so she was still sitting in his lap, just a bit more comfortably. His arms rested at her waist, hands locked behind her back, “Tell me
 ya wanna have dessert first?”
“I got choices now
 don’t I?” Sweetjane hummed, the teasing tone in her voice making him chuckle, “Suppose ya do
 We can indulge in all of the sweet things we have here.”
Now that? That sounded like a plan. Their lips locked once more
 the first course seemed like it would be one of the sweetest things they brought with them

Knock knock knock
“Who’s there?” Crow called out of their studio, the only noise otherwise coming from the old greenhouse being the music on the radio.
“’S me, babe.”
“Hold on!”
Now there seemed to be a bit of a ruckus going from the inside. Crow had blocked out the lower portion of the windows with old boxes. Arsenic called back inside, “Can ya come out? Would like ya t’ have one more meal before bed!”
Arsenic kept his back to the door, his eyes trained on the two kids who were standing next to him. Crow quickly shuffled out of the room, shutting the door quickly behind them, “Sorry, I got-”
“Caught up in th’ project. I know. You’re better with th’ kids than I am anyway
 Dunno if ya wanted t’ do somethin’ with ‘em before they turn in for th’ night too.”
“We don’t need babysitters, y’know,” Cody muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Crow could see Arsenic take a sharp breath, them lightly touching his arm, “Go to the kitchen, alright? I’ll be right there.”
It took a moment for the other to budge, but did so. Crow waited until he was out of earshot, “I know you guys don’t, but he’s trying. I think spending time with you guys is more for him than it is out of being asked by your father to watch you guys. He’s
” They didn’t know how to explain the mood Arsenic was in. Mourning, maybe? Realizing he’d lost the ability to ever get to partake in.
“He seems sad,” Amy pointed out, causing Crow to nod, “You’re not wrong Amy. Part of him is sad. He lost something that I don’t think he really realized he wanted before it was too late.” Crow glanced back up to Cody, “Don’t take what he does personally. It’s gonna take a long while for him to adjust. If you guys wanna do your own thing, please, go right ahead. Just remember your dad wants you at least back in the house before the sun’s completely past the horizon. And no leaving the settlement.”
“Can we make something to drink before we do anything else?” Cody asked.
“Of course, you just know the rules with the communal kitchen. We’re gonna be cleaning up in a little bit.”
The trio headed back into the pool house, Crow and Amy finding seats at the bar stools. Cody went to pull a couple of mugs from the cabinet, but Arsenic stopped him. He seemed to handle Cody a lot more gently than others who invaded his space at least, “Let me. What were ya makin’?”
“I was gonna make tea for me and Amy before heading back to the house.”
Arsenic placed a small plate of food in front of Crow before turning to pull something out of a cabinet, “’S th’ last packet I have, but how about hot chocolate instead for th’ kid?”
This raised some excitement from Amy, making Crow smile softly at Arsenic in the process. They went to work on their food, eating silently as their fiance made a cup of hot chocolate and ash blossom tea for the kids. The two took the cups, Amy letting out a rather excited ‘thank you’ as they headed to their house. Crow rested their elbow on the counter, cheek lightly pressed in their hand in the process, “You’re really starting to blossom, you know that, right?”
“I mean it, love. I adore that you’re trying to be good for them. And you’re doing a lot better at not just immediately reacting to Cody’s teenage angst thing he’s got going on. ‘M proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah
” he sighed softly, pulling the empty plate away. Crow shifted off the stool, making their way around the counter to pull Arsenic into a hug. His arms were tight around them, burying his face against the top of their head. They hummed softly, “You’re wonderful, Arsen
 you really are.”
Before pulling away from the hug, Crow shifted to give Arsenic a kiss. His hands fell to their hips, fingers curling against their skin lightly as he tried to pull it deeper. They managed to break free, “Let’s clean up first, how about that?”
He gave a nod, begrudgingly breaking away from the hug to start cleaning up the counter. Crow shuffled behind him to run water in the sink to start dishes. It didn’t take him long to wipe down the counters, quickly finding his place to the left of his partner, scrubbing down each dish and utensil. As he finished each one, he handed it off to Crow, who was content to rinse and dry off each item. He couldn’t help but glance over at Crow every time they’d brush elbows with him, unable to keep his thoughts at bay. They were doing it on purpose, he knew they were, but it still made him feel things.
They hummed softly, giving him a small glance. Oh, the feeling that gripped at his heart
 he loved when they looked at him with those sweet eyes

 I should probably tell you
“Arsen, if this is about what Ripper said, I know. He told me.”
This made his stomach drop, “Wh- And you’re not-”
“Of course not. You already know we’re getting married, I dunno why you’re bein’ all shy about it. He told me to assure me that he didn’t tell you what I was working on. That’s still a surprise. You’re somehow the most observant, but most oblivious person I’ve ever met and I love that,” they laughed. Arsenic shifted on his hip, feeling a bit embarrassed that he didn’t realize sooner that Ripper hadn’t actually told him anything. Crow pressed up against his side, “Did what he say get your mind reeling?”
He nodded, swallowing hard before speaking again, “A-a bit, yeah.”
Glancing back down at them, his expression finally softened to match their soft smile, “Tell me.”
Arsenic took a small scoop of bubbles from the sink, brushing the suds against what was left of Crow’s nose ridge; making them laugh. He hummed softly, “’M just
 excited. ‘S been so long since we got engaged, y’know? Dunno what ya got planned for everythin’
 but goddamn I can’t wait t’ see ya in what you’re gonna wear
 whatever ya got planned for th’ rings
 Gettin’ t’ call ya mine.”
“You get to do that already,” Crow laughed. Arsenic ducked down, surprising them with a kiss, “The process makes it even more special.”
He handed off the last few dishes to be rinsed and dried, drying off his hands before hugging Crow close to his chest, resting his chin on top of their head while they finished up. When the last of the dishes were done, Arsenic spun Crow around, easily scooping them up and sitting them onto the counter. Their arms draped over his shoulders, lightly holding him close, “Arsen
No other words were exchanged, the ghoul pressing his lips to the other’s. He lightly pushed their legs apart slightly, just so he could get between them; quickly relaxing when they locked their legs around his waist. They felt him take a breath, his hands shifting to grip at their thighs. Crow gave a soft laugh, “We goin’ home?”
He gave a chuckle in response between his trailing kisses, “Not ‘nless ya wanna fuck here
“Just a little longer
” He wasn’t going to object getting to be this close to Crow, even if it meant prolonging what he wanted.
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kaylatoonz · 2 years
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What if a retired government agent was Amy's Guardian.
So what if someone who was involved with shutting down Project shadow (maybe even the one who pulled the trigger 👀) took Amy in 10 years ago. (Think pocket hog AU but Amy Rose edition, also you should read Pocket Hog AU if you haven’t it's really good.
A retired agent plagued with the guilt of the actions he inflicted on Maria and Shadow, hides away in a small town (not green hills) to get away from it all. Fate has other plans when he finds a small frightened pink hedgehog on his doorstep. At first, he was going to turn it in to the government but he couldn’t help but be reminded of shadow. Could he really betray someone so young again and put them through something no child should experience.
No, he wasn't going to let that happen again, maybe this was his second chance to do better.
Years after his choice was made he hadn't regretted it for a second. Over time he bonded so closely with the pink hedgehog he couldn't see her as anything else but his daughter/granddaughter. Unfortunately, his peace comes to an end when he gets word from a new organization G.U.N that had released shadow and was now struggling to control him. He knows his life and the little rose may be in danger by G.U.N or Shadow if he doesn't face them, so make another difficult choice. He leaves Amy a note explaining that his past has come to claim him and it may not be safe for her to be here with him. the note also explains a place she may be safe and even met her own kind in Green Hills.
(The agent had been keeping tabs on green hills ever since Sonic (and later tails and knuckle) exposed himself to the government. He had considered visiting there with Amy until he found out about G.U.N and didn’t want to risk Amy getting on their radar. So he kept this info hidden from Amy for the time being. Now he doesn't have much of a choice.)
Amy is devastated but determined to find her papa and help him face whatever he's hiding. All she can do for now is set out for Green hills to find these beings that were like her. How hard can it be?
(Shadow and Amy's interactions would be interesting and possibly devastating with this background).
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
Hi there! I was wondering about the IDW comics-is there a way to read them online? I've been trying to find a way to read them but it seems like you have to buy them one by one. Thanks!
Tbh, I’ve been reading them online here, but I’ll be buying them soon. I’m just not sure which format I want yet. IDW has digital copies on their website - issue #1 is $1.99, and volume 1 (the first 12 issues) is $19.99. Places like Amazon, ebay, and Barnes & Noble have them, too. The art is incredible, and I would much prefer to buy physical copies so I could see it on an actual page, but the prices are pretty steep, especially for those fancy hardcover volumes, and they’re frequently out of stock, so I’ve been hemming and hawing about it.
They did release a FREE issue about Tangle and Whisper, so if you’ve ever been curious about those two, check it out here! I really like them.
I’d highly recommend IDW not just to Sonic fans, but to literally anyone with eyes. It’s great for a million reasons, but I’ll focus on the art here. The covers are beautiful and action-packed, right from cover A for issue 1...
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(Artists: Tracy Yardley & Tyson Hesse)
...to the latest, beautiful renaissance-inspired cover B for issue 59:
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(Artist: Natalie Haines)
She made an actual painting for this, and she’s damn proud of it. As she should be. Just look at it!
More pretty IDW art and accompanying ranting under the cut.
I adore the introductions they give to the characters. Here’s Amy being a cute badass in issue 2. She’s earned it!!!
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(Artist: Adam Bryce Thomas)
Side note: I like how they introduce characters in the order they were created, so Tails was issue 1, and issue 2 featured Amy. Knuckles didn’t show up until issue 3! This series gives Amy her proper place right from the get-go. It’s a nice touch.
Blaze is always cool in IDW--well, figuratively speaking. Look at her awesome introduction in issue 4!
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(Artist - Evan Stanley, colorist - Matt Herms)
IDW’s artists do a great job portraying dynamic motion and physical impacts. There’s another really cool use of her powers later on, but I don’t want to spoil it! 👀
It’s not just the characters. The backgrounds and scenery are great, too. This is Angel Island from issue 9. Love the foreshortening in the back:
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(Artist - Tracy Yardley, colorist - Matt Herms)
And the art being as good as it is fuels how strong the characters are. When was the last time the games properly showcased Amy and Cream’s friendship? IDW does it right, and issue 22’s art reinforces that:
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(Artist: Priscilla Tramontano)
The context makes it significantly more heartwarming, too, but it’s another spoiler.
Apart from Amy, the one character who I think benefits most from this is Silver. This is his cutest, dorkiest, most endearing iteration yet, and I am here for it! Top two images are from issue 8, and the gardening segments below them are from IDW’s 2019 annual. It has some cute Silver/Blaze moments, and it doesn’t have any real spoilers for the main series. You can read it independently. It’s $3.99 on IDW’s website.
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(Issue 8 artist - Evan Stanley, colorist - Matt Herms) (Annual 2019 artists - Jonathan Gray, Jack Lawrence, Jennifer Hernandez, and Diana Skelly)
I can’t help but smile whenever I see him. He’s cute in other iterations, too, but I always picture IDW when I write Silver.
Oh, and one last thing: after Amy and Silver’s cute meeting in Sonic 06, I headcanoned that she has a tendency to mother him. It fits well into the Shadamy-Descendent-Silver theory (y’know, that concept that was “sarcastically” suggested by Ian Flynn, Mr. IDW himself?), and I incorporated it into Shellshock. It was only after I’d gotten into the habit of writing them that way that I read further in IDW and ran into instances like these (spoilers removed):
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(Issue 14 artist - Tracy Yardley, colorist - Leonardo Ito) (Issue 25 artist - Adam Bryce Thomas, colorist - Matt Herms)
And she is always the one to do this. No one else mothers him like this. Headcanon confirmed! Three points for the descendant theory!
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jadeddays · 8 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. ♄
emopop song about feeling like an alien on earth because of your depressive tendencies?? in kpop no less?? Okay but firstly, my emo girl sensibilities just Enjoy it but I also ascertain that had he not been born too late (he's baby, only 23 and this song is 3 yrs old) I think Han would have been SUCH a hit with sad girls on myspace in 2008 like he's truly Babygirl....
I also hate to admit it. I also should just forget. my favourite thing about this, other than it being relatable for sad girl trust issue reasons, is certainly the fact he wrote it after one member left the group which 👀 but also bc he was literally so scorched earth about erasing the guy he had his group go back and re-record a bunch of their songs without the member who left, which isnt that common in kpop so like you know it was personal.... and for good reason! the member who left with no notice was accused of meeting up with fans and being. Let's say Creepy. so he really did betray his trust.... there's some tea for you, since you have been doing your posts about the metal scene 😇
GO ON AND CLOSE. THE CURTAINS. I dont know why this song has always had a grip on me but it just does- also! very majimako to me!
Dido!!!!!!!!!!! I have loved dido since I was a kid, I had 2 of her albums and i literally listened to them so much that they were scratched beyond repair- and then i bought them again. i feel like barely anyone remembers her outside Eminem putting the sample of her in his song Stan but I think she has this really nice, calm feeling to her music. I do always remember amy winehouse saying she made funeral music though, which was mean, but funny. I love this song, though- great break up song thats actually about reclaiming yourself, so I love the vibe.
Yeah this is the song where screaming cowboy meme came from and also the guy from that meme is australias equivalent of bruce springsteen. But the song is silly and fun! good for at least one listen to see where the meme came from lmao it's also about inclusivity lmao
thanks for the ask!!!!
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 6 months
I wanna learn about Barbra! How did she become an adventurer? 👀
The Tale of Ms. Monroe
Barbara was always an adventurer, being an outlaw had its own adventure to it.
But how she started her adventure outside of being an outlaw, is a bit of an interesting story.
After she had been shot several times by her former outlaw band, she limps her way over to the only person she can imagine would even remotely want to help her.
She weakly knocked on the door. Chance, knowing people don’t knock at this hour, cautiously opens the door.
“Barbara. What do you want?”
“Well as you can see toots I’m kinda in a sticky situation.”
Chance is taken aback by this, but thinks about it for a second. He shouldn’t have let her in, he really shouldn’t have. But he was never one to turn down the opportunity to save a life.
Even if that life belongs to a woman who has done nothing good in that life.
He takes her in and his wife comes out and looks shocked. Without a second thought, she helps Barbara sit down and hurries off to her room to grab some of her potions.
She comes back out, her arms filled with first aid supplies and bottles. Gently setting them down, she shoos Chance out of the room before addressing her wounds.
Barbara is confused, but thankful nonetheless. She’d heard that Chance had gotten married at one point but she had never met the other woman.
Chance had probably talked about her to his wife, and yet she was helping her without any second thought.
“So, hon, why are you helping me? I’m sure Chance ain’t spoken anything good about me.”
“Why shouldn’t I? You’re injured, and it’s my job to care for the injured, no matter who they are. Even if I’m not fond of them. Besides, Chance may have his own issues with you, but I prefer to see people with my own eyes.”
The two stayed silent until Amelia, as she had learned, had finished up. Once she was finished, she handed an odd shaped bottle to Barbara and instructed her to drink it.
Barbara gave her a questioning look.
Amelia gave her one back.
“You’re already shot, if I wanted you dead then you would’ve been left outside to die.”
She had a point.
“What is it?”
“A simple healing potion.”
Barbara pops the cork out, it falling to the floor somewhere near the end of the couch she was on, and chugs the bottle.
When she’s done, she looks at the bottle before looking back and Amelia.
“Yeah yeah I know, not the tastiest thing in the world.”
“Don’t worry about it hon, I’ve had worse.”
 not a good response.”
Aren’t you tired of that? Of being worried about getting food and water constantly? I know Chance is, and you’re about double his age
 I can’t imagine how long you’ve been living like this.”
Barbara thought for a second.
“I’ll be real, I am. But
 I ain’t got nothing left if not this. I don’t have a family, all my partners have either beat or left me, and I clearly ain’t got any friends anymore
She looks down at her bandages.
“So yer fellow outlaws did this shit?”
The two women look over at the door to one of the bedrooms, Chance stands there with his arms crossed.
“Yeah. They did.”
“That’s why you came to us?”
Seeing Barbara like this, the outlaw queen herself, this vulnerable and pathetic, put things into perspective for the young sheriff.
She wasn’t as big and bad as she liked to make herself out to be, she was just a lonely old woman, who had nothing now.
But at the same time, so was Chance. He didn’t have anything either, besides Amy.
“Well, lemme offer you this.”
Barbara raises an eyebrow, “Yer offering me something?”
“Yep, I ain’t got nothing left here either. And Amy isn’t from here, so she ain’t got nothing either. We were planning on leaving The Borderlands, heading on out to find some people who have ruined my life and to find some purpose. Do you
 wanna come with?”
“Where y’all headed first?”
“Probably Agrona.”
“Hm. Alright
She thought for a moment, was this a good idea?
But what else did she have to lose? It’s not like she had made many good decisions before now.
 this felt like a good decision.
Nothing was left for her here. It was time to move on.
“Fine, I’ll travel with y’all. M’ not gonna promise I’m easy to travel with though.”
“It’s okay, Chance isn’t easy to travel with either.” Amy teases.
Barbara laughs, “Cheers to that, hon.”
In the morning, they all grabbed their horses, saddled them, and headed off in the direction of Morgana. Who knows what they would find.
Who could’ve guessed they would’ve become part of the group that would make history? Certainly not them.
But for now, they ride off into a new sunrise.
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mellowquint · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Liveblog!
Part 1; the Dining Car
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So insert character is first time working for the train huh, okay cool cool
Oh god now i have to name them uhh (yes i will be referring to they/them, non-binary characters ftw)

 I went with Trainee (get it cuz uh train and yeah I'll see myself out)
Darling your scribbles are fine, better than mine actually
Trainee is a nervous train wreck *ba dum tss* yeah ok I'll stop making train jokes
Oh dang here comes the conductor. Apparently todays the conductor's last day after thirty two years.
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I like how the sonic crew didn't forget about spagonia Jejdkddlfkkdkfk thought that was a one time thing
The menu only has 3 things, Why? lmao
Wait they're ALL MICROWAVE MEALS?? Can't they afford a chef? This is someone's speaking who has not gone onto these fancy train cars yet so forgive me
Oh fun tidbit the trains actually used for event's only.
"So I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?" Sir yes sir
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oh so it's Amy's birthday party!! Murder mystery theme eh? Someone's an Agatha Christie fan~~
ROUGE AND KNUCKLES YES also Rouge girl you just got on the train don't go stealing gift shop pens just yet lmao
"What cast of characters am i stuck with" OH SHOOT HE KNOWS đŸ€Ł
"Why can't i be normal for one second" you and me both Trainee
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Also Sonic immediately bolting to get chilli dogs lmao, never change blue gumball dork
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EHH okay so now i collect the tickets, like a normal person, this wont be an embarrassing trip
"well the birthday discount certainly helped!" You and me both Amy
OH NEW LORE DROPPED, AMY'S A FAN OF TRUE CRIME PODCASTS!!! (I wonder if she would like the Magnus Archives
"Here's the key that unlocks any door in the train" hmm seems kinda sus, but oh well birthday girl gets the birthday key
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and Blaze is here to grace us with her presence and elegance, reminding why I love her. Love how she just casually tells us that she's visiting from a separate dimension like it's nothing lmao
Sooo Blaze has sweet tooth cannon? Yes.
LMAO TRAINEE NO "Why can't i win in this group"
Rouge darling please give the conductor his money back it's to early to steal anyones lunch money 
Y'know it's a bit awkward knowing that Trainee just realised he's talking t The Sonic The Hedgehog, like my dude did you not know what he looks like? Either way Sonic's pretty chill
"I brought my own sparkle gelatin. It's a jelly that can melt away even the most jaded hearts" Tails imma need you stop being so cute and wholesome for ONE SECOND OKAY I CAN'T TAKE IT ✹đŸ„ș
Awww Trainee and Tails are jelly buddies!!!
"Thank goodness someone on this train is normal" buddy wait till you see the kid fly an airplane and can fly with his two tails lmao
Espio why you holding that rose who is it for 👀
DID ESPIO SERIOUSLY READ TRAINEES MIND?? (Edit he did in fact, something about his Ninjutsu or something)
"Can you cling into walls" "i most certainly can" okay just tell the conductor that, I'll now know where to find you then. In the air vents.
"Do you sell gift bags here" 
.. shadow you didn't forget to bring Amy a present her birthday party right?
"Robot arm reminding me that one AI from Wall–E, hopefully we're not going to that route 
"Actually, uh Train, the conductor wants me to have the whole plate" lmao you ain't slick Trainee
Okayyy last but not least we have Vector, who does not in fact have his ticket, aanddd now we're supposed to find it
"I wonder what cake topper Sonic picked out for me" "...shoot, i was supposed to give Amy a cake
 what am i supposed to do?" Ya done goofed you blue gumball dork
"You don't need to bow everytime you see me" sure Blaze it's not like i was stress responding. definitely.(seriously tho i love her dialogues)
Okay imma take a gamble and ask shadow if he sees any tickets 
"Only three items on the menu..? You don't even have drinks listed" THAT'S WHAT I WAS SAYING!!! Also we only have like three drinks too, water, coffee, and chaos cola
"I'll have to take you up on the coffee soon. Just the beans and A spoon, though" 

I spent 5 minute hitting every random object where's the ticket – OH WAIT LEFT ARROW
"Lost ticket added to you inventory" YES BUD LET'S GOO
Poor trainee has to double shift on being the microwave expert AND security guard smh, Trainee better has a good paycheck
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. Oh. OH!!  SO THAT'S WHY THEY'RE ALL WEARING SPECIFIC CLOTHES. Amy's you nerd she even got them all lore cards i love this girl
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So Sonic's role is to be the ship captain. I do wonder why a ship captain of all roles since their in a train setting but ill take
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Oh shadows supposed to be a locksmith?.... I wasn't the only one who thought he was gonna be a barista stationed at the cafe right? My guy might have to dress a little bit more specific for a locksmith
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and of course we;ve got our birthday girl as the journalist!
Sweet got a map of the train baby!! Alsooo the lounge looks suspiciously close to the conductor's car

Well with that out of the way let's get started!!!
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Oooohhhh ok cool cool cool got i
"This way there's always a neutral party" yes tails you go you smart cookie
Y'know it's very sweet of all of them to play along with the murder mystery roleplay. Everyone wish they have friends like that
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Tails you adorable smart nugget how come you keep getting cuter and adorable by the minute đŸ„ș✹
"My lore is that I'm a nosey person turned journalist" aww c'mon birthday girl don't bring yourself down lol
Oh wait it's just the train moving
Why is it even shaking THAT much???
Anndd screen goes dark, welp i guess that's it for the dining car scene for now
Aanndd that's all for part 1 hope you guys enjoy and see you guys around part 2!!
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
I'm glad more folks see that Rhett would be perfect with a single mom
ohhh absolutely! he's so good w Amy in the show (better than Perry is 👀) and I just KNOW he would be the best, biggest, proudest cowboy stepdad ever
like imagining him inviting you to see him ride for the first time and getting the baby little soundproof headphones unprompted bc he doesn't want the crowd to overwhelm them?? and making a rocking chair with his bare fucking hands bc you hate the one you have and it hurts you to sit on?? taking naps on the porch with the baby on his chest, cowboy hat tipped over the baby's head so the sun doesn't hurt their eyes??? wanting to carry the baby everywhere with him and being all smiley and prideful when people compliment him on being a good dad???
it makes me so--
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