#the fic i mentioned is called Things Could Always Be Worse and it wont make a lot of sense if you havent listened to tma but i adore it
saccharanth · 2 years
Listen listen, I’m not sure how much fandom overlap goes on between mxtx and tma but I DO know that I think it would be absolutely hilarious if someone wrote the equivalent of the straight tma tma crossover fic with mdzs and het og cqlverse, but make it worse. 
Wen Qing and WWX reunite. She was alive all this time because WWX sacrificed himself for her and the power of true love and also ghosts protected her or something. LWJ says he loves WWX like a brother and the two share a manly bro side hug before LWJ confesses that he really has loved LQY all along. They get married. 
WWX overcomes the trials and tribulations of resentful energy through the power of (het) love and kills JGY who was gay. NHS is revealed as trans. This is treated as another one of his schemes and terribly handled by everyone involved. NHS also reveals that MXY wasn’t actually gay, that was JGY trying to save his own reputation. 
There’s an epilogue scene where Little Apple looks over to see another donkey with massive eyelashes and lipstick.  And then this version of WWX and og WWX swap bodies.  og WWX is almost happy at first. Things got resolved way more cleanly in this universe thanks to the power of (het) love and plot holes after all! Then. Of course. The slowly dawning horror as he realizes just how w r o n g this universe has gone.  “WHAT DO YOU MEAN LAN ZHAN IS MARRIED TO MIANMIAN” Smash cut to straighverse WWX waking up in bed with... HIS HUSBAND?!?!?!
And oh boy!! has this awakened something!
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mysticficti0n · 1 month
It's been so long
Hello my beauties, I was looking through my inbox and saw around like 9 people asking for a Phil Wenneck fic and I rewatched all 3 hangover films and this idea came to my head, my 500 follower special is still in the world as I want it to be perfect. I've wrote this in like 4 hours and only skimmed it so if there any spelling mistakes ignore them- love you 😘
warnings- 2009!Phil wenneck x y/n Y/l/n, (he's single and has no kid either), swearing, mentions of underage drinking, pet names, p!inv!, sub/readerxdom/Phil,
words- 7.9k
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"Dylan are you ready?" I called waiting next to the front door, swining my car keys around my finger "Dyl come on you're gonna make us late and mom will kill me if we are late!" I yelled losing my patients
"I'm here" he spoke coming down the stairs "why don't you just don't tell them we were late" I hummed actually taking in his idea
"good idea- well anyways come on" I answered getting into the car. I started the engine and began the short drive to his school, the roads were busy and that meant that was making us later and later
"god- when's your meeting?" I spoke turning to my little brother
"erm.. 5:45pm" he said after looking at a sheet of paper that he pulled from his pocket "and its now...5:45 Y/n"
"Shit-" I spat "oh sorry Dylan" he laughed as I slapped a hand over my mouth "well lets just hope this doesn't take much longer"
finally after another 15 minutes we made it, hurriedly we walked into the school, Dylan had my hand pulling me through corridors until we made it to room 7L and he knocked on the wood "come in" a voice sounded and Dyl pushed the door open "ah Dylan, you're here!"
"Hello sir" my brother smiles going towards a small chair put out in front of a desk "this is my sister, Y/n" I followed behind him and placed my hand bag on the floor before turning to face the teacher
"hi, I'm so sorry that we're late the traffic was ter-"
"Y/n?" the mans voice cut me off "Y/n Y/l/n?" even in heals I wasn't as tall as him, so as my eyes met his face I knew who it was straight away
"Oh my god Phil- I can't believe it!" I laughed, I knew Phil all through school, from Pre-k to collage, and he hadn't changed a bit since we had left, chiseled jaw, sun kissed skin, his brown short hair flowing effortlessly around his face and a smile that was always imprinted on his lips "you haven't changed a bit Wenneck" I spoke as we pulled from a hug
"Neither have you Y/n- you look great- erm please take a seat" he grinned as he took a seat behind his own desk "woah- well Dylan it's great to see you for the second time, and also you Y/n, great to see you again too"
"how do you two know each other?" My brother inquired giving me a confused look
"Me and Mr Wenneck went to school together, well we basically grew up together, he was one of my best friends" I answered shooting the man a smile, Dylan nodded getting a grin across his face
"okay well- lets look at everything shall we?" Phil pulled open a folder and his finger traced down the page and then tapped "here, so Dylan by the looks of things you are doing amazing in all classes with b+'s and some A's which is great for a boy your age..which is 9 but 10 In a few weeks if I'm right?" Dylan excitedly nodded, a cheesy smile coming across his lips, my hand patted his shoulder seeing his smile grow bigger "and your behaviour... no detentions, or warnings this year little man, much better then when your sister was in school" he joked
"excuse me- you were a lot worse then me, remember what you did to Jake that day?" I asked raising my eyebrow
"he had that coming, but I wont say much more, need to professional" I shook my head laughing at him as we both remembered the day in high school-
_____ 12th grade (1992) _____
Me, Sasha, Lauren, Stu, Phil and Doug sat in the bleachers laughing about whatever random things we could think off "and what about that time Lauren fell over the curb when we went to that party?" Stu laughed getting a slap from the red head
"I was drunk okay- and like 15 so that doesn't matter" she angrily spoke trying to stop the smile from going on her lips. the six of us kept talking while we sipped on our drinks we brought from the lunch hall. Soon the break was over and we all went to head back in, I stood up, straightened my skirt around my legs and fixed my top around my shoulders, and grabbed my bag from the seat in front of me
"Nice rack Y/l/n!" I herd a voice call from the bottom of the steps, I stood straight back up covering my front with my hand and my eyes immediately locked with those of Jake Casey "its alright babe don't need to hide them from me- oh and nice panties too girls, down there had a great view- didn't it boys" he joyed blowing me a kiss as the three guys around him shared a laugh
I quickly stopped down the steps, coming face to face with the creep "what did you just say?" my voice was low as I got into his face, his friends oh'ed; clapping there hands
"I said-" Before he could even finish his sentence my hand slapped across his face "Ow! what the fuck is wrong with you!" I went to walk away until the feeling of his hand fixed on mine "don't you walk away now bitch" he seethed, his other hand wrapped around my waist pulling me onto his body
"Let go of me you perv" I yelled, desperately trying to free myself, but in an instant, Jake lay helpless on the ground, his grip on me replaced by Phil looming over him like a dark storm. Soon Phil's fists crashed into Jake's body relentlessly, each punch harder then the last, and those three friends from before were not to be seen as the dashed across the field to get away from Phil who wasn't stopping his beating
"don't- you- ever- fucking- do- that- again" he warned as he hit the boy again
"OKAY, OKAY, I'M SORRY!" A shattered voice pleaded, but the brunette remained unrelenting. "PLEASE, GET OFF!" we all watched as Stu and Doug forcibly tore Wenneck away from the now bloodied and battered man. quickly Jake pulled himself up whipping around and running off to join his group who were half way across the track. Phil backed off, dusting himself from the dirt that lay on his jeans and fixed his sun glasses to begin back on his head
"Thanks Phil," we said in unison as we approached, the two girls going to stand with Stu and Doug as they talked about what had just happened. "You okay?" I asked, brushing his arm where he had a faint red mark.
"I'm fine. How about you?" he replied, his concern evident. I nodded, showing him the small mark on my wrist. "Does it hurt?"
"No, I'm okay... Thanks for stepping in again," I said again, I got the feeling like it was just the two of us in that moment, drawing closer, Phil's hand landing softly on my waist the warmth overpowering the heat from the Los Angeles sun. "I—" I started, but Stu interrupted with his usual humour.
"Come on, you two! We'll be late if you start a love story now after all these years!" he joked, pointing at us "flirt after class is done" I couldn't help the red from painting my face as the whole group fell into a laugh
"Shut up, Price," Phil said, rolling his eyes as he put his arm around my shoulders instead of my waist, pulling me closer in a simple yet meaningful gesture.
_____ end of flashback _____
"and Dylan- how are you finding school?" Phil asked, grabbing a pen off his desk looking back to him with a warm smile
"good- I have lots of friends and a girlfriend!," Phil oh'd looking to me as a we laughed " and I like my lessons, and I'm in the soccer team!" he talked "and the homework is okay, Y/n helps me a lot because she's smart"
"stop it" I laughed scruffing the young boys fluffy hair
"well that sounds good then, I have some of your books here for you Y/n if you want to have a look through and also his end of year report" I grabbed the small pile of books from the mans hand and began looking through while listening to the two talk about soccer and things, I looked to the page with the title 'my family' and saw a family tree scribbled with crayons and our faces drawn in: Mom, Dad, me, him, Grandma, Papa, our cousins and aunties and uncles too.
"Dylie your work is really good!, especially your family tree, you've got everyone!" I cheered. After I finished looking through all the pages I set them back on the desk and Phil finished up his convocation with Dylan
"is there any questions you have Y/n?" He asked looking to me, his face warm
"I don't think so, I mean he's doing great and thats all I can really ask for, he seems to have a good teacher too" I spoke seeing Phil smirk at me shaking his head
"great, that ends this then- Dylan, Y/n thank you for coming to see me and I'll see you on Monday little guy, and don't forget the trip money" Phil stuck his hand out to my brother who's little hand shook it back and I watched as the blonde waved walking to the door
"Y/n! Sam's out there can I go say hi?" he asked excitedly looking to his friend out side the window
"sure" I replied seeing him hurriedly open the door, he shouted a quick good bye to 'Mr Wenneck' and quickly left us behind in the class room "again sorry for being late Phil- just everywhere seemed to be busy" I laughed grabbing my bag from the floor and placing it on my shoulder then getting Dylans report off the table
"its fine don't worry- you two were my last appointment anyways, and as its you I don't mind either" he smiled coming round the front of his desk and leaning against it "but honestly Dylan is a great kid, I don't even like teaching but kids like him make it worth it you know" I nodded listening to him
"I never thought you be a teacher you know, I mean you hated school" he laughed rubbing the bridge of his nose
"Yeah I know but life happened" he said looking back to me "erm well I was wondering- do you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow?" I was a little taken back, in a good way though "it's fine if not, but we could have an actual catch up you know? I mean I haven't seen you since we were 20 ish and were now old "
"thank you very much for reminding me- but yeah what time?" I agreed, I watched as a smile spread along is face
"I'll come pick you up at 8?" I nodded "cool well erm- I'll see you tomorrow Y/n" he stood up leading me to the door, before I left I pulled him into another hug
"see you tomorrow" I whispered before letting go and walking out to grab Dylan who was happily chatting to his friend and his mom "hi Carol" I waved
"hey sweetie, how'd it go?" she asked
"good, Dylans doing really good- how's sam doing?" she shook her head and her smile dropped "oh"
"I got told he beat up another kid the other day- I don't know what to do, I mean when Charlie was younger he was nothing like this, and I remember when you were little and your little friends, you guys were never in fights- well not when you were 9! but Sam always is" her voice was full of anger
"mh, It's very odd- must be something triggering him" I spoke
"maybe I'll take him to see your mom when she's back, she's a therapist so maybe she can get to the bottom of it" Carol laughed "aways we must get off- Samual come on" the two boys said their goodbye and we walked out
"Night Dyl" I whispered leaving his room, I walked down the stairs to the living room, falling onto the couch and flipping on the tv to a random channel, I couldn't get over that Phil was teaching my little brother, my old best friend teaching my brother... life was weird. It reminded me, I needed to get someone to Have Dylan over the weekend, I knew he would enjoy staying at our grandparents so I picked up my phone and began calling my Grandma
"hello Rosie" she answered
"hi Grandma, how're you?"
"good poppet, is everything okay?"
"yes thank you, I was just wondering if it was okay if you had Dylan tomorrow night please? I met up with an old friend, well actually do you remember Phil?"
"Oh yes Phil Wenneck, of course how could I forget Philly! he was always with Doug, Stu, you, Sasha and Lauren wasn't he" I hummed agreeing
"well I found out he's Dyls teacher! and were going out for a catch up tomorrow night"
"aw thats lovely, of course we can have Dylie, Sofia and Ryan are sleeping tomorrow so its no issue"
"thank you so much, I'll bring him at about 5:30 if thats okay"
"yep thats fine, see you tomorrow lovie"
"night, love you" I came off the phone and saw a dot on my messages, I clicked on seeing -Phil- 1 new message-
'Hey Y/n, just checking (and I hope this isn't weird) are you at your moms house, just I know you're watching Dylan for the two weeks, he was telling me x'
'Hi Phil, yeah I'm here, and bless him I had a feeling he'd be telling everyone, he was saying we were gonna throw a party and everything x' I answered
'I mean if they were anything like your parties, I'm coming x' I laughed
'yeah gonna sing bah bah black sheep with the kids? x'
'of course, it's my favourite song x' I rolled my eyes
'I bet- see you tomorrow Wenneck x'
'night x'
"thank you so much again for having him Grandma, papa" I crouched down pulling my brother into a hug "I'll come get you tomorrow, go have fun and I'll call after okay, before bed" he nodded hugging me back then running to play with our little cousins "see you later" I hugged my grandparents then quickly drove back home to shower and get ready for seeing Phil.
I decided on a black dress, it wasn't to much, just around my thighs, some black heals, smokey dark make up and a dark red lip, my hair straightened down my back and some silver jewellery. I sprayed L’Interdit Rouge and grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder
I went into my kitchen, hurriedly pouring myself a glass of water and chugging the glass trying to suppress the anxiousness I felt rising in my stomach. The sound of the door bell rang through the hall and into the kitchen, I took one more deep breath before walking and opening up the door. I pushed the handle down and pulled the door open
"Hi Phil" I sounded as my eyes met him, he was dressed in a black suit which blended into the night perfectly, it fit his figure amazingly, hugging his muscles in all he right ways, his button up was only done up to the third one and the last two were left open showing of his toned chest, my eyes reached his face, his hair messed graciously behind his head and his sun glasses perched on his head "you look amazing" I spoke not realising I had been staring doe eyed for what felt like a life time
"I could say them same- look at you" he smiled "oh I brought you these" from behind his back he pulled out a bunch of roses, blood red- my favourites
"Phil! you didn't have too- these are beautiful!" I giggled like a child being given a lollipop
"almost as beautiful as you" I herd him chirp, my gaze snapped back to him
"careful" I laughed "come in, I'll grab a vase for these" I walked away hearing him follow behind after shutting the door
"god this place hasn't changed at all- holy shit I feel 17 again" he breathed coming into the kitchen "Its the place I first took a shot how about that" he reminisced
"yeah mom kept basically everything the same though she was going to change it all, then Dylan was born in 2000 and then she just kept it this way" he hummed leaning agains the kitchen counter
"how come your mom had Dylan- is that a weird thing to ask?...I- you don't have to answer that" he awkwardly laughed
"oh well Mom and Dad divorced erm 97' as you know, and mom got with this guy called Michel and then accidentally got pregnant, and we didn't know if he would make it because obviously mom was a lot older then most women who have children but they both made it and Dyls 10 soon" I explained
"oh wow, your moms a strong lady so I get why she made it through, I think thats why I was really shocked to see you yesterday because his name isn't Y/n/l Its Lee"
"yeah, I mean I didn't even know you were his teacher because he only ever called you Mr W or Sir" I spoke "and mom wouldn't have actually met you because this was his first parent teacher thing huh"
"yeah, anyways not that this isn't great we need to get going" he spoke checking his watch "so if you please" I walked towards the man and linked my arm with his as he led us out the house. Phil pulled open the passenger door for me and I gently settled myself into the leather seat, I watches as he went over to his side and slid in "ready?"
"Mhm" I smiled as we began our drive
The car stopped at a restaurant with the name 'Le Rouge', The two of us stepped out the car and immediately my arm hooked on his "wow this looks- beautiful" I breathed. The door was opened by a tall man who shot us a quick smile as we stepped through the threshold. To say I was taken back was an understatement, a soft, red glow washes over the space, enveloping it in an aura of intimacy. The dim lighting, like flickering candlelight, shone a warm hue. The décor, a careful balance of simplicity and refinement, features rich dark wood accents and sumptuous red velvet curtains that drape gracefully, adding to the sultry, moody ambiance.
"Good evening Sir, Madam- how may I help?" a sweet looking girl cooed, her hands quickly grabbing a paper that lay in front of her
"hi, I have a booking should be under the name Wenneck" the girl nodded checking down the paper until her eyes seemed to find the name
"okay- if you two would like to follow me" the blonde began trotting through the many tables full of customers until she stood next to a small dark wood table for two, one candle and flower sat as the centre piece and two menus lay in our places "Erin will be your waitress tonight, and she'll be over soon to take your orders but would you like to get started on drinks?" Phil looked over to me giving me a quick nod telling me to go first, hastily I lifted the drinks menu from the side and scanned the paper
"I'll have a....Cabernet Sauvignon please" I answered seeing her write it down quickly, I turned to look back to the man sat across from me who's eyes flickered down the same menu as me
"make that a bottle and two glasses please" soon the girl disappeared with our orders "so what do you think?" Phil asked, his gaze landing back on me
"you've out done yourself Wenneck, it's gorgeous in here- I bet this place is really expensive though so I can pay-" before I could even finish the brunette chirped rolling his blue eyes at me
"shut up- I asked you out. I pay. let me treat you, I haven't seen you in years so this is the least I can do for making up for the fact that you haven't seen my face in so long" he smirked fluttering his eyes
"oh yeah of course" I laughed pulling my chair in closer "so, how have you been since I last saw you, and I don't mean from just yesterday" I gave a warning look hearing him titter
"well, we all left school I was going to work with dad in the car place but we got into this huge argument and he said I was choosing the 'easy way out' so I proved him wrong and became a teacher, then I got a job at Dylans school in 2007, been working there since, but erm I was with this girl after we left school- her name was Shannon but erm she cheated on me and I haven't actually been with anyone in god 6 years this year" the man sadly laughed "but you know I'm doing okay, I have a home and a job so thats all that matters" without really thinking about it my hand reached across the table taking his softy, I watched as his sad smile got replaced with a warm one, his eyes growing softer "what about you, what have I missed?"
"ah well- we left school obviously and I started working for a few people as a PA, worked on a few sets during like 2004 and 5, but it wasn't really enough money so changed and stared working at this bank place 2 years ago. I can't say I love it but I bought an apartment West Hollywood but I've taken the next 2 weeks of to watch Dylan but I'm looking for a new job again, hopefully back on the PA thing because I enjoyed that" he nodded, listening to every word "I was also with a guy, Jackson for a good few years but we broke up on my birthday actually, he said he was bored and needed a 'new spark' so I guess I wasn't that interesting to him" I chuckled, I looked down to my one intwined hand, the feeling of Phil's soft padded thumb swiped on my skin
"who needs those people though, I don't doubt that one day a good guy will see you and think 'damn, she's beautiful, talented, interesting, funny, beautiful'"
"you said that twice" I spoke in almost a whisper
"Its because I mean it" I felt my face heat up a ferocious red colour, before I could say anything else a wine bucket was placed onto our table and two glasses placed with it "ah thank you" Phil spoke with a smile, our hands broke away leaving mine cold. "do you want some?" the blue eyed man spoke, his voice filling my ears bringing me back to reality, I hummed holding my glass to him, the work popped and soon the red liquid began to flow into the glass until it nearly reached the rim, he filled his own then steadily placed the bottle back on the ice "to old friendships" his hand clenched around the neck of the glass, lifting it up
"to old friendships" I cheered, I let the wine cool my throat, taking all the red blush away with it, I could still feel the pricing blue gaze watching me over the table, not in a menacing way- but a adoring one. I tuned my attention back to Phil whose eyes fixed to mine "what are you going to have?" I asked seeing him look to his menu
"stake maybe, or lamb- you?" I checked down the list, until my eyes found my favourite "let me guess- filet mignon?" I nodded, a grin spreading on my lips "still know you well then"
"well I mean its been a good few years Wenneck- you sure?" I pondered, chewing my lip "do you really know me?" my voice lowered, and I couldn't help but watch his expression falter from being confident to slowly becoming more soft
"whats changed about you- tell me love" hearing the nickname nearly knocked the breath from me, something about hearing It in his voice, from his face, on his tongue
"you'll have to find out yourself" I challenged, his stare narrow
the meal was one not to be forgotten, and the bill was another thing I would also never forget "Phil stop it- split it with me, you can't pay $250!" I snapped trying to pull the bill from his grasp
"Y/n I am a grown man with my own money- fuck off let me do this- I'll be paying tonight" he demanded
"next time I pay" I sassed, shoving my card back into my pocket, I watched as his eyebrow lifted, questioning my words
"a next time huh?" he responded with a smirk, I shook my head staring away from his eyes as he paid the bill "come on gorgeous lets go" He was killing me- the nicknames, the watching, the smirk.. I felt like a teenager again... the first time I fell for the stupid boy
"watch it Wenneck" I quipped, he brushed me off by taking my hand and leading me from the building, it was a warm night, the sky still a ink blue but a darker colour than before
"wanna go see something?" Phil's voice broke through the silence "it's only down there" I followed his out stretched arm that pointed to a small cleaning in some trees, in my head I kept thinking of the negatives but in my heart, as cheesy as it sounded, I knew if I was Phil I would've been okay.
"okay" I agreed and soon we began moving toward the narrow entrance, he pushed some branches out the way with his free hand, his other still softly holding mine "where are you taking me?" I asked, a soft laughter leaving after I saw him look back with his signature smirk. Soon we stopped as we came to a opening
"welcome to the most cozy place" I looked round the mans figure to see a small pond littered with lily-pads, and pond grass, lit by the moons glow, it was very romantic and every girls dream place to sit after a night like ours
"Phil how do you find these places?" I questioned taking in the view, he gleamed shrugging off his jacket and laying it on the floor next to the water "careful it'll get dirty"
"Y/n it can be cleaned- just sit down" without wasting anymore time, I perched myself next to him on his jacket, our legs bumping as we relaxed into the floor. I stared out in front of me, watching the small movements off the trees as the wind blew past, and the ripples that bounced in the water "tonight has been so amazing Phil, thank you" I said sincerely, my look changing to face him "really" in this light he looked heavenly, his outline illuminated by the light cascading from the sky, his eyes shining into mine, it felt like it was just us again in the world, only me and only him
"Y/n, can I ask you something?," I hummed, slowly nodding my head because no words could leave from my lips "can I kiss you?" every good emotion began wizzing around my heart, butterflies flitted in my stomach and my brain turned hazy, none of it felt real
"please" I breathed, feeling his gentle touch as his hand caressed my cheek, drawing me closer to him. My heart raced as I wrapped my arms around his neck, surrendering to the warmth of his embrace. Slowly, I settled onto his lap as his other arm pulled me onto him, our bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Our lips met in a tender kiss, igniting a spark that had been smoldering between us for years. A sweet hum escaped my lips, a melody of longing and relief, as the weight of unspoken words lifted from my shoulders..
Reluctantly we both pulled away, taking in each other movements, my lips curled into a smile which Phil quickly mirrored, his hands finding my hips as he sucked for a breath "god I've waited so long to kiss you Gorgeous" he muttered, the pads of his fingers drawing random shapes as he spoke "why did we wait so long?" he questioned
"Phil, kiss me again" My voice trembled slightly as our mouths met once more, a surge of desire mingling with passion, flooding my senses. In an instant, Phil shifted our positions, his form now looming above me, casting a shadow over us, swallowing us in darkness.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this," his words pierced through the intensity of our kiss, but I couldn't bear to be apart from him for a moment longer. With urgency, my hands pulled him closer, silencing any further words with the press of our lips. His knee parted my legs as he leaned further into me, his wight laying on his arms that caged my head between them; his lips slipped from mine and began traveling down my jaw, to my neck, to my collar bone
"Umph Phil" I whined unexpectedly, my eyes fluttered open seeing the brunettes gaze shift to a darker, hungrier side, his lips began another assault on my skin, sucking and peppering me in little butterfly kisses as I tried to stop myself from making any noises that the outside world could hear.
Phil pulled away, smiling at the view of me, I copied his expression as my hand carefully tucked back a fallen piece of hair "you should let me take you out more often" he laughed softly, his hands found mine and pulled me up to meet him, my legs felt uneasy from the moment but I forced myself to stand although my head only met his chest, the hands that once lifted me began to drag up my side until the two cupped my jaw "you okay?"
"yeah... I think just still in shock, I don't think I've ever been kissed like that in my life" he hummed, a suggestive look painting his features "what?" I asked looking up to him
"I just think you look really hot right now," he spoke with a amused smile "like, really hot" Phil repeated, his head bent so our mouths were basically exchanging air "can I kiss you again- please" It sounded almost like a beg but how could I refuse?
"you don't need to ask" I replied as once again my arms tangled behind his head. Though this kiss felt different than the last ones: hungrier, more passionate, wanting, pleading for more. My one hand knotted into his hair pulling a handful of strands causing him to lift slightly from the kiss
"ugh- fuck Y/n, don't do this to me" his voice croaked in a moan "or I'll take you home right now" I felt a rush of excitement run through my veins hearing the words leave his mouth
"do it then" I commanded pulling away to stare into his blue eyes that seemed midnight black all of a sudden. In one swift movement Phil lifted his jacket off the floor and grabbed my hand leading me back out the wooded area and to his car, the lights flashed as we climbed in and in seconds the engine roared. I couldn't stop my face from heating up as I watched his knuckles whiten from their grip on the wheel as we turned out from the restaurant parking lot back to my house.
His hand hadn't left my thigh the entire drive home, it drew small circles on my bare skin and I couldn't help but fall into the rhythm, I watched as we turned into my street and the car came to a abrupt stop on my drive way. We exited the car and rushed to the front door, I dragged my keys from my purse and slotted them into the lock and after a few tries the door swung open
I spun around to face Phil, my heart pounding with anticipation as my arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer. Through the doorway, our bodies collided, a rush of heat and longing coursing between us. My back met the wall, but the world around us faded as our kiss deepened, the intensity building with each passing moment.
Our shared desires spilled into the air, mingling with the soft sounds of our breath and the gentle rustle of clothing. In the haze of passion, we fought for control, our bodies moving as one in a dance of longing and need. As we finally broke away, gasping for air, our faces flushed with desire, I closed the door behind us, turning my back to the man that now stood behind me, softly I felt his hands creep around my sides, his breath climbing up my neck
"I need you gorgeous" he whispered, his lips brushing the lobe of my ear, without another thought I grabbed his palm and led him up the stairs. I felt like a teenager again, messing around with my crush for the first time. We made it to my room and I knocked the door open but soon my attention was torn away and all I could think of was Phil, Phil Wenneck who's hands were holding my body as his lips pushed against mine, Phil Wenneck who was laying me on my bed and holding himself above me. Phil Wenneck.
"Take this off me," I whispered, my gaze locked with his, my voice dripping with desire. As he obeyed, his fingers trailed down the small straps of my dress, exposing my chest to his hungry gaze. I felt a shiver of anticipation race down my spine as his touch ignited a fire within me.
His hands caressed my skin, teasingly light, sending sparks of pleasure dancing across my body. I watched in rapt fascination as he cupped each breast, his touch firm yet gentle, kneading them as if they were dough in his palms
With a soft groan, his lips left mine, blazing a trail of kisses down my body, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. I arched my back, offering myself to him, my breath hitching as his mouth hovered tantalizingly close to my aching nipples.
As he took one between his teeth, a sharp gasp escaped my lips, pleasure and pain intertwining in a heady mix. "F-Fuck," I hissed, unable to contain the overwhelming sensation coursing through me.
"Like that, don't you?" Phil's voice was husky as he released me, his gaze smouldering with heat. I could only nod, my body trembling with need, words failing me in the face of such intense pleasure. He repeated his actions, each touch sending me spiraling further into ecstasy. His tongue traced delicate patterns on my skin, leaving me trembling again and again, his kisses a gentle reminder of the tender passion that consumed us both.
I began to feel the heat between my legs grow hotter as I watched him draw himself down my body, my dress slowly coming all the way off and pooling at my ankles leaving me in just my black thong "you look- just woah" he grinned, his hand petting mine
"you still have too much on" I flirted sitting myself on my knees in front of him, I let my hands trail up his front till I met the first button and I pushed it undone, then the next, then the next until his top was bare revealing his tanned torso, and tanned muscles that decorated his front. I pushed myself closer to the man, my lips pressing against his peck until I reached his collar bone, my tongue poked out from between my lips as I licked a line up his neck to his ear "I need you to take these off for me" I sighed
"do you?" he purred, standing from my bed his hands unfastened his buckle then popped the button letting the material fall to the floor leaving him In his boxers which outlined his boner leaving nothing to the imagination "gonna keep staring or come do something about it" he asked with a smirk
"not if you act like that" I answered slyly as I kneeled at the side of my bed in front of the man, his hand reached for my jaw propping my mouth open, dipping his thumb into the wet
"be a good girl and lay back for me, hm gorgeous" I pulled off his finger with a pop and lay myself down, my thighs parting to show him stood just in front of me, his palm stroked my heat, the friction sent waves through my body "so sensitive already" I hummed, trying not to grind myself against his flat hand. His fingers dipped behind the material and hooked the thong away, pulling them down my thighs then to the floor, softly his hands once again parted my legs, showing him my already went cunt "look at that" he praised
"please do something" I begged, in a matter of seconds I felt his fingers brush over my skin, a few digits pushing through my folds "agh- oh Phil" I whimpered at the touch
"god if you say my name like that again I'll cum right fucking here" I smiled looking up to the man who's finger began slipping down my wetness again "deep breath baby" he spoke. I sucked in a breath which was harder then anything I had ever done before then felt a finger push through the threshold, dipping into my cunt
"Angh" I cried as Phil began a agonisingly slow pace, the pad of his finger narrowly brushing my want "a-another- another please Phil- oh please" I pleaded
"already? such a good girl gorgeous" I nodded but soon my body was stuttering at the feeling of another digit sliding in
"Nagh- tha...nk you" I breathed, my hips moved involuntary at the pleasure- my eyes screwed shut, I hadn't got the power to force them to look at him, my voice was stuck in my throat as the knot in my stomach tightened "Phil-holy... I'm gonna-" before I could finish my own sentence I cut myself off "Ooh- fu....fuck fuck my god Phil" I called, my hands blindly reached for something to hold, trying to stable myself but I couldn't reach a thing
"you're okay- come on you're alright" he cooed, his free hand stroked my head as I slowly came down from my first high, my eyes finally opened and my first look was at Phil "there we go, hey gorgeous" he smiled
"hey" I greeted back, our lips connected again and I couldn't stop my fingers from going back to his hair, small pieces caught between each digit as I pulled him closer
"hmph- Y/n gentle with me" he joked breaking the kiss, I rolled my eyes turning my gaze away from his face to his body that sat above mine, I couldn't help but notice the tent in his boxers only looked larger. Slowly I lifted my leg letting the bulge sooth over my knee "agh.. mh you think your funny don't you?" he taunted
"no- I just really want you inside me Phil" I purred as both my hands held his face "please Phil" the man moved quicker than I have ever seen a man move before, his boxers were pulled away from his hips and down his legs revealing his length. My eyes widened- he was huge, no wonder girls in school jumped at the chance of a night with Phil, now I understand.
He knelt behind me, lightly pumping his cock before brining it up to my entrance "your safe word is Mexico okay- you say that and we stop" I murmured an 'okay' and he started to come closer, his warm tip stroked through my split "ready?" I hummed, steadily he pushed in, breaking through my entrance inch by inch before pulling out and repeating his action until he was fully sank into me "god baby you're so tight" he grumbled, I nodded not being able to speak because of feeling so full "want me to start moving now?" he spoke breaking the silence.
"mhm- slowly, you're so big" I welled watching a smirk plaster his face, Phil agonisingly pulled back until only his tip sat in me "Phil don't tease" I whined "need you to...fuck me so good" i was breathless already
"no problem gorgeous" he snarked before slamming his hips back and his full length pushing back inside me, I yelled at the force as he found a pace, our bodies hitting together in a rhythm only gods could create
"Oh Phil...Feels so good in me" I chattered, eyes fixated on him, I couldn't tare my gaze away as his shoulders tensed to keep himself up, a sheen of sweat building on his skin, his hair becoming unruly on his head as stray strands fell
"You feel so good around me- ugh fuck Y/n- such a good girl Y/n" hearing my name fall from his mouth only made me needier, it sounded so right
"fuck Phil- I feel so fucking good, shit- you fill me up so well Wenneck" I panted, my hands digging into his shoulders, nails scratching his skin
"fu-fuck you say it so well baby, I only wanna hear my name out your mouth" he moaned pressing open mouth kissed on my neck "I feel close- are..are you?" his voice trembled
"mhm- I was trying to hold off for you" I spoke, to brain numb to stop the truth, I could already feel his cock twitching inside me as he pounded my g-spot tirelessly
"cum with me- fuck baby" he hissed as I felt his thrusts get faster, our moans started to sync, I never thought I could fall for Phil, but seeing this side, hearing his voice, his moans, his venerability, I couldn't help the feeling "Y/n I need to come so bad" he begged
"shit- i...I- Oh my god" I hiccuped feeling the tie in my stomach rip apart and a swarm of warm blanketing me everywhere, then the sensation of my walls being painted with ropes of cum as the man above me faltered
"mgh- ah, holy fuck" he gulped, his head falling to my shoulder "I've never came that quick in my life" a small laugh escaped as he caught his breath while pulling out
"neither...Jesus Phil" I breathed, our eyes met again and we both had a new glow about us "you look pretty like this" I spoke brushing my fingers through his hair
"you've always been beautiful but right now," his lips tenderly met mine, the kiss was sweet and meaningful making the moment only better "Y/n can I say something?"
"yeah" I agreed, he shifted to be lay next to me, his palm sliding down to rest in the crook of my waist "what is it?"
"I really love you, I did all through school and, when we left I regretted not telling you but yesterday, seeing you and all, then today, I remembered how I felt," I blushed, hiding my face with my free hand "that was so cheesy but I don't even care anymore" he chuckled
"I really love you too Phil" our lips caught each others again, smiling into the make out, we pulled away letting our foreheads rest against each others "we waited so long"
My eyes fluttered open to my sun kissed room, the light stripping against my walls, I hummed letting my head nuzzle back into Phil's chest where I'd been lay since the early hours of the morning, my fingers drew up his stomach and scratching softly over his peck, I felt him stir at the touch, pulling small faces at the feeling "what are you doing" he yawned
"nothing" I hummed pressing a kiss to his skin "but it is time to wake up" he sighed rubbing his face with the hand that wasn't wrapped around my waist. Finally he opened his eyes and faced me, though I had already been watching for a while
"morning gorgeous" he sounded
"morning Phil" he pulled me close laying a kiss to the top of my head then propping his chin against my forehead "I've gotta get Dylan soon by the way" he hummed again, I could tell he was falling back to sleep, so quickly I sat myself up pulling the cover away from our bodies
"Y/n come on! five more minutes" he sneered "please baby" his voice begged as morning still lay thick on his voice
"no, come on Wenneck- I remember when we were kids you would say that then not move for another hour so up" I demanded taking his hand and pulling him from the bed. He rose up, towering above me
"you're mean" he commented as he loomed down on me
"but you told me you loved me last night" I played, my finger teasingly running down his front
"I do," he grinned leaning closer "but I also think you're mean" I rolled my eyes wondering away as he sat himself back on the bed falling back.
Quickly I got showered, washed my face and brushed my teeth and changed into jeans and a jumper in a few minutes, Phil on the other hand had just managed to brush his teeth and stick his shirt back on as he continuously groaned about being awake so early on a Sunday, though it was 11:30am
"okay well I need to go get Dyl now, he's got a soccer club to get to at 1 and I need to clean the house and things" I moaned, leaning my head against Phil, soothingly his hand ran down my back comforting me as he laughed
"why don't I stay and help? I have nothing better to do, and I can stay with you a bit longer, make dinner, be like another date" he asked, and I couldn't help but smile at his idea, having him around would make things better
"sounds perfect, now come on we've gotta go get Dyl"
My hand pushed the doorbell and soon enough the shuffling of slippers appeared on the other side "afternoon sunshine" my grandma beamed pulling me into a hug "and who's thi- Oh my lord, Phil Wenneck, look at you!" quickly she came out grabbing his face, inspecting all his changes "Philip aren't you so handsome!" she cooed
"thank you, you look lovely yourself, haven't changed a bit" he spoke as she stepped away laughing
"stop it you, anyways let me grab Dylan, he's been playing with the dog all morning- Dylan Y/n's here!" she called wandering back into the house
"Y/n!" a voice called as the noise of shoes tapped down the hall way and soon hands wrapped around me "you didn't call last night like you said!" he complained though still with a smile on his face
"I'm sorry, I got a bit busy last night Dyl" my gaze changed to Phil who was stood smiling at us
"Mr Wenneck?"
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
Thicker Than Water (Part 8)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, (here)
Ao3 link HERE
Please note, this is pretty heavy, it deals with a lot of common insecutiries for adults with ADHD and Jaskier blames himself for a lot of things, but it’s not triggering in the traditional sense. Much of this fic has been about the ways Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria and other ADHD symptoms can cause self-destructive actions, this focuses on other insecurities, common blames, and then the self-isolation that can come from guilt, even unfounded guilt.
Please remember, in this fic’s world Geralt and Jaskier actually do have a loving and pretty healthy friendship, albeit with communication issues. People fight some times, these are just ways in which RSD can mess with healthy relationships.
OTHER TW: Mentioned child abuse.
Yennefer and Ciri asked Jaskier to come down for supper that evening. Between lunch and dinner he’d napped, evidently passing out wasn’t the same as actual good-quality rest and his body was demanding it’s due. Evening came around, though and Yen took his elbow to help him stand.
They walked at a slow pace down the hall, Jaskier’s body not up for much more. Ciri stuck behind them, but the pace was embarassingly painstaking.
“Ciri,” Yennefer said. “This is a lot for Jaskier, and will take some time, why don’t you go see if they need help in the kitchen?”
Ciri gave one more concerned look at Jaskier, then bounded off. 
Yennefer steered Jaskier to an alcove in the stone of the hallway. He was embarrassed to find himself out of breath.
“What are you going to do?” She asked him. She wasn’t asking about his lungs.
“Eat supper I suppose.”
“I mean about Geralt.”
He knew she meant Geralt, and sighed. “I don't know, Ciri says I'm angry and I am...”
“That day on the mountain I didn’t give him space,” Jaskier said, feeling a lump grow in his throat, blocking off his already small air supply.
“I never know when to give people space, I never have, I've been working on it my whole life and I still don't understand.” His chest ached. With emotion, with pneumonia, with tiredness. With shame.
“I’ve always been different, you know?” He looked up at Yennefer. He was taller than her but she sat regally, and he was hunched over, conserving his air.
“In stories being different is usually a good thing, you get cool powers and people love you, but life isn’t like that. And being different is...it’s so much worse when you’re a kid.”
“I know,” Yennefer said. Those purple eyes...she knew. She understood, probably better than anyone. There were parts of her story that Jaskier didn’t have, wasn’t entitled to, but she understood.
“I cant do things I'm not interested in, not don’t want to, can’t. Even if I am interested, they don't always get done,” Jaskier whispered, like he was confessing to a priest, not a barely-friendly witch in a cold hallway.
“I’m nothing but a ball of loose ends, tangled up and bouncing around, running into people and making them as tangled as I am,” Jaskier said. It came out half-sobbed, which upset his breathing and he began to wheeze, then cough.
“If I’m not interested in something, if nothing lights up my mind, I get so sad and tired it’s like this horrible weight.” Jaskier kept talking, feeling the emotions fighting to get out. “Being around people helps, I can get things done, be more normal. And interesting people, oh they’re the best, of course. They keep that awful sad, tired feeling away because they’re always interesting.”
He looked down at his knees, wrapped in their battered trousers.
“But I need to be around them so much,” he whispered. “And I’m too much for anyone to want around long.”
He leaned his head against the cold stone of the alcove wall, staring blankly and watching as his field of vision blurred with tears.
“I’m dramatic,” he said. 
“You’re a bard.”
Jaskier shook his head. “Dad called me a pansy, among worse things. He tried to beat it out of me. I just, I seem to feel more than other people. Happy is more happy, but sadness, fear, rejection, they’re all so much worse. I overreact and it makes me hard to deal with.”
He felt a tear roll down and get caught in the scruff on his chin. “I need people though, and I need people to like me. Crowds come and go I just needed one person to like me so I forced it to be Geralt.”
Jaskier was crying in ernest now, full tears falling and shoulders shaking, clogging up his breathing so his cries mingled painfully with coughs. Yennefer reached out and pulled at his shoulder, bringing him up from his hunched over position.
“I’m angry at him even though it was my fault,” he said, wretchedly.
“I followed him and took advantage of the fact that he doesn’t talk because he wont tell me to go away. I took advantage of his patience like that so someone could keep me around and I let myself believe that he actually wanted me around, that just one person could bear being around me. And being with him left me time to go seek out other interests, go ahead or stay behind, I never got bored and it was perfect for me and probably hell for him.”
Jaskier sniffled, looking away and studying the wall because he couldn’t bear to see the condemnation that would surely be on Yennefer’s face.
“And I fell in love with him. Which was stupid because I've been using him this entire time,” he whispered. 
“I used him for music and money, then I used him to bandage my self esteem and its all my fault.”
Jaskier finally managed to look at Yennefer and saw that she was actually rolling her eyes.
 “It’s not your fault, he was on a horse, you were walking, he could have left you behind anywhere.”
“He’s too kind to leave me to die on my own.”
“What about towns?” Yennefer asked. “What about the djinn?”
“The djinn was my fault.”
“The djinn was his fault,” Yennefer said, stubbornly.
“The djinn was my fault, I thought he was joking. He’d do that, you know? I’d ask him what he was doing and he’d say ‘cooking a unicorn’ or ‘hunting a gabledegook’ so I just thought he was joking again because I thought surely a djinn was only a story. Even if they weren’t there was no reason Geralt would want one. I made horrible wishes, they could have ruined lives, can you imagine?”
“I can.”
Of course she could. It had been stupid of him to say that, Yennefer knew better than anyone how a careless wish, or even a not so careless one, could turn out.
“I have to ask,” Jaskier said, since Yennefer didn’t seem in the mood to turn him into a salamander. “Did geralt wish for you to love him?”
“He wished for me to be bound to him the sex was just...adrenaline, magic, wanting another outsider, a little bit of the djinn. I won’t do it again.” She said, fervently.
“You don’t have to promise that, I have no claim to him,” Jaskier said.
“No one has claim to anyone,” Yennefer snapped. “But you love him. Anyway, I wasn’t telling you, I don’t want him. I don’t want sex with him I want his destiny, our destiny, nothing more.”
“I love him very much,” Jaskier said, after she settled from her outburst.
“Have you ever told him?”
Never, he might think he owes me something.”
“I think you think he’s more self sacrificing than he is. He wouldn't date you out of obligation, he’s not that sort of man.”
Jaskier tilted his head back against the stone. “But he feels guilty, for everything, all the time. What if he did it as an apology.”
“Geralt wouldn't do you the disservice of a pity relationship.” 
“We had a pity friendship.”
“You didn't.”
“We did.”
Yennefer peered at him with those strange eyes. “You love him though.”
“I do.”
“I don’t think its a lost cause.”
“I do.”
Yennefer shifted, pulling her hair over one shoulder. “When I asked earlier, I meant what do you want to do after this? Do you even want to see Geralt?”
“Oh gods I rambled and --”
“Shut up, you needed it off your chest.”
Jaskier sighed. “I always want to see Geralt, but I don't think I should be around him. He needs more space than most people and I need less. I do want an apology, I don't want him to grovel, I don’t want him to beg for me back in his life because that's a choice I want him to make on his own. I don’t even need him to tell me through speech because I know that can be hard. He could write a letter.I just...”
“And if you got an apology?”
“I intend to apologize first. I’ll apologize, maybe he’ll apologize, and that way we can at least be friendly, if not friends. And then in the spring I’ll leave, take a different path and it won’t matter anymore.”
I won’t be able to hurt him anymore, Jaskier thought, darkly.
“Nilfgaard wants you,” Yennefer warned. 
“I know,” Jaskier sighed. “I may have to fake my death or... oh!” He looked up at Yen, smiling even as he wanted to cough. 
“You can wipe my memory!”
Yennefer actually recoiled. 
Jaskier’s excitement had set off the coughing and he felt it tear through his throat and squeeze at his ribs until the fit eased.
“I’m not wiping your memory,” Yennefer said, severely.
“Why not? Yen, it’s the perfect solution, and Nilfgaard couldn’t get anything out of me.”
“And Geralt get’s his damned wish,” Yennefer snarled.
Jaskier looked down. “I know he didn’t mean it, he’s a good man, he wouldn’t wish anyone gone in that way, but yes, that wish would be granted and I’d never bother him again.”
“Geralt has a habit of making stupid wishes that he doesn’t actually want granted,” Yennefer snapped.
“You’re supposed to be on his side,” Jaskier said, smiling wetly. “It’s my fault, remember?”
“I don’t think even Geralt’s on Geralt’s side,” Yennefer said. “I won’t take your memories. You wouldn’t remember anything.”
Jaskier deflated. “I guess I’m as good as dead if I can’t remember songs or how to play the lute.”
Yennefer shifted uncomfortably.
“I would forget how to play, wouldn’t I?”
“Well...” she said. “No. You would remember anything you’d learn, knowledge isn’t memories, you know? You’d even know your songs, just not why you knew them or that you’d written them.”
“If you won’t do it, is there a mage who will? I’d only need to get to a city, how much do you think a spell like that would cost?”
Yennefer groaned. “No, bard, I’ll do it. If it’s what you still want, if you’re sure at the end of winter, yes, I’ll take your memories. It’s better than some quack doing it, or worse, turning you in to Nilfgaard but...I don’t like it.”
Jaskier was surprised to see her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “I won’t take that choice from you,” she said, blinking hard. “But I hope it’s not the one you make.” She sniffed, she tried to make it seem disdainful but it was definitely tearful. 
“Anyway,” she said. “What about Ciri? She adore’s you, if you didn’t remember her it would break her heart.”
Jaskier waved a hand. “I”m only a storyteller,” he said, wishing bitterly that it wasn’t true. “She has a whole marvelous family full of stories they can tell her.”
“Didn’t you hear her, she doesn’t feel like this is a family,” Yennefer said, sharply. 
“We’ll fix that.”
“So that you can abandon her, you mean?”
Jaskier grimaced. “It’ll be safer for her. Even if I traveled with Geralt, there’s no guarantee Nilfgaard wouldn’t take me, wouldn’t read my mind and put her in danger.” He looked Yennefer right in the eyes. “I won’t let myself hurt her.”
Yennefer hung her head. “We’ll discuss it at the end of winter,” she said. “Do you still feel up to dinner?”
Jaskier thought about it. He felt lighter, in a way, unburdening himself of the guilt he’d been carrying was better, but he was exhausted, and his chest felt raw. 
“I think I’d rather eat in my rooms,” he said sheepishly. 
He ate dinner alone, wishing he wasn’t but he was practicing giving people space, and he felt proud of himself for it. He only had to continue it, apologize, and get through the winter.
Then he’d never remember he had problems to begin with.
They will get there. Please read the note at the top, these are all very common ADHD insecurities and relationship problems. Remember, Geralt is not the villain. He needs to apologize, and he’s trying, but the villain is the insecurity.
Tag List!
@frywen-babbles @mordoriscalling @thedarkestangel1 @kerfufflezz  @samukai  @charlies-dragon @live-long-and-trek-on  @holymotherwolf @morte-mistrata @mewithanie @sharondnovels @stinastar @ionlylikemycat @annafortoday @its-the-quenchiest-stuff @kkiyomizu @so--many-fandoms @endless-whump @ineffable-monster-romancer @tookarma @seraphim-miryam  @sweetiepieplum @nerdy-numinuos @ravenclaw-dirt
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wonnoy · 3 years
life long besties (?)
i have returned master kageyama
warnings: i guess insults for people who (i dont know. )
1 | 2 | 3
Oh god how you hated him. It didn't even matter what you hated about him, it was just everything.
Kageyama Tobio was the most insufferable person on the planet to you and the feeling was mutual. It wasn't instant hatred mind you, it was more like one action triggered the entirety of the downfall. And it all started with Hinata.
Last year of high school, your last year to make memorable memories. Stuff that would make you look back and hopefully not regret or be embarrassed by anything. Much harder said than done really, being outgoing wasn't the strongest suit you could wear.
You looked around the classroom, it was just buzzing with activity and you were the only one left out of it. A little bit of an outcast, you had spent the better of your time studying. The only semi friend you really had was Tsukishima - and even he was too busy with volleyball to actually spend any time with.
Any time you did spend with him was when the two of you were studying at each other's houses. He preferred it that way, there were less distractions there than at school.
Tsukishima was currently sitting by himself too, but you didn't think he'd be by himself for long. Yamaguchi, if you remember correctly, was always dragging him away from the classroom.
You scoffed and slunk your body further down into your seat, was it worth the hassle to go and try to talk to him? At least once without it being about a certain topic or anything? You sighed internally to yourself, probably.
Scooting your chair back, you started to walk over to him. He had his headphones in and a book in his hands, the usual set-up. You gave him a tat on the shoulder and he took his headphones off.
"Isn't Yamaguchi coming soon?" you leaned up against the desk.
Tsukishima scoffed at that, "I'd rather bite my fingers off," and he looked back down at his book. You would have normally took that as a sign to shut-up and go away but-
"So that does mean he's coming by soon right?" you smiled down at him and Tsukishima only sighed muttering 'any second now'.
The doors to your classroom bust open and in came Yamaguchi, smiling wide and eyes already landing on his friend.
"Come on Tsukishima, we gotta go," and Tsukishima only groaned before sinking into his chair, hastily pulling his headphones back on. But Yamaguchi was having none of it, already keen on moving him out of the chair.
You were still leaned against his desk and tilted your head, go somewhere? It was barely lunch time and you knew for a fact that volleyball practice doesn't start until after school.
Curiosity bit at you while Yamaguchi tried dragging his friend out of the chair.
"I can help," you got off the desk and could feel the burning stare of hatred Tsukishima was sending your way.
"Ah thank you y/n," he sounded relieved and began tugging while you started pushing. With great effort, and a couple minutes later, Tsukishima was finally standing but as an upset toddler.
"Where are you taking this big lug?" you leaned against the desk once more. You needed it a bit more for support this time rather than comfort because of the slight exertion you just did. Tsukishima grumbled at you and rolled his eyes. You ignored him.
"We're off to hang out with some other third years at the gym," he explained and stopped thinking for a second, "you're welcome to come with."
You looked behind you to gaze at your desk and the ones surrounding it, they were all empty. It would have been better than staying here alone, you didn't even bring your headphones today. You turned back to Yamaguchi, you were just complaining about being alone and not having enough memories.
Yet when given the opportunity you want to run away from it? Like hell.
"Sure, lead the way,"
Yamaguchi talks a lot, but you kind of already knew that. The fact that Tsukishima and him are close friends is insane, polar opposites those two were. The terrible friend and then the mediocre-ly kind friend, a wild dynamic.
"Someone called me Spongebob yesterday because of my freckles," Yamaguchi said. He went and dotted the freckles under his eyes for emphasis and Tsukishima snorted.
"Does that make me Squidward then," he pushed his glasses up, "the one that makes your life hell?"
Yamaguchi paled and nervously laughed. Tsukishima didn't stop his insult there, he then looked at you, "and I guess that makes you Patrick," and you immediately began to beat on him with your hands.
"I'll show you Patrick, you damn squid," you spat. Tsukishima and you lagged behind whilst Yamaguchi kept strolling ahead to the gym doors.
There was already a racket going on inside and it didn't surprise him much. He looked behind him, you were still pulling furiously at Tsukishima's ears as he continued verbally assaulting you.
Yamaguchi opened the doors, "hey guys, I brought a friend!"
There were only two boys inside yelling at one another, Hinata and Kageyama. Ukai was in the corner reading a magazine, he offered to be the 'parental guidance' last night when the third years asked if he could watch over them.
Doesn't seem like he was paying much attention though, which may or may not have been a good thing.
Hinata was bragging about his jumping when Yamaguchi announced his arrival, immediately turning away from Kageyama. Kageyama was fuming in front of him and Hinata turning away only made it worse.
"Ah, Yamaguchi!" Hinata jogged up to him, "took you long enough," he smiled and slapped his hand on the back of Yamaguchi. Sputtering forward, he grumbled from the stinging on his back from the slap that Hinata gave him.
Yamaguchi pointed behind him, "it's because I had these two in tow," pan-zoom in to you now tugging Tsukishima to ground and claiming that 'he was now Plankton in your eyes'.
You stilled when looking over at the doors of the gym - first impressions were already going down the drain and you quickly climbed off of Tsukishima whilst brushing your skirt down to manageable levels.
You waved, "hi," and the orange man smiled really wide at you. You think you remember him, you believe you actually watched one of the volleyball games after Tsukishima mentioned it at the end of a study session.
Hinata Shoyo, and the one fuming behind him was Kageyama Tobio. They were the star duo when it came to 'quick attacks' if you could remember the term correctly.
"I think this is the first time I've seen you outside of the hallways," Hinata laughed. He was already striding towards you and gripping your wrist, dragging you to the gym with him. Protests were choked back as you slowly skid to the doors and into the gymnasium. You haven't really spent a lot of time in here, normally you were in and then you were out.
It felt uncustomary to be standing here.
You looked over at the last third year of the room, Kageyama. His hair reminded you of a weirdly shaped q-tip and his face seemed to always be holding a permanent look of anger on it.
"Dumbass!" Kageyama bellowed out and you immediately puffed your chest at him like some weird peacock. Did he just - did he just call you a dumbass?
Hinata behind you was about to say something back but you beat him to it, it could have saved you this entire mess of hatred. But no, your fat mouth just had to open.
"I'm not the dumbass, dumbass," you shot back. Your brows were furrowed and fingers were clenching. Hinata still was holding on your wrist and he let you go, setting you free to swing your arms right back down to your sides comfortably.
Kageyama looked taken a back a little bit because it was you who replied and not Hinata. But it definitely didn't grind his gears right when you called him that, if his stiffed posture didn't indicate anything other than that.
"Alright let's just-" Yamaguchi began but Kageyama cut him off.
"But you're clearly the dumbass," Kageyama snuffed at you. By now, he had taken a couple steps closer to you so he could do some sort of intimidation stance to show off his height compared to yours.
You grabbed your forearm and began pushing up the already short sleeved shirt, "call me Sandy Cheeks because I'm about to karate chop your ass," you could hear Yamaguchi stifle a laugh to the side but no further fuss than that.
Kageyama couldn't have looked more disgruntled after you said that phrase. But instead he only mimicked your movements. You clearly took this as a threat.
So because of a tiny misunderstanding in communication, the ten year long feud between you and Kageyama raged without fail.
this is going to be one of my longer fics - as you can see it's got 3 parts
this is part 1, i wont be posting part 2 for a bit because im doing my first collab.
see you soon, im writing for futakuchi.
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that-good-trash · 4 years
I’m Not Okay- Chapter 5. The final chapter Midoriya x reader/ Bakugou x reader
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Izuku Midoriya x reader/ Katsuki Bakugou x reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: You have struggled with mental health your whole life so why can’t you seem to get it under control. Will you be able to keep the same mask even though two of your classmates have seen under it?
Warnings: Depression, Mentions of suicide/ Attempt at suicide, Self-harm, Angst, Anxiety,
Word count: 8,582
Comment: Omg this is finally the end! I’m so sad, its bittersweet:’( . I’m sorry that its so long I decided to add both boys endings in the same chapter, I also apologize for any grammar mistakes and if any of it seems rushed. Thank all of you for reading this series and I hope to start another one soon. [I am working on the second part too my Dabi fic]. Thank everyone who has been here from the beginning and any new readers. You all make this fun and enjoyable. 
you matter and any issues you have are valid!
After you were taken to the hospital everyone wanted to hear what would happen to you. Classmates surrounded and bombarded Bakugou and Midoriya as they were escorted back into the dorm building. Mr. Aizawa couldn’t stay to watch the students since he had to go deal with the aftermath of your attempt. There were legal and security issues with how easy it was for you to have jumped off the school building. The students were supposed to be in bed but how could they go to bed when you were laying in a hospital bed alone after feeling so desperate for a way out that you jumped off a building. They had many questions, concerns, and comments about how they didn’t know this had been happening with you.
Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck, exhaustion evident in his eyes. Bakugou growled and shoved passed the ‘annoying extras’, trying to get to the elevator. He wasn’t blaming any of them and yet when he looked at them, he couldn’t help but think they should have tried harder. Had you heard his thoughts you would have slapped him across the back of his head. Midoriya smiled sadly at his friends while following after Bakugou to the elevator. “Sorry guys, it’s late and I’m tired.”
He wished he had all the answers to give but he didn’t. You weren’t necessarily talkative about your issues so he really didn’t know much of what was going on with you. He just knew he wanted to be there for you. Even before this he had always watched you with gleaming eyes, you were a beacon of strength and hope to him. Bakugou would never admit to sharing things in common with his childhood friend but he did. He also would find himself watching you, how hard you pushed yourself. He would watch you train later than everyone else, your clothing covered in sweat and legs throbbing. He had caught that broken look in your eyes a few times wondering where it could be coming from. You would always roll your eye at his asshole comments and demands. You weren’t afraid to stand up to him, you’d even beat him once during a sparring match. You were strong to him and he couldn’t help but wonder how someone so strong crumbles so fast. He wasn’t a stranger to anxiety and guilt, just like Midoriya wasn’t a stranger to regret and depression. They both had some kind of idea, a sliver, of what pain you might be going through. Truly it was tragic to know that you had been dealing with this longer than it seemed to outwardly manifest itself to them. Battling bad guys was one thing, fighting internal demons was worse because you couldn’t ask for help or call for back up. It was you against the girl in the mirror, against the whispers in your ears.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Uraraka was the one who spoke, having made her way to the front of the crowd. Midoriya couldn’t help looking at her with slight disappointment. He didn’t blame her but he did feel like she was in the wrong for what she had done. Bakugou on the other hand didn’t find Uraraka innocent. He hadn’t been able to confront her due to having to find and help you. Bakugou let the elevator open his fist clenching at his sides. Midoriya walked into the elevator turning toward Bakugou with a raised brow. He was confused before his eyes widened in realization. He rushed forward as Bakugou’s hand ignited. He turned and thrust his open palm directly at the gravity girl. “KACCHAN DON’T!”
Everyone who wasn’t frozen from shock rushed to try and stop the attack. Uraraka closed her eyes and waited for the hit. It never happened. No one had to stop him because he stopped himself. He scoffed looking at her with distain as he shoved his hands into his dirty tattered pockets.
“You aren’t even worth it.” Bakugou walked into the still open elevator door his shoulder brushing a confused but relieved Midoriya. He stepped back into the elevator looking at Bakugou who was burning holes into the ground. He looked up as the door started closing. “I blame you, she doesn’t.”
Simple words with such strength and meaning behind them. They were meant to replace his fist, to leave her having to suffer internally like you had been doing for most of your life.
The chatter commenced once again between the classmates; two different hands squeezed Uraraka’s shoulder. She didn’t think she deserved comfort right now and a few different people would agree with her. Though she knew that Bakugou was right. No matter who looked at her like she was a villain, you’d forgive her. You’d never blame her, just smile and say it was your own fault. The truth was honestly more heartbreaking and Uraraka wished she hadn’t said or did what she had. While she stood in regretful silence, your two saviors were standing in the elevator. It was quiet, other than the dull hum it gave. Midoriya walked out when it stopped at his floor.
“Night Kacchan.” He had spoken so lightly that Bakugou almost didn’t catch it. Midoriya didn’t look back or wait for a reply, he just walked away. Bakugou grabbed the door forcing it to reopen. “HEY, nerd.”
Midoriya slowly turned back toward Bakugou, both their eyes were bloodshot and held weariness. He expected to be told off since that’s how these things usually go.
“We saved her. We’re fucking heroes, right? So why does it feel like we didn’t do shit. Why does it feel like she’s still on that roof? I’m so fucking tired and yet I don’t want to sleep because she is laying is some fucking hospital unconscious because she jumped off a building. Why, why couldn’t she just reply on us.” Midoriya recognized the breaking in Bakugou’s voice. Except this time, he felt something similar. He too felt like you weren’t safe, like you’d just do it again when you found out that you hadn’t succeeded. He closed his eyes wondering what you felt alone on that rooftop. Had you waited for someone to save you? He had been in a similar situation back in middle school. He could hear everyone’s discouraging words, and Bakugou’s ‘suggestion’ play in his head. He could feel the cold breeze that he felt like he was back to the day he stood on a rooftop wondering if he could be a hero in his next life. He didn’t do it for so many reasons, the main one being his will to live. He wanted to live, he had some much yearning to show the world that he could do it, he could be a hero. He had something that you lacked. Midoriya opened his eyes and looked directly into the crimson orbs across the hallway. “We didn’t save her, we caught her. She probably didn’t want to inconvenience us. She thinks she’s the problem so of course she didn’t want to burden us. We wont ever know how she feels, all we can do is hope she still wants us involved in her life. We can only hope she wants to try living it again.”
Bakugou stared at Midoriya, really stared. He knew exactly what the boy had been thinking about when his eyes were closed. Bakugou had thought briefly about it as well. He thought Midoriya was thinking about when he had told the green haired boy to basically kill himself. He had no clue about the attempt. He felt a pang of regret again, as he grew, he thought a lot about how shitty he had been in the past. Hell, he couldn’t completely hate Uraraka because he had been in her situation to an extent. Bakugou couldn’t imagine how his life would have gone had Midoriya had jumped. Now he had to face the past along with the present to try and make a plan for the future, your future.
“I’m gonna protect her.” Bakugou’s declaration caused Midoriya to smile. He nodded his head lifting up his fist with determination in his own eyes. “That makes two of us.”
Bakugou would have usually snapped at the forest haired boy from copying him but he didn’t. Instead he returned Midoriya’s smile with a smirk. He let the door close heading up to his own room. Midoriya walked into his dark dorm room. He sighed against the door before sliding down it letting everything hit him. Tears rushed down his cheeks, this hurt more than any broken bone. He couldn’t get the image of you hurdling toward the ground out of his head. He covered his face with his arms before burying it into his pulled-up knees. His sobs were silent, and he suffered the way he imagined you had. He tried to picture the happy you. The one with fire in her eyes, the one that always got back up no matter what knocked her down. He wanted your eyes to be red from laughing yourself to tears, he wanted you to be tired from training and not from thinking your existence was exhausting. He wanted to tell you that he loved you and that he’d be there through this, but he can’t tell you that now. You needed to rest and so did he, if only his mind would let him.
Elsewhere, Bakugou was experiencing his own breakdown. He slammed his fist into the dorm door not caring if he breaks it. His knuckles bleed from the abuse. He doesn’t care, instead he punches it again and again until blood flows rapidly, down his hand and onto the floor. “Fuck.” Bakugou grabs a towel and throws it on top the blood staining the carpet. He stomps on it before giving up and laying on his bed. He sees the blood on his knuckles and thinks back to the dry blood on your arm from cutting into before fleeing the building. He hadn’t seen your self-mutilation himself but thinking about it made him sick. He sat up dry heaving into his trash can. How could he have been so stupid? Why the hell hadn’t he invited you that night to play video games? He knew exactly why, because he had seen how excited you had been all day. He was hoping this was what you needed to finally break your isolation. He was rooting for you and in doing so fucked up. He blamed himself for not making you hang out with him instead, which sounded selfish in a way but he meant well. Bakugou wipes the saliva from his lip before looking at his phone. He unlocks it and stares at the picture he has as his background. It has Kaminari and Sero laughing in the background with Mina poking Kirishima’s cheek. The main focus of the photo is you hugging him while he looks pissed as hell. The photo was taken by Momo who he had to ‘threaten’ to delete it, only after sending him a copy. He would never admit it out loud but he loved you. He loved the way you fought back against bullies, how you snapped back when he was an asshole. He enjoyed the far off look you’d get during class, the way you looked out the window with the slightest smile. He could listen to your laugh for hours. He was so fucked. How could he be thinking about loving you when you hated yourself. He just wished you could be happy, could understand how much you mattered not just to him. Bakugou drops his phone onto his side table before falling backward. His head crashes onto his pillows. You were alone right now, or maybe you weren’t. Hopefully your parents were with you, or maybe Mr. Aizawa went to make sure you would be okay. He wished he could have gone with you, that he could comfort you when you wake up. He wanted nothing more than to destroy all your problems and give you some of his strength while you tried to regain your own. Except he knew you were strong; it took strength to jump off a building.  
The loveliest dream played behind closed eye lids. You were completely unaware of what was going on outside of your brain’s illusions. Unfortunately for you all dreams come to an end and you have to face reality. You were delirious when your dreams melted away and bright light filled your vision. Beeping invaded your ear drums. It smelled like sterilizer. You rubbed your eyes trying to fix your vision. When things were no longer blurry you found yourself looking around a hospital room. Your clothing was folded neatly on a chair along with a few bags and a blanket. Someone had been siting in the chair. There was a chart on the door which was closed. The window was dark and the light that was on only lit up parts of the room. You took in your surroundings feeling your heart race and chest cave in as your lungs failed you. The room was closing in on you as you curling in on yourself. You tugged the heart rate monitor when you wrapped your arms around your knees. Sobs came out with uneven breathes. You were having a panic attack. The door opened and a nurse peaked inside, your monitor was loudly beeping informing medical staff your heart rate spiked. The nurse walked over to the bed worry across her face as she gently put a hand on your shoulder.
“Honey are you okay? Are you in pain? Let me call the doctor.” Before she could leave your side, you spoke through broken hiccups.
“I failed.” The words were tragic really. The nurse knew why you had been there and hearing your words made her realize why you were crying. Regret, but not because you had done it, because you had failed at dying. The nurse covered her mouth as her own tears start falling down. You looked up at her with confusion. Why was she crying. You tried to steady your breathing, before moving your hand over her own. She looked up and saw the concern and care in your eyes. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did I upset you.”
She stared at you like you had grown another head; how could you push away your own suffering to make sure she was okay. A slight laugh escaped her as she gently moved some stray hair away from your eyes.
“You really do have the heart of a hero.” She rubbed your shoulder watching you bite your bottom lip to try and prevent more crying. It didn’t work, you collapsed in a fit of sobs again. You wrapped your arms around your middle begging for this to not be real. Maybe this was your own personal hell. You weren’t a hero; this lady was delusional. She needed to get away from you before you ruined her life as well. You didn’t pay any attention to her getting up. She left the room cautiously. You looked around trying to find anything that could ground you. The only thing you keep thinking about is dying and how it was impossible that you hadn’t. What does this mean? What do you do now? How could you have fucked up this bad? You activate your quirk in the hopes to hurt yourself, one last attempt before the restraint jacket and padded room. Your fingers go to push into your wrist but there is no sting or pain, no blades just skin. You quickly look up knowing exactly what happened, Mr. Aizawa. You felt exposed, like you were nude or had all your dirty laundry in full view. Here was someone you respected, looked up to, having to use his quirk against you. You were like a villain. You couldn’t decipher his look do to his dry eyes. You dug your weaponless fingers into your sides curling into yourself again while crying. Warm rushes of tears crashed down your cheeks and onto the hospital gown. You didn’t care that he was watching you, at this point you were nothing but a bother to him. He didn’t think that, he would never think that about any of his students. Mr. Aizawa blinked stopping his quirk. His hair returned to its place against his scarf around his shoulders. He looked tired but not as tired as you. He would never wish that kind of exhaustion and mental trauma on anyone, especially not a child, which you were. He approached with caution, not like you were a savage animal, more like you were a scared injured one. He slowly squatted down next to your bed looking at the dark circles around your eyes and red across your nose and cheeks. He went to catch a tear but stopped with wide eyes when he heard you mumble. “I’m sorry sir, I caused you trouble.”
The apology was already pushing it, you had nothing to apologize for but the trouble part got him. Had he been so hard on you that you’d think he cared more about the trouble than your health? That hurt him, just like Bakugou and Midoriya. He sighed and shook his head finally allowing himself to catch the tear.
“You are no trouble. I’m here because I want you to get better.” Maybe his words could be taken different in your sensitive state of mind but regardless he meant well. The door opens interrupting your sobs and his attempt at comforting you. The doctor walked in followed by the nurse who cried for you. Her eyes were still red and lightly puffy. She smiled softly at you making your chest hurt. You didn’t deserve her tears or their kindness. The doctor stood in front of your bed waiting for you to look at him. You dared a glance up afraid that he would be disappointed but he was smiling like the nurse.
“Ms. L/n, I’m glad to see you awake. You gave us quite a scare. Would you like to talk about it?” Quite a scare? Really. You weren’t trying to scare anyone; you were trying to disappear from existence. You had scared yourself with an unsuccessful attempt. Now they knew. You wanted to talk but couldn’t get your mouth to open. You sunk your teeth into your lip until it bled. “It’s okay, you don’t have to talk right now. As you can assume you will be here for a while. Your parents are outside the room. I will send them after I have a talk with them about your recovery.”
He left the room and you wanted to run over and push one of the heavy machines in front of it. You couldn’t face them. You couldn’t look into their irritated and disgusted eyes. What if they don’t want you as their daughter anymore. A hand places itself gently on your shoulder before the bed dips from weight being added to it. The nice nurse is sitting next to you. “Don’t worry, they were so distraught when they heard the news. They haven’t left your side till an hour ago. They haven’t stopped crying and begging for you to be okay. Your parent’s love you and I think they aren’t the only ones.”
She smiles at Mr. Aizawa, who rolls his eyes. He knows the nurse is referencing the eighty different calls he’s had to take from crying and concerned students and faculty members. You look between the two adults before overhearing the conversation outside the room. Your parents are arguing something and you here a number and something about keeping you till your better. You knew that he was telling them you were being locked away. You could imagine the white walls with no windows. The cushion floors and pills that would melt your brain. You hadn’t realized you had started hyperventilating again. Mr. Aizawa rubs your back hushing you in a gentle way. The nurse gives you water and as you take it you see it, folded neatly on the chair with your camisole and sweats, Midoriya’s all might hoodie. You sit up, startling the two adults, before reaching out and grabbing the garment. The fabric is worn from plenty of use. It feels cold from sitting under the hospital air conditioner. You hug it to your chest deeply inhaling the pine smell. It was soothing and familiar. You noticed there were a few holes in it and wondered how they got there. You smelled it again curiously after noticing a different scent, a sweeter scent, like caramel like Bakugou. Why did it smell like him? You started feel cold, like you were back on top the roof. You close your eyes feeling your body fall over the edge. You grip the fabric tighter as you try to remember what happened before you fainted. You could hear a voice in your inner conscience. It sounded like Bakugou, he called you an idiot but he was crying. You couldn’t remember but he said it when he caught you, when he held you while plummeting to the ground. You were afraid to know what happened, but you needed to know.
“Mr. Aizawa, what happened. How am I alive?” It was painful to hear you say that. No one should ever have to ask that under these circumstances. He sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“I can’t say exactly what happened because we showed up late. I got a call from Iida, he sounded panicked and I could hear the frantic yelling and crying in the background. He told me that you had hurt yourself after a confrontation with Uraraka and fled the building with bad intentions. I called All Might and the police. Other members of the staff were also informed afterward. I left to find you and found the class waiting for the police. They told me that Bakugou and Midoriya had run off to find you, to stop you.” He stops for a second because recounting the event brought back the sick drop in his stomach and the painful apprehension. You look at your hands that were perfectly still. You were afraid of the truth because you knew you had run off; you did feel guilty for upsetting people and causing such a ruckus. Had you just run off late into the night with no confrontation than things would have worked out, right? That’s when the last sentence finally clicks. You thrust your head up, your eyes staring into the side of your teachers face with curiosity and confusion. “Bakugou and Midoriya? They went after me.”
“They went after you and not only that. They um, they, they saved you. I didn’t see it since I was escorting the emergency vehicles to across the campus. All Might was outside the building. He told me in the darkness you saw fire and green sparks fly out the windows. The colors swirled chasing the same thing, you. Bakugou caught you and from what I was told Midoriya caught the two of you and used his quirk to get you back into the building three floors before the ground. The two boys emerged from the building, Bakugou holding you tightly against his body while Midoriya’s hoodie laid over your unconscious form. They both had a protective air to them, like guard dogs. Bakugou wouldn’t even hand you over to the medical workers and Midoriya, who is usually the understanding one, was defending his classmate’s behavior. They had caught you, they saved you and yet as I looked at them, they looked scared, defeated. They didn’t think they saved you and I guess in a way they are right. Regardless of that though, they tried to stay with you but they weren’t allowed to come with. They are probably still waiting to hear if your okay.” He got up and apologized but he had to take a call. You watched him walk out and you could slightly hear your parent’s voices down the hall. They were drowned out by the machinery beeping behind you. You were left with partial pieces of what had happened after you jumped.
You couldn’t lie to yourself and say that you didn’t believe they cared. You knew they did, you had experienced first hand their kindness and care this last week. Bakugou wasn’t nice to anyone and yet he had a soft spot for you. You were usually oblivious but you saw how he treated you. He made you food, he brought you water, he trained with you, and when you were sad, he let you be sad. He validated you and all your emotions no matter how dumb or fucked up they got. You got to sit on his bed with him during game night while all the boys whined that they never got special treatment. He cussed them out but you had just smiled. When you were around Bakugou no one messed with you and you received no jealous stares or judgement. Midoriya showered you in attention and kindness in his Midoriya way. His shy smiles and flushed cheeks as he’s talk with you about your aspirations and likes. He held onto everything you said and would give you a gift in relation to it. You liked a certain artist and he gave you a cd. You liked a certain animal and you ended up with a plush to cuddle with on your bed, not that you cuddled it or anything. You never had to eat lunch with others staring and whispering about you. The lounge was yours even when he wasn’t there. He always had a wrapped lunch and drink sitting on the table with an origami crane. You kept all of the ones you’d been given and they hung from string above your desk. If you had waited then you could have had a thousand cranes and just wished your depression away. You didn’t really believe that but everyone is allowed their childish dreams. Midoriya walked you to class when Bakugou didn’t. It felt like prison escorts at first but then it felt like friendship. Something you looked forward too. Midoriya gave you an All Might pen he had gotten in an exclusive set. It matched his and you couldn’t give the gift back because he argued against it. The pen was something you used every day leading to your breakdown. More important than physical objects were his quiet understanding and patience toward you. No matter how mad or depressed you got he always smiled, and never left your side. He always told you that you mattered and were amazing. You just wished you could believe the words because he spoke them with such sincerity.  
“Y/n.” You had just been thinking about the boys and hearing someone call your name made your heart skip a beat as you looked up with excitement and yearning. You wouldn’t say you were disappointed but a slight bit of you wanted them to be standing in the doorway instead of the doctor.
“May your parents come in?” You held your breath and almost denied the request but you couldn’t run away again. This was the moment you needed to tell them how tired you were, how you didn’t want to try anymore. You nod and the doctor opens the door wider revealing your parents. You expected stern harsh eyes but instead met gazes with grief stricken weary ones. Oh god had you been wrong about them. They rushed to your side sobbing words of regret and apologies. You couldn’t speak as your throat tightened and tears blurred your vision again. You were starting to replace Midoriya as the class cry baby. You sobbed out apologies of your own but not for attempting to kill yourself. No apologies for being a failure and ruining their lives. They were astonished, how could you think such horrible things about yourself. Had they not loved you enough? Had they not supported you. What did they do wrong? These were selfish questions and they realized watching you crumble into the thin hospital sheet, that this wasn’t about them, it was about you. How could they support you until you loved and supported yourself? That was the better question. You felt arms wrap around you enveloping you into a sandwiched embrace. You felt like a child again for a moment causing your crying to escalate into hysterical sobbing and gurgled words that couldn’t be understood. As they held you crying their own tears they spoke.
“We love you Y/n. We have always loved you and always will. We are sorry if we contributed to this. Please don’t ever hurt yourself. Please don’t leave us.” You couldn’t promise anything right now so instead you basked in the love and warmth they gave you. This was apart of healing, ripping off a bandage. This was a wound that had rotted, grew infected and needed to be reopened if it wanted a chance to try to heal again. You had your parent’s and they were disappointed, they never once insulted or belittled you. They just had love for you. You wished you could tell them that you felt better but you didn’t. When you closed your swollen eyes, you could still feel the cold breeze and see the twinkling stars as you plummeted off the roof. You couldn’t heal until you wanted too. It would be a process but you were willing to wait.
You slept for a whole day after the visit from your parents. They stayed but left to attend other business knowing you’d be safe in the hospital. Mr. Aizawa watched you for awhile to make sure you didn’t wake up and try to use your quirk again. When you finally woke up the world felt heavy, like you had been laying in drying cement. You reached out for your water and pressed the button to call a nurse. A different nurse came in and you felt intimidated by the unfamiliar person. You played with the sleeves of Midoriya’s hoodie, which you had put on before falling asleep, before asking for some headache medication and the ability to take a shower. The nurse let you know that he had to ask a doctor what you weren’t allowed to do or take. It was a twenty-minute wait but you didn’t mind, it wasn’t like you were going anywhere anytime soon.
“Here is some food and medication. Someone will come in after you eat to get you situated to shower.” The man was gentle and slightly awkward which made you giggle. You thanked him for his help before staring at the gourmet meal. It was cold soba, a side of warm white rice and a bowl of sliced kiwis and mangos. You wanted to shower and that meant eating something. Hell, this meal was better than Midoriya’s cooking so it wasn’t like you couldn’t stomach it. You just didn’t know if you were ready to eat. You were afraid of regretting it, or getting nervous and throwing up. You needed to eat something. A piece of mango slipped into your mouth. You followed it up with a few bites of rice and half the cold soba. It was delicious and the meds really helped after you took them. The attendant that came in to take the tray seemed happy to see most of the food gone. If you were being graded on eating than you were sure you just got a high B which was better than some of your school grades. The best feeling in the world came from feeling hot water against your bare skin. You had to have the nurse in the room with you, you had realized that you were going to be monitored closely seeing as people were anticipating another suicidal breakdown. You didn’t mind the attention, just felt bad for taking staff away from other patients. The nurse had slipped you a floral scented shampoo which excited you. You wanted to smell like anything other than sweat, hospital, and dirt. Once you dried off you slipped the hoodie back over your head. You had your bra taken away incase you tried to hurt yourself with it. The wiring could be removed and used as a blade or you could hang yourself. You didn’t mind as long as you were allowed to have the hoodie. A new pair of undies and sweatpants completed the look. Your parents were going to drop off some clothes later. The doctor mentioned something about transferring you to a different part of the hospital, a recovery center that you’d live at until they figured out a plan for your mental health. You didn’t want to stay but knew if you left, you’d be on the roof again. Better safe then dead.
“You look comfy.” You jump and turn when you hear the familiar voice. Your eyes meet with a pair of green ones.
“MIDORIYA!” You are already rushing off the bed pulling the heart monitor off your finger as you tackle the boy. His arms had already been open waiting for you like they always were. He holds you trying not to think to much about the fact that your wearing his hoodie. You nuzzle your face against his chest sniffing him. He smelt like the real him, he felt like the real him and yet you felt that if you let him go, he’d disappear. You didn’t let go till he pulled away. “I thought I told you to call me Izuku.”
You were excited just a moment ago but when he mentioned his first name you thought about Uraraka. You could see her, an apparition watching with distain. You were afraid to hurt people and that included her. Midoriya noticed the way you changed. He moved forward but was thrusted backward causing him to stumble and almost fall. “Move nerd, your upsetting her.”
Your heart beats wildly as Bakugou walked toward you. You can smell his body wash, and his natural sweet smell. He knew you were upset before he had even entered the room. He knew why you were upset; Mina had explained everything that Uraraka did and said. He knew that’s who you were thinking about. His hand lifted up and you closed your eyes expecting a flick to your forehead but instead a gentle pat. You open your eyes and stare into his crimson ones.
“Forget about her Y/n. She fucking sucks. You don’t have to beat yourself up over someone like her. You are amazing and can do whatever you want, even if that thing is calling this nerd by his first name.” His words were snarling or growled like usual. Instead they were delivered like a pep talk. He wanted you to let go of Uraraka’s words. You bit your lip wanting to listen but found it hard. He notices your hesitation this time smiling, you almost yelp at how gorgeous he looks. “You don’t have to do what people say. You matter and so do your choices.”
Midoriya nods beside Bakugou which causes the angry blonde to hit him. He snaps about finding his own thing to say and not just agreeing with him. You watch the two childhood friends and start laughing. Your laugher brings their attention back to you. You were genuinely laughing and they both smile basking in it. “You guys are such children, stop being mean Katsuki. Izuku means well.”
You are still laughing with your eyes squinted closed while they blush at the casual way you say their names. You look up when the door opens and a nurse is pointing to your finger. Shyly you return to bed clipping the monitor. The boys come closer. Midoriya taking the chair and Bakugou remains standing. There is a dead silence between the three of you. You rub your arm not really knowing what to say. You don’t have to speak since they both speak up, Midoriya first followed by Bakugou.
“Are you mad at us?” Midoriya looks sorrowful at you, like a puppy that didn’t know what it got hit for. You didn’t get a chance to ask why.
“He’s asking if your pissed that we saved you.” Bakugou looks away from you and Midoriya looks down. You finally look at them. Not smell or feel them, no, look at them. Bakugou had sunken in eyes, the dark rings turning into black holes around his eye lids. The white of his eyes match Midoriya’s, red and irritated. He had been crying, they both had. Bakugou’s knuckles had obvious signs of quirk overuse and scratches from hitting something rough. Midoriya’s cheeks seemed hollow, like he hadn’t eaten or hydrated. His hair was messier and not in a casual way, in a neglectful way. They both exhibit pain, trauma, remorse. How could you have done this? How could you prevent it from happening again?
“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me, I’m not okay. ” The words slipped out and you didn’t feel bad for saying them. You weren’t okay and they needed to know this wasn’t a fairy tale. They both raised a brow like you had stated an obvious fake. The both responded at the same time.
“No shit.” Bakugou. “And that’s okay.” Midoriya.
Both boys knew you were broken and they thought that was fine. How foreign of a concept to you.
“You guys are okay with this? With me?”
“Are you stupid? No this isn’t okay.” Bakugou’s words were growled. “Kacchan.”
“Shut up, it isn’t okay that you feel like way. You need to get help and that’s what your going to do in this fucking hospital. We are going to be here with you. It okay to be sad and hate yourself but it’s not okay to live that way. You are going to get better. I fucking swear my future as a hero on it.” Bakugou’s words quaked with passion. You started crying and felt Midoriya rub soothing circles on the top of your hand with his thumb. You nodded along with Bakugou and Midoriya followed him up. “You can take all the time that you need, we will be here every step of the way. Even during the bad times and the breakdowns. We will never judge you.”
Sobbing was all you could do while comforting you was what they could do. They promised and they were going to keep their word.
A month, that was the time frame the hospital gave you. You chose to stay and get help and what made it easier was having Bakugou and Midoriya support you. The month had gone by in strange intervals. You had bad days were you tried to hurt yourself and found sanctuary in the arms of Mr. Aizawa who had to stop you. He was patient and nurturing as well. The first week had more downs then ups. The second week Bakugou made you where his hoodie claiming you were becoming a nerd with Midoriya’s on. The second week also ended with gifts and flowers covering your recovery room. Notes from everyone talking about how much they missed you and tell you what was happening while you were gone. The third week brought you friends. Everyone visited on different days and in different groups. Iida had apologized for his lack of leadership and not helping you. You dismissed his words and gave him a smile and hug. Momo cried and apologized and that seemed to be the cycle. Jirou didn’t cry but she was melancholy. The girls and boys that came and went made you feel so many emotions and so many hugs and tears were given. Kaminari had snot dripping out of his nose as he hugged you. The moment Mina laid her eyes on you the world stopped. You screamed her name and she screamed yours. Kirishima literally had to remove her to leave which upset her. She told you she loved you and to never try to kill yourself again. A smile was given but no promise. Not till you could tell yourself it and believe it. The last person who came was Uraraka. She was almost not allowed in by blonde guard dog but you told him she could. You both sat in silence before she cried. She cried and you did exactly what Bakugou said you would. You forgave her and blamed yourself. She argued but couldn’t win. The gentle honest smile on your face hurt but she returned the smile.
“Let’s start over.” You hugged her goodbye and cried in Bakugou’s arms because the words still lingered and hurt.
The fourth and finally week had you shaking with nervousness. You were going home to your friends, your family. You were free and maybe not cured but you felt good. You could say you were okay and mean it. The pain was there but it was a phantom pain. You had a plan and knew that even if you had episodes and breakdowns that was okay and people were there to help you if you just let them. As you packed your bags and left with Mr. Aizawa you felt nervous and happy. He smiled as you said goodbye to the staff who waved with smiles and tears in their eyes. You had life in yours and that was much more than you had a month ago. The car ride was quiet and as you opened a bag you noticed something sticking out. It was a letter, actually there were two of them. Midoriya’s hand writing on one, Bakugou’s on the other. You were afraid to open them but did it anyway. Midoriya’s said.
[I have something I need to tell you, please meet me in the teacher’s lounge.]
Bakugou’s was similar in context but simply said.
[In front of the main campus building]
You had an idea of what this might lead to and this conflicted you because you loved both of them, however one of them had been there for you like no other. You had loved them even before this. You knew where you needed to go.
You had placed your bags back into your room and left for the exit before anyone could take your time. You almost collided with someone outside as your rushed out. The person gasped and you apologized reaching for the letter that slipped from your hands. The person picked it up first and read it. You felt true fear overtake you as you stared at Uraraka. She read the note and you wanted to cry and run but instead you gently held your hand out for it. She did something you hadn’t expected, she smiled. Her eyes held no jealousy or ill-intent.
“Uraraka, I”
“Don’t keep him waiting.” You both made eye contact and you had to rub your eyes to keep from crying. You both changed for the better and this proved she tried and not running away or giving up proved you were trying too. You left her in the doorway rushing off to find him. You saw Bakugou near the building he told you to meet him and you waved. He waved back realizing you were running past. He sighed before sadly smirking. “I’ll always be here for you even though you chose him.”
You couldn’t hear the words but you knew they were true. He wouldn’t hold this against you because this was what made you happy. This was something you wanted and chased after. The door to the lounge got closer and closer until you were breathing heavily outside of it. Your legs were wobbly and you felt light headed. You gripped the knob tight and opened the door. Midoriya was sitting in his usual spot. You both made eye contact and his cheeks, which were already red, grew deeper. You tried to steady your breathing and calm your chest but failed. You sat down across from him and felt for a second like you were back to the second time you had run. Well no more running. You put the letter on the table. He was quiet and for a second you thought maybe you were wrong. That’s when he stiffly stood up and bent forward in a bow.
“Y/n! I have been watching you since we starting attending UA together. I have always found you fascinating and strong. I always thought nothing could bring you down but I was wrong. You were much stronger than any hero I have researched. You fought, protected, trained, learned, and so much more all while hurting and fighting yourself. I think you are the bravest most amazing person ever and I don’t ever want to lose you or let go of you.” There was so much to unpack and he was talking so fast with no muttering. You were blushing and trying to think of an argument about being strong but knew it would be pointless. Midoriya was building up to saying the words and you didn’t know if your heart could handle running here and a confession.  
“Y/n L/n, I love you and I understand if you can’t love me right now but.” You had called his name a few times as tears filled your eyes. He wasn’t listening so you moved across the table, lifted his head and kissed him. He was shocked but relieved. His arms moved around your middle pulling you closer which caused you to fall completely over the coffee table and into his arms. You both laughed before you pushed you face into his chest holding onto him tightly.
“I love you too Izuku Midoriya. I might mess up but please bear with me.”
This wasn’t a fairy tale ending, it was life. You had gotten the boy but you were still struggling. There was no miracle cure, no prince charming’s kiss to make the pain go away. Just two guys trying to help you help yourself. For this exact moment you were okay and that was okay.
The moment your bags hit the floor of your room you ran to the elevator. You were nervous but thrilled. You wanted to over think but stopped yourself. You hushed the bad words with confident ones. The elevator ding freed you and your legs moved forward right into Mina who was going to go see you. The two of you hugged and she spun you around. The letter slipped from your grasp and you quickly reached for it but she was faster. You watched her read the simple location and waited for the mocking or teasing. Instead she placed the paper back in your hand and winked. “You don’t wanna keep him waiting do you.”
You could have cried at her support but didn’t have time. How long had he been waiting? Was he still there? Worrying was pointless because as you ran path lit up by the evening sky you saw him. He was leaning against the building looking up. You slowed your pace and followed his gaze. There was nothing there but as your approached, still watching the sky, you realized this was the same building you jumped from. One hell of a spot to meet. You felt fear build up but stop when Bakugou spoke.
“When I caught you in my arms, I couldn’t use my quirk to get us back into the building. My first thought hadn’t been to call out to Deku but to protect you. I held you close and braced for impact. In that moment I wasn’t a hero. I was me and you were the most important person in my life and I needed you to live. I needed to see your stupid smile and hear your laugh. I wanted you to call out my name from across the school yard while all these stupid fucking extras stared confused because they don’t understand us. I couldn’t lose you, and I can’t lose you.” His attention had been up but was now focused only on you. Your heart stopped beating, or maybe it was beating too fast. Right now, you couldn’t tell. You could tell that you were crying. That he was crying. He aggressively wiped the tears away. “God, I don’t think you understand how I feel about you. I’ve been in love with you the moment I watched you suck at throwing that ball our first day. I had been so angry and couldn’t understand why you laughed and smiled even though you ‘lost’. I understood later when you told the shitty girls that throwing that ball meant you were one step closer to being a hero, to saving lives. You were, are what heroes should be, should thrive to be. You want to save people even when your suffering. You’d die for anyone even someone who hurts you. It’s stupid and reckless and it you. You are my hero more than I am yours. You never hurt anyone while you hurt. You never blamed others. I did all of those things and take out my regret on people. I want to be a little more like you but I also want to help you see that you can love yourself. I know it isn’t easy and hell it might take years but I’ll be here for every one of them.”
Bakugou was a mean, aggressive, and narcissistic person, at least that’s what people sold him as. You never bought it because you knew what profiling people did. You knew what life was like in that box and you didn’t want either of you in it. You hadn’t realized he loved you all that time and yet you could say he was dumb because it took your crumbling mental state for him to realize you might like him back. You looked at him and moved forward till your arms were around him. That sweet caramel smell filled your nostrils and he felt like home. A million thoughts moved around in your head but you pushed them down. The bad thoughts were still there but you didn’t have to deal with them alone, and now you understood that.
“I love you Bakugou, I have loved you for so long and I never could say it but now. Now I don’t have to be afraid because when I’m sad you are there.” Bakugou laughed and held you closer. His lips pecked yours once then again and again until you whined and he gave you a real kiss. His lips were hot and soft against your cooler healing ones.
“You can be sad when I’m not around. You don’t have to be okay. Not right now, in time.”
“Bakugou, why did you pick this spot to confess.” Bakugou let you go and pointed upward. You followed his gaze and heard his words.
“Because one day I’m going to bring you back here and you are going to stand on the roof and scream from the top of your lungs that you did it, that you are okay.”
He caught you before you could collapse as sobs escaped. He showered you in kisses because he knew you needed to feel this way to get better. He would hold you while you cried because this was just a stop on the way to that future, he wanted for you. He wasn’t here to save you. You could do that yourself. He was here because he loved you.  
125 notes · View notes
savnofilter · 4 years
I think you're hilarious in such a good way and Im new to Tumblr. Your work is amzing and i was wondering if you have any bnha blog recommendations or must read fics?
WARNING! this gets long as SHIT. so im sorry. im on mobile so liek,, also there are shit ton of amazing writers on here but my memory has been terrible as of recently, so sorry about that. all the people mentioned have really good fics so going through their masterlist is the bes option i have on here for you!! also sorry this was so late, i did a lot of username checking and now finally got the balls to post this with their @s cnuidwneovn- also!! be mindful because i was iffy in tagging some because i wasnt too sure if they wrote for bnha anymore. so w/o further adieu!!!now for my fave ao3 fics (with no ranking)~
His Tryanny by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: fantasy
summary: “Deep in a land just like in the fairy tales, lives 4 different kingdoms. But when a hot headed king of one kingdom wants to take over, he seeks for more power. A girl locked away in a tower for her entire life because of her forbidden power, finds a new life when an ash blonde male comes flying through her window. How will their life play out?”
my thoughts: FUCKINGT AMAZING BOOK LIKE I FUCKING STAN. TT its so fucking good! the angst, the tension, angry bloody bakugo?! fucking check! amazing book!! 12/10 will always recommend. mc will say “million reasons” i be like “his tyranny tho, 👀” (and other books but we have to appreciate my highness rq).
completed: yis!
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My Angel by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: greek mythology
summary: “The infamous fallen angel, serving under Hades (AFO), Bakugou Katsuki, was known for constantly wreaking havoc within heaven. Defying against God and other deities, he was blacklisted from Heaven. (l/n) (y/n) being an elite archangel under Athena (Miruko), is set on a mission to rid of Bakugou Katsuki but takes a 180 when you sudden began developing feelings for the crooked angel during the confrontation – him reciprocating the feelings. Though relationships between a worker of God and a demon was the greatest sin, and faced consequences to those who are caught. ~ Having to sneak around and hide your relationship with the fallen angel how would an archangel keep her status under God while simultaneously keeping an accursed romantic affair.(sorry i suck at summaries lmao)”
my thoughts: you know, i just have a craving to live a life in greekish-mythologyish and reading lore of olympus makes it partly redeemed. but this takes the cake. LIKE?! oh my fucking god! absoluetely love and im still reading it cause im slow asf but its so good so far! and she doesnt at all, the summaries are what got me interested!!
completed: neh~
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I’m Broken Too (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) by Kikyo851 (quotev; kikyo851/tumblr; @heroes-among-us-all)
au: canon
summary: “What’s a girl to do when she can’t quite make it as a hero? Become a villain, of course.”
my thoughts: okay so youre thinking, “that summary is short asf” but godtdamn the book is motherfucking good dawg. lieke,,, this absolutely fueled my villain spark way back whenever. (you can gladly thank this book and all the dabi fics from @lord-explosion-baku, who also has a book called “thorns” which is also on ao3. i havent read it because im not into that au but it has many good reviews!!)
completed: neh~
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Million Reasons by Chub_Rye (other socials; not listed)
au: future canon (?)
summary: “This is not a happy story, you really wished it was but how can it be when your marriage is falling apart. You truly love your husband, the thing is…he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore ((Trigger warning: this is a very emotional heavy story, you have been warned.)) Inspiration: Million Reasons by Lady Gaga”
my thoughts: 
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*if i had the time i would edit to: “im fucking sobbing fam”* because this shit hurtedt. like, HURTEDT. this book, this very book is the reason why fucking katsuki fucking bakugo slapped down the damn rankings on my list. didnt fucking like him for like two weeks, just thinking about him made me mad as FUCK. but its written so good i cant be mad?! i… okay moving on before i start crying and listing reasons why katsuki needs to CHOKE in this damn book. also if you dislike deku then this story will change. you.
completed: neh~
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Muted by HecateSG (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “A collection of short one-shot stories where the reader has lost the ability to speak due to an incident that ranges from accident, to intentional, which now leaves you in the care of at least one of this dashing and intrepid cast of characters. There will be a variety of scenario’s explored and kinks touched upon for all you curious depraved little ones. ~ The only thing these all have in common is that the Reader will remain almost exclusively quiet the entire time ~ The tags will be updated as more chapters are released.”
my thoughts: this is a one-shot book (no cohesive storyline unless chosen) but its so good. so good. i thought shigaraki, dabi and all might in one book was interesting but never the less, super good! i never was interested in the mute concept but its written good? (but thinking about it all the other mute!reader fics are good but they wont nsfw so it didnt interest me-) furthermore, its so good. so pure. so hot. 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Nightclub AU by sour_pink29 (tumblr; @heros-amoung-us)
au: well… nightclub
summary: “U.A. is the most prestigious and well known nightclub in the world. It takes a high price and a creditable reputation to attend the club, but only because it makes your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. The workers are the best of the best: the 1A class; with the sexiest dancers, flirtatious waitresses and waiters, master bartenders, and high class security. It’s truly no wonder why the rich and famous travel from all corners of the world to have one special night at U.A. ~ As a waitress at the club, you were used to dealing with rich, handsome, high maintenance bachelors. But when 6 mysterious men enter the club and your life, you feel something different spark between you and them as they turn your life on it’s head. For better or for worse… ~ AU where you and the 1A class (and some other characters) are workers at the club. Kaminari, Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsu, Izuku, and Sero are all competing for your attention. ~ WILL INCLUDE NSFW IN SOME CHAPTERS ;)”
my thoughts: THGIS BOOK FUCKIN SLAPS. HANDS DOWN WOULD TOOT MY ASS UP FOR THIS! (thought about dropping my studies and just fucking doing stripper work-) like wow… its a good book and the writer was prob one of the first wirters i followed on here?! (thats if tumblr didnt fucking remove my damn following like it usually does. ._.) enough about that, its really good. i think about it often.
completed: neh~
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Plus Ultra! One-shots and Requests by MistressPikachu (FinalVolition) [tumblr; @adelheidvonschicksal]
au: varies
summary: “A place to store all my smaller drabbles for BNHA. NSFW and SFW requests CLOSED!”
my thoughts: um so she write for *everything* but not like everything, everything. so sometimes it be like a red flag so make sure you are reading it carefully on the story you click on! personally, since theyre a good asf writer i usually dip my toe in all of them but sometimes i just cant but the ones i can, i read over and over and over again. worth a million reads tbh. 12/10 would recommend if youre nasty like that (and i KNOW you guys are).
completed: neh~
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slutty one shots by cherrykwrites (tumblr; @cherrykwrites)
au: varies
summary: “Collection of some slutty short scenarios. Mostly Bakugo, could include other characters too. ~ Everything will be NSFW in this collection. ~ Themes like non con, underage, alcohol, bdsm, daddy kinks, ect could occur in these writings. ~ These are purely works of fiction and do not reflect reality, I do NOT condone any of the immoral actions written in these.”
my thoughts: so of course i could not leave the og, the real home slice, cherry-mother-k-fuckin-writes- CAN WE CLAP FOR THE QUEEN? so essentially, her shit is good asf. you should read it cause its good asf. shes not around that much but she def is really good! (also has my thinking about writing some tattoo artist!bakugo these days, or even a series for my husbandos…). never thought about sandwhiched between kirishima and bakugo until i came across her fics~
completed: neh~
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Euphoria - NSFW Series by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: varies
summary: “Just a bunch of BNHA characters involved in several different kinks with you. ~ Summary of first chapter: ~ “Katsuki…”That mewl you made was hard to hear but somehow it reached Midoriya’s ears and he gulped as he saw said man standing up from the ground in front of you. A smirk as wide as it can be with his tongue brushing the corners of his mouth as if he just finished eating the best meal of his life.————————- Basically, Midoriya is in for a emotional ride lol”
my thoughts: they are such a good writer. another one-shots book but they will appear once again on the list but this book is just beautiful. and im a perv. so. have fun.
comepleted: neh~
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⚠️okay so this is a series of fics from one writer, but instead of making a shit ton on the list (because if this isnt long already) its by the user QuillMind (tumblr; @quillmind) here are some of my faves:⚠️
Incendiary ~ a/b/o, “Mating season has come yet again. Bakugou has even more trouble controlling it than in previous years… and it’s all your fault.”
Mating Hunt ~ a/b/o, “You and Bakugou have been together for some time. Though you both know you only want each other, your bond won’t truly be permanent and known to all until he claims you during mating season. And as impatient as Bakugou is, as an Alpha, he loves a good chase. You decide to give him one.”
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Story Time - A Reader x BNHA Multific by WhenSarahSmiles (tumblr; @makethiscanon)
au: fairytale/storybook/canon-ish
summary: “Whilst fighting a powerful villain, you find yourself sucked into the world their quirk created with no memories of your old life. Yet, the men you meet along the way have a familiar feel to them. Perhaps they can help you unlock your memories? ~ A Hero Academia/Fairy Tale mash up, there’s plenty of chaos to follow even if you think you know the classic stories well. ~ [Warning: Explicit Content from chapter 3 onwards] ~ [I will warn you which chapter features the non-con]] ~ “
-> Story one: Little Red Riding Hood (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)-> Story two: The Little Mermaid (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)-> Story three: Jack and the Beanstalk (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)-> Story four: The Three Little Pigs (Denki Kaminari x Reader)-> Story five: Sleeping Beauty (Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Katsuki Bakugou)-> Story six: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Midoriya, Tokoyami, Sero, Monoma, Ojiro, Shinsou x Reader)
my thoughts: bitch i have no thoughts. i only have THOTS. this is a masterpiece, like ive been lacking, the one im on rn is the kirishima one and it worth the read, and i bet the ones after that have been just as amazing! amazing work 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Wolves Among Us (Mini Series) by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: fantasy
summary: “Something about watching him lick your chilled skin was stirring something within you. Your legs started to shiver, but not of the cold that surrounded your slightly exposed body but of a feeling blossoming in the inner regions of your lower stomach. You were getting lost in the rhythm of his pants, wandering in the hazy want of his intense eyes. Your breath began to tremble, and you tried to squeeze your legs together to withstand the odd sensation growing, but he held your leg still and showed no signs of letting go. You were suddenly aware of his hand on your lower thigh, and you noticed that it was the first time a man’s hand had touched there. ~ You were a flower that had yet to bloom in the late of spring. Pure, untouched and suddenly, bombarded with desires. You never shivered in the way a man could make you, and curiosity—maybe naivety, was keeping you from your fear of the beast. —————– Basically, you fall in love with a rude wolf man. ~ Mini series!! Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU ~ Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter”
my thoughts: i ride this books ASS for updates. my favourite bakugo au’s are fantasy (wit da dragoons) and were!katsuki (haluween). i fucking love it, i love their works. theyre busy with school (like i should be but scholars are all different-) trust me its so good. it has that good spice that make fill my heart with sexy uwuwuwuwuwuwuwus. love it.
completed: neh~
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Katsuki Bakugo Scenario Collection by Hvalross (tumblr; @cutesuki–bakugou)
au: varies
summary: “A collection of oneshots and scenarios I’ve done for Bakugou, both personal works and requests on my blog Cutesuki-Bakugou. ~ Please note that the rating of each story will be in the notes of the chapter. Stories range from TEEN to EXPLICIT.”
my thoughts: oh my god. i reread this one chap over and over and over and over and over and over- and over again. the stories range from cute to just good smut and its so good. so beautifully written. and i cant help but just appreciate it. love it sm. (also sorry if i tagged the wrong tumblr im confsued as to which one you use ahaha)
completed: neh~
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Wish the World Away by hoshigalaxy (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “bakugou katsuki is the number one hero. but with this title comes a huge target on his back. sometimes it’s better to stay single when you’re a pro hero. there could be accidents. ~ but that’s three years in the past now and bakugou is slowly moving on from what’s happened. that is until he runs into his mysterious new neighbour and things get complicated again.”
my thoughts: ;-; this one hits different. almost like a million reasons type of different. i dont want to spoil it but godt damn man. there is so much to be uncovered but it really hasnt been updated. (cri) its a beautiful book tho. fingers crossed for when it updates next.
completed: neh :
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Up in Smoke. (Soulmate AU) by Grapelimeade (tumblr; @gojirabbit)
au: well,, soulmate
summary: “Bakugou doesn’t want a fucking soulmate.”
my thoughts: may i say…it is such a stark contrast to Million Reasons. it is so fucking captivating i will not shit you. this book, is amazing. im just saying, that midoriya scene tho,, 👀 that kirishima friendship,, 💪🏽 its so good…? got me panting for the next chap (and no not like that weirdos but there is nsfw because when tf do you catch me reading a fic without nsfw…?) but i recommend. mc: million reasons tho me: up in smoke tho-
completed: neh~
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Vermilion by Morgana_Ren (tumblr; @morgana-ren)
au: canon
summary: “Tomura Shigaraki had a goal. It started out simple enough. Kill All Might, and watch the society that revered heroes above all else crumble to dust alongside their idol. However, what originally starts off as a chance encounter with a UA student during the battle of USJ sends him reeling down the crooked path of obsession.”
my thoughts: its just…? my shigaraki thirst was sparked from this very story. it good, supplies my shifty hands needs and it suffices the boiling lust in my clit. wish we’d see more cause i love it already and it blends the story line well. love it. 11/10
completed: neh~
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words hurt [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader] by QueenExplosionMurder (tumblr; @strawberryandspiceandchocolate)
au: canon
summary: “*more tags to be added* ~ when Bakugo Katsuki friendzones the reader, their friendship takes a nose dive off of the face of the earth and he doesn’t hear from her for a while. that is until she is suddenly thrown back into his life, quite literally actually…”
my thoughts: well you think i can go a post without tagging my president? youre fucking wrong. i have actually posted my own prev of her book which you can find here. i am just astonished at well the mood is (because tb when all i would talk about is mood) because mood is just good. it doesnt seem cliche to me. cant wait until the next update.
completed: neh~
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You and Yamada by Jo_Rutherford_Lee (other socials; not listed)
au: varies
summary: “Just a few short Present Mic/Reader PWPs I needed to get out of my head.”
my thoughts:
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i love this book. couldnt find the yamada book i was looking for but i would be lying if this doesnt revive my yamada love every once in awhile. (jk i found the book but this one is really cute and a quick read!!)
completed: yis
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Singed Rose Petals: (Alpha) Dabi x (Omega) Reader by Smutsy (other socials; not listed)
au: a/b/o
summary: ““The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn’t only be dangerous. They would be irresistible.” - Nenia Campbell”
my thoughts: ohhhh because you guys thought that i’d go through a post without mentioning dabi? LOL so,, this book has brought many many many happy coochie tingles to me. i would murder to be dabi’s omega. and DAS on baby. never was really interested in a/b/o stuff till i read this. love it so much 11/10.
completed: yis
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special mentions:
BNHA Brothel by orphan_account [multiple, unfinished]
Hero Killer’s Charge by VulcanCaptain [stain x reader, unfinished]
Mouth Moods by Koalolive (twitter; renlup) [present mic, unfinished]
and god please dont fucking roast me i had a hawks faze. Birb Office for Birbs by insanityrunsinthe_family
454 notes · View notes
caelesjjk · 4 years
endure | c.h.
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This is a fic that has been a very long time in the making, It will be in two parts, and part number 2 is almost finished already, so there wont be a long wait! I really proud of this, and I hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: some mentions of injuries and blood and a bit of smutty smut.
“I want your body pressed up against my heart.
I want your hands spreading my thoughts, lingering over the curves of my passions, gripping my hopes, stroking my opinions, and cupping my desires.
I want your soul breathing heavily against my collarbones.
I want your thoughts nibbling on my ears, your passions pressed against my lips, your hopes naked on my skin, your opinions hard under my hands and your desires…
I want your desires letting out soft little moans against my soul.
I want you.” 
                                                                                                                                 Fire.  It was everywhere, as far as the eye could see.
The smoke burned the lungs and the eyes of those fighting on the beaches of Theoria, but it did not stop them. The Rolonians just kept coming until the white sandy beaches that sat below the cliff side of Elverston Castle were soaked with the blood and filled with thebodies of soldiers from both kingdoms.
Evita was only a child, maybe 5 years old during the Battle of Burning Shores. She watched helplessly as both of her parents were killed in front of her. She sat on the beach with their lifeless bodies and began to think that no one would ever hear her cries.
Her mother, Annaliese, was a lady in waiting for the Queen of Theoria, and also her very best friend. When Queen Morgana learned of the death of Annaliese, she did not hesitate to bring Evita into the castle and take care of her as if she were her own daughter. The King may not have always liked the idea, but even he would grow to love Evita as his own.
The King and Queen had a daughter named Princess Claudette. She was a few years younger than Evita but they still grew up extremely close despite the difference in age. Evita was Princess Claudette’s lady in waiting, just as her mother had been for the Queen. She helped her get ready each and every day. Washing and styling her hair with diamond pins and pearl clips. Evita helped her into her dresses and shoes and never complained. But beyond that, she also helped Claudette with schooling. They were both taught by the same tutor, the Queen insisting that Evita receive an education though most lady’s in waiting may not receive the same treatment.
Being a healer was something that Evita decided to do all on her own. Her mother had also been one, and to honor her memory Evita began the training a few years ago. Queen Morgana took it upon herself to teach Evita everything that she knew and had learned from Annaliese over the many years they had spent being close friends. Over time, Evita had easily made her healing skills useful throughout the castle.
It had been 15 years since the bloody Battle of Burning Shores, but the pain of losing her parents that day still remained. Evita did not think there could possibly be anyone more despicable than a Rolonian, and she hoped that battle would be the last. She wanted to forget the past, without forgetting her parents, but move forward and find happiness.
When Evita turned 20 years old and had not yet married however, it had caused quite a disruption amongst the castles residence. Even though it did not bother her in the slightest, it was uncommon for such things to happen. There was speculation amongst everyone as to why she had not married, and it was entertaining to hear the rumors, if nothing else.
The warm autumn sun had been shining in through Evita’s window for some time now. She knew the longer she waited to get up, the quicker she would need to scramble about to get to Claudette’s chambers in time to help her with her morning routine. But she couldn’t help it. It felt lovely as the rays warmed her skin, a bit of pink blooming against her cheeks. She sighed contently when the birds outside of her barely open window started singing their praises, as she stretched out across her soft bed to awaken her sleepy muscles.
The silky white night gown she was wearing stuck to her skin slightly as she rolled over and threw the thick comforters off her body. Evita made her way from the comfort of her bed and over to the wash tub that sat in the corner of her room. She quickly washed her face and applied a bit of balm that she had made from some crushed pink rose petals she had gathered the week before to her lips. It brightened them just slightly, but wasn’t overly noticeable.
Combing through her dark locks always proved to take the most time each morning. Evita had just recently taken a pair of sewing sheers and cut off almost half of her waist length hair. Queen Morgana had gasped so loudly when she saw it that Evita just knew she was going to be punished. But instead, the kind Queen merely sighed and shook her head with a small smile. She told Evita that it suited her and that maybe one day she would muster up the courage to do the same thing. The Queen truly did care for Evita in the most loving of ways. It was like having a small part of her best friend with her even after she was gone.
Evita dressed in a hurry, lacing up her favorite pair of knee high boots with a smile on her face when she heard the trumpets begin playing outside. It was always an indication that the day had begun. She practically skipped to her door, flinging it open and finding her and Princess Claudette’s bodyguard standing on the other side of it. His dark blue shirt with the Royal Guards crest on the chest was slightly undone and revealing just a bit of chest hair. Evita may have even found him to be beautiful if they had not grown up together in the castle.
“Good morning, my lady.” Ashton bowed, turning and offering her his arm.
“Morning, Sir Ashton.” Evita smiled, stooping down to give him a small curtsy before taking his arm.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked.
“I did. And you, sir?” Evita returned the question.
“I do recall telling you that it was not necessary for you to call me sir.” Ashton looked down at her as they walked with an eyebrow raised.
“You did. However, what good is that fancy new title of yours if I do not use it every chance I get?” Evita sent a wink his way and Ashton laughed. “Why are you not with the princess this morning?” She added.
“I’m your bodyguard as well.” Ashton replied, clearing his throat at the end.
“True. But Princess Claudette is arguably of a bit more importance than I.” Evita took her arm out of Ashton’s as they reached the princess’s bed chambers.
“Not to me.” Ashton bows again, taking her hand and kissing the top of it. “Enjoy your day, my lady.” Evita curtsies again, knowing that her feelings are not the same as Ashton’s are for her. She turns away quickly, opening the door to the princess’ room and closing the door just as quickly.
Once inside the lush bed chambers of the princess, Evita looks around the room for her best friend, who should most certainly be awake by now. Evita makes her way to the oversized bed, the blankets and sheets still completely tucked in perfectly as if no one had even slept in it. Unfortunately, Evita knew just where the Princess of Theoria was, and it was not at all where she should be. But just as Evita is about to go looking for her, Claudette comes climbing up the balcony on the far side of the room, making far too much noise for someone who was sneaking around.
“Some help here, Evie?” Claudette said sounding out of breath as she struggled to get her skirts over the railing in one piece.
“Not again, Claudette. You’re going to get yourself caught.” Evita grabbed her hand and helped hoist her the rest of the way over the railing.
“And then what will they do? My parents could not possibly make my life anymore miserable.” Claudette grabbed her skirts up in her arms and stomped over towards her bed.
“Look at your hair!” Evita rushed over and started pulling knots out of the pins in Claudette’s hair. Claudette swatted her hands away, turning to look at her. Evita could now also see that her lipstick was smudged all across her face and the bust of her dress of slightly ripped.
“Please, do not pass your judgment at me. You have no idea what it’s like being cooped up with constant watch. I hate this place, Evie.” Claudette pouted, falling back onto her bed. Evita decided that Claudette was upset enough, and she wasn’t going to make matters worse by harping at her about the night befores escapades.
“How was Luke?” Evita asked, biting into her bottom lip, trying not to smile.
“Oh Evie, he’s absolutely perfect.” Claudette swooned at the thought of her secret lover.
“Do you love him?” Evita asked, her heart yearning to know that swelling of love.
“Without an ounce of doubt.” Claudette sighed. “But they will never approve of him. He’s a blacksmith, not a drop of royal blood.”
“I’m sure your mother would sympathize, Claudette. She wasn’t of royal blood either.” Evita reminded her.
“Ah yes, my parents were allowed to marry for love. I however, am just a pawn in their game of earning more land for the kingdom. My father is obsessed, Evita.” Claudette dramatically dropped back onto the bed with a frustrated groan.
“That’s not true, Claudette.” Evita gently touched her best friends arm, trying to comfort her.
“Oh it absolutely is, and you know it just as well.” Claudette scowled and folded her arms. Sometimes Evita forgot that she was only but a fresh 18 years old.
“Come. Let us get you washed up before tutoring begins.” Evita stood up from the bed and put her hand out for Claudette to take.
“Fine.” Claudette takes her hand. “But could we not just skip tutoring today, I’m so tired.”
“Perhaps you should not be out romping with the local blacksmith until all hours of the night.” Evita teased, ticking Claudette’s sides quickly.
“Evita! You should not speak of your princess in such a way!” Claudette laughed as she pinched at Evita’s elbow.
“Yes, but I was speaking to my best friend just now. Not the princess.” Evita hugged her arm around Claudette and pressed a kiss to the top of her blonde head.
“You are the only one who can get away with such things.” Claudette laid her head against Evita’s shoulder as they continued walking over to the wash tub in the corner of the room.
Claudette was quite small in stature. She was petite with almost white blonde hair that could reach the backs of her thighs if she wore it down. Her eyes were bluer than a beautiful spring sky. She was everything that came to mind when Evita thought of a princess. Queen Morgana always said that Claudette was the most beautiful baby she had ever laid eyes on, though she had given them all a scare when she was born and had momentarily stopped breathing. The castle nurses and Evita’s mother, as a healer, were able to bring Claudette back and the Queen knew she had been kissed by angels that day.
The Queen just simply did not know her daughter anymore, and Evita did not have the heart to tell her of the things Claudette was doing. It would break her heart. She could only hope that the Queen never found out or the both of them would be in more trouble than they could ever imagine. Women were fully expected to be virgins when they married, especially a princess. But Evita knew that Claudette had forgone her virginity months ago with Luke the blacksmith. She did not understand the consequences those actions might have with her future husband.
Stripping quickly from yesterdays dress, Claudette stepped into the wash tub that had been filled warm water by the maids a bit earlier. Evita finished the task of pulling all the pins from her hair and gently brushing out the knots while Claudette soaked in the water.
“Why do you always push away Ashton?” Claudette asked.
“That’s none of your business, Princess Inquisitive.” Evita told her, running the brush through her hair once more. Claudette’s shoulders slumped with sadness and Evita gave in, as usual. “But if I was going to tell you anything, I would tell you that Ashton is a friend that I do not feel that sort of love for.”
“He worships the very ground you walk on.” Claudette reminds her, making the guilt wash over Evita.
“I do not relish in the fact that feelings are not mutual between us. I do not wish to hurt him.” Evita sighed, reaching into a basket on the ground for some soap and handing it to Claudette. “Use this.”
“He would be good to you. Take care of you.” Claudette held the soap to her nose and deeply breathed in the scent.
“Says the princess in love with a blacksmith.” Evita finished with the knots in Claudette’s hair.
“Could you learn to love him?” Claudette made a soapy lather in her hands, her curiosity genuine. Evita sighed again.
“It would not be love if I had to force the way I felt.” Evita explained. “Now, enough of your questions. Dunk your head so we can wash your hair, it smells of the fire at the blacksmith’s shop.” She helped Claudette immerse her hair into the water without any more questions, for now.
That evening after dinner had been served and the sun was just barely hanging in the sky, one of the King’s soldiers came into the library where Evita was searching for some books on different herbs for healing. Ashton was lingering near the entrance, keeping watch as usual when the soldier approached him.
“We were able to fight them off, the rest of the boats turned back to the main ship.” The solider told Ashton.
“Rolonians trying to make their way onto our beaches again, after all these years?” Ashton tried to keep his voice down so that Evita did not hear him, but her entire body tensed at the mention of Rolonians. She continued to pretend she was reading the book so she could hear more.
“We were able to take out two of their boats before they turned back, sir.” The soldier watched Evita from the corner of his eye, making sure she wasn’t listening.
“We should most certainly celebrate any victory over the Rolonians. Just let me finish up here.” Ashton patted the soldier once on the back before he started moving towards Evita.
“My lady, have you found what you were looking for?” Ashton asked, hands clasped behind his back.
“Yes, just what I needed.” She shows him the book in her hands before slipping it under her arm to carry. “I’m sure you were aware of me listening just now, Ashton.” Evita searches his eyes for a moment before Ashton sighs, a small smile at the corner of his lips.
“Of course you were, my lady. And I’m quite certain you have questions.” Ashton said, a waiting look on his face.
“Are they planning more attacks?” Evita asked, her brow scrunching with worry.
“We cannot be certain. But they are up to something, that I am certain of.” Ashton said, his jaw set tightly. Evita sighed and nodded her head in understanding.
“I’m going to go down to the beach and gather some seaweed. I’ll see you in the morning.” Evita said, hoping that by some miracle Ashton would just let her go without a fuss.
“Down to the beach? Just after an attack?” Ashton wrapped his hand around her wrist to keep her from walking away.
“I’ll be fine. I only need a few baskets full to make more medicine. And it seems that more attacks may be inevitable, and I’ll need as much as I can get.” Evita gave him a gentle smile and he released his hold.
“You will come directly back, yes? No dawdling?” Ashton asked, concern in his voice still.
“Of course I will.” Evita smiles again, moving towards the door.
“I’ll check on you back at your room a bit later!” Ashton shouted as Evita began jogging down the hallway towards the back entrance of the castle.
There was a staircase that took her down a few levels before Evita was able to reach the door that lead outside. The stairway was a bit dark, but the stone walls were lit up by the orange fire of the torches. Once she was outside, a misty rain beginning to fall as the sunset, she could finally breathe once more. She took a moment to breathe in deeply, the mist tickling her face and sticking to the loose tendrils of hair sticking up on different places on her head. Evita grabbed her baskets from just outside the door and walked down towards the beach.
The sky was a bit gray, with purple and orange mixed in as the sun slowly became the moon. Evita grabbed her skirts up into her arms as she stepped into the shallow part of the water where she could see mounds of seaweed bunching up against the rocks on the shore. It was not pleasant to the touch necessarily, but its healing properties were well worth the slimy texture the seaweed had for the few moments it was between her fingers on its way into the basket.
The waves sounded extra peaceful tonight, lapping at shore in a gentle motion. The beach was always a place that held awful memories for Evita. Her parents were killed not far from here, and it constantly reminded her of that. But as time had passed, the pain had become something she was used to feeling, and now she was able to come here and see it as more of a place to feel connected to them. Because sometimes it felt as if part of them was still here.
Just as the moon found its place in the sky, Evita decided that she had gathered enough seaweed for the time being, and began gathering up her things to make her way back to the castle. Looking out at the ocean, saying good night to her parents, something caught her eye floating in the water not far from the beach. Evita narrowed her eyes to try and see a bit better, finally focusing on the fact that it was a man floating on a piece of wood in the waves. She gasped, eyes widening before taking off in a dead sprint towards the ocean.
The ocean sprayed water in her face as Evita hopped the waves until the water got too deep for her touch the bottom. She swam out further and further until she reached him. The water was freezing, but Evita’s heart was pumping too quickly for her to really feel its effects at this moment in time.
“Sir? You must wake up!” She shouted, trying to wake him. His skin was freezing to the touch and the plump lips on his face were turning blue. Evita grabbed onto the piece of wood he was draped over and started pulling it towards the beach as quickly as she could.
Once her feet were able to touch the bottom again, she grabbed the stranger beneath his arms and started pulling him up onto the sand. He was much taller than she was and a very solid weight as Evita struggled at carrying him. But she did not give up, dragging him the best she could until his body was out of the water. She felt out of breath as she dropped to her knees next to his unmoving body. She knew that in the castle infirmary some other healers and nurses had been practicing what they called “the kiss of life”, where they blew air into the unconscious person to try and help them breathe again. Evita just knew she needed to try.
Propping his head back slightly, she leaned down and closed her eyes before enclosing his lips with her own. She breathed out deeply, filling his lungs and then pulling her mouth off of his. Nothing happened. She tried it once, twice, three more times. Evita pressed her ear against his chest to listen for a heartbeat but she could hear nothing. She gave him another few breaths, then looked around at his body. It was battered and bruised, the material of the shirt at his shoulder was completely soaking in blood from a deep cut. In a slight panic, Evita pressed her hands down on his chest and added pressure. She watched as water began dropping out of his slightly parted mouth when she did. Her eyes widened at the sight, attaching her mouth to his again and giving him more of her breath. She pressed her hands down again just after and watched more water make its way out until he suddenly began coughing.
Evita quickly moved towards his head, lifting it gently and placing it in her lap so that he was slightly sitting up. The stranger continued coughing and spitting up water for a few moments, his breaths slowly coming back to him. Evita placed her hands on his cheeks to help him steady himself before he rolled off of her lap. His eyes slowly began to flutter, long eyelashes still wet from the ocean water. When he opened them fully and was finally able to focus on the girl above him, he smiled gently.
“Have you come to take me to heaven then, angel?” His groggy voice finally spoke. Evita bit her bottom lip between her teeth, pushing some of the wet curls away from his forehead.
“No, good sir. I am no angel, and you are very much alive.” She smiled when he closed his eyes again, head lulling to the side as he let exhaustion consume him.
With much struggling and a few choice words, Evita was able to drag the stranger from the beach and into one of the hidden beach caves that sat a short way down the shore. She made sure he was propped up and would not choke if anymore water decided to come up, and then made her way back outside to gather some wood for a fire. She had no idea why she was doing these things, but something told her that her mother would have done the same thing in this situation, and that was most comforting.
Dry wood was hard to come by at the beach this time of year, but Evita found as much as she could carry in her arms and made her way back into the cave. Her skirts were caked with wet sand and her hair had all fallen from his neatly placed bun on her head and began curling from the salty ocean water. Her toes were freezing inside her boots even though her blood was pumping so quickly from all the adrenaline.
After the wood had been piled up, Evita found two stones, ripping off a piece from the sleeve of her dress to use as a flint. It took multiple tries and many frustrations, but the cave was soon filled with light and warmth from the fire.
Evita had no idea as to what time of the night it was, but if she continued to stay here, she knew someone would come looking for her. She moved back towards the stranger who lied peacefully on the ground. His skin was a beautiful brown glowing in the light from the fire and now that he was breathing again, his lips had gone from a frightening blue to a glorious shade of pink that had only slightly chapped from the weather outside. He was beautiful. The most beautiful man Evita had ever seen. But he was certainly not from Theoria.
The strangers shoulder was still bleeding, as well as a gash across his chest that she had not noticed before. It looked like someone had tried to cut out his heart, but failed. Evita grabbed her shawl from the ground, and though it was damp, it would at least keep him slightly warmer. She draped it over him as she watched his chest rise and fall with shallow breaths. She knew that she needed to get to her medical supplies and back down here without anyone knowing of her intentions as soon as she could if she was going to save this mans life.
She bent down next to him, touching his cheek and feeling his fever beginning to set in. She mentally promised him that she would return, and quickly gathered her things and slipped out of the cave, making her way towards the door that lead back inside the stairway. One last look over her shoulder and a silent prayer that he survived before she closed the door behind her.
Back inside the castle, the halls were dimly lit with candles. This told Evita that it was very late and someone would certainly be looking for her at this point. She tried to quietly make her way towards her chambers, her skirts dragging across the stone floor and bots squishing with water were not helping her cause. Evita rounded a corner, thinking she had made it home free when she noticed a figure standing in front of her bedroom door at the end of the hall.
“Damn it all.” She whispered under her breath as she saw it was Ashton. When his eyes landed on her, he rushed away from the door and over towards her.
“My lady, what’s happened to you? I thought the worst.” Ashton puts a hand on each of her shoulders, stopping her in place.
“I am fine, Ashton. I merely lost track of time.” Evita tried to shake away hands, but he kept them in place.
“There were just Rolonians trying to infiltrate our walls, and you expect me not to worry?” Ashton scoffs. “You were merely going to gather seaweed, and come right back. It has been hours!” His voice carries more than he wanted it to.
“And now you see that I am unharmed and exhausted, do you not? I apologize for my misjudgment on the time, Sir Ashton, but I’d like to go to bed now.” Evita met his eyes, trying to assert herself. Ashton blinked a few times, then released his grip on her shoulders.
“Yes, my lady. Sleep well.” Ashton said, no more questions. Not now, at least.
“Goodnight.” Evita gathered her baskets and quickly slipped into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She took a moment to breathe before frantically changing into dry clothes and boots.
The supplies she needed were all gathered into a pack that Evita could carry down to the shore. She would not be able to take the leisurely way down the stairs this time and would instead need to take the more treacherous path through the woods and down a small cliff side. Grabbing her long wool cloak from the hook by her door, Evita made her way over to the open window at the far side of the room. Much like the princess had done many times before, she would descend the lattice work and vines beneath her window to get to the ground below.
It took some time, but Evita had managed to make it to the ground without drawing attention to herself. She lifted the hood of her cloak over her head and began the short journey through the woods that surrounded the west side of the castle. The waves were crashing against the rocky beaches as the she descended the path down the cliff side. Her feet slipped slightly on the mossy rocks, but it did not stop her from making it to the beach.
As quick as her feet would carry her, Evita ran towards the cave that held her beautiful stranger. She could see as she approached, that the fire must have gone out in her absence. There was no glow from its flames at the entrance as there should have been. Evita hurried her pace, hoping that she was not too late.
Smoke from the dying fire wafted into Evita’s nose as she entered the cave, slightly out of breath from her fast pace. She moved her hood off of her head and sat down her supplies, squinting into the darkness to try and see if the beautiful stranger was still where she had left him. But before she could make another movement, she was being pulled backwards and the cold metal of a blade was being placed at her throat. Evita stood frozen, heart hammering in her chest.
“Do not move.” A deep voice said next to her ear. “Where am I? What is this place?” He spoke again, tightening his grip on the blade he had pulled from his boot when he heard the footsteps approaching.
“I…I pulled you from the ocean. We stand in a cave on the shores of Theoria.” Evita explained, swallowing thickly.
“Theoria? I should not be here…” The stranger let his guard down momentarily, and Evita took advantage, remembering the cut on his shoulder, she quickly moved a hand up and reached behind her to dig her fingers into his shoulder. The stranger shouted out in pain before falling to his knees, his blade toppling to the ground.
“Who are you?” Evita asked, grabbing the blade from the ground and pointing it towards him. He shook his head, pain still on his features.
“I am nothing but a musician, one not meant to be here.” He sighed, painfully moving to rest his back against the wall of the cave.
“A musician? How does a musician find himself floating alone in the ocean?” Evita asked, hands shaking slightly as she stood her ground with the blade.
“I was to be on the ship that was merely passing by when it was attacked. Just…entertaining the crew.” He stumbled a bit over his explanations.
“Wait…” Evita began to put the pieces together. “You are…Rolonian?” She felt her stomach drop.
“I am, my lady.” He smiled weakly. “Will you kill me now, angel from my dreams?”
“I should…I should most certainly kill you.” But Evita knew she would never be able to do carry out such a task.
“Go on then, my lady. You’ve got me just where you need me to be.” He rested his head back against the cold wall of the cave and closed his eyes. Evita stared at him a moment, and she knew that she should kill him. His people were dangerous. But something told her that her parents would not want her to kill him, for he was innocent in all of this. She sighed loudly, dropping her hands and throwing the blade to the other side of the cave.
“I will not kill you today, Rolonian. I have spent far too much time saving your life to take it away now.” Evita began to untie the clasp of her cloak so she could begin her work. The stranger opened his eyes and watched her.
“I suppose I’ll owe you a great debt then.” He said, a fit of coughs following his words.
“You need to let me tend to your wounds, before you go into shock.” She tossed the cape over a boulder and bent down to gather her supplies.
“Why would you do this for me?” He choked out.
“I do not know. But if you would prefer the ocean, by all means do not let me stop you.” Evita placed a hand on her hip and gave him a look of impatience. The stranger laughed lightly, grabbing at his chest in pain.
He began using his stronger arm to untie the piece of leather that was braided through the front of his cream colored shirt. The bare skin of his chest became exposed as he pulled apart the material, Evita was entranced by the sight, fingers aching to touch him. When those thoughts crossed her mind, she immediately pushed them away. He was from Rolon, and she could not have such thoughts of someone like that. She watched him from the corner of her eye as she quickly rebuilt the fire so that she would have light when stitching up the stranger.
Evita moved closer to him cautiously, moving down to her knees at his side. His face turned towards her, watching her carefully through hooded eyes as she began mixing things from glass vials that were stored in her healers pack. She tore clean pieces of fabric into strips and laid them out so they could be easily accessed. Next, she pulled her needle and thread from a pouch inside the pack, she quickly threaded the needle and sat it to the side.
“It seems you’ve done this before, my lady.” His voice was not much more than a whisper. Evita smiled, pulling out the bottle of vodka she had grabbed from the kitchens many weeks ago, now thankful that she had.
“This is going to cause you much discomfort, so bite down on this.” She handed him a piece of leather to place between his teeth. He looked at her warily, but slowly put the piece of leather between his teeth and relaxed his head back against the wall.
A popping noise sounded through the cave as Evita uncorked the bottle of alcohol. She moved the bottle over towards his shoulder first, wincing slightly when the alcohol spread throughout the wound, causing the Rolonian man to groan out in pain, the sound muffled by the piece of leather in his mouth. Tears were threatening to spill at the corners of his eyes, and Evita looked to him with sympathy before pouring more alcohol into the wound on his chest. His chest heaved with pain as he slumped back in defeat.
“Discomfort you say?” He snapped, the leather dropping from his mouth as he breathes rapidly with wide eyes.
“Did you want me to tell you that it would be excruciating?” Evita snapped back, reaching for the pieces of fabric and spreading a mixture onto it. “This will draw out the impurities.” She explained before placing the fabric over his wounds. This time he did not wince.
“What is your name?” He asked, his breathing beginning to slow again.
“Is it of importance?” Evita looked away from him, afraid of him knowing who she was.
“I would enjoy knowing the name of my savior.” He sat up slightly, watching her again as she prepared more medicines.
“Evita.” She told him.
“Do you live in Elverston Castle, lady Evita?” He coughed again, holding his ribs when the pain returned.
“As merely a maid.” She lied, reaching over and removing the fabric away from the wounds. Evita inspected them as best she could, concerned of the color of the skin that surrounded them. She may have been too late to avoid infection.
“A maid? Do all maids know this much of healing in Theoria?” He asked, biting into his bottom lip when Evita spread another layer of medicine onto his wounds. This medicine would help to numb the wound and surrounding skin while she stitched them up.
“My mother was a healer. I just picked up on a few things.” Evita picked up the gold thread and needle, pouring alcohol over the needle in hopes to keep it sanitary.
“Then I shall thank your mother as well. Her skills being passed to you have saved my life.” He says, eyes following Evita’s nimble fingers as they prepare for the stitches.
“She…she is not with me any longer.” Evita steadied her hand and began stitching up the deep wound on his shoulder, when he did not wince she knew the numbing medication was working.
“I am so sorry, Evita.” He searched for her eyes and finally got her to look at him for a moment. “Truly.”
“Yes, well, your King is responsible for her death.” Her jaw tightens as she continues her careful movements.
“Is that why you hate me so, my lady?” He asked.
“I do not hate you.” She finished the stitches in his shoulder, tying the end of the thread and biting the knot to free the needle. “You have not told me your name, ocean stranger.”
“Ah, yes. Suppose I have not.” He smiled, appearing to think for a moment. “Calum, my lady.” He finally said. Though the name sounded somewhat familiar, Evita merely nodded in response and Calum released a long breath.
Moving over to the other side of his body with her needle and thread so that she could have better access to the wound over his heart. She used the alcohol once more on the needle, and then gently pressed one hand to his bare chest to steady the other as she began working. Calum’s eyes had fallen closed again, but one of his hands made its way up to rest on Evita’s. She froze momentarily, but did not say anything.
When she was finished with the stitches, Evita took a moment to admire her work. She had never been happier that she had learned to sew. Claudette had never wanted to learn, but Evita took it as one more thing she did not need any one else to do for her. She was able to fix Claudette’s dresses and coats quickly without calling for a seamstress. And now, looking at the golden stitches against the warm skin of Calum, she knew it was her best work.
“Finished.” She said, wetting her dry lips with her tongue, attempting to move her hand away from Calum’s chest where he still had his hand placed over it. “May I have my hand back?” She asked quietly.
“Your touch is comforting.” He hummed, eyes still closed.
“I am sure that wins the hearts of many girls back in Rolon.” Evita moved to pull away again, but his grip tightened and his eyes opened to find hers.
“Thank you, for saving my life, my lady. I am forever in your debt.” He pulls her hand up to his mouth, thick lips pressing to the back of it in a searing kiss. Evita’s chest tightens as she watches the gesture unfold. She looked at his eyes a moment longer and then cleared her dry throat before standing up. Calum finally releasing her hand as she did so.
“You will need to stay out of sight while you heal. If the guards catch wind of you here, you will be executed in front of the entire kingdom.” Evita began gathering up her supplies and placing them back into the pack as she spoke.
“What will become of me once I’ve healed then?” Calum asks, painfully getting to his feet.
“I do not know.” Evita said, avoiding his stare. Calum limps towards her, placing a gentle hand on her back.
“Are you going to leave me alone down here, lady Evita?” Calum kept his hand on her back as she turned to face him. Why did his touch make her feel so out of control?
“I will come to check on you in the morning. Bring you some food.” She moved away, grabbing her cloak from the boulder and tying it back into place.
“Will you stay with me then?” He hobbles around, following her as she continues gathering things.
“I…I do not think so. But you really must rest, Calum. Lie down, please.” Evita looks at him, her eyes telling him that he needed to listen.Calum sighs, moving back to his previous spot and sliding down until he’s seated again.
Evita watches as his eyes flutter shut once more, all the pain and exhaustion finally taking its toll on his battered body. She wishes that he was not so beautiful. That somehow she could make her way back into the castle and never think of him again. But that would not be the case. She would lie awake all night, thinking of Calum’s face and the color of his eyes and the shape of his nose. She hated it, and it made her feel guilty for feeling anything at all. But she would not leave him to die without food or proper medicine. She just hoped he survived the night.
The next morning, the sun was just coming up and Evita had not slept for even a moment. She rushed through her morning routine, but still making sure that her hair looked presentable and her dress without wrinkles. She stood at the window and felt the cold breeze prickle her skin, hoping it would clear her mind before she left her room. Thoughts of Calum lying sick or worse, all alone on the cold floor of the cave brought another rush of panic, and she rushed towards her door, throwing it open and almost running directly into Ashton.
“My lady, what is the hurry this morning?” He asks, steadying her on her feet.
“I just need to speak with the princess as soon as possible.” Evita started stepping around him so she could pass by but he stopped her by stepping in her path.
“Have breakfast with me this morning Evita. We have not talked in ages.” Ashton smiled kindly, the dimples near his mouth deepening.
“We speak every day, Ashton.” Evita bounces nervously on the balls of her feet.
“Yes, but not really talking. Talking with meaning.” Ashton reaches out and carefully brushes a piece of hair back into place behind Evita’s ear. She licks her lips, trying not to shy away from his touch.
“Another time, Ashton.” She says kindly, stepping around him and jogging towards Claudette’s bedroom. She looked over her shoulder once to see him nod in agreement and then take a few steps to talk with some other guards.
Grabbing the key for Claudette’s room from the pocket on her dress, Evita slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open, knowing it was much earlier than Claudette preferred to be woken up. Evita could see that the princess was in fact asleep in her own bed. Her blonde hair splayed out across her white sheets as she snored quietly. Evita smiled, climbing up onto her bed and gently shaking her shoulder.
“Ettie, wake up.” Evita whispered, using the nickname she had given to her best friend many years ago.
“What do you want?” Claudette groaned, grabbing her blankets and throwing them over her face.
“I have some things to do today…outside of the castle. Will you need me?” Evita asked, moving the blanket and making Claudette groan again.
“Do as you please, Evita. Just get the hell out of here.” Claudette grumbled.
“Princesses do not swear.” Evita teased, patting Claudette’s leg as she climbed off the bed.
“Piss off.” Claudette grumbled again, throwing a pillow as Evita laughed and made her way back out of the princess’ room.
Evita moved throughout the castle with a smile on her face. She stopped by the infirmary and discreetly grabbed some different medicines. One that she was wary of taking because of its rarity and the flower it came from, but she had a feeling that she should bring it. Something just told her to bring it with her, and so she slipped the vial into her pack before she grabbed some more clean scraps of fabric. Her next stop was the kitchen, where the workers were already busy making the castles breakfast. Loaves of bread were baking in the stone fire and the smell was nothing short of heavenly. Evita made sure to grab a loaf, along with some cheese and some meat that she hoped to cook on the fire for Calum. She also made sure to fill a canteen with clean drinking water before she snuck out of the kitchen and down the stairway that lead down to the beach. She nodded to a few guards who greeted her on her way, but it did not appear that anyone suspected anything was going on.
The beach was empty, as usual this time of year. The cool spray of the ocean greeted Evita’s face as she closed the door to the castle and dashed towards the cave. She could smell the smoke from the fire as she got closer, hoping that she had left enough wood for Calum to use throughout the night. Once she was inside the entrance, she saw him sitting near the fire using a stick to poke at the embers beneath the branches.
“Calum?” She said, her voice sounding as sweet as cherry wine to Calum. His smile reached his eyes, the small crinkles next to them forming in the most beautiful way. He stands up, his arm still wrapped around his torso and a limp in his step as he approaches her.
“Good morning, my lady.” He said, voice sounding deep and scratchy. Evita tried not to smile back, but it was nearly impossible.
“You should not be up and about just yet.” She told him. “I’ve brought you food, come sit back down.”
“My hunger kept me awake most of the night, if I might be honest.” Calum said, eagerly taking the basket of food from her hands.
“There’s enough to get you through a few days.” Evita helped him take out some of the bread and watched as he tore into it teeth first without cutting it into slices. She laughed quietly at the sight, causing Calum to look up from his food with an apologetic look on his face.
“I apologize, my lady. I am far too famished to be eating in front of a lady with any sort of manners.” Calum swallowed his bite, wiping at his mouth with the back of his forearm.
“I am not here to judge your manners, Calum.” She pushed more food towards him, encouraging him to continue eating. “Drink this. It’s clean water.” She handed him the canteen and he began drinking it almost ferociously.
“Thank you, Evita. I truly cannot thank you enough for risking so much for me.” Calum sat down the canteen, sounding almost out of breath. His brows began scrunching together as he clutched at his chest.
“Calum? Is something wrong?” Evita moved closer, reaching out for him.
“My…my chest…” Calum’s eyes rolled to the back of his head just then, and Evita screeched in surprise, jumping forward quickly to grab his head before it hit the ground when he became unconscious.
“Calum? Calum, answer me!” Evita shouted as she shook him gently. He did not respond. She placed her hand beneath his nose and felt no breath coming from it. “No. No, no you will not die.” Evita grabbed the opening of his shirt and ripped it open, the flimsy material tore down the middle.
The wound over his chest must have become infected during the night. The stitches felt hot to the touch, and there were darkened veins traveling on his skin that lead to his heart. He was going into shock, just as Evita had feared he might.
Sitting his head down gently, Evita ran to her pack and grabbed out the medication she had hoped not to have to use. She moved back over to Calum and lifted his head into her lap so he was sitting up enough to swallow the medicine. The vial was small as it shook in Evita’s hand and she began to carefully pour it into his mouth, making sure it went down his throat. And now she needed him to breathe again so it could be swallowed.
Bending down with his head in her lap, she closed her mouth over his and blew in a few breaths. Calum continued to lie there unmoving. She had barely gotten the chance to know her beautiful stranger and already he was being taken away.
“Please wake up, Calum of Rolon. Wake up. Come back.” Evita bent again, breathing into his lungs once more. This time, Calum began coughing. “You must swallow the medicine.” She said in a panic. Calum swallowed thickly, his eyes opening slowly as he looked up to find Evita looking down at him.
“This is the second time your kiss has saved my life, angel.” Calum croaked out, his shaky hand reaching up and cupping Evita’s cheek. His touch seared her to the bone.
“You scared me.” Evita sobbed. She had known this man less than a day, and already whether he lived or died meant so much to her.
“Something told me I was not quite done here on this earth.” His thumb brushed her cheek as he spoke softly.
“I believe that to be true.” Evita whispered, sniffling her nose and then breaking the eye contact with Calum. “Now you need to lie here and let me take care of you so this does not happen again.” She rolled up her cape and placed it on the ground beneath his head while she moved away.
“What medicine have you given me?” Calum asked, his body relaxing slightly.
“It’s from a flower, found only here in Theoria.” Evita bites into her bottom lip nervously before she continues. “It’s said to have…magical properties.”
“Magic?” Calum’s eyebrows rose in curiosity.
“It’s something healers here are still determining. But it…it has done unimaginable things. Things that I cannot explain.” Evita poured some powder into a cup and mixed it with some water. It was a mix of things that would hopefully keep the infection away this time.
“I am a believer in magic, my lady. No need convincing me.” Calum smiled as he watched her, his eyes tired.
“Drink this. Then I’ll need to clean your wounds.” Evita kneeled beside him and helped him drink the mixture from the cup.
“Out of my shirt again, my lady?” Calum teased as he took the last sip of the drink.
“Just take it off and stop acting as if you are a child, Calum.” Evita tried not to smile, but rolled her eyes playfully instead.
Calum sat up slowly, groaning a bit when his muscles and bones ached from the movement. His face contorted painfully as he began pulling the filthy shirt off of his torso. Evita watched him toss the material off to the side and carefully lie back down. The cold cave floor shot chills all over his body but he didn’t have the energy to object.
Evita took out a small bowl that she poured clean water and her ground up herbal mixture that she had prepared previously. When she turned back to see Calum without his shirt to cover him, she was a bit in awe. He was smooth and more breathtaking than she could have imagined him to be. There were some scars littered around his torso that had healed from previous wounds, but none as serious as the ones he would have after his current wounds had closed up. She watched his chest rise and fall slowly with his deep breathing.
“What will you be doing now that you have my shirt off, my lady?” Calum said, a wide smile on his face as Evita’s cheeks heated from embarrassment. She cleared her throat and sat down at his side.
“I’m going to wash your wounds with this new mixture. I have a good feeling about this one, it will help with the side effects from the infection.” She dips a clean piece of cloth into the water mixture and then looks over to find Calum watching her.
“You are fascinating.” Calum said quietly.
“You know nothing of me, Calum.” Evita replied, gently dabbing the cloth to the stitches on his shoulder. He hissed through his teeth at the sensation.
“Please…do not pretend you do not feel what I feel.” Calum tried to sit up but Evita gently pushed him back down, her eyes warning him not to move again.
“I do not know what you are talking about.” Evita looked away, pretending she could not feel his eyes still on her.
“Connection.” He simply says, but does not say anymore. Calum closes his eyes and tries to relax while Evita finishes washing his stitches.
She knew what he meant. That strange pull she felt towards someone she knew nothing about. Her desperate need to make sure he lived. It all made her stomach twist to know that Calum felt something similar at all.
Evita spent the rest of the day making sure that Calum was able to eat and keep down his food and then made a quick trek back to the castle to retrieve clean clothes for him to wear. They were able to talk throughout that time, but also found themselves in comfortable silences. Calum was in awe of the way Evita put her heart into everything that she did. The great lengths she went to for him, as a complete stranger were nothing short of admirable, considering where he had come from. But there were so many things that she just did not know, and could not know for her own safety.
“I should get back to the castle.” She finally said, her cheeks sore from smiling.
“Will you come back tomorrow?” Calum asked, his voice hopeful.
“I will.” Evita gathered her things and began to walk towards the entrance of the cave. “I will bring you some things to keep your mind busy tomorrow. I know that you must be going crazy in this dingy cave.”
“You are more thoughtful than I deserve, my lady.” Calum rested his weight on his elbow as he sat up slightly. The fresh shirt he was wearing practically glowing against his skin.
“Good night, Calum.” Evita felt her heart quicken its pace.
“Sweetest of dreams.” He said with a soft smile. Evita returned the smile, making her way outside. She took the wooded path back around the castle to so she could climb back into her room unnoticed.
Evita was not sure what time of day that it might have been, the past two days were practically blurred into one long dream if she was being honest. She turned her head to take one last look at the beach and it’s crashing waves, and just as she did she ran into another body, causing screams to leave both of them.
“Claudette?!” Evita screeched.
“Evie what are you doing out here?!” Claudette whisper yelled, pulling her cloak back over her head while quickly leading her friend into the wooded area where they could not be seen.
“I’ve been gathering all day. I wanted to make new medications. Are you leaving?” Evita asked, her heart trying to calm itself.
“I am going to see Luke.” Claudette smiled, her cheeks heating slightly.
“If the King and Queen find out about all of this, they’ll have both of us thrown in the dungeon.” Evita teased.
“Would that really be any different than the way they treat me now?” Claudette asked, her face becoming serious.
“Ettie…being a princess comes with responsibilities. I know it can be-“ Evita began to say before Claudette cut her off.
“Do not patronize me, Evita. The same rules do not apply to you and you will never understand.” The anger and hurt evident in Claudette’s voice.
“I did not mean any disrespect, princess.” Evita’s jaw tightened. She had always been there for Claudette, and she always would be. But she hated when Claudette made her feel this way.
“I will return in the morning as I always do.” Claudette lifted her chin, brushing past Evita and continuing her journey to the blacksmiths store in the village. Evita sighed in defeat and continued walking towards the window she needed to climb through to get back into her room.
She climbed the lattice work below the window as quick as she could, and as soon as she had settled her things into the corner of her room, there was a quiet knock on her door. Evita jumped at the sound, making her way to the door and smoothing out her dress. She opened it slowly, seeing the Queen on the other side. Evita knew her eyes were practically popping out of her skull, but she cleared her throat and gathered her thoughts.
“My Queen, I did not know I should be expecting you so late.” Evita bowed slightly, opening the door the rest of the way so the Queen could enter her bed chambers.
“Accept my apologies for the late visit, my darling. But sleep has been low on my list of things to catch up on in recent days.” Queen Morgana gently touched Evita’s shoulder as she walked through the door.
“I could say the same.” Evita smiled, motioning for the Queen to sit on her bed so they could talk.
“Is something troubling you?” The queen asked, settling onto the soft bed.
“It is nothing to be concerned about. I promise.” Evita’s heart sank at the lie. But she needed to protect Calum.
“Very well, my dear.” Queen Morgana folded her hands into her lap. Always looking like the most elegant Queen that had ever sat on the throne of Theoria. “I wanted to ask you for your opinion on a matter.”
“Of course.” Evita replied, turning her body more towards the Queen.
“I know that Claudette is not happy. Her constant need to sneak away from the castle in the middle of the night has only confirmed that fear.” The Queen does not look angry as she speaks, but Evita still cannot help the choking sound that leaves her mouth.
“Sneaking away from the castle?” Evita said, her voice shaking slightly.
“Come now, Evita. I have known from the moment she began this.” The Queen placed her hand on top of Evita’s, letting her know that she was not interrogating her for answers. Evita nodded. “My only wish is that she is safe and that she returns.”
“I wish for those things as well.” Evita squeezed her hand gently.
“I know Claudette does not think the King and I have her best interests at heart, but we only want better for her. And I know that she will hate us for arranging a marriage, but she will understand when she has her own daughter one day.” The Queen explained, sadness evident in her voice.
“Claudette only wishes to marry for love, your highness. Just as you did.” Evita says, hoping not to overstep.
“The Kingdom depends on Claudette marrying the winner of the Grand Tournament this coming summer. Sometimes…sometimes we must do things out of duty and not love. Do you understand this, my darling?” The Queen pushed some loose hairs away from Evita’s face and tucked them behind her ear.
“Yes, your highness.” Evita replied. But she truly, did not understand. Love conquered all, did it not? What could it be that made this so different?
“I knew you would. Always wise beyond your years.” Queen Morgana pulled Evita into a quick hug, kissing the top of her head, before standing up from the bed. “I know Claudette will not stop her escapades to the blacksmith shop. She’s far too stubborn. Just be sure she is safe, for me?”
“Always.” Evita opened the door for the Queen, knowing she would lay down her own life for Claudette at any moment and without question.
“Come see me more, my dear. We can talk about your progress with your healing arts.” Queen Morgana smiles, her bodyguards coming to stand close behind her.
“Of course, my Queen.” Evita returns the smile, seeing Ashton waiting off to the side.
“Sleep well.” The Queen says as she leaves. Evita begins to close her door, but Ashton stops it with his hand.
“A moment of your time, my lady?” Ashton asks, his eyes tired and a bit sad.
“Of course.” Evita stood in the door way, watching Ashton rub at that back of his neck.
“I wanted to apologize to you if I was out of line the last time we saw each other.” He finally said with a sigh.
“All is forgiven, Ashton.” Evita said, keeping her hand on the door, in hopes Ashton would assume she was tired.
“Something seems different of you these past few days.” Ashton says, concern on his features.
“I am merely not getting enough sleep. Nothing more.” Evita explained, her teeth pulling her bottom lip between them.
“Of course, my lady. Sleep well.” Ashton bowed and Evita did the same, closing the door quickly so she could release the longest breath she had ever held in. She made her way to change into her bed clothes and slipped into bed. She was exhausted, but still knew her thoughts of the handsome musician would keep her restless during the night.
The next morning, Evita dressed in a blur. Her stomach turned and her mind raced as she tried to think of yet another reason that she would not be by Claudette’s side for another day. She had been neglecting her duties so carelessly that she was not even sure what the princess’ schedule looked like for today. But all she could think about was getting to Calum as quickly as she could.
On her way past the library, Evita stopped and grabbed some novels that she thought Calum may possibly enjoy. Something to keep his mind busy while he was waiting for his body to heal. She knew that it could not be easy for him to be stranded in a land that was not his own, with nothing but an empty cave and Evita’s company. Still, she hoped that her company was somewhat comforting to him.
Evita nodded towards the guards who stood outside of Claudette’s room before pushing open the door and closing it behind her. Claudette was not in her bed, and she supposed that was not unusual. Evita made sure to straighten her bed sheets and add some relaxing oils to the bathtub the maids had just filled with hot water. She hoped that if Claudette was in a good enough mood that she would be able to sneak off without her noticing that she was once again absent for the day. Just as Evita was about to leave the room, Claudette came blubbering loudly over the stone railing on the balcony.
“Claudette? What’s the matter?” Evita rushed over and helped her climb the rest of the way over the rail. Claudette did not say anything, she threw her arms around Evita’s neck and continued crying. Evita could feel her tears gathering against the exposed skin of her shoulder. “You must tell me what’s happened Ettie. Just breathe.” Evita cooed sweetly, running her hands over Claudette’s blonde hair soothingly.
“He…Luke…he said we cannot see each other anymore.” Claudette cried louder, wrapping her arms even tighter around Evita’s frame.
“Oh no, Ettie. I’m so sorry, darling. What happened?” Evita asked, gently pulling Claudette back so she could see her face as she spoke.
“I awoke this morning and he was not in bed. I found him in the kitchen and he just looked so…defeated. He told me he should not have let things go so far. That a blacksmith shop is no place for a princess. And a blacksmith is no good for a princess.” Claudette wiped her nose and blubbered again.
“Did he say what brought on these feelings?” Evita sat Claudette down on her bed and smoothed her hair away from her face.
“He heard about the Tournament. And that I would be married to the winner. He does not want to drag things out any longer.” Claudette released a shaky breath.
“Perhaps he was right to end it now. I know that is not what you want to hear.” Evita said, knowing Claudette would get upset and send her away.
“I love him, Evita. You could not possibly understand what that means. I will be miserable the rest of my life.” Claudette pushed Evita’s hands away and climbed up the bed to hide beneath her covers.
“I’ll come to check on you later, Ettie.” Evita patted her leg gently, and got up from the bed to leave.
“Do not bother.” Claudette’s muffled voice said from beneath the covers. Evita sighed, leaving the room and her best friend behind her.
She made her way through the castle swiftly. Gathering up some food from the kitchens and more clean water forCalum to drink. She placed everything into a bag with the books and quickly made her way down the passageway that led to the beach. The day outside was surprisingly sunny. It warmed Evita’s skin slightly as she completed the walk to the cave. What she did not expect to find, was Calum standing outside at the waters edge, his bare feet brushing through the wet sand. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she dropped all of her things and took off sprinting towards him.
“What are you doing?!” She shouted as she got closer to him.
“Good morning to you as well, my lady.” Calum smiled as she approached him.
“Have you lost your mind? Do you not remember where you are, Calum? They will kill you if they find you here.” Evita grabbed his wrist and began pulling him back towards the cave, but Calum stopped her and pulled away.
“I have not seen the light of day in almost three days, Evita. I only needed a few moments to breathe it in.” Calum scowled at her, acting as though she was worried for nothing.
“You are Rolonian, Calum. Our kingdoms quite literally hate each other, and you are willing to risk your life for a bit of sunlight?” Evita was almost in tears she was so angry with him.
“And what does that say for us?” Calum asked.
“What?” Evita’s voice was thick with confusion.
“Do you hate me because I am from Rolon?” He asked, the wind blowing around the dark curls on his head in a hypnotizing way.
“I do not hate you, Calum. Would I be keeping you here, safe, if I hated you?” Evita squinted through the suns rays to look up at his face.
“Then please stop letting our Kingdoms dictate how you feel.” Calum looked at her a moment longer, then began walking back towards the cave.
“This was about you and how you have no care for your own life!” Evita said as she followed after him, his long strides almost leaving her behind.
“Do you expect me to hide in this cave for the rest of my days, Evita? There is no way for me to even get back to Rolon. Do you not see this?” Calum turned around quickly to face her, stopping Evita in her tracks.
“I…I just thought we could get you home somehow. Many boats leave this port every day. One of them would surely get you closer to Rolon.” Evita touched his arm gently, he did not pull away this time.
“Do I not get a choice in the matter?” Calum says lowly, his tall frame coming closer to hers and engulfing her in the salty smell of his skin.
“What else would you want?” Evita asked, her head lifting slightly so her eyes could meet his. The gaze between was intense and thick.
“Perhaps I’ll stay with you.” He whispered, fingers ghosting up the seam at the front of her dress and stopping when they reached the part of the dress covering her breasts. Evita could barely swallow she was so nervous.
“You do not want to live in this cave forever.” Evita’s voice barely came out as she watched his fingers continue their path over her exposed chest and neck.
“That will depend.” Calum stepped up again, pressing the front of his body against Evita’s until she was backed against the wall. She was warm and soft, more so than Calum imagined she could be.
“On what?” Evita swallowed thickly, voice shaking. She knew this was wrong, that she should push him away. But there was not one inch of her body that truly wanted that.
“Do you want me to stay?” His forehead pressed against hers gently.
“We know nothing of each other, Calum. How could I ask you to stay here?” Evita sighed, her hands coming up and pushing softly against his chest until he moved to the side for her to step away. She needed to breathe in air that was not filled with his scent.
“All right then, my lady. Tell me everything I need to know.” Calum sat down on the ground next to Evita’s bag of things.
“It is not that simple.” Evita laughed.
“It can be, if you are not afraid to let me in.” Calum raised a thick brow, testing to see how she would react. Evita sighed again.
“Where do I begin?” She said, sitting down next to him and passing him some food from the bag she carried with her.
“Tell me how you became a maid in Elverston castle.” Calum took a bite from an apple, a playful smile on his face as he tilted his head and listened to each word she had to say. Evita hated that she was still lying to him about who she really was.
Evita told him everything. Everything that did not have to do with her being a lady to the princess. She told him about her parents and how they had so tragically been taken from her during the bloody battle. She told him about her love of reading and art, though she did have to explain that she had taught herself to read because maids were surely not allowed to learn to read in the castle.
Evita spent many weeks telling Calum about her life. And he doing the same for her. His parents had also been taken during the battle, and he had become a musician for the King of Rolon only recently. It was his first trip on a ship, entertaining the sailors and those of higher authority on their long journey across the ocean. He told her how Rolon was much warmer than Theoria. The sun was always shining there and the sands were whiter than snow most days. Evita could tell he missed those things when he spoke of them so fondly. The two of them were beginning to realize that they were not so different.
They would lie together, reading books back and forth, sharing their favorite passages and quotes. Calum was always sure to make Evita laugh with his stories and swoon with his flawless singing voice. Bathing in the ocean in the middle of the night with only a lantern to see was not ideal, but it was the only choice Calum had, and he wanted nothing more than to drag Evita into the water with him instead of having her keep watch on the beach. He was completely enamored by her and the way she stayed so strong throughout her struggles. She also had something that he considered a ferocious sweetness, and he wanted to spend his life finding out exactly who she was going to be.
Evita had grown to enjoy the sound of Calum’s laugh and the quiet snores that escaped his lips when he napped with his head in her lap on particularly dreary days inside the cave. His wounds were healing perfectly now, the stitches had formed scars beneath them, but she had to admit that they were well done. She allowed herself that small sense of pride.
Touches between the two of them became much more frequent. Brushing of fingers, lingering hands, and eye contact that never stopped. It was overwhelming to Evita at times, the way he effected her so deeply. It was frightening to a certain degree because the more she got to know him the more difficult it would be to let him go when he inevitably had to leave Theoria for his own safety.
After spending yet another entire day at the cave with Calum, Evita dressed for bed and climbed into bed with more worries than she had ever hoped to carry with her. She untangled her hair and kicked the covers around until she was able to get comfortable. Her stained glass window was cracked open just slightly, letting in some cool air.
“Evita!” She heard someone say, but it was barely audible. Evita thought maybe the exhaustion was starting to get to her, so she closed her eyes and turned her body away from the window.
“Evita!” Her name was quietly shouted again, and this time she was sure that she had heard it. She quickly scrambled off the bed and opened her window a bit further to look outside. Before she could take a step out onto her balcony, small pebbles began popping up over the railing and dinging against the glass.
“Stop that!” Evita said, attempting to keep her voice down as she carefully made her way to stone railing and peaked over the edge. “Calum?!” She said too loudly, he hushed her from below.
“Could I come up?” He said innocently.
“You have no care in the world for your own life, do you?” Evita could feel that her eyes were bulging wide and her skin was flushing hot from the sudden fear washing over her.
“I only wish to be with you.” Calum said, pushing his salty curls away with his fingers.
“How did you even know this was my rooms? You could have woken up the king and queen for gods sake!” Evita paced the balcony, her hand pressed against her forehead.
“I was merely lucky I suppose.” Calum teased, knowing she was feeling the stress of him being so out in the open. “Will you let me come up or shall we continue talking out here?”
“Hurry then.” Evita finally said after a moment of thought. What else would she do? She watched as Calum scaled the lattice work with expert ease, throwing his legs over the railing until he was standing right in front of her.
“Are you angry with me?” Calum asked, standing in the doorway of the balcony.
“Angry? Calum I am not angry, I’m terrified that someone will find you here and take you away from me. Why would you do something so risky?” Evita continued to pace the room.
“I do not wish to cause you any worry, my lady. But the closer you and I become, the harder it becomes to be away from you.” Calum moves to where Evita is pacing and gently grips her wrist to stop her in her steps.
“It is a feeling I know all too well.” Evita’s voice shakes as her eyes rake over his fingers wrapped around her wrist.
“Then let me stay. Just for the night. I’ll return to cave on the beach before anyone else in the kingdom is awake. Just…please let me stay with you.” His dark eyes that seemed to hold a whole other universe inside them pleaded with her to give in.
“Calum…I just don’t think that…” Evita’s words were cut off with lips. Calum had closed the gap between them so quickly she barely had a second to process what was happening. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Evita said a little too loudly, pushing against Calum’s chest.
“Kissing you. Or so I thought.” Calum steps away, giving her space.
“You cannot just kiss me out of nowhere! No warning. And who was to say I even…” She’s cut off once more by Calum’s lips covering hers and swallowing her words. This time, Evita let herself feel him.
Calum was gentle as he parted her lips with his own, his hands sliding from her soft neck and over her jaw in the lightest of touches. His nose brushed back and forth over hers as their lips slotted together with the sweetest of sounds escaping Evita’s mouth. The gentleness of this kiss rattled her to the core. She had never kissed anyone else, and now she knew that she would never want to kiss anyone but Calum. She could feel an indescribable sensation burrowing its way through her veins and burning in the pit of her stomach as he pulled her closer and let his tongue swipe into her mouth. Evita’s knees went weak when she used her own tongue to smooth over the seam of Calum’s lips to move with his. He groaned deeply when Evita finally let herself touch his chest and slide up into the curls at the nape of his neck. His lips felt as if they were scorching Evita’s lips and skin. They heated her blood and set all of her senses on fire. Calum’s breath shuddered against her parted mouth, sending little shivers of pleasure darting through her in a rapid motion.
“I have never felt such a heavenly kiss.” Calum pecked her lips a few more times, making Evita smile at the action. As he continued to lean in for more.
“How many kisses have you had?” Evita pulled at his neck until Calum pressed his forehead against hers.
“Not many.” Calum said quietly. “And absolutely none that meant as much as that one did.”
“That was my first one…the only one.” Evita bit her lip, her cheeks turning pink.
“Your kisses have saved my life. I am only here because of you, angel.” Calum kisses her again, Evita’s breath getting lost on his lips as her eyes fell shut.
“Calum…I…I have not done any of this. But I want to…with you.” Evita said when their kiss chapped lips finally parted.
“I will not pressure you. Most wait for marriage…” Calum brushed his knuckles over the supple skin of her chest and exposed skin of her breasts that spilled from the top of her sleeping dress. Chills spread over Evita’s body like the hottest wildfire.
“That may not be an option for us, Calum.” She played with the leather string that held the front of his cream colored shirt closed. His face went through a few different emotions as he processed what she had said, then sighed when he came to the same conclusion.
“Is this what you want? You want me?” Calum asked, his eyes searching hers.
“It did not take long for me to know this was what I wanted. I may have tried to push it away but I have never been more sure of anything.” Evita’s fingers tangled into the leather string of his shirt again, pulling them downwards until his lips were on hers again. The kiss only lasted a moment, but it was full of reassurance.
“Come sit with me.” Calum said when the kiss had ended, taking her hand and leading her towards the bed. Evita did not hesitate to move with him. “Do all of the maids get their own rooms in Theoria?” He asked as they sat down on the soft blankets. Evita froze for a moment.
“This is…this is just temporary. I’ll be back in the maids quarters soon.” She kept it vague and hoped that Calum did not press for more information.
“I see.” Calum could tell she was hiding something but did not feel that now was the time to dig into it any deeper.
“Will you touch me?” Evita asked, her heart beginning to pound as she scooted closer to him on the bed.
“There will not be an inch of you that I do not touch. But I thought perhaps you would want to touch me first.” Calum untied his shirt as he spoke, removing the material over his head when Evita nodded for him to continue.
“You are…so beautiful.” Evita laughed lightly, embarrassment flooding her cheeks when Calum smiled at her compliment.
“No one has ever called me beautiful.” Calum told her, tossing the shirt to the floor and turning his body more towards her.
“Then the right people have not seen your bare skin.” The words were a whisper as Evita reached out to place her palms on his shoulders and move into his lap with her knees on either side of his hips. This was not a position a lady should find herself in, but she just needed to be closer to him. Calum smiled again, hands moving to her hips to steady her as she settled. The silky material of her sleeping dress bunched between his fingers.
“Tell me, my lady, would you marry me if our kingdoms were not sworn enemies?” Calum asked, watching Evita’s face as she thought about her answer.
“Marriage is merely a ceremony, is it not? Just an excuse for a party that neither of our families could afford. But if you are asking me if I love you enough to do such a sacrament, then the answer is yes.” The words came pouring out and Evita knew that she had possibly said too much.
“You love me, angel?” Calum sat up straight, pressing his chest flush against Evita’s, his grip tightening at the middle of her back as he held her close.
“I do, Calum of Rolon. Of course I do.” Her hands hold each side of his face as they swallow each others labored breaths.
“My love for you is the only thing that has made sense since the moment I arrived in Theoria. I woke up in that cave every day for months knowing that I would see your face…and it was so easy. Living was so easy when it meant I was going to see you again.” Calum began to explain. Evita knew that Calum was not a man of many words, but when he was willing to open up and share these parts of himself, Evita always made sure to listen intently.
“It should not feel as right as it does. But I do not wish to fight it any longer.” Evita wrapped her arms around Calum’s neck and his rough hands slid up her thighs until they were able to slip beneath the material of her sleeping clothes. She was not afraid for him to touch her this way, she welcomed it completely.
“I will always take care of you.” Calum pushed the thin material of her dress up until Evita lifted her arms and let him pull it off of her completely. She was bare beneath it, and he could not stop himself from soaking in every inch of her. Perfect breasts that fit perfectly in the palms for his hands. Soft skin on her stomach and hips that reminded Calum that he was luckiest man in all the lands.
Their lips found their way back to each other in a series of more heated kisses. Evita began to think that she had no idea what breathing even was anymore, and that she surely did not want to remember if it meant she had to stop kissing Calum. He held her close, moving them up on the bed and moving her body beneath his own. He sat up on his knees between her legs and removed his trousers in a quick motion. To say that he was well endowed would have been an absolute understatement, and Evita knew that things were going to have to go much slower than she wanted them to.
Her small hand wrapped around his ridiculously hard cock out of curiosity. Calum’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he buried his face into Evita’s neck. His reaction urged her to continue the action more, letting her fingers ghost up and down the shaft until his hips were searching for more friction.
“Will this hurt me?” Evita asked, her voice soft but unafraid.
“I think that it will be uncomfortable. That is why you must tell me to stop if it is too much. I love you far too much to cause you pain.” Calum kissed her heated cheeks and lowered his body down so they were pressed together.
“I trust you. I want this to happen.” Evita wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled Calum closer. The wetness that had been gathering between her legs becoming evident and making him bite into his bottom lip. His fingers moved between her legs, pushing in just slightly.
“You are soaking here, all for me.” Calum whispered the words against the shell of her ear, his teeth nipping at the lobe.
“How do you know just where I need you?” Evita moaned as his touch continued.
“Your body knows me…and mine knows you. I would know exactly how you needed me without ever being told.” Calum’s fingers slipped deeper and Evita’s back arched from the bed.
“I am not sure I can wait much longer to have you.” Evita’s desperate words were as sweet as honey, and Claum knew he could never deny her a single thing.
“Relax yourself. Try not to tense up. I’ll go slowly so you can adjust to me.” Calum moved down her body slightly, pressing kisses to her breasts. Evita’s chest heaved with her quick breathing.
“I love you.” She told him, eyes falling closed when she felt him begin to enter her. Calum made sure he went as slow as he could, the tightness of her making his body feel as if it was in a complete frenzy.
“Are you alright, my love?” He asked, his arms shaking slightly as he held himself up and looked down at the beautiful woman beneath him.
“Yes.” She breathed. Evita felt the ache, the dull sensation between her legs. When Calum slowly began to move, it hurt even more. She wrapped herself around him tightly, burying her face into his neck and biting down lightly. Calum groaned loudly at the sensation, his hips sputtering for a moment.
“You feel like heaven.” He said against the shell of her ear. Evita let a few small moans fall from her lips while tears threatened to spill out the corner of her eyes. She chose not to speak, in fear that her voice might shake and she did not want him stop what he was doing. “Look at me, angel.” He said sweetly.
“I’m always looking at you.” Evita finally said, her head leaving the crook of his neck to meet his eyes. Calum’s lips were slightly parted and his brow was furrowed in concentration. Evita knew he was holding back for her.
“How will I ever leave you when I’ve had you this way?” Calum said, his breathing picking up. Evita laced her fingers into his hair and pulled him down into a kiss. It was a kiss that was meant to soothe his thoughts. To confirm that somehow they would always have each other.
Evita knew that Calum was coming to his end. He adjusted himself on the bed so that he was as deep inside of her as he could possibly be. She praised him with quiet words encouragement in his ear and crescent shaped fingernail markings on the middle of his strong back. His release came quickly and almost unexpectedly but that feeling in itself was perfection. The warmth of him ran down her thighs while his tongue lapped at her neck and jaw as they both came down together.
“Calum?” Evita said, hands exploring his sweaty skin.
“Hmm?” His head laid against her chest where he presses lazy kisses.
“Are you afraid?” Evita asked.
“Yes.” He did not need her to be more specific. He knew exactly what she was referring to. But part of him hoped that leaving her would just never become an option. Somehow he could stay with her forever.
Right now, there was no time for fear. There was only this moment and the two of them. So they did not move, just stayed where they were on the bed and fell asleep together without any more words shared between them.
The loud and heart stopping noise that came ringing in through the windows the next morning were enough to jolt Evita and Calum both straight up in bed. It sounded like cannon shots off in the distance, and the yelling of soldiers nearby outside. Evita wrapped a sheet around her body as she scrambled out of bed and rushed over to her window.
She could see ships off in the distance. Ships with red flags flying high on their masts. Red flags meant that Rolon had returned to Theoria. Evita’s heart began to race as she realized this would be Calum’s chance to return to his kingdom. Maybe his only chance. She stood frozen as Calum came up behind her and looked outside to see the ships.
“They came back.” He said, swallowing thickly. “I was not sure that they would.”
“You must go. You…you should go home.” Evita tightened the sheet around her body and moved past Calum to begin getting dressed. Before she could drop the sheet, Calum was back at her side grabbing onto her elbow and pulling her back to face him.
“Do not do that. Please. Do not close yourself off.” Calum cupped her face with his other hand.
“I did not think they would come to take you from me so quickly.” Evita sighed, tears threatening to spill over.
“This is coincidence. They have not come back for me alone, I am just a musician, remember?” Calum’s eyes were wide as he watched her face.
“When will I see you again?” Evita asked, her heart pounding.
“I would never be able to stay away for long. I’ll return for you. And I will bring you back to my kingdom with me.” He was so sure of himself. That somehow that could be different for them.
Calum kissed her hard on the lips, Evita’s head lulling back slightly from the impact of their mouths. Calum pulled away just as quickly, rushing around the room and gathering up his clothes. He tripped over his feet as he quickly put his feet through the legs of his pants.
“You’ll be safe?” Evita followed him as he walked towards the balcony window, worry aching in every muscle of her body.
“To get back to you, I will be the safest.” He smiled as he slipped into his shirt, opening the window all the way and walking out onto the balcony. His eyes went back and forth between Evita and the ships on the horizon.
“I’ll wait for your return.” Evita leaned against the railing as Calum began hoisting himself over the side. Their eyes meeting with realization that this was possibly the last time they would see each other.
“It will be with as much haste as possible, my love.” Calum reached out and cupped her cheek that was wet with tears. Each time he called her ‘my love’ made her heart grow ten sizes.
“I love you, Calum of Rolon.” Evita stepped up closely, foreheads pressing together.
“And I you.” They kissed once more, sweet and sealing with promises to see each other again. And then he was shimmying down the lattice work to the ground, looking back up at Evita one more time before Calum was running towards the beach and out of Evita’s sight. It was a sight full of heartbreak and utter uncertainty
taglist:  @bbycal @kinglyhood @sugarcoated-pain @shower-me-with-roses @c-dizzle-swizzlex @calumculture @sugarcoatedcalum @calthesensation @cheyenne-in-wonderland @softboycal @moonlightcalum @unconditionalcalum @irwinkitten @singt0mecalum @angelbabylu @5sosnsfw @aspiringwildfire @myloverboyash @cal-puddies @lashtoncurls @kchillout @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @callllumhood @sick-orca @lfwallscouldtalk @aliencal @fluffsshawn
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anistarrose · 4 years
Fear The Reaper A Lot, Actually (TAZ Balance AU)
Summary: In the aftermath of the catastrophe at the Miller Lab, Kravitz strikes a deal with his bounties. Their crimes against death will be forgiven if they can bring in two specific liches for arrest…
But unfortunately, those liches are named Lup and Barry J. Bluejeans.
Characters: Kravitz, Taako, Barry Bluejeans, Angus McDonald, Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch, Noelle | No-3113, The Raven Queen, misc. BoB cameos
Relationships: Taakitz, Angus McDonald & Taako, Barry Bluejeans & Kravitz
I posted the second of three scenes in this chapter on Tumblr in January, not really expecting to continue it at the time, but it was well-received there, and I realized that I actually have a lot more ideas for this AU than I expected! This fic has been in the works for months, and I’m simultaneously so excited, nervous, and relieved to get it out of my mind and into the world.
That said, there is one other person who’s read this fic before, and that’s @fexiled! They’ve been an awesome (and patient) beta reader, and I’m incredibly grateful to them for all their advice, typo-catching, and encouragement!
Kravitz couldn’t even begin to fathom what kind of sinister agenda would possibly bring a lich to a train station, but he’d intercepted Barry J. Bluejeans in stranger places than Rockport. If he was after any other bounty, he’d be worried about the nearby masses of civilians on holiday getting caught in the crossfire, or worse, being used as hostages — but with Barry, he never knew what to worry about.
Barry, for his part, didn’t seem fazed by the prospect of facing down the Grim Reaper in a transportation hub staffed entirely by identical clones of Tom Bodett, and he addressed Kravitz calmly and amiably:
“Ah, there you are. Hope you didn’t have a ticket for the Rockport Limited, ‘cause it left a couple minutes ago.”
“I have a magical sapphire scythe that lets me teleport anywhere on the Material or Astral Planes,” Kravitz replied. “Why would I need train tickets?”
Barry chuckled — nervously? Awkwardly? Without a visible face beneath his hood, he was difficult to read. “I dunno, leisure? In case I got on a train and you wanted to follow me, but legally?”
Kravitz narrowed his eyes. Barry was normally talkative for a lich, but today, he seemed especially affable… not to mention unsurprised by Kravitz’s appearance. “Were you expecting me to follow you here?”
“You’ve followed me stranger places,” Barry reminded him. “Graveyards for dragons, necromancy conventions, the actual moon that isn’t just a secret society’s headquarters… point is, I kinda figured the ticket counter at a train station wouldn’t stop you.”
Kravitz adjusted his grip on his scythe, channelling a spark of the Raven Queen’s power to scan the area for magical traps. There were none.
“I don’t have any tricks this time,” Barry promised him, his hooded void of a face still frustratingly impossible to read. “No sabotage, no moon ogres. I just want to talk.”
A pigeon landed on the ground between them, pecking at a dropped sandwich without any acknowledgement of the two undead entities that could each obliterate it in a second.
“Let’s say I humor you, in the interest of not catching an innocent bird in the crossfire,” Kravitz replied. “What would you want to talk about?”
“I’m realizing this isn’t gonna sound that sincere, but… an apology. And a warning.”
“What world do you come from, where it’s appropriate to follow an apology with a threat? Are you going to, I don’t know, imprison my soul if I don’t forgive you?”
“The world I come from has nothing to do with it.” The lights beneath Barry’s hood flickered erratically, but he kept his composure. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for wasting so much of your time. You could be out there stopping evil necromancers, but I’ve been leading you on a wild goose chase for a decade, and I’m genuinely sorry about that. I’m sorry that I can’t do the things I need to do or save the things I need to save without being undead, and making what I can only assume is a gigantic bureaucratic mess for the Astral Plane.”
Kravitz sighed. “Are you hinting that I should just give up forever on chasing you, because you’re not evil? Do you really expect me to believe that, coming from a lich?”
“Well, I wasn’t counting on it, but that would be nice,” Barry admitted. “The thing is, whether you believe me isn’t going to matter a whole lot in… let’s see, at the rate we’re going, I doubt it’ll take much more than a year. You’re gonna have a bigger problem on your hands — and if you want even a slim chance of surviving it, you and your goddess and every plane in this system will need to be prepared.”
Kravitz eyed a clock on the station wall. “Keep making threats like that, and you’ll have thirty seconds to explain yourself before I end this conversation.”
Barry held up his hands. “Wait, wait, let me clarify — that wasn’t me threatening you! That’s me knowing what’s coming, and not wanting to see it obliterate this entire universe! I — I see, now, how that could get misinterpreted — but I promise, I’m not making this up just to mess with you! You have the ability to warn the Astral Plane, to warn the Raven Queen and by extension all the gods in the Celestial Plane, so that they can prepare for this and stand a fighting chance —”
“Excuse me, gentlemen? Is there anything I can help you with?”
A Tom Bodett approached them, completely unfazed by the lich and the reaper staring each other down of the Rockport Limited boarding platform, and Kravitz couldn’t help but wonder how frequently the humble employees of the train station had to deal with the undead making a scene.
“Stay back, mortal!” he shouted, twirling his scythe and jumping between the Barry and the poor, almost certainly underpaid Tom. “This is an arrest of one of the most dangerous death criminals in Faerun —”
But Barry had already vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the faintest wisp of red smoke, and Kravitz held back a curse.
This always happened one way or another, every damn time Kravitz had encountered Barry in the past decade. Barry had been right about one thing — he’d wasted an astronomical amount of Kravitz’s time over the years.
“Well, I guess that takes care of that,” Tom declared brightly, as if he caused distractions that allowed ultrapowerful death criminals to escape justice every day. “He was making quite a scene — any idea what his deal was?”
Kravitz shook his head. “Just a lich playing mind games. As liches are wont to do, you know.”
At least, I hope that’s all Barry is, he thought with a shiver. But if he wants to give me a reason to believe him, then… well, he can do it from a cell in the Eternal Stockade.
“Hey, Reaper Man! I’ve got an idea for you!” Taako called out. Something about the gleam in his eye piqued Kravitz’s curiosity, even though hearing out ideas from death criminals was an objectively unwise idea.
“Do tell, then,” Kravitz replied, and the mischievous smile on Taako’s face expanded into a toothy grin.
“You hunt down a lot of different bounties, right? And Lucas and Maureen and Noelle, they can’t possibly be the worst criminals on your naughty list, can they?”
“Naughty list? What is he, Santa?” Magnus snickered. “I guess it is technically still Candlenights…”
“Today has been a Day with a capital D,” Kravitz warned Taako, “and I’m not in the mood to hear an argument about why I should let them go because morality is relative —”
“Cool your collarbones, Skeletor, I may have come here to get the Philosopher’s Stone, but I’m no philosopher. I was just thinking: what if we tracked down one of your bigger bounties for you? You let some harmless death criminals go, we bring you a really evil one in return, you collect a big old bounty and also get to see my charming face again! Doesn’t that deal sound like a winner?”
“In practice, it just sounds like a good way to get double-crossed — but in theory, it would be quite a bargain, I’ll grant you that.” Kravitz mentally ran through his list of bounties, almost immediately focusing on one particular lich that had vexed him for years. “And I have to admit, I’d love nothing more than seeing you three take a crack at bringing in Barry J. Bluejeans —”
The second Barry’s name was uttered, Taako let out a wheezy laugh like a congested elephant, and Magnus and Merle weren’t far behind, guffawing so heartily that they fogged up the insides of their null suit helmets.
“I laughed at that name once just like you, but when you’ve been hunting him for years to no avail, it won’t seem so funny anymore!” Kravitz warned them. “He’s easily in the top five most dangerous liches in Faerun, not to mention the number one most elusive!”
“Barry’s a LICH?!” Magnus chortled, as Merle doubled over clutching his stomach and Taako rolled around on the floor in hysterics.
“All that time in Phandalin, we were at the mercy of an evil undead overlord and we didn’t even know it!” Taako cackled, evidently not too troubled by the revelation. “Fuck, we’re lucky to even be alive!”
That caught Kravitz off guard. “Wait, you’ve met Barry Bluejeans?”
“And lived to tell the tale!” Merle boasted. “We could totally do it again, by the way!”
“Hang on, Merle,” Noelle interrupted. “Was this what you meant earlier? When you said you were friends with a couple of liches?”
Merle blinked. “When did I say that?”
“Never mind.” Noelle sighed, then turned to Kravitz. “There’s gotta be some mistake. Some kinda identity confusion. The Bluejeans I met in Phandalin, he — he was a good man. He tried to keep us hidden while he fought off that awful dwarf, that dwarf that was setting everything on fire as far as the eye could see. Mister Bluejeans was so reassuring, and so brave — if anything, I’d call him a hero, not some horrible undead monster.”
“That doesn’t really sound like our Barry,” Merle said. “He was kind of an ass. Told me to stab myself with a rusty fork.”
As his bounties squabbled among themselves over the true nature of Barry Bluejeans, Kravitz took the opportunity to pray to the Raven Queen.
Your Majesty, if these criminals think they can really track down such a dangerous lich… would taking their offer be the right choice? Or am I about to be scammed?
The reply was immediate, as if the Raven Queen had already been observing the Miller Lab intently and contemplating the situation for herself. I cannot make this decision for you, Kravitz. But I trust your judgement.
Thank you, milady. Kravitz collected himself, and announced his terms.
“I’ll tell you what. One lich isn’t quite enough to sell me on this deal… but two liches would be, especially if the latter of the two hasn’t been detected in over a decade. If you bring me the both of them in the next two months, everyone involved in this whole Miller debacle goes free — but if you fail, I come to collect all your souls. You still up for this deal?”
Magnus looked like he wants to ask for clarification, but before he could get a word out, Taako casually declared:
“Sure, dude, we’re up for it. Who’s the second lich, other than Barry?”
“Her name is Lup, and she was last sensed in the general vicinity of Wave Echo Cave ten years ago,” Kravitz replied with a smile. “That’s all I know about her, so that’s all the information you get, too. Good luck!”
“You’ve got two months to capture a couple of liches? And if you don’t, the Grim Reaper will take your souls?!”
“Shh, not so loud!” Magnus hissed, pressing a finger to Angus’s mouth. “Do you want everyone on the moon to hear?”
Angus glanced around the cafeteria. Exempting him and the three Reclaimers, it was completely empty aside from a few discarded, tattered Candlenights decorations. “Have you at least told the Director about this?”
Magnus smiled sheepishly. “Uh, it never seemed like the right time to bring it up.”
“Carey knew because she was there, but she didn’t seem too keen on being the one to break the news,” Taako elaborated. “Can’t say I blame her.”
Angus sighed. “And your new robot friend, Noelle. Is her soul a part of this bargain, too?”
Magnus nodded. “Yeah. We promised her we’d take care of it, so she’s hanging with the Regulators now —”
“And I bet Lucas Miller isn’t even dead after all, is he?”
“Perceptive as ever, Agnes,” Taako confirmed. “Maureen really did die, though. She went back to the Astral Plane.”
Angus took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, a gesture that made him look far older than ten. “No offense, sirs, but why didn’t just gamble with the Grim Reaper for your souls like normal people? You might’ve actually had a chance at succeeding, that way!”
“Huh,” muttered Magnus. “Good question…”
“Yeah, Taako, why didn’t we just gamble for our souls like normal people?” Merle echoed.
Taako shrugged. “I dunno. I guess I just thought that Kravitz guy sounded pretty okay, like he’d give us a reasonable bargain…”
“Reasonable? He made Magnus chop my damn arm off!”
“Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere, sirs,” Angus spoke up. He hoped he was putting on a calm facade, even though his feet were trembling in his shoes. “Did Kravitz tell you anything about these liches? Names? Locations of recent sightings?”
“Already jotted down all the details for you, my little man,” Taako answered, handing Angus a single sheet of paper. “Didn’t want to forget anything that would help you work your boy detective magic.”
“As if you could ever forget Barry Bluejeans!” Magnus scoffed.
“A lich named Barry Bluejeans? That can’t be right…” Angus took a look at the sheet, titled “Case File” in loopy cursive letters and broken up into two subsections:
Lich #1
Name: Barry Bluejeans
Last seen: The circular glass mistake formerly known as Phandalin, a couple months ago
Weaknesses: Gerblins (unless that was a cunning play so we’d let our guard down), pants that aren’t made of denim, the temptation to party and drink while other people do his job for him
Other information: Used to be Gundren’s bodyguard, and didn’t do a very good job — but who could blame him? That dwarf was an even bigger asshole than he was.
Lich #2
Name: Lup
Last seen: Wave Echo Cave, 10 years ago
Weaknesses: I don’t know, probably holy water or something
Other information: Zilch
Each section was accompanied by an illustration. Barry’s was a cartoonish drawing of a skeleton with jeans, glasses, and a mullet, while Lup’s was simply a series of question marks. At the bottom of the page, Taako had written: Now have at it, Caleb Cleveland Junior!
“…You really have a lot of faith in me, don’t you, sirs?” Angus asked quietly.
Taako shrugged awkwardly, as Magnus replied:
“Well, we know you’re way better at this than us. And you know that’s not exactly a high bar to clear, but you’re obviously our best shot.”
Angus took a deep breath. “Do you remember the reaper’s exact terms? Were there any loopholes we could exploit?”
“Were there?” Magnus mused, tugging at one of his sideburns. “Does anyone remember what he said?”
“Why are you looking at me?” Merle asked, prompting a laugh from Taako.
“Well, in that case…” Angus took a deep breath. “I guess I’ll interview Carey and Noelle to make sure we’re not missing anything, but we shouldn’t count on being able to cheat the deal. Do you think we could book a transport sphere down to Wave Echo Cave tomorrow morning, to go search for leads?”
“Should be no problem,” Taako told him. “Back to our old stomping grounds! I can hardly wait!”
“Reliving our old mistakes! Hooray!” Merle cheered sarcastically, and with that, the Reclaimers all sauntered back to their dorms with easygoing attitudes that Angus could hardly believe.
How are you all so cavalier about dying? he thought. How can you bear to joke about this situation?
And what will I do, if I can’t help you find these liches?
I really appreciate people commenting on/reblogging this fic, especially for this first chapter! There's absolutely no obligation to do so, of course, but it would mean a lot <3
For what might be the first time in my life, I already have a surplus of chapters written, so the update schedule should remain consistent for at least a month or two (fingers crossed). Since this chapter was on the shorter side and included a scene I posted months ago, I think I’ll post Chapter 2 in a week, then switch to updating every other week from Chapter 3 onwards. (Probably still on Tuesday evenings, plus or minus 24 hours.)
Also, I’d just like to give a shoutout to Angus McDonald for always, always ending up with a bigger role in my fics than I expect when I start writing! But I’m glad he managed to sneak his way into this one, because there’s a bunch more Angus scenes coming up that I can’t imagine this fic without!
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violetnotez · 4 years
Actions Are Louder Than Words- Pro Hero! Deku x Reader
So Im currently StruGgling through a Bakugo fic rn, which Im so mad about...so here’s  a quick Deku rewrite of mine until I post that fic!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: mentions of wounds
Summary: Izuku comes to your home mysteriously one night, injured and in his hero suit- and you’re the only one who can fix him up.
One Shot
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For some reason, your room was extremely hot.
It made sense, in the middle of July, but you hated it. Your clothes stuck to your body like glue, making every movement feel sticky and humid.
You had decided to go to sleep at a late time, hoping that maybe when the sun went down, the coolness of night would suppress itself into your room.
You had opened up your window just a little to help with that, which brought the sounds of the city to your room. You were on the 4th level of your apartment complex, so the sounds weren’t so loud that you couldn’t stand it. You looked out, feeling a luke warm breeze, imagining your best friend, Izuku Midoriya, doing his daily hero rounds, that infectiously warm grin plastered on his face. You smiled to yourself.You secretly loved Izuku, every since he told you about One For All. The fact he trusted you with something so important, and finding out he was the one doing all those good deeds pushed your over the edge. You had began to like him before that moment, because of his sweet and respectful demeanor (not to mention he was extremely attractive), but you were in the awkward of stage of where you didn’t know where your heart stood. But now, it knew exactly where it wanted to be: standing next to Izuku.
You sighed, feeling reality sink in. Izuku would never go out with you, you thought.  Izuku was too good for you- you were his loyal best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
This thought made your chest throb, but you would get over heartache. You always did. 
You left the window open, the curtains billowing slightly in the warm breeze. You crawled into your sheets, feeling the soft cool of the material, knowing that they would soon turn warm due to your body heat. You thought, drowsy from staying up so late now,  that it would be best to go to sleep soon, and with that, a wave of slumber took over your body.
You felt as if you had slept for 10 minutes when you abruptly woke up to a loud crash in your room. You jumped up in your bed, feeling your shirt sleeve slip down from your sleep sluggish body. You looked around for the source of the noise, fear clawing your stomach in an iron grip. You almost screamed, but your throat closed in from terror. There was a dark outline of a body on the floor, looking like it jumped into your room from the open window. You stared at it, not believing what had just happened. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, hearing the cars below you honk and the engines whir. 
You began spotting details: a gloved hand, red boots, teal fabric… “Deku?” You asked thickly, your voice sounding groggy from your nap.
The body pushed itself off the floor, laying itself against your dresser.The person sighed in relief, looking at you with huge eyes that glinted in the street’s warm light from below.
“Hi y/n,” the person chuckled nervously, the voice immediately soundly like Midoriya when he was flustered.
You heard a grimace in his voice as he grabbed his side.“Izuku!? Are you okay!?” you asked in shock, feeling way more awake than before. This was one of your worst fears- him getting hurt. It was bound to happen, with all the shady characters he’s always fighting, but you couldn’t bear the thought of Izuku getting attacked- or worse.
“Yeah Im fine- just- mmph- got a little scratch, nothing bad, Im fine...please don’t worry-.”
You jumped up , tearing the sheets away from you. You crouched next to Izuku, seeing the light scratches littering his face, illuminated from the streetlights below.
“If you were fine, you wouldnt be in my room.” you replied with a sad smile, trying to keep your voice down in order to not wake up your neighbors.
You freaked out inside- Izuku Midoriya was in your room, hurt, but in full hero gear. Izuku Midoriya. Had to be in your room. Your crush. You felt the heat rise in your face, cursing yourself for always acting like some love sick school girl around him.
“I’m sorry, you know I wouldn’t want to put you in any danger on purpose, its just I needed a quick escape, and I just saw that your window was open, so I-
”“Jumped  in?” you finished his sentence.
“Yeah- something like that,” he laughed quietly, looking slightly at the floor, but laughing seem to be too excruciating because he made another painful grunt.
“Izuku,” you pleaded, losing your weak joking manner, “what happened? Where are your hurt?”
“No, no, I’m fine!” he insisted, looking at you with fear, failing at convincing you.
You gave him a look that clearly showed you didnt believe a single thing that had just came out of his mouth.
“Izuku,” you told him sternly, “tell me. Please.”
“Im okay I swea-”
“I swear to God Izuku Mirdoriya if you say your ‘fine’, which your clearly not, I will call your mom.”
You knew the last person he wanted to drag into this was his mother, and you didn't want to either. She was a sweet woman, but extremely overprotective of Izuku, for all the right reasons. You knew Izuku didn’t want to worry her, and even though you felt a little guilty for being unable to tell his mom all the things she should probably know that happens to Midoriya, you couldn't bring yourself to break your unspoken promise. 
You didn’t want to play the “Mom” card on him, but you could tell Midoriya was in alot of pain- anything you could help him with, you were going to do it. Whether he admitted to it or not.
“No y/n, please,” Izuku said quickly, fear suffocating his voice. Guilt rose in your stomach, but you shoved it down as he asked, “you wouldn’t, right?”
“Izuku…” you sighed as you hugged your knees to yourself. You didnt want to- but there was a considerable difference between want and need.“You know I wouldn’t tell her unless I needed to- if your hurt only a little, we can fix it- but if you need medical attention, of course Im telling her. But for right now-if youll be quiet and let me help you-I wont say a word to her.” you added the last part as a slight joke, smiling so Izuku knew you weren’t trying to intentionally be mean.
 He chuckled, stating softly, “You always are the one that wants to fix me up.”
 “It’s what I do best,” you smiled.“Alrightie Deku-lets check the damage.”
 You quickly changed the subject, seeing that you had brought Izuku’s wall down and you could easily sneak in to get to what you needed to do.
Izuku sighed hesitantly, stilling holding his side. He raised his hand slowly, showing a cut in the side of his suit, the fabric fraying back. You gulped, suppressing panic, and this time, anger.Who could do this to Izuku? YOUR Izuku?
You quickly got up to reach for your nightstand, feeling Izuku’s eyes follow you. You grabbed your phone, bringing the flashlight to its brightest level. You were focused and nervous at the same time, your hands trembling at the thought of touching Midoriya.You sat back down in front of him, pointing the  light at his chest. You didn’t look at the angry gash across his chest, but at those big green eyes that somehow always make your heart stop beating.
“Is it-okay-if I….” you stumbled, nerves coming through thickly in your voice.
“Sure,” Midoriya replied an octave too high. He cleared his throat, trying again. “I mean-yeah yeah, go for it….”
You smiled to yourself, thinking how much of a cute dork Midoriya was, even when he was injured.
Even though Izuku was hurt, he could only focus on you. He felt comfortable with you, but extremely nervous. He never had a girl so close to him before, especially one he liked- the  “like like” kind. He hated himself for thinking it was a good idea coming into your room at 1 in the morning, dragging you into his problem, and the fact he was actually, in some ways, enjoying this- you giving him your full attention, the feeling of your hands brushing his skin- made him shiver in the best way possible.Your hand shook as you gingerly reached to pull back the ripped fabric on his chest, while the other held the flashlight as steady as you could.
“Tell me if I do anything to make it hurt, Kay?” You instructed. 
Izuku simply nodded, and you braced yourself for the worst.
Your expression was as if made of steel, determined and persistent.You gently drew the teal fabric away more , showing more skin. The slit of fabric was a clean one-it was hard to see what was under. All you could really make out was bruising and a cut-but couldn’t really assess the damage.
“I can’t see anything- the cut is too covered in the suit,” you exhaled as you moved away from Izuku, making him feel almost cold without your hand on his side.You looked at him, hoping he couldn’t see the red rising in your face. You had just thought of a solution to your problem, but didn’t know how Izuku would take it.
“So-I’m gonna grab a first aid kit- but I’m gonna need you to-um,” you cleared your throat, nerves coating your throat like a thick film, “I need to you to-take off.. the suit-“You wanted to kick yourself for actually saying this out loud. You sounded stupid! Asking him to take his suit off! This was too intimate, too weird for your relationship dynamic- but you secretly hated yourself more for wanting it to happen.
You panicked, trying to revise what you had just said, “You don’t have to take off the whole suit- just to your waist-you seriously don’t have to do this, I don’t even know why I said it, we could figure something else out-“
“I’ll do it,” He interjected quietly, looking straight at you, making your heart jump.
Izuku was terrified to say the least at the thought of showing his bare chest to you, but- he liked the feeling of your skin on his. It felt like such an adrenaline rush. He was intoxicated by the feeling- it was like everything was at peace with the world as his skin tingled with a charged energy he couldn't describe.
“It’s better if we do it like this,” he added, “If I have to go to a hospital, it’ll be all over the press tomorrow. I dont really care to see myself all beaten up on the news,” He smiled weakly, attempting at making the mood lighter so you wouldn't feel as nervous.. 
“Okay,” you exhaled, smiling back,  relieved Izuku didnt take anything you said the wrong way, “if you say so.”
You stood up, trying to avoid Izuku’s gaze.“I’m going to go get the first aid stuff, and you just-” You waved your hand around Izuku, motioning up and down at his body. “So- yeah,” you added in a nervous laugh, brushing your hair away from your face.
He smiled at your obvious flusteredness, grateful he wasn’t the only one.
Walking to your connected bathroom, your head swarmed with doubt.Maybe- this was a bad idea. Maybe he should go to the hospital- he could be really injured and you both would never know until it was too late. But… Izuku didn’t want anybody to know… and you promised you would help him until he needed actual medical attention. Worst comes to worst you could call All Might- he’d know what to do. Until then, you’d take care of Midoriya yourself.
You entered your bathroom, and rummaged in your cabinets until you found a white plastic case with a large red cross emblem on the front. You grabbed the handle, pulling it close to you and tiptoed out of the room, praying your neighbors didn’t hear you from the other side of the hallway.
Izuku was in the same position as you left him, except that his suit was gathered around his navel. You could make out Midoriya’s bare shoulder, a shadow in the dim glow of the streetlights below. You quickly looked down, feeling heat rise to your face, not knowing what to do.
You sat back next to  Midoriya, rummaging in the box, trying not to look at him. You never really thought of it, but  Midoriya was super fit. Like- to the point that you wondered how the hell someone could have so much muscle.  Midoriya was built extremely thin and lanky- how was that even possible?!
 Your cheeks instantly got redder.
“You alright?”  Midoriya asked sweetly, making your pulse jump up.
“Yeah, Im fine- actually I should be asking you that, youre the one with the injury,” you stated, trying to keep your voice under control as you looked for stuff- god, you were a mess right now.
“Im fine if youre fine,” he answered innocently, giving you a reassuring smile which made you think you couldnt love him even more- he was injured, and he was making sure you were okay.
God why was he such a good person?!
You gave a small smile thanking him.
”Thanks,” you said, as you tied your bed hair back.“Im sorry I cant turn on any lights, I just dont want my annoying neighbors complaining about me again, there honestly crazy…”
“Oh, youre good!” he whispered, “Just- thanks for doing this for me. You really dont have to do-”
“Midoriya, please, you literally cant walk.” you stated sarcastically, knowing full well Izuku could probably take the pain but you werent letting him go home over your dead body.
“Thats true,” he chuckled, wincing again from the pain. You went to touch him, not knowing what to do to leviate the pain- except, fix it.
“Alright, we need to see what’s wrong- ready?” you asked hesitantly, trying to sound strong.
Midoriya nodded his head, a determined look on his face.
Requests open!!!
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Authors Note: This is a little fic for @just-some-friendlydrabs​ because her secret santa didn’t follow through what a little bitch. So I thought and wrote this up today for new years because new year kisses are so cliche but sweet. I don’t know how good it is, but i hope you enjoy it, you cutie!
This fic is based of the song L.O.V.E ME by Hayley Kiyoko, my lesbian goddess. Give it a quick listen below if you haven’t already!
 “I love her, but…”
“What the hell does that even mean?” You pondered in your head while trying to still your racing heart. Currently, you were attempting to relax on the couch in the ballroom of your agency that was hosting a new year’s party, everybody either dancing with their significant others or chatting on the side. Clutching your cup, you unsteadily took a sip while mulling over in your head a conversation you overheard between Shinji Nishiya and your current crush/like/love Yu Takeyama.
“Why don’t you just tell her?”
You heard Nishiya say, with a mention of your name. You really didn’t want to snoop, but the way his tone was and the way he said your name made you feel like it was some important tea about you. And well, you can’t help but snoop when it comes to gossip. So, you stayed in the hallway adjacent to hall they were talking in, hiding behind the wall, trying to make as little sound as possible.
“Because! We’re both Pro-heroes! You know how the media would eat that crap up. They probably wont leave us alone for months.” You heard Takeyama sigh and groan. “And besides, we work together. Messing up our relationship would be… awkward.”
“But… don’t you like her?” Nishiya asked. “Wouldn’t it be worth the cons?”
“I mean. I love her, but… I don’t know if I would want her to be with me. She’s still so new, I don’t want to screw up her popularity points for the new year.”
You grit your teeth, groaning as you threw your back against the couch while massaging the steadily growing headache. How the hell could she say she loved you but doesn’t want you to be with her. Was she not listening all the times you flirted with her? Or told her you really didn’t care about the popularity polls? Does she not get that you would go through heaven and hell for her just to hear her call you hers?
You looked around to see the countdown to midnight was in its last couple of minutes. You searched the crowd to find Takeyama, hopefully to maybe talk to her and tell her how you felt, but she was nowhere to be found. You didn’t want to go on a mad dog search for her when midnight was already so close, and you knew she always had her phone on her and turned on.
Fuck it.
You pull out your phone to send her a text.
All I wanna do is bust a move
You got me begging, "Pretty, please"
I would throw away all of my revenue
If you swear you'd never leave
Takeyama sighed and ran her hand through her hair as she leaned against the wall right outside the ball room everyone was currently partying in. She would love to just barge in and laugh and joke with everyone like she usually does, but she knew you were in there and there would be no way she could stop herself from throwing herself on you. Especially now, trying to recover from the four shots she chugged down as soon as she saw you enter the building.
God, you were so pretty, even more so in the new year’s outfit you picked. As soon as you said hello to her, all she wanted to do was lean down and tilt your chin up and kiss you on your pretty lips. But she controlled herself. She didn’t even know how you felt about her so it wouldn’t be right to steal a kiss without permission. But god, did she dream about grabbing you by the hips and just stare into those gorgeous irises of yours.
Takeyama groaned and buried her head in her hands. Is it too late to be that douche bag male protagonist and just, power walk in the ball room and steal a kiss before it’s too late?
“Who would be texting me now?” Takeyama whispered to herself as she pulled out her phone. Her heart fluttered when she saw your name on her screen. Quickly opening the text, she held her breath:
-Hey, sooooo…. I know it’s almost new years but I need to tell you that I really really really like you. Like, like you. Might even love you.
-And I don’t care about the popularity polls. I told you this while trying to flirt with you
-Sorry. I over heard you talking to nishiya
-So yeah
 So girl, don't tell me you love me if you don't really want me
I'm working through my issues, yeah, I'm gonna kiss you
In front of everybody that wants to be your honey
And if you have a problem, don't tell me you love me
You sighed as you closed your phone, too scared to even see if she read it yet. Getting up from your seat, you decided to go get another drink to distract yourself from the anxiety suddenly budding within you. Maybe you should have waited? Maybe talk to her about it after the new year? You mulled over what you just did as you quickly poured your drink, not wanting anyone to notice the unsteadiness of your hand.
“Shit. Things are really going to be awkward until we talk about this.” You thought.
You walked back to your seat, only to see it was taken by a couple making googly eyes at each other. Silently cursing at them, you made your way to the back of the ball room, opposite of the T.V. where everyone’s attention was. You lean against the wall to see the countdown in its last thirty seconds.
“What’s already done is done.” You think. “No sense in worrying about it now.” Taking a sip, the countdown was now at twenty seconds. “Maybe I can talk to her the next time I see her.” Fifteen seconds. “When will I see her though?” Ten seconds. “Hopefully not long.” Five seconds. “Maybe, I should-”
You were thrown out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your cheek and another on your neck, pulling you toward your side, right into the lips of Yu Takeyama. You almost dropped your cup, but you were shocked and frozen in place. You didn’t even notice you stopped breathing. Her lips tasted like strawberries, no doubt the lip gloss she puts on damn near every day that made her lips look so kissable and made you want a taste. Now here you were, with her giving you a taste of her soft lips on yours.
She pulled away, her face as red as the Christmas hat that she wore to go along with her Christmas dress. “Damn she looks cute.” You thought. “Nah, she looks cute every day.”
Unbeknownst to you, she was thinking the same thing about you. “S-sorry.” She said. “I should have probably asked before I kissed you but, your text made it seem like… well…”
You said nothing as you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her down into your lips, tasting strawberries again. She relaxed into your kiss, placing her hands on your hips, lightly gripping them. You both completely shut out the rest of the world, enjoying the feeling of finally holding each other. You hear her hum as you run a hand through her silky hair and you softly groaned as she ran her nails up and down your back, scratching lightly, making you arch your back into her.
You started to wonder if the kiss was making you dizzy or the heat of too many people in one room. Either way your head was spinning as you both slowly pull away, still holding onto each other.
Takeyama chuckled. “I’m guessing you didn’t mind it the first time?”
“Of course not. I’ve wanted this for a long time.” You said as you grinned at her. “Why the change in heart?”
“I just realized that losing you is much worse than you losing some stupid popularity contest.” She lowered her eyes and gently placed her forehead on yours. “Hope you don’t mind?”
You closed your eyes and sighed, relishing in her aura. “For you? I would have you kiss me in front of every camera.”
“Good. Because I noticed a lot of people in here chatting you up all night.” She started massaging her thumbs into your hips. “I wanted to let them know who you belong to.”
“Please that’s my line.” You said as you opened your eyes to meet hers. “Too many people want you. Didn’t think I had a chance.”
“I’ve always wanted you.” She glanced down to your lips and back to your eyes. “Only you.”
“Well, I’m here.” You inched forward slowly. “Only for you.”
You both closed your eyes, slowly reaching each other’s lips and-
“Excuse me! Are you both an item now?!”
You opened your eyes to flashes of cameras and reporters with recorders asking questions over each other. You glanced at Takeyama. All she gave you was a shrug and a grin as she captured your lips.
You smiled into the kiss, thinking you could get used to this.
  L-O-V-E me, let me be, be your company
H-E-L-L-O, let me know if you wanna go
L-O-V-E me, let me be, be your company
H-E-L-L-O, let me know if you wanna go
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creative-cha0s · 4 years
Jess’ Masterlist of Prodigal Son (Mostly Brightwell) Inspo with Songs & Lyrics
HI tend to think of almost everything in connection to songs and lyrics and recently Ive got a bunch of lyrics rolling around in my head that are perfect for inspiration for Prodigal Son fics, fan art, gif sets, ect - but mostly fics (and mosty Brightwell).
Ill do my best to categorize by relationship/ character and possibly plot - and hopefully to keep this updated.
Like my music? want to listen to it too? All of these songs are in my playlist that I leave on repeat: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3pvktqRQXSUivcXpOWZGCX
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Piece of Your Heart - Mayday Parade
This song is perfect for the both of them no matter who it’s coming from, but I always see the 1st verse (1st bullet) coming from Dani
Give me your misery All of it give it to me I can hold onto it for you It's not a problem I just want your energy A piece of that fractured mountain I'll take whatever comes with it as long as it's yours
All I know is that I want it more than yesterday If I was waiting, I was waiting for just one little spark You are the brightest I've seen You are the best side of me And just for when we're apart I've got a piece of your heart
But I want the whole damn thing 
Where You Are - Mayday Parade
The song as a whole is not fitting, its about someone dying. But there are a few lines that can be used.
You to me, are encased in nothing But beauty and gracious love You'll always be my one good reason To keep on moving 'til I'm in your arms
My favorite place is wherever you are 
Sleeping In - All Time Low
This song is PERFECT for well establish Brightwell - fluffy, lazy days, just ignoring the world and staying in together. Just go listen to the whole song.
Never wanna leave this bed Tell me that you got nowhere to be Can we stay all day? (All day) Lay low in our lazy luxury Sex in a rosé daze (daze) All day, it's a real good thing
Just like that There you go, making it hard to stay on track Got shit to do, you got work But we fall right back Into bed, like it's all just a game And we can't help that, no we can't help that 
Favorite Place - All Time Low
Another one that’s perfect for Brightwell, mostly coming from Bright (bolded parts), this song is currently always stuck in my head. Go listen to it!
So can we close the space between us now It's the distance we don't need (hey) Yeah, you're everything I love about The things I hate in me (hey) So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place
And I know you don't belong (know you don't belong) Know you don't belong to anyone No you can't be tamed love Maybe I was wrong (maybe I was wrong) Maybe I was wrong for this But you feel like the perfect escape now 
Kids Again - Artist Vs Poet
Can be any phase of Brightwell I think - mostly focusing on the verses, ignoring the ‘just like we were kids’ reference in the chorus, because they didn’t grow up together. Another one to go listen to the whole song.
I know a girl who likes to drink her coffee black Cause sugar, no, she don't got time for that Leaves her desires at the welcome mat when she walks in
Yeah, I know a boy who likes to keep his burner on He's always running with no one to keep warm It's like he's flirting with the smoke alarm, his fire's fading
But still we laugh, we cry, we fall, we get high
And when I, I'm feeling small you get me through it all
I know a girl who's never tried to settle down She wears her loneliness like a crown But when she smiles all the kings will bow down, down, down
And I know a boy who's broken every vow he's made Who's spoken every capped phrase But he can listen like a rainy day and drown it out 
Clumsy - All Time Low
Perfect for when Bright acts like Bright, especially in reference to him backing away from Dani and ending up with Eve. And anything else he does that breaks Danis trust and makes her say things like ‘you promised to do better’ and ‘you told me i was the one you liked talking to’ LISTEN TO THIS ONE ITS SO GOOD
I was bound to make a mess of things Mixin' fireworks and gasoline Never meant to make you fall with me
I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine
And for all this pain, that I can't explain There's a black flag wavin' tonight You know I let you down (let you down) I've been clumsy with your heart again 
Satellite - Mayday Parade
Cant really explain how this fits other than angsty Bright who thinks hes going to mess up everything (I swear everything I touch it breaks). Most of the lines could easily come from either of them to the other. Gets at the emotion of following each other and doing life together (will you follow?)
What if I told you, everything we built will slowly fade away? And if I hold you, I swear everything I touch it breaks But it you close your eyes and take my hand We could learn from our mistakes
If you jump, I'll follow If you jump, I'll follow
What if I told you, everything that's gold is sure to fade If I hold you, what if I hold you 'til we're old and grey? But if you close your eyes and take my hand We could learn from our mistakes
If you jump, I'll follow If I jump, will you follow? 
Never Let Me Go - We Came As Romans 
See below under Malcolm & Gil - really good for canon friendship/ partnership with Dani & Bright
Hush Hush - The Band CAMINO
This one is absolutely perfect for building tension between the two of them either for pre-brightwell or established Brightwell – Especially if they’re hiding it from the rest of the team. It’s perfect for something hot yet playful, or just completely angsty. It’s… well, you’ll see. Give it a listen!
I caught your eye across the room No one can feel the tension between me and you There's no need to mention all the things I wanna do You wanna do 'em too We both know we'd be over if they knew Yeah, we both know we'd be over if they knew
Hush, hush Don't give it away We'll both be better off if no one knows Hush, hush Got nothin' to say Just keep it to yourself 'til we get home Don't touch they're looking your way If anybody asks, we left alone Hush, hush Don't give it away Hush, hush Don't give it away
Honest - The Band CAMINO
This one right here – the ENTIRE song is 100% for those storylines that has the two of them attempting ‘no strings attached’ and casual without all the emotions that we KNOW are there. Perfect for leading into a change from casual to serious :) Here’s just a portion
Are we something to each other Or are we just blowing smoke? Are we caught between the covers Or is there something more going on in between us, or not? Is it just on the surface, or what?
We should be honest 'Cause sometimes I can't tell Do we really want this Or are we lying to ourselves? Is it the burning hearts alone in the dark That make the midnight call? Now we're caught between the real thing And nothing at all So we should be honest
Do you feel it when you kiss me? 'Cause I know you do somehow I don't know when we go where we got But we're both here somehow And I thought it was nothing until now
What I Want - The Band CAMINO
Some feels for break up/ fight Brightwell and perfect for Dani’s POV when he moves onto Eve shortly after saying he’d try to do better at them and that she’s the one he likes talking to.
You told me to love, but I won't It doesn't seem right, no and I'll never get what I want if I can't on my own I took a chance on a feeling But here I am feeling alone
If Im James Dean, Then You’re Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens 
For when Malcolm is serious about them and really needs Dani to stay – most important line in this is ‘Cant promise that things wont be broken’ For serious, and fluff:)
They say that love is forever Your forever is all that I need Please stay as long as you need Can't promise that things won't be broken But I swear that I will never leave Please stay forever with me
The way that we are It's the reason I stay As long as you're here with me I know we'll be okay The way that we are Is the reason I stay As long as you're here with me I know I'll be okay
Another Nightmare - Sleeping With Sirens
It’s not hard for Bright to be a MESS - whether you're sticking with canon storylines or adding your own, he probably thinks he's an absolute nightmare to everyone around him, especially Dani.
Nobody's perfect, there's no excuse I've been such a fucking nightmare to you But I promise if you let me in (let me in, let me in) I will never ever hurt you again
Malcolm & Martin (as portrayed on the show - not going near that NOTP)
Monsters - All Time Low (Explicit language)
This song perfectly - 99% - describes the relationship between Malcolm and Martin  (aside from the ‘in the sheets’ reference STAY THE FRICK AWAY NOTP). What I like the most about this matching their relationship is the fact that it acknowledges that Malcolm keep letting himself go back to Martin and let him hurt him (although I know a good deal of that is Martins manipulation controlling Malcolm). Go listen to the whole thing - its new music and its beautiful.
Another day, 'nother headache in this hangover hotel Gettin' used to the rhythm, yeah, I know this beat too well Tunnel visions got me feeling, like you're the only one I see But I know what's missing, where I'm swimmin' In my lonely luxury
Why am I a sucker for all your lies? Strung out like laundry on every line Why do I come back to you, like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?
I'm addicted to the way you hurt, the way you contradict me I swear everything look worse at night, I think I'm overthinking I don't care who I might hurt along the way, I'm fuckin' sinking Into every word, I don't care if you lyin' when I'm drinking So, tell me pretty lies, look me in my face Tell me that you love me, even if it's fake 
A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son - Sleeping With Sirens
The actual context of the song doesn’t fit to this situation, since Martin was taken away rather than leaving his family on his own but the emotion behind the words as if they were coming from Malcolm is exactly the same: losing a father. Perfect for young Malcolm as well as current day.
Father, father, tell me where have you been? Its been hell not having you here I've been missing you so bad And you don't seem to care When I go to sleep at night, you're not there When I go to sleep at night, do you care?
I need to know, I need to know Why are you walking away? Was it something I did? Did I make a mistake cause I'm trying to deal with the pain I don't understand this, is this how it ends? I will try to understand
Blood Lines - Sleeping with Sirens
Doesn’t need any more explanation than the statement Martin made that haunts him ‘We are the same’
No matter what I do, you will never ever be like me And I will never be like you (like you)
Who Will Pray? - We Came As Romans
Not in a religious context at all. Definitely a song on the more glum/ angsty side to describe Malcolm and how he feels about himself in relation to everyone around him.
We share our days Together now the sun is gone am I Another left here on my own alone And I'm slowly sinking
Scared to say What I'm feeling is the truth I need to face reality I choose to use to trick myself again into thinking
Short of breath and pulse erratic The weight of my chest, I'm slightly panicked
If I start to fade, gone without a trace Who will pray for me tomorrow? If I fall too far, disappear in the dark Who will pray for me tomorrow? 
Blood Lines - Sleeping With Sirens
Just some lyrics I found that accurately describe Malcolm – ‘Why do I try to save everyone I meet?’ evidenced by his talking down of their killer in every episode, and his ‘someone breaks us’ in the pilot as he tried to talk that killer down.
Why do I try to save everyone I meet? Is it because they are just like me? (Just like me) Same tracks, wrong side of the street Not typical in the way that we speak When you always expect to lose You don't give a fuck what they think of you It's written in our DNA Are we just born this way?
Malcolm & Gil (AS THEYRE PORTRAYED ON THE SHOW, PEOPLE, still not going near that NOTP)
Never Let Me Go - We Came As Romans
This one actually fits any caring relationship with Bright, especially with Gil, and his canon friendship/ partnership with Dani. 
The POV in the chorus changes halfway through, as an answer to the person saying ‘dont let me go’ so I see that as being them telling Malcolm they wont let him go.
My body shivers at the thought of getting up My heart is starting to accept that I am giving up No strength left Is it over yet? Am I thinking with my heart or with my head? Through distance, you remind me that
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me go
So hold me close and never let me, never let me go At my lowest of lows, when I need you the most So let's reverse, could you look for me, could you look for me first? I will hold you close, I will never let you go I will never let you go I will never let you go
My hands welcome yours as you begin to see me My heart is starting to accept your rescue completely This new life that you placed in my heart I hope that I will make it through to you And in my steps you will follow behind, Oh Don't let me go! 
Malcolm & JT (Once again - as they’re portrayed on the show)
Agree to Disagree - Sleeping With Sirens
Doesn't entirely fit them where they are at now, but it’s perfect for how JT viewed him pretty early on
You think you're better than me? You don't like what you see? I think it's best we agree to disagree I'm doing fine by myself I never asked for your help I think it's best we agree to disagree
Songs that I’m getting paring/ character vibes from but I have no explanation why: 
For a While - The Band CAMINO (Brightwell)
See Through - The Band CAMINO (Brightwell)
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ladykeane · 4 years
for the fic prompts: reg and bertie adopting a cat!!!
Prompt filled!
I decided to cut to the chase. ‘I could not help but notice the pamphlet from Battersea sitting on the coffee table.’He now simpered at me boldly. ‘Come on, Reg… you know how dearly I want one! I’ve already cleared it with Mr Manglehoffer. Anyway, he has those yappy shih tzus. Couldn’t you just imagine curling up on the sofa with a little ball of fur, purring sweetly away in your lap? We can get it some toys and a scratching post, and stick its litter tray in the second lavatory. I could even get one of those mini vacuum cleaners to deal with the fur.’Clearly, he’d anticipated all of my possible protests.
For the majority of my life, I have considered myself a fairly guarded and self-contained man. Coming from a large and boisterous family, with siblings that loudly vie for attention and prominence, I have instinctively adopted the role of careful observer. Learning to read human character, and applying that knowledge to best improve my own situation, has become a lifelong skill that has aided me in both my career and social standing.
By contrast, Bertram is naturally carefree and open, largely unconcerned by how his interactions with others affect his own situation. I theorise this may be due to his status as an only child and an orphan, who has had to seek out love and approval by pleasing his extended family and his peer group. The claustrophobic clamour of my own demonstrative family has driven me to be quite guarded.
Of course, that is not to say that Bertram entirely lacks guile. I have noted his novice study of the psychology of the individual (I am not too humble to say that my modus operandi has been his primary inspiration), and he has slowly become more canny in his negotiations.A prime example of this occurred only last week.
I returned home from work. Instead of encountering the usual disarray of empty mugs, unfolded laundry, and errant clutter strewn about the place, the flat was impeccably tidy. The strains of my favourite Tchaikovsky concerto floated from the stereo system, interspersed with muted metallic clangs echoing out from the kitchen. The sound of my beloved singing to himself could also be discerned.
‘What ho, Reg. Dinner will be on in about five. Just got to finish the potatoes. I thought we could eat in the dining room tonight.’Curious, I peered into said space. The table was set for two, accented by a swathe of lit candles and a fresh bouquet of white peonies as a centrepiece. This sort of ceremony was usually reserved for birthdays and other such occasions. As I put away my work things, I pondered what Bertram’s motive could be. I prayed that he hadn’t broken anything irreplaceable. Or, even worse, invoked the wrath of one of his aunts, thus requiring my help to, as he is wont to say, ‘pull him from the soup.’
As I crossed back towards the dining room, I spied one piece of clutter which remained conspicuous on the coffee table: a pamphlet from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. It reported on the unfortunate spike in abandoned animals that occurs after each Christmas, as well as the purported advantages of taking in a rescue animal as a family pet. 
Bertram met me at the table with two plates of juicy sirloin, and an attractive smile. He had donned his pale blue, fitted Cuban collar shirt, which displayed the graceful lines of his neck and collarbone most fetchingly. ‘There’s tiramisu for dessert, too. The one from Angelo’s!’
As we dined, I fought between savouring the exquisite trappings that Bertram had laid out, and the fizzle of exasperation at the imminent pitch that I was in for.Bertram has always been enamoured of cats, and I had long known that I would have to deal with his desire to adopt one as a pet. I am certainly not averse to the animals - in some cases they are charming companions, elegant and affectionate, and less intrusive to a household than a dog. However, they can also possess a changeable temperament, and the scratch-marks and fur they can leave on one’s furniture is, at least in my view, a major detriment. Not to mention the ghastly odour of their litter trays.
I decided to cut to the chase. ‘I could not help but notice the pamphlet from Battersea sitting on the coffee table.’He now simpered at me boldly. ‘Come on, Reg… you know how dearly I want one! I’ve already cleared it with Mr Manglehoffer. Anyway, he has those yappy shih tzus. Couldn’t you just imagine curling up on the sofa with a little ball of fur, purring sweetly away in your lap? We can get it some toys and a scratching post, and stick its litter tray in the second lavatory. I could even get one of those mini vacuum cleaners to deal with the fur.’Clearly, he’d anticipated all of my possible protests.
I pushed a mound of green beans about my plate, and huffed to myself. There are a number of inadvisable fancies that I have striven to cure my fiance of: garish fashion choices, toxic acquaintances, and not least of all a phase where he attempted to learn the banjo. But this, I fear, was more deep-seated.The poet Baudelaire had much to say about the comfort of feline companionship: ‘Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon coeur amoureux.’ Likewise the prophet Mohammed, Catherine the Great, even the sublime Freddie Mercury. My Bertram counted among this group. His beautiful loving heart was eager to make a comfortable home for some lucky beast. While my fastidious habits still balked at the adjustments of taking on a pet, I knew deep down this was a battle I could not win. Especially considering that a softer part of me would be delighted by the little creature’s presence, despite any potential mess.
He interrupted my rumination. ‘I mean, since we’re well settled in to our flat now, and will soon don the spongebag trousers to exchange our vows… I figured it was about time, you know. Expand our little family and all.’While I knew the pleading look in his large blue eyes to be mostly a crafty design, it still had the effect of melting me utterly.
‘Well…’ I said slowly, ‘I insist that I be present at the selection of the animal. I should like to have input as to which one we choose, and the chance to assess its temperament prior to adoption.’‘Of course, old thing, I wouldn’t have it any other way! It’s going to be your cat, too.’‘Be that as it may, cleaning and feeding will fall entirely to you, my poet.’‘Right ho.’
One upshot was that he washed the dishes entirely by himself, and later allowed me to undress him and ravish him in all the ways that pleased me best - though I warrant this last perk was certainly a mutual one.
‘Oh Bertie, I’m ever so glad that you’ve come to rescue one of our little sweethearts!’ Ms Bassett, eyes shining, led us cheerfully through to the cattery. ‘You know, Roddy and I just found the perfect baby brother for Piglet, a dear little fox terrier cross named Snowy. Just like the doggie in “Tintin”!’A thoughtful mien passed across Bertram’s face.‘A doggie, eh?’‘No, Bertram.’‘Oh, alright.’
The cattery was a bright, clean space, with the cats kept individually in large perspex enclosures. I confess I was not unaffected by the rows of bright emerald eyes and twitching velvet ears that we beheld.‘Let me know if you would like to meet any of these precious angels, and you can go in and introduce yourselves,’ Ms Bassett informed us.‘I say, I like this one!’
Bertram had already been drawn to one inmate, who’d padded right up to the front of the enclosure to gaze up at him curiously. A small, delicate thing, with grey tabby markings on her mask, back and tail, and white underbelly and legs. As Bertram kneeled to greet her, she chirruped away in a light, dulcet voice.‘Puccini likes you, Bertie! She’s not usually so friendly with visitors.’‘Puccini, eh? We could call her “Poochy” for short, eh Reg?’‘Most amusing, Bertram.’
We entered her enclosure, and she wasted no time in winding herself about Bertram’s legs, still chirping at him. She was rewarded with a gentle scratch on the head, and she purred loudly. I could sense that this was love at first sight.‘Who’s a good Poochy, then? Do you behave yourself for Ms Maddie?’‘Mrowr.’‘Jolly good.’
He plopped himself down, and spent the next hour playing with Puccini. He giggled as she batted at his outstretched wriggling fingers, stroked her plush fur as she gently headbutted his arm, and even let her lick his face with her sandy pink tongue. All the while he cooed at her, while she responded in kind with a lyrical stream of mews and tweets and squeaks.‘Little chatterbox, isn’t she?’‘Like attracts like, Bertram.’
It seemed inevitable - we would not need to see any other cats. After a while I approached Ms Bassett. ‘I believe we have made our selection.’‘More like Puccini has made hers,’ she remarked. ‘But I’m afraid that it’s not that simple. Puccini came from a house full of cats, you see, and doesn’t do well on her own. The policy for adopting her is that she must have another kitty housemate.’
My heart dropped to my stomach. One cat was enough of a compromise, but two cats could be potential bedlam. My mind roved to images of troublesome cartoon siamese, broken ceramics, and overwhelmed house guests.
But then my gaze settled on Bertam cradling the purring Puccini in his arms, a look of pure bliss cast across his lovely face. A heavy sigh escaped me.‘Bertram, we must adopt a second cat in order to take Puccini home. Shall we select one?’
He looked up at me, partly surprised and noticeably moved.‘Oh… are you sure, Reg? I mean, I’d be over the moon to get two of them, but…’I swallowed my diffidence down. ‘I could no more bear to part you from your new friend than I could part the Red Sea.’‘Reg… you are a marvel. Well… since I chose this one, why don’t you choose the second for yourself?’
I left the two of them to seek out our next adoptee. Here I rallied my sound judge of character. Puccini appeared to be bubbly and perhaps a little capricious, so I reckoned that a cat with a steady, serene temperament would prove to be the best influence for her.
I passed the rows of prospective pets, paying careful attention to demeanour and body language. The friendlier, more extroverted cats I discounted right away - they would no doubt prove to exacerbate Puccini’s friskiness. I instead paid attention to the cats who remained calm and still. Some were simply grumpy, and they would not do. Nor did I consider the animals who were sluggish and entirely unresponsive - that could possibly be a sign of poor health.And then, I saw him.
Perched atop a tiered scratching post, this long lean beast was the very picture of feline elegance. He was pure white, with a long tail that was swishing about slowly and gracefully. His face was not soft and round but aquiline, almost lionesque. His eyes were closed in contemplation. The long neck was tilted slightly to the side - all the better to show off his wonderful profile. Had I not known better, I would have deemed him a fine marble sculpture.‘That’s Vasily. Handsome, isn’t he? Would you like to say hello?’
Ms Bassett let me into the enclosure, and I carefully approached him. ‘Good day, Mr Vasily.’At this he opened his eyes, and I was astounded to discover they were a similar hue to Bertram’s: brilliant, summer sky blue. He meowed at me, a low, husky drawl.‘Vasily is a nice chap, very calm. I think he’s the least anxious cat I’ve ever seen,’ said Ms Bassett.
I held up a hand to him, which he gently headbutted. His coat was like silk. He purred at my attention, deeper and more resonant than Puccini’s delicate timbre.I could well picture myself lounging about with a good book and a glass of wine, with this exquisite animal draped upon me. He had a look of such serenity and intelligence, the exemplar of his species.
While I was not eager for his white fur to meet my dark apparel, I spent some time with Vasily, basking in his natural tranquility. Ms Bassett suggested introducing Puccini to him.The smaller cat eagerly jumped up to join him on the scratching post platform, making a very forward introduction in licking the fur on his back. He responded to this by drooping in ecstasy.‘They are both desexed, are they not?’Ms Bassett nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
‘Well, Reg, I think we’ve found ourselves a fur-baby family, what?’
We brought our new pets home with a cosy sort of excitement. The first task was, of course, to allow the cats free reign to explore the flat, and get comfortable with their new home. I had made Bertram set up the litter tray that morning, to prevent any accidents.
They padded cautiously about, sniffing at the furniture and seeming to conduct a little conversation of their own:‘Meow.’‘Mrowr?’‘Miiiaow.’‘Prrrt!’
Bertram sat upon the sofa, encouraging them to join him. Puccini quickly snuggled into his lap.‘Awfully nice spot to watch telly here, Poochy. Or possibly listen to a good recording of “Madame Butterfly!”’
It was at this juncture that a magnificent crash sounded from the kitchen.I rushed in to find my elegant Vasily clambering about on the workbench, knocking down the tea things with his long swishing tail.‘Mr Vasily!’‘Miaow?’‘Get down from there at once!’
He blinked at me with serene, uncomprehending blue eyes.I shooed him off the counter, and he leapt to the floor, spilling a jar of tea leaves in his descent. As he scooted out of the kitchen, he bumped into the rubbish bin.
Once I had cleaned up the mess, I found the culprit sitting next to Bertram on the sofa. Puccini was still curled up on his lap, her tail swishing as she dozed. It was inadvertently smacking Vasily in the face. Each time he was hit, he recoiled with surprise.  But not once did he think to get out of the way. It was almost comical to watch this cycle of stupid endurance.
‘That was Vasily making a racket in there?’ Bertram asked.‘I regret it was.’‘Hm.’ He examined the feline, still being helplessly swatted by his new housemate’s tail. ‘You know what, Reg? Not for the first time, I think you’ve fallen in love with a blue-eyed himbo.’
Thus far, Vasily has broken three pieces of glassware, one mantlepiece clock, shredded Bertram’s favourite purple long-sleeve tee (no great loss), knocked several books off their shelves, and repeatedly interrupted Bertram and I in flagrante. He has also accepted his place as the second banana, as Puccini has asserted herself as pack leader without room for argument. Last night, he spilled my cup of tea across the dining table, almost ruining my laptop.
And yet, every time I look into his blue eyes, completely helpless as to the chaos that he leaves in his wake, I pang for the sweet, silly creature. He has very quickly claimed a place in my heart. Upon cleaning up his messes, he is all too eager to snuggle with me as I peruse Spinoza or Wilde, and his purrs are deep and soothing. Without malice, without coldness, and without any bloody common sense. My Vasily is a welcome addition to our little family, and with him I am a less guarded, more loving man.
***NOTE: Vasily and Puccini are inspired by my brother’s cats (I being the owner of a darling doggie). Vasily crossed the rainbow bridge in 2018, but he has a happy forever home with Jeeves and Bertie. I can attest that the real Vasily was just as much of a clumsy, heedless dumbass, while also being singularly beautiful (reminds one of a certain Drone, no?)
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ravens-rambling · 5 years
It’s time Thomas stops running
A/N: Hey so I got inspired randomly and wrote this. I’m not even sure if this is cannonly how it went down in the au but I was thinking of Spiderverse’s Peter and how he was scared to have kids with MJ, so he ran. Again not sure if this is something Thomas would actually do or not but idk. Also, I just realized this is my first fic with the perspective of Thomas! Would you look at that! Hopefully, I got MJ’s character right XD 
Spiderverse Au belongs to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil
summary: Thomas ran. He's run before and now he’s doing it again. He can’t help it, but last time...last time it ended a friendship. A relationship. And now he’s worried that once again he’ll ruin it. Can one of his sons calm him down enough to face his fears? Or will he run until he can’t run anymore... and find that once again he is alone? 
WC: 2,49
ships: uuhhh idk what the ship name for Thomas and MJ is so yeah, Platonic LAMP, mentions of RED 
warnings: Crying, hurt/comfort, mentions of anxiety attacks, mentions of breakup, 
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @stormcrawler75 @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess   @saddestlittlebabe
Oh, he screwed up, he screwed up badly. Now he’s screwed up a lot of things in his life. Let’s…not go down that gigantic list. The point is right here, right now, he messed up. And he’s not sure if he can fix it this time.
It’s been an issue for a while now if he had to be honest. It’s why his previous boyfriend broke up with him really. But recently it was brought up again and he’s not ready to face it yet again. He’s just not. Sure he has more of a support group going for him this time. But that just means there is more on the line.
More to be scared about. More to worry.
What is the thing he’s oh so worried about?
MJ wants to have a kid.
Now, now, he knows what you’re thinking. Oh, won’t that be good? That would mean taking it to the next step right? MJ loves you that much that he wants to share the love you two have.
That’s not the point.
The point is…is that he’s Spiderman. He’s a hero.
Which means he has a lot of villains that would love to hurt him and anybody he cares about. Also…hes not sure he’s ready for that.
If he had to be honest with himself…he's scared. Scared that he won’t make a good father. Scared that he screwed it up and hurts the kid or MJ, even more than he has right now of course. Scared that this kid would be dragged into his problems. Scared for so so many things.
He’s not sure he can take that on.
Now, of course, he does have well, sort of, four kids now. But he’s trained them well they know how to handle themselves if push comes to shove. But this kid? This kid would be defenseless. This kid won’t know anything about defending itself. MJ, on the other hand, …well he’s MJ he knows full well how to take care of himself. But would he be able to defend their kid if something happens and he can’t get there in time?
He’s not sure…
Now he is not doubting MJ at all. He is strong. Stronger than Thomas could ever dream of being. He has dealt with so much over his life that it puts Thomas’s life to shame. That’s not his worry his worry is the fact that his enemies are supervillains which means they have powers.
No matter how strong MJ is he isn’t superpowered strong.
And heaven forbid if something happens to MJ and their kid? Oh… He doesn’t know if he can take it. It would crush him. Worse than losing the kiddos. Worse than losing himself. He just…can't do that. He can’t risk that.
So what did he do? He ran.
Just like the last time this happened. He ran with his tail between his legs and didn’t look back.
Go on you can say it, he knows it, he’s a coward. A coward that is too scared to face the music. A coward who always runs. A coward who can’t even face his emotions. All he does is run. Run from bad guys. Run from love. Run from a slim chance at a happy life for him. Run from a family.
The last guy he was with…didn’t like that. He didn’t like that he ran and kept running. No… He got tired eventually and kissed their relationship goodbye.
That’s what’s gonna happen with the two right? MJ will realize he is tired of running after him, tired of making sacrifices for a guy that’s not worth the trouble, and finally, move on. Maybe it’s for the best… Maybe…this love thing won’t work out, in the end, no matter what he does…
Yeah… Maybe not…
Thomas glanced down to his phone with another sigh, the same ringtone he has for MJ filling the night air. He breathed out as he ran a hand through his hair and looked back out to the city lights, ignoring it.
Eventually, he’ll get tired of chasing after him…
“There you are.”
With dark, tired, almost teary eyes he looked over his shoulder to see the familiar figure of a white dressed teen with his hoodie up… Virgil…
Maybe he’ll get tired of him eventually too, right?
Maybe he’ll realize he isn’t such a good mentor or dad figure… Maybe they all will realize that someday. Cause that’s what he is… A disappointment.
“Dude? Dude, Earth to Thomas.”
Thomas jumped as he blinked and suddenly Virgil was a lot closer than before but he still kept his distance, thankfully. Slowly Virgil smiled and walked closer to him, and even more slowly took a seat beside him his feet dangling off the edge.
And with that, he took off his mask letting the hood fall down and looked over to Thomas with a small smile his hair all over the place and a worried look in his dark brown eyes, “What’s up, dad? MJ is pretty worried after you stormed off. Well, actually that’s an understatement more like frantically calling between all our phones and yelling our ears off when we pick up.”
His heart pricked with worry and anger at himself at hearing how frantic MJ is. He’s never like that even when he isn’t home after a few nights…
Yeah… A runner…
“It’s just…” He sighed and looked back towards the city breathing in and out. Virgil was silent as he gathered up his thoughts. Thankfully he didn’t look at him as he did so simply looking out at the city as well. They sat there for a few minutes enjoying the silence. Until Thomas broke it again.
“You know I love you guys right?”
“Yeah? Like kids yes we know.”
“Do… Do you know why I broke it off with my last boyfriend?”
“He wasn’t good enough for you?”
“No… No that wasn’t it… Not at all…”
He took a shaky breath. Guess he’ll have to actually say it. He’s never really talked about this, not to a single soul…
“The reason was…he wanted to have kids… A-And I got scared. I got scared cause I knew the risks and I wasn’t ready. I’m still not…”
“And MJ wanted that? To have kids?”
“Yeah… That’s what he wanted to talk about. He thought we could adopt. Even showed me some pictures of these cute kids from that nice orphanage but it just… I’m still not ready, Virgil. I don’t think I’ll ever be. And that’s not fair for MJ. He deserves better he deserves-”
“Now I’m gonna stop you right there, dad.”
The serious tone of the teen made Thomas whip towards him. He’s never heard Virgil this serious before. And oh boy the spark that went through the kid's eyes. Yep, he’s deadly serious.
“First off, self-deprecation is my thing. Don’t go stealing my thing. Second off, this is MJ. He will understand more than you know trust me, okay? He’s not like the last guy. If you are serious about never wanting kids MJ will never leave you just for that, you got it? MJ isn’t like that and never will be. Third off, who says you won’t be a good dad? I mean you have four teens right? And yes,” He cut off Thomas as he opened his mouth, “with you being a superhero and everything there are even more risks. But honestly… Thomas,” His eyes grew teary at this one and he breathed out.
“You are the best dad anybody can ask for. You are the best boyfriend anybody can ask for. Most importantly,” He paused at this and smiled reaching forward to touch Thomas’s leg, “You are the best friend anybody could ask for.”
Oh… Oh dear…
Before Thomas could even help it or realize what he was doing he started crying hard. Tears tore down his cheeks. And before he could stop himself he lunged at Virgil his arms wrapping around the thin male as he sobbed harshly.
��There, there dad. It’s gonna be alright. Oh and I forgot to mention, this kid, they won’t have just you and MJ protecting them. They will have all four of us, I’m sure even Dolion, Remy, and Emile, will be on their asses if they so much as touch your kid. Understand?”
That made Thomas cry even harder. All his fears all his worries Virgil just presented on the table and he cleared through every one of them. He didn’t know where his son got so intelligent but oh boy was it something. Even he was impressed…
Yeah… He was impressed with his son.
They spent what felt like hours up on that tall building the background of the city and his cries the only thing that filled the air. Virgil holding him the entire time even rocking them gently and playing with Thomas' hair to ground him… Just like what he does during one of Virgil’s attacks…
Until finally his sobs quieted down until it was just hiccups. Very slowly he started breathing back to his normal self again.
“You okay there?”
“Y-Yeah… Sorry for crying on you.”
“Hey, 'tis payback for all the times I’ve cried on you. So we’re good now.”
Thomas chuckled as he drew away from their hug grimacing as he saw all the tears and snot on Virgil’s outfit, “Sorry about that. I’ll do the laundry this time.”
Virgil looked down and chuckled waving his hand, “No, it’s fine dad. I’m serious. Also, your laundry detergent isn’t very good anyways. I’ll take at least three loads to get this out if I leave it to you.”
“Yep… Sounds about right,” He laughed as he wiped his eyes then sighed again.
“Thank you, Virge… For all of that… It meant a lot to me.”
“Yeah, sure whatever. Don’t tell Roman I got all sentimental I’ll never hear the end of it. Now,” He put back on his mask as he stood up. Thomas glanced up to see him extending a hand and though he couldn’t see his lips he could tell he was smiling.
With his own smile, he took it and stood up.
“You have a boyfriend to talk to,” And with that, he did his signature two-fingered wave and ran off the side of the building. Thomas watched as he slingshotted through the night air.
He supposes he does…
With new found energy in his eyes, he put on his mask and started making his way towards MJ's place. Though before he does he's got to make one detour…
Once he got to his door he breathed out a nervous breath. Would MJ be angry at him for just leaving quickly like that? Would he forgive him for just bailing? Oh, maybe this was a mistake… Maybe-
The door opened and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the familiar orange curls and his freckled face, though his heart stopped for a completely other reason when he saw the tear stains going down that same freckled cheeks.
“Thomas! Oh god. I was so worried,” And before Thomas could even take a breath again he was practically tackled to the floor in a hug and his eyes pricked with tears once again, “Don’t ever do that again! I thought you were mad at me! Or worse that you got hurt somewhere since you weren’t answering any of our calls. Oh god were you hurt? Please tell me you weren’t hurt. Oh god-”
“MJ. MJ, I’m fine I promise,” Thomas chuckled.
“Good… Okay… You don’t look like your injured… Yeah…” Now he was backing up from the hug tears still coming down. Then he huffed and smacked his arm playfully and gently.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For making me worry you selfish little prick! I thought you were angry at me and never coming back. God… Thomas, I thought I would never see you again…”
And if that didn’t break Thomas' heart he didn’t know what would. He felt like his heart was bleeding as he gulped.
“Well… Virgil helped me… And… We have something to discuss… Well, a lot of things but first…” He showed the huge flower bouquet that was hidden behind his back, it was covered with different colors of roses. All the colors of the rainbow. He smiled as he waited for the others reaction as he mumbled, “This is for making you worried. I’m sorry.”
MJ gasped loudly and started crying even harder which caused Thomas to suddenly get worried all over again.
“No, wait! You're not supposed to cry! Why are you crying? Do you not like it? I can return it! I just thought-”
“Shut up you gay disaster and kiss me.”
“Wait what-”
Before he could finish his sentence lips smacked against his with a loud thud noise. Thomas slowly closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around MJs waist. They leaned into each other as the kiss ticked by. And slowly all the tension and nervousness that engulfed Thomas bones just a moment ago evaporated just like that. MJ wasn’t mad with him.
He came chasing after him…
And just as soon as the kiss started it ended and they both looked at each other their eyes sparkling with energy for each other. And they smiled and giggled.
“Okay, pretty boy get inside so we can talk and so I can put these roses in a vase. I’m sure the neighbors would love to hear more of our little conversation.”
“Yeah… That sounds lovely.”
With that MJ took Thomas free hand and led him inside. They certainly did have a lot to talk about, but Thomas wasn’t as scared or worried about it as before. He felt a certain calm through his body as he stepped into the house and closed the door.
Yeah...He's not running again.
“Did he go in?”
“Yes, Roman, he went in.”
“He did? Yay! I was so worried about him.”
“Yes, Pat you won’t shut up about it. Can we please get out of this bush now? Roman, you are on top of me.”
“Oh, hush nerd. You complain too much.”
“Now now boys don’t argue. Yes, Lo-Lo we can leave now.”
“Thank god.”
As the two teens left one grumbling while the other yelled at him the pastel wearing teen paused in his tracks.
“Nice work. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks, Pat.”
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dormousse · 6 years
Give me love — Bucky x Reader
Hiii, here is a song fic inspired by Ed Sheeran, Give me love. It’s kind of angsty, but I hope you’ll like it! Please leave feedback! ❤️
If you see any spelling/grammar mistake or any mistake don’t hesitate to tell me! English is not my first language so I sometimes make mistakes :(
Warning: kind of angst, lots of crying, mention of alcohol, both Bucky and the reader are drunk at one point.
Forever Taglist: @panicatttckiss
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Give me love like her
Cause lately I’ve been waking up alone
Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt
Told you I’d let them go
You look up and saw him across the room, his blue tux only making him more handsome than he already his. He smiles and look to her at his side, stars filling his eyes. She’s stunning.
She’s everything you’ll never be.
Seeing him with her made your heart drop to your stomach as you put a fake smile on your lips. He’s your friend, you should be happy for him, that he finally found someone who he truly loves. But you’re not. Only because that someone isn’t you.
And it hurts. It hurts to see him kiss her cheek, or to see the sparks in his eyes when he’s looking at her. You always thought you had something going on with him. The way he let his hand brush over yours, or the way the corner of his lips would twitch when you looked up to him made you feel special to his eyes.
You were so wrong.
Your eyes water, and suddenly you’re in the bathroom, crying your heart out as the party is still going on outside. You need to leave, you feel like an outsider. You don’t belong here. You’re only bringing sadness to his happiness.
Steve is the one to pick you up from the cold bathroom floor. He saw you storming in, but never saw you left. You’re tired, all you want is drift off to sleep. You close your eyes and nuzzle yourself into Steve chest, your sobs staining his shirt as he takes you out.
Maybe tonight, I’ll call ya
After my blood, turns into alcohol
« I love you »
You’re drunk. The words fall from your lips as freely as the tears from your eyes. You love him, and it hurts. It hurts, because when you look at him you see the stars, and when he looks at you he sees the ground.
You’re drunk, and for once you let your feelings take over you. Everything you once bottled up now pours out as you cry, sob and scream your heart out. You’re tired. Tired of hiding behind a mask you cant stand anymore.
You’re drunk. And drunk people make mistakes. You made one. But as people like to say, drunk words speak sober thoughts. You didn’t want to admit how you felt, because saying it out loud would only confirm your feelings. And now nothing would be the same for you.
You throw the phone to the wall, your scream echoing through the room. You don’t hear Bucky almost screaming your name through the phone as he heard your loud plea. The phone crash onto the wall and fall flat onto the floor, the screen shattered and unusable.
Loving him was a mistake.
No, I just wanna hold ya
Give a little time to me or burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow
It’s a kiss, just a kiss nothing more. He doesn’t mean it.
That’s what you’ve been trying to convince yourself at least.
You can’t think as his lips work on you, you feel dizzy. This is too much for you. Everything you’ve ever wanted finally happen. But even if you’ve wanted this for the longest time you cant help but feel like this is wrong.
You push him away, the tears starting to built in your eyes. This is all kind of wrong, he doesn’t love you, he loves her, this is a mistake.
« Buck.. you can’t. We can’t... »
You leave, tears rolling down your cheeks as you walk out.
You don’t see his eyes tearing up as your back faces him. You don’t see the way the words he crave so much to say stay stuck in his throat.
Give me love like never before
'Cause lately I've been craving more
And it's been a while but I still feel the same
Maybe I should let you go
The next time you see him it’s almost been half a year. Six months where you tried as much as you could to avoid him. You left the compound, it’s not like you were an important asset to the team. You thought that if you stayed far away from him your feelings would disappear.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
As soon as you lay your eyes on him you feel everything you’ve tried to bury deep inside your heart. It’s so overwhelming that you don’t remember how to breathe. You don’t know how to react as your eyes lock with his, those damn baby blue eyes you dreamed about so often.
You take a big inspiration and shake your head. You are strong, you can do this. You’ve faced worse than a pair of blue eyes. You smile at Tony who take you in a bear hug, kissing your forehead.
« How you doing ? »
« Good, thanks. I, hum... I’m sorry.. »
« Don’t be. »
You don’t know what you were apologizing for. You just feel like it’s the right thing to do. You smile softly and walk to the bar where Natasha hand you a glass filled with an amber liquid. You missed seing her, she was one of your closest friend. But you couldn’t stay in the compound, even for her. It was just too much for you back there.
« I’m gonna need some more of this, Tash. »
She smirks a little as you finish your drink in one gulp, already feeling the courage to stay here a little longer running in your veins.
And that tonight I'll call ya
After my blood is drowning in alcohol
« I love you. »
A tear rolls down your cheek. You’ve already seen this. It wont end well.
You both are drunk, he’s probably drunker than you. Everytime you’re near him, you’re crying, as if suddenly your feelings became too much to handle and the only way for you to let them go away was to cry.
« I love you, Y/N. I.. » he stutters, the words flowing through his drunken brain. « I’ve came to the realization that I always loved you. Since I first laid my eyes on you. »
A tear escape his eyes as your vision gets blurry. You’ve waited for this moment for so long you can’t believe it’s finally happening. He slowly make his way up to you, taking your hands in his.
« I didn’t want to be a burden to you. You don’t deserve a broken machine. You deserve someone who loves you with every beats of their heart. I.. I thought if I was with someone else I would have stopped thinking about you. But... ever since you called me that night, before you left the compound, you were the only thing on my mind... »
You didn’t realized how close he was to you now. His forehead is resting against yours, his breath slowly fanning over your lips as his hand is resting on your cheeks, cupping your face, his thumbs slowly grazing off the tears.
You let your hand rest on top of his, locking your eyes with his, only to see pure love. You smile softly as another tear fall from your eyes.
« I love you. »
And with that, you close the distance between you two, pressing your lips against his in a hungry kiss.
No I just wanna hold ya
Give a little time to me or burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow
Oh give me love
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inawickedlittletown · 5 years
Walking The Wire (108/?)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Seven
They never found out what had been going on with Loki and Thor because nothing came of their appearance and then disappearance because aside from a blip somewhere in Ireland that wasn’t necessarily them, there was nothing and while Tony waited for the other shoe to drop and something crazy to happen somewhere else in the world, nothing did.
“So, do you think he was just popping in for a visit and didn’t even think to stop by here?” Rhodey asked during a team meeting.
“I don’t know,” Tony said. “And there’s no way to contact him. I called up Jane and she -- well, apparently they broke up sometime before he left the last time and she didn’t have a way to contact him anyway which is sort of why they broke up.”
“But nothing’s happened right,” Sam said. “I mean, no random Asgardians have shown up so--”
“Not since then,” Tony said. “At least not that my satellites picked up anyway. But Coulson or Fury would have mentioned if they heard anything.”
Tony kept paying attention, but nothing outside of the usual happened. Ross’ announcement that Spider-Man was Tony’s son had been a small blip that most people didn’t pay attention to despite all the pictures that Ross had managed to get of Spider-Man coming and going from the tower. Mostly, he just sounded like a conspiracy theorist especially after Tony tweeted that his son was definitely not Spider-Man and that the theory had made Steve laugh. Still, he was sure some people did believe Ross’ story. It was also a concern that Ross was clearly keeping an eye on the tower.
There was a whole thing with the resurgence of AIM in the middle of August but it was such a disorganized mess that they didn’t get very far in even setting themselves up as a threat and Tony had them all rounded up and arrested in the course of an afternoon.
By the time that the summer was actually over, Tony was starting to relax on the Thor front. Peter on the other hand was a tad disappointed that he hadn’t gotten to meet the god yet. It turned out that next to Iron Man, Thor was Peter’s favorite.
“He’s an actual god,” Peter had said, “but also an alien. And just cool. He’s just so cool.”
Sam found the whole thing amusing. “Your kid has good taste at least,” he said, “if he had to crush on any of us.”
“It’s not a crush! I just -- he’s a god, Sam! And the lightning--” Peter trailed off as Sam laughed and Tony tried not to join in.
“He is seriously impressive,” Natasha said in Peter’s defense.
“Yes, exactly,” Peter said.
“Which is why you had a crush on him,” Sam said matter of factly and Peter threw up his arms in the air and Tony knew that he had figured out he couldn’t really say much else to make a difference to the conversation. Mostly, though, Tony loved the level of ease that Peter had with the rest of The Avengers.
But when Peter’s birthday came around, Tony decided that they needed to go on a mini-vacation. Not to get away from anyone, but because Tony wanted to spend some time on his own with Peter away from wedding planning and everything else that was going on at the tower. They went to California because Peter had never been to the West Coast and because Peter had also been interested in seeing the rebuilt Malibu house. It was fun to show Peter around and take him to a few of Tony’s favorite spots. All in all, their vacation was a nice break from the usual. They got back after a couple of weeks away and right in time for Peter to get back to school and Tony to move forward with the new suit. Everything was ready and Tony just needed to have the housing unit put in his chest.
On the night before school was starting up again, Peter was leaning against Tony’s side. There was a movie on, but Tony had long given up on watching it because the plot had changed so drastically that the movie was downright silly and either way, Tony had gotten busy answering emails because Pepper couldn’t understand why Tony was delegating everything to do with SI for the next week or two. Tony still hadn’t told her that he was going to be putting in the housing unit for the nanotech in his chest. He and Shuri both agreed that it was the only way to make it as effective as Tony wanted it to be.
“Is it going to be a long operation?” Peter asked.
Tony looked down at him. “A few hours.”
“I don’t like that I’ll be in school and I won’t be here.”
The whole thing with Thor had really hastened Tony to get the device ready faster. He wanted to be prepared for the next time something happened and things would have been dire if Thor’s return had signaled the beginning of something being wrong. Sure, Tony had his other suits, but the nanotech one was going to be better than any other. Steve and Peter for their part thought that he knew best despite the risk that the surgery would bring him.
“You’ll be here plenty,” Tony assured him. “Nothing is going to go wrong. I have the best doctors on this and we have a good plan for how we’re handling this.”
“Dr. Cho is pretty great,” Peter said with a grin.
Tony wrapped his arm around Peter’s shoulders and pulled him closer. “So why did you want to watch this movie again?”
“Ned recommended it,” Peter muttered. “I don’t think I’ll be taking his advice on movies again any time soon.”
Tony laughed. “On that we can agree, kid.”
Steve didn’t argue with Tony once Tony decided that he needed to get the housing unit put into his chest. It was Tony’s body and Tony’s decision and while Steve did voice his questions and got Tony to think about the pros and cons, he left it up to Tony because Tony knew best when it came to his suits. The device was different than the arc reactor, anyway, in that it wasn’t working to keep Tony alive. Looking at the ring with the shrapnel that had almost killed Tony, reminded Steve of how much Tony had gone through and survived.
He was with Tony during the operation, holding his hand while Dr. Cho and her team worked on Tony with a combination of Dr. Cho’s tech and Shuri’s as well. It brought down the risk for the procedure considerably. When it was over a few hours later and the whole thing was successful, Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Good,” he said.
The whole thing was taking place in the compound since the facility had a medical wing and Tony had gone ahead and added an operating room to it too. It meant that Tony was going to be staying at the compound for a few days even if that was more of a precaution than anything, but it was better for him to not have to travel to the tower while fresh out of his operation. Steve had insisted on being there so his anklet was off. The FBI had only checked in on them once since putting the anklets on and the only reason they showed up in the first place was that Sam’s had malfunctioned. It was lucky that they were all in the tower at the time, not that Fury had been sending them on a lot of missions lately. Things were on the quiet side.
“He’ll be asleep for a little longer,” Helen said. “We’ll move him somewhere comfortable. You can call Peter in, if you want.”
“I’ll go get him,” Steve said and leaned over to kiss Tony’s forehead first.
Helen smiled at him.
When he returned with Peter in tow, Tony had been moved into one of the rooms in the medical wing. Tony was still asleep, but he looked peaceful all tucked into bed.
“Everything went perfectly, Peter,” Helen said. “He’ll be awake in an hour or two. Myself or someone from my team will come check in.”
“I’m glad,” Peter said as Helen grabbed a few things and walked out of the room. “I was actually a little worried,” he admitted to Steve. “I just -- I’ve lost all the father figures in my life and he was doing this and I was worried.”
Peter walked to stand by Tony’s bed and Steve moved forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You dad rarely does anything that isn’t for a reason. And if he had suspected that this was any riskier than it needed to be he wouldn’t have done it because the last thing he wants is to leave you. Shuri and Helen worked this out and you know how smart they are.”
“I know,” Peter said and looked up at Steve. “I just couldn’t help it. And thanks for helping me get out of school today. Dad just kept saying how I didn’t need to be here.”
“Yeah, well, he hates that we fuss about him.”
Taking it easy was boring. At least, it wasn’t bed rest. Tony could move around and he could go to the workshop but he was limited by how long he could work and how much he could lift or really do which ultimately just made him grumpy. Steve was also hovering for most of his time in there and jumping in to do things for him which Tony had found endearing at first but then kind of frustrating. So, he was happy to be back to normal a month and a half later even if Steve still seemed a bit wary of him doing much. Pepper was worse. She had started to just show up to make sure he was okay every other day right after Tony moved back to the tower and she’d fussed and fussed over him after telling him off for putting the housing unit in his chest in the first place until Tony had enough.
“You know,” Steve said one afternoon, “it’s almost been a year since I came back.”
“It has,” Tony said. A full year. It had been more than a year since the whole fiasco with The Vulture too. They were lucky that there hadn’t been any big villain like that popping up since but even if there had been, Tony was confident that Peter would have been able to handle it.
Training with Steve and the team in general had made a huge difference to Peter’s capabilities as Spider-Man. Peter didn’t use the Iron Spider suit often, opting for his other suit over that one most of the time, but he had gotten so much better with his powers and just his physicality because he wasn’t just following his instincts which were often good, he was doing more. Strategizing and thinking his plans through and really knowing his strengths and weaknesses and using that knowledge to do things in the best way possible.
“And it hasn’t been all bad,” Steve said.
“Yeah,” Tony said. “I half expected you to get too bored to stay.”
“I’ve found that life can’t be boring when you’re in it. But, not just that, it makes a difference that we’re together. You’ve made this worth it and it’s just one more year, Tony.”
“We better hope nothing crazy happens before then,” Tony said. “I thought Thor coming back meant--”
Steve nodded. “I know. I know. I did too. I just wonder what the whole point of it was. He wouldn’t have shown up and left that quickly without there being some reason and I just don’t trust that Loki was with him. Wasn’t he supposed to be dead?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “That’s what Thor said.”
“Jane was confused about that too. She seemed concerned -- but she hasn’t called which means she hasn’t found anything alarming. At least I have this thing now,” Tony said and tapped his chest. “It makes me feel a little better about any possible threats.”
It was Tony’s fear -- and had been since going through that wormhole -- that they’d be faced with something from outside their world again. Even if nothing came to pass, he wanted them to be prepared. After all, he’d seen what some of those aliens could do and create and it was only a matter of time before Earth became a target again. Loki being alive -- he’d been the one behind the attack in New York. Of course, helped by the stone in the scepter but nevertheless one of the reasons. Thor had said he was leaving to find out more about the stones and...and maybe it was what he was still trying to figure out. It worried Tony.
Chapter One Hundred Nine
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mingyubias · 6 years
& i know this is ?? like a month late?? idk but !! someone way back when asked me about my hevie/descendants hcs/thoughts so i’ve decided to make a lil list that i’ll most likely add on to as time goes by and i get more info
first of all, i like to completely disregard the sugar coating that disney put on the entire series. for example, their lives on isle would’ve been grittier and much more cruel than what was depicted in the movies ( and somewhat the books ). i personally see all of their parents as emotionally and mentally Abusive ( bc they definitely are?? and melissa’s account of it def made more sense than .. disney’s igvfdn ).
also i like to imagine them? older? because i just cant personally relate to teens anymore so i see them as like 19 in my mind when im reading fics and the like ( especially since the ones ive read have hevie as sexually active ).
i really and truly dislike mal based both on her actions in the first novel and how she behaved in the films ( a lot of people haven’t read the books, but to sum it up, she spent 3/4 of the first novel tormenting evie first in a petty way and then in two (2) seperate life-threatening ways ). this has left me feeling completely cold towards mal and unable to sympathize with her in her tantrum in d2.
now, though i feel this way about mal, i can completely understand why evie wouldnt. it is literally written that evie brought out the best in people ( “The princess possessed a darling giggle that was so entrancing, it brought a smile to haughty Lady Tremaine’s face [...] The ferocious tiger Shere Kahn was practically purring like a contented kitten. And for old time’s sake, Captain Hook bravely stuck his head between Tick Tock’s open jaws, if only so he could make her laugh and hear that lovely peal again. The princess, it would seem, could make even the most horrible villain smile.” ) even when evie ass KNEW mal was planning something and despised her, she STILL did her best to give her the benefit of the doubt i? ? ? ?  ??  ??? ? ? a tru queen
i didn’t read rise of the isle of the lost so i’m not 110% sure how harry is characterized in the books, but uhh id die for him ..
and i also dont? think he and mal ever had a thing lol .. just bc thomas and dove are dating that doesnt mean they gotta add in an unnecessary plotpoint ( especially considering how it’s canon in both the books and the movies that mal’s never had a boyfriend before ben .. *eyeball emoji* ) so uhh miss me with that
and i know that hevie is? a crackship? so dont come to me with “hevie aint canon” like huney i know but theres also no canon evidence negating the possibility either
ok so on to the actual hevie hcs .. cos i think about them a lot vfjdnokm
she is 10/10 the one who showed him how to do the scary pirate eyeliner thing ok but in my mind it started out much cleaner so it was just yk liner but then after scrubbing at his eyes so much ( thanks, salty ocean air ) it just became easier to leave it messy
the blue bandana he wears under his hat ? evie’s. kinda like how knights used to wear the colors of their wives/betrothed w/e its like a subtle claim and him making a lowkey gesture and im Weak over it tbh
captain hook ? loves her .. not only because she clearly has Some clout on the isle, espcially since apparently her momma and maleficent are friends now ( ?? idk disney makin shit up ) so hes like ((:: well !! but on the other hand .. evie is just a generally good person and she makes harry happy and shes charming and beautiful and genuine?? ya i see him really vouching for her ( especially since i dont really consider captain hook a real? villain? ig? he just wanted revenge on the immortal brat who literally Sliced Off His Hand and Fed it to a Crocodile ??? ) so !! ya
evil queen def dont approve but uhh what she doesnt know wont hurt her ..
i dont see her getting along with uma like she does so much in a lot of the fics, though, mostly because i feel like uma would resent her at least a little for basically being the person mal replaced uma with, so .. also for snatching half of harry’s time ( cant have a first mate who’s more loyal to someone else than his captain ). i also don’t see harry and uma as a couple, mostly because i imagine she’s at least a few years younger than him .. like everyone else felt older than they were in the movies, but uma def gave off 17 y/o vibes to me ( so did carlos but hes a lil baby and i love him )
that said, she’d get along really well with gil tho cos shes so kind and understanding and i dont see her getting so easily annoyed with him like everyone else does. not to mention she was .. sorta? friends with his older brothers in the first book so vinjdkm. quasi sister for that boi
theres a lot less interference between the vks and the pirates than you’d think? mostly because they keep it a secret from drama queen mal ( cos in my mind, carlos and jay prolly know cos i uhh trust them with info like this ) though i feel like itd especially put a strain on her relationship with jay since he dont like harry and he was friends with mal first so ..
a loooot of quiet moments in his cabin on uma’s ship .. just enjoying each other’s company on his hammock, slowly rocking back and forth, her probably playing with his fingers cos damn
just as many arguments tho cos theyre both hot headed and their personalities clash like a motherfucker honestly like ?? a ton of banter and low-blow comments that end in heated silence until evie cracks and apologizes or harry slowly grins and they kiss and make up wow i love my kiddos
10/10 see him climbing a trellis like a better version of romeo like vbifbhcjndm wherefore art thou, harry hook? bgvfnj anyways ya i see it very vividly in my mind, especially when theyre first getting to know each other .. like they have whispered conversations on her crumbling balcony and in her mind shes like “why does he seem so familiar????” and hes like “wow who IS this girl” and its cute and silly and he teases her the whole time and she teases right back wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deep ass conversations under the stars about what they’d be doing if they were free to go wherever they want .. him talking about sailing the seas as a captain of his own ship and making a name for himself and she realizes as time passes that princes? dont seem very important to her anymore ?? and the more he talks about how wide and vast the ocean is the more appealing it become for her and she begins wishing he’d take her with him sighs
her initiating their first kiss cos uhh pirate or not hes like .. shes a Princess theres no way theres anything between us .. right ?? but obviously she likes him smh silly boy and she rolls her eyes and is like “when are you gonna kiss me?” and he stares at her for a sec before grinning like the roguish pirate he is and doing just that & its surprisingly gentle and uhh reverent BYE
evie willingly kissing him even tho it smear her perfectly applied lipstick ((:: and as an add on to that, evie letting him turn her into a disheveled mess after a thorough makeout session, hair all tangled, lipstick smeared, clothes wrinkled ihbvfnjdm and she lk loves it cos he clearly thinks shes still drop dead gorgeous without all the theatrics her mom ingrained into her mind that she needed to be beautiful ((:: i live and breathe for the acceptance !! wow !!
the angst .. when she goes to auradon .. wow ...... im actually so hurt by it ???? and i def see harry feeling abandoned sighs rip in peace my happy kiddos say hi to pain and suffering (:
doug ? is not a love interest in my mind .. sorry kid .. ur a good friend tho <3 and evie is in auradon watching mal maybe get her happily ever after and evie’s lowkey bitter abt it but obiously doesnt show it cos uhh shes here to love and support her ugli friend !!
harry being a Broody Mess and it making him seem more malicious and vile than before .. easier to enrage, quicker to react .. yk, harry in the movie !
but at the same time !! hes juggling uma’s i-told-you-so’s and trying to find a way to prove himself to his father and wishing evie hadn’t ever left and it being .. no fun at all for him esp with gil muttering about how he wishes evie were around and making the whole situation Worse smh
at the confrontation ohh god !! not the big one with everyone and the wand but before when they took ben ??? damn his eyes RAKED up and down her trying to assess if she was happier without him or if she felt even a little bit of what he did and getting angry when she gets angry over him taking ben i ??!!
evie sneaking away to confront harry personally over it and them getting into a shouting match and leaving things unresolved and WORSE than they’d been before ughhhhh
then ........ few months later boi gets an invite to come to auradon ... color him Surprised over that .. he almost refuses but he thinks of the ship he’s always wanted and quickly packs up his cabin like a second later
evie  mentally considering taking harry off the list initially but then remembers that its his only gd chance to get away from the damn isle and out on the sea like he always dreamed & knowing she cant take that chance away from him just cos shes scared to see him again
that got away from me and felt more like fanfic plotting ... but uhh harry being the one who taught her to swordfight cos lbr who else couldve ? jay didnt carry one around until auradon and as far as i know evie didn’t have any sort of fencing lessons ( especially since it was a big deal for lonnie to have been on the team ). so !!
he also taught her a handful of other self-defense maneuvers beyond running and potions that never worked correctly on the isle cos uhh its a shady ass place and hes Worried about her
also he 10/10 calls her princess anyone who disagrees is free to do so but theyre wrong
she repairs his coat All The Time cos boy is always in need of patching up smh BUT she sewed her lil heart with a crown on the inside of his coat right next to where it lays over his heart cos uhh she loves him pce
him bringing her pretty seashells and trinkets he got from the salvage ships .. things like faded gold earrings and necklaces when one time he shows up with this tiny little shard of blue seaglass thats worn into the shape of a heart and she immediately makes it a charm for a bracelet & treasure it above all the other things she has lol !
them being 200% supportive of each other in general and loving one another despite the odds against them??? harry literally willing to risk everything for her ?? her honestly getting tired of hiding him and pretending she doesnt like him and one day just blurting it out to mal and bein like “if you dont like it then that’s just too bad for you” and walking out head held high but deep down freaking the FUCK out bihfnjde and harry being So Proud of her and willing to legitimately fight mal if she gives her shit over it bgvihfnj wow i just .. i just love them so much ..
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