#platonic lamp/calm
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months ago
Logan: *writing down orders* What flavor of wings do you all want? Virgil?
Virgil: The hottest ones. I want to suffer-
Logan: *sighs* Right, ok, Roman?
Roman: Something sweet for this sweet prince-
Logan: *sighs again* Sure, whatever. Patton?
Patton: I don’t know, just WING it for me Lo-
Logan: -fine! Don’t give me the actual flavours, you’re all dead to me actually, I will to let you all starve-
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7s3ven · 5 months ago
YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN, KID. platonic! task force 141
( short one shot that I randomly came up with after seeing a tiktok )
full masterlist
IN WHICH… night after night, you seek the comfort of your teammates until they can no longer offer you any.
“You’re on your own, kid. You always have been.”
Notes: character death, a little angst, no happy ending (sorry guys 😞), reader suffers from trauma, platonic! tf 141 x reader, reader has sleeping problems, not following the canon plot
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You never slept well. No matter how soft your mattress was or how heavily your blankets weighed down on you, you just couldn’t drift off. The temperature in your room was perfect, the silence was comforting, your body was exhausted and yet your mind refused to turn off. It replayed the bloody moments you tried so hard to tune out, haunting you until you forced the thoughts away.
With slow movements, you begrudgingly shifted out of bed, soft pillow in hand. Your footsteps were quiet as you dragged yourself towards the small living room in the apartment you shared with your team.
The tiny room was lit up by only a dim lamp as you paused in the doorway, staring at your captain. He sat on the edge of the couch, reading a page of newspaper. Gaz and Soap were at each other’s sides, squished by Ghost who took up the majority of the space.
Captain John Price beckoned you forward. “Couldn’t sleep?” He whispered, careful not to disturb the rest of his soldiers. You took your head before wedging yourself between Ghost and Soap, forcing the masked soldier to move to offer you space. The large blanket your teammates were sharing engulfed you as you clumsily threw it over your body.
Ghost grunted, half awake as he shifted to the side. His heavy body fell onto you, resting his head on your shoulder. You leaned into his embrace. You heard the quiet click of the lamp being turned off, engulfing the room is darkness.
From your position squeezed between Ghost and Soap, you felt safe. Your eyes fluttered closed as you took a deep breath, the strong smell of Gaz’s cologne overwhelming your senses. And yet, it soothed you more than the lavender perfume you sprayed in your room.
Your lips curved into a small smile as your racing heart calmed down. Stuck in Soap’s tight grip, listening to Price’s quiet snores, hearing Gaz’s soft sleep mumbling, and feeling Ghost’s slow breaths on your neck, it felt like home.
Returning to the apartment without the rest of your team felt strange. You opened the door, staring at the interior. Your gaze trailed over the obnoxiously bright table cloth Soap had chosen and the large beer glasses left on the kitchen counter by Price.
You slowly blinked before shutting the door behind you. You half-heartedly expected Ghost to appear out of nowhere and offer you a short greeting like he always did. He did not.
Your team was dead. You were the lonesome survivor of the attack.
Your bag fell to the floor with a loud thud and you weren’t bothered to pick it back up. Your arms were not strong enough to withstand the weight anymore.
As if it was second nature, you trailed over to the liquor cabinet. You didn’t drink much so the cupboard was usually filled with Price’s beers and an occasional bottle of vodka provided by Soap. You grabbed the vodka, disliking the bitter taste of beer.
You didn’t bother to pour the alcohol into a cup; you simply popped the bottle open and gulped mouthfuls of it down. “Sorry, Johnny.” You muttered to yourself as you slumped in a seat, knowing how your teammate hated it when people stole his stuff.
The thoughts of your friends didn’t bother you as much during the day, where you could overwhelm yourself with unpacking and work. But when night hit, you felt yourself drowning in emotions.
You weren’t usually an emotional person, having been through the rigorous army training. Soldiers died everyday and you moved on like it was nothing, leaving a small gap in your mind to grieve for them. But this was different. This was your team, your family.
This was about Price who always assisted you when you needed something, who fixed your broken window when Soap accidentally hit it with a rugby ball. Who acted like an overprotective dad when you brought back a boy.
Soap who brought you snacks without the need to ask while you occupied yourself with paperwork, who somehow taped every concert of your favourite artist and showed you it with a bright smile.
Ghost who knew exactly how you liked your tea and bought you new cups to drink out of when your favourite wore down. Who secretly hated horror movies yet watched each and every one with you.
And Gaz who always returned with a new product to ease you into a more peaceful slumber and who didn’t mind staying up to comfort you from your late night terrors.
They were your closest friends and you missed them terribly to the point where your chest ached. You always hated when Soap raided the snack stash in your room but you’d do anything now to yell at him again.
You collapsed in your bed, exhausted and your body painfully throbbing. You closed your eyes in hopes of drifting off but your attempts were fruitless. You needed your teammates. You needed to sit on that damn couch in the living room with a blanket pulled up to your chin.
The hallway was pitch black as you walked into the lounge, peering through the darkness. It felt odd not to see Price reading his newspaper; your heart clenched at the short reminder that you would never see him again.
You tried to pretend the colorful pillows were your friends as you lay on the couch, that the smell of Gaz’s cologne wafting from one of the pillows was Gaz himself.
It tricked your mind into thinking they were beside you and you fell into an empty slumber.
As the last remaining member of Task Force 141, Laswell originally wanted to add new recruits with you as their leader. You would have gladly taken up the position if it weren’t for your circumstances. Replacing your former teammates would have pained you beyond repair.
As a result, Laswell moved you to a new squad and as thankful as you were when they understood your hesitation, you still refused when they offered you a place in their apartment.
You needed the couch that sat in the living room, collecting dust, in order to fall asleep. You needed Gaz’s cologne, Price’s strange collection of newspaper, Ghost’s spare masks, and Soap’s stupid rugs to calm your horrible thoughts.
You needed the apartment to stay the same, like your teammates had never left, to ignore the images of their bloodied faces engraved in your head.
“L/N, have you completed the paper work?” Your captain asked as he paused by your desk. It felt odd to look up and not be greeted with a beard.
“Yes, sir. Here it is.” You handed him the file with a tight-lipped smile.
“As efficient as ever, L/N.” He complimented you.
“Thank you, sir.” You nodded your head in appreciation.
“How are you doing with your…” He trailed off, not knowing how to word his question in a way that didn’t sound rude.
He meant your trauma, your nightmares, your grieving pain.
“I’m fine.” You say a little too quickly for him to believe you. Nevertheless, he doesn’t question the crack in your voice or the way your eyes dart around. He simply tilts his head.
“Take a break, L/N. I’ll deal with your paperwork for a day.” He places a business card on your desk, tapping on it. “If you need additional support, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You glanced down at the card as your captain exited your office. Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment as you realised he had given you a therapist’s card. Was your grief you had been trying to strategically hide that obvious? Well, at least he cared enough to offer you help.
Your short run to the grocery store was lonely to say the least. You dropped the bags the moment you walked into the apartment, staring at the cold kitchen and living room.
The tea bags that you hated but Ghost loved fell to the ground, scattering over the tiled floor. You promised yourself you would unpack the groceries later but as the sun set and the sky darkened, the plastic bags still sat by the door. It was usually Gaz’s job to deal with the groceries.
You knew any attempt to sleep in your own bed would be useless so you gathered your blankets and pillows without any thought, pacing towards the living room.
You let out a loud scream when you came face to face with Ghost.
“Aye, what yer yelling ‘bout, Bonnie? It’s just us.” Soap uttered. You peeked around Ghost, spotting Gaz and Price already on the couch.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Price asked.
You knew this was only your mind feeding you delusions, messing with you, but you were too tired to care. All you needed was them and if it took talking to your imagination, you’d take it.
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oceantornadoo · 3 months ago
lavender haze (price x f!reader, explicit use of weed/smoking mention)
it was the happiest day of your life. john was on one knee, smiling and holding a ring box up to you. your smile was too big for your face. as you reached forward for him, the ground shook, causing you to look up. that wasn’t right - you were in a hellscape. the air clogged your lungs, buildings were burning and screams rang out. the cries of innocents permeated the air. john was still on his knee, smiling. a popping sound surrounded you, then he wasn’t smiling anymore. the ring lay in a pool of blood as your captain’s eyes glazed over…
“wake up, lieutenant.”
you couldn’t stop looking into john’s eyes. and where was his hat? he never went to battle without it.
“c’mon, you need to wake up.”
you could hear them coming for you. the same footsteps that killed john. they were right behind you and-
“baby please, wake up.”
you woke up with a gasp, the room pitch black around you. a lamp flicked on, casting the motel room in an eerie glow, illuminating the man next to you. your captain, decidedly and platonically just that, was a bit flustered, his hand on your back to track your breathing. “y’ were having’ a nightmare.” you nodded, sucking in greedy amounts of air into your lungs as you calmed down your body. it was routine now, waking up in the middle of the night and walking yourself off the ledge of a panic attack. unfortunately, this time had to be when you shared a bed with your captain. platonically. for the mission.
“i find a smoke helps when i can’t sleep.” he’s still here, rubbing your back in small circles. your heart jumps and you kill it with a reminder of how he fist bumps and shoulder taps the men on your team. it means nothing, he’s just being a good captain. “don’t have anything on me.” your voice is gravel, hoarse from the phantom screams in your dreams. “‘s ok. i could use a smoke too.” he drops his hand, moving to get out of the rickety mattress this establishment calls a bed. you avert your eyes at the sight of him in a casual t-shirt and boxers, willing your overactive imagination to go away. the imagination that thinks about how he’d look after a one-night stand or a casual lie-in with his lover. the one that inserts you into the fantasy.
“c’mere.” the room has a small balcony, barely enough room for two, but he gestures to you anyways as he unlocks the door. there is something in his hand, but your sleepy brain tells you it’s too small to be a cigar. odd. when you walk outside, you’re immediately met with the edge of the balcony. it’s truly standing room only. a glance to your left reveals your captain looking for threats in the night sky, finally satisfied when his shoulders drop an inch. he takes out a lighter, something with the image of a santa claus that you can imagine gaz gave him as part of his old man jokes. john raises something to his mouth. the smell is odd, not that of his regular cigars, and it takes you a second to process as you wrack your brain. “is that…weed?” he exhales in a partial laugh, restraining a cough since you ruined his proper exhale. “surprised, lieutenant?” you scoff, reaching for the joint. his fingers brush yours, the joint really too long for that to be necessary, calluses on calluses setting your body aflame. you take a hit, trying to remember how to inhale correctly as it’s been a while since you’ve smoked weed on a balcony with someone. not to mention, your captain. “big inhale, lieutenant. not just a mouth breath.” you hum as you exhale, satisfied you’re able to follow his instructions. “good girl.” he is too, apparently. you shake off any underlying message.
“can’t believe my captain smokes weed.” he takes the joint back wordlessly, fingers brushing yours again. “rarely. jus’ for nightmare occasions. never on a mission.” funny, since you're both waiting for exfil the next morning. a bit closer to a mission than you imagined he usually did. “technically, we’re still on a mission.” you were on your third hit now, time going fast when it was just you and john on this lonely balcony. “necessary exception. can’t have my best lieutenant runnin’ on an empty tank.”
you bit back a smile at his compliment. “i won’t tell ghost if you won’t.” john rewarded you with a chuckle, a deep belly laugh you’d only heard once or twice. so this is what he was like high - a man who allowed himself to have fun. you could work with that. “won’t matter. y’ve got him wrapped ‘round your finger.” a jilted gasp escaped you as you refrained from stomping your feet. “no way! if anything it’s soap since ghost calls him johnny. i couldn't get away with half of the things soap does.” the joint was almost finished and you hadn’t even realized. he offered you one last hit before putting it out on the railing. disappointment sank heavy in your stomach, a feeling that the moment was almost gone.
your captain turned to you, a string pulling you closer until you were standing under him. his eyes were red, smile lines fresh. “you look good. sorry, relaxed. i see why you smoke now.” you murmured. his hand reached out into the space between you, then dropped back down. weird for him of all people to make an uncertain move. “think soap is to ghost what you are t’ me.” this had to be a cruel trick the universe was playing on you. “you mean you’re wrapped around my finger?” he nodded slow, the weed sinking its claws into him. “you’re just high, captain.” he frowned unexpectedly. “‘s john.” oh. oh. you nodded silently. the next steps were fuzzy, a dance you’d never learned.
“what was your nightmare about?” that was not what you thought he would ask. “um. the usual. the battlefield and dying and…yeah.” this time, his hand had a direction. it raised to your hairline, tracing the skin gently as his thumb led the way down to the curve of your ear. he felt that too, seemingly enamored with the softness of your earlobe before dropping his hand completely, like it never happened.
“you said my name, before you woke up. screamed it, practically gave me a heart attack.” his eyes were questioning, burning into yours like an interrogation. “oh. yeah, it was, um. youwereinmydreamandyoudied.” you practically spit the last part out, turning your head to study the skyline instead of finding whatever was on his face. unexpectedly, the weed made you both talkative and shy, a combination you didn’t expect. maybe it was sativa. “what happened before i died?” it was like he knew what happened, even though there was no way. right? you couldn’t resist a sideways glance, tracking the open earnestness of his face. “you were…proposing.” the last word was a whisper. “which is crazy, obviously. just a stupid dream.” you cut in before he could open his mouth. there was that frown again, one he rarely directed towards you. before tonight, that was.
“like this?” there was a yearning in his voice and when you blinked, he was on one knee. somber, not smiling like in your dream. he was realer, a wrinkle here and a gray hair there. your feet took you closer until his view was your thighs. that’s when you remembered you’d gone to bed in only a t-shirt and underwear, not having packed for an extra night in a motel. the triangle of your panties peeked out from your shirt and embarrassment creeped up your skin.
“i’m sorry, this is inappropriate. i shouldn’t be dressed like this, i'm sorry, captain.” his gaze hadn’t moved. “john.” a low exhale escaped him, like you saying his name had lifted a weight from him. unlikely, but a nice visual.
“‘ve never heard you say my name.” he was still on his knees, but he moved his head until he made eye contact. “guess i never had a reason.” he tilted his head to the side. “what’s your reason now?” you were scrambling off the edge of something you couldn’t see. you didn’t know this game you were playing. “you- you told me to.” he nodded, raising back to his full height off his knee. for some reason, you were disappointed. “you’d do anything i ask you?” it was the weed, surely, that made you nod vigorously. “get on the bed, then.”
you got on the bed. could feel him vibrating behind you as you walked towards it. turning, you sat on the very edge, legs tightly pressed together. “you’re high.” he shook his head. “barely. bein’ high doesn’t make me lie, sweetheart. quite the opposite, in fact.” you had no mental energy to get into the word sweetheart. it had already warmed your belly and turned you inside out.
“i’m high.” he said nothing. “barely.” you added with a whisper. “out of excuses yet?” you spread your legs instead of answering, letting him step in between them. he bent down slowly, turning your chin to him like you were something precious, something to take his time with. the kiss was slow, both of you tasting bitter because of the weed, and it was magical. you wrapped your legs behind him until he got the message, pushing you down. he grinded into you, hard and wanting.
“i’d propose to you now, y’know. jus’ don’t carry the ring with me on missions.” it took a second for the message to get through, especially since his lips moved to your neck, biting and sucking. “there’s a, fuck john, there’s a ring?” he was leaving hickies, surely. the weed had turned him into a teenager, and you giggled at the thought. he misinterpreted your laugh, pulling back until his eyes met yours.
“you got a problem with a ring?” you whined at the loss of him on you. “no. no. c’mere.” he leaned down for a kiss and you flipped the both of you over, straddling him with ease. his hands landed on your ass, pushing you closer until you could feel his hardness. he was such a possessive kisser, biting you when you drew back for a millisecond. his scruff scratched you pleasantly and you hummed like a cat in the sun. his neck felt so delicious under your fingers and you decided to explore it, small kisses and kitten licks until he was growling.
“you wet f’ me, baby?” his tone unlocked a memory. “you called me baby earlier. when i was sleeping.” john didn’t give you an answer, staring at you expressionless. “and?” it sent you sputtering. “you can’t call women baby when they’re asleep.” there was that frown again. “‘m not callin’ women baby. ‘m callin’ you baby. because you’re mine. got a problem with that?” you shut him up with a kiss. he was infuriating.
the wetness between your thighs was concerning. your hips were grinding of their own accord, the feeling of his clothed cock between your folds addicting. the weed supplied you with confidence, fingers reaching down to move your panties to the side. he let out a groan at the feel of your bare cunt against his boxers, soaking them through.
“not fuckin’ you like this, baby. not here.” you nodded against his skin, tongue darting out to lick at the beads of sweat that hard formed. “still want to come, though.” if weed made him laugh like this, you were determined to get him high every day. his hands tightened on your hips, pulling you harder and faster against him. the angle was perfect, the contours of his body catching your clit with every grind. his eyes were open, tracking your every movement.
“john,” and he understood you completely, catching your mouth with his lips again. he tasted like yours. pressure coiled in your stomach at the thought. john was yours. “captain,” you groaned against his lips, reveling in the strained sound he let out. “gonna make me come before you do, sweetheart.” his mouth left yours, instead biting your breast over your shirt. it was too much: the sweat, the grinding, the bites he delivered with vigor. he pushed you down harder, the motion brushing your clit and sending you over the edge.
“fuck, baby.” it sounded like you both said it at the feeling of his cock leaking cum beneath his boxers, the fabric soaked both ways. time stopped as you both looked down, taking a second to take in the sight. it was absolutely carnal, the grinding without fucking. a claiming.
“‘m tired.” you whispered. neither of you had a change of clothes so you both stripped them off, reveling in the sight of your naked bodies together. he pulled you into him, tucking you under his chin as you wrapped yourself in his body heat. so strong, so capable. your hands traced his chest, tangling in his body hair, until sleep overtook you. finally, a nightmare-free sleep.
i have no idea what made me write this since i haven't smoked in like over a year. if my depictions of being high are inaccurate, welp. also yes i headcanon price as a smoker but very occasionally just when he's stressed
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misshoneyimhome · 1 year ago
Can i please ask a small scenario of luke hughes finishing first and he is so embarrassed and cute and hides his face in readers face and neck. Reader is so calm and sweet to him. Thanks love 🥰
Okay okay, so this was very brief! And also my first time writing about Luke Hughes... and I know I said no players born after 2001, but what can I say, I do like a challenge 🙈 Though I do feel like I violated him...
Hope it's alright love 😉🤍
Warnings; 18+ smut; protected sex (p in v);
Word count; 1.5K
・✶ 。゚
Practice makes perfect | Luke Hughes 🖋️⚡️
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"What a game, huh?" you exclaimed with excitement as you greeted Luke, who was coming out of the locker room after the New Jersey game against the Blackhawks.
"It was alright," the young defensemen simply smiled in response.
"Alright? Luke, you played amazingly tonight," you embraced him in a hug, smiling up at your tall boyfriend, feeling he deserved more praise.
"Thanks," he flashed you a sweet, humble smile, wrapping his long arms around your body. Tucking you into him before letting you go and admiring your beautiful face. "So, what's the plan now?"
You could sense a slight hint of nervousness in his question, considering that you and Luke had only recently started seeing each other.
You had gotten to know him platonically during the summer, and as the regular season progressed, you slowly grew closer. However, your relationship was still fairly new.
"Coming over to your place?" you timidly suggested in a sweet voice, and Luke couldn’t help but return your joy. You always had a way of making him weak in the knees, from the very first moment he laid eyes on you, where he mentally had to kick himself multiple times for taking so long to ask you out.
And there you were, entwined on his sofa, celebrating the night's victory, with his 6'2" frame leaning over you. Your fingers intertwined in his brown curls as his lips caressed yours, his tongue gently seeking entrance, meeting yours with hunger.
The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of a lamp casting a warm ambiance. The celebration continued with the faint sound of the TV playing highlights of the game in the background. The scent of victory lingered in the air, mixed with the comforting aroma of the takeout you both had enjoyed earlier.
"Easy, Luke," you chuckled lightly into the kiss, feeling his desire growing, along with impatience and almost neediness. "Slow down, we've got time."
"Sorry, babe," he breathed out with a light smile. "I'm just so..."
"Turned on?" you asked, your eyes glancing downwards to his very hard member, concealed in his sweats.
"Yeah," he softly admitted before once again pressing his mouth onto yours. Although he did try to slow down a little, it was rather difficult for him.
You were one of the most gorgeous and sweet girls he'd ever met. His hockey career always making it difficult to date like a regular teenager, and as a young adult having to take life seriously now, it hadn't gotten any easier.
But then you came around. And though he wasn't exactly a virgin when the two of you met, he might still have been on the less experienced side. Again, his hard work to reach the same level of career as his brothers had limited his social life. Which also meant his intimate time with girls.
And as you felt his rather sizeable length, firm against your inner thigh, you knew he was too worked up to slow down any further.
"Bedroom, Luke..." you breathed in between his sloppy kisses, and before long, he guided you to his room, where he swiftly pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his toned hockey torso, while you discarded your own blouse. Trousers went next, and not many seconds passed before you were back in the same position, your legs on each side of Luke as he hovered over you, lips connected, bodies growing warmer with every touch, creating friction, and sweat.
Yet, despite his deep need to feel himself reaching the much-anticipated climax, Luke was still trying his best to focus on you.
So, as you shared the passionate kiss, his fingers found the edge of your knickers, gently sneaking a finger inside as he located your entrance, poking and teasing before sliding it in.
Soft moans escaped your lips as you felt the pleasure he was causing, and you slowly developed an impatient need for more, which was given to you with a second finger.
And as Luke skilfully fingered you, something he'd, of course, learned from his older brothers, he too felt the impending surge of pleasure within him. The room filled with the heady mix of desire and intimacy, creating a space where time seemed to stand still, solely dedicated to the symphony of your shared sensations.
His cock was already dripping with pre-cum, creating a small damp patch in his boxers as he felt it throbbing, almost pulsating, craving to be touched.
"Yes, Luke," you moaned softly as you felt his fingers massaging your walls.
But with every pump, he felt himself in more need to feel those walls around his length instead. So, as impatience took over, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you feeling a void as he shifted his position, pulled off his boxers, and then returned to tuck down your underwear.
His facial expression was so serious, much like when he was playing hockey - focused and determined. Yet, this time, he also seemed desperate to be touched and in need to reach his peak.
Reaching over to the nightstand where Jack had been kind enough to place a few condoms as a joke, he took out the little packaging. However, as he seemed to fumble with it, you offered him a helping hand.
"Here, let me," you smiled up at him as you took out the latex and gently wrapped his length, causing little squirms from the boy above you, as your touch made him feel the sense of pleasure he was craving.
And then swiftly, he returned to missionary once more and let the tip of his member gently touch and tease your tight entrance.
"Slowly, love," you tried with a soft whisper. However, as Luke eased himself into your depth, your whisper quickly turned into a moan instead, feeling his long shaft filling your warmth.
"Shit..." he breathed out, slowly beginning to rock his hips, letting his cock glide in and out of you as he stimulated your walls. The room echoed with the sounds of your shared passion, a harmony of gasps, moans, and the rhythmic dance of bodies entwined in the heat of the moment. The intensity grew, the connection deepening with every thrust, creating a heated atmosphere. 
"That's it, Luke..." you moaned in between breaths as he found a solid pace, thrusting and hitting the very end of your depth. Your hands finding his locks that you could pull on as you felt the building of an orgasm once again within.
However, the more Luke felt stimulated, the more he increased his speed. His thrusts slowly grew eager and more forceful as he got closer to his climax, still feeling the rush of a win from the match as he pounded into you.
And you felt him getting sloppier. His eyes shutting close as he desperately fought not to reach the peak, trying his best to have you come with him. Carefully he listened to your moans as you were about to let yourself give in to an orgasm as well.
"Yes, baby... I'm close... please come with me..." Luke almost cried out.
And you were almost there with him.
But as you were about to announce your climax, the tightening of your core around Luke's shaft had him involuntarily come a little too close to his peak. And with a deep, uncontrollable grunt, he let himself go, spilling his release into the latex as he felt the rush take over.
"Fuck..." Luke shouted, letting go of the last drops, his body trembling as he almost collapsed and fell with his face into the crook of your neck. The room was filled with the aftermath of passion, both of you catching your breath in the shared intimacy of the moment. The echoes of pleasure lingered in the air, creating a sense of vulnerability.
You let the silence fill the room as Luke slowly gained control of his heavy breaths, his body lying on top of you as he let out a deep sigh.
"I'm so sorry, babe..." he timidly mumbled into your skin, and you couldn't help but form a soft smile on your lips.
"It's okay, Luke," you tried to comfort him with a soft tone of voice, gently stroking your fingers through his hair before he lifted his head to look at you.
"No, it's not okay... you didn't get to come first, baby... you know I always want that," he whispered softly, his eyes darting from side to side as he kept apologising.
But you merely offered him another light chuckle and caressed his cheek. "Hey, it was your night tonight... after the thrill from the game, and how eager we both were, it makes sense it didn't take long."
“Still… I feel bad about not making you come…”
Once more, you just flashed him a soft smile.
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to do it again – you know what they say: practice makes perfect.”
And your words seemed to slowly reassure him as you both remained in the relaxed position, comforting each other while keeping your eyes locked onto his. Eventually, he accepted your words and withdrew himself from your embrace.
Though you had to admit feeling a little disappointed, having been so close to your peak, you were also okay with how Luke came to his release. He had made you feel good after all, and it truly brought you joy to please him.
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fridaysmind · 1 month ago
Shifting priorities
The Doctor x reader (platonic)
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Okay, I've only written on Transformers, but seeing the new installment of PPT just made me smile and sit down to write. I love the scientist characters too much. Warning: mention of organs and violent experiments, possible spoilers. If you want me to write you something, feel free to request it!
Yes. Yes, he knows no mercy, yes, he's ruthless and cruel. So what? If even half the employees in this company were as logical, goal-oriented, the greatest things were created long ago. If that snot-nosed jerk Ludwig, with his inspirational speeches and penetratingly understanding gaze, would stop acting like a softy, immortality would not be a dream, but a matter of money. Sure, these assholes would be sure to talk about the good for the world, but who gives a damn? They don't understand anything at all, make heroes out of themselves, sympathize, pity, as if they are not the ones watching bloody experiments on cameras, as if they are not the ones keeping living corpses in cages without food
Let any of them call Sawyer an asshole, so be it, but he was honest enough, at least with himself. He knew who he was and didn't try to appear different.
Some of the employees laughed at him when he brought you, a kid, into his cleanest (and relatively) office for notes and paperwork. They threw jokes about his demotion to babysitter or his willingness to leave his job and go into fatherhood. The doctor had no trouble putting them in their place.
They don't understand because of their own feeble-mindedness, Sawyer says to himself, looking down into your big, overly intelligent eyes. He took this kid away, like finding a diamond in a pile of dirt, sand, and debris. He knew those test results, he knew that communication style. It was hard not to recognize himself in your face. A kind of little genius who'd been so lucky to get into the orphanage.
You're definitely different from the other kids, you don't look at him like he's the last hope, like you're a yard dog, you don't act like a nasty snotty brat, none of that. But he sees respect, he sees that one genius recognizes and acknowledges another and it rubs off on his ego. You laboriously write something out of his study guides by the light of a desk lamp, read his notes, speak of him to others with reverence, causing him something resembling a surge of pride.
Kids are always too curious, especially the smart ones, and you were out of the question. Of course you did sneak in during one of his experiments. He can blame himself for not locking the door. He could, yes, but he won't. Another body opened up before him like a flower bud, not moving as he carefully separated the marrow with a scalpel and as your stupid face crawled out from the other side of the bunk, making him shriek in fright.
He was almost on the verge of a breakdown, it had all started out so well, now he'd have to either keep you on a leash or get rid of you altogether, the kids can't live with themselves after a sight like that!
But oh, oh, he remembered why he chose you. Staring emotionlessly at the pale face of the girl you had definitely previously known, you point a finger towards her head asking to see the actual brain. He calms down in an instant, noting to himself again what a genius he is for discerning the right specimen.
As the doctor continues to poke around inside the children, you sketch out cerebral gyrus in your notebook, interjecting now and then about the purpose and name of certain parts of the large hemispheres of the brain. Wonderful child…
As the years of his work go by, you grow up. You enjoy interacting with experiment 1166, stroking his colorful fur, throwing him things to bring back. You're aware of his human nature, as well as many other things, but you remain as he chose you to be–cold and indifferent.
The Doctor notes some signs of savagery in you, very slight, but that's not surprising when a child grows up underground, in the company of adults, experiments, and beast-like unintelligent creatures. You can survive it.
His first reaction when he wakes up, immobilized, split into pieces and placed in the damn machine–worrying about himself. Not that it's unexpected. He remembers you pretty quickly, too. Where are you, where is his favorite apprentice? He asks questions, demands answers, threatens, but a short 'run away' is all he gets in response.
Immersed in darkness and silence, abandoned by traitors who only turn when they need his brainpower, he thinks of you. You're still not as bright as he is, but your company was much more pleasant than this one. Did you just run away, leaving him alone? You don't think of him even after all these years together? You grew up around him, he taught you so many things that he knew himself, didn't you get attached?
What a silly thing to say, he doesn't get attached, and you're so much like him that you're hardly different in this. Sawyer can't help but feel something unpleasant at the thought. Abandoned, all traitors and all abandoned him!
The ray of light in this prison was your sudden voice. He thought he had lost his mind, he mean even more, but no, you were definitely here, the cameras didn't lie. He couldn't help but scare you a couple times, just for fun, understand the old man, he was so bored here! But he helps you get to him, genuinely happy to be able to socialize again. No, he hasn't become like those soft-spoken idiots in the factory, it's just nice to talk to a decent person, that's all.
You stay by his side survived by nothing short of a miracle when the Prototype himself visits the Doctor after the Hour of Joy. They need his mind, they need his intelligence and knowledge. All that, but not you.
Sawyer almost squeals, screaming that he will not help them under any circumstances if they touch such a marvelous specimen, he is uncompromising, unafraid of the threats of a huge creature that makes even your mouth dry up with a semblance of worry.
You're staying, alive again by a miracle. and under strict surveillance by everyone. No one here trusts you, nor will they. You don't expect them to be kind, though.
The Prototype has warned Sawyer that your feeding is only the Doctor's own responsibility and goes into the shadows. You are left alone with each other, simultaneously tongue clucking and hissing the same curse. Everyone here is such an asshole.
181 notes · View notes
theprioryorange · 5 months ago
blood and glitter ➛ a sienna shaw x fem!reader twoshot (part one)
pairing(s): sienna shaw x fem!reader
summary: sienna shaw is an enigma with wings and a sword, destined. oh, she’s also your friend who you may or may not be a little in love with…
tags ~> fem!reader, fluff, smut, romance, friends to lovers, explicit sexual content, explicit language, no mentions of art the clown/any deaths, not really canon tbh, semi-public sex, cunnilingus, fingering, scissoring, praise kink, d/s undertones, gay panic, awkward romance
warnings!: nsfw, pretty graphic smut, explicit language
word count: 11.3k+
a/n: this is my first ever time posting any writing of mine on here so i hope you all enjoy, i’m also going to be posting this to ao3 if you guys ever read stuff on there :) i’m currently experiencing terrifier 3 brain rot especially because of sienna so i need to write this to get it out of my system cus DAMN.
i've tried to make the reader's character not super specfiic as to be as inclusive as possible - the only things described physically is that the reader has female anatomy
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The steps that led up towards Sienna’s bedroom looked a little menacing as you stood at their bottom. It felt like you were about to enter a whole other private world you previously had never had access to. The situation was strange, not strange in nature, but because of the fact that although you and the other girl had been friends for months, you still had yet to step foot inside her bedroom.
You had been to her house before, especially when Allie and Brooke wanted to hang out too but had never been in her bedroom. The upstairs of her house was uncharted territory.
But it was normal right? It was completely normal, you were just a friend visiting another friend’s house, about to enter their room so the two of you could get ready for a Halloween party. Every teen movie had this exact moment of calm where the characters could have dialogue and bond a little before moving onto the last big final act.
Sienna wasn’t just your friend though, to you she was something more. You didn’t want to just be her friend.
You had known she was special ever since she had waved you over one near summer afternoon to her lunch table and had complimented you on the iron-on patches that were littered across your jacket. The two young women sitting with her had looked a little confused when she started rambling on about Daft Punk and French Police (the band, not the law enforcement), but you had understood.
Like a puzzle, you two had fit perfectly together, two pieces clicking into place.
At first the fluttery feeling that bombarded your stomach at the thought of her was mistaken as relief. Platonic affection, and slightly pathetic gratitude that finally you didn’t have to sit alone at lunch. That you would now have some people you actually knew.
But once the four of you had begun to hang out, even though you and Allie got close fast, and Brooke at least tolerated your presence, your ever-growing bond with Sienna was different.
That bond, the thing you had labelled as different, should’ve made it easy for you to climb the stairs and waltz into the bedroom like it was yours. Instead, it had your feet glued to the floor. Barbara, Sienna’s mother and the one who had let you in, finally noticed your hesitation.
The woman didn’t seem to find it strange, simply chuckling and gesturing for you to go up. “She is expecting you honey, don’t worry.”
Giving her a small smile to try and seem relaxed only aided in making you look more nauseous. And to save yourself further embarrassment in the company of your new friend’s mom, you went upstairs. A few of the room doors were opened, but instantly looking within the second one you knew it was Sienna’s.
The room faintly glowed with dim lamp light, and the walls were covered in posters and pieces of art that were sure to have been done by the brunette herself. Every time you had the pleasure of being shown something she had created it always managed to take your breath away. You yourself weren’t exactly terrible when it came to a pencil and pad, but your talent laid more in academics than anything truly creative.
Sienna had actually offered to teach you how to draw one evening after you had caught a glimpse of her notepad; design sketches for costumes and makeup looks covering the pages. The temptation of spending more time with her outside of classes and lunch break had won you over. So far, with her help, you now knew how to draw something reminiscent of a detailed cat. Nothing Picasso-like, but it was a start.
One of the things on her wall that caught your eye was a neon white LED light in the shape of a skull. It showcased there was something a little morbid about the beauty of Sienna’s aesthetic too. Both of you had bonded over your love for all things morbid and you regularly had horror movie nights – sometimes with Allie and Brooke. Most of the time it was just the two of you though, the way you preferred it.
“Hey” the young woman had noticed you standing in the doorway and got off the bed to greet you.
Holy. Shit.
She had messaged you pictures of the costume she had created throughout the months, showing you the tiresome but fulfilling process of how it came to be. But none of them had been of her actually wearing it. You subtly tried to grab onto the doorframe, so you didn’t fall over flat on your face.
The Valkyrie armour your friend had adorned was a shiny bronze, and the intricate details of everything needed a few looks to really sink in. It wasn’t only the outfit itself that was making your heart palpitate; half of her hair was down, and the other half was sorted neatly into pretty braids.
The realisation she had actually made all this herself added another extra reason to your speechlessness – the main fact being though that she looked like something out of a fantasy nerd’s wet dream. But in a good way, definitely in a good way.
“Wow…” was all you could say, making her laugh and spin around so you could see the back of her costume. The two majestic wings sprouting out of her back seemed ironic then as you were almost sure she was an angel.
“What’d you think?” Sienna asked, turning back around so she could gauge your reaction. Not that there was much to analyse there though, you were still silent – but thankfully had managed to close your mouth. Running a hand through your hair you tried to find the words to express how ethereal she looked.
“It’s great, really great.” Way to go, loser.
Her face dropped just a little, did she think you were being insincere because your response was so short? Quite the opposite. You quickly scrambled to try and rectify your statement.
“No, like I really mean it. I-I mean the shoulder piece, the wings, it’s so detailed and pretty. And your makeup, I mean wow you look so…sparkly!” Although what you had just said embarrassed you even further, Sienna’s disappointed expression had been replaced with fondness and amusement.
“Yeah?” the cosplayer murmured, turning back to the mirror, and admiring herself for another moment. The truth was, she was extremely proud of how it had turned out, and your approval had meant a lot to her especially considering her mother’s likely disapproval when she saw what she’d be going out in. The weight of your opinion to Sienna was more than what was standard or acceptable for the average friend, even if she couldn't admit that.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“I can’t wait to see your costume” she smiled, looking down at the backpack you had put down on the floor. The reality was setting in that you’d have to show her your costume.
Seriously, compared to Sienna’s costume, everyone else’s would be very much underwhelming – it was mean of her to assume everyone just was as talented as she was. The chic vampire look you were about to try to achieve would definitely not live up to standard, but you couldn’t spend the entire evening in her bedroom doorway.
“Can I get changed in your bathroom?”
Sienna’s head tilted a little in confusion at that, but realised you weren’t comfortable with getting undressed in front of her, so she smiled and said: “Sure, it’s the first door when you turn right, you’ll easily find it.”
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Running a hand down your crisp shirt to smooth it out, you glanced at yourself in the mirror - so far you just looked a bit like a fancy Victorian aristocrat. It was agreed that the girl in the other room would help you do the special effects (and general) makeup for your costume, and you hoped that it would help elevate it to be a little more Halloweenesque.
No doubt your other two friends were doing the exact same thing right now, Allie putting a lot more effort into her costume than Brooke though.
“You ready for your makeover, Dracula?!” Sienna shouted from the other room, making you almost drop the comb you had brought with you into the sink (slicking back your hair was a harder affair than first thought).
You cleared your throat before replying. “Umm yeah hang on!” Grabbing what she’d need to transform you into a citizen of Transylvania, you walked back into the bedroom.
Standing in front of the bed, you gave her an awkward half sort of twirl. It made your cape swish around at least.
Sienna bit her lip as she tried not to laugh. “Wow, umm, it’s actually quite cool. I think the makeup will give it that extra oomph though, can’t have a vampire without fangs.” Both of you looked towards the package that contained the fake fangs. Also splayed out on the bed was a collection of makeup: eyeshadow palettes, mascaras, lip gloss, concealer – all Sienna’s, and some fake blood, glittery fake blood. You supposed that was where the chic part of your costume came in.
The armoured girl looked at you for a moment for patting a space on the bed, silently asking you to sit down so she could get started. You complied a little too quickly, feeling almost lightheaded by being in her presence and by being so close.
“Fangs or makeup first?”
You pointed to the fake, glue-on fangs a little apprehensively, hoping the glue wouldn’t fuck up your teeth.
Sienna worked quickly and efficiently, like how she did most things – you knew this because you spent admittedly quite a lot of time looking at her when she was in the middle of doing something. Brooke sometimes teased you for it, but you were pretty confident you had the others convinced your admiration for the artist was purely platonic.
“Open your mouth” the brunette instructed, you shifted on the bed a little and did as you were told. Her fingers tingled as she touched your face, tilting your head up so she could press on one of the fake fangs to your tooth, holding it until the glue stuck.
Whilst it wasn’t exactly what you had hoped for when you sometimes wished for her fingers in your mouth, it felt adrenaline-inducing all the same. You couldn’t take your eyes away from her face, even though you knew it was rude to stare, and even though you were almost certain she was aware of your staring. Sienna’s outfit and makeup was breathtaking, a homage to just how talented she was – how beautiful she was too.
The idea of her as some sort of mystic Valkyrie warrior fit, it fit perfectly and made you want to faint every time you looked at her.
“Okay, second and last one, just stay still for a moment.” The brunette applied a tiny dab of prosthetics glue to the end of the other vampire tooth before gesturing for you to open your mouth again. You did so and glanced away as she held the fake fang in place, trying not to acknowledge how flush your face was getting.
After they had been applied, and your teeth really did resemble ones of a bloodsucking creature of the night, Sienna moved on to doing your makeup.
The close proximity she had to your face was beginning to make you feel a little sweaty. The first step she took for your transformation was making you look a little more pale than usual, sickly. Not wanting to make it too obvious or campy by using face paint she instead used foundation, concealer and powder a few shades lighter than your natural skin colour.
Next came the eye makeup, Sienna dabbed very small amounts of what seemed to be eye shadow under your eyes to give the appearance of dark circles. Not that she needed much help with that, you were a bit of an insomniac.
The eyeshadow she used around your eyes was black and glittery, drawing attention to your irises. It felt weird trying not to look at the other girl when she was staring so intensely into (or rather, around) your eyes. The same thing happened when she was doing your lip gloss to quote unquote ‘draw attention to your mouth’ and subsequently, your fangs – you thought she might have been staring a little too hard.
And finally, the fake blood. Sienna had dipped the end of a very fine makeup brush in the fake crimson, tickling you slightly as she dabbed your lower lip with it. For a little extra effect, she let some run down your chin, staring a little intensely as some of it ran down your neck a little as your head was tilted back.
Trying not to take the moment as more than it was, and trying to calm your racing heart, you got off the bed to admire your friend’s handiwork in the mirror.
“Holy shit” you laughed, looking at your face from different angles. You could pass as Dracula himself if it wasn’t for the glitter in the fake blood Sienna had running down your chin. Unless he was a very campy Dracula.
“Sparkly Dracula” she commented, looking a little distracted as she assumably admired your costume. You turned around back to her and shot her a genuine smile.
“I love it, thank you.”
The girl shrugged a little and tried to brush the compliment off, but you could tell she was secretly happy to be praised. Sienna always acted humble and dismissive whenever someone complimented her artistry, but you could tell it made her feel good. She, in your opinion, should have been used to compliments by then as everything she touched turned to metaphorical gold, Halloween costumes were no different.
“Right come on” she followed you in getting off the bed and grabbing her phone as the two of you were already running late. “If we’re not there soon we’ll miss all the fun.” A part of you wanted to ask what was fun about a bunch of gross sweaty teenagers getting drunk and rubbing up on each other on a dance floor.
You’d much rather just spend the evening in her bedroom watching cheesy 80’s slasher movies and eating popcorn. But you could tell Sienna was looking forward to it, seeing it as an opportunity to blow off some steam, and held your tongue. The things you did for love.
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The floor under your feet vibrated with music as the two of you tried to weave your way through the crowd to where Allie and Brooke were. You, thankfully, saw no sign of Brooke’s boyfriend (small mercies). Finally reaching the two of them, you all got a chance to admire each other’s outfits.
Neither of their costumes were as well-crafted (or as hot) as Sienna’s but both looked cute, passable for Halloween. Allie thought the glitter in your fake blood added a nice touch.
“What are you? A gay Dracula?” Brooke snorted, taking another swig of whatever was in her cup. Without knowing any better, and going by her facial expression, it looked like she was drinking straight up gasoline. At her best friend’s remark Sienna tried not to roll her eyes.
“Leave them alone, I think they look great.”
Brooke gave her a look.
The blonde smirked, simply shaking her head as she looked around. “Nothing.” The slightly awkward moment was broken when the song changed to a favourite and Allie pulled all of you to the middle of the dance floor. A thing you had yet to mention to them was that you didn’t dance, not well at least. The idea of embarrassing yourself in front of Sienna made you want to dig a hole in the ground to crawl into.
“Come on” Sienna goaded you. Suddenly it seemed like the entire room faded away as she grabbed you by the hips and made you dance with her. Allie and Brooke and everyone else suddenly didn’t exist. The strobe lights on the ceiling made the glitter paint on Sienna’s face sparkle, her eyes equally so.
It felt like looking into a galaxy. Your heart was about to jump into your throat.
Perhaps she thought you looked silly almost frozen in the middle of the dancefloor as she started to laugh, head tilted back like an amused goddess. After a little bit of encouragement, and after the fear of looking like a socially awkward freak in front of the other girl took over, you started to dance with her. Properly this time.
A part of you didn’t want to just let go, you were hyperaware of the people all around the two of you. That was the way it had always been for you, so focused on if others were looking at you, and if they were, what they were thinking.
Surely Sienna’s carefreeness had started to rub off on you, as right then you were so tired of caring what others thought, so tired of feeling a knot in your stomach.
Everyone except Brooke and Allie seemed too drunk to even notice anything. Why did it even matter?
The two friends were near but kept their distance, almost as if they wanted to watch you and Sienna rather than dance themselves.
“Do you want a drink?” Sienna’s voice cut over the loud bass. Maybe liquid courage really was a thing. You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak at that moment in time. The brunette simply grabbed your hand, goading you to spin her around a final time before she whisked off towards one of the refreshment tables; a pair of angel wings the only thing you could spot of her in the crowded room.
A total of about five seconds passed before someone had grabbed your arm, turning you around so you could face them. It was Allie, who was sporting a grin like the Cheshire cat. Immediately you felt defensive, the look Brooke was giving you too increasing it tenfold.
“What?” you frowned, slightly backing away as you wrestled out of Allie’s grip. She didn’t say anything herself, instead looking at Brooke to voice their joint thoughts – that was how it usually went.
The blonde took a sip of her vodka and tonic through a straw as she took a quick glance to where you assumed Sienna was. “She looks hot in her costume, doesn’t she?”
Arms crossed tightly over your chest, a picture of insecurity, you shot back: “Sorry?” It wasn’t even jealousy that caused the reaction, you were just overwhelmed with everything that was happening.
“Sienna looks hot in her costume, doesn’t she?” Brooke repeated, voice dripping with patronisation. Sometimes it felt like she thought your brain processed things twice as slow as the average persons. Currently it was as you were beginning to suspect what they were implying.
Trying to control your tone and keep your reaction impartial, you shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so, it’s pretty cool.”
Allie giggled. “You guess so? Please, me and Brooke have been watching you stare at her all night.”
Shit, okay, the suspicion had been right. Both of them had caught onto exactly how you felt. Fear was like a punch to your stomach, making you feel a little nauseous. “Please don’t say anything” was the only sentence you could come up with.
The two girls’ eyes widened, realising they had finally just got conformation on the thing they were only carelessly teasing you about. In reality, they had no more than an inkling towards how you really felt about Sienna. Brooke then laughed. “Shit, dude, I only like kinda suspected it but wow we were right!”
The seconds passed by like an eternity as the tension in the atmosphere could’ve been cut with a knife.
You could only breathe a sigh of relief when Allie reassured you: “I won’t say anything to her I promise,” then sending a very stern look to the definitely tipsy blonde next to her, “neither of us will.” She punctuated the word ‘neither’ particularly harsh – both of you knew gossip was as crucial to Brooke’s survival as oxygen was.
As if reading your minds, the young woman in question put her hands up almost in surrender. “Yes, yes fine, I won’t tell her anything.” Her expression shifted. “However, I’m not going to lie and say if you continue the way you are that she’s never gonna put the pieces together. That is if she hasn’t already.” Brooke slightly nudged you on the arm, trying to drive her point home as gently as possible.
Were you really that obvious?
Before you could ask her to elaborate on how your very intense crush on Miles County’s resident Valkyrie warrior was obvious or defend your honour (and the semblance of pride you had left), Sienna glided up next to you in a flurry of bronze armour and gorgeous hair.
Pressing a red solo cup into your hand, she raised an eyebrow as she looked around at the three of you standing static in amongst the moving crowd.
“What’s up guys?”
Allie, Brooke, and you all equally detested the fact sometimes that your friend was so able to read the room. Sienna’s emotional intelligence was normally something that set off butterflies in your stomach, but currently it made you want to throw your drink all over someone, Brooke seemed the most appealing option currently, and make a dash to the nearest exit.
“We’re just talking about who we’ve seen here tonight so far” the lie came quickly and smoothly from Allie’s lips, leading you to internally note that she might have been less innocent than you gave her credit for.
You and Brooke nodded enthusiastically, as if it didn’t make the whole scene look even more weird. The two of you were like water and oil, when you got along something was usually up. Simply brushing it off as you guys not wanting to divulge something to her, Sienna took a swig of her drink and changed the subject.
“Where’s the boyfriend?” she asked Brooke. The grimace on her face indicated she disliked the guy as much as you and Allie did.
The blonde shrugged with a roll of her eyes. “Probably dancing up on some bimbo somewhere, I don’t know, I don’t keep him on a leash.”
Allie snorted. “You should.”
You and Sienna tried not to laugh, shooting each other a look as Brooke visibly got pissed off. “Yeah whatever.” Without even sending a glance to the rest of you she walked away – clearly the comment had struck a nerve, and she wanted to find Jeff to make sure he wasn’t actually dancing with someone else.
Allie watched her go with an expression a mix of guilt and irritation. “She can never just be pleasant.”
“Duh, it’s Brooke” Sienna laughed, once again shooting you a look. This time you didn’t know what it meant, it seemed she was sneaking glances at you just for the sake of it now. “Maybe you should go check on her? She was drinking quite a lot.” There, that was it, what made Sienna special. Despite your friend being a bitch to you all moments ago, the brunette still had her best interests in mind.
Allie bit her lip and you could tell internally she was battling between being petty and putting that aside to be a good friend. The other side won out, as it usually did where you guys were concerned. “Fine, I’ll go find her.”
At first glance it seemed that Brooke couldn’t have gone far, but Allie’s small form soon was swallowed by the ever-growing crowd.
“You, okay?” Sienna asked you as you looked around the room. She knew you weren’t the biggest fan of large crowds, or people in general rather.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Taking a deep breath you finally took initiative for once and extended your free hand. Your friend didn’t need to ask what you wanted, and grabbed it, leading you both to a less crowded area of the dance floor.
One drink turned into two and soon the both of you were tipsy, constantly bumping into each other as you danced. Sienna didn’t seem to care, she looked as if she was having a really good time. That realisation sent warmth straight down to your toes, the fact she found pleasure in your company was a miracle in your opinion.
The time you spent dancing together felt like hours as you grew increasingly tired, but you were slowly starting to sober up. Sienna seemed to be sobering up too. Soon she was grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the crowd, and down a deserted hallway that was much further into the building than everyone else was. She double checked no one was around before levelling you with a serious expression.
“I kinda need some advice.”
Instantly you were on high alert, worried that something had gone wrong throughout the evening. So instead of exposing yourself as the anxious freak you were, you tried to act irritated.
“What about? Aren’t we supposed to be having fun right now?” You weren’t completely lying; the middle of a party wasn’t exactly the best opportunity to pull someone aside for what seemed like a serious talk. But Sienna looked as if something was troubling her, and you didn’t want to push her away.
“No, no we are, I am I promise. But I need to ask you something.”
Had you done something wrong? A million scenarios ran through your mind, most of them ending with you heartbroken and without her in your life anymore. Maybe if you acted more annoyed, she wouldn’t be able to see how scared you were about what she was going to ask.
“Ugh fine but make it quick I wanna get another drink.” The last thing you wanted in the world was more alcohol, but you needed to make it seem believable.
You had rarely seen Sienna so nervous. “Umm let’s say hypothetically someone is here, and I really like them.” It felt like a fist had taken a hold of your heart and was squeezing so hard you couldn’t breathe, but she continued talking. “And I’m pretty sure they like me too, and I really want to kiss them, but I don’t know how to go about it.”
Oh, you should’ve known. How could someone like her ever feel anything for someone like you?
Immediately she looked guilty, perhaps she had realised from the surely heartbroken look on your face that your affections regarding her were more than just friendly. “Look it’s fine we don’t have to talk about it, we can just go get more drinks- “, she tried to backtrack, but you knew if she didn’t explain fully, you’d be (even more of) a mess for the entire night.
“No, its fine I’m just…surprised that’s all… who is it? if I can ask?”
This was going to hurt. Was it Daniel, the artsy kid who she always joked around with in history class? Or maybe Davonte, one of the guys you knew she had grown up with. Truthfully the options were endless, Sienna was the type of person that you just couldn’t dislike. It didn’t help that she was stunningly beautiful on top of that.
What she said next wasn’t particularly weird but wasn’t what you had expected. Usually, friends would be all about telling each other who they liked, she seemed hesitant to divulge that particular piece of information. Didn’t she trust you? “Oh um, would your advice be different depending on the person?”
“…Probably.” You knew the only true advice you wanted to give to her on the topic of kissing someone else was: please don’t. But the bitter truth overcame you that you two weren’t together. She saw you as a friend and nothing more. You had no right to control Sienna’s life that way.
“Okay what about just in general?”
Shrugging, you tried to give the most impartial advice you could muster up. Inside though all you wanted to do was drive home and go to bed – you could wallow in self-pity tomorrow. You just hoped she wouldn’t kiss this guy in front of you.
“Well, um, I don’t know… I guess just ask them if they’re drunk, because consent is important, and if they’re not and they seem into you just go for it you know.”
“Right. Okay.” Sienna took a deep breath and bit her lip. The silence between you began to grow strange, why was she acting so weird? You were about to question why she was acting so off before she blurted out: “Are you drunk?”
Confusion washed over you, you assumed both of you were basically sober now – neither of you were lightweights. And also, you practically had to be as you were supposed to be the one driving you and her home. “No, not really, I’ve kinda sobered up basically. Why are- “
Suddenly her lips were on yours.
Your teeth nearly bumped together with the force of it as she crowded you against the wall, before gaining composure and pulling away. The air felt warmer somehow as you both caught your breath. Then you moved forward, and that time were the one to initiate the kiss, a lot more softly. Her lips were tacky from her lipstick and your lip gloss, but you didn’t care.
She tasted like mint, the type of mint flavour you’d expect from chewing gum. It was odd that you could probably guess now that she used spearmint toothpaste.
When you both pulled away again, she finally spoke. “You’re such a dumbass for thinking I wanted to kiss someone else you know, my feelings for you weren’t exactly a secret.”
Her feelings for you?
Sienna bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. “Did you not know?” You shook your head. “Brooke and Allie have been teasing me about it nonstop for weeks I swear.” They knew, and suddenly you felt quite stupid for believing they were as clueless as they acted.
“Assholes” you could only laugh. You were once again cut off when Sienna grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into for a deeper kiss. Clearly, she had been holding this back for a while and you would have been lying if you said it didn’t make you feel weak in the knees to have her be so rough with you.
The way you were being pressed against the wall would most likely leave you with a bruised spine later, but you couldn’t feel anything in that moment except for Sienna’s warm hands moving under your shirt to feel your bare skin, and her tongue eager and skilled against your own.
The sensation was almost dizzying as she moved away from your lips to kiss down your jaw, leaving a trail of lipstick and fake blood across your face. You honestly didn’t care if anyone could see the both of you, and if you looked ridiculous covered in the proof of your current make out session.
For once in your life, you didn’t care about playing it safe, doing what seemed like the most socially acceptable option – all you were focused on was how it felt.
Sienna’s breath was warm against you as she took a moment to try and compose herself, before failing to and losing it completely as she began to bite and suck bruises down your neck.
Maybe she should’ve gone as the vampire instead as you were sure those marks would stay for a good couple of weeks. But it made you hot to think that days from now you could have a physical reminder of what was currently happening. Proof that this wasn’t just another particularly adventurous wet dream involving your newest yet closest friend.
Sienna had always seemed so gentle in every way, but now she was gripping your hips so hard it started to hurt. Shit, she really did have a different side to her. It made another bolt of heat go straight between your legs. Your underwear was already soaked and none of this was helping.
Pulling away she said: “Can I touch you?” and the question made your brain short circuit for a moment. You had no idea she had even wanted to kiss you until moments ago, and now she was basically saying she wanted you that way. If in any other situation or with any other person, you probably would’ve told them that this was moving way too fast – but oddly with Sienna, it just felt right.
Insecurities weren’t a foreign concept to you, quite the opposite actually, but the area was pretty dark and you trusted her enough to go further.
So, despite your heart basically beating out of your chest, you nodded. “Yeah.”
“You sure?” her eyebrow was raised, clearly not pegging you as the type who was down for doing anything affectionate let alone intimate basically in public. There wasn’t anyone around, and probably wouldn’t be for a good while, but there was always the risk of getting caught. You suspected Sienna found it exciting, whereas you felt a little paranoid but were going along with it anyway because she was clearly really into it.
And if, God forbid, someone was going to walk past or spot you guys, they wouldn’t see much. You were firmly set on keeping most, if not all, of your clothes on, even if you were in Sienna’s bedroom you would probably consider that option too.
“Sienna please, just, yeah.”
Clearly that was good enough of an answer for her as her hands were sliding up slowly under your shirt. “What about here?” she asked, meaning your chest.
Consent was the most important thing, and you found it sweet she was so adamant on making sure you were comfortable, but if she didn’t touch you there or even lower soon you thought you’d genuinely explode from pent up tension.
Nodding, you pushed yourself forward and let out a sigh as her hands finally met your breasts. Surprisingly, her hands weren’t cold, and it was satisfying to feel her one of the places you needed it most. You were still wearing a bra, but it didn’t even matter if you had kept your shirt on or not as Sienna was reaching around behind you to unhook your bra with one hand anyway.
It was a little awkward to get it fully off and out of your shirt but once you had Sienna was all too ready to feel your bare tits. You tried not to gasp as she squeezed them softly, before pinching one of your nipples and laughing when you squirmed (very much not out of discomfort, but something else).
“Are you sensitive?” she teased, laughing as you tried to send her your best imitation of an annoyed look. “Can I use my mouth?”
“Please just…” the request was too embarrassing to ask out loud, but you could see that Sienna liked watching you squirm. She wasn’t going to budge until you admitted what you wanted. “Yes, please.” You were repeating yourself now, too much of a mess to really consider how to word anything.
She unbuttoned your shirt just enough to get access to your breasts and you immediately shivered as the rush of cold air that hit your chest. “You’re going to be the death of me I swear” she laughed as she leant down as low as possible to take one of your nipples into her mouth.
“Shit” the curse was out of your mouth before you could stop it. Sienna’s mouth was so warm and felt so good already. When it came down to the actual business of physically getting you off, you knew you wouldn’t last long. Even her just playing with your tits had you feeling like putty in her hands.
The girl let out a moan as she stopped sucking to kiss all over your chest and neck, nipping you here and there with her teeth to make you shudder. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it any longer, she stood up fully and asked if she could unzip your suit slacks.
“Fuck, okay” you tried to catch your breath, air coming out in puffs as you tried to steady yourself.
The effort proved futile as she moved forward and kissed you with an open mouth yet again, pulling at your bottom lip periodically with her teeth to drive you just that little more insane. Damn, she really did like biting huh? You made a note of that for future purposes, although the “future” in question was most likely less than hours away.
Sienna’s hands moved quickly at your belt, unlooping it before pulling it off and throwing it carelessly on the ground. Next was the zip of your slacks and the top button, once opened she slid her hand swiftly down into the front of your suit trousers. No time to waste, you supposed, someone could walk past any minute.
Besides, her urgency was incredibly sexy. It was like she needed you as much as she wanted you. At first, she began to touch you over your underwear, marvelling at how wet you were.
“Shit, you’re so wet, all of this is because of me?”
“Yeah” your voice was shaky. The understatement of the century.
She groaned as if your words had physically done something to her, and you swallowed hard. “Jesus I can’t believe we’ve waited until now to do this; I could’ve had you like this for me so long ago” she sounded frustrated. You wanted to admit that you shared the same sentiment, that ever since you had first saw her you had wanted to kiss her until the both of you had passed out from lack of oxygen.
You were going to agree, say ‘me too’ or even just kiss her again, but suddenly her fingers were putting pressure right on your clit. It felt just as good through your underwear due to the friction and just how worked up you already were.
She seemed to be observing your face as she added more pressure and then took it away again over and over, starting to rub little circles slowly.
“You like that?” Sienna moaned, then she needily sighed as you pushed off the wall slightly to push your hips further towards her. “Hang on baby” she kissed you and moved her hand away, making you groan into the kiss a little annoyed she was such a tease.
The frustration didn’t last long as this time she was moving her hand back into the front of your slacks, but also inside your panties this time too. Her face was now buried into your neck, kissing, and licking at the bruised skin there, so you could feel when she gasped as she was met with the feeling of your bare wet pussy against her fingers.
“Holy fuck” Sienna sounded almost winded as she pulled her mouth away from your throat, like she was just as worked up from this teasing as you were. “Can I put them inside?” she asked.
“Yes.” and suddenly her index finger was pushing inside you, eager and warm walls practically sucking her in. Your whole body felt electric, and you moaned as she added another digit alongside her index finger – her middle finger this time, stretching and filling you perfectly.
There was a theory that artists tended to be more dexterous with their fingers, and you were starting to believe this was true as the brunette easily found your g spot. Kissing you hard to muffle the sound of your moans, she pressed her fingers up against it again and again. Her thumb moved up to your clit and began to rub circles and in all honesty, you thought the noise you were making (even when muffled) would attract the attention of the rest of the party rooms away.
Sienna’s entire hand was soaked now, some of your arousal dripping down her wrist. The noises being produced were so obscene that you’d feel shameful if you weren’t currently on cloud nine. You were so close, hands gripping onto the sides of her arms as you needed to hold onto something to stop yourself from shaking so much.
It was also a good thing she had you pressed so harshly against the wall as now your knees were Jello. She could tell from how your cunt was tightening around her fingers that you were close to cumming and, to her credit, thought she had teased you enough – so doubled down on her efforts.
The tension inside of you finally snapped and you came with a muffled half moan, half scream as you absolutely drenched her fingers (shit, you had no idea you could even cum that much). Sienna kept on kissing you, taking her thumb off your clit but still keeping her fingers moving inside of you as to not overstimulate you too much as you rode out your orgasm.
She broke the kiss, and you gasped for breath, both from lack of sufficient air and how overwhelmed you were with pleasure. The aftershocks made you clench a little around her fingers every few moments and she watched in fascination as your chest rose and fell, face so warm your flush could be seen in the dark.
Finally catching your breath and regaining (most of) your composure, you felt as Sienna finally pulled her fingers out from inside you, already making you feel a little empty.
She, instead of wiping her hand on your suit pants or her own leg, instructed you: “Open your mouth.” It wasn’t a question. There was no please. You knew you could refuse anytime you wanted.
Immediately doing as she said, your stomach fluttered at the dangerous edge to her voice. You were met with the taste of your own cum as you sucked her index and middle finger into your mouth eagerly, wanting to prove yourself. Prove yourself as what exactly, you didn’t know. But you were beginning to learn that whatever pleased her, pleased you.
“Good girl” Sienna praised without seemingly really thinking about it, and your hands clenched at her biceps, almost accidentally biting down on her fingers with how hard your body physically reacted at that with something. The dark-haired girl could judge from your reaction that you had definitely took the compliment well. “Oh? You like when I call you that?”
She took her fingers out of your mouth and let out a breath of amusement as you couldn’t meet her gaze. “I expect you to look at me when I’m speaking to you.” Well shit. A hint of intimidation mixed in with your arousal as you let go of her arms and tried to meet her eyes with your own.
“Sorry” you murmured. You had no idea why you were even apologising, but something about Sienna’s words had unbalanced you. In a good way though.
After a moment she backed off of you, making sure you weren’t going to collapse due to how weak your limbs felt now.
“Can you-“ she paused for a moment to take a deep breath, “can you get on your knees for me baby?” She was looking up at you with pupils so blown her eyes were practically black and you felt the sudden urge to have your mouth on her somewhere. Maybe her mouth; it was sparkly, no doubt from all the glittery fake blood that resided around yours. It made you want to giggle, until what she had just asked you registered.
Holy fuck. Was this really happening? Did she mean what you thought she meant?
“Of course you don’t have to- “, the makeup artist was already backtracking, paranoid she had suggested something which made you uncomfortable. You shook your head a little too enthusiastically.
“No, no, i-it’s fine… I want to.” You reassured, moving the two of you so that your positions were now flipped, you crowding her against the wall this time. It was strange though, as even though currently you were acting as the more “dominant one”, you were hanging off of her every word. Like she was the one who was meant to be calling the shots.
Sienna’s head tilted down as she watched you get on your knees in front of her. Her facial expression was one of pure surprise, with a hint of arousal. She looked as powerful in that moment as you believed her to be, a winged warrior whom your heart was in the hands of. But in that moment, she was also just your friend: courageous, and smart and funny.
You wanted to give her the world, but that was currently impossible, so you supposed this would have to do.
“Can I touch you?” the question was shaky as you looked up at her. It was weird to see her from this angle, so used to looking down at her slightly due to the height difference being more so in your favour.
There was no hesitation. “Please.”
So, with trembling hands, you ran a palm up her thigh, marvelling how soft her skin was. Some people were a boob person, some were an ass person, you preferred thighs. And you wanted Sienna’s wrapped around your head as soon as physically possible.
The brunette obviously agreed that the anticipation had gotten too much, as she was then taking off the bottom part of her costume carefully as well as the undershorts she had worn under it. You had (very reluctantly) stopped Sienna when she had reached her underwear and was about to take those off too, wanting to do that yourself.
With her legs slightly spread you could see that her wetness had soaked through her panties. Trying to not bite your lip so hard it bled, you took them off and helped her step out of them carefully.
The sight you were met with had you internally scrabbling to remain composed. In between Sienna’s legs was a triangle of dark trimmed hair, and when she spread her thighs apart you were hit with the realisation of just how wet she was. The arousal was dripping down her inner thighs and making your mouth water.
You looked up at her for a signal to go ahead, and once you had received one you kissed your way up her thigh before grabbing her leg and resting her left foot on your left shoulder. Marvelling at her spread open you could feel from her body language that she was a little nervous. The feeling was mutual, so you tried to ease the tension a little bit.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this” you giggled. Jesus, socially awkward much? Sienna Shaw had you between her legs with no panties on and you were giggling like a loser. The thought did nothing to dispel the fluttering feeling in your stomach, it was as if the weight of her foot on your shoulder was the only thing keeping you from floating off the ground.
The brunette let out a huff of laughter, leaning back until her head hit the wall, rather in disbelief herself. “I can’t believe this is happening to begin with.” Your facial expression must’ve turned into something a little less light-hearted as she quickly rectified her statement. “Not that I’m not loving this, you look really cute right now.”
Heat simultaneously rose up to your face and down between your legs at the compliment.
“Seriously, you’re being so good for me”. One of her hands ran through your hair and then moved down to caress your face, you leaned into her touch.
Although technically this was just a hookup between 2 good friends at a Halloween party, the moment felt special. You had no idea why she had feelings for you of all people, but the way she was looking at you right then made you believe that she was genuinely telling the truth. That you were the one she wanted to be with, the one she wanted to do this with.
You leaned forward impossibly closer to her, face just mere inches away from what laid in between her legs. Looking up at her, you wanted to make sure it was okay before you finally got what you had wanted for what felt like forever.
“Go ahead baby”.
The permission she gave to you was the final thing to shatter your composure entirely, you gripped the back of her thighs and finally tasted her. Moaning as you buried your face without any shame into her pussy, you heard as she gasped, most likely from the eagerness of which your tongue was exploring her cunt.
“Jesus Christ” Sienna swore as you licked one long stripe from her entrance right up to her clit, repeating this until she was a trembling mess. Her façade was slowly cracking as you felt her get more desperate to cum, the dominant persona she had shown earlier melting away slightly. In all honesty you didn’t care about the dynamic between the two of you right now, you just wanted her to cum all over your face.
The shorter girl’s blunt nails dug into your scalp as she grabbed your hair harder to grind against your face, deciding the pressure and pace you were going at (which was admittedly rather to tease than anything) wasn’t enough.
The taste of her plus the fact she was practically fucking your face made you moan so loud you almost felt embarrassed. The idea of her using you like this was too much to handle, and shifting a little on your knees you discovered you were wet again already.
You were only almost embarrassed at your own noises because they were clearly sending vibrations straight up to the brunette’s clit and making her let out a string of curses. Her arousal had drenched the bottom half of your face and was dripping down your chin, you wished this could last forever. You would gladly spend the rest of eternity doing this with her if it was possible.
“Fuck that feels so good baby” Sienna tried to say more, before the words trailed off into a groan. The only thing stopping you from moving a hand between your own legs was the fact that you were more worried about holding her up. Sienna’s legs were shaking with pleasure, and it was hitting some sweet egotistical spot in your chest.
Her breathing was getting faster and more ragged as she leant against the wall, clearly on the edge. It made you want to both slow down and speed up at the same time – you wanted to make this last as long as possible. For all you knew, tomorrow it would be like nothing had happened, like you two were just close girl friends. Like you didn't now know what sorts of sounds she made when she’s being eaten out.
But Sienna’s hands were tightening in your hair, and you needed to know more than anything how she sounded like when she came. What her cum tasted like. The uncomfortable ache in your jaw was immediately forgotten as you doubled down your efforts. She tasted absolutely amazing and you knew you’d never forget doing this, could never forget doing this.
She sounded so pretty coming apart above you, panting and moaning as you abused her clit with your tongue.
As the both of you were already pent up, within a few more moments she was coming with a loud gasp, pressing herself against your face as close as physically possible as if she was scared you were going to move away. The reality was that you were more likely to just stay there and never leave. The noises she made were hopefully unheard by anyone else, but you, you were sure to hear them in many wet dreams to come.
Is this what heaven was like? Was she actually some sort of ethereal being? More wetness flooded your mouth, and you were thankful that your feelings for her were so obvious, as otherwise she might not have dragged you here under the guise of needing ‘friendly advice.’
Soon the loud gasps had quietened into barely concealed whimpers, and you were holding yourself back from kissing your way up her inner thigh to do it all over again.
Sienna was trying to catch her breath coming down from an admittedly very intense orgasm, and her grip on your hair was a lot gentler as she stroked your face. “Holy shit.”
You seconded that sentiment, feeling almost dizzy with both satisfaction at making her cum and need for relief again yourself. The ache between your legs was becoming unbearable again, but the current position you were in made you hold off on relieving it so soon.
For a moment, it was quiet except for her quiet breathing and the much louder sound of your racing heart. The two of you could also hear the faint music from the party happening somewhere off in the distance.
“Are you good?” the brunette checked up on you. It made you want to laugh and cry at once – good? You had just acted out your biggest fantasy with someone who you were borderline in love with. Good didn’t cover it.
Sienna stroked your hair, silently glad that she hadn’t pushed any boundaries with you. It made your heart swell to feel her being so gentle with you, showing she could be as sweet as she could be rough. The perfect balance. You managed to gather enough strength to get up off of your knees and on your feet again to kiss her.
The other girl’s arms wrapped around your neck as she pulled you close, the two of you needing a minute to take in what had just happened.
You realised both of you were still partially undressed and pulled away from the kiss to button your shirt back up and grab the discarded part of her costume as well as her underwear and undershorts. “You should probably uh,” you gestured to her naked lower half, secretly appreciating the sight but more paranoid than anything that some stranger was going to come past and get an eyeful of her ass or more.
Sienna giggled a little at the expression of pure anxiety on your face, thinking that sometimes you were prone to worrying over nothing. There had been no one where the two of you were the entire night. “Calm down, I’ll put my clothes back on” she teased you light-heartedly as she took her underwear and undershorts from you. “Wanna help me put them back on?”.
With all the sex stuff you had forgotten she was almost as much of a dork as you were. Either that or a really big flirt. Probably both.
You ignored the fact you still were incredibly pent up and let her grab your shoulder for balance as she got dressed again. “Can we go back to your place?” you asked, handing her the Valkyrie skirt, and watching as she adjusted it around her waist.
“Oh?” Sienna shot you a look, “of course”. She gave you a peck before taking a hold of the knot of your cape and tightening it, somewhere down the line it had loosened and was close to falling off. “Are you okay to drive?”. Both of you had been sober for quite awhile now, and you trusted that you were fine to get you both to her house safely. You told her you were going to be okay behind a wheel.
The thought of being with her in the privacy of her own bedroom sounded like something to look forward to right now.
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As soon as Sienna’s bedroom door slammed behind the two of you, she was pushing you towards the bed, neither of you even bothering to turn on the lights so the room wouldn’t be encased in darkness. Jonathan was out with his friends at some party, the same with Sienna’s  mom, meaning the two of you very thankfully had the house to yourselves.
You both collapsed onto her bed in a tangle of limbs, your lips working their way down her neck. Taking charge seemed far away for a brief moment to her as you climbed on top of the Valkyrie warrior, before she remembered how deliciously pathetic you had sounded moaning into her.
Without even thinking, Sienna pushed herself up off the bed and against you, hooking her legs around your back and flipping you two over so now she was the one on top.
You let out a noise of surprise as you looked up at her. “Shit, okay, not complaining about this”.
“Of course you’re not complaining you loser” she laughed, not really meaning the insult. Even if you were a loser, maybe she liked that.
When you grabbed her hips, Sienna responded by grinding down into you, making your breath hitch. Her face showed a mix of concentration and arousal as she tried to take off her wings, shoulder piece and breast plate as carefully and as quickly as possible – sure the costume had taken months to create, but she also really wanted to be inside you right then.
It took a moment, and you having to actually sit up and help her, but finally she was naked from the waist up and you were rewarded with the sight of her bare chest.
Her breasts were perfect, as you had expected them to be, even if they hadn’t been you still would’ve wanted them in your mouth as much as you wanted them right now. The brunette’s hair was framing her face perfectly as she looked down at you, the lamp light illuminating the space around her almost creating the impression that she was glowing.
Grabbing her by the hips and pulling her towards you, the warrior shifted in your lap as you teased one of her nipples using your mouth.
“Fuck” she swore, grabbing the back of your hair when you moved one of your hands away from her hip to fondle her left breast a lot less gentle than you were being with your mouth. Sienna couldn’t believe this was happening still, she had known about your crush on her for a while now but was surprised either of you had the metaphorical balls to do something about it.
Oh, but was she glad though, now pulling you away from her chest and pushing you forcefully down on the bed. “Enough of this teasing bullshit” she practically growled, ripping your shirt open so hard that some of the buttons popped off.
Frankly you didn’t care, the whole costume was bought on a budget and besides, you were too turned on to think of any of the practicalities.
Once your shirt was open, she shimmed down you to take off your belt again, this time for good, and throw it across the room to land somewhere on her bedroom floor. Next came your cape, which would’ve made you giggle in any other situation. Sienna pulled down your slacks with an urgency that, coming from her, was previously unbeknownst to you.
She unhooked your bra and threw it to the side to join the other clothes that were on the floor. “Take these off baby” she was gesturing to your suit trousers.
You kicked them off, leaving them in a bunch at the end of her bed. The half-naked girl bent down to kiss you again as she worked on taking the rest of her costume off, now both of you were basically only in underwear (you still in your shirt somehow – neither of you seemed to care, more concerned with the feeling of her hips pressed against yours).
“You’re so beautiful” you couldn’t help but comment, running a hand down her arm and noticing the gold shimmer of her glitter paint in the dark. Sienna’s face flushed but you didn’t notice, a fact she was grateful of.
The two of you both didn’t feel like you needed to say anything else to each other for a while, simply kissing and enjoying the sensation of her bare chest against yours. The brunette’s breathing was getting heavier though and soon she was reaching to pull down and take off the last article of clothing she had on.
She asked you: “Can we try something?”.
That question made you as curious as it did aroused. “Umm okay”.
Sienna stroked your thigh comfortingly, worried you were anxious for no good reason. “I can do all the work just-” she sighed as she climbed off you for a moment to take your underwear off too, “lift your leg up and put it over my shoulder baby”. Feeling a mix of apprehensive and overwhelmed you did as she said – your stomach fluttering as you noticed how strong her hands were.
Then you realised what she was doing, no stranger yourself to porn. And could only moan as she pushed her hips forward and down, so that her cunt met yours.
“Does this feel good for you?” she asked through pants, clearly enjoying it herself. She felt so wet, and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from swearing when your clits rubbed together. It was too much and not enough at the same time – this was going to be the death of you.
You could only reply to her question with a string of curses and moans as she experimented with different angles, trying to get the most direct contact with your pussy as possible. Some led to more contact than others but all felt as equally good, and the noises that were being made caused your face to feel hot.
Sienna seemed to go harder when you tried to speak but found you couldn’t form any words, it was becoming clear to you that she liked when you were a desperate mess.
“You look so cute right now” she said, knowing that neither of you were going to last long. “God I love you so much” leaning down, the dark-haired girl kissed you, still rocking her hips against yours as much as she could in the position.
Even though you weren’t getting as much pressure on your clit before now, you still opened your mouth into the kiss – noticing how close you were. She had just said she loved you.
Sienna was pressing her face into your neck now, overwhelmed, her breathing growing more ragged by the minute. “We can’t go back from this you know. After this you’re mine” she sounded close to crying, “I can’t just be your friend, I can’t”.
You didn’t know what to say, so you kissed her again and held her until you both came hard. It was the truth though, the both of you couldn’t be friends anymore after what had happened.
You tried to catch your breath, body still trembling, and told her: “I love you too”.
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On the Monday two days later, the weather was warm and got increasingly more unbearable as you pulled your hoodie up, hoping to whatever God was listening that the concealer on your neck wouldn’t rub off anytime soon. Sienna had rocked up to class in a similar fashion but seemed to pull it off better than you did. Neither of you had approached each other in public for fear of embarrassing yourselves.
Pretences were tiring to keep, and after the weekend that had passed you wouldn’t be able to look the brunette in the eye anymore without blushing.
You would call her your friend as you hadn’t necessarily put a label on your relationship yet; however, it was a lot more complicated than that now, and you had never been so happy about complications before. Allie and Brooke had texted you a few times over the weekend talking about aimless stuff, and mainly just making sure that you were alive after disappearing on Friday.
But you couldn’t tell if they had realised what had gone on – going off of what Sienna had told you about them the night of the party you guessed it was only a matter of time before it would be confirmed to them.
Actually, the idea wasn’t as daunting to you as it would have been mere days ago though. It felt like something in you had unravelled, like a rubber band had snapped; you were no longer as fearful of being judged anymore. Maybe it was just because you were so happy, for the past three days now you had woken up in a good mood and it was all down to one person.
Sienna, even when she had just been your friend, made your biggest troubles seem like mere inconveniences when she was around. Her presence was so calming and self-assured. As long as she was with you, nothing could ever hurt you. The girl had said that to you before and you had believed it wholeheartedly. You still did.
And now you two were making the metaphorical (and in this case kind of literal) walk of shame to the lunch table you guys shared with Allie and Brooke every weekday. Both of them seemed a little distracted, but upon realising you and Sienna’s presence they then seemed all too alert. Brooke actually put her phone away. Was this the Twilight Zone or something?
“So” the blonde coughed as you sat down next to Allie. Sienna taking the place next to Brooke. Keeping a distance between you and your crush right then was a good idea as you were sure they were about to borderline interrogate you guys. “What have you guys got for lunch?” Brooke asked, stabbing some salad with her fork.
What a pleasant surprise, for once in her life Brooke Valdeon wasn’t being a complete bitch.
Allie seemed to be following suit, silently asking Sienna to open a bottle of soda for her as she couldn’t do it herself. Neither of them seemed to care that you and Sienna had definitely hooked up and were probably more than friends. The only thing that they said that even showed an inclination of their knowledge was when Allie complained about now being the only single one amongst you all.
“Seriously guys, there’s so many single people out there – surely one of them’s for me, why haven’t I found them yet?”
Brooke rolled her eyes; “Cause you say cringe shit like that.” You all laughed and even Allie had to crack a smile at that, knowing it was pretty much true.
After lunch break Sienna had offered to walk you to class, just the two of you, leaving a surprisingly supportive Allie and Brooke in your wake. She had her hands stuffed into the pockets of her jeans and looked incredibly nervous. You had literally seen her entirely naked not even three days ago, and she was still acting like you guys were at the end of a first date or something, you would’ve poked fun at her if it wasn’t so cute.
“Would you wanna come round mine tonight? We could watch a movie, I just renewed my Shudder subscription” she offered quietly.
You tried not to smile, “Like a date?”
She looked down at her converse, nothing like the girl you had been with on Friday. “Yeah, I mean, if you want it to be…”
Instead of giving Sienna a verbal response you checked the hallway was empty before grabbing her by her hoodie strings to pull her close and kiss her. You pulled away after a few moments, happy you could now do that without risking making a complete fool of yourself. Watching you as you turned around and opened the door to your next class, Sienna looked surprised. Surely that was a good enough answer to her question.
“So, is that a yes?!” she shouted after you, flustered.
“Duh, Sienna! Of course it’s a yes!”
a/n: and then you guys had a super cute date/movie night and watched the Texas chainsaw massacre and lived happily ever after with no scary borderline immortal clown ruining your lives ::))
a/n: okay but part two will be out soon promise promise just working on a yellowjackets thingy atm!!
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chiiyuuvv · 1 year ago
[DAY 2] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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— " platonic sleepovers that end up in with you in their arms " ; one bed / vacation ft. half of riize
♡list : @lecheugo , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @starryriize
"Cant believe i have to room with you," wonbin shoots you a look as he jingles the key into the door knob, finally opening with some struggle to reveal your beautiful hotel room. The walls painted white with a tall, warm yellow lamp at the side to illuminate the space. Only problem was, there was only one bed.
Everyone became fully aware of this information once the recipient informed them, breaking into a circle to play rock, paper, scissors. Winner and loser would be paired up together to get that singular bed, while everyone else was able to decide who they wanted to sleep with.
You won, wonbin lost, his eyes rolling as he clicks his tongue. He wasnt annoyed like how he acted.. he actually didnt mind, knowing that hed be comfortable with you. But he loved teasing you, watching as your lips form into a straight line. "If this was a horror movie.. im kicking you off the bed so the monster would eat you first." Wonbins head falls back as he laughs at your words, watching as your arms cross.
"I'll drag you with me." He gives you a wink equipped with a smirk, before grabbing one of the towels that sat at the edge of the bed. "Im gonna shower first." He says over his shoulder, your head nodding in acknowledgment although he couldnt see you, jumping onto the bed to turn on the tv. "Yeah, okay." You say, your full attention on the screen. "Take your time."
"Look whos here.." you say as the bathroom door opens, a grin appearing onto wonbins lips, his hands busy drying his wet hair with a towel. "Miss me?" His lips pucker, throwing that towel in the hamper along with the clothes he wore in the morning. "Are you going to shower?" He askes, taking the opportunity to slide into the bed next to you, lifting the blanket so it could lay comfortably on his legs.
"No, i showered before i got here."
"Cool." He plays with his fingers. "Are you going to play something?"
"Yeah.. im just trying to find something good," wonbin nods his head out of the corner on your eyes, your lips licking into full concentration. He couldnt help but admire you in this state, his eyes darting to your figure and across the room so it doesnt seem obvious that he was staring, his hands scratching the back of his neck.
Anyone that walked by could notice wonbins tiny liking towards you, his laughs becoming more frequent whenever you opened your mouth, the small desire to spend the rest of the day with you, and the next.. and the next.
He didnt know why but he found you so captivating, wanting to get to know you more and more as the time pasted. So he was a little too happy when you were being paired, but calmed himself down so no one could notice his growing feelings, and more importantly so he wouldnt get teased by his friend group.
"Found a movie!" You exclaim, snapping him out of his thoughts. His head turns when he realizes hes been staring at you this entire time, his ears pink as he prays that you didnt notice. "Should i turn off the lights?" You ask, completely oblivious. Thank god.. he breathes the breath he doesnt even know he was holding, a quick nod leaving his head.
The movies been playing in the background yet wonbin hasnt paid any attention to it. Not because the movie was boring but because he couldnt stop staring at you, and he was getting a little sleepy. A long yawn leaves his lips, shifting into the bed to get comfortable.
"Tired?" You ask, turning down the volume of the television so the latter could hear you better. Wonbin shakes his head in agreement, his eyes widening when your hands lace into his silky hair, giving it a soft pat. And suddenly, he doesnt care anymore, his head leaning into your touch before resting against your arm so you could play with it more, his eyes getting heavy. "Is this okay?" You ask for consent, watching as wonbin lets out another yawn in response, his eyes finally closing, drifting off into sleepy land.
The next morning, a sleepy hum leaves his lips, his head buring deeper into your chest as you lazily stroke his hair, your legs tangled and his arms wrapped around your waist. "Aww, they look so cute." A voice says, along with a snap of a camera. A snap of a camera? Without thinking, wonbin shoots up, a shocked sungchan and eunseok standing over them.
"Well good morning lovebirds-"
"Sungchan. Delete that. Right. Now."
"Its hyung to you-"
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koiiiji · 4 months ago
lets dance
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author's note ; heavily inspired by this and “what is love” song
tw ; fluff, a little too vulnerable Jonggun, might be both romantic or platonic!🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
summary ; Jonggun suddenly can't dance, but it's fine
night was warm, almost lazy in its softness, and the four of you lounged comfortably in spacious living room. the dim light from a single lamp in the corner mixed with the faint glow of city lights through the windows, casting everything in a golden haze. an easygoing playlist was looping in the background as you all worked through a couple of drinks, laughter filling the room as the alcohol began to soften edges and loosen moods.
music pulsed in the background, an irresistible, driving beat that filled the room and made it impossible not to move. Jungoo and Crystal were spinning around, laughing freely, their faces flushed from the drinks and the warm glow of the room. you joined them in their infectious, carefree dancing, swaying to the rhythm as the world around you softened, the warmth and laughter blending into something that felt a lot like pure joy.
and there was Jonggun, still rooted to the couch, his usual composed expression unreadable. his arm was draped lazily over the back, his other hand holding a half-finished whiskey, his gaze on all of you like he was observing something foreign, almost surreal. it was impossible to tell what he was thinking; his face was perfectly blank, his mouth barely quirking at the edges as he watched.
moment later you broke away from the other two, heart racing from the dance and the thrill of the moment, and took a step toward him, your eyes bright with a mischievous glint. you knew he would refuse, that he’d stubbornly resist, but that made the challenge all the more tempting.
“Jonggun!” you called out, voice lilting with laughter. “get up! come dance with us!”
he met your eyes, his usual cool, steady look unwavering. “no,” he replied, his voice calm and even. “i don’t dance.”
“oh, come on!” you grinned “don’t be shy.”
you took a few steps closer, still swaying with the beat, until you were standing right in front of him. “not shy,” he murmured. “i just don’t dance.” there was a calm resolve in his eyes, the same steadiness he had when faced with any challenge. but there was something else, too — just a hint of reluctance, like this was territory he’d never dared to tread.
but you didn’t give him a chance to resist. moving quickly, you reached for his hands and caught them both in yours, your grip strong and insistent. he hesitated, caught off guard as you pulled him to his feet, his body stiff and reluctant.
“too late to argue,” you teased, grinning as you backed up, tugging him along with you, your fingers tightening around his. “just follow me.”
with a faint sigh, he finally met your gaze, and for a brief moment, he seemed to let himself relax, to fall into the rhythm of your small, shared dance. your movements were bolder, more rhythmic, and you started to circle around him, pulling his hands with yours, guiding his stiff steps with your own fluidity. you felt him loosen ever so slightly, his focus shifting from his own discomfort to the feel of your hands in his, when you lift them, so you can spin around under his hand, and each time you did it your laughter warming the air between you.
Jonggun fell quiet, and for a moment, his gaze softened. as he let you lead him through the rhythm, he found himself watching the way your face lit up with each laugh, the way you smiled at him as if he wasn’t awkwardly stumbling through each step. there was something magnetic in the way you danced, something so full of life that it almost made him forget his hesitations.
he glanced toward Jungoo and Crystal, watching them sway and laugh alongside you, their faces flushed and open in a way he rarely saw. somehow, in the course of all the late nights and shared drinks, you’d all carved out this strange, unspoken bond — a closeness he’d never expected to have. he’d always prided himself on his distance, his ability to remain detached. but in this small moment, it hit him that you, Jungoo, Crystal… you’d become something he hadn’t even known he wanted. you’d become a little dear to him.
he almost couldn’t believe it — he, Park Jonggun, who had always valued control and restraint above all, was letting himself be led, letting himself be swept into this odd, rhythmic dance with you, feeling your warm hands in his and hearing your laugh right next to him.
you circled him, moving with such effortless joy, guiding his movements until he felt himself fall into a rough, hesitant rhythm with you. his gaze fell on your joined hands, and for a fleeting second, he felt a small, quiet warmth settle over him, a sense of ease he never felt. it was strange and almost dizzying, this fleeting happiness, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away.
your smile was bright and easy as you continued to move, drawing him deeper into the beat, into the energy of the room, and he felt himself soften further, his grip on your hands tightening instinctively. it was as though everything else faded for just a heartbeat, the world narrowing to this small, imperfect dance, the feel of your hand guiding his.
maybe he’d never admit it aloud, but in that moment, with the music filling the air and your smile lighting up this world, he thought… maybe he could be happy here, too.
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todayisawthewhxlewxrld · 1 year ago
Ok. I have a request took me a lot of courage to finally request and shat myself a couple times but anyway! A one shot where choso lives in y/ns dorm with them and he was like doing his hair and kept messing up and gave up and started crying (I FEEL LIKE THATS SOMETHING HED DO THE POOR BOY:() thennnn y/n walks in their dorm and sees him crying and then comforts him and does his hair for him!!
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synopsis// choso is having an off day.
➚ pairing// choso x gn!reader ➚ word count// 1.4k
contents// frustrated/sad choso? idk just some hurt/comfort in a way! fluff?? could be read as either platonic or romantic doesnt really matter i supposeeee? i think it kinda reads more romantic tho
notes// anon ur actual fucking MIND. i was moved. literally right after reading ur request i opened up my notes and went to fucking WORKKK!!!! anyway sorry its so kinda all over the place but i hope u like it and it lived up to ur expectations!! n also sorry to everyone else for posting a oneshot mid smau its short n cute okay (AND ITS FUCKING CHOSO SO LIKE CMON???) i couldnt help myself !! also the title is lyrics from cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes... okay bye!
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Sharing a dorm with Choso was heavenly.
Because of your conflicting schedules, half the time, you rarely actually saw each other. But even when you did, he was the type of roommate to keep to himself; he has his side of the room, and you have yours. Of course, you two talked here and there; he was actually pretty nice company whenever you two were actually in the room at the same time. But more often than not, the only time you would see him was late at night when you were just getting in to go to sleep.
Either way, the point is, you never really saw him around much. Choso was always quick and effective, so by the time you would head back to your dorm after a few of your classes, he would just be heading out or have already left.
Usually, his alarm would go off an hour before his classes, which is ample time for him. He’s done his routine hundreds of times before—doing his hair and eyeliner is practically muscle memory, and at this point he's sure he could do it in his sleep. but not today, apparently. Today his alarm goes off late—half an hour late. Which Choso isn’t panicked by, only slightly frustrated, but it's fine. That still leaves him another half an hour to get ready, so there's still plenty of time given that it only takes him 10–15 minutes to get ready, so it's fine. Everything is fine; he repeats it in his head like a mantra, like if he thinks it and says it enough, he’ll actually believe it.
Choso quickly dresses, then sits at his desk, where a little mirror sits. He sighs as he flips on a lamp and grabs his eyeliner. He doesn’t even have to think about it, instinctively taking the cap off and bringing it to his eye, only for it to crumble as it meets his waterline. Choso cusses under his breath as he blinks, attempting to get whatever fell into his eye out. When that doesn't work, he rubs his eye, only for it to spread eyeliner all across his eye and cheek. He groans, grabbing a cloth to wipe it off with, and once his face is clean, he doesn't even bother trying with his eyeliner again—looking at the time, he’s already wasted more than he wanted doing that. He’ll just do his hair and leave, or else he’ll be late.
Choso stills for a moment, forcing himself to take a deep breath to try and calm the nerves and frustration simmering beneath his skin—it's fine. He nods. Now somewhat calmer, he grabs his hair ties and gets to work… only for one of them to break as he’s trying to put his hair through it. Choso stares at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed and swallowing harshly, as he desperately tries to ignore the rising heat going to his cheeks.
It's fine.
He’ll just do the other side of his hair...only for the same thing to happen. Choso can actively feel his heart racing—it's pounding against his chest and ringing in his ears—and he’s already too far gone to notice or even stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He doesn’t really know why he’s actually crying, if he’s being honest. It’s not like this is the end of the world; he knows that, yet he can't stop himself. Too many things have gone wrong, and he’s barely woken up. First, his alarm goes off late, which isn't the most horrible thing within itself, but then his eyeliner crumbles and gets in his eye, and when he tries to wipe it away, it instead smears on his face. Then he rubs his face raw, trying to get it off, and now he can't do his fucking hair because his hair ties suddenly decided to disintegrate and snap in half.
He messily wipes at his tears and tries inhaling deeply for air in a feeble attempt to calm himself the tiniest bit down. It doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes things worse. His tears fall harder, and he’s choking in shallow breaths of air. If anyone walked in right this moment, they’d think something horrible happened, like one of his brothers died. and it's just his luck, or a very obvious lack thereof, when you walk in. Choso immediately starts scrambling to wipe his tears away and hide his face from you as you drop your things in shock—you hadn’t expected him to still be in the dorm, let alone be here crying.
“Holy shit, Choso, are you okay? What's wrong? Did something happen?” You panic, immediately running to his side.
He doesn’t say anything; he just takes in and lets out shaky breaths as he shakes his head, one arm outstretched to keep you at arm's length.
You frown and look around. For what? You’re not sure. Part of you thinks if you look hard enough, you'll find why he’s crying, but all you see are snapped hair ties, a crumbled, unsharpened eyeliner pencil, and a cloth full of eyeliner. That’s when it all starts to make sense. You smile softly at him, who's still hiding his red tear-stained face from you, before you grab his comb and a new pair of hair ties from his desk.
Choso doesn’t know what you're doing when he hears you shuffling around, and he refuses to meet your gaze, filled to the brim with embarrassment at having been caught crying, but his head involuntarily snaps up, looking at you through the mirror, when he feels you start to brush his hair. You're already staring back at him and flashing him a warm smile, not saying a word as you continue to detangle his hair.
“You don't have to do this,” he sniffles, finally calming down enough to say something.
"I know I don't," you shrug. "But I also know it sucks when it seems like nothing is working or going to plan, so..."
"I can do it myself-“
"Choso, just let me do this for you, please.”
He stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if trying to find something, and when he finds nothing but your soft eyes and willingness—your desire—to do this for him, he sighs and nods. You beam and gleefully get back to work on his hair, and Choso finds that he’s no longer embarrassed by being seen crying but rather by the fact he feels like a doll—but the worst part? It's kind of nice.
He likes having someone do this for him with no hesitation; he likes the way your fingers carefully rake through his hair to ensure there's no tangles even though you just combed it; he likes the way you don't tie the ponytails too tight like he usually does, which only results in a pounding headache he can't get rid of; he likes all of it.
He likes all of it so much so that he finds himself closing his eyes in complete bliss, drowning in your gentle touches. You poof up one of his ponytails a bit, ready to tell him you're done, when you look into the mirror and notice his eyes closed, looking like he’s in a whole other world. You can't fight your smile off as you play with his ponytail for a bit longer before slowly wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” You whisper, your breath softly fanning against his ear.
Choso opens his eyes, surprised to see you pretty much hugging him from behind, yet he doesn't hate it, not one bit. Too caught up about how much he does not hate this; he doesn't respond, and it makes you nervous.
“Sorry… I know they don't look exactly like how you usually do them, but-“
"No, no,” he cuts you off quickly. “They look amazing... Thank you, y/n...”
You smile, happy with his answer, as you untangle yourself from him and stand up. “You should head out now, Choso; you're late.”
He blinks, totally forgetting about class, and hurriedly stands up. "Right, thank you again,” is all he’s saying before rushing out the door.
You giggle slightly before yawning and making your way to your bed, ready for your usual nap, when Choso comes rushing back into the dorm again. You stare at him wide-eyed, and he simply stares back.
You furrow your eyebrows, confused, and are about to ask if he's okay when suddenly he blurts out:
"I wouldn’t mind if you did my hair again.”
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kiame-sama · 2 months ago
Humans Are Extinct TWST Yandere AU Masterlist pt 2
Links to my various HAE stuff, some mobile devices do not show the links properly.
Warnings: Yandere Twisted Wonderland AU, Minors Do Not Interact, Monster Twisted Wonderland AU, Fics and Head Canons, Links,
Link to pt 1:
Link to pt 3:
Group Headcanons: - Hoof Care (Riddle, Trey, Silver) - Rile the Dogs (Jack, Ruggie, Sebek) - Can Ace and Deuce Share? - Plucking (Vil, Neige, Crowley, Ambrose) - Waterproof? (Sebek, Vil, Crowley, Jack, Ruggie) - Dry Heaving (Ruggie, Sebek, Jack) - Divus is Parental Over Human (The Hoard, Malleus, Divus) - Vil vs Lilia - Introducing The Human to Trottr (Idia, Azul, Erikir, Lilia)
NSFW Group Head Canons: - General Anatomy? NSFW - Accidental 'Excitement' Centaurs NSFW - Human-Fuckers pt 1 NSFW - Human-Fuckers pt 2 NSFW - Centaur Logistics NSFW - More Logistics NSFW - First Horizontal Tango w/ Human NSFW - Walk in on The Human NSFW Pt 1 (Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Rook, Idia, Malleus) - Walk in on The Human NSFW Pt 2 (Vil, Lilia, Sebek, Jade) - Human Wants to Lose their Virginity - Monster Response to Tail Being Grabbed (Mix of SFW/NSFW) - Intimacy and the -taur (Cervitaur, Centaur, ect) - Monsters and Hookup Culture - Oral - Feeding Kink
General Head Canons (Including how the character looks in the AU) - Part 1 (Riddle, Silver, Grim) - Part 2 (Rook, Vil, Leona) - Part 3 (Ortho (Platonic), Ruggie, Lilia) - Part 4 (Riddle, Leona, Ruggie, Vil, Rook, Grim (Platonic), Ortho (Platonic), Idia, Silver, Lilia) - Part 5* (Malleus, Papa Hades, Riddle*, Azul, Jamil, Epel, Trey)
Individual Head Cannons Ace Trappola: #Hae Ace -
Deuce Spade: #Hae Deuce -
Cater Diamond: #Hae Cater - Cater Headcanons - Cater and Poachers - Cater Using Split Card (NSFW) - Will Cater Forgive Himself?
Trey Clover: #Hae Trey - Kelpies and Humans?
Riddle Rosehearts: #Hae Riddle - Riddle's Star HCs - Does he regret telling others MCs status as a virgin? - How do Unicorns Sense Virginity? - Riddle's Weapon* - Flowers - Riddle's Mane - Riddle and Swimming
Che'nya Pinker: #Hae Che'nya - General Heacanons - Bathing - Toe Beans - Territorial Grim - Kitsune vs Bakeneko Roots
Jack Howl: #Hae Jack - General Head Canons - Floofy Jack
Ruggie Bucchi: #Hae Ruggie - What is a Gnoll? - Ruggie and Human Food - Feed the Gnoll - Ruggie is a Gnoll - Grammy? - Cackle Ranking - Kiss on the Nose
Leona Kingscholar: #Hae Leona - Biting Him (NSFW)
Floyd and Jade Leech: #Hae Jade #Hae Floyd - General Head Canon (Jade) - General Head Canon (Floyd and Jade) - Hearts? (Jade and Floyd) - Cuddle Autistic Human (Floyd) - Mushrooms and Jade - Would they Gather Scales for The Human? - Floyd Finds The Human Hiding in Rook's Shed
Azul Ashengrotto: #Hae Azul - Is Azul Venomous? - Insecure - The Human Bites Azul (NSFW) - How Does Azul's Poison Work? - Azul Feeding His Tentacles to The Human pt 1 - Azul Feeding His Tentacles to The Human pt 2
Jamil Viper: #Hae Jamil - Coil Jail - Freeing Jamil - Human Proposes
Kalim Al-Asim: #Hae Kalim - General Headcanons - Wish on Kalim? (+ 2 other Questions) - Kalim's Wishes - Kalim's Lamp - Kill Count - Genie Reproduction - Destroy Lamp - To Kill A Genie - Kalim's Designs - Kalim and NRC - Genies and Food - Genies and Lamps - Time Inside The Lamp - Calm Kalim
Epel Felmier: #Hae Epel - Tree Nymph? - Epel Loses a Limb
Rook Hunt: #Hae Rook - Rook and Small Spaces (Partly NSFW) - Rook's Pupils (NSFW) - Rook Makes Clothes (NSFW) - The Most Dangerous Game HCs - Rook and Human Mimic - Rook and Napping Human - How Does Intimacy w/Rook Work? (NSFW) - Rook Shedding His Exoskeleton - Hiding In Rook's Shed pt 1 - Hiding In Rook's Shed pt 2
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years ago
Logan: I think we need more input on this problem. Maybe I should get in contact with my friends.
Roman: … Your what?
Logan: My friends.
Virgil: Is he saying friends?
Roman: I think he’s being sarcastic.
Patton: No, no, no! This is silly, he’s cracked from being awake all night! I’ve told you to stop doing that Logan! All of your friends are in this room.
Logan: I— I have other friends? You suggested I make new friends, I made new friends. It was a task. I complete tasks.
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mins-fins · 2 years ago
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PAIRING . . . zerobaseone x gn!reader
GENRE . . . fluff
WARNINGS . . . no actual warnings! some may just be longer than others
WORD COUNT . . . 963
NOTES . . . my brain feels like a puddle istg.. please note that yujin's is written platonically!!
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kim jiwoong
this man is NOT scared
like you'll be the edge of your seat literally jumping at every sound and he'll just sit there like "😐"
you always get jump scared and you continue getting closer to him
"do you seriously find this scary?", "the literal grudge is on the screen jiwoong".
he doesn't get your fear
he probably does get scared on some occasions though
but very rare occasions if were being honest
you think he is WAY too calm and he thinks your WAY too overdramatic
"we should watch the sequel!", "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME KIM JIWOONG!?"
he laughs whenever you get scared
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zhang hao
he is just as scared as you
scratch that- he's probably MORE SCARED than you
you'll be ten minutes into the movie and he's already clinging onto you for dear life
this man is a scaredy-cat (did you see that haunted house video?? he literally is)
he hides his face into your shoulder half the time because he's scared of something appearing on the screen
"y/n is the jump scare over yet?", "it was over five minutes ago hao".
he hides his eyes for most of the movie
at this point you get less scared because he's scared so now you feel like you have to watch the movie for him
"that movie was too scary!", "you didn't even watch the whole thing!", "well the parts i did see were scary!"
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sung hanbin
he's probably not scared
well not that scared
he probably gets startled from time to time but he keeps up a brave front for you
you are literally the biggest scaredy-cat around hanbin
and he tries his best not to laugh
you are literally COWERING in fear and he has to cover his mouth to not giggle
"are you making fun of me, hanbin?", "no" as he is literally fighting for his life trying not to laugh at how scared you are
you get mad at him and literally die trying to watch the rest of the movie
and then he says sorry and comforts you before you go to bed so you don't have any nightmares
"i'm still mad at you", "well you better be grateful that the grudge won't come grab you at nigh—", "HANBIN!"
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seok matthew
he's scared but also not scared??
matthew is probably the kind of person to make random comments during the movie because his mind is just full of thoughts
"do you think the nun is just misunderstood?", "you mean the evil spirit from the conjuring?"
you just sit there, scared out of your mind, and he sits there, also scared out of his mind but also super confused
but when he gets super scared he will literally almost jump out of his seat
"that wasn't even that scary!" he says as he's clinging onto your arm for life
"so what did you think of the movie matthew?", "can we watch a romcom next time please?"
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kim taerae
he is VERY scared
you cannot tell me that this man isn't a scaredy-cat
he's in the same boat as hao 😭
he'd try to convince you he's not scared then get jump scared two seconds later
"you look like your enjoying yourself", "oh screw you y/n"
covers his eyes every two seconds and only peeks after all the scary noises are gone
"babe seriously, the jump scares are done", "your just trying to make me open my eyes"
he forces you to sleep with him and the lamp on because he gets too scared of the dark
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ricky shen
he's half and half
ricky probably doesn't get scared easily but there's gonna be that one part that startles him
like you'll be afraid the whole time and he's just kinda sitting there, trying to grasp what's going on
"i don't get why they're walking into a house that's clearly haunted!" as your suffering from watching this movie
he probably doesn't understand why your so scared
"it isn't even that scary, y/n", "yeah the grudge on the screen is totally not scary ricky"
he laughed at one part and you stare at him like he's a psychopath
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kim gyuvin
oh he's definitely not scared
gyuvin probably watches horror movies alone at night
he probably giggles while watching them too
when he sees that your scared he looks at you like your insane
"what do you mean your scared? it isn't even that scary!", "the literal ghost girl coming out of the tv screen isn't scary to you gyuvin?"
he laughs at every scene he's not supposed to laugh at and it's crazy
"i'm kinda scared of you, you know?", "next time maybe you should put on an actual scary movie"
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park gunwook
gunwook is brave
doesn't mean he's not scared though
gunwook probably isn't that scared but he isn't not scared
for the most part, gunwook isn't disturbed
there are some jump scares that get him though
"that wasn't even scary!", "i saw you get startled gunwook"
but most of the time gunwook isn't scared
he laughs once then immediately takes it back because he knows your gonna question him about it
"i mean.. it could be scarier", "are you trying to kill me, gunwook?", "…maybe"
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han yujin
he pretends to be brave
but he's actually pretty scared
yujin is not slick with the way he's trying so hard not to jump from his seat 😭
"you look scared", "i'm not scared! shut up!"
yeah no he's definitely scared
at this point, your less scared than him
he could literally be clinging onto your arm and would still say that he's not scared
"are you sure your not scared?", "no why would i be scared of the literal grudge on the screen?"
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at1ias · 2 months ago
I'mm. bored. so taggingg game. bby the wway mutuals. tell. mme if you ddont like beingg tagged PICK ONE OF MY STUFFED ANIMALS AND WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT YOU game under cut
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Snowy and / or their child. -you are probably a very sweet person
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2. Ralsei - R A L S E I
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4. Any member of my octopus family -I like you. /platonically
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5. Cookie {left} and Minty {right} -For all 'em couples out there
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6. One of my tigers - You're probably a very calm person.
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7. Kirby - K I R B Y
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8. Ube cat - nom.
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9. Penguin -You like fluffy things
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10. The eternally hanging monkey on my lamp that lost a leg a while ago - You're probably very chaotic, and we all love you for it.
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11. Teafant -If you know who this is, go to bed. please. ANYWAYS TAGGING TIME I MIGHT MAKE A PT. 2 LATER @egoisticqueerunderanydefinition @themoonmelodic @misternibbs @the-weird-artistic @charamuscadmango @bluestarlett @ratstreetz @idiot-sl-oth @peachphernalia
@atlaseclectic @certified-ruler-of-everything @thegoldenduckie @finleyforevermore @adhdrizzy
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thatonebrazilian · 2 years ago
Tolerate it
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Summary: Everyone assumed you were fine, but what would they do if you just... broke free?
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader; undertones of Carol Danvers x Reader; Platonic Clint Barton x Reader; mentions of platonic Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
Word count: Around 6K
TW: Deep angst, assassination attempt, betrayal of trust, suicidal thoughts, dealing with grief, self sacrifices.
A/N: I've been in the mood for angst, apparently. And I actually wasn't planning on writing anything (I shouldn't have, I was short for time as it was), but I was listening to Taytay and the fic just came to me. This will probably hurt a lot. Just hurt, not much comfort. Let there be pain.
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You didn't know what you did wrong. You didn't know how you could fix this. You didn't know if it even could be fixed.
All you did, all you could do, was just sit there and watch her. She was reading, her head low, almost as if she was trying to keep a barrier between you two.
You sat in the corner of the room, watching her as she immersed herself in reports. The soft glow of the lamp cast a delicate halo around her, illuminating her beautiful, beautiful features. And yet, on that night, as on many before, the light seemed unable to reach her eyes. 
You knew she was struggling, you were too. Everyone was. The Blip had taken many from their families, and the toll it took on those who stayed made many more lose their loved ones. The remaining Avengers lost Clint to his own darkness, and you lost the love of your life to what you could only describe as self-isolation.
Natasha had always had an unhealthy work-life balance, yet you always managed to counter that… But not anymore.
You had been together for what felt like an eternity, intertwined in a love that once knew no bounds. Now, though, there was a growing chasm separating the two of you. Natasha would only engage in conversations that revolved around missions and saving the world, and none of those came from you.
You used to be an Avenger too, with powers so astronomical that you never learned to control them. Bruce and Tony had to create some sort of inhibitor for you, lest you destroy the world by mistake.
You were probably one of the most powerful beings out there, but having no control whatsoever of your powers would only bring destruction, so you learned to live without them, the bracelet Tony made never leaving your wrist.
Being a somewhat powerless avenger was hard, but it was worth it. You saved people, you helped your friends.
But since the Blip things have changed. 
After watching Wanda, one of your best friends, disappear right in front of your eyes; after seeing Clint's descent into darkness, you didn't feel like fighting anymore. So you decided to stop, you stopped so you could take care of yourself, take care of Natasha.
They were small, the things you did for her, but meaningful nonetheless. You'd wait by the door every day to greet her like a god-damned war hero, to show her some love and comfort after a hard day at work; you'd make her favorite dishes, lay the table with your best cutlery; you even took upon painting as it seemed to ease your mind, and you'd use your best colors for her portraits (and there were many)... And yet, all Natasha gave back were lukewarm smiles; hums, and nods in acknowledgment of your attempts at conversation, and a lackluster "thanks". 
She seemed to simply… Tolerate it.
You woke up in the wee hours of the morning, the sun hadn't risen yet, and the moonlight shone through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Your gaze fell upon Natasha, who lay beside you sleeping lightly. The rise and fall of her chest matched the rhythm of her breathing, a calming sight that used to bring you comfort.
But then, as you watched her, you noticed a subtle alteration in her breathing patterns, something that would go unnoticed by anyone else. The steady rhythm became irregular, interrupted by moments of slightly shallower breaths and the briefest of pauses. There was a tension in her muscles that hadn't been there a second ago, almost as if a silent battle was being waged beneath her immaculate skin.
Natasha's eyes remained closed, her face serene as if she was lost in the most peaceful of dreams. But you knew the truth. She was pretending to be asleep. It felt like she didn't want to wake up beside you, like she simply tolerated your presence, but now even that tolerance seemed to be waning.
You wanted to reach out, to offer her solace, to take all the pain away, but the invisible barrier between you seemed impossible to break through. The distance that had grown between you now felt like a vast expanse, impossible to bridge. Her closed eyes spoke volumes, a silent plea for space, for time, for avoidance.
Your heart ached with the weight of unspoken words, your eyes burned with the sting of unshed tears. You missed Clint, he'd know how to deal with this, he'd help her, but he'd help you, too. He'd hug you and tell you that everything was gonna be ok, he'd make sure it'd turn out that way. You missed Wanda, she'd take you out to eat ice cream, watch silly sitcoms with you, tell you the stupidest jokes just to see you crack a smile, she'd even threaten Natasha if she imagined the other redhead was hurting you in any way, shape or form.
You missed your life, your old life, before the Blip.
You turned away from her, not wanting her to see the tears in your eyes in case she opened hers.
As it turns out, the first time Natasha had a semblance of a real conversation with you in… You don't even know how many weeks… Was to ask you to join a team to take down whatever new evil had shown up.
You didn't even think twice about it, you took the job, you'd do anything to get closer to her again.
The team consisted of you, Steve, and Carol, who was visiting Earth. You didn't even know where you were headed or who you were facing, you just wanted to come back with an excuse to actually talk to your fianceé. 
As you prepared to get into the jet, you saw her there, giving off directions before everyone boarded. You wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between respecting Natasha's need for distance and the overwhelming desire to break through the walls she had erected. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder then, too warm to be Nat's, and you immediately felt the comfort she radiated.
Carol wasn't the most sentimental person, she wouldn't tell you that everything would be fine, she wouldn't offer comforting words, but she'd be there, a warm unwavering presence amidst the chaos (even if you rarely saw each other in person). She was the one good thing that the Blip brought you.
"Don't think too much about it," the blonde said, already knowing what was on your mind. "Keep your head in the game, I don't want you getting hurt out there, ok?"
You nodded while managing to keep to yourself the strong urge to hug her, to seek comfort in that friendly and familiar warmth of hers.
She nodded back, turned and boarded the jet, having already reviewed with Natasha her role in the mission.
You looked at your fianceé only to find her eyes already on you. You didn't think too much into it, though, she was probably just reviewing in her head the role you'd have for this mission.
Once again you found yourself wanting to go to her, but the fear of rejection loomed over you, a haunting presence that whispered of the potential pain that awaited if you ventured too close.
You turned away and stepped in the jet.
You stumbled into the Avengers' compound, a dull ache radiating from your wounded shoulder, the bloodstained clothes doing nothing to give you comfort.
The mission had taken an unexpected turn, and both you and Steve got shot. Multiple times.
As soon as you stepped through the quinjet's door Natasha was there, the worry in her eyes making you question if you were hallucinating. She walked to you, her eyes never leaving yours, it was almost as if you could feel her again, the old Natasha, your Natasha.
"What the fuck happened? You weren't supposed to get hurt!" she exclaimed in a mix of anger, desperation and concern. She ran her hands through her unkempt hair. It was an uncommon sight, indeed, to see her so disheveled.
You knew she had been worried, the moment Steve reported back you could hear her pacing back and forth through the comms, you just didn't know it would affect her this much. You didn't think she cared anymore.
Almost as if sensing your thoughts, Natasha took a hesitant step closer and reached for your hands. "You got me really worried." She said, her eyes looking deep into yours, her hands soothingly cold to the touch. 
You could see she wanted to say something else, but almost as if she was waging a silent war against herself, she shook her head, released your hands and sighed. "Go to the med bay. I'll meet you there."
You nodded weakly, too tired from blood loss to argue. Too tired in general.
As you made your way to the medical facilities, the pain in your shoulder intensifying with each step, you couldn't help but think of all the times Clint saved your ass from stupid bullet wounds like these, or how Wanda would literally create a shield around you whenever you faced danger.
You missed them, you missed Wanda so much, and you couldn't help but wish it was you and not her. And Clint, god, you hated what he became, you hated the Ronin, you hated that he wasn't there to heal by your side, to heal with Natasha, but you still missed him so much.
As you entered the med bay, you were greeted by a warmth that made you question how she could have gotten there first.
"Bold move, jumping in front of a sea of bullets like that" Carol said, there was no warmth in her voice though. You closed your eyes.
"I couldn't let them shoot that child," you said, sitting on a cot and looking apologetically at her.
Carol gritted her teeth, her eyes scanning your wounded shoulder, the part of you that got the most hits, with a mix of worry and anger written across her face.
"So you just deemed your life less valuable than hers and decided to throw it away?" She clenched her fists.
"That's not it and you know it," you said in a small voice. It was worse, but no, she didn't know it. She didn't need to. You didn't want to burden her too.
Carol's eyes softened, she took a couple steps towards you and touched your uninjured shoulder. "I just worry about you, sweet girl." She said and sighed, "Look, I know you don't have much to live for right now, but you're one of my best friends, I wouldn't be able to deal with it if something ever happened to you. And by the looks of it neither would Natasha, despite all the shit she's been pulling."
It was amazing how Carol, just like Wanda before her, was able to fill you with lightness. With them, as well as with Clint, you felt cherished, cared for. You could never be more thankful for the blonde in front of you. Without Clint and Wanda here to support your near Natasha-less life, Carol was the one thing keeping you sane.
You just wished being sane was enough.
You managed a weak smile, though, and even if felt forced, it still seemed to have convinced Carol that you were ok. "I'll be fine, Carebear. Just a flesh wound. I know I haven't been in the field for a while, but it's nothing I can't handle."
Carol fought off a smirk. "Promise me you won't pull shit like that again, at least".
You saluted her, a mocking smile on your face, despite the ache you felt inside. "Aye, aye, Captain!"
She chuckled and shook her head, "You're the worst".
"But you love it!" Your answering smile was more genuine this time.
Her smile grew bigger, and you wished you could see it in person more often.
"I actually do." She said, shaking her head once more and turning away to leave the med bay.
It didn't take long for a nurse to come to tend to you. There were many bullet wounds around your body, although most were superficial. The worst was indeed your shoulder, having been hit four times.
You bitterly wondered how you could still be alive with all of these bullet holes around your body.
The minutes passed by, and yet there was no sign of Natasha, so after all your wounds have been treated and dressed you decided to go look for the redhead.
It was a bad idea. As you located her, your heart sank. There she was, tending to Steve's wounds, her focus solely on him. Even though there was nothing romantic about the situation, the sight of them together stirred a mix of emotions within you. Jealousy, longing, confusion. Betrayal. You wondered if there was something more between Natasha and Steve, a connection that surpassed friendship. You wondered why she would deem him deserving of having his wounds treated personally by her while you were sent to a nameless nurse.
Your mind raced, struggling with the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed you. Doubts crept in, and you questioned the very nature of your relationship with Natasha. Did she even love you still? Has she ever? Where was that woman who threw blankets over your barbed wire, leaving you just soft enough for all your other friends to approach? Why has she left you behind in her pursuit to build this new world instead of taking you along with her? The uncertainty gnawed at you, intensifying the ache in your shoulder. You made her your temple, your mural, your sky, but now you were left begging for footnotes in the story of her life.
As you stood there, watching her tend to his injuries, a deep sense of loneliness washed over you. The weight of the lack of acknowledgment you've been getting from her grew heavier, casting a shadow over the bond you once shared. The pain in your shoulder felt insignificant compared to the ache in your soul.
At that moment, you realized you couldn't take it anymore. You loved Natasha, you would probably love her till the end of your days, but you knew your love should be celebrated, and yet all she did was tolerate it.
You never thought about what she would do if you broke free, leaving the two of you in ruins. But that's what you did, you took the chains that bound you to Natasha and broke them.
You still longed for her, though, the neverending love you held for the woman felt like a dagger piercing your heart, a constant reminder of what you craved for, of what you once had. You wanted to remove it, to see it clatter to the ground as you bled out.
It was weird to gain the weight of her then lose it, but you needed to do it, you had to.
You were doing it for her as much as for yourself. Natasha had lost so, so much, but there was one person who could still come back, so you went to look for him, more in hopes of helping her than fulfilling your own desire of seeing him again.
Even if she didn't love you (which was the impression you got when you told her you'd be gone, looking for Clint, only to get a blank stare in response), you still loved her, you still wanted her to be as happy as she could, and you knew Clint was the person to make that happen, he was her best friend as much as he was yours.
You needed to help her heal somehow.
"She's been a mess since you left," Carol had said once during a video call, the vast expansion of the universe now looming right behind her, "don't ever tell her I said that, though." The grimace on her face told you she wasn't kidding.
"Steve's been trying to help more, even I am; I've been to earth since you left more times than I've been throughout my whole life. I'm afraid that if I stay gone too long, she won't be there when I come back… Since you left she barely takes care of herself. The place's a mess, she hasn't been eating much, and, again, don't ever tell her I said this, but I thought I'd never see her cry, and yet…"
You wondered if it had been all in your head, the way she seemed to avoid you, the way she seemed to take you for granted, the way she seemed to merely tolerate you.
In the midst of a turbulent storm of emotions, a newfound sense of urgency propelled your every step. You needed to find Clint, you needed to find him so you could go back to her, to see if she was really deteriorating that much, to ask her if it was all in your head, if you got it wrong somehow, if she actually loved you.
Time seemed to both crawl and fly, leaving you with moments of self-reflection in the solitude of your journey. Doubts and insecurities waged war within you, tearing at the fabric of your clarity. What if you discovered that Natasha's love had been genuine, but she had struggled to express it? What if she was simply too freshly traumatized to express it, and you had abandoned her at her worst moment?
You needed to go back to her, even if it was just to figure it out. But you wouldn't go back without Clint, you couldn't.
So you searched, and searched, and searched. And as you finally stood before Clint, his weathered face bearing the marks of his own battles, you found yourself engulfed in a deep ache. Two of the people you loved the most were immersed in pain, and you could do nothing to help.
"I can't believe you traveled so far, came all the way here for this," Clint spat, his voice filled with anger, his eyes filled with tears. "To ask me to come back so I can help her. Do you even worry about me? Did you ever stop to think that I lost my family? My wife's gone, Y/N! I lost my kids! Do you really think that I'm not dealing with my own shit right now?"
You shook your head, tears welled up in your eyes too, matching the anguish in your voice. "Fuck you, Clint! I'm not here just for her and you know that! You're my best friend, goddamnit, and you've been gone for years! I know you're hurting, but you gotta know that what you're doing is wrong, and it's not gonna bring Laura and the kids back." You shook your head, remembering the way the kids would all call you auntie Y/N/N. You sighed and shook your head in disappointment. "They would actually be ashamed of what you became."
You knew it was a low blow, but it was the truth, and he needed to hear it 
The moment he seemed to register those words, Clint's eyes became full of this sort of anger that you've never seen your friend display. But again, this wasn't Hawkeye, this was Ronin. 
Clint advanced upon you with rage in his eyes, his hand went to your throat, a dagger suddenly pressing against your ribs.
"Take that back." He said through gritted teeth, and you felt your eyes filling with tears once again.
Of course he wasn't above hurting you like this. He, too, didn't care about your own pain. 
You were tired, you were so fucking tired.
"Do it." You said, your voice devoid of emotions, the hollowness you now felt was all it conveyed. "It's not gonna make any difference if I'm gone, anyway."
You'd be just another death on his account, just a wisp of a memory in Natasha's mind.
Clint's brows furrowed, but his grip was unrelenting. You took your hands to his, the one holding the dagger, and pulled it up, so it wasn't resting above your ribs anymore, but right at your heart.
"Please," you said with a wavering voice, looking him deep in the eyes, trying to appeal no more to your friend, but to Ronin, "do it. Please."
The dagger clattered to the ground, Clint took a step away, looking at his hand as if it had personally offended him. He then looked at you, but you didn't meet his eyes, you were too absorbed looking at the dagger on the ground, feeling the brisk sense of freedom evading you as it finally stopped moving.
You then felt his arms around you, your head suddenly tucked into his neck.
"I'm so sorry," he said, his voice sounding desperate "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry," he kept repeating, and repeating, and repeating. 
You shook your head, your own desperation making you cling to him "Why didn't you do it? Why couldn't you just kill me?!"
His arms tightened around you as you both fell to your knees.
"I'm sorry," he just repeated, "I'm sorry I took this path, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I wasn't a good friend."
You wished that he being sorry was enough.
When you came back, there was a talk about fucking time travel. The Ant-guy was back, and so was Tony, Thor, and even Bruce. Everything seemed to be falling into place, so why did you still feel so…. broken?
But, somehow, as you and Clint stepped foot inside the Avengers compound, the familiar surroundings embraced you like a long-lost home. The tension that has seemed to permeate your very bones during the journey began to ease, replaced by a cautious hope for what awaited you.
You knew things wouldn’t instantly fix themselves up; Natasha wouldn’t just come to you and apologize for all she’s done (no, that wasn’t like her at all); your heart wouldn’t suddenly be mended, even if she did; your mind wouldn't let you forget the pain, the deep ache the past five years inflicted upon you.
And yet, there was hope.
There was the possibility of bringing Wanda back, of having Carol around more often, of doing something good for humanity. Of making Natasha happy again.
The moment the doors opened you saw her. She was talking to the Ant-guy and to Bruce, her brows furrowed as she nodded along.
And then she turned her head and caught sight of you, and of who was by your side. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw Clint standing there, and a glimmer of something flickered within them, something akin to hope, but also akin to sorrow. Without a second thought, she started walking in your direction, coming faster and faster until she was running. 
When Natasha reached Clint, she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a long-awaited embrace. Tears pooled in her eyes, slowly streaming down her cheeks as she closed them. 
There was a little lightness in your heart as you saw them hug, some sort of knowing that she'd be ok even if you weren't around anymore. She wouldn't starve herself, she wouldn't push everyone away, she wouldn't shut down. She'd survive, and then she'd move on.
In that moment, as Natasha clung to Clint, her teary eyes slowly opened. There, through the blur of her emotions, she looked right at you. And the gratitude that radiated from her gaze was palpable, as if a thousand unspoken words were contained within that single look. 
Her hold on Clint loosened slightly as her eyes locked onto yours, lingering for a brief, intense moment. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you suspended in time as the weight of her gaze met yours.  It felt as if the universe held its very breath, waiting for the next chapter to unfold. 
You wished you could say you could feel her love through that gaze, but you didn't know if you could use that word to describe what Natasha felt for you. Maybe she regretted what she did; maybe you became her anchor, even if unbeknownst to you, and she felt like she needed you to function; maybe she felt like she owed you something for bringing Clint back. You didn't know what it was, but you couldn't shake the feeling that the word love would be the wrong one to describe her feelings for you. Gratitude, thankfulness, maybe, but not love.
You smiled a sad smile, and nodded your head in acknowledgment to the gratitude in her eyes. 
Natasha furrowed her brows and pulled away from Clint as she saw you walking away from her, but before she could come after you, Clint caught her hand and walked towards the opposite direction. He wanted a conversation in private.
You just knew he was going to tear her a new one for what she did to you. During your journey back he had apologized more times than you could count, his words still engraved in your mind.
"I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust," he had vowed, his voice filled with determination. "I'll prove to you day after day that I care, that I value our friendship above all else. What happened the other day… it'll never happen again, I promise you that. I was too absorbed in my own pain, so much so that I hurt you, but I would never do that intentionally, Y/N. You're like a sister to me, I'd never willingly hurt you. I love you too much for that."
Maybe his love was real, but you didn't have it in yourself to just forgive and forget.
Maybe one day the gods would deem you worthy of love. True love, not the kind that hurts you.
"A soul for a soul" the Redskull said, turning the vast expense of cosmic beauty before you into something bleak, final. "You must sacrifice that which you love."
Your eyes wandered, drinking in the breathtaking scenery, the towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls; it seemed like a paradise carved from dreams. 
But the words hanging in the air casted a somber shadow over the planet's beauty, and as you stood near its vibrant precipice, the weight of what had to be done pressed upon the three of you. 
Destiny had brought you here, demanding a sacrifice.
It was a curse and a blessing all at once.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," Natasha stated, her voice tinged with determination, almost as if she was trying to keep herself strong.
Of course she'd want to be sacrificed, the selfless fool that she was.
Clint's gaze met hers, his eyes filled with a mixture of conflict and resignation. "Then I guess we both know who it's got to be," he replied, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. They didn't spare a single glance your way, it was almost as if they had mutually decided that you were to live.
A subtle sadness washed over Natasha's features as she nodded in agreement. "I guess we do."
You closed your eyes. You had been wanting this for so long, you had craved the peace I'd bring, you had fantasized about it, about closing your eyes and never opening them again.
And yet… you found yourself wanting to cling to life with an unwavering grip.
As Clint and Natasha looked at each other, you found yourself wanting to greet Laura, Lila, Coop and Nate when they came back, you found yourself wanting to have a nice day out with Yelena. You found yourself wanting to embrace Wanda and never let her go.
It hurt to know you wouldn't be able to do any of that.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha." Clint said then, his voice wavering slightly.
For a moment, Natasha's gaze lingered on Clint, her eyes reflecting the depth of her conviction. "For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing: get to right here," she confessed. "That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."
She looked at you then, her eyes brimming with tears "I was so focused on it that I drove away the one person I had promised myself never to hurt.",
You couldn't look her in the eye, you couldn't let her see your decision through your gaze.
Clint's shoulders seemed to sag, you could see the self-blame he felt right through his eyes, even if they were focused on Nat. "And that's why it gotta be me. You spent all this time trying to help what was left of the world. Me… you know what I've done. You know what I've become." He shook his head, his eyes turning to you as well "If you haven't gotten to me, I'd still be killing an untold number of people without a care for who it'd hurt."
"Well," you said, shrugging, trying to lighten the mood a little "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes." There was no point in holding grudges anymore.
"Neither do I." Natasha said, looking at him. Her eyes turned to you then, full of sadness, longing , and regret. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
You walked towards her and pulled her in by the hand, your forehead resting against hers.
"I love you, Nat. You've been forgiven since day one." You said.
Natasha's tears streamed down her cheeks as she buried her face in the crook of your neck.
You saw from the corner of your eye Clint taking a step back, as if to go to the cliff. You extended your hand to him as well. He stopped in his tracks and took a couple steps in your direction, taking your hand in his.
He smiled a sad smile, his eyes red. "Tell my family I love them" he said, and tried to pull his hand away, but you gripped it with all the strength you had.
"Tell them yourself," Natasha said, pulling away from you as well.
You sighed, your eyes burning with unshed tears. You didn't want to die anymore. You wanted to live.
But you couldn't let them sacrifice themselves.
You ripped the bracelet Tony made from your wrist. It clattered on the ground. Natasha and Clint's eyes widened, almost as if they hadn't even thought of the possibility of you being the one to jump.
You felt an unbearable heat rising up from inside out, your lungs burned, your chest, your torso, your whole body. 
"Y/N what the hell are you doing?!?" Natasha yelled out, trying to get to the bracelet on the floor, but the burning winds that seemed to suddenly emanate from you wouldn't let her get closer.
"Take care of each other. And of Wanda and Carol. That 's all I ask." You said, your voice no longer solely yours.
You saw a rising shadow on the ground, signaling the presence of wings on your back. Blood red wings engulfed in flames. The Phoenix's wings.
Clint was rooted to the ground, your power vicious enough to paralyze those of weaker minds.
Natasha, though? She was fighting to get to you, the winds clearly burning her skin, yet she didn't give up. You turned away from her, not wanting to see her struggle.
It was a short walk to the edge of the cliff, you didn't want to look back. If you said goodbye it'd make it feel more real. So you just jumped.
And then you felt her hand on your wrist, the searing heat making her skin burn, and yet, she didn't let go.
"No, please. Not you." She cried, and even with tear stained cheeks she was the most beautiful woman you've ever seen "I can't lose you like this. The world can't lose you. You're the only one of us that really deserves to live life to its full potential."
And then, as if her touch made your power purr in her presence, Clint broke free, running to where you were dangling and taking your other wrist in his hands.
This was hurting them, both physically and mentally, you saw the skin on their hands blistering, you saw the redness in their arms, the tears in their eyes not just from the pain.
"Let me go," you said with a sad smile. They had their families, they had their jobs, their missions; their homes. 
You had nothing, all you did was take up too much space or time. They deserved to live, even if you left them in ruins.
"It's not gonna work!" Natasha shouted in desperation, her expression one of pure anguish "I don't love you! It's not gonna work!"
You smiled sadly at her. She really didn't love you, did she? She just tolerated you.
"It 's ok, Natty. It'll work. You may not love me, but Clint does " you said, smiling at her through your own tears. 
"Y/N, please, don't do this," Clint begged too, sobbing as he held onto you with all his strength.
"It's ok," you repeated, and if it was to calm them or yourself , you didn't know, "it's gonna be ok".
You used whatever little control you had over your powers to push them away. As your body tumbled to the ground the last thing you remembered was the way Natasha used to laugh at your jokes, enjoy your food, take you out on dates. The last thing you remembered was how she used to love your presence, and not just tolerate it.
Maybe one day someone would be enough to have their love celebrated by her.
When Natasha and Clint woke up not much later in a galaxy colored lake, she clutched the stone that had appeared in her hands, wishing with all her might that it turned out different, that the last words she said to you weren't "I don't love you."
She loved you. Always did. Always would.
Wanda sat in front of your gravestone, her hair disheveled, her eyes red shot, her cheeks tear stained. She hugged her knees as she sobbed, longing for the presence of who could no longer be by her side. She had lost her parents, then Pietro, Vision, and now you.
She sobbed more and more, the pitiful sound getting louder.
She felt a hand on her shoulder then, and she looked up to see red shot brown eyes.
Carol sat beside her, taking her hand and squeezing it a little. 
She understood what Wanda was going through, she was grieving you as well, and even though Wanda and Vision were planning on starting a life together, the witch suspected the Captain wouldn't have said no if you'd asked the same thing from her. So she, too, lost her love, even if she never got the courage to confess it.
It was a hot day, the sunlight shone perpendicular through the clearing where your grave has been put, creating a magical scenery all around the place.
And yes, the day was hot, but was it supposed to be this hot? 
Wanda shook her head, her brows starting to sweat.
And then the sunlight vanished, as if something gigantic was blocking its path. She and Carol looked up, but all they could see were the trees blocking the sky from view.
The animalistic cry they heard didn't come from the trees, though.
Neither did the blood red feather falling through the leaves, its tip engulfed in fire.
Wanda and Carol looked at each other, and for the first time in weeks, they smiled.
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Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @strangegardentaco, @madamevirgo, @Lovelyy-moonlight, @agent99galanzo, @red1culous
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sxddekarios · 5 months ago
sharing a tent with gale
ch 2 of a very wholesome magic lesson! no actual smut, just gale battling his hard-on while cuddling with tav.
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Tav stood outside of Gale’s tent, letting the brisk air calm her racing heart at the thought of sleeping with the wizard. In a completely platonic way. She hugged her fuzzy pink blanket to her chest. Her water bottle and small pouch with lip oil, mint, and an eye mask were tucked in the soft bundle. A muffled moan from the couple they left behind reached her, causing Tav to cringe. They were minutes away — how in the hells could they be so loud? Tav couldn’t imagine moaning so loud that a person two feet away from her could hear, let alone hundreds of feet. She took a deep breath and parted the fabric door to Gale’s tent. “Hi,” she said meekly as she entered. A soft amber and sandalwood scent hit her. Tav smiled as the scent eased her. Gale was half-lying in his bedroll, propped up against a pile of eclectic pillows so he could read. Tav’s eyes widened involuntarily as she took him in in the warm light. He was so damn pretty.
Gale looked up to meet Tav’s gaze, his smile widening as he saw how adorable she looked clutching her blanket. “Fancy meeting you here.” He moved a hand from his book — that he hadn’t read a word of since he opened it to try to convince his body to calm down while his mind freaked out about Tav sharing his tent — to pat the space next to him. “Settle in,” he said. “Or would you like this spot instead? I’m fine with whichever.” He definitely wasn’t stalling. He just needed to breathe, and tell himself that a perfectly platonic friend was going to sleep next to him out of necessity. No reason for his mind — or his cock — to go crazy. Absolutely none.
Tav’s brow wrinkled as she considered her sleeping spot. She decided to go for settling in next to him. She’d hate to make Gale move when he looked so cozy.
“I’m good here,” Tav replied as she walked over to the bed roll and sat down on Gale’s right side. She pulled up the blanket she shared with Gale and draped her own on top of her, placing her water and bag next to her.
She tried to figure out something to do with her hands now. She didn’t know what to say with Gale looking up at her like that. He was normally the one looking down at her. Now he was looking at her instead of his book.
“Are you comfortable?” Gale asked. “Is there anything I can get you?” He had already tidied up his tent, arranging a throne of plush pillows so Tav had her pick. He also stashed one under the blanket on his left side, so he’d be prepared to place that between them before his morning erection woke her up.
Hopefully that’ll work, he thought. There was no amount of self control that could keep him from getting hard when spending the night with Tav. Even though he was well-practiced in distracting himself from desire due to the orb, he had little say where his blood went while he was sleeping.
“I’m good,” Tav repeated with a smile. Her vocabulary certainly became more limited when she was focused on him. Should she be disappointed that he was still wearing his sweater? Did he normally sleep with a top on?
She tried to push the thought of a shirtless Gale out of her mind as she laid down with her head propped against two pillows. She wanted to run her fingers over the lines of the orb, see if he moaned at the contact, learn if it felt warm like she’d imagined it.
Stop it, she chided herself. There’s no amount of wine in Faerûn that could make him want anything like that with you.
Gale was about to ask her if she wanted to do anything before trying to sleep when she brought her blanket up to her nose, hiding half of her face. Gods, she was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
He took a few seconds to compose himself. “Do you want to read or anything before bed? Or I can just turn the lamp off now,” he offered. He had plenty of books for her to choose from, conveniently stacked on either side of the bedroll.
Tav considered his question. What she really wanted was for him to read to her…. she wasn’t likely to fall asleep under any other circumstance.
But with his deep, gentle voice next to her? Maybe she could finally relax.
She lowered her blanket to her chin so her voice wouldn’t be muffled. She had to ask for it — what if he said yes?
“Actually,” she started, “could you read to me for a bit? My eyes are kinda tired, but I feel like … it’d be sort of like a lullaby if I could listen to you read. If you want, of course.”
If I want? Of course I want that, Gale thought. He wouldn’t be able to focus on his book normally with her lying beside him, but if she wants him to read aloud for her… He could certainly do that.
“Of course,” Gale answered. He was touched by how sincere she was. She never asked for anything, and he felt honored that she felt comfortable enough to ask him for this sweet act.
He turned to lay on his back so his side was pressed against Tav’s. Heat crept into his face at feeling how warm and soft she was next to him.
He put the arm that wasn’t propping up his book around her shoulder. “Is this alright?” He asked after muttering his frost enchantment to emit coolness from his body for her. He still felt pleasantly warm, but this would help her feel cool enough to sleep.
Tav sighed, “it’s perfect.”
Gale’s cock definitely did not stir at that. It’s just a sigh, just an intake of breath, and a little sound. Completely innocent.
Tav interrupted his “get yourself together” thoughts with a question. “Can we snuggle?”
Gale let out a surprised laugh. They were already lying side by side, and yet she still asked to cuddle. She really was innocent. He tried to remind himself of that so he wouldn’t have nefarious thoughts at having any closer contact with her.
“Yes,” he chuckled while looking down at her dark eyes.
Tav smiled, thanking herself for asking. He was going to read to her and snuggle with her. What more could she ask for?
Well, there was more, but she couldn’t ask for that. He wouldn’t want to do it anyways.
At least that’s what she told herself as she shifted onto her right side, draping her left leg over Gale’s thighs, and resting her face and her hand on Gale’s chest. She kept her blanket clutched in that hand, held up to her nose for comfort.
Gale looked down at Tav in stunned silence. Surely she could hear — and feel — his heart thundering in his chest. He had longed for her resting like this with him for weeks. Her braids falling behind her, her cheek pressed to his chest, and her bare leg on him.
He cursed himself for keeping his sweater on; he wanted to feel her hand and her face on his skin.
Nonetheless, he was grateful that her leg was low enough for her to not notice how much he was struggling to not be turned on. If she moved it up though….that would be another problem. Especially if he felt her soft leg brush over the growing hardness in his trousers. Then there’d be no hope of getting it to go away.
Only when Tav looked up at him expectantly did he remember that he was supposed to be reading to her. Not staring and marveling at her beauty.
Gale cleared his throat and returned his gaze to his book. He began reading to her, and soon she was breathing steadily against his chest. He smiled as he gently placed the bookmark back into the book before moving it to the stack of tomes beside him.
Then he turned off the lamp behind his head and gathered Tav in his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Goodnight,” he whispered as he held her.
Gale whimpered in his sleep. It was the most endearing thing Tav had ever heard. Although it did make her wonder if he ever moaned in his sleep…
She had moved around a bit in the night, but not nearly as much as she does alone. Still, she ended up snuggling into Gale’s chest again. His soft breaths were so calming to her, and there was no way she was going to get up before him and lose that.
She had to savor it.
Gale’s dreams were filled of taking Tav to Waterdeep, showing her his extensive library, and licking her pussy on his bed. Their bed, in his dreams.
Unsurprisingly, his cock was throbbing throughout most of the night. When he finally woke up to Tav half on top of him, it took him a moment to gather his bearings.
They weren’t in a relationship, they were just sharing a bed. Because it’s cold and quiet here, not because she’s in love with me.
His cock was taking longer to conform to reality. Please gods tell me that’s precum, and I didn’t actually cum in my pants because Tav is sleeping with me.
The pillow that lay beside him was no help. There was no subtle way to move it over his hips while her leg was splayed across him.
So he settled his head back and traced circles on Tav’s bare shoulder with his thumb.
“Morning,” Tav groaned softly. She managed to burrow deeper into the blankets and Gale’s side.
Which only made Gale’s heart and cock tighten more.
He hadn’t realized she was awake. At least no part of her was pressing against his erection. He just had to make sure to stay laying like this while he waited for it to go away.
“Good morning,” Gale replied.
Tav’s leg twitched as she took in how deep and sleepy and adorable his morning voice was. She moved her leg up a bit higher to stretch her leg, when she felt some resistance.
A sharp intake of breath from Gale confirmed her suspicions of what she just brushed over. Tav stilled before letting out a small giggle. “Sorry. I forgot guys do that,” she muttered into his sweater.
Of course she chalks it up to a normal morning erection, Gale thought. He was bothered by the fact that she never seemed to consider that someone could be attracted to her, but counted his blessings for her insecurity making it less awkward to explain.
“Sorry,” Gale parroted with an embarrassed chuckle. “It’ll go away in a few minutes.” He stopped himself from groaning out loud in mortification.
But he felt Tav smile into his chest.
“Mhm hmm,” she hummed. She wished it’d stay.
Then Karlach’s voice broke the two out of their yearning thoughts. “Shadowheart, did Astarion bite you?”
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dalilacherie · 8 months ago
Could I get platonic cuddle puddle with reader and curtis brothers? Maybe she's the only one who can ever convince Darry to cuddle and as soon as Soda sees them he has to join and drags pony along too?
𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞
[𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 + 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐱 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠]
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 650
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The living room of the Curtis house was warm and quiet, a gentle glow from the old lamp filling the corners with soft light. Y/N was curled up on the worn couch, her favorite book resting in her lap. The air was calm, almost sleepy, and she was happy that settled over her like a blanket.
Darry was in the kitchen, washing the dishes with robotic-like strokes. His face was a little tense, the kind that never quite left him, a sign of the heavy load he carried since his parents had died. Y/N watched him from the corner of her eye, the strong lines of his shoulders moving rhythmically.
“Hey, Darry,” she called softly, her voice cutting through the quiet. “You look tired. Come take a break.”
Darry glanced over his shoulder, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “I’m fine. Just got a few more to go.”
She set her book aside and stood up, walking over to the kitchen. “C’mon, Darry. You know you work too hard. You never sit down and relax.”
Darry let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “Someone’s got to keep this place running.”
She gave him a gentle nudge. “Just for a little while. You can’t keep working all the time.”
He hesitated, looking down at her with those serious eyes. But there was something about the way she asked, the way she seemed to understand his need for a break, even when he didn’t want to admit it. With a resigned sigh, Darry wiped his hands on a dish towel and followed her back to the couch.
They settled down, Y/N leaning against him as he sat stiffly at first, then gradually relaxing. It wasn’t often that Darry let himself do this, to just sit and be with his siblings without the weight of responsibility.
Not long after, Sodapop came through the door, his usual lively energy filling the room. He stopped short when he saw them on the couch, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint. “Well, would you look at that,” he teased, grinning wide. “Darry’s actually sitting still for once.”
Darry gave him a mock glare, but there was a softness in his eyes. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.”
Sodapop laughed, kicking off his shoes and making his way over to them. “No way I’m missing out on this,” he said, flopping down beside them, nearly bouncing Y/N off her spot. “Scoot over.”
She giggled, tucking herself between the boys as Soda wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Darry shook his head but didn’t protest, a rare moment of letting go.
“Pony!” Soda called out toward the hallway. “Get in here!”
Ponyboy appeared a moment later, looking confused as he stepped into the living room. “What’s going on?”
“Family cuddle session,” Soda announced, patting the space next to him. “C’mon, Pony. You know you want to.”
Ponyboy hesitated for a second, then shrugged and joined them, squeezing in next to Soda. He looked a little embarrassed, but the warmth of his family surrounded him, and it wasn’t long before he relaxed into it.
Y/N nestled deeper into the comfort of the brothers, feeling safe and loved. Soda's arm was steady around her, a solid presence she knew she could always count on. He was the bright, happy energy beside her.
The room was filled with soft laughter and gentle teasing.
Darry’s voice rumbled softly, a rare moment. “We should do this more often.”
Soda grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I knew you liked cuddling, Darry.”
“Don’t push it, Soda,” Darry warned, but there was no real heat behind his words.
Ponyboy smiled, his head resting on Soda’s shoulder. “It’s nice, though.”
Y/N nodded, her heart full. “Yeah, it is.”
And so they stayed, wrapped up in each other, the world outside forgotten for a little while.
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