#they always put Logan in charge of ordering because they all hate talking on the phone
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months ago
Logan: *writing down orders* What flavor of wings do you all want? Virgil?
Virgil: The hottest ones. I want to suffer-
Logan: *sighs* Right, ok, Roman?
Roman: Something sweet for this sweet prince-
Logan: *sighs again* Sure, whatever. Patton?
Patton: I don’t know, just WING it for me Lo-
Logan: -fine! Don’t give me the actual flavours, you’re all dead to me actually, I will to let you all starve-
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98prilla · 5 years ago
Heat Stroke
I’ve seen a lot of “deceit is cold blooded so he gets cold easily” and I decided to flip the script. Too much heat is just as problematic for reptiles as too much cold. Read on A03 Here 
He was warm. Not unusual. He tended to burrow under blankets while he slept, making more of a nest out of them than anything. He rolled over and yawned, about to go back to sleep, but he frowned. It was bright. He could see the light through his eyelids, it was far too bright in his room, he never left the lights on when he slept.  
He realized with a jolt of panic that he wasn’t lying in bed, either. He didn’t feel the soothing weight of his blankets atop him, nor the softness of his mattress below. Instead, he felt hard ground.
He shot to his feet with a hiss, instantly awake and on guard, quickly taking in his surroundings with a sinking heart.
He was on a large, smooth rock. Before it was what looked like mulch woodchips. But beyond that….
He was in a cage. A terrarium, more accurately, he imagined Logan saying with an adjustment to his glasses. That brought a smile to his face for a moment, before it slipped away.
The glass sides of the tank extended upwards, so high and smooth there was no chance he was going to be able to climb them. The tank itself was a decent size, long enough it took him forty paces to reach from one side from the other, and twenty paces wide.
The most concerning part, besides having been somehow caged in the first place, was the light, and the heat it brought with it.
Looking up, he could make out what seemed to be a uv light, mimicking the sun and its rays, as well as its heat, along with a heat emitter bulb.  
He was already growing uncomfortably warm. He could feel sweat starting to slick his skin, and he desperatly realized there was no shelter from the “sun", not shade, no water, anywhere to be found.
This was bad. This was beyond bad. This was awful.
Without realizing it, he reached for his power, trying to sink out, panicking further when he realized he couldn’t. He could still feel Thomas, but something was keeping him well and truly trapped here.
He started pacing furiously, knowing it would only make this worse in the long run, but he supposed it didn’t matter.
None of the so called light sides would trap him in this manner, no matter how much they disliked or disagreed with him. They were too fundamentally caring to put him through this. No, if they had the nerve to want to kill him, it would be a blow from Romans sword, not… not this.
Which meant it was one of the others, one of his… no. They weren’t his people anymore, were they? Hed given that up when he appeared to Thomas, when he’d made himself known, inserted himself into the equation after denying the rest of them that very thing for years.
He'd be lying of he said everything was fine over on the dark side of the mind, if he denied it was all falling apart, he’d known sooner or later there would be a price on his head. Because he was the only obstacle between them and Thomas.  
And they were tired of waiting.
Suddenly furious, he glared at the glass. He took a breath, retreating as far as he could, before he took a running start, slamming his shoulder against it.
He fell back with a pained cry, gasping as he tried to push past it. He only fell apart more as he looked up, realizing his attempt hadn’t even left the faintest trace of a mark against the glass.
He growled, getting to his feet, winding up before charging again. And again. And again. And again. And-
He screamed as he felt something in his shoulder give, his arm hanging limply at his side, the smallest twitch of his fingers sending agony coursing through his entire left side.
He slumped to the ground, head pressing against the glass as he tried to contain his sobs. He couldn’t cry. He couldn’t afford to lose any more water content.
He was hot. He was so hot. It felt like he was slowly burning, from the inside out, any moisture on his skin had already evaporated, and he could feel himself starting to get lightheaded, the world spinning ever so slightly.
No. No! He wouldn’t give up, he wouldn’t die here, he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of killing him.
Because unless he got out of here soon, he was going to die. His reptilian traits went deeper than the surface, after all. He’d always had trouble regulating his body temperature. With no shade, no water, no respite to the endless, aching brightness, he was going to overheat. He was going to be cooked alive. He was going to die.
It was slow, and cruel, because he knew exactly what was happening, he was lucid and aware as he staggered back from the glass, searching for something, anything, he could use, common sense giving way to terror.
His only hope was to buy time. Time for the lights to find him, as slim a chance as it was they would even notice, much less care.
Wincing and swearing with every step, he made his way to the edge of the rock, praying it didn’t go down too far, that it was just settled in the dirt, and started to dig.
It felt like hours. His forehead burned and his hand shook and he could feel his heart pounding too hard and too fast, like it was trying to claw its way out of his chest. He kept stopping to cough, so hard he thought his lungs would burst, so short on breath his body was convinced he must be choking, but the air scalded his insides, sent pain blazing down his throat.
Finally, he was down deep enough, down was the hard part. The mulch down here gave way to soft earth, still blessedly moist earth, and he widened his hole until it was just big enough for him to fit, if he curled up his tightest.
He’d made a burrow, digging out a small shelter underneath the basking rock, out of the light and the very worst of the heat, though it wasn’t enough.  
He shivered. He knew that was bad, shivering. It meant his temp was hotter than that of his surroundings. Down here was cooler, only slightly, but cooler, and that meant he was already as hot as the surface of the cage, he guessed 101 or so, and rising.  
He curled tighter, head against his knees as dark spots danced before his vision. He counted his breath, trying to slow his racing pulse, trying to breath in air, but his heart was so, so loud, it drowned out even his thoughts as he felt his muscles go limp.
What did it matter, anyway? No one was coming. No one cared. What did it matter, if he burned to death on his own heat, here?
It didn’t, he supposed. He let out a dry laugh, his tongue sticking to the bottom of his mouth, so dry he couldn’t even make spit anymore. It was like the sahara, in his mouth. He couldn’t speak now if he wanted too, which was somehow the most terrifying thought of all, because words were his weapon, his armor, his defense. Without them, he was nothing.
He was nothing.
He was…
 Virgil was in the midst of the worst panic attack he’d ever had in his life. His knees were curled to his chest and he was rocking back and forth, unable to focus on anything else besides the noise in his head, screaming at him that it wasn’t safe, wasn’t right, wasn’t good!
He couldn’t see anything through the black and white spots peppering his vision, his breath coming in too short, unsteady gasps, that tore at his lungs and throat, that burned his chest and screamed in his ears.  
He couldn’t hear anything over the blood rushing, pounding in his ears, his hands gripped his hair, he could vaguely feel his nails digging into his scalp, pricking fine points of pain, he could feel his teeth biting his lip so hard it started to bleed, but that pain wasn’t enough, it wasn’t grounding enough, he could taste the copper on his tongue, and it only made him gag, made his pulse rush faster. He knew someone was counting, someone was trying to reach out, but it was too hot, too hot, too hot!  
“He can’t hear me.” Logan stated, withdrawing his hand at Virgil’s strangled noise at his touch, shaking his head hard and fast. Logan had stopped his counting. “He’s too far in his panic spiral.”  
“So what do we do? Just leave him?” Patton asked, fear pitching his voice higher than usual. None of them had ever seen Virgil quite this bad, he looked to be on the edge of passing out.
“Where is he?” Roman yelped, jumping as Remus launched himself over the couch and into the common area.  
“What the lemony snicket!? What are you doing here?” He asked, but Remus’s gaze had locked on Virgil. He walked purposefully towards him, before being blocked by Logan.  
“Move.” Remus growled, glaring up at Logan, who’s arms were folded, letting his fierceness drop when he found no suspicion or hate in his eyes, only concern.  
“I don’t know if given your turbulent history with Virgil, you should be interacting with him in his current state.” Remus shook his head, and Logan was surprised to find tears forming in his eyes.  
“I can, I can, I need to, you don’t understand, it’s not him, it’s not-” Remus’s fists clenched and unclenched as he let out a breath from between his teeth, struggling to keep his words in order, to keep everything from spilling out, he was shaking, he couldn’t stop shaking.  
“Please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease...” Logan heard Patton’s sharp inhale of breath as Remus broke into tears. He looked over Remus’s shoulder, seeing Roman speechless, gaping like a fish. Patton looked shocked, and he nodded once, towards Virgil. Logan frowned, but nodded back, looking down at Remus.  
“ok. Just... just be careful with him.” Logan said softly, squeezing his shoulder as he stepped aside. Remus nodded, taking a few steps forwards, before kneeling in front of Virgil, who still rocked, breath catching and heaving, eyes covered by his bangs.
“Vee.” He said the old nickname, and instantly Virgil froze, head jerking up, eyes blown wide with panic as they met Remus’s.  
“R...r...ree...” Remus shook his head, moving closer.  
“It’s ok, stormy, don’t try and talk. It’s him, isn’t it? It’s Dee?” Virgil nodded so fast his head spun, and he closed his eyes against the wash of dizziness.  
“Feel it. Bad, is bad, too hot, too hot!” Virgil cried, hands digging deeper into his scalp.  
“None of that, now. Squeeze my hands ok? As hard as you need. You’re not gonna hurt me.” Remus said softly, surprised as Virgil instantly let go of his hair and clutched Remus’s hands as if they were his only lifeline, so hard Remus could hear bones popping.  
“Good. That’s good, Vee. I know it’s hard, but I need you to focus. I can feel it too, he’s in trouble, bad trouble, right?” Virgil nodded again, and Remus could feel him calming somewhat.  
“I need you to tell me what you can feel. What he can feel. We need to find him.” He could feel Virgil trembling, shaking as he started coming back to himself, rocking a bit faster on his heels. “I know its hard, I know it doesn’t feel good, I know it hurts, but you’re the only way we have to find him. I need you to try. I’m right here, I’ll be right here. Okay?” Remus reassured. Virgil bit his lip, wincing at the pain.  
“O... oh... okay. Cl-closer? Pl-pl-please?” Virgil asked, breathless and shaky. Remus scooted closer, surprised as Virgil climbed onto his lap, letting out a trembling breath. Hesitantly, Remus let out his tentacles, wrapping them around Virgil to keep him steady on his lap, so he didn’t have to let go of his hands.  
“Too much?” He asked, feeling Virgil shaking in his grasp.  
“N-no.” He mumbled. “G-g-good.”  
“Okay. Are you ready?” Virgil nodded. He took as deep a breath as he could, before squeezing Remus’s hands tighter, closing his eyes.  
It was hot, it was far too hot. His throat was dry, scorching air in and out. It was dim, but not dark, he could feel something soft and dry on either side of him, dirt? Hopeless, he was hopeless, he was sure no one was coming, no one would find him, the others had done their job well, caging him in this glass prison like the snake he was, light and heat and rock and it was hot, hot, hot!  
Dying, he was dying, he could feel it. His heart pounded too hard and too fast, his breath was shallow and quick, his vision was failing, his senses shutting down, he was burning, every inch was burning, and he was giving up, it was too much, his eyes slipped closed and-  
“No! Nonono n-n-n-no, D-d-dee, Dee, d-d-d"  
“Virgil. Virgil, where? I need to know, where?” Virgil was hyperventilating, on the edge of breaking down again, but he knew Remus was right, they needed to know where. He squeezed Remus’s hands harder, it hurt, it hurt, he couldn’t hold it much longer, but he needed to know, which one, which one, where...  
“Wrath!” He gasped out, slumping against Remus, exhaustion cresting over him. “it was wrath.” He whispered, feeling the tentacles retract, only Remus’s arms left holding him, his hands having let go at some point, but he was too worn out to care, to open his eyes. He felt Remus press a soft kiss to his forehead, the tip of his nose. It reminded him of when Remus used to put him to bed at night.  
He would always tell some rambling, nonsense story, it didn’t make any sense, and it didn’t have to, it kept his brain occupied, trying to decipher the words, letting his worries fade and allowing him to get some sleep. Before he drifted off, Remus would always tuck him in tight, whisper words of love, kiss his forehead, his nose, his cheek, before turning on his nightlight and gently shutting the door.  
“Thank you. You did so good, my little storm cloud, my dark night. You are so, so, good, love. I’m so proud.” Remus murmured in his ear.  
“Dee... y-you need to g-get Dee.” He felt a gentle hand brush his bangs back from his face, caress his face softly, and he shuddered, leaning into the contact.  
“We will, Vee. I’ve gotta let you go, okay? We’re gonna go get him, right now.” Virgil clung to him tighter, shaking his head. For the first time, Remus looked up at the others.  
Logan was looking at the two of them critically, no doubt trying to decipher what was going on, what had just happened, and Remus thanked his lucky stars that he had let Remus through, none of the others would have known what was happening, much less how to calm Virgil from an attack like this one. They’d never had to.  
Roman was looking at him with wide eyed surprise and suspicion, a frown on his face, but Remus didn’t care what Roman thought at the moment, he had more important things to worry about.  
“patton. I’m leaving you with Patton, ok? He’ll take care of you, you know he will. And... and I’ll be right back, ok? I’ll be right back with Dee.” Remus promised, shifting Virgil in his arms as he stood, passing him to a surprised looking Patton.  
“He needs to sleep. Lots of sleep. And he usually gets cold, after this. And... and he might have nightmares. He will, until I get to Dee, but even after that, so be careful if he wakes up in the next hour or so, he won’t be here, fully.” Remus listed off, turning away with fire in his eyes.  
“Remus. I would like to come with you.” He stilled at Logan’s words, turning to face the logical side, eyes narrowed in suspicion.  
“Why?” Logan adjusted his glasses.  
“because from what I heard just now, it seems Deceit is in some sort of mortal peril, and I have the most medical knowledge of anyone here. Whatever the situation, I will be able to assist.” Remus didn’t have time to argue, and truthfully, he didn’t want to.  
“I’m coming too.” That was more surprising. Roman and him were on ok terms, but still, Roman kept his distance, thought Remus was weird and gross. Roman softened at his brother’s gaze. “I know we don’t always get along, but I don’t hate Deceit. We need him, as much as we need you, as much as we need any of us. And if it is wrath, you might need the extra sword.” Remus nodded curtly, running a hand through his hair.  
“Ok. I can take us directly there, take my hands.” Remus ordered, smiling just a bit as he felt two hands instantly hold onto his. He let out a breath, steeling himself. “this might be a bumpy ride.” Then he closed his eyes and the three sank out.
Logan and Roman staggered as their feet touched solid ground. It had felt like they were falling for eternity, swirling around and around until they hadn’t known up from down, until their minds spun and they feared they’d never make it out.  
Then it was suddenly over.  
“Um... you alright? I did say it was a bumpy ride.” Remus said sheepishly as Logan straightened his glasses, and Roman stood up from where he’d been hunched over, trying not to hurl.  
“Fine. I’m fine. Let’s just... get a move on.” Roman replied, glancing around. They were in a hall with doors, much like their hallway on the light side. Remus stalked over to one painted brilliant, crimson red, flame decals across the bottom. With a battle cry, he kicked the door in, mace in hand as he prepared to swing. He froze instead, mace dissepating in the air as he ran to the glass.
“Dee! Snake face, can you hear me?” He shouted, pounding against the glass. No response. He swore, mace appearing back in his hands. He wound up, and swung forcefully. It bounced off, but left a hairline crack. He screamed, and hit it again, fractures spiraling up the glass. One more swing, and an explosion of glass shattered inwards, sending him stumbling forwards and onto his hands and knees. He barely noticed the glass cutting into his knees, scratching his hands and cutting into his skin. It didn’t matter.  
Dim, not dark. That’s what Virgil had said, so he wasn’t above ground, somewhere, there was no shade to be seen. He noticed the heat next, it was hot, easily over a hundred, probably more, and he cursed again.  Too hot, burns, Vee was right yet again.  
He scanned the mostly empty area, noticing a strange pile near the large rock in this... god, he hated to call it an enclosure, but that’s what it was. He sprinted towards it, feeling himself sweat. He ran hot, if he was already sweating from this, and Dee had been here long-
The pile wasn’t Dee. It was dirt. But next to the pile was a shallow hole. He dropped into it, looking around, dim, not dark. And there he was. He sucked in a breath, cursing in a nonstop rant as he reached in, gently extracating Deceit from his clumsily made burrow.  
He was burning hot. He was so hot his skin was red and burned, his scales were dry and flaking. His breath was far, far too fast and shallow, rapid breaths against his too quick heartbeat. His head lolled against Remus’s chest, completely limp in his arms, and one arm hung at an unnatural angle. He was too hot, too dry, his fever was up to 110.  
“The fuck are you doing in my room?” His voice was hot and scorching, raspy and burning. Remus turned, glaring just as hard as Wrath was, feeling his tentacles sprout from his back, his mouth twisting into a snarl. Surprise flashed across his face as Roman and Logan stepped between him and Wrath, Roman’s sword drawn, and Logan’s hands glowing a deep green.
“Oh come on, you brought the lovey dovey squad with you? How pathetic.”  
“Not pathetic. Strategic.” Logan replied. Wrath rolled his eyes.
“Please. How’d you even know he was here? I made sure he couldn’t call for help.” Wrath stated, leaning casually against the wall, making Remus growl deep in his throat. “Was it that little tattle tale wannabe light side? I’ll have to pay him a visit, teach him a lesson.” Remus moved to step forwards, but Roman did before he could, eyes aflame.  
“You won’t be going anywhere near him. You won’t be going anywhere near any of them, ever again.” Roman growled, flames erupting from his sword, and with a slash, they sprung from the ground, surrounding wrath in head tall, burning blue flames. For the first time, fear sparked in Wrath’s eyes as he pressed back against the wall.  
“you wouldn’t.” Wrath hissed, and Roman’s eyes narrowed as he leaned through the flames, which didn’t singe a hair on his body, pressing his blade to Wrath's throat, just hard enough to draw a bead of blood.  
“I fucking would. And if i ever see your face again, if you ever threaten my family again, if you ever hurt any of them again, I will. I’d lay low for a while, if I were you.” Roman hissed, twisted smile on his lips as flames danced in his eyes. ”Otherwise, who knows what unfortunate accident might befall you?” With that he turned on his heel, walking back to Remus, Logan already examining the unconcsious Deceit with a frown on his face.  
“He’s gotten heatstroke. A very acute, severe case, as well. The best thing we can do is get him back to the commons and work on cooling him off, slowly, so as to not shock his system. If we do this carefully, he should be alright. I can tend to that arm there, as well.” Logan reassured lowly. Remus nodded, glaring up at Wrath once more, hoping he conveyed all his hatred and ire in that one look, succeeding, if the shudder Wrath gave was any indication. Then Logan and Roman each took hold of one of his arms, and they sunk out.
 Hot, hot, burning. His scales were flaking, falling off, his skin was peeling, turning red, his breath was short, his heart was failing, he was dying, Dee was dying, he couldn’t hold on any longer, they were too late, and he was gone-
He shot awake with a wild sob, hands covering his face as he shook, unable to shake the vision of Dee from his mind, unable to tell if it was true or not,  but he could still feel the residual pain, the fire that crawled through his veins, that burnt him up from the inside out, that devoured his breath and his lungs.  
He jerked as he felt a hand on his shoulder, meeting Patton’s eyes.  
“Kiddo? You okay?” Virgil shook his head, arms wrapping around himself. It was still too hot, too hot, but something else, something good. Safe, he was safe, they had him!
He scrambled to his feet just as the others sunk back in, everyone staggering except Remus, who had a determined look on his face as he set Deceit down on the couch. Instantly, Virgil was on the couch, Deceit’s head in his lap, stroking his hands through the side’s hair, tears falling silently down his face.  
“Roman, get me a box fan, something that can blow a steady stream of air on him, and the aloe from the bathroom. Patton, a bowl of cool water and a washcloth, as well as the ice packs. I’ll get my medical supplies. Remus, stay with the both of them.” Logan ordered, everyone splitting up on their respective quests.  
“Vee? How you doing?” Remus asked softly, sitting on the arm of the couch behind Virgil, wrapping his arms around Virgil’s middle.  
“good. Bad. I don’t... it’s all... still see it.” Remus nodded, tucking his chin against Virgil’s shoulder.  
“It’s ok, stormcloud. Can you breathe with me? Just try to match me, okay?” He breathed in deep, mentally counting, emphasizing each step, feeling Virgil begining to copy his rhytm. By the time the others returned, he’d slid off the arm and into Virgil’s seat, Virgil curled on his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, face pressed against his chest in sleep, Dee’s head in his lap.  
“We need to remove his layers, it’s only hindering him at this point. Roman?” Logan asked. Roman nodded, and with a snap, Deceit was in a soft tee shirt and pajama shorts. It was strange, seeing him so exposed, and a bit unnerving. It frightened him, seeing the usually suave and smooth side so unguarded and unresponsive, Roman realized, and looking at the others, he could tell they felt the same.
Quietly, Roman plugged the fan in, turning it on low and setting it on the coffee table, blowing air at Deceit’s torso. Logan took the ice packs, and positioned them under Deceit’s armpits, under his knees, and behind his neck, setting the arm in a sling, frowning as Deceit didn’t react at all to what would have been a very painful jolt. Patton carefully, gently, rubbed in the lotion and then the aloe onto his skin, wincing at the burns and dryness, at the flaking scales, at the heat still emenating from his body. Remus took the rag and started dabbing at Dee’s forehead, trying to cool his temp.
“Now what?” Patton asked, slumping back on the opposite end of the couch, looking to Logan for answers.
“We can do nothing but wait. Now that he is out of there, and cooling down, his pulse and breathing should start to return to a steady and normal level. He will be exhausted, his skin will hurt like a severe sunburn and take some time to heal, but he should be stable in only a few hours, awake a few after that.” Logan said, falling into his armchair. Roman was the only one who couldn’t seem to settle, pacing the floor.  
“Remus, what...what was happening? With Virgil?” Patton asked, concern in his eyes as he realized Virgil was still shaking, face scrunched tight in his sleep.
“He sees things. When... when one of us is in trouble, he can sense it. Usually it’s not much, it’s small enough it doesn’t affect him at all. Like when Roman’s stressed over a video deadline, or Logan can’t solve an equation, or you can’t find the recipe you’re looking for. He feels it, the... stress, the anxiety, he can tell where it’s coming from and who. This... this was so strong, I could feel it. I knew he must if I could. When it’s that strong, he can’t separate what’s happening to the person he’s feeling and what’s happening to him. It’s like he’s there. That’s how I knew he could find Dee. He could see where he was, feel it, though it’s hard to focus enough to see details through someone else’s perspective. Between pushing himself to see, and the panic attack, he’s completely wiped out.” Remus answered, rubbing Virgil’s arm as the side started to whimper in his sleep.  
“There’s only been a handful of times it affected him this badly. The first time was me. I got into a fight in the imagination I couldn’t win. I managed to get away, but I didn’t have the strength left to heal myself or shift the enviroment. I was bleeding out on the forest floor. Scared the hell out of Dee, but he caught on pretty quick that Virgil wasn’t just panicking, something was up. Enough details spilled out, Deceit realized what was going on, managed to find me based off his descriptions. I’d be dead three times over it weren’t for him.”  
“And the other times?” Logan asked. Remus scowled, face darkening.  
“What, can’t deduce that? Most of the others have never been fond of Dee. He’s the only thing keeping them away from Thomas, the only obstacle in their way to running rampant. I at least have the sense to see he’s right! I hate it, but he’s right to keep me from Thomas, to keep me away, to keep my presence to a minimum. I hate... I hate how I am, but that’s not his fault, has never been, and he...” Remus stopped, too choked up for a moment to continue, his gaze resting on Deceit’s too pale face. “The other three have been traps. Set for Deceit. To kill him. So the others can run free.” Remus laughed hollowly, shaking his head. “How funny, right? He plays the villain, puts on the façade, so you all don’t have to face the real monsters in Thomas’s mind. He’s spent every second of his existence protecting you all, keeping them away, almost dying for you and your precious standards of purity and light, and you couldn’t give less of a damn if you tried.” Remus closed his eyes against the grief and sadness and futility overwhelming him.  
“I... I didn’t know... I’m sorry, Remus.” Remus shook his head, laughing bitterly at his brother’s words.  
“You didn’t care to know. There’s a difference. Whatever. It doesn’t matter, it’s not the point.”  
“Remus. It does matter. I mean it, I didn’t think, and I’m sorry. How... how long has it been like that?” Remus shrugged.  
“It wasn’t so bad. We were never as close as you guys. But it only got worse after Dee revealed himself. It made them mad, why should he be able to show himself, but keep them all hidden? Who was he to hold that power? It had always been him, me and Virgil, against them. We both understood Dee, agreed with him. Virgil is fight or flight, anxiety, after all, he knew it was a bad idea. And I... well. Look at me. I know I’m not good. I know I’m just... just an illness. Then... then Vee left. We both helped push him out the door, pushed him to show up and make himself known, we knew what would happen, we knew he would leave, but we knew it was for the best. But it got harder, after that. They got stronger, and madder, and Virgil still stepped in, if we asked, but we didn’t want to drag him back into it, so we didn’t as much as possible and it was only a matter of time until something like this happened and I-” He caught his breath, gently stroking Deceit’s scaled cheek, cracking open his tear streaked eyes as he felt Deceit lean into his touch, though he still showed no signs of awakening. “I tried. I just... I can’t be everywhere at once. And he doesn’t tell me everything. He goes off on his own sometimes, and Wrath must have nabbed him then. Probably ambushed him, else Dee would have bit his head off.” Remus said fondly, dabbing the cloth over Dee’s scales, trying to get some moisture on them.  
With his normal outfit gone, it was easy to see why Dee wore so many layers. Scales in varying colors, from the gold on his face, to deep silvery blue along his arms and pale lilac on his hands traced patches and lines across his body. His nails were sharp, reminiscint of talons, and he was thin, but his muscles were toned, no doubt allowing him more strength than he seemed capable of, and his whip fast speed. Along with the scales, they could see lines of old scars on his skin, no doubt a testament to all the scrapes he’d gotten into with the others.  
“We’re moving you. If... that is, if you want. I’ll move your rooms up here right now. Then they can’t get to Deceit, and he can keep them contained using his power from a distance. If he has to go down there to handle them, at least he has a safe place to come back to up here.” Patton’s voice was gentle but firm, and Remus was left speechless at the offer. He opened and closed his mouth several times, taken aback.  
“yes. Please.” He finally managed to spit out, spurred on by the concern on Patton’s face. Patton nodded with a small smile, closing his eyes. He felt out their rooms in the mindscape, in the downstairs, and pulled, with all his might, feeling them settle in the hallway, opposite each other, next to Virgil and Roman’s rooms, respectivly. He staggered as he finished, Roman stopping in his pacing to catch him, keep him upright.  
“Okay, padre?” He asked, Patton clutching at his shirt.  
“Yeah. I just forgot how much energy that takes. The last time I did it was Virgil, I don’t think I’ve ever moved so much at once. I maybe got a little ahead of myself, there.” Patton said, trying to step away from Roman. His legs buckled from under him, and Roman swept him up off his feet, leaving Patton giggling and smiling sheepishly at the bridal hold, Roman equally as flushed at his own instincts.  
“Er, sorry. I’ll settle you down on the other recliner, yeah?” Roman asked, chuckling as Patton yawned, shaking his head.  
“Nah. You’re cozy...”  Patton murmured, tucking his head against Roman’s chest, arms wrapping around his middle in a hug as his eyes drifted shut. Roman rolled his eyes fondly, kissing the top of Patton’s head, smiling as Patton let out a soft happy noise, nuzzling closer as he sat down in the chair and tucked a blanket around Patton.  
“Guess it’s naptime. Wake me up if anything happens, Lo.” Roman said softly, settling in and closing his eyes, starting to snore softly almost immediately.  
Logan’s full attention turned to Remus. Despite Deceit in his lap, and Virgil koala hugging him, he was tense, eyes roving over Deceit’s face as he dabbed at him with the cloth, frowning at every tic of his eyelids, every twitch of his fingers. Occasionally he paused to smooth back Virgil’s hair, murmur softly in his ear when he made a distressed sound or squeezed him a little tighter, no doubt having a nightmare, as Remus had said to expect.
His mind turned over and over all the things Remus had said. He should have realized sooner that the others would not be friendly towards Deceit, and it was not a large jump to violence, for those sides, anyways. But that’s not what his mind was stuck on.  
“Remus. You... do you believe, what you said, about yourself?” He asked, watching Remus flinch imperceptibly, sink back into his seat, brows furrowed as he looked at the floor.  
“yes. It's... it’s true! I’m just the screw up, the bad part of creativity, the part Thomas didn’t want, and all I do is drive him up the wall and none of my ideas are good, and Deceit was right, to keep me locked away. Cause look what happened when he let me out. It’s like you said. It’s better... it’s better to just ignore me until I go away.” Logan softened as Remus’s voice cracked, the creative side still refusing to look anywhere near him.  
“Oh, Remus. That’s not what I meant at all. And you’re forgetting what else I said. That you would help Thomas if he chose to pursue more adult themes, which we all know he is going to. Perhaps not dolphin sex or whale genetelia,” That got a snort of laughter out of Remus, and Logan adjusted his glasses, pleased, “but the topic of depression, which has already been lightly touched on, the topic of suicide, of self harm. And that is just as you pertain to Thomas. Not as you pertain to us.” Remus looked up at him, hope and puzzlement warring on his face.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we care about you, as Remus, not just as creativity. Patton doesn’t shift the mindscape lightly, and surely you’ve noticed Roman trying harder to spend time with you, to get to know you again. I had been trying to be welcoming as well, though emotions are... hard for me to express in the way I would like. You are not an illness. You are not a disease. You are useful, you are needed, you are loved.” Logan said the last sentence with a rush, already embarased by what he’d said, but the broken, shattered look on Remus’s face stopped him. He took a breath, and crossed the few steps to where Remus sat, crouching so he was at eye level with him, holding his gaze steadily.  
“Remus, you are needed. You are loved. You are wanted.” He repeated, slowly, wishing he could chase away the doubt and fear on Remus’s face.  
“Truth.” Came a quiet, rasping whisper, making the both of them jump. Deceit’s eyes were open a slit, though he didn’t seem to have the strength to move, to even turn his head.  
He felt awful. His limbs were like noodles, his head lolled against Remus’s knee, and he tried, but he couldn’t even shift his neck to get a better look at Remus, who was hovering over him like a mother hen. His vision was blurry, forms too bright and fuzzy at the edges, he couldn’t even open them all the way. He only knew it was Remus because of the streak of grey that stood out against the dark, and his voice. He tried to speak again, to reassure Remus, but his words caught in his throat, and he ended up coughing, his mouth desperetly searching for moisture, but it was dry, dryer than it had ever been, his tongue swollen and thick against the roof of his mouth. By the time the fit had passed, he was wheezing for air, air that burned his too dry throat and nearly sent him into another round.  
But then someone was helping him to sit, and there was a glass of water to his lips, and he tried to drink slow, but it felt so good. It was like a cooling breeze in the midst of a muggy summer day, like rain over a forest fire, the sweetest, purest, relief he’d ever felt in his life, and he let out a whine as the glass was taken away.  
“Easy, Deceit. Too much at once will make you sick. You can have more in a few minutes.” Logan’s voice reassured. He cracked his eyes open further, squinting against the brightness that seemed to be everywhere. “How are you feeling?”  
“tired. Cool. It's... h-how did you...” He swallowed, trying to get the lump in his throat down as it all came rushing back. The heat, the fear, the surety that this was it, this the end, no one was coming, he could still feel the earth under his nails, the heat all around, the fire eating away at him-
“Dee! Deedeedeedeedee-” Then there was a bundle of warmth throwing itself at him, sending him sprawling back across the couch, and it took him a moment to recognize the splash of purple against the darkness of his jacket. Without pause, he wrapped his arm around Virgil, pulling him close, realizing the other was bound in a sling against his chest, aching dully. Virgil didn’t seem to care, he wrapped his arms around Dee’s neck, burying his head in the crook of his neck, legs wrapping around him in a koala hug, pressed so tight against him Deceit could feel every tremble and breath and heartbeat against his skin, soothing something inside him, warming him in a good way from the inside out.
“Shadow, little shadow, you found me. You did it, you found me, dearest, it’s going to be ok now.” He murmured, feeling Virgil’s tears against his shirt. “so brave, you’re so very brave, dearheart.”  
“W-w-wrath had you, h-h-h-ot, saw it, can’t, c-c-can't st-st-stop-” Deceit shushed him, pulling back, pressing a kiss to Virgil’s forehead, his cheeks, finally resting his forehead against Virgil’s, all he could see those dark, violet eyes.
“I know. But I’m here, dearest, because of you, I'm here. I’ll be right here. Go back to sleep, lovely.” Deceit murmured, watching as Virgil struggled to keep his eyes open. “I’ll be right here.” He kissed Virgil’s eyelids as they fluttered shut, and Virgil let out a soft sigh against him, curling into his chest and somehow holding him tighter. Deceit nestled his head atop Virgil’s, and let his own eyes slip closed once more.
“Dee?” Remus, voice worried. He couldn’t find the strength to peel his eyes back open, not with Virgil hugging him tight, filling him with warmth.  
“M’fine. Tired. Lil dizzy, yet, but m’fine.” He mumbled, slipping into darkness once more.
With those two curled up together on the couch, there was room for Logan to slip into a seat beside Remus, hesitantly, carefully, pulling him into a tentative hug. Remus froze at his touch, and he worried he’d overstepped, then Remus let out a soft wail, hugging him back, letting his stress and worry and fear drain out of him in his shaky, quiet sobs.  
“You meant it. You meant it.” Remus said breathlessly, wiping away tears and snot on his sleeve. Logan frowned smally.  
“I did. I think it is safe to say Deceit will be alright. He has clearly recovered from the heat, if not the exhaustion. Meaning you should get some sleep, as well.” Remus looked like he wanted to protest for a moment, before slumping into Logan’s arms with a sigh.  
“Alright. Only for you, Lolo.” He closed his eyes and started snoring just as fast as Roman had. Logan chuckled, taking off his glasses and setting them on the coffee table, before settling back in his seat. Some sleep would be good for him.
Virgil woke first, slowly, sleep trying to tug him back into its warm embrace. He was still tired, no, exhausted. It reached to his bones, the weight trying to tug him back down, and blearily he thought he hadn’t felt like this since-
His eyes shot open, breath speeding for a moment as he saw only black, before he felt the warm exhale of breath against his hair, and realized he was being held tight, entwined with another side. Shifting, he felt everything inside him loosen as he saw that half-scaled face, as he felt Dee’s heart beating, his breath coming in and out, his skin still looked red and flaky, but far less angry than the day before. As he watched, Deceit let out a soft groan, his own eyes slowly flicking open, resting on Virgil’s, a soft smile quirking his lips.  
“Hi.” Was the tired word that escaped his lips, but it was enough, because Virgil was hugging him again, so tight he could barely breath for a moment, before his hold loosened and he pulled back, a fierce look on his face.  
“Don’t you ever do that to me again, Dee. Don’t... don’t scare me like that.” He muttered furiously. Deceit sighed, shifting to sit up, Virgil following and settling beside him on the couch. Deceit ran a hand through his hair, looking around the room, surprised to see Logan curled up with Remus in his arms, less surprised that Roman and Patton were in the same position on the recliner.  
“Oh yes, because I very much wanted to get trapped in a container like I was some kind of pet and then boiled to death from the inside out. That was exactly my intent.” He replied, unable to help the sarcasm that slipped into his voice. He smiled as Virgil let out a breathy laugh, resting his head on Dee’s shoulder.  
“Okay, fair. You’re just lucky Remus was around.” Deceit frowned, turning to look at Virgil.  
“How are you doing, dearest?” Virgil let out a breath, fidgeting with his hoodie sleeves.  
“Alright. Still... worn down. Remus helped. God knows I wasn’t making sense, but he calmed me enough I could focus, I could see... I was scared...” Virgil said softly, so softly, and Deceit reached out, tucking Virgil’s bangs back, stroking his cheek.  
“I know. But you did such a good job, shadow, little shadow.” Virgil rolled his eyes, but shoved his head against Deceit’s hand much like a cat demanding pets. He laughed, and started massaging Virgil’s scalp, the action soothing both him and Virgil, it had been so long since he’d had this much contact with anyone, he realized.  
“Mhph. Virg? You up?” Roman grumbled, stretching and yawning hugely as he blinked open his eyes. Deceit froze, flinching back, expecting Roman to shriek or summon his sword, and he was too tired to deal with his theatrics and put up his usual façade. Instead, Roman’s eyes widened, and he gently shook Patton.  
“Pat! He’s awake!” Instantly, Patton was on his feet, crouching before Deceit.  
“Oh, goodness, I’m so glad you’re up. Logan said you’d be fine and just needed to sleep, but you had me scared, kiddo. Um, we have some lotion and aloe here, for you, but I don’t know if you use something else on your scales that might help, they’re pretty bad, too. Do you want something to eat? Oh, and I should get you something to drink right away, you’re still really dehydrated, water? Or would juice be better, it has more sugar and stuff?” Patton rambled.  
‘Patton, you’re crowding him. Juice would be preferable, and something simple, toast and scrambled eggs, if that’s acceptable?” Logan asked, looking to Deceit, who nodded.  
“Yeah. Sounds... fine. I have some oil, in my room, Remus knows where.” He said softly, realizing Remus was awake and staring at him as if he hadn’t seen him in years. Abruptly, Deceit realized his normal outfit was gone, leaving his legs and arms exposed, and he shivered.  
“We changed you out of your clothes yesterday, to aid in your cool down. Your temperature is sufficiently lowered now, if you wish to change back. We also have moved your and Remus’s rooms up here, with Remus’s permission.”  
“You don’t have to do that.” He answered softly. Logan cocked his head.  
“But we have. What I said to Remus applies to you as well, Deceit. We should have worked to make that clearer, sooner. Please, let us help.” Deceit blinked slowly, before nodding, settling back on the couch.  
“Ok.” He snapped his fingers, and his outfit changed into soft fleece pajamas, patterned with dark scales. It felt good against his sensitive skin. Remus popped back up, a bottle in his hand, which he passed to Deceit.
“Let me help. I can reach the ones on your back.” Virgil said, gently taking the oil from him, waiting for a reply. Shakily, Deceit nodded, feeling his aching muscles start to relax as Virgil carefully rubbed his back. He realized Remus still hadn’t said anything, an unusual occurance, and met his gaze, tilting his head in a silent question.  
Remus let out a breathy laugh, sitting on the couch cross legged before Deceit, taking both of Dee’s hands in his, simply staring at his face as if he couldn’t get enough of it, searching it for something, though Dee couldn’t pinpoint what.  
“Ree?” He asked, gently, and Remus squeezed his hands.  
“What if I hadn’t noticed you were missing? What if they distracted me enough I didn’t come after you? What if I didn’t feel your panic? What if Virgil hadn’t been able to see? What if no one realized what was happening until it was too late? What if we found you and you’d shriveled up like a prune, crumbling to dust before our eyes? What if we watched your heart slow and stop and your breathing stutter out and your eyes close and they never, never opened up again? What if-” Deceit gently extricated one of his hands from Remus’s, and guided it to his chest, over his heart. “I can’t stop, can’t stop, it’s so loud...” He muttered, Dee rubbing circles against his knuckles.  
“I know, love. But you can feel that, right? Tell me what that is.” He asked softly, earnestly.  
“You’re heart.” Came the mumbled response.  
“Yes. And what is it doing?” Remus’s eyes flicked to his for just a moment, before looking away again, though he could see the thoughts starting to slow, his eyes starting to clear.  
“Good. Now, what about this?” He asked, moving Remus’s hand so it was over his diaphram. “What is that?” He could see the small smile starting to grow on Remus’s face.  
“You breathing.” He murmured. Deceit smiled.  
“Indeed. Do you know why, my heart is still beating, I am still breathing?” Remus didn’t respond, but he was looking at Deceit now, meeting his affectionate gaze. “Because you did notice I was gone, you did feel my panic, you did find Virgil, you did focus him enough he could see, you did find me in time, you did get me help and you did make sure I was alright. That’s what matters. Can you remember that for me, Ree? Can you focus on that?” Remus’s smile was bright as he nodded, tears in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Deceit, who laughed as Virgil was pulled into the hug by Remus’s tentacles, grumbling but making no move to escape the hold.  
He could hear Patton in the kitchen, the smell of eggs starting to waft through the room. He could hear Roman talking softly with Logan, who was already flipping through whatever book he was reading, trying to find the page he’d been on. And he could feel the warmth from his two best friends surrounding him, filling him with a soft joy he hadn’t felt in far too long.  
And he wondered if nearly dying was maybe the best thing that had ever happened to him
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logical-little-lies · 4 years ago
We Have to Hide Again- Agere!AU (part 41)
A/N: Y’ALL EMILE AND REMY ARE FINALLY HERE- there’s not any little sides in this one (besides a mention of little remus), because this chapter is meant to advance the story. This is the start of the end, really, but I can definitely stretch it out depending on how I order the plotlines and how many filler plots I can stuff in between every. 
also spoiler warning for the most recent asides episode, because I used stuff introduced in that episode as a way to make this plot so much simpler then it originally was gonna be. 
please let me know if you liked the chapter (sorry that it’s kinda short)!
"ROMAN! I can't even-"
"I know!"
Virgil and Roman were completely enthusiastic after the day they had. They really hoped that things would go well with Nico, and both of them were pretty excited about this.
"Will you two stop screaming for two seconds? You sound like teenage girls," Janus laughed, giving them a look from his spot on the couch.
Virgil's head snapped over to Janus, giving him a playful glare.
"Let them have their fun, I don't think they've been this happy since..." Logan trailed off, thinking for a moment, "Since we started talking to you two again."
Virgil and Roman went back to talking, moving out of the living room and into the hallway. They were probably going off to Virgil's room to hang out for a while.
"Speaking of Remus, where is he?" Janus questioned, looking at Logan.
"Pretty sure he regressed, he was happy because his brother was happy and that triggered his headspace. Patton's taking care of him." Logan explained.
It had been just a week or so since Remus first regressed. He insisted on avoiding conversation about it when he came out of the headspace, but reassured from the others made sure that he knew he was safe to regress. It was weird, not having gross thoughts for a bit and just letting go. But it was nice. He got to depend on others and just play.
It was relieving.
"Let's go play with him! This is his second time regressing, and we need to get to know little him more!" Janus encouraged, standing up and stretching a bit. Logan agreed, jumping up and following him.
Initially after that day at the mall, everyone was pretty happy. Virgil and Roman spent some time together as a couple, gushing about how Thomas might finally have someone, just like they had each other. Patton, Logan, and Janus kept Remus busy as they teased and played with him.
And Emile and Remy realized that they were going to have to start working with the core sides again.
Of course, none of the core sides had come to this realization yet, but Emile's shared job of empathy and emotions with Patton connected into Thomas's romance life. And if Emile was going to be around the core sides more, then so was Remy.
Remy insisted that he stuck by Emile most of the time. He was sensitive, and he needed to be there to protect him if he needed it. Maybe that protectiveness was because he was his boyfriend. Maybe it was because he was also his caregiver. Maybe it was both.
Who knows?
Everyone had been sitting in the living room when they heard a knock sound at the door. Patton was the first to speak.
"Isn't everyone here?" he looked around the room. He glanced over the faces of Virgil, Roman, and Logan next to him. Then, he looked at Remus (who was now big), and Janus.
"It has to be Emile or Remy!" Logan pointed out.
"But why are they her-" Roman's words were interrupted by more knocking.
"Just a second!" Patton called out. Virgil jumped up, running out of the living room and disappearing into the hallway that led to their bedrooms.
"Start hiding the little stuff, quick!" he directed, just moments later when he came back, a box in his hands. Everyone seemed to come to a realization, getting up and helping him.
"I'll keep them at the door as long as I can," Patton told them, before getting off of the couch and going to the door. He heard the sounds of everyone running around behind him as he opened the door. As predicted, the two neutral sides stood on their porch step. They never showed their faces anymore, so it was shocking that they were here.
Once, a while ago, Remy and Emile worked with them all the time. They weren't core sides because their jobs were either shared with other sides, or it didn't directly tie into Thomas's personality, but they helped when they could.
Then, Virgil started working with them, and the two of them backed away and started working from a distance. They stayed in their little cottage in the Vineyard Village and did their best to work by themselves. Back then, Virgil was different, more gloomy. Neither of the neutral sides enjoyed being around him, and they just decided to leave. And once Virgil started changing, they felt like it was to late to drop back in.
Of course they felt bad for judging Virgil so harshly, but the decision had already been made and they couldn't take it back now.
Though, both Emile and Logan knew that logically, they'd have to come back eventually. So here they were, deciding that now was the time to come back.
"Hey!" Emile greeted.
"Hey..." Patton smiled awkwardly, glancing behind him for a moment. "What are you two doing here?" he questioned.
Remy's head perked up when he heard a crash behind Patton, and a shout that sounded like Remus's voice calling out "i'm okay!". "What's going on in there?" he chuckled, trying to peek over Patton's shoulder.
"Why don't," Patton paused, standing on his toes so that he blocked Remy's view of the inside of the house. "Why don't you answer my question first?"
"Oh..um, remember the romance committee? Me, you, and Roman are in charge of Thomas's romance life. And since he's finally met someone he likes, I figured it would be fairly soon that I'd have to work with you guys again." Emile explained. Patton looked to Remy for his reasoning to be there.
Patton was really just trying to stall, and this was the only way he knew to keep the conversation going.  
"I'm here for him. But also, there's the Dream Team. Roman's supposed to help me create Thomas's dreams and stuff? And you're supposed to help walk me through Thomas's emotions so I can let them influence the dreams he has?"
"Oh, okay." Patton nodded. He really didn't know what else to say. In any other case, he would've let them in by now.
"Our jobs really depend on information from you guys," Emile elaborated, seemingly confused and why he hadn't been let inside yet. "Working apart has been basically impossible. It's about time that we came back and started holding meetings again, yeah?"
Patton nodded again, "I suppose so."
"Can we come in?" Remy questioned, still confused. Patton looked behind him, getting a thumbs up from Logan and nodding as he looked back to the other two.
"Yeah, welcome back." he stepped away from the door, allowing them to walk in.
"This place has changed a bit," Emile commented, smiling as he looked around. "It's nice, I like it."
Emile and Remy took seats in the only empty parts of the couch. The core sides living room was technically made to fit all of them at once, because they were all supposed to work together. But that hasn't happened in a while. "Hello Janus, Remus." Emile awkwardly greeted.
"Hello." Janus had his arms crossed.
"So...let's get down to business, right?" Logan was the first to speak, redirecting to situation from the tension between the neutral sides and the dark sides, to the discussion they had to hold.
"To defeat the huns!" Emile and Roman quoted Mulan at the same time, breaking out into laughter.
They did kinda miss this.
"So..the neutral sides don't hate me, which is cool..." Virgil pondered, taking a bite of his food. The neutral and dark sides had headed back home, and the core sides were having family dinner.
"What's on your mind, love?" Roman questioned. He had noticed his nervousness, and how disappointed he had been when he had to store away all his little stuff so that Emile and Remy didn't see it.
"Well..if you guys are going to start working with them again, that means they're gonna be here a lot, right?" He asked, seemingly nervous to hear the response.
Logan sighed, "Yeah, you got it right."
"That means that we're gonna have to start hiding all the regression stuff again. Just when I was getting used to the idea of being open about it!" Virgil groaned, seemingly annoyed.
Since they told Janus and Remus, they had stopped trying to hide the littlespace dynamic within their family. Coloring pages were on the fridge, sippy cups and bottles sat in the cabinet, certain toys were stored in the living room. Looking around, you could tell that a child, or someone on the same mental level as one, regularly stayed there.
And now that they finally got to that level of comfort, treating their regression like an every day normal thing, they were put in a situation where they had to hide it once again.
"I know, sweetheart. It sucks. But, we can always figure out ways to bring it up! If we tell them, then we'll know for sure that everyone knows!" Patton pointed out.
"You know how hard it was for me to even tell my brother? I didn't, really. He just caught me in littlespace and I had to explain myself. We haven't seen them in forever, and Vee barely knows them...we're gonna have to start hiding everything again. At least for now." Roman wasn't happy about this either, but he didn't know if they could do anything about it.  
"Well, they most likely won't be snooping in bedrooms without permission, so when they're here, we'll just have to take our personal agere stuff and store it in our rooms. It won't be that hard." Logan tried to sound hopeful, but it didn't come out great.
"We'll figure it out. It's just a few meetings a week," Patton assured.
"Yeah, we'll figure it out. For now, let's enjoy Patton's food, yeah?"
For now, they weren't going to worry about it. But this change was going to be rather stressful on them. Yeah, Emile and Remy were nice sides, but they had no idea how they'd react to something like this. So until they got a better idea on how they could react, they'd have to go back to hiding and being secretive.
And this change was only part of it, there was still more to come.
One last big change before this story comes to a close, but we still have a bit to go before we get there.  
Let's just keep telling this story and see what happens to the sides.
To Thomas.
A/N: another spooky ominious ending? oooh. 
Some people have been pointing out that I’ve been hinting to some big change, so here it is! Kinda...there’s still more to come. This little plotline of everyone trying to hide the agere thing from Remy and Emile will be the focus for a little while, and then right as it starts to get resolved....BOOM! Another change. 
Hope you’re ready.
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bewaretheidesofmarchyall · 4 years ago
Soulmate Shenanigans Five: The Order Of The Shenanigans
Hey! Guess who has returned? 
Just the March doing her prompt writing thing, as seen on previous episodes :)
Parts one, two, three, and four here!
Prompt #5
Any intense emotions your soulmate feels you will also experience
Warnings for kidnapping mention and gifted kid “potential” mention
Okay. Not going to lie, I kind of tweaked the concept, but I like how it turned out. The idea of the sides having sides in human AUs has been in my brain, and now it’s in yours!
World Building
At first, the symptoms of having a soulmate was seen as symptoms of witchcraft
It was a reasonable assumption to make, as seeing into someone’s head and emotions wasn’t really a thing that humans did. 
However, as the population grew and communication across the globe became a thing, the instances of people finding their soulmates grew as well, and not everyone could be a witch (or, if they were, being a witch was simply being human).
It took a while for the culture around soulmates to shift, but shift it did, and people eventually figured out “Oh, that person is my soulmate, not my eternal enemy that I need to destroy via my demonic powers, which I totally have”
But people’s minds are kind of a lot, and it’s hard to process it all.
So, in modern day, people have learned to separate the pieces of their soulmate’s personality that they get bombarded with into different pieces, or sides
The sides are Logic, Morality/Emotions, Creativity (with there sometimes being a divide between dark and light), Self-Preservation, and Anxiety.
Roman: Roman is looking forward to meeting his soulmate so much!
When he’s a famous writer and people know about him and he’s evened out his insecurities and he deserves them!
Being perfect for them is going to take work, but most people meet their soulmates over 30, so he’s got at least fifteen years to prepare.
Until then, he was working on his fantasy story and dreaming of the day he’d get published or get the lead in a school play.
The writing club had been his idea, so you could say that everything that happens in the story was his fault. He’d just wanted to be around people who liked the same things he liked!
Roman’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have:
Note: Names are hard. Aaaagh.
Magnus, his creativity, romance, passion, etcetera. Magnus is really the one who calls the shots around here. He’s just as goofy of a fifteen year old (if not more) as Roman, but he has the unenviable position of running a mind palace and being the ego of someone who hates himself.
This guy just wants to listen to Hamilton, but noooo, he had to have an evil reflection of himself and self-worth issues.
The Count, his self-preservation and pretty much Roman’s inner Roxie Hart/Velma Kelly. Randomly suggests poisoning their mortal enemies a lot (note: they don’t have mortal enemies). 
The most like canon Janus out of any of the self preservations, except instead of “we live in a society” it’s more “fuck it, we’re going to be *famous*!”
The other sides will pay him to stop saying, “that’s showbiz”
The Medic, his morality and emotions. Sort of has a medieval healer thing going on (which means herbs in a satchel, not plague doctor mask).
A lovely person on his own, but when he and The Guard team up, it’s ✨Guilt time!✨
He has the question of “Am I a terrible person?” on his hands, so...good luck to him. He’s trying to hold the five of them into a cohesive unit, but it’s hard!
The Guard, his fears and anxious thoughts. He has a shield and a spear, and is kind of dressed like a (dark and stormy) knight.
No one particularly likes him, but it’s his job to recognize The Shadow, so they all need him.
He hangs around on the outskirts of the mindscape, ever vigilant.
The Alchemist, his logic. No one listens to the voice of reason in this house. Al isn’t really a fan of this, and being Roman’s logic, he thinks that if he can find a way to prove himself it’ll turn out okay.
The Shadow, everything Magnus discarded. You could call him dark creativity, but he’s a lot more. 
They used to call him Rex, when they were kids.
Patton: Patton isn’t thrilled with having to move to a new school, but he’s keeping a positive attitude
The new town is creepy and making friends is harder than he thought, and he just wants to right a sappy love story about ghosts without feeling sad.
But if he keeps his chin up, he knows it’ll all be fine!
And hey, maybe he’ll find people who like him in this writing club thing!
Patton’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have: 
Patrick, his morality and emotions. Patrick feels all of the loneliness and desperation that Patton feels daily, but pretends he doesn’t feel it, since he has to be there for them!
Them meaning his family, meaning the rest of Patton’s mind, as well as Patton, since he’s kind of an older brother/role model to the guy.
Covering the full scope of human emotions isn’t great when the other half of your job is enforcing the sense of right and wrong (and the general consensus in Patton’s head is showing negative emotions = burden = wrong).
None of them can cook, but that won’t stop him from trying!
The Canary, his fears and anxious thoughts. Constantly popping up to remind everyone that they’re failing. It’s kind of his job.
Stress plays the piano when things get to be too much.
The Gardener, his creativity, romance, and passion. Conjures flowers a lot. Projects wishes for a soulmate into the sappy ghost love story, which he’s mostly in charge of writing.
Hasn’t split yet, but that’s mostly because nearly all of Patton’s negative impulses that would be considered “dark creativity” already come from The Miser.
Dr. Picani, his logical side. Knows everything about cartoons, and tries to be professional, but a complete sweetheart.
Secretly knows his name is Emile, but is waiting for the best moment to tell everyone.
The Miser, his self-preservation and deceitful side. No one’s a fan of him. Patrick is kind of his mortal nemesis (in the sense that Patrick claimed the title and he just kind of went along with it?)
Everyone else in the Pattonsphere refuses to curse, but he says many a “fuck” with ease
Trying to protect The Gardener from splitting by taking responsibility for most of the things a dark creativity would do.
Virgil: Virgil just didn’t want to join the yearbook committee. 
It was irrational, maybe, to have a deep rooted hatred of the yearbook committee. 
They were just trying to categorize things, design pages-it wasn’t malicious! 
And yet, being in that classroom and seeing Amelia’s dead eyes and smile near rang every alarm bell in his system, so he needed a way out this year.
His parents weren’t going to let him not choose an activity, so he flipped a coin and ended up in some writing club.
He came into the club determined to fake some pretentious poetry about death. Just because they say the club’s about expression or whatever doesn’t mean that they can know anything about his comics.
Virgil’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have: 
Dante, his fears and anxious thoughts. Dante has too many eyes. Dante is lowkey a cryptid, but he’s sadly a cryptid in charge of life decisions.
There’s no way to dance around it. Dante’s a spider-human hybrid.
Dante would prefer they never be perceived by anyone for anything. He does not want to be seen, he does not want to be heard, he does not want to be perceived. Period. 
But he’s a very conspicuous spider-human hybrid. 
The Competent One, The One Who Can Actually Do Math, Steve, whatever you want to call him, he’s Virgil’s logical side.
His theories are just....
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See that image? That kind of sums up his characterization.
Parker, his creativity, romance, and heroic side. He’s the one who got them obsessed with comic books, and is trying to write his own. If people don’t like the comics, he’ll probably just start screaming and never stop
He gets the purple eyeshadow!
Remy, his self-preservation. He mainly just wants Virgil to just...rest
Nap. Sleep. Take a self-care day. This is Remy’s goal.
Also to continue to have the most style out of anyone in the Virgilsphere
Remy has a talent for never being anywhere at the right time, and then popping up at the worst moments, caffeine in hand.
Tam, his morality and emotions. The most into the emo phase out of any of them, since he feels all angst!
Sometimes just hovers and screams. Everyone’s pretty used to this.
Logan: Logan was trying to ignore the things he’d seen
Logan was a scientific guy. He knew that magic wasn’t real, that the fae were just stories.
So, clearly, the nightmarish things he’d seen that night were just that: nightmares. Just nightmares caused by stress over his academic struggles.
That was the immediate problem at hand: academic struggles. Logan was always the top of his class his whole life, and words like “gifted” were thrown around. Lately, however, things have been harder to keep up with and pay attention to, and it’s a bit of a mess.
Logan joined the writing club because he thought it might help him with English class, and he did like speculative fiction.
But, more importantly, he joined it because he thought it would be a simple task he could easily ace, so he wouldn’t have to keep being told that he wasn’t trying.
Logan’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have:
Mimir, his logical side. Mimir is pushing himself to take care of all academic matters and keep Logan afloat.
Mimir is over his head, but doesn’t really have anyone to talk to (or so he thinks), so he’s just putting Warby Parkers over his panic and faking cold distance to make everyone think he’s doing okay.
Alastor, his moral side. Half of his job is repressing Logan’s emotions, which isn’t a great thing to be doing, but he think he’s doing it for a good reason.
Kinda strict and blaming Mimir for everything going wrong. He does care about the others, he’s just bad at showing it.
Cassandros, his fears and anxious thoughts. 
This dude-
He’s basically just [puts feet on coffee table] “Hey, did you know everyone hates us?? I made a PowerPoint that proves it!”
He’ll get character development, though.
The Chessmaster, his overdramatic self-preservation.
Tries to be clever, walks into walls.
The Detective, his creative and fanciful side. He wants to swashbuckle, but instead he’s restrained to geometry. 
But now he has a project in the writing club! He has something to do!
And The Mad Scientist is trying to ruin it!
The Mad Scientist, Logan’s dark creativity.
They never used to care about the creative side one way or another. There was no need to make a dark side when it was already looked down upon.
Now, however, there are things in Logan’s mind that he’s trying not to think about, and so the Mad Scientist has joined the fray.
The Actual Plot
This is going to be an actual fic that I write. So, I’m not going to fill out the entire plot here.
I can, however say a few of the plot lines
Plot One: Everyone’s sides are in a state of constant screaming and must learn to communicate.
They also need to let their main guys figure out they have soulmates, because they’re all repressing that information for their own reasons.
Plot Two: LAMP in a writing club, falling in love and being disturbed by first drafts!
Plot Three: The fae are kidnapping people.
And everyone needs to get them to Stop.
I guess you could call this a trailer??
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lokisrare · 5 years ago
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pairings: george mackay x ofc
word count: 1.8k
a/n:  this was going to be a smut but then decided to cut that part off lmao, just the teasing, k i’m leaving, bye love you.
Black and white. That was tonight’s theme at this place.
To say she wasn’t a big fan of this place would’ve been a lie, her most remarkable memories happened here; it had kind of a grungy vibe but with all the flashlights and the common dance music, it looked just like other night club.
“Sex on the beach?” The bartman asked. Miles. He was this incredibly tall blonde guy every girl wanted but yet, he was married, and to another extremely beautiful guy with asian features. It’s was like a race, she always thought, who’s the one who looks more like a god.
“Please,” she said looking at the group of girls going for another round of tequila while they all greeted Mary, the girl who she had come with. She just stayed behind to order her usual cocktail before arriving, tequila was just not her thing anymore.
“They’re gonna regret all those rounds tomorrow” Miles laughed a little while finishing her cocktail, “here you go, try not to ruin this for you too or you won’t be able to drink anything.”
She scoffed.
“Beer is always there for me.”
“Touche, Miss. Have a great night!”
Her teenage years where mostly a blur, the nights out and the illegal parties she got into with the five girls sitting a few meters away had their collateral effects, like not being able to even smell tequila and some other alcoholic beverages. Sometimes she’d wonder if a feeling of regret should go along with those memories but no, not even a little bit of shame; teenage years were made to leave freely and to explore and that’s exactly what she did.
“Danna!” A red hair got up from the table and -literally- jumped on her, the pink glittery veil she was wearing making her nose hitch as the girl hugged her, “I’ve missed you a lot, but like, A LOT.”
“Clara, you saw me three days ago.” Danna giggled. Clara was a lightweight but who could blame her, it was her last night as a not-married-woman as she liked to say.
Clara was a young soul and Danna would’ve never imagined she’d be the first one getting married but Kit came into the picture and things changed, he was a good guy and so much like her friend, a made-for-each-other kinda thing.
“Oh, right. But who cares I always miss you, we used to see each other everyday!”
“That was 5 years ago during high school, Clari.” Danna laughed while the red haired shrugged and took her arm turning both of them around.
“Ugh, doesn’t matter! Here are the girls! And those two there are my sisters in law.”
Danna greeted everyone on the table, they talked a little, the typical chat:
How are you?
How’s work?
How’s life, basically. And that was it, then the rounds of vodka started and after a few of them she could already feel a little bit tipsy, laughing about the stupidest thing.
“So, Danna” Lacey asked from across the table, “How’s George? When are we getting another wedding?” she asked and everyone around cheered except for her, of course, as she remembered the events occurred some hours ago.
“You’re acting like a child, Danna!” George shouted from behind as he followed her into the room.
“Acting like a child? I’m just asking for a little respect over here.” She turned on her heels looking at him with a death glare, “I’m fucking aware your job includes some kissing and stuff sometimes and I can take that, what I can’t stand is this stupid ass bitch throwing herself at you every goddamn time, even when I’M THERE. Does she even know you’re taken?”
George looked down at her. The tension was thick enough to cut it with a knife and right then she felt like punching him on his perfect teeth. Asshole.
“She’s 25 years older than me, Danna, and is married, do you really think she’s doing that? Of course you’re being childish, and yes, she knows you’re my girlfriend, everyone knows.” He said annoyed.
“Fine George, let’s put this the other way around because I think your brain might not be working right know.” George scoffed, rolling his eyes and Danna felt like showering him with curses.
“You go visit me at my work place and Logan’s there, you know I see him as a friend but he’d always wanted more, and he’s there and he’s touching my hair and winking at me all flirty and not so subtly inviting me out for a drink, what the fuck would you do, George, uh?” He just stared at her and then sighed, not knowing what to say.
“Exactly. Now if you excuse me I’m gonna go over to Mary’s to get ready there and while I’m gone, go fuck yourself, George. You’re childish.”
She felt someone snapping their fingers right in front of her face, now everyone on the table looking expectant, waiting for her answer. Ugh, she hated it. The whole attention thing.
“Uhm, we don’t know yet, George’s new project will take kinda long and now that I’m in charge of the magazine it’s not like we have the time to think about it. Plus we’ve only been dating for 8 months, Lacey.” Danna explained letting out a nervous laugh.
“Duh, I know, but you’ve known each other for like, what, for years now? It just took you guys way too long to realize you were head over heels for each other.”
Go to hell, Lacey. Danna wanted to disappear, she hated talking about her relationship and now everyone seemed interested on it.
“Yeah, I guess, you’ll be the first one to know if there’s a proposal.”
Lacey nodded, happy with the answer she got, letting out an ear-killing shout and then everyone just kept talking (screaming) while Danna just sinked a little on her place, she kinda regretted reacting that way with George but also the alcohol in her system told her he deserved it, so she grabbed the vodka shot in front if her and drank it.
George had a bad temper but so did she and even though most of the time they agreed on many things they were jealous people, the problem was that Danna accepted it, while he didn’t and she hated that.
Clara clapping got her out of the bubble.
“Fiiiiiiine, the boys are here, you know girls, Kit and I decided to end the night together, our not-married-yet celebrations joining, yay!” Clara cheered as she waved at her soon-to-be husband coming our way with other men behind him, one of those being George.
Oh fuck me, Clara. Why.
Almost too violently, Danna got it rid of her blazer, adjusting her lacy white top and her black leather skirt, she didn’t know why was she doing it, was she nervous to see him? like a fucking teenager? Obviously not, but she did wanted him to look at her.
When the group of men got to the table, they greeted everyone with a smile and that’s when George landed his eyes on her, down to her cleavage and staring little too much, the whole situation sending a shiver through her whole body. He stood there watching her like it was just the two of them.
“I love this song! oh my God! Let’s go dance people! Party’s on!” Clara got up taking Kit’s hand dragging him into the dance floor, followed by everyone else. Except for George and Danna.
She got up slowly, fixing her skirt. When she looked up, George was standing there and maybe if she still wasn’t so mad, she would’ve gone straight to kiss him right there because of how delightful he looked with those black jeans and the white half buttoned shirt.
When she tried to walk past him, George grabbed her arm bringing her back, their chests touching slightly.
“I’m sorry.” He said against her ear and Danna let out a sarcastic laugh. Maybe she was being childish now not letting the whole thing go but she was tipsy and he was an asshole earlier.
“I’m sure you are. You should, actually. Now if you excuse me I’d like to go dancing and celebrate with my friends.” She tried to let go of his hand but George was quicker and grabbed her by the waist to hold her still, pushing her against the nearest wall.
“Stop asking like that, Danna.” He almost growled.
“Like what, George? I’m literally just trying to leave to dance with my girlfriends.” Danna said looking at him with an innocent expression.
She knew she was pushing his buttons but it would’ve been a lie not to say the most pleasant thing to watch was him flustered, his cheeks turning carmine as he clenched his jaw, the veins on his neck showing and breathing becoming uneven.
Danna’s eyes closed as George lingered his lips against the crook of her neck, not kissing, not sucking just caressing it with his soft lips, earning a sigh from her. She felt so glad they were in a dark corner.
“I told I was sorry. I would never flirt with anyone and disrespect you like that.” George said with his lips still gracing her skin. “I like you, I’m yours, Danna. All yours.”
“I just hate that woman, I’m all about sorority but she keeps making it hard for me.” George laughed at her remark and Danna furrowed her eyebrows. “Don’t laugh, you idiot. It’s true. I just hate her touching you and looking at you and kissing your lips.”
Danna’s fingers went to his cheek so their faces were mere inches apart, noses touching. George looked at her lips and smiled looking back into her eyes.
“You look stunning, y'know? Absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking.”
George said and finally kissed her. Lips moving in sync as his hands held her waist tighter, Danna hands moving to touch his exposed chest feeling his soft skin. George bit her lip and that was it for the kiss to become more desperate, his hands traveled down as she pulled his hair a little too strong. The tension growing every second as they kissed in that dark corner feeling like two hormonal teenagers all over again.
“Oh sorry, I was just looking for my purse!” someone said making both of then jump.
One of Clara’s sister in law was standing there looking completely ashamed.
“It’s ok. Don’t worry, just making up here.” Danna shrugged it off and George giggled a little. The girl smiled shyly at the both of them and left quickly.
When Danna turned to look at George she felt like leaving the place right then, even though it was not possible since she promised Clara she’d stay till the end. He stood there, his hair a mess and cheeks red, his lips were swollen and stained with her red lipstick, his white shirt a mess.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer, sweetheart.” he said getting closer to her, he grabbed her throat and caressed the skin with his thumb, his eyes looking straight to her lips, “We’re going dancing now, and then I’m taking you home so I can show you don’t need to be jealous of any other woman.”
His hands gripping just little hit harder bringing her closer, so he could kiss her one last time.
“I’m yours, Danna. Yours.”
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let-love-run-red · 5 years ago
I have a request for Clyde if you still do him ! So the reader is very short ( short girl pride👏🏻) like I’m talking 4”9-4”10 and Clyde thinks it’s adorable but he also gets very protective because the reader is so small. So one day at the bar some locals try to get handsy and Clyde has to step in and put the Special Forces background to use :) sorry if you don’t like it but I just love Clyde and there aren’t many for him !! Love your work💕💕
So sorry this took so long to answer love! It’s been a crazy few weeks prepping for finals and Christmas, but here it is!
AO3 Link
You had been dating Clyde Logan for near to three years now. He was caring, sweet, protective, and big. Maybe it was just because you yourself were shorter than average, 4'9.5" to be exact, but you’d swear up and down until the day you died that he was tall enough to be a giraffe.
You’d taken to hanging around the bar more. You wanted to be near him and give him some company while he worked. The two of you would talk and laugh until close and he would walk you to your car, waiting until you got in and the car started before he got in his own to head home. You’d never had an incident at the bar, everyone knew you were Clyde’s girl and everyone knew the Logan’s protected their own.
But sometimes they seemed to forget. Tonight was one of those nights.
A few men had stumbled into the bar a few hours before close. They were clearly already a few drinks in, but all they asked Clyde for was a few soda’s and some hot wings. Clyde was keeping an eye on them, and the other on you. You were rarely uncomfortable around the locals but Clyde always found himself wanting to protect you from anything possible.
“Hey Clyde, co-could we get a basket of the potato skins?” One of the men slurred. Clyde looked between you and the group of men for a moment before nodding reluctantly and walking towards the kitchen to put their order in.
Clyde was only gone for a moment when you felt their gaze on your back. You turned to look at the men sitting down the bar from you. You flashed a small smile, crossing your ankles and pushing your knees closer together in an attempt to make yourself seem smaller. You wished Clyde would hurry back but you knew the bar wasn’t busy enough for the chef to rush the order. It was just you and the three men in the bar. You heard a shuffling as one of the men from the group slid closer to you.
“Well hello darling,” His breath smelled like brandy and whiskey, you hated it. “What’re you do-oing here all alone?” He burped into his mouth and you felt the urge to gag. You scooted one stool away from him, hoping your lack of answer would deter him from chasing you. It did not.
“I asked a question sweet cheeks.” He said, moving closer to you. You let out a scoff and stood from your stool. The man smacked your ass, hard, resulting in a yelp from you as you scurried across the bar. He gave chase.
“Come on sweetheart I just want a taste of you.” He said, You glanced behind him to see Clyde emerge from the kitchen and cross the room in three steps, grabbing the man by the back of the collar and lifting him off his feet.
“(y/n) are you ok?” Clyde asked, concern painting his face and drawing his brows tight. You swallowed your heart that was in your throat and nodded with wide eyes. You watched the rest of the men lock eyes and start to approach Clyde.
“Get out.” Clyde growled to the man he was holding. The man held up his hands as Clyde walked him to the door. The man’s toes were barely brushing the hardwood floor as Clyde dragged him along. The man had his hands on his own collar, trying to keep it from pulling too tightly around his neck. Clyde kicked open the door for him, tossing the man onto the porch. The man stumbled before grabbing the post and regaining his balance.
“Earl, don’t let him back in.” Clyde said to Earl. Earl gave Clyde a two fingered salute and puffed his cigarette once more. Clyde turned to walk back into the bar, only to be body-slammed by one of the men in the group.
“The hell!?” Clyde snapped as he was pushed against the wall. The man backed up and pulled his fist back to punch Clyde in the face. Clyde lifted his good arm, grabbing the mans fist and pushing himself off the wall, twisting the man’s arm behind his back and leaning all his weight against him to pin the man against the wall. The third in the group charged Clyde, only for Clyde to lift his foot high enough to kick the man in the chest and send him stumbling back. Clyde used his left arm to pin the man against the wall, using his right to draw his concealed carry weapon and point it at the third man. His finger was off the trigger and you hadn’t seen him turn off the safety, but they didn’t know that.
“Get the hell out of my bar.” Clyde said. He let the man off the wall, using the gun to herd the both of them out of the bar. They opened the door, hesitating before Clyde holstered the pistol and showing the both of them out the door. They landed face down in the dirt before Clyde slammed the door shut. You rushed towards Clyde and threw yourself against his chest, pressing your face against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and smoothed his good hand over your hair comfortingly.
“(y/n) are you ok doll?” He asked. You nodded your head, and held him tighter. He let out a sigh and bent down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. As long as he lived, Clyde swore he’d never let another man lay a hand on you.
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petri808 · 5 years ago
Maguilty Ice
For the Rarepair event @ftguildevents​ Day 7, Future prompt
Meredy x Lyon family fic *bonus art of the kids under the read more*
It was becoming a tradition for the two families to meet up on the anniversary of Ur’s death, not to mourn, but to celebrate family.  For Lyon and Gray, making sure their families were close was like keeping her memories alive.  The Vastia’s and Fullbusters would choose a different place each year but kept it to areas where the kids could enjoy themselves and the parents had a chance to catch up.  
They wish they had more time to see each other, but living in different towns, their jobs, and the hustle and bustle of raising a family made it difficult sometimes.  The kids being in their teen years kept the parents busy with education and magic training, especially with the older ones chomping at the bit to go out on their own missions.
“We’re here to have fun and relax,” Lyon reminds their boys Logan and Caspian.  “Try not to kill each other or Arashi or Nieve.”
“Pfft, as if dad,” Caspian rolls his eyes, “when do we ever try to kill each other?”
“Just last week,” his mother Meredy responds.  “If I remember correctly, you tried to make an ice spike on his chair, just as he was about to sit down.”
Caspian feigns a gasp, holding his hand above his heart in an exaggerated fashion, “it was a slip of the hand, I’m still learning.”
She rolls her eyes.  “Boys, just listen to your father please.”
“Of course, mom,” Logan steps in with a smile and kisses her forehead.  He grabs his younger brother by the arm to drag him down the beach.  “We’ll behave.”
Nothing beat a day of relaxing with friends and hanging out at the beach.  Since they were closer, the Vastia’s had arrived first and began setting up an area for the adults to relax.  Beach chairs and an umbrella, towels, a cooler with drinks and lunch, along with a volleyball, just in case the kids would like to play.  Meredy was ready to lounge in the sun and catch up with Juvia, while the men will probably swim for a portion of the day.  She wouldn’t be surprised if a competition erupted at some point.
Lyon plops down next to his wife and survey’s the area.  They were lucky to find a nice spot with a few palm trees to provide a little bit of shade right at the edge of the sand.  The waves were a little choppy with it being high tide, but nothing too dangerous, and the skies were an endless sea of blue.  He could see their sons near the water semi horsing around, ‘probably just waiting for the others to get there,’ he muses.  They have always enjoyed hanging out with the Fullbuster kids, especially Caspian.  He leans over and whispers to his wife as he watches the pink-haired boy in his periphery, “I’d bet anything that once Nieve gets here, our son is gonna ditch his brother for her.”
“Who Caspian?”  Meredy chuckles, “I think he has a crush on her and it’s just adorable.”  She leans against her husband’s shoulder, “they sure are growing up quickly.”
“I’m just glad they haven’t had as a hard a life as we did,” he leans his head against hers too.  “And I hope they never will.”
“Mmhmm.”  She had to agree.  Both she and Lyon had lived through the loss of their parents at early ages, done some bad things in the past in order to cope with it, but time and the support of their friends like the Fullbusters had shown them there was always another way.  Meredy closes her eyes and harkens back to the first time she met Juvia.  The water mage was really the first person to crack the wall she had built up allowing her to start seeing the world a little differently.  She knew for her husband, Gray was more like a brother than just a friend, who’s forgiveness and support is what brought Lyon back from the brink of turning evil.
They were lucky alright, and now what they had to show for it were two handsome sons who would do any parent proud.  The oldest, Logan, was already 15 years old.  Smart and kind, with a very friendly disposition, that despite inheriting his father’s hair and eye color was all over his mother in terms of temperament.  Because of his higher level of controlling his emotions, it was to him that she decided to pass on her Maguilty magic.
Caspian was their youngest.  Quick-witted and cool in personality like his father, the ice-mage in training would open up when he’s around other’s that he is comfortable with.  The boy was quite popular at their school even though he tended to stick to a small, select group of friend’s.  His pink hair and piercing green eyes, not to mention his fashion sense, got him noticed a lot.  Yeah… she was proud of them both for who they were growing up to become, she just wished they wouldn’t grow up so quickly.
As soon as the Fullbuster’s arrive, the two women immediately embrace, jumping up and down excitedly while their husbands just chuckle at their exuberance; their own acknowledgment no more than a simple fist bump.  Gray sends the kids, Arashi and Nieve to look for Caspian and Logan with instructions to return for lunch, then he and Lyon set up a few more of the beach gear that was brought along.  With the two women deep into their own conversation, the men follow suit.
“How’d you find this place?” Gray questions his friend.  “Seems out of the way.”
“That’s what made it perfect. We have the place all to ourselves.”
Gray didn’t know why, but the name of this area rang a bell.  He scans the shoreline hoping to jog his memory, to no avail.  It was frustrating that he couldn’t remember why it felt as if he’d heard of it before.  But he puts it aside, assuming someone may have just mentioned it back at the guild or something.  “So, how are things at Lamia Scale?”
For a couple of hours, Meredy and Juvia take advantage of the sun and layout on beach towels.  They talk about the kids mostly.  How are they doing in school?  Arashi went with his father on his first simple mission, while Nieve’s still learning how to hone the water magic.  To Gray’s dissatisfaction, Arashi’s been hanging out a lot more with Nashi Dragneel lately.  The pair have always been close since they were babies, best friends even, but Juvia was pretty sure her son had a crush on the girl.  He denied it adamantly of course and Nashi was completely clueless about it.  The mother almost felt bad for the boy but didn’t want to push too hard about it.
Meredy laughs, “these teenagers, but you know, I’m pretty sure Caspian has a small crush on Nieve too.”
“Ehhhh!” she clasps her hands over her mouth in surprise, “but Juvia thinks they’re too young!”  
“I know,” Meredy chuckles, “don’t worry the boy is way too shy to do anything yet, but he just thinks the world of her.” She leans over and whispers, “he also thinks I don’t know, but the way he talks about her, it’s pretty clear.”
“Juvia doesn’t understand?”
“He’ll say things like, wow Nieve is learning so quickly, she’s so amazing, she’s so smart, I need to learn quicker so I can impress her, stuff like that.” She chuckles again, “he’s like a happy puppy whenever he’s around her, just look,” she points at the kids playing near the water.  Logan and Arashi are in the water swimming, but Caspian stayed behind with Nieve building a sandcastle, because she didn’t feel like swimming.  “I know he wanted to swim today, but he won’t go unless she does too.”
“Aww,” she giggles, “Juvia thinks that is so sweet of him to keep her company!”
Unbeknownst to the women, their husbands who were walking along the stretch of beach were also talking about the kids, but in a much different way.  Gray was just bitching and complaining about his son’s infatuation with Nashi.  Their friends used to tease when the kids were babies that just because the two fathers had a love/hate relationship going, the kids were going to end up together.  And it was coming true!  
“I’m hoping this is just a phase,” Gray crosses his arms and kicks at a ridge of sand, scattering it into the wind.
Lyon teases, “it can’t be that bad.  They make a perfect pair… you know…. fire and ice,” he grins, “just like you and Natsu.”
“Take that back!” Gray punches Lyon in the shoulder.
“Nope!” Lyon punches back.  “Look the faster you accept it, the easier it’ll be.  I mean you act like their getting married or something, but they’re just kids.”
Gray groans, “I don’t even wanna think about that.”
“You’ll live,” Lyon places a hand on Gray’s shoulder with a smile.  “We’ve survived worse.”
“Come on, you sap!” he playfully starts to push Gray back towards the direction of their camp, “I’m getting hungry.”
Along the way, the two men call the kids in for lunch.  It was a nice set up with each of the families contributing to the spread of food, and everyone was full by the end of the meal.  The adults really wanted to relax after that.  Blame the older age, but with full belly’s, even the men were ready to join their wives in vegging out under the sun for the rest of the day.  The kids on the other hand, still had energy to burn, and the food had merely been fuel.  With the consent of the adults, they decide to explore the rest of the beach.  
“Logan, Arashi,” Meredy counsels the older teens, “you boys are in charge, make sure to watch over the younger ones.”
“Mom!” Caspian interjects, “I am not a little kid who needs babysitting.”
“You’re 12 not 24,” she chides, “that makes you still a kid, so listen to your brother.”
“Ugh, fine,” Caspian pouts, semi annoyed that his mother would embarrass him in front of Nieve like that.
But Nieve just giggles and takes the boy’s hand, to pull him along, “Let’s go, I wanna find shells for the sandcastle.”
“Okay!” he immediately perks up and offers no more resistance, merely following her lead.
The water mage turns to Meredy with a big smile, “Juvia agrees, they really are so adorable!”    
With the sun setting in an hour or two, and the day winding down, the adults start packing up the belongings.  They weren’t in a big rush because the women wanted to watch the sunset and luckily the last train didn’t depart until the evening.  If anything, the men wanted a quick grab-and-go once the sun slips beyond the horizon.  Even the kids had exhausted most of their energy and were currently tinkering with the sandcastle Caspian and Nieve had started earlier to pass the time.
A strange bubbling out over the waves catches Nieve’s attention, who quickly points it out to the other kids. They watch in fascination at the large bubbles popping in a slow but irregular manner.  It was moving horizontally, maybe a school of fish following along the shoreline?  A frothy whitewash from the churning waves or rapid bubbles from fish were normal, but none of them had ever seen bubbles on the ocean like this.  Well, whatever it was, grew closer and in a short amount of time it reached the area where the kids were.  
“It stopped…” Arashi squints at the water.  “That is really weird…”
Without warning a massive sea slug breaks through the surface of the water.  It stood an easy six meters tall, towering over the kids and raining its shadow over them.  Logan and Arashi quickly jump to their feet and take up a fighting stance as Nieve screams and Caspian moves without hesitation to shield her.  Their parents who hear the sudden commotion, scramble to help their kids.
But what they were met with, was a sight none of the adults had expected to see.  
Like a beautifully choreographed routine, Caspian swiftly creates a shield dome of ice around he and Nieve to protect them.  Arashi activates his Ice slayer form while Logan bridges their magic, doubling their power.  They waste no time in sending volleys of attacks, wave after wave, gleaming slivers of impregnable ice spikes coupled with teal blades of energy bombarding the sea slug.      
Meredy skids to a halt along with the other shocked adults.  “They’re doing a Maguilty…”
“Ice!” Lyon and Gray exclaim.
No one had ever taught the kids how to merge their powers before, in fact Meredy was waiting to teach her son that Maguilty form at the end of his training because of its power potential.  They watch the two boys acting in tandem, slowly but surely pushing the gigantic creature back as it wailed in anger and pain.
That’s why this beach looked so familiar to Gray!  This is where Lucy and Natsu were sent on a bad mission years ago.  “Damn it!  Lyon, this place is home to giant sea slugs!”  Gray takes off again to help the kids.
Lyon rushes after him screaming in response.  “Hey, how was I supposed to know!  You girls,” he waves back at the women, “grab our stuff so we can get the hell out of here quick!”
Snapped back to reality, Meredy and Juvia rush to finish compiling the gear as Lyon and Gray help the kids send the slug back out to sea.  The creature sure could take a lot of blows with its dense, gelatinous body, but with the sheer volume of attacks it was taking, it had no choice but to turn and flee.  But if there was one sea slug, it was highly probable that it would come back, and worse, with others.  So as soon as it went back under, the males grabbed their kids and hurried them away.  
On the way to the train station, the families reflect on what just happened.  The trip may have ended with being attacked, but at least most of the day was perfect.  But of course, the amazing display their kids put on deserved praise.  It proved to their parents that they really were ready and had truly earned their insignias.    
“We’re really proud of you guys,” Meredy starts it off with a smile, beaming at her sons and Arashi.”
“Juvia thanks you Caspian for protecting her little girl.”  
The boy blushes wildly, hides his gaze, and mumbles a ‘you’re welcome.’
“No really,” Lyon adds on, “you guys behaved like seasoned mages in a fight.”
“With quick thinking,” Gray pats his son on the shoulder, “you all worked in tandem better than some of us pros.”
The boys are a little flustered from all the praise, ducking down in their seats in embarrassment.
“We were just trying to protect our siblings,” Logan mumbles, “like you told us to.”
“Well, you did a perfect job,” Meredy smiles and ruffles his hair, gaining a whine from the boy.  “Looks like there’s nothing more I need to teach you.”
Gray turns his attention back to Lyon now.  “Dude, I am planning the next trip.”
“Whatever,” the fellow ice mage rolls his eyes.  “At least this was exciting for once.”
“Tch,” Gray crosses his arms, “yeah, exciting to battle a giant slug.  At least we didn’t get eaten.”
“How do you know they’d try to eat us?” Juvia questions her husband.
“Because Natsu and Lucy have been here before and he was sucked into its mouth.”
“Eww,” all the women cringe.
“Okay… moving on,” Lyon pushes to change the subject.
The Vastia family is the first to embark from the train, and after saying their goodbyes, they head home.  Everyone was exhausted but not as much as Logan who wasn’t used to expending so much magic at once.  Lyon teased lightly that they would work on his stamina, but before sending the kids off to rest, praising them once again of the outstanding job they did that day.
“We did a good job raising those boys,” Meredy leans her head against her husband’s shoulder as they unwind on the couch.  “They were really amazing to watch.”
“Agreed.”  Lyon turns and places a kiss on her temple.  “Couldn’t be prouder than I feel right now.”
Meredy shifts her body again so she can snuggle closer, then closes her eyes with a contented sigh.  “I bet even Ur is smiling down, just absolutely proud of you and Gray and what you’ve accomplished.”
“Thanks, but I couldn’t have done this without you,” he smiles, hugs his wife, and closes his eyes.  Of all the times Ur used to tell he and Gray how proud she was of them, he never fully understood it….
‘Until now….’
Commissioned art.  Logan & Caspian Vastia   *artist @chiire​
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Arashi Fullbuster
Nieve Fullbuster
For other FT Next gen characters of mine with art
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fayevalcntine · 5 years ago
okay I honestly just can’t stop thinking about this but. in 6x08 when jess stops by to see rory & logan shows up, logan puts his arm around rory when they walk to the car & she clearly gets embarrassed about it and it almost looks like she wants to push his arm off from her shoulders but she doesnt & 🥺🥺🥺 god u just know if logan didn’t show up something would’ve happened between her & jess
Omg yes!! I actually noticed this detail right from the start, Rory's body language when Logan puts his arm around her changes from relaxed to tense and she awkwardly tries to put his arm away but then doesn't. I think Rory definitely recognized that Logan did it on purpose, as well as him coming along with them instead of letting her have a night out with Jess, which, while I do hate that he deliberately went with them and occupied their space and time by being the only person who talks, as well as not even letting Rory be in Jess's direct line of vision (he and Jess are seated opposite each other like they're gonna do some debate, and Rory is seated on the side), I also understand why he did this: because he was obviously suspicious and jealous.
I think that if Logan hadn't come that night, at most, Jess and Rory would've possibly kissed. But only if their night out was written in a specific way that would build up to a very tension-filled moment for them to kiss. If on the other hand, he and Rory had an uneventful night, and they actually sat down and talked about Yale and he actually asked her (in a more calm way) what was happening, I think Rory would've dropped her defenses and told him about it. Which I also think would've possibly lead to an "almost kiss", or at least, there would've been a moment where both of them looked at each other in a very meaningful way.
I think I'll always mourn over Logan coming because Jess and Rory deserved a proper prolongued reunion, even as friends! They were friends before they got together in season 3 (even if they were also into each other), so I think that them getting a chance to just talk to one another properly would've been such a good scene. However, at the same time I feel like it's pretty blatantly meaningful how Logan was inserted into that scene. There's just a stark contrast in Logan and Jess's behaviors/physical postures. Jess is relaxed for the most part, but also annoyed at Logan and dodges all his prodding questions and not-so-casually-negative remarks, while Logan's entire attention is towards Jess while he tries to get a bad reaction from him (before acting like he wasn't intentionally doing this to try and get Jess to argue with him).
I think this episode (as well as "The Real Paul Anka") were deliberately written with Jess in order for him and Rory to still have "unfinished business" between them. They're also written in such a way that Logan is portrayed in a more negative light, with Rory seeing this side of him very clearly. Idk if you know this, but there's often been rumors that Amy actually wanted to have both Logan and Jess in her version of season 7 (in fact I'm pretty sure it was mentioned that the last scene of season 6, before Amy's contract wasn't renewed, was Rory showing up at Philadelphia). So these two episodes, even if they consisted of little scenes between Jess and Rory, were still very meaningful in that way. Because they continued to have Jess appear in Rory's life, and even if their romantic relationship/attraction to each other isn't brought up in Balalaikas the way it is in "the Real Paul Anka", their chemistry is so obvious with each other that Logan deliberately joins them. I personally think that he wouldn't have intervened if Jess and Rory really were "just old friends". Logan for example never felt threatened over Marty being friends with Rory, because it was obvious that Rory wasn't into him. He on the other hand did feel threatened when he saw that Robert and Rory were together, because he personally knows what Robert's like. He doesn't know Jess, but he knows Rory, and can see that she genuinely likes Jess/wants to spend time with him.
This turned into me rambling but yes, I do agree with you on that something would've happened between them if Logan hadn't showed up, even if it was just a very charged moment between them.
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mamacesawrites · 5 years ago
Prince in the Storm: Chapter Five
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Summary: Contrary to popular belief, Virgil was sensitive. Most people saw him as some “spooky, broody dude”, when in reality he was just a private person. Teachers tried to open his mind up with a figurative crowbar. Everyone tried to get him to open up. Well, everyone except his best friend Talyn. They were the only one who understood his personality and inner workings just enough to be his friend. However, they haven’t seen his Marking. No one other than his parents have.
Contrary to popular belief, Roman was sensitive. Most people saw him as a fanciful, dreamy, somewhat egotistical thespian who wanted nothing but to be the best of the best. Everyone cheered him on in his performances. Everyone praised his original works. Anything he made others enjoyed. People would whisper about his Marking, wondering where it was and when he would reveal it. He had a whole circle of friends, yet no one except his best friend Joan understood him. Joan was the only one who saw Roman’s insecurities.
As students of Kingston High School, with zany principals and try-hard superintendents, it is up to Virgil and Roman to stay alive enough to fulfill their destiny. Ao3
Word Count:   1824
Chapter Warnings: cursing, mean remarks, arguing tell me if I need to add more
Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve, Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen
Bonuses: Immune to Change
Chapter Five
Virgil had survived the first two weeks of school. Mostly. Two weeks in, the principal had decided to change their mascot and school colors. No one knew why. There were rumors, of course, but Virgil didn’t care that much. They were probably going to be changed more often. Principal Duke had been known to be very indecisive and impulsive. He seemed to put all of his attention into the more frivolous parts of the school. Colors, spirit weeks, events, mascots. 
Meanwhile, the important things were left in the dust. Teachers were always scowling, supplies were never ordered on time, and one time in Virgil’s sophomore year they missed one of the state standardized tests. He honestly found it kinda funny, even if it meant his education was a waste.
He had overslept Monday morning after a long weekend of staying up late mindlessly scrolling through tumblr, snacking on chips, and texting Talyn. He forgot to set his alarm for school, so his dad had to come in and wake him up. Meaning he had to skip breakfast in order for them to leave on time. 
He walked sluggishly into his Chemistry class. He wasn’t feeling like trying in a class he already sucked in. He sat at his desk right as the late bell rang. Yay. right on time, he thought to himself sarcastically, Wasn’t worth skipping breakfast though.
He leaned his head on his desk as his Chemistry teacher, Mr. Charles, started their warm up. He didn’t bother to listen, he was too tired. All he could think about was his warm bed that he was practically pulled out of. All those thoughts of sleep must have been very convincing, because next thing he knew he heard a stern voice next to him snipe, “Mr. Sanders!” 
“Pancakes!” Virgil shouted with a start. The class laughed at him, causing him to blush hard. 
Mr. Charles just raised an eyebrow at him, “I take it you skipped breakfast this morning?” 
Virgil asked, “Yeah, how did you know?” confused. It took him a few seconds to realize that he did shout out a breakfast food. 
Mr. Charles just walked back to the front of the classroom. “How many of you skipped breakfast this morning?” He addressed the class. 
More than half the class raised their hands. The teacher pointed to someone raising their hand, “Why did you miss breakfast?” 
The girl shrugged. “Nothing? No reason at all?” he asked. Seeing her blush and turn her head down, he motioned to Virgil. “Why did you miss breakfast?” 
Virgil squirmed in his chair, not liking that many eyes on him. He muttered, “Slept in too late.” 
Evidently his teacher had good hearing, because he started, “Alright class, today we’re going to take a break from negative and positive charges to talk about setting a better lifestyle for ourselves. You can not expect to do well in my class when you ignore basic self care. So to start we will talk about the importance of breakfast.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. He quietly pulled his phone out to sit on his lap so he could look at it when Mr. Charles wasn’t paying attention to him. He didn’t need to care about a ‘better lifestyle’. Even if he tried it out, he’d probably back out within the first two weeks. Plus his dad’s cooking was healthy enough. 
He shifted uncomfortably in his chair at the thought that him dozing off in class led to his teacher changing subjects for the day. Everyone must have hated him more. 
When the bell rang, he was very quick to pack up his bag. He nearly made it to the door before he heard the dreaded, “Virgil, hang back for a second.” 
He closed his eyes and sighed in frustration. Of course he had to get called back. He turned around quickly and leaned against one of the desks. Act tough, get respect. 
Mr. Charles was sitting behind his desk resting his chin on folded hands. “How are you feeling?” 
He scoffed in response. “Fantastic, Mr. Charles,” responding sarcastically.
The teacher cleared his throat. “Actually, when class is not in session, it would be easier to call me by my first name; Logan.” 
Virgil barked out a hollow laugh in mocked astonishment. “Wow, teach, sorry- Logan. Who knew you were capable of being one of the cool ones? I thought from the way you acted you had a stick up your-” 
“That’s enough Mr. Sanders.” Logan cut him off sternly. “If you finish that statement, I will have no choice to put you in detention.” 
That was it. Virgil had lost his patience for the day. “Whatever, go ahead then. What’s more time in a shitty desk to me?” He didn’t bother to wait for a response before storming out and slamming the door behind him. He pushed out imagined thoughts of his father’s disappointed face when he got the news of detention. 
Once again, he was in too much of a rush to pay attention to where he was going. Once again, he ran into someone. Once again, that person had to be Roman freaking King. 
They were learning how to not fall when running into each other it seemed, because they only brushed shoulders a bit too harshly. Virgil couldn’t take it. He was tired, he was pissed, and he was done. 
“Oh my God, what is your deal, Emo Nightmare?” Roman cried incredulously. “One would think you had a bit of a crush, considering how many times you’ve ‘accidentally’”, he air quoted, “ran into me.” 
“Oh my God, King, how many times do I have to point out that it’s your giant ego blocking your vision? Why don’t you go sing some show tunes in an assembly or something.” Virgil snapped. Students passing by sent curious glances their way. 
Roman sputtered, making offended noises. “I don’t know what’s up your butt, but leave me alone because clearly you’re not meant to be around us normal people. You know, kids who actually care about what we want to learn!”
That stung Virgil, but he didn’t dare show it. Instead he did what he did whenever someone insulted him. He got into Roman’s face, their height being close but he straightened his back enough to tower over the boy just enough for his eyes to widen in fear. 
“I’d watch how you speak to me, King, otherwise you’ll find yourself in very. Dangerous. Territory.” he threatened. Roman’s nod was all he needed for a response. 
He turned on his heel and slouched. The whispers from the other students, including Roman, calling him a creep stabbed him like a baptism in sewing needles. He tried not to care, he got everyone’s guard up enough that they’d give him the isolation he wanted for the day.
Roman hadn’t felt like himself after the run in with Virgil, so he decided to skip lunch with his friends. He texted Joan to let them know that he had to be alone for a bit. He didn’t need to check for a response. He always had a closer friendship with Joan than any of his other friends. Perhaps it was the way they would be able to work together to create amazing pieces of art. 
When he needed to be alone to think, he’d go outside to the courtyard in the center of the school. Not many students hung out there during lunch, and the ones who did usually kept to themselves. This afternoon, he was pleasantly surprised to see he was the only student there. He was free to sit quietly and think. Usually he went to try to get inspiration for a new creative project, or write some poetry. That afternoon, it was just to re-center himself. 
He pulled out his notebook, thinking that maybe a poem wasn’t too bad of an idea. He fiddled around with his pencil while he looked around the courtyard. He wasn’t necessarily taking in any detail, just looking for something to catch his attention. Boy, was his attention caught. 
He saw an older man in a suit storm into the courtyard, followed by none other than Virgil. He quickly shifted to look like he wasn’t listening, and so Virgil couldn’t see his face. The last thing he needed was to be accused of  caring about what was going on. 
“I can’t believe this, your second week back, and you already got detention?” The man asked incredulously. 
He could almost hear Virgil crossing his arms. 
“Yeah, so? Why do you care? You’re not my dad.” Virgil accused. Roman had to put a fist in his mouth to keep himself from giggling at the childish retort. 
“Oh, Virge, I don’t mean it like that,” the other said in a softer tone, “I just want to look out for you. That’s why I’m here. I need to help Principal Duke clean up this school so you can have a chance to succeed. This is your senior year for heaven's sake. It’s time to get serious about your future” 
Virgil huffed, “Sure, you’re doing it for me. Not because it’s your job or anything.” 
There was quiet in the courtyard. Roman kept himself completely still. He thought if he moved it would ruin the mood of the conflict behind him. He felt like an outsider, well, he was outside. Technically they were the intruders, so maybe he shouldn’t have felt guilty for eavesdropping. 
The older man behind him sighed, “I wish you could see that it’s for both reasons.” Without another word (that Roman could tell, anyway), the man left. 
Roman stayed frozen, hoping to himself that he had succeeded in being unnoticed. That is, until he heard, “Alright, King, you can breathe now.”
He hesitantly turned to see Virgil standing closer, basically right behind him. He gulped because it was the second time the dark boy stood over him that day. “Uh, hi.” Really, Roman?, he internally chastised.
Virgil lifted an eyebrow. “What, no nickname this time?” Did Roman imagine the teasing lilt in the question?
Roman made himself stand up, not liking the feeling of being small. “I think I should save them for the times we literally run into each other, I can only make up so many,” he tried to smile, though he felt like he wasn’t succeeding. 
“Sure,” Virgil drew out the word, “Whatever you say, King.” 
Roman blushed, not knowing how he felt about being called by his last name. He chuckled, trying to brush it off. He was pleasantly shocked to hear Virgil chuckle as well. 
“Well, Mr. Popularity,” Virgil said, “See you in the theater.” Virgil lightly punched Roman’s arm in an almost friendly gesture. 
Roman didn’t know why, but he felt tingles spread through his torso. He smiled to himself, hopeful that he had made some headway. Then he quickly shook the idea from his head as he headed to class. Doesn’t make us friends yet.
Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist for this story!
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sideoffiction · 6 years ago
Unwanted Soul
Relationship: Prinxiety, Mention of Deceit/Picani, for like .5 seconds
Warnings:Sympathetic Deceit mention. Slight angst I think that’s it?
Summary:“Virgil, would you care to explain to me why there is a man in the lobby, talking about how he is convinced that any minute his soulmate will “fly down the stairs and into his arms?” “Nope”
Virgil Sanders doesn't like the idea of soulmates. As his timer inevitably counts down, Virgil decides to hide in his room until it’s over.
So this is my first fic that I’m uploading to Tumblr. If you want to read on AO3, I’ll post the link in a reblog. I hope you all enjoy! (also FYI, they are all about mid to late twenties in this)
Everyone has a soulmate, it’s common fact. Whether it be romantic or platonic, people are destined to have and meet the person they are fated to. On everyone’s arm there is a timer, slowly ticking away until the day it hits zero, the day you look your soulmate in the eye. There is even a precautionary measure, on the off chance that two soulmates lose each other before they can actually talk after the first look: the timers will continue blinking zeros until the two soulmates each talk to the other. It is nearly impossible to not meet your soulmate.
Despite all this, there are people who don’t quite believe, or just don’t like the idea of soulmates. Virgil Sanders is one of these people. He doesn’t want to meet his soulmate, and he will do anything to avoid it, despite being told that it is impossible. This leads us to our current situation.
“Virgil, you can not sit in the apartment all day to avoid interaction.” Logan sighs into his book, glancing over to his roommate on the couch.
“Watch me” Virgil replies, curling further into his blanket and facing the television, the blanket covering most of his face except for his eyes..
“You can’t ignore them forever. No matter what, you will meet your soulmate. Its illogical for you to think otherwise.”
“You know what’s illogical?” Virgil pokes his head out from the blanket slightly more to say this. “The fact that fate forces us to be with someone we don’t even know. The fact that fate took some poor unfortunate soul, and made it so that they are forced to stay with me forever.”
“You are exaggerating, Virgil. Evidence and statistics have proven time and time again that soulmates almost always find happiness with each other. Whoever this person is, they will undoubtedly be happy with you.”
“That’s not the point, Lo. The point is they will be forced to like me. They are stuck with a big ball of anxiety and self-deprecation, and they have to deal with it. They have no other choice, even if they wanted one. Then again, no one would want me if they had the choose. That’s a proven fact.”
Virgil can see the pity on Logan’s face, and he hates it. He doesn’t want Logan’s pity. He just wants this day to be over so that he never has to think about soulmates ever again. Logan goes to respond, but before he can his cell phone starts to ring. He sighs as he puts his book down on his lap to answer it. Virgil turns his attention back to the television as Logan talks. He only turns back when he hears him hang up. He watches as Logan stands up, moving the book from his lap to the coffee table.
“Unfortunately, I must take my leave. My coworker just called saying he is going to be late to work, and has requested that I fill in for him while he’s away.”
Virgil tries to hide his relief at Logan leaving, but Logan notices it immediately.
“Do not think that me not being here to force you out of the apartment is going to stop you from meeting your soulmate. It will happen, whether you like it or not.” And with that, Logan walks into his bedroom to start getting ready for his shift.
Virgil wanders around the apartment in his socks, searching for something to occupy his time. He had grown bored of the television an hour ago, and his phone was in his room charging. He wears his hoodie, trying to hide his soulmark, but everytime he goes to move his arm, his sleeve rides up and he can see a brief glimpse of his time.
Ten minutes until he’s supposed to meet his soulmate.
Good luck meeting me if I don’t leave my house. Virgil had already put in all necessary precautions to make sure there was no chance of meeting his soulmate. He will not answer any knocks on the door or the doorbell. He already told all of his (sadly few) friends that he was busy so they couldn’t force him out of the house. Or come to his house, in the off chance they brought a friend that he’d never met before. Hell, he even brought the spare key into the house in case his soulmate was a burglar that could easily get into his house with it. Yup, Virgil is positive that he will not meet his soulmate.
Virgil decides to grab a jar of jam and a spoon (Logan will have a fit when he finds out he ate his Crofters, but Virgil couldn’t care less) and heads up to his room. He plops on his bed and grabs his charging phone, deciding to spend the time mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr while he eats the jam. He stays like that for a while, until suddenly he hears a large crash outside his apartment. Virgil jumps at the sound, panicking slightly. Against his better judgement, he decides to take a peek outside his window to see what the noise was. He places his jam on the nightstand and looks out.
Outside, a small car accident has occurred. No one seems too injured, as all occupants get out of their cars and start talking. I’m glad no one got hurt. I would feel bad if someone died in front of my apartment. Knowing my luck, their ghost would haunt this building, and probably, as a result, me.
Virgil doesn’t realize as he becomes lost in thought, staring outside at the damaged cars. Suddenly, however, he starts hearing a loud noise,  which causes him to jump slightly.
A smirk makes its way onto Virgil’s face. He had done it. His timer was beeping, yet where was his soulm-
That’s when he realizes. While becoming lost in thought looking outside, his eyes had begun to shift. And now, he was staring into the eyes of a stranger, who looks up at him from the sidewalk with wide eyes. Virgil watches as the man’s face slowly lights up as he realizes what is happening. Virgil watches as the man darts across the street to the entrance of his apartment building.
Shit. Virgil’s eyes widen, and he hastily shuts his blind.  Shit shit shit shit shit.
His soulmate had seen him. And now his soulmate would be waiting for him. Waiting and waiting. But Virgil wasn’t going to show. He couldn’t. He may have seen his soulmate, but he will not give in. He refuses.
Virgil’s breathing picks up slightly. He doesn’t know what to do. He didn’t plan for this to happen; he thought his plan was fool proof. Now this man that he doesn’t even know will give up everything in order to meet and be with Virgil. He would probably even give up any relationship he has now in order to be with Virgil. Virgil’s breath picks up even more. He needs to stop thinking about this: he needs a distraction. He needs to stop thinking about his situation, one he does not want to be in right now. He grabs his earbuds from his nightstand and quickly puts them in, putting his playlist on shuffle. Slowly, his mind drifts away from his soulmate.
Half an hour later, Virgil hears the front door to the apartment slam shut. He listens as footsteps quickly move closer and closer to his room, as if with purpose. His door opens without so much as a knock. Logan stands in the doorway, a serious look on his face.
“Virgil, would you care to explain to me why there is a man in the lobby, talking about how he is convinced that any minute his soulmate will ‘fly down the stairs and into his arms’?”
“Nope.” Logan sighs at that answer, and goes to sit on the edge of Virgil’s bed. Virgil watches as he glances up his sleeve and Virgil knows he can see the faint line of zeroes blinking on his arm.
“Is it really so bad to meet your soulmate, Virge? He seems really excited to meet you. You should really give him a shot.”
“He’s really excited to meet his soulmate, Lo. Not me. He doesn’t even know me. He’s just fed the same bullshit as everyone else. ‘Oh it’ll be love at first site’. Yadda yadda. Life shouldn’t work like that, Lo. Love shouldn’t work like that. I don’t want to meet someone without the free will of being able to choose them.”
Logan remains silent for awhile, lost in thought, before getting up off of the bed and walking out the door, leaving Virgil alone once more.
Logan has always been respectful of Virgil and his boundaries. When Virgil tells him that he doesn’t want something, or that he doesn’t want Logan involved, he tries to respect his wishes. But this. This is something Logan cannot keep out of. While not completely understanding the emotional aspect of soulmates, as he has not quite found his own yet, he knows the statistics. Virgil needs his soulmate to help him as a person and help his happiness. And damn it if he’s gonna let Virgil let that happiness slip away just because of the past.
Logan slips outside of their apartment, making sure the door is still unlocked as he does, as he doesn’t have his key on him.. And knowing Virgil, he probably took away the spare key to keep people out of the apartment. He makes his way down the hall and down the stairs. There in the lobby is the same man he had seen previously, a broad young man dressed in a red jacket and white pants. Instead of loudly talking about his soulmate and how excited he was to meet him, however, he sat in one of the chairs looking heartbroken. From what little Logan had seen, that look doesn’t fit the man.
Logan walks over to him. “Greetings.”
The man looks up, excitement and hope in his eyes, however when he sees Logan, he quickly deflates. “You’re not him.”
“I know I am not. My name is Logan.” Logan stretches out his hand in greeting. The man looks at it, confused, before shaking it.
“I’m Roman.”
“What exactly is the matter. Roman?” Logan is curious of Roman’s point of view of the situation. Roman looks at Logan suspiciously before deciding that he’s trustworthy enough for the tale. He pulls up his sleeves to reveal blinking zeroes on his arm.
“I… locked eyes with my soulmate today. I was walking to get some lunch during my break when there was a car accident. Some shit happened and I was suddenly looking up into one of the windows in a building nearby where a man was watching. Next thing I knew, my timer’s going off and this gorgeous man was smirking down at me. I rushed across the street, fully expecting him to rush down and greet me. He didn’t. At first I thought he was just slow. Then I thought he was taking his time to make sure he was presentable. Now I don’t know what to think.” Roman looks down at his hands and continues speaking. “Am I not good enough? Did my soulmate take one look at me, take me as a horrible, disgusting human being, and decide I wasn’t worth his time?”
Logan doesn’t know what to say. Less than an hour ago, this man was bursting with confidence, excitedly waiting for his soulmate to finally unite with him. Now, the same man was sitting so dejectedly, with tears starting to form in his eyes. Logan, despite not being the best at it, attempts to comfort Roman.
“I’m sure it's not like that” Logan starts, placing his hand on Roman’s shoulder. Roman looks up at him as his tears slowly make their way down his cheeks.
“Then why?” His voice cracks a little as he says this, and Logan vows to give Virgil a piece of his mind for making this seemingly confident man crumble. Logan takes a deep breath before replying.
“I know who your soulmate is.” He says it gently, trying to say it so that Roman won’t take it the wrong way. It doesn’t work. Roman’s eyes widen, and he pushes Logan’s hand off of his shoulder in shock. He stands up and takes a step away from Logan, keeping his eyes on him the whole time.
“What sort of sick joke is this?” His voice is even more full of hurt than before. Logan quickly to stands up to try and reassure him, but Roman continues before Logan can speak. “This has to be a joke. Or, let me guess. He sent you down here to reject me gently instead of him coming down himself. That has to be it! You asshole.”
“Roman, please settle down. I would like to inform you that my talking to you is for the exact opposite reason that you think.”
“Oh yeah? Then what is the real reason?”
“Please sit back down, and I will explain what’s going on.” Roman eyes him wearily as he sits back down, noticeably farther away from Logan than he was before. Logan takes a moment to collect his thoughts before starting his story.
“I’ve known Virgil since we were little.” Roman goes to say something but Logan cuts him off. “Yes, that is your soulmate’s name. Anyway, when we were little, Virge used to love the idea of love. And since he was always taught that soulmates are always supposed to bring love, he inevitably fell in love with the concept of soulmates as well. However, when we were about 15 years-old, Virge formed a crush on our mutual friend Dee. Dee, while being a compulsive liar, wasn’t a terrible kid, and so when Virge confessed his crush, Dee took it well. He agreed to give it a shot, despite them not being soulmates. They were happy together, and for a while it seemed like nothing could break them apart. Then, Dee met his soulmate.”
Logan stops his story to gauge Roman’s reaction. Roman looked enthralled in the story, as if he were being told a fairytale. Logan continues.
“They had known it was coming, as they had a literal timer that marked when they would have to end their relationship. However, Dee always promised that when he met his soulmate, he wouldn’t abandon Virgil. But when Emile showed up, it was as if Dee completely forgot his promise. Ever since then, Virgil has despised the idea that you are forced to love someone because of fate. Today, he locked himself in our shared apartment in order to avoid meeting his soulmate, despite me telling him that it was fruitless. Obviously, by our current situation, it has been proven once again that I was right.”
As Logan finishes up his story, he once again watches Roman’s reaction. He looks sad, but for an entirely different reason than before.
“So it may not be me that he hates, but he still wants nothing to do with me. I have no chance.”
“On the contrary, Roman, I believe that you are perfect for Virgil.” Roman looks confused at that, so Logan continues. “From what little I’ve come to know about you, you seem to care a great deal about soulmates. I believe it is not too much of a stretch to assume that you, in loving soulmates, love the concept of love itself as well. Maybe even as much as Virgil once did. I believe that, if you try hard enough, you can teach Virgil to love soulmates once again.”
Roman’s eyes light up at the thought, and he jumps up suddenly. “Then I shall take on this quest of saving my Knight from this lonely path he has set himself on, for I am not Prince Roman!”
“I may not know you well, but I know for certain that you are not a prince.”
“It is my last name, and therefore I am, indeed, a Prince! Now tell me, where is this Virgil?” Logan smirks slightly at Roman’s antics, however he quickly drops it as he replies.
“Before I take you up, you must promise me something.”
“And what is that, dear Logan?”
“You have to go easy on him. You can’t just try to sweep him off his feet to get him to love- heck, to even like- you. In fact, you need to do the opposite. You need to help him find balance, and be an anchor to help him stay on his feet. Compromise with him: keep your love gestures small while trying to get him to slowly open up and give them back. Just, in general, be careful.”
Roman’s eyes soften as Logan speaks.
“You care for him greatly don’t you?” It looks like Logan goes to reject it for a moment, but thinks better of it.
“He’s my best friend, I don’t want him any more hurt than he’s already been.” He pauses for a second. “I just want him to be happy.”
Roman places his hand on Logan’s shoulder, like Logan once did to him, and speaks calmly and sincerely. “I’ll be careful.”
They made it into the apartment fairly quietly, and head towards Virgil’s room. When Logan goes to open the door, it doesn’t budge. Virgil must have locked it after their earlier encounter. He knocks on the door and waits for an answer. He can hear Virgil faintly shuffling around his room to answer the door.
“What do you want now, Lo?” Virgil states as he opens the door slightly and sticks his head out. It takes him a second to notice Roman next to Logan, but when he sees him, he closes the door once more.
“Virgil please-” Logan starts, but Virgil cuts him off through the door.
“I can’t believe you, Logan. You know exactly why I don’t want to meet him, and yet you bring him to me anyway. You better have a damn good reason.”
Logan opens his mouth to respond, but he is cut off once more, this time by Roman.
“It’s my fault. I begged and begged and  practically forced him to bring me to you. Do not blame him for my actions.”
“And you.” At this, Virgil opens the door once more to get into Roman’s face. Logan takes a glance at the other two’s arms, and watches as their timers both stop blinking zeros. The final proof that Logan didn’t accidentally grab the wrong person. Not that he thought he did or anything. “I don’t care that you are my soulmate. You have no right to force yourself into my life. I want nothing to do with you.”
“If I could speak please.” Logan states loudly, tired of the tension in the room. They both look at him in shock. “Virgil, despite what he says, it was I who brought him here. I just want you to talk to him. I don’t want you to just throw him away because of the past.”
“No buts. Just give him a chance. That’s all I ask for. And if by the end of it, you still want nothing to do with him, I will make sure he leaves and doesn’t bother you ever again.”
Virgil sighs, and Logan knows he has won. When Logan has his mind set, nothing will stop him from getting what he wants.
“Fine. I’ll give him five minutes. That is all.” Virgil opens his door more to allow Roman to enter. Before he shuts the door, he glares at Logan.
I hate you Virgil mouths to him. Logan smirks as the door shuts.
“You’ll thank me later.” He whispers to the door.
Virgil watches as this man, his ‘soulmate’, takes in his room, looking at all the posters and merchandise scattered throughout. The man gets particularly excited when he notices Virgil’s Nightmare Before Christmas poster, but when he opens his mouth to mention it, Virgil crossed his arms and speaks up.
“I said I would give you five minutes, and five minutes you will get. You better start talking.” The man closes his mouth, and Virgil can practically see the gears turning in his head. Finally, after about ten seconds of silence, he speaks up.
“I believe the first order of business is to introduce ourselves.” The man exaggerates a bow to Virgil. “Greetings. My name is Roman Prince, and I believe we are soulmates.”
“Virgil Sanders” is all Virgil replies. He continues to stare at the man- Roman- with distaste. Roman sighs and stands straight up once more.
“I’m going to be upfront here and say that Logan told me why you hate soulmates.” Virgil feels a pang of hurt go through him; that is not Logan’s story to tell. “I first want to say that I am truly sorry for what happened to you.”
“Yeah well, it's not something you should be sorry about. And the past is in the past, I don’t care anymore.”
“But you do care. You care enough that you stayed inside to avoid meeting me. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume the true reason you did that. We met so late in life, later than a lot of our peers. Am I wrong to say that you didn’t want to ruin any relationships I had build up when we finally met.” Virgil flinches slightly at the accusation, but quickly grows angry.
“Who are you to assume anything about me? You’ve known me, what? Five minutes? Ten, if you count asshole out there telling you my entire life story. How do you know I don’t just hate the entire concept for an entirely different reason, huh? How do you know it isn’t you I hate?” Virgil’s making things up now, he knows he is. But he doesn’t want to get attached to this man. He just wants him to go back to him own life, and leave him the hell alone.
It’s Roman’s turn to flinch at that, the statement having obviously hit a nerve. His voice is lower when he speaks again.
“I know, because you refused to look me in the eyes when you said that.” Virgil is shocked to notice that he is right. He looks Roman in the eyes, and goes to say it again, when he stops. This is the first time he has properly looked Roman in the eyes. Hell, it's the first time he has properly looked at Roman in general. His eyes are a rich chocolate brown. They look like they could hold all the happiness in the world, like when their eyes first met through the window. But now, they are only filled with sadness. His face is similar. A handsome face, really, that looks as if it spends most of its time laughing, and yet here it was, full of sadness and hurt. All because of Virgil.
How long has this man waited for his soulmate, waited for the day that he would meet the love of his life? He was like Virgil was, all those years ago, wasn’t he? Clinging onto the belief that love will come to those who find their soulmate. It wasn’t his fault that Virgil fell- gained a crush on Dee. Virgil had no right to punish Roman when they were really both looking for the same thing. Love.
“Virgil.” Virgil looks back up to Roman (when had he looked away?), small tears starting to form in his eyes. Roman looks hesitant. “Virgil, can I hug you?”
It takes Virgil a second to comprehend what was being asked and to respond. He nods his head a little. Gently, Roman wraps his arms around him, and holds him as if he is the most precious thing in the world. And maybe, to Roman, he is. Virgil feels safe in Roman’s arms, safer than he has ever felt in his life. The tears in his eyes slowly start to fall. Is this what it is like to truly have a soulmate? To have someone meant for you, someone made perfectly to help you learn and grow throughout your life? Now Virgil understands just why Dee left. Virgil could never compare to this feeling, no matter how hard he could try.
It is in that moment, safe in his soulmate’s arms, that Virgil finally feels that he can forgive Dee.
Roman looks down at Virgil with a soft smile. Sometime after their hug, they had decided to lay on Virgil’s bed and get to know each other. The first thing they did was establish that they would go slow to let Virgil get used to having something he once despised. But now, they just laid there and talked, their sides touching in a weird sort of cuddle.
“So what do you do for a living?” Virgil asks him.
“I am the prince of a faraway land, ruling my kingdom fairly and justly, and making it a place for all to feel welcome.” Virgil gives him a stare and he smiles sheepishly. “Or, I’m just an actor at the local community theatre. What about you, Hot topic?”
“Aw you think I’m hot.” Roman blushes slightly and Virgil laughs. God, Roman could never get tired of that laugh. “I just work stock at the local bookstore: Me, My-shelf and I. Ever heard of it?”
“Ah yes, my dear friend Patton owns it, does he not?”
“You know Patton?”
“Ah yes, we grew up together, much like you and Specs out there.”
“Heh, small world.”
They fall silent, but the silence isn’t bad or tense. It gives Roman a minute to glance around the room once more. His eyes land on a photo on Virgil’s nightstand. In it are three teenagers. Two, Roman recognizes as Virgil and Logan, despite them being almost ten years younger. The third boy has a scar across his face, and he is holding Virgil’s hand.
“That’s Dee.” Virgil’s voice startles Roman. He looks back down at Virgil, and watches as his sad eyes take in the photo.
“You really loved him, didn’t you.”
Virgil doesn’t respond, but Roman can see the love in his eyes.
“I know that I could never replace him. He was your first love, was he not?” Roman feels Virgil’s nod. “But I can try to lessen the hurt. I will try to show you time and time again that I am not just with you because we are soulmates, but because I genuinely like you.”
“Thanks, Roman.” Virgil moves closer to Roman, his body now curling into his. Roman carefully wraps his arms around Virgil. They remain silent, and Roman notices as Virgil slowly drifts off. Roman smiles softly, and kisses the top of Virgil’s head.
Logan works in the kitchen, chopping vegetables for that night’s dinner. If it wasn’t for him, Virgil would try to live on takeout and ramen.
It had been a while since Logan had heard anything coming from Virgil’s room. He starts to fear the worst, thinking that they had finally killed each other. He silently puts his knife down, and makes his way over to the room, listening for any sort of noise. He silently opens Virgil’s door and peaks in. There, on the bed, is Virgil and Roman. Virgil is passed out, curled up next to Roman. Meanwhile, Roman sits on his phone, his other hand mindlessly weaving through Virgil’s hair. When the door opens, Roman looks up. He smiles when he sees Logan.
“Thank you,” he whispers, glancing down at Virgil once more with a small smile. Logan nods back, and silently closing the door as he backs away.
I guess I have to make dinner for three.
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mysteli · 6 years ago
Endless Summer Imperfect - Chapter 21
A/N: I can’t with this chapter! I am soooo sorry in advance because it is soooo angsty. I’m really glad I could bring it back though because I know ya’ll have been asking about it. Let me know what you think and I hope you like it! 
Words: 9156
ES IMPERFECT TAG: @princessstellaris @mechaspirit@xo-endlessmayhem-xo @endlessly-searching-for-you @brightpinkpeppercorn@aragornesprincessgeekymamma @justboredtrash@diego-vii  @indiacater @countrymusicandncis-blog @zigortega4life @nekkidmolerat @ravengalaxia@ladyseaheart1668 @endless-jake@theendofallsummers
Imperfect Masterlist
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Endless Summer Aftermath - Ending 1 Imperfect Chapter 21 - Life After Love
The bullet. Frozen in Logan’s grasp, practically frozen in time. She saved Jake. Just like she suspected she would. But is the circumstance that Jake has always been afraid of. The situation where Logan forces herself to sacrifice her life for Jake. He hates when she even thinks something like that and he’s aware when she does. Rourke was about to kill him and he knew if Logan hadn’t stopped that damn bullet... he would probably be no more right now.
Goddamnit though. She saved him and in the most unusual way. She stopped a fucking bullet?! How the fuck is that even possible? Maybe more of the Endless is evolving in her every single day and she’s just now gaining the power but still. It’s fucking insane. This shouldn’t be possible in any fucking way. But she’s done it. Hell, of course she’s done it. This is Princess we’re talking about.
Logan is everything Jake will never be. She’s well rounded, capable and it seems like now she’s fucking magical too. 
This must have something to do with the time abilities of the Endless and how Rourke managed to absorb the Endless’ power and use it to transport Logan into his future. Maybe sometime on the way, Rourke unknowingly corrupted Logan with that power and it’s been growing inside of her ever since. Jake wouldn’t put that past the world. Enough unbelievable things have happened and Logan having the ability to control time doesn’t seem at all impossible.
Logan is clearly stunned and shocked by what’s the done. Her ocean eyes are glued to the bullet in her hand and she never dares to tear her gaze away from the metal object. Stress builds within her body and shivers erupt up her spine. She’s clueless and she doesn’t know what to do now she has a bullet in her grip. 
Does she shoot Rourke or does she spare him? What the fuck can she do with such a dangerous weapon? 
Estela and Mike appear just as shocked as Jake is but they are still rather composed - keeping their weapons risen in case Rourke tries to cower or take another shot. But in the same way, Rourke looks stunned and surprised, an unrecognisable expression crossing his face. Jake catches the sight of the Brit swallowing hard, revealing some slight nerves.
Logan’s grasp is starting to her shaky, revealing her own levels of anxiety too. Jake clutches her hips lightly, trying his best to calm her down and letting his mouth loom over her mouth.
“Princess... how are you doing that?” Jake whispers softly in her ear, causing her to bite her lip at the effect his raspy voice has on her. 
She doesn’t know how to respond at first, keeping her gaze on her bullet. “I... don’t know.” She barely whispers back, a heavy breath leaving her lips and Jake steadies as he senses her body starting to go weak. 
Logan sucks in a sharp breath, not sure what to make of the situation. Despite Rourke’s momentary shock, he seems to have composed himself and his devious smirk has returned.
“Well, well, well. Looks like the Endless isn’t dead after all.” Rourke finally pipes up and at the sound of his voice, Mike and Estela aim their weapons more clearly, also pushing Jake to level his own gun up. 
“What the hell are you talking about, Stark?” Jake questions in a cold tone, his voice harsh and forced. 
“I can’t believe I never realised it. The Endless is living inside of Logan. That was her plan all along.” Rourke announces, an incredulous look overtaking and a proud smile is produced. “Wow... no matter how fatal the situation, the Endless always seems to find a way to double cross me.” 
“So you’re saying... the Endless is... living inside of me?” Logan mutters under her breath, her other hand brushing over her platinum hair and Rourke finally lowers his gun, replacing it with another device. An unfamiliar device. Something Logan has never seen before.
“You don’t need to worry about it, Logan. You’ll have no time to embrace these new found powers The Endless has provided you with. Trust when I say, you’ll all be dead soon.” Rourke declares, gesturing to the time bomb that is counting down slowly but surely. The timer has already differed to twenty five minutes.
“Were gonna get outta here way before that damn bomb goes off, asshole.” Estela snaps, her hand over the trigger on her gun and she aims it directly as Rourke’s head. “But I’m not walking out of here without your head on a pike.”
“Now, now, Estela.” Rourke chuckles mockingly. “That’s no way to speak to your father.”
“You’re not my father.” Estela bites back, finally pressing the trigger on her gun and a bullet is unleashed. But Rourke is ready, raising the device in his hand and the bullet immediately zooms through the device and gets trapped in the iron wall. A button seems to have been pressed in the process and Rourke’s devilish smirk only widens.
“I’d like to thank you Estela. You just set off an alarm that means all my soldiers will be here any moment now to take you down before you can even leave this room.” Rourke applauds Estela and she narrows her eyes viciously. Unfazed, Rourke moves his vile gaze to Logan, noticing how the bullet is still in her grasp. “Ha. Some Endless you are.” He mocks, starting towards the exit and sliding a card over the lock and the door slides open instantly, giving Rourke a clear exit. 
“You’re not getting away with this, you bastard!” Mike pipes up as Rourke leaves the area, barely catching his words. He takes one last glance at the group. 
“It’s been a pleasure... Catalysts.” And the last thing seen of Rourke is the sly smirk, like that of a cartoon character as the doors masks his exterior and keeps him out of sight.
Estela immediately launches her fist at the nearest wall and notices that they are completely boxed in, unless they can access a key card, they are done for. They’re trapped unless the Arachnids show up.
“We’re gonna fucking die. This is it.” Estela runs her hands through her greased brunette hair and heavy breaths escape her slowly.
Mike moves over to shake her shoulders, snapping her out of her breakdown. “This isn’t it, Estela. We’re gonna fucking get through this. I plan on getting us home and safe. Rourke won’t win.”
Estela just scoffs, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. “Don’t you get it, Mike? He’s already won.”
All of a sudden, heavy footsteps can be heard echoing through the room, pulsating through the walls and affecting the ears of the four bottled inside. All of them are immediately listening and awaiting impatiently for the arrival of the Arachnids soldiers, who seem to have aligned with Rourke once more. It’s not good but it has to work.
All the walls suddenly disappear and dozens of Arachnid soldiers are revealed on the other side, all four of the group trapped in the centre with no escape. They’re surrounded and they have no choice but to fight.
But Logan still carries that bullet in her grasp and she’s been completely paralysed for the last few minutes. While Mike and Estela prepare for battle, sharing deadly eye contact with many of the soldiers as if to say they’re ready, Jake remains at Logan’s side, knowing he has to snap her out of her trance in order to convince her that fighting is the only option.
Suddenly, the soldiers all charge forward and Estela, Mike and Jake are given no more time to prepare for this fight. They all start randomly shooting their guns and unleashing bullets at every single angle. Some soldiers fall limb immediately and Estela is probably getting the most accurate shots. She’s a complete machine when it comes to fighting. One of the best Jake has ever encountered in his entire existence and he’ll only admit that in his head. Mike is pretty damn good too, going down the smart path and targeting the heads of the soldiers. 
After clearing out a few of the soldiers, Jake swerves around to check on his wife, who hasn’t moved a muscle since the battle started. How the hell is she not fighting yet? She’s usually the determined, strong and fearless one but... finding out all that about the Endless is definitely getting to her head.
Jake immediately latches onto Logan, realising he got a little distracted and now he needs to focus on his troubled and might he add, in pain wife. Only then does he realise just how paralysed she is.
He shakes her slightly but she won’t move and she’s just shivering painfully much. Jake looks to her hands, realising they are empty and the bullet is no longer in her grasp. Logan hangs her head and her gaze burns into something on the floor. Jake follows her gaze and is immediately horrified by what he finds on the floor. 
A body. An Arachnid body… with a bullet through their head. Guess that makes it a dead Arachnid body. 
Jake is completely aware he isn’t as shaken by this as Logan must be and somehow he can’t understand why she is as shaken as she is, if that makes any sense. She clearly unleashed that bullet into the Arachnid soldier but Jake can’t help but wonder how that is any different to killing other Arachnid soldiers with a gun, which Logan has done enough times.
No… this seems to be different. Because Logan has to blood on her hands this time instead of the weapon used. Jake wraps his arms around his wife and spins her around so she’s no longer facing the dead Arachnid soldier. She must have panicked and let go of the bullet as if the soldier was trying to attack her and that bullet zoomed right through their head. 
Tears streaming down her face, Logan buries her face in Jake’s chest and her sobs melt into his already stained shirt. Jake tangles his fingers in her platinum hair and tries to soothe her as swiftly as possible because soldiers could try and attack them any moment now.
They don’t have much time and soon that becomes clear, as three soldiers begin coming after Jake and Logan. Catching sight o this, Jake pulls away from Logan and stares her dead in the eyes - an intensity like no other lurking in his gaze.
“Darlin’… I know this is all hard to process and I know you’re in shock but we gotta fight right now if we wanna survive.” Jake whispers heavily, knocking their foreheads together.
Logan sucks in a sharp breath, wiping away the tears and trying her best to focus her blurred vision. “What if there’s no point and we die anyway?”
“Don’t think like that right now. Just think positive and hope. Please… I can’t lose you again.” 
Hearing that, something shifts in Logan and she proudly retrieves her gun, determination flooding her so suddenly. “I won’t let you, Aragorn.”
Jake smirks at that, briefly bringing their lips together. “Ready to kickass, Princess?”
Running. Running and running. Running for what seems like forever. Searching. Searching and searching. Searching for what seems like forever. Searching for the love of his life. Diego can’t stand it. Now without the confusion and bewilderment, his memories now built into his brain, it hurts so much more to be away from someone you know is supposed to be with you. Diego finds it heartbreaking, especially knowing he is so close to reuniting with his own soulmate.
He’s been fighting to escape the Arachnid soldiers for a while now, with Rebecca fighting them off. They are now so close to the prison area or in other words, where Vaaryn is being held. Diego needs to see him. It’s never been a question and the only answer is finding him again. Maybe it was better when Diego didn’t remember but even if that was still in tact, he would still be bullied and isolated and Vaaryn was probably the secret answer to all his problems and he didn’t even know it until now. 
Diego is desperate and determined. He needs this. He wants this so bad. And now he’s so close. He’s inches away from his true destiny. At least that’s what he hopes.
Finally, Diego and Rebecca reach the entrance to the prison area, presumedly where Rourke keeps all his puppets locked away from the rest of the world. The guards have been on high alert since the Rourke’s orders went out. Turns out Jake and Estela have gone missing and Diego can only hope that Logan and Mike have managed to locate them and reunite with them. 
Rebecca steadies her gun before peeking cautiously into the heavily guarded door to the prison area. No signs of anyone right now but it’s most likely that there will be a few guards still assigned to act as security for the prisoners and make sure they can’t escape.
Diego sucks in a sharp breath and prepares himself as Rebecca hands him a gun. He barely catches it with his hands shaking the way they are and his chestnut eyes widen at the sight of such a dangerous weapon. He doesn’t encounter these often. If at all. 
“Why are you giving me one of these?” Diego dares to ask, immediately silenced by Rebecca’s incredulous stare.
“You’re really gonna need it.” Rebecca responds, shaking her head in disbelief that Diego would even ask that type of question at an extreme time of danger such as this.
“But... I thought I’d leave all the shooting to you. You think I know how to use a gun?” 
“Just point and shoot.” Rebecca explains briefly and when she spots Diego’s state of bewilderment, she just exhales hesitantly. “Look we don’t have time for this. If you wanna save your blue lover, you’re gonna have to kill some people. Clear?”
Diego nods, slightly scared. “Crystal.”
“Now I need you to be quiet as possible because I know there are guards still in here.” Rebecca warns, a serious look in her eyes.
“So are we just gonna walk in there or is there a more thought out plan like... hostage roleplay?” Diego suggests and Rebecca simply shakes her head.
“Diego, this is the plan and the more we talk, the more your life at stake and trust me... Jake would kill me if I let you die.” Rebecca mentions before peeking once more into the prison door.
Diego is actually slightly in awe by Rebecca’s words. Wow. Jake cares if he dies. That’s so sweet. Jake always seems like the type who doesn’t care about anything and is just in life for the beer but, he has a heart. 
“Wow, that’s—“
“Shush.” Rebecca presses a finger to her lips out of urgency, reaching up to swipe her keycard over the lock and then the door opens automatically. “Stay behind me.” She orders solemnly and Diego nods along immediately, catching the commanding presence of her voice.
They take their first few steps into the area and it’s pretty secluded and extremely secure. Cameras cover every inch of the place and every door has a lock. No windows and barely any light. Damn, Rourke really doesn’t want any of his prisoners, his supposable flawless system seems to have been proved wrong. 
Rebecca closes her eyes and searches her brain for a moment, trying to find the memory of where Vaaryn’s cell is and her dark eyes light up when she figures out the answer.
“Follow me.” She insists, marching down the hall as Diego trails behind her, the gun shaking in his trembling grasp. He really doesn’t wanna have to use this. He keeps it low so he doesn’t panic and fire a bullet on accident. Diego May even be the type of person to do something like that and he really doesn’t wanna be responsible for a death. 
On light careful footsteps, Rebecca leads Diego further into the dimly lit prison area, the room appearing more sinister the more they venture through it. This is certainly no ordinary prison. It’s almost like a place to hold experiments because that’s basically what the Vaanti are to Rourke. A chance to create new puppets and tame them like they’re worthless animals. They don’t deserve to be treated like that and Diego sure as hell isnt prepared to just sit back and let Vaaryn watch his people suffer. Vaaryn is really the only one who is fighting and really wants to avoid Rourke’s games and not give in to the temptation to become one of his many soldiers. Who would fight by the side of someone like Rourke? He’s a man with only one person in mind and that is himself. He’s hunting for the most powerful thing in existence and that seems to be the entire world. He doesn’t plan to keep his wild dreams at bay. He’s taking the wrong kind of action and now his world has backfired before his very eyes. Who knows what he’s gonna do now? Restart the timeline and plan it out differently. What good is that gonna do? The differences will be slim and it seems like he’s only thinking about precise preparation now. 
Keeping the Vaanti captive mustn’t have been his plan before. They had done nothing to him. All they wanted was to live in the peace in the world they had discovered. They built and earned everything they had and their lives revolved around keeping their land and territory safe so assholes like Rourke couldn’t show up and attempt to take over. They did a good job of protecting the island but suddenly Rourke seemed to get the better of them. But why would he have needed an army if the entire world was set to be in his hands once his timeline was activated? It just doesn’t make any sense. 
Diego and Rebecca swerve around a corner, startled by the sight before them. They come face to face with two security guards that were clearly still around to guard the heavy prison area. By the time the guards even spot Rebecca, she’s got her gun aimed at them, ready for fire any split second now but Diego is fumbling, as he’s extremely reluctant to end a life when really Arachnids are just doing their and listening to the wrong people.
“Mckenzie?! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” One of the security guards questions, his eyes wide to find Rebecca has become an obvious traitor.
“Shut up.” Rebecca simply orders before putting a bullet in both the guards head and they’re lifeless bodies tumble to the floor. Shaken, Diego just stares at the death before him, eyes wide and jaw practically hanging off his face. 
Rebecca barely glances his way before preparing to start down the hall again. She lowers her gun to her hips and releases a heavy sigh. The conflict playing at Diego’s face prevents him from not deciding if that was right or not.
“How was that so easy to do?” Diego suddenly questions, furrowing his brows in a manor of bewilderment. Rebecca snaps her head in his direction, surprised by his sudden words.
“It’s not easy. It just has to be done.” Rebecca points out simply, reloading her gun before wiping away a drop of blood that had somehow made it on the weapon.
Diego isn’t satisfied with her answer, his eyes rolling in annoyance at the fact that someone as safety-conscious as Rebecca would find it so easy to end a life. “Does it really have to be done? That was someone’s life, Rebecca, and you just took it away from them.” Diego is clearly trying to guilt-trip her but he’s also trying to help her. Rourke must messed her mind up enough for her to think that killing is a reasonable solution and that is should be done if you consider that person to be an enemy. 
Truthfully it’s not ok and it’s unfortunate that Rebecca actually gave in to Rourke’s mind games at one point. She should have fought back. She’s a badass police officer for fuck’s sake. 
Rebecca shakes her head defiantly, her head hanging low. “They’re bad people. They work with Rourke. Besides, if they weren’t dead... you’d probably be dead. Don’t you wanna save your man?”
“Of course I do but I don’t wanna leave a trail of bodies behind me.” Diego counters, closing his eyes and exhaling softly. He’s trying to figure out how people even find it right to join forces with Rourke. He’s a hideous form of a man and even daring to listen to him sounds impossible. “...Why did you ever listen to Rourke?”
Rebecca stiffens hearing Diego’s question, a tension spiralling up her body and making her freeze in place. She probably couldn’t explain it in a matter of words and she has done some horrific things, especially when it came to working with Rourke. Her mind was taken over by his idea of heaven and paradise and she wanted nothing than to be apart of that. Some part of her was even keen to find her brother and because she thought he was guilty, she wanted to turn him in... because it was the right thing. 
The right thing. Is there really any meaning to the right thing? Doing something that is right always ends with something wrong anyway. All Rebecca’s life, she’s been determined to always do the right thing. She never wanted to be that person that did something wrong and becoming a police officer seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something right, especially after finding out about the shit that happened with her brother. It saddened her that he was out there, isolated and alone. But another part of her always thought he was dead. And it saddens her that she was actually the one still looking for him, trying to get him caught. No matter if they were related or not. Turning him in was the right thing so that’s what Rebecca was forced to do.
That’s also probably how she ended up working with Rourke because all he ever talked about was doing the right thing. Suddenly, it was announced privately that he owned the law. That he is what would save this cruel excuse of a world. That he would find the power to save it but never did she think his overall intentions were to overtake the world. He wanted the literal world in his hands. And Rebecca was too blind to see that he was really manipulating everyone into thinking that it was the right thing... because humans always choose to believe that whenever someone says that something is the right thing to do... they’re not lying. 
Clearly that isn’t the case anymore. 
After what seems like forever, Rebecca finally lifts her head and meets Diego’s chestnut eyes, trying to form as genuine of an answer as she can. “...I thought it was the right thing to do.”
“Really... you believed in him?” Diego asks, his head lowering in shame at Rebecca’s past actions. “Even when it came to taking your brother into custody.”
Rebecca is slightly hurt by what Diego adds and she blinks back tears as she suddenly realises something. “Five years and Jake never could be caught. He ran and ran over the entire world and not once could we find him. Then impulsively, he made a mistake. And that mistake was coming back to the States. I bet somehow he knew that would be his downfall because he came looking for the only friend he’s ever really cared about. I’m certain he would have left ages ago because Mike wouldn’t be able to hide for long. Then he met Logan... and everything seemed to change. He was suddenly so... easy to find. Even I found that suspicious. It’s like this was... meant to be somehow. I don’t know how to explain it but... I kinda have a feeling.” Rebecca explains, her mind drifting to the brightest and darkest places. Who knows when they’re gonna get out of here? But it sure as hell better be soon.
“Wow... you have no idea how much Logan and Jake have been through. Pretty far beyond this world.” Diego chuckles under his breath, as he looks up, reminiscing on all the good times and bad times that Logan and Jake have experienced. A love like theirs is pretty damn incredible. They’ve been through so many worlds and still managed to find each other in the darkness. It’s unbelievable. Let’s just hope it lasts...
“I can imagine.” Rebecca agrees, nodding. She glances at her weapon and raises it again. “You ready now, Diego? We gotta move.”
Despite the risk of tears, Diego gazes once more at the bodies on the floor, closing his eyes and sucking in a sharp breath. There’s always gonna be doubt and anxiety echoing in his body and a part of him that wants to run away and forget this whole thing happened. But this entire experience is to rescue Vaaryn and he won’t ever recover if he lets his soulmate suffer in a place like this.
He has to remember why he’s here. For the love of his life. 
“Yeah. I’m ready.”
Finally, all the soldiers have been knocked out of the land of the living. Sighs of relief echo throughout the iron room as the last soldier falls to the ground, curtesy of a bullet from Estela’s heavy loaded gun. Bodies surround the group and they try their very best not to stare at the gruesome sight. Too much blood has been spilled today but there wasn’t really a choice as they’d have no chance of getting out of here alive if some killing wasn’t done.
Still, maybe that’s just what Mike’s mind has gotten used to. His time in Lundgren’s army was traumatic and hell even his time as Rourke’s robot puppet. A time of torture and manipulation that he couldn’t escape. He’s more relieved than anything that he was able to save Jake from such a traumatic fate. He never deserves torture. No one does. 
This whole experience is too difficult to believe and they only have about fifteen minutes or even less to escape this hell hole or they’re doomed to damnation. 
Jake instantly paces over to Logan and wraps her in a hug. She returns it eagerly and buries her face in his chest, savouring the moment. It’s understandable why they are so touchy with each other. They’ve been apart for two months or so and it’s probably been torture for the both of them. They’ve watched each other die and survive too many times too. They deserve peace after all this time but they just can’t find any of it. 
Hesitantly, they pull away, Jake planting a soft kiss on her forehead before parting with her. He notices a little drop of blood has somehow landed on Logan’s cheek and he wipes it off with a frown. 
“You okay?” Jake questions, a concerned look in his cerulean eyes. 
Logan bites her lip nervously, glancing at the bodies around her. Seeing her sadness, Jake quickly guides her eyes back in his direction. He hates her seeing all that death around her. “I will be... I just hate this.” Logan admits, her eyes falling to the floor sheepishly. “Sorry... for everything. I never even knew that tried to sacrifice myself until Diego told me... and Rourke tricked me into believing that I made the choice to bring us here.”
Jake’s slightly taken aback by her sudden confession as he cups her face with comforting intentions. “Wow... I really wanna kill that son of a bitch.” He hisses under her breath out of frustration. A deadly hatred that’s been building up for months now. “...You’ve been hurt too much, darlin’. Now we just gotta get outta here and then we can forget all about this.”
“But won’t Rourke still be out there? He wont stop until he’s got all the power he wants.” Logan points out, tears starting to rise in her ocean eyes again.
Desperation hits Jake and he shakes his head at her violently. “No, Princess. You’re not gonna break down on me now. We gotta focus. You told me that when I...” Jake trails off for a moment, his gaze landing on Mike. “...when I lost Mike. But I pulled through and you gotta do that too. Please.”
Logan wipes away her tears and inhales sharply, trying to fill herself with any other emotion that isn’t her pain and anguish. She needs to fight on otherwise they’ll all be in pieces in less than fifteen minutes. They have to move. Now. 
“Okay. Okay! I’m ready.” Logan clarifies and Jake shoots her a proud smile. He reloads his gun and keeps a sharp eye on the door in case any other Arachnid soldiers come by. 
“So... not to be that guy but... how the hell are we getting out of here? I don’t exactly know where we are. Or how you found us.” Jake suddenly enquires, turning to Logan with curiosity in his expression.
“Oh, yeah. Um... you’re in London in some underground laboratory and... Rebecca is the one who helped us get here.” Logan explains rather hurriedly, considering their circumstances. 
“Wait... London?! And Rebecca’s here?! But she—“
“I know. But she had a change of heart. She helped us get here and she’s with Diego rescuing Vaaryn right now...” Logan adds, her eyes suddenly growing wide when she realises something, an uneasy feeling washing over her. “Oh my god. Diego! He’s in that prison area! We have to save him too before it’s too late.”
Estela forms a frown, releasing a hesitant sigh. “Lo... it might already be too late.”
“No don’t say that! You can’t say that!” Logan starts to feel her frustration and desperation again, a nausea rapidly rising in her stomach. “We’re gonna save him! Because we can’t leave him behind!” Logan argues, throwing her hands up in defence of her best friend. 
“You’re not the only one dealing with loss, Lo! I had to leave my mother behind!” Estela bites back, tightening her ponytail and throwing her hands on her hips as she takes a deep breath. 
Logan’s anger is cut short and disbelief cracks through. “Wait your mother is alive?” 
“Maybe half-alive.”
Mike suddenly facepalms hard, glancing at the timer built into the wall. “Look, we all have a ton of shit to catch up on but we only got ten minutes before this place blows so let’s get outta this hell hole!”
“How do you expect us to get out, Mike?” Jake asks, his sarcastic tone returning for the first time which is almost surprising.
“This place is gonna explode right? But not everything will. Rourke said so himself. The place where the Vaanti is locked up is gonna be stabilised to keep it safe and in tact. Plus, Rebecca brought us here through that giant lift that was in that place. So...” 
“We just need to make it back over there and have it take us back to the surface. Even if the bomb goes off, we won’t be harmed.” Logan adds, folding her arms and producing a weak smile. “Damn, Mike. I’m impressed.
“Come on then. We’re literally running out of time.” Mike urges and Estela follows Mike out of the area, as he tries to retrace their steps back to where the Vaanti were being held. 
However, Logan lingers behind, a frown crossing her features as her mind drifts back to Diego and Rebecca, lost in the prison area. Jake pauses when he notices she’s not following her. He make sure Mike and Estela are still in eye view and luckily they’ve paused for a moment to examine their surroundings. Jake caringly takes Logan’s hand and gazes at her with genuine concern in his cerulean eyes.
“Hey... what’s wrong?” He asks, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. 
“...We’re not gonna leave Diego, right?” Logan bombards Jake with that dreaded question and he releases a heavy sigh, unsure what to say at first. Noticing his puzzled expression, a conflict playing out on his features and in his mind, Logan cups Jake’s cheek and a solemn look floods in her eyes. “Remember it’s Rebecca we’d abandon too.”
With that, Jake sucks in a sharp breath and bites the inside of his mouth. He looks to the timer and carefully examines it. The time reads eight minutes and he knows that may or may not be enough time to get both Rebecca and Diego and even Vaaryn out in time. Determination overtakes and Jake catches the sweet feeling of certainty after such a long time without it.
“Princess... I might know a way.” Jake declares before tugging Logan by the hand over to Mike and Estela, who are waiting impatiently for them.
“You do realise we’re so close to dying right?” 
Jake just rolls his eyes and runs hand through his hair as he figures out the best way to explain his insane idea. “Ok... we can’t leave my sister and Diego. They’re too important. Estela, you should know that.” 
Estela seems a little offended but she just brushes it off and Mike rubs her shoulder comfortingly.
“But... I have a way. I’ll go down to the prison part and get them all out in time. Who knows if they’re already out but it’s a chance I’m not willing to take. I’ll go. You guys escape and I’ll try and get them out in time.” Jake explains and everyone is shocked by his sudden courage but Jake has always been like that. Stubborn and pretty fucking crazy. 
“Jake, why would you do that? Why not let me go with you?” Logan questions, shock clouding her mind as she thinks about what could happen to the husband she just got back.
“Princess, I ain’t got time to be convinced otherwise. Let me do this. Let me save your friend. I may come back... or I may not.” Jake admits, his heart stinging as he speaks those last few words, watching Logan’s eyes pain with tears and anguish. 
“No, Jake! This is not happening. I’m not gonna even risk losing you again.” 
Jake knew she’d react like this and finds himself conflicted once more. He needs to be sure. Impulsive. “Baby, let me do this. I’ll come back to you. I promise.” 
“You always say that.” 
“And have I ever stayed away?” Jake challenges and that makes Logan finally relent. Wordlessly, she drags Jake in for a long, passionate kiss and lets in linger for as long as her breath will let her. She isn’t about to lose him again but she can’t stop him from making the right choice. She can’t be selfish. Not now. 
Once they pull away, their foreheads collide and they share sweet gazes so meaningful. “You better come back to me or I’m gonna be pissed.” Logan warns and Jake smirks at that, glad their goodbye is lighthearted rather than full of sadness.
“Always, darlin’.” Jake replies in that low husky tone of his and he plants one more kiss on her lips before they finally part and Jake wraps Mike in a hug. 
“Be careful, Grandpa.” 
“‘Course I will, kid. You don’t gotta worry about me.”
“Sure I don’t.” Mike retorts and they share a laugh before Jake offers Estela a hug before starting towards the exit. 
He shoots one last glance at his wife, giving her look that only she would know. Jake mouths the words ‘I love you’ and she mouths them back. With an everlasting smile, he disappears out of sight and Logan can only hope that isn’t the last she sees of her husband. 
“Now come on. We gotta get on that lift.” 
Finally, they made it. Diego’s chestnut gaze lingers over the iron metal door that is the only thing separating him from the love of his life, who is supposedly sat right in this cell. Diego can only guess what he’s been through. Battered and bruised. Tortured and scarred. Diego is expecting imperfection but all he really cares about is seeing Vaaryn’s face for the first time in what feels like forever. 
It’s been too long and Diego can’t wait to be back in Vaaryn’s life again. He’s surprisingly anxious but he knows Vaaryn will be astonished to see him. He may even be surprised but no matter what, they’ll be together again and that’s all Diego is looking forward to.
Rebecca moves to swipe her keycard over the lock and the door to the cell slides open slightly, becoming ajar but it looks like complete and utter darkness on the inside. Is it possible that Vaaryn hasn’t seen an inch of light during his time here? If so, who knows how bright the outside world will appear to him? Now Diego is feeling slightly scared and goosebumps crawl up his arms.
Rebecca points her gun up once more and gestures towards the cell, urging Diego to go inside. “He’s in there now. Go. I’ll stay out here and keep watch. Be quick though. You never know when we could get outnumbered.” Rebecca warns and Diego nods understandingly.
“Ok...” is all he manages to say as he moves his hand to push the door to the cell open even more and he enters it gradually, anxiety over-corrupting him in that moment. 
He expected excitement from himself and an energy like no other. Truth is, there’s always gonna be a part of him that’s scared. Scared of the unknown. Scared of the future. Scared of what’s to come. What if gets Vaaryn back only to lose him again in such a limited time? No one really knows what could happen. Diego just needs to make the most of it and stop being afraid.
Now motivated, Diego ventures further into the cell, a bright light consuming the darkness of the cell and covering it like a mask. The light suddenly highlights a specific corner of the room where... oh no... 
Immediately, Diego feels tears hitting his eyes and a scream bites back in his throat. He... he can’t believe what he’s seeing. His mind boggles with a million thoughts and doubts and so many goddamn questions. He feels his knees go weak as he glances at the sickening sight before him. A river of emotion pools out of him and Diego collapses to his knees, rapidly moving over to his husband and it kills him to finally admit what’s happened in his head.
Vaaryn... is dead. 
Diego can’t even believe it. Why would so someone do this? Rourke. It had to be Rourke. He must have realised that he’d never be able to get into Vaaryn’s head or make him part of his army so the best solution was to kill him off. Why? Rourke didn’t need to do this. It wasn’t an answer. Murder is practically entertainment to him and he sees it as a way to solve his problems but it would never fully help him achieve the kind of power he wants. It only leaves a trail of bodies in his wake.
But why? Out of all people, Rourke had to go and kill Vaaryn. The only person who has ever really loved Diego. And it’s the first time Diego has really experienced real love and managed to feel so strongly about someone to the point where it feels like you’re destined to be together. Vaaryn taught Diego so many things and loved him for the dork that he was. Diego learned so much about the Vaanti from him and he found himself falling in love with Vaaryn without even realising. Even over the six months he was held captive, Vaaryn was the only one who really stuck by Diego, even when their intentions were to get something from him. Something changed and Diego just happened to find a soulmate in the deceased man in his arms right now. Why would someone do this? Just for power? Just for gain? 
Diego is sick of lives being taken, especially when it’s the person he loves most being lost because of Rourke’s endless greed. His presence is torture and that torture spreads wherever that man dares to venture. The world would be a constant war with him in complete power.
An ocean of emotion and sadness floods over Diego and he knows it may never go away. How is he ever supposed to recover from this? It’s like losing half of his heart. He cradles Vaaryn in his arms and blinks back tears every few seconds.
“Vaaryn... why... before I could get to you... or at least say goodbye... I would have told you I loved you... I would have... but I’m too late.” Diego pours out his heart and soul in that moment of grief, trying his best to shed all his misery in those minutes because he still needs to get back to Logan. “...who would do this to you?” 
All of a sudden, Diego catches the sound of ragged, menacing laugh echoing in the distance and the familiar sound of someone puffing smoke makes him realise who it is immediately. He slowly turns away from his deceased husband and he’s forced to suck in a sharp breath when he realises who is stood in front of him. A face he thought he’d never lay eyes on again. 
Rex fucking Lundgren. 
“Lundgren?” Diego is genuinely shocked to his face again and he practically looks the same. Seems like he’s been working for Rourke since he would brought back like Mike was. Was that even on purpose?
“Ha. You remember too.” Lundgren scoffs, shaking his head defiantly. “Rourke’s system was really a load of shit wasn’t it?”
Diego suddenly shudders when he spots a bloody weapon in Lundgren’s hands. A loaded gun to be exact. Then Diego briefly tilts his head back to Vaaryn, realising there’s a deep bullet hole that could have gone directly through his head. An uneasy feeling washes over Diego and he takes a cautious step back from Lundgren, suddenly realising what may have happened.
“...D-Did you kill...” Diego can’t bear to speak of his soulmate’s name, too pained to relive this nightmare even though it’s still going on. 
Lundgren forms a deadly scowl but a deviance like no other lurks too. “Your blue friend... of course I did. He was useless anyway.”
Seeing how careless Lundgren really is, Diego clenches his hands into fists, his eyebrows arching as he takes slow deep breaths. “...Why?”
“Why?” Lundgren repeats sarcastically, taking another drag out of his cigar before releasing the smoke into Diego’s face, causing him to cough violently. “Rourke’s plan isn’t working out and it never will. But I still work for him so when I blame this murder on Lila, Rourke will make me his right hand man.”
“Really.... you did this for personal gain. Hell, you just wanted to get paid.”
“Damn straight. Don’t worry about it, I’m pretty sure I’ve done you a favour.” Lundgren suddenly says and that causes Diego to start feeling a frustration he’s never felt before.
“How can you even say that? All you do is kill carelessly and not give a damn. I’m surprised you haven’t killed me yet.” Diego suggests, folding his arms as a tension climbs up his body.
Dropping his cigar to the floor and stomping on it, Lundgren levels his gun at Diego’s head and smirks devilishly. “Well, that was my next idea. How ‘bout I hit you in the same place as blue man? Pretty sure you’d appreciate that.” 
For once, Diego isn’t scared. This is the first time he’s actually felt prepared. In truth, some part of him may actually want everything to be over. Being with Vaaryn in a better place sounds a hell of a lot better than being here. Suffering. Being tortured. Being in a world where Vaaryn no longer exists. This sounds much better. Besides, it’s not like most people would miss him anyway.
Diego closes his eyes and exhales softly, readying himself for the sweet release of death and maybe things will finally be ok when it’s over. Diego can hear the deafening sound of Lundgren easing his finger over the trigger and suddenly the sound of a bullet being released echoes throughout the iron cell!
Diego expects to have his conscience ripped away from him by now but... he’s still here. Conscious. Alive. His body still in tact. His mind still pained with Vaaryn’s sudden disappearance from his life. Nothing is over. He’s not in a better place. 
Question is... what the hell was that sound?
Diego opens his eyes, only to find Lundgren no longer in sight. He’s no longer at gunpoint and instead he’s greeted by a rather different face, still familiar and recognisable however. Tears are still pouring from his cheeks, some drying out but they won’t go away. The pain is too strong. Diego’s eyes dart down to the floor, only to find a lifeless Lundgren on the ground, curtesy of the familiar face before him.
Damn, damn, damn. It’s Jake Mckenzie.
Jake looks bruised and battered, more what Diego expected Vaaryn to appear like but things turned out so much differently, in appearance but the relief on his expression tells Diego that Jake hasn’t realised that Vaaryn is lying dead in the corner yet. He’s gazing down at Lundgren’s body incredulously.
“Wow... you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” Jake mutters under his breath, lowering his gun and lifting his head up to Diego, concern suddenly flooding his brown eyes - especially when he notices the tears in Diego’s grief-stricken eyes. “Oh my god, squirt. Are you okay? What happened to you?” Jake asks with genuine worry, a frown falling onto his lips. “Did you get Vaaryn?”
Now those words hurt and that prompts Diego to point to Vaaryn’s body, not daring to look himself as he can’t bear the sight anymore. Jake follows his gaze and his cerulean eyes immediately go wide. Jake and Vaaryn weren’t as close but it still would hurt to see someone you once knew lying lifeless and isolated. Jake appears in pain but he’s so much better at covering it up than Diego. His eyes are threatened by tears but they never really make it out of the corners. Diego can’t help but wonder how Jake manages to always keep his defence walls up and never lose control or break. It’s truly remarkable.
“Oh my god...” Jake runs his hands through his sandy hair out of stress and he’s immediately flooded with a flashback of when Jake barely stopped Vaaryn from taking his own life and now Lundgren has put a bullet through his head. Hell, maybe that’s what he wanted. “Squirt...” 
“Jake... I get it. You’re gonna tell me to focus but I just lost the love of my life but I’m guessing... you found yours.” Diego points out, suddenly hit by the fact that Logan probably got her love back but Diego doesn’t get to. 
Jake is struck by guilt and he hangs his head in shame. “Diego... I’m sorry but we really need to go...” 
“Well, we need to get out of here and there’s a bomb that’s gonna go off in about five minutes so come on.” Jake urges and Diego tugs him by his wrist, ushering him out as quickly as possible. Not just for everyone’s sake but for Diego’s sake specifically. Looking at the sight of death is much worse than just thinking about it. Reliving it in your head is better than really going through it. Jake learned that over the years, experiencing enough losses and death. He never seems to get away from it. 
“Wait... a bomb?” Diego reacts, jaw almost hitting the floor. 
“No time to explain. We gotta get to the exit. We got a plan to escape. You just have to trust me.” Jake states solemnly and Diego just nods, showing he understands but is still shaken up over what happened. 
They’re about to take off down the hall until Jake realises something. “Hold on... where’s Rebecca?” His doubts start to shine through and a dreaded theory builds up in his head. 
“I don’t know. She was keeping guard outside the door.” Diego explains, the same theory seeming to build up in his own mind.
Jake is almost afraid to say it out loud. “If she was keeping guard... then Lundgren could have only gotten in the cell if she...” He trails off, in complete disbelief that his very own sister would choose Rourke over family. 
“...let him in and took off.” Diego adds, releasing a hesitant sigh, disappointed in Rebecca.
Jake abruptly lets out a frustrated shout, his fist making contact with the unbreakable iron wall. His fist is scattered with blood when he lifts it and a look of anguish is spread across his face. 
“We gotta move.” 
“But... you’re—“ 
They’re so close. Fingertips away from freedom. The surface of this hell so close they can practically feel it. Two minutes. Two minutes until explosion. Even if this area was still safe and it’s certain to say Rourke would make sure that the outside world wasn’t disturbed by the explosion. He may have a plan to make it look like a simple disturbance and he wants it look like we’ve all been found dead after all this time. It’s the perfect crime but it sure as hell isnt gonna become a reality. 
No one wants to leave Jake, Diego, Rebecca and Vaaryn. And they sure as hell won’t. Even if it puts their own survival in jeopardy. Jake McKenzie is a fucking fighter and he will make sure everyone is safe and then he’ll come running like he always does, barely away from his survival but he always gets it eventually. 
Logan can’t lose him. She needs him to come back and her only hope is her patience and she plans to wait out as long as possible for Jake and everyone else. She can’t lose any of them. They’re too important to her. She’s sick of losing people and death seems to follow her now. She can’t bare to lose anyone else. 
Not now. Not ever.
Another minute goes by. One more minute until their fate is decided. So much undeniable pressure and it’s certain Estela is seconds away from pulling the switch. 
“Estela, don’t! Not yet. Please. Wait for Jake.” Logan urges, practically pleading with Estela and noticing the utter anguish and desperation in her ocean eyes holds Estela back and she keeps her hand hovering over the switch. 
Mike is praying with Logan, wanting to have Jake alive as much as her. They came here for Jake and if they don’t leave with him safe than none of this was worth it and they are just left with a story of how they barely escaped death. 
Forty seconds.
“Lo, I cant wait anymore! We have to go now!” Estela warns and Logan almost is forced to accept the fact that Jake may not be coming until... she catches the sound of him calling her name.
“Princess! Keep that damn door open!” Jake calls out to her and she nods fiercely, a proud smile spreading across her features. Mike forms his own smile and they share a knowing look. They both knew that Jake would pull through and they’re so glad he did. It’s not only Jake, however. Diego is with him. What’s strange is that there is no Vaaryn or Rebecca. What the hell happened? 
Thirty seconds. 
Jake finally makes it through the door and Diego follows after, a pained expression on his face and if only he could express his excitement to see his best friend again. But he can’t. Not right now. The first thing Jake does is wrap Logan in a deep embrace, so fucking happy to see her even though they were only apart for a few minutes. 
“I told you I’d come back, darlin’.” Jake whispers, as he gradually brings their lips together and Logan keeps the kiss brief, joining their foreheads for a moment.
“Didn’t doubt you for a second.” She whispers back before parting with Jake and turning to Diego, wrapping him in a welcoming hug. He barely accepts it, tears threatening to spill from his eyes again.
“Diego, what happ—“
“No time! We need to go!” Estela exclaims before slamming the switch and immediately the door slides shut and the lift starts going up at a steady pace. “Jesus fucking Christ! Can’t this thing go any faster?”
Fifteen seconds. 
“We can make it, Estela. Don’t worry.” Mike assures, resting a hand on the small on her back and he’s surprised she even goes along with the action. But it seems to be helping as well as his words. 
Ten seconds. 
Jake and Logan hold onto each other out of desperation, hoping and praying this isn’t the end already. They can make it out. Once this lift is covered up. Nothing can get to them and they can’t die. All they have is hope for now. Hope they can do this and fight through. 
Five seconds. 
Finally, the lift makes it to a stop at the top the land, revealing exactly where they are. Once again, Logan recognised the familiar outskirts of London, an abandoned area where no one ever close. Rourke chose a decent location for his lair but now he’s going to have to find another one and pretty quickly. He always seems to have a backup plan. Everyone quickly jumps off the lift and onto the earthly ground, a place Jake hasn’t stood on in what feels like forever. 
The last second ticks by and they expected to only hear the sound of the explosions from inside but no... the lift abruptly is slashed off the ground from the impact of the explosion. Everyone is shocked by what they see when they dare to peer through the hole. Rourke said his army would be protected and preserved but he has literally gone back against his word and set an explosion for the entire Vaanti. They’re all dead.
He destroyed half of his army. But why? And does he know they barely escaped with their lives? Hell, they’re lucky they made it out alive. If that last second had disappeared while they were still on the lift... they’d be just as dead as the animalistic Vaanti right now. 
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kaileah-kat · 7 years ago
‘Tis a freaking AU
Hey @altruistic-skittles , heard you were in a creative slump. I decided to finish this for you. Maybe brighten your day a little :D
Grocery Store/Supermarket AU! The most basic AU you will ever see (besides the beloved coffee shop au’s). I was at work thinking of all these scenarios because I don’t really talk to anyone so my mind just wanders and we end up with things like this. Prepare for a not-so wild ride my dudes.
He’s 21 with no sense of adventure.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 18.
He started in the pharmacy section because he’s a smart cookie.
Sadly, he’s not smart enough to understand “The customer is always right”.
He doesn’t play games. When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.
It got to a point where he had at least 10 customer complaints a week and management was very close to kicking him to the curb. 
They made a compromise for him to move to a department with literally z e r o customer interaction.
The accounting office. He loves it. He’s now a smart cookie in charge of money.
But, if cashiers could sort their freaking coupons, that would be great.
Oh! He’s also Emile's brother!
He’s about 19/20 (I’m leaning towards 20) and a sunshine bean.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 16.
He’s a cashier who everyone l o v e s.
He’s so friendly?? All the time?? 
Management used him as an example for Logan all the time.
He sorts his coupons. Just for Logan.
Patton loves children and he loves the fact that he can offer them stickers.
Once, a child denied his sticker. He was a little upset. 
He’s not allowed to do re-shops anymore because one time he ended up re-arranging the entire cereal aisle by color.
His one task, which was to put the cornflakes back on the shelf, was never completed.
A local dad friend to every minor working in the store.
He also knows ASL just in case someone’s deaf because oh boy he isn’t missing a chance on any customer interaction. 
Also, he’s Virgil's brother!
He’s 18. Look at him thrive into adultery adulthood.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 16. 
Forgot a thing: every minor starts as a cashier. 15? They have to stay there until they’re 16. 16/17? Great! As long as you’ve been a cashier for 6 months, you can move departments! Only to certain ones though, lets not get crazy.
Roman stayed a cashier until he was 18. People are cool, he doesn’t mind interaction.
He got bored and decided he wanted to move to the bakery so he can decorate cakes in excessive amounts of edible glitter. 
He lets his creativity f l y.
When someone has an ordered cake, you better know he’s making that cake so that it exceeds expectations.
Sometimes frosting mysteriously “goes missing”.
He eats it in the cooler. He hasn’t been caught yet.
Makes the best frosting flowers. They look almost like real flowers, it confuses everyone.
However, he can’t write words on a cake to save his life.
He’s 17. He’s small and needs to be protected.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 15.
He’s selectively mute because of social anxiety so clearly putting this child on a cash register is a g e n i u s idea. However, it’s the law, he has no choice.
He’s also half of the reason Patton knows sign language because he loves his brother damnit! If Virgil is anxious in a public space and he doesn’t want to use his actual voice that’s a-okay!
The front end cashier managers will also accommodate so if Virgil needs to chill and do some back work (like re-shops or cleaning the registers that aren’t in use.) then that’s fine. There is one manager that can choke though, but we’ll talk about him later.
When Virgil turned 16 and was officially 6 months on register he freaking b o o k e d i t to management to see if he could move to accounting. (In the back where it’s quiet and the only person he’ll have to speak to is Logan? Sounds amazing.)
Sadly, the lad has to be at least 18 to be back there. 
Virgil settled for grocery. Still has customer interaction? Yes, but a lot less of it.
He still rarely talks and when people ask him where something is he generally gestures for them to follow him as he leads them to the item.
Belial (Deceit):
He’s 27 and can c h o k e.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 17.
He’s one out of the four front end managers.
Every single employee hates him with the passion of 1,000 burning suns.
How did he get a manager position? No one knows.
Has made cashiers cry (mainly Virgil minors, and one super buff guy with a goatee).
Everyone thinks it brings him joy. Hint: It kind of does.
It tends to be his way of doing things, or the high way. 
All in all? A despised human with a snake tongue.
He’s 27 and a legend who we will love and appreciate forever.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 16.
He’s the Human Resource REP. and loves his job. Sometimes he wants to put his head through a wall, but he loves his job.
He wants the best for every single employee, except one.
Makes puns and pop culture references way too often.
Most people don’t understand what the hell is going on when he starts. 
When a pun is made you can hear Logan groan from the accounting office.
He’s 26 and sassy as h e l l.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 19.
He works in asset protection (aka: security)
He has all the receipts and tea sweetie, he knows you were trying to steal that lipstick.
He doesn’t play games. (Okay, well, he knows Roman eats some of the frosting. But he lets it slide. He would do the same thing.)
He lives off of coffee. His coffee cups seem to be everywhere.
“Alright Felicia, here’s the deal,” “My name is Carol.” “Honey, sure it is.” -every conversation with someone trying to break the laws of the land.
He’s 29 and somehow not losing his damn mind.
He started working at this random store with no name when he was 15.
He’s the store manager, look at him t h r i v e.
He wants the best for every employee, even the one with a snake tongue.
Why he doesn’t fire Belial has been a mystery for years. 
Treats everyone in the store like they’re part of his family bloodline.
Everyone would 100% cry if he ever transferred to a different store.
Alright, this is long. Tune in for part two where we’ll talk about how they ended up applying for the nameless store, more about how they interact with each other, shipping :o, etc. I might only do that if this goes well though... who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sonicrainicorn · 7 years ago
Logan Is Berry Done
The title was a stand-in but I couldn’t think of anything better, so...
For @sides-of-quotes-contest
Words: 1609 Prompt: click here TW: Alcohol
Hope you enjoy~
((This post now has its own AU! Check it out here.))
Logan was not one for parties. He tried to stay away from them as often as possible in order to avoid… humans. Humans were icky, complicated things with too much to share or too little personal space -- especially at a party. They were weird and Logan wanted to avoid them as often as possible.
The one time Logan was glad to have been dragged to a party was several years ago. He had just turned nineteen so his brother, Thomas, thought it would be a great idea to invite him to his first “grown-up party”. Logan tried to refuse. He spent days trying to get Thomas to take somebody else, but Thomas persisted. He wanted Logan to be with him (out of all other possible candidates).
Reluctantly, Logan ended up going.
At the time it seemed terrible. There were so many strangers at various levels of drunk. Logan didn’t touch any drinks no matter how many times it was offered to him; he saw no reason to. Most of the night he stayed by Thomas’s side while the other talked with friends about random topics. He did, however, leave to find the bathroom as a temporary means of escape from all the noise.
The party was rather crowded and Logan found himself having to squeeze between people in order to move around. After reaching the inside, he ended up tripping over something (someone?), but instead of falling to the ground, he crashed into a person.
“Whoa, you okay, buddy?”
Logan flushed. This stranger had caught his fall. “S-sorry.” He pulled himself together, but his hands lingered a second or two on the charming stranger’s arms. “I suppose I didn’t see where I was going.”
The stranger chuckled. “It’s no problem.” The next words he spoke changed both of their lives forever. “Well, since you just fell for me you should probably know my name, at least. I’m Patton.”
Several text messages, a risky question, and many dates later, the two ended up married. (Logan was the one to propose). Their wedding was the only other party Logan was glad to attend.
The two were more than happy to spend the rest of their lives together. They wouldn’t want it any other way.
Over the course of their marriage, Logan had tried his hardest to avoid going to any parties they happened to be invited to. Most of the time he ended up going due to Patton rivaling his stubbornness, but they never stayed long. Patton knew how Logan felt about human interaction. Logan would never admit it, but he fell a little more in love with Patton whenever he recognized he couldn’t stand to be in public anymore.
Unfortunately, Patton knew a lot of people which meant he got invited to parties rather often. Christmas parties, birthday parties, Halloween parties... Any date that was capable of celebrating Patton got an invitation to. He was too sociable and cute. People were just compelled to show that they appreciated his friendship the only way they knew how.
And Logan loathed it.
There wasn’t a reason that should be the social norm. There were other ways to say, “hey I like you as a person”. Flowers, maybe. There were certain flowers that meant friendship. A letter was also a good one. It would last longer and something that’s handwritten holds more sentiment. Anything but a stupid party.
For all these thoughts Logan was never mad at Patton for coming home with another invitation; a little peeved, sure, but never mad. He knew it was almost unheard of to deny an invitation simply because someone didn’t want to go. It wasn’t Patton’s fault that Logan preferred to stay away from any type of interaction.
Logan also knew that it was pretty much expected that the invitee should bring their significant other (or even their children). Which was why he was surprised when Patton told him he didn’t need to go to this one.
“I’m certainly not complaining,” was Logan’s response. “But may I know why?”
“It’s only a housewarming party for Alec.” Patton shrugged. “Since you hate being out of the house for long periods of time then why take you to a party that you wouldn’t consider important?”
Logan furrowed his brows. He thought he had met all of Patton’s coworkers by now. “Who’s Alec?”
“That’s another reason.”
So, Logan saw Patton off at around two in the afternoon. There were only a handful of times Patton had gone to a party by himself -- for legitimate reasons such as Logan being sick -- so Logan couldn’t predict when he would be home. While together, they’d leave a party an hour or two after arriving. Maybe three if Logan was feeling particularly sociable. Who knew how long Patton would decide to stay without Logan there like a phone battery losing charge.
That didn’t matter much, though. As long as it wasn’t an unreasonable hour and Patton was safe, that was all that mattered to Logan.
But by nine o’clock, however, Logan couldn’t help but wonder. He had never known for Patton to stay out this long before. He always made sure to be back in time to tuck the kids into bed. It was a little past that time now and Patton hadn’t even called. Patton always called. Even if it was for something little. He wanted things to run smoothly whenever he was away from the house for a significant amount of time.
So where was he now?
“When is Dad coming home?”
The sound of his son’s tired voice pulled Logan out of his worrying. He stopped pacing to face the twins waiting on the couch. They were both very tired but refused to sleep without their dad saying goodnight to them.
“I don’t know,” Logan responded. He noticed Virgil’s head snap up after drooping for a few minutes. “Are you sure you two don’t want to go to bed? Your dad could be out for a while.”
“No,” Roman whined. “I refuse.”
“Me too,” Virgil yawned.
Logan refrained from rolling his eyes. Their stubbornness was learned from somewhere, after all.
He sat down on the couch between them, deciding that his pacing wasn’t getting very far. He had called Patton twice but received no answer. It was both worrying and annoying at the same time. Why would Patton decide now of all times to be carefree?
Virgil rest his head on Logan’s arm as he began to drift off again. Roman didn’t seem like he was going to go down any time soon, but his father could tell that he was fighting to keep his eyes open. Maybe all three of them would end up falling asleep on the couch waiting for Patton.
The twins jumped when Logan’s phone started ringing. It was the stupid Spongebob Squarepants theme song -- Patton’s ringtone.
Logan answered with the full intent of berating Patton on his carelessness.
“Woah, hey, Lo. Logan. LoLo. Logi-bear. My precious little bumblebee,” Patton snorted. “I just fu… I just.” He laughed again. “I jus’ learned a science. Wanna hear?”
“You just…?” Logan was beyond confused. “Patton, are you drunk?”
“I ju-ust learned that men have milk-glands and can breastfeed if their nipples are sucked on for a few weeks!”
Logan didn’t want to know where Patton learned that. “Okay, so why was that the most important thing for you to call me for?”
“S-so when we have a kid --”
“We currently have two.”
“-- we’re both pitching in, milk boy. My cartgan of log-milk.” Patton started giggling to himself.
Logan’s first instinct was to walk into another room and scream, but with both of his sons gazing at him in confusion he felt as if that wasn’t the best idea. What he ended up doing was putting a hand over his eyes and letting a pensive sigh out through his nose.
At a lack of a verbal response, Patton spoke up in a cheerful sing-song voice, “Logan? You still there?”
To avoid actually screaming Logan hung up on him. He placed his elbows on his knees and pressed his phone to his forehead. There were no words for what he had just experienced.
“What happened?” Roman asked.
“Your father is an idiot,” Logan replied, his tone a mixture of exasperation and embarrassment.
He straightened out to dial another contact on his phone. There were several rings before the other side picked up.
“Hey, little bro!” The voice was cheerier than usual.
Oh God. “Thomas, are you drunk too?” Logan ran a hand through his hair. “I thought you said you would be the designated driver if it came down to it.”
“I said that?” Thomas sounded genuinely confused. “Oh, oops.”
“Hey, is that Logan?” Patton’s voice shouted in the background. “Ask him why he hung up on me!  Why would you do that to me, Logy-loo?”
“Patton said --”
“I know.” Logan sighed. “I know.”
“Wow. I have the smartest little brother in the whole world.”
“I’m hanging up on you now.”
Logan groaned and fell back against the couch. Once -- just once -- he wanted to not be the responsible one. Patton and Thomas were adults, too. They should be able to recognize that one of them would need to be sober in order to drive home. Now Logan was going to have to pick them up and leave Thomas’s car there. How annoying.
“Who wants to come with me to pick up your father and Uncle Thomas?”
And if you thought Logan wasn’t petty enough to show the whole party how Patton left his two ten-year-olds waiting in their pajamas to be tucked in, then you would be wrong.
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sher-soc-the-famder · 7 years ago
Miraculously Their Own- Chapter 2
Not Every Card’s A Trump Part 1
Word count: 4459
Pairings: Romantic Royaltiy, Platonic LAMP
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Huge thanks as always to @wisepuma23 for all her help! :D Also, expect weekly updates, most likely every Friday at this point!
Read On AO3
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*387 Days Before*
It was too loud. Not that Logan had any control over it, but it still made his shoulders hunch towards his ears and he buried his face in his book a little bit more. One of the other children raced past his corner and Logan pulled his legs up so that they wouldn’t get bruised from someone tripping over them again. The excitement of everyone else seemed palpable, but Logan didn’t see why.
Another pair of adults, another adoption day, and Logan wanted to snap at them. Only a third of foster children were adopted a year, and only two thirds of them actually stayed with those parents. It was likely that they would spend at least another year before disappearing from the group home like the rest. After the third year in the system, chances of being adopted and not just placed started to drop drastically, and became non existent once the teenage years were reached.
Of course, when Logan had tried to tell the other children that, he had made Mary cry and Ms. Wilson had sent him to the corner for ‘bullying’ and ‘fear-mongering.’ When he told Ms. Wilson that her definitions were off, he had been told to stay there for the rest of the day.
Not that Logan could see why that was a punishment. Getting away from the wrestling and shrieking and yelling of the other children seemed like a gift to him. He could curl up there with a book and almost disappear altogether. No possible adults to worry about, just him and the words on the page.
No pressure, no expectations, just him and the battered copy of The Hobbit that he had read so many times that Ms. Wilson had duct taped the binding back together in order to keep pages from falling out.
She didn’t hate him, Logan knew that. She was simply as much of a product of the overworked, broken system as the rest of them were. She had too many children and too many problems to deal with to take the time to get to know them all.
Still, Logan traced one of the book’s few illustrations, it was a nice dream to have. That one day an adult would actually get to know him. All dreams died in the face of reality, Logan thought solemnly, but they were needed to push someone forward. At least that’s what his last tutor had told him.
It meant that Logan knew better than to look up from his book when the matrons tried to corral everyone for the visiting adults.
Several other foster children had overheard them talking, and it was common knowledge that the new adults were rather loud. Which meant that Logan could safely disappear in the corner without being looked at again. Logically, they would want someone who matched their temperment. Logan could understand that, a reserved child who ignored you wasn’t what most people were looking for.
“Logan,” Ms. Wilson called, and he hummed, turning to the next page. Gandalf had just introduced the dwarves to Bilbo after all. A heavy sigh reached his ears and Logan winced as the middle aged woman sank down next to him. “Could you at least try for this one?” she asked, and Logan leaned away from her.
“No,” he said shortly and tightened his grip on the book.
“Logan,” she said warningly.
“I don’t see why I should,” Logan muttered, “They all have expectations and I won’t live up to any of them. I’m too quiet, too unnerving, too smart.”
Ms. Wilson sighed again, and scrubbed at her face. “You don’t have to talk to them, fine. Just, look up from your book? Once? Please?”
Logan glared down at the pages, words swimming together from the force of it and he nodded. Once and forceful. Ms. Wilson signed again, and reached to ruffle his hair, but Logan ducked away from the touch.
“What am I going to do with you?” She murmured mostly to herself before her voice rose, “Emmet, stop pulling Danny's hair or no more play time for you! Steven! Steven so help me if you climb another step up that shelf-!”
Logan tracked her back as the matron hurried towards the chaos before returning to his book. Adults liked him for behaving, for being mature. Nothing more.
Despite having read it countless times, Logan still found himself engrossed by the adventures of Bilbo Baggins. Someone who used wit to survive and win rather than power. Someone like Logan. Buried in worn pages that had become almost soft with time and repeated use, which made the simple act of running his fingers along the page a comfort.
What happened today didn't matter, because today Logan was slaying the dragon Smaug and traveling with dwarves.
Logan had made a promise to Ms. Wilson though, one that ended up being easy to keep as the squealing in the room grew louder. He glanced up and blinked. Several of the other children hung off the arms of a tall man, who cackled and tried to flex his arm despite having three children hanging off of it. More screams of excitement erupted when he failed and they all fell back into a tangled mess.
“I have been slain!” the man shouted and flapped a hand over his heart, “Ruthlessly betrayed and murdered by my own subjects! How could this have happened?!”
A lighter giggle drifted over and Logan looked over at the shorter man, who had a phone out and recording. “The evil king has fallen! Whoever shall take the throne now?”
One of the younger girls shrieked with giggles as Evil King rolled over and attacked her waist with his finger. “No one! There are none worthy to take my throne!”
Logan almost turned back to his reading, had his finger on the page, when his eyes locked with the Evil King’s and Logan found himself burying his face in his book to avoid any other interaction. The last thing Logan wanted was for a couple with a man like him to take interest in him. They would want him to do thing with them everyday, to be happy and giggly and play like the other kids racing around the group home.
Logan’s chest ached. His fingers tightened around his book, and he took a deep breath, smoothing down the pages he had wrinkled. Logan wanted that, but he didn’t at the same time. It was stupid. He had impossible standards, he knew that. To ask for an adult that would leave him alone some days and play with him others, and when he wanted them to, and not the other way around. Still, he couldn’t help glancing up over the top of his book.
“Quick!” The Evil King shouted and pointed at his companion, “The uh, Evil Magical Dragon has arrived! A reward to the man or woman to slays it!”
The now dubbed Dragon’s eyes widened and he scrambled to put his phone back into the tote bag over his shoulder, “Roman wait-” The swarm of children that charged at his legs cut him off and the Dragon toppled over with a laugh. He growled playfully at the kids as they crawled over him.
Logan watched them before movement caught his eye and he startled as the man, Roman apparently, made his way over. Roman flopped down casually a distance away from him and Logan eyed the man warily. Roman crossed his hands behind his head and leaned back against the wall, grinning at Logan, “Well hello there, Super Why, what seems to be the book for today?”
Logan stared at him blankly. Roman grinned even wider, and inched closer. “No seriously kid, what are you reading?”
“Noneya,” Logan said dryly, and was certain that he imagined Roman’s eyes brightening at the word.
“Noneya?” Roman asked, and leaned forwards, “What’s it about?” “None of ya business,” Logan shot back smugly. Roman snorted and cackled, throwing Logan for a loop. Logan blinked at the man, and scotched away from him. Clearly, he was insane and Logan wanted nothing to do with him. Most adults hated when he talked back to them, or refused to give them what they wanted.
“None of ya business,” Roman repeated almost to himself, “God, it’s been forever since I’ve heard something like that. Brings back memories.” He chuckled again, “None of ya business. Ha!” He leaned forward, knees on his elbows and chin in his hand, and still grinning. It grated at Logan’s nerves that he wasn’t looking considering or thoughtful, just painfully amused.
“What about a name, kid?” Roman asked, and his eyes drifted to the other man in the room, now crouched down and talking softly with one of the younger girls. “Wait no, let me guess, it’s also Noneya.” Logan blinked and Roman winked. “How ‘bout I make you a deal? We could make it a game.”
“Don’t like games,” Logan said shortly and turned back to his book.
Roman snapped his fingers and pointed, “Lies! Everyone likes games! They’re like, the very essence of fun and entertainment, slaying the beast that be boredom! You have to like at least one thing you enjoy.”
“Yeah,” Logan said, “It’s-”
“None of your business,” Roman chorused with him, and only looked more amused at the repetition. “Even-” Roman paused and looked Logan over, something sly entering his gaze, “-if it was a mystery?”
Logan’s head snapped up at the word, before he could stop himself. Roman’s eyes lit up with victory and Logan hunched in on himself. His eyes traced over the words on the page without really reading them as he muttered, words bitter on his tongue, “Mysteries are stupid.”
He watched Roman pout out of the corner of his eye. “Not even if you got something out of it?”
“And what would we be getting him?” Logan’s eyes flickered towards the amused voice as the other man wandered over to them. Roman’s eyes softened and he opened his arms up. The shorter man giggled and sat down between Roman’s legs. Roman wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and nuzzled at his neck.
Ick, PDA.
“Whatever he wants!” Roman declared, “Because the mystery I have is truly the best there is! There are none like it in this entire world! Truly, I will leave all dazzled in my wake!”
Logan stared at the man for a long stretch of silence, Roman grinning at him as the man in his lap covered his mouth to smother giggles. “So if I wanted a hundred dollar telescope?” slipped from his mouth and Roman’s mouth dropped open.
The other man burst into laughter. “Paaatton,” Roman whined and the now named Patton covered his mouth, before laughing again. Roman’s pout grew. “You’re supposed to be on my side. Betrayal! The love of my life has betrayed me! And for a child who refuses to give me his name no less!”
“It’s not my fault you make it easy,” Logan muttered, to Patton’s apparent delight with the way his grin grew even more. Such open, happy people. Logan didn’t get why they were spending their visit with him. Perhaps they thought he was a fun joke? Light entertainment before they found another child they would want to take home with them? Logically, he was too different from them for them to want him.
“He’s picking on meeee,” Roman conituned and Logan blinked at the amusement that shone through Roman’s eyes despite his words. “Patton, an eight year old is destroying my self-esteem, as the light of my life you must salvage what is left and swoop to my rescue.”
“Oh no!” Patton gasped dramatically, “My fair prince! Slain by a child!” Patton winked at Logan, “Over twenty years of experience bested by a mere eight! Truly the next generation is stunning! Fear not for I shall-” “‘M not eight,” Logan said under his breath and both of the adults froze. Patton clapped his hands in delight as Roman’s jaw dropped open.
“It speaks!” Roman said, and threw his hands into the air. “Information can be retrieved from the very jaws of death! After months of travel, our quest has paid off! The impossible can be achieved!” Roman hooked his chin over Patton’s shoulder, “And pray tell, how old is my slayer then?”
Logan hesitated. There wasn’t any point in talking further to the men, no matter how expectantly they looked at him. He was an idle curiosity at best, and once they got bored they’d leave, taking however much of his heart he let them.
And Logan was tired of being disappointed.
He shrugged with one shoulder and looked back down at his book. “Not eight,” he mumbled. He glanced up through the fringe of his bangs as Roman and Patton exchanged a look with each other. Good. Now he could know just how tired they were of him already, and he could keep his hopes from getting up.
“Alas,” Roman said finally, “It seems we have not traveled far enough in this quest of ours, dear Patton. Still! We shall persevere through the wind and the rain! The snow! Raging fires and harsh words cannot keep up from our destination! Our armor may wear away and our hearts may be broken but still we’ll trudge on with leaden legs towards the goal we have set for ourselves, ever determined! Ever thoughtful-!”
Logan stared at Roman with wide eyes, caught between disbelief that they’d actually go that far for him and disbelief that there was someone like that, living out in the world as an adult. Patton cut the other man off with a gentle pat to Roman’s thigh.
“What Roman is trying to say,” Patton said, cheer in his voice and on his face, “is that we’d love to come back to visit you again, if that’s alright with you kiddo? It may take a bit of wrangling without a name, but by golly we’ve gotten through harder.”
Logan opened his mouth and snapped it shut without a word. His eyes flickered between the two of them in confusion. No one ever asked him if he wanted them to come back. They either left and never came back, or took him home after a visit or two, only to return him when he didn’t live up to their expectations. He didn’t get a say in his life, not like this.
“It’s not a bad thing if you don’t want us to return,” Patton said gently, and Logan found his eyes drifting towards Roman at those words. Something lurked in Roman’s eyes before they brightened and he grinned at Logan. “We just want to make sure,” Patton continued.
Logan shrugged. He picked at the frayed edges of his clothes and turned back to his book. “Do whatever you want,” he said sharply, “I don’t care.”
Patton opened his mouth again, only this time, Roman’s hand on his waist tightened. “Then expect our glorious return!” Roman said, “In a week? Three days? Tomorrow? What say you Evil Dragon who rules my kingdom?” Patton poked Roman’s waist and grinned, “This Evil Patt-gon says four, as his kids have a test coming up and it’s going to be a write hard one this time!”
Logan blinked and his mouth dropped open, “Was- was that a pun?” Patton threw him a thumbs up, “I’m a punny guy!”
“Please no,” Logan groaned and Patton laughed.
“You’re stuck with us now!” Roman said, hauling Patton to his feet and the two of them looked down at Logan. A physical reminder that they were leaving that hit Logan in the gut. It didn’t matter if Patton made puns or not, because they weren’t likely to come back no matter what they said. “You won’t be get rid of us that easily kid! We stand strong against any trial!”
“Whatever,” Logan snapped and shoved his face into his book. Only he didn’t return to reading, instead watching Roman and Patton’s back as they headed towards the door and exchanged a few words with one of the matrons, Ms. Laurens if Logan was seeing her right. Better her than Ms. Trumpbull. Patton and Roman both shook her hand before disappearing out the door and Logan tried to ignore how much the sight ached.
They were just another pair of adults, the numbers weren’t in his favor, and it wasn’t like things would go differently this time.
No matter how much he wanted it too.
“I thought,” Patton said, amusement leaking into his tone as he wrapped an arm around his husbands waist, “We had agreed to spread out, talk to as many kids as possible, get a feel for the kiddos.”
“Bah!” Roman waved a hand through the air before letting it settle around Patton’s shoulders, “Convention is for the weak! We follow our hearts wherever they may lead and live life to the fullest without a plan!” Patton’s shoulders shook under Roman’s arm and Roman’s heart soared at the sound and feeling.
The evening wind ruffled his hair and Roman tipped his head back to feel it better. Patton stepped a little closer to him, flush against his side, an ever present warmth. “You think he’s the one,” his husband said quietly.
“I really do!” Roman said, and turned to press a kiss against Patton’s head. “There’s something about him! An- an- an air or a look in his eye! He just is, Patton, I know it.”
Patton hummed, bumping their hips together, “Then let’s hope that we’re the ones for him like he’s the one for us. It wouldn’t be fair to force ourselves on him if he doesn’t want it. It’s about him as much, if not more so, than us!”
Roman’s grin softened, “Have I mentioned that I love you today darling?”
Patton’s cheeks dusted red and the sight made Roman want to lean down and kiss each freckle on his husband’s cheeks. Later, Roman would shower Patton the love that he deserved, but for now he pressed a sloppy wet kiss to Patton’s cheek that had Patton giggling.
Patton reach for his hand and threaded their fingers together, swinging their arms back and forth. “And I love you! For as long as I live, I’m gonna love you!” “And I will love you for long after!” Roman said, softly, squeezing Patton’s hand as their house came into view. A small one story building that still had streaks of white from where they had missed painting when the bright mesh of colors that they had covered the walls with were employed in a paint war on each other rather than the house. It was a place that had settled into Roman’s heart right next to his husband, and ramshackled though it may be, to Roman it was the castle of the highest order.
It was home.
Home with his paintings on the walls, and Patton’s baking in the fridge, and their worn welcome mat that smiled brightly at they as they stepped over it. Roman pressed his hand to the small of Patton’s back as his husband unlocked the door and nudged it open with his hip. The creak was a welcoming chorus.
“I still have a few papers to grade,” Patton said, standing on his tiptoes to kiss Roman’s cheek, “We can make dinner together when I’m done?”
“Of course!” Roman agreed brightly. Dinner and then dishes, the frighteningly domestic activities that Roman had craved for his entire life. Their happy-ever-after. “Any cravings that I can bestow upon you tonight? Tell me your heart’s desires and I shall make it so!” Patton ran a hand down his arm, looking up at him with bright eyes, “Well what if I’ve already got the Prince my heart desires?”
Patton stepped back when Roman crowded him towards the wall with smouldering eyes, “Then that Prince would be glad to serve in any capacity he can. Say the word and I would traverse the world, perform any feat, anything for you, my love.”
Patton’s fingers trailed up his chest and wound around his neck. “I’m sure I could think of a few things,” Patton said softly, pulling Roman down to his level. Roman braced on arm above Patton’s head and hummed as Patton’s breath fanned against his face. “A favor or two that you could give me.”
Roman licked his lips, “Why, I would do so gladly-”
He leaned down to connect their lips, and groaned as their fridge door slammed closed behind him. Roman buried his head on Patton’s shoulder and whined. “Make her go awaaaaaay.”
Patton laughed, the vibrations traveling along his chest and Roman’s face. Such a pleasant sound, Roman wanted to bottle it away forever, to play on repeat when Patton wasn’t there. “You love me Princey and you know it,” the deeper, feminine voice said before a crunch sounded.
“She’s eating our food again,” Roman told Patton’s shoulder. “She always eats our food. Why? She makes more than us combined, she should be feeding us.”
“Hi Ana Marie,” Patton said, his hands coming up to run through Roman’s hair. Which was unfair. It was Patton’s sister invading their space for the millionth time. Patton should not sound that amused. “How was work today?”
“As chill as I am little bro,” she said, and Roman figured she was eating one of their apples from the way her next bite crunched loudly. “Win some, lose some, though I’m pretty sure I’ve got this one in the bag. Which is good, she’s a nice girl.”
Patton tugged lightly at Roman’s hair to get him to move, the sensation sharp against his head. Roman whined again, but Patton tugged again until his husband moved. Roman huffed as Patton ducked unfer his arm, it wasn’t fair that Ana Marie got hugs when he was the one married to Patton. The two siblings hugged, Ana Marie slinging an arm around her younger brother’s shoulder as she directed him towards the couch. The apple she had taken held lightly in one hand.
“Which speaking of,” Ana Marie grinned, “How were the kiddos? Any catch your eye? Should I expect multiple nieces and nephews? And entire hoard of children running around your shack?”
Roman glared at her, flopping down at Patton’s other side on the couch. “It’s not a shack! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in this case you are truly blind! There is beauty and grace and love and art in every corner of this castle that you have very rudely insulted with your words. We have poured our very souls into the foundation of this building!”
Patton giggled, tucking his feet up against the coffee table in front of them. He made sure to be careful of the papers stacked on it, leaning against Roman’s chest. “The kiddos were great! I wanted to spend time with Mary and Amelia and Kenneth and Johnson and-”
“All of them?” Ana Marie teased, flicking Patton's arm gently. “One at a time brother dear, or they'll break your shack.” Roman glared daggers at her from above Patton's head, earning himself a stuck out tongue and a wink from the woman.
“Roman did have his eye on one!” Patton continued blissfully before pausing, “Wait, no that makes them sound like pets. Roman bonded with a kiddo! His name is a mystery but he seems like a sweet kid! A real nerd to the core!”
Roman sighed at the pun. Ana Marie blinked, “Nerd? Like….the candy?”
Patton beamed at them both, “We're going back next week to talk with him more. Really sink our teeth into the idea.”
“Pat, I love you, but never try to make a joke again.” Ana Marie buried her face in her hands, and Roman smirked, hooking his chin over Patton's head.
“I, for one,” Roman said imperiously, “Love all of Patton's jokes. They are truly the pinnacle of humor.”
“Awwww thanks Ro!”
Ana Marie narrowed her eyes at him. Her hands drifted away from her face, the expression in her eyes amused and teasing. “Only because you have no taste. This shack, Patton's jokes, the movies you watch.”
“Take it back! Disney is the pinnacle of human creation!”
Ana Marie hummed, “Nah, don't think I will.”
“At least I'm not a soulless lawyer,” Roman grumbled and Patton drew back to pat his arm comfortingly. Roman eyed his smug sister in law, weighing his options. Oh what the hell, he could never resist poking the dragon with a stick anyways. “Better magic and the knowledge that it won't make sense, then Science that tries to pretend it can pull of half the things Captain Kirk can-”
“Heathen! Sci-fi is amazing and you know it!” Ana Marie sat up, challenge along the line of her shoulders. “Star Trek and Star Wars changed a generation!”
“Guys maybe we should-” Roman steamrolled right over Patton.
“Disney defined a generation!”
A throw pillow flew past Patton’s face and Roman sputtered as it hit him in the face. He growled. Ana Marie cackled. “Fiend!” he shrieked and grabbed a pillow of his own to chuck at the woman’s face.
“My papers!” Patton wailed and dove at the coffee table to gather up the essays his students had written as Roman threw himself out of the way of the next pillow. A couple of papers fluttered before Patton snagged them from the air Roman grinned, sharp and challenging at Ana Marie, who stood up on the couch. Patton clutched his papers close as he fled towards the kitchen, “You monsters!”
“Love you too Pat!” they both chorused without looking away from each other.
“You’re going down Princey,” Ana Marie said, bouncing on the worn cushions. Roman pointed his own pillow at her like a sword. He could feel his heart pounding already, and mentally thanked Patton’s foresight in moving almost all the fragile objects out of this room.
“In your dreams, Dragon Witch,” Roman declared and lunged.
(Patton finally wandered back in, after the laughter and shrieks and thumps and yelling had died down. He smiled down at his sister and husband, curled up on the couch together. Treasure Planet played softly in the background. Patton dragged out one of their larger comforters from the closet, wiggled his way in between the two of them, and felt Roman’s arm wind around his waist the same time that Ana Marie’s lips pressed a soft kiss to his head.
Content and warm between the two of them, Patton dragged the blanket up over all three of them. He closed his eyes. He dreamed of a warm home and a loving family. Roman’s arm around him tightened, and Patton grinned even wider as he fell asleep.)
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bestmemechild · 7 years ago
Kitchen Terrors -An Analogical Fanfic Part One
Cooking was Virgil’s biggest passion. There was something about making delicious food that felt great. Virgil had always struggled with stress and anxiety, but cooking calmed him down most of the time. Even working in a kitchen while dealing with other people was fun for him when he could prepare food.
That’s why he felt like crying when he found himself working as a waiter for one of the worst bosses in the world. Both the manager and the owner were terrible, but this job paid more than his old one. They didn’t trust him around food for some reason, despite the fact that he was a better cook than any of those in the kitchen. The only reason he didn’t quit was because he needed the money.
Virgil had culinary experience. He went to school for many years and trained with some great chefs. He had the potential to become a head chef at a nice restaurant, but he was stopped by his family’s reputation. They were trashy people, and Virgil hated all of them. He tried to show that he was nothing like them, but he could never seem to escape their grasps. That was why he found himself as a waiter in a place where the ones above him hated him. No matter where he applied, none of the other restaurant owners wanted to hire him.
The restaurant that Virgil worked at was called Jeff’s. It was never busy, barely pulling in a few customers each day. The owner couldn’t figure out what was going wrong, and neither could any of the cooks, but Virgil and the waitress he worked with knew exactly what was going on. The cooks made the most disgusting food, so it was no wonder that nobody wanted to eat it. To make it worse, the kitchen was in poor condition, maybe even a deadly condition, but the cooks believed it was fine and the owner threatened to fire the waiters if they complained to anyone. Even the decorations in the restaurant were odd and unsightly.
The entire situation was horrific.
“Hi. I am here today at Jeff’s, located in New York City. They need my help to get out of debt and become a success. First, I need to see for myself what is going on,” Logan said to the camera pointed at him. “Let’s go.”
Logan entered the restaurant that he was standing outside of. The first thing he noticed was the ghastly decor littering the place. There were old knick knacks everywhere. The walls were covered in old propaganda posters, clocks, inspirational quotes painted on canvases like one would see in a family home, guitars, sport equipment, and other random objects. There were shelves lining the top of each wall where boxes, figures, and more old artifacts sat. The window even had a quilt used as a curtain. It looked hideous.
“Oh, no,” Logan muttered to himself. The camera still picked up on it since it was constantly aimed on him when it was not showcasing the restaurant.
Out of everything he has seen, Logan didn’t think he had ever been to a restaurant with such terrible decor. The place looked like it should be featured on that show for hoarders, not for Kitchen Terrors.
Yes, Kitchen Terrors. It was the exact same concept as Kitchen Nightmares, but Logan was in charge of helping the restaurants in this show. Logan was a chef himself and wanted to help restaurants like Chef Gordon Ramsay did. In fact, it was Ramsay himself that encouraged him to do this show. Logan had actually worked and learned under the chef for a while, and Ramsay was very impressed with his skills. That led to Logan becoming more popular in the world of food.
Logan was calmer than Ramsay was. He hardly yelled, but it did hurt to see looks of true disappointment on his face since he rarely showed any emotion at all. Sometimes it seemed like people felt better asking for his help because they were scared of Ramsay, but they would soon learn that Logan was intimidating in his own way.
“Welcome!” The owner of Jeff’s, Jeff, greeted.
“Hello,” Logan said, shaking Jeff’s hand. “And you are?”
“I’m Jeff!”
“Oh, so you’re the owner?”
“That’s right!”
“Okay then, let’s have a little chat about what’s going on before I taste the food. First things first, how far into debt are you?”
“Well, I’ve lost about…$400,000,” Jeff stated.
“Four hundred thousand dollars?” Logan emphasized. “That’s nearly half a million! How did it get this way? What’s the problem?”
“I have no idea! I am just as baffled as you.”
“Something is going on, other than the decor.”
“What’s wrong with the decor?”
Logan just stared at Jeff before moving on to his next question. “How would you rate the food from 1 to 10?”
“Oh, definitely a 10.”
“Yup! It’s that good!”
“I’ll be the judge of that. It was nice talking with you, but I’m hungry. I think it’s time for lunch.”
Logan and Jeff shook hands one more time before the owner left for the kitchen. A waitress led Logan over to a table.
“And here is your seat,” The waitress said, “I’m Rebecca, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Rebecca,” Logan politely greeted, “Now tell me, how would you rate the food here? Jeff has given it 10 stars out of 10. Do you agree with him?”
“No, not at all. I would probably give it a one or two, honestly.”
“Wow...I guess I’ll see in a moment who is telling the truth.”
Logan ordered a few items off of the menu. Rebecca went to give the order to the cooks, but Logan stopped her for a second longer.
“I almost forgot. What is up with the decor in here?” Logan asked.
“It’s hideous, isn’t it?” Rebecca frowned. “It was all put there by Jeff. He spends a lot of the restaurants money on decor that he thinks will draw in more customers.”
“Really?” Logan was exasperated. “And what about that blanket by the window? What is up with that?”
“It was put there by one of his nieces one day to dry and Jeff decided that he liked it and kept it as the curtain.”
Rebecca nodded before walking away. She went straight towards the kitchen in order to announce that she had Chef Logan’s order. As she did, she passed Jeff talking to Virgil. Jeff didn’t seem to notice that a cameraman was standing near them and was taping the entire conversation.
“Virgil!” Jeff barked. “I don’t need one thing to go wrong with you today. If he talks to you, be respectful and respond, you hear that? And don’t mess up when delivering the food. If anything happens, you’ll be fired! And we both know that you don’t have anywhere else to go for a job.”
Virgil nodded vigorously. The boss was absolutely terrifying him, but he knew that he would have to do his job well today. The fact that he was going to be on TV and that the man he had always admired (and may have a small crush on) was sitting right in the dining room didn’t help his anxiety.
Back with Logan, he was doing what Gordon Ramsay would sometimes do in Kitchen Nightmares. Ramsay had told him to pay extra close attention to his surroundings to see if there are any damage done to anything. It turned out to be some good advice because there were broken chairs, chipped pieces of wood in the booths, wallpaper peeling, knick knacks close to falling off the walls, and even a glass figurine that was cracked. The state of everything made Logan feel uncomfortable and disgusted. To top it all off, there was dust everywhere. It coated every like thing. It was obvious that the place hadn’t been cleaned in a while.
As he was scanning the place, he noticed what seemed to be another waiter standing near the kitchen talking to Jeff. Logan froze when he saw this guy. Normally, the chef didn’t feel many emotions, which he was fine with, but right now he could feel his heartbeat pick up a smidge. This man was...beautiful to say the least. He had dyed purple hair, which looked really nice on him. He looked about the same height as Logan and his skin was a lot paler. He couldn’t see his eyes from that far away, but he could imagine them being mesmerizing. There was something about him that drew Logan’s attention, and he hadn’t even been close to him, much less talk to him yet. He hoped that this waiter wasn’t one of those who were oblivious to the restaurant’s problems. That would be a huge turn off.
After waiting longer for the first part of his meal to come out, Logan was relieved to find the waiter bringing it to him. This waiter seemed to be shy at first, but he was able to talk more than Logan had expected. He placed the dish in front of the chef and answered all of his questions, albeit stuttering a lot and feeling nervous.
“What’s your name?” Logan asked.
“Uh, I’m Virgil,” the waiter introduced himself, “I’m a waiter.”
“Virgil, why do you think the restaurant is failing?”
Virgil was more than happy to share with Logan. “I know why the restaurant is failing. The food is terrible, the boss is controlling and abusive with his words, there are monstrous items lining every inch of the dining room, most of the place is falling apart, the kitchen is a mess all the time, and that’s not even half of it.”
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes, sir.”
Logan shook his head, but he was glad at least the waiters at Jeff’s knew how bad it was. Virgil went to grab the next dish while Logan took a bite of what he had.
“Oh no,” Logan groaned as he spit it back out onto the plate, “That was gross.”
Logan made sure to give feedback to Virgil when he came back about how bad the dish was. Unfortunately, everything else that he had ordered was just as disgusting. The chicken was dry and had a weird taste, the greens looked to be rotten, and the dessert tasted like it was made weeks ago. Virgil apologized profusely every time he was told something was not up to par, to which Logan reassured him that it wasn’t his fault, but the cooks, owner, and manager’s fault.
“I’m scared to see what the kitchen looks like,” Logan whispered to himself as he sat disappointed in everything he has ate. He then spoke louder so that Jeff could hear him from across the dining room. “I’d like for the entire staff to come out here so that I can talk to them.”
Jeff nodded and went to gather the staff. They came quickly, not wanting to keep Logan waiting. When they were all there, he went through introductions before starting on what he had to say.
“That had to be the worst lunch that I have ever had,” Logan said with a blank face. It was different than Gordon Ramsay’s angry face whenever he found things wrong, but they were still scared of what Logan could be thinking. “Everything tasted like it had gone bad. Most of it wasn’t even cooked properly. I’m actually nervous about checking out the kitchen later today.”
“We’re sorry, chef,” one of the cooks said.
“Sorry? It doesn’t seem like you’re sorry to me. The only ones here who know why this place is doing so badly are Virgil and Rebecca over here.”
The team was sad that they had disappointed Logan so much, but only a few of them were willingly to change anything. They didn’t tell Logan that, though.
That night, Logan came back to witness how their dinner service worked. He came a few minutes after it started, having wanted to get there early but getting caught up in a lot of traffic. People around town knew that he was there, so they had wanted to come eat at the restaurant in order to see him. One would think that they would stay away since he was there for a reason, but they weren’t concerned about any problems that there might be.
Logan hurriedly entered the kitchen so that he could inspect it before too much food, if any, went out to the diners. He knew that the kitchen would be in poor condition due to the bad taste in the food he had and the words from the waiter.
The first thing he noticed when he walked in was the amount of dirty dishes piled everywhere. There was also dirt lining the walls, counters, stoves, and everything else in the kitchen.
“Does nobody clean?” Logan asked.
“We clean it everyday,” Jeff, who was standing by the door of the kitchen, told him.
“Don’t lie to me. This looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years!”
“It was cleaned just this morning.”
Logan shook his head in disbelief. He made his way to the walk-in fridge to see what was lurking inside.
“Oh my God,” Logan gagged. The smell was already bad. He didn’t want to walk further in, but he knew that he had to. Looking around, he noticed that there was not proper storage. He called Jeff and the head chef over in order to go through how bad the conditions were.
“You have raw meat stored with the cooked meat!” Logan yelled. It was rare that he got so angry that he started yelling, but this had gone too far. “It’s even in the same container! They’re swimming in blood! The chicken is sickly green, everything is rotting, and most of this was made weeks ago!”
Logan felt like he was going to be sick. He couldn’t believe he had been fed food from this kitchen. It was so atrocious and he felt awful for anyone who had ever eaten there. Speaking of people eating there, he was currently making his way to the dining room in order to tell the guests that he was shutting down the kitchen. People stared in consternation as he told them of what was going on. One person sitting in a booth even dropped the spoon of food that he was about to put in his mouth. The diners rapidly stood up and left, glad that they wouldn’t have to eat or pay for the food, but also horrified by the fact that they had even stepped foot into the place.
“I have no idea how any of you could stand working in that kitchen,” Logan said once he had the staff gather in the dining room. “I’m surprised this place is even still running! How many of you thought that that was safe? How come nobody bothered to clean anything?”
“There really isn’t anything wrong,” Jeff declared.
“Yeah,” the head chef agreed, “Nobody got sick or anything.”
“Maybe not in the restaurant itself, but I’m sure that many people have gotten food poisoning from here,” Logan told them. He turned towards the waiters. “How do you two feel about this? Did you know about it?”
Rebecca and Virgil gave each other a look. They seemed to be deciding what they should say. Rebecca finally spoke up, “Well, we did know about the conditions, sir, but we were told not to tell anyone. We hate everything about this place, but there is no way out for us. I have kids to feed and nobody else will hire Virgil. We need this job, so we had to keep the secret.”
“So you were threatened?”
The two nodded.
Logan sighed. Everything that could have gone wrong in this restaurant had gone wrong. He turned towards Jeff and questioned him on why he was threatening his employees.
“I’m not that threatening,” Jeff coughed, scared, “I just told them that they would be fired if they did anything to get us shut down. I mean, they’d be out of the job anyway if we closed, and they need this job, like they said. I was nice enough to hire them, as Rebecca sometimes has to stay home and take care of her children and Virgil gives this place a bad reputation.”
“How does he give you a bad reputation?” Logan asked, for he has never heard of anything happening with him.
“His family is full of a bunch of criminals and low lifes. He’s lucky that one place would hire him.”
Virgil had enough of listening to this conversation and decided to add his own input. “I haven’t even talked to anyone in my family for years. I’ve cut myself off from them and focused on getting my education and learning to cook. The only reason nobody will hire me is because my brothers once tried to say that I was just as bad as them, but it was soon cleared up as a lie!”
Logan, once again, was shocked. “You learned to cook?”
“Yeah, I’m a chef.”
“Then why are you a waiter?”
“Because I’m not trusted around the food.”
Logan felt like he couldn’t deal with this anymore. He turned to Jeff again, “I don’t think I can do much to help here. So much is going wrong and I don’t feel like you are willing to change. It’s so bad in here already, and now I find out that there is a chef working as a waiter? I’m really close to just leaving.”
“No, please,” Jeff begged. “We really need your help. I don’t want to shut the doors.”
A headache had formed in Logan’s head. He really didn’t feel like Jeff was the type to change, but he knew that he had to help. He didn’t want to give up, especially since it could be putting people at risk if the way they worked continued.
“Fine,” Logan gave in, “But first thing’s first. I need to call in some specialists to help us clean the kitchen. We’re going to throw away everything, steam clean the entire kitchen top to bottom, come up with a new menu, redesign the dining room, and get everything running.”
The staff cheered, excited to get back on track.
The next day, everybody dressed in protective gear and went in to clean everything. Logan pulled through with what he said and called some cleaners to come in and help steam clean everything. They threw out all that they could, regardless of if it was one of the many spoiled foods or the few good stuff. Soon, the place looked cleaner than it had since Jeff’s first opened. The counters glistened, the walls gleamed, the fridge shined, and the stoves sparkled. It was a huge improvement.
Next, they made sure that they were all clean before going out to buy stuff to restock the kitchen. They bought new cooking tools, some new dishes to replace the ones that were thrown away, lots of food, especially meat and veggies, and whatever else they needed. They brought it back to the restaurant and put everything away.
By the time they were done, it was dark out. The staff went home in order to rest for the next day, which would be spent getting used to the new menu Logan had prepared and then opening for dinner.
During the night, the Kitchen Terrors studio brought people in to tear out everything from the dining room in order to remodel. The walls were given new wallpaper after the entire dining room was removed. It was a simple white, but compared to the old, dirty, gray walls, it was an improvement. The new decorations added to the walls were some blue patterned pieces that made the restaurant have a peaceful, yet fun, feeling. New tables were spread out in a way that made the restaurant seem spacious while still having plenty of seating. The new plates and bowls were a matching blue to the decorations. The cups were clear and the utensils were a normal silver. The blanket curtain was replaced with an actual curtain of the same blue. It was a significant change, but it was amazing.
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bonemarroww · 6 years ago
Fantasio - Part 2
Clyde Logan x OC
Summary : Meredith knew crashing on FBI agent Sarah Grayson’s couch after losing her job was a bad idea. What she didn’t expect, however, was being sent to West Virginia with order to seduce the number one suspect of this heist investigation her housemate was denied.
Warning : Be responsible when you drink, guys
Word Count : ~2700
A/N : I personally don’t like this part, ‘cause I don’t feel like it’s flowing or even really interesting. If someone has an insight about what’s wrong, don’t be shy !
Tags : @joeybelle
For her first week in West Virginia –happily crossed off the calendar as soon as Friday night came–, Meredith mostly stayed at home. First, because she desperately needed to put her shit together around this new house –she couldn’t remember the last time she had a house to herself. After the third day, she had quickly realised that the laws of the dust still applied there whether she was prostrated in her bedroom or not; and after the fourth, that dust bunnies were called that for a reason. God, she had never seen a place make itself dusty as quickly.
Her second reason for staying at home was that, for the first time in three months, two weeks and four days, she actually had a job. At the very least, Sarah wasn’t joking when she said she had found a great work for her. Not that she would admit it to her, but Meredith had been quite afraid that the FBI agent might give her a secretary’s job. Instead, she was now back on her feet as an analyst, something she was secretly quite grateful for.
However, it meant long days, coming home and having to cook, clean and try to keep sane by closing the window shutters. If she didn’t see the grass of her garden or her neighbour’s trees, she could pretend she was still in the city. Her laptop was officially full of graphs and Excel tabs, and her employer would soon be able to note that he had never had such a hard working employee.
“Working is coping” used to say her father when she was younger, always giving her more homework to do whenever something didn’t work out for her.
And after so much time just hanging around in Sarah’s apartment, Meredith realised maybe she had put his advice off for too long. She had missed her numbers; they came back now as instinctively as they used to when she had started her career.
Just walking around in her house made them rush back. Nine windows, seventeen steps to the second floor, forty-seven paces from her front door to her bed, five hundred eighty-three seconds until her pastas were cooked.
All in all, if Meredith tried not to think about anything related to her past life in the city, her “seduction mission”, her new colleagues who probably had their first beer at 11 a.m., or what her father would think if he knew she was stuck in Boone County, West Virginia… everything worked quite fine.
Meredith only met Clyde Logan at the end of her third -long- week in Boone County. Now that she had more or less managed to come up with a routine that allowed her to live in a correct, mostly-clean house without having to storm out for emergency errands, she didn’t really dare interrupt it to go to the bar. Not that she really wanted to go there anyway. Sarah had all but forced her to settle here, with the ridiculous mission to seduce an ex-convict, possibly guilty of so many charges she had forgotten how many years in prison he was risking. No thanks, she would sooner extend her contract to a year than willingly meet the guy –let alone try and seduce him.
However, it seemed fate had a different plan, seeing as bad luck came knocking at her door in various ways on the few weeks following her moving in; and Meredith quickly found herself in desperate need of something strong.
It was, then, only natural that she would be in such a terrible mood when she opened the door of the Duck Tape. At her first step inside, her mind was already going wild about how this wasn’t a name for a bar, how the place’s lighting was too yellow, how the tables looked old and dirty, and mostly, how it stank of alcohol.
Eyeing warily the nearest table, she quickly opted for the counter. Behind it, among the shelves of various alcohols, a screen was playing a rerun of the latest NASCAR race; too-coloured people in too-coloured cars trying not to crash on the first wall coming. What kind of sport was that? Meredith didn’t comment on it –to whom would she have talked anyway? NASCAR was some kind of religion around here, or so she had heard.
The second thing that caught her attention, behind the counter, was the man currently cleaning glasses, observing her discreetly.
And, god, did he catch her attention. The eight paces it took her to go and sit on what would now be her stool –around the center of the bar, slightly on the left– were spent eyeing him closely. How his long dark hair –she had always liked dark haired men– nearly fell on his shoulders, how his deep brown eyes shined with… was it prudence? Or curiosity? How his straight face was adorned with some facial hair –only a goatee. Good thing for her, she hated big beards ever since her father had opted for this look, after the divorce.
The bartender was wearing green shirt, which highlighted the broadness of his shoulders. When the analyst sat, he nodded to her and left the now-clean glass near the sink to come to her.
“What can I do for you, miss?” he simply asked, seemingly casually, but Meredith was an observer before all.
She didn’t miss the way he had tensed while walking towards her, and how he now stood with his left arm slightly behind him. However, with his intense gaze set on her, she didn’t dare to try and peek at it in such an obvious manner.
“I’ll have a whiskey, please.” She managed to smile at him despite her terrible mood.
The man before her nodded and turned his back on her to grab a bottle on a shelf. Meredith turned her head, hoping to catch a glance of what he seemed to be trying his best to hide. She wasn’t being intrusive; just curious. At least, that’s what she told herself as she managed to catch a glimpse of something black and sleek, before straightening quickly. If the bartender saw her peeking, he didn’t say anything.
“On the rocks?”
The new client shook her head, brows furrowed.
“As classy as it sounds, I prefer it’s natural taste.”
Meredith got a hum of appreciation in response, and she could swear she saw his lips tremble, as if he hesitated between commenting and smiling and ended up not doing any. Shoot. Maybe she should have smiled again; but she was currently too bitter to do it.
The burning of alcohol in her throat felt like a good cure to her misfortunes.
Too busy nursing her drink, her curiosity regarding the bartender’s secret long forgotten, Meredith barely saw him leaving the counter to tend to other patrons.
Five months, one week and two days until freedom.
Possibly five months, one week and two days until she crawled back to her father’s. She sure as hell would never crash on Sarah again; definitely too dangerous. Even facing her parent’s sarcasm and ‘Finally coming back?’ wouldn’t be as hard as risking another undercover mission.
To this new resolution, Meredith took her glass and downed the rest of her drink in one gulp. She then searched the bartender’s gaze, and when she found it, lifted her glass and mouthed, “Another please”.
Waiting for her new glass, she looked at the bar. The place was quite spacious, three round tables, seven booths, about twenty stools around the square counter. One pool table, and what seemed to be a table football. Sure thing, this place must be quite popular on the right nights. For a Friday night, it seemed a bit empty; but then again, she had come early.
Maybe she would find a pool partner. She used to play in college, with her friends, when they were waiting for their next class. She had such a great time in college; friends, flings, almost no responsibilities…
Speaking of responsibilities, did Sarah count on paying her bills, seeing as she booked the house? Wouldn’t it only be fair?
Damn, she should’ve asked.
“So, you’re a whiskey kind of gal.”
The deep voice of the bartender startled Meredith, almost making her drink go down the wrong way. When she looked up, she could barely believe it was him who had just talked; busy drying the previously cleansed glasses, his eyes were focused on his task, with such an apparent concentration that Meredith only dared to answer when his eyes hesitantly looked up, a few seconds later.
“Well,” she started. What did Sarah tell her about learning info? Oh, yes, ask the same thing. “You too look like a whiskey kind of guy.”
At the sight of her conversation partner shrugging, she wondered if it was too personal. What had she done wrong again?
“True enough.” He simply stated. “Do you have a favourite?”
The analyst almost snorted at his curiosity.
“Port Charlotte, ten years of age, 61%. But only when it’s Christmas or my birthday.”
One of his eyebrows shot up, and he eyed her cautiously, before nodding towards what little remained in her glass.
“That’s quite far from a good old bourbon.” He commented before adverting his eyes once more.
What was this guy’s problem with eye contact? He did have nice eyes; the kind Meredith would gladly see more of.
Sensing the awkward moment coming, the analyst nervously shrugged and downed the rest of her drink, smiling just in time for him to see it before he focused on his task.
“I never said it was the best when I’m looking for a good antidepressant.”
The end of her sentence was, unintentionally, quite dripping with bitterness. He seemed to hear it –obviously–, but Meredith was too busy looking at the last drop of whiskey rolling at the bottom of her glass to pay attention to the look he gave her.
“Hard day?”
To this, she did snort.
“Hard weeks. It’s not even the end of my first month here and I’ve already had enough. My neighbour wants me to have dinner with him, my employer is already speaking of extending my contract, and I’ve quite painfully discovered that I’m very allergic to wasp stings. Among other things, which may or may not include a wild boar and my host.”
The bartender –it was about time she stopped pretending she didn’t know his name yet, Sarah had almost talked her ears off about the Logan case– stared at her in silence, before turning around and pushing another full glass of whiskey towards her.
“This one’s on the house. You look like you need it.” He dared a small smile, barely a corner of his lips rising upwards, tentatively, as if he wasn’t sure if her short tone was due to her misfortunes or if she just didn’t want to talk to him.
His offer and tiny smile did little to comfort Meredith, but seeing him apparently walk on eggshells to talk to her somehow softened her.
With a small smile of her own, she accepted the drink, bringing it to her lips. And just by this gesture, it seemed the man in front of her relaxed a little, his smile a bit less shy.
When the glass hit the counter, with less force than its sibling, she held her hand out for him to shake.
“My name’s Meredith. Meredith Pryce.”
Bad move. The man just stared at her left hand blankly for a few seconds before adverting his eyes again. It was only then the analyst noticed the black prosthetic covering his left forearm and hand.
Shit. For a person who’s always been proud of her sense of observation, this was a hard blow to her self-esteem. And the poor guy, he was probably embarrassed. Why was she so stupid? Sarah hadn’t considered the possibility of mission’s failure by Meredith being too awkward to actually seduce the man.
But then, something just happened. As she was already starting to withdraw her arm, muttering an apology about her being left-handed, the bartender took a long inspiration, gathering his courage, and grabbed her hand. His eyes lit by this unsure look, oddly mixed with some kind of determination, he looked straight at her and shook her trembling hand.
“Clyde Logan.”
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