#the federation archives
misshiraethsworld · 1 year
For the OC basics ask game: 13 + 14 + 15 for Bethany, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💛✨
I love my dear Bethany O'Neal:
13. What is your oc’s most prized possession? What’s the importance/meaning behind this item?
Bethany's most prized possession is a locket with a picture of her family. Despite her family not always understanding her choices, she does love them unconditionally. They are the reason she joined Starfleet, and knowing that every day she is in space is another day they are safe keeps her going.
14. Does your oc have any hobbies? How did they get involved in these?
She keeps most of her hobbies a secret, with the one exception of drawing. She is an amateur artist who takes inspiration from the worlds she visits and the people around her. It's her release from her job, which she only shares with a few close people.
15. What’s your oc’s favorite color? Does this color have any special meaning/symbolism?
Bethany's favorite color is white, a clean and minimalistic color with many possibilities. Given how chaotic her job is, she likes the simple things in life. One of the first things Jim learns around her is to clean up after himself, especially given most of her home is white. Plus, she rarely has time to live in her home, much less decorate it with color. The only splashes of color she brings into her life are bits of yellows and blues once she starts being at home a bit more.
ask me a question & spread some positivity!
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Phil: Ooh, follow-up question: does Cucurucho count as an employee?
[Fred and the Security Guard look at each other]
Phil: You looked at- you looked at each other there like you had to think about it.
[Fred hands him a book that says "Yes"]
Phil: In that case, yes, but I'll change my answer. [The clip transitions to a scene a few moments later] He lies all the time-
[Fred hands him another book that says "Although I don't know who is Cucurucho."]
Phil: ...Excuse me? You don't know who Cucurucho is?
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[Full transcript ↓ ]
Phil: Oh, follow-up question: does Cucurucho count as an employee?
[Fred and the Security Guard look at each other]
Phil: You looked at- you looked at each other there like you had to think about it.
[Fred hands him a book that says "Yes"]
Phil: In that case, yes, I'll change my answer. [The clip transitions to a scene a few moments later] He lies all the time-
[Fred hands him another book that says "Although I don't know who is Cucurucho."]
Phil: ...Excuse me? You don't know who Cucurucho is? [Fred shakes his head] He looks like a bear, he's got a smiley face? He talks like this: Ha ha ha. Disfruta la isla. You've never heard of him? He always shows up at really weird times. Do you call him something different?
[Fred hands him a book that says "The Census Bureau? I've never met it."]
Phil: So are the Census Bureau employees of the Federation? [Fred fidgets, but doesn't nod or shake his head] Is that a yes? Like, nod?
[Fred hands him a book that says "Anyways who's doing the interview here, you or me? Let's continue."]
Phil: I'm trying to answer your questions more accurately and you're just giving me curveballs dude!
[Fred hits him with a frying pan]
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television-overload · 22 days
I'm just curious...
If yes: what media/characters specifically? I find this so interesting!
If not: have you ever considered a career choice based on a form of media you enjoy, but ended up not doing it?
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telogreika · 8 days
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OMOH Kanna
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Sometimes it is so hard to not editorialize when doing archival work. Tragic that I have to stay professional in my entry descriptions and can't add little personal comments like, "heads up: this did not age well" or "wow, this local politician was being SUPER sus in his statements, check it out."
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salty-lemonss · 1 year
This man is not ok
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garadinervi · 8 months
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An Invitation to an Exhibition for the Artworks of Naji al-Ali at Birzeit University, Organised by Workers Union (Activities Committee), December 10-12, 1984 [The Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions Collection, The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive, The Palestinian Museum, Birzeit]
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thefederationfiles · 11 months
Uh? Hello?
Uh, hello? I’m not really sure how to start this... suppose I should introduce myself first, I am Cellbit, the new head archivist of the Federation Census Bureau. Still not entirely sure how I landed this position, but I’m not going to refuse it, a promotions a promotion in my eyes.
I was allowed to pick some assistants to help me out, they didn’t really give me a limit on how many I could pick (that they told me about) but I’ve decide to pick three, from various departments within the federation itself. Roier, from exploration, Fit from the clean-up crew and, Etoiles from security, all pretty chill guys, though sometimes ONE of them can get on my nerves…
But I digress.
My predecessor, Bagi, was a very organised woman, and everything, though weirdly done, is actually rather ordered when you think about it for more than five seconds. However, I personally enjoy audio recordings, if find them easier to listen back to if research is needed. For some strange reason however my usual recording equipment wont work, so here we are! With an old tape recorder I found in the desk here.
Anyways, suppose I should start the recording of the actual statement…
On then!
Statement of Phil… no last name given, regarding how he met his wife. Original statement given 23rd of February, 1934. Audio recording by Cellbit, Head archivist of the Federation, Census Bureau, recorded 27th of October 2023, recording begins.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck is HE of ALL people giving a statement, well, consider it a gift! Don’t get so annoyed mate, I only want to repair the relations between us, trust me, just let me tell you my story! It’s a good one.
I first met her when I had supposedly died, I know, very typical of her, but I was just another guy back then! Well, like any self-respecting gentleman, I introduced myself. To say she was confused was an understatement, turns out you’re not meant to be able to speak after death, you’re not even meant to be able to move! Personally, I like to say it was love at first sight, she says, she despised me at first sight. To be fair to her, I was a man who couldn’t die, and her a woman who fed on the dying wishes of men, but plenty of couples have WAY bigger fights when they first meet!
Well, she let me go, I mean she couldn’t really take me, I wasn’t dead. For some reason though, we kept on bumping into each other, always when we were working as well so we could never have a proper conversation. Annoying right? She had to properly prepare the person for consumption, and I always had to get rid of the body! Really hard to flirt when you’re picking up organs that have been thrown against the walls (very messy as well, had to burn that shirt, I liked that shirt…).
To be honest, I always knew that I wasn’t normal, I mean there’s plenty of circumstances I’ve been in where I should’ve died, plenty! I just thought I was a lucky guy, but well, when one survives a hanging, people start to question a bit too much, and well, to put it simply I had to go into hiding! It was rather lonely; I mean don’t get me! It was nice, I made friends with the local crows, they turned into my first murder actually!
Anyways, it was about 25 years or so into this when she visited me, turns out she’d been getting pretty lonely herself! And, well, apparently the other immortal people she knows kept on trying to either fight her or get her to join their own groups, which, just rude! That is not how you get a lady’s attention! So she came to visit since were both so connected with death!
Well, she kept on visiting and eventually I realised everyone who wanted me dead would’ve been dead, so I came out of hiding! That was about 45 years ago, we got married a couple years after and well, you guys know the rest! We started our own group, made a pact with one of the hunts avatars, gotten pretty powerful!
Also I’ve learnt about all the guys and all that, kinda hard not too when you have my job!
Come on now, that’s what you wanted right? A story? A peace offering? Well there you have it! Enjoy, I have a meeting to get too.
Well. That was certainly something, I found that statement in the drawers of this desk when I was looking for stationery and thought it a good place to start.
I guess you could say I’m in shock? I mean it really just reassured what I’d already known, I knew stuff existed, I kinda needed too…
Either way, kinda hard to get information on a statement that’s nearly 100 years old, Fit was able to get some information on some serial killings from the 1800’s that he reckons might be related, but I say it’s a bit of a stretch.
Well, better than nothing for the first one! I swear I also heard him talking about an old war buddy…
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mispelled · 2 years
If I had a nickel every time there was a podcast host who had a signature color, eye imagery, immense power, a lovable nerdy gay love interest, a tendency to be portrayed by fanartists in sweater vests and was inherently an eldritch being, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice, right?
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hetookhertoamovie · 7 months
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goldlustarchive · 5 months
Dustin has stated before that he was willing to get breast implants for the Goldust character.
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royalarchivist · 11 months
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[ Transcript: Dad... No matter what... Protect Tallulah ]
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kosherplasmid · 9 months
Do you like Control, The Magnus Archives, or Alan Wake? And general archival and mistery type content? Maybe I was under a rock and everybody already knows about this but I found this hidden gem that strongly reminds me of TMA. It's a mostly audio based story of an FBC employee analysing filed altered objects, as the story continues we hear more about his situation during the bureau lockdown.
I'm not done listening to it but I'm really enjoying it so far!!
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jeromepowell · 1 year
Shoutout to the National Archives for ecfr.gov. Might be one of the most practical and functional websites associated with the US government.
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apartmentjazz · 8 months
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2010 ATP World Tour Official Guide
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