#the fairy of cheese🧀
habgiergeist · 6 months
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Vlad Masters is my favourite ✨Winx fairy✨👄
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sundove88 · 11 months
Cookie Run Ovenbreak and Kingdom- Which Legendary or Ancient are You?
Just something I wanted to do for fun. Enjoy!
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January- Moonlight 🌙
February- Hollyberry 🍓
March- Fire Spirit 🔥
April- White Lily 🌸
May- Wind Archer 🍃
June- Pure Vanilla ⭐️
July- Sea Fairy 🌊
August- Golden Cheese 🧀
September- Black Pearl 🧜‍♀️
October- Timekeeper ⏰
November- Dark Cacao 🗡️
December- Millennial Tree 🌳
Which Ancient/Legendary are you? I got Pure Vanilla!
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recycledraccoon · 3 months
May I offer some cheese 🧀 for some Inkblade headcannons? 🥺
Alright. Alright ok.
I've tormented @omamorens with this MULTIPLE TIMES and now I'm inflicting it on a wider audience.
Oisin and Adaine's romance is violent. Anybody unfamiliar with dragonborn courting look in on this and thing it's the MOST toxic thing in the world. Adaine probably recognizes this on some level as SHES not even super familiar with dragonborn culture and courting.
But to Oisin? He is LITERALLY living a childhood fairytale.
And that fairy tale is the story of the Dragon, Princess, and Knight, as told to him as a hatchling, like it was told to his sibling and mother and grandparents and so many others of a dragons bloodline.
Think about it.
Why do Dragons kidnap Princesses? They already live on a mountain of gold and jewels, the few scraps of jewels they could get from a princess pales in comparison and it such a risk to bring that much direct attention from an entire kingdom on yourself, even as an incredibly powerful dragon. What are they going to do with her? Eat her? Let her waste away? A princesses lifespan, elven maidens not included, are a blink of an eye in the face of the lifespan of a Dragon.
There is truly no meaningful reason why a Dragon would kidnap a Princess. It's just not worth the cost and effort for no meaningful reward.
There is only one thing a Dragon can guarantee by kidnapping a princess. And that's summoning knights to come try to take her back.
Dragon courting comes in two major stages.
Sharing of hoard.
Dragons are apex predators. They highly valued strength and power. It must be so novel, so intimate to them, to experience the singular intensity that comes with being hunted down. The Dragon becomes the center of the Knights world, their focus. Its all centered on killing them.
Others hunt dragons down all the time to get their hoards, it's what the dragon madness manifests to avenge against. But I don't think it would, because the kidnapping of the princess is an invitation and offer, it is not being stolen.
So they come, they battle, and the truly worthy kill the dragon and take the Princess home. But they always get the dragons hoard too. Sometimes they end up with armor fashioned from the scales of their fallen foe. They go on the rest of their lives known as a Dragonslayer.
To the races of man, this is a story of triumph over evil. Of worthy knights proving themselves and the romance of saving the trapped maiden and being a hero.
To dragons this is a beautifully tragic romance for the ages. The Knight comes and proves themselves as having all the strength and power of a dragon, they are worthy. They take the gold left behind, all the treasures, all the things the Dragon values most, haunted by Dragon Madness they may never even feel the effects of because this was not stolen from the dragon after their demise, this was a gift to a lover. The Knight wears their scales as protection forever after, they are known as Dragonslayer like taking a lovers name after marriage. Their fates and histories are tied together for as long as either of them will be remembered. You can not forget one without forgetting the other.
This is the intimate intertwining of fates forever. Dragons swoon over these tales, when parents of humanoid races tell a fairytale of a romance between the knight and princesses and their mutual foe, the dragons tell their children of the romance eternal of the Knight and their dragon, and the princess who was gracious enough to officiate for them.
And sometimes, Dragons meet their Knights and it ends not in the blood upon steel they crave, but in a tumble of bodies for an even more dangerous fight, breathless and euphoric. And that's how you get Dragonborns.
So Oisin sees Adaine hating him, feels their magic clash and the intensity of her hatred and determination to kick his ass, and he feels closer to his ancestors than ever before, falling into the same trap as all of them on falling in love with the one whose violence you crave. He see's his own blood dripping from Adaine Abernant's sword and the pounding in his heart is enough to shake the world with the intensity of his feelings.
Oh one day there will be softness too, it will not be like this forever, but this is always how it starts for them, and it will never quite leave.
Anyway one day the Rat Grinders and Bad Kids are gonna end up chatting and fairy tales will come up and Oisin will sigh wistfully about the most romantic fairy tales he was told as a hatchling and despite everything those were such formative memories that he holds tenderly in his heart.
"what fairy tales??"
"the romances between the dragons and the knights who kill them?? You know, with the princesses?"
And EVERYBODY is like WTF.
Except Mary Ann.
Mary Ann, also of some type of dragonic heritage, ALSO grew up with these stories and fully agrees with him. Its all very romantic. Gorgug's absolute HATRED of her during Junior year was very attractive.
ALSO the Princess in Adaine and Oisin's story is Boggy.
Boggy is the princess and whenever the frog decides to go hang out with Oisin and Adaine assumes Oisin stole her summon it's playing RIGHT into this fantasy. At some point Oisin thinks he needs to get Boggy a little tiara.
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catindabag · 8 months
Some extra “facts” and interesting weird info about a certain self proclaimed tiger lady house cat in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
One of my great THG buddies was asking about Tigris Snow and her weird cheese addiction. So I just had to write some things down before I write my next short take.
Tigris Snow is extremely addicted to cheese. She’s a certified cheese addict and “cheese thief” since the day she and her little cousin (Coryo) lost their marbles after the war ended.🧀
No one knows why, but little Tigris Snow claimed that the “cheese fairies” came to her in a dream one day and saved her and her little cousin from death and starvation.
Don’t worry. Crazy Coryo Snow doesn’t mind that his poor cousin is addicted to cheese and believes in some “mythical” cheese fairies. He has his own addictions (cabbages) and problems (Highbottom & Dr. Gaul) to worry about.
In truth, Coryo’s “mythical” cabbage deities and lima bean elves commanded him to ignore the “calling of the cheese” in order to stay pretty for his sugar daddy (Sejanus).
At least both of them inherited their family’s rare ability to bargain with wild animals. They can even converse with “sacred” rabid raccoons, poisonous snakes, and wild squirrels without getting attacked.
Meanwhile, the Creeds can talk to sewer rats and fat chinchillas for some reason.
And the Ravinstills have a rare ability to command an army of Bichon Frisé puppies to do their dirty jobs for them.
Sadly, Tigris was recently fired by Fabricia Whatnot for secretly stealing and eating expensive cheese cubes and cheddar chicken sandwiches all day.
She said that her cheese fairies made her do it. A food sacrifice must be made before the “hour of the owl” in order to satisfy the ancient cheese deities of the “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s) who once ruled Panem (America) even before it existed.
Moreover, our sweet tiger was actually sewing and hiding little cheese cubes inside some of the dresses on accident purpose without Fabricia noticing. Her co-workers didn’t even know about the cheese cubes until some unfortunate lady complained about the smell.😔
That’s why our dear Tigris Snow is currently unemployed and living her best happy-go-lucky “house cat” life in Corso.
But crazy unemployed Nero Price is her worst nightmare. He’s a self proclaimed werewolf who howls at the moon all night.
She’s a poor skinny cat and Price is a crazy werewolf who runs around the city (like a wild dog) looking for rabid raccoons and Peacekeepers to fight. So it’s better for the tiger to stay home with the Grandma’am.
At least her little cousin (Coryo) buys her the best cheese tarts and sugar sticks after school (using his rich sugar daddy’s money of course).
So yeah. Tigris Snow is now the NEET (not in education, employment or training) Cat Queen in this weird universe.
However, the Grandma’am doesn’t mind. She already has big plans with old Strabo Plinth to rule Panem from the shadows after Coryo marries into the Plinth family and their fortune.
And yes, our poor malnourish looking Cabbage Boy (Coryo) is actually the real breadwinner of the family.
Coryo marrying his long time sugar daddy boyfriend (Sejanus) was the best decision he and his family ever made.🥰
At least love-struck Sejanus Plinth was willing to pay for his poor sugar baby’s bills, rent, and groceries.
So after Coryo and Seji Pie got married and had their 24 (and more) babies, crazy cat auntie Tigris decided to finally settle down and became an official cheese merchant in Corso.
She (now) even has the time to talk to her mythical cheese fairy friends without being interrupted by evil Fabricia Whatnot.
She, along with Ma Plinth also like to spend old Strabo Plinth’s filthy money on the sweetest cheesecakes and weird looking clothing hangers every weekend.
Unfortunately, Ma Plinth is the only sane person who believes in Tigris Snow’s little cheese fairy friends.
Ma even joined Tigris Snow’s little secret organization called ✨The Cult of The Golden Arches✨. But to be fair, crazy Palmyra Monty and Festus Creed are the only other official members of her cult.
Too bad. Nobody could see those little cheese fairies except for Tigris and Coryo.
However, poor crazy Coryo likes to ignore his cousin’s mythical “beasts” because he claims that his cabbage deities and lima bean elves don’t want him to bow and worship some weird annoying creatures who divided the old world with their “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s).
Reject the cheese! Bow before the cabbage!
Yeah, I know. The poor Snow cousins are unashamedly crazy and delusional with their cheese fairies, ancient food deities, sacred animals, talking cabbages, and lima bean elves.😂
But don’t be sad. Our crazy cheese tiger is still into fashion and making clothes for her little cousin and his 24 (and more) gorgeous children with Sejanus.
But selling and eating cheese is her true passion and calling (in this life anyway).🧀
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Soooooooo, now that we're friends. I no longer find it necessary to apologize for stuff like this hehehehe
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Have fun <3333
Peace Train, by Yusuf/Cat Stephens (the 10,000 maniacs version is also really good). Also, somewhat paradoxically, Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths.
Emma (2020) or the BBC Pride and Prejudice series (1995)
LOVE autumn scents like cinnamon and chai, but also love musky and woody scents. idk, depends. I also love petrichor candles.
Tulips. I LOVE tulips. Lilies and sunflowers as well. Oh, and white and orange roses
My close family and my wonderful, lovely friends <3. I love you allll <33 xx
physical: i like my hair and my freckles, and i also appreciate the things that my body is capable of doing :) non-physical: The things i really love about myself are my curiosity, my love for learning and reading, and my capacity to explore new realms of art and create something.
I love woody colors, whenever I see them I feel really calm. I also love dark marine blues and greens. Sunshine yellows and oranges make me feel really happy.
@runglorn, @legz2heaven, @riples-on-a-blank-shore, @this-wandering-wind, @kaleb-is-definitely-sane, and all the rest of ye mutuals :) tragically, a lot of my in-person friends aren't on tumblr. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL <3
reading, or looking at the rain
travelling to europe in the next few weeks!!!
for someone i've known for a while, I think i'd love an art date, a museum date, a bookstore date, basically anything where we both get to talk about things that we care about and have fun (and be cute :)) :). For a first date with someone I don't know that well, I prefer to have something also like a used bookstore date or just some setting where I get to talk with that person and find out more about them. Basically, in both situations, conversation is crucial. :)
I am actually doing really well right now. I'm in a very positive space at the moment, and I've been enjoying a lot of creative projects and reading. :)
stir-fried umami mushrooms with ramen/ravioli, sliced avocado, and tofu
100% good omens s1 or pride and prejudice (1995)--does that last one even count? it's a miniseries lmao
i'm going to do five emojis for the five people i tagged earlier. @runglorn: i associate you with the emoji 🕷️. you know why. @legz2heaven: i feel like cheese fits your vibe: 🧀<3 (yes, a lot of thought went into that :)) @riples-on-a-blank-shore: i feel like 🤗the hug emoji really fits. you've been so supportive over the last year and i really appreciate that :) @this-wandering-wind 🍄I love your outfits and i feel like the cottagecore/cute mushroom really works well :) @kaleb-is-definitely-sane I associate you with a love for books and other media. Here's a lovely little hardcover of your fav novel :) 📔love you all <3
I always enjoy having conversations with you about philosophy or life or books or media! You're awesome, and your blog is really cool!
fairy lights 100%
ish. i have a lot of stuffed animals that my grandma crocheted for me when i was really little. and recently, i've started crocheting my own. so yes, ig? lol
connections with people and books and art. i can't just choose one!! help lol
to know that everything will be ok. less seriously, i would give anything for some marzipan covered in chocolate rn
you'll get to a place where you feel comfortable and loved in your friend group and don't constantly think that everyone despises you. lol that was a seriously concern for a few years way back when :)
please, please, buy a cottage in the woods :)
sweaters that people have given/made for me. also, carpenter jeans. love them.
walk in the rain, read, just sit and stare at a blank wall lol
my best friend embroidered a gorgeous anne of green gables reading pillow for me a few years back. i love that pillow so much. thank you, bestie <3
ugh that's tough. I would love to live in the recent film "perfect days". But, if i could retain my basic human rights, i'd love to live an the emma (2020) adaptation. :)
When i was really little, I wanted to be anne shirley with everything in my soul. I think now, I would really love to be mirabel in the starless sea. If we ignored political and social issues, I would love to be a jane austen character, but similar to the issue with anne shirley, i just love having rights that little bit too much 😉
both? 🥺idk, a good hug can heal a lot of things. but i do love hand-holding too, especially when it's cold out.
morning for productivity and happiness, night for poetic value.
there are certain smells that remind me of home--a mix of vanilla and something i can never place. a lot of music by Eternal Eclipse makes me feel a longing for a long-forgotten sanctuary. there are certain comfort foods (generally soups) that have the same effect. certainly a lot of art can do that, as well as writing/poetry. I couldn't possibly list it all :)
thanks so much, @kaleb-is-definitely-sane for sending this to me. I will no longer apologize for sending you absurdly long asks anymore either 😉<3
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cconfusedkat · 2 months
a lil better now, but still feeling down, drawing fairy plushy to cope
ILL SHARE THE CHEESE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY ,,,,, Im sorry though :'-33 🫂🫂 FAIRY PLUSHY FAIRY PLUSHY shoutout to Plushy (just. Just shoutout to plushy thats the entire sentence)
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Unlock Your Creative Potential: Childhood Myths We Believed Were True
Remember the days when your world was filled with magic and wonder? As a child, you believed in things that may seem utterly absurd now. Let's take a journey down memory lane and explore those cherished childhood myths that were never true. Get ready to relive those innocent moments and smile.
1. Santa Claus
🎅 Believed in Santa Claus? We all did!
🎁 Left out cookies, stockings, and waited for gifts.
🎄 Magic of Christmas lives on even after we discovered the truth.
2. Tooth Fairy
🧚 The enchanting Tooth Fairy.
💰 Lost teeth meant a tiny reward.
😁 Memories of toothless grins and surprises.
3. The Bogeyman
👻 Fear of the Bogeyman kept us in line.
🌙 A shadowy figure lurking in the dark.
😅 Turns out, it was just a myth.
4. Moon Being Made of Cheese
🧀 "The moon is made of green cheese," they said.
🌝 Childhood imagination soared.
🚀 Now we know it's made of rock and dust.
5. Swallowed Gum Myth
🍬 Swallowing gum would stick around for seven years.
🤔 We pondered over gum-filled bellies.
💪 In reality, it passes through like any other food.
6. Animals Talking Like Humans
🐭 Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny - animals that talked!
📚 Books and movies brought animals to life.
🐾 Encouraged a love for the animal kingdom.
Childhood myths added a layer of enchantment to our early years. Though they were never true, they shaped our imagination and made our world more magical. As adults, we've outgrown these beliefs, but the nostalgia and fond memories linger on.
Share this article with friends and reminisce about your childhood myths. What were your favorite childhood beliefs? Let's keep the magic alive!
In Summary
Childhood myths filled our early years with magic.
Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and more added enchantment.
These myths may not be true, but they're a part of our cherished memories.
Share your favorite childhood myths and keep the magic alive!
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munsonsfairy · 1 year
You smell like earring cheese 🧀 and we all know what that smells like
Peeee u fairy what’s wrong w you
meanie :(
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Of course I'm sending you 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🤭🤭🤭
Thanks, Darling. 😚😚
Ummmm, hard to decide out of all the things I could say!🤭🤭 But I was very pleased earlier with my fairy tale peasant type lunch of a slice of bread, piece of cheddar cheese, smoked fish, and dandelion leaf salad. Thinking about it, it’s like a very deconstructed sandwich, just took less effort to do. 🍞🧀🐟🥬
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screampied · 11 days
hi !! soooo i saw u had a bunch of anons who are emojis :00 can i be 🍯🧀 anon pls 🥺
(ik honey and cheese might seem weird but maybe not :p) but like... i js came back from this brazilian restaurant that made grilled cheese(cheese. but grilled :3) with this HONEY SAUCE EJEJIEKEKEJDJFJJFKF it was sooo good
and they had lambbbbb omg the lAMB
anyways yes i like good food lol- nice to meet u !!
also what's ur opinion of maki??
hiiiii ofc welcome loviepie 🫂🫂.
ouuuugh that sounds so yummy i gotta try that one day !!!! but hihi again nice to meet u <3 how’s your day going so far? 🧚🏽
and i loveeee maki. she’s so cool 💔
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real 🙂‍↕️. fairy nonnie did you see his shower scene i almost died when the towel was about to fall off
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the-cheese-fairy · 1 month
About the Cheese Fairy
Hello, my fellow cheese lovers. I am the cheese fairy.
I collect cheeses. I know everything about cheese. You may ask me anything about it, and I shall answer. The world is not flat, it is not a sphere, it is a cheese wheel. The moon is made of cheese, and they are all lying to us. We will not abide to their propagandas. One day, we shall all conquer the world, and eat the moon. We are unstoppable. We are inevitable. Follow me, in my quest to take over the world. For I am, the magical, the creamy, the tasty, the amazing: Cheese Fairy.
Hi! I’m the Cheese Fairy. I’m actually stuck in a strict household so I actually haven’t tasted many cheeses or know too much about them. I just really, really like cheese and thought this blog would be a fun idea.
Please send me asks! I’m really lonely lol.
alt @girlwithag9n
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disneynerdpumpkin · 10 months
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Meet my self-insert/OC!
Laura Joy Skellington Lorenzini Pines
Basically she's based off of myself and who I wish I was/what I wish could happen lol (but I'm a child of God He made me exactly who He wants me to be 🥰 so I'm completely satisfied with myself, made in His image. Just imagining a fictional fandom version of myself lol)
Laura is a teenage girl, the protagonist in my high fantasy Disney crossover fanfiction Disney Quest.
Her name means "laurel crowned". She was adopted into the Lorenzini family by Geppetto and has gained two younger siblings (Pinocchio and Elinor). She was also adopted by the Skellingtons and she has been crowned The Pumpkin Princess; she is on the Halloween Town decorating committee, and makes her own herbal teas and potions in her spare time. Sally even handmade Laura's coronation gown 🎃💜👑 She has also been adopted by Stanford and Stanley Pines as their niece, making Mabel and Dipper Pines her cousins. She works at the Mystery Shack as a summer job, under her Grunkle Stan. In short, she has a lot of found family 🥰 (including the Heeler family, Clan McDuck. She's just been officially adopted into three families.)
Most often she will just go by Laura Lorenzini.
She loves visiting her friends in the Hundred Acre Wood and plays with them as often as she can (especially with Piglet). She lives in Skellington Manor (Halloween Town), Geppetto's Workshop (Village Haus), The Mystery Shack (Gravity Falls), the Hundred Acre Wood, and occasionally McDuck Manor. Very occasionally, she visits Christmas Town. Having so many families and homes, Laura goes between them and lives with each of them when she can.
After moving into the Disney Kingdom (aka the Disney universes combined), Laura gained many special abilities and forms. Having been adopted into the Skellington family, she gained the form of a "shadow monster", being able to transform and cast terrifying shadows. She also has magic abilities, being able to have many different roles in the Kingdom (such as a pirate, a mermaid, a ghost maid, etc.). Her favorite potion is called "Everlasting Autumn". She was also gifted a magic wand from the Fairies and Star.
Laura is a princess, but she lives as a peasant (when she lives with the Lorenzinis) and as a middle class citizen. She is also a maid at The Haunted Mansion; usually she only does chores that she needs to, and sometimes helps the Ghost Host keep some of the Happy Haunts under control (but mostly she just loves hanging out with Phineas, Ezra, and Gus).
And obviously her pets are Figaro, Cleo, Zero, and Waddles (whom Mabel shares with her lol cuz Waddles is still Mabel's). She's a dancer (ballet, contemporary, interpretive, etc.); she loves writing, reading, listening to music and watching videos, duckies, and cheese 🧀
Here is a Pinterest aesthetic board for her: https://pin.it/4mKZjIP
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reviews-and-faqs · 11 months
🌟✨Just got a grant from the 'Anonymous Hope Fund,' and I'm shooketh! It's like they sprinkled magic fairy dust on my dreams. I'm off to pursue my wild dreams of becoming a cheese sculptor in the Swiss Alps 🧀🏔️.
Check out www.ahfgrants.com and tell me I'm not living the dream 🦄.
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flweurlilac · 1 year
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❀ About The Fairy ❀
hello lovlies? How u doing hmm? I hope ur doing jst fine! First where do i begin...? Ah.. My name? My name is Elilac, some people called me eli/el but other people also called Lilac, my favorite color is just like my name which is e'Lilac' loll, i'm in my early twenties right now, i'm a chubby woman and my height was 5,2 or 160 cm. I'm a infp and also a cat mom lol ♡ i'm a simp for big guy like Hoshigaki Kisame from Naruto and Arataki Itto from Genshin Impact 🫣. They're jst so big and yummy i couldnt hold myself lol– besides that, i also a sucker for Kim 'Horangi' Hong Jin from Call of Duty, and i really love nerds bruh.. Like example um Tsukishima kei probably like i mean idk if he was kind of nerds bcs i sometimes misread nerds as shy ppl but i know that tsukishima kei can be really mean sometimes but its ok bcs he is sooooo yum he is so fine i jst cant to not love him lolol ♡♡
Favorite style?
I love Dollette style and Cottagecore style, espesially if they put like a spark of lilac/lavender/soft purple color into it, its like godly ❀.
Favorite food?
I loooooooveee salty foods (yum) like seaweed for example its just soooo gooddd like the crunch of it & the saltiness of it.. Its jst really good so yeah i love them hehe, also i really love cheese 🧀 *yum sounds from roblox intensified*
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brunybluecott · 2 years
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Behold this list of family vacations spots, the best family vacations that everyone will love ❤️ 🌊 Morning beach walk at Alonnah Beach If you like walks on the beach or swimming, Alonnah Beach is located only 300 meters from Blue Cottage. 🍯 The houses of honey at Bruny Island Honey & Honey Pot You will find premium honey varieties, honey ice cream, other gourmet honey treats, skin care products, and beeswax candles. 🐧 Watching the Fairy Penguin at The Neck Lookout Best to visit on a nice clear day during the warmer months of September to February. Usually, they come in from the ocean around sunset. Make sure to bring a decent torch for viewing wildlife. 🧀 Cheese Platter at Bruny Island Cheese Co. Sit under the eucalypts and enjoy a cheese platter and one of the beers. Or coffee and cake. Don't forget to take home a jar of their caramel sauce 🦉 Inala Nature Tours Enjoy bird watching and wildlife tours with specialist guides that have knowledge both flora and fauna of Tasmania For more guide on Bruny, check other things to do at https://bluecottagebrunyisland.com.au/explore/ SAVE it, so you don't forget 🤍 . . . #brunyislandvacations #bruny #brunyislandholiday #tasmania #tassie #tassieholiday #tasmaniagram #islandlife #theneckbrunyisland #fairypenguin #brunyislandhoneycompany #brunyislandcheese #inalanaturetours #vacation #travelgram #foodstagram #traveltheworld # travelling #bluecottagebrunyisland (at Tasmania, Austraila) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClU5zr0PeGv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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