#the fact that they prank each other being canon is so boyfriend of them
ohhcinnybuns · 1 month
Dazai wearing a jigglypuff onesie and humming a happy tune while drawing on his boyfriend’s sleeping face because Chuuya felt confident he could stay awake after five glasses of wine during their Pokémon Challenge binge.
They made a game out of " Who’s that Pokemon?” and whoever answered the fastest and correctly was saved from drinking. Unfortunately, Chuuya always answered one second behind Dazai, which annoyed him, but he gulped down his drinks faster than his body could digest them.
It's okay. Dazai was having a great time.
He admires the stars and squiggles on a snoozing Chuuya like he’s the most beautiful work of art, a sight worth tens of billions.
He puts the marker away, rests his head on his boyfriend's lap, and giggles at the fun he had watching his partner get loopier with every drink; his rolling r’s becoming more aggressive with every shout and curse.
He can’t wait to wake up tomorrow, anticipating being chased around their kitchen island, with Chuuya holding a marker of his own. He might get an earful about it and maybe a shake or two to go with it, but tonight was worth it. He can already envision Chuuya’s flustered expression and the rosy tint on his cheeks when he looks in the mirror in his mind. It's the perfect thought to drift asleep to.
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ellecdc · 7 months
Hey girl I loved cbbh! You’re so relented. Could you do dating head canons similar to the ones you did for regulus but with James? Have a nice day🫶🏻
Thanks so much dolly! Glad you enjoyed - here's your request!!!
A/N: Still figuring out the best formatting for these - each new text block = a headcanon, bullets are subcategories
Dating James Potter Headcanons
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This man is an open book: whatever he is thinking, feeling, doing, is written all over his face
Cannot lie to save his life – therefore he is never the lookout for their pranks 
It also means he can never surprise you because he gets too excited – he’s gone xmas shopping/shopping for your bday? You may as well open it the second he gets home; he’ll buy you another one anyway
Opposites attract is the motto James Potter lives by - this man’s soulmate will either be the black cat to his golden retriever, or the shy/quiet to his loud and outgoing, the introvert to his extrovert etc etc
Does not understand the concept of boundaries/personal space – THIS DOES NOT MEAN HE DOESN’T RESPECT BOUNDARIES – but he will be up in your personal space 24/7, sitting nearly on top of you, following you around, walking in on you changing without batting an eye, try feeding you or taking food right off your plate. I don’t know if it’s the only child thing, but he just does not seem to mind being all up in other people’s business
He’s very understanding if you tell him to back off though – will respect your boundaries (you just have to set them)
I actually don’t think James would be super into showering gifts all of the time, like he will absolutely buy you anything you want, but he’s not the kind of boyfriend to show up with gifts and trinkets or purses or new outfits/clothes/jewelry all of the time – at least not at first 
I think this is because he grew up always just having what he wanted/needed so never thinks of it? It’s only when he’ll go out shopping for a specific reason that he accidentally comes home with 293843209473 unnecessary things that made him think of you or that you’d like or that would look pretty on you etc. etc. 
He is 100000000000000% acts of service dude (at least in my mind)
Need the snow shoveled? Done
Need your oil changed? Done 
Need to run to the store for something? His shoes are on
He definitely had to wear you down (as he is the opposite of you…hopeless romantic + the person who thinks they’re unlovable etc, etc) 
In this day an age of consent and harassment etc, I don’t imagine him being the kind of guy who was like super annoying about it (even though you certainly got annoyed) but he was really polite about it
“Hi Y/N! fancy a trip with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“In your dreams Potter.”
“Got it! Have a nice week.”
And then a few weeks later he’d try again 
I think his 24/7 bubbliness freaked you out a bit – no one could ever possibly be that happy all of the time
He finally wore you down when you realized he could take things seriously
You’d gotten a rather painful letter from home and had secluded yourself into an empty classroom to cry in peace (this damn school is so big yet there’s nowhere to get some privacy!?)
“Y/N?” a timid voice from the doorway called to you
You sighed and tried to wipe the tears from your eyes in vain 
“What do you want, Potter?”
He walked into the room and sat down across from you “Are you okay?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as fresh tears escaped you. “I think it’s pretty clear I’m not.”
He offered you a small smile. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head and looked to the ceiling in an attempt to stop the flow of tears
“Don’t stop crying, not on my account, not if you’re not ready to.”
You looked at him in bewilderment before you realized his face was solemn and sincere
A sob escaped you 
Slowly, James moved from his spot across from you to take a seat beside you and just opened his arms – an invitation 
You considered the fact that there was a chance you would regret it, but you couldn’t deny how inviting his embrace appeared
THIS MAN GIVES THE BEST HUGS I’m sorry there’s no if’s and’s or but’s. even in his platonic relationships – all his friends are like “James is the best hugger and best cuddler”
He never pressed you to talk about what had you so upset that day – just to let you know that you always could talk to him if you needed to 
It’s like you saw him as a real human being for a minute: not a pureblood, not a quidditch player, not a marauder…just James.
It was refreshing 
You agreed to go to Hogsmeade with him that weekend 
It was a little awkward – you could tell he never really planned to get this far 
You asked him questions about himself, and he seemed to loosen up fairly quickly after that
He was so excited to tell you about his friends, his parents, childhood pets, career aspirations
You’d ask follow-up questions and found yourself laughing at different anecdotes or side stories 
Every time he’d answer one of your questions, he’d flip it back onto you
At first you thought he was making fun of you/being condescending when you’d tell a story because he was so, so, so into it. Like almost cartoonish in the way he dialed into your every word
You soon realized he was actually just so unbelievably interested in anything and everything you had to say and so grateful you were sharing with him
That never changed – he hung onto your every word throughout your entire relationship
He wants to be touching – all of the time 
Walking? Holding hands
Sitting beside each other? Shoulders/thighs/knees/ankles are connected 
Lounging on the couch? You’re on his lap
Studying? You’re sitting in the same chair and his chin is hooked over your shoulder
He’s a loud lover – aka, PDA, everyone who knows either of you knows that you’re together. He’s rarely seen in public without you and if you’re not there he’s probably talking about you
I could actually see James getting quite jealous/territorial 
He’d try so hard to play it cool at a party if you were sitting on the couch and some other guy started hitting on you 
He trusted you! He didn’t have to be standing guard at every given moment 
Everyone knew you were together anyway, it was probably harmless
Ain’t nothing harmless about his hand placement what the fuck???
And suddenly he’s sliding in between you and Slime Ball ™ as he’s now dubbed the arse who dared make a move on his perfect angel thank you very much 
Definitely the type to get into a fight if someone shoved you/bumped into you at a party or club
Especially if they didn’t immediately apologize to his sweet angel baby 
He’d be talking about yours and his shared future home/life/family from nearly the very beginning of your relationship
He’d actually been imagining it for years before that, but he wasn’t going to admit that out loud
He’d be the kind of guy to have children’s names picked out – he’d get so excited any time you said something like “awe, Aurelia, that’s a sweet name” and he’d write it down somewhere for future use 
James is absolutely the type of boyfriend where you’d never have to wonder exactly how they felt about you – you would know how treasured you are from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep
Sometimes, you’d even feel the depth of his love in your dreams 
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desultory-novice · 2 years
For fun, please just rant about Marxolor, I actually enjoy reading what you've got to say !
...Anon! Let me offer you a digital, platonic, and utterly optional hug!
I get embarrassed sometimes, because while I enjoy "chaotic clown + evil egg boyfriends wrecking havoc on the peaceful countryside" Marxolor (and will draw it at the lightest of promptings) my main interest is in a Marx and Magolor who are soft on each other, a teensy bit romantic, and melodramatic as all get out. Part of the reason I joined the fandom is because I scoured the internet for serious rip-your-heart-out Marxolor content and didn't find enough. 
I worry there’s not a big fandom for angsty-feelsy Marxolor, but it’s where my heart lies atm, so I’m going to keep producing it.
...Hold up. Let me check the current word count on "Marionette's Pavane." ...Is 31,705 words a lot? Word tells me that's 75 pages (10 pt font, single-spaced.) I wrote nearly 32k words about them.
And I wrote 2,500 words about them here! Clearly I love them A LOT.
So, I obviously believe (strongly) they first met when a Pre-RtDL Magolor was just starting out with his plans for world domination and Marx had just exploded after MWW. I tend to see them as starting off with a bitter teeth-clenched/mutually-manipulative partnership. They're both frighteningly clever, and can immediately sense a kind of kinship in the other. They're both outcasts. They don't FIT IN with their respective societies. (Ignoring the fact that Magolor doesn't have one anymore, being from a dead planet.) 
They DO NOT open up to each other right away. In fact, they keep a frustrating amount of secrets from each other and seem ready to throw the other one under the proverbial bus if it gets them ahead. (Or would be funny - Marx) But Magolor has to have gotten the Lor up and running sometime before RtDL started and that's 120 energy spheres this tiny wizard has to find. Having a weird jester who is overflowing with some of the most powerful magi-technology the Ancients ever created is too tempting to pass up. And Marx thinks Magolor is FUN! A bit like a chew toy, but powerful relationships have started out from worse places! (Probably.)
The more they work together, the more they open up to each other, albeit, reluctantly at times. But enough of that rare vulnerability rubs off and they find themselves becoming...sympathetic to each other's plights. They who, up until this point believed very strongly in...
"...Screw the universe that screwed me over."
For Marx, it’s about being a misfortunate and accidental pariah to his own dumb species that he HATES anyway for being genetically programmed to be completely useless at absolutely everything! What kind of cruel cosmic entity would design a creature this way?! You expect me to live like this?!
For Magolor, it’s about being the very last (?) of his species, trapped on a planet that is a dead-ringer for LITERAL HELL, with no apparent way to escape the collapsing, burning hunk of rock except to lie down, accept his fate and DIE ALONE sheerly for the misfortune of having been born!
"...You hate the life fate stuck you with too...?"
But the one thing they don't hate, not anymore, is each other. Thank the stars, someone who understands!! They're both pretty bad at being "good" around good people, but they're slowly learning to be “good” around each other. They maybe even... :shifty side eyes: ...like each other. Which...eventually creates something of a problem...A very serious problem...
...Because as much as I personally want them to continue having fun and playing pranks, goofing off and occasionally being heartfelt with each other, CANON is creeping in and Marx CANNOT be there with Magolor when “Return to Dream Land” starts. And Magolor in “Return to Dream Land,” though hiding it behind a (hidden) smile, is a miserable and angry liar who will trample anyone, even those who reach out to him with nothing but kindness, to get what he (thinks) he wants: the power to control everything and...everyone...
Including the one who slipped through his fingers... ...while he was helpless to do anything about it...
Given my penchant for angst, I think you can imagine what -I- think happened to separate them. I want to save some stuff for when I actually get to that point in my comic but...I'll just say it HURTS.
"Magolor? ...Promise me...you'll live...okay...?"
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First, you lose your boyfriend in the worst way possible, then the thing you've set your sights on turns out to be massively cursed and scars you badly; mentally, emotionally and (HC) physically! 
But hey, at least you lived!
Marx comes back, because he kind of has to, canonically (I have a solution) and things with them are a mess for a while, just because Magolor is only recently freed from a period of extended and brutal torture, and Marx is FAR from a licensed therapist (or even that good at emotional intricacies...) 
But they were the best thing in each other's lives. Especially now, after the whole "things get worse" part happened. They might not heal the “right” way or the best way, but they are the best suited to lick each others wounds - and occasionally scratch and reopen those wounds. But sometimes you need to talk about the painful, hurtful stuff or you'll never clear the air.
I hate “the story ends at ‘Happily Ever After’” by the way. Or whenever the couple confesses their love, then beats up the bad guy/saves the day. Life is beautiful, but it is SOOO much more complicated than that. So is love. Fairy-tale/romance movie “True Love” is to me a very...unfortunate idea. It leaves no room for accidents, mistakes, or bone-headed decisions. You must always be in love. Always thinking about your partner. It’s seemingly always about the courtship phase and never the REALLY hard moments. Those stories don’t ever tell you it’s okay if on this particular day you don’t love your partner because you’re Trying to Fix A Complex Legendary Artifact and Can You Stop Throwing Beach Balls at Me Marx, I Already Told You It’s Not Funny! (”That’s only because YOU forgot about our promise to crash Castle Dedede tonight, Magolor!” “You could have just told me.” “You never told me you forgot!”) So, “A love both partners care enough about that they are willing to fight to make it work” is, to me, far better and more respectful of the everlasting journey toward understanding that is love.
Back to Marxolor...!
So, while I imagine Marx and Magolor "fell in love" (or at least became inseparable QPR life-partners) pre-game, my strongest Marxolor feels come from everything I want to see happen to them post-game. They've both suffered serious trauma, but that in no way invalidates their ability to love each other. (I don't HC either as being aro necessarily, but I do see them as ace.)
If anything, they're so strongly bonded to each other, they would probably do WORSE things than either did in their respective games to anything that seriously threatened to tear them apart. Not to say they NEVER give each other breathing room, as that's not great for healing either. Magolor still likes to tinker with things alone, and Marx has a love of performing in front of a crowd. But their relationship with each other eclipses all others at this point. So Marx will sneak in sometimes and watch Magolor quietly, and Magolor will find himself sighing and leaving his ship to see what Marx is up to.
While their relationship started on Halcandra, their current “home” is definitely Popstar. Though any time you can't find them there, they're probably off having adventures on the Lor (...and slowly getting themselves banned from every planet in the galaxy...)
Magolor really couldn't stand being isolated on miserable, deadly Halcandra for his entire life and wants to see the galaxy, even if he isn't in a position to rule it anymore. ("Ruling the galaxy" was a corrupted version of something he no longer wants/needs anyway.) Marx has calmed down a little, as far as complaining about Popstar's annoying, sleepy, goody-two-shoes lifestyle, especially after he and Kirby finally became friends, but he still has a boredom meter that creeps up whenever things get TOO stale.
Magolor didn't start out life with the incredible power of the Master Crown, but I HC him as keeping access to everything it (forcefully & painfully) unlocked in him after the incident. My Magolor pays in blood for that power, but once he gets it, and is able to emotionally divest the power from the pain, it's his to use. (See, Star Allies Magolor.) Marx is still kind of a mess in regards to what parts of the Nova's power HE can access after the dust has settled; his main focus is on being able to control his own shift in and out of his transformed state at will (see the adorable way he seems to accidentally “pop” into his transformed state, only to “shake it off” during one of his Star Allies idle animations.)
Edit: We now know, post-remake, that Magolor fought his own way out of hell, but during that long decade of speculation as to how he could have survived and came back? My favorite wild guess was always that Marx had something to do with it.
I wanted it to be Marx so bad! I mean, Marx is perfectly equipped to save him! Shoutout to Dinoburger's really great Marx and Magolor animation because it was very close to what I had been thinking of...!
Do you want a little more pain, btw...? 
...Well, I also take the span of time between Super Star Ultra and Return to Dream Land literally. Meaning Marx has been dead for 3 years when he finally gets to see Magolor again. Magolor has equally been without Marx, unable to find any closure, utterly unable to move on, for those 3 years...!
Let's seeeee... 
Oh... D-does anyone want a brief bit of fanfic?? :nervous:
Like, a lot of the above leans heavily into “Marionette’s Pavane” territory, which is all written in script format. But on a lark, I wrote just ONE MariPav scene in prose format. About Marx and Magolor’s “return” to Dream Land. Where Magolor (in Marx’s POV) confesses what it was like to be “crowned” to Marx...
<Warning for PTSD and...other bad stuff...>
Kirby and the others stepped away for a moment. Magolor smiled and waved until they were out of sight. Even after they were gone, he kept smiling.
"Magolor?" He neither looked at me nor said anything. His golden eyes were fixed on that green, green horizon where the spring breeze always blew. 
"...How are you holding up?" I asked him. "Yesterday, you were..." I let my voice trail off there. If he wasn't as bad as yesterday, that should have been a good thing. So why didn't it feel right? Magolor turned to me slowly, that unchanging smile looking more and more unnatural.
"I feel like..." He started slow, his voice still and even; completely without emotion. "...anything and everything that touches me...is trying to claw into me...to rip me apart from the inside. And yet..."
His hands twitched, the movement softened by his gloves. For an instant, I saw that fake smile fall away. He immediately covered both face and eyes with his hands. Only a sliver of gold emerged from beneath them. "...And yet, the absence of anything is...somehow worse."
"The Crown..." Damn the thing. Damn the way his light, musical voice became hollow when he spoke of it. "It...got inside of me. Made itself a part of me. Bent and twisted me until I was...a part of it. And..." 
"It..." his voice broke into something strange and sad, "...hurt me..."
He pressed his shaking hands hard into the sore crown of his head, as if mimicking the possessive fit of the artifact. I had tried to imagine the horrors it subjected him to. The loss of control. Of being used like a puppet against your will, your mind free only to watch - but he'd never mentioned the damned thing had physically hurt him!
"...It hurt me so much...and for so long...I think I’ve forgotten what it's like...to not be in pain. That's why..." His hand shifted to reveal a golden eye wavering with doubt, "...I keep thinking it's still there, waiting to tell me it's not over..." 
He squeezed that single eye shut, as if even the ever-gentle light of Dream Land was too bright for him. "...Marx..." His voice through his gloves was a whisper. 
He loosed a hand from his head, casting it out vaguely, looking for something his shut eyes didn't see. He was looking for another hand, I realized quickly. A hand to help. A hand to stop him. A hand to pull him from the darkness. "I need to know this isn't an illusion. Prove to me it's real? Prove to me...you're really here...?"
He was looking for MY hand. Had been. All this time. 
And I hadn't been there...
...Things DO get better after this...!!
Fluff Side Bonus:
So, yeah...That was a brief (???) look into my very angsty take on Marxolor.
But it’s generally confined to my gijinka versions. When I write them as orb-shaped skrunklies, I tend to treat them a little differently! 
THIS Marx and Magolor MAY have known each other pre-RtDL, but they are just as likely to have met one day when they each happened to break into Kirby's house for mischief on the same lazy afternoon!
““Who are you?!”” “I’m Kirby’s rival!” “You don’t LOOK like King Dedede.” “And just who are you supposed to be, huh?!” “I’M Kirby’s BEST FRIEND.” “Yeah, sure, okay, ‘Waddle Dee.’” :glare: :glare: “...Is that cake?” “Yes, it is! I stole it out of Kirby’s fridge. Want in?” “Stolen...? That makes it even better! Gimme a slice!”
Or maybe they met for the first time in Star Allies and realized they've got so much in common, so many stories to share, growing close from there!
My orb-shaped Marxolor is WAY more chaotic. They laugh a lot more. They're more cartoonish and tease each other way more, but they are still sweet on each other, just in a slightly immature "yank your pigtails because I love you" way. 
They ALSO find themselves always ending up together, no matter what happens. It's not planned on their part, though Marx will find himself "randomly" going to see what Magolor is up to. And despite Magolor complaining that he needs to outfit the Lor with Marx-proof locks, he wouldn't really want to keep the jester away, because...well, he's got no explanation for it.
This Marxolor has no strict timeline or 100% defined relationship, and so varies between actual "I love you, you stupid idiot!" Marxolor to more canon-compliant  "...not THOSE TWO clowns again..." Marx + Magolor. 
My gijinka Marxolor starts out as Marx + Magolor, is verrry slow burn, takes forever for them to actually admit anything, but end up strongly romantic.
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miekasa · 4 years
more boyfriend headcanons: love languages
↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern au, college au to some extent, fluff
↯ notes: i cannot stop thinking about him, so have 50 more head canons about this absolute menace. despite the title, he can and will turn anything into a love language, so beware.
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annoying the hell out of you (quality time)
You’ve heard of girls sitting on their boyfriend’s laps and hugging them/falling asleep while they play games, now get ready for: boyfriends hugging you from the back while you attempt to do any mundane activity bc they miss you.
Because that’s Eren. About almost anything, because his physical affection, when not in the presence of other people, is absolutely on ten thousand and one.
The only public place he doesn’t mind cuddling up to you is the library. He doesn’t mind putting his arm around you or leaning his head on your shoulder, or even doing the sitting hugging thing in the library. Mostly because few people are there anyway.
Mind you, you’re the one who even showed him where the library was, and now he doesn’t know how to act. “Eren it’s not a ‘cuddling spot.’ It’s the library where I—and lots of other people, including yourself—go to do homework.” “If not cuddling spot, then why library chairs and study rooms cuddly?”
Particularly when it’s getting late and you’ve been crammed in the library for hours, and Eren just wants you to pack it up so he can drive you home. He’ll squeeze himself between your body and the back of your chair, wrap his arms around your stomach, and lay his cheek on your back.
Most times he falls asleep waiting for you to be finished. Sometimes he gets impatient and tickles you until you agree to leave. Either works for him.
He doesn’t not like holding hands in public, but it’s not his go to either. If you’re walking together, sometimes he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulder—usually after some cocky comment—or even walk behind you with his hands on your shoulders like it’s a two person conga line.
He doesn’t kiss you in public a lot, and never around his friends. They can see the literal hearts in his eyes when he’s around you though, so it’s not like he has to. On occasion, he will kiss your cheek. It’s kind of random, but you don’t question it.
In all honestly, whenever he gets affectionate or cuddly in public is all pretty random, even to him. Sometimes he’ll just be standing around you and he’s hit with the urge to engulf you in a hug and kiss your cheeks and he has to stop himself like, “....Why did I just think about doing that?”
Partially because he wasn’t outwardly hugged or shown affection a lot as a child, so sometimes he gets to urges children do to just want a hug. But he’s also pretty bad and/or new at processing his emotions like that so he mostly stands there like 🧍 looking at you with lovey dovey eyes instead.
Touchy when he’s drunk. But that’s not exclusive to you; anyone in a five foot radius of him will be subject to his arm slung around their shoulders, or him being slumped over their back, or random head ruffles.
Most commonly Armin, but I think we all knew that. Sometimes it’s Jean, and Jean is an even messier drunk, which results in the both of them actually being overly affectionate with each other in a strange, but endearing way. They both deny it to their graves when they’re sober, though.
Hovers around you. Constantly. Like a shadow. 
Does not leave you the hell alone when you’re in the kitchen. Will make it 100x more difficult for you to cook or just maneuver, which is ironic seeing as the most gourmet thing he can cook up is bagel with cream cheese. 
Sometimes Eren seems unaware of his size in comparison to you and your friends. It’s very sweet that he laughs with his whole body, but he’s got to realize that if bumps into you because of his sporadic laughter, that he might accidentally knock you into next Tuesday.
Likes when you touch his hair, doesn’t matter where or when, or who’s around. He loves it, all of it.
Will press his face against yours if he has stubble, just to be annoying. Like always.
If you hadn’t gotten it from everything else, he just likes to annoy you in general. But, like, affectionately. I keep saying it’s his love language and I mean it. Really—what it is is that he likes spending time with you, but he also likes annoying the hell out of you, too.
Bites. Not in a sexy way—well, unless you want him too—but, just because. Bites your shoulder when you’re not expecting it, bites your cheek while you’re in the middle of watching a show. Sometimes he takes your hand in his and your think it’s going to be sweet and he’s going to kiss it, but really he just brings it to his mouth to bite it.
Bites your ass, too. Again, just for fun. Because he thinks he can get away with it. Biting is a love language I’m telling y’all.
Likes to give you piggy back rides, even if you don’t ask for them or need one. You could be going from your room to the living room and Eren insists on carrying you there. 
And for some reason, he thinks that because he likes to hold/lift you, that that should apply to you as well?? Like he’s not 6′1 and big bodied, hello?? Eren you cannot just jump on top of people, you’re grown. 
He lets you dress him a lot. His fashion sense isn’t bad, and to be honest with you, I think he’d be a little bit of a hypebeast LOL. I don’t mean decked out head to toe in Supreme (god forbid...) but definitely has a bit of a sneaker obsession.
Not that he keeps them clean or is obsessive about creasing them he couldn’t care less. He just thinks they’re cool. Maybe even some accessories too, like those KAWS toys. Not a lot because they’re hard to get, but is really proud of his little growing collection.
But if you want to dress him up, he’s down for it. Would even let you buy him a pea coat so he can pretend to be a scholar. (He’s not BYE). He’ll tell you if something really isn’t his style, but he’ll wear it if you tell him he looks hot 🙄
Kinda forces his way into your life in little ways. Like, he’ll start adding his favorite snacks to your grocery lists. Moves a pair of your shoes from the door to make room for his own when he’s over. Basically claims two drawers for himself in your dresser. Annoying. Endearing.
Lowkey has his own intricate skincare routine, but he likes doing it with you more. He’ll make it a whole thing, and buy wine, and stupid drinking card games, and sit with you on your bed for 2 hours playing while your face masks dry. 
Texts you if you’re in the same room as him, but not paying attention to him. Especially if you’re doing schoolwork.
Throws pillows at you while you’re sitting at your desk to get your attention. He could just say your name, but it’s so much more fun this way (according to him anyway). It’s all fun and games until you smother him with one. 
Thinks arguing with you is cute, and sometimes says or does—or doesn’t do, for that matter—things just to incite an argument. Not a big one, or something serious, just petty things to rile you up so he can kiss and make up for it. For example, he’ll purposely putting the dishes in the wrong place, or hiding the remote from you, or putting his clothes in the wrong hamper.
“Eren, I swear to god, if you don’t stop putting the water bottles on the top shelf—” “What are you gonna do it about, pretty girl? Hit me with it? You can’t even reach—ow!”
being your loudest hype man (words of affirmation) 
The amount of pictures he has of you... criminal. From off-guards, to posed photos, to selfies, to screenshots, he has them all tucked away in a little folder with your name and a string of very inappropriate emojis after it.
Screenshots 90% of your snaps to him, even if his just of your eyebrows up. Sometimes because he thinks it’s funny, sometimes to save the picture because he likes it, but mostly because he knows you don’t understand WHY and that’s gives him the most satisfaction 😌
Loud and annoying in your comments on social media too. Hype man almost to a cringe fail level. He doesn’t care though, he has to let it be known. 
You could post a simple picture of you and Mikasa at lunch and Eren is in the comments screaming as per usual. @jaegerbomb: do i see TWO pretty best friends??? fuck it up besties 😫🥵🥵😜
Oh, but he doesn’t take to it lightly when you call him bestie, or refer to him as your friend in any capacity. He’s your boyfriend, and would like to be labeled as such.
If you did that prank where you pick up the phone while you’re around him and say “Oh, I’m not too busy, I’m hanging with a friend right now,” he would pout about it for days. Days. Doesn’t get over it, and reminds you of your transgressions every two to three business weeks.
Tells you you look hot all the time, regardless of what you’re doing or wearing. He means it, too, genuinely, he thinks you’re hot. But he does get a kick out of how potentially embarrassed it makes you.
Tells you you’re smart and beautiful and his favorite person on the planet. He means it, always, even if the delivery isn’t romantic. Although, he would argue that telling you he would “tap that” is very romantic. 
for him: receiving gifts & words of affirmation
Eren would be really humbled and honored to receive a gift from you. He needs to receive physical affection, too—but something about you thinking about him enough to buy or make him a gift that he’ll love and cherish really hits home for him. He doesn’t have many people who would do that for him.
If you buy him anything, he’s using it the second it’s out of the wrapping paper. You buy him shoes? He’s wearing them the next day. A new case for his phone? Rips the old one off in an instant. A little trinket for his keychain? He can barely remember to carry his keys in the first place, but suddenly he can’t ever forget them now.
He just can’t get over the fact that you think about him and know him well enough to tailor your purchases to his liking. It’s almost an impossible concept to him, and really reassuring that you love him as much as he loves you.
On a similar note, he actually doesn’t mind couple items, as long as they’re not obvious and/or corny. Down to have a pair of matching hats or phone cases or even sneakers. You don’t even have to always/only wear them at the same time, just knowing you have the same thing at home kinda makes him feel fuzzy inside.
He also thinks it’s hot. He can’t explain why knowing his girl has the same kicks at him is hot, he just knows it is.
As much as he likes telling you how hot you are, Eren also likes to hear that you find him attractive—and that you like him, in general. For the most part, he gets that from your physical reciprocity and quite literally letting him hover around you like a fly, but it’s nice to be told with words every once in a while.
For as much as he knows it, he gets a little caught of guard whenever you tell him you love him. He knows you love him, but hearing it sometimes is a little surreal to him. Very reassuring, too, and everyone needs a little reassurance from time to time.
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haikyuuthots · 4 years
Hi I really enjoyed you tik tok prank head canon! Is there any way you can make a head canon where the reader calls them bro prank lol. Like how would they react. Can you do Atsumu, Suna, Bokuto and Ushijima please!!!! Thank you 😽
Calling him “bro” prank
Characters: Miya Atsumu, Suna Rintaro, Bokuto Koutarou and Ushijima Wakatoshi
Warnings: none I think
Scenario: how the boys would react if you tried the calling them bro prank on them haha
A/n; thanks for requesting!!! I had a lot of fun writing this one, I hope you enjoy it 😌💕
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Miya Atsumu
You always referred to Atsumu as babe, baby or love
So when you saw this prank on Tik tok you wanted to see how he would react
You were both sitting in the living room of your shared apartment
He was watching a volleyball game on the tv while you were writing an essay on your laptop
He was going crazy talking about a serve one of his favorite teams just did
“Woooo babe did ya see that crazy serve?!??”
You thought this might be a good time to pull the prank off
“Mmm no i didn’t can you go back so I can see it?”
He rewinds the video and you watch intently as he shows excitement all over again
“Bro!! That was so cool” you say as casual as possible
Atsumu’s entire demeanor changes, and the look of excitement he had seconds ago completely fades
“What did ya just call me?” His face filled with confusion
“Huh when?” You try your best not to laugh out loud, he looks completely lost lmao
“Literally 3 seconds ago, you called me bro.”
“I did?” You’re doing your best to play it off
“Yes you did! I hate it I’m not your bro. ” He’s slightly pouting
You slightly chuckle “aw come on bro don’t be like that.”
He looks towards you with a disgusted face, he is evidently unsatisfied with your choice of words
“Y/n stop dont call me that I’m baby and nothing else I will actually ignore you if you call me that again.” He actually looks a bit upset
But you still wanna tease him a bit more
“Fine I’m sorry.,,” you briefly laugh and pause for a second “...bro”
“That’s it I’m ignoring ya til ya act right.”
He gets up and begins to walk away
You’re full blown laughing now “baby baby wait.” You say as you reach out to stop him
His ears slightly perk up at the mention of his regular nickname
Still laughing you talk “it’s a prank. I’m just messing with you. I saw it on Tik Tok
He looks down out you, in disbelief, his frown quickly changing into a smile
Soon after he starts laughing with you
“Chaotic duo*
“That was actually kinda mean babe, I was like wtf why is she calling me her brother”
You start laughing even more “ wtf did you actually think I would call you bro? Never. you’re baby.”
He leans in closer to you and gently grabs you by the waist kissing you softly on the lips “better be.”
You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck, he softly picks you up causing you to wrap your legs around his torso as he continues to kiss you
Pulling away briefly he speaks again “but seriously don’t ever call me bro again I hate it”
“I won’t” you answer smiling up at him.
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Suna Rintaro
You usually don’t try to pull pranks on him because he normally never falls for them
But after watching so many of these on tik tok and watching the reactions you were curious to try it out yourself
You’re casually sitting on your boyfriends lap while you’re both on your phones watching short videos
A few time passes by when Suna breaks the silence between you two
“Hey babe you hungry?”
You thought this was the perfect time to call him bro
“Nah bro I’m good” you say sounding as normal as possible
Suna drops his phone and gently shifts you from his lap making you look towards him
You ignore him and continue to look down at your phone lol
He doesn’t say anything at first, leaving an awkward silence for a few seconds
Still staring in disbelief he breaks the silence again “pause that and look at me real quick.”
You do as he says and you look up at him innocently acting like nothing is wrong
“What’s up?” You innocently reply
His grip tightens around you waist a bit “did you.. really just call me that?”
“What are you talking about?” You’re trying your best to keep a straight face
“You just called me bro.” He’s pouting
You honestly can’t believe he fell for it hahahaha
“Oh. Yeah I did. Does that bother you?” You’re just trying to rile him up at this point lmao
He scowls at your reply, gently pushing you off of his lap so he can look at you better “yes that bothers me, I’m not out here calling you dude or anything because you’re my girlfriend.”
You can’t help but laugh at his expression. Completely satisfied at the fact he actually reacted to your little prank
Suna is beyond confused “why are you laughing? I’m serious please don’t call me bro.”
“Baby” you gently leans towards his chest as you continue to laugh “I’m totally joking, it’s a prank I saw on tik tok.”
He cracks a small smile before he speaks again “this is the dumbest prank ever.”
You’re still laughing “yeah? But you were hella pressed so it worked.”
He rolls his eyes at your teasing “yeah yeah you got me.”
Still smiling you sit on his lap again and hug him tightly placing small kisses on his face to lighten up his mood
“I promise I would never call you bro and mean it.”
He smiles into your kisses, tightening his grip around your body while he kisses you gently on the lips
“I’m glad you wouldn’t cause I’m your boyfriend.”
“I know baby.” You respond leaning in once again, to close the gap between your lips.
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Bokuto Koutarou
You have not called bokuto by his name since you started dating
It’s always a baby, babe or bub
So when you were on tik tok and saw a girl prank her boyfriend by calling him bro you wanted to try it out yourself on your boyfriend.
You and bokuto were tangled in each other’s arms watching a movie together.
The movie was a suspenseful, drama and the scene that was playing had a lot of blood
As you wince at the gore, you quickly decide this is where you’re gonna do the prank lol
“Aww bro look at all that blood.” You say, with a hint of disgust in your voice
Bokutos grip around you loosens, and he quickly goes to look for the remote to pause the tv
He’s looking towards you, with a very large frown on his face
You slightly chuckle “what’s wrong you don’t like the gore?”
“No it’s not that.” He answers still frowning
“Then what is it?” You respond pretending to not know why he’s really upset
“It’s just..... are you mad at me or something?”
You give him a confused look “why would I be mad at you?”
“I don’t know but you always call me babe, or something but just now... you called me bro.”
You’re doing your best to hold back your laughter “bro you sound crazy.”
Now Bokuto is pouting even more than before “aw did you just bro me again?” He dramatically buries his face in his hands “im sorry i made you mad but can you please go back to calling me baby?”
You can’t keep the joke going any further, Bokutos distressed figure is actually making you feel bad
“Baby” you coo as you remove his hands from his face “I’m just kidding, it’s a prank.”
You start laughing out more as you watch Bokuto relax into your touch
He instantly joins in to laugh with you
“Oh my god I can’t believe you got me.”
“I honestly didn’t even think you would notice”
“How could I not, you called me bro!” He replies still laughing a bit
“Why would you think I was mad though?” You question, still chuckling
“Why else would you call me such a terrible name? The only reason I could think of is if you were upset with me.”
You briefly laugh as you lean in to kiss bokuto softly on the lips, he reciprocates right away tightening his hold around your waist
Pulling away from the kiss bokuto speaks again, “do me favor and never call me bro again? I really hated it.”
You lovingly look at your boyfriends face “ oh I promise I won’t, I hated it too.”
He chuckles at your reply as he leans in to kiss you once again
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Ushijima was used to you calling him Toshi or love.
In fact he only ever responded to you when you called him one or the other
One time you called him by his last name and the man deadass unintentionally ignored you
That being said this man is still very stoic and hardly ever shows any reactions
So when you saw this prank you weren’t sure if he would react, the most you were expecting was to be ignored lol
You and Ushijima were out in the store buying some groceries
You were thinking of a good time to causally call him bro and you finally decided to do it when you were at the vegetable aisle
Picking up a giant broccoli you look over to Ushijima, quickly grabbing his attention
“Bro look at this broccoli it’s huge!” You say enthusiastically
Ushijima is staring at you with a blank stare, almost trying to understand the words that just came out of your mouth
“Helllo????” You say waving your hand in front of his face
Ushijima gently grabs your hands and lowers it
Still holding on, he asks in the most serious tone “what did you just call me?”
You’re holding back a smile trying your best to be as serious as you can
“Oh just now??? I said bro”
“Why would you call me that?” He’s looking at you with a confused face
“Because we’re close, people who are close always casually call each other bro”
“But y/n we”re dating.”
“Sooooo??” You say still trying your best not to burst out laughing
“People who are dating don’t call each other bro they call each other cute pet names”
“But you don’t call me any pet names?”
“Babe. I call you babe, that’s a pet name.”
“Well I want you to call me bro.” At this point you’re about to break, this conversation is so funny to you.
“I’m not gonna call you bro. And I don’t want you calling me bro either, I hate that.”
“Come on bro don’t be like that.” You teasingly say letting out a small chuckle
Ushijima once again stares at you, this time he’s evidently unamused
“I won’t respond to you if you keep calling me that.” He says as he begins to walk away
You’re full blown laughing as you run to stop Ushijima from walking away any further
“Toshi wait” you say holding onto his shirt
Ushijima turns around to look at you, still very confused
“I’m totally joking, I would never call you bro. It’s a prank I saw in tik tok.”
Ushijima cracks a soft smile, looking down at you as you laugh
“Thank god, I was so confused by that entire conversation.”
“I could tell, you’ve never looked more lost.”
He gently grabs you to hold you as you guys begin to walk again
“Alright let’s go, we need to finish shopping.”
“Okay love.”
He smiles as he hears the common pet name. That what he loved hearing you call him.
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shoyodon · 4 years
Reclined Seat Prank HCs
𝙐𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙢𝙖, 𝙊𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖, 𝙆𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙖, 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙏𝙞𝙠𝙏𝙤𝙠 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙃𝘾𝙨
Warnings: Suggestive b/c Kuroo - what’d you expect, language
A/N: it’s 1AM heres a shitpost 
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You had seen this prank on Tiktok a couple of times, a girl picks up her boyfriend but the passenger seat is reclined all the way back and gets their reactions
Ushi does NOT know who Tiktok is or why his girlfriend finds him funny and he does not care
Honestly, you had no clue how he’d react, he didn’t ever respond to the majority of your cheesy pranks but maybe this would be the one
You had messaged him telling him after practice today you'd pick him up and the both of you could grab something to eat together to which he responded an “Okay 🙂”
Tendou is still teaching him how to use emojis leave him alone
You pull up, placing your phone down so that it records the passenger seat and you recline the seat. 
You pull out a tube of lipgloss and begin applying it in the camera as if you were using it as a mirror and Ushi comes up to the side of the door, knocking twice on it before he opened it.
He does that so you know its him and dont get startled 🥺
He gives you a short greeting, a ghost of a smile on his lips, climbing in
Bro literally just adjusts the seat correctly and puts his bag in the backseat
“Ushi..” “Yes, my love?”
You cant even be mad, the dude trusts you blindly, the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t even cross his mind
With a shrug you lock your phone, sparking normal conversation before pulling out to go get him a well deserved after practice dinner
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Okay THIS motherfucker. 
I feel like Oinks definitely has Tiktok, unlike Ushi, and he is the definition of straight Tiktok
HOWEVER I don't think he has a lot of couple Tiktoks on his FYP and if he does they're like the sitting in your partner's lap pranks, not something like this
Hes also like...7 years old so he probably does his own petty pranks but theyre ones he comes up with himself that he thinks are fucking hilarious like taking a million selfies, posting them on your instagram/snapchat stories until theyre like 10-15 minutes long and filling your storage with them
Oh this is well deserved
You set up your phone in a place that he wouldn't notice, and started recording
He runs to the car, opening the door quickly and tosses his bag in, getting in the car and literally fucking falls flat on his back
“Hey babe” 
“Yes tooru?”
“Who was in my seat?”
“Your seat?”
“MY seat who was in MY seat??”
No longer confused, just panicked
He sat up, leaning over the console looking you in the eyes, you can't tell if he's going to start crying or throw up
Not your intention to make him cry
Carefully explaining that it was a joke while he let out a loud, dramatic huff, placing his forehead on your shoulder
“I’m having heart palpitations”
“I'll pick up milk bread on the way home if you stop the dramatics…?”
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Bro he has 3 brain cells, one for you, volleyball, and milk
Why would you do this
He doesn’t know what the fuck a Tiktok is despite you repeatedly showing him videos or telling him to make an account
He is far too busy watching 10 hr long volleyball compilations
I also HC him as having boomer humor so even if you showed him a fucking FUNNY video, he’d be brain dead, absolutely. He doesn't get the appeal
 He laughs at the minion memes this is fact
You saw this and for whatever god forsaken reason wanted to do it on Kags, the most oblivious person on planet earth
It was like 3 AM and you told him you were coming to pick him up to go on a drive, which was normal for the two of you, it's one of the more peaceful moments in your chaotic lives 
He agreed, ofc, because babie is a huge softie for you. 
You pull up in your jammies, seat reclined and start recording
Kags comes out in sweats and a hoodie you gave him for your anniversary and opens the door, he notices the seat and gets in carefully
“Hey Y/n? Did you sleep in your car?” he asks quietly, turning to look at you, almost concerned.
“Did your parents kick you out or something? You know you can always stay with me..” baby starts rambling because he fr thinks you're living in your car for some reason
The whole concept of cheating doesn't exist to him, you are the one and only person in the world he has complete trust in, so naturally the only conclusion he could come up with was you being homeless
“No..Kags...I’m not sleeping in my car...it was a prank”
Cue explaining to him what the prank was
He doesn’t get it, why would pretending to cheat on your partner be funny
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You know exactly what I’m about to write
This motherfucker
Kuroo for sure has TikTok BUT WAIT
Its canon that Kuroo is just a cocky dork that knows how to shit talk
He would never be on straight or couple tiktok, he's on science/nerd Tiktok and deep Tiktok for sure, he sends the craziest shit to you.
So there is NO way he would know about this prank unless someone explicitly explained it to him
You told him you were going to pick him up for a lunch date since it was saturday and the two of you hadn't seen each other for a couple days
He agreed? Obv he is in ✨🌸love🌸✨with you 
You pull up, seat reclined, and set up your phone after shooting him an “i'm here” text
He runs out, pops the door open and looks in
Does NOT get in, instead, this cocky SOB leans down so you can see his face fully, hands resting on the roof of the car, shit eating grin on his face. “Is this you telling me you wanted a little something before we got lunch…? that'll ruin your appetite y'know..” 
Spit on him
Why didn't you see this coming
It did ruin your appetite
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rovelae · 4 years
Why Saiouma isn’t toxic
(CW: in-depth discussion of abuse, discussion of rape/noncon)
           Disclaimer(s): This is an intellectual discussion, not a screaming match. If you’re here to argue with facts and evidence, I don’t mind debating with you. If you just want to throw a tantrum because I like something you don’t, I’m going to tell you to take a Xanax and go to bed.
           I’m combining the terms “toxic” and “abusive”; though they aren’t technically the exact same, they’re similar enough for the purposes of this essay.
           This essay isn’t meant to convince you to ship Saiou. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. But it’s not right to scream ‘abuse’ where none exists; it hurts fans and content creators, and it “diminishes the importance of that word and it reduces [it] to something volatile and stupid.”
           To begin with, we have to identify what makes a relationship abusive. The way I define it, an abusive relationship involves manipulation, an inherent power imbalance, and/or physical or sexual abuse. Most of the hate-posts I’ve seen paint Kokichi as the abuser and Shuichi as the hapless victim, so that will be the focus of this essay.
1. Would Kokichi manipulate Shuichi for personal gain?
           There’s no denying that Kokichi is a manipulative person. He’s a liar and he did some awful things in the game. No one’s saying he’s a morally white character. But it would be wrong to say he’s entirely evil, either.
           I’ve already covered in this post why Kokichi can’t be said to lie for personal gain, but I’ll quote a bit of it here.
           “The motivation [behind Kokichi’s lies] isn’t self-serving—he’s motivated by a desire to end a death game and stop anyone from having to go through what he and his friends have ever again. The smaller lies, though, like lying about his favorite foods? It would be annoying to be tricked like that, but it’s way too much of a stretch to label it psychological abuse.”
           We know that Kokichi’s DICE organization has a moral taboo against murder. We know he hated the killing game, to the point where he orchestrated his own suicide in order to ruin it. And almost every time Kokichi lies in the class trials, it’s either for comedic relief or to push the cast toward finding the culprit.
           “But Chapter 4!” you protest. “Kokichi manipulated Gonta into killing Miu!”
           My response is threefold:
-        Miu started it. Kokichi wouldn’t have done anything at all if his life wasn’t in danger and he wasn’t desperate.
-        It’s wrong to think that Gonta is incapable of making his own decisions. Kokichi may have influenced him in that direction, but Gonta actively made the choice to kill Miu—his own avatar confirms it at the end of the trial. (See also: Impytricky’s “Gonta Gokuhara Character Analysis: When a Genius is Treated like a Child”)
-        Kokichi felt terrible about what happened in Trial 4, to the point where he begged Monokuma to execute him along with Gonta. He didn’t need to do that, and it throws off his whole “I’m the mastermind” act just a few lines later, so we must assume he was being honest about that. It’s clear that he doesn’t enjoy hurting others.
           If that’s still not enough for you, consider: desperation, and, by extension, the killing game, brings out the worst in people. We can’t accurately judge a person’s character if all we have to go off of is the worst parts of them. Would Leon have killed Sayaka outside of the killing game? Would Hifumi have agreed to help Celestia kill Taka? Would Gundham have killed Nekomaru?
           So, would Kokichi manipulate Shuichi for personal gain? No. His whole character is motivated by a desire to help the others, and his lies are either manifestations of that motivation or harmless pranks meant to entertain.
2. Does the Saiouma ship have an inherent power imbalance?
           Shuichi is, by his own admission, weak. Kokichi has a strong personality and likes to be in charge. That doesn’t mean that Kokichi doesn’t respect Shuichi and his opinions. In fact, each class trial is packed with evidence of Kokichi listening to Shuichi’s point of view and respecting his intelligence. For instance:
-        Kokichi sided with Shuichi during scrum debates 2, 3, and 4
-        Kokichi pointed out most of Shuichi’s lies during the trials (and back routes), but in most cases, didn’t fight him on it
-        Shuichi is the only character identified as “trustworthy” by the white board in Kokichi’s room—i.e., Kokichi trusted him to at least be on the right track in the trials.
           Kokichi is also shown to care about Shuichi’s feelings in the game, like when he told him he’d rather bring Kaede back to life in Chapter 3, because it would make Shuichi happy. To reiterate: he wants Shuichi to be happy even if it means they don’t end up together. That says a lot.
           Additionally, I already mentioned that Shuichi is weak, but it’s important to realize that he isn’t so much of a pushover that he’s entirely incapable of standing up for himself. Look at his interactions with Miu, for example: he sharply told her that “I can wear a hat if I want” when she made fun of him for it, and in her FTEs, he refuses to eat the hygienically questionable food she made for him.
           Shuichi’s kind of a simp and tends to get roped into things, yes. But he’s able to stand up for himself—especially after Chapter 6—to the point where he wouldn’t enter into a relationship unless he wanted to. If you think Kokichi would somehow be able to force Shuichi to be his boyfriend, you have no faith in Shuichi—and Chapter 6 proves you wrong.
           So, is Saiouma inherently imbalanced? No. Kokichi respects Shuichi’s feelngs, intelligence, and opinions, and Shuichi’s a stronger character than he’s given credit for.
3. Would Kokichi physically or sexually abuse Shuichi?
           One needs only to look at Kokichi’s Love Hotel event for the answer. While the Love Hotel isn’t canon to the game’s timeline, the characters are still in character— that is, Kokichi and Shuichi are acting as they normally act.
           It’s important to note that Kokichi is the only character who backed off of Shuichi after Shuichi either appeared visibly uncomfortable or told them to stop. Kaede asked for Shuichi’s consent and was given it; Angie, Himiko, Kiyo, Miu, and Tsumugi all took advantage of Shuichi in some way or another; and the rest just didn’t have sexual connotations. Kokichi made advances on Shuichi, noticed that Shuichi was uncomfortable, and immediately backed off.
           “But wait!” you cry. “Just because one character didn’t rape the other doesn’t mean they have a good relationship!”
           Of course, and that’s important to realize, too. But recall that the purpose of this essay isn’t to convince you to ship Saiouma—it’s to prove that it isn’t abusive.
           Keep in mind that this was Kokichi’s fantasy— he would have been able to do whatever he wanted to Shuichi with zero repercussions, and Shuichi probably wouldn’t even remember much when he woke up. And still, Kokichi chose to stop the moment he realized Shuichi wasn’t on board with what was happening. That says a lot.
           And what about outside the game? We know from the Salmon Mode ending that Kokichi is desperate for someone to “figure him out.” He’d be very careful not to jeopardize his relationship with someone who genuinely wants to understand him.
           And Shuichi does genuinely want to understand him:
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           So, would Kokichi physically or sexually abuse Shuichi? No. It’s just not in his character.
“But what if Kokichi was lying about EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE GAME?” you yell. “There’s no way we can trust anything he’s ever said ever!”
           If every Danganronpa character was polite, kind, open, and honest, 100% of the time without fail, the game would be incredibly boring. If that’s the kind of media you’re into, I’d recommend something like Reader Rabbit or Winnie the Pooh. Danganronpa is a murder mystery, where characters hurt and betray and lie and actually kill each other. You can’t trust anyone; that’s the whole point.
           So I advise you to go back through the game with an open mind and try, actually try, to use reading comprehension skills to understand the characters. Examine their motives, think about what they might be feeling when they make the decisions they do.
           Danganronpa is not the kind of game to spoon-feed you easy-to-swallow characters. You have to pick them apart yourself.
           As for everything Kokichi has ever said possibly being a lie? Maybe. Maybe every character is lying to you. But if you hate Kokichi just because he’s dishonest, then it follows that you have to hate Rantaro, Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Himiko, Kiyo, Miu, Tsumugi, Kirumi, and Kiibo—which, at that point, why are you even a fan of the game?
           And if you deny everything Kokichi said just because you think it’s a lie…
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 In conclusion
           You can dislike Saiouma because it’s not your thing, but it’s wrong to spread hate over abuse that doesn’t exist. Hating and attacking people for having a different opinion than you won't magically sway them to your side. If you can't articulate your points in a way that doesn't antagonize, you probably shouldn't be talking. People like what they like for a reason, and spitting on what they like won't make you any friends.
           And throwing around weighted terms like “toxic” when you just don’t like something? That makes YOU the toxic one.
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peepeepotter · 4 years
Hogwarts: New Girl AU
A/N: Warning, some canonical changes were made for plot reasons, the biggest being: Harry and Ginny never dated; Harry, Neville, and Draco are all professors; George has a new WWW store in Hogsmeade. Also, she starts off living with the four guys whereas in New Girl she only lived with all four for about a season. I just thought it would be fun!! Also, when I wrote this it felt a lot longer than it ended up being—so let me know if this is too long or too short or just right!! P.S.: I do NOT condone transphobia (I’m LGBT and will defend trans people until the day I die) and obviously I feel JKR is a shitty person, I write because I like writing and we’ll all agree that 5 year old Daniel Radcliffe wrote the HP series :)
Chapter 1: Who’s That Girl?
Pairing: George x Female Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Words: 3k
Series Masterlist
“So, you know in horror movies when the girls are like "Oh my god, there's something in the basement. Let me just run down there in my underwear and see what's going on in the dark", and you're like "What is your problem? Call the aurors!", and she's like "Okay" but it's too late because she's already getting avada kedavra’d. Well, my story's kind of like that.” y/n said, remembering the borderline traumatic moment that happened two weeks ago.
Y/N sat in the back of a muggle taxi, on her way to her shared apartment with her boyfriend Cormac McLaggen. Only, incredibly uncomfortably, she was completely naked under a trench coat.
“It’s a surprise for Cormac. I’m just gonna walk in and drop my coat, like BAM. There it all is. He said he has this fantasy that I’m a veela with a heart of gold.” Y/N attempted to whisper into the phone speaker.
“You added the ‘heart of gold’ thing, didn’t you?” Ginny asked, chuckling and knowing full well that McLaggen wasn’t exactly a thoughtful person, and wouldn’t have included that in a sexual fantasy.
“Yeah. I wanted to really get into the character, you know?” Y/N tried to get into the fantasy more, hoping it would make her less uncomfortable.
“Oh really? What’s your veela name?”
“That ones taken, Y/N.”
“Whatever, I don’t need a veela name.”
“Either way, I’m so proud of you for getting out of your comfort zone! Good luck babe.” Ginny encouraged.
As Y/N walked into the apartment, she was trying to position herself sexily in the living room. She laid on her side on the couch. Too cliché. She propped herself on the back of the couch. Too masculine. Eventually Cormac entered the living room from the bedroom wearing only his boxers, making Y/N panic about the fantasy.
“Y/N! You’re back early! I wasn’t expecting you—“
Y/N dropped the trench coat. Immediately after a girl, Pansy Parkinson she recognized, followed McLaggen out of the bedroom. Their bedroom. And she was only wearing her underwear.
“So that’s what happened and why I really need a new place to live. Anyway...what was the question?” Y/N smiled at the four men in front of her. They all looked traumatized by her story.
“Um, do you have any pets?” George asked.
“Oh, no I don’t. Sorry,” She chuckled awkwardly.
“You know what’s funny? When I saw your ad on DumbledoresList I thought you were women.” Y/N laughed. “Crazy, right?”
“Hold up, why would you think that?” Draco spoke before the other two could.
“Just some of the vocabulary used. Like sun-soaked and exposed brick daydream.”
“Draco you wrote exposed brick daydream? Oh my god,” George was nearly in tears with laughter, Harry and Neville following quickly. “Jar, right now, dude.”
“Yeah, jar, seriously. Five galleons.” Harry agreed, pointing to a jar on the mantle of he fireplace with a neon green post-it note labeled “Prick Jar.”
Draco rolled his eyes, getting up and putting the galleons in the jar.
Y/N coughed, trying to refocus the attention. “Look, I really like this apartment. I also really don’t want to live with my friend anymore. She’s a quidditch player...all her friends and roommates are quidditch players. They get into some real weird shit.” Y/N felt like she was pleading with them. Just let me stay here!
“Look I still don’t feel like we know enough—” George was interrupted by Draco.
“Oh, quidditch players? When can you move in?” Y/N grinned, hoping the promise of these three men meeting hot quidditch players would help.
“No, no, loft meeting. Bathroom.” Harry ordered, leading the way down the long hall to the bathroom at the end. When Y/N heard the door shut she quickly and silently followed, eavesdropping on the conversation.
“Come ON guys, she’s friends with quidditch players. Next to veela’s and the girls at Beauxbaton, that’s like the hottest girls in existence.” Draco begged the other two.
“The fact that you’re a professor now and you said that is like...incredibly disturbing.” Harry glared at Draco, George and Neville shaking their heads.
“Yeah, and my sister is a quidditch player so I don’t know about that.” George shuddered.
“I’m not going to lie to you guys, I don’t want a girl living here. Sometimes, I get home from a long day of teaching and I just want to strip and lay on the couch. Let the boys chill.” Harry casually shared. Y/N gagged at the thought, but the other three men in the bathroom made noises of agreement, or at least understandment of his statement.
“I am...actually neutral on this one.” Neville shrugged, causing Draco to scoff.
“You would be neutral on this.” Draco rolled his eyes, but directed his attention toward their fourth roommate. “Alright George, tie-breaker. It’s up to you. Is she in or out?”
“You guys know I don’t do well under pressure like this. Just give me a minute let me think.”
Both Harry and Draco started arguing with each other, putting George under more pressure to make a decision. He slowly backed himself into the stall in the bathroom and locked it. Neville watched everything play out, arms crossed with a smile on his face.
“Oh, now look what you’ve done!” Draco said, gesturing to the hiding George.
“What I’ve done! You started it—” Harry replied.
“Whatever, executive decision—she’s in.” Draco announced.
“YAY! I’m in!” Y/N exclaimed, not able to contain her excitement on the other side of the bathroom door. Draco opened the bathroom door.
“Nobody decided putting a silencing charm on the door would be a good idea?” Harry asked the boys in the bathroom.
“Oh you guys have a stall and urinals? Like a public bathroom? Okay, yeah I guess I can get used to that.” Y/N said, looking around the bathroom that reminded her a little too much of the bathrooms at Hogwarts.
“What do you do for a living anyway? Why do you want to live out here in Hogsmeade?” Draco asked as the group of five made their way back to the living room.
“I just became a professor at Hogwarts! I spent a really long time in both the muggle world and the magical world studying creatures. So, I’m taking over for Hagrid.” Y/N smiled, very excited to be doing her two favorite things in the world: working with animals, and teaching bright young minds.
“Oh, Harry, Neville and I are professors at Hogwarts too. I teach potions, Neville teaches herbology, and Harry teaches...Harry what fucking subject do you teach?” Draco crooked an eyebrow at Harry, purposely acting like he didn’t know what Harry taught.
“Defense against the dark arts.” Harry glared at Draco. “And George here just opened a new Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes shop in Hogsmeade.” Harry said, clapping George’s back. George sheepishly smiled at Y/N.
“Oh that’s awesome! I loved pranks at Ilvermorny. Cormac hated pranks.” Y/N started to tear up, staring off into space.
“George gets it, he was dumped, too.” Draco took his turn to clap his hand on George’s back this time.
“Yeah. Dumped,” George scoffed.
“George I just can’t do this anymore!” Angelina pleaded with George as he covered his ears, despite only the one really working.
“Yeah, I was dumped.” George shrugged. “What about it? It was like eight months ago Draco! Move past it. Pfft, dumped.” George got very heated over...seemingly very little, Y/N noticed.
“Ignore him, he’s still fragile. Which, you aren’t too fragile, right?” Draco asked.
“Pfft. I’m so tough. Don’t even worry about it.”
“We’ll always have Paris. We didn’t have, we, we lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night. … And you never will. But I’ve got a job to do, too. Where I’m going, you can’t follow. What I’ve got to do, you can’t be any part of.” Y/N was screaming the words of the monologue from Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca at the television, the four men staring at her from the kitchen.
“Feel like we’ve made a mistake yet?” Harry asked Draco, who rolled his eyes and approached Y/N.
“Y/N, stop.” Draco turned the television off. “C’mon, you can’t be like this! You’re a strong woman! Strong women don’t cry over men who clearly didn’t deserve them in the first place! Strong women go out and hook up with strangers in the bar in Hogsmeade to get over their ain’t-shit exes.” Draco pulled Y/N up from off the couch. “Go take a shower. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks tonight and you’re hooking up with someone.” Draco pushed her in the direction of the bathroom.
“And that gentleman is how you take care of a crying woman. Not that any of you know how to handle women at all.” Draco snipped at the three men, who—to be fair—did not know how to deal with women at all.
At the Three Broomsticks, the four men watched Y/N absolutely fail at flirting with any even remotely viable man in the bar. Eventually Draco called her back over to the booth where the four men drank and talked about their days.
“Honey, you’ve got to stop doing whatever it is you were doing out there. In fact, you’re going to stop doing anything. You are going to go sit at the bar and look pretty until a man approaches you, and then you are going to smile and nod and agree to go out with him.” Draco nagged. The three other men were chuckling quietly as Y/N trudged to the bar, hoping for men to approach her.
“Anyway, what is this shit we’re chaperoning on Friday night?” Draco turned to Neville and Harry, hoping one of the two would know.
“I think it’s a school dance but like...not fun for the kids at all. Like I don’t think there’s actually any dancing at all.” Harry summed, confused as well. None of them had ever been to muggle high school, and did not understand what a “homecoming” dance was. The Muggle Studies professor suggested it might be fun for the first Friday back to school, and McGonagall agreed as long as the kids didn’t have too much contact on the dance floor. The Muggle Studies teacher explained to the three men that it was “middle school rules, no touching below the shoulders, room for Merlin in the middle.” if dancing were to be allowed. Neville, Harry, and Draco were clueless as to what that meant.
“Glad I won’t be in on that shit show.” George laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
“We actually signed you up.” Draco said nonchalantly, drinking his beer. George spat his beer out violently.
“Excuse me? I have to spend my Friday night watching a bunch of kids...do what? Drink butterbeer and sit on opposite ends of a room?!” George was clearly pissed off, wanting to have done literally anything else with his Friday night.
“I mean, you’ll see your brother.” Harry offered, which actually eased George’s tensions a bit. He smiled, missing his family.
“Oh, alright. Harry, you charmer, you always know how to get me.” George winked at Harry who waved him off.
“How are things going with you and uh...Loony?” Draco asked Neville. The three other men rolled their eyes, annoyed at how Draco still seemed to live in his own little world.
“Luna. And things are going...they’re going.” Neville shrugged, clueless to his own love life.
“Just as expected, he doesn’t know anything.” Draco shook his head at George and Harry, as if Neville’s cluelessness was their fault.
“Are you blaming—” Before Harry could finish accusing Draco of exactly what Draco was doing, Y/N came back from the bar, squealing about getting a date.
“What did you do?” Draco asked, smirking, just knowing he was right.
“I did what you said! I just smiled and nodded and said I wanted to hookup and he gave me his number and now we’re going out Friday night!” Y/N jumped up and down in tiny jumps, starting to fist-pump.
“This American is so weird sometimes.” Harry whispered.
“It’s endearing, I think.” Neville commented.
“Naive, maybe.” George rolled his eyes, the only one who seemed to notice that she blatantly told the man she would have sex with him.
When the night of her date rolled around, the four men found themselves with an unexpected floo guest.
“Ginny, what are you doing—” George stood.
“Who told her it was a good idea to get back out there again? That’s not your job, that’s my job. I’m her best friend, you guys are just some weird adult men living together. No offense brother, dear.” Ginny was in the living room, pointing an accusing finger at the men sat on the couch while Y/N was in her bedroom getting ready. Ginny was clearly ready to go out clubbing for the night, and was dressed in a short dress and very tall heels.
“None taken.” George rolled his eyes, plopping himself back on the couch.
“Now I’m going to go handle the mess you all created, thank you very much.” Ginny glared, walking over to Y/N’s room and walking in.
Y/N laid on the ground surrounded by clothes. Her hair and makeup was clearly done, but she seemed stumped on what to wear. She was currently wearing a witch hat, a crop top, sweatpants, and cowgirl boots.
“Y/N,” Ginny sighed. “What were you going for with this?” Ginny gestured up and down Y/N’s body.
“Witchy space cowgirl.” Y/N shrugged. “It seems like something you’d find in a porn anyway—”
“Here, let’s find you clothes that will actually get you laid.”
After about half an hour, Ginny emerged from Y/N’s room first, dressed in a crop top and sweatpants.
“Now presenting, the new but not improved, still absolutely perfect Y/N.” Ginny gestured towards Y/N’s bedroom, where Y/N emerged. She was wearing the short black sleeveless dress and tall heels Ginny had been wearing when she emerged from the floo. Draco let out a whistle, Harry and Neville started clapping, and George was sat, stunned. Well, until Y/N started fist pumping again, then they all started booing her.
“Don’t let me keep you guys, I know you have plans with a bunch of 11 to 17 year olds tonight.” Y/N giggled, watching as the men stood up at the reminder.
“Don’t worry, we’d rather be anywhere else. Even here watching your weird dancing.” Draco puffed, the other men agreeing.
“So yeah, that’s how we got a new roommate.” George explained to Fred, who’s hazy, ghostly form nodded.
“Believe it or not, I actually know her. I was her first friend here.” Fred grinned, pointing to himself. George wasn’t surprised. Ever since Fred died and became a ghost, Fred frequently felt lonely, and George knew that. Besides Peeves, he really didn’t have many friends. He couldn’t interrupt teachers while they were teaching, but since Care for Magical Creatures was not a required class, Y/N had a lot of free time. They bonded over pranks, baked goods, and George. “She’s so cute! You totally would’ve dated her a decade ago.” Fred teased his younger twin.
“Yeah, well, things change I guess.” George felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, and looked at the caller ID to find it as Madam Puddifoot’s store number. “One second.” He told his brother. “Madam Puddifoot?” George asked.
“George dearie, your friend Y/N here was stood up by her date. I figured someone should know, she’s in my shop crying and I have to close in,” she paused, clearly checking the time. “In a half hour. Do you think you could help?” George stood, already walking towards the school’s exit.
“Oh hello there.” Y/N sniffled, eyes red and puffy as she looked up to see George taking a seat in front of her. “Don’t you have a school dance you’re supposed to be chaperoning.” She furrowed her eyebrows, pointing a finger at him. She meant for it to be accusatory, but with red puffy eyes, George mostly found it (as Neville said) endearing.
“Some things are more important than watching boys and girls stand on opposite ends of a room.” He shrugged, reaching across the table and grabbing his friends hand. “Listen, real men don’t treat women the way you’ve been treated the past few weeks. I’m sorry you’re going through this. If it makes you feel better, sometimes I still call my ex and leave voicemails in a country accent.” George offered, making Y/N giggled, wiping lone tears.
“Well, you can always call me and talk to me in a country accent instead.” She shrugged, in an attempt to help him the way he’s come to help her. “Do you want to go home and watch—”
“Literally anything other than Casablanca, okay? I will watch whatever sad chick flick you want, but you have watched Casablanca like twenty times this week.” George puffed, standing up and reaching his hand out for Y/N. “Let’s go home and get drunk and cry.” He smiled. Y/N grinned, grabbing his hand and letting him walk her out of the shop. She was still embarrassed, but her heart felt a lot better knowing someone came to help her out of this feeling. She’d never admit it to George, but it was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her.
When Draco, Neville, and Harry returned home, their suit jackets thrown over their shoulders and looking rather tired from dealing with teenagers all night, they found quite the sight for their sore eyes. George and Y/N were stood in front of the TV, clearly drunk, singing along to Heath Ledger’s character serenading Julia Stiles character in 10 Things I Hate About You. Draco, Neville, and Harry all looked at each other, shrugging. They dropped their suit coats and joined in, feeding the fire that was drunken George and Y/N.
And that was the end to Y/N’s first week in the loft above the Weasley’s Wizards Wheezes store in Hogsmeade.
Taglist: @yllwtaxi @ememseay
Thank you for wanting to be tagged!! Let me know what you think, feel free to message me any mistakes I missed. If you want to be tagged, message me/comment!! Thanks y’all :)
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tranquiltatsumi · 4 years
God okay since the canon dorm assignments are fucking insane and honestly look like someone threw darts at a chart to decide where people would be, let's talk about the potential unit dorms- which actually Make Sense- have. I spent a lot of time thinking ab this earlier so here's some hcs:
(Note: Some of these are shippy! Includes Kurokei, Adosou, Kaorei and Ritsumao! Just thought I'd prewarn yall)
Subaru wakes the rest of trickstar up at like 5am every day bc he has too much energy and makes too much noise. Hokke throws everything in reach, including his alarm clock, in an attempt to make him shut up
When was the last time Mao actually slept in his bed? Nobody knows. They have a "you work too hard" intervention pretty much monthly
Kuro and Keito share bunks despite the fact that this almost always ends with Keito on the floor bc Kuro moves too much in his sleep
they always make sure Souma is getting enough rest. very hypocritical of Keito to lecture him about the values of sleep when he didn't come back to the dorm until 3am and there's 12 empty red bull cans in the bin that was emptied last night.
Natsume puts small, mostly harmless curses on tsumugi while he sleeps. things like making it so his shoelaces will always come untied. Mugi considers them friendly pranks (and fair game considering his war crimes)
on the flip side he uses his magic to make things good for Sora. if he had a bad day Natsume will stay up just a little later to make a spell that gives him the happiest dream he ever had. Sora doesn't know he does this.
Ra*bits have movie nights every friday n they have a movie picking rota so that everyone gets a fair shot. they build a blanket fortress to sit in while they watch the movie
Ra*bits cuddle puddle is a common occurrence. they just fall asleep in a pile. Ra*bits 100% most wholesome family
Hajime makes everyone tea every morning without fail, and he's learned what kinds of tea they like and saves to buy a few boxes of each. When Eichi finds this out he starts gifting hajime very specific boxes of tea. tea club gotta stick together
Kaoru is forced to confront his gay thoughts because Rei is too goddamn pretty even in the mornings and he can't ignore it anymore.
Eventually it becomes a common occurrence for Adonis or Koga to wake up and see Rei in Kaoru's bunk (they don't both fit in the coffin. Rei is unimpressed by this)
Adonis spends more time in Akatsuki's dorm than Undead's and Rei is developing concerned dad syndrome- he doesn't know why Adonis is "avoiding" them (don't tell him he's dating Souma he's gonna be so dramatic ab it)
Mao still has to wake Ritsu up every day bc even tho the other members of Knights are there to do it, Ritsu refuses to listen to them.
Izumi has literally sat on him before ad Ritsu went right back to sleep until Mao arrived.
when Mao knocks on the door someone always goes "Hey Ritsu your boyfriends here" and before the two of them actually start dating poor Ritsu gets so embarrassed he refuses to get up even for Mao, because he's bright red and doesn't need Mao seeing him like that.
with both Izumi and Arashi living there, the bathroom has So Much makeup in it. Too much makeup. Most of it is Arashi's considering Izumi spends most of his time in Italy. She has the longest morning routine you will ever see. How is she not always late to class.
One time Leo used eyeliner to write music on the mirror because inspiration struck while he was brushing his teeth. Nobody was particularly thrilled with him for that.
all of Ryuseitai notices Midori's depression like a month after they move into the dorm. cue very concerned chat ab how they can help him and whether he's getting professional help
all of them have forcibly carried him to bed and watched until he fell asleep because he stayed up till 2am to finish work
Kanata fills up the bath and floats in it when he's sad. They have to keep an eye out bc he falls asleep in there sometimes.
Shu still spends most of his time in Paris but he comes back often enough, and similarly to Keito he's a bit of a hypocrite about making sure Mika sleeps enough
Eichi is terrible for drinking too much tea in the evening and not being able to sleep despite being exhausted. Wataru and Yuzuru have taken to offering to make the tea for him and giving him decaf. He knows but he appreciates the gesture so he never says anything.
The fine dorm is often covered in rose petals. If Tori finds one more rose petal under his pillow he's gonna throw Wataru out the window. It doesn't matter that Wataru is like a foot taller than him.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
DOAFP 1x08 Review
Matters of Diplomacy was a great and dramatic ep that exploded the tensions at the core of the show’s story lines. Let’s dig in!
It was a wise choice for ep 8 to be just a day later than ep 7 in universe as it allows the momentum and tensions built in ep 7 to carry forward to ep 8. We see different types of relationships being tested tonight: the platonic friendship between Elena and Sasha, the crush/platonic friendship between Bobby and Liam, and the romantic relationship between Gabi and Sam
Bobby’s story line took big strides forward tonight. I think by the end of this ep even the most casual of viewers will have clued in that Bobby is gay and likes Liam; nothing has technically been said aloud but that kind of jealousy is unmistakable. Bobby and Gabi’s story lines share some parallels tonight as it was Bobby and Gabi who made sure that Liam and Sam would be at the dance and the dinner and it was Bobby and Gabi who mess things up
For Bobby it has been all of a day since he had a moment with Liam and he’s still giddy over the tennis ball trophy Liam gave him and Elena’s talk about the dance being where true feelings are revealed clearly got him hoping that if he and Liam went to the dance that something may happen. And that talk with the married gay hairdresser gave him a bit of a confidence boost
Among the many cool things this show has done so far is to feature both adult and kid lgbtq characters and actually have them interact like we saw with Cami and Bobby in ep 7 and Bobby and the hairdresser in ep 8. It’s nice that Bobby has these in universe role models and if the show goes on long enough I’d expect Cami to help Bobby
I was shocked that Bobby lashing out included an actual physical fight. In many ways though it is true to the teenage experience where wild mood swings and poor decision making skills are common. We’ve seen Bobby get frustrated or upset before but never this angry and for such a chill guy as Bobby to get so aggressive really shows the depths of his feelings and confusion and disappointment
I also want to commend the show for writing Bobby as such an active character and for giving him an established hobby and supporting characters dedicated to his story line. On Andi Mack we saw Cyrus get jealous but he was never allowed to act on that jealousy like Bobby does and he was certainly never allowed to get angry even when it would have been the realistic response and he was usually a passive character. The fatal flaw in Cyrus’ story line was that he was never given a hobby or team or club of his own so when his sexuality story line was being heavily censored or when the writers were screwing things up there was nothing to fall back on. At least with Bobby they can always fall back on tennis related plots if things go downhill and that will make a world of difference in making Bobby seem like an actual main character
I’ve said from the start that I don’t think Cartero is mutual and the dance did nothing to change that. The symbolism of Liam not wanting to stop slow dancing with a girl and go off with Bobby isn’t subtle. Certainly Bobby’s anger was caused in part by being hit in the face with the fact that Liam is straight. I’ve been surprised that so many people in this fandom who have come from the Andi Mack fandom have been comparing Cartero and Tyrus when all the evidence points to Cartero being the Jyrus of doafp. As I said in an ask last week, the dance serves the same function for Bobby as seeing Jonah ask Andi out at the Space Otters dinner served for Cyrus
I think for doafp it would be wise to separate Bobby’s sexuality story line from his ship story line in any analysis of the show. Cyrus’ sexuality story line was much less censored than his ship story line with TJ and in part that’s because Disney had less of a problem showing Cyrus with a hopeless crush on a clearly straight boy then they did with showing him with a requited crush on another gay kid. And of course there was never any problem showing Cyrus dating Iris. There’s a reason why Cyrus could talk about his crush on Jonah several times but never once got to talk about his crush on TJ and why Cyrus could say the word gay when coming out to Jonah but Cyrus and TJ had to have a silent handhold when they came out to each other. I expect Bobby coming out to his friends and family and using the word gay will be much less censored and drawn out then it was on Andi Mack but I think Bobby actually dating a boy is going to be much harder for the show to depict if they’re renewed. Hell even Seblos which is the only canon gay ship on Disney + has had several of their scenes cut in two different eps
There’s a saying that history doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme and I can only hope that Brandon Severs Jr doesn’t become the Joshua Rush of the doafp fandom. It’s great that he ships Cartero and wants to promote the show but he’s not just another fan and can’t act like one. In the Andi Mack fandom there were lines being blurred and crossed by actors and writers and it made things messy and unpleasant and I really don’t want to see that happen with doafp. I’m sure Brandon means well but people will take his tweets and likes as hints for the show’s future and as of now the show itself and his tweets are telling very different stories It’s one thing to support Cartero but so far there’s no evidence that Liam is gay and there’s never been a bisexual character on Disney before so unless ep 10, which is the only Liam ep left, has an unprecedented twist all this hyping he’s doing will end up being somewhat baity
I’m glad Sasha stood up to Elena who has really been a bad friend to her lately. Of all the relationships that took a hit this ep it’s Elena and Sasha’s friendship that has been around the longest which makes this fight all the more painful to witness. It looks like this conflict will play out through their school trip to Tallahassee and I hope Elena really makes it up to Sasha somehow. Also interesting to see Jessica back in the mix; she’s making up with Sasha but not Elena while at the same time not having atoned for her ditching them in the first place. As always it’s refreshing to see this show so openly tackle the reality of puberty and not shy away from discussing periods and body hair 
Gabi and Sam truly are hetero goals. I like the focus on the adult problems we’re getting on the show. In some ways their conflict has the highest stakes and there’s not going to be an easy solution moving forward. For Gabi this must be a nightmare of sorts, watching Sam play the same role Robert did and worrying that it might end the same way. Sam was right in saying that he’s been going along with what Gabi wanted but that he’s a part of this relationship as well. We know Gabi flees Miami next week and drives Elena to Tallahassee so we’ll see if she decides that she’s ready to try and move forward with Sam or if she’s not ready
We learned tonight that Elena and Bobby don’t speak Spanish which suggests that Robert didn’t speak it either. We also learn that Robert was shyer than Sam (and I guess Bobby is named after Robert). Also get a nice little continuity nod with Francisca believing the same story about Iguanas in toilets that Liam’s grandmother believed 
I really like that Disney + lets characters get away with saying what the hell and pissed off, it’s so much more natural than having kids with squeaky clean vocabs
I really enjoy seeing Elena pine after Joey when he’s just this dweeby kid
Elena and Bobby have such a true to life sibling relationship
The Beluga whale song prank was a good one imo
Looking Ahead:
If you’re on twitter and instagram there’s already a campaign to get the show renewed and might as well start it now when there’s still some hope
Monyca seems to have clued in that Bobby cares more about Liam than her and I hope she dumps him. Setting aside his sexuality, Bobby just hasn’t been a very good boyfriend
Looks like the last two eps take places in a fairly short span as Elena is on the school trip for both eps. I’m very excited to see how all these plots resolve, especially Bobby’s. Hopefully the show gets renewed as it really is something special
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somuchfuckingsalt · 4 years
The Old Guard BAU AU
First and foremost, I would like to clarify that so long as they have US citizenship and have renounced citizenship to any other country, they are allowed to be special agents in the FBI. 
Obviously, Andy is the unit chief. As the oldest I could see someone putting her as the senior agent but none of the Guard - including Andy - give me the same vibes as Gideon or Rossi so yeah. She’s the unit chief that is very professional, kind of intimidating but is soft off the clock, and exclusively wears dark, neutral coloured suits that are barely indistinguishable from each other. She worked with and dated Quyhn when she was still working in a field office but they broke up when Andy moved back to Quantico to join the BAU. She later married and divorced Achilles before getting back together with Quyhn after Quyhn joined the team. And yes, I’m also giving her Hotch’s parenting storyline because a) BAMF, career driven women can still have and want children and b) her being on mat-leave is a nice, believable plot-reason for her having been gone for a year before Nile joins. 
Nicky is the communications liaison. Between the fact he canonically used to be a priest and is referred to as him having kindness live inside him, I very easily see him being the one sitting with the grieving families and handling the public. Even if it’s not believable I have decided that he was so BAMF at his firearm training that after he completed his course at the FBI Academy they sent him to train as a sniper. Also, I have latched onto the autistic!Nicky headcanons - only in this au he’s properly diagnosed and acknowledged to be autistic (unlike Reid in the show). He is the best one to handle emotionally sensitive situations with victims and witnesses.
Booker is the technical analyst but he comes out into the field more than Garcia does in the show, because before he joined the FBI he worked for a city bomb squad so he not only has field training but in addition to being their tech expert he’s also their bomb expert. Like Garcia he got the FBI job by being very good at hacking but breaking laws with his skills. While he’s not as joyful as Garcia (obviously), he does platonically flirt with Joe, because they’re BFFs and when they initially met it was a week before Booker started at the BAU and Joe had asked Booker to pretend to be his boyfriend to get a girl at a bar to stop flirting with him.
Joe’s role on the team is based off of Morgan, with alterations. He's the one that teaches hand-to-hand at Quantico and will soon be scouted to take on leadership positions at various field offices. He also is the best to handle interrogations and negotiations because he could talk the pope into becoming an atheist. His platonic flirting with the straight Booker got more intense to distract from his genuine flirting with Nicky. Has an older brother relationship with Nile, where they bond over their art hobbies and he’s equally likely to give heartfelt advice or start a prank war. Chances are if someone on the team is having a mental or emotional crisis, they go to Joe. 
Nile is the baby genius, the protege, the youngest. She graduated hella early and has many degrees. While she has a ton of knowledge about many different subjects, her youth and newness to the team means that she has the most to learn, but even so, her newness means that intensity and horror that comes to the job hasn’t had it’s chance to affect her as much yet. This brings a surprising breath of fresh air the rest of the team didn’t know they needed (particularly Andy). Gideon’s the one that brings her on the team and Andy is initially against it but Nile quickly impresses her and gets her to warm up.
Copley is the section chief who is desperately trying to keep control of them all but their team’s motto is basically Fuck The Rules and he fails miserably. He’s promoted to section chief shortly after Nile joins. 
I haven’t quite figured out exactly what I want for Lykon and Quyhn. I know I’m basing Quyhn’s backstory on Prentiss’s and that she worked with and dated Andy before separating and reconnecting later on when Quyhn joins that team. I also know I want the team line up to be the same as the movie when Nile joins so I have a vague notion of Lykon dying on the job and Andy just being so traumatized by it that either she’s slow to get a replacement, they’re all hella picky about the replacement so no one new lasts long, or some combination of both.
Senior agents will still be Gideon/Rossi with their show plots because as I said, no one on the team really gives me the correct vibe for senior agent and honestly I just love their two characters. 
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galaxy-bread345 · 4 years
Part 3: Knife in the Back
Heres the part 3 analysis of Jak/Keira’s relationship. This last post will go over their interactions in Jak 3. More under the cut. 
This one should be relatively short compared to the others. I vaguely knew that Keira and Jak don’t really interact in 3 but after skimming the cutscenes she honestly doesn’t interact or talk to Jak very much which really stinks because this could have been the game that they work out their issues. Keira could have gone to the wastelands with Jak and Daxter. All three of them could have actually become friends. Keira could have not only been a mechanic but a racer as well which gives her and Jak something their both interested in to bond over. I don’t know why she wasn’t more heavily included in the game and instead Ashelin is turned into the love interest when its kinda already implied that both her and Torn are close. We then have both Torn and Ashelin acting like a couple in Jak X so it really doesn’t make sense. 
I don’t think the game developers intended it but theres a lot of negative implications with how Keira acts in the game. Specifically, is that she doesn’t act like a close friend or girlfriend would. The first interaction after Jak makes it back into the city shes sad, quiet, doesn’t speak to him but looks regretful. Secondish interactions they’re back to back she is a supportive friend congratulating him, having his back and all that. Third interaction is at the end when she shows up with everyone else to send off the Precursors but she doesn’t interact with him. The thing is that if she were to be as close to Jak as the narrative wants us to believe she is they don’t show it. Where was Keira when they were trying to kick him out? Where was Keira when Jak was left to die in the wastelands? Yeah, hes tough but she shouldn’t automatically assume he can handle anything anybody throws at him. Everybody has their breaking points and if Ashelin literally hadn’t given him the communicator so the wastelanders could find him he would have been dead. This goes for Samos too since he was Jak’s guardian figure growing up. Both of them should have done more to insure Jak’s safety and while Samos at the very least apologizes for not sticking up, Keira doesn’t. She doesn’t offer to go with him or try to sneak anything to him so that he has a better chance of surviving. She does absolutely nothing which is horrible especially considering in the last game she supposedly looked all over for him for two years and now she knows where hes being sent to but the chance of him actually surviving are slim so she does......nothing????? She can’t give him a locator, construct a vehicle or fuck it STEAL a vehicle and go after him?? She isn’t going to do anything to make sure her new boyfriend, is you know, alive??? But shes going to look regretful as shit as soon as he comes back to the city and obviously PiSsEd OfF that NO ONE had his back??? 
 .......That is a huge red flag. 
Out of everyone Jak has known from the past Daxter is literally the only true friend because Daxter is ride or die. Daxter will literally throw himself into danger to make sure his best friend is okay. Daxter will stick by Jak’s side to make sure he doesn’t end up dead. Daxter didn’t have to go to the wastelands HE CHOSE TOO because he didn’t want to lost his best friend again!!!  If you are going to have a romantic partner you need to hold them accountable like you would your friends. Dax and Jak don’t put up with each others bullshit and will call each other out on it but they also make sure to have each other’s back and keep the other safe. Keria doesn’t have Jak’s back even if she says she does. None of her actions indicate that shes here for him through thick and thin. None of her actions indicate that she is going to stick her neck out for him. No, she doesn’t need to go on all the life threatening missions he does BUT if people are trying to kill him or blame him for something that wasn’t his fault i.e. the metalheads getting into the city and the city blaming Jak because of his connections to Krew then she needs to stick up for him. She needs to show that she cares about what happens to him. If she does think that he deserves to be punished for his actions i’m going to assume not by death  then they need to discuss what needs to happen next. She either supports him or she doesn’t, she can’t have both. Having her be happy and act like shes there for him later in the game when Veger is trying to vilify Jak again doesn’t make up for anything. Its not genuine at all and the only reason she says it is because shes supposed to be his girlfriend. 
I am going to blame crappy narrative writing and poor characterization for this one. Its hard like or even heavily dislike a character when the creators so clearly didn’t put the effort into making them a fully realized individual. 
Now I can’t really talk about Jak’s end of the relationship much since most of the game is him dealing with the end of the world and trying not to die. He’s not happy and after he meets up with Samos and Keira again he looks so disappointed. Most of his life lately has been people using him to further their own goals so to see the people who are supposed to be his friends say sorry but still expect him to fight..... its disheartening. They don’t question whether or not Jak will walk away, it doesn’t even cross their minds. When Ashelin apologizes to him he doesn’t care, hes in the war for his own personal reasons, so hes going to do what he needs to do. No matter how angry at the world Jak has been he will always fight for it. He’s been treated like shit and he wants to make the people in power pay so it doesn’t happen to him or anyone else again. This kid literally has a heart of fuckn gold. The fact that people rely on that aspect of Jak to carry them through is disgusting and its never resolved. Yes, its important to say sorry when you fuck up but it means nothing if you don’t take actions to make sure that mistake never happens again. Its fair to say that given everything hes been through Jak has trust issues. Hes wary of what people really want from him and doesn’t expect them to have his back. So to expect that Jak would forgive Samos and Keira after everything that has happened is wild. He should be mad with them and made it clear that they have a lot of making up to do before he can trust them again. Its also very telling at the end of the game where Jak pretends to go with the Precursors to prank everyone and then shows back up. He says “I couldn’t leave you Dax, you wouldn’t last a second without me”. Not only is this line a throwback to what Daxter said in the beginning when he joins Jak in exile but it also states that out of everyone Daxter is the only person he can’t leave behind. Everyone else he can get over but not Daxter. Its not Sig or Ashelin, its not his girlfriend Keira or his past care taker Samos, its Daxter his best friend in the whole world whose had his back from day one of the series.  
The reasons why Jak and Keira wouldn’t have a working relationship keep repeating themselves and can be simplified down to: 
non-existent friendship 
horrible communication
no emotional investment in each other
interactions depend on the other providing a service
trust issues
not taking the time to understands each others traumatic experiences
I can only assume that they are a couple because the creators of the series wanted it even though the narrative clearly shows that the relationship would be toxic as fuck. After watching the cutscenes for Jak X I don’t think its necessary for me to go into detail about it since most of it is just flirting. None of the issues brought up in Jak 2 are resolved and Keira never blatantly apologizes to Jak about him being exiled. Jak never tries to be an actual friend to Keria and seems to be only attracted to her because of her looks/ vehicles she provides him. I think with better writing these two could have a functioning and healthy relationship. Even though in canon they aren’t good for each other I encourage people who like this ship to write a better relationship for them. If you read all three lengthy posts I’m proud of you and thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 
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glare0322 · 4 years
h.i.v.e. head canons
just some character and relationship/friendship head canons :)
- plays the piano and quite well. she doesn’t want to play much at h.i.v.e. because it reminds her of scotland and her family. after book eight, she plays a lot more frequently cause she really sees h.i.v.e. and the people there as her home.
- is not organized in anything but school and files on her computer. her brain runs a million miles an hour which leads to things getting messy fast.
- becomes a lot closer with raven after the greenhouse since they now have a bit of shared trauma especially in the fact anastasia favored to torture both of them.
- still sucks at driving even after h.i.v.e.
- after h.i.v.e. laura goes and lives with her family for a month back in scotland. they talk about h.i.v.e., shelby and her other friends, whats been happening here, and other general catching up topics. mary (mrs. brand) takes a special interest in meeting otto and laura reminds her mom every day not to make a big deal about it. yet she still counts down the days until she gets to meet her daughter’s boyfriend.
- gets very frustrated when he can’t grasp certain concepts or master specific skills. he is known as the boy genius after all.
- went through an edgy phase while at h.i.v.e. not emo, but he would throw in more hurtful quips towards shelby during their usually playful spits and his jokes were just a little too dark. otto got a lot more detentions during this time and even the thought of trying to escape again reoccurred in his mind. he eventually noticed how wing was not a fan of it and slammed the breaks. of course everyone still makes fun of him for it.
- if you don’t think otto wouldn’t cry at the sight of his newborn child/ren then um...you’re wrong
- he looks back on his little prime minister scheme with pride and cringes terribly at it. on one hand, it was his beginnings and the device he made not only worked but was something like no other. and then he remembers how he made the prime minister moon everyone. when he was younger it was hilarious, now that he’s a tad older otto hates the fact he did that. there is just something immature and lacking taste about the whole thing.
- lives in sweaters/jumpers. i know this one is random, but something about them just suits otto.
- has a gentle singing voice. he only sings lullabies to his kids and if one of his friends needs it. besides that wing does not sing often. it’s always a treat when he does.
- wing is really scared to be a dad. the thought of being like his father is incredibly scary to him.
- i really can not see wing becoming a villain but an antihero, now that i can definitely see. his methods are immoral in the sense he is still technically a murder, but he only goes after truly evil corporations. like human trafficking kind of evil.
- he teaches his kid/s self-defense and martial arts.
- trilingual and speaks english, japanese, and mandarin. the first two are canon to the story but i feel like his parents probably would have taught him at least some mandarin.
- shelby hated how laura would stay up for hours in the night tapping away on her computer. however when she moved out, it seemed weird not to fall asleep to the sound of a typing keyboard.
- if there is a h.i.v.e. gymnastics team/program (since there is a water polo team) shelby would totally do it. she waves to her friends before her round and even sometimes blows a kiss to her supportive boyfriend who is always there to see her.
- after h.i.v.e. she pursues gymnastics professionally. it provides the same wealth she was used to back with her parents, she likes to do it, but most importantly it’s an amazing cover up for why she’s traveling so many places around the world. (to steal of course) it also funds these trips and gives her, and wing for that matter, a great public image. plus she likes the spotlight a bit.
- i’ve said this before but shelby eventually gets lessons from raven. i just love this idea with my whole heart especially because how different these two are.
- had a bit of affluenza before h.i.v.e. which played into her desire for stealing diamonds along with her crappy parents. (my theory on shelb’s parents is right here)
laura and otto
- otto adores laura’s piano playing. there is something peaceful about it to him which he finds really comforting.
- they go to university together in scotland and help each other get through it. the two live in an apartment together go to school then see each other after classes at home.
- laura has some zero ptsd and it occasionally effects her relationship with otto in the sense she gets flashbacks and is genuinely scared. otto completely understands this though and is super patient with her. obviously it bothers him since he’s not zero, but he understands why she’s experiencing this and loves her enough to put his annoyance aside for her.
- these two wanted their kids’ names to be after someone. so if they would ever have a daughter her name would be lucy and the middle name of their son would be wing. laura wanted to include shelby but it just didn’t fit anywhere.
- if otto can’t find a shirt, then laura is wearing it. she wears his clothes super frequently and he won’t complain. she looks cute :,)
laura and shelby
- shelby likes things to look pretty, so she ends up being the one that keeps their room tidy, makes the beds, and other cleanly stuff like that. especially when they live together outside of h.i.v.e. she does the dishes pretty often, keeps their room looking nice, and stocks their fridge. laura is messy, but it doesn’t effect her much cause shelbs takes care of it. she doesn’t mind and only teases laura when people are over to embarrass her (all in good fun).
- laura doesn’t like girly things (we been knew). shelby tried for a while to get her into these things and a few stick on: nail polish, very light make up, and shopping. but never and i mean never would shelby make laura do something she didn’t want to. of course laura introduces shelby to her more geeky/nerdy stuff. they watch superhero shows together, shelbs has a black widow t-shirt in her closet now, and even some basic hacking codes.
- laura didn’t like shelby at first not only because of her nasty personality, but because she was a lot like the girls who would talk about laura behind her back.
- basically canon, but shelby was the number one ottra shipper. she had been rooting for them since day one of h.i.v.e. laura comes to her for advice with otto and shelby consoles her when lucy and otto get together. they both were disappointed the two didn’t get together.
- laura is really good at baking and shelby asks her once to help her bake something for wing. (she was really trying y’all) long story short, even laura couldn’t help shelby’s terrible baking skills and they set off the fire alarms in their apartment along with the sprinklers.
wing and otto
- otto wanted to do one of wing’s workouts despite his best friends many warnings it would be rough. it was safe to say otto underestimated the intensity of the workout.
- oh god the scene where these two will eventually leave each other to go move on past h.i.v.e. is just absolutely gut wrenching. they both acknowledge how the other had such an influence on their lives and hope to see them prosper in life. honestly this is like a rare moment where i can see wing legitimately crying.
- so we all know how wing has half the overlord protocol necklace (he has yang) if shelby doesn’t get the yin half then otto should because he kinda fits the yin meaning and is best bros with wing.
- for wing’s “bachelor party” they honestly just get all the guys from h.i.v.e. together and hang out for a couple hours. after, however, he and otto go out and go have some fun doing morally gray criminal activity.
- they still sometimes speak in japanese to each other on missions and stuff or if they need to plan something without anyone else knowing.
shelby and wing
- they move permanently to america, but visit china and japan quite frequently.
- one of the first things shelby does after she and wing get out of h.i.v.e. is watch a bunch of disney movies and american movie classics so he can understand the pop culture references she has been making for the past five years.
- i totally think shelby gets the other half over otto, or at least a replica. there’s kinda set up for this as well, the other half (yin) is known as the feminine half.
- if they would ever have a daughter her name would be mei or raven.
- she always knows exactly what to get him as a gift or even just in general. she’s observant and can pick up on what he needs before he does. wing has mentioned before shelby is a little...less predictable but he tries his hardest and oh my goodness does shelby appreciate his efforts. of course it irritates her, but she knows her slightly emotionally-unavailable boyfriend is trying an insane amount to sort through her emotions right.
shelby and otto
- they totally bond over how wing is great, but have an urge to smother him in his sleep because of the obnoxiously loud snoring
- menaces to the public when these two are together. i couldn’t even begin to tell you all the crafty things that would conspire between these two. pranking teachers, seeing who can steal the answers first, racing in stealth or in fitness classes. (wing beats both of them in combat/fitness so their efforts are often pointless)
- when they first came to h.i.v.e. shelby was taller than otto, by quite a margin too. she teased him into another galaxy about it. so when the day came that otto was officially taller than her, she mourned the countless jokes that could no longer be made.
- asks a lot of those “wait who logically thought to make butter?” questions. they also argue whether these people were geniuses or a new level of stupid. (seriously who thought to mix together milk until it gets to a solid consistency and then eat it?)
- they have to live together for one month after h.i.v.e. in the beginning, they like wanted to choke each other, but by the end of the month they were upset to not live with each other any more. (fic is dropping soon 🙈)
wing and laura
- after the greenhouse incident, laura went to wing asking him to teach her some martial arts since she felt really weak physically while in there. he doesn’t initially think it’s the best idea, but laura convinces him it will be okay.
- they’re a lot better friends then people would initially think. she hugged him like twice in the first book alone and is grateful for him saving her life. laura and wing seem like the two that just relax with each other. no shenanigans, no combat, honestly just vibing. they drink tea and watch murder mystery shows while catching up on the latest things and theorizing about the show.
- the entire gang goes to tokyo all together at one point in their life. laura and wing go to all the historical places in the city and chat about them for hours.
- they go on hikes together. that’s it. i’m right and you know it.
- i always imagined at least once wing decided to try and take the high road instead of cheating by asking laura to tutor him. it worked pretty well for him and now whenever he needs help with work, he just goes to laura and they work through it together.
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Nov Edition 2019
This half contains Classic Undertale headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and franstastic-ideas’ other posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding Classic Undertale
franstastic-ideas - November Content (Continued)
Classic Undertale
Nov 1
Would Papyrus ever supplex Chara
Yandere Papyrus vs Yandere Asriel head cannons?
Do you think Papyrus would swear around Undyne?
Nov 2
What were Sans' initial thoughts on Undyne's potty mouth?
(1/2) Canonically, Sans tried to make a quiche.
(2/2) Wait he didn’t make a quiche he made a pie, my bad. 
How close was Asriel to his mother?
Nov 3
Why Flowey stayed in the ruins
Chara flirts with Papyrus through Frisk.
Why would Frisk ever want to do a Genocide run
If Sans and Frisk had a kid, what would they be like?
How would frisk react if she encounters a bitty sans
Sans tells Frisk that she'd be dead where she stood…
Why Gaster has holes in his hands
Would Papyrus try to emulate Undyne’s fighting style?
Papara/Frans reaction to a kitten sneeze
Gaster’s holes and pain
More about Vivaldi
What happens if the store is out of chocolate?
Nov 4
Does Papyrus knows the exact extent of Sans’ depression?
Papyrus and Asriel would turn the kitchen into a total disaster area
What do you think Papyrus’ costume was supposed to be?
How would the skellies react if Frisk/Chara gave a soft no?
Sans’s time as Gaster’s intern here was… an experience
What was everyone's reaction when hearing Sans’ kitten sneeze?
Did Asriel or Chara made the mistake of confusing “cups of butter”?
Yeah, that does sound kind of like Sans
Nov 5
Why does Sans no longer feel hopelessness
Does Flowey still believe that "It's Kill or Be Killed"?
About the kids that come from the Frans and Papara ships…
Does Asriel rely on Chara to make decisions for him?
Nov 6 - Do married papara still have butterflies in their stomachs?
Nov 14 - How’s Chara when being complimented by the boys?
Nov 15 - Skelebros when Frisk/Chara get their wisdom teeth out?
Nov 16
Sans has caused Flowey his "fair share of resets”…
Provide thee with thy Frister hcs frometh multiple AUs please?
How do you think everyone's skating level is?
Would Frisk or Chara try to lift up their bonefriend?
Dr. Gaster was actually never confirmed to be a skeleton.
Nov 17
Would you please tell us more about Henry?
Forgive me, Madame, for I, instead of reading…
How do the skeletons react if their girlfriends get hurt?
“Sans has a nightmare about Frisk marrying [Gaster]…”
What started Gaster's obsession for humans?
Nov 18 - Would Asriel ask Papyrus to be his best man?
Nov 19
Are the monsters genuinely unable to tell Chara and Frisk’s gender?
How would younger monsters react to Frisk/Chara wiping dust off?
Monsters might not overly familiar with humans' anatomy enough…
If Frisk never left the underground, married Sans, and had Vivaldi. 
What is Sans riding in the True Pacifist ending?
Nov 20
How would the monsters react to the modern human technology?
Married Frans Life hcs please?
UT Chara and Papyrus go on their first date
Nov 21
Where do you think the skeletons were living prior to Snowdin?
Where do you think Sans gets the money?
Does that mean Sans and Frisk will live in a mansion type house?
Nov 22
MK is uncertain if "that weird skeleton" is a kid or an adult…
Is Sans actually unable to open his jaw or just chooses not to
Nov 24
Is Frisk technically a princess?
What relationship did Asriel have with Sans early-on?
How did Frisk cross the barrier in the Neutral Run?
Do you think that Toriel will ever truly forgive Asgore?
King Asgore couldn’t really take the proclaim back
Press the attack key once and Flowey will be struck multiple times…
Nov 25
Do Toriel & Asgore punish Chara by not letting her have chocolate?
"Nobody can bully Asriel except for ME"
Nov 26
How much do you head cannon Sans owes Grillby on his tab?
Do you head cannon Chara or Asriel being the older sibling?
Is Frisk wearing a striped shirt a coincidence?
About how much is G worth in the human currency?
Nov 27
University AU Frans/Papara head cannons?
Asriel mentions that "a world without Chara" had no place for him…
You mentioned that Asriel had a "slight-older woman fetish”…
Nov 28
If Asriel and Chara were brought back to life…
How do you head cannon Toriel and Asgore got together?
Nov 30 - What do you head cannon everyone sounding like?
Multiple AU Headcanons
Nov 1
Would other Sanses have collections?
What does Frisk thinks these collections?
Nov 2
Who do you think are the closer skelebros? UT or US?
What do the Sanses/Papyri call their human?
Nov 3
What gifts do the skeletons love receiving from their human?
What does the Sanses feel about buttercup flowers?
Frans: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Papara: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Nov 4
What relationship do Sans and Chara have in the other AU's?
How do the other AU skelebros mess with each other?
Do any other Frans/Papara couples or rivals have a "Dere Type"?
Nov 5 - Do the skelebros know about any of the Pokemon games?
Nov 6 - US and SF Chara's personality
Nov 14 - What types of parents are the Frans and Paparas?
Nov 15
Chara would probably play with Asriel's ears…
Is there any rivalry between the Papyruses, and the Asriels?
Nov 17 - Who are Sans’ and Frisk’s other next-door neighbors?
Nov 19 - Throw me any head canons that comes first in mind please 
Nov 20 - How do the other Papyri feel about their respective Tobys?
Nov 24
How do the Frisks feel about chocolate?
If Chocolate was taken off the market, how would each Chara react?
Nov 25 - What made the Frisks/Charas fall in love with the boys? 
Nov 28 - How did the Sanses react to Frisk using them as a pillow?
Nov 29 - How would the Papyri respond to Chara's compliments?
Other Headcanons
Nov 3
One More Tale AU introduced
Horrotale skelies/humans reacting on each other’s sick days
What’s this 'One More Tale' AU I hear?
Nov 4 - How much of an appettite can a little bitty have?
Nov 6
How would G react to having the same iris color as Frisk?
What about Frans cuddles, but with bitty Frisk instead?
How massive Muffet’s family is implied to be
Nov 8 - Webber from my Bittyverse fics
Nov 14
Any ideas/prompts for Storyshift Frans and Papara?
I wanna ask- would the tarantula lady a ginger?
Random au prompt? 
Tarantula lady has the ultimate hug power
How many monsters have not been revealed to us?
Nov 15 - Undertale, but with MORE SPIDERS!
Nov 17
Could you give us some flirts/puns exclusive to Attorneytale?
Shopkeeper Frisk vs traps, Adgore, and Omega Flowey
Nov 18
Mermaid Sans x normal Frisk living alone on an island?
In the Bitty Bones au, would Frisk ever adopt a Red sans?
Nov 19 - Random Prompt time plz
Nov 20
Bittybones Headcannons?
Can I ask for some love-dunce Frisk and shy Sans?
In the scenario where monsters were never trapped underground...
Nov 24 - “Nothing Tibia-fraid Of" Frans headcanons?
Nov 25
Do you think Narrator Chara laughs when Sans pranks Frisk?
Bitty Frisk: Mother Hen (Henri) vs Mother Goat (Toriel)?
Nov 26
*picks Classic Sans up then throws him into a Frisk pile*
Can we have frans/papara hcs for Cybertale?
Can I ask for Tainted Love headcanons?
Nov 30 - What about some Flowerfell headcanons?
Other types of posts
Nov 3 - Monster dream boyfriend
Nov 4
I can assure you that the most anon asks is not by one person
I wish there were a ukagaka of all your Frans and Papara AU's
*pokes then runs away*
Nov 5
Do you do headcannons on UT and AU characters in General?
This tumblr user now has a bucket over their head-
How do you feel about Charisk (Chara x Frisk)?
Nov 7 - I got my first ever paycheck today
Nov 9 - Masterlist plan of the past (link to it) 
Nov 11 - Why does Sword and Shield have a level cap for...
Nov 14
So how do I do taxes?
The difference between envy and jealousy
The more spiders in this family, the better!
Fun spider fact!
Another Spider Fact
Nov 16
But I have so many AUs already…
Moth Man or Jersey Devil?
Have you seen the whole of Gravity Falls?
Nov 18
Would it be alright if I wrote a fanfic about WT Swap Frans?
Favorite au from our lovely semisolidmind?
Papyrus is a nice guy
Nov 19
How would franstastic-ideas react to getting tickled ;3
How familiar are you with Warrior Cats?
Remind us of your nicknames please?
Nov 20
What job did the wonderful wonder of you get?
Do you know if there are any fics that are similar to Convergence?
Nov 21
Yandere Altertale fic thoughts
I’ve been looking at Pokémon Sword and Shield 
Nov 26 - How are so many of your head canons so damn cute?
Nov 28
I actually enjoy photography as well
Pokémon Sword and Shield’s Galar region is based off of the UK…
Nov 30
Webber, every time he sees my phone:
A random out-of-boredom-question...
Found out that all the links work when I'm looking at it on my own page, but if I open it up in a seperate page, they will all disappear if there are too many
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random-dvf-posts · 6 years
Jay! (A goddess of the moon, but not known for that, infact it's a secret in her case. Often shipped with Sea Breeze, Gust, Cyber, or Iceflower. Only real canon ship is Anti.)
Rai (Half human, half pupper. Childhood friend of Tyy. Often shipped with Spark or Irene Wolf)
Tyy (Teen boy. His appearances range from 11 - 17 usually. Was trapped in a painful area where he meets people, make relationships with them, reset, then they forget him. Shima found him. Rainbow Hawk made him his own AU with nice fields, a portal to the ors, no resets, and a nice house. Often shipped with Lunars, Sizzle, or Mino)
Alternate Clock (Goddess of Dimensions. Origins are unknown, and she is still getting used to staying in one reality. Usually shipped with Cyber)
Rainbow Wishes (Goddess of Wishes. Usually seen as the leader of the gods. Often shipped with Lightning Lane)
Syle (Joyful Lesbian Kirin. Dating Mina. Found trapped in a dimension where it's just... A mountain area. Amnesia from before being there.)
Mina (Jay and Anti's ship kid. Dating Syle. Disobedient but fun)
Lyri (Jay and Anti's second ship kid. Obedient and joyful normally. Crush on Rai)
Iceflower Drop (Goddess of Nature. Dated/dating Icicle Zapp. Can control plants. Abnormal strength and pansexual. Often shipped with Jay, Icicle, Lightning, or Tyy)
Cyber Lane (God of The Afterlife. Often shipped with Alternate Clock or Jay. A spirit.)
Sunset Shy (Iceflower's little sister. Goddess of The Sun. Mute. Often shipped with Icicle.)
Lightning Lane (God of Electricity. Brother of Cyber and Spark. Often shipped with Iceflower or Rainbow Wishes. Cyborg. A bear with a large lung disorder- where about 2/7 of his lungs had exploded mid-roar -ripped out his eye, trying to give him a hug.)
Speed Demon (God of Speed and claims to be the God of Ships too. Crush on Icicle but Icicle hates him. High-pitched voice. Tried forcing love. Because of his voice, he's often assumed to be a girl. So he went along with it for a while. Often shipped with Dizzy)
Sea Breeze (Goddess of Water. Extremely depressed, due to every other God and goddess hating on her. Crush on Rai and Tyy. Often shipped with Rai, Jay, or Icicle.)
Ivan (God of building. Often seen as useless and isn't included in much. Built the treehouse.)
Timelight (Ship kid of Cyber Lane and Alternate Clock. Goddess of Time and Space. Crush on Gray Skies.)
Rainbow Hawk (Overpowered but takes it for granted. Above God level and depressed. Sometimes shipped with Gust.)
Gust Dash (God of Wind. Crush on Jay!, Elisse, and Iceflower. Often shipped with Elisse. Depressed due to other gods and goddesses hating on him.)
Shein (Innocent boi. Gives off the same vibes as Tyy. Almost as if They're related. Moon irises. Often shipped with Lunars)
Dizzy Chaos (Daughter of Chaos. Sister of Iceflower and Sunset Shy. Loves Chaos and uses it whenever she can. Hates gods and loves pulling cruel pranks on them and even at one point made them kill each other in a survival game, appearing as Rainbow Hawk to them, making her an enemy. Crush on Zyke and Sprinkle. Draconequus. High-pitched voice. If killed, Zyke will do anything to get revenge for her. He goes crazy. No longer any sanity. Dizzy is deadly but loves cuddles from Zyke. Best friend/boss of Zyke. Often shipped with Lilly, Zyke, or Speed)
Zyke (Changeling. Assistant/best friend of Dizzy Chaos. Crush on Dizzy Chaos. Shy boi, and frienemy of Gods. Although They're extremely close, Dizzy often uses him.)
Chase (Gay boi. Innocent and has a crush on Zyke, Aiden, and Stripes. Normally wears green and has blue hair.)
Sarah (dating Tom. Icewing. Side character )
Tom (Dating Sarah. Floofy boi. Nightwing. Side character )
Tim (SandWing. Tom and Sarah's friend. Side character )
Sizzle (Ship kid of Tom and Sarah. More important to the story. Crush on Tyy. Gay boi.)
Jerry (FUCK YOU JERRY!! Side Character. Hated by everyone because he fucking sucks. Ghost. He doesn't deserve anyone or anything except the ability to cry and have existential crisis'.)
Mino and Milo (Demons that follow Jay. Milo is a former spirit of a seven year old non binary who died in the late 18th century. They were framed for murder by the demon haunting them called Mino. Mino still follows Milo and tries to encourage them to do bad stuff. Mino is often shipped with Tyy)
Ribbon (Mine but not necessarily Jayverse!. Cross Sans x Blueberry Sans ship kid. Dating Limbo.)
Spark Lane (Sister of Cyber and Lightning. Obsessed With technology. Goddess of Electricity. High-pitched voice. Dating Rai)
Blare (Dating Blae. an artist. Often annoyed by Blae but still loves her. First introduced in Ripple's hometown village. He was, when they Ripple returned with Tyy, drawing. Blae was annoying him but he was managing. Like everyone else in Ripple's hometown, he and Blae acted normal. Like there was no magic or anything. But they were half Neko and half Wolf. Blare had wolf ears and a cat tail.)
Blae (Dating Blare. A simple hyper townie. Often annoys Blare but obviously loves him alot. First introduced in Ripple's hometown village. She was, when Ripple returned with Rai, annoying Blare about what he was drawing. Like everyone else in Ripple's hometown, she and Blare acted normal. Like there was no magic or anything. But they were half neko half wolf. Blae had cat ears and a wolf tail.)
Ripple (Half deer, half human. She showed up in the forests of Tyy's new dimension. Tyy, Rai, and Irene Wolf found her. They found out she came from a village on the other side of the forest. The village was called " Meresville ". The Townies lived normal lives. Without magic. It turns out she's slight royalty. Her father works for the FBI. Her mother is... A alcoholic.. After PJ and Tyy broke up, (THAT WAS CANON, YES.) her, having become great friends with PJ and Tyy, soon started dating Tyy.)
Ripple's mother (An alcoholic at the time of the story. Abusive and upset most the time. Eats cereal with vodka instead of milk. Messed up. Real name is Carolyn Silvers. Side character. Normal human from Meresville.)
Ripple's father (A FBI agent and a CEO of an international airport business. Almost always at work, and hates Ripple's mother. Screams "FBI OPEN UP!!" naturally before entering rooms. Kicks down every door this happens to. Has nearly put himself in debt from this. Real name is Clark Tap. Side character. Normal human from Meresville.)
Irene Wolf (The goddess of Animals. Currently dating Rai. Tyy found her where he used to be trapped. He brought her to the dimension RH made for her, and she 'met' a few people. Elisse remembered her, but nobody else. She claimed to be trapped there for around a week. Rainbow Hawk showed up to greet her because of the fact she had been missing for multiple years. Before this, Rainbow Hawk and Irene had never really met. She couldn't question much though. She was revealed to have been trapped in that dimension for 5 years. Dizzy showed up and was immediately requested to leave. She did, But that raised a question for Irene. Of course, that question was who was she. They talked about Dizzy for a bit and eventually started talking about the Survival Game. Rai got emotional and went into the forest. Irene went to talk with him. This brought them to a first kiss.. They were friends for over a week- This was later, after she met them)
Daniel (Used to be a Registered sex offender. He was always in heat... He mainly claimed Mark as his boyfriend (although Mark hated that) but tried starting relationships with anyone he could. Met PJ and was shown Underlust. Is now scared of what used to be and kinda has a crush on PJ. Also has a crush on both Rai and Irene Wolf. Currently enrolled in a highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk. One of the students, Allison, a witch who was new at the time, gave him bunny ears. He doesn't know how to get rid of them. Has become good friends with PJ and has a crush. Was shown AUs so is aware of alot. Human from Meresville.)
Mark (past main victim of Daniel. Was Annoyed by him, but... Kinda liked him tbh. Side character. Regular human from Meresville.)
Stripe (Spot's brother. Dating Chase. Side character.)
Spot (Stripe's brother. Side character.)
Graysie ( Former bully. Crush on Spot. Past Victim of Daniel. Side character)
Luck Spark (Goddess of Luck. She can't do much and isn't included with anything often. Never had a ship. Status has always been single.)
Ziko (... Story hasn't been figured out, but is like Shein.)
Valerie (Former slut. She's currently depressed about it and recovering from that horrifying phase. Side character.)
Fyre (Same species as Tyy, still in progress.)
Damien (Edgy bastard boi but actually soft boi. Was dating Shima. Works for Dizzy. Still in progress.)
Shima (Shapeshifter. Elisse claims she's a changeling, therefore wants her to die. Gets in fights with Elisse weekly/daily. After her home village burnt down, she was convinced she was the last of her kind. In Jayverse!, this is Babs' (MLP character) origin. She was scared of being judged for being a changeling. So when her home was burnt to ash and she felt she had to live with regular people, she turned into Babs. That's not what Shima is known for though.)
Dare (A teen boy. Very calm and relaxed usually. Human from Meresville. Slight crush on Allison. Goes to a Highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk.)
Addison (A young witch. Loves T or D, and Dare's best friend. Goes to a Highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk, with Dare sharing the dorm.)
Aiden (Gay. Crush on Chase, and side character.)
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lasersheith · 6 years
Lasersheith’s Fic Masterlist
Thanks so much to everyone who reads/likes/comments on/shares my stuff, it means the world to me!
Finished works
Take It If You Want It | Complete | Ch.13/13 | 57k | M
Tags: Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, fluff, light angst with a happy ending, pining, irresponsible use of alcohol, side pairing: Mattor, side pairing: Allurance, side pairing: Hidge
Written for Sheith Big Bang 2018!
Keith and Hunk make New Year’s Resolutions to finally tell their respective crushes how they’ve felt for years. Hunk takes all of 3 minutes, but Keith needs… a little longer.
Birthday mishaps, misunderstandings, self discovery, exciting new job opportunities, minor blackmail… a lot can happen in a year. Surely the perfect moment for a years-overdue love confession fits in there somewhere?
Serendipity’s Wings | Complete | Ch.7/7 | 24k | E
Tags: Modern AU, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, bedsharing, fluff, hurt/comfort, pining Shiro, sidepairing: Allura/Kuro, Shirogane twins
When Shiro receives bad news about his grandfather, he immediately books a flight for Japan. Luckily for him, he finds a familiar face in the pilot. It's been a long time since he saw his childhood friend Keith, but they pick up where they left off almost immediately.
Unluckily, his twin brother has decided to jump to conclusions, and now his family thinks he and Keith have rekindled a flame that was never there. Rather than disappoint them in a tense moment, Keith gamely agrees to play along. What are friends for, after all?
Oh Brother | Complete | Ch. 6/6 | 17k | T
Tags: Modern AU, fluff, humor, salt, sidepairing Matt/Allura, one-sided kl
What do you do when your boyfriend is in the hospital and they only let in immediate family? Lie and say you’re married? Not if you’re Keith, you don’t. Thanks to Keith’s inner turmoil, he and Shiro are stuck pretending to be brothers while he recovers. But Keith has to admit, “Mr. Shirogane” has a nice ring to it. 
The Gravitas of a Mattress | Complete | Ch. 7/7 | 16k | M
Tags: College AU, fluff, humor, oh my god they’re banging each other’s roommates, sidepairing Latte
From the prompt: My roommate got it on with yours yesterday and I don’t think I can face them for a while after hearing the sounds they made last night. Mind if I stayed with you for a while?
Keith gets sexiled from his dorm room because Matt and Lance won't stop hate-fucking. He decides that it's only fair that he gets to crash in Matt's room if Matt gets to keep him out of his own. Shiro is confused but accommodating. Very accommodating.
Matt and Lance have their own fun side adventure in learning to like each other and play nice. Pidge doesn't like it. Allura might.
Flowers don’t always mean “I love you” | Complete | Ch. 8/8 | 14k | T
Tags: Flowershop AU, Slow Burn, pining Shiro, PTSD, fluff, humor
Takashi Shirogane had fulfilled his dream of becoming a test pilot, but after a terrible accident that left him without an arm and in sudden need of a new career, he moves back home and starts working at a family friend’s flower shop while he focuses on recovering and finding a new direction for his life.
Things are going as well as can be expected until an attractive stranger shows up out of the blue, and keeps coming back. Who's this guy buying all these flowers for?
DDY 1138 | Complete | Ch. 3/3 | 7.2k | T | My favorite thing I’ve ever written
Tags: Modern AU, fluff, humor, meet ugly, disaster gay Shiro, smooth Keith
alternate title: Have you ever seen a man so beautiful you crashed your car?
Shiro learns that it's possible for the best day of your life to coincide with the worst day of your life in the dumbest way possible. He gets into a fender bender due to some distracted driving, and his cute mechanic doesn't make things any easier... until he does.
Hat Trick | Complete | Ch. 2/2 | 6.5k | E
Tags: Modern AU, Frat AU, Frat boy Shiro, Frat boy Keith, light angst with a happy ending, humor, crack played straight
No one has ever seen Takashi Shirogane without a hat on his head, or so the legends say.
“I tell you what,” Matt said after Keith told him he'd figure out Shiro's secret, the real secret. “If you find out the true story behind Shiro's hat before your initiation ceremony, I will personally pay your dues until you graduate.”
Keith's eyes glinted as he took another long swing from his beer. The steep price of brotherhood had been one of the few reasons he'd been wary about pledging. “What if I don't?” He asked suspiciously. It hadn't taken long to work out that Matt was an agent of chaos. No matter how confident he was in himself, he had to make sure it was worth the risk.
Matt smirked. “You have to wear a Santa hat to the Christmas party.”
Keith furrowed his brows. The punishment didn't add up with Matt’s smug look. His face paled as the realization dawned on him. “Just the hat?”
Matt's smirk shifted into an impish grin. “I knew you were a smart one.” He said with a wink, sticking out his hand. “Do we have a bet, then?”
Never one to back down from a challenge, Keith took Matt's hand and pumped it twice with determination. “You're on.”
Hey Sugar | Complete | Ch. 4/4 | 5k | G | I’m gonna rewrite this one soon rip
Tags: College AU, fluff, humor, pining Shiro, disaster gay Shiro
Autocorrect can be a beautiful thing. It can also be a Very Bad Thing. Keith accidentally sends a text with an embarrassing autocorrect to the hot guy he's been crushing on all semester.
Check Yes Juliet | Complete | Ch. 2/2 | 2.8k | T
Tags: College AU, fluff, humor, mistaken identity, Shirogane twins
Who knew a little Shakespeare knowledge could get you a midnight kiss from the hottest guy at the New Years party? However, young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes... Just ask Keith.
Melt | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1.4k | G
Tags: AU modern setting or Post-canon, domestic fluff, established relationship
It's way too hot outside, and the AC is busted. Short and sweet domestic fluff featuring Spot the fluffy wonder and a trip to the store for some much needed ice cream.
The way you looked at me | Complete | 17k | M
Tags: Amnesia, crack played straight, one sided fake dating, shiro is a mess, humor, fluff
Keith wakes up in the hospital and he's not sure of much, except that he and Shiro are definitely together. Shiro doesn't have the heart to correct him- much to their friends' amusement.
It’s not you, it’s me (also it’s you) | Complete | Ch. 3/3 | 7.5k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, pre-kerberos mission, humor, miscommunication, disaster gay Shiro, Matt is a Bad Friend
Keith catches Shiro doodling hearts in his notebook. When asked who the hearts are for, he blurts out Matt's name so he won't have to confess his feelings for Keith. Now Keith has made it his mission to help Shiro woo Matt at all costs. Matt is very unhelpful.
The Sweetest Apology | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 2.3k | Gen
Tags: College AU, fluff, humor
Everyone hates those tiny little desks every college feels the need to cram into huge lecture halls- they're way too small and there's never enough of the left handed ones. Keith thinks he scored big time getting the only left handed desk in his new class, but didn't realize he'd be stealing it from a classmate who's missing his right arm... How do you even apologize for that?
Not the right time | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 2.3k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, angst
fic request: Sheith and "It is always not the right time for us, isn't it?"
They've had so many chances to tell each other how they feel, but for Shiro and Keith it just never seems to be the right time.
Ringing in my ears and one on my finger | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1.5k | T
Tags: soulmates, shiro is trying, fluff, humor
Canonverse soulmate AU: Colleen notices a soulmark on Shiro's finger... 
Head over heels | Complete | Ch. 1/1| 1.5k | G
Tags: Canon-verse, established relationship, fluff, humor
Keith's lost an entire Saturday to detention because Iverson is jerk. What better way to get revenge than a practical joke?
from the prompt "Shiro getting caught up in Keith pranking Iverson"
With a little help from my friends | Complete | Ch.1/1 | 1.4k | G
Tags: Canon-verse, pre-relationship, everyone loves Shiro, thirsty Keith
A malfunction in the engine room has left the castle a sweltering nightmare. Hunk has deemed it time for a team underwear party, but Shiro's nervous about his scars. His friends help him feel a little better.
p=mv | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1.4k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, humor, meet ugly
The story of how Keith and Shiro met at the Garrison.
Or, the first time Keith saved Shiro.
Or, how a concussion led Shiro to the love of his life.
Or maybe it was all 3.
Love, Shiro | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1.3k | G
Tags: Canon-verse, fluff, established relationship, humor, kerberos mission
Shiro and Keith decide to write each other letters while Shiro is away on his mission. This is a collection of some of Shiro's.
Getting there | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1.3k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, hurt/comfort, Shiro whump, fluff
A lot of things changed in the year they were separated, but Keith's feelings aren't one of them. Shiro needs a little convincing after everything that's happened, especially with how much of an obvious physical toll it's taken. Keith is happy to oblige.
Just In Case | Complete | Ch. 1/1 | 1k | G
Tags: Canon-verse, humor, fluff, established relationship, pre-kerberos mission
Shiro is accidentally late for a morning inspection because he spent too long snuggled up with Keith. His commander isn't super thrilled about it. 
Series: It’s killing me when you’re away | Complete | Works 4/4 | 4.8k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, Keith’s time in the desert, angst, pre-kerberos mission
Keith’s devastated over losing Shiro
Tumblr Drabbles
Sheith Month 2018 | Canonverse Pre-Kerberos | 20k | G-T
My collection of prompt fills for Sheith Month 2018. All of them are pre-kerb fluff and/or humor!
As Many Drabbles As It Takes | Mix of settings | 10k | Ch. 14/? | M
Collection of sheith drabbles and prompt fills originally posted on Tumblr!
Posted WIPS:
Series: Easier with you | Ongoing | Works 6/? | 15k | M
Tags: Modern AU, Veteran Shiro, Veteran Keith, hurt/comfort, PTSD, Mutual Pining, Shiro Whump, Shiro & Matt, Allura/Matt,
Shiro's just returned back from the military, having been medically discharged from service after losing his arm. Matt is his best friend and is trying his best to help him deal with the loss. He convinces Shiro to go to a VA support group that will end up changing his life.
Best laid plans | Ongoing | Ch. 1/? | 2.3k | T
Tags: Canon-verse, crack, humor, fluff
Was Keith proud of the fact that petty revenge was his first thought upon being given an amazing stealth suit? Not particularly. But was he going to let that stop him from enacting said petty revenge? Absolutely not. Turns out, Karma isn't so much a bitch as a… well, you'll see.
Or, how to attempt to counter-prank your buddy and end up stuck as a cat, a memoir by Keith Kogane.
We’ll fix it in post | Ongoing | Ch.1/? | 2k | T
Tags: Modern AU, Barista Keith, humor, mistaken identity, Shirogane Twins
Shiro is a producer on the hit animated show "Voltron: Warden of the Cosmos" and a huge fan of it himself. Keith is a new barista at the coffee shop across from his studio and a lover of his show. A fortuitous meeting leads them on the path to romance, but there's just one problem: Keith thinks Shiro is his brother, Ryou, voice actor for Keith's favorite character on the show.
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