#the end product is now more than 5000
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Guys, I am so sorry.... This post might just break Tumblr.... If you see my post and your Tumblr breaks, I apologize IMMENSELY! I have just written a Winter Moriarty X Reader that is 5,284 words..... Please forgive me..... 🙏 At the end, there is a part where Winter and the reader watch TV. I got that idea from @kawasemy I hope that I have been able to feed my fellow, starving, Winter simps. Again, please forgive me for everything and read the tags for more humor. Also, masterlist link in the beginning, cause it's too long to scroll....
Winter shoves her pale hands into her pockets and watches the sky, as the heavens shed their tears on the city of London. She was never fond of the constant rainy weather, but it's where she's lived her entire life, so all she can do is accept the gloomy weather. At least, it was gloomy until she met a certain someone.
Winter exits the store she's in and runs towards a canopy in the park across the street. She watches her only friend jump in the puddles on the basketball court the rain created. Her laughter reaching Winter's cold ears, even from that distance.
Winter calls out to her friend and she waves with a bright smile on her face. Winter weakly waves back, but quickly returns her hand to her warmer pockets.
Y/n moved here for school, from a dry climate in America. They met in a cafe, when the clumsy girl tripped and dropped her books and computer on Winter, also spilling her coffee on her in the process. The coffee had also gotten all over Y/n's computer. Winter felt bad for what happened, and even though she doesn't make it a habit to help everyone who crosses her path, she offered to fix the girls computer. Y/n's outgoing personality had pushed the unwanted friendship onto her, but after sometime, Winter couldn't bother to avoid the strange girl. She finally accepted the friendship; the first one she's had since her younger sister died.
Winter calls out to her friend again and she comes running. She stands underneath the canopy with Winter and laughs from all the fun she was having.
"You've been out here forever, aren't you done?"
Winter slightly shivers as she shoves her hands deeper into her pockets.
"What? You're such a party pooper! Why don't you come join me? You'll have more fun."
Y/n pulls on Winter's arm.
"Hard pass. You know I'm not a fan of the rain."
"And yet, you're out here with me."
Winter goes quiet at her comment and looks back out at the rain. She then speaks up to divert from the topic.
"I can't believe you forgot your umbrella."
"Well, I didn't think it was going to rain." She replies.
"Y/n, it's London. It always rains here."
"Well, it's been sprinkling lately, so I didn't think it'd come down this hard..."
"Never trust the weather here." Winter advises.
She turns back to Y/n, wipes some wet hair off of her face and brushes it behind her ear.
"Did they look at your motorcycle?" Y/n asks, brushing the rest of her hair back with her fingers.
"Yeah, just some minor issues. I can pick it up tomorrow afternoon."
"That's good, it wasn't as bad as we thought."
Winter nods and shivers again.
"If we don't dry you off, you'll catch a cold." Winter says a little concerned.
"Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine!"
"What?" Winter smirks. "Cause 'idiots don't catch colds?'"
"What!? No!"
Y/n huffs and dramatically folds her arms across her chest. Winter chuckles at how naturally expressive she is. She's been surrounded for so long by people hiding their true feelings, it's refreshing seeing someone that's so easy to read.
"It's not that funny..." Y/n continues pouting.
Winter ignores her and grabs the back of her shoulders, pushing her towards the main road.
"Come on, let's get you something warm to drink."
Winter and Y/n walk alongside the sidewalk towards the cafe that's nearby. A truck drives by and Winter tries to shield Y/n from the large splash from the truck running over the puddle, but it drenched Winter and still got on Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, Winter! Are you ok?"
Winter sputters to try and get the muddy taste out of her mouth, but fails, and wipes the excess water from off her face with her hand.
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"I'm good, but most of the water got on you! Uhg, you're more soaked than I am! Man, what a jerk!" Y/n shouts, sounding annoyed.
Winter looks at her a little questioningly.
"It happens. Come on, let's head inside."
"Are they even gonna let us inside with how wet you are?"
"Yeah. It's normal to see people drenched walking into places to get dried off from the rain."
"I see."
The girls walk into the cafe and a hostess immediately runs up to them with two towels.
"I saw what happened through the window. Are you two alright?"
"Yeah." Winter replies, plainly.
She takes the towels and places one on her shoulders and the other on Y/n's head.
"Could we use your restroom to clean ourselves up?" Y/n asked the hostess.
"Of course! Follow me."
They followed the hostess to the restrooms meant for paying customers and unlocked the door for the drenched girls. They walk inside and Winter starts rubbing the towel over Y/n's head. She swats Winter's hand away and dries off her own hair.
"I'm fine, just take care of yourself."
Winter takes a step back and stares at Y/n out of the corner of her eye. She then goes to the sink and starts washing her mouth out from the dirt taste she had since earlier. Winter wipes her mouth on the towel around her shoulders and then slowly puts it over her head and starts drying off her hair. She glances at her friend again and sees the small pout on her face.
"Are you upset with me?" Winter asks quietly.
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"You're not you're usual happy self..."
"Oh... No, I'm upset with that truck driver... There's no way he didn't see us or the puddle! He should've slowed down! Driving through puddles like that can ruin your car and it gets people wet! It was so unnecessary and if I could, I'd definitely yell at him about it! I swear, some people are just so inconsiderate!"
"He really got you that upset?"
Winter looks a little surprised.
"Of course! Now there's a possibility of you getting sick! Oh, I swear, if you do, I'm going to hunt him down and give him a piece of my mind!"
Winter accidentally lets a chuckle escape her lips and she's shocked from her own reaction.
"What? I'm serious you know!"
"I know."
"Then why'd you laugh?"
"Well... I don't know myself... I guess, it's cause I'm seeing a new side of you. I don't think I've ever seen you get mad before. I almost thought you weren't capable of that kind of emotion."
"Huh? Well of course I get mad! That's a normal human reaction, so I wouldn't be a normal human otherwise."
"Oh, my bad! I didn't realize you were capable of being normal." Winter mocked.
"What? Hey! I can be normal!"
"I'd bet my life you can't be normal about anything."
"Now that's just mean!"
Y/n pouts and Winter chuckles again. She stares at Winter's face and sees black streaks running down her cheeks from her eyes.
"Oh dear, your makeup is running."
She grabs some toilet paper and wipes off the black streaks from Winter's cheeks. Winter stares into her eyes as she does so.
"I could've done that, you know."
"And I could've handled getting drenched, so we're even now."
Winter looks away and continues rubbing the towel over her head. She then frantically pulls out her wallet and phone from her pockets. The few bills and business cards she had in her wallet were far from saving and just made the wallet look like a mess. She puts her wallet on the sink and then tries turning on her phone, but it refuses to respond. Winter cusses underneath her breath.
"That bad?" Y/n asks.
"Well, I can't contact anyone, which isn't that big a deal, but I don't have access to money either."
"Oh... Yeah that's pretty bad."
"How's your phone?"
"Well, let's see."
She pulls out her phone, which has a heavy duty case on it, and tries turning it on.
"Oh yay! My phone works!"
"I bet the case is what saved it."
Y/n chuckles, a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I tend to drop my phone often... I guess my clumsy nature helped us a little there?"
Winter smirks and shakes her head.
"Well we at least still have access to my money, if there's anything we need." Y/n says, hopeful.
"No, save your money. Use that for your school needs."
"But I want to help out, too."
"You don't have to worry about that."
"Ok, then have you figured out how we're going to get back to my apartment without using money? We came kinda far and it's too far to walk in the rain without an umbrella."
Winter goes silent and looks away. She takes off her leather jacket and hoodie and tosses them to the floor. She then starts pulling on her t-shirt that's sticking to her body and rings out some of the water. Y/n sighs and looks around the bathroom. She then grabs Winter's hand and leads her to the hand dryer.
"Come on, we can at least dry you off a little, while we come up with a plan."
Y/n turns on the hand dryer and it blows in Winter's face. She closes her eyes and winces from the sudden intensity. Winter takes the towel from off her head and shakes her head as the warm wind blows her hair dry. She then lifts up her shirt a little, showing her stomach and waist. Winter looks up and notices Y/n staring.
"Is there a problem?" Winter asks.
"Oh... No, it's nothing."
Y/n turns her head away and Winter notices her cheeks are slightly pinker than before. Winter pulls her friend closer to her as she looks surprised from the sudden notion.
"Dry yourself off with the hand dryer, too. I don't want you getting sick, either."
Y/n complies and starts to try and dry her clothes while they're still on. The feeling of her clothes slowly drying on her made them feel icky. She scrunches her nose from the feeling and feels awkward drying herself off with a small hand dryer and Winter standing closely next to her. She knows it was her idea, but didn't realize how awkward, or embarrassing, this situation would be. Lifting your arm up to dry your armpit, while someone you care about is standing so close to you, isn't the ideal situation...
"This isn't working. We'd be able to dry our clothes better if we took them off." Winter suggested, sounding a little annoyed.
She starts lifting her shirt even higher to take it off, but Y/n stops her.
"Wait, wait, wait!"
"Well... I uh- I'm not exactly comfortable with that..."
Winter put her shirt down, then picks both her jackets off the floor and starts ringing out the water in the sink.
"So? What should we do now?" Y/n asks.
"Well, this little hand dryer isn't going to be enough to dry us off. We're going to have to change into different clothes in order to get warmer."
"Well then, at least let me buy us some warm drinks as we come up with a plan."
Winter sighs and gives into the girls protests.
"Fine, but that's it! Nothing else."
Winter collects her things and they leave the bathroom and sit at one of the small tables next to the window. A waitress comes over and takes their orders. Y/n stares out the window as they sit in silence until their drinks come.
Once the waitress gives them their drinks, Y/n thanks her and drinks from her cup. Winter immediately puts her hands on her cup and keeps them there. Every so often, she sips from the mug.
"I swear, how does someone not bring an umbrella along when it's raining?" Winter mocks a second time.
"Hey! You don't have one, either!"
Winter sighs.
"Ok, that's fair."
"There's a hotel across the street there."
Y/n points out the building and Winter follows the direction she's pointing in.
"Why would we go to a hotel?"
"Well, we can shower, and they have a washing machine, and we can stay there until the weather lightens up. The forecast also says tomorrow won't have as much rain as today."
"And who's money are we going to use to stay there?"
Y/n goes silent and pouts again.
"I told you, you need to save your money for school. I'm sure the fees take up the majority of your allowance anyways."
"You don't know that." She says, still pouting.
"Ok, then how much do you usually have left after you've paid the fees?"
Y/n blows a bubble in her cheeks and pouts more.
"That's... None of your business."
"Which means it's not much."
She whines and turns her attention outside again as Winter shakes her head. After sometime, her friend starts chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"No, sorry. I just realized, it's kind of like we're on a date and you're the guy who wants to pay for everything just to make a good impression."
Winter becomes flustered and rests her chin on her hand to hide her embarrassment and slightly pink cheeks. She looks out the window as she speaks quietly.
"O-oh, uh... Does it?"
Y/n sees through Winter's failed composure and continues chuckling.
"I'm sorry, maybe that was too much for me to say."
"No, you did nothing wrong."
Winter puts both her hands back on her cup and stares out the window, watching the rain fall as Y/n looks at her. She then turns her attention outside as well. After some time, Winter speaks up.
"If you let me pay you back, I'll let you use your money to at least pay for a taxi."
Y/n's face brightens up.
"Let me use your phone to call a taxi." Winter says, putting her hand out.
"Why can't you use your phone?"
Winter's shoulders fall and she frowns at her friend.
"Oh right, I forgot."
Y/n pulls out her phone and gives it to Winter as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, as she dials the number to order a taxi. After a few minutes of Winter talking on the phone and growing more annoyed, she scoffs and hangs up the phone.
"They're all gonna be busy for a while."
"Well should we wait until one is available? Or take the trains or bus?"
"Rather not be in a crowded place if I don't have to."
Winter replied, with her fist pushing into her cheek, and the way she spoke sounded silly. Y/n giggled and Winter paid her no mind.
"I remember you don't like crowds. If only your motorcycle could be ready in a few hours."
"We can't do anything about that. Why don't we just start walking? There's a small store around the corner from here. We can buy an umbrella there and dry off at your place."
"If you're ok with that."
"There's nothing else we can do and it won't be good if either of us get sick. Gotta do what we gotta do to get dried off as quickly as possible."
"Yeah, you got a point."
The two girls finish their drinks and Y/n goes up to the counter and pays. Winter holds both of her jackets and waits by the entrance. They walk out together and quickly head to the general store around the corner. Y/n grabs one umbrella, pays for it and then heads back to Winter, who's again waiting by the entrance.
"Give it to me."
Y/n gives the umbrella to Winter as they walk outside. She opens it up and holds it over both of their heads as they start walking towards her friends house.
"Why don't you let me walk on the outside of the road this time?"
"No, you stay on that side." Winter says, bluntly.
"But what if a car comes by and splashes you again?"
"I'm more aware of my surroundings, so I can move us out of the way faster if that happens."
"What about earlier? You didn't move out of the way then."
Winter sighs.
"I shielded you, didn't I?"
Y/n goes quiet and looks down at her feet as she walks. Winter notices her silence and mentally scolds herself for not being good at relaying exactly what she wants to say.
"Besides, I'd be more comfortable if I was the one next to the road." Winter continues.
"Alright fine. Guess I can't really say anything if that's the reason."
Winter pats her head and they continue walking down the street towards Y/n's apartment.
"What if you let me hold the umbrella?" Y/n ask after a minute of silence.
"No, I'll hold the umbrella."
"Well, I want to help with something, too."
"You've done enough."
Y/n huffs while Winter stares at her and sighs.
"You really want to do something more?"
Winter hands her jackets over to her sulking friend.
"This helps me."
Y/n smiles a goofy grin and giggles contently as she holds Winter's jackets close to her. Winter looks away and scratches her cheek. Y/n looks up at her and swears she saw a light pink color dust Winter's cheeks, but it was too dark outside for her to tell. They walk in silence for a few minutes.
"So, what do you want to do once we get back to my place?" Y/n asks.
"I just want to get warm, I don't care about anything else."
Y/n hums in response.
"Are you gonna stay the night then?"
"No." Winter replies, furrowing her brow at her friend.
"How come?"
"I'm not going to intrude on you."
"But you won't be! Besides, how are you going to get home without your motorcycle?"
"I'll manage."
"What if I force you to stay?"
"Well, then I wouldn't have a choice now, would I?"
A wide grin is placed on Y/n's face and she hugs Winter's arm as they walk.
"Then I guess that's what I'm going to have to do! I'm forcing you to stay over!"
Y/n giggles with excitement and starts skipping.
"You're that happy to force me to stay over?"
"Of course! It means we get to hangout longer!"
Winter stares at Y/n.
"You're weird."
Y/n giggles again.
Winter looks out at the street, watches the cars drive by and the people traveling to their destinations. She sees the many different expressions and judges their thoughts accordingly. Some enjoy the rain, some aren't fond of the weather and some just accepts this as a part of their life. Winter remembers that she doesn't like the rain, but finds she doesn't mind the gloomy weather at this moment. She feels a shiver come on, but the feeling immediately goes away, and her body starts to warm up without the need to shiver.
She listens to her friend hum the chorus over and over from a popular song in London right now. It's a song Winter isn't fond of, but she finds herself fighting the urge to hum along to the stupid song. She hears splashing at her feet, along with the pitter patter of rain echoing all around her, and looks down. Y/n has continued to jump in each puddle they come across again today, but Winter pays her no mind. Her friend grips her arm, for support, as she jumps in ever puddle. Winter doesn't mind it when the water splashes up onto her shoes, or even the bottom of her pants. In fact, she finds it more comical, than anything.
"If you keep skipping like that, you're going to slip and fall."
"No I won't, cause you'll catch me!"
"Will I?"
"Mh hm!"
Winter stays silent and after a few seconds, she starts moving her body weight downwards. Y/n doesn't notice until she jumps in another puddle and her grip on Winter's arm becomes unstable, from her change in posture, causing her to slip. Y/n shrieks and Winter holds her up with her arm to keep her from falling to the ground. She smacks Winter's shoulder annoyed as she spots a small smile creep up on Winter's lips.
"You did that on purpose!" Y/n yells annoyed.
"Maybe that'll teach you to be more careful." Winter says, chuckling.
"You're so mean, betraying my trust like that!"
"Well, I never told you to trust me."
"I know, but I wanted to trust you."
"I don't know why."
"Well, obviously cause you're such a good person... Somewhere."
Winter chuckles again at the "somewhere" part.
Winter stops walking and pulls her friend back, before she walks out from underneath the umbrella.
"Where are you going?" Winter asks.
"Huh? What do you mean? Aren't we going to my apartment?"
"Yeah, it's right here."
Y/n turns her head and sees they're standing right next to her apartment building.
"Oh, yeah, you're right! Wow, I thought we would have to walk further."
"Well, we have been walking for a while." Winter replied.
"Have we? I never noticed. I guess I was having so much fun with you, time had gone by much faster. Do you ever get that?"
Winter hesitates to speak, but decided to just say what's on her mind.
"Yeah. I wasn't expecting the walk to go by that quickly, either. I almost walked past your apartment building, too."
"You and I are just so silly, huh?" Y/n giggles.
"No, being with you just lowers my IQ."
"What!? You can't say that! That's so mean!"
Y/n hits Winter's shoulder again. She chuckles as she watches her friends reaction.
"Come on, let's head inside and dry off. I'm so done with being cold and wet."
"Ok, let's go!"
Y/n holds onto Winter's arm again and they walk to the front entrance. When they get to the door, Winter closes the umbrella and continues to walk up to her friends small apartment. When the girls walk in the entryway, Y/n shuts the door behind them. They both sigh loudly, in unison, and then look at each other chuckling.
"Why don't you take a shower first?" Y/n suggests.
"I can't do that. You go take the first one."
"I don't have the energy to argue with you. Give me your clothes to wash and hop in the shower, right now." Y/n says sternly.
"O-ok." Winter says a little surprised.
She starts lifting her shirt up and Y/n stares at the curves in her sides and back. Winter's pale skin, how curvy she is, the placement of her veins and the thickness of her spine, Y/n takes a mental note of all of it. She even becomes jealous of the few droplets of water sliding down her back and disappearing in the fabric of her jeans. She wishes her fingers could feel Winter's skin, just like the rain that soaked her today.
Y/n realizes she's staring and the kind of thoughts she's having, so she immediately covers her eyes with her hands. She hears the sounds of Winter stripping down and the wet fabric pulling away from her skin. Y/n feels a tap on her arm, and while keeping her eyes closed, she holds out her arms and Winter lays her clothes over her arms.
"I'll get you a towel and a change of clothes as soon as I start the laundry." Y/n says.
She hears Winter's bare feet walk across the floor towards the bathroom. When Y/n hears the door shut, she opens her eyes and sighs. She then goes to her laundry room, shoves Winter's clothes into the washing machine and strips down to put her own clothes in as well. After starting the machine, she grabs two towels and wraps herself in one. She goes to her kitchen and fills her kettle with water and puts it on the stove. Then, goes to her room and grabs some comfy clothes for Winter before knocking on the bathroom door.
"Winter, I'm coming in!"
"That's fine."
Y/n walks in the bathroom.
"I'm putting a towel and some clean clothes here on the counter. I'm also boiling some water, so you can come and make a hot drink for yourself while I shower."
"Is there anything else you need?"
"I'm probably fine. I'm almost done in here."
"Ok, I'll give you privacy, then."
Y/n leaves the bathroom and starts collecting clothes for her to change into once she's finished with her shower. She sits on her bed as she waits for Winter to finish up. Winter exits the bathroom and heads towards the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her shoulders and Y/n goes in the bathroom to shower.
When Y/n gets out of the bathroom, she's dressed in comfy clothes and heads towards the kitchen and living room area. She spots the back of Winter's head, tilted slightly to the side. She makes herself some tea and heads to the couch.
As she comes around the corner, she starts laughing. She spots Winter, curled up on the far end of the couch, mouth slightly a gaped, bowl of cereal in her hands resting in between her knees and chest, and one of Y/n's thin blankets wrapped around her legs. Winter breathes in deeply and sits up straight, rubbing her eyes. She starts to continue eating.
"Did you fall asleep?" Y/n asks, still laughing.
She's never had the opportunity to see Winter in such a vulnerable state.
"No... At least... Not completely..." Winter says quietly.
Y/n sets her cup down on the coffee table and takes the damp towel from around Winter's shoulders and puts it in the laundry. She comes back and relaxes on the opposite side of the couch.
"Did you want to sleep?"
"No, I'm fine."
"You sure? I don't mind if you do. We had a long day, after all."
Winter takes a few bites of her cereal before answering.
She finishes up her cereal and then puts the bowl on the coffee table in front of her. She motions Y/n to move closer to her. Instead, Y/n picks up the bowl and takes it to the sink. Winter starts to untangle herself from the blanket to try and get up.
"That's not what I meant for you to do. I was going to take care of it later."
"I know, just stay there. Now you don't have to worry about it later."
Winter leans back on the couch when she sees Y/n coming back.
"Where's your phone?" Y/n asks.
Winter pulls out her phone, that had fallen in-between her and the couch cushion, and shows it to Y/n. She dramatically snatches it from Winter's grasp and Winter looks surprised as she watches her friend walk back to the kitchen.
"What are you-"
Y/n pulls out a bowl and a bag of rice. She then takes Winter's phone out of its case and places it in a bowl. She pours the rice over the phone, making sure it's completely surrounded by rice.
"And now we wait."
"Are you performing some kind of voodoo over there?"
"Um... No? Putting your phone in rice can actually get the water out and fix your phone. At least, it's supposed to do that. Doesn't always work, though."
"You don't have to do that. I can always get a new phone."
"But then you'll lose the silly messages I've sent you! I know if it was me, I'd be sad if that happened. This way, we can say we did all we could to fix your phone."
Y/n goes back over to the couch, picks up her and Winter's cup of tea, which was also on the coffee table, and brings the two cups with her as she sits next to Winter. She gives Winter her cup and Winter moved the blanket so it's covering Y/n as well.
"You don't have to do things for me. I'm capable of doing them myself." Winter says, a little irritated.
"Oh, don't be like that. You always help me out, so I wanna help you, too. Besides, if I didn't try to help fix your phone, I'd feel somewhat responsible that it broke."
Winter purses her lips together and then takes a sip of her tea.
"Thanks." She says quietly.
Y/n smiles wide. Winter then picks up the TV remote next to her and tosses it into Y/n's lap.
"Why don't you turn on that show you like?"
Y/n thinks for a bit.
"The baking one?"
"Well, why don't we watch what you want to watch?"
"Cause I don't care. Just turn it on."
"Ok, ok." Y/n chuckles.
She turns on the TV and starts playing The Great British Bake Off.
"These people are so stupid."
Y/n laughs at Winter's comment.
"That's why I like it."
"Oh, that's right, they're your people."
Y/n looks at Winter confused.
"But I'm American?"
"No, it's cause you're not the smartest person."
"Wha-! You are so mean to me, and for what?"
"Are you saying you're smarter than these people?"
Winter looks at Y/n questioningly and sips from her mug.
"You think these people are smart enough to stick a wet phone in rice to fix it?"
Winter starts laughing as she sips from her mug and almost chokes on her tea.
"Please, do not die on me, I would literally cry."
"You don't want a crime scene here?"
"No! I do not!"
Winter giggles and buries her forehead into Y/n's shoulder.
"What in the world is wrong with you?" Y/n laughs.
"I don't know. I never stay awake when I'm this tired!"
"Then sleep! I literally do not mind!"
Winter starts giggling again.
"Oh my gosh."
Y/n shakes her head.
"Uhg! Why am I like this!?" Winter leans her head back and whines.
"I like this side of you. It's fun watching you act in a way you usually don't."
Winter buries her face into Y/n's lap and groans. Y/n giggles and runs her fingers through Winter's hair.
"That's nice."
"You like it when I run my fingers through your hair?"
Winter reaches over and puts her cup on the coffee table and then points at it.
Winter then rolls over and points up at Y/n as she giggles.
"Ok, I'll make sure the cup stays." Y/n says as if she's talking to a child.
Winter's arm falls onto Y/n's lap, next to her head and then positions her legs so they're hanging over the side of the couch. Y/n fixes the blanket so it covers Winter and continues playing with her hair.
Winter stares into Y/n's face curiously.
"It's a shame that you don't know how pretty you are..."
Y/n immediately stops playing with Winter's hair and feels her cheeks heat up. She watches as Winter starts to relax down and her eyes fight to stay open. Y/n recomposes herself and turns off the TV, then continues to play with Winter's hair to help her fall asleep. Her breathing slows and her finger wraps around the hem of Y/n's shirt. She smiles and watches Winter for a while, before she starts falling asleep herself. One hand entangled in Winter's hair, other hand resting on the cup at her side. She couldn't have asked for a better day.
Later, Winter wakes up and crouches on the bathroom floor, cursing herself for acting the way she did before she fell asleep. She decided to pretend as if she never acted all 'cute' like that and swears to force herself to never act that way again for as long as she lives. She'll never speak a word of that moment to anyone and hopes Y/n will forget all about it. Although, Y/n will probably only want to talk about that one moment as soon as she wakes up....
#I'm so sorry for the length 💀#i just kept writing and it wouldn't stop#might come back and edit a little more later#it was only supposed to be a little more than 2000#then 4000#the end product is now more than 5000#again I'm so sorry#i hope all y'all Winter simps can be fed by this 🙏#definitely self indulgent here#so glad it didn't come off as cringey#I've been told I'm good at writing dialogue lololol#bruh my writing app says it takes between 22 and 42 minutes to read#guys i am extremely sorry for the length i have no idea why it's so long#my friend asked me what the plot was and i literally didn't know how to explain 💀#lolol uhhhhh this is so long tumblr keeps lagging 💀#what do i even name this story when i don't even know how to explain the plot#guess I'm naming it I'm Terribly Sorry 💀 cause y'all know i am#was writing almost the entire day and now I'm pooped#10am to sometime after midnight man that's a lot of hours#in order to finish this story today i literally lived off of half a pack of peanut butter Oreos#and two english muffins covered in cream cheese#guys was my sacrifice worth it#did i give yall the story of a life time#is it really that good of a story#anyways sorry again for the length uhhhh lololol#idk why Winter's personality changed at the end there but it did#kinda cute though not gonna lie#maybe I'll write a bonus part where Winter just acts like that cause of how tired she is#ron kamonohashi deranged detective#winter moriarty
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Some thoughts for a D&D Spelljammer setting I'll probably never get around to actually write:
Spelljamming ships should be a revolution in transport and not only for fantasy space, they're basically flying ships, they could transport things from one end of a planet to another. Worlds that know spelljamming must be very different than those that don't.
What's the limitation here, then? Spelljammers themselves, that is, the guys who pilot the ships. They need to be magic users and you would need at least 2, preferably more, for shifts. That means you need to have mages that could be doing other useful magic stuff piloting a ship.
There's also the cost and skill required to make spelljamming helms. 5000 GPs in materials and level 5 spell apparently. Now, gold and levels in D&D don't mean much to me, so for the purposes of this scenario, I will assume making a spelljamming ship is costly and needs a lot of skill regardless of the actual numbers involved. So you don't have ships flying around the skies of every world, just a few have both the "human resources" (that is, trained mages) and material resources (I assume the spells and components are expensive and rare) to make spelljamming helms and crew ships.
Do we have equivalents of this in the real world? Yes, actually! The entire aircraft industry! Airliners, which are among the most complex machines produced in mass, are basically built only by Boeing, Airbus, and recently Comac on China (there used to be more) and pilots aren't easy to train either. There might be few worlds with the concentrated *productive forces* to build spelljammer helms in "serial" production, outside of some crazy wizard in a tower.
In fact, this is a bit besides the point but in general, the world(s) of D&D are pre-industrial, and this makes sense as for complex tasks you wouldn't really think of using a machine to do it, you seek a magic user who can do it instead. They are very jealous of their trade secrets too. We are looking at a kind of Renaissance economy in a large scale then, with guilds and church(es) and other institutions for "artisanal" complex goods instead of industries. Fantasy settings have always been strange about the demographics of mage users, but I think knowing the role of monasteries, alchemists, etc. during the real-life Renaissance helps you get closer to the dynamics.
Returning to the ships, I think spelljammer ships (or helms) might be hard to make but very hardy, long-lasting and easy to pilot, sort of like DC-3s that were built before WWII and are still used in Colombia. So that fits with the adventurer idea of getting an old ship and going into the stars. And maybe there is a surplus of them in some worlds that used to have large navies (like post-WWII surplus of airplanes and ships).
In Spelljammer you can stick a spelljamming helm on anything and make it fly, even seagoing ships (which are preferred for many reasons) but the true spelljamming ships like the Hammerhead Ship, the Squid Ship, etc. have strange shapes. I will say that those are not just decorative (because that's frankly a bit silly) but actually designed for better navigation through the currents of the Phlogiston or Astral Sea.
The 5e rules of spelljamming navigation basically say that ships go into the Astral Sea and then the spelljammer at the helm just thinks where to go and flies "100 million miles in 24 hours", that's it, just think about it and you're wherever you want, or, if you're not in a ship, you can just fly through the astral sea and, I quote "The more intelligent a creature is, the faster it can move." Which is frankly too stupid for words. I'm actually kind of angry at how stupid it is.
I'm completely ditching the 5e Astral Sea with its whole spiritual thing (to me that's a completely different thing) and making it a material plane of phlogiston (or aether, that sounds better) where the crystal spheres float. They aren't fixed, they move and flow with the stellar currents, but you CAN navigate them if you're attuned to them, you can use navigation equipment to find particular spheres and you can use your sails to get more favorable currents, this is a skill you have to learn and can cut travel times or let you find some things in space.
Doesn't that sound much better than "you just think and you're there xdxddxddxdxd"?
So how fast then? I think we'll just play it safe and see the top speed of sailing ships on the real world. Clippers, the fastest sail ships before steam ships, took roughly 100 days to cross the Pacific. The usual before was about 4-6 months. It depends on how big your setting is, but I think that's a good estimate to go to "the other side of the world" as one would say. And it of course would depend on how well known the routes are. It could be that you simply CAN'T fly to other spheres without doing extensive navigation first.
So instead of having 10 to 100 days at random to go somewhere (like in the original Spelljammer) or the somehow even stupider rules of 5e, you would have a map of well navigated, average, poorly known, and completely unknown spelljamming routes. Every time you got farther away from the well-known routes, navigation becomes more dangerous and travel more slow. You need (both in game terms and in setting terms) to have good navigation skills to get anywhere fast and safe.
You could have crystal spheres grouped in "constellations" (in my setting I do) that are easier to navigate inside, where the currents are known. This is also useful for worldbuilding "regions" in fantasy space that share cultural traits.
There must be all sorts of magical and non-magical navigation means, especially for landing on planets. Magical lighthouses, compasses, communication (a kind of morse code that can be communicated by lights, when magical communication isn't an option). I would think that for convenience, since planets are so big, spelljammers might sort of memorize the land of the main port and not bother with the rest. It might be that in an entire world, only one or two ports are truly visited by spelljammers. This also means that it would be very easy to set up a new base somewhere, even in well-travelled worlds.
What about power projection and star empires? We can read about colonial empires and age of sail trade to get a hint here. Empires where you rule by posting armies in every planet are very unlikely, since we established spelljammers are kind of expensive to make. Imagine invading and controlling, say, Earth in the 1600s with a dozen ships.
But imperialism where an external power controls key trade routes and ports, economically controlling a world, is very possible. This control means that those worlds must be integrated into the *galactic* economy somehow, as a large world can be self-sustaining, but its connections to the greater galaxy can be controlled. So, an imperialist power might succeed into controlling the economy of a world by controlling its trade centers and politics, without needing large armies or simply enlisting local collaborators. In fact, many might not be even aware they belong to a interstellar empire in their maps. On the other hand, *more* *voluntary* associations similar to the Hansa or Greek leagues might arise.
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Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent & Mesopotamia
The ancient Near East, and the historical region of the Fertile Crescent in particular, is generally seen as the birthplace of agriculture. The first agricultural evidence comes from the Levant, from where it spread to Mesopotamia, enabling the rise of large-scale cities and empires in the region.
In the 4th millennium BCE, this area was more temperate than it is today, and it had fertile soil, two great rivers (the Euphrates and the Tigris), as well as hills and mountains to the north.
The Origins of Agriculture
The birth of agriculture was a pivotal moment in human history that allowed the earliest civilizations to arise in the Fertile Crescent. Despite it being called the "Cradle of Civilization", we now know that agriculture (and human civilization) also arose independently in other regions of the world. In central America, people domesticated maize and beans, and rice and millet and pigs were first domesticated in China, both without knowledge of earlier advances in the Near East.
The advent of agriculture occurred gradually in the hill country of south-eastern Turkey, western Iran, and the Levant, most likely because the region happened to be home to a wide range of plants and animals that lend themselves to domestication and human consumption. Fig trees were cultivated in modern-day Jordan by around 11,300 BCE. Wheat and goats were domesticated in the Levant by 9000 BCE, followed by peas and lentils in the Fertile Crescent and northern Egypt around 8000 BCE and olive trees in the Eastern Mediterranean by 5000 BCE.
Cattle was first domesticated around 8500 BCE, most likely from wild ox (aurochs) in the Near East. Based on recent genetic analyses of ancient cattle bones, it is estimated that all modern cattle in the world is descended from as few as 80 animals that were originally domesticated.
Horses were domesticated in the western Eurasian steppe by 4000 BCE and spread to the Near East at some point in the late 3rd millennium BCE. Grapevines were domesticated in modern-day Iran around 3500 BCE and spread to the Levant and Egypt by 3000 BCE, marking the end of the transition to agriculture. Even today, 90% of our calories come from foods that were domesticated in this first wave of the agricultural revolution.
Agriculture started most likely because hunter-gatherers who collected grains would have had to take them back to their camp in order to separate the grain from the chaff. During this process, some seeds inevitably fall to the ground. When humans returned to the same campsite the next year, cereals would be growing around the campsite, which they harvested again, causing more seeds to fall. As the amount of cereals around the site increased, the people stayed longer to harvest, eventually turning into semi-nomads with seasonal villages, such as the Natufian culture that flourished circa 12500-9500 BCE.
Over time, some of these semi-nomads decided to stay in their agricultural villages year-round to cultivate cereals, while others would continue as nomads. By 8500 BCE, the Middle East was home to many permanent villages whose inhabitants were primarily farmers. The agricultural revolution had begun. With the increase in food production from agriculture, more human life could be sustained, populations increased, and villages turned into cities that gave rise to the Mesopotamian civilizations. The historian Gwendolyn Leick writes:
By the seventh millennium BCE, the alluvial plains began to be cultivated, and by the fourth millennium, the first cities appeared in response to the need for an efficient agricultural administration. The first documents, pictographs written on clay, concerned the allocation of labor for fields and the distribution of the products. (Leick, 6)
It is important to note that the Fertile Crescent is not the only origin point of agriculture, but that there are other places all over the world where agriculture and the domestication of animals arose without any contact with the Fertile Crescent. Scholar Yuval Noah Harari writes:
Scholars once believed that agriculture spread from a single Middle Eastern point of origin to the four corners of the world. Today, scholars agree that agriculture sprang up in other parts of the world not by the action of Middle Eastern farmers exporting their revolution but entirely independently. People in Central America domesticated maize and beans without knowing anything about wheat and pea cultivation in the Middle East. South Americans learned how to raise potatoes and llamas, unaware of what was going on in either Mexico or the Levant. China's first revolutionaries domesticated rice, millet and pigs. America's first gardeners were those who got tired of combing the undergrowth for edible gourds decided to cultivate pumpkins. New Guineans tamed sugar cane and bananas, while the first West African farmers made African millet, African rice, sorghum and wheat conform to their needs. (Chapter 5)
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RWBY: Arrowfell review - An autopsy of an overpriced dissapointment.
RWBY as an IP has not had a good run with their video games since the show inception. While some games definitely gained popularity amongst the FNDM like Amity Arena. None of them have stayed for long, either being discontinued in the case of the online games or simply, not being played in the case of the single player ones. RWBY: Arrowfell is no exception, despite the game being produced by another studio. With this review i would like to talk about it more in-depth after playing it and talk about why it failed.
Did it fail?
First things first. I have to answer the simple question of "Did RWBY: Arrowfell actually fail?". Yeah. It did. While no EXACT data can be gathered due to it not being publically shared, one only needs to look at places like achievement tracking websites of Xbox, Playstation and Steam one can find that only around 500 people in each of these got an achievement for opening up a chest, something that you can do in the first 5 minutes of the game. Even if we agree to be generous and say that 5k people bought the game (Which is more than double the people that got the erliest achievement in game).
That ammounts to 5000 x 30 - 150 000 - Euro earnings.
The game was first teased in 2021-07-09. But considering that the footage of it was already presented it most likely was already being developed for around maybe half a year to 3 months. So let us be generous and say that it was started to get produced in 2021-04-09. It was released in 2022-11-15. Around 19 months of production.
Some of you might ask, why is that important? Well, because with estimating the time of production we can try to estimate how much money was spent making the game, at least at the lower end. By using employee wages. I live in Lithuania, mandated minimum here is 800 Euros per month.
For 1 employee to be paid wages for the entire production period costs around - 15k Euros.
WayForward has a studio of over 50 people. Even if all of them were not working on the game the entirety of the time. If even 10 people did. Which is a low estimate. That alone would suck up all of the earnings the game made.
All of this is guesswork of course. And NO company will share information on whether or not their game did badly (They will only share good news). But even with doubling the numbers that we can see, well. It aint looking good. Of course, its always possible that Way Forward locked a single person in a shed till they made the entire game.
So yeah. As far as i can see. It failed. And at best MAYBE made small profit if RT game them additional funding or money and ArcSystems did not pay for the entire thing themselves.
Price sets expectations
So, now that we are done examining the cadaver, let us speak on what killed it. And what killed it... Is first of all. The price. The quality of a game matters, but at the end of the day, expectations for that quality are set by the price.
Arrowfell costs 30 Euros. For a sidescroller that is an above average price. Most modern sidescrollers the type of Arrowfell cost between 20-25 Euros. Blasphemous - 25 Euros. Hollowknight 15 Euros. Shovel Knight - 15 Euros. Dead Cells - 25 Euros.
The reason i listed these games is for comparison. A 5-10 Euro increase in price might not seem like much, until one considers the differences between these games. The games i listed are considered to be the BEST of the best of modern sidescrollers. They were part of the sidescroller rennesaince that the video games industry experienced not a long time ago, and each of them boasted MANY welcome features. Be it amazing storytelling and boss battles or massive replayability.
Arrowfell cost more than them. And yet... It broke no new ground. In fact, it broke no ground at all. It released as quiet as a whisper with only really RWBY fans knowing and talking about it. As far as the sidescrolling genre goes, Arrowfell gave nothing to it.
It would be one thing if Arrowfell was comparable to the games i listed before. But it simply isnt. Which of course, leads me to the next point.
Simplistic Gameplay
Arrowfells gameplay is not worth 30 Euros. The games i listed before have very responsive combat systems, different weapons, characters, various upgrades that change the way that the game is played etc. The combat in them feels crisp, and the boss battles can even come close to those of Dark Souls in terms of both difficulty and spectacle.
Arrowfells combat is simply... Its Boring. There are basically no differences between the playable characters besides their special abilities. They all feel like the same character. That is bad enough, but there is also another problem. The game has no dodge/block button. Something that MOST combat games have figured out long ago. The only character that has a dodge is Ruby, and thus, for the most part, she is the only truly playable character in the game.
An enemy only has to TOUCH your hitbox. Not with an attack. Just with their HITBOX and you will take damage. You doing damage also does NOT stagger them, so you are forced to either hit and run or hope to god that you will kill the enemy before it attacks.
Some people have complained that playing this game is difficult. I thought it was simply them being bad at the game. But that is not the case. After playing the game myself, the reason why this game is so difficult is because its combat is simply shit. It has no mechanics that would be expected of a sidescrolling game. Enemies getting staggered on hit is something that was figured out in the EIGHTIES. Most of the game also has barely any verticality to speak of except in SOME cases like boss battles. So dont expect to easily jump over most enemies either.
You also have a ranged attack. A ranged attack that drains your health and does half the damage that your melle attacks do... Think about it, in a game about RWBY, the place of the "Its also a gun meme" you are disincentivized to use your GUN attack because it activelly drains your health.
But WAIT, THERE IS MORE! Dont worry trooper, you have 3 health bars to help you deal with the shitty combat system. EXCEPT that once you lose ONE bar it does not fully regenerate and instead leaves you on LESS than half HP.
But heeeey, RWBY has an upgrade system! You can upgrade your characters! That must be exciting! It must be new powers!? Maybe new weapons!? No. Its all percentage increases. You can increase damage/health/gun/health recovery. Thats it..... Yeah... Thats it... Cookie clicker has more exciting upgrades.
Simplicity in video games CAN be a benefit. Shovel knight is a relatively simple game for example. Yes, it has its own quirks, but it gives you TOOLS to deal with your opponents.
RWBY Arrowfell is simplistic to the point of making combat not only boring, but also frustratingly bad. I have unironically seen flash games with better combat systems.
Its boring, its unimaginative. It lacks the BASICS of proper combat systems (dodge/block), and the 4 characters you can choose from might as well be one, because their ONLY difference is their specials.
Flash Graphics
The gameplay is bad. Okay, so, is the game at least pretty? No. No it is not. While the backgrounds can look pretty nice, the design of the in-game characters and platforms feels like babys first game on mario maker. Its very cartoony but not in a stylized way. Its very... Functional. You can understand what the character is, what the background is. But none of it looks good because, once again, there is no stylization to the game. Its all simply functional. And quite frankly, when this kind of game has to compete with games like Blasphemous and Hollow Knight? That just wont cut it. But words in this case simply cannot cut it. So instead, i will let pictures speak for themselves.


Can you see the difference? Where Hollowknight and Blasphemous both are stylized and look AMAZING in their own ways. Arrowfell looks like a pre-fabricated 3d mess. Its looks like plastic. Can you see just how DIFFERENT the goliath looks textured in comparison to everything else?
The RT animated cutscenes, in my opinion, while good, do not save this mess of an artstyle considering this is what you will see most of the game.
Sound Design
I like RWBY music. I truly do, at least the Early RWBY until it all became practically the same. The sound design in the game is fine. It doesnt grate on the ears. Different situations have appropriate soundtracks. Its nothing special in my opinion, its more RWBY. But thats quite frankly fine with me.
I have already written a few threads about the story of Arowfell. To summarize, the story is very simplistic. It follows team RWBY first mission after they got their huntsmen licenses in V7. They go around Atlas investigating Grimm attacks and weird Grimm attracting equipment which came from a defunct Atlas military base, Arrowfell. Most of the new characters presented in the game are inconsequential and barely appear in the game. Like team BRIR. The story is functional, but no more than that.
As far as my other threads on the topic.
A) This is a thread i made about weird characterizations of team RWBY - LINK
B) This is a thread i made about the writing of Hanlon Fifestone - LINK
RWBY Arowfell is an overpriced sidescroller game that offers nothing new to the genre at large and is of IMMENSELLY lower quality, artistically and gameplay wise than any of its cheaper contemporaries. Even for RWBY fans, i would never recommend this game. Watch the story on Youtube, and spend your money on any of the other titles i have listed in this thread, some of them are even on sale.
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Fic Writer asks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 and 25?
the last sentence you wrote Technically, 3 sentences, because they don't make a lot of sense without context: “You moved the fucking river!” Jamie shouted, grabbing John by the front of his jacket and shoving him against the wall. “You moved the river - this is your fault! What the fuck is the matter with you - don’t you ever think more than three seconds in front of you?! You could’ve killed him, he almost died, he still could - because you never fucking think.”
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring Ugghhh....a lot? Currently tooling around with my own characters, but in fandom - Bobby Nash, Will Trent, Jamie and Kayce Dutton, and Charlie Hudson (only the most recently opened documents)
3. how do you feel about your current wip?
Which one? I tend to work on so many because one or more will just wind up irritating me with something or another, I'll get stuck, and rather than not write anything at all, I'll just start something new. Right now though - irritated at all of them because THEY WILL NOT WRITE THEMSELVES AND THAT IS TERRIBLY RUDE.
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet Given I literally just mentioned as mostly a fever dream to @amandagaelic - a modern crossover between Yellowstone, Bonanza, and Big Valley, because I love westerns in almost every shape and form, and I think it would be funny as fuck if Victoria Barkley slapped the shit out of John Dutton for how he treats his children, and Adam, Jamie, and Jarrod would hit it off well being The Brains of the Operations, and I think The Spicy Younger Siblings Heath, Little Joe, and Kayce would be hilarious. And probably dangerous. But mostly funny.
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP Some of these are just hilarious out of context:
"One hundred percent real birds." - 9-1-1 Bobby and Buck Mistaken for Related fic
“You know, that game for kids - you get your own whiteboard and you have to draw pictures that will make your teammate guess the clue you have.” - Will Trent fic dealing with aphasia
They were used to close quarters, working and living with one another day in and day out, 365 days of the year, but there was a difference when you were cold, wet, and miserable. - Yellowstone fic where Kayce is caught in a flash flood
“Would you like it in Spanish? No. How about German? Nein. French? Non. It’s not happening. It can’t be done. Do you have any idea how many people have died trying to do it?” - Next chapter of Consequences for Deception
12. a trope you’re really into right now
I was actually discussing this again with @amandagaelic - a trope that I seem to use a lot is problems with communications. Either a character can't talk, won't talk, shouldn't talk - but I seem to like forcing them into other ways of communicating rather than just spoken.
The other trope is "I'm so fucking mad at source material because this could be brilliant BUT YOU RUINED IT AND NOW I HAVE TO FIX IT". :-D I think most hurt/comfort/whump writers have a really specific trope they like, like above all others, but I really like them all. Or, one where it's Found Family not Romantic Interest that is the one that helps them out.
25. Besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Oof. I actually rehomed my horses, so that's one hobby down. Photography, cooking, gardening, and crocheting. Tried the knitting thing, and no me gusta. It takes forever even if I like the end product a smidge more. Gardening - every time I'm left alone, I wind up with a new garden. And I always have something poisonous growing in them. I have like...nine aconite/monkshood plants that grow almost six feet tall, henbane, foxglove, poppies, datura, etc. I don't like people picking my flowers. Photography - we have a running joke about. My sister goes on vacation with me and comes back with 900 photos. I come back with 5000+ and that's not even a joke. Cooking - not to be compared to baking - I love because food is delicious, and I like trying new things all the time.
#asks answered#games we play#every time I think I'm going to be early#I think I'll check tumblr#and then well#you see what happens#writing asks
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Lifebushido Stories: James Stewart
Bushido, Dinnerbushido, Coffeebushido, Lifebushido and BushidoSteve. This story is of James Stewart’s Bushido. Bushido is a word associated with Samurais in Japanese and Lifebushido, a word invented by Steve Kantor, resulted in creating many real life Samurai’s hurtling towards their passion.

James Stewart is one such Samurai. He defines Bushido as, “A unique gift or talent that you want or you want to improve. A passion that you want to pursue and make difference to the rest of the world.” Bushido had a definite impact on James. He has met tens of other Samurai’s pursuing their Bushido virtually or as a part of Bushido events like Coffeebushido and Dinnerbushido. He describes the impact of Bushido as, “There’s a big difference in having words up here (in mind) and actually writing down on paper. It (writing down) transforms them. It was challenging to codify my goals in words for first couple of times, but I kept doing it. It was like saying the magic word, abra cadabra. It gave a greater sense of care and deliberateness to my goals.” Another benefit James has realized is the community of Bushido enthusiasts that Steve has created. James mentioned about his own cultural awareness that he has achieved by traveling and meeting people all around the world. He says, “It never fails to amaze me how vast variety of different people that Steve knows. I have spoken to people from 4-5 different continents, from different walk of life. Every one of those is different, but the idea of following their Bushido and sticking to their passion was common. I probably had 20-25 one-on-one Bushido interactions and many more in groups. I have only not found less than five people exciting.”
James has been part of Gobundance men’s group. Few of the men from the group were regularly interacting through Marco Polo video chat, including Steve and James. In those interactions they would share ideas about mutual well-being. James was introduced to BushidoSteve in the middle of 2022. James became curious. He did not go looking for dictionary meaning for the word Bushido, but he knew few Japanese motivational words and he found that vibe in Bushido. In his own words, “It was a little wild. I heard word Bushido Steve before I heard the word Bushido (by itself). Steve is unique. He is not mainstream. So it certainly sparked some curiosity, but also Steve and Bushido connected. It had certain anticipation. Because I have heard few other Japanese motivational words, it sat with me in a positive way.”
James’ Bushido is to “Create space and facilitate transformational change in people with the power of breath work.” His goal is to help 5000 people by the end of year 2023, organize breathing retreats, and create digital product to spread the awareness of breath work. He has already helped over a thousand people. Born in Australia, and after doing business in four different countries, James is now settled in the United States. He is certified in Wim Hof method and The Language of Breath. His interest in breath work was born out of existential questions in his mind like ‘why are we here?’ and ‘who am I?’ He says that in younger years he was gravitated towards the external motivations, but as he was gradually attracted towards meditation and internal motivation his interest in breath work grew. In his own words, “Breath work is the easiest way to slow down, calm down and stop that monkey-mind that continuously chattering.” Over the years, James grew more proficient in breath work. He provided breath work service to many people, motivating them. At this moment in life, he is sure of his techniques, and confident of reading his audience to offer them breath work that is the most appropriate. With the help of Lifebushido community and motivation, and his own experience and expertise, James will achieve his goals.
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Blaze Builder Review – Create Unlimited DFY Business Websites Effortlessly
Welcome to my Blaze Builder Review. Are you looking at the dynamic world that is now the internet space, creating a website that will be unique is more crucial than ever. But, the moment that is dedicated to creating a sophisticated body of a website that is ready to work in a professional setting, can take a lot of time and cost a lot of money, and such a project may seem rather scary to start-from-scratch novices.
Meet Blaze Builder, the unique designing platform that makes it easy to create websites. This is made possible by Blaze Builder which is a web App that helps build spectacular websites within 60 seconds, with over 5000+ preloaded Done-For-You (DFY) templates.
In this detailed Blaze Builder review, I will cover the following aspects Blaze Builder highlights, features, benefits, pricing, cons and pros, and the reason for considering Blaze Builder the pioneer in the website builder market.
What Is Blaze Builder?
Blaze Builder is a Web Integrated Environment for a new generation Web Development. It’s dramatically different from conventional website builders based on coding or design skills as this tool is equipped with prepared themes and an easy-to-use drag& drop functionality, letting even a newcomer create a stunning web site, as well as offering professional tools for experienced developers.
The biggest selling point of the tool is the availability of over 5000 DFY website templates in various industries, niches, and purposes. The tool does not require anyone to employ web developers or learn complicated languages or buy costly design tools. Whether you want to create a business site, an online store, a portfolio or a blog – you will be able to design your page with the help of Blaze Builder in a few minutes.
Blaze Builder Review: Overview
Product Creator: Daniel Adetunji
Product Name: Blaze Builder
Launch Date: 2124-Nov-26
Launch Time: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To VisitOfficial Salespage
Product Type: Tools and Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “BLAZEBUILDER5OFF” To Get $5 OFF!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Blaze Builder Review: About Authors
Blaze Builder was developed by Daniel Adetunji, an online marketer and software developer with a big customer base that actively utilizes and benefits from his products. He just made his presence known in the Warrior Plus marketplace and has received a lot of appreciation.
He has established a name via several launches, including InfinityBiz, PowerSites, CourseKit, DAX Builder, MintSuite, TubeGenius, VideoStudio, Email Man, AI Com, AI Titan, DAX AI, StockCity, SociLeadMessenger, SociClicks, SociOffer, Instant Video Sales Letters, and many more.
Blaze Builder Review: Key Features of Blaze Builder
✍ Everything you need to get online
Your website comes with hosting, analytics, and a custom domain name.
✍ Access millions of professional photos
Automatically add professional images and icons to make your site stand out.
✍ Built to scale with world-class security
Every site is secured with powerful DDOS protection, SSL, firewall, and a global CDN
✍ Get more traffic with built-in SEO
Automatically generate SEO-friendly pages and optimize your site for search engines.
✍ Be Launch Ready in minutes
One of the most unique features is that it comes with a wide selection of ready to use designs. Regardless of your industry or niche, the structure or feel you want your website to have… there is a ready to use template that is exactly what you need. If you can point-n-click the computer mouse…you’re good to go.
✍ Get your business online today with the #1 AI website builder.
Easy to edit – Blaze Builder is fully component based. Every design and feature of the app is made with modular component blocks that blend with your design without any hassle. This makes editing content and designs on your website something you’re 5 -year old could do (didn’t we say that it’s built with non-tech minded people in mind).
✍ Mobile Responsive – With Blaze Builder
You don’t need to worry about how your site would look on a tablet, mobile device, or any other device with smaller screens. The templates were developed keeping in mind that customers are using more and more portable devices. These templates are completely mobile responsive and work perfectly on devices of varying screen sizes without fear of losing content or distortion.
✍ Easy Drag and Drop
You want an image somewhere, just drag the image and drop it where you want it to appear. You want a text box, a custom menu or a slider all you need to do is just drag the item, drop it where you want it to appear. That’s it! You have your awesome website or page ready to go live!
✍ Advanced Site Analytics – Blaze Builder comes with advanced Google Analytics Integration.
Find out how many page views you have, where visitors come from, and how well you rank with competitors.
✍ DIY Designer
With lots of customizable settings, including fonts, colors and page layouts, every Blaze Builder design can be made to look unique with just a few clicks. Laying out an entire page is just a matter of a few clicks.
✍ Easy Integrations
Blaze Builder is built to seamlessly integrate numerous APIs and tools such as Google Maps API enabled maps, Custom YouTube and Vimeo embed modals, MailChimp Integration, modals to support forms, iframes or any HTML.
✍ Hardware Accelerated Parallax
Easily add a new dimension to your site with the cool parallax effect. It’s sure to impress your guests.
✍ Live Editing
Easily, visually and in real-time edit most of elements properties like padding, margin, border, shadows, backgrounds, text styles and more. Or edit html, css and js manually via integrated code editors for maximum control of the project. Publish and Export Download the whole project, publish it to a remote server via FTP or attach custom domains/subdomains to display projects.
✍ Text Editor
Double click on any text content to open a text editor where you can modify the text contents and apply and remove various styles to highlighted text.
✍ SaaS mode
Earn money with a built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control what functionality and limitations each plan has.
✍ Editable Landing Page
Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
✍ Custom Pages
Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
✍ High Performance
Orange Builder is lightweight and has lightning fast performance and page load time out of the box.
✍ Responsive
Blaze Builder is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
✍ Appearance Editor
Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) via built-in appearance editor.
✍ SEO Editor
SEO tags for all pages can be modified directly from the appearance editor in admin area.
✍ Multiple Homepages
Choose between multiple home pages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
Blaze Builder Review: How Does It Work?
Using Blaze Builder Is As EASY In 3 Steps
Step #1: Login
Login To Blaze Builder Cloud-based app.
Step #2: Choose
Choose from 5,000+ Ultra Fast Templates in 500 niches Or Use Siri-like voice commands to get your pages created.
Step #3: Publish & Profit
Publish & Profit By Selling Ultra Fast Business Websites On Fiverr, Upwork, And To Tons of Businesses While Earning $500 – $3020 Per Website On Complete Autopilot.
Blaze Builder Review: Benefits of Blaze Builder
Create Jaw Dropping Business Website That Loads Fully In 0-2 Seconds
Stunning Business Websites In NO Time For You Or Your Clients
Tap into 43.5 Billion Website Design Industry
First-Of-lt’s-Kind New Al Business Website Builder
Start Your Own Website Design Agency
In-built Stunning Al Landing Page Creator
100% New, Fresh & Unique
Sell fast loading Landing Pages & Business Websites
100% Beginner Friendly – You literally start creating Business Websites & Landing Pages in seconds
No Monthly Recurring Fees
NO Tech Skills or Experience Required
Fastest Business Website & Landing Page Creator Ever
5,000+ Stunning Ultra-Fast Customizable Business Websites Templates In 500 Niches
Newbie Friendly Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface
Create Business websites For Yourself Or Sell TO Tons of Local Businesses
AirTight Robust In-built Website Security Feature
In-BuiltAl Assistant Brand & Site Builder Generator
In-Built Google Profile Business Website Generator
In-Built Business Name Generator
Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Integration To Protects You & Your Client Biz Websites
First Page Ranking SEO Tools Integration for SEO Optimization & Ultra-fast search engine visibility
Mobile Responsive & GDPR Compliant Biz Websites
100% Cloud-Based – nothing to install or Download
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Verify Users Say About Blaze Builder
Blaze Builder Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Product Creators
Digital Marketers
Agencies Owners
Content Creators
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Artists/Content Creators
Personal Brands
Website Owners
And Many More
Blaze Builder Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Add My Bundle Coupon Code “ADMINBLAZEBUILDER″ – For 30% Off Any Funnel OTO Below
Front End Price: Blaze Builder ($17)
OTO1: BLAZE Builder Unlimited ($67)
OTO2: BLAZE Builder DFY Version ($147)
OTO3: BLAZE Builder Automation Version ($67)
OTO4: BLAZE Builder Limitless Traffic Edition ($197)
OTO5: BLAZE Builder Agency ($97)
OTO6: BLAZE Builder Franchise Edition ($97)
OTO7: BLAZE Builder DFY Blogs with Whitelabel ($67)
OTO8: BLAZE Builder Whitelabel ($197)
Blaze Builder Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try Blaze Builder, RISK-FREE 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Well, given that this is such a steal, it should only be for a limited time only offer. Newcomers or first movers can therefore take unique benefits of this highly profound Brand New technology. We are sure that similar value has never been offered at this low price before. It’s really just a matter of accepting the change as fast as possible in order to reap huge profits as they have not done before.
This is why Blaze Builder can be accessed through our platform without any qualms because we provide a 30 day money back guarantee. If Blaze Builder does not meet your expectation in any way just send us a note & get your cash back.
Blaze Builder Review: Pros and Cons
More than 5,000 DFY templates for every possible niche.
A drag and drop editor perfect for beginners.
Features that boosts ranking SEO friendly.
Setup in 1 minutes and publish in under 60 seconds.
Mobile responsive designs for best user experience.
Requires a one-time investment
To use this product, you must have internet access.
Nothing wrong with it, it works perfectly!
My Own Customized Exclusive VIP Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Blaze Builder: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Blaze Builder Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.

Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Blaze Builder Free Premium Bonuses
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just internet connection. And you’re good to go
Q. Is there any monthly cost?
If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo it’s up to you.
Q. How long does it take to make money?
Most Users made their first sale the same day they got access to Blaze Builder.
Q. Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
No, Blaze Builder is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
Q. What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried Blaze Builder and failed, just let us know within the next 30 days and we’ll refund you every penny
Q. Is this compatible on both PC, Mac, Android And iOS?
It works on any device.
Q. Is Support & Training Included?
Absolutely. By purchasing today you can get instant access to the training portal and the 24/7 support desk.
Q. How can I get started At The Lowest Price?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All what you have to do now is click the buy button below, and secure your copy of Blaze Builder at the lowest price
My Recommendation
Blaze Builder is a highly effective and easy to use tool that really does help you build great looking websites in a matter of moments. It is especially suitable for long-time users due to the suite of features, with DFY templates numbering well over 5,000 and prompt customer support, extremely easy to use and packed with SEO elements, to help get your business off the ground in no time.
It doesn’t matter if you own a small business or a blog, if you are a freelancer or an online agency – Blaze Builder has everything you need for a successful presence online. This makes it a really good option for those who don’t have a lot of time on their hands, or a lot of advanced programming knowledge, as it’s more straightforward than most of its competitors.
Check Out My Previous Reviews: RankNinja Review, VidPulse AI Review, AppGen AI Review, Email Millionaire Review, and VoxCraftAI Studio Review.
Thank for reading my Blaze Builder Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
0 notes
Low cost no dead corners full white
To the immediate conclusion, 99% of the whitening body creams on the market will not make you truly change your skin color
Now there is no need to say cheap body milk on the market, even the big name whitening body milk is also going to fool the way, put a little niacinamide and vc began to sell high prices, in fact, these things are all whitening accessories, and whitening has not much to do with.
Niacinamide can only inhibit melanin transfer, and stop using anti-black will not become more white, the effect of niacinamide alone is very poor, prototype VC tens of dollars a kilogram of transdermality into a mystery, esterified VC expensive death plus 1% are these companies have a conscience, you think about a bottle of body milk capacity is almost ten times the essence, In the same way, the cost of adding enough whitening ingredients to you is also ten times that of whitening essence, do you think capital will do charity?
lubriderm body milk efficacy ingredients are listed behind preservatives and add A bunch of junk grease, these net celebrities boast that A alcohol is the lowest conversion rate of palmitate, fruit acid is ranked at the end of the citric acid, want to rely on this stuff to whiten the basic is a eunucher meeting, no chicken talk.
The fire of the whole network of the Kanil whitening body milk, the network red blew it to the sky, said that there are 377 inside, in fact, even half of the ingredients are not whitening, equivalent to coating a psychological comfort
olay whitening body milk I also said many times, the difference between this thing and olay whitening essence is a Hua Fei a summer, winter and spring, you can appreciate the body milk a zhang red, the active substance is only niacinamide and less poor AA2G, it is a jin to sell dozens of pieces of things
In addition to a few body creams of cosmeceutical brands, 99% of the other whitening body creams on the market are actually whitening essence diluted dozens of times, and even those whitening body creams that can be seen are not full channel, and really want full channel whitening without dead corners need to learn to match
Resistant skin for a quick whitening can try the following formula
Morning: VC+ resorcinol + tetrahydrocurcumin + sunscreen
Evening: Fruit acid + resorcinol +SymSitive1609
If you add VC inside the body milk must be a very low concentration of VC derivatives, because VC water decomposition can not be stored on the shelf for a long time, VC derivative material body cost is very high 99% of the body milk can not be sufficient to add, it is recommended to buy VCIP raw materials directly into the body milk a kilogram 5000 pieces 50 grams only 500, Mix 1:5 in a body lotion to make it look good. Then combine it with an resorcinol whitening serum like purid Light, mix it into this hand cream (0.5% tetrahydrocurcumin) and rub it all over your body. Finish with a layer of sunscreen
In the evening, I will apply the whitening essence and the ordinary powder bottle soothing essence TO the whole body, and add 1609 in the powder bottle to block nerves and inhibit tingling sensitivity. If the body lotion is not strong enough, I can replace it with fruit acid body lotion to maximize the effect. It is recommended not to add arbutin easily reacts with acid to form hydroquinone
This product idea comes from triple therapy, belongs to the clinical level of whitening means, the principle is actually to rely on acid stripping + phlorcinol inhibit tyrosinase block melanin production, coupled with anti-fire soothing raw materials to assist the suppression of skin anti-black, directly press the melanin factory for 28 days to white two colors is not a problem, but this combination belongs to sensitive muscles do not touch the strong medicine, Sensitive and brittle skin with no problem to death, and this combination can not be used for more than a month, after the white with the basic moisturizing repair body lotion + sunscreen maintenance
0 notes
AI Fusion Buddy Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
Introduction AI Fusion Buddy Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
Welcome to my AI Fusion Buddy Review, I’m Riddhish, an affiliate marketer in this industry for the last 5 years.
Yogesh Kashyap is the creator of this AI Fusion Buddy!
Introducing Ai Fusion Buddy, a groundbreaking technological advancement and your ultimate solution. Powered by Google’s latest generative AI, Gemini, it is a content creation powerhouse designed to boost your productivity and profits by 50 times.
Product Overview:
✅Front End Price: $17.00
✅Money-Back Guarantee: 30 Days
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommended
✅Customer Support: 24 X 7
✅My Product Rating: 9/10
✅Official Website: >> VISIT HERE <<
Why is AI Fusion Buddy Recommended?
You will get the following things in AI Fusion Buddy:-
Revolutionary App Suite Fully Powered By Google’s Latest AI Tech — Gemini — 16x Ultra-fast, Advanced, and Accurate!
Use Gemini to Build High Converting Sales Video Scripts, Ads Copies, Trending Articles, blogs Etc In 3 Clicks — 100% unique!
Create Ultra-HD graphics with a single keyword or phrase that command 10x eyeballs!
Fully automated AI articles bulk generation!
Auto-post or schedule stunning AI content across all your accounts simultaneously — WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogger, and more.
With one keyword or URL, generate complete websites, landing pages and more…
Save over $5000 yearly & kick out dependency on third parties completely!
How Does AI Fusion Buddy Work?
How Does AI Fusion Buddy Work?
STEP 1: Login Grab the software, log in, access the dashboard, and start right away.
STEP 2: Create Choose from what you wish to create. Ai fusion buddy generates high-in-demand AI articles, graphics, websites, landing pages, VSLs, Ad copies, emails, blogs, sales copies, and other content in the blink of an eye, Access our built-in premade website, graphics, logos, banner templates, edit, customize & create your content within minutes.
STEP 3: Publish & Profit It automatically posts your content on your social media and websites. Watch traffic and commissions rolling in, Sell to clients on freelance platforms, and pocket huge commissions.
What Will You Get Inside In AI Fusion Buddy?
Marketing agencies reported a 300% increase in follower growth for a client!
E-commerce businesses are seeing significant sales increases thanks to Gemini’s ability to craft highly targeted and persuasive product descriptions. Retail businesses reported a 25% jump in conversion rates.
Content creation agencies estimate that using Gemini’s content has allowed them to take on 3x more clients while maintaining exceptional quality.
Create websites/Sales Pages In Any Niche For Any Offer, Earn easy affiliate commissions by selling or promoting any affiliate offer on the planet.
Mastering AI models like ChatGPT 4, Dall E, Claude.AI, and others can be time-consuming. Their interfaces can be complex, and fine-tuning them for optimal results requires significant effort.
Manually scheduling social media posts can be a huge time suck. It takes away from focusing on higher-level marketing strategies.
>> BUY AI Fusion Buddy <<
AI Fusion Buddy Benefits:
✅Gemini Powered Content Creator builds 100% unique VSLs, Ad copies, email swipes, product descriptions and so much more marketing content!
✅AI Graphic Creator to create and design personalized graphics!
✅Fully automated AI articles bulk generation!
✅AI Advanced Website Creator — Create website and landing pages using just a keyword or URL in less than 60 seconds.
✅Choose from 100+ Pre-Built website Templates Across Multiple Niches!
✅Training Videos: You get complete step by step training videos. Everything you need to know is explained.
✅Access to 2000+ pre-built templates and logos, graphic, banners, thumbnail, images and many more!
AI Fusion Buddy Bonuses:
Bonus 1 — Profit Bot
Finally cracked launch your very own ChatGPT chatbot with this simple yet powerful cloud app!
Bonus 2 — Fiverr Bot
1-click software creates profitable fiverr affiliate sites that make money 24/7 with inbuilt traffic generation. Auto loaded with the top fiver gigs on trending niches.
Bonus 3 — Game Bot
The brand-new software creates 100% automated profit pulling gaming affiliate sites in just 60 seconds.
Bonus 4 — Audio bot
1-click music and e-audio search sites that get free traffic and generate affiliate commissions!
Bonus 5 — Special Bonus Bundle — Value: $2k + 24*7 support — Priceless!
Bonus 6 — Save 1000s of dollars monthly payments to expensive website creators & hosting services — Value: Priceless
Gemini Powered Content Creator — Value: $1499
AI-powered Advanced Website Creator — Value: $999
AI-powered graphic creator — Value: $999
AI-powered bulk articles writer — Value: $999
Automated posting to social media and websites — 100+ pre-made templates — Value: $999
2000+ pre-made templates for graphics, logos, banners, thumbnails and more — Value: $997
Free Hosting — Value: $997
Commercial license cost — Value: $997
Step-by-step training Videos — Value: $257
Total Value Of Everything You Get Today $9,746
>> BUY AI Fusion Buddy <<
AI Fusion Buddy Final Opinion:
The booming AI content industry offers a golden opportunity to ride the wave of tidal profits with AI Fusion Buddy. With a commercial license, you can build a thriving 6–7-figure business with minimal daily effort and zero upfront costs.
AI Fusion Buddy is a game-changer for anyone looking to capitalize on the booming AI content industry. With minimal effort and investment, it offers a realistic path to significant financial success and a more flexible lifestyle.
FAQs about AI Fusion Buddy
Is AI Fusion Buddy suitable for beginners?
Yes, AI Fusion Buddy is user-friendly and includes step-by-step training videos, making it ideal for beginners.
How quickly can I start earning with AI Fusion Buddy?
You can start earning almost immediately after setup by creating and selling content on freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
What kind of content can AI Fusion Buddy create?
AI Fusion Buddy can generate articles, graphics, websites, landing pages, sales copies, emails, and more using Gemini AI technology.
>> BUY AI Fusion Buddy <<
Affiliate Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this content. I will receive a little commission if you purchase any product using one of the links in this post. But there are no additional costs for you.
#AI Fusion Buddy#AI Fusion Buddy review#AI Fusion Buddy oto#AI Fusion Buddy offer#AI Fusion Buddy bonus
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As someone who finished my word count ( not my piece mind you, my word count) already hear me when I say the most poisonous thing that can kill you is kicking yourself for not meeting expectations. The times I failed nanowrimo always were because I failed a few days in a row to put anything down and gave up.
People expect the words to flow and be perfect the first time around. Like you look up at the sky and suddenly it pops fully formed your mind. Or that you put your fingers to keys and suddenly it’s perfect.that 5000 words are easy.
And it can be like that, but most of the time is more like trying to put together fucking ikea furniture with out instructions and missing half the little wooden dowels. You sit there muttering to yourself about tense and grammar and trying different wordings. And your fairly certain you missed this one weird piece like 20 instructions back and that might make it all lopsided.
And sometimes you look up the page and you see clunky phrasing, and repeated portions, and didn’t they kiss like this five times already?!
But the key is that you put all that out of your mind and work with it. You push through, get it down, breathe and remind yourself that you Mr computer has a delete key for a reason. That this is not heart surgery or bomb defusing. Once you are done you can go back, rewrite, revise. For now your just getting it down, making those broad strokes.
No one expects the first draft to be the great gatsby or if mice and men. Even those first drafts weren’t the finish product. You have time to work through all the issues , you can take time to go back and adjust. It’s going to be so much easier when you look at the full thing to tweak.
So stop setting expectations that aren’t realistic, because let’s be honest, not even Poe or Byron or Shelley got it perfect the first time. Stop paying attention to the word count and more how the words make you feel. Stop expecting you to be perfect and just enjoy the process, breathe and relax. The art is with in you and when it’s ready?
It will come.
Sure you have to try everyday, you have to open that book and try, but never expect anything, instead embrace what does come.
And in the end you can go back and refine, polish and shape with joy rather than worry or dread.
It's so strange to watch people writing 1,500 words a day feel all dejected that they're failing to meet par. I go for months dreaming of a writing day like that. You're doing amazingly well.
#supporting good writing#writing#fanfic#fanfiction#things i wish I told myself when I was younger#it takes time and practice#write boldly
6K notes
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Tech News Roundup: Goodbye Google One VPN, Hello Leica Phone, and More Pixel Leaks!
It's Friday again, which means that we're ending the week with a quick look at some of the biggest tech news over the past few days. The consumer electronics industry is never not busy, and as such there have been some rather interesting developments, both in terms of software and hardware products. With that said, let's take a look at some of the biggest news in tech this week. Bye-bye, Google One VPN One of the biggest advantages of subscribing to the Google One service is that you got access to VPN services, which does come in handy for users who want to access content and such that they wouldn't normally be able to due to geographic or licensing restrictions. With that said though, it's reported that Google has informed subscribers that it will be discontinuing the included VPN service with Google One as not many people were using it. However, Pixel 7 and 8 owners will still be able to use the built-in VPN on their handsets, which will supposedly last for five years. Meet the Leica Leitz 3 While Leica is more known for its line of consumer and pro-grade cameras, the manufacturer also makes a region-exclusive line of smartphones. In fact, it's on its third one now, aptly named the Leica Leitz 3. Exclusive for buyers in Japan, the phone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, and includes other specs such as a single 47.2MP 1-inch CMOS camera, in addition to a 12.6MP selfie camera, a 5000 mAh battery, and Android 14 onboard. Magic Editor Arrives for more Phones Despite being described as an exclusive feature for Google's Pixel 8 and 8 Pro handsets, the company has announced that it will be bringing its Magic Editor AI tool to more users, and will be accessible via the Google Photos app. There's a catch though - the editor is free to use unlimitedly for Pixel device users, while other smartphone owners will only be limited to 10 edit saves per month, unless they pay for a Google One subscription. More Pixel 8a Leaks Emerge As has become the standard tradition for nearly all Google smartphones, the company's upcoming Pixel 8a handset has once again been leaked online, this time with a fresh coat of paint. Several product renders show the Pixel 8a in several different colour variants, which include Mint, Bay, Porcelain, and Obsidian. It's also rumoured that the 8a will feature a matte rear panel, somewhat similar to the Pixel 4a series from a few years back. You can view the full images here. Messenger now Supports HD Photos One of the biggest complaints about Facebook Messenger is that photo files sent via the app tend to look unflattering due to aggressive file compression, although this no longer seems to be the case thanks to a new update. Meta recently announced that users can now send HD photos via a simple toggle within the app; users will also be able to send files larger than 100 MB. Read the full article
0 notes
Top 8 WiFi 6 Compatible Laptops

Level Up Your Internet Connectivity: Choosing a WiFi 6 Compatible Laptop
Why WiFi 6?
Compared to its predecessor, WiFi 5, WiFi 6 delivers a game-changing performance boost. Imagine:
Blazing-fast speeds: Up to 4x faster downloads and uploads, meaning instant game updates, seamless video conferencing, and buffer-free streaming even in crowded networks.
Reduced latency: Lag becomes a relic of the past, ensuring responsive online gaming, smooth video calls, and real-time collaboration without hiccups.
Increased efficiency: WiFi 6 optimizes power consumption, extending your laptop’s battery life for longer unplugged productivity.
Improved capacity: More devices can connect to the network simultaneously without sacrificing speed, ideal for busy households or shared workspaces.
Finding the Perfect Match
Now, choosing the right WiFi 6 laptop requires more than just ticking a box. Consider these factors:
Processor: Look for laptops with at least an 11th Gen Intel Core or AMD Ryzen 5000 Series processor to fully unlock WiFi 6’s potential.
Network adapter: Ensure the laptop has a WiFi 6E compatible network adapter (ax210 or similar) for maximum speed and future-proofing.
Operating system: Windows 11 and the latest macOS versions offer native support for WiFi 6, maximizing compatibility and performance.
Budget: WiFi 6 laptops span a price range, but remember, performance doesn’t always equate to the highest cost.
Needs and usage: Gamers and content creators prioritize powerful specs, while students and travelers might value portability and battery life.
Beyond the Specs
Don’t forget the essentials! Ensure your laptop has:
Sufficient RAM: 8GB is a good starting point, but consider 16GB for demanding tasks.
Adequate storage: A solid-state drive (SSD) provides faster boot times and app loading, while a larger capacity ensures space for your files.
Display quality: Choose a screen resolution and brightness that suits your needs and viewing environment.
Durable design: Opt for a sturdy build quality for everyday use and potential travel.
Beyond the Purchase
Remember, your journey doesn’t end with the purchase. For an optimal WiFi 6 experience:
Upgrade your router: Ensure your home network can handle WiFi 6 speeds.
Keep drivers updated: Regularly check for and install the latest WiFi 6 drivers for your laptop and network adapter.
Optimize settings: Tweak your network settings for optimal performance and security.
With this guide and your tech-savvy instincts, you’ll be surfing the WiFi 6 wave in no time, enjoying unparalleled speed, responsiveness, and a truly next-level internet experience. So, get ready to experience the future of wireless, one lightning-fast download at a time!
Top 8 WiFi 6 Compatible Laptops for Every Need
0 notes
How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App?

The cost of creating a mobile app can be as low as $ 1000 or as big as $ 100 K, so the general answer to the question “How much does it cost to develop an app” is “It Depends”. For the uninitiated, An App MVP is generally developed in between $ 5000 to $ 15000 and within 8 to 12 weeks. If it takes more than this time and cost then we don’t call it an MVP, because it is more of a full-fledged product with all bells and whistles.
Almost all successful Apps need continuous development, feature enhancements, and localization etc and such projects should be done on a monthly fee model rather than fixed price. The monthly fee for continuous development can start from as low as $ 2900 per month and can go upward if you use more than 1 App developer in the team. You can find out the cost of App Developers on a Monthly basis using this App Development Team rates calculator.
Hidden Mobile App Development Costs That You Must Know?
1) Cost to publish Apps to their respective Stores
Apple charges $ 99 yearly for their App publisher program enrollment so that you can publish and sell things via your App. Google charges one time $ 25 for the same process for their Google Play store.
2) Server and Infrastructure Cost
Server cost for a new app can be as low as free for a year or may be $ 10 to $30 when you have some good thousands of users. The cost of server and infrastructure increases when you have a large number of active users (say 50 K or more) who are exchanging data regularly on the app. The cost of a server actually depends more upon the “interactions users have with the app frequently” than just the number of users on the app. You can always use a cloud hosting service that you can upgrade when the number of users and their usage increase. Nothing much to worry about unless your app is successful.
3) App Marketing Cost
Not a very hidden cost, however we’ve seen many first time entrepreneurs don’t factor it in the way it demands. There are only a few Apps in the world that may have gotten famous without marketing, otherwise you have to spend on marketing and App promotion in order to gain more users. The marketing efforts can be free or paid channels but they do involve human resource and cost nevertheless. As a rule of thumb, you need to spend $ 1 to $ 3 to acquire a new App user who installs and uses the app. So if we need 10,000 users then marketing costs can be $ 10,000 $ $30,000. Depending upon how users take your App, the marketing cost in the long run can be lesser per user or more.
Fixed Price vs Continuous App Development Cost
Fixed Price App Development Cost:-
Depending upon the success of the App and the nature of its business, you may either end up creating an App one time and maintain it only when needed and in such a case a one time cost would sufficient For example, you create a simple Loan Calculator App that has no big complexity or updates, and such a simple app can be created one time in let’s say $ 5000 and no further cost would be needed except some yearly maintenance that will cost you almost negligible.
Continuous App Development Cost:-
Now take an example of a Social Media App like Tiktok or any other App where there are more than one core features and when they compete in a highly competitive space. In such cases, you need to add new features, enhancements, updates on your App on a regular basis and also the demand of maintenance would be higher because of the large number of users, features, inter-operability of features, algorithms, server demands and what not. So you can’t predict a fixed price cost for these kinds of apps (which means “most of the consumer apps”), and that is why a “Continuous development model” fits best here. You hire a team of developers to continuously work on your app. You add more developers, Tech leads, testers, designers depending upon your business need.
Different App Development Pricing Models
1) Fixed Price App Development Model :-
It is a model in which the client explains their precise requirements, and based on that, the total project cost would be given along with a clear deadline. This model is great for small projects that have pretty much fixed scope of work, and have less chances of scope change during the development. Pretty good model for the MVP development.
2) Offshore Dedicated Development Team:-
When you have more than one projects, or when the sub projects of one projects are the size of an individual project on its own (like 5 people + per sub project) then it is better to have your own offshore development team working dedicatedly for you. This model is perfect for large Tech clients, Ecommerce clients, industrial clients. You can check monthly rates of Offshore Developers for different skills and experience level here.
In Agicent, A solid team of 115 App developers with a 13 + years of experience and have created successful Apps from the scratch like HASfit, Wellcure, Aiko & Egor – Agicent is an App Development Company of choice for all the startups who are looking for more than the development services.
Agicent has helped startups in not only creating the MVP versions of their App but also their full-fledged product versions that are being used by millions of users. We help our startups with not just technology but also with marketing, promotions and also invest in the ideas we love or help you raise funding for them. No wonder why we’ve customers and Apps that are working with us for more than 10 years, with continuous success with their Apps and overall digital offerings.
Working with Agicent is simple and transparent, you ask us for a fixed price quote and we’ll work with you in identifying the scope of the work and then estimate that for you. You ask us for a continuous development team and you are provided with the finest developers, project managers, testers, designer as a whole package to get you going.
Source :- https://www.costtodevelopapp.com/
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Project Octopus + Calmwrimo
Update #8
Current stats:
Draft 1 - Chapter Six
Page 39
2905/20,000 words of calmwrimo goal
01.11.23 - 05.11.23
I managed a lot for the start of my Calmwrimo goal, and I am now about half way through my book length goal, which feels absolutely incredible, if a little daunting.
This was the only week I have not taken a day off of work for November, so to be able to get so much done while working full time has felt incredible and a bit exhausting, but definitely worth it. I have written more this week than any other, while I have been tracking my progress. But I am feeling really good about the coming weeks, in order to keep up with my end goal I will need to write a bit more everyday, only like 50 words extra.
As for the self-care goals I have not been so great with them, I feel like it is easy to push myself to be productive, but not to slow down and look after myself. This will be something I work on more in week two of Calmwrimo.
I really can't get over how far I have come with this book. As someone who has never got past chapter three of something I was writing, and definitely nothing over 5000 words, this feels really good. I am really proud of myself, which is a rare thing for me to admit.
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The VapeCon 2023 South Africa Overview, Closed Pod System with Large Capacity is Getting more Popular
The VapeCon 2023 South Africa has come to an end. Based on the performance during the exhibition, disposables vape is getting less popular then usual, while closed pod system is favored by industry insiders. According to the information of the organizer, more than 100 exhibitors showed up at the exhibition, including traditional vape, closed pod system, disposable and e-juice manufactures. MYLE, ANYX, MOTI and other internationally renowned e-cigarette brands. , it is said that the numbers of visitors came to this exhibition has been reduced by half. VUSE, a subsidiary of British American Tobacco, did not participate in the exhibition, and RELX was also absent from the exhibition. TAX CAUSES HIGHER PRICE OF VAPING PRODUCCTS From 1st June 2023, nicotine alternatives in South Africa, including vaping products, will now be subject to an excise tax of ZAR 2.90 ($0.15) per milliliter. The South African VapeCon is the first industry exhibition after the implementation of the South African vaping tax policy. South Africa's per capita GNI is 14,340 PPP (about 770USD), and cost-effective products may become the first choice of users. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, this policy will lead to the popular trend of large-capacity vape products. Large-capacity closed pod system will become the future trend. After interviewed the heads of several exhibitors at the show, the performance of traditional vape brands is not satisfactory, and the interest of consumers and dealers has begun to turn to closed pod systems. MYLE also showcased their META BOX, a disposable vape up to 5000 puffs . Although VUSE did not came to the show, but after visiting the local VUSE store, I learned that the VUSE GO which supports up to 1500 puffs are more popular among consumers. What surprised me is that the new product ANYX MAX PLUS released by ANYX at the show. This is a closed pod system that supports up to 8,000 puffs. Lee, the head of ANYX South Africa market, said: "You know, ANYX always hear from our users and made our products popular to diverse vapors, ANYX MAX PLUS uses the cotton core technology of the family SENSIT COIL, which can delivers consistent, rich, and long-lasting satisfaction for vapors." Usually, it remains us disposable vapes when we talk about puffs up to thousands, but the quality control has always been regarded as long-term issue, meanwhile, the battery wastes comes with pollution. ANYX MAX PLUS is more cost-effective for users. “ The price of repurchasing a pod is lower than a disposable vape of the same capacity. Also closed pod system grows loyalty of our users”. says Lee. Ruffro, a well-dressed young man who came to ANYX booth said: "I already have an ANYX PRO kit, and the SENSIT COIL is really something dope, but, as an night shift guy, I got lack of pod often, This 8000 puffs MAX PLUS is exactly what I want!" SOME THOUGHTS It has been reported that: “E-cigarettes may become more expensive than regular cigarettes due to tax-induced price increases. This may lead people to choose smoking, which is contrary to the goal of reducing tobacco use. A growing unregulated market. Asanda Gcoyi, a prominent figure at the Vapor Products Association of South Africa (VPASA), warns that such a high tax could force small businesses to close, resulting in job losses. In addition, it could create a risk for companies that are not properly certified demand for cheaper vaping products.” However, the editor believes that under the premise of complying with local regulations, major brands can launch products that consumers prefer from the perspective of future development and from the perspective of users, which is the way to long-term survival. Vaping is the future. During the standardization process of the entire industry, the game among the government, brands, and consumers is essential. The process of standardization is the process of finding a balance point. A smart balance between regulation and harm reduction is critical to creating an environment where smokers have access to less harmful alternatives. Finding the right balance between regulations and harm reduction programs is a challenging task that will shape South Africa's stance on vaping for years to come. Combining the current policy and market response, closed pod system with large capacity may be the choice of the future market. Read the full article
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Gallant Murray #621
Just 3 days left to support our Celtic Earth Kickstarter with this mini episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #621.
Fathom, Avalon Rising ,Brian O h'Uiginn, Black Rose Roisin Dubh, Old Blind Dogs, jayah
Support the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast by making a pledge in our Kickstarter. You can get an album pin, a physical CD, a tote bag, a t-shirt, sponsor an episode, become a producer for an episode and lots more. Make a pledge right now.
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
0:09 – Fathom “The Great Whale Road” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and Pollution Blues
4:55 – WELCOME
5:59 – Avalon Rising “The Chieri” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and Storming Heaven
10:54 – Brian O h'Uiginn “Miss Patterson's Slipper” from Tionchar
13:46 – Roisin Dubh “Gallant Murray” from Black Rose White Rabbit
16:56 – Old Blind Dogs “Psychopomps” from Wherever Yet May Be
21:08 – CLOSING
22:46 – jayah “ERIN GO BRAGH” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and First Egg Cracked
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
I’m Marc Gunn. There are just 3 days left for our Kickstarter for the Celtic Earth Album Pin. We’re approaching $4000 as I record this. And if we can hit $5000, you will get a 2-hour Celtic Rock episode. That’s because one of the things this Kickstarter supports is the re-release of The Secret World of Celtic Rock.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website.
I hope you enjoyed the show. There’s one more track to play. The podcast relies entirely on your generosity. This Kickstarter is one of the ways you can support Celtic culture through music. You’ll not only get a Celtic Earth Album Pin and The Secret World of Celtic Rock, but you can also get a shirt, a tote bag, and you can make a dedication on an end-of-the-year show.
In fact, $100 Collection gets you all of that stuff and makes this show stronger than ever!
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Check out this episode!
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