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davishater · 1 year ago
Guys, I am so sorry.... This post might just break Tumblr.... If you see my post and your Tumblr breaks, I apologize IMMENSELY! I have just written a Winter Moriarty X Reader that is 5,284 words..... Please forgive me..... 🙏 At the end, there is a part where Winter and the reader watch TV. I got that idea from @kawasemy I hope that I have been able to feed my fellow, starving, Winter simps. Again, please forgive me for everything and read the tags for more humor. Also, masterlist link in the beginning, cause it's too long to scroll....
Winter shoves her pale hands into her pockets and watches the sky, as the heavens shed their tears on the city of London. She was never fond of the constant rainy weather, but it's where she's lived her entire life, so all she can do is accept the gloomy weather. At least, it was gloomy until she met a certain someone.
Winter exits the store she's in and runs towards a canopy in the park across the street. She watches her only friend jump in the puddles on the basketball court the rain created. Her laughter reaching Winter's cold ears, even from that distance.
Winter calls out to her friend and she waves with a bright smile on her face. Winter weakly waves back, but quickly returns her hand to her warmer pockets.
Y/n moved here for school, from a dry climate in America. They met in a cafe, when the clumsy girl tripped and dropped her books and computer on Winter, also spilling her coffee on her in the process. The coffee had also gotten all over Y/n's computer. Winter felt bad for what happened, and even though she doesn't make it a habit to help everyone who crosses her path, she offered to fix the girls computer. Y/n's outgoing personality had pushed the unwanted friendship onto her, but after sometime, Winter couldn't bother to avoid the strange girl. She finally accepted the friendship; the first one she's had since her younger sister died.
Winter calls out to her friend again and she comes running. She stands underneath the canopy with Winter and laughs from all the fun she was having.
"You've been out here forever, aren't you done?"
Winter slightly shivers as she shoves her hands deeper into her pockets.
"What? You're such a party pooper! Why don't you come join me? You'll have more fun."
Y/n pulls on Winter's arm.
"Hard pass. You know I'm not a fan of the rain."
"And yet, you're out here with me."
Winter goes quiet at her comment and looks back out at the rain. She then speaks up to divert from the topic.
"I can't believe you forgot your umbrella."
"Well, I didn't think it was going to rain." She replies.
"Y/n, it's London. It always rains here."
"Well, it's been sprinkling lately, so I didn't think it'd come down this hard..."
"Never trust the weather here." Winter advises.
She turns back to Y/n, wipes some wet hair off of her face and brushes it behind her ear.
"Did they look at your motorcycle?" Y/n asks, brushing the rest of her hair back with her fingers.
"Yeah, just some minor issues. I can pick it up tomorrow afternoon."
"That's good, it wasn't as bad as we thought."
Winter nods and shivers again.
"If we don't dry you off, you'll catch a cold." Winter says a little concerned.
"Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine!"
"What?" Winter smirks. "Cause 'idiots don't catch colds?'"
"What!? No!"
Y/n huffs and dramatically folds her arms across her chest. Winter chuckles at how naturally expressive she is. She's been surrounded for so long by people hiding their true feelings, it's refreshing seeing someone that's so easy to read.
"It's not that funny..." Y/n continues pouting.
Winter ignores her and grabs the back of her shoulders, pushing her towards the main road.
"Come on, let's get you something warm to drink."
Winter and Y/n walk alongside the sidewalk towards the cafe that's nearby. A truck drives by and Winter tries to shield Y/n from the large splash from the truck running over the puddle, but it drenched Winter and still got on Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, Winter! Are you ok?"
Winter sputters to try and get the muddy taste out of her mouth, but fails, and wipes the excess water from off her face with her hand.
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"I'm good, but most of the water got on you! Uhg, you're more soaked than I am! Man, what a jerk!" Y/n shouts, sounding annoyed.
Winter looks at her a little questioningly.
"It happens. Come on, let's head inside."
"Are they even gonna let us inside with how wet you are?"
"Yeah. It's normal to see people drenched walking into places to get dried off from the rain."
"I see."
The girls walk into the cafe and a hostess immediately runs up to them with two towels.
"I saw what happened through the window. Are you two alright?"
"Yeah." Winter replies, plainly.
She takes the towels and places one on her shoulders and the other on Y/n's head.
"Could we use your restroom to clean ourselves up?" Y/n asked the hostess.
"Of course! Follow me."
They followed the hostess to the restrooms meant for paying customers and unlocked the door for the drenched girls. They walk inside and Winter starts rubbing the towel over Y/n's head. She swats Winter's hand away and dries off her own hair.
"I'm fine, just take care of yourself."
Winter takes a step back and stares at Y/n out of the corner of her eye. She then goes to the sink and starts washing her mouth out from the dirt taste she had since earlier. Winter wipes her mouth on the towel around her shoulders and then slowly puts it over her head and starts drying off her hair. She glances at her friend again and sees the small pout on her face.
"Are you upset with me?" Winter asks quietly.
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"You're not you're usual happy self..."
"Oh... No, I'm upset with that truck driver... There's no way he didn't see us or the puddle! He should've slowed down! Driving through puddles like that can ruin your car and it gets people wet! It was so unnecessary and if I could, I'd definitely yell at him about it! I swear, some people are just so inconsiderate!"
"He really got you that upset?"
Winter looks a little surprised.
"Of course! Now there's a possibility of you getting sick! Oh, I swear, if you do, I'm going to hunt him down and give him a piece of my mind!"
Winter accidentally lets a chuckle escape her lips and she's shocked from her own reaction.
"What? I'm serious you know!"
"I know."
"Then why'd you laugh?"
"Well... I don't know myself... I guess, it's cause I'm seeing a new side of you. I don't think I've ever seen you get mad before. I almost thought you weren't capable of that kind of emotion."
"Huh? Well of course I get mad! That's a normal human reaction, so I wouldn't be a normal human otherwise."
"Oh, my bad! I didn't realize you were capable of being normal." Winter mocked.
"What? Hey! I can be normal!"
"I'd bet my life you can't be normal about anything."
"Now that's just mean!"
Y/n pouts and Winter chuckles again. She stares at Winter's face and sees black streaks running down her cheeks from her eyes.
"Oh dear, your makeup is running."
She grabs some toilet paper and wipes off the black streaks from Winter's cheeks. Winter stares into her eyes as she does so.
"I could've done that, you know."
"And I could've handled getting drenched, so we're even now."
Winter looks away and continues rubbing the towel over her head. She then frantically pulls out her wallet and phone from her pockets. The few bills and business cards she had in her wallet were far from saving and just made the wallet look like a mess. She puts her wallet on the sink and then tries turning on her phone, but it refuses to respond. Winter cusses underneath her breath.
"That bad?" Y/n asks.
"Well, I can't contact anyone, which isn't that big a deal, but I don't have access to money either."
"Oh... Yeah that's pretty bad."
"How's your phone?"
"Well, let's see."
She pulls out her phone, which has a heavy duty case on it, and tries turning it on.
"Oh yay! My phone works!"
"I bet the case is what saved it."
Y/n chuckles, a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I tend to drop my phone often... I guess my clumsy nature helped us a little there?"
Winter smirks and shakes her head.
"Well we at least still have access to my money, if there's anything we need." Y/n says, hopeful.
"No, save your money. Use that for your school needs."
"But I want to help out, too."
"You don't have to worry about that."
"Ok, then have you figured out how we're going to get back to my apartment without using money? We came kinda far and it's too far to walk in the rain without an umbrella."
Winter goes silent and looks away. She takes off her leather jacket and hoodie and tosses them to the floor. She then starts pulling on her t-shirt that's sticking to her body and rings out some of the water. Y/n sighs and looks around the bathroom. She then grabs Winter's hand and leads her to the hand dryer.
"Come on, we can at least dry you off a little, while we come up with a plan."
Y/n turns on the hand dryer and it blows in Winter's face. She closes her eyes and winces from the sudden intensity. Winter takes the towel from off her head and shakes her head as the warm wind blows her hair dry. She then lifts up her shirt a little, showing her stomach and waist. Winter looks up and notices Y/n staring.
"Is there a problem?" Winter asks.
"Oh... No, it's nothing."
Y/n turns her head away and Winter notices her cheeks are slightly pinker than before. Winter pulls her friend closer to her as she looks surprised from the sudden notion.
"Dry yourself off with the hand dryer, too. I don't want you getting sick, either."
Y/n complies and starts to try and dry her clothes while they're still on. The feeling of her clothes slowly drying on her made them feel icky. She scrunches her nose from the feeling and feels awkward drying herself off with a small hand dryer and Winter standing closely next to her. She knows it was her idea, but didn't realize how awkward, or embarrassing, this situation would be. Lifting your arm up to dry your armpit, while someone you care about is standing so close to you, isn't the ideal situation...
"This isn't working. We'd be able to dry our clothes better if we took them off." Winter suggested, sounding a little annoyed.
She starts lifting her shirt even higher to take it off, but Y/n stops her.
"Wait, wait, wait!"
"Well... I uh- I'm not exactly comfortable with that..."
Winter put her shirt down, then picks both her jackets off the floor and starts ringing out the water in the sink.
"So? What should we do now?" Y/n asks.
"Well, this little hand dryer isn't going to be enough to dry us off. We're going to have to change into different clothes in order to get warmer."
"Well then, at least let me buy us some warm drinks as we come up with a plan."
Winter sighs and gives into the girls protests.
"Fine, but that's it! Nothing else."
Winter collects her things and they leave the bathroom and sit at one of the small tables next to the window. A waitress comes over and takes their orders. Y/n stares out the window as they sit in silence until their drinks come.
Once the waitress gives them their drinks, Y/n thanks her and drinks from her cup. Winter immediately puts her hands on her cup and keeps them there. Every so often, she sips from the mug.
"I swear, how does someone not bring an umbrella along when it's raining?" Winter mocks a second time.
"Hey! You don't have one, either!"
Winter sighs.
"Ok, that's fair."
"There's a hotel across the street there."
Y/n points out the building and Winter follows the direction she's pointing in.
"Why would we go to a hotel?"
"Well, we can shower, and they have a washing machine, and we can stay there until the weather lightens up. The forecast also says tomorrow won't have as much rain as today."
"And who's money are we going to use to stay there?"
Y/n goes silent and pouts again.
"I told you, you need to save your money for school. I'm sure the fees take up the majority of your allowance anyways."
"You don't know that." She says, still pouting.
"Ok, then how much do you usually have left after you've paid the fees?"
Y/n blows a bubble in her cheeks and pouts more.
"That's... None of your business."
"Which means it's not much."
She whines and turns her attention outside again as Winter shakes her head. After sometime, her friend starts chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"No, sorry. I just realized, it's kind of like we're on a date and you're the guy who wants to pay for everything just to make a good impression."
Winter becomes flustered and rests her chin on her hand to hide her embarrassment and slightly pink cheeks. She looks out the window as she speaks quietly.
"O-oh, uh... Does it?"
Y/n sees through Winter's failed composure and continues chuckling.
"I'm sorry, maybe that was too much for me to say."
"No, you did nothing wrong."
Winter puts both her hands back on her cup and stares out the window, watching the rain fall as Y/n looks at her. She then turns her attention outside as well. After some time, Winter speaks up.
"If you let me pay you back, I'll let you use your money to at least pay for a taxi."
Y/n's face brightens up.
"Let me use your phone to call a taxi." Winter says, putting her hand out.
"Why can't you use your phone?"
Winter's shoulders fall and she frowns at her friend.
"Oh right, I forgot."
Y/n pulls out her phone and gives it to Winter as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, as she dials the number to order a taxi. After a few minutes of Winter talking on the phone and growing more annoyed, she scoffs and hangs up the phone.
"They're all gonna be busy for a while."
"Well should we wait until one is available? Or take the trains or bus?"
"Rather not be in a crowded place if I don't have to."
Winter replied, with her fist pushing into her cheek, and the way she spoke sounded silly. Y/n giggled and Winter paid her no mind.
"I remember you don't like crowds. If only your motorcycle could be ready in a few hours."
"We can't do anything about that. Why don't we just start walking? There's a small store around the corner from here. We can buy an umbrella there and dry off at your place."
"If you're ok with that."
"There's nothing else we can do and it won't be good if either of us get sick. Gotta do what we gotta do to get dried off as quickly as possible."
"Yeah, you got a point."
The two girls finish their drinks and Y/n goes up to the counter and pays. Winter holds both of her jackets and waits by the entrance. They walk out together and quickly head to the general store around the corner. Y/n grabs one umbrella, pays for it and then heads back to Winter, who's again waiting by the entrance.
"Give it to me."
Y/n gives the umbrella to Winter as they walk outside. She opens it up and holds it over both of their heads as they start walking towards her friends house.
"Why don't you let me walk on the outside of the road this time?"
"No, you stay on that side." Winter says, bluntly.
"But what if a car comes by and splashes you again?"
"I'm more aware of my surroundings, so I can move us out of the way faster if that happens."
"What about earlier? You didn't move out of the way then."
Winter sighs.
"I shielded you, didn't I?"
Y/n goes quiet and looks down at her feet as she walks. Winter notices her silence and mentally scolds herself for not being good at relaying exactly what she wants to say.
"Besides, I'd be more comfortable if I was the one next to the road." Winter continues.
"Alright fine. Guess I can't really say anything if that's the reason."
Winter pats her head and they continue walking down the street towards Y/n's apartment.
"What if you let me hold the umbrella?" Y/n ask after a minute of silence.
"No, I'll hold the umbrella."
"Well, I want to help with something, too."
"You've done enough."
Y/n huffs while Winter stares at her and sighs.
"You really want to do something more?"
Winter hands her jackets over to her sulking friend.
"This helps me."
Y/n smiles a goofy grin and giggles contently as she holds Winter's jackets close to her. Winter looks away and scratches her cheek. Y/n looks up at her and swears she saw a light pink color dust Winter's cheeks, but it was too dark outside for her to tell. They walk in silence for a few minutes.
"So, what do you want to do once we get back to my place?" Y/n asks.
"I just want to get warm, I don't care about anything else."
Y/n hums in response.
"Are you gonna stay the night then?"
"No." Winter replies, furrowing her brow at her friend.
"How come?"
"I'm not going to intrude on you."
"But you won't be! Besides, how are you going to get home without your motorcycle?"
"I'll manage."
"What if I force you to stay?"
"Well, then I wouldn't have a choice now, would I?"
A wide grin is placed on Y/n's face and she hugs Winter's arm as they walk.
"Then I guess that's what I'm going to have to do! I'm forcing you to stay over!"
Y/n giggles with excitement and starts skipping.
"You're that happy to force me to stay over?"
"Of course! It means we get to hangout longer!"
Winter stares at Y/n.
"You're weird."
Y/n giggles again.
Winter looks out at the street, watches the cars drive by and the people traveling to their destinations. She sees the many different expressions and judges their thoughts accordingly. Some enjoy the rain, some aren't fond of the weather and some just accepts this as a part of their life. Winter remembers that she doesn't like the rain, but finds she doesn't mind the gloomy weather at this moment. She feels a shiver come on, but the feeling immediately goes away, and her body starts to warm up without the need to shiver.
She listens to her friend hum the chorus over and over from a popular song in London right now. It's a song Winter isn't fond of, but she finds herself fighting the urge to hum along to the stupid song. She hears splashing at her feet, along with the pitter patter of rain echoing all around her, and looks down. Y/n has continued to jump in each puddle they come across again today, but Winter pays her no mind. Her friend grips her arm, for support, as she jumps in ever puddle. Winter doesn't mind it when the water splashes up onto her shoes, or even the bottom of her pants. In fact, she finds it more comical, than anything.
"If you keep skipping like that, you're going to slip and fall."
"No I won't, cause you'll catch me!"
"Will I?"
"Mh hm!"
Winter stays silent and after a few seconds, she starts moving her body weight downwards. Y/n doesn't notice until she jumps in another puddle and her grip on Winter's arm becomes unstable, from her change in posture, causing her to slip. Y/n shrieks and Winter holds her up with her arm to keep her from falling to the ground. She smacks Winter's shoulder annoyed as she spots a small smile creep up on Winter's lips.
"You did that on purpose!" Y/n yells annoyed.
"Maybe that'll teach you to be more careful." Winter says, chuckling.
"You're so mean, betraying my trust like that!"
"Well, I never told you to trust me."
"I know, but I wanted to trust you."
"I don't know why."
"Well, obviously cause you're such a good person... Somewhere."
Winter chuckles again at the "somewhere" part.
Winter stops walking and pulls her friend back, before she walks out from underneath the umbrella.
"Where are you going?" Winter asks.
"Huh? What do you mean? Aren't we going to my apartment?"
"Yeah, it's right here."
Y/n turns her head and sees they're standing right next to her apartment building.
"Oh, yeah, you're right! Wow, I thought we would have to walk further."
"Well, we have been walking for a while." Winter replied.
"Have we? I never noticed. I guess I was having so much fun with you, time had gone by much faster. Do you ever get that?"
Winter hesitates to speak, but decided to just say what's on her mind.
"Yeah. I wasn't expecting the walk to go by that quickly, either. I almost walked past your apartment building, too."
"You and I are just so silly, huh?" Y/n giggles.
"No, being with you just lowers my IQ."
"What!? You can't say that! That's so mean!"
Y/n hits Winter's shoulder again. She chuckles as she watches her friends reaction.
"Come on, let's head inside and dry off. I'm so done with being cold and wet."
"Ok, let's go!"
Y/n holds onto Winter's arm again and they walk to the front entrance. When they get to the door, Winter closes the umbrella and continues to walk up to her friends small apartment. When the girls walk in the entryway, Y/n shuts the door behind them. They both sigh loudly, in unison, and then look at each other chuckling.
"Why don't you take a shower first?" Y/n suggests.
"I can't do that. You go take the first one."
"I don't have the energy to argue with you. Give me your clothes to wash and hop in the shower, right now." Y/n says sternly.
"O-ok." Winter says a little surprised.
She starts lifting her shirt up and Y/n stares at the curves in her sides and back. Winter's pale skin, how curvy she is, the placement of her veins and the thickness of her spine, Y/n takes a mental note of all of it. She even becomes jealous of the few droplets of water sliding down her back and disappearing in the fabric of her jeans. She wishes her fingers could feel Winter's skin, just like the rain that soaked her today.
Y/n realizes she's staring and the kind of thoughts she's having, so she immediately covers her eyes with her hands. She hears the sounds of Winter stripping down and the wet fabric pulling away from her skin. Y/n feels a tap on her arm, and while keeping her eyes closed, she holds out her arms and Winter lays her clothes over her arms.
"I'll get you a towel and a change of clothes as soon as I start the laundry." Y/n says.
She hears Winter's bare feet walk across the floor towards the bathroom. When Y/n hears the door shut, she opens her eyes and sighs. She then goes to her laundry room, shoves Winter's clothes into the washing machine and strips down to put her own clothes in as well. After starting the machine, she grabs two towels and wraps herself in one. She goes to her kitchen and fills her kettle with water and puts it on the stove. Then, goes to her room and grabs some comfy clothes for Winter before knocking on the bathroom door.
"Winter, I'm coming in!"
"That's fine."
Y/n walks in the bathroom.
"I'm putting a towel and some clean clothes here on the counter. I'm also boiling some water, so you can come and make a hot drink for yourself while I shower."
"Is there anything else you need?"
"I'm probably fine. I'm almost done in here."
"Ok, I'll give you privacy, then."
Y/n leaves the bathroom and starts collecting clothes for her to change into once she's finished with her shower. She sits on her bed as she waits for Winter to finish up. Winter exits the bathroom and heads towards the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her shoulders and Y/n goes in the bathroom to shower.
When Y/n gets out of the bathroom, she's dressed in comfy clothes and heads towards the kitchen and living room area. She spots the back of Winter's head, tilted slightly to the side. She makes herself some tea and heads to the couch.
As she comes around the corner, she starts laughing. She spots Winter, curled up on the far end of the couch, mouth slightly a gaped, bowl of cereal in her hands resting in between her knees and chest, and one of Y/n's thin blankets wrapped around her legs. Winter breathes in deeply and sits up straight, rubbing her eyes. She starts to continue eating.
"Did you fall asleep?" Y/n asks, still laughing.
She's never had the opportunity to see Winter in such a vulnerable state.
"No... At least... Not completely..." Winter says quietly.
Y/n sets her cup down on the coffee table and takes the damp towel from around Winter's shoulders and puts it in the laundry. She comes back and relaxes on the opposite side of the couch.
"Did you want to sleep?"
"No, I'm fine."
"You sure? I don't mind if you do. We had a long day, after all."
Winter takes a few bites of her cereal before answering.
She finishes up her cereal and then puts the bowl on the coffee table in front of her. She motions Y/n to move closer to her. Instead, Y/n picks up the bowl and takes it to the sink. Winter starts to untangle herself from the blanket to try and get up.
"That's not what I meant for you to do. I was going to take care of it later."
"I know, just stay there. Now you don't have to worry about it later."
Winter leans back on the couch when she sees Y/n coming back.
"Where's your phone?" Y/n asks.
Winter pulls out her phone, that had fallen in-between her and the couch cushion, and shows it to Y/n. She dramatically snatches it from Winter's grasp and Winter looks surprised as she watches her friend walk back to the kitchen.
"What are you-"
Y/n pulls out a bowl and a bag of rice. She then takes Winter's phone out of its case and places it in a bowl. She pours the rice over the phone, making sure it's completely surrounded by rice.
"And now we wait."
"Are you performing some kind of voodoo over there?"
"Um... No? Putting your phone in rice can actually get the water out and fix your phone. At least, it's supposed to do that. Doesn't always work, though."
"You don't have to do that. I can always get a new phone."
"But then you'll lose the silly messages I've sent you! I know if it was me, I'd be sad if that happened. This way, we can say we did all we could to fix your phone."
Y/n goes back over to the couch, picks up her and Winter's cup of tea, which was also on the coffee table, and brings the two cups with her as she sits next to Winter. She gives Winter her cup and Winter moved the blanket so it's covering Y/n as well.
"You don't have to do things for me. I'm capable of doing them myself." Winter says, a little irritated.
"Oh, don't be like that. You always help me out, so I wanna help you, too. Besides, if I didn't try to help fix your phone, I'd feel somewhat responsible that it broke."
Winter purses her lips together and then takes a sip of her tea.
"Thanks." She says quietly.
Y/n smiles wide. Winter then picks up the TV remote next to her and tosses it into Y/n's lap.
"Why don't you turn on that show you like?"
Y/n thinks for a bit.
"The baking one?"
"Well, why don't we watch what you want to watch?"
"Cause I don't care. Just turn it on."
"Ok, ok." Y/n chuckles.
She turns on the TV and starts playing The Great British Bake Off.
"These people are so stupid."
Y/n laughs at Winter's comment.
"That's why I like it."
"Oh, that's right, they're your people."
Y/n looks at Winter confused.
"But I'm American?"
"No, it's cause you're not the smartest person."
"Wha-! You are so mean to me, and for what?"
"Are you saying you're smarter than these people?"
Winter looks at Y/n questioningly and sips from her mug.
"You think these people are smart enough to stick a wet phone in rice to fix it?"
Winter starts laughing as she sips from her mug and almost chokes on her tea.
"Please, do not die on me, I would literally cry."
"You don't want a crime scene here?"
"No! I do not!"
Winter giggles and buries her forehead into Y/n's shoulder.
"What in the world is wrong with you?" Y/n laughs.
"I don't know. I never stay awake when I'm this tired!"
"Then sleep! I literally do not mind!"
Winter starts giggling again.
"Oh my gosh."
Y/n shakes her head.
"Uhg! Why am I like this!?" Winter leans her head back and whines.
"I like this side of you. It's fun watching you act in a way you usually don't."
Winter buries her face into Y/n's lap and groans. Y/n giggles and runs her fingers through Winter's hair.
"That's nice."
"You like it when I run my fingers through your hair?"
Winter reaches over and puts her cup on the coffee table and then points at it.
Winter then rolls over and points up at Y/n as she giggles.
"Ok, I'll make sure the cup stays." Y/n says as if she's talking to a child.
Winter's arm falls onto Y/n's lap, next to her head and then positions her legs so they're hanging over the side of the couch. Y/n fixes the blanket so it covers Winter and continues playing with her hair.
Winter stares into Y/n's face curiously.
"It's a shame that you don't know how pretty you are..."
Y/n immediately stops playing with Winter's hair and feels her cheeks heat up. She watches as Winter starts to relax down and her eyes fight to stay open. Y/n recomposes herself and turns off the TV, then continues to play with Winter's hair to help her fall asleep. Her breathing slows and her finger wraps around the hem of Y/n's shirt. She smiles and watches Winter for a while, before she starts falling asleep herself. One hand entangled in Winter's hair, other hand resting on the cup at her side. She couldn't have asked for a better day.
Later, Winter wakes up and crouches on the bathroom floor, cursing herself for acting the way she did before she fell asleep. She decided to pretend as if she never acted all 'cute' like that and swears to force herself to never act that way again for as long as she lives. She'll never speak a word of that moment to anyone and hopes Y/n will forget all about it. Although, Y/n will probably only want to talk about that one moment as soon as she wakes up....
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