#the elf and his loyal tiefling
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#happyqueenandgrumpydork#trading faces#the gentleman's duel#the elf and his loyal tiefling#the demon sisters#viper and bloom vs the queen bee
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doomsday group (me, maruu, chris, cj, and smurg) have been making a dnd au for our wl/sol/ctm storylines and it's been slowly drivign us mad so im gonna do a few posts explaining it maybe?
to start, characters:
Name: Ellery Pronouns: he/him, they/them Player: Lew (me!) Race: Winter Eladrin Elf | Reborn Class: Warlock Subclass: Otherworldly Patron - Mrykul, death god | Pact of the Tome
Ellery leads a small temple to Myrkul, god of death, decay, old age, autumn, and dusk. Ellery is a prophet, receiving visions from his god to help run the temple. As leader, people tend to go to him for guidance.
Ellery's design, art by Maruu
Name: Syyrin Pronouns: she/her Player: CJ @cjskribblez Race: Tiefling Class: Artificer Subclass: Alchemist
Syyrin is the other founding member of the temple and Ellery's loyal second in command, often helping him with the more menial tasks of starting and upkeeping a cult. She spends her free time crafting things and studying alchemy.
Syyrin's design, art by CJ
Name: Flint Pronouns: he/him Player: Smurg @smurgle Race: Dragonborn | Black Class: Rogue Subclass: Soulknife
A member of the Myrkul temple, Flint has no formal role, though his general nosiness means he's generally familiar with the workings and gossips of the lives of temple residents. He's close friends with both Ellery and Syyrin, and is often spending time with the both of them.
Flint’s design, art by Smurg
Name: Iscariot Pronouns: he/him Player: Chris @chrisrin Race: Hobgoblin Class: Paladin Subclass: Oath of the Watchers (previously Oathbreaker)
Member of a group of worshipers of Cyric, god of power, chaos, murder, and lies. This group has taken root in Ellery's temple, and is trying to steal power away. Iscariot had once been a paladin driven exclusively by violence for its own sake, but has recently found himself unable to use magic, as he's begun to doubt his faith.
Iscariot’s design, art by Chris
Name: Mar Pronouns: she/her Player: Maruu @xmaruu11 Race: Water Genasi | Reborn Class: Cleric Subclass: Life Domain | Hestia
A cleric of Life worshiping Hestia, goddess of hearth, community, and family. She's betrayed and sold by her own family, ending as a sacrifice for the Cyric-worshipping group infiltrating the Myrkul temple.
Mar's design, art by Maruu
[ dnd au plot summary post here ]
#doomsday#xmaruu11#chrisrin#cjskribblez#smurgle#driflew#capture the myrkul#<<< tag for the au. check that out for more
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A deep dive into Zevlor's devotion (Part 1) Everybody hates tieflings, and how discrimination impacted a young Zevlor:
These series of posts were originally one loooooong post— but apparently Tumblr has a character limit, and I found it; so now it's been split into several parts/posts.
((Part 1, this post, is mostly to give context to the discrimination faced by tieflings in Faerûn. The third part is where the meat of my Zevlor analysis is.))
(Part 2) Elturel's history and culture, the Hellriders, and Zevlor's paladin oath. (Part 2.5)
(Part 3) Zevlor's actions during Act 1, an analysis of a man who is barely holding on.
(Part 4) Zevlor's actions during Act 2, an analysis of a broken man.
(Part 5) Zevlor's actions during Act 3, an analysis of a man with his faith restored.
(Part 6) Zevlor's actions during/ after the epilogue, not all endings are happily ever after— especially not for a tiefling.
(Part 7) Zevlor in a romantic relationship.
I don't think many bg3 players understand just how dedicated and loyal of a person Zevlor is. This ADHD hyper-fixation fueled multipart-thesis is meant to show how Zevlor's past is as tragic as any of the origin characters'/ Durge's. It's meant to show how horrifically broken Zevlor was when he "betrayed" the other tieflings. It's also meant to show that our beloved blorbo would probably be fervently obsessive if he was in a romantic relationship.
Most importantly: It demonstrates how our favorite man Zevlor was most likely a fanatical religious zealot my dudes. He was (probably) a part of the Faerûn equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition lite.
I have kept this as factual as I am able to. Please keep in mind that Baldur's Gate 3 plays it fast and loose with the DND/ Forgotten Realms canon and lore, on top of DND/ the Forgotten Realms itself regularly disregarding and changing it's own lore and canon. DND lore and canon as a whole is a mess. It has multiple universes that sometimes interact and are maybe separate from each other. Full disclosure; I've mixed 1e-5e lore together FUCK 5.5e, because parsing through what is currently considered canon is a nightmare. As far as I'm concerned, as long as a piece of lore was canon at some point in the past 50 years— it's fair game. @y-rhywbeth2 in this post has a more in depth disclaimer. Also please check out their headcanons and lore breakdowns, they're so good.
THIS PROJECT TOOK ME OVER A MONTH TO WRITE. I've tried to find all grammatical and spelling errors. I've tried to ensure that I've cited the correct sources in the correct places.
I have given up on trying to understand Tumblr's inconsistent post formatting. Why does the 'small' option for text sometimes actually make the text smaller but other times it makes the text larger???
● (Section 1) The Origins, Anatomy, and Physiology of Tieflings:
AN: It used to be that tieflings could only breed with other tieflings and humans. This seems to have been changed recently— one no longer has to have a demon somewhere in their genetic lineage to be a tiefling, one of their ancestors having contact with a demon is enough to produce a tiefling descendant. Which has interesting implications for Warlocks. There are also special versions of elf and orc tieflings.
(From what I can tell) tieflings live for about the same amount of time, maybe ~10 years longer than, humans do. (AN: Remember how I said the Forgotten Realms loves to retcon and disregard it’s own lore? The wiki states that their life span is from 90–150 years, but this source is from 2004 and the lore has greatly changed in the past 20 years. I am choosing to ignore the wiki here for my own sanity.)
Tieflings were humanoids with fiendish ancestry. They came about due to one of their ancestors (even many generations prior) getting freaky with a demon being "touched" by the evil planes in some way.
"Tieflings... were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others... Although their evil ancestors could be many generations removed, the taint lingered."
Before some warlock shenanigans happened, tieflings had a much wider range of appearances than the ones we generally see now.
"In 1358 DR, a warlock coven...the Toril thirteen performed a ritual that cursed most tiefling lineages... [changing] their original lineage with that of the archdevil... Asmodeus [who] became a god... giving most tieflings... a similar devilish appearance... [whereas before] infernal blood could be diluted through intermarriage... afterward, the union of a tiefling with another race always produced a tiefling child."
Their infernal ancestry gave them some very powerful abilities.
"Tieflings had a number of abilities gifted to them by their fiendish heritage... an innate resistance to heat and... a hint of bloodlust that gave them a slight edge in combat. Tieflings also had access to an ability known as infernal wrath, which channeled their innate rage and potential for evil into their attacks for added effectiveness... [they] tended to have better reflexes than their human kin... [Tieflings are] alluring and intelligent creatures, with a seductive aura in spite of their obviously evil ancestry...
Along with some not so great traits that fed into the prejudices against them.
"Other, more unusual characteristics included a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or... an unsettling air about them... a general aura of discomfort they left on others... most people were uncomfortable around them, whether they were aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not... Tieflings were carnivores. They consumed blood, blubber, bone, gristle and meat... [and] raw bone marrow..."
Tieflings tended to be resolute and tenacious, with a strong internal drive to rise above their circumstances.
"They are adaptable and resilient to hardship, and possess strong aptitude at whatever pursuit they dedicate themselves to... When facing adversity, the tiefling instinct is not to withdraw from the world, but rather to challenge it head-on... Tieflings seek to make their own fates, defy the odds, and take risks that... most... would not dare."
For some awesome insight on tieflings check out this post [alt] by @gortashs-skidmark, it's a good source on tiefling appearances and traits. Along with this post [alt] by @pikapeppa providing evidence-based headcanons on tiefling appearances. And this post [alt] by @y-rhywbeth2, which talks about how a tiefling's physical traits are influenced by their specific infernal heritage.
Their infernal appearance and weird vibes are why almost
● (Section 2) Everybody Hates Tieflings:
Even before Elturel's Decent into Avernus, and subsequently the events of BG3 (both of which I will cover later), Tieflings faced an incredible amount of discrimination— even from their own kind.
"Few tieflings were raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive... Tieflings who had strikingly inhuman features were often killed at birth by their horrified parents or others. Only those tieflings with subtle features or born to someone indifferent to their appearance, either out of acceptance or cruel purpose, were likely to reach adulthood... Tieflings often distrusted one another, sometimes even casting the same preconceptions on one another that others did on them."
This post [alt] by @underdark-dreams highlights the discrimination tieflings face in game. And how the Flaming Fists should be called the Flaming Shits, but I'll get into that in another part of this series.
Understandably, they didn't easily trust others. But once someone did earn a tiefling's trust, they were an incredibly loyal friend.
"…[Tieflings] expected eventual rejection from all... However, members of other races would find that once they demonstrated friendship and trust towards a tiefling, it would quickly be reciprocated in full. Once that bond was forged, it was rarely broken."
While some tieflings wholeheartedly embraced the preconception that all tieflings were evil, others would endeavor to prove it wrong.
"Their attitude regarding their heritage... while some tieflings embraced it, others were repulsed by it... tieflings, who were proud of their fiendish past... chose to... thwart... dark plots and schemes. Others sought to... emulate these evil deeds. Other tieflings were ashamed or even frightened of their heritage and wished only to escape the shadow that lurked over them... Some did this through constantly doing good, as though to make up for the evil that begot them. Others instead hid [their heritage]…"
Looking like devils made people think they were devils, or acted like devils.
"Tieflings are widely stereotyped as wicked, cruel, and criminal individuals... [with] a tendency to be solitary loners... known for their quick temper, stubbornness, self-confidence, and fickleness in relationships."
And since people thought tieflings were, or would act like, devils they treated them like devils.
"The social rejection they typically face often leads tieflings to enter a life of crime, which furthers social prejudice against their race."
"We're distrusted and viewed as evil malcontents for so long that we start to believe it ourselves. It's hard not to try to live up to the hype, eh?"— Enkillo the Sly, tiefling
It's not a stretch of the imagination to assume that people would believe that: the more devilish a tiefling looked = the more they'd behave like devils (evil). It's also safe assume: that the more infernal traits a tiefling had = the more, harsher, discrimination they'd face.
This leads into my next topic,
● (Section 3) Zevlor's Infernal Appearance:
He looks like a combo of Sylvester Stallone and Willem Dafoe.
He and his Habsburg jaw lookin ass face seems to always have a 5 o'clock shadow. (Probably because he's a refugee struggling to survive, so his personal grooming habits have taken a back seat.)
Zevlor has more infernal features than the other tieflings do in-game. (As shown in this post [alt] by @lolliputian and @haru-sen) He has very prominent cheekbones, a thick brow ridge, and BIG horns. (Look at @cinnasalmon's post [alt] on Zevlor's horn anatomy.)
HC: The reasons his face bones are so protuberant is because they need to support the weight of his huge horns, as without them his (face) skull would fracture/ cave in from the constant pressure. Poor guy probably lives with a perpetual headache.
Zevlor's prominent infernal facial features make him look older than he probably is— as they emphasize the traits we humans commonly associate with aging; such as defined nasal labial folds, a lack of facial fat, and big ears. The striations by his eyes look like wrinkles, but I think that they're mostly infernal markings.
Stress prematurely ages people, and Zevlor had multitudes of stressors throughout his life: Contending with the discrimination from being a tiefling with prominent infernal traits, joining an elite military unit at age 12, rising through its ranks to become a Commander of said unit, having his city dragged into the literal Hells (more on that in part 2), defending the civilians/ city trapped in the hells, surviving the hells, then being stripped of his rank and banished from his home because of racial prejudices, and then leading a group of (mostly civilian) refugees to Baldur's Gate— all while desperately trying to keep them alive in the face of Faerûn's many, many, dangers.
Combining all the factors above would make any man look 10+ years older than he actually is.
Zevlor looks scary. His irises look like they're on fire, and his teeth are scarier than Astarion's. I was browsing Tumblr alone in my room, at night, 😳 and this photo of Zevlor popped up on my feed giving me a good scare. I have an unhealthy obsession with Zevlor, he's made it onto my official husbando list! And yet, I can't look at certain screen shots of him at night because they scare me. I'm a wuss.
I simp hard for this man, and yet I am still frightened by his appearance sometimes. Imagine how people in Faerûn react when they see his sleep paralysis demon lookin ass him in person? Screaming and running away is completely understandable.
Which brings us to,
● (Section 4) How Discrimination Impacted a Young Zevlor:
Even as a young child Zevlor would've know that his appearance othered him.
"Most tieflings were aware from an early age that they were different from others around them..."
Even as a child Zevlor most likely knew that many people would dislike him and refuse to trust him because he was born a tiefling.
Tiefling families in the traditional sense are rare. Many tieflings, born to human parents who possess a latent infernal bloodline, are abandoned at birth and raised by a monastery, church, orphanage, or adoptive parents.
I headcanon that he had at least one loving parent—before he was orphaned, but it's entirely possible, and likely, that he was abandoned at birth.
Young Zevlor would've known that he would have to work very hard to be seen as something other than a criminal or evil monster.
"While some [tieflings] would... [turn] towards evil, others rejected it wholeheartedly and sought to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all. Few could maintain this discipline however."
AN: Elturel was a theocracy (more on that part 2)— Zevlor likely grew up in a deeply religious family/ community.
All these factors combined would lead to a young Zevlor who:
Was determined to prove his goodness and rise above the adversity he faced. The force of will and work ethic he needed to become not just a Hellrider— but a Hellrider Commander, while being a tiefling, meant that he would've grown into a stubborn man. (See this post [alt] by @ohsayit)
Was so deeply religious and devoutly pious that he became a paladin. (More on this in part 2)
Internalized the impossible standards he was held to.
Developed a guilt complex (my "grew up Catholic" is showing)
Viewed any mistake he made as a personal moral failure, and as an indication of his inherent evil nature. (Hello again, Catholicism)
Would be hyperaware of how he's perceived by others.
Would learn how to read people's true intentions/ motivations.
Learned to vigilantly monitor, and strictly control his facial expressions and body language. (Is my autistic masking showing?)
Learned how to show deference to others through body language.
Leaned how to make himself appear smaller and less threatening.
Figured out how smile and laugh without showing his teeth.
Mastered the awkward and tight-lipped polite smile.
Figured out how to intelligibly speak with a tight jaw and lips so that his teeth wouldn't be seen by others while he spoke.
Developed self worth/ self esteem issues. Even other tieflings would've looked at him with suspicion and maybe even disgust.
That's it for part 1, here's another link to (Part 2) Elturel's history and culture, the Hellriders, and Zevlor's paladins oath. (Part 2.5)
and the other parts,
A deep dive into Zevlor's devotion series (master list)
#zevlor#zevlor bg3#bg3 zevlor#zevlovers#zevlor nation#bg3#baldur's gate 3#bg3 lore#bg3 headcanons#baldur's gate 3 headcanons#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3 spoilers#tieflings#dnd lore#zevlore#long post#tiefling anatomy#bg3 meta#bg3 analysis
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The True Face of Bravery
Written for the @steddiemicrofic June challenge prompt, using the word "stuff" and max 483 words.
483 words | Rating: T (for a single swear word)
Tags: Fantasy DnD AU, Tiefling Steve Harrington, Anti-Tiefling racism, Steve Harrington has bad parents, implied child abuse, first kiss
Ao3 link
"'Mi'lord', your squire is whining he can't find your club, the one with the spikes and-um." Eddie froze with his hands still on the tent flap, staring at Steve. And surely this was Steve, he had the same facial features and clothes as Stephen Harrington, heir to the Barony of Loch Nora and paladin extraordinaire. Except Stephen Harrington didn't have luminous red skin, or a pair of horns that spiraled up out of his hair and curved back over themselves just above his ears. And he certainly didn't normally have a pointed tail poking out from his trousers. Before Eddie could even begin to think of retreating, he found himself roughly yanked inside the tent. “Wait!” Eddie flailed, wrenching himself out of Steve's grasp. “Please don't kill me! As fitting as it would be for Eddie the Banished to die at the hand of a noble I really would rather it not happen today, I promise I can keep my mouth shut and—“ Eddie stopped babbling as he took in how badly Steve was trembling. Weaponless, he had only moved to block the tent flap. Steve lifted a shaking hand to his nose. "Father was right, it was always going to come down to an act of stupidity on my part. Just, let me finish this mission, please." Eddie blinked, still wrapping his head around his companion’s true appearance. "What?" "Vecna is a blight on these lands. Even if the Order is going to expel me once they know, I swore an oath to slay him. I'm asking that you wait to turn me in until we're done. I promise, I'll go quietly." "Why would I turn you in?" Steve's tail twitched when he was anxious. "Have you somehow missed that I'm the shameful reminder of my ancestor's wrongdoings?” he said, clearly mimicking something he had been told many times over. Eddie took a tentative step forward. "And what makes you think I give a flying fuck what stuff society or your Order believes? Sweetheart, I'm just impressed you've managed to hide yourself for this long." "As a child my parents wouldn't let me leave my chambers until I could cast illusion magic." Steve whispered. "But why—” "You're kind of the ideal paladin, you know?" Eddie barreled on. "Always throwing yourself headlong into danger to protect others. You're kind and funny and," he blushed, "absolutely breathtaking. If those abyssal chickens hadn't broken my lute, I would immediately start composing something about the swirl of your horns." "You would...oh." Red hands with black-tipped claws reached out to gently encircle his waist. Eddie shyly reached up to tuck a loose lock of Steve's hair behind one of his horns. "Come on, let's get some rest. You have an undead lich to slay tomorrow, Sir Stephen the Brave,” he said softly. The equally soft kiss he received in response spoke of something much longer than tomorrow.
Some tidbits of trivia/more babbling about this AU under the cut!
I've had an idea for a DnD AU for a long time, featuring members of the nobility Harringtons who made a deal with a devil in exchange for power and wealth. When their first-born son was a born a tiefling, to hide their shame, they at first kept him hidden from view, then, once he learned magic, forced him to constantly cast disguise self to appear human.
As a paladin, he is driven to helping those in need, but doesn't like anyone touching his hair (they'll feel his horns under the illusion magic) hence his nickname "the Hair". Dustin is an artificer gnome, his loyal if mouthy squire, while Eddie is a half elf bard who doesn't initially like "Mr goody two shoes shining knight".
Vecna is a literal undead evil lich causing trouble from his own pocket dimension, dubbed "The Upside Down".
Also Abyssal chickens are in fact a real DnD monster and they are adorably terrifying.
#steddiemicrofic#steddiemicroficjune#steddie#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#tinawrites#the idea of steve putting on a literal mask continues to compel me#steddie dnd au
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I'd like to hear about your oc lore. It's always interesting to hear about.
So, a little while ago, the title "The Damsel & The Damned" popped into my head, which is inspiration enough on its own... and that led me to decide to answer the age-old question: what if a princess trapped in a tower made a deal with a demon in order to escape, and what if that demon was a burnt-out millenial dealing with a curse of their own? And what if I used their story to better flesh out my homebrew D&D setting?
The story follows the adventures of Adelina Carletti Lapina, an elven princess (half-high elf, half-drow) who is every bit your typical fairy-tale princess save for two things: fifty years of being imprisoned has made her want to live as much as possible, making her the most reckless person you'll ever meet... and she is an incredibly powerful necromancer, in a world where that kind of magic is strictly forbidden. Traveling alongside her, and desperately trying to keep her alive, is her new warlock patron---Romiera "Romi" Wrath, who is actually not strictly a demon, but a devilkin (this world's version of a tiefling) who was raised in Hell by their dad. And living in Hell as the child of an incredibly powerful archdevil has caused Romi to inherit all of their father's powers... which are not in any way suited for a mortal body, and could quite literally kill them unless they share their abilities with someone else.
As the two make their way through the world, they attempt to uncover Adelina's past, which she's all but forgotten, and to figure out who imprisoned her in the first place. Along their way, they find some allies:
Hilda Brosgul, a middle-aged orcish swashbuckler who's the latest in a long line of accomplished adventurers. She's lived a life of sailing through the open seas, standing up for the downtrodden and fighting gigantic sea monsters, but her wild lifestyle wound up causing a rift between her and her wife, and she hasn't exactly been taking the separation well. Romi and Adelina find Hilda at rock bottom, and after she helps them out in a skirmish and proves to them---and herself---that she's still a capable fighter, she winds up tagging along with them as their self-appointed protector.
Kassius Heller, a formerly-human vampire alchemist whose existence has been greatly hindered by the fact that he's never been able to stomach killing anything, even to survive. Luckily, he's also a brilliant mad scientist, and has been able to create a substitution for blood---kind of like Marceline in Adventure Time, though it's not quite as simple as just eating shades of red. They meet him at a science exhibition, and he and Adelina get along almost immediately, bonding in a way that only insatiably curious queer nerds can. His intelligence, boundless optimism, and undead nature endear him to Romi and Hilda pretty quickly, too, as all of those traits are key when you're trying to survive.
Matilda "Tilly" Trinket, a fairy of the Seelie Court who used to be one of Queen Titania's most loyal knights, but now that the fey have evolved with the times (in their own odd way) and have no real interest in waging wars, she now works as the queen's personal secretary, and she takes that job just as seriously. After the gang winds up in the Faerie Realm in order to speak to Titania (for... reasons I haven't yet figured out), they get to meet Tilly, who admits that though she loves spreadsheets and paperwork and keeping things shipshape, she does kind of miss her old days of swinging her little sword around and smiting her enemies with the power of chaotic fey magic. Titania hears this and gives Tilly a special mission---to follow Adelina and the others and to keep them safe, in the way that only a true knight of the Seelie can. Tilly absolutely becomes the voice of logic and reason in the group, even more so than Romi... even if it's very clear that she's a bit out of practice when it comes to intense, battle-heavy moments, and that her smaller size does pose a slight disadvantage. She's still the best lawful whatever-the-fey-see-as-good fairy godmother, though.
And throughout it all, shadowy forces follow Adelina wherever she goes, the most mysterious one of all being a reanimated, stitched-together huntsman. Adelina only has dim memories of him from her first days in the tower... but Kassius knows him as Julio Delgado, an old friend from his university days. A friend whose father married the widow of the most powerful and wicked necromancer the world has ever seen.
A necromancer who had a daughter, Lorelai de Crypt. And she's hell-bent on proving that she can do everything he can... except, of course, be defeated.
#ocs#writeblr#my stories#story idea#original characters#my writing#character intro#fantasy worldbuilding#fairy tale fiction#i love these guys#if i say literally anything else it'll be a spoiler but lorelai is one of my FAVORITE villains i've come up with#and adelina and romi are *chef's kiss*#they're ace4ace of course
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36﹕ sender is found drunk by receiver .
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 (somewhat plotted)
Karlach had been tasked to scout ahead, though she wasn't entirely sure why. They had a goblin camp to burn - why waste time? But she had been convinced, although not entirely loyal to the task. When she had scouted 'accidentally' too close to the camp, she saw it was practically empty. Frowning, she took up a high position intending to look for where the mass of filth had moved to when she spotted it - a thick plume of smoke came in the direction of the grove...
Karlach charged in the direction guided by the darkening cloud, soon accompanied by the smell of burning trees and blood... She had only been gone a half-day-
A new sound. Joyful conversation. Drumbeat. Karlach panted as she made her way to the camp - swarming with goblins. Enraged, Karlach grabbed the closest one and threw him against a thick oak tree. She barely registered the snap of his spin before she grabbed another - her flames did the work for her. Her fire was so intoxicating, it seared flesh faster than any roast. Despite being drunk, the other goblins finally began to notice her budding rampage and tried to stop her. Karlach could hear over the rush of blood in her ears and the high pitched whine of her own internal fury that they 'had a straggler'. 'A tiefling got away!'
Got away... No. No! No no NO!
"Shadowheart!" Karlach finally bellowed upon seeing familiar faces beyond the cloud of red in her vision. She shoved past any goblins making sloppy attempts to attack her and threw the charred remains of the goblin in her hand close by as she stormed up to the half-elf. "What the fuck is going on?! Why are all these bastards here, what are they fucking talking about?! Answer me!"
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Hello! I’m Atlas (any pronouns are fine). This is my bg3 blog. It is 18+ so minors DNI. I like pretty much every ship and will reblog most content. I am always interested in how other people interpret characters and parts of the game, even if those interpretations don’t make it into my own head canons. Slowly putting together a list of my Tavs and Durges! I also post daily Tav Questions. All my dividers are by @cafekitsune !
Jan 22-29 Strike for Palestine: I am refraining from participating in the economy for the strike this week. If you cannot stop going to work or school, check out other ways you can strike by checking out this post here. More ways to support the victims here. Animal rescue donations here.
Ask Games
Tav Ask Game and Durge Ask Game. Not-so-nice Ask Game.
You can also send me your favorite pairing and I will say my favorite thing about it (you can also request my least favorite thing) tag: #multiship ask
You can submit your own Tav Questions!
Send me your Tav details and I will tell you how my Tavs would react to them!
Fic Masterlist
BG3 Character Profiles
Atlas - (he/him) Tiefling Paladin who is romancing Wyll. He can be a touch ornery but ultimately a good person. He was raised by a warlock on a farm on the edge of Rivington.
Kelandrin - (he/him) Drow Durge Paladin who is romancing Astarion. He is very evil, obsessive, and has a skewed concept of “love.” The only form of love he knows is religious submission.
Mavrin - (he/they) Half-Elf Durge Sorcerer who is romancing Gale. He is very troubled by his urge and hates feeling out of control of his body and mind.
Kalan - (he/they) Drow/elf ranger who is romancing Halsin. Says he doesn’t have a daddy complex but like…
Xyrra - (she/they/he) Lythari druid in lore but just plain elf druid in game. Romancing Shadowheart but it hard since Xyrra shapeshifts into a wolf.
Natlia - (she/her) Tiefling sorcerer/bard who is romancing Karlach. She starts off with a cynical streak because her fiancée was murdered and the Flaming Fist didn’t do jack to find his killer. She learns to move forwards over the course of the game.
Livna - (she/her) Drow durge monk who is romancing Lae���zel. She is looking for her next physical high all the time.
Vald - (he/him) Drow durge hexblade warlock who is romancing Minthara. He is very loyal by nature and easily molded by more dominant personalities.
Mutuals & Their Tavs
🚧 ⚠️ 🏗️ Sorry in advance if I missed anyone some people show up as following only on one blog etc. just @ me if I messed up or if I have any wrong tav info!
@tavsboots Velric - (he/him) Tiefling Fighter/warlock who is romancing Astarion and has the most beautiful beard. I'm sorry he was a PIRATE??? That is sick as hell.
@koalamatcha Crozier - (he/him) A "jaded" half-elf who romanced Astarion and I am told he is quite handsome!
@the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep Dulcinea Gohar Selemchant - (she/her) A human wizard turned fighter. The world's most beautiful rich girl. She is gorgeous and knows how to work a ballroom.
@desperatewomenenjoyer Durik/Дурик - (she/her) a drow bard who is romancing Minthara. She went from a pretty nice person (if you ignore what she did in the grove) to pretty jaded and manipulative over the course of the story. Love that for her.
@baldurspeen69420 Izra - (she/her) A githyanki monk who super duper promises she isn't questioning her queen.
Sophie - (she/her) If one more person calls her ugly I am letting Gale nuke the city. She is a half-orc and the prettiest girl at the party as far as I'm concerned!
@punk-muffins Daemys Daezorwyn - (she/her) She was raised in a monastery and trained to be a monk, later picking up fighter skills as well. She is romancing Gale.
@ellekhen Church - (he/him) A tiefling warlock who is romancing Astarion. You gotta check out ElleKhen's fanfiction!
@phoenixspencer Arali - (she/her) A tiefling who grew up in Baldur’s gate. She romanced Astarion!
Calryn - (he/him) A lolth sworn bloodhunter durge who is romancing Astarion. Very handsome.
@thecrowandtheraven08 Cassian - (they/them) A lolth sworn cleric who the more I learn about the sadder I get :( Recently learned what happened to their fiance. They are romancing Astarion and Halsin and I hope they get healed and cherished.
@spacebarbarianweird Tyreal - (she/her) is a half-elf barbarian who is romancing Astarion. They have a dhampir daughter together named Alethaine!
@primal-savagery Velvela - (she/her) A drow druid/fighter/cleric who is romancing Astarion. She is super pretty!
@taras-toe-beans Izzrhys - (he/him) A drow oath of devotion paladin. He is kinda messed up from the drow matriarchy which is honestly fair. He is paried with Gale!
Aratris - (they/them) A half-wood elf circle of the moon druid who spends a lot of time as an owlbear.
Leoryn - (they/them) A high elf lore college bard.
Talaak - (she/her) A durge silver dragonborn storm sorcerer.
Aesir - (they/them) A half high elf thief subclass rogue who was a preexisting dnd character!
Tag Guide
Special tags I use that aren’t common
#tavspawn - any posts featuring kids of tavs or canon characters
#bloodpact - wyllstarion ship name
#all the gods we cannot save - my large fic project for the supernatural/urban fantasy au
Dumb Discourse Disclaimer
Anything where anyone says another person’s interpretation of a character is wrong. I just like seeing people be happy. Sometimes someone else’s happiness includes reading a character differently than you do. This includes but isn’t limited to: spawn batstarion, transcharacter readings, autistic character readings, tavxorigin children, straight people, lesbians, asexual astarion, sexual astarion, tavxraphael, top raphael, dad gale, women, things contrary to “canon”, and that ship you find annoying.
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Hancock in bg3 would be like… an oath of devotion paladin. Maybe multiclassed in thief or barbarian (Oh, I’m feral now)… folk hero background.
He feels like a half high elf, high elf or tiefling… tiefling feels the most on brand, but there’s something fun about the idea of an elf turning their back on that stereotypical image of noble elvish dignity for being like a commie drug-user
I think Astarion in fallout 4 would be a runaway synth. It fits.
I like how you think!
For Astarion though, I'm kinda loving the idea of him being a straight up Courser. Tough in a fight, was once very loyal to his maker mostly because he barely knew better, killed and kidnapped for them. May have been an early Courser model, since they don't usualy seem to have the same kind of sentience as other synths.
Oh, now I'm getting ideas!
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Paint The Lines, Cut The Flesh: Part 31 second half

Halsin and Jaheira by now had a small group of civilians between the two of them, Jaheira taking the lead, her knowledge of the city unimpeachable. Halsin brought up the rear protecting those who couldn't fight as they made their way into The Upper City. They paused a moment as Jaheira's attention turned to a familiar voice amongst a throng of dying illithids. “You try and make a pawn of Minsc!? You try and hide away Boo to conceal your wrong-doings?” A powerfully built man in leathers felled mind flayer after mindflayer with a large, heavy sword. Jaheira could not fully hide the relief on her face at the sight of him. “Minsc!” She called out as the last illithid fell to his blade. The man's eyes widened as he saw her. “Jaheira? But you were dead! A tricksy creature took your shape and when Boo discovered its treachery, with its dying breath it said it had killed you!” “I am much harder to kill than that, Minsc. You know this!” She chuckled. “But I saw you overwhelmed by cultists, how have you not joined these things?” She gestured to the mindflayers at his feet, their strange ichorous blood pooling. “Ha! Jaheira, Minsc's brain is to smooth for any slithering, crawling little beastie!” He paused a moment, looking to a small ball of fluff at his shoulder. “Eh...except you, Boo!” “Join us, then. We need to get these people to safety.” She nodded towards the group, who seemed unwilling to move until she or Halsin said so, relying entirely on them. With three heroes, their progress moved far more swiftly and they found themselves nearing The Watch Citadel. Halsin could only hope Jaheira's happy reunion boded well for his own and that Sentry was already inside. ---
“Gabraela!” Minthara breathed as the three adventurers passed by a group of mind flayers trampled and frosted with rime on the ground. The tall, imposing tiefling stood in her bloodied armor beside an impossibly beautiful elven woman with long, thick black hair. Several cloaked figures stood beside them. “The Absolute loyalists have usurped our temple. They do not realize this thing will never realize father's perfect end. We rounded up those still loyal to our father and have been fighting them.” She explained, her haunting deep purple eyes full of fury. They softened a bit as she gazed at the drow. “I am glad you're safe though...” “Oh! Please tell us, friends...how is dear brother Sentry? He may be a traitor to our lauded father, but he is still my dear baby brother at the end of it all.” The elf spoke up, batting her long dark eyelashes at Octavia and Gale. Octavia blushed a bit, hunching her shoulders and lowering her head at the attention. Gale seemed visibly uncomfortable as the woman's dark eyes searched his face. “He was well the last time I saw him. He went to confront the brain.” Octavia managed finally. “I'd ask you to help us guide civilians to safety, but...I'm not so sure that's a wise idea to ask of Bhaalists.” Gale wrinkled his nose. “A fair point. Rest assured we will at least secure the streets. Baldur's Gate is our home too and our temple lies beneath its streets.” Gabraela nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by the intrusion of another wave of mind flayers. “You should run.” The beautiful elf giggled and as Minthara took one last look towards Gabraela, she watched the two begin to transform, bones snapping and cracking sickeningly. Gabraela's lower body split and extended, a sinewy, skinless horse body expanding beneath her hips. The skin burst from her upper body and her long white hair fell out in clumps, leaving a raw horned skull with purple light glowing in the sockets. Four lean, powerful arms run through with black and pus-yellow veins held a massive scythe as the dripping, skinless horror began to trample enemies.
The beautiful elf's body began to extend and cover in scales and what appeared to be blood red moss and mushrooms. A pair of insect-like wings sprouted from its back and its eyes went fully black. Its body was like that of a mantis interwoven with a small dragon or a wyvern and the torso of a beautiful woman rose up from it, covered in tiers of fungi and with the long scythe like arms of a mantis. She grinned wickedly, baring terrible needle like fangs and rushed another group of enemies. Octavia gazed in wide eyed fascination, her leather journal open as she scribbled down what she saw. “So any Bhaalspawn can embody The Slayer? And they're all different?” She breathed. “I had only seen Gabraela's slayer form before and only while fading in and out of consciousness as she freed me from Moonrise.” Minthara replied.
“I think I've seen enough Bhaalspawn to last me a life time if I'm honest.” Gale admitted with a shudder as he looked towards the Citadel in the distance. “We should keep moving. The others should be waiting for us there.” ---- Lae'zel dashed up the stairs of the Citadel followed by Shadowheart and Karlach. The Siren's Cove pirates and Priestesses of Umberlee had assured the party that they would hold the docks and urged them to hurry to the rendezvous point and every wasted second, Lae'zel worried that something would go wrong, that Kroger would be unable to free Orpheus, or that he would fall before the chance arose. As the party made their way forward, they encountered another group. “Hey, not to pretend I'm some mind flayer expert, but that mind flayer they've got with them doesn't look like The Emperor.” Karlach pointed in confusion to the being that floated near Kroger as the party that had confronted the brain staggered to a halt just a short distance from them. “It could be Omeluum, the shape of his head is similar.” Shadowheart suggested. “Although the robes are different...Do illithids often change their clothes? I mean, if they're just a projection and all that.”
Lae'zel peered in confusion. This did not bode well, it should have been Orpheus at Kroger's side, not some Ghaik, emperor or not. She stepped forward, about to address her brother, to ask him what had happened, but she was beaten to it. Kithrak Voss looked more furious than Lae'zel had ever seen another githyanki in her life as he stormed up to Kroger, eyes wild with rage. “You held the future of our people in your hands, boy! And you ruined it!” He shouted. Kroger winced but stood firm, neither shrinking away or trembling like he might have back at Creche K'liir. “How dare you parade around with this abomination!” Kroger breathed deeply. “Voss, this 'abomination' is our people's salvation, our people's bravest hero.” He began, but Orpheus brushed past him, eyes on Voss. “Voss! Gith'ka tavki krash'ht” Orpheus addressed him softly. In that moment, Voss' eyes widened in disbelief and he held out a hand to his fellow dragon riders. “Stand down, the true heir has spoken.” Voss cursed, a look of pain on his face as he sheathed his sword. “No...it cannot be....Orpheus, what's happened to you?” He approached him warily. “A sacrifice had to be made, we need to end The Grand Design at all costs.” Kroger spoke calmly, although his guilt still ate at him, the way Voss looked at Orpheus, Kroger dared to allow his eyes for one moment to look back to where Wyll stood. “The duty fell to me, and when it is complete, I must die.” Orpheus explained. “This is the way it must be.” “But what of our people? Our liberation?” Voss replied, Kroger could see there was much he was holding back and he wondered just what the knight's true relation to the prince had been despite himself. “Our people have held my name in their imaginations for years, Voss. Tell them of my fate, some may scoff or dismiss it, but others will believe and will be empowered by it. Our people will be free, you and the others here today will spread my story to them.” Orpheus looked to Kroger and then to Lae'zel. “Yes, of course, we will make sure everyone knows of your sacrifice, my prince.” Lae'zel nodded, striking a solemn salute with her sword. “This will be my oath.”
“Will you help us, Voss?” Kroger asked, looking to the knight. “We must end the grand design, I know this isn't how you envisioned things, this isn't what you wanted, but...” “We stand a chance at defeating the brain. This young hero and his companions hold the key. You must answer to him as you would to me, Voss.” Orpheus gestured to Kroger. He paused a moment, lowering his head and closing his eyes. “But your majesty!” Voss reached out to Orpheus. The illithid gently brushed his hand against Voss' extended hand. “ Your friendship, your constancy – when I fell to despair, they elated me. Thank you, my friend. Sha va zai.” Voss nodded his head with resignation, forcing down the emotion threatening to well up. “Sha va zai.” Kroger looked away, the guilt threatening to overwhelm him now. He told himself this was the right thing to do, the only right thing. There was no other way. He hadn't known what he was taking away from Voss, he couldn't have. “We need to keep moving, the brain won't wait for us to explain everything perfectly.” Jaina interrupted, nodding towards the darkening sky. “Hells, if we could just broadside the damned thing....but what ship could reach it?” “Perhaps it needn't be a ship.” Voss offered finally, looking to the red dragons hovering just beyond the walk way.
Jaina grinned, looking to Lae'zel and then to Kroger. “Never thought of sky pirates, but damn. Your people have the grit for it. I'd say yes!” ---- As the party parted ways from the Githyanki forces, they arrived outside a large set of doors leading to a massive entry hall. Inside were hundreds of people huddled in fear, but alongside the frightened civilians, there stood a host of allies as well. “Zev!” Sentry grinned widely at the sight of the older paladin, rushing over to him. “By the broken god, you're still around!” “Yes, I thought about what you said, Sentry. My Hellriders and I have one last chance to make things right and if this is to be our last stand, at least we'll go out in a blaze of glory.” Zevlor replied, placing a hand on Sentry's shoulder. “Nope! You're gonna survive and redeem yourselves in everyone's eyes and then you're gonna buy me a drink and we're gonna swap stories.” Sentry insisted with a grin. “Oh you found your way here! Nibbles, my sweet boy.” Jaina cooed, hurrying over to the owl bear, now clad in heavy armor. She scratched affectionately at the fur around the sides of his beak and grinned. “And ready for battle too!” She looked to his side to see Dammon standing there. “Your work is excellent, as ever. When this is all done, there's something I'll want to talk to you about.” She nodded towards Karlach off in the distance and Dammon nodded in return.
“Let's put our heads together and see what we can do.” He agreed. “I found some broken Watchers while I made my way here and I think I'm on to something.” “You have done well, little former Sharran.” Aylin beamed with pride at Shadowheart. “Did I not promise my love and I would come to your aid when you needed us most?” She clapped her on the shoulder. “And not a moment too soon, Dame Aylin.” Shadowheart smiled. “It will be an honor to fight by your side again, that brain won't know what hit it.” “There is a Selunite enclave not far from the city, Shadowheart, perhaps when this is all over we could host you there? I'm sure there are a lot of questions you have about your people when this is through.” Isobel offered with a sincere smile. “You've come quite a long way from the scowling, wet dog of a creature I met at The Last Light.” “I can scowl a bit more if you like.” Shadowheart rolled her eyes. “Father....”Wyll smiled as he approached Duke Ravengard, standing discussing the upcoming battle with Councilor Florrick. “Wyll, you've shown yourself to be a hero this day, the hero our city deserves. Only tell me what you need and you will have The Flaming Fist to follow you into battle.” He smiled at him. There was pride in his eyes. Wyll felt his heart surge in his chest at this feeling of being seen, of being understood by his father. All he had ever wanted was to protect his city, and to make his father proud of him. “Thank you father. We will defeat this Nether Brain and restore the city.” He assured him. “When you return, there is a matter I want to discuss...It is far past time you were able to return home, my son, and to the position you deserve.” Ulder began with a nod to Florrick.
“Wyll, your father intends for you to remain here in the city, as Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate.” She explained. “It is time for a change, and you would be a change for the better. Please consider it.” Ravengard nodded his head to his son. Wyll simply stood there, dumbstruck. This was beyond any thing he had ever expected, and in truth, he couldn't even be sure if this was what he wanted. Finally free of Mizora, he could at last live his life on his own terms, with Jaina and Karlach...There were still so many adventures to be had, there were so many people beyond Baldur's Gate who needed him. He wasn't sure what choice he ought to make, he looked to Jaina deep in conversation with Dammon, and to Karlach, who had finally approached Sentry. “Hey soldier...” Karlach gave a grudging nod of her head. “Well, that's certainly a step up from 'ass hole'” Sentry gave a small smile. “End of the world got you sentimental?” “It's not the end of the world, you prick.” Karlach shot back, giving his shoulder a shove. “But look, I could waste so much of the little time I have left being pissed at you, hating you, but I don't want to. In the end, it doesn't matter what you did or what you deserve, I deserve better than to lose my last few hours being pissed off....so I forgive you.” She frowned. “Not for you, but for me.”
“Fair.” Sentry nodded. “You don't have to accept it, but for what it's worth, I am sorry...This is all my fault at the end of the day, and I can't just tell you some stupid little platitude like 'oh, Gortash manipulated me and I see now I never really loved him'. You deserve better than a lie. So I'm sorry for what he did to you, I'm sorry I love him regardless, and I'm sorry for what I did too. Sorry that it hurt you, anyway.” “That's a fucked up apology, mate....yeah, I'd be kinda dumb to accept it, but still, at least you're honest.” Karlach held out her hand. Sentry gripped her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Well, this is our last chance before the final push, I feel like our heroes should say something.” Jaheira nodded towards Kroger, Jaina, and Sentry. “Oh...um...I'm not one for grand speeches.” Kroger protested. “Go on, brother! You must at least try!” Octavia spoke up encouragingly from her place by the door way. Kroger cleared his throat and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose, all those eyes on him, he could practically feel them. But he focused his thoughts and gave it a try. “You are frightened, your city is overrun by Ghaik and a malevolent being has cast its shadow over your home. But when things are darkest, we must look for the light. There are always bright spots if we know where to find them. In this darkness, that light is eachother..and...I suppose...the enduring willingness to fight back.” He trailed off. Jaina caught onto Kroger's struggle and picked up. “I have lived in this city for seven years now, not a long time, but that is long enough to see that you are strong, you are resilient! You are a city that stubbornly sat atop the strong hold of a god of murder, a cloister of darkness, and a vampire lord's slaughter pits, but that has never stopped the people here from living their lives and pushing on ahead. You are home to one of Umberlee's greatest servants and one of her most glorious temples, you are the favored port of so many of her chosen champions...and I want you all to know that you are under her protection as well as ours in this moment.” She looked to Sentry.
“I....” He began, pausing a moment. “Fuck....Enver was good at this, not me....” He murmured. “I'm not good at speeches, which, you know, a paladin probably should be, we're knights in shining armor, right? But that's not what wins a fight like this, if I went up against this thing on my own with just a sword and Ilmater's name on my lips, I would get pulped. I would get pulped and people would panic, and it would all be over.” He looked at the crowd around him, the looks of surprise and disbelief on the faces of many of the civilians. “But that doesn't mean it's all over right now! Because I'm not facing that thing alone.” His eyes fell to Zevlor. “It's too common that people dump all their problems on one person and then that person thinks it's their responsibility to save the world all on their own, it breaks you down, it overwhelms you...It steals the best things from you and forces you into this state where all you can do is just try to survive and hope you don't fuck up too badly. But it doesn't have to be that way! Baldur's Gate, you are going to be alright, we are going to take this Nether Brain down because there are a lot of us!” He could see now. Aylin, Florrick, Dammon, an arcane projection of Rolan. Zevlor was still here, Halsin and Jaheira and...shit, that was Minsc...from the stories.... “We play to our strengths, we do what we're best at, we join forces and we kick this thing's ass!” “Yes! Minsc is most adept in the kicking of evil's butt!” The large, rather enthusiastic ranger beside Jaheira whooped with glee, raising his hands and clapping them enthusiastically. “Exactly! We do this together!” Sentry pumped his fist. “We do this together and we live to see tomorrow and we keep on keeping on, like Baldurians do!”
The applause started slow and hesitant, but it was there and soon it began to rise through the room, filling the enclosed space with a roar of approval. Sentry managed a small smile as he took a few steps back and turned, slinking from the crowd to go join Halsin for a moment. “Well...uh....as heroic speeches go, I'm thinking that was MAAAAAYBE a three if I'm being generous? Hm?” He asked as he leaned against the druid. “No matter what you thought of how it sounded, you spoke the truth, Sentry. I know better than most the cost of placing a burden squarely on your own shoulders alone.” Halsin smiled approvingly, his arm gently sliding around Sentry's shoulder, holding him reassuringly. “You taught me that I would need to rely on others, to accept help. Without you I never could have stopped The Shadow Curse.” “You could have, I think...it just would have taken a really, really long time and you might've had to bring Kagha or someone else much less pleasant to be around than me.” Sentry grinned, nudging Halsin playfully. “If I'm honest, I'd sooner have brought a trained squirrel with me than Kagha, there are some torments even I couldn't bear.” He laughed. “So she was awful before the whole refugee situation too, then?” Sentry asked, relaxing in Halsin's embrace, allowing himself this one moment to feel safe. Halsin winced and paused a moment. “I wouldn't exactly say awful, but she was quite comfortable voicing opinions I found abhorrent....we...disagreed...on Silvanus' teachings to a near irreconcilable extent.” “Fair, fair...I certainly 'disagreed' on Ilmater's teachings with a lot of the prissy upper city boys in my training class back at the temple.” Sentry shrugged. “You know, I'm not much for droning speeches and posturing, but that was far less tedious than the type I'm used to. Good work.” Astarion grinned, approaching the two. “But in all seriousness, try not to get pulped, would you? I'd feel just awful if I had even less to live for when all this is over.” Sentry motioned the pale elf closer and pulled him into the embrace as well. “You'll still have me. Death is cheap and I'm really hard to kill, remember?”
“Well, assuming Withers sticks around after all this.” Astarion replied, though he rested in Sentry's arms, his head against the paladin's chest as he took a moment to allow the events of the day to wash over him. “I saw you talking to Sentry....Are you alright?” Jaina asked as she approached Karlach, gently resting a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah...I think I am. It's like I told him, I've got maybe hours left to live and I don't want to spend them being pissed off, I deserve more than that.” She nodded, gently resting her hands on Jaina's hips. “I want to think of you...and of Wyll...not of how gods damned unfair everything turned out.” She leaned down, pressing her forehead to Jaina's, a little hiss of steam as her warm flesh touched the chilly, sea slick flesh of Jaina's head. “Hey...if you guys have a kid, name her after me, huh?” Jaina gave a small smile, her fingertips brushing Karlach's cheek. “Well, that would be pretty weird considering you're still going to be around, can you imagine how confusing?” “Jaina....we both know I won't be...I'm not going back to Avernus. I'm never going back to Avernus.” Karlach replied, holding her tighter. “What if you didn't have to go alone?” Wyll stepped up beside her, his arm around her shoulder. “What? But Wyll, you and Jaina...there has to be a wedding and then I bet they'll make you a king or something, at least nobility, after all this...” Karlach turned her head to look at him in disbelief. “Weddings take forever!” Jaina shook her head. “Planning is SOOOO long. On the island, it took a year or more for something formal! Most people just get married in the heat of battle, like aboard a ship in a storm.”
“And look, we're in the heat of battle right now...well, just about to be anyway.” Wyll nodded his agreement. “And as to the being a king or nobility, gods below! Nothing could be worse! I'll fight by your side instead of sitting hearing petitioners and going to boring feasts and meetings any day.” “And besides, who knows? Maybe Avernus is just the place to stave off coral lung just a little longer.” Jaina added. “I think we should all go.” “You'd really come with me, knowing how awful it is?” Karlach looked back and forth between the two of them. “Well, it'll certainly take more than one person to take down an archdevil, three seems like as good a number as any.” Jaina nodded. “Besides, I don't think I'm quite done with Mizora, I would love to pay her a little social call when all is said and done.” The tiefling cracked her knuckles with a shark-like grin. “I've had enough of that woman to last a life time, but I do hear The River Styx is lovely this time of year and the banks are an excellent picnic spot.” Wyll joked. “Guys...thank you....” Karlach bit her lip, eyes glistening as she held them both close to her.
Octavia smiled at Gale as she looked around at everyone gathered in the room. “You know, when I was a little girl back at the creche, I never imagined I would be able to observe so many istik in one place.” She was still writing in her notebook as she sat by his side, her head against his chest, feeling the thrum of magic beneath his skin. “I want to thank you for being kind to me, for letting me get close.”
Gale chuckled, running a hand gently through Octavia's pale hair. “Is this where you tell me you plan to whisk me away to your creche and perform experiments? Because I have to warn you, I'm not entirely sure the orb will stay dormant under a scalpel.” “No!” Octavia gave him a playful shove. “I am serious! Most people chased me away or my questions bothered them, but not you.” She continued earnestly. “You had questions too, you cared about who I was, who my people are...you got to know Lae'zel and Kroger...and now I want to get to know the people closest to you a bit better too.” She smiled gently. “And that is why when this is all over, I want to go to Waterdeep with you. I want to get to know Tara, I want to meet this infamous 'Morena Dekarios'.” Gale laughed, scratching the back of his neck and blushing a bit. “Ah! Well, I must say, I am certain mother will be glad to hear it, she would like you a lot, I think....I just hope you're prepared for her. She may have a little notebook of her own prepared.” Octavia smiled. “A woman after my own heart, I think we will get along famously.” ---- The moment of respite passed by too quickly and Sentry, Jaina, Kroger, Wyll, and Astarion stepped out into the chaos and bloodshed of The Grand Design in progress yet again, Orpheus at their side, making their way deeper into the ruins of the upper city. As they passed the bloodied bodies of patriars, their faces still twisted into expressions of terror, Sentry was reminded of Tomi's favorite story of the night she'd slaughtered her family and come to the temple of Bhaal. He looked at every face and imagined each one a perfect mirror of Tomi's unsettling perfection with the last one standing gazing down in her blood stained gown and smirking. He had loved that story when he first came to the temple.
He could see as he looked beyond the bodies to the ruined buildings so many places he recognized. The restaurant he had gone with Enver on the first...well...he supposed...date. The book shop that had been such a disappointment with its lack of copper dreadfuls. Oh, Vanthampur Manor, he almost chuckled at the memory of the meeting he'd attended there with Enver, he wondered privately how that deal had panned out in his absence. Not well, he supposed, considering that Baldur's Gate was still very much not overrun with Zariel's forces and he hadn't seen hide nor hair of the Vanthampurs since he'd been back in the cities. “Damn, I kind of liked that lady too, she was funny.” “What are you talking about?” Jaina raised an eyebrow. “What lady?” “Oh, no, just something I was remembering, I haven't been to the upper city in a long time.” he replied as they picked their way across the bodies and debris. Every now and then a choke point of cultists cropped up in their way, but a quick call to arms brought the fury of their allies down. Sentry had to admit, he was particularly impressed by Rolan's contribution, staring with pride and respect at the murderous fire storm that charred their enemies to ash and swept them away. “We're nearly there...just a little further, I think one last climb.” Kroger informed them as he stared up at a tall tower, at the top of which a protrusion almost like a spinal chord hung. “I am very much not looking forward to the climb, though.” “The trick is not to look down.” Wyll gave him a dashing smile.
“Easy enough to say, but in practice...” The githyanki gulped as he watched Sentry begin his ascent, followed by Jaina. The climb wore on their already aching bodies and the height was dizzying. Sentry could feel the tell tale ache of an on-coming nose bleed and Jaina began to feel pity for the fish she and Tibs had caught and raised out of the ocean as children. Finally, they arrived on the platform atop the city, the ridges of the crown atop the brain. Kroger frowned as he watched a red dragon flutter atop the brain, landing, and Jaina and Sentry joined his displeasure at the sight of The Emperor upon its back. “Well, if it isn't the consequences of our actions.” Sentry chuckled with a shrug. “Well, let's make it the consequences of his instead.” He cupped his hands around his mouth and raised his voice. “HEY! You don't have to do this! You really don't have to side with the gods damned Nether Brain just because Kroger freed Orpheus, you can still be on the right side!” The Emperor did not dignify Sentry with a response, only glared and clenched his fists, pods emerging from the ground. From one pod, A tall, good looking male orc with black hair streaked with silver stumbled, dressed in the clothing of a bard. From another, a handsome lean muscled Githyanki with dark hair and a silver armor. Still another yielded a tall, muscular woman with beautiful red hair and the garb of a knight. Another revealed a handsome young man with pale hair and blue eyes in paladin armor. “Is that what you were hoping for, be honest, I won't be upset.” Sentry whispered to Astarion, looking from him to the dream figure. “Is now really the time for that conversation?” Astarion raised a brow. The final pod opened to reveal a tall, slender old woman in paladin armor, her iron grey curls pulled back from her face and her golden eyes trained on Sentry. “You're right, it's not.” Sentry nodded solemnly and then turned to The Emperor with a look of fury. “Oh that is it! I told you how I felt about you impersonating my mum!” He drew his halberd. “I know everything about you.” The Emperor replied. “Your thoughts, your feelings, your weaknesses...and so do they.”
“Clearly not anymore if you would still choose Gerren to try and get a response from me!” Jaina scoffed, glaring at the orc. “We must get to the center of the crown, that portal over there!” Orpheus interrupted pointing towards the swirling portal in the distance. “Sentry, can you get him there safely if we have your back?” Wyll asked, looking to the tiefling. Sentry looked across the battle field from the dragon to The Emperor, to the strange clone beings. He breathed deeply and nodded. “Yes, I can do it...Hey, you guys be safe.” It took one second for all hell to break loose, Sentry and Orpheus began to make their way as quickly as they could towards the portal. The enemy forces made their way towards them, but Jaina called down an ice storm, the ground beneath them slicking and leading them to slip and fall prone, allowing the others to get the jump on them. The battle was a blur of spells and blades, Sentry could not let his focus slip, though, he had to get Orpheus to the crown. He had to see this through. He yanked Orpheus out of the way of a torrent of fire from the massive dragon, pulling him forward as fast as he could. The tiefling shielding the illithid with his body as the hurried forward, pushing through the portal. Not long after, Wyll and the others hurried in behind them, the party finally facing off against their final foe. “No....I cannot...Will not...submit!” The brain cried out. “Good thing we're not asking you to submit, we're just asking you to die.” Sentry shot back. The brain fought viciously, the very ground on which the party stood beginning to crumble around them. Jaina swiftly extended Umberlee's blessings to the others, saving them from an untimely plummet and allowing them a moment to find safety on more solid ground. Orpheus held focus on the nether stones as a barrage of spells and arrows assaulted the brain. Finally, it began to weaken, it began to falter. Its mind reached pleadingly for Sentry. “No...please...join me! Spare me! Become Absolute!”
“It's like I told The Emperor...” Sentry frowned. “I don't want to do that!” And he nodded to Orpheus, who tightened his hold on the power in his hands, his psionic power squeezing the last bit of life from the brain. And then...they were falling. Sentry closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself until he felt a pair of strong hands under his arms. “Did you think I'd let you fall, my friend?” Aylin asked with the kind of heroic smile Sentry certainly hoped he was capable of as well. “Now come, I would be a poor knight indeed if I could not bear two friends to safety.” She sailed towards Astarion's plummeting form, nodding to Sentry to reach out for him. Kroger closed his eyes, wondering who he could pray to now, in what he was sure was his final moment, when psionic energy bore him into the air, leaving him to gently float. Orpheus, nodded to him, floating on the same psionic energy by his side. Jaina closed her eyes and thrust out her hands, lacing her fingers with Wyll's as she called out to her goddess, the whipping winds of a storm over the harbor catching both of them and buoying them gently on the salty air. She opened her eyes and smiled, Wyll smiled back as the two of them sailed slowly and gently back to the ground. As the dust cleared, the party reunited at the harbor on the edge of the pier. Jaina could see her father and brother tending to the wounded near Umberlee's temple. Her mother and Flood Tide Grey administered last rites to the dead and dying. Umberlee's faithful had stood against the illithid empire and won the day, she thought. Kroger stood with Orpheus, gazing sadly at the prince as Lae'zel and Octavia approached alongside Kithrak Voss. “I'm sorry, your majesty...” Kroger murmured. “This was all just another way I didn't think things through.” “But still we thwarted The Grand Design, and still our people will rally around my memory. The sacrifice I made will not be in vain, Kroger of Creche K'liir. You and your kin must spread my name, spread what happened here, across the Astral Sea...it must be worth it.”
Kroger nodded solemnly. “I will...Should I....Should we leave you two alone?” He looked from Voss to Orpheus and both nodded solemnly, Voss' silver sword in his hand at the ready. Sentry smiled at Astarion, taking his hands gently. “We did it! We survived! We survived everything and now we're free.” He grinned. Astarion smiled back, squeezing Sentry's hands tightly. “We are...and I intend to enjoy every...” His expression shot to a wince of pain and then a look of terror. “No...” He winced, pulling back from Sentry. The tiefling could see the sun begin to burn his lover's skin. “Well, it was nice while it lasted...” Astarion lamented, turning and rushing towards the shadows. Sentry hurried after him, already undoing his cloak and preparing to shield Astarion with it. The city would rebuild itself, the friendships forged would remain. There was time now. Without parasites gnawing at their minds, without masters and gods looming over them, without a deadline counting down to their final hours every moment, for now, there was peace.
#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#tiefling#oc#durge#dark urge#oc: sentry ojeda#bg3#bg 3#writing#tav#OC: Jaina Thalassia#OC: Octavia of Creche K'liir#OC: Kroger of Creche K'liir#astarion x durge#astarion#astarion ancunin#halsin x durge#halsin#halsin silverbough#wyll ravengard#bg3 wyll#wyll x tav#karlach#karlach cliffgate#shadowheart#laezel#karlach x tav#minthara#wyll
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* muse list.
click the names for extensive bios.
Seraphina Vesper ( neutral evil, occultist, dark sorceress ).
Seraphina Vesper is a 29-year-old human dark sorceress and occultist with a tragic past. Born into a family obsessed with dark magic, she was subjected to brutal rituals that awakened a dormant demonic bloodline within her. This led to the manifestation of Malphas, an ancient and malevolent demon, who now resides within her, constantly vying for control over her mind and soul.
Seraphina is a complex character, deeply intelligent, resourceful, and coldly calculating, yet tormented by the constant struggle to maintain her humanity against Malphas's corrupting influence. Her appearance reflects this inner battle—normally ethereal and pale, but when the demon's influence grows, her skin darkens to a sickly grayish-blue, and her demeanor becomes more menacing.
Her powers are rooted in dark magic, specializing in psychological manipulation, nightmare induction, and shadowmancy, allowing her to break the minds of her enemies as much as their bodies. However, this power comes at the cost of her own sanity and soul, as Malphas seeks to dominate her entirely.
Lexori “Lex” Zynari ( chaotic good, traveling bard, occasional adventurer )
Lexori Zynari is a 25-year-old pink-skinned tiefling bard, known for her sharp wit, infectious humor, and deep empathy. Despite her playful and fun-loving nature, Lexori carries the weight of a tragic past. As a child, she survived the massacre of her village, Cindervale, at the hands of a fanatical group known as the Order of the Purifying Flame. The zealots, led by Inquisitor Hargrave, attacked her village believing that tieflings were hellspawn that needed to be eradicated. Lexori's parents died defending her, leaving her as the sole survivor.
Taken in by a traveling troupe of performers, Lexori found solace and purpose in music and storytelling. She uses her bardic talents to bring light and laughter to others, masking her pain with her vibrant personality. Driven by a desire to prevent others from suffering as she did, Lexori travels the world, helping those in need and standing up against cruelty and injustice. Despite the scars of her past, she remains resilient, compassionate, and determined to create a better world.
Fox Windwhisper ( neutral good, druid, wanderer )
Fox Windwhisper is a non-binary wood elf druid with a deep connection to nature and a sorrowful past. Born in a small, secluded village that was destroyed by human settlers, they were one of the few survivors, saved by the sacrifice of their elders. This traumatic event set them on a path as a wanderer and protector of the wild, driven by a desire to heal both the natural world and their own wounded soul. Fox's appearance is strikingly androgynous, with long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a dusting of freckles.
Accompanied by their loyal companion, Whisper—a mystical Feywild Spiritfox—Fox travels the world, using their druidic powers to protect the balance of nature. Whisper, with her silver fur and fey magic, is not just a companion but a spiritual guide, sharing an unbreakable bond with Fox that transcends the ordinary. Together, they face the challenges of a world that can be both beautiful and harsh, embodying the harmonious yet unpredictable nature of the wild. Fox's gentle, empathetic demeanor hides a fierce determination to protect what they love.
Draxen Maelthar ( chaotic evil, cambion, soul harvester )
Draxen "Drax" Maelthar is a complex and sinister figure, a Cambion born from the dark union of a human mother and an incubus father. His existence is a constant struggle between the remnants of his humanity and the overwhelming pull of his infernal heritage. Drax’s mother, a kind-hearted woman, tried to raise him with love, but his inherent darkness and the whispers of his father led him down a path of darkness. After accidentally causing the death of his mother and the destruction of his village with his emerging powers, Drax embraced his darker nature, turning away from any vestige of humanity and fully accepting the demonic blood that flows through his veins.
Drax’s true power lies in his ability to switch between his human and devil forms, though maintaining his human appearance requires him to feed on the souls of mortals. This need for souls drives much of Drax’s actions, forcing him to manipulate, deceive, and occasionally murder to sustain himself. While he is a cunning and charismatic figure, capable of charming others with ease, he is also deeply embittered and harbors a burning desire for power and revenge. Drax walks a fine line between control and chaos, always teetering on the edge of complete corruption as he grapples with his infernal legacy and the darkness that threatens to consume him.
( had an URGE to write one of my fave canon characters from an old comfort fandom. she has a bg3 verse that ties her into the main plot well enough, so you don’t need to know the show true blood to write with her! )
Pamela Swynford de Beaufort ( vampire, bar owner, bitch )
Pam is a central character in the television show True Blood. She is a fiercely loyal and sharp-witted vampire, known for her dry humor, sarcasm, and unapologetically blunt demeanor. Pam was turned by Eric Northman, her maker and long-time companion, with whom she shares a deep bond. Originally a madam in early 20th-century San Francisco, Pam embraced her vampire nature fully, becoming Eric’s right-hand and co-owner of the vampire bar, Fangtasia.
Pam is highly pragmatic and often displays a disdain for human emotions and morality, though she does show care for those close to her, particularly Eric. Throughout the series, her character is defined by her loyalty, strength, and independence, as well as her struggle to maintain her connection with Eric in the face of various threats. Pam’s journey in the series highlights her resilience, as well as her complex relationships with both humans and vampires alike.
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The DnD Yans’ starter characters thus far (strong homebrew vibes):
Noe: a Metallic Gold Draconic-Orc Paladin. A princess born (hatched?) to parents who were wed for political purposes, she felt deeply called to martial arts and insisted on training with the knights. Once she was old enough and strong enough, she abandoned the throne meant for her to embark on the holy journey she felt called to. The guilt of escaping her family and responsibilities mixes eternally with her joy at adventuring. She’s deeply idealistic, and prone to getting in over her head in her determination to help others. Noe’s characters often share her idealism and hard-headedness, usually trending towards good and lawful alignments.
Millie: a Tiefling Rogue of Dispater’s bloodline— his direct child, and raised to be his eyes and ears in the human world, regardless of their own safety or comfort. They were raised to be strong, agile, sneaky, and above all loyal to protecting their father. They come across as rather laid-back and unconcerned with the goings-on around them, but they’ve got keen ears and pay attention to every little detail you think you’ve hidden. It’s almost impossible to catch them off-guard, and even if you do, they always land on their feet like a cat. Millie’s rogue gets to do things that Millie themself is generally too tired to actually do, or would feel guilty actually doing, though some part of them might like to— like gutting anybody who gets too close to their Darling DM.
Hymn: a Satyr Bard. Channeling their real-life love for music, Hymn figured playing a Bard would be pretty fun. They love the chaotic potential Satyrs are rumored to have. None of their characters really have deep backstories, as many of the characters they come up with are joke characters of some form or another; evil televangelist warlock, a Druid version of Shaggy Rogers who wildshapes into Scooby, a Druid who wildshapes into a horrible goose on a lovely day, etc. Despite this, their characters have a habit of unintentionally spawning heartfelt backstories and making deep connections with NPCs along the way.
Scott: a High Elf Warlock. Before coming to your table, Scott always played the same character over and over again under different names (a High Elf Wizard), but at your encouragement, and with much reluctance, he decided to ��try something new,” and make his character a Warlock for his first time playing DnD with you. Everything else about the character is the same— personality, appearance. His character is always a solitary sort of person, who spends all of their time pursuing esoteric knowledge that others couldn’t possibly understand or appreciate. His characters always have a powerful grasp on magic.
#please don’t come deck my ass if this is super wrong. dnd noob#constructive criticism IS welcome tho#yandere dnd#oc Noe#oc Millie#oc Hymn#oc Scott#my thoughts#yandere#yandere oc#yandere imagines#yandere scenarios#yandere x darling#yandere x you#yandere x reader#yandere cw
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OC Interactions
Thanks to @pinkberrytea and @zekeen for tagging me!
My OC:
Stella is an Winter Eladrin Elf princess hailing from a far away kingdom called Silevren, and has been a noble her entire life, resulting in an incredibly privileged upbringing.
She was visiting Baldur's Gate on diplomatic business representing her kingdom when she got kidnapped by mindflayers and a tadpole placed in her eye. Personality-wise, she is very ruled by her sense of duty. She tends to be polite and respectful, though keeps others at an arm’s length until she feels she can trust them. She is fiercely loyal to the people she feels responsible for, to a fault. Though often considered the more “mature” despite being the younger twin, she does have a playful side, though it is very carefully buried.
Your OCs
Kat(aigyda)'s mother was a tiefling and his father a half-drow from Baldur's Gate lower city. So, bad mix to make good first impressions on most people in the city. He was abandoned to an orphanage by his father shortly after his mother died, as he grew up, he figured out he was a sorcerer and was capable of using magic naturally, particularly stormy and psychic ones. He grew up lonely and often ostracized, therefore he holds a grudge against people too hasty to judge him. In order to get by, he became a criminal, he learned how to manipulate people when needed, also his talents in magic allowed him to work for the guild.
For his personality, he's seemingly friendly and polite to people. He presents himself as an assertive person but is actually filled with self-doubt. He's a bit lazy, and sleeps a lot. He may be good on surface level relationships but struggles with allowing people to get close enough to really know him.
Stella and Kat would get along alright I think, though Stella would probably try and encourage him not to be lazy. I can imagine he doesn’t have the best view of nobles, but she would try not to exemplify that for him.
Mavka is a Bhaalspawn, product of a foul ritual wherein borrowing the power of the archdevil Mephistopheles to sire a creature born from his own gore , the evil god would crush a fae, from whose bones and innards mixed with his blood, a child would come to be—a child born from murder. She was not Bhaal’s first solo venture, although her older Dragonborn sibling bore a purer lineage, for Bhaal was able to conceive him with no external aid. The sole purpose of her existence was to be bred by her brother, and thus, it was decided that she would be raised by a mortal family until her coming of age—that is, until she first bled. Left at the doorstep of a human patriar known for his feverish adoration of Tyr, one of Bhaal’s enemies, she was taken in by him for he saw in her an opportunity to cleanse the rot, raising a devilish child into a devout woman. As she matured into a young girl, however, his obsession with her grew, and with it, the resentment of her foster mother and sisters. Physically and mentally abused on a daily basis, completely isolated and with not a single friend to call her own, she was primed for the Urge; the moment she gave up on living was the moment when her true father would convince her to give herself to him. And thus, on the day of her 13th birthday, with the blood of her menarch running down her thighs, Bhaal would use her as a flesh puppet to take the lives of all members of her foster family as she helplessly watched, a pitiful passenger inside her own body.
Personality-wise, she is quiet and soft-spoken, a little gloomy, but gentle and kind. Her past molded her into a needy, clingy individual, who is willing to submit to others in whatever way to quench her thirst for kinship; self-loathing to a fault, she voluntarily waives control to anyone who will ask, for she trusts herself not with anything. She is constantly scared of being left behind, and thus, will do anything she can to please those around her, her pathetic desperation often translating into selfishness. There is, however, a silly, girlish side to her, and she enjoys bantering with her friends and making them smile. She loves animals and children, although her sometimes worrying naïveté does make her an easy target for the likes of Mol. Also, when it comes to domestic tasks, her skills are appalling, but no one with a heart would ever tell her that as she sweetly bats her eyelashes at them while offering a plate of the most vile thing you can think of.
I feel that Stella and Mavka would get along well! She wouldn’t mind Mavka’s clinginess in the slightest and she would try to help Mavka build up her self-esteem. It might be awkward at first, as both are pretty reserved, but Stella would treat Mavka with kindness.
Tagging: @lipstickghoulie, @kaeoticneutral, @shinyredgloss, @carooosa, @ghostfire
sorry if y'all already got tagged or did this, I'm soo late all the time to these things lmfao
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I played with some character ideas!
Leander Chastain (He/Him) - Human Rogue
He's Tessa's twin brother. He grew up in a family of criminals, like his sister. He's very well adjusted to the life of a rogue. He's a little more shady than Tessa. He loves his family and he's 100% loyal to them. He can be a bit of a little shit and selfish, but he has a great sense of humor.
Trophie Lam (She/Her) - Shield Dwarf Sorcerer
She's Minty's older sister. She takes after their mother in that she's not only a sorcerer, but a lot less excitable. She doesn't always see eye to eye with Minty. She's a huge romance novel fan.
Sebastian Sullenberger (He/They) - Forest Gnome/Deep Gnome Artificer (Wizard in BG3)
He's Ingrid's younger half-brother. They're half-deep gnome and half-forest gnome, although you'd never know it by looking at them. He just looks like a forest gnome. He's an adventurer who'd love to see his sister again. While the siblings aren't close, they do like one another. They were just pitted against each other as kids. Sebastian's reserved yet kind.
Elyse Starling (She/Her) - Half High-Elf Ranger
She's a half-elf ranger. I created her for Rolan and I made her a noble. I don't know why, but I was amused by Rolan getting with a "runaway noble." She left home to try to make a real difference in the world. She's naive and a little too cocksure. She's learning how to make decisions for herself for the first time, too.
Vaira (She/Her) - Githyanki Paladin
I'm still ironing her out. I was just eager to have a gith. I want her to go against what most gith are. I even debated switching her to a cleric or something. I have to do a bit more research. She would have taken the Oath of Devotion.
Lobelia Springflower (They/Them) - Strongheart Halfling Barbarian
They're one of the potential Barcus love interests I made. They grew up on a honey farm and became a folk hero barbarian. They come from a giant family, too. Everyone knows Lobelia is the life of any party. They’re nomadic in nature and they’re always ready for a fight or a meal. But they have a good heart and saves their sword swinging to fight evil. They do love the chaos of battle and protecting the weak.
Viktor (He/Him) - Tiefling Paladin
His class might change, but he was also a potential Barcus love interest. I just liked the idea of him getting with a dashing hero. (I have the biggest soft spot for him and also suck it Wulbren.) I'm still learning who he is. He took the Oath of Vengeance.
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Joella Fairwinter:
Character Profile and Backstory, Including her Shared History with Astarion
I needed to infodump about this to people, damn it! Let me tell you about BG3!Joey and how instead of how it is in canon, she and Astarion have an entire decade of prior history with each other prior to the events of the game.
Name: Joella Fairwinter
Nickname: Joey
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her Pronouns)
Age: 63 (Developmental roughly equivalent to a human in their early to mid thirties, but does suffer from a chronic case of baby face that runs in her family)
Neurotype: Autistic
Race: High Half-Elf (Human Father, High Elf Mother)
Class: Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
Occupation: Apothecary
Home: Baldur’s Gate
Family: Lelia Fairwinter (Mother, Age 470), Johan Wise (Father, Age 92), Freya Fairwinter (Maternal Half-Sister, Alive but Never Met), Killian Fairwinter (Uncle), Faelynn Fairwinter (Aunt), Theron Fairwinter (Cousin), Marcus Shorehand (Distant Cousin), Holston Shorehand (Distant Cousin)
Friends of Note: Lys Du Claire* (Half-Wood Elf Urban Ranger), Lukyan (Tiefling Paladin), Merl (Familiar, a Large Tuxedo Cat)
*Is another one of my BG3 Player Characters
Personality Traits – Kind, Accepting, Patient, Loyal, Honest, Anxious, Stubborn, Perfectionistic, Emotionally Self-Effacing, Hates Conflict
63 years prior to the events of Baldur’s Gate 3, Joey was born to the Magistrate Lelia Fairwinter and her husband of the time, the bard Johan ‘Robinsong’ Wise in the city of Baldur’s Gate. Due to her mother coming from a well to do background, Joey’s early childhood was very comfortable and insular. However, that changed quite a bit, when her mother and father, in spite loving in each other very much, could no longer live together (due to incompatible ways of living which clashed against one another). While they didn’t divorce, they did separate, and Johan returned to his life as a commoner (albeit it with some money given to him by his wife at her insistence). Due to an agreement between her parents, Joey was shuttled between them throughout the rest of her childhood and adolescence, growing up in a world that was not a mix of human and elven culture, but of common and noble society as well.
Eventually, Joey took interest in the Apothecary trade, much to her mother’s surprise (and disappointment). Eventually, after a series of different living arrangements, she came to live with a maternal aunt, uncle, and cousin (who are poorer relations compared to the rest of that side of the family). Eventually, as her father came into old age and needed some help around the house, he was taken into the household as well. She considered her life defined by working in the apothecary shop, caring for her elderly father, and doing her best to master her rather volatile magical gifts. In her spare time, she spent time with friends or indulged in a good book.
However, a peculiar turns of events sent her life on a strange and frightening trajectory she never expected- entwined her fate to a man people in her circle believed to be dead and buried. And it started 10 years ago, in an upscale tavern where she was to meet a friend of hers.
While her friend had yet to appear, Joey encountered a rather mysterious and… peculiar man during the wait. He introduced himself as ‘Astarion’, and proceeded to have a brief conversation with her, clearly attempting to flirt with her and even attempting to coax her away with him. Joey found herself rather flustered and flabbergasted, but managed to utter a polite refusal. Her friend appeared, and Astarion quickly lost interest, fixing his attentions on another patron across the way. The rest of the evening was uneventful, and as far as Joey was concerned it was hardly anything of note. Just… a bit strange.
However, when she related the story back to her cousin the next day, he was rather intrigued. He had a late friend by the name of Astarion. He had been a colleague of Joey’s mother, a fellow magistrate and peer, and because they worked in the same courthouse and both had a penchant for quick jabs and a good laugh, her cousin and Astarion had become good friends. Her cousin remarks that perhaps she would have liked to meet his friend, although it’s hard to say whether the two would have gotten along.
Once again, it was interesting, but it was nothing Joey really thought on at first.
However, she ran into ‘her’ Astarion again after that first night. Quite a few times actually. At first, he didn’t seem too keen to interact with her compared to when they first met. Although he tolerated her presence. Eventually however, he seemed to cautiously come out of his shell, be more friendly with her. Even so, he seemed to keeps his cards close to his chest. Even after the time they spent, it occurred to Joey she still knew very little about him. Aside from his personality – he was confident, flirtatious and vain, with a penchant for threatrics, and had something of an uncaring/cruel streak at times. But she also learned something about him- that he wasn’t used to simple and genuine kindness. She wondered how much of what he presented to the world was genuine. Because it seemed like when her kindness caught him off guard… it seemed to reveal something else was underneath. Someone who was more afraid and uneasy than he let on, someone who had been hurt. Who may still be hurting.
And he never lingered too long around her. Although some nights he lingered longer than others.
She would have liked to think and she and Astarion became friends of a sort. They were amicable, and over time, he seemed to lose a bit of his cruel streak, at least around her, and he revealed himself to be a more wary, cynical, and uncertain sort. But he also revealed that her kindness was appreciated. He warned her she was naive for trusting someone like him, but he couldn’t say he didn’t appreciate her willingness to give him the benefit of the doubt all the same.
This went on for a number of years, until one day, she went to go visit her mother at the courthouse she worked at currently, as she had moved districts.
Joey was waiting for her in the hall, eyeing the portraits of former judges. And she was startled when her eyes fell on a portrait with a remarkably familiar face.
… Astarion?
Indeed, the man in the portrait was of striking resemblance to the man she had known for some years now. He looked just like him, save for the fact he wasn’t quite so pale, and his eyes were a deep, dark gold instead of a bloody red. He still had a bit of an air of vanity about him but he seemed…. Softer. More approachable.
She read the name plate, and indeed the given named inscribed for the individual in the portrait was ‘Astarion’.
What was going on here?
Her mother emerged from her chambers and found Joey examining the portrait, which led to a conversation where she asked about the late Magistrate. Who was he, as far as her mother knew? What was he like? … How did he die?
It was most curious. The portrait and the man she knew were so alike. A rather ludicrous thought occurred to her.
Was it possible that her Astarion and the late Magistrate were one at the same? That he was somehow not dead? How was he still alive? Why was he hiding out in places at night and letting others believe he was dead?
Was he up to no good? Or was he in trouble of a sort? What she heard from others led her to believe he was once upstanding so… what happened?
He had been so reluctant to talk about himself… why? This led to her doing a sort of unofficial ‘investigation’ of sorts, with the help of a pair of friends (Lys and Lukyan) to perhaps unearth the mystery of Astarion. And once she knew the truth, she was going to confront Astarion about it. That was her plan.
However, after some time into this endeavor, things came to a sudden, grinding halt on multiple fronts.
Joey’s friend, Lukyan, came to warn her away from continuing the investigation. He did not expect it at the time, but their probing had caught the attention of some influential folks whose feathers were dangerous to ruffle, and it was best not to ruffle them further. He could not in good conscience continue to help her, and he tried to discourage Lys from doing so either (he overheard something from a noble who, as would later be discovered, was connected to Cazador).
Second, Astarion suddenly grew cold to her, acting contemptuous of her presence, seeming eager to be rid of her. It hurt, but what hurt the most about it, was when she asked if she had done something, he simply told her he’d simply grown tired of her. (Unbeknownst to her, this was a lie said to push her away for her safety, as Astarion believed she was increasingly in danger of coming to the attention of someone who could hurt or kill her, or worse, destroy her and make her just like him. As it would turn out, he was right.)
Her company spurned, and her friends trying to pull her back from her endeavor, Joey was feeling powerless and lost. But, soon, she was about to be made even more powerless and left feeling afraid and uncertain. For one night, as she was walking home, she was attacked. She managed to fend off her attacker, being forced to kill them in self-defense. But when she examined them afterward, she discovered she had been set up by a Vampire (well, a Vampire Spawn, but still). And in that examination of the body, she remembered something. Certain peculiarities about Astarion began to click into place. The eyes, his complexion, the strange scar that looked like puncture marks in his neck. The fact she only seemed to be able to find him after sundown. The way he seemed particularly obsessed with necks. And come to think of it… had she ever seen his reflection?
No… it couldn’t be, could it?
She had come to another ludicrous conclusion. But after the attack, she was wounded, and needed to rest before she did anything. She would also need to be vigilant, should she be attacked again.
Thankfully, she managed to rest up at home without disturbance. But she wasn’t so sure she was truly safe.
Unfortunately things were about to go very, very wrong. Only a day after she recovered from her injuries, the city of Baldur’s Gate was attacked by a Mind Flayer ship that emerged from a portal that opened up in the sky. Buildings were destroyed, people were injured, and many were abducted by the vessel. And after sacrificing herself by putting herself in the way of a tentacle reaching for her father, she found herself among the abducted, imprisoned in a pod upon the ship.
She was subsequently infected with a mind flayer parasite. But little did she know, Astarion himself was also snatched and infected as well, and just as their paths had been forced to part, they would be forced to cross again when an opportunity presented itself for her to escape her captivity.
What would happen at their inevitable reunion? With their fates intertwining once again, how would their decade old bond grow and change? What sorts of new allies would they meet, entreat, and befriend? And how would each of them change each other and those around them, both within and without?
It is all yet to be seen.
#oc: joella fairwinter#ocs#baldur's gate 3#bg3 tav#astarion#astarion/tav#bg3 oc#image editing courtesy of pixlr
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31 and 32! 😃
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
My favorite voice to write in has been Astarion's by far. He's calculating yet impulsive. He's selfish yet loyal. He's cynical yet vulnerable. He's aloof yet keen. Outwardly he's vain and self-assured, but inwardly his self-loathing and doubts claw at him. He's full of contradictions and therefore such a fun, challenging, and complex voice to write - especially when he's still figuring out ~feelings~ and the bonds he forms with his companions.
I fully subscribe to the "Astarion is a Cat" statement - he's adamant at times and flailing at others, he can be spicy AND soft, and when he hates you he really, violently hates you...
...but when he loves you... he really freakin' loves you.
Writing Ascended Astarion was a bit of a challenge but I still enjoyed it. It's similar to his "normal" voice, yet filled with so much more problematic rationalization. He's missing that inner voice that questions himself, (which, as it turns out, is very important to being a loving, empathetic being!)
Aside from its first chapter, Hand, Hearth, and Home wasn't planned to have any Astarion POV scenes because much of that timeline has already been depicted in other fics. But because I've enjoyed writing in his voice so much and readers have responded well to those narrative scenes in other fics, they've definitely become more featured in that fic (and is possibly why it's growing out of my control now haha.)
And of course, just behind him is naturally my sweet boy, Church. :') I hoped to make Church's narrative voice quite different from Astarion's - sometimes a straight-up foil to it. He argues with himself a lot more and has a lot more intrusive voices. He's an overthinker, a people-pleaser, a black-and-white thinker at times, empathetic to a fault, and he's driven by his emotions. He's got a bit of a martyr-complex - passionate and earnest to the point of self-destruction, believing that his short life won't be worth it unless he throws his whole self into protecting others.
I had to reflect on this while writing this reply because, yes - a lot of my own neuroses as the author are projected onto Church. I don't think he's a self-insert though because I am not in fact a lovely, magical, tiefling twink (regrettably.) Church is basically the magical friend I've wished to have at some of the lowest points in my life. Sometimes even these days, it's comforting to just imagine chilling with him. :)
"Church loves with the intensity of the sun" and I wanted to show that - while Astarion is standoffish, in contrast I love having a character who is openly affectionate even in platonic relationships. He's like that one friend we all have who is loving and loyal on the surface, but underneath all of it they're an anxious, self-deprecating mess with terrible self-esteem.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
(It was so hard to pick three! So here's MORE.)
From my BG3 series A tale of suns, moons, and our lives in between:
"When you watch a sunrise a thousand years from now, I hope you remember that scared little tiefling who drew you pictures. I hope by then you will have forgiven me for what I did to save you." (Mirror, mirror, Chapter 26)
^ Maximum psychic damage from Mirrorverse/Illithid Church's last letter to Astarion.
(More below the fold...!)
“Do you think that pretty elf really wants you?” Auntie Ethel simpers from somewhere above them. “You’re just meat that sucks him off while he sucks you dry. But maybe you just like to be used, petal…!” (Hand, Hearth, and Home, Chapter 25)
^ I dunno, I just really had a lot of fun coming up with mean things for Auntie Ethel to say while taunting the party. :')
“You loved me — and you have feared me — because of everything you thought I could do,” the Mother murmurs wryly. “As so many little boys do of their mothers. You thought me a goddess. (Hand, Hearth, and Home, Chapter 26)
^ I think this bit from The Mother really encapsulates her complicated relationship with Church. Also the moment this is said is pretty messed up, to be quite frank.
"To look in a mirror is one thing, but to see how one is reflected in a loved one’s eyes? For Astarion, there is no better treasure. And, from the tiefling’s shining eyes and that smile that lights up with indescribable wonder, delight, and love... Church clearly thinks so, too." (Mirror, mirror, Chapter 27)
^ I remember I was really having trouble phrasing this ending without it sounding awkward, but I just kind of rolled with it and I don't regret it. After such an intense and angsty story it just ends the fic on such an optimistic palate-cleanser of a note.
“I will consider it,” Church intones. “Perhaps I will even visit you — when I am ready.” Its tentacles undulate idly as it regards the vampire with curiosity. “It could be years. Decades. Even then, are you willing to wait for my response?” The vampire ascendant hesitates. And then he leans up onto his toes, taking one of the mind flayer’s tentacles in hand. With a genteel, deliberate motion, he presses a kiss to it. (When Your Mind's Made Up, Chapter 20)
^ I loved sharing this moment for a very bittersweet ending. There's just so much uncertainty here but the tiniest spark of hope that, as a reader or an author, we're not sure whether we want to catch fire or not after everything that has happened, and after how much both of them have changed.
“...then we’ll help you remember,” Gale insists, clasping his hands tightly over the illithid’s. “And even if all those memories become just a story to you, then…” He smiles shakily up at Church. “Well, it’ll be a hell of a tale. And at least we’ll still have our friend — whoever you become.” (When Your Mind's Made Up, Chapter 19)
^ As an illithid, Church is so afraid of losing its mind. I've met folks in real life terrified of the same thing as they get older. I think this is one of the kindest lines/moments I've written as it shows the moment Church realizes how loved it still is, despite how it has changed and will continue to change.
From my Non-BG3 fic:
Sadly, some of my favorite lines I've written aren't even from BG3 fics. I have a long-fic I've been working on for the *very small* Citizen Sleeper fandom called Sleeper, wake up, which was my first ever fic! (And it's an absolute monster that I've been neglecting ever since my BG3 hyperfixation started.)
To be honest the main character of that one is basically still Church. (So I guess I have a type.)
“So often we are at the mercy of the dice we roll,” he doesn’t let go of you, and you know for certain that he’s not talking about Tavla. “But an unlucky roll at the beginning doesn’t determine the outcome of the game. It all has to do with the decisions we make when fate offers us an option.” He beams at you. “Isn’t that something extraordinary, Sleeper?” (Chapter 23)
"Here… here it’ll always be the same. New corporations, new unions, new faces… but always the same music. And I dunno, Sleeper.” His voice hitches in a part-sob, part-laugh. “I don’t wanna dance anymore.” (Chapter 28) “Watching her grow up — whether it’s in the Sidereal or on the Eye. If it means turning down my ticket, then…” you shrug. “I’ll still have won. I’ll still have you two.” You look up at him and it’s difficult, with the weight of all you’re admitting. “Because it’s all I’ve ever wanted.” (Chapter 28)
“You fucked up. So what? It doesn’t define your existence. And the only way you can begin to fix what you think you broke is if you accept that it happened, and that you must endure it. If not for your sake, then for the sake of the rest of us whose existence is made just a bit more bearable by yours.”
“You are not the Eye, kid. You can rest. Unlike the Eye, you grow. You heal. You endure out of love, not spite, or some long-passed ideals that no one except union bureaucrats parrot cycle after cycle. You’ll form new bonds, find new reasons to exist. And if you can’t find them here?” Dragos gestures vaguely upwards. “The galaxy is big. You can go wherever the hell you want. But you’ll never know them, you’ll never find them if you end things now.”
“When you love someone,” he murmurs. “It certainly feels like it transcends logic. It looks erratic, impulsive to others. “But the truth is, love is so different from… infatuation. Sometimes it’s the only thing that makes any damn sense. When I first met Bee we were both scared of each other. They thought I might turn them in for a chit. I thought they were… unnatural.” He shakes his head. “I was wrong. It didn’t take me long to realize my prejudice. They became my friend. My confidant.” His voice shakes. “My… love.” “They listened when the nightmares woke me up, when Ankhita and the crew wouldn’t care to know. That day when they finally told me — showed me — that they were dying, there was no question of loyalty for me. So leaving the Ambergris? Ankhita? Slicing out the shipmind in the chance it could save Bee?” He smiles bitterly at you. “It was the most logical decision I’ve ever made.” (Chapter 44)
“I know it is hard, but… you must survive. You must live, and love again. Even when it hurts.” They flicker. “It makes us alive. It makes us real. It makes this cruel universe a little gentler for those who cross paths with us.”
And you help. You help as much as you can. Because even if it might end up fucking things up again, you can’t stop yourself. It’s the only thing you know how to do. (Chapter 47)
(Thank you for the ask @grovyrosegirl!)
#author rambles#bg3 fanfiction#ask me something#churchstarion#church the tiefling#ao3 author#astarion pov#astarion x tav#oc x astarion
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Name: Astra Tav'aria Duskraalis
Race: Seldarine Drow
Class: Sorcerer/Bard
Personality: With a Wood Elf for a mother, she was raised to be kind, but her Seldarine Drow father raised her to survive. She’ll often try to help others if she can, but sometimes the risk may be too great and she’ll let things sort out on their own if she doesn’t like the reward.
Why should she risk her own skin if there’s nothing useful to be gained? Helping others is good, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of yourself.
She does have a tendency to get a little too excited and carried away, though, which leads to some… interesting situations, especially when curiosity gets the best of her. Her sense of humor can also be kind of twisted at times, which is mostly the result of growing up in the Underdark, but also a little goofy. She discovered a love for the arts while on the surface, and with it a love for puns- to the annoyance of those around her.
Her parents: Althea and Zilvra Duskraalis
Zilvra was blinded years ago in his left eye during a fight with some Lolth-sworn Drow, and was found wounded by Althea. He quickly became enamored with the powerful sorceress, and after a while managed to convince her to remain in the Underdark with him, Althea even helping in his battles against the Lolth worshippers.
The Duskraalis family was nearly entirely wiped out during one such battle, with Zilvra being the only survivor, and the two went into hiding. Sometime later, Astra was born. The spitting image of her dragon-blooded mother, but holding the Drow traits of her father, she herself is magic.
Backstory: Astra spent majority of her life in the Underdark learning to control her magic before her family was attacked by a Drow determined to prove himself to Lolth. Giving their lives to help her escape, Astra makes her way to the surface where she eventually finds an interest in the arts thanks to a kind Dragonborn Cleric, Kriv, that worships Oghma.
As Drow aren’t necessarily favored above ground, she joins an artisan guild- using disguise magic to make herself more closely resemble her late mother- and makes a name for herself in Baldur’s Gate. There, she befriend a young Tiefling Wizard- Valuria- who sees through the disguise magic and offers a helping hand in getting Astra settled into the city. While out searching for inspiration for new art pieces/books, she gets nabbed by the Mindflare ship. With the threat of being turned into a monster by the tadpole looming over her head, she's stopped caring about how other people perceive her and has taken to walking around without her disguise magic.
Something that's proven to be particularly helpful, what with all this Absolute nonsense going on...
When she learns they have to descend into the Underdark to reach Moonrise Towers, Astra can't help but wonder if this is the moment she's been waiting for all this time- the moment to avenge her parents, by hunting their killer. If this is what everything in her life has been leading up to.
Normal Astra and Disguised Astra
Astra is a Sorcerer by blood, but a Bard at heart.
The Tiefling and the Dragonborn she met had a huge influence on her, and quickly became her only friends in the large city. Despite her willingness to help others (depending on what it is and how dangerous, and if dangerous what the reward is) she doesn't trust easy. Years after meeting Valuria and Kriv, she found someone she was particularly fond of- but upon dropping the disguise and revealing her Drow heritage, she was rewarded with a slash to the face and claws to the throat.
Astra may have instinctively lashed out with her lightning magic when that happened, and Valuria helped her deal with the aftermath. Kriv was furious upon hearing what happened, and he is not one who angers easily.
Valuria and Kriv
The two most loyal weirdos you could ever meet, lol. Valuria was drawn to Astra by intrigue- as a Drow is not a common encounter, and one disguising themselves as a Wood Elf even less so. She probably encountered Astra in Sorcerous Sundries, reading up on poetry and ancient art and searching for inspiration.
Seeing Kriv with her, someone not easily mislead or deceived, only strengthened that intrigue, and before long she approached her. Astra thought she was in for a fight when Valuria called her out on her disguise magic, but quickly realized the Tiefling held no ill will- merely curiosity. Kriv, though reasonably surprised, was fast to get over his shock, and happily introduced Astra and Valuria to one another.
When Astra goes missing, the two are beset with worry- but with the threat of the Absolute's army coming to Baldur's Gate, they can't bring themselves to go looking for her. They have no doubt she's capable of fending for herself- with her magic and charisma, there's little Astra can't do, but... when they see her again, with a group of the strangest travelers that would most certainly never be seen together under normal circumstances, they can't help but wonder what the hell happened.
Name: Veldrin
The man that killed Althea and Zilvra. Despite having wiped out nearly the entirety the Duskraalis clan, he failed to prove himself to Lolth- for one survivor escaped. Astra. He ends up forsaking the goddess and his own clan in favor of the Absolute, and winds up stationed at Moonrise.
He recognizes Astra as soon as he sees her, and wonders if perhaps his purpose was never to kill her- but to make her his. Why else would she be there now, alive, thriving, chosen to be a True Soul? Destiny led her to Moonrise, and therefore to him.
Veldrin is as deluded as could be, and is not at all pleased with her closeness to a certain silver-haired High Elf.
Needless to say Astra ends up killing him.
Astra's "Guardian" is based off of Kaelis, the Mephistopheles Tiefling who found her shortly after she reached the surface from the Underdark, and who led her into finding comfort in Selûne. It was his protection that helped her reach Baldur's Gate safely, and she respects him to this day- though his whereabouts the past few years have been unknown.
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