#the elders youngers
ailendolin · 9 months
Happy 800!
Ho-Tan, Vex/Ho-Tan; Touch, Candle
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your prompt fic (and that you don't mind that I included the Youngers so prominently)! I had a lot of fun writing it and finding ways for our beloved Yonderland residents to confuse some Christmas traditions from Debbie's world ;)
Explanations for the Youngers' names can be found in this post.
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
The Surprise [AO3]
Ho-Tan knew it was no secret that Debbie’s world fascinated her. She had, after all, written the best-selling tome Birmingham and Beyond – Customs and Traditions from the Chosen One’s World. Debbie had been kind enough to allow her to visit several times so she could conduct her research there which, Ho-Tan was proud to say, had actually included a trip to the local library. She could have spent hours there, lost among the books – and gladly would have if Debbie hadn’t reminded her that time flowed differently in Yonderland and she’d be gone for days if they didn’t leave as planned. The thought of her Youngers and Vex worrying themselves sick about her had ultimately been enough to convince Ho-Tan to pack up her notes and hurry on home.
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wrenhavenriver · 4 months
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This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you'd like.
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tangledinink · 1 year
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donnie and leo are no longer allowed to have imaginary friends.
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
I don’t know if you’ve done something like this before, but I always see Danny as the bigger brother and Damian as the younger brother. What if it was swapped and Damian was the older brother? I feel like there’s so many ways this could go.
Maybe Damian was a really good big brother and loved Danny, but it was seen as a weakness and Danny was taken away from him by Talia or Ra’s? And when he arrives at Gotham, he’s used to being the big brother not the baby brother, and doesn’t know how to react.
Or maybe Damian was a bad older brother and now that he’s a part of the batfam he can see how older brothers are meant to treat their siblings, and regrets his and Danny’s relationship?
Or maybe, he didn’t even know about Danny and feels he’s been replaced as the Demon’s heir. (Especially with Danny’s powers – I feel like Damian would just think that he’d been replaced by a better model)
I hope this makes sense. Idk I just feel there’s so many possibilities.
Ten years old: Damian
Damian bursts and slams the door of his room, fuming. It makes a nasty crack appear on the door frame, which he knows will get him another scold once Pennyworths spots it.
As if that servant has any right to speak to him, let alone reprimand him. Pennyworth seems to be under the impression that his impish wit is appropriate behavior when addressing the masters of the house.
Why does Father tolerate such behavior? Damian will never know. If it were his grandfather or Mother Pennyworth's entire bloodline, it would have been erased for even thinking about it.
Perhaps it is due to Father's modest way of living.
Damian had been shocked to find that his esteemed father, the one he had spent his entire life proving he was worthy to meet, lived in such a tiny manor. Damian was raised in castles upon private islands with an army of servants. He at first thought it was due to Father wanting to live without many earthly possessions, to appreciate the green of the world, and to live honorably.
He had no idea his Father simply couldn't afford the lifestyle Damian grew up in.
If that wasn't bad enough, Father seemed attached to his idiotic and weak adoptive brood. He acted as if they were blood children! What's worse is that he expected Damian to do the same. Then, when Damian treated them like blood siblings and took them as a real threat to his inheritance and tried to eliminate them, his father grew upset with him!
That is not how you treat your brother. Father had sneered at him once he threw Drake over the railing of the cave. He thought the man would have been proud he had been able to catch the smartest one off guard, had been clever enough to lure him to the edge.
Damian had been sent to his room, forbidden from training and going out on patrol while the rest of the brood had gone out. He had been punished like a child.
He throws himself onto his bed, muffling his outrage screams into his pillow—a terrible habit he only allowed himself to partake in when alone.
"Not how you treat a brother," he scoffs, his lips moving in his native tongue but his voice muffled against his pillowcase. Suddenly, a flash of bright blue eyes that used to stare up at him in trusted awe crosses his mind. His scowl deepens as he squishes the image, just as he had tramped on that foolish trust years ago.
Everyone knew that blood siblings were the only competition that needed to be eliminated. He may have allowed himself the passing fancy of caring for his younger brother back in his youth, but Damian had outgrown such attachments.
He had no time for them.
He was disadvantaged in the Wayne household since now he was the youngest and not the eldest. Damian would not allow himself to be dealt with as Dann- as his younger brother had.
Fourteen years old: Damian
Damian took a deep breath, allowing Gotham's crisp, foggy air to rush into his lungs, bringing peace alongside it. He sat with his legs crossed and his arms resting comfortably upon his knees, palms facing the sun, on top of the large boulder his father had installed inside of Damian's meditational garden.
The meditational garden had been his eleventh birthday present.
Back then, Damian had still been getting used to living with the man, and it had taken only a tiny argument where Damian may have let it slip that even the gardens were wrong and he hated living here.
It hadn't meant anything to Damian, just a show of his lack of control over his emotions, but Father had taken it rather seriously. He felt he needed to help Damian find comfort in his new surroundings.
His father had rearranged the entire west garden to reflect the Chinese-inspired gardens where he used to sit with his mother. The first time Damian saw the revealed landscaped project, he felt his breath hitched at how accurate everything was.
He hadn't known tears had fallen from his eyes until Richard had wiped them off for him.
Damian often found himself retreating to his garden- for it was his. Father had allowed him to fence it off, keeping all his other Waynes Siblings out of Damian's space- whenever life got too complicated at the manor.
He would go. He found that all his life lessons on how to handle blood siblings, killing, and basically everything Damian was got him yelled at and regarded as a monster rather than a prodigy.
He went here when it became apparent that he was not making friends with others his age in or out of the Robin suit. When Drake, Todd, and Richard laugh, they reference stories or experiences foreign to Damian.
He came to this garden the day he realized that his mother loved him, but only under certain conditions. He no longer fit those conditions, so she threw him away.
He had been eleven, then twelve, then thirteen, yet the pain of her betrayal had never lessened. The directionlessness that haunted his ever-waking hour threatened to drown him most days, especially as he found it harder and harder to be content with his peers.
Damian may not fit in places, but he did here in his meditational garden. He felt himself pulled to the large, smooth boulder right by the pavilion, for its shape reminded him of long days past.
Damian had survived all the changes in his life because of this boulder. It was tall, smooth, and a good two heads taller than he, even after hitting a growth spurt on his thirteenth birthday.
He remembers hopping on three nearby rocks to reach the top, just as his younger brother used to do in Mother's garden. Had the boy also used the tallest boulder to escape the dread of his uselessness? Did he, too, used to sit in the same pose, breathing slowly and evenly, attempting to tame the unease that rested underneath his skin?
Had he gone back to Mother's garden if Damian had failed in removing him from the line of succession?
The brief reminder of the boy makes Damian stomach roll.
The reason why he chose this boulder for meditation didn't matter. Damian had made his choice all those years ago. He had not regretted his actions back then.
Now, he had to live with what he had done.
He takes another deep breath, trying to suppress the impish laughter of his younger brother, who used to smile at him like he hung the stars and the moon.
When he breathes out, the laughter turns to screams. The echo of mother's dark laughter and Father's weeps.
Nineteen years old: Damian
Damian is hard at work within his WE office. He has been recently placed in charge of the Meta-Youth Outreach community, and he wants to show Tim and Father that he can be trusted with such an important role.
Every day, more Metas were popping up in younger generations. Unlike when Damian was a boy, the kids seemed unafraid to show off their powers. Their peers rallied around them loudly, demanding tolerance just as the generations before them demanded for the LGBT and POC communities.
Of course, not all of them, but enough that Damian felt there was real hope for future metas. It wasn't taboo to carry the gene anymore. That was leaps and bounds ahead when he had been running around as Robin.
He now worked under a new title, Crow, and had passed placed Robin in retirement. Now, the title and role sit in the cave, waiting for someone new to take up its call.
Jason joked that two years was far too long, and Father was due to arrive soon with another blue-eyed, dark-haired child ready to take on the world. Damian can hardly wait. He is ready to train and inspire the new Robin.
Maybe it will even be a meta child. Duke and Jarro were tired of being the only ones with powers in the family.
I might even find the next Robin on this list. Damian thinks with a chuckle, reading over the children's names his program would be housing this coming summer. He designed the camp to help teens learn to control their powers in a safe environment but also let them meet others like them and help them build meaningful relationships.
It was mostly kids who just unlocked their meta genes—most facing a traumatic event, but others waking up one day with the power no longer dormant.
He did not want the kids to feel like they were being sent to a lab to be studied. Damian knew something about being angry, confused about the change, and wanting to help them find their way.
He also had some experience with meta children. After all, his younger brother had been a meta. Damian's mother had convinced him that Danyal's powers made him a better heir and, thus, a bigger threat.
He had befriended his brother to lure him to his death, but he had taken time to help him learn of his ice powers, and for a while, he had made Danyal truly happy.
Damian could never make it up to him, could never wash away the blood on his hands, and even though he had told his family long ago, even though Father had wept, his father and brothers had forgiven him.
Damian is grateful, but he has not forgiven himself.
He hadn't been the one to land the killing blow on Danyal; it had been his mother who took the dark honor. Danyal hadn't looked like the perfect blend of his parents but rather a closer copy of his Father and she hated him for it.
Damian knew he played the most important role in her plan.
He wanted to dedicate his life to bettering the lives of children like Danyal, born with powers in a world that was cruel to his kind. He tried to help create a world where children like him could find resources for help and learn to run around and laugh without a care.
Damian signs on the last acceptance letter—one Danny Fenton, whose parents discovered he became a meta only a few months ago. He wants to come to camp to learn how to use his energy blasts, and he takes a deep breath.
Fifty new children for the Danyal Memorial Movement. Hopefully, he can help them all.
14 years old: Danny
Meanwhile, Danny's adoptive parents know he isn't a meta, as Danny had already told them about Phantom, but Maddie wants to surprise her boy with the meta camp anyway. She knows Danny still looks up to his big brother even after all these years.
The older one did help smuggle him out of the League of Assiasngs the day Ra ordered his death. Talia had loved her sons to the bitter end, and she called upon her two old college friends to raise her youngest in her place.
Jack couldn't agree more with her idea, knowing Danny had followed all the news about Damian. His boy hadn't been able to get closer to his dear elder brother, for doing so would have earned all the hard work his birth mother and elder brother did to get him to safety, but now that Ra and his army have perished, he thinks it's time to reunite the two.
In Talia's memory, they will ensure Danny and Damian meet again.
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xxcrystalinerose · 4 months
Thinking about the Fate-unravelling incantation once again.
Moros spoke of how he was not only the Fates' brother but also their guardian, and that they raised him under their watch. He was privy to their weavings, as the sole emissary to this trio of all-powerful, reclusive deities whose threads bind even the gods.
So, surely, he was there when Nyx met with the Fates to bring Zagreus back to life? We know that quite a lot of Nyx's children are old old—Thanatos has known Megaera much longer than Zagreus has ever been alive, yet he is implied to be one of the younger or at least middle children—so it's not entirely out of the question that Moros is already grown up enough to work with and for the Fates.
Moros knew of the price and consequences of defying the Fates' weavings. Of which their Mother, the Primordial Night herself, refuses to speak about even to this day, whatever terrible things it cost her or involved. She doesn't even allow any discussion about the Fates themselves, either. It was THAT bad and that's all we need to know.
It speaks volumes of how dire the present situation is, and how much Moros wants to assist Melinoë's task—not just help it, but make it possible in the first place (re: her bloodline curse)—that he straight up defies the top brass of the celestial bureaucracy by doing the godly equivalent of a younger sibling who overheard his older siblings had put some leftovers in the fridge to eat later, then went and stole the food for himself when they left the house.
Oh Moros, you've got it bad. At least you don't officially condone Mel's actions. We all know that's how bureaucracy works, right?
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yyh4ever · 9 months
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Those illustration shared by Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition are amazing, they look like bookmarks.
Puzzle ends on January 14th, 2024, in Fukuoka.
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kindaasrikal · 4 days
Kai except he adores annoying everyone.
He might not be the oldest, but he is the only one who is an older brother (Zane’s possible family not included)
He adores walking into Nya’s room and not leaving even when she starts getting angry. He’ll be standing there, poking her, laying across her knowing damn well he’s heavy, snatching stuff out of her hands, using that voice people use when talking to babies, all because he got bored and loves seeing her get annoyed.
He play fights with Lloyd all the time and always is the one who initiates it. Suddenly Lloyd is in a headlock, is getting thrown onto the ground and now he has Kai sitting on his back pretending he’s sitting on a sofa. “Man, why is the sofa talking??”
He loves to go into Zane’s room and act like it’s his own when Zane isn’t there. Full on laying across the previously pristinely made bed with his stinky socks on the bed and Zane walks in and promptly has a heart attack. He then grabs Kai’s ankles and does his absolute best to drag him out. Then because Dr Julien thought it would be funny and because Kai loves using it to his advantage, he starts poking in specific areas he knows will send what Zane says is small electrical pulses to random areas that makes Zane start giggling on the ground. So, tickle wars. Zane never wins.
Kai loves to take horrible photos of Cole and then show them to the other years later. In a meet up with Vania he shows her a photo of Cole standing waist deep in a puddle of mud, his face covered in mud, staring at a now ruined cake staring up at the camera with the most heartbroken expression ever. Cole promptly began chasing Kai around the room demanding he deletes it. Kai retaliates by playing a video with Cole sobbing over a romance movie about horses.
Jay has gotten sick of telling Kai no, you can’t touch it. Kai adores annoying Jay by asking if he can have something of Jay’s, taking it even when he says no, changing things when Jay didn’t want him too, etcetera. Now Jay sees his calendar say August 5th when it’s December 26th, wondering where half his hoodies went, questioning why his pants are where is socks are supposed to be and why his socks are now covered in motor oil. Kai also enjoys asking the well known and very annoying “why?” Question continuously when Jay is working.
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choilacanth · 2 years
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Ever thought that a dragon priest’s mask still bears part of their soul? And wearing a dragon priest’s mask not only bestows their strength, but tries to keep sustaining the priest’s spirit through the wearer’s own life force?
Unfortunately for Krosis, Darra’s own mortal soul is as tenacious as a badger, and there are also several dragon souls within her own that give her both power and GERD.
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diioonysus · 1 year
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history + last words
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morningsaidthemoon · 2 years
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weary boy, how long have you been running?
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wickedcriminal · 7 months
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(Tfw you're the most reliable person in the roster and you're only like 12)
Httyd 2 is where the Hooligans start to think Elder may be too carefree and naive to be chief, Snotlout is too gradious to do the job right, and find that they truly appreciate the wise, diplomatic nature of Younger. Maybe we should make the little guy chief instead 💁
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#1 most irresponsible older brother 😂
(Speech bubble text beneath readmore:)
Hiccup the Younger: If I had a gold piece for every time Gobber told me to usurp my brother for the throne of Berk I'd have three gold pieces and at this point I'm starting to think he's being serious
Little Fishlegs: Well, why not? It's a very honorable position– and you'd be great at it!
Younger: Sure, but that's Hiccup's job. It's not like I WANT it. Besides, Snotlout's the runner-up heir, not me, so I'd have to challenge him, too. I'm in Last Place, Fishlegs. Maybe it's better that way.
Little Fish: You sell yourself too short. Most of the tribe would be happy to see you on the throne instead of Snotlout. Heck, they're prefer you to Mr. Elder! All the adults say Mr. Elder is too immature. Gobber even says they're going to approach Stoick personally about lifting your rank.
Younger: Very funny.
Astrid: Shirking your heirly duties, as usual.
Astrid: You know, maybe Gobber's right, and Minicup should usurp you and take over the tribe.
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ailendolin · 9 months
The Little Match Girl - A Disstari Fic
Title: The Little Match Girl [AO3]
Characters: Dissectus/Votlari, Ho-Tan, Alvin, Irk
Summary: On New Year's Eve, Dissectus and Voltari find a little girl selling matches in an alley. A simple act of kindness changes their lives forever.
A/N 1: Explanations for the Youngers’ names can be found in here.
A/N 2: This is set in a universe where Voltari and Dissectus changed sides and helped Debbie and the Elders defeat Cuddly Dick.
The Little Match Girl
Dissectus could not say what had compelled him to turn his head and look into the snowy alley. It was the last day of the year and he and Voltari were on their way to Mary and Jenny’s shop to pick up something for Ho-Tan when he happened to glance to his right and notice a little girl with fair hair, bare feet and dirty clothes sitting on the cold ground, half-hidden in the shadows of the houses towering above her. She was holding a bundle of matches in her shaking hands, and when Dissectus noticed the crudely made sign at her feet that announced, Matches for Sale, his steps faltered.
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ilreleonewikiart · 2 months
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Joanna Lannister for #SixFanarts challenge requested by @lightofthenorthh
"Joanna Lannister was a member of House Lannister who became Lady of Casterly Rock, the wife of Lord Tywin Lannister, and the mother of Queen Cersei, Ser Jaime, and Tyrion Lannister. She died giving birth to Tyrion in 273 AC."
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lionneee · 2 months
Chapter 12
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Chapter 12
“Tell me this is okay, kiddo.” He whispered with the last string of restraint he had, looking down at them. He could already imagine his cock enveloped by her wet, tight walls. Squeezing him and milking him dry. “O-okay…” She mumbled, wrapping her hands around his shoulders, her fingers digging in his back. He moaned as he slowly started to push inside, the tip splitting her walls apart, making space for himself. God she was so tight. He closed his eye, opening his mouth to let out a chocked moan. So tight, he never felt anything like this. She was his now. His. He would have never let her go. He moaned as he slowly pulled back just slightly, not enough to slip out, then slowly back in. She was only taking a few inches of him. But it still felt… incredible. He thrusted slowly, gently and carefully.
Taglist: @ka1afbr @cynic-spirit @ladythornofrivia @zenka69 @queenofthekeep @adorewhatever @diannnnsss @kotadislikesthissite @iloveallmyboys @valyrianflower @dixie-elocin @gelacat0413 @quinquinquincy @mamawiggers1980 @darylandbethfanforever9 @rhaethoughts @believeinthefireflies95
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khepiari · 7 months
Luffy is so spoiled because of Ace too
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My headcanon is that, Luffy being such an annoying gremlin is partly Ace’s fault as well. Yes, Sabo was there, and so were Makino and Mayor, Dadan and Gang and of course Garp in some brutal capacities.
I totally believe Luffy’s most formative years of learning happened when: that one year Shanks docked in Windmill Village and told him stories of his great many ocean adventures, and the rest of his life's education happened in the seven years he spent running after Ace.
Ace is the elder sibling who had to step up to protect and care for Luffy because the adults in their lives were so incompetent. Especially after Sabo’s “death” he had to sober up. Between the three of them, Sabo was the one who was always kind, and patient and treated Luffy for the child he was. With him gone as the rational and calm one and after the Bear attack incident which almost killed Luffy, Ace had to step up, and actually grow up in a sense; he was no longer the lonely boy fending for himself, and picking fights just to channel his powerlessness and anger. Luffy's existence made him a better human and gave him a chance to be his own person. He became responsible as he had a weak crybaby and who for lack of a better word was — a fool with no sense of self-preservation. And because Ace had no point of reference, let alone a healthy sense of relationships, he raised Luffy like a feral wolf pup that he picked up the streets on a whim and spoiled him rotten to the point of dumb clingy.
On the other-hand, Ace was Luffy’s safe space. He would fight, cry, bite, get hurt, make mistakes, pull Ace into trouble and still follow Ace around with a stupid big smile because he knew Ace would protect and indulge him. Ace’s presence allowed Luffy to thrive and become the epitome of spoilt rotten. Because no matter what nonsense troubles he got into, he had Ace to look after him.
Yes, Luffy was always a selfish little shit who did what he wanted, but Ace enabled him to the point of getting away with anything as long as he was not intentionally harming anyone. I also think Ace wanted to make sure Luffy’s then innocent and happy world was not marred by people’s unkind words or actions, and he did a tremendous job— because Luffy listened to him, or at least tried to. Luffy was the little brother, to be precise, Luffy was his little brother, his only family, his chosen one who was a handful and his only ray of hope in this hateful world. But he knew who he was raising and how he was raising Luffy. Unlike Ace, who was burdened and bothered by the history of his lineage, made sure Luffy was not affected by any of his own dark thoughts or Garp's bullying. So his approach to raising Luffy was to both pamper him and prepare him with one goal: for Luffy to become independent and fearless.
After all a wolf is a wolf, he can be trained not domesticated.
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cesareeborgia · 1 year
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↳ family trees + Julio-Claudian dynasty (limited to the main figures)
requested by anonymous
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