#the elder scrolls xarxes
Lucien: "That's NOT how fucking dialectics work, you stupid cuck! I didn't study Xarxes plus continental philosophy in general at The Arcane University for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS for some LOW LIFE KNOW IT ALL who's CLEARLY never fucking read Xarxes as he would KNOW that XARXES has NEVER FUCKING EVER use the terms “thesis, antithesis, synthesis” to start perpetuating these LIES at EVERY SINGLE FUCKING OPPORTUNITY! This isn't Xarxes, my friend, no, no, no. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis was thought up by Sotha Sil and it's clearly inferior to Xarxes' dialectical method of imminent critique. Yes, it's called imminent critique. And dialectics is only ONE PART of Xarxes' full method. Which again is called imminent critique which you would know if you had ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO READ XARXES, IT'S LITERALLY IN THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC, YOU DUMB FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! I honestly cannot believe the fucking arrogance to come out here, spouting that anti Xarxes garbage. Where did you get your fucking info on dialectics? Fucking Calcelmo? By The Divines, I cannot deal with this bullshit right now. I'm sorry, I'm leaving, I'm fucking leaving."
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somemaycallthisjunk · 6 months
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I'm an artist, and my friend who is obsessed with Skyrim (the reason why I even play the game) had a birthday this month. I was scrolling online to see if I could order something for them and found the cheap, made-to-print spiral notebook version of the Oghma Infinium and thought... I can do that, but better. So I did.
I took a few creative liberties and obviously it's not EXACT but my friend thinks it's cool and I think it's cool so. There it is.
progress pictures from Snapchat (please excuse the typos) below:
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Mysterium Xarxes
In-game art/asset for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
*Art credit unknown* If anyone knows the artist, comment below
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 11 months
Hero of Kvatch: Do you want to take a nap? I’ll stoke the fire and we can cuddle.
Martin, draped over the Mysterium Xarxes like some kind of zombie: Set me on fire. Death is the final sleep.
Hero of Kvatch: Your kinks are getting out of hand, dude.
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rollanan · 4 months
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two of my favorite mana batteries swap robes
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peony-plum · 1 year
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Martin: Everything is fine.
Inspire by this stupid image:
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mukuuji · 1 year
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A little while ago...
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dundreary · 11 months
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TES-Inktober 2023, Day 19: Mythology
The Mysterium Xarxes.
Link to the prompt list and further info
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cosplayamaradolce · 2 years
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Can someone wake Martin up and tell him that he can stop reading the Xarxes since he already has the Amulet of Kings for some reason?
(Aka the only picture I asked someone in my group to take of my Martin cosplay at Magfest. Tried to go for that bored Jarl look from Skyrim and failed. Whoops.)
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fyrirraan · 2 years
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Forbidden Knowledge
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strigital · 2 years
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Imperator 👑
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So Lami has this one ominous voice like that she constantly says to my characters after killing out Morvarth's Lair.
"The gods know what you've done"
At first I thought it was like, an appreciative thing, like I saved the town whoo. Even the gods acknowledge that I saved a town from a vampire plot.
I don't think it is.
Lami and her husband Jorgen have a very high disposition of Alva, a whopping +2 (this isn't sarcasm, having +2 is actually a pretty high disposition). You know Alva, the vampire who was slowly planning on taking over Morthal and goes to the tavern nightly to seduce everyone. She even tries to seduce the inn keeper, which doesn't work on her.
So Alva has not only seduced Hrorgar and Laelette (the vampire we attack by the child's grave and who tries to turn her), but she has Lami, Jorgen and is working on others like Benor, Gorm and Jonna, thou they either express confusion at her attempts (Jonna) or resist but are still tempted.
What's funny is that after it's revealed Alva is actually a vampire, Lami and Jorgen along with some others join in on the hunt (then bail but whatever).
However, due to Bugthesda, Lami and Jorgen's disposition isn't accurately changed to be in our favour after Laid to Rest. They still like Alva and are mad at *you* for killing her.
So Lami's line about the gods knowing what I've done, I think is moreso supposed to be interpreted as 'No one here may hold you accountable for your actions but when you die the gods will take your soul and punish you'.
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somemaycallthisjunk · 6 months
Xarxes type behaviour
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uesp · 1 year
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Did You Know: The cover of the Mysterium Xarxes matches the cover art for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion?
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Hero of Kvatch: So, I was going to go to bed. Do you . . . want to join me?
Martin, looking up from the Mysterium Xarxes: You mean, “go to bed” go to bed, or . . . go to bed?
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da3drat · 1 year
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This took me. Idk like 6 straight hours. Fingies hurt. But it weighs so much less now so worth it!
I tried to make the first post about this last night but noooo tumblr failed to upload it🙄 anyway. this is the humble beginnings of my very own mysterium xarxes. Ty to camelworks elder scrolls detective playlist on youtube for keeping me company during this laborious process
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