#the dumbest headcanon ever
Okay going in that direction if Volnutt is a descendant of X (Created from his Data after all). It can bring a whole slew of implications.
Shout of for @/Waythroughtheice for the idea 💥
In terms how Trigger/Volnutt being aware of this fact
Trigger doesn’t know about the lineage and is kept as extremely secret as possible. He just assumes he’s based on X by coincidence.
But of course The Master knows about the lineage (you can’t tell me events of the X to ZX would be would have records left remaining in Elysium’s library and the Maverick hunters would revered as fuck especially X). The biometal Data would have been stored in extreme security but I imagine over the years they were either lost or destroyed. Because of how important X is in Elysium, his Biometal data was preserved the longest. Only the highest members of Elysium are aware of this fact (COUGH The Master) But still we know that trigger and the master were very good friends according to the games so it’s likely that trigger might have been kinder compared to the rest of the purifier units.
Despite following the Master System like the other Units. Trigger followed The Master’s wishes and orders to end the Master system cause he knows it’s the right thing to do, secretly he loathed the Carbon Reinitialization Program.The idea of sacrificing the lives of innocent carbons for the “pure” humans to exist again makes him sick. Even if it means fighting Elysium itself.
When he was reborn as Volnutt, he had absolutely no idea where he came from. Only Data knows that Trigger’s most vital data was stored within him.
Unlike Trigger, Volnutt is similar to his father. But unlike X, Volnutt lives in a world of peace and adventure. Being an adventurous digger finding treasure and helping folks. But also never enjoys fighting, only using it when it’s needed.
He wonders if even has parents or a family like Roll. He hopes to one day meet or find them…only crashing down once he learns about his identity as Megaman Trigger meaning that he doesn’t have parents or family like Roll and everyone else on Terra.
He would have found out his “Dad” but unfortunately only has basic information about him. It made Volnutt feel lonely knowing that he has absolutely no one alive in his past aside from Data. Lamenting that he was born thousands of years after the death of his Family.
But it’s okay honestly, he has Roll, the Caskett Family, Tron, and the people that he’s helped. So he isn’t completely alone and he’s fine with it! Content even. But deep down, he wants to meet them.
The Youngest Child of X, Grandson of Light now inherits the new world that he must protect. A bizarre yet poetic tradition, it’s unfortunate that the Four Guardians Of Neo Arcadia were never given the same opportunity as their youngest brother did. He’s a spitting image of his dear Father that he’ll never meet. Unlike X who at least has Dr. Light’s Ai and some info on his Family.
But Volnutt? He’ll never get that opportunity like he did. He’ll never get to meet or know his father, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles and Grandfathers. Thinking about it Volnutt would have gotten the most Largest yet Loving Family ever known. A family that would do anything to protect and care for their youngest.
Oh X would have loved Volnutt so much, he would have been the proudest yet loving father of Terra towards Volnutt.
Maybe in different world where it’s kinder,Volnutt would of gotten to be apart of that Family.
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battleslippers · 6 months
credit to @crazability for this hc bc this mf said that Two-Bit kissed Dallas drunk once. Like, not even in a slashy way (depends on ur political views), just in a drunk-people-being-fucking-stupid way. Dallas was semi-drunk so he still remembers, so that man has to LIVE with that and everytime he's reminded he just does the fucking thousand yard stare 😭😭
Two: "hey Dal--"
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he is taking that to the GRAVE.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I wanna toss some edibles into the hand ball pit and see what happens
You reside in the pit as chaos issuses outside. Screams and intelligible whispers fill the air in a twisted symphony to those who have come before and those who will exist after the end of time. The collapse of humanity has come and you are all that remains of its former glory. Those devoted to your image prepare you for your throne with a bountiful feast. Nuggets and half melted ice cream cone fill your range of sight, prodding fingers shatterned by your refusal to eat more than ten. Your follower's love is immortal, eternal. Everything ends and begins with you.. Why in the nine rings do they have so many hands.
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jupiterdive · 2 years
do you guys think that for a period of time after vincent learned he could vamp zoom he’d make a “nyooom” sound every time he’d pass someone by so that he’d sound like a racecar
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prescottsgirl · 1 year
40 from the prompts pleasssseee!
— sidney with an intelligent s/o
sidney prescott x fem!reader
hc prompts here
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sidney loves how intelligent you are, it’s one of her favorite things about you.
especially when you’re in school together.
sidney’s super smart but of course she has her bad classes in school like everyone does
so of course she goes to her, as she’ll call you, super smart girlfriend, to help her study.
and she can’t even take you seriously because she keeps smiling & giggling at you every time you explain something
^ which then ends in a heated make out session…
to where she has learned absolutely nothing about the work she was struggling with.
and she’ll always say that her grades are so good because she has a smart girlfriend:)
^ (but she’s def had straight A’s her entire life)
older sid loves when you use your intelligence to outsmart ghostface as well
^ she finds it kind of attractive too
and she feels comfortable enough to know that you’ll figure him out before he can even hurt you.
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ghirahimbo · 1 year
While playing totk I’ve been thinking a lot about Ghirahim since I just finished BBN, and I’m occasionally overcome by the thought of Ghirahim seeing Link in some of the more.. unique clothing combos you get in totk/botw. I can’t decide if it would lead to the easiest battle ever because he would be shocked into a stupor or if fashion choices that bad would enrage him to the point that he’d just flatten Link. Or just laughing too hard?
I mean, that depends on whether we're talking Froggy armor or Frostbite, right? :D I think some outfits Ghirahim might borderline approve of, some he would find absolutely ridiculous, and all of them would be a (sometimes infinitesimal) step above sksw Link’s dumb green tunic and hat, because probably the worst thing your clothing could be in Ghirahim’s eyes is boring.
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i wish mythic quest wasnt on apple tv
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Okay so since sexism is taught and all of that, and Light Yagami's parents seem like the least sexist people in the universe. I have this STUPIDEST headcanon ever.
Okay so since Light would have to be small(At least toddler age) and impressionable, he'd probably go with his mother to the store when she needed.
I headcanon that ONE guy at the store decided to go off on an annoying sexist rant about Light's mom existing(that yes, people usually do out in public-), so Light assumed woman was a bad thing to be but thought they were wrong about his mom being a woman.
So that's how I imagine he became sexist and a mama's boy lol
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cobrakatharsis · 2 years
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moopermoment · 1 year
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i take jetkie very seriously
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stedebonnit · 2 years
I was talking to my friend about Lucius teaching Stede to have sex, and he goes to explain a blowjob and when Stede starts making a blowijg motion with his mouth Lucius goes
"Under NO circumstances do you actually blow into it, Stede, do you understand? It will not end well for anyone if you do."
"Oh. You...you seem awfully concerned about this Lucius. Is there... a reason youre worried about this?"
Lucius, with a sudden thousand yard stare, has his first trauma flashback to the time he first had sex with a dude after secretly reading about gay sex. He blows into the dick so hard that the guy gets a kidney infection and dies.
Back in the present, Stede is staring at him wide eyed.
"No reason...just trust me on this one."
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I don't know of you've done this or not, but I would love to hear you opinions on Roran. Most people in the Fandom see him as a Chad, a better hero than Eragon, more badass etc etc. Me? I can't stand him, it scares me how he seems to take no no for an answer
In my return to my IC hyperfixation, I've found I don't like Roran quite as much as I did a few years back. My feelings on his character are a lot more complicated and I definitely see where you're coming from in your dislike. To summarize my thoughts right off the bat, as a character, I think Roran is a good person with his heart in the right place and he gets involved with a war that brings out the absolute worst in him.
The situations Roran gets pushed into cause a lot of friction with his worst qualities like his stubbornness, his aggression, his recklessness, and his arrogance. But these qualities don't garner much critique within canon because, similarly to Nasuada's flaws, the circumstances of war actually reward these questionable behaviors.
For one, despite how he's presented, Roran is not a good leader. In fact, he's pretty fucking awful at it. He's very good at a few specific skills that a leader needs, particularly inspiring loyalty, but he's entirely incapable in other aspects. Namely, dealing with other authorities. The argument with Orrin over the envoy that I talked about before is a perfect example, really highlighting his inability discuss and collaborate with anyone else or to think through any viewpoint that contradicts his own. Also, I didn't point it out before, but Roran ends that argument by promising to kill any envoy Orrin sends. Which is insanely stupid and barbaric. He thinks he has the right to openly murder an innocent man of their army solely because he decided that would be best, even when that'd give Orrin full right to have him executed. The risk of sending an envoy is only hypothetical and unclear while the damage of Roran murdering a Surdan is absolutely certain, but he can't see past his own sense of superiority far enough to realize that.
The chapter in Brisingr where the Urgals challenge his right to lead also really shows what a terrible leader he is. He doesn't even try to talk, to establish that an army doesn't follow their cultural hierarchy, and if they don't want to obey, they can simply defect and try fighting without the Varden's allies or resources. No, he instantly accepts hand to hand combat to the death. His conviction that he can do anything is so bloated it blinds him to any possible consequences. If you strip away our outside awareness of plot armor, his choices go from admirable and badass to outrageously careless. He can't handle conflict or disagreements with other leaders with anything but brute force. His interactions with Brigman in Aroughs also comes to mind.
What Roran actually is is a very good problem solver. He is very observant and creative and that gets him through very tricky situations. And he genuinely wants the best for the people he loves, he always takes their needs into consideration and does all that he can for them. But that doesn't necessarily suit him to leadership and being put in such roles during the war buries those good qualities under the soaring peak of his arrogance. The real shame is that his flaws never had real consequences that made him grow as a person, wouldn't that have been nice?
I just want Roran to go back to being a farmer and stop taking himself so insufferably seriously, then maybe he'll realize not every single thing in life is a matter of life or death and he'll become more yielding and humble. Honestly for his sake, I want him to learn to coexist with the world around him instead of perpetually struggling against it.
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the-golden-ghost · 3 months
I really hate the Headcanon Guide so much. like who CARES
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spiderwebteacup · 1 year
Vaemond: That is no true Velaryon!
Lucerys: Says the one with the shellfish allergy...
Vaemond: Well, there was absolutely no need to bring that up...
The Stepstones really weren't fun for Vaemond. He had to worry about getting eaten by the crabs AND eating the crabs.
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Yesterday i thought of how Maria & Ludwig (as students) would be the two idiots way to hype to go on a carousel.
That lead to me imagining which characters would sit on what in a carousel.
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emile-hides · 2 years
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My mind is plagued by them so badly if anyone wants to do me the biggest solid and send me asks about them I know no one goes here anymore but this is for me to say my many thoughts at a void I just need a single prompt
#Fairy Tail#FairyTail#I made this to put my Queer headcanons on paper like I did for the Baka&Test cast but I just couldn't do it#There's so many fuckin guys y'all#I have so many thoughts there's so many guys just pick one and ask my thoughts I'll write you a novel#This is the second biggest solid you can do for me rn honestly brain fuckin full#I did my best to even slightly organize my emotions for these guys but honestly there is no one category that can hold any of them#I'm so stupidly attached to the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail it's an Anime only Lucy centered filler Arc and I'm so attached to it#It's got all my favorite guys it's got Gonzolas it's got Jackpot it's got Sammy#It's got Catholic Guilt and the horrifying notion that inanimate objects in Fairy Tail's universe have will and feelings and conciousness#but not the ability to realize they have these things or to act upon them lest a Wizard uses cursed magic to give them human form#It's fucked as hell and I think about Laponte more often than he deserves#but also it has a buff ass blue cat with a Brother Complex and a Berdly level of bitchy smart boy attitued#And the second dumbest man ever written#Oh btw Fairy Tail is full of Dumbest Men You'll Ever Meet you want a dumb man Fairy Tail's your place no one thinks in this house#*Shakes Toby* Behold the dumbest fuckin guy ever written I love him so much I want to rattle his pea brain around his skull#I'm so abnormal about Fairy Tail guys please ask me about them I am alone at sea#as I deserve honestly but I'm still wishing for a message in a bottle#you could also commission me that's cool too that's solider number 1 right there
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