#the duggar-caldwells
fundieinfoplace · 1 year
Breaking News: Baby Beckett is Baby Justus!
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Sadly Paul's mom died but we've been given a name to Joseph and Kendra's 4th Baby.
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fundiepredictions · 1 month
Happy birthday
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Kendra Duggar (Caldwell) celebrates her 26th birthday today.
She married Joseph Duggar in september 2017. Since then they had four children, Garrett (6), Addison (4), Brooklyn (3) and Justus (2).
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spurgie-cousin · 10 months
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More pics I found on accident. The ones of JB & Michelle are from Jinger's wedding and I've probably posted them before, but I don't think I've ever posted the Rods playing in the Duggar house?? Who the hell knows
Also I think it's worth noting that the only caption under Christina Caldwell's picture was "Pastor's Wife" lol.
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
A proper glimpse of Joe and Kendra’s baby. Looks like it’s a boy. Also note Garrett in the background.
Caldwell Family Instagram
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Bonus photo of Brooklyn and Moriah.
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duggardata · 2 years
[More–or–Less] Confirmed: Lauren and Kendra Both Gave Birth in 2022
On October 30, 2022, Joy (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth posted a video on their YouTube, which documented them telling their families that they were expecting Baby #3. About 5½ Minutes in, Joy Facetimes Jim Bob and tells him the news. She asks what 'number' grandchild this one is, and Jim Bob says: "Number 30."
Up until Joy's video, Duggar Data had 27 GrandDuggars on the list— 25 Already Born, and 2 In Utero (Duggar–Wissmann #1, Forsyth #3). For months, it has also been widely speculated—but annoyingly, not confirmed—that Lauren and Kendra had had their 2nd and 4th Child, respectively, earlier this year.
Now that we know Forsyth #3 is GrandDuggar #30—and thus, that our list is missing not one, not two, but 3 Grands—it is clear that we were on to something with our speculation... From now on, Duggar Data considers Duggar–Swanson 2 (Baby C) and Duggar–Caldwell #4 to be "confirmed" births.
When did they give birth, exactly? Good question! We don't know, and the data is very limited, but here's my best attempt to estimate with what we've got...
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Baby C Was Probably Born In March.
Let's start with Josiah + Lauren. Here are the three major facts we have to work with...
Josiah + Lauren didn't attend Jer + Hannah's Wedding on March 26, 2022. They weren't in any of the photos or video, plus Josiah was conspicuously absent from the wedding party. (The Duggar Boys closest to Jed's age, from Joe to James, were groomsmen, but Si was inexplicably skipped.)
While at church on April 3, 2022, Josiah + Lauren were seen with an infant car seat at their feet. We'll call this the Car Seat Photo.
During church on September 26, 2022, Lauren was seen with an unknown baby on her lap. The baby wasn't wearing a bow. We'll call it the Baby On Lap Photo.
Additionally, many of y'all suspected that Lauren was expecting at Truett's Sex Reveal (October 4, 2021).
With the lack of a bow, the Baby On Lap Photo suggests Baby C is a boy. (This isn't confirmed.) Regardless, we know from the Car Seat Photo that he had arrived by April 3, 2022. Duggar Data thinks that he was born fairly close to then, and that that explains Si + Lauren's absence from Jer + Hannah's Wedding. (If Lauren was full–term, or had very recently given birth, they might've been reasonably unable or unwilling to travel so far, even for a wedding.) Given this, Duggar Data estimates that Lauren gave birth in March of 2022. The Sex Reveal photo also fits w/ a March arrival. Lauren would've been 4.5 Months Along—and very possibly "showing"—at the time.
So, we'll estimate that Lauren gave birth in March. Given my usual rule for estimating vague data like this, Duggar Data will use March 16, 2022—i.e., the midpoint of the month—as an Approximate DOB for Baby C, until and unless we get better data.
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Duggar–Caldwell #4 Was Probably Born In May.
Moving on to Joe + Kendra... Here's the evidence that Baby #4 has arrived—
On or around June 16, 2022, Reddit discovered a photo of Joe + Kendra at a restaurant with their 3 Children, plus an unidentified infant (~3 Weeks Old) in a stroller. We'll call it the Stroller Photo.
On or around October 15, 2022, Christina Caldwell posted to FB and referenced having "grandbabies"—not just one grandbaby—born since February 2021.
Christina's October 15th Post also included photos, including one where you can see a woman in the background nursing. While her face isn't visible, her feet are and Reddit believes they're Kendra's feet. We'll call this the Nursing Photo.
Additionally, many of y'all thought Kendra looked pregnant at Jer + Hannah's Wedding on March 26, 2022.
Christina's October 15th Facebook Post references "grandbabies"—plural, rather than "grandbaby," singular—that have been born since February 2021. Honestly, this makes no sense unless Kendra + Joe have had a 4th Child. Brooklyn was born in February 2021, so she's the first "grandbaby" born in or after February 2021. And, we know she is not the only one, because Christina said "grandbabies." And, there's no one else who could've produced the other grandchild, as Kendra is the only Caldwell Sibling who is married. Barring an out–of–wedlock birth, which is so unlikely, it must be Kendra + Joe's.
As for when Baby #4 arrived... Assuming s/he is the baby from the Stroller Photo, it must've been some time before June 16, 2022. In the photo, the baby was said to be 3ish Weeks Old. Since we don't have anything else to go on, let's just assume the baby was 21 Days Old on June 16, 2022... That gives us an Approximate DOB of May 26, 2022.
None of the other evidence is overly helpful as far at the DOB goes; however, all of the evidence could be consistent with a birth in May. At Jer + Hannah's Wedding in Late March, Kendra looked pregnant. If she had the baby in Late May, she would've been 7 Months Along and obviously showing. The Nursing Photo could also be consistent with a May birth. We don't know when that photo is from, but there is a good chance Kendra is still nursing if she gave birth in May—so, there's no reason to think it can't be her in that photo.
TL;DR We don't know exactly when Lauren and Kendra gave birth, but Duggar Data is using the following Approximate DOBs—
Duggar–Swanson #2 March 16, 2022
Duggar–Caldwell #4 May 26, 2022
Both of these are rough estimates; however, I'm fairly sure the birth order was Lauren, then Kendra.
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fundieshaderoom · 5 months
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Duggars Spotting
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Duggar-Caldwell #4 confirmation? The toddler seems to be Moriah Caldwell but, baby might be Joe and Kendra’s
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Who is the Most On-Trend With Their Baby Names? Duggar-Edition
To break up the time between more exciting announcements from predictor-families, I thought it might be fun to do a little name analysis. I looked up the popularity of each GrandDuggars name in the year they were born to see which parents are the most “on-trend.” Rankings outside of the top 1000 were unable to be determined. Only first names were considered for this analysis. For babies born in 2022, 2021 data was used.
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Josh and Anna
Mackynzie (b. 2009) - Not ranked. (Mackenzie #77, Mckenzie #155, Makenzie #175)
Michael (b. 2011) - Ranked #6
Marcus (b. 2013) - Ranked #159
Meredith (b. 2015) - Ranked #590
Mason (b. 2017) - Ranked #7
Maryella (b. 2019) - Not ranked.
Madyson (b. 2021) -  Not ranked. (Madison #29, Maddison #519, Madisyn #798)
John and Abbie
Grace (b. 2020) - Ranked #28
Charles - assuming Charlie’s legal name - (b. 2022) - Ranked #50
Jill and Derick
Israel (b. 2015) - Ranked #240
Samuel (b. 2017) - Ranked #21
Frederick (b. 2022) - Ranked #476
Jessa and Ben
Spurgeon (b. 2015) - Not ranked. (As expected and as it should be.)
Henry (b. 2017) - Ranked #18
Ivy (b. 2019) - Ranked #68
Fern (b. 2021) - Not ranked.
Jinger and Jeremy
Felicity (b. 2018) - Ranked #355
Evangeline (b. 2020) - Ranked #256
Joe and Kendra
Garrett (b. 2018) - Ranked #326
Addison (b. 2019) - Ranked #47
Brooklyn (b. 2021) - Ranked #63
Josiah and Lauren 
Bella (b. 2019) - Ranked #50
Joy and Austin
Gideon (b. 2018) - Ranked #308
Evelyn (b. 2020) - Ranked #9
Jed and Katey
Truett (b. 2022) - Ranked #914
This analysis seems to show that John and Abbie are the most “on-trend” when it comes to naming their children. This isn’t surprising as so far they have picked classic names that have been high in popularity for a long-time. It was interesting to see in this analysis the difference in popularity of names that couples choose for their boys vs. their girls. For example, Josh and Anna’s boys all had names within the top 160 (two even within the top 10), but only one of their girls had a name even found within the top 1000. It was also interesting to see that Jessa and Ben’s name choices varied between top 100 most popular and names that were unranked at all. Overall though, this was just for fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
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thefundiedata · 17 days
By data alone, can we surmise the first baby boom that the grandduggars will join in? And will the OG Jeneration still be popping them out? Kinda like Michelle and Anna/ Kendra and Christina Caldwell
Duggar girls are currently predicted to have their first baby just before their 24th birthday. Duggar boys are predicted to have their first baby just before their 25th birthday. I'll use that just to do some rough dates as I haven't done data on the GrandDuggars.
Using that logic, no Duggar couple is expected to have a final child after they have a grandchild. The only potential exception is Lauren & Bella Duggar depending on how old Lauren's mother was when she had her final baby - as I don't have a definite age cut off for Lauren without that data. That might just tip her into having a baby after Bella's hypothetical first - just like her own mother did with her and her much younger siblings.
Josie Bates is definitely predicted to have her last child after her first grandchild, though.
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lovingduggarbates · 2 years
Duggar-Keller#8 if Josh and Anna can have "visits".
Forsyth#3 (confirmed).
Duggar-Wissman#1 (confirmed).
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fundiefun · 6 years
My most to least favorite Duggar couples!
This #Duggarrank is going to be about couples! Ranking is (mostly) arbitrary, but here it is! Also keep in mind that I do not condone or support any of the fundie beliefs, but I am a strong supporter of judging people based on their character rather than their beliefs due to the fact that people cannot control how they’re raised, and what seems like an obvious alternative to their screwed up belief system is most certainly not obvious to them.
1. Benjamin Michael Seewald + Jessa Lauren Seewald (née Duggar)
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These two are by far my favorite Duggar couple for several reasons, the first being their relatively fundie lite/conservative christian lifestyle. Ben was not raised with ATI/IBLP or the Pearl methods of child abuse rearing. Ben comes from a conservative christian/fundie life family, and he is much more open minded because of this. In his debates on twitter regarding topics such as abortion, while I don’t agree with his views, I respect that he is polite and considerate when speaking to people online. Jessa has always been a Duggar favorite of mine due to her headstrong nature, and Ben quickly became a favorite due to his lack of willingness to quell that sassy, headstrong attitude that we all know that love. Not to mention, their boys are so stinkin’ cute!
2. Jeremy Joseph Vuolo + Jinger Nicole Vuolo (née Duggar)
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In a close second, Jeremy and Jinger are next on the list for favorite Duggar couple! There are many reasons why these two are up so high. Let’s start with Jeremy. Jeremy Vuolo was a college graduate and a former professional soccer player, giving him a much more secular worldview. He may not be the most open minded, but he certainly is respectful and at least he and Jinger tried to learn basic Spanish knowing that they would be living in a city that primarily speaks Spanish. Jeremy and Jinger also waited a year to have their first child, a little girl, who is due any day now, which makes for a much easier transition into sexual life than having a honeymoon baby, as we all know that Jinger was a virgin up until her wedding night. Jinger was always the most rebellious, outspoken, and spunky child of all the 19 kids, and I’d be lying if I said that I’m not happy that she’s found a fairly secular husband who whisked her away to a city in Texas and lets her wear pants and shorts as she pleases.
3. Josiah Matthew Duggar + Lauren Milagro Duggar (née Swanson)
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This couple is fairly new, just married, so we haven’t seen much of them. However, of what we have seen so far, both Josiah and Lauren seem absolutely smitten with each other. Lauren is quite young, which is a downside, but she seems fairly mature, at least to me. I never thought for a second that Lauren was forcing her bubbly, smiley, and relaxed personality, which is quite refreshing to see in a fundie wife, as those qualities are almost all faked and forced. She seems to be a genuinely happy person, and Josiah certainly seems absolutely in love, which anyone can clearly see in his frequent instagram posts dedicated to her.
4. John-David Duggar + Abbie Grace Burnett
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This couple is very new to us, in more ways than one! Abbie is 26, practically an old maid in the fundieverse, and John-David is 28. This is quite refreshing to see as we all know that courtship is a precursor to engagement/marriage. Abbie is not only old (and presumably mature) enough to be married, but she is also a licensed nurse! Being a practicing nurse definitely requires some form of secular interaction, so this is a very hopeful coupling! John-David has been a fan favorite for some time with his funny one liners and laid back personality. This courtship took everyone by surprise, as nobody was really paying attention to JD since we all figured he wouldn’t be courting for a while anyways. So here’s to Jana being next!
5. Joseph Garrett Duggar + Kendra Renée Duggar (née Caldwell)
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This couple is lower down on the list because, while they’ve done nothing controversial and seem to be quite happy, Kendra is just so young. She seems barely mature enough for her age, and definitely not mature enough to be a wife and mother. However, Joe has shown in the birth episode of their firstborn son, Garrett David Duggar, that he truly does love and support Kendra. He was a rock throughout her labor, reminding her to breathe, holding her, encouraging her, and really doing any and everything that he was asked.
6. Austin Martyn Forsyth + Joy-Anna Forsyth (née Duggar)
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These two are also lower down on the list not because of any particular controversy, but simply because Austin just seems so... Bored. I always get the feeling that they barely know each other and rushed into a marriage. Austin has never seemed particularly enthused about Joy, and it appears that he really takes her for granted. Not to mention, God only knows what her parents did to her to make her into the perfect submissive fundie wife and mother that she is today, and the fact that Austin comes from a family that supports people like the Pearls doesn’t help to ease my distrust of him. I want to believe that Austin doesn’t abuse Joy’s-fully available (see what I did there) policy, yet I don’t know that I do. He barely formed a sentence for his mother’s day post for Joy, and had nothing to say about her other than she has a heart for the Lord and is a wonderful mother to their firstborn son, Gideon (who is so adorable and expressive).
7. Derick Michael Dillard + Jill Michelle Dillard (née Duggar)
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Where do I begin? Jill isn’t particularly controversial, but Derick really screwed everyone over. We all thought he was some wonderful, worldly, sweet Christian guy who came all the way from Nepal to whisk Jill away from her evil family, but alas, he was just some money-grabbing, angry-tweeting, blanket-training hillbilly who knew how to put on a good front when he was still in front of those TLC cameras. From harassing a famous transgender teen, Jazz Jennings, over twitter, to suggesting that his toddler son stacking building blocks was his attempt to help build Trump’s wall, Derick Dillard will forever live in fundie infamy. Poor Jill.
8. Joshua James Duggar + Anna Renée Duggar (née Keller)
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Do I even need to explain myself? For those of you who don’t know for whatever reason, Joshua “Turd” Duggar molested four of his sisters and one other young girl as a teenager when they were ages ranging from 10/11 to 4/5. He never faced any punishment for this crime despite the fact that he confessed this to his parents and the police were made aware of the situation. Years later, while Anna was pregnant with their fourth child, a daughter named Meredith Grace Duggar, it was revealed that Josh had paid at least $1000 for two separate Ashley Madison accounts which he used to repeatedly cheat on his pregnant wife/mother of his children. And before all of this came out, he was preaching against everything LGBT+ in the name of “family values”.
So that’s that! If you want to hear me give my unnecessary opinions/rankings on anything else, please tell me! Thank you:)
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fundieinfoplace · 1 year
Do you have any info or confirmation on the rumored Caldwell-Duggar #4 or Swanson-Duggar #2 & #3?
Jim Bob confirmed in Joy's baby video that Gunnar was indeed #30 and being the 15th boy and that Nora #31 is the tiebreaker. So here's the breakdown
1. Mackynzie Renee Duggar oct 2009
● Baby M #2 Duggar
2. Michael James Duggar june 2011
3. Marcus Anthony Duggar june 2013
4. Israel David Dillard april 2015
5. Meredith Grace Duggar june
6. Spurgeon Elliott Seewald nov
7. Henry Wilberforce Seewald feb 2017
8. Samuel Scott Dillard july
9. Mason Garrett Duggar sept
10. Gideon Martyn Forsyth feb 2018
11. Garrett David Caldwell Duggar june
12. Felicity Nicole Vuolo july
●Asa Matthew
13. Ivy Jane Seewald may 2019
●Annabell Elise
14. Addison Renee Caldwell Duggar nov
15. Bella Milagro Swanson Duggar nov
16. Maryella Hope Duggar nov
17. Grace Annette Burnett Duggar jan 2020
●Halleli Grace
18. Evelyn Mae Forsyth aug
●Baby C
●Baby Seewald #4
19. Evangeline Jo Vuolo nov
20. Brooklyn Praise Caldwell Duggar feb 2021
21. Fern Elliana Seewald july
●River Bliss
22. Madyson Lily Duggar oct
23. Daisy Marie Swanson Duggar april 2022
24. Truett Oliver Nakatsu Duggar may
25. Collin Gene Caldwell Duggar june
26. Frederick Michael Dillard july
27. Charles John Burnett Duggar sept
● Baby Seewald #5
28. Brynley Noelle Wissmann Duggar Dec
29. Ezra Robert Swanson Duggar May 2023
30. Gunner James Forsyth may
31. Nora Kate Nakatsu Duggar may
Mackynzie, Meredith, Maryella, Madyson, Gracie, Ivy, Fern, Felicity, Evangeline, Addison, Brooklynn, Bella, Daisy and Brynley (before Nora)= 15 girls
Michael, Marcus, Mason, Charlie. Israel, Samuel, Frederick, Spurgeon, Henry, Garrett, Collin, Ezra, Gideon, Gunnar and Truett= 15 boys
So Caldwell #4 is a boy with my chosen Placer name of Collin Gene.
Swanson #2 is a girl named Daisy Marie.
And Swanson #3 is a boy with my chosen Placer name of Ezra Robert. Also here's a recent picture of Lauren Pregnant with her third
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fundiepredictions · 16 days
Happy anniversary
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Joseph&Kendra Duggar (Caldwell) celebrate their 7th anniversary today.
Since their weddingday they had four children (that we know off), Garrett (6), Addison (4), Brooklyn (3) and Justus (2).
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Re Caldwell housing: that really is so interesting because you’d *think* if the original story of JB and the Calds feuding were true, then JB would probably not be too happy about them moving into a house he sold to his son?? I also didn’t realize Joken built a new house—is there any info on where it is in relation to everyone else? Now I’m so curious
A lot of people took Joe and Kendra selling the house to her parents as them taking the Caldwells 'side' (again, no idea if this feud is even real but it is weird to me to randomly make someone start paying rent out of nowhere when that apparently wasn't part of the original agreement). If they were in an argument I'm sure JB wasn't pleased but as he didn't legally own the house anymore, there wasn't much he could do.
The house Joe and Kendra built was probably finished over a year ago, since they don't share anything I'm not even sure if they're still living there (I'd assume so? but who knows). I remember articles trying to make it sound super opulent and fancy but it was a pretty average single-family place, I think they built it for like $125k and I know it was in the general vicinity of the Duggars, like at least in the same county. I don't think it was on their actual property like the first house but again it's hard to tell.
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
re: James, they commented on the thread about his Babylon Bee post
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Interesting! Thanks for the tip-off. I'm not so sure I ship James and Lauren Caldwell now.
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duggardata · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to say can you please give us the Lauren Swanson second child and Kendra Caldwell Fourth Child full name and date of birth ASAP | Thanks 😊
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Sorry, I can’t! Josiah + Lauren and Joe + Kendra haven’t shared that information with us yet, and maybe they never will!
Thanks for your enthusiasm, though!
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