#the dragon idea came from “the ruler of everything”
lionacuty · 2 months
dragon Mind
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
Can you tell where it's made clear that rhaenyra is going in that religious direction?
(This ask is in reference to my earlier post about Rhaenyra's growing religious fanaticism.)
Sure! First, we have the idea of the dragons as gods: In season 2 episode 5, we hear a member of the smallfolk say “I thought the dragons was gods,” and in season 2 episode 6, we heard Steffon Darklyn declare that “the dragons are gods.”
Then we have the idea of proximity to dragons being a sign of divine favor: In season 2 episode 6, Rhaenyra says “perhaps the gods will favor us” of Steffon potentially claiming Vermithor; this shows that she sees claiming a dragon as a sign of divine favor. In season 2 episode 7, the dragon keepers declare that the outcome of someone trying to claim a dragon is seen as “judgment” delivered from the gods, whether that be positive or negative. Finally, in season 1 episode 1, Rhaenyra tells Viserys that the belief that “Targaryens are closer to gods than to men” is “because of our dragons.” She repeats this idea to Lucerys in season 1 episode 10, adding that “the Iron Throne puts us a touch closer” than even just being dragon riders.
Then we have the idea of Rhaenyra being the chosen ruler and that she believes this imbues her with a greater, divine purpose. We have the scene of Rhaenyra with the white hart in season 1 episode 3, right after we heard a man tell Viserys that “the white hart was a symbol of royalty” and would appear “if the gods did wish to show their favor.” We also see Rhaenyra realize that Viserys believed in her as his heir in a way he never believed in anyone else in season 1 episode 10 when she realizes Viserys never told Daemon about Aegon the Conqueror’s dream. This is reinforced in season 2 episode 3 when she gets confirmation from Alicent that Viserys never changed his mind about her, not even on his deathbed, and that Alicent only heard him speaking of the prophecy. So not only does Rhaenyra believe that the Iron Throne itself puts her closer to the divine, on top of being a dragon rider; she believes that she has this greater purpose due to the prophecy.
This all culminates in season 2 episode 7. Addam tells Rhaenyra that “this dragon came to me, not I to him” and tells her “the gods call me to greater things,” framing his claiming of Seasmoke as something that the gods arranged. This, combined with the fact that claiming a dragon is seen as a sign of divine favor, and the fact that Addam immediately swears fealty to Rhaenyra, makes Rhaenyra think that the gods are specifically sending her loyal dragon riders. This is why later when Jace confronts her, she tells him “I cannot gainsay that which the gods have laid before me,” and why she tells the dragon keepers that “the gods have set them before us.” She is convinced that everything happening, even the things happening by her own hand, are really just the gods acting to support her.
Then we have Rhaenyra’s speech to the dragonseeds. The way she slowly stalks among them and stares at them in this almost predatory way is a nice mirror to the way she stalked around and stared at Mysaria in season 2 episode 2. If you go back and rewatch the scenes, the physicality of her expressions and movements are almost identical. In the Inside the Episode clip from YouTube, Ryan Condal says that Emma D’Arcy wanted “Rhaenyra to go and walk amongst the seeds as though a pastor amongst her flock in the terms of a religious cult.”
Rhaenyra speaks to the dragonseeds in these grand, sweeping statements, about survival and transformation. She also manipulates them to think that dying for her is their best option, telling them that “you may welcome the prospect of change, even death, given the alternatives: privation, starvation, war.” And she keeps coming back to this idea of the gods shaping the events that are to come, saying things like “gods willing” and “gods bless you.” She doesn’t look horrified when she watches the dragonseeds being burned and eaten; she looks enraptured, drunk on power.
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Ryan Condal continues in the Inside the Episode clip to say that this scene is a “ritual sacrifice” and that Rhaenyra feels as though “she was right in the end.” This continues in the closing scene where Rhaenyra’s finally assembled her dragon army; she is triumphant, feeling completely vindicated, as if the gods have come in to personally assure her ascendancy to the Iron Throne.
This is way too long already, but I'm drafting another post with quotes from two Emma D'Arcy interviews that have just come out which confirm everything I've been saying. Hope this helps and come back in a bit for that post if you want to hear it from Emma's point of view!
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sillyromance · 28 days
Good day everyone!
Here is a random fairytale idea I have got recently.
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There was a king known by his kindness, honesty and wisdom. By political means which were beneficial for his country, he had to marry a woman he didn't love. Perhaps, the couple could still be a happy one, yet, unluckly for her husband and his people, the woman turned out to be a mean, selfish and arrogant person who the king didn't want to have anything in common with. Despite this, he kept a straight face, pretending everything was fine, stayed respectful and loyal even though she didn't appreciate it, searching for any chance to make his and their vassals' lives even worse.
One day, the king met a princess of a neighboring country, the sweetest and the kindest person on earth. They had a lot in common, and soon started exchanging letters, then visiting each other in their places; when she arrived, they would go for long walks in the king's forest, her hand held in his... Undoubtedly, the evil queen noticed that. Blood boiled in her veins at the sight of her husband being happy, especially with someone else. Moreover, she was afraid to lose power and money which came to her after the marriage. With this in mind, the evil queen began to plan how to keep the king all to herself.
Unfortunately for the king, she was one of few people who knew his darkest secret. The king wasn't completely human. His ancestors were dragons who could shapeshift; some of them used this ability to marry humans. Consequently, the king was a half-blood hybrid, and, though he couldn't turn into lizard, his physiology allowed him to swallow objects much bigger than could be expected. Those facts were dangerous to reveal since dragons and humans had never truly lived together in peace.
And the evil queen decided to use this knowledge to her advantage.
She blackmailed her husband, threatening him to tell everyone who he actually was. But she promised to keep the secret if he got rid of the princess he loved. He asked three days to think things over. Feeling herself invincible enough, the queen obliged.
As you could assume, the king was in deep grief. He didn't know what to do. Yet, he decided to meet with the princess and speak to her about the trap he fell in - even if he wasn't able to climb his way out of it, she would be aware of the danger and run away before it was too late.
At first, the princess was shocked and scared. But she loved the king no less than he loved her. So, once he finished the story, she cupped his face and swore to help him and stay by him till the last minute.
If the king had a secret, the princess had one as well. Her mother was a great witch, and the girl had been taught magic since childhood. The princess suggested a plan she and her man could accomplish with powers of them both. It was quite risky and demanded exceptional power of will from them, but they didn't have a choice since there were only two days left.
The plan was easy. The king had to act as if he accepted the queen's will - and "destroy" the princess by eating her whole in front of his wife's eyes. However, beforehand, the princess would drink a special potion which would help her not to die for good, but combine with her lover in body and soul. All her skills and memories would be accessible for him. Also, she wouldn't feel any pain and could reform later. The king felt a suffocating lump swelling in his throat at the thought of eating someone he would give his life for, but agreed eventually, putting all trust in his lover.
Finally, the fateful day came. The queen asked her husband about his decision, and the man told her he would do what she needed from him. A wicked grin spread over her face. He ordered to bring the princess in his castle; once she arrived, the ruler, with sorrow in his eyes, announced that the princess was accused of being a spy and a threat to his people, for which she had to leave the court and disappear. With this words, he embraced his love tightly... And opened his mouth, engulfing her pretty little head in one move. The girl started crying and thrashing violently, but to no avail as her body was slowly, but surely, slipping past his lips, further with each powerful swallow, through the tight esophagus and into the stomach. The girl was considerably smaller than the man: when his jaws clinged shut, the last bits of her helplessly sliding down into his core, no one would assume an entire person curled up in his belly. The princess was nothing but a little rounding bump on his waist, as if the king simply had a good dinner.
Meanwhile, even the queen got terrified by the view and exited the room long before "the show" was over. It played along with the king and his dearest' wishes perfectly: he silently sneaked into his room, locked the door, and laid on the bed, gently rubbing his more-than-full stomach which was letting out strained groans and growls. The princess didn't try to squirm - there was no need to pretend anymore. She just rested inside, caressing her king and getting sleepier with each second, feeling his warm, plushie flesh tenderly hugging her frame, and listening to his soothing voice cooing sadly at her from the outside. Soon, digestion kicked in, and the girl peacefully melted down in his belly, becoming one with her lover - and allowing him to act further...
... Obviously, the evil queen was gone on the same day. The king, who couldn't force himself to actually hurt her even after everything she made him go through, casted a spell which turned her into a dog - she would be able to become a human again only if she found strength in herself to change and be better. Afterwards, the king helped his princess reform and announced her a new queen. His people loudly exclaimed their happiness since no one loved the king's previous wife, yet the princess was famous for her heart of gold.
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futurepastme · 2 months
I'm stuck in a bit of a creative block so I decided to try and write a synopsis of my latest potential first fic ( I got a bunch of potential fics that never saw the daylight) and this is what I managed to write
After releasing Kilgharrah from underneath the castle, Merlin thought that his life would continue pretty much the same, until one day the dragon came knocking at his door to take him to a long forgotten island, and everything began to change. Uther’s hunt for magic reached a level that was only seen before at the first years of the Purge. Merlin, seeing his people’s suffering, decides to take them away from the wrath of camelot to somewhere they wouldn’t be found. Quickly, the rumours of a magic-friendly kingdom began to spread throughout the lands of Albion; and Merlin, as Emrys, sees himself ascending to the position of ruler and saviour. Now, the peasant boy has to learn how to be king of an oppressed people, protect them from Uther’s war, and somehow keep helping Arthur fulfill their destiny as Emrys and the Once and Future King.  But a kingdom is not built in a day, so it is a good thing that he’ll get some help doing it. Or, the au where Merlin helps his kind and accidentally turns into a king.
I've had the first idea for this fic over a year ago and lately I've been writing some of it for fun. I don't know If I'll ever finish it 'cause I usually don't but I sometimes post bits of what I have so far.
If anyone is interested in more and haven't seen it yet; here's everything I've posted about this Au so far: Prologue; Bit of Ch1; Ch1 again; Bit of Ch2A; Bit of Ch2B
I haven't posted more than this because chapter 1 ended up with 14k words and I just think this is too long for tumblr so I just posted some scenes that I felt like. Ah! I almost forgot, the official name so far is "Emrys and the council of the 7" because that's literally the first thing I thought about this universe, so that's probably staying. AH! And it'll be merthur, eventually...
Just a reminder that english is not my first language and everything I post here is basically a first draft
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Her Backstory
//Not proofread, and I used google translate for the Chinese, please forgive any spelling errors
@tunadunanana I did involve your Birdie at the end, though I tried to keep it vague enough to allow everything to make sense 😁//
The maiden of the waters, Bèiké as she’s been famously nicknamed, simply came into being one day. She does not know When, or Why, or by Who’s Will did she come to be or why she gained consciousness.
But she did and instantly knew that she was the personification of the world’s waters, from the ocean to the lakes, from the streams to the rivers, even the rain being held by the clouds in the Heavens.
Predictably, this force attracted the attention of many a dragon, storm deity and celestial, feeling the power in the world shift. They worried what someone with such power would be capable of if left unattended. And sought the opinion of the great and merciful Jade Emperor and his infinite Wisdom, and His beloved Concubine, the serene and merciful Lady Mazu, who held dominion over the world’s Seas and Oceans.
The Lady Mazu saw that even personified, she was able to command and sooth the water maiden’s fear, and convince her to flow with serenity once more. And seeing as this didn’t affect her role as the Goddess of the Seas, was satisfied. She turned to her royal husband and asked for an unprecedented favor, one that shocked everyone.
(More under the cut to save room)
The Maiden of the waters was beautiful and - when soothed of her anger and fear - serene and tranquil. And seeing that she had no parents, Mazu decided she wanted to be the ultimate mother of the Seas, and asked her Husband to recognize the Maiden as not just her daughter, but their daughter.
The Jade Emperor, in his wisdom and understanding, both saw the opportunity this afforded him as the ruler of the heavens, having the ocean itself as his recognized child, but also the risks it could carry, as the ocean and storms could be unpredictable, and this Maiden was the personification of that. But having her close as a family member allowed the celestials to better keep a watch over her. And at this point, having already learned their lesson of being too lax with a certain Stone Monkey, knew better than to let such a power go unattended.
So he agreed, and the Maiden of the Waters was given the virtuous title; Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ (銀珍珠公主) ((silver pearl princess)) and was officially made his and the Lady Mazu’s Adopted Daughter. Soon after she was given the nickname Bèiké (貝殼) ((Seashell)) by her New mother. And since then, that is what she called herself.
Despite the initial worries and suspicions, Bèiké proved herself to be a filial and attentive daughter. Honoring both her new father and mother with all the affection and respect their titles and status demanded. Both The Jade Emperor and the Lady Mazu were increasingly satisfied with the Princess. She enriched her mother’s palace with all the treasures the waters that the world created and the halls were filled with the serene music of oceans.
If the lady Mazu’s palace was beautiful before, it was absolutely radiant now and the Lady couldn’t be happier.
They also found joy and amusement in their new Daughters romantic heart and her love of love stories, poems, arts and songs. She loved the idea of love and would often surround herself with such things, and passionately collect and listen to stories and plays about star-crossed lovers, gentle tales of two people finding one another, weeping when hearing the tragic love of the Chang-e and her Hou-Yi. Or even her new Half Sister, the Weaver Maiden, Zhinü (织女) and her lover, Niulang (牛郎), and even went out of her way to ensure the Double Seventh Festival, when they are allowed to meet once a year across the Milky Way was never covered by a rain cloud.
She was overjoyed when her new brothers gifted her Love Birds who sang the most beautiful melodies, she was over the moon when her new sisters came to her with books they had somehow obtained of hero’s going and winning the heart of the princess, or brave soldiers saving the damsels in distress who then found their happily ever after. She would often speak with them in the secret of her rooms about their own ideas for love stories and fantasies of handsome and powerful men to come and sweep them away.
She loved love and looked forward to the day when she would find her beloved and have a family of her own. Going so far as to daydream in her royal mother’s presence about how filial her future children would be and how she’d make sure they honored their grandmother and grandfather as well.
However, one thing that both the Jade Emperor and the Lady Mazu didn’t account for was the absolute connection Bèiké had to the worlds water, and this Earth Bound connection drove her to frequently return to the waters of the mortal world to reconnect with her element. They even found it was impossible to force her to stay in heaven, as she would simply dissolve into a mist and rain back onto earth where she would reform. Seemingly without her conscious consent.
This raised another concern within the heart of the Jade Emperor as he remembered his sister; the goddess Yao Ji (瑶姬). And the mother of his infamous nephew, Erlang Shen. Both he and the Lady Mazu were able to have dominion over the oceans and seas by Claiming Bèikè as their daughter. However, if she were to fall in love, and marry, her husband would gain that control as well. And after seeing how his sister acted in the mortal world, combined with the fact there were times The Jade Emperor couldn’t control Bèiké…
And the fact their the Silver Pearl Princess was a known romantic whom many a celestial were already looking towards as a potential bride and wife…that worry only grew.
He brought this Concern to the Lady Mazu, who agreed his worry was valid, and together, they came up with a plan.
Sealing her Heart
When Bèiké returned to her Mother’s side, bringing gifts to honor her mother and father once more, she was brought instead brought to a grand banquet.
At this time, it had been a year since her Adoption, and her royal parents saw it fit to celebrate it as her Birthday, throwing a feast and celebrating her entrance into the royal family. In which everyone was invited to honor the Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ and make merry! It was a beautiful time and it’s said that the oceans and seas glowed that night with magnificent colors. Bèiké, who normally was satisfied with the quiet tranquility that came with being by herself, allowed herself to get swept up in the celebrations that were held in her name. Thanking her royal parents for honoring her in such a prestigious event.
Afterwards, when she normally would’ve retired to her rooms with the attendants she was given as a Royal Princess to wind down from the night and settle her mind, she was surprised to find herself summoned to her fathers rooms. Even more surprised when she arrived to find her mother there as well.
The Jade Emperor bid her to take a seat and celebrate with him as the Lady Mazu in a more private, family celebration. The Jade Emperor has ordered a special tea to be created for his filial daughter as a reward for her loyalty and attentiveness. She bowed and gave her thanks for her father’s efforts to make her such a thoughtful and special gift. She loved the teas of the palace. They helped settle her heart and mind even on the most chaotic of days.
She toasted her parents and drank the tea her Royal father gave to her, feeling even more honored when her mother poured it herself instead of having an attendant pour it.
It was delicious, a flowery aroma with a perfect mixture of a sweet and tart flavor, unlike anything she had tasted before. It was a most refreshing drink. She finished the cup at her mother’s behest and her father smiled and bid her to have another. And so she did.
However, as the second cup was finished, a wave of exhaustion washed over her, the room spun. She voiced her weariness to her royal parents, and they simply soothed her worries. Letting her know it was simply a side effect of the tea.
As she collapsed, she was still aware of what was happening within her body. What that Tea - No, what that… potion, was doing to her.
It traveled through her body and to her heart. Bèiké, for all she was the personification of the world’s waters, had a Human Heart you see. She could Feel Happiness, Sadness, Joy, Anger, Rage, Hatred, Amusement, Jealousy, Sympathy, Empathy, Fear and Love.
No one ever knew how, when, or why the Personified Waters that was the Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ possessed a Human Heart, but she did.
She felt the Potion wrap around her heart and begin to infuse within it, sealing something within her that she wouldn’t fully understand until later.
She awoke the next morning feeling the same, but knowing that something about her had changed on a fundamental level.
She found she had lost all interest in her romantic poems and plays… the stories that once held her undivided attention now barely touched her fascination…
She no longer held in interest in marriage, she no longer held an interest in making a family or finding her forever love… her romantic heart was gone, replaced with the cool and unattached feeling of indifference.
She found she still loved her family, her loyalty and attentiveness to her royal mother and father remained unchanged and attending to them gave her the same feeling of joy and satisfaction as before. She even loved her siblings the same despite the minimal awkwardness that they all usually shared, interacting with her as an adopted sibling.
She still loved the love birds she was gifted, she still enjoyed the passion behind the music that was played… but she no longer felt the urge to go out and obtain that type of love and passion for herself.
That part of her was simply…. Gone…
Coming to Terms
She released the love birds to enjoy the freedom in her gardens, she gifted the poems and stories away, she stopped requesting the plays and musicals. She became quieter as her desire disappeared. Not seeing the need to speak as much. Becoming a listener instead.
She instead focused on her waters and ensured they were tranquil, with the exception of the storms that fertilized the soil. A task she had always found passion and joy in. She returned to earth more often to be amongst the waters of her being. And within the darkest depths of the deep, she allowed herself to be alone with her thoughts.
She knew the tea she drank that night is what caused her passions for love to cool and disappear. She also knew there was no way to reverse what was done. She may be the Maiden of the world’s waters… but it was a potion made by the Jade Emperor, ordered by him to drink and she did so willingly… she couldn’t undo what had been done…
But, as she thought, she came to an understanding as to why her parents had done what they did… the worry they must’ve felt.
What happened to the tragic Yao Ji was no secret… she had been told in a whispered voice when she first had been introduced to her infamous third eyed cousin and witnessed the tenseness and uncomfortable atmosphere his mere presence invited.
The sealing of her romantic heart had gifted her clarity… had she gotten married, her husband would’ve gained control over her. In her love and devotion, she’d do whatever He’d ask, at the risk of the balance of the world…
That couldn’t be. While she was… hurt, by the trick her Adopted Royal Parents had pulled, she grew to understand and accept their reasoning. What they had done to her. How they had changed her.
She found herself grateful they hadn’t taken her heart entirely, she still felt love for her family and the friends she had made… she still felt her joy and her other emotions. They simply stole her desire… which, was something she felt - now - that she could live without.
She increasingly enjoyed the serenity of her waters, the beauty of how the light danced below the surface, the ebb and flow of the tides and currents, the sounds and songs of the sea. She didn’t return to the jade palace for 3 cycles of the moon.
When attendants, heavenly soldiers, and even a dragon king found her and asked her about her lack of visitation in the palace, she simply responded that she would return to her Mother’s eventually, but that she needed to tend to her waters first, she’d been distracted for too long.
Returning to the Palace
When she did eventually return, she returned as she always did. Bringing gifts and taking the time to honor her parents and greet her people.
Bèiké then had a private audience with her mother where they spoke for a long while. What exactly was said in those rooms is known only to them. But in the end, the attendants witnessed as she gave her mother a hug and told her she forgave her. She later did the same with the Jade Emperor.
That day, the relationship between parents and daughter went relatively back to normal. And a few days Later, the Jade emperor made a public announcement that the virtuous Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ would be an eternal Maiden. Never to be married and forever unattached to matters of the heart. He would accept no proposal for her hand and any attempt to wed her behind his back would result in a swift and painful punishment.
After that shocking announcement that took many a celestial by surprise, Life returned relatively to normal. Bèiké tended to the waters, she did her filial duties, and she filled her days with poetry, novels, spending time with her siblings and the palace scholars. Though her voice was heard less often, becoming more of a listener.
The Journey
Eventually, she met the virtuous bodhisattva, QuanYin, on one of her visits to the Jade Palace, who was impressed by Bèiké’s tranquil nature and asked her if she’d be willing to assist the noteable reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, the Buddhist monk, Tang Sanzang, and his journey to get the Tripitaka Scriptures.
Bèiké said she’d be honored, however there was no way she’d be able to stay by their side the whole journey due to her nature as the world’s water. It’d be easier if they could just summon her if they need assistance.
QuanYin nodded and told her that she will give each of them a magic pearl that will always magically return to them, and that when the pilgrims drop the pearl into the water, and call her sacred title bestowed upon her by her Royal Father, asking her to come to them, she will hear them and be able to transport to wherever they need her.
Bèiké agreed and together with Quanyin, blessed each of the pearls with a bit of her essence so they could connect to her.
She was summoned faster than she could’ve predicted… or maybe she lost track of time within the endless beauty of her waters… but either way when she saw them, they were just as surprised to see her.
They were… funny. And she very quickly decided she liked them. They were flawed and disorganized, but they had loyalty to one another and were beautifully mortal at their core… Well, most of them.
That stone monkey, Sun Wukong as he called himself, the self proclaimed ‘Great Sage Equal To Heaven’ confused her. Though, she thought to herself, perhaps she should’ve expected as much. Stones are usually designed to sink, and yet this one learned to fly through the clouds.
Of course her waters would find themselves confused.
She aided them when they needed her and formed careful friendships with all of them, even the Monkey made of Stone.
Though she formed the closest friendship with a phoenix maiden with many colors who reminded her of a combination of her youngest sisters, and how she was before her heart was cooled, and one Sha Wujing. The Phoenix Maiden, affectionately Nicknamed ‘Birdie’ by her companions, was beautiful. With long ebony hair, embraced in colors that seemed to be weaved by her sister Zhinü herself, she was a vision of the beauty of the heavens. A rainbow in the sky, a piece of the sun that had broken away as she flew.
The river spirit with brilliant Red Hair that reminded her of flames for all he was a Water Yaoguai. He was a large man who had the physique of a warrior but the temper of a learning Buddhist, More humble than the celestial Swine, More mindful than the Stubborn Monkey king. Bèiké and Wujing seemed to bond well with one another, Bèiké even being able to tell his mood whenever he found himself within the water.
She soon began to call him her Brother, and She was his sister. Birdie too, was someone she grew increasingly close with in friendship, and soon, she looked upon and over the Phoenix Maiden as she would her other sisters she felt tenderness and protectiveness over. They spoke of many things at night in camps slightly away from the others, and she confided in them the potion she drank that sealed her heart. How she was hurt, but how she also forgave the ones who tricked her to drink, because despite the trickery and secrecy, Bèiké found herself being the better for it.
When the journey eventually came to an end, she granted them permission to keep her pearls in case they ever wanted to see or speak with her, or if they found themselves in need of Aid. Though she gave both Wujing and Birdie a different, Iridescent Pearl that did the same as the original Pearl, however with the added effect she knew who exactly was summoning her and if they were in distress or not.
Bèiké is still the eternal maiden, the sacred princess who’s rejected a thousand suitors, the tranquil lady of the waters. she loves her territory and the denizens within the waves. Her highest loyalty is to her royal parents and her friends.
However, she understands that sometimes her father’s actions can be cruel, and if it benefits her or those she cares about, she will keep secrets from him, and even use her powers to help obscure his vision in areas using her storms.
She had made peace with her cousin, Erlang Shen, understanding his mother’s strife and his own anger. She had even assisted him a couple times in his own challenges, summoning storms that blew in his favor. And offering a place in her personal palace in the mortal world to rest and sooth his mind.
However, when she had inadvertently overheard his and Wukongs plan to free the Stone Monkey of the Buddha’s tightening headband that was welded to his head, she found herself angered once more.
Because their actions were going to inadvertently hurt the Phoenix Maiden. However by the time she had found Birdie, it was too late, and the fight had already begun. Bèiké found herself forced to stay silent on her knowledge lest she cause her dear friend and sister even more heartbreak.
But she vowed she’d never forgive Erlang and Wukong for the grief they caused that day. Not until the groveled and begged Birdie for forgiveness, and Birdie accepted their apologies…. And maybe even a bit after. She was so angry at both of them.
They didn’t feel the Sobs that wracked Birdie’s body as she held her so tight for fear the woman in her arms would fall apart, they didn’t have to rush to her side as she awoke screaming from the nightmares that plagued her at all hours of the night, they didn’t watch the Phoenix Maiden’s heart break over and over and have to assist in picking up the pieces, and they didn’t have to see her cry so much that her fair cheeks were permanently stained.
Bèiké made sure she was there for it all, and she wanted nothing more than to take her dear sister’s pain away. Knowing she couldn’t was a torture she never could’ve prepared herself for. All she found she could do, was simply be there.
She shielded her friend from the world, made sure storms raged around her palace when her friend had the worst of her crying fits so no one else besides her could hear them, made sure she rehydrated and reminded her to eat.
She even went so far as to invite the citizens of Mount Huaguo to her palace so they could keep the Phoenix Maiden company and help groom her wings. Letting her be surrounded by people who had loved the Monkey King as well, who could share with her the good memories instead of just remembering the bad.
Bèiké made sure that her Palace on the coast became just as much as Birdie’s home as it had been hers. Banishing Erlang from her territory, making sure the rooms Birdie had claimed were off limits to anyone besides the residents of Mount Huaguo, not even her mother on the rare occasions she visited, were allowed in those rooms. She kept all celestials away from the grieving Phoenix Maiden.
She patiently waited for the day that the foolish king made his appearance. Hoping that her dear sister and friend would allow her to slap some sense into his stubborn skull… or if she wanted the pleasure of doing it herself, inviting Bèiké to watch.
So when the monkeys came chattering about some ‘Destine One’ Bèiké grimaced…
It was time….
She asked Birdie if she was sure… did she want to risk her heart again? She was drowning in grief for so long… but ultimately promised that her pearl still works if she ever needs her, and that she would ensure her rooms stay clean and ready for her arrival.
To give this rumored ‘Destined One’ Hell.
Good luck.
Bèiké returned to the waters as her dear sister took to the sky. Allowing the waters to wash away her worries and return to her tranquil state.
And in her serene mindset, simply waited to see what was going to happen next.
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fiyaa-xoxo · 2 years
I love your child Riddle story, so I would like to request a child Malleus please.
Malleus has turned into a child , now y/n has to take care of him
Yay!! my very first request, tysm @jazzybug163 for requesting something! I gave this fanfic a little twist so i hope its alright ^^.And some things dont make any sense(i'm truly really sorry about that) This isnt my best work, my riddle one was better but i hope you guys like this one too. Also the fic is quite long so i hope its alright!
TW! Slipping something into someones drink, drgs dealing (it was mentioned as a joke)
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Malleus Draconia
✧˚ · . You must be wondering how the future king of the valley of thorns, one of the most powerful mages in the world turned into a child. Well... he didn't really turned into a child, Lilia missed taking cared of child Malleus so he used a very very powerful potion with from the Queen of the valley of thorns (Malleus's grandmother). Lilia put the potion in a drink you made for Malleus.
✧˚ · .You and Malleus were talking and drinking a smoothie you made outside the gate of Ramshackle. While Malleus's 3 retainers were hiding in a bush near you for different reasons ( Sebek wanted to make sure you didn't they anything to his young master. Lilia wanted to see if the potion he put in Malleus's drink worked. And Silver wanted to check on his young master and he got dragged by Lilia to join) As Malleus took a sip of drink Green smoke surrounded and circled the Dragon fae. Out of panic you and Sebek ( who jumped out of the bush) shouted Malleus's name. As the smoke cleared the Dragon Fae was gone! Sebek, you, and now a fully awake Silver was panicking trying to find him
✧˚ · . You stoped panicking when you felt someone tug your sleeve. As you looked down you saw a small child that looked like Malleus. "The potion worked as a charm!" said the bat Fae floating " Wait what potion?" asked Silver "I added a potion into malleus's drink that turned someone young again. I missed young Malleus so i wanted to see his young self again" Lilia said. "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT MASTER LILIA, BUT THAT WASNT A VALID REASON TO MAKE THE FUTURE KING A KID AGAIN SIR" shouted Sebek "WHAT ABOUT IMPORTANT THE MEETING MALLEUS-SAMA WAS GOING TO ATTEND!?". Sebek and Silver talked Lilia into turning Malleus back and finally they did. Lilia and the 2 knights had to go to the Royale Palace back in Malleus kingdom so in the mean time your taking care of Him. ( Sebek didnt like that Idea at all but since it was Lilia's idea he didnt get a saying in it)
✧˚ · . Malleus got turned back into his 10 year old self . The whole time the 3 of them talked about turning Malleus back. He was next to you looking at his Retainers, Malleus for some reason remembers Sebek, Silver, Lilia, and you but anything else after turning 10 he dosent remember.
✧˚ · . Malleus is a very quiet, shy, and soft spoken child, he was quite shy when you were taking care of him. But soon after some time Child Malleus grew fond of you. He woulnd't let go of you, he'd get jealous if grim tried getting your affection or even just being near you. Lets just say malleus has gotten very attached to you (as you know dragons are very territorial when it comes to their treasures). The timed you spent with Malleus was short but you saw many things that Normal Malleus didn't show you. His cute and soft side, Malleus didnt look scary at all (well he never did to us but yk he looked more cute ig)
✧˚ · .When the 3 came back and got the potion to return him you kinda didn't want to turn Malleus back. But you know you had to or else the people of the valley of thorns have to wait another 10,000 years for a new ruler. When Malleus turned back he didn't know what happened. So you had to tell him everything, after you told him that was the first time you saw Malleus flustered. But he soon found it quite funny.
Bonus part:
✧˚ · . At the late hours of the night your were dressed in a long coat, a big hat and sun glasses hiding behind ramshackle like some drg dealer. Lilia approached you dressed in the same attire "Do you have what i need?" "yes i do Lilia" you said handing him a folder full of.... Malleus's pictures you took when he got turned into a child!! "Thank you very much Y/N i finally got more baby pictures of Malleus and black mail 😈" after he said that he disappeared
Requests are open!! ^^
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zorishy · 6 months
Symphony of Gods and Dreamers (DSMP AU)
🟢 DSMP (sorry for bad grammar, this was mostly just me vomiting my ideas onto the post)
My DSMP au makes the world so much bigger and full of life than canon.
The arctic empire from SMP earth exists, hypixel is a whole kingdom, the bear SMP exists and that’s where Niki is from, the wreckage of tales from the SMP locations can be found in the woods, places from fanfics such as the blue valley are very important to the story. The story takes place over a much longer period of time, the L’Manberg revolution alone lasts several years! Dream is like 50! He was an adult before Wilbur was even born. Tommy and Tubbo had families before being adopted by Philza, but they were killed by Dream’s armies in their quest to conquer the world. Dream stole the revival book from Kristin decades ago.
Dream is a tyrant and a cult leader with armies and followers dedicated to his mission to control as much of the world as possible. The DreamSMP is a continent that Dream has discovered and, at the beginning of the events of the server, it has small townships spread around the woods that are full of people gathering resources for colonies. The original L’Manberg members were followers of Dream who had begun to question his power.
Las Nevadas is not just one street with some restaurants and a casino! It’s a massive fucking city with hundreds of thousands of citizens, they have communities and schools and farmer’s markets, It’s the first city in the SMP with paved roads! Snowchester is a cosy little college town up north surrounded by mountains. Students from schools in Snowchester and Las Nevadas go on field trips to L’Manberg and Eret’s castle. The center of the SMP is this huge historic town kept in top condition by volunteers dedicated to preserving the history of the land.
Kinoko Kingdom was built by natives of the SMP and can be found deep within the forest. The people of the kingdom have myths and legends of a time when dragons and demons and gods roamed the earth. When Sapnap showed up, being half demon, they worshipped him and made him their ruler.
There is an entire cult that worships DreamXD! every few hundred years XD selects a member of his cult to give godhood to (Techno, Foolish, and Callahan are amongst those selected). DreamXD is older than the universe itself and has witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds. Several SMP members were gods in their past lives and knew XD personally (some relationships were more positive than others). That’s why XD is so infatuated with George and so hateful of Bbh.
Characters like Puffy, Antfrost, and Sam are just single individuals who are members of entire original species. Ranboo was born a prince in the end but his people were driven out. The nether was accidentally discovered by cultists and legend says that’s where the demons came from.
My vision of the SMP has grown far beyond a Minecraft roleplay. I wish I could tell you everything but that would take way too long to write. For now I’m just focusing on Wilbur and the other bursonas. I can’t possibly talk about every single character and that makes me mad. Maybe in the future I will go into more detail on sbi and DreamXD.
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ppeasants · 7 months
Hey so I ended up making a good amount of Headcanons for the Rito in Wind Waker, and I wanted to share them with y'all.
This came about while writing for my Wind fic focusing on the obscene amount of father figures he has (check it out here). This chapter was focused on Quill, and while I was developing their relationship, I ended up developing a decent amount of internal lore for the Rito, and I couldn't fit them all in the fic
So, I'm putting them so people can see it, and if people like em, they can hopefully use it for themselves, or expand on them, or just tell me what their own HCs are, or what they would change. I love the Rito, especially Wind Waker's, and I had so much fun doing this.
Just a quick disclaimer, I am not any sort of anthropologist, or linguist, or anything, so if I disrespect any real-world race or culture with this, I am really sorry. Please let me know if I misrepresent something so I can learn from it and change whatever is wrong.
HCs under the cut:
It's all but confirmed that the Rito were evolved from the Zora, who were forced to evolve due to the unlivable water of the Great Flood. This colours a lot my headcanons about the Rio's values, traditions, and relations.
It is hard for the Rito to call any one place their home, since they lost theirs in the flood.
Their flight is important to them threefold: It's the gift theyr were given by Valoo in order to survive the flood, it gives them the freedom to explore around when they feel the loss of their home, and it's the closest thing they have to the freedom of swimming.
It's why the sky, their flight, and Valoo is all so important ot them.
Their connection to Valoo is why they call Dragon Roost home, although to them, it's more like a common hub, or home base. Most Rito don't actually have a set home, instead they travel around between place to place. It's why the Rito as delivery workers works so well for them.
Along with losing their home, the Rito also lost a lot of their culture. This causes them to be very protective of what they have now, rarely letting others take part in their actual traditions.
It's why Link (Wind) being a part of their family is such a big deal; hes one of the only Hylians to actually be accepted as a Rito¹ (the idea of Link being a Rito will come up later)
As a part of their culture and their worship of the sky as their new freedom, they revere Zephos and Cyclos, even more than sailor of the Great Sea do. A lot of their rituals focus on the Wind Gods.
They have always worshiped Zephos, but Cyclos was lost to time. When they were reminded of his existence, they were horrified that they might have lost more of their culture, but were quick to reinstate Cyclos as a deity, and they do celebrate him now.
To the Rito as a Tribe, relations to each other are everything. Everyone who is a Rito is connected on some way to the other Rito.
You are defined by your connections to the other Rito. Unless you're the ruler of the Rito, then you are your connections.
You are your mother's daughter - you are the fathger of your son - you are best friend, the partner, the beloved, and they are yours.
As relationships are the biggest way to define who you are as a Rito, it is possible for people who were not born as Rito to be a part of the tribe. There are very few non-species Rito, as they are protective of their identity, but it is possible.
¹This is why Link (Wind) is a Rito. He is defined by his relationships to the Rito: specifically Quill, Medli, and Komali. He is Quill's beloved, and Quill is Link's guardian. He is Medli's mentor, and she is his sage. He is Komali's chosen, and Komali is his partner (komalink truthers rise up).
Feathers are important in defining those relationships. If you are close enough to be defined by a relationship, then you given a feather from the other to keep those relationships.
Most Rito would weave those feathers into their wings, although they would be placed in a way that they could get removed easily. Most Rito only wear their feathers during formal events or festivals, although some wear them at all times.
In Link's case, he has 3 feathers, one from Quill, Medli, and Komali. Link has two feather sets - one which is a loose set of feathers he can braid into his hair, and one in a solid set of 3 which he can place behind his ear.
I did not come up with a full language for the Rito. What I did develop was a base which to base the Rito language off of , and a way to buid off of it in the future as necessary.
One major thing is that the language isn't a full language, for every single word. Another thing they lost in the flood was their language, only bits and pieces of it remaining as they evolved.
What was left was a descriptive language; where words are used to describe larger concepts.
Speaking and Writing in Rito involves using Rito Language and Common/Hylian simultaneously, using words from both to describe full sentences.
The Rito Language itself is a Agglutinative Language. What that means, is that words are formed by merging syllaybles, where every syllable has a unique meaning, and the combinations of syllables make words which are defined by the syllables meanings.
Words tend not to have direct Common/Hylian translations; instead syllables have meanings, and their relationships to each other define concepts.
Concepts and words tend not to exist until invented; they are all based on the same syllables which all share meanings, or different combinations arte invented when needed, and understood when told.
As an example, I'll share the two invented words in my fic - Towaki and Towaveh - divided in syllables as: To, Wa, Ki, and Veh.
To: shortening of Rito
Wa: Love (non-superficial)
Ki: Mine (ownership)
Veh: Theirs (ownership)
Towaki: They are my beloved.
Towaveh: I am their beloved.
The two biggest celebrations in Rito Culture are Ballad's Day and Requiems's Day, named after the Wind's Requiem and the Ballad of Gales. The two celebrations are six months apart, and each happen once a year.
Ballad's Day celebrates Cyclos, and Requiem's Day celebrates Zephos. Both festivals consist of three phases.
The first phase is meant for Valoo's attendant and the current Rito ruler. The two ascend Dragon Roost Island and request a scale from Valoo, to give to the Wind Gods in offering.
The second phase has Valoo's attendant, and the upcoming ruler (if one is not born, the current ruler) partaking in a ritual involving a performance of either the Wind's Requiem or the Ballad of Gales to offer the scale to the celebrated deity to ask for favourable winds n front of all of the gathered Rito² (There is nuance as to who is currently involved during Wind Waker's time, which I will explain later)
The third phase is a celebration: Every Rito who can make it for the festivals gather for a large feast. More than the second phase, this is Zephos and Cyclos' favourite part, as it makes them happy to see their worshippers happy.
These two days are some of the only days where almost every Rito comes back to Dragon Roost. These days are the best times to catch up with the various other Rito, as it's the only times all of the Rito see each other.
This aspect of the festival is just as important as the offering to the deities, since their relations to each other are so important, and their need to travel makes it so they can;t see each other often.
²In the Wind Waker's time, the people who participate in the ritual are Komali, Medli, and Link. Komali and Medli are a given, as they're the upcoming ruler and current attendant, but Medli is also the Wind Sage. Her music is powerful magically, and even more so when conducted by Link.
Link's inclusion on the ritual is threefold. He is partially a mentor for Medli, and will help her with her part in the ritual. He is Komali's chosen (komalink truthers rise up), so he is also connected to the upcoming ruler. He is the Hero of Winds, and they are the Wind Gods. Although he wasn't destined to be one from Hylia, he was chosen by Zephos and accepted by Cyclos.
His relations to the Rito involved and the gods make him an important part of the ritual. For Cyclos, he also just wants Link specifically to be there, as he is the one who brought the deity back into the Rito's ritual. Zephos is okay if Link misses the ritual, Cyclos basically requires it.
That's all I have for now! Lemme know what y'all think, if it's good, if this makes sense, or what other HCs y'all have! I love the Rito and would just love to talk more about them!
(also check out my fic here hehe).
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writingwenches · 1 month
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Nososs - Crescent Realm; other side of the world
inspired by the geography of japan, the dragon myths of the asian continent, and a need for more worldly inspo in this franchise. I tried to make their history similar to Valyria, without being an exact copy! This world needs more doomed dragon lords.
An ancient world, ruling since the Dawn, on the other side of the known world, perhaps as far away as far can be. Their history is a weaving of fantasy and facts, until they meet their DOOM.
Since the Dawn, Nososs was a united land under the leadership of the silver-haired Emperor Caste. Much like the Valyrian Freehold, there was no single ruler, rather a cast of a few dozen families that claimed to be of dragons, and volcanic cracks in the earth. The lower casts were said to have crawled from the sea.
The Emperor Rulers bent their dragons to their will, as they did the peoples who serve them. The Emperors made slaves of all under their power, competing amongst the ruling houses to be the most feared and cruel. They conquered all other lands within their reach, spreading their power through the realms.
THE DOOM OF NOSOSS came swiftly in the night. The earth quaked and the seas made war. It was said the dragons sided with the earth and swallowed up the lands into the sea, flooding the region and turning the once great continent into a connection of small islands.
200 years have past, wince the Great Flood and the Doom, in HOTD Era. Dragons have not been seen in Nososs for a generation. The former Emperor houses who survived the Great Flood, changed their ways entirely.
The former ruling houses became stewards of their land, charged with keeping the peace amongst the working class, who have flourished in this new age.
The first child of the noble family is named heir, and is expected to perform their duties. Ancient traditions of making matches between the emperor caste still holds much power, mages of ancient traditions scour the histories and skies to find the truth. Most heirs are betrothed by their 100th day of life.
The noble houses hold their new responsibility in high regard, pledging their lives to uphold what's left of their world. The most important of traditions being The Pilgrimage.
All other children of noble houses are sent on a great journey, a pilgrimage across the world. Force to forsake their families names, and commit their lives to the cause of knowledge. Those are expected to travel to foreign lands and unknown nations. They are to sacrifice everything they know and integrate themselves into their new worlds, until they are old and grey, all in preparation for the glory of one day returning home to share everything they've learned with the people of Nososs.
It is said since the Doom, the color has been draining from their world. Ancient scrolls depict colors never seen, never felt. Since the last dragon died a generation ago, it is said the vibrancy of color has left the world.
dragon abilities – I love the idea of their dragons having water/ice powers instead of breathing fire...but fire is the most destructive and terrifying, so its hard to choose! T.T
Lady Tatsu; trans-woman, unreliable narrator
While there are a small number of Nosossi in Dorne, the only Nosossi in Westeros proper lives within the Red Keep in King's Landing, under the protection of House Tyrell.
Tatsu, born the second child of a Nossos Emperor House, was sent out into the giant and mysterious world before the age of ten. Tatsu found herself in Bravoss, with a pilgrim cousin, learning the ways of Bravosi water dancing. She had always excelled in sword, and thrived within the Bravos culture.
Lord and Lady Tyrell traveled to Bravos on a mission, their only child, a daughter in tow. Lord and Lady Tyrell had been unable to produce anymore heirs, and Lady Ivyanne was most uninterested in cultures of ladies.
Tatsu was presented to the Tyrells as an act of entertainment, a child born a boy, but choosing to live as a girl, the Westeros Nobles were excited to gawk at the strange foreigner. Tatsu impressed the family, through their young daughter, so much that Tatsu was given a position in their household, traveling back to Westeros to continue their pilgrimage.
The Maesters have small amounts of knowledge about the foreign world of Nososs, but because of Tatsu's complete disregard for Westerosi gender norms, the average Maeaster will not speak with them.
All the knowledge of Nososs above, comes from the lips and memories of the ten year old child, that was sent away from their home and into the world. Is the above information actual true? Maybe. Were their dragons in Nososs? No way of currently knowing.
The only way to cross-reference Tatsu's claims would be to find another person from Nososs, preferably one who wasn't shipped off at such a young age. A near impossible feat.
The only thing Tatsu wants in this world is to be allowed to go home. The only way that would be possible is if her older sibling were to befall a terrible fate. She hates wishing her sibling death, but what else is she to do? There is no other way... (unless...)
face inspo above: Tan Jianci from Lost You Forever, Fan Bingbing from White Haired Witch.
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ahintofblue · 4 months
To New Beginnings
Ship: Antares/Sung Jin-Woo Rating: T Chapter: 1/? Summary: Jin-Woo is thrown into a timeline where he is bound to the Monarch of Destruction as his husband and an army of dragons are now his to care for. Antares has no memories of their previous fights, the desire to destroy and ruin is entirely gone, so a new challenge awaits for Jin-Woo instead.
It is not what Jin-Woo expects his new life to be. Perhaps a change of heart is required? Tags: Alternate Timeline, Fluff, Romance, Family, Bond, Interspecies Relationship, No Beta We Die Like Antares Notes:
After finishing the comic, I wanted to write something about these two. There's not enough of them so I had to try despite my shortcomings. I wish I can do some kind of slow burn, multichapter with justice but due to irl, I can only write my ideas in bullet points because I don't have energy/time. You can think of each part is its own drabble because I wrote whatever came to mind.
Now on AO3!
Maybe it’s a joke. Certainly not what he expects when Jin-Woo requests to use the Cup of Reincarnation and ends up in an unfamiliar vast land and blue skies stretching over the horizon. A grand stone-walled castle a short distance away, the roar of dragons echoes in the air, and Jin-Woo spots the dark figures flying about, large wings flapping with grace as they soar proudly.
Was this a mistake? It can’t be. Did the Rulers decided to fuck with him? He remembers the cup having enough for one last rewind but he’s thrown into what seems to be a different timeline altogether. Is he even on Earth or is this a new world? How many years did he venture back? Too many questions come at him, so he continues on for answers.
Jin-Woo walks through the field of flowers, his army awaits his command in his shadow if necessary. He doesn’t sense any looming threats but he’s careful, wondering what is the meaning in all of this. Of course he receives no answer. He sees nothing but an endless green, no villages around but a castle home to the dragons and admits this kind of peace is breathtaking.
He then notices a man at a well. A startling revelation comes to him. The familiar crimson hair tied in a ponytail and beard, a handsome face reflects a gentle look, the sun paints his skin in a faint ethereal glow, and Jin-Woo finds himself stunned at the sight. The King of Dragons stands without his armor, wearing a comfortable attire of a loose shirt and pants instead. How entirely human that it has Jin-Woo questioning the possibility of Antares’ memories already. If he remembers him or not.
Who is the Antares he’s looking at now?
Jin-Woo stops in his tracks as Antares looks up from his work. He makes no attempt to run and heads to Antares with calm strides. As he stops in front of the taller man, he traces the faint red mana around Antares and discovers it mingling with his own as it is meant to be, a warm welcome serves as a protective shield over him. It’s surprising. How it easily curls around him. Safe.
Above, Kamish flies over them and lands on a patch of flowers nearby, white petals disperse as he lands with a careful thump, watching them, while the other smaller-sized dragons settle around, their heads raise with anticipation. Freedom. Knowing Kamish isn’t behind metal walls as a preserved corpse gives Jin-Woo an air of relief.  
“You are home.” Antares’ smile is sweet, endearing. No longer plagued by the instincts to kill him. “I pray your trip was eventful?” He pulls the bucket of water up by the rope and sets it down. “Come and regale me with your tales. It has been long since the day you left.” Left for what exactly?
Jin-Woo doesn’t know what Antares means. He still recalls the immense battle as they clashed, then Antares’ body pierced from multiple spears by Rulers above, signaling his defeat and an end to everything. Jin-Woo was tired and on the ground, panting to regain his breath. His muscles ached but victory belonged to him. His world was saved. And there we shall meet again. Antares disappeared.
“What do you—” Jin-Woo pauses. Antares isn’t one without affection as he presses a kiss on Jin-Woo’s forehead in greeting. Eyes wide open. A hand cups Jin-Woo’s cheek next, and the memories of war wash away from his mind and in return, a box of unexplained emotions Jin-Woo experiences opens up.  Jin-Woo’s face heats up. “Wait…” He tries pulling back to give himself space but Antares has an arm around his waist. He feels the stubble rubbing against his skin, sensing a smile across his cheek, and when he looks Antares in the eyes, a brilliant red shines like a jewel, and no words come out. Jin-Woo feels he has stumbled upon something dangerous, Antares’ claws gently brush along his face, memorizing every single detail worth his attention. Even a few more dragons land around them, excited to see Jin-Woo’s return but remain ever watchful. “What is it?” Antares asks, curious and amused with a teasing smirk. “You are… Ah, is my husband suddenly shy now? Do you want me to send them away?” In the background, one hears Kamish snorting.
Jin-Woo’s heart stops as if his soul retreats from his body and never returns. How does one respond to this? It’s not as if he’s not into men but rather the idea of romance catches him off guard when it is your ex-enemy he has to deal with. There are still questions looming over his head but if he wants the answers, then maybe the first step is to play the game without getting caught. But Antares isn’t an ordinary man, he will figure it out. Antares wears a patient face and a deep laugh comes out of his mouth. “I understand. You do prefer your privacy, after all.” “It has been a while,” Jin-Woo manages to lie, his heart still beating fast. He’s not even sure anymore. How did he even end up as Antares’ husband? This has to be some kind of trick for someone’s entertainment but it seems Antares isn’t aware of their past history. That this current Antares is very much in love with him and nothing more. Antares hums. “I sense your hesitance.” He bumps their foreheads together in a light manner. “But our bond is still strong. Did something happen during your travels?” He shows a slight bit of teeth as if ready to hunt down the person who dares hurt Jin-Woo in any way. At least, that’s what Jin-Woo is able to tell through their connection, the flame burns bright and wraps around him in an almost possessive state. “All is well. You have nothing to worry about. There were… minor issues but nothing I can’t handle.”
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monards · 10 months
everytime i think about the parrllels/similarities between rhine and the shade of life i convulse
In "Before Sun and Moon" we see the shade of life first mentioned when talking about the creation of the earth. "The Primordial One and one of its shades created the birds of the air, the beasts of the earth, and the fish of the sea. Together, they also created flowers, grass, and trees, before finally creating humans — our ancestors, numerous as the stars in the sky, uncountable as the sand on the shore." and the thing is that everything rhine has done has been a (albeit a crude) imitation of this. 'Birds of the air,' can be accounted to Durin; 'Beasts of the earth' can be accounted to the rift wolves and many of Rhine's other little mess ups; 'Fish of the sea' obviously represents Elynas. Plus, her title "A flower that is not of this world" accounts for the whole vegetation idea. And obviously, albedo (and by extension subject two/dorian, if you want to count him,) would represent the 'humans'. Almost all of these parallels though are, very obviously, warbled verisons of what the shade of life did. Durin is a dragon, and by no means a bird (sorry durin); The riftwolves are definitely not what they meant when implying 'beasts' ; Elynas is a serpent,, and decidedly not a fish. And Albedo isn't technically 'human'. The better part of this is that each of these directly aim to hurt whatever it be they're imitating. Durin would obviously harm the birds. Elynas likely obliterated the fish population in Fontaine. The riftwolves have obviously kill many land animals. And Albedo has the imminent issue of destroying mondstadt, and its humans.
and this is all without even MENTIONING the concept of hearts and its associations. In the new fontaine wings (Wings of Merciful, Wrathful Waters) we see it describe, "When that first heart was removed, the envoy of Celestia, the leader upon whose shoulders lay the duty to create life, came to the great primeval sea, and there she created another heart. That heart had like nobility unto a dragon, but lacked its outer form, and had the majesty of a god, yet was bereft any divine duty. And though it was created by a ruler of humans, its substance and essence were all original matter from this world, entirely without outside elements." And just reading it-- its just like. Wow. Okay. We're REALLY going with this now Rhine was (as we can assume) someone who was relied on in Khaneri'ah to use to art of khemia to create life. Khaneri'ahs underground, so they obviously wouldn't have the resources for normal agriculture. Hence that duty to "create life" being hoisted onto Rhine. Plus, the idea of hearts is literally one of the key points of every majorly important rhine-creation (I.E the still-beating hearts of elynas and durin,) -- but the things is that hearts in rhine's circumstance, directly oppose what we see established by the shade of life. "its substance and essence were all original matter from this world, entirely without outside elements." implies the shade of life made them out of only things from this world; but obviously. Rhine most certainly didn't follow that path, like. at all. We know Durin, Elynas, and likely most of (if not all) of her other creations are from 'cosmic darkness' that was enough to deem them not from this world.
the most important thing about all this though is what i feel like this means for the heart of Naberius. we know, by law of assumption; Naberius is more or less likely the descender who got chopped the bits and recycled into the gnosis. And its more or less likely that Rhine having imitated every the step the Shade of life had taken in the steps of creating teyvat; Rhine's end goal is to obtain her ultimate form of perfection this way, or the 'truth'. Descenders are the only ones not bound by teyvat's laws and fate. And if we can assume Rhine has some goal to change or alter fate; considering the heavy idea of prophecies and fate around both her, the hexenzirkel, and khaneri'ah. And even then; if its ultimately to learn the truth, Naberius would be unaffected by irminsuil. And since they're far older than most other entities in teyvat, Rhine has to be chasing after something that only someone like them would know. What that is? no clue. I'm too tired to figure that out right now okay guys.
// Anyways this isnt even beginning to mention how at the end of the wings description it adds: "Humans desire judgment because they feel guilty. Humans want, and so they want to give things up — humans always desire a god." because holy shit that's one big can of worms to be opening up at 11:35 on a Tuesday night.
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reginarubie · 3 months
I'm awestruck by the first chapter of your new story. Did not expect to see Dany as the opening chapter and her conquering king's landing no less!! And some of the starks having already reunited, oh gosh how i do adore that mind of yours, please let me peak in side just a tad bit!!
Dany thinking she can burn her problems away, girl me too but they always find you specially when its about money. Although, oddly I get what she means. Why pay a debt she did not incur however it was inquired by the throne she sits. It's like taking a loan from your company and the CEO changes the loan is tied to the company not the person.
Absolutely adore you interweaving some of their original lines, it feels so authentic and in character too.  
No ruler on the Iron throne can hope to hold the North without the Starks, it’s to big, too wild, the northerners listen only to their own,” This line has me by the throat.
"Sansa does not know how he knows, when she’s starved for touch, when she needs his touch, but he does. And he always rises to the challenge" Sansa being touch starved is so real it made me so sad, Don't worry baby girl, jon will touch you all you want... brotherly of course....
And the ending was just the charry on top of everything wasn't. To see house Stark and house Martell unite. Two kingdoms from opposite ends of Westero. The land of winter and the land of summer. Side note I liked playing with the idea of sansa ending up with someone from Drone although Jon was born there haha.
This was a while ride thank you for taking us on it! Can't wait for more m'lady!!
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Aw Mystic! Thank you so much!
First of all you want a peak in my mind? 😂😂 are you sure?
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Imagine Patrick as my already ongoing WIPS and SpongeBob as my new ideas I cannot get out of my mind. Out of the window real life 😂
And yet I would not have it any other way!
Yes, it felt right to begin with Daenerys, for some reason, and with her taking the city. I think this is the Dany chapter amongst all of my stories in which I nailed something as similar to bookDany and I am very proud of how it came out. Making her relatable to our “not wanting to bow down our heads to things we don’t like” but also wearing her entitlement and feeling she’s unique and powerful and right on her sleeve. Yes, Dany, you have dragons but there’s a reason there are only three dragons in the world right now. Don’t be so cocky.
Yes, Sansa don’t worry you are touch starved but one of Jon love languages is touch, so you’re fine there. Of course brotherly, because he knows how to act brotherly okay? He just doesn’t want to.
Arianne reaching out to the Starks felt so right to me. Especially as this is a mix of show canon (Ellaria, baby I am so sorry for the way the show handed your character and I am sorry I am perpetrating that. Remember: Ellaria was against having more revenge because revenge doesn’t end injustice. It just perpetrates it) Arianne wants to fight against those who killed her father and brothers and the Starks want independence and would not like to bend the knee to a Targaryen who bases her right to rule on her mad father and equally cruel brother (yes I stand by Rhaegar being an idiot who abandoned wife and children to seduce and then sequester a little girl to father a child off her which would kill her).
They are natural allies.
More will come soon! As soon as I finish the edit I am working with. A hint… it’s gonna be with Formidable as song.
Hope you enjoy the coming chapters and have an amazing day! All the love ~G.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
If the show never existed and it was just the books, what common misconceptions would never exist or wouldn’t be taken as seriously?
So much 😭. Everything about Arya being "too far gone", her being an attack dog for her siblings, her not having any connections to the political plot, a lot about Mad Queen Dany (which didn't start with the show but it's now considered canon because of it), Jonerys being abusive, Dany being an incompetent ruler, no of the Starks will get along with Dany (her and Arya are literally sisters), people not being willing to accept Dany's rule, Jon being a squeaky clean boy scout, Pol!Jon and the idea that Jon is an idiot (two contradictory ideas that somehow came from the same show), Jonsa, Jon not wanting Winterfell, Bran being nothing but an emotionless tree, the direwolves being unimportant, the faceless men being reduced to assassins and Arya's training to fighting, Sansa being a political genius just because she was around Cersei (famously incompetent) and LF (who is lying to and manipulating her), in the same vein the idea that Sansa is smarter then Arya, Rickon is pointless (George wanted him in the show cause he had plans for him), [x] plot point can just be ignored cause it didn't mean anything in the show, the girl in grey being anyone but Alys Karstark, magic is evil actually 🙄, the dragons are evil, everything regarding the night king (somehow??? even though he doesn't even exist in the books???), people arguing with George himself that things are going to be different in the books, etc. etc. etc.
Just...the show ruined so much of the book story cause show watchers migrated to the book fandom. Even though George has been stating for a long time that the books and show are separate people seem unwilling to grasp that concept. So we're going to continue to suffer for that horrendous show until George releases TWOW.
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jeding-png · 1 year
Spoilers from the short story, spoilers of the manhwa, spoilers of EVERYTHING! Unless you like spoilers, or are not afraid of them, or can distinguish between AU and real spoilers, lol.
Leila's kingdom.
What about the rest of the clan?
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A coloring page from Restarting the Game about the meeting between Leila and her brother.
You don't have to read the description, it's long. The following is an explanation of the AU and a discussion >>>
♤Part of a story from a novel♤
History of the Leila Clan.
During the reign of the Golden Dragon, darkness was forced to hide underground, covered by golden wings. When the mighty ruler ended his life and left his fangs as a legacy, the darkness came to the surface. They called themselves gods, founded the country of Balta, and began to kill in the most brutal ways. They were stopped by the ancient Wizards, who trapped them in the Mirror of Truth.
For starters, what's the difference between wizards and the Leila clan?
The main difference between wizards and members of the Leila clan was the very nature of their magical abilities. That is, the wizards had magic as a middle ground between "mana" and "nature," they used magic without worrying about their own health. Whereas Leila's people tried to create something similar to that magic, but at the expense of life force (i.e., sucking mana from other creatures so as not to waste their own strength). However, the people of the Empire do not see the difference between them, because of the curse imposed by the representatives of the Leila clan on the wizards who risked their lives to imprison them. This is one of the reasons why I understand the reason for Winter's caution.
About Leila from the novel.
Little Leila, who managed to avoid falling into the ominous expanse of the Mirror of Truth, stood over the remains of her brothers for a long time and cried bloody tears. As the years passed, she stole life force and lost her original nature until she took over Yvonne's body. Thanks to brainwashing by the clan's artifact, Leila finds herself in the ducal Eckart family and meets Penelope, a descendant of ancient magicians. Penelope was instinctively wary of Yvonne and tried to harm her in every way possible, but because of her own stupidity, she died every time (she was killed by the main male characters). When Yvonne became engaged to Callisto, she received the fangs of the Golden Dragon and became immortal, destroying the world. However, Winter (who decided to cosplay as his grandfather and grew a beard; I shouldn't joke about it) was able to get rid of Leila's spell, wandering for a long time in the desert, looking for Leila's temple. He shed tears of regret for his own indiscretion and sacrificed his soul in a ritual, turning back time. Leila remembered all the regressions, and later abandoned the idea of saving her brothers because she wanted to rule the destroyed world herself.
◇Part of the story from my AU◇
Leila's brothers. What happened to them?
"As the mirror broke, the souls of Leila who were in the dragon were also destroyed. Finally, peace had arrived in the world." That part of the novel seemed to me to be rushed. So, Leila's brothers did not play a special role in the future, they were defeated in this way. That is, they had a hand in making wizards hated, and in making Leila's first goal revenge for their imprisonment.
The two main antagonists.
At first, I planned a cute story about Reynold & Winter, and a quick way to defeat Leila. But then I got bored and added a character who was even supposed to reveal Leila herself. So I introduced Leila's brother, Leil, into the story.
Performing the new ritual was like entering into a new contract that destroyed the old one. Sensing the forbidden magic, Leil tracked down its source and saw a weakened Winter, who "stole" some of the mana of the Mirror of Truth itself, and thus allowed the clan member to escape from the "prison" in the next regression.
Equally weak and completely unadapted to the changes in the world, Leil stole the life energy and knowledge of his victims, thanks to which he learned the language. And when he took possession of the second prince's body, he gained a great advantage over Leila - he was reflected in a mirror. The blood of the Imperial family gave him strength, but at the same time it also destroyed him when he used the powers of his clan. It was also difficult to get fangs because of the Emperor's protective artifacts. Leil knew how to wait, so he was in no hurry.
He doesn't feel fear, but excitement and ticklish anticipation from watching, wondering to himself how long it will take him to take over the body he wants and take dominion over the world from his sister.
Secrets within secrets, hidden in the middle of a large maze.
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The Crystal of Light artifact is the only reliable weapon against the destruction of darkness. Thanks to a descendant of ancient magicians (Penelope's father), Mr. Verdandi (Winter's father) and Evelyn Eckart (the Duke's wife), the secret of the clan's defeat has been revealed. Penelope will find her father's final records, and Callisto will do anything to prevent his Princess from suffering in this war.
But will they win? Who knows...
Fun fact. No one will read this post, but at the beginning I wanted Leila's brother had to kill Derrick's soul, so that he would be killed in the end :) But I decided to develop this character, so he must live((
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Another uncommon shipping I think would work is Sonia and Nagito. She seems very pleased the way his eyes lit up during the trial like hers do during horror movies and she stuck up for him later on too. I’m a little afraid of him having that much power though…
Ahaha I actually had an au for them post-graduation in a non-despair time in which Nagito is traveling to Novoselic after having won a cruise trip there. And, though he would have avoided long travel, considering that his old classmate happened to be ruling said kingdom, Nagi thought he’d take the risk in order to get a chance to see her in action (plus he’s wanted to see the kingdom after learning so much about it through Sonia). Surprisingly nothing too catastrophic happens on the way and Nagito has a pleasant time taking in the sights. However, he starts noticing that not everything is rainbows and sunshine in Novoselic, and in fact many of its citizens seem rather displeased by the current government. This becomes all too clear when, during a public appearance/announcement made by none other than Sonia herself, Nagito overhears copious jeers towards the princess and even has to step in to stop someone from throwing a shoe at her—the scene causing Nagito’s presence in the kingdom to be known to Sonia. Sonia has a guard escort Nagito to her home, feeling utterly embarrassed of having him witness such a thing. It doesn’t take long for her to come clean of Novoselic’s troubles—more specifically the staggering amount of people who find her inadequate to rule and are opposed to her upcoming coronation. Sonia admits that she’s been lost in what to do ever since her parents sudden passing and feels she’s starting to agree with her citizen’s thoughts of being a failure of a ruler. She’s truly considering giving the crown to her cousin whom some of the citizens are supporting. Nagito’s heart went out to her, knowing fully well the feeling of losing one’s parents so unexpectedly, but to also be expected to lead a nation right after? My god the amount of stress must be astounding. To see the Ultimate Princess this…broken…it was blasphemous. And like hell he’s going to let her give up her crown and fall to despair—not if he can do anything about. So, Nagito offers his services. He reminds Sonia of what great things she’s done and is capable of doing, but what she really needs is support—someone on her corner. And though he may be a lowly nobody, he DOES understand a thing or two about politics (and manipulation). He’ll be her shoulder to cry on so she can turn to her citizens with a collected and confident face. He’ll be her test run when she’s unsure of an idea. He’ll be her eyes and ears to keep track of the masses and their tidying. He’ll be her anything and everything she needs in order to be the best beacon of Hope she can be. And my god does he really mean it.
Of course, this au wasn’t simply going to be a hurt/comfort with a happy ending. Oh no, no, not with Nagito. It would soon get twisted and quite complicated as many things do with him. And their ever intertwining relationship will set Sonia forth as a queen that Novoselic with surely remember.
Oh my god this ask really unlocked these old ass memories of this au that I legit just came up with after listening to Imagine Dragon’s “Enemy” once ☝️ I was like “but what if Nagito becomes Sonia’s advisor and makes her Novoselic’s most notorious ruler??” I didn’t think I still remembered this much of it but here we are lol
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longingwithstars · 6 days
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either you had a book with your nose buried in it as you put one foot in front of the other or eyes in the sky watching the dragons flying around as staff tried to wrangle you in check until it was time to grow up. you were a child who stayed under the bed prepared to catch the monsters and under the bed until you hear the crown calling your name. you hid behind father and mother as you tried to not see all the darkness around but knowing the world you grew up in is a vicious place because its all you’ve known and maybe you don’t want to see such darkness anymore. eyes that burn with passion but can also turn cold with a single word. doing thing. well by sheer hard work and determination but fueled by spite. 
# basic information.
official  name:  tahlia llywelyn.  nicknames:  tahlia, lia by a few.  noble  title:  crown princess.  age:  30.  birthplace:  lyris. gender:  cis woman.  pronouns:  she/her.  orientation:  pansexual & panromantic. monikers: the bright heir. preferred weapon:  bow & arrow.
# physical information.
faceclaim:  natasha liu bordizzo.  hair:  black.  eyes:  brown.  height:  5'7".  build:  slim & fit.  scent:  jasmine.  dominant  hand:  right.  allergies:  none.  scars:  vague & small above her eye.  distinguishing  features:  glaring eyes when focused.  clothing  style:  dresses made of various silks in light colors and other soft material & gold delicate jewelry.
# personality.
label:   the facade.   mbti:   esfp.   element:   fire.   star   sign:   leo.   temperament:   hot-headed.   deadly   sin:   lust.   heavenly   virtue:   temperance.   godly   parent:   dionysus.
# drives.
hobbies:  archery, drinking, studying alchemy.  alliance:  to her kingdom & to her family.  personal goals:  make her parents proud & be a great ruler with someone by her side who can help achieve that.  would they choose family or power?  says family but power does tempt her alot.
# familial ties.
parent one:  King Orion Llywelyn.  relationship:  father.  parent two:  Queen Consort Suyin Llywelyn. relationship:  mother.  spouse:  none yet. relationship:  tbd.  sibling:  Prince Bryn Llywelyn. relationship:  younger sibling.  sibling:  Princess Ivy Llywelyn. relationship:  youngest sister (twin).  sibling:  tba. relationship:  youngest sibling (twin). 
first born and future heir, Tahlia was born on a very hot, more than typical, day and she came out screaming as if to let the world know she had arrived. doted from a young age, many told them how not only was she adorable and that she had the face of angel but that she was destined for great things. tahlia was a quiet child, always her head in an alchemy book or eyes in the sky watching the dragons fly.
Tahlia from a young age was taught by her scholars that the greatest idea was for Lyris to be prosperous and she couldn't agree more with them. she was a quick learner, following along what ever learning they had for her as well as many other quick lessons. she did develop a knack for alchemy and spends her free time working on various projects she hopes can help her people.
when Tahlia became of age, oh how her life changed. She was out there being amongst the people and attending sessions with her father. she knows her whole life has been planned for her the moment she was born and sometimes has had thoughts of what would her life be if she could do something different but knows to put those thoughts behind. she wants to continue the family legacy. she has heard of the calamity that is at the kingdoms gates and knows that she must do what she can to stop it from causing more destruction.
Personality wise, Tahlia is your typical social butterfly who enjoys being the crown princess. can talk your ear off like no other but has a way that when they are with others, they just blurt everything to her. is known for her love of alchemy from such a young age that has only grown that she can talk your ear off about the subject. Tahlia can be a bit sarcastic and reckless, maybe it comes with everything having somehow always been in her favor and knowing she has others around who can support her. Tahlia can be very blunt as she isn’t one to sugar coat things ( if you’re straight with her, she’ll be the same with you ). has aspirations to be a dragon rider (maybe a little bit jealous of hearing her mom and siblings talk about their bond with their dragon) as she thinks its one way she can help protect her people.
Ships came natural to her, whether being able to make friends real easy or jumping straight into a relationship with someone. with friends, she’ll be loyal, the one to take care of you when sick, the one you could use for any excuse. though the minute you cross her or if you do something to her siblings, its over between you both and might fight you. with love, she loves the idea of love to a fault but she loves the chase aka the honeymoon phase. once the fire dies down, she’ll either dip before it gets serious or does something dumb to mess it up. just know that once its over, she’s on to the next person she finds with thoughts in the back of one day finding something true but knows it can be a weakness (even though she sees the relationship her parents have and wants something like that).
ride or die ( open to one ) ;; the bestie, the platonic soulmate, the one she would do anything for, maybe they have pet names for each other, etc. they are the best of friends and no one can tear them apart (maybe?).
exes ( open to two ) ;; honestly, i just like exes. bonus points if there’s still tension and hook up but then regret it or if they’re just really good friends now with no tension at all. maybe they hook up here because tension is there. i love all options.
will they, wont they ( open to one ) ;; essentially a flirtationship. they flirt too much that others assume that they are dating or are going to at some point. maybe the idea has been on one of their mind but they are too good of friends to ever cross that line (?).
one (or more) night stand/ fling ( open to many ) ;; one night, she was maybe a little bit down and needed something to pick her up. this worked. or maybe they met up at the bar or a party and it just happened. whether it’s turned into a regular thing or was just one night can be determined later.
old friends ( open to a few ) ;; maybe they were friends early in their lives or another way, but somehow, they fell apart. maybe she did something stupid and drove them away (could be fun for plotting purposes).
party buddies ( open to a few ) ;; she isn’t one to say no to a night of drinks and partying that leads to her regretting in the morning. just know she is ready for night 2 if they are prepared.
enemies / frenemies ( open to one ) ;; however these enemies/frenemies became known to each other can be determined later, but either way, dislike / hate / talk about each other behind their backs.
honestly anything else you can think of, i’m down for!!
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