#the door mouse
sunlit-mess · 25 days
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I actually have backlogs of sebastian sketches/doodles in my files...
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mossmotif · 1 year
thinking about nanami in casual clothes very heavily right now. a sweater and sweats that hang off him cause they're actually one size too large. you had overshot in the sizing when you bought them for him, but now it doesn't feel so much like a mistake, they suit him too well.
at first, he doesn't seem to catch on to why you become so attached to him when he's dressed more comfortably. doesn't see any sort of attraction in his hair being so tousled, the appeal of him stretching while in a loose shirt, or the charm of him still blinking sleep away as he brushes his teeth. you assure him that you still love him put together, but there's just something about him letting loose around you that makes you happy.
he lets you undress him when he gets home sometimes, a routine you eased him into slowly. when you first moved in it pained you to still see him in his suit or tie despite him having been home for some time. when things were worse, you would find him in the living room the next morning splayed on the couch and with hardly any time to take off his shoes.
your plan started slow, catching him at the door and loosening his tie as soon as you greeted him, trapping him at the entrance with conversation and enough affection to have him slightly spinning. it would at least get his coat off. other articles were slightly more difficult, but not impossible. his dress shirt often comes next, when he grows tired of your fleeting affection and finally catches you in a deeper kiss; your hands wander casually, leaving the nape of his neck and planting themselves on his hips. he lets you untuck his shirt with ease, too immersed in making sure you knew and felt how much he missed you.
when the two of you break away, he always looks much softer than when he walked in.
"let's take this off?" you offer, tugging at the hem of his shirt and guiding him toward the room. "i want you to be comfortable."
and he'll gruff and mutter and act releuctant, but follow nonetheless. he can't find himself denying anything when around you. "i'm well aware," he'll reply through a chuckle.
he chooses your favourites without being asked, sometimes will even pick based on what you're already wearing so that the two of you match. he knows it makes you happy, your smile wide when he comes to join you on the couch. the two of you might read separately or while the other watches something on the television. it didn't matter, as long as the both of you are tangled together and you can feel the sigh of relief that escapes his chest when he feels the weight of your head rest on his shoulder.
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kevinarthur64 · 4 months
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Miis Mowz
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cursed-iris · 4 months
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"and i can't stand a mess. you know me, neat and orderly. that's how i like things. everything in its proper place."
charlie o'hare/hatter my beloved. ❤ y'all gotta get into habromania fr fr. all the lore and character design can be found on insta @/symphony_sonata.
bonus doodle of charlie trying to kiss the queen w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶e̶m̶p̶l̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ below the cut
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lynolch · 1 month
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Bad boy Romeo is leading P astray on the Pleasure Island😘 (Romeo's clothes and their poses in the 1st panel are based on the old greedy mouse movie)
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
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AVAN: The industry really only seems to respect a film about your identity. Like, if I wanted to make a film about being a mixed brown guy who wants to be an artist and then make up some shit about how my brown father doesn't want me to but my white mother does, I could get that movie made in 35 seconds. But the central reason they’re making that film is to commodify our bodies, and I refuse to do that. Ironically though, that’s [a big theme] of the movie, but I refuse to sell myself to a studio that way. HAYLEY: I always feel like that too. I want to be like, “Let me just be in the movie and be Black. Don't make me being Black the movie.” So what I loved about this was that it was just me as Mouse, and Mouse could’ve been anyone. It wasn't about my struggle as a female and all that shit. It was just like real life.
AVAN JOGIA & HAYLEY LAW for Paper Magazine (May 2023) — story by Sandra Song, photography by Sam Ramirez
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sk1fanfiction · 6 months
blood of the covenant/water of the womb
The Black sisters are so tragic.
I mean, imagine:
As kids, Narcissa is the baby sister that the elder two dote on, while both Narcissa and Andromeda look up to Bellatrix, the proud, beautiful, powerful, accomplished, perfect eldest sister, who has always known who she is and where she's going, but especially Andromeda, since they look so alike she's always been encouraged to act like her too but since Narcissa doesn't have the stereotypical Black looks and her parents didn't follow the Black naming scheme she's encouraged to be her own person a little bit more.
At Hogwarts they're all Sorted into the same House, Slytherin, which only increases their bond. Bella does really well at school, probably the top of her class, which makes Andy, who's only a year or two behind hyperaware of where the bar is. She walks, talks, and dresses like Bella.
Andy follows in Bella's footsteps (who's probably Head Girl by now) and becomes a prefect, but she gets assigned to do rounds with a Muggle-born Hufflepuff. And despite everything she'd been taught, everything she knows to be true, she finds herself falling for him and the worst part is she can't tell anyone, even Bella, the one she has always been able to confide in, always reassured her and set her on the right path.
Meanwhile Druella and Cygnus are arranging Bellatrix's marriage to Roldophus, someone she doesn't even like never mind attracted to but because she's the perfect Black and the perfect daughter she has to do it. And Andromeda sees and fears how she could get trapped, too, how there's another Lestrange boy in her year.
Meanwhile a strange foreign Dark Lord comes to dinner and he's so different to Roldophus and all those other men who think because she's a woman she must be weak and she's just a vessel for their pureblood children. And despite the way she shouldn't feel this way, Bella doesn't care. He listens to Bella's opinions and he takes her seriously and he sees her magical talent and her thirst to prove herself and he's not scared of her in the way others say that she's 'too intense.' And when he offers to train her, and adds that he never does this, she says, one better, I'll follow you.
Andromeda and Narcissa watch this strange man burn the Dark Mark into their sister's arm and they don't know what to think. Narcissa's scared Bella will put herself in danger, that she'll do too much, give too much of herself because she doesn't know when to pull back. And Andy's scared Bella's going down a path she cannot follow, because deep down she can't say she believes in blood supremacy, can't say she hates Ted and she can't figure out a way through so she leaves.
It's like part of Bella's heart has been ripped out. They were all close, the Blacks, but Andy and Bella had a certain je ne sais quoi, they were thick as thieves and inseparable. Bellatrix is the one who burns Andromeda off the tapestry, crying while she does it, the scorned love for her sister, the anger and shame that Andy chose that Mudblood over her turning that love to bottomless hate.
Meanwhile Narcissa, the lucky one, watches it all. Narcissa is the one that gets it all, she's the only one who's able to marry for love and stay with her family but there's also this Andromeda-shaped hole in her and there's a Slytherin resentfulness of being Bellatrix's supporting act.
Every night that Bella is on a mission, Narcissa stays up, even while pregnant with Draco, until she knows her sister is safe.
That fateful Halloween she waits and waits and waits but Bellatrix never comes home. When she finds out her last remaining sister is serving life she completely breaks down. Won't sleep, won't eat. The thought of leaving Draco without a mother is the only thing that helps her hold on. Regulus, Andromeda and Sirius are dead/burned off the tapestry/imprisoned; she and Draco are the last Blacks, that makes their bond even stronger, makes her scared of losing him like she did her sisters. She curses Voldemort for putting her in danger, aware of her feelings for him and that Bella would do anything for them, swears she'll never let that happen to her son.
All the while Andy raises her daughter, who hates the name she gave her in the same way Andy know she would hate the Blacks. Narcissa and Andy watch each other from across crowds; Tonks and Draco are never at school together, never know more than scattered off-hand mentions of a cousin on their mother's side. But both Narcissa and Andy fantasize of a reconcilation, of Tonks babysitting Draco while they rekindle their bond. Neither bridges the gap. That burn, that rift cannot be healed. But they still ache for each other.
When Voldemort returns that fear for Draco grows, but it's tempered with the joy of having Bella back after mourning her for 14 years -- Bella, traumatized, starved, jagged and torn up at the edges, different, but alive.
And just like knowing he was innocent kept Sirius sane, Bella's love and trust of Voldemort is what made her able to hang on. Yes, they're both drastically different physically (the snake face and the emaciation) and mentally (both shaken, less confident), but everything else can be the same. Maybe better.
But everyone is scared. It's not the same world, where the Death Eaters have control and are undefeated. Voldemort is scared of that boy, Narcissa is scared for Draco. It's clear things are not the same, things are not normal. Far from it. Fear makes Voldemort angry, and cold, and distant and nothing she does feels good enough.
And that boy -- lying hateful filthy boy -- he dares suggest that her Voldemort's filthy-blooded like him. No, he must just be taunting her, scaring her. But there are things Voldemort's said, things he's done -- she would notice, the way she hangs on every word he speaks and plays their conversations in her head over and over again in Azkaban -- Bellatrix just does her best to silence it and block it out, all these confusing things, she's a great Occlumens after all.
She'll make things certain, make things right, trim off the weakness, cut out the sickness. Like Sirius. Like that young woman with Andromeda's face and Andromeda's laugh, that filthy half-blood Andy left her to create.
Narcissa can't keep Draco safe like she, the baby sister, couldn't keep Bellatrix safe. When Voldemort burns the Dark Mark into his skin she sees her son emaciated and dead-eyed.
To assuage Narcissa's fears Bellatrix trains Draco like Voldemort trained her; but he's not the same, he's weak, he's moralistic, he looks at her with wide scared eyes and he's a failure. The glory of the Blacks is gone.
All the while, Narcissa's fear grows, when Lucius is imprisoned, when Voldemort's ire turns on her family, on her son, sets him an impossible task. The despair she feels, she hasn't felt for nearly sixteen years -- Bellatrix more interested in eking out morsels of approval from Voldemort and turning her frustration on Draco, and Narcissa by extension.
All the while, Andromeda's fear for her daughter grows, of the danger she puts herself in as an Auror and a member of the Order, and she's reminded of Bellatrix, of how she gives everything of herself and how Nymphadora does too, begging, begging her to hold back.
She's not good enough for him, not with the sickness, the weakness still clinging to her. Bellatrix very much wants to kill the woman with Andy's face. She's always been perfect. It's everyone else around her that's wrong, everyone else who has to go. She'll do better. Try harder.
And when the Snatchers catch that filthy boy, and he slides out of her grasp like a buttered eel, Bellatrix hits the bottom rung of the ladder of despair. She doesn't know who she is, anymore.
Voldemort's retaliation and rejection breaks Bellatrix's heart, but it hardens Narcissa's.
Bellatrix will do anything to make him happy. She finally kills the witch with Andy's face -- do you see -- do you love me now -- but he's still cold, still frightened, still different, and she despairs, but it will be all over when Harry Potter is dead and he can breathe again. They've won. It will be alright. It will go back to normal. She can have it all again -- Voldemort and Narcissa and her perfect, pruned family.
Narcissa will do anything to keep him safe. And so she chooses Draco's life, she lies, her heart in her throat, in front of her beloved sister, to the Dark Lord, with unshed tears in her eyes and Harry Potter's 'corpse' before her.
Bellatrix's death is something Narcissa knew was coming, deep down She mourned her sister sixteen years ago and she mourns her now, but it will all be worth it if Draco survives this ordeal; Potter must win, he must live, Voldemort must die. And Bellatrix will never allow this.
She wishes she could tell Andy that she understands.
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mice-rats-daily · 1 year
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Today's mouse is the mitochondria cells from A Wind in the Door!
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carldoonan · 5 months
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This Squeaky Li’l Scuttlebutt says: “I’ve got a hot tip on this Paper Mario remake… Rumor has it there’s some new quality of life features… like, say, a certain mouse with a lotta info about side quests…” 🐁✏️📓
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Is he a minor addition in the grand scheme? Absolutely. Am I still disproportionately excited? You bet your sweet bippy I am. It’s a new Paper Mario character from an established species with a li’l outfit and an *actual name* instead of just being, like… “Trouble Center Mouse.”
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chipper-smol · 2 years
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who needs algorithms
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drewlightful · 1 year
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Final Fantasy 13 Versus
Originally posted: April 10, 2022 - 11:19 PM
(Honestly can't wait to see wait what crazy shenanigans happen in KH4)
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onyxsboxes · 3 months
100th founds out - Chap 7 - Harding
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Once he walks through the door, he'll be in charge of the 100th. Oh, officially, he has been since he got that phone call when he was still in Spokane, Washington, but he can't help thinking that once he walks through the door and into his office for the first time, he'll really be in charge of the group. It's not the first time he's taken charge of a group, but this time it's different. Call it instinct or experience, but Chick knows that once he walks through that door, there's no turning back.
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acmeoop · 1 year
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Get Back In Here! “Steamboat Silly” (2023)
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
Kinda wild to me the knowledge that there is a violent and vicious predator that lives in my house, who kills and mutilates other living beings nearly daily, who I have personally witnessed rip apart other living creatures with tooth and claw, who is also just the sweetest little baby who loves to cuddle and often yells at me if I don't pick her up and kiss her little forehead from time to time
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thedreadvampy · 5 months
there's a MOUSE in my ROOM now obviously mice will happen but I'm way more of it about it here than I was in my last flat which was a 250 year old tenement building like OBVIOUSLY there were going to be mice THERE. I just don't think mice should be allowed to live in new builds. and if they're going to they shouldn't be scratching up my skirting boards loudly in the night. get out of my Fucking House, mouse.
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ne0n-rust · 11 months
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Door Mouse (2023) dir. Avan Jogia
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