#the devil wears prada rp
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miirandapriiestly · 4 months ago
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silcntsinners · 2 years ago
Begging for more people to write Emily blunt / Eva green movies 🧎‍♂️🙏
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roleplayfinder · 2 years ago
I’m 18+ (22 ooc) they/them and uk time zone!
I’m looking for someone to write with me on here or discord. The portrayals I’m looking for:
Pam (the office)
Rachel Watson (the girl on the train)
Emily charlton (the devil wears prada)
Freya (Snow White and the huntsman:winter war)
Evelyn Abbotts (a quiet place)
Grace ( ready or not)
Vanessa Ives (penny dreadful)
Amy dunne (gone girl)
Mary poppins.
Miss G (cracks)
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fatalepink · 13 days ago
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Anne Hathaway
like/reblog if you save it, ty 🫶🏼
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silcntsinners · 1 year ago
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Jaime was taken aback by her comment, sniggering before giving her a pose. He did a pout and smirked more “you should see me in my doctor’s gown… I’d win that runway” he teased before going back to his usual stance and smiling more. Jaime glanced back to the woman sat behind the desk, offering a soft smile and a wave. “That’s not very nice ms… Charlton? Correct? Miranda informed me of her little worker bee” he said softly and scratched his chin. “That’s okay, I can wait. I have to go pick up my daughter from her nanny in an hour but I’m sure she won’t mind if I’m late, I’ll just pay overtime” he stated and bit his bottom lip. “About this modelling… why aren’t you one?” He questioned and folded his arms in front of his chest. “I mean, I’m no expert but don’t you have the looks for a model? The hair, the eyes…” he said and shrugged. Jaime had no idea about fashion nor was he interested but he was friendly and always spoke the truth.
@fullintenticns asked. ❛ Miranda wanted me to come by for a quick check up, do I need to get through her personal body guard first, meaning you ? ❜ jaime for emily.
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posh. emily's shoulders straightened in her seat. not a hunch in sight. she'd rather die than have poor posture. the adjustment, of course, came after owning a pair of elevator eyes. the man was handsome, only confirming that media portrayed with such excellence. his hair looked silky - rid of any grime, or grease. the more observed, the more emily detoured away from focus. ❛ have you ever modeled ? ❜ english accent blurted into the air. hand on chin, ❛ i'm sure Everette at GQ would try to snag you quicker than a sleek wrist watch. ❜ the bodyguard comment obstructed a laugh into the air. ❛ oh stop it, you're so funny. ❜ flirtation flitted on her lashes while her body swiveled in the office chair. ❛ she'll be back in fifteen. you can wait here if you'd like. I don't mind. just ignore whatever noise comes from over there. 'ts not important. ❜ them. the other desk. occupied by some sad form of a human who thought they could fill such a glorious position.
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
Hello I’m 18+ they/them! Lit/adv/novella (I match).
I’m looking for EMILY BLUNT movies !
Desperate to find someone who will write as these:
Emily charlton - devil wears prada
Mary poppins
Rachel Watson - a girl in the train
Freya - winter war
Evelyn abbotts - a quiet place
Tamsin - My Summer Of Love
Also any of these:
Vanessa Ives - Penny dreadful
Marisa Coulter - his dark materials
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goodcryunicorn · 3 months ago
Andy Sachs // OPEN
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who: Andy Sachs when: unknown where: New York restaurant open to: anyone triggers: none image triggers: none blog: @goodcryunicorn2
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Andy kept eating her blueberry muffin before laughing, this is what she needed just a nice afternoon with her friend, ever since she broken up her relationship with Nate for the second time she felt so free, she left her toxic work and made new friends in her new job so what better time to start fresh in romance as well.
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atakandovc · 1 month ago
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Acabamos de ver DILARA FAHRIYE ATAKAN entrando no backstage! Com seus 34 anos, ela é uma MANAGER/GERENTE DE RP E EMPRESÁRIA conhecida por seus colegas de equipe por ser muito INFLUENTE E ARTICULADA, embora há quem diga que ela possa ser bastante EXIGENTE E TRAIÇOEIRA. Você ouviu a fofoca que está rolando sobre ela aqui nos bastidores? Estão dizendo que O PAI DE SUA FILHA É UMA CELEBRIDADE! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que isso não comprometa o seu trabalho, porque ela é essencial atrás das câmeras!
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      ━ 𝑬𝒖 𝒗𝒊𝒎 𝒂𝒒𝒖𝒊 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒓  ❞
A melhor forma de resumir Dilara seria dizer que ela é a solucionadora de crises perfeita; e foi exatamente por isso que abriu a própria empresa de managers em tão pouco tempo, a Atakan Managemente. Ela foi criada apenas pelo pai, que provavelmente não se lembra quem é sua mãe, só se lembrando que a garotinha foi confiada a ele logo que nasceu, e desde então são apenas os dois. Dillie teve sua educação financiada por um casal para quem o pai trabalhou, e por não terem filhos e enxergarem potencial em Dilara, fizeram isso. Ela é formada em direito pela Georgetown Law, e seu primeiro emprego foi como estagiária em um escritório de advocacia que acabou fechando, depois de Dilara e outras estagiárias fazerem denúncias de abuso moral. Dillie é mãe de uma garotinha de um ano, denominada Yasemin, fruto do relacionamento da agente com um ceo, segundo o que ela diz, já que os dois nunca foram vistos juntos. Ele trabalha demais, é o que ela diz.
Reputação: A única coisa que as pessoas sabem, é que se Dilara não é a melhor, ela está no caminho para se tornar. Graças aos contatos que possui, sua vida consegue ser bastante reservada ao público, uma vez que ela manipula à mídia ao ponto de decidir quais notícias sobre si (e sobre seus clientes) são divulgadas. Desta maneira, ninguém é capaz de opinar se ela é boa, ou má. Mas o que pode ser dito, é que não é santa. Dilara faz o possível, e o impossível, para manter a carreira de seus clientes o mais sóbrias que pode, e isso não para em ações humanitárias ou vídeos de pedidos de desculpa. Ela promete exclusivas para jornalistas e compra alguns deles quando necessário. Ou seja, suas mãos não estão totalmente limpas.
Inspos: Miranda Priestly (( The devil wears Prada )), Jamie Rellis (( Friends with benefits )), Olivia Pope (( Scandal )), Caroline Forbes (( The vampire diaries )), Piril Baytekin (( You knock on my door )), etc
Dilara nasceu em Istambul, Turquia, no dia 25 de agosto, sendo regida pelo signo de virgem.
Ela é muito observadora e atenta, o que a faz uma ótima detentora de segredos.
Workaholic, ela realmente é apaixonada por trabalho, chegando a acumular diversas tarefas das quais acredita desempenhar melhor do que seus companheiros de serviço.
Ela preza muito a sinceridade em suas relações, principalmente as profissionais. O cliente pode ter cometido o pior crime do mundo, mas se ele contar à ela, dando a oportunidade para ela estar preparada para os ataques, ela fará de tudo para manter sua reputação.
Dillie é intolerante à lactose.
Ela gosta do seu café forte, e sem açúcar; mas não quente ao ponto de queimar a língua.
Sua cor preferida é vermelho, e por isso muitos de seus looks acabam com uma peça dessa tonalidade, e também seus lábios sempre levam batom vermelho mais fechado.
Ela se culpa por passar pouco tempo com a filha, mas também não consegue abrir mão de estar no olho do furacão. Isso é o que a deixa excitada pela profissão.
Tem a mania de ficar tirando as cutículas das unhas quando está nervosa.
Adquiriu o hábito de tomar muita cerveja, mas ela simplesmente ama tomar negroni e dry martini.
MUSE A e Dilara não conseguem viver sem o outro. Conversam sobre absolutamente tudo e são muito íntimos - de uma forma que não se constrangem por praticamente nada.
Dilara e MUSE B possuem bastante intimidade, mas não podem se considerar melhores amigos, porque não seriam a primeira opção um do outro para recorrer caso algo acontecesse. Mas sabem, mesmo assim, que podem contar com o outro para o que precisar.
MUSE C é apaixonado por Dilara, que não sabe dos sentimentos do amigo e, mesmo que soubesse, não os corresponderia. Porque ela é casadah!
MUSE D e Dillie iniciaram essa amizade no banheiro da balada, sabe? As duas louconas, uma precisava de batom, a outra tinha. Já começaram a falar mal de homem, dizer que se amavam, e se tornaram muito amigas.
MUSE E e Dilara se aproximaram porque um tinha algo que o outro queria (fama, dinheiro, contatos?). Então a amizade aqui não é muito sincera, sem contar confidências, apenas procuram um ao outro quando convém.
MUSE F trabalhava com a Dilara no escritório de advocacia que fechou após o escândalo de assédio moral. Por algum motivo, não se dão bem. A inimizade pode ter começado quando ainda trabalhavam juntos, ou depois. 
MUSE G pode ter colocado chifre na Dilara, pode ser quem ajudou algum ex dela a enfeitar sua cabeça, ou também pode ter sido o contrário. Eu só peço um chifre pra gente arrastar no asfalto!!
MUSE H e Dilara são do tipo de pessoa que, se pudessem, nem olhariam no olho um do outro. Mas como o trabalho deles tem ligação, precisam ser profissionais.
Uma conhecida de Dilara, convencida de que a história da morena sobre seu marido é falsa, resolveu armar um encontro às cegas entre ela e MUSE I. Eles podem ou não já se conhecer, e existem várias possíveis formas de se desenrolar. 
(término em maus termos) Dilara e MUSE J namoraram por um período e tiveram um término conturbado, envolvendo uma série de mentiras e até uma traição! Atualmente, não conseguem ficar no mesmo ambiente sem iniciarem uma discussão. 
Dilara acha que MUSE K estava sob efeitos de álcool ou drogas quando anunciou que era o pai de sua bebê, e ela até veria graça nisso se não existissem pessoas acreditado nele!
MUSE L e Dilara faziam parte dos famosos high school sweethearts de seu ano escolar. Todos diziam que eles eram perfeitos um para o outro e que jamais se separariam, porém o fim do ensino médio, e a faculdade, os levou para caminhos diferentes e eles terminaram, mas acabaram por desmanchar em bons termos.
Dilara simplesmente AMA cuidar das coisas de MUSE M, porque essa pessoa a escuta, é disciplinada, e quase nunca se envolve em polêmicas. É a pedrinha preciosa da nossa agente! 
MUSE N é estagiário/a de Dilara. Se a admira, a odeia, ou faz pouco caso, podemos combinar direitinho. Só sabemos que ela soca a pessoa de trabalho qq.
Dillie poderia se demitir de cuidar das coisas de MUSE O, se não gostasse tanto de um desafio. Esse cliente é realmente problemático, vivendo enfiado em polêmicas, nunca dando ouvido às notas que ela escreve, e tá a um passo do cancelamento.
Outros clientes:
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silcntsinners · 2 years ago
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Jaime raised his eyebrow at the way Miranda insulted him, tilting his head slightly. “Miranda, your family deserve to know. You need some time off to heal. It’s hard hitting and as your doctor, I’m advising you to take this time off so you can get back on your feet more quickly” jaime said softly as he gave her a gentle smile.
He knew how miranda could be but in his profession and being so well known, he could handle people like her. Jaime glanced over to the door which lead to Emily and Andy. “Is uh, does Emily have any free time? I’m just wondering-“ he stated awkwardly and chewed his bottom lip.
@fullintenticns sent: ‘Did you tell anyone else?’ FOR MIRANDA FROM JAIME (OC)
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"Don't be an imbecile," Miranda retorted with a roll of her gray-blue eyes. "I don't indulge in gossip, I leave that to my staff and to Page Six. I prefer others treat matters with discretion and I do the same in return."
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silcntsinners · 2 years ago
Closed writing with @drstcrture
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Jaime had been working for Miranda for a little over a month now. He had heard such awful stories of Miranda Priestly and /yet/ she had always been kind to him. Maybe it was because of who he was? Either way, he was glad she was charming towards him. He had already been to a few of Miranda’s events but tended to not stay long and not interact much, fashion not really being an interest of his.
Today was luckily a day where she needed him at her office. She had been under the weather and just needed support since Miranda was not one to have a day off. Once his nanny had arrived, jaime was off to work and heading to the office. He didn’t take too long to arrive and enter the building, walking through the hallways as some of the models stared a little. He stepped inside and smirked, seeing the familiar red head who always seemed rather snooty. “Ms Charlton-“ he interrupted and glanced at what she was doing. “I’m here for your boss” he stared, holding his bag with everything inside. “Ms. Priestly tells me that you’ll be at my call today, how about a nice cup of tea?” He said, the smirk still on his lips. Of course, he wasn’t dressed well- he was a doctor- Jaime also didn’t care for labels and only looked well suited when it was needed.
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hausofredhq · 1 year ago
✦ ・— good morning, tags !
this is your daily reminder that we are opening for reserves on monday! somehow, january 15th is sneaking up on us.
have you ever binged model runway compilations from the 2000s? watched the devil wears prada and envied the chanel boots? well, the haus of red might be the place for you to bring muses that do all of that and more.
we are a literate, mature, mumu, appless rp focusing on the haus of red fashion house and its associated magazine, superbia, as they try to navigate the murky waters after the founder's death. will you rise to the occasion? or will you fall behind as things pick up?
as per, since admin q. is away, i will be lurking! ( and working on my character intros. )
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corneliastreethq · 2 years ago
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new skeleton just dropped ! i'm so sick of running as fast as i can to take a look at our the man skeleton. fans of the intern & the devil wears prada and...corporate tension?? will enjoy this plot of 5 brilliant tech developers working on their brand new social media app: invisible string.
this feels like the perfect time to announce that our group will have a fully in-character social media platform ( discord ) for your characters to utilize. this will be used to help members stay engaged with the happenings on cornelia street even if they can't be on the dash that day. more information about the server will be upcoming.
p.s. . . if you're good at organizing discord servers for the purpose of rps. . . please help.
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miupage · 2 years ago
۪ㅤ𓈒 ࣪ ִ ✿ my obligatory introduction post ݁ ˖ ࣪ .
the name is mikaela ilsé (she/her) often called micky, miki, mikuw, mici, mimi, and more. you can add some please i love nicknames! an enfj and taurus (stellium) baby so yeah, please bear with me :D anyway, this blog will probably be me ranting and sharing about my likings (mostly fashion) and resort to fandom-adjacent reblogs. let’s get more!
ᨵ interests/hyperfixtations atm
fashion and anything about clothing or designing
skincare and perfume also beauty things
american old movies (the sound of music, the devil wears prada, breakfast at tiffany’s, clueless, mean girls, gossip girl– oops, it’s a series tho!)
hobbies/passion include fashion design, journaling, poetry
girlgroups! (ive aespa tripleS newjeans)
casual listener of itzy treasure nct, and more pop also indie artists. mainly the weeknd, conan gray, ariana grande, doja cat, taylor swift, beabadobee, niki
⠀⠀⠀。 𐑺 ֗ ִ additional information
sometimes, i do play rp, my handle is wonyoungjahg (previously victtoriajang) and zhouxxinyu. i played on closed agencies too, i was;
tobebarbs’ jang wonyoung (fabswonyoung)
thefuturehills’ jang wonyoung (wonyoungftre)
bronson alcott’s shin yuna (lessofyuna)
dnyltrack’s shin yuna (yuna9dc)
⠀ ⠀𓈒⠀⠀ׁ⠀⠀ ♡ ⠀⠀ׅ⠀⠀ׁ⠀ ⟡ ⠀⠀ׅ⠀⠀ ♡ ׁ⠀⠀ׅ ⟡ ◌
also, i love talking to people so please feel free and reach out to me, i love making friends i love interacting with others, it gives me so much joy and energy and happiness 𔘓 ׁ⭒
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years ago
Verse: blood in the water
AU verse where once Katherine takes over hell, her target becomes Klaus. In her amplified anger and rage she hard focuses the true cause for losing everything in her life, and decides to pick apart Klaus' by taking everything he loves. Including his new born daughter. Now that she is the devil and has way more power than he does, she has no reason to be afraid of him. Perfect time for revenge.
Katherine sets about systematically taking/harming/torturing all of Klaus' siblings, with ZERO remorse, saving Elijah for last- because you know. It's personal. (She might kill Elijah I mean he was Klaus' biggest enabler and apologist, and he abandoned her for him so lots of bad blood there.)
She makes it clear that she is coming for Hope as the grand finale. She takes her time making her moves equally obvious and unpredictable, vindictively enjoying Klaus feeling helpless and angry. Watching them struggle to find something, anything to stop her, to save themselves.
Now this looks familiar doesn't it?
Katherine is not chaotic neutral in this verse she is 100% chaotic evil and I intend to play her as such. Katherine being the devil makes her more powerful than Klaus and its her turn to make him suffer the way he made her suffer.
Same powers as the devil wears prada verse, shes literally op but like so is klaus so fuck off. However the bone dagger is still a thing.
Funny thing about that bone dagger. It sends me to hell. But it cant keep me there, sorry <3
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Would love to explore the psychological tolls it takes on Klaus and the people around him. Honestly its my favourite part of dark RP's. Just like I intend to explore the ways hell and her amplified rage has twisted Katherine.
Can Klaus appeal to her better nature and make a deal? Can he stop her in time? Is there anything good left in Katherine anymore? Does Klaus see what his actions have done, what hes caused? Can he take responsibility? Will that mean anything to her? What is he willing to sacrifice to save the people he loves? In the end will it even matter?
You chased me for five hundred years, your death is going to take at least half that long.
You'll never get free. Lamb to the slaughter, what you gonna do when theres BLOOD IN THE WATER?
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goodcryunicorn · 4 months ago
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who: Andy Sachs when: unknown where: her residence in New York open to: anyone triggers: alcohol image triggers: none blog: @goodcryunicorn2
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"Is it bad that i am so happy we left the wedding season peak? like sure i am the editor for a bridal magazine but honestly if i never see a wedding photo again i'll be happy, is that bad?" Andy joked with her friend as she sip her glass of wine, ever since she moved to a bigger house she had felt lonely so inviting someone over was exactly what she needed on a boring Thursday.
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
Looking for 18+ NOVELLA roleplayers. This means at least 4 to 6 paragraphs. I have a few fandoms and pairings I'm looking for, some are on the niche side. I write MxF and FxF pairings. I am picky about my MxF ships. I enjoy darker themes and nsfw. In parenthesis is who I write as.
Star Trek (Sarek, Vulcan OC)
The 100 (Azgeda OC)
IT (Beverly Marsh)
The Devil Wears Prada (Miranda Priestly)
Harry Potter (Narcissa Black, Hermione Granger)
The Hunger Games & Divergent (OC's)
Twilight (Rosalie Hale, Wolf and Vampire OC's)
Underworld (Vampire and Lycan OC's)
Vampire Academy (Rose Hathaway, Dhampir OC)
House of Night (Vampire OC)
Scooby Doo (Velma Dinkley)
Percy Jackson (Zoe Nightshade)
Criminal Minds (Emily Prentiss)
Hannibal (Mischa Lecter)
Marvel (Red Room OC)
I also have tons of original plots and OC's for fandomless as well. Please reach out to me on discord at azula#8183
Thank you!
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