#the dark side of obi-wan kenobi
peanuttoffee · 4 months
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that scene but it's young Obi-Wan falling instead of Anakin
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Instead of the Dark Side, there's always a voice at the back of Obi-Wan's head that whispers "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you wanna go apeshit start acting like Qui-Gon?"
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obviously dooku sadly reminiscing about qui-gon in front of obi-wan is an attempt at manipulating him, but there is some truth behind his calculated display (he is genuinely missing qui-gon and hoping that qui-gon might see his side of things if he were here), and you gotta love how utterly delusional that makes dooku look.
like. sure. SURE. qui-gon would TOTALLY join your fight against the corruption of the republic. he totally wouldn't object to you making that corruption a billion times worse when you colluded with a corrupt senator to engineer a diplomatic crisis to force a no-confidence vote to rig an election to get a fcking sith lord in power - the same sith lord that ordered his death, by the way. SUUUURE.
he ABSOLUTELY wouldn't mind that your "freedom movement" designed to "fight corruption" is headed by plutocrats directly benefiting from the conflict because they're either weapons manufacturers or slave drivers lusting after deregulated markets. he wouldn't mind that your great cause is an avowed front for a sham war with the utter annihilation of the "corrupt" republic to the profit of absolute dictatorship as its ultimate goal. SUUUUUURE. like, dooku, you let him get KILLED in the name of this shitshow and then you have the AUDACITY to go 'oh i miss him i'm sure he'd have been totally down for my flawless fakeass Glorious Revolution plans.' the absurdity.
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aberrantcreature · 7 months
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Double Trouble ❤️❤️
Ever since @ndekvart drew her BEAUTIFUL version of Sith Obi-Wan, I knew I had to draw it. I just had the idea to draw both of ours together and her and I both agree that they'd be absolute MENACES on the Galaxy as a team. ( (we'd also be the first to join them because we are unabashedly simps))
((Side note Anakin is quaking in his boots and has NO self preservation))
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or-4 · 27 days
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Star Wars
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I’m gonna be honest. The more I think about it, the more I’m believing that the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy could’ve been better than the Original Trilogy if the script was tighter (a lot tighter). But George needed to let other people handle the script and he needed way more help with bringing his vision to life.
I mean, just think about it. The OG trilogy was a fairly straightforward, good vs evil storyline. Jedi and Rebels good, Emperor and Sith bad. Amazing storyline, but fairly simple. In comparison, the Prequel trilogy is far more complex in terms of what it was trying to achieve. If you look past the shitty dialogue and questionable storyline choices, the story that George came up with deals with:
1) Duty vs. Desire (Anakin trying to remain a Jedi but wanting to pursue Padme)
2) Questioning the Jedi Code instead of just blindly accepting it as gospel. Because despite how much Anakin was struggling with his complicated emotions, the Order doesn’t notice. In fact, the Order encouraged him to bury his emotions, which we see led to disaster since that led him right to the Dark Side.
3) An actual attempt at more complex politics rather than just evil empire versus good resistance. For example, it’s a meme that Anakin made an argument in favor of fascism, but in the hands of a better writer, that could’ve been a really good moment. We get an idea of why the Empire would have its supporters, despite being the obvious bad guys. It humanizes the Empire in a way that it doesn’t make you sympathize with them, but makes you understand how someone could end up on that path. That’s more true to life than just evil people being evil. (Andor is probably the one Star Wars media that understood this, which is partly why it’s one of the best Star Wars content out there)
4) The hero is genuinely a tragic character. He’s a child prodigy who was freed from slavery with the promise of a better life. But as he grows up, he becomes frustrated with how his life is turning out. He’s powerful, but not powerful enough to save his mom. He falls in love, but can’t be with Padme since it’s against the Jedi Code. Obi-Wan looks over him, but Anakin doesn’t feel he’s respected. The Order assigns him dangerous mission after dangerous mission, but he doesn’t get the rank of master. Anakin’s arc is about a man who feels like he’s not in control of his life (which is doubly sad when you remember he grew up in slavery) and, in his lowest moment, turns to a man who claims to be able to give Anakin everything he’s ever wanted. And that becomes his downfall since he ends up losing way more than he gained.
I’m sorry, but, that storyline is way more interesting than Luke and Leia’s story. No offense to Luke and Leia, but their dad’s story sounds like a Shakespearean tragedy. What messed it up was that George Lucas needed someone else to write the script.
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cam-ryt · 8 days
how about a sketch of yoga instructor obi-wan being flexible and bendy and anakin having a horny crisis?
Yoga is what, Anakin ? 😏
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short-wooloo · 3 months
"Reva's plan makes no sense, she wants revenge for the Jedi Anakin killed so she kills Jedi..."
This is what the dark side does to you, it corrupts and twists you, it makes you lose sight of what you originally wanted and the people you care about, it's when you put yourself and your wants above other people's lives, you can't use it for good or just use it a little bit without it corrupting you, no matter what your intentions are, they will be lost to the dark side, because the dark side is selfishness
That is exactly what happened to Reva
So Reva's plan in fact makes perfect sense, the dark side in tandem with an "ends justify the means" philosophy (which so often goes hand in hand with the dark side, just look at Dooku) lead Reva to disregard and sacrifice others for her desires
And poignantly, Reva's redemption comes precisely because she stops thinking this way
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giotanner · 4 months
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Sith Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (his master is Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus)
My premise still stands: to me, Obi-Wan Kenobi is 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 of going to the dark side.
So the only way one can approach it is through suffering and pain.
So I imagine an AU in which the loss of his Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the closeness at that time of Count Dooku is 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 to his 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴
Please doesn't make it flops!
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sendpseuds · 6 months
Same age knights AU where Obi-Wan is pretty sure Anakin is being groomed by a Sith Lord, even though they’ve been extinct for millennia and no one believes him.
He tries to warn his friend [well, they’re more frienamies but Obi-Wan’s not just going to let Skywalker fall to the dark side] but, unsurprisingly, Anakin doesn’t believe him. He calls Obi-Wan’s warning a pathetic jealous trick and “what do you know about the Sith anyway?”
Fine. Obi-Wan will learn everything there is to know about the Sith if it means he can stop this idiot from becoming an even bigger pain in the ass than he already is. He’ll learn their ways, confirm his suspicions, collect his evidence—
But there’s a problem.
The more Obi-Wan learns, the more sense it makes.
All he’d meant to do was prevent Anakin Skywalker’s fall.
He certainly hadn’t meant to trigger his own.
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to-proudly-go · 7 months
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(I'm sorry I failed you) (You're here now)
This time, I’ll love you right.
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thedarkangel74 · 2 months
Friendly reminder that one of the things created by legends was the concept of the force having a light side.
The "Light Side" is never mentioned in any of the original movies, only the Dark Side.
So besides the boundless mysteries of the force, part of the governing forces of the sw universe is dedicated to healing, growth and love.
And I think that's just beautiful
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gretchenzellerbarnes · 5 months
"anakin would've never turned to the dark side had qui gon lived." utter. bullshit. not only is this particular hot take an insult to obi-wan it completely robs anakin of his agency, because at the end of the day it was anakin's decision to pledge his loyalty to palpatine and to destroy everything that the people he loved held dear. that's what makes anakin skywalker such a compelling character, and as darth vader a tragic and iconic villian... because he did this to himself.
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aberrantcreature · 7 months
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Sithling ✨
This is a redo of a drawing I did literally hours ago cause I hated it but I LIKE THIS ONE NOW
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alexiaexnihilo · 16 days
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Darth Lumis 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (that’s how I’ve seen most ppl call this alternate universe take on obi wan who’s a sith so i’m sticking with it because it sounds BADASS)
Me: yo I should draw Obi Wan Kenobi as a Sith lord!
An online friend of mine: yeah, that’d be sick🗣️
Me:maybe i should do it
And that’s how this came into existence.
And for the sake of this I will say this is him if he turned to the Dark Side after satine’s death on mandalore and seeing the corruption within the order after Ashoka was wrongly accused of war crimes or perhaps just raised a sith and being taken to sith temples and later on climbing the ranks in the military with the government and clone officials having little to no knowledge about his affiliation with the sith, hence i chose to militarize his outfit! (Tbh I like the second idea more)
Would you want more stuff like this?
(Btw the location was supposed to be a Sith temple and I took some inspiration from indian temples!)
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grifonecoronato · 28 days
What does fear have to do with anything? Everything. Fear is the path to the Dark Side.
Fear Leads to Anger...
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...Anger Leads to Hate...
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... Hate Leads to Suffering.
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I sense much fear in you.
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The tragedy of Reva is that she was always caught in this moment of her childhood, her near-death experience at the hands of Anakin / Darth Vader.
She could never make peace with it. She could never move beyond it. In this moment, she was made to feel helpless and weak. And she hated that feeling more than anything.
Her quest to kill Vader was not based in a sense of justice -- as some believe she did this to avenge her Jedi youngling friends -- it was based on her desire to prove to Vader that she was not that scared little child anymore.
She wanted Vader to know that she could kill him. She wanted him to know the Dark Side had made her strong. She wanted Vader to trust her, just as she and the Jedi trusted Anakin before he betrayed them.
But it was a fool's errand. He already knew who she was. And he cared so little about her, her fears, and what she thought of his crimes, that he cast her aside like she was nothing.
Why fans can't love Reva as a villain, and feel for her as a victim, I'll never understand...
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