#the cuties :(((
marlsswrites · 20 hours
Jegulus over text:
James: What’re you doing right now?
Regulus: Laying in bed.
James: …just laying in bed? Nothing else?
Regulus: I’m eating cereal.
James: What would you do if I was in bed next to you?
Regulus: eat my cereal..
James: Lol I mean if the cereal wasn’t there ;)
Regulus: Then I’d get out of bed and go get my cereal.
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(POV: little Ning Yingying overhears the peak lords gossiping about her Baba and corrects them!!)
“What?” Ning Yingying blurted out before she could stop herself, pure confusion on her face. “Shizun doesn’t sleep with women!”
Several faces blanched, and Yue Qingyuan rapidly began to look constipated at her bluntness.
“Oh honey,” Qi Qingqi said, pitying. “You shouldn’t even be hearing about this.”
Ning Yingying shrugged off the hand the older cultivator placed on her shoulder, now even more upset. “He doesn’t sleep with my aunties. That would be weird. And gross.”
“Your aunties…?” Mu Qingfang’s eyes cleared. It looked like he was rapidly putting things together in his mind.
“Your aunties are at the Warm Red Pavillion?” Qi Qingqi seemed stuck on that fact, eyebrows raised high.
“Yes!” She tried not to stomp her foot. Just because Baba didn’t mind when she acted childish, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t. “Why else would he go and visit there?”
Wei Qingwei coughed awkwardly. “Well, I mean…”
Qi Qingqi stomped on his foot, and he let out an unmanly screech.
“Why do your aunties live at the Warm Red Pavillion?” Qi Qingqi asked carefully, eyes narrowed.
“Ba—Shizun says it’s because he doesn’t have enough money to pay for them to leave.” The little girl looks sad, but then she brightens up again like a flower in the sun. “But he says he’s getting there, so they might leave soon!”
“Oh.” Shang Qinghua said, looking paler than usual. “Well that’s fine, then.”
“Did you almost call him something else?” Asked a female peak lord who Ning Yingying didn’t recognize.
“Baba says I can’t call him Baba in public…” Ning Yingying informed them glumly. “Because people might think he didn’t adopt me. And that they might treat me differently. I think that’s kinda stupid, though, but don’t tell him I said that…”
Yue Qingyuan put a hand over his entire face, and groaned.
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m4waruu · 2 months
Zack Attack❣️
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i had an epiphany. what if hogwarts had a kindergarten/elementary school section? what if they all met when they were like 6 and grew up together? so…
…marauders au where everything is the same, but they’re all toddlers
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starting off strong with james potter and his hundreds of glasses
next part!!
(panel by panel under the cut)
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arcsi0 · 22 days
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COWBOY GOTHCLEATS!!! good environment practice, and i’m fairly alright with how it turned out :)
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yueyie · 3 months
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A-ling did you outgrow me,……..what are you,….?
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atsufae · 11 months
Pls more atsulucy art I beg
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I don't have any finished art but here are some doodles i did!! The last two are very old i don't have many I'd like to post💥💥
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laz-kay · 8 months
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I've waited a year to post this.
Happy day after Thanksgiving, y'all.
Bob's Burgers, Christmas in the Car (S4: E8)
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daily-isat-bonnie · 24 days
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day 1: welcome home
featuring loop!
i didnt spell bowl wrong nuh uh dont. dont look at that <3 ignore the fact that this took like 2 hours!! i love these sillies :3 so i needed to draw them making malanga fritters
ok bye go follow my main @starii-eyed i'll love u 4ever
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
4 years being in a relationship and the locals in town still call you "besties"
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Silly silly
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cosmicquilt · 3 months
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>:( :3 :D
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kou-ffy · 1 month
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skip time daisuga on snoopy and garfield matching sweaters :3
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dilf-unit · 8 months
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Put two baddie's in a room together and they WILL Kiss<3
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radiopixelctive · 7 months
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sillystarz13 · 6 months
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the japanese outro for the 90s series was so cute
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