#the costume design is so good it makes me vibrate
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continuation of this here
It's been a week and a half and Leo is already complaining again.
Sho half-listened to Leo as he polished Bonnie in the garage. Just five minutes ago, although it felt much longer, Leo had flopped onto the couch and launched into a rant about his comment feed.
"It's been foreeevvveerrr and they are STILL calling that NPC a gold digger- as if they have the brains to dig! Our ~Honorable Senpai~ doesn't even know about designer labels- one time they complimented my jacket only because-" Leo changed his voice to mock the honor student, "-it looks very nice with your hair."
Sho remembers that incident, Leo met your casual compliment with aggression when he assumed that you recognized the brand and was vying for scraps. Your response was confused and then to sheepishly admit you hadn't realized it was a luxury brand and just liked the colors. Leo spent a good 10 seconds being too flabbergasted to speak and then later called Romeo to gossip about how much of a country bumpkin you are.
"Uh huh." Sho gave a disengaged comment while Leo paused in his ranting.
"Ugh, that gorilla is saying they are coming back from doing recon. I can't believe I keep getting left here- especially when senpai knows how bad Mido fumbles every interview."
"Didn't they leave 3 hours ago? I bet Sasquatch got them lost" Sho joins in on the discussion with passion this time, sharing a smirk with Leo as they imagine the likely scenario that Mido confidently leads you to dead-end after dead-end.
Leo sends off a text and a few seconds later Sho's phone vibrates in his pocket. He puts down his shop cloth to pull it out and after reading the text he frowns at Leo.
"You asked them to stop at Starbucks and didn't tell me? What if I wanted something you asshole?"
"Ehh that's not my fault, I figured if your precious bff really cared about you that much then they would reach out. And lo and behold..." Leo looked at Sho with a faint glimmer of envy in his eyes before directing his attention back to his phone. He scoffs. "Seriously, what's the point of posting that NPC is the 150 thousand followers I gain are all annoying as fuck?
"Your account really grew that much just from pretending you have a toxic relationship?"
"Duh. Everyone loves watching someone elses relationship go up in flames."
"You have issues, dude." Sho sighs and types you a reply with his order.
"We're back." Alan announced himself as usual, walking past the two ghouls while carrying a cardboard box presumably full of files for them to comb through for the next day. You were a quick step behind him, holding a drink tray and several paper bags.
"Hey." Sho greeted you while Leo only grunted in acknowledgement. You handed Sho his drink and bag- which he opened to reveal a chocolate muffin he promptly split with Bonnie. You set the remaining treats onto a nearby toolbox and turned around.
"Could you unzip this real quick?" You tilt your head forward so Sho can access the covert zipper at the top of your neck. With a face full of muffin, Sho hums and deftly yanks down the tab so you can free yourself of the cop costume.
Leo watches the casual exchange with crossed arms.
"Can you hurry up and give me my stuff already?" His voice is flat with irritation. You step out of the second-skin as it dissipates and hand Leo his drink and a paper bag.
"Mido senpai." You call out simply and, as Leo would make fun of him for later, Alan appeared like a dog hearing his name.
"Turn around, please." He follows your instructions without question and you quickly reach up and unzip him as well. Job complete, you grab your drink and treat and sit on the couch near the center.
"Thanks." Once upon a time Leo and Sho would have assumed that Alan was just adept at hiding his embarrassment but time has proven that such deference to you made no blemish on his ego.
Alan sat down next to you, the sink of the couch almost pushing you into his lap as you instinctively scooch further into the center.
"Oi, idiot." Leo claims your attention as soon as he is able, "This isn't starbucks. And this isn't a whipped rose latte either." He thrust the cup into your face, making you recoil into Alan.
"Starbucks tastes awful." You offer a half-explanation as Leo lowers the cup and instead presses his face into yours.
"How the fuck am I supposed to post this boring shit on instagram, huh?" He was razing you, Alan stopped his delicate sips on his black iced coffee to say something but you beat him to the punch.
"Then don't post it." You sigh and put a hand on Leo's head, pushing him away from you. Without him practically breathing down your neck, you are able to unstick yourself from Alan and get properly comfortable on the couch.
"You don't really get this whole influencer thing, do you?" Leo grumbles and slumps into the arm of the couch, stretching his legs onto your lap. You adjust easily, lifting your paper beg to rest it on his knees so your precious baked good didn't get squished.
"They didn't have any rose latte's, so I go you a chai. I figured you would like it beca-"
"Chai? Chai tea? Isn't that just black tea and milk?" Leo kicks his heel on Alan's leg.
"Actually 'chai' means tea." Sho chimed in 'helpfully', bemused by the display in front of him. Leo was a professional at riling people up, capable of getting the most extreme reactions with just a few words. But Alan was an immovable rock, so caught up in his own head and goals that everything in his periphery seemed worthless to pay attention to. You didn't have Alan's temperament but have gained an elusiveness that made you float above Leo's tactics. It was interesting for Sho, watching Leo vie for your attention and Alan's acknowledgment.
"I don't give a fuck." Leo looked at Sho as if he betrayed him.
"I think you will like it." You begin again, "I asked them to make it extra spicy." Leo had seen the 'xtra spic' written in sharpie on the cup.
"Ugh, whatever. This cookie better be good."
"It's peanut butter." Alan interjected now, without looking up from the file in his hand.
"I- What!?" Leo gaped at you as you sipped your drink. You shrugged.
"I was in charge of drinks, Mido senpai picked up the snacks."
"You need the protein."
At Alan's (unwanted) comment Sho erupted in laughter. Leo scoffed and fully laid back on the arm rest.
"This is so stupid." He muttered and without thinking, took a deep drink from his cup. The mixture warmed his bones, pleasantly sweet and spicy.
The conservation turned to details about the case as you and Alan relayed what you had learned on your excursion. Leo listened while tapping blankly on his phone notifications, not even taking in the information on the screen while he thought about how one would go about catching an anomaly. It was reflexive, that he took a selfie as he sipped his drink and posted it with the generic hashtags: #latte#girlfriend#bestgfever#couplegoals.
Everyone returned to their rooms after making a plan for tomorrow and sending you off to your decrepit dorm. It was only in the bath that Leo realized what he had posted would become an issue- because someone had made a video about it.
"-As we all know, Leo only likes light floral drinks. Which we love about him- but apparently his girlfriend bought him this drink which is an EXTRA SPICY CHAI. She doesn't even know his taste preferences-"
The comments were predictable: This is the same one boring girlfriend that is using him for money.
Leo rolled his eyes so hard he swore they got stuck in the back of his head for a second and shut his phone off before throwing it onto his pile of clothes on the floor.
"Seriously, that NPC brings in way more trouble then they are worth."
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Real take: I like Star Wars. I like the prequels because they have more fleshed out world building than the originals. I like the originals because it has a compelling storyline and character building. I like the cartoons because they do things that live action cannot. I like the children’s show Young Jedi Adventures and I think it’s both cute, extremely full of world building, and it’s designed to bring back the cartoon storyline of learning a lesson every episode that young children can relate to. I like the Mandalorian because it took a species with exactly two known people from it, and added a third, but made them a baby, and they were cute, and it shows the morals of Mandalorian adoption and love for children. I love Ahsoka because it took a favorite cartoon series and not only brought it to life, but also it’s funny and very full of world building for both the New Republic Rebellion scene, as well as more Dathomirian nightsister lore. I love a lot of other Star Wars off-shoots because they gave good storylines, they try to bridge plotholes, and a lot of amazing characters and new places to play with. I adore, fucking love, would give my life for Star Wars Visions; the lore and new concepts alone have captivated me and I can and HAVE made posts about things Visions did that no other SW series has touched and I’m so obsessed with the force and it’s aspects as well as just species and such you have no idea I would sell any of you for SW Visions. In fact, I would sell any of you for Young Jedi Adventures too. The worldbuilding alone for those two series is enough to have me vibrating with excitement with every episode. Sometimes I rewatch episodes of them just for random juicy facts that I can use for fics.
But you know why I don’t tell people I like Star Wars in real life? People always lookin at something they hate, and the most incel take on it is that it’s got too many women now. But irl non-fandom people who just want to ‘enjoy the ambiance of the original trilogy’ and me do not get along because they actually hate Star Wars. They genuinely hate Star Wars.
I can give you 50 plot lines in various sections of canon and legends that boiled my blood (tho not that one time Anakin at 12 literally boiled a man’s blood inside his body, that was hilarious his eyes turned black like a demons I’m so obsessed with him), but I’m not gonna talk about those.
Aren’t you exhausted? Wouldn’t it be nicer to gush about how amazing a certain costume design was? How the implications of a certain species makes you so excited you could burst? Wouldn’t you like to talk about how that one character just doesn’t get enough love and it wasn’t because they were fridged it was just because they didn’t get enough love from the fans for being black or female or disabled or something?
I am going to tell you this now, and you’re gonna hate me for it but I’m right: if you didn’t like Mortis because you think the force Doesn’t Work Like That? You don’t like Star Wars.
I’m tired of interacting with comments on commercials because it’s full of idiots crying about more women, a black character, the fact that ‘oh that wouldn’t happen’ as if the High Republic era didn’t literally have some sort of fucked up midichlorian vampire roaming the outer rim killing anyone force sensitive. Obviously they def would have acolytes set before the prequels shove it up your ass.
Anyways. Stop talking about what you hate. Yes, I get it. We are tired of rote pumped stories, but that doesn’t change the fact that there will ALWAYS be someone who hates the story you love, and loves the story you hate. You cannot please everyone, and I for one have found just about all off-shoot SW series individualized and compelling in some way or another.
You know what I did when I starting hating about 90% of all new Marvel movies? I stopped watching them. If I want back in the fandom I have older ones I can watch or simply only interact with fics.
Because Marvel, as much as they Need To Calm Their Shit, isn’t about me, and it isn’t for me anymore.
But I think a lot of you hate so much Star Wars content that you truly need to stop interacting with the series. It’s not for you anymore. And just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not real SW. Not sorry, but this ain’t your scene anymore and you need to find a new one.
#star wars#clone wars#the acolyte#the mandalorian#star wars prequels#I hate the sequels with all my heart but I won’t say shit about it now because I know that’s not mine to criticize#and yet. I still love them for being there for those that love them#you do you booboo#if you can’t find ANYTHING to do in this fandom that would take a lifetime to finish#other than criticizing the newest content we get because it’s not what you envisioned#then I’m sorry you don’t like the fandom you just want more of the original
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Ok I have another question about the hero and villain warrior cats AU. Does Dove/Tiger happen here. Also how would the hero and villain costumes be designed? You can just describe it if you don't want to draw it. I really like this AU I'm tempted to make some fan art of it.
sorry this took me forever to get to
VIBRATING INTENSELY TY FOR GIVING ME OPPORTUNITIES TO YAMMER!!! Dove/Tiger does happen. Dovewing doesn't have a 'secret identity', her power and identity are openly known hence why she's on such a tight leash. She's basically a celebrity as one of the youngest heroes to enter LOUH (info on them here) and fight alongside Jay and Lion. She meets Tiger outside of costume after ditching class after being made to go to school to keep up appearances. The two hit it off, fucking around in the ravine nearby and shooting the shit. friendship to romance when they get older, probably around their early 20s that dovewing starts considering him romanticalyl. does not find out he's part of ivy's villain team until later in, drama ensues.
Costumes are super dependent on your power and your funds. Hero costumes are designed to maximize usage of your power as well as keep a public image (they go big in the. If you're with an agency, they'll order you a costume to be made custom. Beginners tend to start off basic: whatever you've got in your closet, you use. Villains tend to amass a stronger outfit more slowly as they need to find tailors who won't out them (most won't. you can make a good profit off of designing for villains and independent heroes)
for a breakdown of this in practice, here's dovewing and ivypool:
appearance vs practical. dove's is about giving the illusion of a mysterious hero, her costume misdirects her opponents into thinking she's a precog. ivypool comparatively made her own costume using pieces from her closet and cheap stuff that hawkfrost gave her. she improves her costume later on once she and her team get a nastier reputation
both do have masks but i'm still working out the designs. dovewing wears hers on missions to protect her eyes, it's a half mask as she needs to keep her voice understandable. ivy wears a full face mask, i was thinking a baseball catcher mask but i think she'd switch it to something else so they couldn't identify her too easily as a baseball player.
i'm glad you're vibing with it!! admittedly it gives me an excuse to talk about the functions of my original world and it makes me happy lol
#wc hero au#deer rambles#deer scribbles#i do not like dove's design. i need to workshop it#i know i want the hood. it's just maing the rest of the body work#pretty pleased with ivy's design tho#feels very her
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Non-Star Wars post because WICKED
I have loved this musical for 20 years. I died and came back to life in my seat watching a live performance when it went on tour. Defying Gravity has been a personal anthem through all the ups and downs, and deeper downs, of my life. In fact, the steering wheel in my car has heard me sing it so many times that if you were to put your ear up against it, you'd probably hear my off-key renditions still causing vibrations.
I was so scared the movie wouldn't live up. I'd heard about the behind-the-scenes drama. Beyond that, I didn't dare hope the film could bottle the magic and majesty that has driven Wicked to be so loved for two decades. How could it?
(^cause he's green, get it?)
Life kept getting in the way, dragging out my anxiety bc I couldn't seem to find the time to go to a theater... Until today, when I finally said Fuck It, dropped everything I was dealing with, and went to a matinee showing. It was very much a So if you care to find me, look to the concession stand kinda vibe.
Thank Oz I had the theater to myself (!!), because between the gasps, ugly crying, laughs, excited yelps, and the swoony giggles, that was the most audible I've been in a theater... ever.
Basically, this was me every time something magnificent happened on screen, AKA every 5 seconds:
ALLLL the flowers to the cast. To the director, Jon M. Chu. To the set designers. The costume, hair, makeup ARTISTS. The choreographers. The dancers. The couple who got it on 36 years ago and made Jonathan Bailey. Everyone who had a had in making this incredible piece of living art.
And shoutout to my mom, who's never been a musical person. But she was there every night supporting me as I did plays and musicals in school, and today she listened patiently as I tearfully repeated over the phone--choking up multiple times in the process--how much it meant to me and fans everywhere that they actually did it--they pulled it off.
Thanks for reading. I just had to get all this out and mark the occasion. If you read this far, I truly hope you have a wonderful, wickedly good day/night. ;)
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incredibly delayed reaction cause i got this information yesterday and it hid in my brain until it jumped at me right now to make me Understand it. ethan. are you watching. black sails???? *starts vibrating*
HI ELLIOT & good morning. Yes you understood correctly i finally watched the first episode last night and woagh. i ❤️ boat media. i ❤️ the sea. and i ❤️ pilot episodes that are so crazy and full of colour and plot threads and have insane ending scenes that set up what im sure will be a wild ride of a show. so far i really like mr gates and billy, im enamoured with eleanor and her beautiful girlfriend whose name i don't think i got, and ohhhhhb my god flint captain flint. fascinating man. toby stephens is so powerful. i don't have much else to say obviously it hasn't gotten super crazy yet. what the hell is john silver up to. i find him kind of annoying. Anyway. the set design and costume design go so hard like it feels tangible, the textures and colours combined with the lighting and colouring of the show itself? delightful. delectable. the style of it all alone is enough to make me want to keep watching 😁😁😁😁😁😁
#im so excited because you and like 4 other dear mutuals of mine seem to be SO obsessed with this show#and i respect all your tastes. hold them in very high regard. so im really looking forward to seeing this all play out#elliot 🦊#📬
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pairing: tattoo artist!harry x baker!reader
"now i know my innocent lil bee did not just tell me she did shrooms with a woman old enough to be her grandmother." i snicker and she chuckles.
"you should ask her about the time we hot boxed her car!" martha yells and y/n's ears start to burn again.
"martha! we did not!" y/n tries to defend herself but a look of mischief gleams in her eyes.
another adventure with bee and tattoo artist harry.
a continuation of girls who drink espresso martinis
"bee," i let a moan slip as the blackberry frosting melts on my tongue, "you're a fuckin' bakin' wiz."
i watch as her ears start to burn and a smirk covers my face, "tell me about it, i swear the only reason we have costumers is because of her baking and her ass." martha chuckles.
"martha!" y/n scolds the 68 year old lady, martha rolls her eyes as to say, you know i'm right.
"you got men comin' in here lookin' at your ass, bee?" i tease as she sits next to me.
"harry!" she whines digging her head into my shoulder, i wrap an arm around her waist and tug her closer to me.
looking around the cute bakery, a pastel pink covers the walls and little white cloud fish are painted on the walls. little frogs are decorated at the bottom along with flowers, trees and other animals likely elephants and loins.
"who the fuck was on shrooms while thinkin' of the design?" i ask causing y/n's body to vibrate against mine as she shook with laughter.
"when martha first bought the place i swear to god, it had shit stains on the walls," she started and i bursted out laughing, "and well martha, she was like you know what we should do? and i was like what, she was like we should come up with a design and then tear down the walls. so i was like okay and we tried to come up with one sober and it failed it was giving 90's diner. we didn't want that, it's so basic. so martha came up with an idea she was like, what if we do shrooms. and i was like eh why not. and that's how Pleasing Pâtisserie came about."
"now i know my innocent lil bee did not just tell me she did shrooms with a woman old enough to be her grandmother." i snicker and she chuckles.
"you should ask her about the time we hot boxed her car!" martha yells and y/n's ears start to burn again.
"martha! we did not!" y/n tries to defend herself but a look of mischief gleams in her eyes.
"y/n! you are a bad girl!" i exclaim teasingly and she gapes at me.
"i am not! 'm a good girl!" she huffs crossing her arms over her chest.
i take a minute to really look at her, her little apron has hearts splattered all over them, her big round glasses cover the apples of her cheeks. her hair's in a messy ponytail with her fly aways running loose. my hand subconsciously comes up to move a curl that's dangling in front of her forehead. a loud sound of an alarm goes off and y/n's eyes bulge, and she's quick on her feet.
"my scones are gonna burn!" she yelps making her way to the back.
"baby i gotta go." i hum as i stand, she quickly pokes her head out the walk way to the oven and frowns at me.
"cant stay a lil' longer?" she says with puppy dog eyes.
don't do that
i think to my self and frown shaking my head, "gotta appointment in 20 minutes bee."
"cancel?" she suggest and i let out a chuckle before shaking my head.
"y'know i cant." i say shrugging on my jacket and her frown deepens.
she makes her way over with a cute little pout a puppy dog eyes, she wraps her arms around my waist and nuzzles her head into my chest.
"don't want you to leave." she huffs hugging me tighter.
"christ pet, squeeze me any tighter ya gonna pop me." i choke out.
"can i come over tonight?"she ask with a giddy smile and i nod.
"yea baby, i'll come get you yeah?" i ask and she nods with a wide smile, then moving behind the counter again.
"kiss?" she muses and i smirk making my way over before being stopped by martha.
"employees only!" martha snaps and flicks my forehead.
"martha let him give me a kiss!" y/n scolded the lady and she shook her head before letting me through.
i grab ahold of her face before pulling her lips towards mine and slowly moving our lips together. i let myself to let go and bite her lip softly causing her to whimper and pull away.
"your a bad boy mr. styles." she says groggily smiling up at me with plump lips.
"not too much on my name baby." i tease with a smirk and she rolls her eyes, "be ready by 5." i say tapping the plump of her ass and she scolds me.
i walk out into the store area before waving at martha, "take care of ma girl martha! and don't do drugs."
"oh c'mon son, 'm no pussy. i got a blunt that's ready to be lit out back." martha teased winking at me.
the door jingles as i chuckle and i make my face go stern looking ahead. y/n runs out from the back and smiles at the woman and child, "welcome to pleasing pâtisserie, what can i get you today?"
a/n : this is how i start off writing LMFAO idk what to be naming shit😭

#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x plus size reader#harry styles x poc#harry styles x reader#harry styles x you#harry update#tatto artist#baker!reader#harry angst#harry x reader#harrys house#harry au
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Yang:One embarrassing confession. Ready, go!
Nora:There’s always two bottles of syrup in the pantry. One to put on pancakes, the other for Ren to put on me.
Jaune:Is that why you were upset when I grabbed the left one!?
Nora:There’s a ratio Jaune, and you disturbed it!
Blake:I’m beyond embarrassment Ay this point. Y’all know what I read.
Yang:I’m pretty boring so I’m good.
Ren:Does your arm have a vibration setting?
Yang:*blushing* It does, Ren!
Nora:Good job Ren. I was gonna say it of no one else did.
Weiss: *covers face* I remember Winter walking in on me and Ruby.
Ruby:Nooooo! Why’d you make me remember!?
Everyone:Ooooo that’s dangerous.
Blake:Were covers on or off?
Blake:Oh no!
Yang:I don’t think I could physically handle seeing that as a sister.
Nora:We’ll what’s worse? Seeing her with Weiss, or Jaune?
Jaune:Dang it Nora! I was trying not to get roped in!
Yang:I might actually tear up if it was Jaune. I just..I can’t see my sis like that.
Ruby:Like what exactly?
Yang:Anything! I still see you as my wholesome baby sister.
Ruby:I’m still wholesome!
Jaune and Weiss:Mmm no.
Ruby:Thanks guys. Glad you always have my back. The audacity…
Jaune:The beach.
Ruby:*blushes* Oh, fair point.
Ruby:*inhales* Remember the one time you made beach plans and then I asked you if we could push it back a few days? Yeah I may have said that because I had a temporary tattoo I didn’t want anyone to see.
Yang:…*looks at Jaune*
Jaune:Not my idea at all!
Ren:What kind of tattoo?
Ruby:Oh you know…the kinds you might see in one of Blake’s books.
Blake:!? Is that why asked for costume shop locations!? You got a wom-
Ruby:Yes! *covers face* I just wanted to try it once!!!
Weiss:You like to try a lot of things at least once apparently.
Blake:You should’ve told me. I know body paint and makeup; could’ve given you a custom design that washes right off.
Weiss:You just happen to have that?
Blake:No. Shame. As for Yang…
Yang:*holding her head* Why did I think this conversation was a good idea?
#rwby#weiss schnee#jaune arc#yang xiao long#ruby rose#lie ren#blake belladonna#nora valkyrie#renora#rwby shitpost#rwby war of the roses#rwby white rose#rwby lancaster
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Hii hi! Could you write something with these 2 prompts for steve? Or just any one of them would also do. All upto u.
accidentally referencing them as "my"
overanalyzing what others say about them both
hii! thank you for your request, i tried to incorporate both! i hope you like it <3 (0.9k)
accidentally referencing them as “my” + overanalyzing what others say about them both [request a what are we prompt]
It’s criminal how good Steve looks tonight. It’s criminal how easily he agreed to your halfhearted joke of dressing up as Jennifer and Marty from Back to the Future. It’s criminal how well the two of you go together, despite being “just” friends.
It’s obvious to everyone, except maybe Steve and you, how much you dance along the line that separates friends and lovers. The lingering touches and longing gazes, the goddamn couples costumes.
Okay, so maybe you were a little bit in love with Steve Harrington, and maybe he was a little bit in love with you, but you’d be damned if you didn’t wait for him to admit it first.
The music at the Halloween party is loud, vibrates the floor and leaves your eardrums buzzing. Steve stays close by, a hand lingering near the small of your back, eyes careful and observant making sure you don’t go past your limit. You lose him at some point between going off to the bathroom and refilling your cup.
You’re craning your head over crowds of people trying to sneak a glimpse of familiar hair but to no avail. A hand on your arm makes you tense. Brenda stands smiling at you, dressed in white with wings on her back.
“Yours and Steve’s costumes are so cute. You didn’t tell me you guys were together now,” she smiles, eyes a little prying. You stammer, shaking your head.
“Oh, thank you but he’s…we’re not..” your voice tapers off, fading into the music.
“Oh! My bad, I just assumed because of the-”
“Have you seen him? Steve?” you blurt out, suddenly desperate to get out of the conversation. She blinks, straightens up a little. The halo on her head shifts.
“Somewhere over there,” she points vaguely to your right. You strain your neck to see past the crowds of people dancing and catch a glimpse of a red vest against a wall. He’s not alone though. Stacy Turner stands in front of him, hand on his bicep and smiling up at him.
A flash of green jealousy grips your chest like a vice, your blood sparking in your veins. Your feet carry you across the room, a frown set deep into your features. Steve sees you before Stacy does, eyes a little wide when he sees the hard stare in yours.
“Hey! Hands off my guy,” you have to shout to be heard over the music and you blame the alcohol for what slips past you. Steve’s cheeks shift into a deeper flush. Stacy turns her attention to you and rolls her eyes but her hand falls away from his bicep.
“Your guy?” she quirks a brow. You blink, brain going haywire because did you really just call him that?
“Yeah. He’s my…” boyfriend so badly wants to leap off your tongue. “Steve.”
Your cheeks are burning, a little embarrassed and sure that you were already crossing a line calling him your guy. You shake your head, stepping closer to Steve and wrapping a hand around his bicep.
“Whatever,” she turns and walks away, leaving the two of you alone on the outskirts of the living room. You can feel Steve’s stare burning into your temple. It’s then that you remember he’d offered to be designated driver tonight, that he’s completely sober.
He doesn’t say anything, not at first. Your hand falls from his bicep and you take a step away, ignoring how badly you want to hold onto him and not let go. Brenda’s comment about your costumes is playing on a loop in your head as you look into your half empty cup.
Steve calls your name and you look up at him, his eyes are soft but there’s something sitting just under the surface that you can’t decipher. You suddenly feel a lot more sober than you did a few minutes prior.
“Can we go home?” your voice gets lost in the music but Steve hears you like he always does. He nods, taking your cup and setting it on a flat surface nearby. He doesn’t hesitate to grab your hand, your fingers lacing through his as he leads you out of the house and to his car.
He drives you back to his house in silence save for his mix playing over the speakers. You’re almost positive Steve’s forgotten about your flare of jealousy. Almost.
“So..” his voice cracks through the silence at a red light. You look over at him, a little confused. The fuzz in your brain has slowly ebbed away but it’s only made him look even cuter. You curse.
“Your Steve, huh?” there’s a small smirk on his face. Your stomach squirms, your face scrunching up as you lean your head against the headrest.
“She was all over you! I had to intervene as your friend,” you protest.
“Right,” Steve hums, nods. “So you weren’t jealous?”
“What? No!” you hope your voice doesn’t sound as unsteady as it feels.
“Sure you weren’t.”
“I wasn’t,” you press. Steve’s smirk slips into a smile, a blur of smugness on the edges. His face illuminates green when the light changes.
“Okay, fine. Then it totally wasn’t hot when you came over like that,” he says, voice teasing. Your face burns, jaw falling slack and your mouth drying up. You blink at him, wonder if he can hear the sound of your heart beating against your chest. If he does, he doesn’t let up. You shake your head after a moment, slumping into your seat and trying to contain a smile.
“Whatever, Harrington.”
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x y/n#steve harrington fluff#steve harrington blurb#steve harrington imagine#📝: a writes!#not sure how i feel about this one tbh but im pushing it out here for u guys bc if i keep looking at it my head will explode
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Good for a Weekend (Helmut Zemo)
Summary: You were retired, a disgraced Avenger content living the rest of their life out in solitude. But Sam and Bucky's shenanigans dragged you back into the hero life and you found yourself face to face with the man who'd got you into this mess in the first place. The question is, however, is he really who you thought he was? Or are you just as crazy as him?
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x Reader
Warnings: TFAWS Episode 3 Spoilers, Zemo (he's a warning), swearing, mentions of torture and experimenting (past), drinking, Zemo being semi-protective, I think that's it??
Word Count: 3.41k
Author's Note: Biting the bullet and writing this BEFORE Marvel does something to get us to hate him again. Also, ZEMO AND BLANK SPACE WORK SO WELL TOGETHER OMG.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” You murmured, looking at the message from Sam flashing across your phone. Although you had stopped dead in your tracks, the chaos of the bustling streets of London continued around you. You pushed your sunglasses further up your nose, them having fallen down as you were peering at the screen of your burner cell.
‘Need your help in Madripoor ASAP,’ the text read. You weren’t daft, you knew exactly what kind of lawless entropy happened on that Indonesian island and if Sam was asking for your help, that meant he was in some deep shit.
‘I’m retired,’ you replied, glancing over your shoulder out of habit. Although you’d been pardoned after the Berlin incident by the government, you were still a disgraced Avenger in the eyes of the world. All you wanted was to live the rest of your life out in peace, a future without the world-saving you began when you left HYDRA with the Maximoff twins.
You hadn’t chosen to become a human lab rat, tortured and exposed to the mind stone until you could suddenly hear the thoughts of others in your head. Telepathy and telekinesis were not necessarily the kind of special skills that employers wanted to see on a resume, but alas, here you were. Thankfully, however, you'd learned to block them out until necessary to violate people's privacy. Fighting aliens and other superpowered entities, including the people you’d once considered to be your family, were in the past.
‘Please. It’s Bucky,’ Sam messaged again. Those three words were enough to make your blood run cold and your heart stop. Bucky was the reason you were in this mess in the first place, and you would be damned if the ex-assassin was going to fall back into the clutches of evil.
With a sigh, you typed back ‘fine’ and began the trek towards your apartment. Your phone was vibrating again immediately, Sam explaining that they would be picking you up at a small airstrip on the edge of the city.
Three hours later, you were walking along a long, concrete runway, the harsh England wind attacking your body as you pulled your leather jacket tighter around you. Your brows furrowed in confusion at the sight of a civilian jet rather than the military-esque vessels you’d become accustomed to. The steps were awaiting your ascent with an older man stood adjacent to the entrance.
“Ms.(Y/L/N),” he greeted. A thick accent laced his tone, one you couldn’t quite determine from the crackling of age in his voice. German or Russian, most likely, you deduced. Attempting to be polite despite your skepticism, you gave him a tight-lipped smile and handshake before the elder man gestured towards the stairs for you. Entering the jet, you turned right to be met with the familiar faces of Sam and Bucky.
“(Y/N)!” Bucky exclaimed, rising from his seat and embracing you in a hug. He held you tightly against his body, almost as if he wasn’t sure you were really there. The super soldier had taken a liking to you when the two of you stayed in Wakanda during your exile, both of you having a certain understanding of the other due to your shared experiences with HYDRA. The sergeant had become somewhat of a brother to you in your time away together. “What are you doing here?”
“Sam messaged me.” You replied, Barnes’ arms immediately releasing you as he whipped around to face Sam.
“You tattled on me to (Y/N)?” He scoffed. If looks could kill, Sam would have dropped dead from the darkness in Bucky’s orbs.
“Wait, if he’s okay then what am I here for?” You said, shifting your gaze to Sam as you raised a brow.
“You’re here to make sure that he stays in line.” Sam snapped, crossing his arms over his chest as Bucky let out an exasperated ‘Jesus Christ’ under his breath.
“Bucky’s fine, Sam.” You replied, rubbing your face with your hand in annoyance as you glanced at the super-soldier.
“He’s not talking about James.” A new voice sounded from behind you, one both vaguely familiar but also strange. Whipping around, you were met with a face you’d only ever seen through a screen. Zemo.
“What the fuck is he doing out of prison?!” You exclaimed, looking between Sam and Bucky in utter disbelief.
“Bucky broke him out of jail!” Sam exclaimed, pointing a finger towards the super-soldier.
“Sam’s the one who pulled me into this mess!” Bucky pointed back.
“You two morons have reached a whole new level of dumbassery!” You exclaimed, keeping a cautious gaze on Zemo in the corner of your eye. “You broke out the man who ripped apart the Avengers out of jail and you let him do it?! The same man who killed King T’Chaka! Do neither of you remember what T’Challa and the people of Wakanda just did for us after we became enemies of the state?! I cannot believe that you would betray their trust and help this monster to escape!”
You paused for a moment, breathing heavily as you looked at the ashamed faces of Bucky and Sam in front of you.
“I’m sorry to-” You heard Zemo begin, you turned to face him with utter rage shining in your eyes. “No! The grown-ups are talking, you can wait your turn.” You scolded him, almost as you would a child but just a tad harsher. Grown-ups may have also not have been the best choice of words to describe Wilson and Barnes.
“I don’t want any part of this suicide mission!” You snapped at the duo, moving to leave.
Thirty minutes later, however, you were still on the jet, glaring into a pair of brown eyes as the four of you flew through the air. Honestly, you couldn’t believe you were still there, but Sam and Bucky knew you too well and pushed just the right buttons to convince you to stay. Sam needed you to tap into Zemo’s mind if need be to figure out if he was planning on betraying them, and you didn’t want two of the last people you trust getting themselves killed if you could prevent it.
Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum were sitting across from each other, meaning that you got stuck sitting across from the Baron in silence. He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, the darkness in your (Y/E/C) orbs not sitting well with the man.
“So, you read minds.” He began, rubbing his hands together anxiously. You noted the nervous tick and couldn’t help but feel amused at his discomfort, but your expression never faltered.
“You don’t need to make small talk.” You bit, your icy tone growing colder in every syllable.
“I’m genuinely curious, is all.” He began, pausing his fiddling to brush his hair back only to resume it once more. “It just seems like for someone with your abilities, you’re often an overlooked member of the team. You’re the most powerful, even more so than Maximoff or Banner, perhaps, yet you were never truly an Avenger, were you?”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m retired.” You muttered, ending your glaring to gaze out the window. The way Zemo spoke about you was unsettling, especially considering how he felt about the Avengers. He seemed not to think that you were part of the team, similarly to Bucky, and that brought you a feeling of unease.
“And why is that?” Zemo pushed, your avoidance evidence that he’d struck a chord.
“Why do you care?” You scoffed, looking back at the Sokovian man, both annoyance and exhaustion present in your tone.
“Because I think you’re like me.” He answered, his tone becoming quieter. Zemo didn’t look at you with the same rage you’d seen in footage from 2016, nor with the amusement that he gazed at Bucky and Sam with. No, it was something different, softer and analytical, perhaps. You wanted to peer into his mind for something, anything to figure out what he was thinking, but he would likely feel your prodding into his consciousness. As of now, he didn’t seem to have any plans to betray you guys, and you wouldn’t be the one to give him a reason.
“That’s enough from you.” Bucky interrupted, rising from his seat to switch places with you, his brotherly possessiveness clear as day.
The rest of the flight was uneventful, and Zemo provided the three of you with costumes for the roles you were to play in Madripoor. Yours seemed to have been designed specifically to be horribly uncomfortable, both in feel and the amount of skin that was exposed in the cool evening air. The three of you were making your way towards the glowing city shining in the distance, the nerves in your stomach rising with each step.
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp.” Zemo explained in response to Sam’s protests over his own outfit. “You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname.” Sam said, looking at the picture of Conrad on the phone Zemo had just handed him. “Hell, he does look like me though.”
“And who am I supposed to be playing, exactly?” You questioned, still unsure as to what role you would be playing in this scheme.
“My partner,” Zemo said simply, an amused smile working his way onto his lips.
“What?! No! Nu-uh, I’m not doing that!” You protested, Sam chuckling at your denial of what was probably inevitable.
“Would you rather the alternative of all of us getting slaughtered the second we step foot into the city?” Zemo retorted, still humored by your resistance.
“Fine, but if you try anything I’m going to break your nose.” You gave in.
"I wouldn't expect anything less."
Soon, the four of you were making your way into a bar, Helmut’s arm wrapped tightly around your waist since the second you exited the car in a mock possessiveness. It was all part of the charade, you had to remind yourself, as the Baron kept your side pressed against his snugly.
Making your way up to the counter, the bartender didn’t look impressed to see the group of you there as he made his way over to you.
“Hello,” He began. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed. We have a business to do, with Selby.” Zemo interjected before Sam could respond.
“The usual?” The bartender ignored Zemo and turned his attention back to Sam, who simply gave a curt nod in response. The bartender turned, grabbing a snake from a jar and slicing it down the underside with a blade. A part of you wanted to cackle, especially seeing Sam stiffen beside you, and you didn’t doubt that Bucky was having to restrain himself as well. Zemo didn’t seem surprised as the bartender pulled who knows what out from the snake and placed it into a glass.
“Smiling Tiger, your favorite.” The Baron commented, the bartender sliding Sam his beverage only to pour two glasses of a different liquor for Zemo and yourself.
“I love these,” Sam said, raising to clink glasses with yourself and the Sokovian man whose arm was still draped around you.
“Cheers, Conrad,” Zemo replied, smiling back at poor Sam. The three of you downed your burning liquor, Sam struggling the most out of the three of you, clearly appalled by the organ at the bottom of his shot. You could see Bucky give a little nod in the corner of your eye, knowing he must be finding this as amusing as you were.
A man soon approached Helmut from behind, tapping him on the shoulder before he turned to face the stranger, shifting you with him. When Zemo felt the little nudge, he immediately pulled you closer to him. You were even tighter against him now, so much so that you had to wrap an arm around him as well to stabilize yourself. It was almost as if he was trying to shield you from the man despite him knowing full well that you can hold your own.
“I got word from on high; you ain’t welcome here.” He spat, getting too close to the two of you for either of your likings. But Zemo kept his air of indifference while you instinctually moved closer into his side. It’s all an act, remember? You have to play the part of the clingy partner who would get frightened at such a rough man threatening you two. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself.
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo began, trailing off as he gestured to Bucky.
“New haircut?” The strange man asked Bucky, who merely glowered in response.
“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo finished, this time him being the one to get into the man’s face. Thankfully that was enough to send him away, most likely to Selby or this Power Broker who seems to be Madripoor’s own version of Big Brother.
You could feel Zemo let out a breath that you don’t think he even knew he was holding, giving a quick glance down at you before placing a peck on your temple. For the facade, of course. But what wasn’t fake were the butterflies rise in your stomach, something that you hadn’t felt in a long time. Were you… Flustered?
No, you reminded yourself internally. This was a very bad man holding you close, the same one who killed the former King of Wakanda and ripped your team to shreds. Not only that, but he hated all the Avengers, so why did he seem to like you? It doesn’t matter whether or not he likes you, he’s Zemo. But the more time you spent with him, the more intoxicated you became. He was starting to look more and more like your next mistake, and love is certainly not a game you wanted to be playing with him. Right?
The next thirty or so minutes were a blur. Bucky having to fake being the Winter Soldier to kick a bunch of men’s asses to finally meeting up with Selby, only for Sam to break your cover through a phone call and Selby quickly being shot. The four of you promptly exited the bar, attempting to remain inconspicuous until bounty hunters from all around started shooting at you. Bucky and Sam jumped forward, meanwhile, Zemo darted to the right, dragging you with him as he moved his hand from your waist to interlock your fingers.
You cut through alleyway after alleyway, hiding in the shadows as gunfire echoed around you. Eventually, you managed to catch up with Bucky and Sam, approaching the pair with your hand still in his.
“Well this is too perfect.” A female voice interrupted your mini-reunion, Sharon Carter emerging from the shadows as she ripped down her hood, gun fixated on Zemo.
“Drop it Zemo,” She started, Zemo raising his gun-holding hand before lowering the weapon to the ground. “You cost me everything.”
“Sharon, wait.” You reasoned, raising your hand as you slowly backed up.
“What, are you his lover now? His sugar baby or some shit?” She badgered you, causing your eyes to widen as you only just remembered that you were still holding his hand. You quickly dropped it, raising it to match your other arm as Zemo sent you a look that you couldn’t decipher. Oh, how desperately you wanted to look into his mind, but the little bit of sanity left in you told you to leave it be.
“Someone recreated the super-soldier serum and Zemo had a lead,” Sam explained.
“That explains why you guys are here. And Selby’s dead.” Sharon replied, gun still pointed at your group.
“So what are you doing here?” Bucky questioned the blonde.
“I stole Steve’s shield, remember? I also took the wings for your ass so that you could save his ass from his ass and became a criminal with their ass.” She explained, pointing the gun at each mention of whoever's ass it was that turn. “Unlike you, I didn’t have the Avengers to back me up, so, I’m off the grid in Madripoor.”
“Hey, don’t blow that smoke. I was on the run, too.” Sam rebutted Sharon’s complaints.
“Was. Is. Big difference. I don’t speak to my family anymore - I can’t. My own father doesn’t know where I am.”
“Listen…” You began. “Sharon, we need your help, the former agent only laughing in response. “Please.”
“This isn’t over.” She conceded, shaking her head at you. “I have a place in High Town, you should be safe there for a while.”
Sharon’s place was definitely nicer than yours is now, and you’re not even on the run anymore. She, thankfully, had a change of clothes for you to slip into, the soft material much a welcome relief from the tortuous item Zemo had you wearing.
While you were waiting for Sharon’s guests to begin arriving for whatever event would soon be taking place downstairs, everybody slowly filtered out of the room until it was only Zemo and yourself remaining.
“Can I ask you a question?” You spoke up, breaking the silence from your spot on the sofa as you glanced towards the Baron seated across the room.
“Ask away.” He smiled, taking a sip from the amber liquid in his glass.
“What did you mean earlier, when you said we were the same.” Your voice was quiet now, so much so that you weren’t sure if he’d even heard you. That is until he got up from his seat and slowly walked towards you.
“I never wanted to tear the Avengers apart, not until they killed my family. Destroyed my city… Sure, I didn’t like them, but I didn’t want to destroy them. It was all about vengeance.” He began, sitting beside you on the yellow fabric. “For you, it was HYDRA who ruined your life. You joined the Avengers because it was where the last people you had left were going and it was the easiest way for you to ensure the organization was destroyed. You never wanted the idolization that came with being a hero, and it was clear when your work was done that you had no desire to keep going. Everything that came after the Sokovia Accords was out of survival.”
“I’m not saying you're right,” you began, “but what would that make me, then? Insane? Cause that seems to be the running theory.”
“You’re not crazy, despite how rumors fly. Neither am I, really.” He began, eliciting a small smile from you at the last bit he added. “You’re a fighter, someone doing whatever it takes to get their agenda done. Whether that means breaking the law or joining the Avengers, nothing will stop you once you put your mind to it - it’s one of the things I admire about you.”
You pursed your lips as you focused on the amber fluid floating in its crystalline home, him taking another sip of the burning liquid. Your gaze shifted back to his face, and oh god, look at that face. Maybe it was the liquor in your system already or maybe your last bit of sanity was finally escaping your mind, but suddenly his past didn’t seem to matter anymore. You had plenty of red on your ledger as well, and the more he spoke the more you began to sympathize with him.
“So you admire me?” You smirked, crossing your arms as you tilted your head slightly to the right playfully.
“Why don’t you look into my mind and tell me?” He replied. Reaching out, you gently placed your fingers against his temple as you gazed into his consciousness. Flashes of magic and madness, ideas of a love that could be forever or go down in flames. You didn’t go searching deeper, because your own mind was racing. Would pursuing this be worth all the pain that could very well follow? No, not could, would. You’d be betraying your former teammates, but what did that matter much anymore.
Rather than pulling your hand away, you placed your lips gently on his, tentatively, even. He tasted of expensive liquor and a hint of peppermint, and you found yourself intoxicated. The kiss ended far too soon for your liking, him pulling away so his brown orbs could gaze into your own.
“So… What do you say?” He asked, cupping your cheek in his hand, you place your own over top of his.
“Why not?” You smiled back, reconnecting your lips to his.
“I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.”
@fanfictionedagain @lam-ila @b0nnyzz @haydieenzzibug @cyanide-mustard @duchess-of-new-shire @the-chocoholic-writer @milenadixon @real-fbi @golddenlioness
#i feel so guilty writing this lmao#i hate liking zemo rip#helmut zemo#zemo#helmut zemo x reader#tfaws#marvel#baron zemo#helmut zemo imagine#daniel bruhl#mcu#tfaws imagine#bucky barnes#sam wilson#zemo x reader#zemo imagine
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Title: Four Tulips Author: 1016anon Fandom: Bridgerton Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma Summary/Intro: Debate moderator: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Anthony: Yes.
Kate: It depends.
Debate moderator: …
Anthony: The falling tree makes a sound because sound is a well defined physical phenomenon wherein vibrations are propagated through some medium such as air or water. It exists independently of human observation.
Kate: You presuppose that such a medium exists in this hypothetical forest with hypothetical falling trees. If the tree falls in space, it would not make a sound as there is no medium through which an acoustic wave could travel.
Anthony: Must you always?!
A/N - Hi you-know-who-you-are. I wrote this thing. Maybe it will be finished. Maybe it won't. But I hope you enjoy its ridiculousness! (Lol also for those of you who like chess, no offense intended. It's my own inside joke thing.)
"I cannot stand her!"
Simon rolled his eyes. He decided to take the high road and refrained from saying here we go again.
"I don't see why Kate shouldn't be captain of the debate team," Daphne said, well aware she was riling her brother up but also determined to make a point. "She was the one who carried the team to victory for the semifinals."
"Only because she got a topic on post-colonial influence in the world! She's practically written a dissertation on the topic!"
"That sounds like a good thing, Anthony," Francesca-- who could normally be relied upon to support her brother, replied. "You certainly wouldn't have won that debate."
Anthony huffed.
"I'll have you know, Kate has argued with me on the subject so many times, I anticipated every point she brought up."
"And you would have taken all the credit, given none of it to Kate, and decided you were a subject matter expert from that point forward," Eloise retorted. "God save us from the mansplainers."
He hated it when the triplets ganged up on him. El always argued against him; Daph was, as the eldest triplet by fourteen minutes, always determined to keep the peace; but it was Fran's betrayal that cut to the quick.
Yes, he was dramatic. Benedict often suggested he should have taken up theatre instead. Anthony had frowned at him and asked what could possibly be enjoyable about auditioning for The Crucible, which was one of the most depressing things he'd read in a while. Besides, who would he argue with? Mrs. Featherington considered herself something of a dramaturg.
Anthony had read those scripts Colin brought home. Every year, Mrs. Featherington insisted they put on a performance of her latest play, which was usually some overwrought period drama. Anthony would rather join those obnoxious pricks in the chess team-- they all considered themselves geniuses-- than find out how Mrs. Featherington was going to butcher The Crucible.
Benedict, who worked designing set pieces and drawing the very attractive, enticing posters promoting the school plays (Anthony always felt like he ought to report his brother to a consumer protection bureau for deceptive advertising), shrugged and said at least they could recycle the costumes. He was more than happy to relinquish costuming duties to a new girl-- Sophie something-or-other.
Simon was suppressing a smile. No one knew it, but Anthony did. That's what happened when you were attached at the hip since preschool. Simon was the triple threat: captain of the mathletes (led the team to fourth place-- the first time the school had ever gotten that far in the rankings), winner at state's in cross-country last year, and handsome to boot.
It was unfair, because Simon admitted that when he was running, he was usually thinking about some difficult math problem; by some stroke of nefarious magic, it would almost always solve itself towards the end of the race and he would put in a burst of extra speed because he needed to write the solution it down.
Then again, Anthony fenced. And excelled at fencing, because he was usually thinking of all the counterarguments he would have made against Kate during practice the other day.
The point was, Simon was suppressing a smile. Which meant he thought Anthony was being deliberately obtuse.
Come to think of it, Simon had been suppressing his smile often these days.
Anthony chewed very noisily and viciously on baby carrots and slurped his juice box. Yes, he liked juice boxes. They came in the format of boxes, which meant he could organize his lunch bag in an optimal configuration. Anthony watched youtube videos of Japanese people creating bento boxes, wishing he had such organizational and culinary talent.
The only talent he really had was arguing (his inner Fran came to his rescue and told him to stop feeling sorry for himself, he had many skills, one of which was to look pretty). But it had served him very well. They had an unusual family and had been subjected to many remarks, to put it politely, over the years. Anthony's natural protective instincts reared its handsome head and just... stayed there, like a sea monster who decided the view was better above the surface.
He didn't have the full story of how CDEF came into his life, but part of it was that his father was very wealthy and his grandparents, as a condition of accessing the trust fund, required Edmund (and his siblings) to engage in at least twenty hours of community service.
It was how he met Violet, a social worker who found his idealism and good intentions charming (most would have, and had, found it off-putting; Edmund was given several harsh lessons about privilege and that this job was not a hobby to make rich white men feel better about themselves. Edmund took those lectures to heart, but was of the sort of disposition who always looked for the glass of orange juice, never mind half empty or half full).
Something something (Anthony didn't care about the details of his parents' dating), they got married, had Anthony-- a difficult pregnancy-- then Violet's birth control failed and they had Benedict shortly afterwards-- another extremely difficult pregnancy. They decided to have Edmund get a vasectomy.
Violet and Edmund knew they could not save every child in the system. They knew the system failed so many children, and it often felt like a a hopeless battle. But they somehow managed to draw healthy boundaries between their job and their home life-- a lot of it probably had to do with the individual and couples therapy they went to, the support Edmund's siblings gave, and the fact they had two young children of their own.
But then--
But then-- Anthony was twelve, Benedict ten--
Col was ten, Daph, El, and Fran were nine. All from the same family. A horrifying story involving gangs, drug wars, DEA stings, sealed court records-- CDEF had their names changed for their own safety-- things Anthony still didn't know. Violet and Edmund volunteered to keep the children in protective custody. When the dust settled, CDEF's parents were dead, their closest relations were in prison or deported to an unnamed country in Central/South America (those records were also sealed). The chances that CDEF would all be adopted together were slim to none.
In the meantime, four Latino children thrown into a new neighborhood, all of them with a history of severe neglect and conditioned to endure the abuse-- they were easy pickings for the school playground.
Anthony and Simon started a lot of fistfights, which Colin, taking his cues from Anthony, soon joined. (Sometimes Benedict joined. Mostly he went to get the teachers before it devolved into Anthony and Simon holding a kid down to make him eat his own socks.)
Thus began the many, many sessions of therapy for anger management (for all the boys) and lectures on "Use your words, Anthony," which led to Anthony yelling and insulting and generally using words too large for other children (or himself, to be honest) to understand. But something about facing off Anthony Bridgerton's ferocious temper (Simon and Benedict standing menacingly behind him) and his history of stuffing a kid's nose with their own non-toxic Crayola markers seemed to get a point across.
What that point was aside from "you bully my siblings, I'll make you choke on wood chips," no one would know. Anthony's first forays into "debate" were rather one-sided.
Violet and Edmund decided to adopt Col, Daph, El, and Fran. Simon, Ant, and Ben were essentially siblings by the end of the two years the children had been in their protective custody. The children had settled into the neighborhood, did well at school, had friends-- ripping them away from that was cruel. It would be... a lot... to adopt four children, but Violet and Edmund couldn't in good conscience abandon them.
So, Anthony's siblings-- who had, in his mind, been his siblings the moment he threw his first punch on their behalf-- became his siblings legally. (Simon was another story. It could be summarized as: they lived in the same neighborhood; Simon's dad was a POS; Simon pushed Anthony in the mud when Anthony had made fun of his stutter; they became best friends. Children were mysterious.)
And now here he was, betrayed by his best friend and his sisters. The only reason why Col and Ben hadn't joined in the razzing was because they had a different lunch period.
No doubt Anthony's grousing would reach the ears of Edwina also. She and Eloise were dating. It was liking living with a spy.
He exaggerated. El didn't care enough about Anthony's debate team woes to talk about them with Eddie. They had much more important things to do, like reading Simone de Beauvoir.
Which brought him to Kate. Sharma. Kathani Sharma.
The absolute bane of his existence ever since seventh grade.
The rivalry began, as all great rivalries did, with a complete misunderstanding which was relatively easy to clear up, and subsequently had been cleared up because their friends were annoyed by their complaints, but by then it was too late.
The hatred was entrenched.
It was rooted deep. Nothing short of a drill designed to extract ice cores from the Antarctic could resolve it now. They were sworn enemies.
They both didn't remember what the misunderstanding was, but it was the principle of it, Siena, don't you understand? I don't care if he's cute, no, please, go ahead and date him as long as you don't bring him to our movie nights-- Siena! Siena!!!!
The misunderstanding was that Anthony was blessed with the worst (best) sense of timing when it came to Kate. She always seemed to hear the tail end of a joke which was not sexist, it had been approved by Eloise, for god's sakes, why don't you ever listen to what I'm actually saying?!
The point was, no one remembered the misunderstanding (except Simon. Simon had a terrifyingly sharp memory, one he liberally used against Anthony when his friend was being a prick. But Simon wasn't going to rehash that entire sordid history because since Anthony and Kate didn't remember their own misunderstanding, they argued about who had the correct understanding of the misunderstanding, which was Simon's cue to silently leave them in an empty classroom. Alone. Unfortunately, that plan never seemed to work. But one must make do with what one has).
Kate's own history with debate was because she had immigrated to the States when she was in elementary school and had been mercilessly teased for her accent. She worked extremely hard to iron it out but found that even when she had, the children found other things to pick on her about.
Using her newly found voice, Kate discovered she had a talent for delivering vicious tongue-lashings which left the children paralyzed like shrimp tangled in a jellyfish; not know why they were stuck with fear in their hearts yet knowing they were going to be eaten alive all the same.
She used her talents to defend (and subsequently befriend) Siena, who was beautiful but not the right kind of beautiful, and therefore the target of taunts by other girls. Siena was scrappy and could fight on her own but that was the problem; she fought, physically. Kate volleyed insults that no one quite understood until three days later, when the lightbulb moment happened and they realized what "face that would turn a Gorgon to stone" actually meant.
The first year of middle school, neither Kate nor Anthony had any classes together. They passed each other in the halls constantly and traded insults.
"Congratulations on your math test, Bridgerton. Who knew you were so square that even a cube root left you rational?"
Simon nearly spit out his water, coughing because it went down the wrong pipe.
Anthony was tempted to thank her because he heard the word rational so surely it couldn't be that bad, but given Simon's reaction, it probably really was that bad.
"Ant, she's saying you're so stupid you don't even have the brains to realize it."
"I can tutor you. 64 is really dismal-- it's just algebra."
"What does rationality have to do with it? Shouldn't it be irrational?"
"You're kind of proving my point here."
"There is no point!"
"She said you're square-- the only other squares you can get greater than 64 are 81 and 100, which if you take the cube root, are both irrational numbers."
"I'm talking about the wordplay."
"Oh. Well, she's saying you should be pissed off for doing so poorly which-- she has a point-- but you're not, so that means you're either complacent or you know you can't do better."
"That is the most convoluted insult I have ever heard!"
"I thought it was kind of clever."
"Whose side are you on?"
But the real games began when the following year, in eighth grade, they joined the Model UN team. It was a disaster, in the best sense of the word. No matter if the countries were close allies or the topic uncontroversial-- Kate and Anthony invented ways to make it controversial and adversarial.
They had their own points system: ad hominem attacks were prohibited; so was historical mud-slinging, unless the topic in question was a direct consequence of a country impinging on the sovereignty of another; hyperbole was considered poor form; deviation from the country's actual policy in favor of their individual opinions was also prohibited, since the whole point of Model UN was to represent a country's policies.
It was the last rule which they both chafed against. Having their options for arguments hamstrung by a real country's declared position felt not only limiting, but insincere. They couldn't pour themselves into an argument they didn't believe.
Anthony and Kate had two classes together: geometry (as it turned out, Anthony was pretty good at writing proofs. He especially relished drawing the little square at the end to signify quod erat demonstrandum), and English. Unfortunately, there were no debates in English class, just lively discussions on the degree to which 1984 was still relevant in the internet age.
What they were to each other was something only understandable in the complex prison hierarchy of the modern teenager's sociological expression of tiktok.
They weren't friends-- aside from the short-lived (one) date Siena went on with Anthony (characterized by awkwardness, pizza, and a kiss which tasted like buttered popcorn kernels), her circles did not intersect with his. They weren't enemies-- they no longer insulted each other in halls, reserving that mental energy for class or Model UN.
Anthony didn't take up a disproportionate amount of Kate's CPU, nor did she his. The misunderstanding had caused enough of a rift that they weren't interested in being friends, just interested in besting each other, but it wasn't personal (yet). If someone else had been the best, Kate and Anthony would have transferred their attentions accordingly.
Unfortunately, this "someone else" never materialized. So for all of eighth grade, they were just fellow students floating like rigatoni noodles in the broth of bubbling hormones; they somehow remained above it all, but it was only a matter of time before they passed al dente and sank to the depths of soggy despair.
In other words, they had not yet been hit by the pheromone bath bomb which completely disorients the teenager's brain and leads them to conflate all sorts of emotions and signals with their opposites, agonizing over the placement of the word "you" in a sentence and wondering if there's a greater meaning to the fact they kept spending time together and looking at each other.
But it was only a matter of time. In many ways, it was a foregone conclusion. Kate and Anthony were cursed with the kind of dynamic which resulted in them constantly challenging each other, making each other try harder, do better; unbeknownst to them, they were condemning them to a positive feedback loop which would spill over into all other aspects of their lives.
Forever stuck in a race where they were always neck and neck and obsessed with how to gain the advantage, they sealed their fates.
Soon, they too would be stewing in an explosion of sexual dimorphism and social media, all of which led to volatile brain cells sparking and misfiring as neural pathways were laid down, ripped out, laid down slightly to the right, &tc., until all roads led to Kate and Anthony, fucking against a tree (k-i-s-s-i-n-g!).
Which brought them to ninth grade: high school.
By mutual agreement via trash talk, they signed up for the debate team.
The rest, as they say, is a mystery.
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Hi, I was the person who wrote about poly Piarles when you go on holiday and leave them alone, can I claim the 🩰 emoji because I’ve so much more to talk about with these two.
So basically I’ve seen on Twitter that Charles and his girlfriend Charlotte have matching swimming suits and I think it’s the cutest thing in the world. On Charlottes Instagram it’s the swimming shorts Charles is wearing from her post on June 4th, (also to add in he looks like such a soft bunny in the second picture in that post).
Anyways all I can think about now is Charles being so excited for the summer break to relax and spend time with his two favourite people, and all three of you have discussed what you will do with the boys time off, and obviously they want to go on a yacht for a couple of days, so you decide that’s what you’ll do. Charles can’t stop thinking of this, out on the water with his two favourite people alone in your own little world essentially. Charles ends up ordering the matching swimming costumes, and just the idea of all three of you matching has him so unbelievably excited. Of course he keeps it a secret as what he’s ordered, and you and Pierre and thinking he’s up to no good, but when the package finally arrives Charles can’t wait to show you. You are genuinely so proud of him because he’s so happy to show off what he’s ordered.
Anyways just thought this was a cute idea, because when I saw that Charles and Charlotte had matching swimsuits I nearly wept at how cute it was!
- 🩰 (the ballerina slippers, just incase you can’t see it let me know!)
Hi hello! Welcome 🩰 anon! That first ask was amazing and this is too!! Everyone welcome 🩰 to the gang!!
Ok let’s do this.
Firstly, Charles has been looking forward to the summer break basically since the season started. Because there’s absolutely nothing Charles loves more than spending time with you and Pierre.
Of course both Charles and Pierre are big on family and friends and they’d both want to spend some time with those people.
But the first week or two of the summer break? That’s just for the three of you.
And your bunny is so excited that he’s practically vibrating while you guys are planning what to do together. He’s just so excited about time with you and Pierre!!
He’s actually so proud of himself for thinking of matching swimsuits?
Usually on vacations, or even just time spend at home, you’ll choose what Charles wears because wearing clothes you’ve chosen is so comforting for him? He just loves it.
So it’s actually quite rare for Charles to do something like get full outfits for the three of you, because usually he doesn’t even dress himself at home.
But the idea of matching with you and Pierre is way too tempting. He loves the idea SO much so of course he’s gonna do it.
And he probably spends hours choosing? And knowing him, ends up buying like eight matching swimsuits because he couldn’t choose which ones were the best and he didn’t want to go ask you or Pierre because this is supposed to be a surprise.
And of course he bears in mind what you and Pierre like, making sure to choose your favorite designs and cuts. Though, he does buy Pierre a Speedo a size too small because well... he couldn’t resist.
Of course you and Pierre know he’s up to something, but he also looks so excited and happy about whatever he’s planned so you and Pierre both keep quiet and just let him do his thing.
He shows you the night before you’re set to leave, when you’re all packing.
He brings out a box and then proudly shows you all the matching swimsuits he bought!!
And you and Pierre praise him so much of course. Thanking him for being so thoughtful and calling him such a good boy and promising to all wear the matching swimsuits.
And actually, Charles panicking and buying multiple works out so well, because it means you can choose which of the matching swimsuits you guys wear everyday. So you’re still choosing what Charles wears.
So he gets the both of worlds! He gets to match with his favourite people AND he gets to have his clothes chosen for him.
He’s a very happy bunny.
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Hello I came to request # 74) “Wow, I think you’re blushing even redder than the vibrator inside you.” from your nsfw prompt list. Where kenma tied us up with a vibrator(maybe other toys) and then left to do a stream and when he returns we are a overestimated mess and then he fucks us with the vibrant still in.
Post Timeskip! KENMA X F! READER// nsfw!!
warnings/tags- unprotected sex, role-play, overstimulation, nipple play, use of sex toys, light degradation, kenma calling the reader “bunny”
(art credit in picture)

- Kenma had always been big on role-play right from the first time you got intimate with each other.
- So it was no new thing for you to surprise him every now and then dressed up in different costumes.
- This time, you had dressed yourself in a set of black lace lingerie, black knee high socks with white stripes across the top and your personal favourite- black bunny ears that matched the little bunny design on the collar around your throat.
- What you were not expecting as you walked into your shared bedroom, ready to surprise your boyfriend, was to be met with your own self on the camera screen, his own shock-filled eyes meeting yours through it.
He was quick to turn the camera off, shutting off his live-stream that had at least a few thousand viewers. You stood there stunned, nervously fidgeting with your fingers as you gave him a guilty smile,
“I- I thought you weren’t streaming today.”
Kenma didn’t reply, instead raking his eyes all over your body, reaching out a hand for you to grab so that he could pull you into his lap. His finger traced the outline of the bunny ears, sliding down your face to flick your nose lightly, making you smile.
How could he be mad at you?
Well, he wasn’t. At least not until he opened his phone, planning to send a quick text to his manager about the situation before he fucked you senseless. Instead, he found his stream comments flooded with people. Comments that seemed to get progressively worse.
“Who would’ve thought gamer boy was into that freaky shit.”
“Damn, I’d never leave the bed if that’s what was waiting for me.”
“Bet I can fuck her better than him...what I wouldn't give to choke her.”
You saw a few of the comments too from where your head rested on his chest. You squeaked as the gentle hold around your throat tightened. Kenma putting his phone aside with force, growling a low, “Get on the bed now, bunny.” into your ear that immediately sent you scrambling up to go lay back on the mattress. You watched him pull back his hair with a tie as he walked over to the closet, bending down to pull out a box filled with objects you were way too familiar with. You hear him rumbling around but you don’t see what he’s gotten as he walks up to you with his hands behind his back.
“Close your eyes.”
You do as you’re told, and soon after you feel him lift your head slightly to slide down a velvety fabric over your eyes, blinding you. Next, it’s your wrists that are cuffed up to the headboard. You can tell Kenma is in no hurry as he takes his time running his hands all over your body, making you squirm desperately as you feel a damp spot growing on your panties.
“I’ve barely done anything and you’re already so fucking wet” Kenma says while clicking his tongue. You only writhe around more in response, whines falling from your mouth.
You gasp as a sharp slap comes down on your lace-clad mound.
“Good bunnies don’t make noises, do they?”
You still your body, muffling a moan as he pinches your nipples.
“Good girl.” He says while humming appreciatively. “But I still think you need a punishment for the mess you just caused.”
Your body shakes out of both anticipation and fear as you nod your head rapidly. Before you can even think of what he’s going to do, the sound of fabric ripping is heard in the air as his hands tear off the flimsy lace of your bra. This time, you’re not able to contain a shriek as something cold and metal clamps down on both of your nipples. That only results in Kenma pulling on the chain connecting the metal clamps on your sensitive nubs.
“Such a disobedient slut. Maybe I should just let one of those turds in the comment section fuck you, huh? Fill you up with their disgusting seed over and again when they won’t even be making you cum once?”
You shook your head, tears of shame welling up in your eyes and now streaming down your face,
“No-no daddy, I’m a good bunny, only your bunny.” You sniffed loudly before continuing, “Please fuck your bunny daddy...only need your cock, no one else’s.”
Kenma swore the restraint inside him was an inch apart from snapping. Instead, he ran his fingers over your covered cunt, making a sweet moan fall from your mouth. His hand fell away and you felt him moving around on the bed, his hand coming back only to move your panties aside. You let out a squeal of surprise as you felt the familiar shape of a slender rubber vibrator put inside you.
“Mhmm I’ll fill you up real nice bunny. But daddy’s still gotta finish his stream. You’ll be patient for him , won’t you?”
You couldn’t exactly figure out what he was planning, but it all clicked as you felt the buzzing sensation of the vibrator, making your juices drip out onto the sheets. You felt Kenma come close to your face, a hand incling your head again,
“Now as much as I’d like for all those fuckers to listen to who makes you scream, I’d much rather not be distracted by your moans while I play.”
That was the last thing he said before stuffing a gag into your mouth. You felt his weight push off the bed completely, the sound of his computer switching on ringing in your ears as your legs quivered with the sensations inside your cunt, your lack of sight making you hyper aware of the pressure around your nipples. You felt your high approaching, thrashing around on the bed as you heard Kenma start his stream, apologising for the “minor inconvenience”. The coil in the bottom of your stomach snapped at the same time he said, “No worries now though, I’ve taken care of it.”
And that is how you found yourself 2 hours later, face stained with tears as tiny sobs left your mouth making spit drool out from around the gag. The sheets were dripping with your juices, your body jerking every time Kenma changed the intensity of the buzzing inside of you. You almost fainted from relief as you heard Kenma announcing the end of his stream.
You continued to sniff as you felt the bed dip next to you, a whine escaping from as you felt the buzzing stop, a hand coming to slide down your blindfold and unchaining your wrists as he brushed the hair out of your sweat covered forehead with the other.
Kenma’s heart clenched as you looked up at him with puppy eyes. He pulled the gag from your mouth, strings of drool falling coming off along with it. He sighed, leaning down to kiss your forehead before asking,
“What colour, bunny?”
It took your mess of a brain a second to comprehend his question. Still shaking, you mumbled out, “Green, daddy.”
You felt him smile against your forehead, before he pulled back, stripping himself off of his sweatshirt and grey pants as he got off the bed. Your eyes shot straight down to the bulging member underneath his boxers.
Kenma got in between your legs, leaning forward to slide a finger underneath the collar on your throat,
“Such a good girl for me. Just for me-” He said in between kisses along your neck, “Daddy thinks you deserve a reward.”
“Please- please give me your cock daddy, need you so bad.” You cried out loud.
And how could Kenma have said no to his precious little bunny?
You threw your head back as you heard the sound of buzzing fill the air again at the same time you felt Kenma’s cock against your hole.
“Think you can take it bunny?”
“Yes! Please stretch my cunt out daddy, just need to fee-”
You were cut off as the tip of Kenma’s thick girth entered you. You moaned at the burning stretch of your cunt, hands reaching up to tangle in his locks. You both moaned in unison as he bottomed out, hands coming up to grope your tits as he started thrusting his hips.
“Fuck- you’re so tight- no one can fuck you as good as I do.”
You moaned in response, brain too fucked out to form an answer. Tears flowed freely from your eyes as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, his thrusts getting deeper at the new angle as he rutted into you with no mercy.
“Cum around me bunny- wanna feel you gush on my cock c’mon.” Kenma said, hand going down to hastily rub your sensitive nub, groaning as he felt your cunt clench down on him.
Already over-stimulated from your previous orgasms, you screamed, back arching into the mattress as you came undone once again for the nth time. Kenma continued to fuck you through your orgasm, finding his own release soon after as he painted your insides with his seed, collapsing on top of you. You felt your vision going blurry and eyes rolling back as you felt him pull himself and the vibrator out of your poor abused cunt.
Your eyes fluttered open at the feeling of water around your body,
“Hey baby, there you are.” You felt Kenma’s voice rumble through behind you as his hands massaged your shoulders gently. You let out a small “hey” in response while nuzzling further back into his chest.
“Was I too rough?”
“Mhmm no, I think I might have to walk in on your streams more often.”
“Maybe I’ll fuck you while they watch the next time.”
Thanks to my favourite kenma kinnie @erenbae for helping me with this prompt🥰
#kenma hcs#kenma smut#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuusmut#hq smut#hq tw#kenma kuzome#kenma x reader#kenma x y/n#kenma drabble#hq hcs#kuroo x reader#nekoma smut#nekoma x reader#kenma headcanons#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu angst#bokutosmut#ushijima smut
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Knee Socks
Alex Turner x reader
Summary: AM makes a music video for Knee Socks and your playing Alex's lover in it, then things get heated between you two after filming.
warnings: smut, fingering, oral sex (f! receiving)
word count: 2342
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You parked your car in the designated spot for you, nervous for what you were about to do, couldn't believe that Arctic Monkeys had hired you to play Alex's ‘secret lover’ in their new music video, Knee Socks.
You mentally prepared yourself before you got out of your car and walked to the set that you would be filming on. When you got there you were greeted by the director, hair and makeup artist, and costume designer, not any members yet though. You introduced yourself to them even though they already knew your name. Then, the hair and makeup artist took you to a trailer to get you ready. They styled your hair to perfection, and put on light, or natural, makeup. Then, it was time to get your clothes on.
You walked over to another trailer and were greeted by the costume designer once again. She handed you a sky blue Lacoste that was most definitely not your size, black lace panties, and white knee socks. How fitting for the song.
They pointed you to a small dressing room where you changed and admired yourself in the mirror, never knowing that you would look this amazing with the outfit on. You exited the changing room and asked the costume designer where you needed to go next.
They told you that you needed to go to the set which they gladly led you to. It was a nice small suburban house, not to different from the one you grew up in. You saw the director and walked over to him to find out what you needed to do.
"Alright, so, you're going to be inside the house for all of the video. And near the end of it, Alex is going to knock on the door and pick you up and carry you inside," he said.
"Okay, anything else?" You asked. He was quick to reply, asking you if you were okay with smoking and doing a more 'scantily clad' thing. To which you replied yes. He then pointed you to a person that would tell you how to move, kind of like choreographer.
She started explaining what all you needed to do such as swaying your hips 'seductively' and that you would have to pretend to be on the phone with someone. Though, you still wanted to know what the director meant by "doing a more 'scantily clad' thing."
"Do you happen to know what the director meant by doing a scantily clad thing?" You questioned her. She took a moment to try and get a sense of what she was going to say to you. "Oh, well, what he meant is - actually, follow me and I'll explain it," she answered, bringing you into the bedroom in the house. You sat on the bed waiting for her to explain it to you.
"Okay, now, I'm assuming you know what fingering is," she said, sitting down on the bed as well. You nodded and waited for her to continue. "Well, you don't need to actually do that, you just need to make it look like you're doing it. So, just watch what I do, okay," she added.
Once again you nodded, watching her as she just put her hand between her legs. You mimicked her motion and then she stopped.
"That wasn't so hard," you said, standing up along with her and walking out of the room to be greeted by the director again.
"Are you ready to begin filming?" He asked. "Yes," you replied. They quickly finished setting things up and got ready to start. You were slightly nervous, excited nonetheless, but you still hadn't met Alex which made you nervous. You are playing his love interest so it would've made sense for you to meet him beforehand, or at least one of the other members, like Nick or Jamie.
Then, you began filming. It was fairly easy to do, you had shared off your nerves from earlier and became quite confident in what you were doing, you even did the scantily part effortlessly. Then, it came time to do the final part of the video, the thing that brought your nerves back.
You waited for the knock on the door which queued you to open the door and jump into his arms. Then, knock. You opened the door and saw Alex stood there in a black pair of trousers and a white button-up. His hair slicked back, his quiff absolutely perfect. Then, without warning, he grabbed the underside of your thighs and picked you up.
He stepped forward allowing himself inside the house and shut the door, then the scene was done.
He put you down, looking you up and down with his big, brown doe eyes. "You okay?" He asked, taking a small step backwards away from you.
"Yes," you replied, amazed by how hot he looked.
"Alright, and we are officially done for the day," the director said. You and Alex walked out of the 'house' and you started to walk away, going to change back into your normal clothes, wanting to cover yourself up just a bit more. Then as you started to head in that direction, Alex grabbed you by your wrist. You turned around to face him, to find out what he wanted.
"Uh, um, I know we just met, but w-would you like to come back to me trailer, and hang out with me there?" He asked, not removing his eyes from yours. You didn't even have to think twice, saying yes almost instantly. I mean, how could you turn down an invitation to hang out with Alex Turner in his trailer?
He smiled and led you to his trailer. You got there and he walked in first, gesturing you to come in as well. You looked around once you got in, it wasn't big by any means, but it was quaint, it was meant for one person after all.
You sat down on the very small couch. "You want anything? Coffee? Tea? Something to eat?" He questioned.
"No thanks. I'm good," you replied. He nodded and sat down beside you, even though he was sat very close to you. There was a small amount of awkward silence for a few minutes. It wasn't because you didn't like him, it was just that you didn't know what to say.
After a while though, Alex broke the silence, "You look really pretty in that," he said, gesturing to your ensemble that you had on. You hadn't really noticed or cared that you were in it until now. Colour started to creep into your cheeks.
"Thank you, Alex," you said, not looking at him even though you could tell that he was looking you up and down. "Really, I mean it," he responded. You finally looked up at him and you both locked eyes. He leaned in and kissed you. It was passionate and needy, yet soft and gentle at the same time. Your lips moved in rhythm with his.
He pulled away and started kissing down your neck, sucking and nipping at it. Your hands found their way into his hair, messing it up. He pulled away from your neck and looked you straight in the eyes.
"Can I take this off?" He asked, tugging lightly on your skyblue Lacoste. "Yes," you said. A smile tugged on the corners of his mouth. You lifted your arms as he started to lift up your shirt, throwing it to the floor. He didn't have the patience to fiddle with the clasps on your bra, so instead he pulled the cups down, allowing your tits to spill over the strapless bra.
He wasted no time before leaning his head down, sucking one of your nipples in his mouth, his other hand squeezing and fondling with the other one. Your moans and whimpers filled the room.
He lifted his head from your breasts and moved away from you slightly, pulling you to be full laid down on the couch. You propped yourself on your elbows, wondering what he was doing. He crawled back on you, kissing your lips softly, then your neck, collarbone, breasts, stomach, and right above where you wanted him, the ache between your legs suddenly growing immensely.
"A-Alex, please," you begged. He looked up at you, starring you down with his big, chocolate brown eyes. "Tell me want you want, baby," he said.
"Please, touch me," you said. He smirked, sitting up and shuffling back. You were confused at first, then you knew what he was doing when he slid your panties down your legs until you could kick them off, kissing up your thighs, coming closer to where you needed him most.
All of a sudden, he spread your legs and buried his face in between them. His tongue lapping at your folds, teasing your clit. Your moans the only thing that you both could hear, your hands finding their way into his hair again, slightly pulling on it, causing him to let out a small moan, sending vibrations up your body. He moved from your clit and folds to your cunt, sticking his tongue in you, fucking you with it. His nose lightly grazing against your clit, driving you crazy. He removed his tongue from your cunt, replacing it with two of his long slender fingers. His mouth returned to your clit and folds, lapping at them in sync with his fingers that were pumping in and out of you. Suddenly, he curled his fingers deep inside of you and pressed down harshly on your clit with his tongue at the same time, which sent you spiraling. He kept pumping his fingers in and out of you, letting you ride out your high.
Once you came down from your high, Alex removed his fingers from you, making you whimper at the emptiness they left. He sat up, straddling your hips.
You sat up, helping him take off his shirt as well as unclasping your bra, throwing it down as well. He stood up and took of his trousers. He pulled his long, thick cock out of his boxers. He sat back over you, kissing you passionately. You moved your hand down to lightly stroke his cock, causing him to moan into your mouth. He sat up again, pushing away your hand, tugging on his cock.
The head of his cock began teasing your folds, spreading the wetness. "P-please, Alex, please," you said, breathing heavily.
"What, love?" He teased. You rolled your hips, desperate for some friction, even if it was the smallest amount. To hold you still, he grabbed your hips, not allowing you the friction you so desperately craved.
"You want me cock inside you?" He smirked. You nodded eagerly. "Beg for it, love," he said, still teasing your folds with his cock.
"God, Alex, please. I need your cock inside me. Please," you begged, doing what he wanted. "That's it," he said, lining himself up with your entrance.
Without warning he snapped his hips forward, slipping inside of you easily. He gave you time to adjust to his size before moving.
Once you signaled him to move, he slid almost all the way out of you only to slip all the way back in, setting a pace. Your eyes closed after a few thrusts, moaning loudly. Alex noticed that your eyes had shut and suddenly stopped moving, making you open your eyes.
You looked up at him confused. "Eyes on me, baby," he said. You nodded and he started thrusting in and out of you again, going faster than the first time.
His thumb found its way to your clit, rubbing circles on it in sync with his thrusts. Then Alex heard people outside his trailer, you on the other hand, didn't. He quickly moved his hand from your clit to your mouth to quiet you.
Someone knocked on the door and asked, "Al, you in there?"
"Uh, y-yeah, Matt," he responded, trying to catch his breath. "Okay, well, have you seen your lover," he joked, but still being serious. "We can't find her anywhere but her car is still here, so have you?"
"Umm, no, no I haven't. Hope you find her though," Alex said, his voice cracking mid sentence. "Okay, let us know if you see her or tell her that we're looking for her," Matt replied.
"I will," Alex said as Matt walked away. "Okay, now where were we," Alex asked, regaining his confidence, removing his hand to go back to your clit to rub circles. He started thrusting I and out of you again, but this time he was rougher and faster with them.
His pace kept increasing, your moans getting louder and louder. You began to not care about them even though you were very close to being caught. As his pace gradually increased, you began getting closer to the edge, your orgasm building quickly.
"Alex, I-I'm close," you panted. "Me too, love," he replied. His thrusts became sloppier indicating that what he said about being close was true.
Three more thrusts.
One. Two. Three.
He pressed down on your clit which tipped you over the edge. He wasn't far behind you, taking only a few more thrusts before his hot release coated your walls, riding out both of your highs.
Once you both calmed down, Alex collapsed on top of your chest. "Wow, you really are amazing," you said. "Am I? You weren't to bad yourself," he smirked, kissing all the way up your chest to your lips. Just then, Matt entered the trailer. "Al, you sure you haven't seen-" you paused.
Then, you woke up, Alex right beside you. You sat up, then noticing Alex shuffle and wake up.
"Mm, baby, what's wrong?" He questioned.
"Nothing, just woke up from dream," you answered.
"What were your dream about?" He asked, now curious.
"Well, it was a naughty dream ... with you," you said slyly. Alex shuffled closer to you, kissing up your neck, "Tell me more and maybe I'll make your dream come true, love."
#arctic monkeys#alex turner#alex turner x reader#alex turner smut#smut#fanfic#alex turner fanfic#alex turner arctic monkeys#matt helders#jamie cook#nick o’malley#knee socks#AM
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She tours alone
Marinette had gone to sleep right after finding a hidden path back to the manor, thank you, Culpa the kitty, and woke up feeling refreshed. Since today they were going to be touring the ballrooms, she elected to wear her ‘composers outfit,’ inspired by Nickolas Lafin, an incredible musician who lived in the manor.
Nickolas was primarily a conductor, but he often composed his own symphonies and gavots as well. Despite his incredible work, Lafin wasn’t much of a prominent character in the manor’s history and instead was reported to mainly follow his girlfriend, Anya, around. After Anya drowned, it was said that Nickolas spent all of his free time in the attic, until eventually, the boxes and trunks fell on top of him and killed him instantly.
Marinette had on a long blue coat with black and white music notes dotted along the bottom. Her shirt was crisp and black, matching her pants perfectly. She also had on a pair of rectangular earrings and red bowtie that matched Nickolas’ favorite.
After a quick breakfast where Marinette checked in on Allegra again, Grace picked them up to check out the ballroom. Adrien sidled up to her with his earnest smile and the two walked hand-in-hand next to Alya and Nino.
“Alya seems a bit shaken, is she okay?”
“She’s okay, just had an allergic reaction to the ice cream she got.”
Marinette looked at Alya again. She was leaning heavily into Nino’s side and was giving wary glares at any cup or water container she saw. She’d have to make sure she didn’t get dehydrated.
“...and here is the grand ballroom!” Grace pushed open the doors with a grin. “It’s a bit dusty since we haven’t exactly been hosting any parties lately, but with a little elbow grease it’ll be spectacular!”
Marinette looked at the dark, dusty room. Thick curtains covered the windows, but it allowed for a small sliver of light to illuminate the flecks dancing from the ceiling to the floor. Even in the faint lighting, she could tell that it was beautiful; all pastels and silvers and golds.
“What a dump.” Lila commented to Alix and Kim beside her. “Prince Ali’s ballroom is much better than this waste.”
“Actually,” Grace’s wide smile sharpened into something vengeful, “even in its current state, the Culpa ballroom is still considered one of the most lavish ballrooms in the world. Prince Ali’s ballroom isn’t even ranking.”
“I- ah well, it must have been remodeled since the last ranking.” Lila floundered, and after she looked at Adrien’s sympathetic face, Marinete almost felt bad for her.
Grace was looking casually at her phone. “Seems that the last ranking happened just a few days ago. That would have been when you were in Paris, correct?”
“I guess I must have forgotten which ballroom I was thinking of.” Lila shrugged. “There’s been so many.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Grace mumbled with shrewd eyes. She perked back up. “Anyway! I was thinking, as your project for your visit, you can produce a replica of the infamous Ross ball. We can have people working with flowers, costumes, music, and guests.”
The class murmured their agreement already turning to their friends and discussing what they wanted to wear.
“Ooh! Can I wear a suit?” Rose bounced on her toes, hand waving.
“Of course! We have dozens of old clothes that could easily be refitted for you and everyone else! We just need a-”
“Designer!” Nino shouted, pointing down at Marinette’s head (tall people, disgusting). “We’ve got one right here!”
“Great!” Grace didn’t seem surprised at all, even though a teenage designer isn’t someone you meet every day. “Your main job will be refitting and redesigning all the costumes for your friends. That sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds great!” Rose’s suit would of course need to be a pink, but a faint floral print on it too would look beautiful. Making it period accurate would be tricky, but the internet had all kinds of references for suits and dresses.
“We’ll need people for all the other tasks I mentioned, but for now just look around the room and check out the closets for anything you may need for the ball.”
The four of them immediately gravitated to the closets at Alya’s behest and Adrien’s adventurous spirit. There were instruments of all kinds and colors; it was like a sculpture and Marinette felt all kinds of inspiration welling up in her.
“Not much in this room.” Alya remarked. “Let’s check the next.”
“I used to really like music.” Adrien said as he followed Nino and Alya out the door. “Still do.”
Marinette stayed behind, pulling out her phone to take a few pictures. A rustle from behind the cello caught her eye, and she glanced back at the open door. Another rustle, and she committed to it, stepping forwards to investigate.
“Meow.” Culpa was sitting prim on top of a drum. He was looking at the ground then at her like he just noticed another being was in the room.
“Culpa!” Her hands reached out to rub the cat’s ears, fingers vibrating with the feline’s contented purrs. “Hey, kitty. What’re you doing in here?”
Culpa offered no answer aside from leaning further into her hand and purring louder. She’d take it. After a few minutes more of petting, Culpa batted her hand away and moved towards the very back of the room, tucking into a thin passage she hadn’t noticed in the dark. When he realized there wasn’t a presence behind him, he turned around and mewled for her attention.
“Right, right. Coming.” She slipped her phone in her pocket and slipped into the passageway, which was just wide enough for her to stand comfortably in.
She followed Culpa’s flashing blue eyes through the tunnel until she stepped into a wider, well-lit hallway. Unlike the closet or the ballroom, the hall was absolutely pristine. Both of the walls were decorated with portraits, and Marinette took her time inspecting each one.
It was the Culpa family. Each one through the ages until it ended with the image Culpa showed the most attention to; Felix, eyes cold, unseeing on the canvas. Right next to it was a small framed photograph in black and white; Bridgette and Felix, laughing while leaning against each other.
She lifted the picture and smiled down at it. It was much better than the painting; it showed much more emotion. And that dress! Marinette could totally design a dress like that. It would look beautiful in pink.
“It’s a nice picture, isn’t it?” Allegra was standing in a doorway a bit behind her. She hadn’t noticed her come in.
“Yeah, they both look so… so happy. Why wasn’t this room a part of the tour?”
“We didn’t want people touching this part of the manor’s history.” She shrugged, walking forwards. “It just seemed right to keep it separate from the rest of it all.”
“Yeah, I get it.” This place seemed- sacred, in a way. She followed Allegra out of the hall and watched her lock the door.
“How’d you get in there anyway?”
“Oh, I found this cat and he led me through some passageway in the back of a closet.” She pointed over her shoulder to Culpa who… wasn’t there. “And he’s gone. That’s weird.”
“A passageway, huh? That’s cool.”
“I thought so too. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea to just go through it without telling anyone though, huh?”
“Probably not.” Allegra agreed
They walked a while longer before they were back at the ballroom. Alya and Nino were talking near one of the back doors that lead to the closets and looked up just as she walked in.
“Girl! Where have you been? We’ve been looking all over, come on! Adrien’s playing the piano.” Alya grabbed her and dragged her through the hall of closets. When she passed the one with the instruments, she glanced in, trying to catch a glance of the passage to show Alya.
She didn’t see anything at all.
The rest
@merry-madness @calliopeia @drama-queen-supreme @kaydenth3gayden @mcheang @nomiegnome @never-say-donuts @vixen-uchiha @miracul0us-multishipper @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @chocolatecustarddanish @iwantswifttoblessmysoul @digitalmagpie @ilseofskadi @nerdy-and-a-little-birdy @minty-goose @nataladriana9 @aestheticnpoetic @constellation-king @animegirlweeb @persephonebutkore @ahalloweengirl @r0sebutch @marinettepotterandplagg @beelzzebop @akalovelymaybe @pleasefollowmeuwu @angelost4r @constancetruggle @speaknowtome @some-oxymoron @nerdy-scifi-birdy @purplesundaze @aestheticnpoetic @neptuningkai @2confused-2doanything @goggles-mcgee @grumpy-kitten-vixen @artemisdragona @lookatthestars1 @demonicbusiness @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @vice-artist
#felinette#marinette dupain cheng#ml marinette#ml adrien#adrien agreste#alya cesaire#ml felix#felix culpa#fanon felix#ml salt#class salt#Lila salt#ml allegra#ml quantic kids#haunted mansion au
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I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon! Sorry it took literally a year to answer this! If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes. This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post. Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks. I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast. It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though. Small-ish. I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!! When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park. He. He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks. We’re talking blacklist-level banned. He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again. However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right? There’s no way this is the same guy. Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned? When asked, he only gave a curious hum. “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes. He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day. He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge. There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run. They fail the mission. Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless. They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon! Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group. Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story? He does. He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins. Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration. He wants out. Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over. Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror. Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly? Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on. Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge. Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides. Mammon and Simeon do not. Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke. They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph. Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari. And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up. The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009). Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry. Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together. Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun. Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though. Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary. Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you. They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good. Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though. Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line. Barbatos abandons him. He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable. Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos. Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation. He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show. He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise. The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others. I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show? Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day. Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too. They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks. Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants. China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada? Huh. Canada. There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there. He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC. That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while. They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears. Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them. Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring. He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick. He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC. No demons allowed, thank you very much. He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for. The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time. This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit. Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one. MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves. And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder. So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but. RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know. It really does make them think, like. Grandma found the VR games at Christmas! The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so. RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy. If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast. Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy. What is Lucifer busy with? Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve. Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph. He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince. Other groups see that family and follow suit. Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee. The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks. (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail. You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it. Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot. But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times. Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
#obey me#obey me headcanons#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me luke#obey me simeon#obey me solomon#my favorite park is def epcot and my favorite ride is def splash mountain#also my sister helped me out by reminding me about animal kingdom but most of her photos were of random birds
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Yes, doctor
You go to a doctor’s office nearby every year for your annual appointment. Every time a nurse comes out into that familiar waiting room you get a little nervous. You had never liked doctor visits. This time your usual doctor was out, and there was a fill in you hadn’t met before. When the doctor enters your examination room, you were pleasantly surprised. Denki Kaminari, the boy you had been fawning for all throughout high school, would be your doctor today.
female reader
both are adults, around 20-25 years old
h/n = hero name
content warning
medicalplay, bondage, slapping your pussy, degradation, punishment/reward, desperation, edgeplay/orgasm denial, dumbification, breeding, sex toys, thigh riding, y/n pees herself
full fic by spice🥧
After checking in with the receptionist, you sat down in one of the plush chairs in the waiting room. You were a pro hero, and a pretty recent graduate from UA high, having graduated 5 or 6 years ago. This doctor's office was specifically for heroes, so it was pretty fancy to say the least. The reason it was only for heroes was so they could have specialized doctors and nurses fit to deal with quirks, and they were hand selected by the Hero Organization to handle confidential quirk information if needed.
You picked up one of the magazines from the table across from you and flipped through it, eyeing various support item ads and making mental notes of them to show to your costume designer.
"Y/n?" a voice called.
You looked up, and a friendly looking nurse greeted you with a warm smile.
"Hello." you said quietly, getting up to follow her into the hallway.
"It's an honor to meet you, H/n!" she said excitedly, as she led you to a small room to take your height and weight.
"Thanks! Thank you for taking such good care of us heroes."
"Only the best for the people who protect us from villains!" she said cheerfully.
After taking your measurements, she led you to another room.
"Here, change into this, and your doctor will be in shortly!"
She handed you a paper gown.
"Thank you!" you said.
After she left, you put the gown on and sat on the bed. You waited nervously, trying to remember if you were due for any shots, when you heard a knock.
"Are you dressed? May I come in?" a familiar sounding voice called.
"Sure." you said.
The door opened and you knew who it was the second you saw a flash of that familiar bright yellow hair.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Please! Call me Denki. We were friends in high school, weren't we?" he said with a bright smile.
"Y-Yeah.. you didn't become a hero?"
"Nope. Everyone at UA and in the pro hero world looked down on me. Well, except you, Deku, and Red Riot, that is. So I became a doctor to prove people like Dynamight wrong. Do you still talk to anyone from our class?" He asked, taking a seat at his computer and typing in his password.
"Yeah, Deku and I patrol together sometimes and Mina is still my best friend."
"Oh, Mina! I forgot about her. She was nice. Anyway, how have you been? Feel sick lately? Cough? Sore throat? Fever?"
"Nope, I'm all good." you said, trying to avoid his gaze.
"Are you okay? You seem.. nervous." he lowered his voice.
"I-I'm fine. Sorry."
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna ask you a few questions, and then we can get started."
He began to ask questions, your cheeks heating up more and more with every embarrassing question about your sex life, menstrual cycle, bowel movements, and so on and so forth.
Denki laughed suddenly.
"Look how red you are- calm down it's just me!"
You laughed quietly.
"Alright, well, I'm just gonna make sure everything's okay, and then you can be on your way!"
"Sounds good." you said, relieved that he wasn't asking any further questions.
He had stopped asking questions, yet that warmth in your cheeks stayed there as you watched him wash his hands and put gloves on.
He started by checking your reflexes. After you almost kicking him, he moved on to check your eyes and ears.
He pulled out his stethoscope.
"I'm gonna listen to your heartbeat really quick okay? Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable! Sorry, it's gonna be cold."
Shit. He's gonna be able to tell how nervous I am..
You tried to steady your breathing, but it just came out ragged, embarrassing you further.
He moved the stethoscope with a confused look on his face, before taking it off and putting it back around his neck.
"Are you okay? Your heart is beating really fast. Should I refer you to someone or are you just nervous?" he asked, scribbling something down on a clipboard.
"N-Nervous, sorry."
"Oh yeah! You had a crush on me in high school, didn't you?" That explains it!"
"H-How did you know?"
"Mina told me. After we graduated, though. I never got to reach out to you about it, but I liked you too."
"Y-You did?!" you breathed.
"Mmhm. Now try to calm down a little so I can get some accurate measurements."
"Okay, sorry."
You took a deep breath, and he continued trying to get an accurate reading, but god.. he was just so hot, so concentrated, and he smelled so good..
"Hey. Y/n. Earth to Y/n." he said, looking up.
"Sorry!" you said again.
"It's not a problem," he smirked. "Come here."
And with that, he pulled you in for a kiss.
You gasped against his mouth, before melting into it, your hands finding their way around his neck, clasping in the back. You felt one of his hands wrap around you waist, the other still holding the stethoscope in place.
You broke the kiss.
"You gonna move this?" you asked, touching the hand holding the stethoscope.
"Why? You wanna take this further or something?" he asked.
You cast your gaze downwards as he pressed it harder onto your chest to the point where it started to hurt.
"Use your words, princess. What do you want from me?" he said, laughing. He could hear your heartbeat steadily climb, he loved the look of nervousness covering your face, you desperately trying to form words.
"I-I want you."
"Hm?" he said, pressing harder. The loudness was starting to hurt his ears, but it was so worth it to see you flustered.
"P-Please! I want you!"
"Good girl." he said with a smile, removing the stethoscope and placing it on the table.
He sat in his desk chair, facing you with crossed arms.
"Undress please, I need to make sure everything looks okay."
"That's 'Yes Doctor' to you."
"Yes doctor."
You took off the gown and tossed it aside, facing Denki, who was smirking at the sight of your naked body.
He stood up and took off his shirt, followed by his pants, leaving him in only his boxers, his erection poking through with a bit of precum already showing. He then wrapped you in a kiss again, his hands finding your breasts and kneading them until your nipples were hard.
You let out a soft moan as you caressed his face.
He pulled away.
"Look at you, making a mess on my table." he gestured to the wet puddle that was forming between your legs. "I'll have to punish you for that.
He pulled a roll of bandages from the cabinet and smirked. He bandaged your hands on either side of you stuck down onto the table, making sure you couldn't move them. Then, he bandaged your feet down onto the table, again, making sure you couldn't move them.
Your dripping cunt was exposed to him, and you could barely move.
"Dripping for me like a bitch in heat, I've barely touched you, princess."
"D-Doctor- please-"
You were cut off by two fingers lightly grazing your wet pussy, gathering your juices on them. He then stuck them in your mouth, causing you to gag.
You did as told and sucked your wetness of his fingers, your face a shade of red from embarrassment.
"Such a good girl, following the doctor's orders. Now let's see. I have to examine other patients too, so if you'll excuse me." he started to put his clothes back on, smiling while you looked at him shocked.
"Oh don't be scared. I'll be back for you soon. And I have something to keep you company while I'm gone."
He pulled out a small pink vibrator with a tiny remote from his desk drawer.
"When I found out you were my patient, I had a feeling things would go this way. I came prepared."
He attached the vibrator to your clit, drawing a gasp from you.
"No cumming until I allow it okay? See you soon, princess. Oh- and I almost forgot."
He grabbed the bandages again, and put them over your mouth.
"Can't let anyone hear you!" and with that, he left the room and locked the door.
You sat there, stunned, legs open, dripping wet, with a vibrator attached to you. It wasn't on yet, either. It was just sitting there. You tried to shake it off of you, or at least break the bandages, to try and get some relief, but they wouldn't budge.
And then it happened. The vibrator started at a very low shake, making you gasp once more, trying to close your legs to relieve the pressure.
Your head was spinning when it went up to the next level again. You were squirming, bucking your hips, anything for it to stop. But alas, it went up to the highest level.
You nearly screamed, but managed to stifle your moan. And then, it stopped.
This cycle went on for an hour, the vibrator randomly turning on super low, jumping to high, staying off for a bit, it was pure torture, and it wasn't enough to make you cum, either, so you just had to bear it.
About 30 minutes into this torture, you realized something even worse. You had to pee.
You were sweating, shaking, panting, face bright red, trying not to piss yourself, when the vibrator stopped and the door jiggled. Your heart nearly stopped, afraid it was some poor doctor who would have to see it.
But you were relieved to see your doctor slip into the room.
"My my- you're quite a mess!"
"MmhmmmhmmhhMMM!" you tried yelling at him through the bandage on your mouth.
"Princess, use your words! Oh wait- you cant!"
He detached the vibrator from your clit, and removed the bandage on your mouth.
"I'm gonna examine your pussy, okay?"
"Y-yes doctor."
You gasped at the feeling of his freezing cold hands touching your pussy lightly.
“Are you sensitive here…?" he touched your clit, smirking as you squirmed.
"Or.. here, perhaps?" he lightly circled your entrance with his fingers.
"Y-Yes doctor! I'm so- I'm so sensitive- please- give me an examination or a checkup please- I need to- I need-"
You were babbling, forgetting how to talk.
Suddenly, a hand came down, smacking your pussy. You moaned loudly, looking up at him with tears gathering in your eyes.
"Princess, doctor can't understand you. What do you want?"
"Doc-Doctor I- I need bathroom... please let me go to the bathroom.. th-then we continue."
"Ah, I don't think that's necessary. You may hold it."
"Doctor! Please!"
"No can do, princess. Doctor says no. Do I need to dumb it down more for you? Is doctor speaking too many big words for you to understand?"
"W-Why can't I go pee..?" you said in a small voice.
"Because! You follow doctor's orders, not your own. Doctor says no, you only listen to doctor."
"Y-Yes doctor."
"That's a good girl. Now let's start your examination."
He came over and took both of your breasts in his hands. He rolled your nipples in his fingers and kneaded your breasts until you were whining, face red from embarrassment.
"Is my princess embarrassed? Let your doctor take care of you. He knows what's best. Don't be embarrassed."
He stopped playing with your breasts and moved down to your pussy. Without warning, he dipped his fingers in and curled them painfully slow.
You obeyed, stifling your moans as he brought you closer and closer to an orgasm with every slow curl of his fingers.
"Do-Doctor- I'm gonna- p-pee..."
"Okay. Go then."
"B-But Doctor-"
"I said, go princess."
"Yes doctor..." you said, ashamed, as piss pooled out of your pussy, dripping onto the floor.
He continued to finger you slowly as you peed.
You hid your face with your arm.
"Don't be embarrassed princess, I already told you."
"G-Gonna c-cum."
"No. You're not."
He removed his fingers with a sinister grin.
He then slipped his shirt off, followed by his pants, again, leaving him in just his boxers and the gloves he had on.
He peeled your restraints off slowly, looking you in the eye. You looked back at him nervously, trying not to shake.
He then picked you up, surprising you.
"You can wrap your legs around me, it's okay."
He was holding you like a child, but it didn't last long. He put his knee against the wall and let you down so you were sitting on his thigh. He then pressed another kiss onto your mouth.
"Ride." he commanded.
You began to grind onto his thigh, your moans coming out breathy and short.
He reached down to your clit and circled it, and sent a tiny jolt of electricity through his fingers.
"Shh princess. Breathe with me okay? In, out. Just like that."
As he led you through breathing, he was sending more electricity to your already abused pussy, making it near impossible not to cum.
"Doct-Doctor ple-please, m'cumming! Let me cum, please!"
You could barely form coherent sentences, you were so focused on trying not to cum.
He placed his hands under your armpits and lifted you up again, holding you once again, like a child. He placed you onto the table again, the wetness from your legs audible.
"I think it's time for Doctor's cock. Are you ready for doctor's cock?"
"Yes doctor! Pl-please! I n-need y-your cock! Please! Breed- breed me!"
"Of course princess."
He finally removed his boxers and gloves, climbing onto the table with you. He put your legs up into the mating press position, and shoved his full length in.
"Aah! D-Doctor- feels so- so good! Please!"
"You said you were a virgin, right?" he asked as he snapped his length into you again.
"Y-Yes doctor."
You could feel every vane, the slight curve, every twitch of his cock as it hit your walls.
"Y-You've never had anyone hit your g-spot then?"
"N-No doctor! I-It's only for you- only you!"
"If you cum without permission, I'm gonna make you cum again. Got it?" he asked with a grunt, as he tried to find your spot.
"Y-Yes doctor!
He began to rub your clit, sending more bliss falling over you. You had been trying not to cum for around two hours now, and it was at this point, slightly painful. You were overstimulated and you hadn't even gotten to cum yet.
His eyes rolled back as he hit that spongy spot- and you almost screamed. You moaned loudly, fingers gripping into his back, toes curling. All you could see was white, and you heard a loud squelch.
"Pr-Princess! You squirted.. what a b-bad girl... c'mon, I know you've got another one in there for me! This time cum WITH permission though."
"Y-Yes doctor!"
He continued to snap his hips into yours. You gasped when he bottomed out, hitting against your cervix. He rubbed your clit harder and continued to pump into you, hitting your g-spot and cervix with every thrust.
"M'gonna cum s-straight into y-your pretty little w-womb. I'll fill you u-up with my kids! You'll be s-swollen and pregnant- you'll be m-my princess f-forever! D-Do you like the s-sound of that?"
"Yes doctor!" you cried out blissfully.
"G-Good girl! C-Cum wi-with me!"
His pace stuttered and his cock twitched hard as hot white cum filled your womb. You couldn't hold back your second orgasm as you came around his cock again, pussy fluttering wildly.
He pulled out slowly, and wiped his now soft cock off with a tissue.
"Princess. You're leaking."
He gathered the cum that was dripping out and pushed it back in.
He got dressed, but when you tried he stopped you and told you to sit back on the table.
"I see you're on birth control on my charts, by the way. Let's take you off of that. And since your heartbeat was a little fast, I'll schedule you back about a week out, how does that sound?"
"G-Good. T-Thank you."
"No problem! Oh- you're leaking again, here."
He pulled out a small plug from his drawer, gathered his cum on his fingers once again, pushed it back inside, and inserted the plug into your cunt.
"Take this out when you know you won't leak my cum anymore."
"Y-Yes doctor. Thank you."
"Oh- and take these every day until next week when you come back for me, okay?"
He handed you a small bottle with tiny pink pills in it. You read the label out loud.
Stimulation In A Bottle for low sex drives
"Low sex drive?"
"Yeah. Coming off your birth control might mess you up a little, it could mean a lower sex drive, or double the sex drive. Best not to risk it, princess."
"I need to hear a "yes doctor" from you, please."
"Yes doctor."
"Good, now get dressed, I'll see you next week. Oh- and the janitor will clean the pee up. I'll just say it was a child."
"Yes doctor."
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