#the colors of the moon au: strawberry
ask-the-tcotm-au · 23 hours
So Berry, how does it feel to have a lot of siblings?
It's fun! I like hanging out with all of them! I hope you can meet them soon 'traia!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
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Series Synopsis: The ways that you and Seishiro Nagi fall together and fall apart over the years.
Chapter Synopsis: You, a new transfer to Hakuho High School, have a first day that is even worse than you had expected.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Nagi x Reader, Kira x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.2k
Content Warnings: unhealthy relationships, cheating, non-linear narrative, probably ooc, angst, nagi is endgame, kira sucks, alternate universe, original characters
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A/N: just a reminder that this is an AU so things will in fact be different from how they are in canon (i think this is mostly evident w reo?? he’s really something in this past arc LMAOAO like i love him but he is so…interesting…) also dw guys reo is NOT a love interest he’s just bored and has nothing better to do because he hasn’t discovered the joys of soccer and babysitting nagi yet
divider credits: @/benkeibear
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The first time you had a crush on a boy, you made the mistake of telling the girl who you had, at the time, considered to be your best friend. That was what people did with their best friends, so you had pointed at him and squeaked out your feelings in hushed whispers. Now, of course, you couldn’t recall anything about him, not his face nor his name, so irrelevant he had been, but you could not say the same about the girl who had been your first lesson in betrayal. Her, you remembered everything about.
Even back then, she had been tall and slender, with beetle-bright eyes and hair like an oil spill, her small mouth the color of strawberries and her round face pale like the moon. If she had stood beside anyone but you, she would have been widely considered lovely, but unfortunately, Orie Watanabe would forever have to be content with second place — because when it came to looks, there wasn’t a girl in the entire town who could claim to be your equal.
You had thought that that didn’t matter. You had thought that Orie loved you as much as you loved her, that she brushed aside what others said with the same ease that you did, that the comparisons drawn between you two were made by halfwits and easily ignored.
You had thought wrong. Orie had narrowed her eyes at the boy you had told her about, and then she had smiled at you.
“He’s cute,” she had whispered. “You really like him? A lot?”
“I think so,” you had said.
“Like, you love him?” she had said. “My parents told me that love is when you want to marry someone and be with them forever. D’you love him?”
“I dunno. Guess I do,” you had said before returning to your coloring page, shading between the black lines. Abstract concepts such as love and marriage and eternity hadn’t even made sense to you at that point in your life, so how else could you have answered the question?
Because both you and Orie lived far from your elementary school, your parents and hers used to take turns dropping you both off and picking you up again. That afternoon, your mother had been the one who came to get you, her freshly-washed car shining in the afternoon sunlight, her dark sunglasses reflecting the world around her.
“Mrs. L/N,” Orie had said as your mother pulled out of the spot she had been waiting for you in. “Did you know that there’s a boy Y/N wants to marry?”
“Of course there is,” your mother had responded coolly. “Reo Mikage. We’ve told her since she was young that she will end up as his wife one day.”
“No, it’s someone in our class,” Orie had said, despite the way you had kicked her leg and shaken your head at her, pleading with her to stop.
“Orie,” you had pleaded under your breath. She had glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, and it had been such a baleful expression, so foreign on her demure features, that you had shrank back into your seat.
“She’s in love with him,” Orie had said. “She told me in class. She wants to marry him and be with him forever.”
“I see,” your mother had said. “Thank you for telling me, Orie.”
All of you had spent the rest of the car ride in silence. Orie hadn’t felt the need to speak again, so she had only murmured a farewell to your mother and gazed at you over her shoulder before darting into her house and leaving you alone. As for you, you had been too afraid to even move, let alone say anything.
You hadn’t understood it at the time, but you had known intrinsically that you had done something wrong. Those feelings, which you had shared with Orie in the hopes that she would keep them secret, were of the sort that had hurt your mother, hurt her to the point of anger.
“Y/N,” she had said when you had entered the house. You had peered up at her then, still needing to crane your neck to meet her eyes, and at the fearsome expression on her face, you had shied back before you could stop yourself. “Who taught you about such things as love?”
You had stammered, more out of apprehension than anything, your first instinct still to protect Orie, though she had not shown you the same consideration. “No — no one, mother.”
“It wasn’t us, so it must’ve been someone,” she had said, clicking her tongue before her eyes had flicked to the television. “Ah. Have you been watching those silly American movies again? Did you really think you’d get to be Cinderella? Those stories aren’t real. Love isn’t something you can believe in. Maybe other people can chase those kinds of ideals, but we’ve raised you to be better than that.”
“I’m sorry, mother,” you had said. She had sighed then, so aggravated, obviously not believing anything you were saying — and of course she had not. You yourself hadn’t known what it was that you were apologizing for, so how could she have accepted it?
“Love is a luxury that only the most hedonistic and privileged of ignoramuses can indulge in. When things grow difficult, when your existence is no longer assured, you’ll find that love is meaningless,” she had said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Go to your room. There’s no need for you to have dinner tonight. We’ll talk in the morning.”
You had cried until you had fallen into an uneasy sleep, your stomach rumbling and sore, but neither your mother nor your father had budged. You hadn’t seen either of them again until the next day, when your mother had come up to wake you for school.
“Good morning,” she had said flatly. You had blinked at her, your head aching peculiarly, your neck cramped, and then you had scrambled to your feet, kicking the sheets aside so you could throw your arms around her legs.
“Good morning, mama,” you had said. “Can I have breakfast?”
Your mother had patted you on the head. “Do you still love that boy?”
You hadn’t even hesitated. “No.”
She had scoffed at that but motioned for you to follow after her. “There it is. See how easily love fades? In the face of hardship, it’s the first thing forsaken. If a man tells you that all he can give you is his love, then I want you to remember this day and run, Y/N. Run as fast as you can, because if he only has love to his name, then he has nothing at all.”
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“Y/N L/N, your uniform is ready.”
You brushed past the amassed throng of parents, making your way to the counter where a woman with glasses was passing out the uniforms for the next school year. It was your first time at this store, but you did not dare let your face betray your nervousness, walking with your head held high and your shoulders squared, your nose lifted in the air as if you found every other person in the room to be beneath you.
“Here you go,” the woman said, sliding the clear packet over to you. “Are you new? I don’t remember ever seeing you before, but our records show you’re a third year.”
“Ah, yes, I just transferred,” you said. “I’ve been attending the girls’ academy until now, but for my final year of schooling, my parents thought it’d be prudent that I have some exposure to a blended environment.”
“Well, welcome to Hakuho High School. I’m sure you won’t regret your decision,” she said.
“I’m sure I won’t,” you said, bowing slightly at her, holding the packet with your uniform in it to your chest. “I’m very excited to be here.”
“We’re excited to have you, dear. Seishiro Nagi! Your uniform is ready,” she said. You smiled tightly and turned to leave, narrowly avoiding slamming into a comically tall, pale-haired boy as you wove through the crowd. Far too lost in your own thoughts, you waved off his mumbled apology, seeing no point in even responding in kind.
Of course, you had lied to that woman. Your parents didn’t really care whether or not you ever interacted with boys your own age. In fact, if they had their way, you would stay shut in your room for the rest of your life, a delicate flower preserved in a state of full bloom. There was only one thing that had convinced them to move you to Hakuho — the fact that Reo Mikage attended.
After all, he was their ultimate goal. If you could just marry someone like that, then you would never have to worry a day in your life. You would always be happy, always be safe, always be secure. He was the ideal of stability and success, and so, in their eyes, there was no one better for you to one day wed.
Unfortunately for your parents, you had long ago decided that Reo Mikage was a person you despised, though the two of you had never met. You had your own reasons for wanting to go to Hakuho High School, reasons which you could never tell them about for fear of losing your one chance at escaping for good.
For being as prestigious as it was, Hakuho High School was a relatively ordinary building. There was nothing special about the place — it didn’t sparkle, and no angels sang when you took your first step through the entrance, self-consciously adjusting your shirt collar and skirt, though you already knew that they were perfect.
This was your first impression on your classmates. The last thing you wanted was to come off across as some kind of an idiot or blundering dunce who could barely even put one foot in front of the other. You had experience being hated, but never had you been afforded the pity and derision of others, and you were not overly keen on earning them now.
Your first period was Physics, and according to the schedule you had on your phone, the classroom was located on the second floor of the high school. You climbed up the stairs carefully but quickly, ducking your head so that you blended in with the masses of students, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself.
It would be embarrassing to pull out the folded map you had tucked away in your back pocket, so you visualized it in your mind, tracing the routes you had gone over in colored markers last night and trying to apply them to the maze of hallways you were standing in. Despite your best efforts, though, you could not make sense of any of it, and as the minute hand of the clock drew closer and closer to when the bell would ring, an uneasiness brewed in your stomach. Were you seriously going to be late on the very first day of school?
Just then, a vaguely familiar looking boy ambled past. You couldn’t quite place where you recognized him from, but it was more than you could say about anyone else in the entire building, and you didn’t have many other options. Swallowing your pride, you chased after him, closing the gap between the two of you and tapping him on the shoulder.
He had a messy mop of cloud-like hair, and his large eyes were the color of turtle-doves. His soft face wore a drowsy expression, like he was not quite yet awake but was rather drifting through the school like a half-asleep ghost, and instead of the typical button-down shirt, he wore an oversized sweatshirt under his blazer. When he turned to face you, your hand still resting on his shoulder, his eyebrows drew together, and he cocked his head in a manner reminiscent of a lost puppy.
“Hello, I’m Y/N L/N! I just transferred here. Um, I think that I’ve seen you somewhere, so I hope you don’t mind me stopping you in particular,” you said. Wordlessly, he shook his head, though you were not sure which part he meant to refute. “Ah, or maybe not. I must’ve confused you for someone else; well, anyways, it hardly matters. I was just wondering if you knew where the room for the third year Physics class was? I have it with Mr. Tachibana, if that provides any necessary clarification.”
The boy stared at you for a moment before he slightly lifted his shoulders in what you could only assume was a shrug. You waited for him to elaborate, to say something or perhaps introduce himself, but he must’ve deemed the response satisfactory, as with that, he trudged off, rounding the corner and leaving you fuming.
What a rude, despicable person. It wasn’t like you wanted to be particularly friendly, either, but when the situation called for it, you could at least pretend like you cared about others. The bare minimum was answering someone’s questions with actual words, but this boy could not even muster up the energy to do that much.
“Psst,” a voice said. You turned to see a girl standing there, her face bright, her hair perfectly curled and held half-back with a clip, her makeup applied with an artful hand. “That’s Seishiro Nagi. Don’t bother with him. Come on, I’m going to Physics as well, so you can follow me.”
“What do you mean?” you said, grateful that not all of the Hakuho students were as standoffish as Nagi. The girl used her hand to cover her giggle.
“He’s cursed. We think he’s the child of the devil or something; only bad things happen to people who talk to him, so everyone avoids him,” she said.
“The child of the devil?” you said.
“Mhm, he’s a total weirdo. He doesn’t speak to anyone, and the only things anyone’s ever seen him do are play video games and sleep. He’s not in any clubs or activities or anything, and he has no friends, mostly because no one wants to go near him,” she said.
“Interesting,” you said. It was a shame, really, that such a slacker was taking up a space at Hakuho. He must’ve been at the bottom of the class, but then again, there had to be those people, too. Not everyone could be number one; there would always be those who came in last, whether due to a lack of aptitude or passion or both.
“I hope you’re okay, though,” the girl said. “You even touched him! That’s basically a guarantee that you’ll be jinxed.”
“He’s just another high schooler. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” you said. The girl shook her head rapidly.
“No, no, you don’t get it! One time, this girl I knew spoke to him, and the next day, her boyfriend dumped her! I really don’t want anything like that happening to you,” she said.
“I don’t think that Nagi had anything to do with that,” you said as you entered the classroom. “Things like curses aren’t actually real, you know. He’s just an abhorrently detached and self-involved layabout. It’s a shame to see, but there’s always going to be people like that, you know. They’re the worst sort, but the explanation isn’t supernatural.”
“Just you wait and see,” the girl said. “By the way, you’re super beautiful. What’s your name?”
“Y/N L/N,” you said. “Thank you. And what is yours?”
“Sonoko Ishioka!” she said. “You should sit with my friends and I at lunch today. I think that you’ll fit in perfectly with the rest of us.”
You didn’t have any great desire to acquaint yourself with Ishioka, but she was the first person who had offered, and after all, she had shown you the way to the classroom, so you hummed in agreement.
“Thank you,” you said, setting your things down in the seat beside her for the time being. Surely, your teacher would reassign your partners for the year once the period began, but until then, you supposed Ishioka was your best option.
“Welcome, class. I am Akihiro Tachibana, and I will be your Physics teacher. I would like to start the session with a warning to you all: this year will be of an unprecedented difficulty. You will be preparing for entrance examinations and completing applications to various universities, and at the same time, your classes will be more advanced than ever,” your teacher said as soon as the bell had finished ringing. He was a tall yet stocky man, his hair more silver than black, his eyes deep-set in his severe face. There was an aged sort of wisdom about him, as if his great knowledge was an accumulation of experiences instead of the result of extensive study.
“Mr. Tachibana is totally intense,” Ishioka whispered to you. “He’s super tough on his students. It sucks that we got stuck with him as our teacher instead of the other one. She’s apparently way nicer.”
“Hm,” you said.
“Since this is your first period of your first day, I will take the moment to remind you that this is your third year, which means that all of you are now in direct competition for the prestigious Hakuho Scholars award,” Mr. Tachibana continued. You straightened in your seat. “For those of you who forgot, the Hakuho Scholars are those two students who receive the highest and second-highest marks on their final exams. Every year, this select pair receives funding from the Hakuho Alumni Association in order to achieve their future goals, and as someone who has been teaching here for almost as long as all of you have been alive, let me be the one to tell you that the award granted is generous.”
“Sounds stressful,” Ishioka said, wrapping her arms around herself. “I bet Reo is going to get the top spot again, so there’s only one slot open. I’m not even going to try. What about you, L/N?”
“Of course, I’ll give it my best shot,” you said, the pleasantness of your voice just barely masquerading the greedy anxiousness simmering beneath the surface. You wouldn’t just give it your best shot — you had to be a Hakuho Scholar. That program was the only reason that you had even agreed to transferring in the first place.
“Now that that’s out of the way, let me read out the seating chart,” Mr. Tachibana said, his voice fading into a monotonous background noise as he listed off the partners that you would sit with for the rest of the class.
You waited for your name to be called, but it took a while. Ishioka was assigned before you, leaving you behind with a promise to meet you at lunch and an empty seat at your side, which you resolved to make your future partner occupy. You were hardly about to move, and anyways, most people were quick to oblige your demands, as you had this method of disguising them as sweet pleas instead of bratty commands.
“Y/N L/N and Reo Mikage,” Mr. Tachibana said.
Nagi had somehow jinxed you. You had thought Ishioka was full of drivel when she was going on and on about it, but she had actually been right, because now you were paired up with the one person you had wanted to avoid for the entire year. What sort of coincidence was this? How pleased would your parents be, that Reo Mikage had all but fallen into your lap before you could even do anything to get him there? And how furious were you, that you could not escape him even when you wanted to so desperately?
“Normally, people move to my table, but it’s nice to stretch my legs every once in a while. Thank you for that.” Even the way he spoke grated on your nerves. Reo Mikage. He talked like a prince, his words dripping with charm and grace, his movements elegant as he pulled out the chair Ishioka had sat in previously so that he could lower himself into it. His clear eyes were a shade of violet that shimmered like mountains in the mist, and his hair was the same color, hanging around his face in a neatly parted curtain. Unlike that accursed Nagi, who was the only other boy you had thus far encountered, Reo wore the expected shirt and tie, his blazer and pants impeccably pressed, his shoes shined to the point of reflection. “Are you Y/N L/N? I don’t recognize you, but neither do I recognize the name, so it makes sense. Are you new?”
“Just transferred,” you said shortly, taking out a notebook and busying yourself with your pencil case, though of course there was nothing in it that could really hold your interest for very long.
“I see,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh-huh,” you said. “Look, here’s how it’s going to go: we’re going to get our assignments, and you’re going to let me do them, and then we’ll sign both of our names on the top and get full marks and be quite happy with ourselves.”
“Excuse me?” he said. You unscrewed the cap of your pen, labeling the top of the fresh page with the date and the material that you would cover in that class.
“I don’t have any interest in working with you, but I don’t trust you to do anything on your own, so if it means saving my grade, then I’ll take care of it,” you said. “I won’t complain or rat you out or anything. Not that anything would happen even if I did.”
“What are you talking about? Are you quite mad? I’ve been the top of our class for the past two years,” he said.
“You’re also the son of one of the wealthiest men in the entire world,” you said. “I am certain that those two things have no correlation whatsoever, of course. It’s just an observation I’m making.”
“You’re suggesting that I pay for my grades?” he said. There was a faint color to his cheeks now, but it wasn’t the rosy hue that your mother would’ve swooned at. It was an angry flush that made you snort as you copied down Mr. Tachibana’s slides, not even bothering to look at Reo when you spoke next.
“Pay for your grades, pay for your work, pay for shitty work so you can pay even more to get good grades regardless…there’s unlimited options available for a person with as much money as you, right? I’m not suggesting anything, naturally, so there shouldn’t be a need for you to be so upset, unless what I’m saying is close to the truth,” you said. “Though either way, it doesn’t matter to me. Look, I’m sure you’re used to people asking you to do their work for them, so how about you just act happy that I’m offering? It’ll save you money. Or time. Or whatever.”
“You’re presumptuous,” he said, but inquisitively, without a hint of the rage you had anticipated. “We’ve only just met, and yet you’re speaking aloud these horrible assumptions, which you have made not just about my integrity but also about my wits. I mean, what kind of a person would pay for terrible work just to spend more money on bribing their teachers into accepting it?”
“How could I begin to understand the lifestyle of the rich and famous?” you said. “Don’t bother explaining what it’s really like. As with everything related to you, I don’t much care.”
At that, he laughed. He did not yell or argue or have any other normal reaction. He laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulders and squeezing you to his side affectionately as the bell rang to signify the end of the period. Startled, you shoved him off of you, glaring at him as much because you were flustered as because you were vexed.
“Do you really hate me that much? I’ve never met a person who didn’t like me. It’s interesting. I think that I like you more for it,” he said.
“What?” you said. “No, you don’t. You are as apathetic about me as I am about you. Perhaps there is even exasperation at my impudence brewing deep within your consciousness, but certainly there are no fond feelings between the two of us.”
“Just you wait,” he said, lifting your bag before you even had the chance to reach for it, hefting it over his shoulder like some kind of gentleman. “I’ll make you change your mind. You’ll agree to be my friend one day.”
“Why would you do that? And give me my bag back!” you said.
“What’s your next class? I’ll walk you there,” he said.
“You will do no such—” you broke off in the middle of your staunch refusal. Technically, you didn’t know how to get to your next class yet, so if Reo was offering, then you’d be a fool to deny him, no matter how much you wanted to steer clear of his general presence. “—World History.”
“Aw, I have English,” Reo said. “But that’s in the same area of the school, so it’s not a problem.”
You rolled your eyes. “What a shame.”
“You’re being sarcastic, but soon enough, you’ll mean that,” Reo said.
“Honestly, I don’t get what the end goal is here,” you said. “I’d much prefer if you just left me alone, and you’d have an easier time of it, too. Don’t you already have plenty of friends? If not, then please find some that actually want to be around you. With your income level, it should be a breeze, but should you somehow be unable, then you can probably pay someone to keep you company. Someone who isn’t me, that is.”
“That’s just it,” Reo said. “At the moment, I can easily become friends with anyone in the entire school without any effort at all. The exception is you, which means that you’re the only one I want.”
No. No. No. Reo couldn’t want you, not in any way. Platonically, romantically, even as an unpaid intern…he absolutely could not want you. If your parents ever found out that he was saying such things about you, then you would never hear the end of it. And they would find out. Always, always, they found out.
“Y/N!” Ishioka squealed, bounding up to you and embracing you tightly. You weren’t sure where this sociability came from at first — the two of you were barely anything more than classmates, so she ought to refer to you as L/N. And since when had you allowed her to hug you? Was everyone at Hakuho this brand of touchy? But then you noticed that she had strategically maneuvered herself in between you and Reo, batting her eyelashes up at him, and it all made sense. “Are you still planning on coming to lunch with us?”
“No, she’s eating with me,” Reo said.
“Since when?” you hissed, though you were as much a part of the conversation as a cactus would’ve been, considering how neither of them paid any heed to you.
“You’re friends with Y/N? She and I are very close, so of course, she’ll want to spend time with me today. But you can come as well, Reo; we’d never say no to you,” she said.
“Er, it’s a lovely offer, but I think that I’ll have to pass,” Reo said. You took advantage of the moment to snatch your bag back from him, clutching it to your chest so that he could not take it again. He glanced over at you in confusion before returning his attention to figuring out a way to bow out of eating with you and Ishioka.
“Is it like that, then?” Ishioka said, her eyes darting between you and Reo. “Do the two of you want to eat alone?”
“No!” you said. “No, not in the slightest. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s the opposite of that. I don’t want to eat with him at all. I would much prefer having lunch with you and your friends.”
But Ishioka didn’t want to have lunch with you anymore. She hadn’t said it directly, but she didn’t need to; her expression was pinched and sour, a lemon-sucking sort of expression that you were all-too-familiar with.
“It’s fine,” she said. “On second thoughts, we don’t have any space left at our table.”
Your shoulders slumped. It was the same story again, and though Ishioka wasn’t anyone special nor important to you, just the reminder was enough to pinch at your heart. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe,” Ishioka said, though most likely, she only did so because Reo still stood there, somehow managing to maintain a dignified air about him despite how out-of-place he was. “See you around, then, Reo, L/N.”
“Thank goodness,” Reo said as soon as she had left. “I really didn’t want to spend time with her. Her and her friends are a little odd.”
“Yeah, thanks a lot,” you snapped. “She was the first one to be nice to me, and now that I’ve made an enemy of her, I doubt anyone else will want to show me any kindness. If this is your attempt at befriending me, then it’s terrible. I hate you even more.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that,” Reo said. The apology didn’t feel feigned, which only made it worse — he really was sorry, and he really hadn’t thought of that outcome. Why would he? It wasn’t something he would’ve ever had to worry about.
“Just show me where my class is so I’m not late,” you said. “We’re already cutting it close as it is.”
He was well-mannered enough not to point out that it had been Ishioka’s interference that had delayed you, but then again, although Ishioka had used you as a pretense, her true goal had been Reo, so you were nothing but faultless in the matter of your possible tardiness.
“I’ll wait by this door for you once the period is over, so that we can take our lunch break together,” he said once you reached the entrance to your World History class.
“Do your ears need cleaning? I said I don’t want to eat with you, didn’t I?” you said.
“Who else would you eat with?” he said.
Right. Because stupid Reo Mikage had ensured that no one else would ever want to hang out with you, not after what you had inadvertently done to Ishioka came out — what a bitch, she went for her friend’s crush? And after Ishioka was so nice, too — leaving him as your only choice.
“I’ll eat by myself,” you said. “And you’ll agree to that if you ever want to have even a chance of me liking you, because if I have to look at you for one more minute, I believe that I will scream and then attack you in a most violent and vicious way.”
He grinned at you. “I’ll get to my own class before that, then. See you tomorrow.”
You stuck your tongue out at his receding back and prayed that he grew bored of this new game of his quickly, lest you be driven to insanity before the end of the month.
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taglist (comment/send an ask to be added): @mariyumemi @naatggeo @prettyarsxnist @noble-17 @rinitoshisgirl @stuckindreamland06 @little-miss-chaoss
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soobnny · 1 year
the things we define as love — kim seungmin.
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trope. strangers to lovers. college au. just fluff and a rly shy side of seungmin.
synopsis. a study of love through the lens of a tired photography student who has long given up on romance
word count. 2.4k words
warnings. none
note. i thought of this idea during one of my art classes n the stars aligned cuz when i opened pinterest .. low and behold a photo of seungmin with a camera. that’s what birthed this fic basically
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What are the things most thought of when asked about love?
Is it the colors you use to paint its beauty in your head? Is it the taste of old chapstick you don’t quite remember the brand of anymore? Is it the reminder of something more painful that left you in resentment?
There are many things Kim Seungmin associates with love – oranges and strawberries freshly picked from the market, the way autumn leaves fall after having held on its tree for so long, the sunrise that greets him when he wakes up, lingering just long enough for him to finish his morning routine, and the way sand falls beneath his feet when he visits the beach.
There are other things too, like photography and its ability to capture moments that otherwise would’ve been gone forever, and like the old couple in front of him.
Seungmin feels a spark in his fingertips, aching to snap a photo of the purest, unadulterated definition of love right before his eyes. He thinks it would be a lovely addition to the project he’s working on for his major subject in photography.
Clearing his throat, he approaches the couple sitting peacefully together by the bench.
They smile up at him, and Seungmin scrunches his face at the thought that he had disturbed their time together.
“Hi. I wanted to… ask permission to take a photo of you two? It’s for a project in my class, we’re supposed to take photographs of the things we define as love, so I was… yeah, I was hoping, if that was alright?”
Seungmin brings a hand at the back of his neck, scratching shyly at his request to which the old woman just smiles fondly at.
“Of course! Honey, did you hear that? This lovely young boy says he wants to take a photo of us.”
She turns to her husband, and Seungmin bites back the urge to take a photo right now – of their excitement, of their sparkling eyes, and of the way they try to fix up the wrinkles of their shirts. The old woman sets her purse down, posture straightening as she loops an arm around her partner. He has a matching grin on his face, actions slightly delayed as they move to angle themselves better.
“Is this alright?” A smile paints their lips and Seungmin nods, sending a thumbs up before grabbing the camera hanging from his neck.
The click of the camera sounds, and Seungmin sneaks in a few shots of them eagerly waiting at a view of the photo.
When he steps forward, they’re already making space for him in between them, and he takes the seat politely. With his camera out to show the picture, he can’t help the way his heart squeezes at their sweet mumbling and the way they thank him for such a lovely photograph.
“This is for your project?” Seungmin nods abashedly at the question, growing even more shy when they ask to see the photos he had taken so far.
While Seungmin has been fairly confident in his skills, he’s suffered through quite a bit of burnout recently. He’s not quite sure he’s escaped it yet which is why he had urged himself to come out today, willed himself to work on his project. He bites down at his lower lip while skimming through the photos on his camera.
There are some of his friend’s pets, the tranquility of the ocean, the stars littering the night sky accompanied by the moon. They shower him in compliments at the sheer beauty of how the images are captured.
“No partner?” A blush sports the boy’s cheeks with the question asked, shaking his head and staring down at the camera in his hands.
In all honesty, Seungmin has long given up on the idea of romantic love for himself. He had the urge of wanting to fall in love years ago – back when he had so much love to give. This had stemmed from the stories and movies where he had caught a glimpse of the love he wished that he had. However, longing and patience can only go so far together, and with years of no one by his side, he’s bound to lose a little bit of hope.
So, he busied himself in his studies.
He finds comfort in believing that someday he’ll know of love that way, but he had long given up on it at present.
As if having read his mind, the old lady places a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll know when you meet them. It will sound like… a train whistle.”
Seungmin is a little lost, a puzzled smile on his lips as he nods his head to urge her to continue.
“There’s this old story by Haruki Murakami of a train whistle in the night. Imagine waking up completely alone in the darkness, and you can’t hear anything, and you don’t know the time. It’s like… like having sunk at the very bottom of the ocean. Have you felt this way before?”
While the old lady speaks in riddles, this is a feeling Seungmin is far too familiar with. He knows all too well the claws of loneliness and the heavy weight of aching hearts and drowning lungs. It has forced its fingers down his throat far too many times, making him believe that if he disappeared right now, no one would even notice.
“But you hear the sound of a train whistle, even if it’s far away in the distance. The clock starts ticking again, and you fall back on the ground. It brings you back to reality, makes you feel heard.”
Seungmin’s fingers pause from fiddling with the shutter, turning to look at the lady. There’s something in her expression… of understanding that he’s never quite fallen into contact with before. Like she’s so sure of it.
He looks back down at his camera, but he makes no move to take another photo.
“It’ll come.” With that, she stands from her seat, flattening down her dress. Her hand comes in contact with her husband’s almost immediately, and they turn on their step to walk back to where they came from.
With a final wave and bright smiles, they disappear into the distance. Huh, how strange.
He emerges back to reality with the sound of his ringtone, and he fishes for his phone tucked in the pocket of his jeans.
“Hey, I have that film you need to develop your photos. I’m at the Soul Cup cafe right now, maybe you can drop by to get them?”
“Ah, thanks Hyunjin. I’ll be right there!”
He gets up from the bench himself, having already forgotten of his earlier interactions as he trots back to his university. With his camera safely packed in his camera bag, Seungmin hurries his steps to catch Hyunjin before he leaves.
The sun hasn’t gone yet by the time Seungmin arrives, and he quickly walks into the cafe in search of his friend.
It isn’t difficult to find the silhouette of a man with long pink hair, especially when the coffee shop he liked to frequent wasn’t the most popular among the campus. Although, it seems that someone is with his friend, sitting at the same table with papers strewn around.
“Seungmin, my photographer, you made it!” Hyunjin gets up from his seat, greeting him with a smile and a side hug before directing his attention to you. “Ah, this is (name). (Name), this is Seungmin.”
Seungmin’s breath gets caught in his throat the moment you turn around to exchange pleasantries. His eyes travel around your face, studying your features.
Seungmin isn’t dense, never judges anyone for their looks, but he finds your beauty to be the type subjected to photographs in art galleries. It’s one someone can spend forever admiring and analyzing and never get tired of.
Really pretty, he thinks as he extends a hand to shake yours.
A certain warmth envelopes him when he meets your hand.
“Here’s your film.” A bag is shoved in his general direction, and he grabs it and hugs it by his chest. And then, he’s forced to say his goodbye’s when Hyunjin’s attention shifts back to his own project.
Kim Seungmin sees you again a few weeks after your first encounter.
You’re crouched down on the sidewalk, paint smeared on your hands and clothes. You must be in the art department with Hyunjin, and something about that makes so much sense as Seungmin looks at you. You’re just the type of person to attract art, whether it’s because you create it or because you inspire it.
A closer look at you reveals your messy hair, blown-out by the wind, and a lopsided grin on your face as you call out to the small puppy just by the distance.
He feels the familiar twitch in his fingertips to take a photo. The sight he’s subjected to is too beautiful to not capture. If he took one quick enough, maybe you wouldn’t notice at all.
Seungmin seems to underestimate the actual distance between you and the loud shutter of his camera when he takes the photo. It’s not one of his best moments, and in the moment, he wishes the ground would just swallow him up so he didn’t have to deal with the consequences of his stupid behavior.
His face is already flush with embarrassment the moment you turn around to catch whatever had made that sound.
“Seungmin?” You remember his name, you actually remember his name, and god it couldn’t have sounded any sweeter. Does honey usually drip down the tone of your voice?
When you walk towards him with confusion etched in your face, Seungmin double backs. In the moment, he seriously considers standing in the middle of the road to meet his death instead of facing the embarrassment of explaining to you that he had just taken a photo of you because he thought the moment looked too pretty not to last forever.
He is all nervous laughter when you stop to stand in front of him, head tilted as you stare down at his camera. “Did you just take a photo of me?”
His own words tumble out of his mouth as he tries to explain himself. “Yes, and I’m sorry, I know I should’ve asked for per—“
“Can I see?”
“The photo! Can I see it?” You look up at him with a smile, hands behind your back as you sway back and forth while waiting for his response. Only now does he notice the paint on your cheek and the flutter of your eyelashes and the specs of light in your eyes.
Oh god, his stomach doesn’t feel so great, having you look at him like that.
“Uh, sure. Of course!” He fumbles with his camera, clicking on a few buttons before pushing the camera towards you so you can see better. You nod your head, studying the photo before lifting your head back to look at him curiously.
“What’s this for?”
He gulps. “A project… for my class. I’m… I’m in the Photography Department.”
Nodding your head, you flash him another lopsided smile. “You take really pretty pictures. Photography suits you.”
He sends his own boyish, shy smile directed to you at your compliment, bowing slightly in thanks. You simply giggle, shaking your head and telling him you were just telling the truth.
“Can you take another one? I wasn’t aware you were gonna take one so my hair looked a little funny.” You point out, immediately flashing him a grin and a show of a peace sign as if waiting for him to snap a photo in that moment.
He does.
And since then, he has taken multiple photographs of you.
When you would see each other around, you would jokingly strike a pose, and he would take a photo. It’s one of the moments Seungmin treasures and looks forward to.
Usually, he would simply float through the days, unable to feel the ground beneath him, unable to quite tell the time. However, while his days were usually downcast, he finds a little ray of silver lining in the way you smile at him goofily while you readily pose for the camera.
The habit remains even when you meet each other at the Soul Cafe again, Hyunjin as the common friend.
He takes multiple photos of you and Hyunjin that day, some candid and some planned – but when you laugh with your head pulled back and your eyes tearing up just a little at a stupid joke, Seungmin has his camera down.
This sight, of you laughing wholeheartedly, is something he has to see with his own two eyes. He doesn’t think any lens or any photo could do the sight justice.
Hyunjin asks him to walk you home since your dorms are closer to each other, and he happily obliges.
The walk back is short, but it’s still time together, and that was enough for Seungmin.
“Goodnight, Seungmin. Let’s meet each other again!”
Seungmin blinks, unmoving from his position with his hand still lifted in the air from waving at you prior. Your words echo in his head again and again.
Let’s meet each other again.
You want to see him again soon, intentionally this time. You genuinely enjoy his company that you would like to meet him again. Somehow, it’s something Seungmin can’t fathom.
And then you laugh, and it’s a sound that cuts through years of loneliness.
Blood rushes to the tip of his ears, heat engulfing his entire being – a warmth similar to that when he had first met you. He can’t help but stare at you, unable to do or say anything by how dumbfounded he was at such simple words.
When you smile at him one last time, Seungmin can’t help but think that, of all the things that can be associated with love in this world, he thinks none of them quite does it justice like you do.
Seungmin ponders over your words and your shared interactions for the past few weeks on his way home. A gentle smile sits on his face, all because of you and your pretty smile and the brilliance that encompasses the entirety of you.
And then he hears it – quiet, and from a distance. The sound of a train whistle in the night, one so faint he can barely hear it. The clock starts ticking again, and he feels the ground he’s walking on beneath him.
“Oh.” Realization dawns on him, the nudge in his heart visible in his face.
“I see what the old lady means now.”
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 4 months
bitty bots master post (for the time being
This au is now a collaboration au with @zoranight16 ^^
heads up, there's a bunch of reading and I'm still figuring stuff out
Some bitties are aggressive or territorial, especially in the Sol Eclipsed bots . An example is the Strawberry Eclipse bitties. Most of the albino ones (nicknamed strawberry milk morphs) are more defensive while normal and melanistic ones (chocolate dipped morphs) are more reserved and don't tend to cling to their owners until a strong bond is made
Runts are traditionally lighter in color but not albino. If they have the melanistic gene, they'll appear much darker than others with the same gene that aren't melanistic. Runts with the albino gene will usually be either completely snow white, mixed with very faint tints of their originating kind, or grayed out tones.
The main three categories are Luna bots, Sol bots and Eclipsed bots.
Luna bots tend to either be more social (Lunar based) or quiet (Moon based) but it can vary based on subspecies as well
Sol bots (Sun, sometimes others) tend to be the most sociable and usually won't get territorial.
Eclipsed bots on the other hand- they're definitely a finicky bunch. We have the Lunar based Eclipsed (Bloodmoon) and Solar based Eclipsed (Eclipse) both can get highly possessive of territory and owners. Some exceptions are if they were in a "litter" with bots of other types. Some Eclipsed bots gain the personality of normal Sol bots (Solar for example)
We (me as the owner of bitty adoption center)actually keep them (the bitties) in open "play pens" so people can stop by and play with some of them (like a cat cafe) so feel free to! Some of the bitties get along better than others so some are grouped together while others are separated to prevent damage to the bitties
not all the bitty bots are food themed!
Normal versions of dca characters are here too!!
While yes, there are different categories of bitty bots (traditional, sweets, fantasy, ect) it's not just stuck to foods
Some mutations can occur but they aren't defects. Most of the mutations add to how unique a bitty can be. Like extra functional limbs or tails perhaps.
Bitties can have combos of two kinds. Two berry based bots would have a result of a Cobbler bitty with both “parents” colorations and genes. The percentage of how much of each parent is present can change a lot. Some genes are dominant and recessive so it is really up to fate.
Rays can come in different lengths! Some bitties will have shorter rays or only half a head of rays. This can sometimes happen when a Sol bot mixes with a Luna bot. This can also happen between two Sols or two Lunas, it all depends on genes and if they're recessive or dominant traits.
Most bitties range from 4-10 inches in height, runts usually being an inch or two smaller than their normal counterparts.
Some albino runts end up with poor vision
A group of any of the berry themed bitties is called a bushel/ cluster
(more to be added)
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
Katara is trans and that's why her relathionship to gender is the way it is and she's bi with a thing for gnc people(Aang,Toph and Jet more subtly)and she's autistic and a huge part of her healing journey was learning to unmask and she's mermaidkin and it echances her waterbending but so does her transgenderism because moon=feminine energy that's misenterpreted as masculine and her favorite color is blue and she loves loaded food and gummy sharks but her favorite kind is the strawberry ones and she's punk and literally the only thing stopping her from dressing the part is the fashion didn't exist in her time but if it did she'd have a blue nose piercing triple studed ears double spider bites and a belly button ring and a stacked battle jacket and chunky ahh edgy ahh clothes and she identifies as an anarchist and is a selfcare and diy queen and in a modern au her last name would be Aipaluk and she'd get kicked out of multiple schools for being such a bully beater she'd have 8 expulsions under her belt at 14 and listen to Mcr and be a gamer girl that favors indie horror and time management games and knows tons of fun facts and hacks ans she makes hair charms and her own makeup and her favorite marine life is turtle seals and her laugh is loud and strong and Zuko introduced her to cat cafes briefly post-cartoon finales so she goes bi-weekly to clear her head and she has a tattoo sleeve and is midsized and milk makes her hyper instead of sleepy and
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ventique18 · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Illustrations Masterlist
🌸 Links under the cut 🌸
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Regular Style
Malleus Draconia
Lost in the Beach House with Malleus
You've got me under a spell (suggestive warning)
POV Malleus loves you (gif)
Fae Princes (Creon Hytherion crossover)
A little but sunny
Season of love
Happy Birthday Malleus 2024
Lecture notes scribble
Smart casual
An unexpected encounter
Love at first realization
Morning coffee
Sakura matcha
Little star
Expressive dragon
Book 7 if
University AU ID card
Love gestures
Kundiman (Love Song)
Fool in love
Contamination (+ Azul)
I like you (I love you)
Wish Upon A Star
Kiss Day
Beloved (yandere)
Beach boi
My everything
Summer day
King of the Abyss
FMalleus x MYuu
Papa Hornton
Young master
Solitude of the moon
Gentle flower
Love language
Desire 🔞
Hot kiss
Matching tamagotchis
Cloudcalling with Lilia
Best friends day Grim and Scarameow
Shelter (Maleanor and Malleus)
Jameow employee of the year
Twst meow delivery (overblotters)
Idimeow express
Vilmeow express
Jamilmeow express
Azulmeow express
Leonameow express
Riddlemeow express
NRC Top Secret Elite Squad
Papa and Mama Draconia's Valentine's date
Strawberry tyrant (Riddle)
Assemble, mighty rabbit knights! (Silver and Sebek)
HBD Leona 2022
HBD Leona 2023
HBD Silver 2022
HBD Silver 2023
HBD Silver 2024
HBD Riddle 2022
HBD Idia 2022
HBD Idia 2023
HBD Azul 2022
20-pixel tiny boys (Diasomnia)
Unusual expressions (mal, vil, leona, azul)
Distressed expressions (mal, leona, riddle, jamil)
Love Shot (Leona)
Transit (Diasomnia)
Malleus' parents headcanons (oc)
Witch Princess (Meleanor Draconia)
Chibi Style
Malleus Draconia
Mallemeow express
Potato farmer
Meowlleus Drawrconia
He bounce
Soaring boys
Sleepy Diaso
Dragon and girl
Aranara Malleus
'Puter Malleus
Tiny hearts
Baby Malmal loves you
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caramelstarlight · 6 months
CaramelCutie - AUs
Hello! If you saw this then you’ve probably following me, I got recommended to you, or a certain tag!
This is me if I was a Smiling Critter!
Feel free to keep reading or just scroll on by!
INFO: (Things that are ALWAYS in the AU, no matter what.)
•Animal : Canis Lupus / Wolf
•Pendant: Sparkles / Star ✨
•Extroverted,Clingy,Artistic, clueless, acts before thinks, gullible, funny, and a mix of most of the critters. (Extroverted like Hoppy, likes the crescent moon like CatNap, passion for art like Crafty, passion for romance or love like Bobby, Smart in some ways like Bubba, likes stars like Kickin and my favorite critter is DogDay!)
•Has made at least one plushy or mini smiling critter of every canonical critter.
•Hangs out with CraftyCorn the most (Best Friends) and DogDay (when not gushing over him.)
Appearance: Crescent moon earring (left ear.), star bracelet on right, white leg warmers with a star pattern on both legs.
•Physical appearance of Ears, Tail and Eyes. (Tail will always have the star and thing at the end, ears will look the same and always has noticeable eyelashes. You don’t need to draw it though!)
•Pink and soft fluffy fur, white paws and stomach, tip of tail is also white and the star on it as well, Doe Eyed.
•Probably gonna try remake it.
“A kind, caring and forgetful person among the critters, always expressing her interest in many topics and cheering up whoever she can! Easy to tease and flustered, but always bounces back up to her feet and keeps everyone smiling and laughing. Often clueless and a bit too kind and gullible while being a people pleaser.”
•HUGEEEE and VERY obvious crush on DogDay, (doesn’t try hiding it at all.) usually getting all flustered and shy around him or blushing when he’s around.
•Strawberry / Caramel.
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SPACE RIDERS AU - @onyxonline
(I’m so sorry there’s a billion Headcannons. Scroll to the end for a summary.) COLORED VERSION:
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•Has a huge and obvious Crush on DogDay (and dreams of him lmao, even made a little plushie of him. (The mini critters / ruined critters, that but with his outfit.) and mimicked / matched a few things with him and the rest. If you put her in as background character, feel free to have that mini DogDay being carried around in my arms! I would love to see me carrying a tiny DogDay or just watching him from afar for some reason-?)
•Can also make mini plushies of other Critters that aren’t canonical and are part of the Space Riders Crew.
•Works as a BackUp for DogDays crew / the Smiling Critters if any of them are too injured to go out, or unhealthy in general.
•When not being a backup, usually helps around within the SpaceCraft by doing maintenance, cleaning, cooking, programming, nursing, gardening, experimenting, and mainly Quality of Life. (I guess you can say I’m HouseWife material-?)
•Occasionally visits each critter (if allowed by the person) to check up on them and sometimes brings gifts or things they wanted (if I remembered.)
•Has keys to Everyone’s Bedroom / Room within the Space Craft. (Skirt pockets, only has keys if allowed to enter that persons room by them.)
•Also takes over others jobs if needed and has the time too. (Feel free to add her doing various tasks around as well! Maybe me holding the Mini DogDay plushie I made of the Space Riders AU while I work. Just giving ideas!)
•Often asks Crafty (her bestie) on how to stop thinking about DogDay when I get the chance too.
•Has keys to almost all the rooms for Maintenance or any other job I do.
•The lines that are on her outfit are Pink, sometimes teased for being a bit shorter then most of the Space Riders. (I feel like most of their heights is around 5,4ft - 6ft. My height for it is 5’0. Noticeable height difference.) White Jacket/Outfit,Boots,Skirt and Leg Warmers. (Leg warmers are a bit less bright of a white to distinguish between Leg Warmers and Skirt.) The belt is black.
•Uses crescent earring as a way to communicate (like an agent.) if needed.
•Often seen all around the space station, doing various tasks or multitasking, when relaxing or on break, just cuddling the Mini DogDay plushie I have. (Actually asked him to model for it, 😭🩵)
•Has a fear of the Dark and Abandonment, with severe Inner Child wounds and can break easily. In this AU it’s strengthen since people have to go in and out, as well as the dark being inescapable because it’s space.
•Contacts the leader of each crew to see if they need help on their mission, if they say yes, immediately goes out and heads on over to help for free.
•Has the power of Stars, such as moonlight, sunlight or stars in general. (Lighting up places, summoning the moon with stars for a bit, sending stars at enemies, idk if that makes sense lmao.)
SUMMARY: Big crush on DogDay with a mini plushie on him, does majority of the jobs here (Maintenance,Cleaning,Gardening, Cooking, experimenting, programming, and nursing.(Housewife material.), helps others and checks in on them, keys to almost all the places in the spacecraft, helps with missions, powers of stars in general.
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HighSchool AU by NoirzVault on Twitter / X.
•5ft in height, participates in Art Club with CraftyCorn as the leader. •Also carrying a mini DogDay plush everywhere (Big simp for DogDay here.) in the school.
•Signed up for Student Council as well for Vice President or Treasurer.
•I can’t reveal much since I’m making a map for the people at PlayTime High on YT!
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crows-templets · 6 months
New template master post!! Part one
Nature themes
River/wind normal
Dino very short
Fish normal
Apple farm normal
Fox/star normal
Strawberry normal
Dark forest normal
Pink flower normal
Ocean long
Bird normal
Space normal
Moon/plant normal
Star normal
Dark themes
Gatekeeper normal
Lovely dark extra long
Unthemed dark normal
Crowley extra long
Drinking/smoking normal
Werewolf normal
Hell normal
Creepy/dark long
Demon/fallen angel normal
Coffin candy normal
Crow/red normal
Misc. themes
Cola normal
Valentines normal
Heart<3 normal
Pink bear normal
Sunset normal
Unthemed 🍂🥧📔💼 normal
Film normal
Party normal
White/tiger very short
Archery normal
Glass normal
Cute games normal
Emo/ scene normal
Lovesome&crow normal
Archery genderqueer normal
Doctor short, horizontal
Casino themes
Casino long
Table top games medium
Music and games normal
Hazbin hotel and helluvaboss
Alastors mom medium/short
Adam normal
Alastor normal
Charlie Morningstar long
Zestial short/medium
Actor au valintino short/medium
Valintinos moth girls normal/long 2 matching
Husk short/medium
Sera normal
Velvette normal
Carmilla normal
Lucifer normal
Angel dust normal
Angel dust again normal
Angel dust take three medium
Emily normal
Rosie normal
Fizzarolli medium
Stolas normal
Millie/moxxie normal
Blitzø normal
Verosika normal
Color themes
Pink/red very short
Blue stars normal
Orange clock normal
Purple/red/white very short
Red/white normal
Yellow normal
Blue🌀 normal
Brown normal
Light themes
Saint Michael very short (like his brother -🖤)
Angelic normal
Kid like themes
Bright unthemed long/medium
Rainbow regression normal
Wally darling normal
Ghostly rainbow normal
Tiny Tina very long
Fnaf superstar daycare normal
Kidcore normal/long
Music themes
Lovely music normal
Different lovely music Normal
Music/star normal
Taylor swift normal
Music long
Misc fandom
Other mother normal
Wybie lovat normal
Coraline jones normal
Shinso Hitoshi normal
Mina Ashido normal
Catnap normal
Dogdays normal
Airy object show normal
Dakota Cole normal
Invader zim normal
Your doom normal
Magnus archives normal
Cult of the lamb normal
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aka-lorterian · 1 year
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abt me↑
HollowKnight account: @biggestpball
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i might not tag every post, but all my SW works can be found below. and if there's no ship tags, it's not a ship art.
↓Art Collections(starwars only)↓
it seems I hit the word limit lol, so more collection in reposts.
>THE BAD BATCH *Tech & Cross [nonship]: #batch twins
Echo & Omega dancing | Eye of Giant | curious bird | sightseeing | star too big to fit at home | the last sight | weave plaits | early missions | tf#22 lines crossover | tech sitting | batch chibi | cadet tech cross sleeping | we improvised | tech with small pterosaurs | afterwar fishing | wrecker wreckers(TF xover) | strawberry dress
>DOMINO TWINS *echofives [ship]: #5echo5
MARCH hand print | ARC5s tbbEcho hug
APRIL back from skako | kisses(and 2 pics of codywan) | a nap on Remora | i love Fives too(doodles during swc) | faint shooting stars | nightmare unfinished comic | Fives gimme a hand | wedding(hey)
MAY one with the force(5.4) | the twin moons | Fives Omega met | quilt devil | rings | cookies | koecitaqpe | blue bowties | draft: ghost 5s echo standing | tears | time travel
JUNE canon&headcanon echo | million stories | in jail | after the war 01 02 | the paths of us(color ring) | poor fives | morden au | city night(draft from the color ring) | across the galaxy in light speed | cadet hugs
JULY tired parents + story time | breakfast | gems fusion | captured | fives in disguise | going to do crime | echo with kids | tons of kisses
AUGUST dancing between stars | hugs & kisses | why you kissed me yesterday
SEPTEMBER rose-ringed parakeet | horror movies | the twin heartbeat | someones drunk and kissed in 79s yesterday | so you woke me up jst for a kiss?! 1 2 | 09/14 echo day
*photographic works: stars and midnight blue | next to my cup | light | with big bee
it's captain REX!! | chibi Cody | drafts with swr and tbb | baby clone photos | incorrect quotes | between the stars(cadets) | bun(handcraft) | Chuchi | winter ryloth | rolling clone orb
>Clone OCs
first appearance (2 drafts and helmets design) | armors | oops | frozen planet | drafts 5.22.2023 | OCs & animals | two on shoulders | 手上没劲别摔了孩子jpg | yolk the bird | bird with hats
stars and midnight blue | Nevarro sightseeing | picked up by your dad | ur dad jst washed his visors yesterday
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
More AGSZC Flirting, ND AU, cuteness, and crack crossover
Disclaimer: not an expert
AU setup: all the boys are neuro-spicy except Angeal, who has depression/anxiety. I HC that GZ are more ADHD-leaning and SC are more Autism (ASD)-leaning
From: the archives of my convos with @strayheartless
Genesis: Well, hello there~
Cloud, signing: -Genesis. Love you but melt down soon. You touch you die.-
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Zack and Genesis go really hard on wooing, but Cloud and Sephiroth respond to their first coherent attempt with a simple "sure", and it leaves them discombobulated. Subsequent attempts are met with similar practicality and honesty.
Genesis: My love, my moon in the night, my sun in the day..
Cloud: k, bed or couch?
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Zack: Dear Sephiroth. My love for you is more vast than the ocean...
Sephiroth: Oh, I remember this cue. You want a kiss. *kisses*
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Zack: Clouuuuddddd ugh you're SO COOL, I want to have your babies!
Cloud: wtf man, we're both dudes?
Zack: AngeAL, you are such a DADDY, I want your babies!
Angeal: *the color of a strawberry* Zack! We are in public!
Zack: Genesis give me your babies
Genesis: Zackary, I will give you something alright. ;)
Zack: Sephiroth, you are so hot, I want to bear your children!
Sephiroth: You don't even have a vagina, much less a uterus.
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Cloud: 😐🍴 *holding up a fork in defense* *suspicious.exe*
Angeal: he means metaphorically, honey
Cloud: *relaxes a little* I knew that.
Genesis: but he will definitely bite a bit ;)
Cloud: 😑🍴
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Genesis: Mm, my love, your kisses are the nectar of the goddess, your tongue a fine wine...
Sephiroth: I had cereal for dinner, it should taste like fruit loops .
Genesis: 😮‍💨shhhhh
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Constance Lefour x male reader
Soulmate au
This fandom doesn't exist yet
Think of it as marketing lmao
(name) looked wide eyed as he glanced out the air ships window, the Amethyst city: Oraculum. The massive city peaking from the clouds, built from the mountains.
Grand gothic stone buildings surrounding the large castle like building carved from the side of Mount Ilfred and a large violet crystal floating on a large spire, connected from two points shaped like a moon, the deepslate castle having old detailed carvings and stained glass windows of the capitals inception and newer editions from the war.
It was loud and bustling as people of all kinds stepped off the airships from places far and wide, (name) held onto his suitcase as the sound of bells and whistles for people to board could be heard, ships refilling on anything needed and loud chatter. His feet stepped against the old cobblestone as he followed the crowd to customs, standing in line as security checked luggage.
They were imposing, navy garrison uniforms with golden embellishments.
"Next" (name) broke from his thoughts as he stumbled to the guard and set his briefcase on the old oak table "name and country of Origin" he said simply and (name) some nervously "(name) (lastname) and I'm from Froja" he said and the guard glared slightly and mumbled something under his breath along the lines of 'end time bastards' and (name) kept quiet about it.
It had been two hundred years yet the world was still recovering from the war, the country of Froja wanting to harness the planets core to power everything and anything though it's methods were less than great, slowly killing the planet till it was ended by the country of skyla; a nation that was torn from the planet by his countries wrong doings.
When the officer was finished (name) scurried out, uncomfortable at the situation
Glancing around be looked for signs of his friend, grinning when he spotted him smoking off to the side "you know that'll kill ya one day right?" He teased as toddy glanced at him groggily, ash Grey eyes peaking from his dark lashes as his messy curly strawberry blonde hair pulled up in a bun, his eye bags present "I'm here to have a good time, not worry about those things" (name) always admired toddy, the man never worried.
The two walked through the bustling dock onto the streets as (name) took in the city before him, townhouses and shop houses filling the streets, colorful and vibrant as vendors and shoppers alike entered and exited, being the magic hub of the world many stores were magic relatedToddy walked to a Grimoire shop and pulled out keys, unlocking the side door leading to the upstairs apartments and (name) looked curious "my my, throwing a party are we?" A voice chimed out and (name) glanced to see a pretty man with ivory white hair that fell to mid back, straight and soft looking, His Almond skin a stark contrast to it all. He was tall and lean, a black turtle neck and fitted slacks with nice looking loafers. "Hardly, (name) this is my neighbor Constance Lefour, Constance this is my close friend (name) (last name)"
"Opposites really do become good friends... friends with this sleepy bum" Constance teased at Toddys messy clothes, the teachers dress shirt always dishevelled and sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos "Maybe I should get a roommate.." Constance said with false thought and Toddy snorted at the concept "please, you would probably tell them of their deaths with unsolicited fortunes"
"Never hurts to know when it will all end, makes one value life a bit more, you all have such little time" he spoke as if he and everyone else was different.
He was a weird pretty man.
Constance walked off without another word and Toddy rolled his eyes "accept a fortune at your own risk, he tends to get strange with them" Toddy remarked and (name) nodded "he seems like quite the character" he joked and Toddy huffed playfully"that barely covers him as a person"
"I have another neighbor, she runs the shop downstairs, she joins me for dinner or Constance as she's legally not allowed to cook" he explained and (name) raised an eyebrow "why?"
"She can't cook for shit, she almost burned the building down a few times so she's been banned as it's seen as a safety hazard"
"Also if you see a Siamese cat, don't give him food that's Winston and he already tricks like four people"
These folks seemed strange but the fondness in Toddys voice proved they were dear friends to him.
(Name)s belongings arrived a week prior, the man spending his time unpacking his room while Toddy took a nap, the man never getting enough sleep as long as he knew him.
"Thanks again... I really should get a new one" Moira said sheepishly as milsha helped a familiar get dressed for his adoption, Harold dressed in his best for a farmer just outside the capital.
"It's no problem! So what do you guys even do here?" (Name) asked as a group of angry hamsters stomped around squeaking angrily, he had never seen hamsters with mullets before but it was a first for everything he supposed.
"Ah! We help the spirits of forgotten pets start a new life as familiars for witches/warlocks and wizards! Petcrpmancy if you will!" She said cheerfully and (name) looked wide eyed "that's an incredibly noble of you two to do, I'm sure they will all find good homes" he said as a dodo bird in armor challenged a broom to a duel.
"Well I best be going, good luck Harold" (name) said and the cat looked happy as the necromancers bid their farewells.
(Name) explored the city a bit more, it was way different that back home as the sun shone high almost blindingly "oh? We meet again" a familiar voice rang clear and (name) looked to see none other than Constance flipping a shop sign to open and (name) looked at the old shop sign "Constance' magic Bazaar" "that's correct, anything and everything is sold here~"
"Fascinating, got any plant keeping grimoires?"
"Ah trying to save those poor plants from toddy Dearest?" Constance teased as they walked into the chaotic store, truly he had everything as items stacked everywhere and tagged messily.
Constance seemed to know where everything was as (name) looked at all the magical items "would you also like a fortune reading on the house?" He offered as he set the book down on the counter and types numbers into the register "50,000 Gūya" he said simply as he rested his chin in his hand, resting on the old mahogany counter as (name) paid with his Holo-com, a device that truly showed the mix of magic and Machina.
"Sure, why not" he said and Constanc practically beamed at this his honey eyes dancing with joy as he cracked his fingers, pulling a note pad and a pen, drawing sigils on it "projection magic?"
"Don't you want to see it?"
Constance spoke some encantations as he took (name)s hands and placed it on the paper "fortetīo" he said simply and removed the others hand from the paper as it set itself on fire, light projecting from it.
"What kind of fortune is it?"
"A love one"
(Name) Raised an eye brow and Constance shrugged playfully "I'm a sucker for romance~"
The two watched the fortune of (name) waiting at a table in black and white dressed in a suit and looked happy when he noticed.... Constance walk into frame?
"Well then"
"My my, never thought this is how I would meet my beloved, been so long I thought I didn't have one ~"
"Why's that?"
"Don't worry about it"
Toddy sipped his tea tiredly as he took it in "good luck" he said exhausted and (name) smiled sheepishly as Constance fixed his hair up, always trying to get Toddy to look less like he rolled out of bed "I promise to return him by eleven~" he teased and Toddy rolled his eyes "you better, he starts work tomorrow"
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captaincryolicious · 2 years
haiku boy
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kazuha x gn!reader
summary ; you keep finding little haikus on your paper cup of coffee
format ; oneshot – 2.8k words
cw ; fluff, pining, modern au
zep's note ; it's been weeks since i posted and this isn't my best work but i just really wanted to write something yk. i might write a little follow-up to this but it depends
content under the cut | masterlist
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Vibrant red maple leaves whirled around you in their descent from the tall trees along the road, caught in the crisp autumn breeze that sent a shiver down your spine. You hurried over the sidewalk, tightening your scarf in an attempt to block out the cold. Fall had arrived with a chilly wind and fluttering leaves in a myriad of colors.
The sky was packed with a deck of gray clouds, and small droplets had started to drizzle down. You picked up your pace, deciding against walking all the way home as the rain began to fall because your coat didn't have a hood nor did you bring an umbrella with you. Instead, you chose to visit a small coffee shop you spotted across the street. As much as you loved autumn, you weren't a fan of the rain that often came with it. You'd have to seek shelter there, waiting for the rain to stop.
A small bell above the door chimed softly as you entered, and the aroma of coffee greeted you. The interior looked cozy and welcoming, but fortunately it wasn't overly crowded. There were a few other customers seated, some chatting softly and others quietly doing some work on their laptops. Your eyes found a seat in the corner of the little coffee shop that looked especially inviting to you, and you made a mental note to sit over there after placing your order.
With your eyes on the menu, you walked up to the counter. A warm drink sounded really good right now, after exposing yourself to the chilly autumn air for quite some time. You felt a little hungry, too, so you'd definitely go for a dessert as well.
There were multiple employees behind the counter, and they shared a laugh together. You had to wait a moment before one of them noticed you. The laughter ceased and a guy with hair as pale as the moon walked over to greet you.
     "Hello," he said with a friendly smile. "What can I get you?"
His gentle ruby eyes met yours, and time drew to a halt for a moment. His smile grew as he took in your features, and the cold that had bitten your cheeks outside was replaced by a warm blush. He was pretty, and the streak of red in his pale hair reminded you of the maple leaves that darted around in the crisp autumn breeze.
You couldn't help but smile back – albeit a bit shyly. He had such a gentle aura about him, and it warmed you with just a single glance. You had no idea for how long you stood there staring at each other, but a wave of teasing laughter from the guy's co-workers shook you both from your little daze.
     "Uhm, hi," you awkwardly greeted him. "I'd like a maple syrup latte and a strawberry cheesecake please."
     "Alright, coming right up," the male behind the counter nodded, grabbing a paper cup and a marker and scribbling your order on the cup. Then his ruby eyes flickered to meet yours again. "What's your name?"
     "Y/N," you answered.
He nodded again, now writing your name on the paper cup as well. Then he put down the marker, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, still smiling at you kindly. You weren't going to lie, the guy's entire demeanor awakened butterflies in your stomach and the way he smiled at you only made it worse.
     "It will be ready shortly," he promised.
You took off to your desired seat, still blushing furiously. Your hands were still cold from outside, and you brought them up to cup your cheeks in order to cool them a little. Oh goodness, that guy was super pretty! You had wandered into the right coffee shop at the right time, or so it seemed. You shook off your coat and placed it over the vacant chair next to you and got comfortable in the little corner of the shop, waiting for your order. You tried not to give in, but you couldn't help but glance over to the counter the entire time, just to watch the pretty boy prepare your order skillfully. Once, you caught him looking at you too, and you never averted your gaze so quickly, another furious blush spreading across your cheeks.
You weren't ready for the moment he walked towards your table, and your heart was hammering in your ribcage as he approached you, a paper cup and a small plate in his hands.
     "There you go," he said, placing the items in front of you on the table. You noticed how he wasn't looking at you, his ruby eyes darting away from you instead. His parting smile was a little nervous, and then he headed back to the counter again.
It didn't make much sense to you why he was acting like that, but you felt as fidgety as he had appeared. In order to offer yourself some distraction, you reached for the paper cup that held your hot drink. Curious about his handwriting, you held it in a manner that revealed your name scribbled neatly in black letters. But there was more. There, below your name, was a hastily written message.
     Autumn day so cold
     You came in, lit up a spark
     Warmth that came with you
With widened eyes, you stared at the haiku on your cup of coffee, your heart beating frantically as you let the words sink in. He wrote you a little poem? Your eyes searched for him behind the counter, and you found him standing with his back towards you. Did he do that for all his customers, or were you special? You didn't dare to assume the latter, but you found yourself secretly hoping so. But you shrugged it off, maybe it was the policy of this coffee shop? That probably wasn't the case, you realized. If it was, it would be advertised.
You kept checking, but the boy didn't glance in your direction again, but you were kind of grateful for that. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if your gazes would lock, not after he wrote you a haiku. What did it even mean? You read it over and over. Did he mean that you warmed up this cold autumn day for him? If that was the case, this was an adorable way of letting you know. You smiled softly, silently thanking the guy behind the counter. Whatever his intention was with his little poem, it surely brightened your day.
After the initial shock wore off, you enjoyed your hot drink while mindlessly scrolling through your phone. The slice of cheesecake was long gone – and it had tasted amazing. A glance outside told you that the rain had stopped, and it was time for you to leave. You'd spend around forty-five minutes inside the cozy little coffee shop, sipping your coffee and sneaking glances at the beautiful male behind the counter.
He didn't look back once, but you knew it wasn't because he didn't care – why else would he write you a haiku? But then what was it? Was he simply being shy?
As you got up and collected your belongings, you carefully stuffed the now empty paper cup in your bag. There was no way you were going to toss it away, not when it had a haiku written on it, all for you.
You lowered your pace when you walked past the counter on your way out. From the corner of your eye, you saw one of the guys nudging the haiku boy's arm, and he finally turned to look at you. His ruby eyes sparkled as he offered you a kind yet bashful smile.
     "Please come again," he said.
You smiled back before turning away and burying your chin in the collar of your coat to prepare for the outside cold. Oh, you definitely would. Of course you'd come back.
The second time you visited the coffee shop was exactly a week later. It was your day off, and what better way was there to spend it than to look out for that pretty guy again? You really hoped that he would be working today, or you'd feel pretty bummed. Because of that and various other reasons, you felt slightly nervous as you headed to the little shop. In your mind you were busy making up scenarios. If he was there today, then what?
You had no idea what to expect.
This time, the maple leaves that fluttered down from the branches reminded you of him, and you realized the impact he already had on you. You could vividly recall his gentle ruby eyes, his kind smile, the streak of red in his pale hair. Your heartbeat picked up as the coffee shop came in sight. You really wanted to see him again, even though your interactions would only be brief and limited.
The bell above the door rang excitedly as you stepped inside. Given the time of the day, it was once again fairly quiet in the little shop. But you barely acknowledged the people present, and your eyes sought only one person. He was there, behind the counter, rinsing the dishes while talking to another guy. But upon the chime of the bell he glanced up, his ruby gaze finding you. A blinding smile fell upon his lips, and he shook droplets of water off his hands before reaching for a towel.
     "Hi, welcome," he greeted you, wiping the remnants of wetness off his hands using his apron.
His smile held so much more than a professional warmth, and you couldn't help but smile back widely. You were relieved to find him there again, with his kind demeanor that made you feel all warm and giddy on the inside.
     "Hey," you greeted back.
     "Same as the last time?" he asked, and you nodded.
Feeling as if you were afloat after witnessing such a soft and gentle smile, you made your way to the seat where you previously sat, now dubbing it as your usual seat. You discreetly watched how the pretty male was preparing your order, and your breath stilled for a moment when he so obviously started writing something onto your paper cup.
You hastily pretended to be looking at your phone when he started making his way over to where you were seated, acting as if you hadn't been observing him quietly. The pretty boy inched closer to your table, holding a paper cup and a plate of cheesecake. Offering you a smile, he placed the items in front of you.
    "Enjoy, Y/N," he said, boldly adding your name.
It had you blushing slightly, for the way his name of his tongue was smooth and gentle and very enjoyable in his soft and sweet voice. You wanted him to speak your name more often.
     "Thanks," you replied, reciprocating the smile.
As he walked away, you curiously turned the paper cup around and saw another haiku scribbled down on the side. Your eyes took in the words, and they widened your smile.
     You came in again
     Sparked delight within me
     Your beautiful smile
Your hand flew to your mouth to keep a small squeal from escaping. It was such a sweet message, and you felt warmth blossom in your chest – along with a swarm of butterflies that woke in the pit of your stomach. But along with the giddy feeling also came questions, one more prominently present than the others; was the haiku boy flirting with you through his little poems? You read the three little lines again, only now noticing a little signature below the final words.
Curiously, you glanced up and found the male behind the counter. Your eyes met his gentle ruby ones, and you broke into a smile. So Kazuha was his name, huh? Knowing his name brought you a sense of happiness, you came to notice. Kazuha was such a pretty name, it really suited him.
You drank your coffee in silence, taking small bites of your cheesecake in the meantime. Again it wasn't too crowded in the little coffee shop, and you enjoyed the peaceful vibe – even more so because of all the shared glances with Kazuha. You felt butterflies flutter in your tummy every time your eyes would meet, mostly because you could only interpret his haikus as a – very successful – attempt to flirt.
Now you were pondering on what to do. Talk to him before leaving, or chicken out and leave the coffee shop silently? You weren't sure what to do. The idea of talking to him made you nervous but you also didn't want to give him the idea that you weren't interested. Because mind you, you definitely were. Kazuha was pretty and he seemed like a very kind person. You would really love to get to know him better.
You made up your mind.
Gathering your courage as you shrugged on your coat, you took in a deep breath. You had to do this. There was no way you were going to miss out on this opportunity. You hesitantly made your way over to the counter. It wasn't the haiku boy who greeted you there, but a male with blonde hair and a headband. He smiled at you knowingly.
     "I assume you are here for our Kazuha?" he guessed.
You nodded shyly, and you saw a hint of smugness seeping into the male's smile before he told you he'd fetch Kazuha for you. He walked off, and you silently watched how he tapped on the pretty boy's shoulder and gestured towards you. It was adorable how Kazuha seemed a little surprised to find you there, requesting to talk to him specifically. But he came to you nonetheless, smiling politely.
     "How can I help you?" he asked formally. He was obviously nervous, which reassured you a little bit. You weren't the only one.
     "Your haikus," you began. "I uh... I wanted to tell you that I really like them... Kazuha." Your words came out hesitantly, and you mentally cursed yourself for not appearing more confident. The boy had made it pretty clear that he was at least interested in you, so you had no reason to be so scared.
     "Really?" he reacted, relief crossing his features. "I'm really glad, Y/N. I simply couldn't help myself when I saw you walking in and had to write them for you. They may not be much, but–"
     "Don't say that," you countered. "They made my cold day a little warmer." You added a smile to your words. "It's such a sweet gesture, thank you for doing that."
Kazuha grinned bashfully, momentarily avoiding your eyes before turning to look at you again. His gaze of soft ruby was so gentle and warm, sweeter even than the haikus he wrote for you. He was a stranger to you still, but you could already tell that this guy was a special one. You kept your gazes locked for what felt like ages, smiling at each other like two idiots.
     "Say, you're going to clog up the line if you're gonna keep staring at each other like that," the blond guy from before interrupted your little moment. "Kazuha, you can take a little break. Go talk to your crush."
He spoke with a teasing grin, and the words reddened Kazuha's cheeks as his eyes strayed away awkwardly. His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously, but then he straightened his composure and ushered the blond male away.
     "Thanks, Thoma," he muttered, his hands reaching behind his back to untie his apron. "Y/N, may I be so bold to ask you to have a drink with me? It's on the house, of course."
Your heart jumped, and for a moment it was as if you were afloat on cloud nine. Pretty haiku boy asked you to have a drink with you. Wasn't that practically a sort of tiny date? The ideas sent the wave of butterflies ablaze in your stomach, and it took you a second to find the right words.
     "You may," you answered. "I'd say yes."
     "Well then, would you like to have a drink with me?" Kazuha chuckled, visibly relaxing.
     "Yes, I'd love to," you gingerly said.
The pretty guy walked around the counter, joining you as he stood next to you. You felt warm and flustered, now that he was so close to you, without the counter that naturally drove a wedge between you. Honestly, you could barely comprehend what was happening. A week ago you wandered into a random coffee shop to seek shelter from the rain and now you were standing next to one of the employees, ready to have a little date with him. It was funny how things worked out sometimes, wasn't it?
You glanced over at the male next to you, who was talking to the guy named Thoma as he placed your shared order. You felt a wave of appreciation washing over you, while you barely knew the boy standing next to you. But that was the whole point of your little date, right? You couldn't wait to get to know him better.
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Twst Pokémon au idea
Let me just say, chilling on a trip. Makes me think of a new big move. Like Gigantimax and the sparkly thing in Violet and Scarlett’s and the sun and moon bracelet. What if Bond Element Link/Elemental Bond
Here’s the idea. Imagine the later and mega evolution thing. Example.
Let’s say you’re doing a huge signature move, more specifically. The finishing move. Imagine how a trainer and Pokémon bond and share a connecting soul. Let’s use that as the boost. Say for fire.
Example: Jasir and Jasminko/Fire Gym Trainers with the elite fakemon Tigreous.
When these two sent out their companion, the bond connection will form more stronger. With the eyes bursting with the color that signify a Pokémon element. Orange/yellow/red mix is fire. So their eyes will burst bright with fire colors and Tigreous will form a blazing blues fire fur coat and their drill point turns into a sharpen sword blade and helmet something stronger. You have a lethal weapon and now I am done.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @liviavanrouge
Twst Pokémon au from @writing-heiress
Also Writing-Heiress, looking at me to create a new Pokémon move out of sheer boredom:
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Me who is bored as fuck:
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@anxious-twisted-vampire who had to relearn shit and confused to what the fuck I made up:
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ladye-zelda · 11 months
The Chain as Owl City Songs
You read the title; I gave each member of the chain an Owl City song (or more) XD
Some of these songs can go to multiple of the boys (most notably Wild, Twilight, and Legend; poor guys with girlfriend trauma).
Also disclaimer: this is mainly all of the songs I grew up with, so I won't have any songs from Owl City's newer albums (such as Cinematic and Coco Moon; especially Coco Moon as I haven't finished listening to that album at this time).
The first thing that came to mind was Strawberry Avalanche, since it kind of fits with the Koholint situation.
But I think the one that would best fit would be Angels (though it could also match with Twi and Wild).
For some more post-Koholint Angst, here's The Real World; I dunno, seems like a song Legend would belt out.
Up All Night. No doubt. I've actually been thinking of this for so long I've been going crazy XD
(And this is mainly the song that can go with both Legend and Wild as well; be prepared for some heavy angst.)
Originally what I had was Super Honeymoon (as kind of a joke) but listening to it I realized it made more sense if he was married to Zelda, which is a nope. (Or I guess it could fit if he just thinks of his wife so highly, which is likely).
Tbh he was kind of hard to assign an Owl City song to (like Four), so I think Meteor Shower might also fit for some Time Angst.
(Or Dental Care or Rugs from Me To You for some dad jokes hehe.)
(Bonus: Tennis Elbow from Sky Sailing; not technically Owl City but it's by the same guy.)
(Bonus Bonus: Unbelievable for that 90's nostalgia; unfortunately it doesn't mention Ocarina of Time but if this was Modern AU then Time would absolutely have 90's nostalgia... maybe...)
Plant Life. I think this song would kind of touch with that side of Hyrule who felt like he isn't like the other heroes
(It does have a slight romance undertone to it, but its only in the chorus/bridging lyric and isn't the main focus of the song I will admit.)
Wolf Bite. I know the title kind of suggests this should be Twi's song, but if you listen to it it kind of fits with the internal struggle that Wild goes through in the comics. (Plus if I could make animatics I would totally make an animatic of Wild to this song; ahhh I love Ultraviolet (the album this is from) so much).
Bird with a Broken Wing. Kind of self explanatory if you listen closely to the lyrics. (Actually, this could fit with Time... hm...)
Oof, this was kind of a hard one. At first I was going to say that no song could match him, until I remembered...
The Technicolor Phase. Kind of color-centric for those who like them XD
[Insert every 2010's Owl City love song here]
XD Kidding; but the two I have written down are Honey and the Bee and The Bird and the Worm (and maybe Early Birdie?)
A non-romantic song I remembered however is Sky Diver. Yeah that's Sky for ya XD
The Airway — SO perfect for Sky
Yacht Club! Except not really because I forgot it was a romance song XD (We'll save it for when Wind has grown a bit.)
On the other hand: How I Became the Sea.
I was tempted to put Deer in the Headlights as a joke but then that would fit with womanizer Wars which is a BIG NOPE (and doesn't fit with Wars at all), so just think of it as reversed or something XD
On the other hand, we have Hospital Flowers for kind of maybe that survivor side of him.
But Beautiful Times fits him the most, as it kind of delves in with that war aspect ("cab driver turned to skydiver then to survivor" screams war to me).
And yeah, that's all the chain! Feel free to add or switch out any songs that you feel might be better; these were just mainly off the top of my head.
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total-feminism-takes · 6 months
Lesbian Courtney anon here!
Beth don't need to main three because the main three need her and love her who they are!
Imagine this and the scene: Bratz style girls x TD
Beth, the sweetheart they all love Beth even Courtney in her own I rather punch the wall or die then admit my feelings to anyone because that's how I was raised and my therapist with I am working on it.
Courtney angry feminist trope stick up her butt religious type everyone says (Mom of the group and puts herself in dangerous situations make sure all her girls are alright!)
Lindsay the bubbly cute (she more than likely get away with it after being caught once)
Leshawna - true leadership
Heather ('Leader' but not really the figure head, she will tear people apart in heartbeat that stare in sexual way at her girls)
All of them have sleepovers, a bit fights over teenager things like Lindsay no! Frosted tips for Tyler so gross! AHHHhh
Boy troubles are in comfort and cuddle times! Maybe Lindsay and Courtney cuddle the most after Duncan and Tyler got detention with Alejandro again and Heather is like no tears boys are stupid! Then they all cuddle together and stuff!
Girl dates!
Beth with Lindsay holding hands and Courtney then carrying them when they get tired sometimes because Courtney strong and works out with Eva!
Heather makeovers! Lindsay and Beth in beauty school poor Heather as their test subject and Leshawna happily waiting her turn!
Eva and Courtney teaching Beth self defense!
That's it and immediately someone draw these girls in fluffy strawberry cowgirls, blueberry cow, and farmer moon outfits like NOW!!
I like Beth but I have hate relationship with people who are like she gets a glow up and rest the cast can't tell it's Beth!
Everyone is ugly sometimes.
Beth is not ugly due to her looks. I don't like Beth trope of her thinking everyone wants her because I was like that once but then I was like male validation ain't it. BUT THEY DON'T GIVE HER GROWTH AND GIVE HER BRADY!!!
I am say it.
Fat, chubby, acne, greasy hair, and depression- I don't care.
I love you, girl or not. I have in my whole life care over others from throwing up toddlers and older people in mental distress.
Baby, let me tell you something, ugliness is when you look hollow look in the mirror due to being the 'prettiest girl in the world' but alone just for validation for a guy who can't even remotely recall your favorite color or birthday!
I rather tell you I have bath my sick loved ones when they weren't healthy or just happy in general. Beth is not meant to be perfect girl or the prettiest girl because she just a girl.
Her warmth, her smile, and her willingness to help is just her that we should value.
And she ain't even that ugly.
All these girls not even ugly. Mess up drawing shaped bodies but not ugly.
Speaking with experiment from a little girl who was Beth growing up and became the Courtney archetype of rage, acting like I know better to push everyone away, and etc, the world was cruel and killed a little girl of hope now I have rage and my tan skin with angry makes people think I am danger for not knowing how to let go or grieve all of it yet.
Basically Beth. They- I - the fandom should leave you alone if we don't love all of you with flaws and such too.
Beth for president and Courtney vice president! for a school AU trope and Heather gets jealous runs against them with Leshawna! Lindsay just wants to make their posters!
- 🧡
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
Incorrect Security Breach Quotes 6
Chica: You have to apologize to them Roxy.
Roxy: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Vanessa: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall?
Vanny: His cats' names are Walter and Rose.
Vanessa: That's not what I asked.
Vanny: That is all the information I have.
(They're sisters in my au, not the same person)
Roxy: Do we have any orange juice left?
Gregory: *pours the remaining juice into their cup*
Gregory: Sorry, we’re all out.
Vanessa, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey, Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Chica, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids.
Bonnie: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Vanessa: Playing systemic oppression.
Monty: I called you like ten times! Why didn’t you pick up?
Freddy: *remembers dancing to the ringtone*
Freddy: I didn’t hear it.
Bonnie: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Gregory: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Moon: Go the fuck to sleep Gregory.
Freddy: I wasn’t that drunk.
Bonnie: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Monty: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Gregory: You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Monty: I don't have time for their problems.
*Sun dies in a game with ships*
Chica: This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us.
Chica: The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury.
Monty: Legend has it that Sun still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking drinks.
Sun: Of course I do.
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