#the closet is lucio's favorite place to make out
Hi again! Still not a request for mini-prompts lol, but more songs. This time it’s specifically about Julian :)
I was listening to Will Wood while working on some art, and I didn’t realize how many songs remind me of him! I found some new favorites, so I thought I’d share them. Excuse the titles on these, some of them are really long ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ || CW for mentions of alcoholism, pills, sickness, death, and angst!!!
- Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
The instrumental is so jaunty and jazzy that he’s the first character I thought of. The lyrics, not so much, but It’ll do. Will Wood has a pretty versatile voice, so I think it fits Julian!
- Love Me, Normally
The instrumental also fits that jazzy, dramatic vibe of his- and this time, the lyrics do too. These are ones that stuck out to me:
“Won't follow my dreams/ No, they've all got me waking up screaming / I drank myself to death to be the afterlife of the party/ When the afterparty came, I was rolling in my grave”
- Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave
This one makes me think about how it must have felt being locked in the dungeons during the plague. Valdemar mentioned in Julian’s route that he was a jokester (even though they have the worst sense of humor) who tried to keep the mood high as a way to cope with the situation. If anyone told me he didn’t lose a bit (a LOT) of himself down there I’d probably just laugh, because that was literally traumatic. These are the lyrics i’d quote to envision that:
“Cause back in my day we didn't need no feel-good pills and no psychiatrists / No, we just drank ourselves to death, and god damn it, we liked it”
“Who makes the call? What's a symptom, what's a flaw? / Can it be both? Well I suppose that's an answer / Would you give up your humanity for just a touch of sanity / Cause God knows it's not like it's cancer”
“And a little conformity never hurt nobody / But lately I've been worried that you're losing yourself / So how many milligrams of you are still left in there/ Cause back in my day we didn't need no feel-good pills and no psychiatrists”
- Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)
This makes me think about his anxiety and depression concerning his supposed murder of Count Lucio. He’s made it clear that he really believes he’s guilty, awful, filthy and however else you would describe a murderer. He took the “truth” of his past and made it his identity.
“Have you ever died in a nightmare / Woke up surprised you hadn't earned your fate /Could you take a look at me / Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad?”
“It doesn't take a killer to murder / It only takes a reason to kill / We've all got evidence of innocence, it's 'everything's coincidence' the / Difference twixt fate and free will is whether you're singing”
“So if you wash your hands of where you've been until you flood the second floor /Neatly fold your skeletons but still can't shut the closet door”
- Euthanasia
I can’t lie, this one made me cry a little bit. He definitely took the blame for MC catching the plague and dying from it under his watch. I started to feel second hand guilt. He knew there was nothing he could do to help us once we got really sick, and it hurt so bad. People say he would have a sort of sassy voice (picture Tulio from Road to El Dorado), and I agree! But imagining him singing this song just breaks me.
“Say you're not scared / That you know it's because I cared and / Say you know I love you, and that hope was just not there”
“And I know, I know that I'm wrong / That when you're gone, you're gone / And I can't bring you home/ But I want, I want to believe / That you'll remember me / When you're just memory”
“And every, everybody dies / Fighting for their lives / Just trying to survive / Well, now I know, I know why we say / That there's a better place /That waits beyond the grave”
That’s all I’ve got for now, and I’d like to hear other opinions on these songs too! This is just my personal analysis, and obviously I really love Julian enough to spend 2 hours doing this. I hope you like these as much as I do ^_^ Thanks for all you do, Brainrot!
@vegaspng you are not alone in thinking Will Wood songs fit Julian at all, I can't count the amount of songs that have been recommended for him by that artist and at this point it's halfway canon in my head XD
Thanks for breaking them down lyrics wise too! It's so cool to listen to songs the way other people do and share that common experience ^.^
I'm putting these on the playlist and the tag, thank you friend! :D
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mazhenfang · 3 years
I have been reading fanfics for over half of my life, but have never actually written one. Until now, apparently... Here's a completely unnecessary Arcana fanfic starring Valerius and Lucio, because they're assholes, and I love them.
Title: Red
Rating: Gen
Category: M/M
Fandom: Arcana
Relationships: Lucio/Valerius
Words: 1180
‘Lucio has been very quiet so far…’ Valerius thought, a sudden dread coming over him.
Lucio finds a way to keep himself entertained during boring council meetings.
“... and the grain imports from Kahala are running late, again. Juno.” Valerius looked up from his notebook and indicated a young woman three seats down to left. She blushed when he caught her eyes, looking away quickly.
Valerius lifted an eyebrow at this reaction. Juno was a young apprentice on the court, whipsmart and logical. This reaction was… Not outside the bounds of possibilities.
“She’s your fan, Val,” Lucio had said in the dark hallway before they went into the meeting. Valerius had mentioned his plans to give her more responsibilities, and Lucio had gotten that look in his eyes before dragging him into the dark hall. Valerius had expected that he would need to shoo Lucio away, they were going to be late at this rate. But to his surprise, Lucio just leaned in close, kissing him gently on the cheek.
Valerius blushed slightly at the memory, barely managing to stop himself from looking in Lucio’s direction. He had work to do. And he needed to discourage whatever thoughts had reddened young Juno’s cheeks when he looked at her.
“Juno, pay attention,” he snapped, clapping his hands to get her attention. There, that stopped her blushing. “I need you to contact the dock master and find out where our grains are, do you understand?”
She nodded quietly, her reaction slow and the blush coming back before she looked down to focus intently on writing something in her notebook. Valerius sighed. Lucio was right, as he usually is in these matters. She was a “fan.” He would have to figure out a more effective way to get that idea out of her head. Later. There were still matters to handle.
He looked at his notes. “Lady Shara, there was a disturbance in the market square yesterday, and the guards are still trying to figure out the cause of it.” He looked up at Shara, and he was shocked to see her staring at him with a completely unashamed and entirely unprofessional smile. He blinked for a moment, not sure how to respond to that, and a bit uncomfortable. What the hell was going on, today?
He cleared his throat. “Right, please assign specialists as necessary to complete your duty, Lady…” He trailed off as he noticed Lord Machia look away from him, blushing. And Lord Anis, next to him, smiling knowingly at him. Valerius scanned around the whole table, looking at the faces of all the nobles and administrators sitting at the large table with him, and every single one of them was staring at him with some variation of blush or cheshire smile far too reminiscent of Lucio’s when he knew he had won…
‘Lucio has been very quiet so far…’ Valerius thought, a sudden dread coming over him. He turned quickly to Lucio sitting at his right. Sure enough, the man was lounging in his chair, feet on the table, hands behind his head. And he had that stupid /handsome/ smile on his face as he stared at Valerius. His smile widened as his eyes traveled slowly down Valerius’s face, stopping at his lips in a way that never failed to make Valerius’s cheeks heat up.
Wait a second… He looked closer at Lucio, his eyes narrowing as he realized there was something different about him, today. Something he hadn’t noticed before in the darkness of the hallway. He looked closer at Lucio’s lips. His very red lips.
Lucio blew him a kiss, and Valerius’s hand quickly came up to his cheek where Lucio had kissed him /so gently/ before the meeting. His hand came back with a streak of that distinctive pomegranate red. He could feel himself blushing deeply. He turned back to look at the collection of nobles and court administrators in front of him, and they all conveniently had somewhere else to look as he glared at all of them.
“We have work to do, here, people! Or am I the only person left in Vesuvia who knows how to be professional?” He picked up his notes and proceeded to hand out more duties and take more reports. If he gave shorter deadlines than usual, and assigned certain smiling nobles to more difficult tasks, no one dared complain.
Valerius stood, collecting his paperwork as the rest of the room left more quickly than usual after the end of the meeting. He felt a hand come to rest on his lower back, and he finally looked back at Lucio with a glare that he knew had lesser men shaking on the floor if he did it right. Lucio just smiled up at him. His lips were even redder; had he reapplied his lipstick?
“You messed it up, Val,” he said, a whine edging into his voice.
“Everyone was distracted, Lucio,” he said, an exasperated tone in his.
“That’s just cuz this shade of red looks really good on you, bestie. Of course they were distracted.”
Valerius rolled his eyes at the moniker, but he couldn’t help the small smile at the corner of his lips, or the annoying way his cheeks heated up. The endearment was silly, but he liked it, and Lucio knew it. “I’m going to have Nadia give the morning brief, tomorrow,” he said threateningly.
“Oh no, that just won’t do,” Lucio said, the hand on the small of Valerius’s back pulling him firmly down to sit on Lucio’s lap. Valerius yelped as he fell into Lucio’s arms, throwing his own around Lucio’s neck to catch himself as he lost his balance for a moment. Lucio just smiled at him, those red lips the center of Valerius’s vision as he stared, transfixed.
Fuck, he just gave Lucio what he wanted.
That smile widened, and Lucio leaned in, his forehead against Valerius's as his voice went low in a way that landed heavily in Valeriu’s stomach. “Noddy won’t do, at all, Val. This shade of red would clash with her complexion. But it looks perfect on you.” He closed that small gap, kissing Valerius on the lips, gently but firmly. He pulled back, and there was a predatory gleam in his eyes that Valerius didn’t get to see often, and god was it working for him. “I was right,” Lucio said, reaching up to run a finger feather light against Valerius’s lips. “This color is perfect on you.”
Valerius glared up at him, fully aware that his horrible blush ruined any pretense of anger. “If the color looks so good on me, then you better apply it liberally and quickly, or I swear to god, you will never get to put it on me again.”
Lucio’s pale silver eyes lit up like fireworks, his smile huge as he stood up in once smooth motion, carrying Valerius in his arms. “I know the perfect closet!” he said triumphantly as he practically danced to the door.
“You better not take me there, Lucio! Lucio! Bedroom!” Lucio just smiled. He won today, and Valerius absolutely didn’t care. When Lucio wins, Valerius usually does, too. He smiled, the dark red color on his lips matching him perfectly.
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cranetreegang · 3 years
Defying the Devil: Part 4 - Lucio x FemAppren
A/N: *sigh* I love Lucio even though he's kinda the worst :) Also, been writing some stuff for Rev. Ending Birdman Julian because I enjoy the emotional heartbreak this man brings me. Let me know if anyone is interested and will def post them! As always, thanks for reading <3
Summary: Baby goat Lucio and Apprentice head to the market to get supplies to turn him back to his handsome-self. Chaos ensues.
Word Count: ~2,200
Warnings: Plague, slight cursing
Read Part 3 Here
Arcana Masterlist
“I can’t believe this might work. Looks like we might need a few things, but I think we’re ready.” Asra said, satisfied grins on both of our faces as we looked over the spell once more.
“I can go to the market and get what we need.” I offered.
Asra nodded, “I’ll start prepping then.”
Asra patted me on my arm as he went to the supply closet. I gathered my pack and was about to leave when Lucio bounded in front of me.
“I want to go too.” He looked up to me with pouting eyes and his long ears down.
I knelt down to be more eye level with him. “Are you sure? I promise I won’t be long.”
“Yes! Please. I don’t think I can stand to be here another second.” He tilted his head to further help him beg.
I rolled my eyes with a sigh, failing to hide the smile tugging on the corners of my mouth. “Fine, fine. I could use some company anyways.”
Lucio jumped around in place making excited bleats as his tail wagged. I went to my room and tied together a few scarves to sling over me. I placed Lucio into my makeshift holder and we left for the market.
As I walked past the numerous stalls, I felt the eyes of several curious bystanders staring right at Lucio.
“Oh! Can we get some of those fruity muffins from that one bakery? Please.” Lucio asked, drawing more attention to us.
“You know, a talking goat isn’t that common around here.” I hissed under my breath.
“And?” He drawled out with a smirk before leaning out to smell a stack of cookies as we passed. “Oh! Please, can we have some of those? They’re my favorite.”
“Lucio! We’re here to fix you, not buy baked goods.” I eased him back into the scarves and he let out a huff.
“Why can’t we do both? We’re already here. And besides, you can’t even do the spell until midnight.” He placed his hoof on my chest as he looked at me, making me stop in the middle of the street. “After you get what you need, we can go to that bakery you like. My treat.” His tail wagged as I did a poor job in suppressing my smile.
“After we do what we came here to do. And if you stop making a scene.”
He nodded and plopped back into the scarf with a grin. “Onwards! To the herb shop!” He pointed ahead of us with his hoof, which made my cheeks burn.
I managed to get all the spices, herbs, and roots I would need for the ritual as Lucio managed to hold his tongue when we were in front of others. As promised, I headed towards the bakery and turned down an alley to take a shortcut. I passed by a section of secluded stalls when a man reached out to grab Lucio, but I turned away from him just in time.
I held Lucio closer to me, protectively, away from the man. “Don’t touch him.” I spat.
“Very concerned for a mere goat.” The man was gangly and oddly grey and his smile chilled me to the bone. The tall man looked like all the color had been drained from him. His bald head had strange markings which seemed like inscriptions of some kind. “I was just wanting to look.”
“You can look from there. Now, leave us alone.” I tried to get away from him, but he shoved me against the wall instead. I gasped in shock then managed to knock the man back with a quick spell.
“I’ll protect you! Stay back, foul man!” Lucio tried to escape from my grasp to defend me, but I kept him pinned against my chest.
The man laughed and pointed his finger at me. “You can’t change him, you know.”
“What?” Both Lucio and I were perplexed by the man’s statement.
“Who are you? How do you know that?” I demanded.
The man bowed his head, “My apologies, I’ve been rather rude. My name’s Dacrrus.”
“And we’re leaving.” Lucio hissed.
Dacrrus stood in front of me as he waggled his finger. “Oh, what a sweet thing you are, girl. I sense the goodness in you.” He sucked in the air then his face split into an even wider grin. “Even with his vileness, you’re still so good.”
“What are you?” I asked.
Dacrrus put his hands behind his back as he smirked, sharp teeth poking out behind his thin lips. “We have a mutual friend in common. They asked me to help you.”
“Help me?” I whispered as I held Lucio closer to me.
“We need to go. This thing is an agent of the Devil! He’ll-,” His voice morphed into bleats and he looked up to me in horror.
“That’s enough from you, vile one.” Dacrrus stalked closer to me, making Lucio wiggle in my arms trying to attack him.
“What do you want?” I stepped away from Dacrrus, but he kept coming closer.
Dacrrus craned his head, his dark purple eyes swirling like mist. “I want to help you. You believe that you can change Lucio, but that’s just not possible.”
“It is! I’ve found a way.”
Dacrrus shook his head as he laughed. “No, no. I mean you can’t change his heart, sweet one. He’s wicked to the very core. And he’ll make you just like him.”
Lucio stopped wiggling in my arms and I could feel him tense. A soft bleat left him and I could see him pleading with me through his silver eyes.
“No, that’s not true. I don’t believe that.”
Dacrrus shrugged as he stood in front of me. “Doesn’t matter what you believe. I only tell you the truth. The darkness in his heart will seep into yours until you are no more. He will twist you. Defile you. He will ruin you.”
Lucio lunged out of my arms and bit into Dacrrus’ neck. Dacrrus knocked Lucio away and he landed against the stone wall with a thud before falling to the ground.
“Lucio!” I ran over to his slumped over body and cradled him as his dazed eyes met mine.
“He is beyond saving, little one.” Dacrrus loomed over Lucio and I with a pitying frown.
“What do you want?” I hissed.
“As I’ve said, I want to help you. You are without memories and I can return them to you. You’ll be made whole once more.”
A shuddered breath left me and I almost couldn’t believe what he said. “W-What? You’ll just give me my memories back? Just like that.”
Dacrrus chuckled as pointed at Lucio, who was becoming more lucid, “All I ask is to give me the corrupted thing you hold so close to your heart.”
I looked down at Lucio who was staring back at me with wide eyes. “Give you Lucio? Why? Why would you want him?”
“You are an interesting creature. One that is plagued with the ignorance of the truth in what you are. And what that thing is.” Dacrrus glared down at Lucio.
“And what am I?” I blurted out.
Dacrrus opened his mouth then shut it with a smile. “Not yet. Not until you give him to me.”
“That’s not happening.”
Lucio bleated and I looked down to see him shaking his head. He pried himself away from me and hobbled over to Dacrrus. Just before Dacrrus could pick up Lucio, I knocked Dacrrus away with a powerful gust of wind. I snatched up Lucio and sprinted down the alleyway towards the bustling street. Dacrrus appeared before me and froze me in my tracks.
“As cute as that is, only she can make the choice.” He walked towards me and extended out his long finger. “Let me give you some insight on who he is.”
His finger dug into my forehead and cold tendrils tangled around my mind. My heart seized and my stomach twisted into tight knots. Lucio fell from my weak arms and the veins in my hands were growing darker. I felt my back pressing against something, preventing me from running away. There was a heavy weight on my chest making it impossible to breathe and when I did manage to get a hint of air it burned.
I fell to my knees as the edges of my vision were growing black. I tried to crawl away, but my arms couldn’t support me and I collapsed on the ground. I could hear something shrieking and crying over the pounding of my heart. I rolled to my side, gasping for air as the heaviness on my chest refused to budge. Something was nudging and bumping me, but I couldn’t tell what it was.
In a flash, the weight was lifted and I was coughing as fresh air entered my lungs unrestricted. Lucio’s hoof was pressed against my chest and he stopped trying to rock me in favor of laying his head against mine. Soft bleats and whines left him as he kept rubbing his head against me. The shine of tears running down his furred face.
“Now, you see.” Dacrrus stood above me with a grimace. “You see what he did.”
My brows furrowed as I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”
Lucio avoided my gaze as he took several steps away from me. I sat up and glanced between the two. “What was that?” I shivered and held my knees to my chest. “Lucio?”
Lucio’s eyes darted to mine then right back to the ground.
“He’s the cause of your torment as well as numerous others. He’s was the source of the Red Plague.” Dacrrus stated, my body chilling to the core.
“What? How? Lucio… is that true?” I whispered.
Lucio looked up to me and slowly nodded. I shook my head and failed to keep a sob at bay, making him wince.
“Now, you understand. He is beyond saving. Let me take him and he won’t ever cause you, or anyone else, suffering again.” Dacrrus held out his hand to me.
I glanced between them. The fading grip of the plague made me wonder if what Dacrrus was saying was true. Was Lucio beyond saving? The question whirled around in my mind as I stared at Lucio, who seemed ready to give himself up to Dacrrus. I stood, my steps wobbling underneath me, and I picked up Lucio. I looked him in the eyes and felt a warmth bloom in my chest.
“You’re not taking him.” I stated then narrowed my eyes at Dacrrus. “And we’re leaving.”
I gathered enough strength to walk down the alleyway without stumbling.
“Do you see something in him that I do not?” Dacrrus called after me.
I spared Dacrrus a final look before leaving the alleyway. I hurried my pace to ensure Dacrrus wouldn’t follow us, shoving past people in my way and glancing over my shoulder for the colorless man.
Lucio was struggling in my grasp and he was gaining his speech back through various bleats and whines. “Stop! Stop, right now!”
I hid away into a side street still in view of bystanders as I collapsed against the wall, my body sliding down until I sat on the ground. Lucio hopped away from me and sat down as well.
“You should’ve taken the deal.” He spat.
I shook my head as my brows furrowed. “What? No. Why in all the Realms would I ever take that deal?”
Lucio looked up to me then back down again. “You heard what he said. I’m no good for you.”
“That’s not true.” I whispered.
“I don’t want to corrupt you. I don’t want to change you. I love who you are and if anyone puts that at jeopardy, including myself, then I can’t allow it.” He hobbled down the street as he shouted, “Grey man! Come here! We’ll take your deal!”
I picked up Lucio again and held him in front of me as I looked him in the eyes. “No!”
He tried to speak, but I kept going, “You’re not perfect, Lucio. I know you’re not. That doesn’t mean you’re beyond help.”
“You heard him. I-I’m rotten to the core. There’s no good in me.” He whimpered.
“If what he was saying was true, then you wouldn’t be running after him right now. So, stop. Please. I need you. I love you, Lucio.”
People shoved past me as I waited for Lucio to respond.
He nodded his head and whispered, “And I love you. Truly.”
I held him against me with a sigh of relief as he nuzzled into my neck and cheek. I stepped back out of the street and looked down at him.
“Is it true? About the Red Plague?” I held my breath, afraid of what he was going to say next.
“Yes. I never meant to, but yes.” He looked away from me as I let out a shuddering breath.
“Then, you have to fix it. You have to fix the damage you caused.”
“How?” He asked.
“I don’t know yet. But, I’ll help you. I’ll be there every step of the way. You just have to take those steps. That’s all I ask of you.”
He nodded, his moonlight eyes aflame with determination, “You have my word. I’ll do whatever I can to make this right.”
I smiled as I stroked behind his ear, “You said you wanted something from the bakery, yeah?”
His tail wagged, “Yes, please.”
“Anything for my brave protector.” I kissed the top of his head, earning me a rubble of appreciation from him.
A/N: Lmaooooo "you caused the red plague that killed hundreds of people??? dats crazy. anyways, lets go get a muffin, you stud ;)" hahahaha yeah probs not best transition but whateves. one last part to this and he will be baby goat no more. big sad :(
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apprenticeofcups · 4 years
Can you do the other 3 having a wet dream about MC?? The first 3 were soo good I loved them
y’all spoil me, you really do 
💦Second String + Wet Dream feat. MC
🔞 Main 3 🔞
He wakes up...sticky...and has to trek over to the river for a bath, or he’ll be distracted all day
So he’s grumpy when you see him, because his morning routine took longer than he expected
But if you ask why his hair is wet (he doesn’t usually bathe right away in the morning), he gets flushed and mumbles something about having a dream about you
He won’t give you any details until it’s just the two of you, either at your place or his, and even then it’s in short bursts, but you get the drift
No he doesn’t want to “recreate” it later, he’s embarrassed that it even happened, and why are you looking at him like that
Eventually, he admits that he wouldn’t be so frustrated about it if you’d been there when he woke up, especially since you seem so keen on “helping” him through it
She doesn’t actually have a lot of wet dreams, so it’s like a fun little surprise
Finishes herself off as soon as she wakes up, and it doesn’t take long at all
Writes down as much of the as she can remember right away (she and Nadia like to dream-journal together, so it’s a habit), in case she wants to try anything for real, later on
Makes a point to have brunch or lunch with you that day, and have a little outing, just the two of you, to go shopping or race through the hedge maze
She doesn’t actually bring up dreaming about you, not at first; she just wants a little extra togetherness, some more smoochin’ and hand-holding than a regular day
When you two get home at the end of the day, then she shows you her dream journal, and gives you all the spicy details
The first thing he does is roll out of bed, get his favorite toys, and roll right back in to get himself off properly. What good is an orgasm he wasn’t even awake for?
After that, he goes looking for you, even sets Mercedes & Melchior off to find you, to the neglect of anything else he had planned that day
He pulls you into the nearest closet, empty room, roomy-enough bush, whatever he can find to pepper you with kisses and paw at your clothes
You get that he had a dream about you through the panting and mumbling against your neck, your cheek, as much chest as he can get to
He’s ready to go right there, if you want - if not, he’ll whine a little, but he’ll be good until you’re free
Either way, he’s a little bouncy and giddy, clothes just a little rumpled, makeup a little smeared all day
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
(myheavenofinvention) Hi! 💙💙💙
Can I hear about 4, 5, and 16 for the Apprentice Asks for the birthday girl, as well as 14, 15 and 25 from the NSFW Asks :3 (optional ofc!)
Thank you so much @myheavenofinvention I will always talk about my girl 😭
4. If your apprentice was attending a potluck, what would they take as their contribution?
Alec would probably take a bread of some kind, either something sweet (she has her own pumpkin bread recipe) or savory (like her Ama’s recipe for naan).
5. What are some of your apprentice’s minor and major fears? What’s the best way to comfort them when afraid?
Some of the fears that come up the most are her fear of fire, fear of extremely tight spaces, and fear of abandonment (all of which stem from the death of her parents). She’s gotten over them for the most part, but every once in a while, if she’s caught off guard, being stuck somewhere (like in the closet during Portia or Lucio’s routes) or approached suddenly with fire will make her go into panic mode.
The best way to comfort her when those things come up would be to 1. remove her from the situation and(or, if she can’t be moved in the moment) 2. talk to her — being alone when she’s panicking is the worst, at least having someone with her to talk calmly and reassure her that everything’s going to be fine will help her calm down. She doesn’t have a fight or flight reaction to fear, instead she just shuts down and roots herself, so she needs to be shaken a little.
16. Does your apprentice enjoy the luxury of the palace and Nadia’s gifts or do they find it overwhelming?
Alec loves Nadia’s gifts, gift-giving is one of her main love languages so she adores them—she does find the palace to be a bit overwhelming at times, though, she’s not used to being in such a large place.
NSFW questions under the cut!
14. If they send nudes, are they tasteful or just quick pics?
Alec loves a tasteful nude—think standing in a window so it’s just her silhouette that shows (and shows everything) or sitting in a bathtub with petals in the water and a flush to her skin from the steam—but as she is known to be impatient, she usually ends up just sending quick pics to her partner.
15. Describe their favorite sexual encounter.
One of Alec’s favorite sexual encounters was with someone she met at one of Lucio’s Masquerades when she was younger.
She stepped away from the rest of the band and started talking with a stranger by a drinks table. They ended up pulling her away to the gardens and after a while, one thing led to another and they had sex outside, far enough removed from the rest of the party that she wasn’t too worried about getting caught (though they almost did before she cast her silence spell over them).
Something about the anonymity of the act, the fact that she had no idea who they were aside from the bits of information she got from their conversation, really turned her on, and she went all in, in ways she had never done before.
And when they were done they both talked for a bit longer before Alec had to go back inside to perform and then she never saw them again.
She never saw their face, or got their name, but she remembers their voice and still gets butterflies thinking about that encounter.
25. Share a sample line of dirty-talk.
“I think my face would look really nice between your thighs, want to test it out?”
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thecardsimagine · 5 years
Tumblr media
I can work with that yes, though I am not sure if I hit the request exactly right. But I tried! Enjoy! :D
Rated Lemon for talking in cushioned places
“I can’t hear you~”
Lucio’s purr was taunting as he worked your body. Every thrust sent you more into a shivering mess and his metal hand snaking up to your clitoris was pleasantly cold against your hot skin. But all you could do was to bury your face deeper into the pillow, only ever tearing from the fabric to take a gasp of air, followed by a moan.
It was his favorite sound, you moaning under him while he pressed his cock over and over into your pussy. It brought a certain satisfaction to him, even more than spoken praise and he reveled in the knowledge that only he was able to send you into such a state of mind. Even though you’d always hide your face from him, trying to hold back on the moans and gasps since you feared someone would hear, there was nothing greater for him than to make you do the things you were so embarrassed about.
“Come on, I know you want it. Just imagine how good it will feel if you just say it, sweetheart!”
His words were followed by a squeeze of your ass, making you yelp before you swallowed the moan in your throat. He was right, so incredible right and yet it was just so hard to put into words for you. “Y-Yes...” you finally stuttered, propping your torso up onto your elbows to be able to speak freely. A cheeky grin painted itself onto Lucio’s lips though you could only look at him sheepishly from the corner of your eyes.
The smack of his palm against your ass was much more vibrant in your ears now that your face wasn’t covered and Lucio enjoyed the sound of your voice sighing in bliss. “I am listening~” he informed you, his voice an anticipating purr.
“I-I really want you to...” Interrupted by your own gasp you could already feel the embarrassment get back into your head. Almost, you’d have ducked down into the pillow again, but the dissatisfied growl from behind you reminded you of how much Lucio wanted you to say the words. His pounds slowed down significantly, almost to the point where he pulled out of you, leaving you to wiggle up against him in surprise. You felt the tapping of his fingers against your rear, impatiently and unhappy, and you almost felt bad alone from disappointing him.
“Fu-Fuck me, Lucio! Please! I really need you to fuck me ha-”
This time you didn’t get to finish your sentence, as he shoved his full length back into you, relishing in your tightness from the audible stimulation. “Oh, darling~” he purred, his expression turning back into a self-sufficient grin.
“If you wanted me that badly you should have just said so~”
“[Name], you really don’t have to - oh, right there, yes!” Julian could barely hold back the strain from his voice as you held the skin of his neck between your lips, stimulating one of his favorite spots. A pleased sigh rolled off his lips and his hands began to wander your body automatically. He gasped lightly as you let go, kissing along his neck and chin.
“N-No, I want to. I will, I just... need to start.”
Your advances helped you because they made him look upwards, giving you more space to stimulate him and fewer ways that he could look at your flush cheeks. Bringing yourself into this particular situation you had promised yourself to not back out again, but you felt like bailing anyway.
“I-I will... go down a little now,” you managed to say, gulping less because of the words and more because of your own stimulation. Your fingers were a little shakey as you unbuttoned his shirt, bringing your lips down onto his collarbone and chest. Julian responded almost seductively to every kiss and nibble, with both moans rolling off his tongue and gurgles in his throat, paired with the usual sigh every now and then.
Though he only meant to seat himself better in the big chair you two were positioned in, he unintentionally buckled his hips into yours making you yelp from the sudden stimulation. “O-Oh, I am sorry-” he muttered, awkwardly making sure you were still comfortably on the chair. “J-Julian...”
“Yeah?” You took a deep breath before uttering the next words. “Be- Just sit still and be quiet.”
You managed a shy glance into his face, seeing his expression turn red and mush with his eyes shimmering lightly in the candlelight. “Oh my, what are you going to do?” he whispered, the intentional powerplay only visible in the hint of a smile on his lips.
“I will- I mean- No, I definitely will go down on you and suck you off! T-Take your penis into my mouth and l-lick it!”
Once the words had left your mouth you two looked at each other agape for a second before you added a small, “If you’d be okay with that...” There were a trillion thoughts rushing through your mind, most of them screaming at you how much you just embarrassed yourself, with others telling you to abort the mission and hide in the closet for the rest of the night. But the one voice was all that was needed to get you back on track with things.
“Oh, [Name], please...” Julian brought up his hand to cover his mouth and his own embarrassing flush on his face. “I would love that.”
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meltypes-blog · 6 years
sakura seeds
[because the shared post looks weird as hell on desktop im putting the story in text post format] ao3 link
Hanzo Shimada hated himself.
That much was obvious.
He hated himself as he trained, the muscles on his arms and back straining until they cascaded tears of sweat, until his entire body burned and ached for rest. He hated himself while he ate, the simple pleasure of sweet and savory foods on his tongue only serving as a reminder of one other thing he had deprived his own kin from. He hated himself while he mediated, as if he could fool his brain into thinking that peace and quiet could erase the tumult in his mind and smooth over the jagged errors of his past.
His self hatred was apparent even on his countenance, his “RBF” as Genji had called it. Hanzo’s disgust for himself was soul deep, a seed that had planted itself in his heart since the first day his father had instructed him to murder in cold blood (“the master of the clan must protect the clan”) and had dug its claws deep the minute his blade had grazed Genji’s skin. His entire life was a culmination of all the wrong choices one could make, and it turned him into a bitter being, one that only survived out of the reasoning that even death was too honorable for him at that point.
His existence was unforgivable.
“You know I forgive you, Hanzo.” The brothers were seated on one of the many outlooks at the watchpoint staring at the sky, the sunset reflecting off of the younger, and irritating the older.
Hanzo only hummed in response. They were supposed to be meditating in silence, as per Hanzo’s request.
“I know why you come here.”
Hanzo exhaled through his nose and opened his eyes to glance at his brother. “To meditate, Genji. Shizukani.”
“No.” Genji turned to face him. “You come here in order to make yourself feel guilty. I know you, brother. You used to do it to me all the time when I went to the arcade. You would stare at me until I felt shame.”
Hanzo’s fists clenched on his knees. “How could you possibly know what I am doing or thinking? I have changed.”
“I know, because I am doing it as well,” Genji said softly. “Back then- I could have been more compliant, I could have helped you but I did not. I was young and stupid, and did not realize the gravity of my decisions, but I understand now. My actions were dishonorable. It was shameful of me-“
Hanzo stood up and turned on his brother, furious. “Do not. Speak to me of dishonor and shame.”
He walked a short distance then glanced back at his brother.
“Not until you have killed me for yourself.”
Later that evening, Hanzo messaged Genji that should he need to meditate, Zenyatta would most likely be available.
That had been the end of the their sessions.
He had been a fool to believe his brother could reconcile with him.
Genji still visited him, as Hanzo holed himself up in his room instead of socializing with the rest of the team- but that only ended in loud arguments.
“It has been weeks, Hanzo,” Genji stated exasperated, outside of his door. “How are they to know you if you do not allow them?”
“I am fine by myself,” Hanzo said.
“This is not healthy, Hanzo.”
Hanzo sighed. “I am perfectly healthy Genji.”
Genji threw his hands out. “You look like shit! You’re depressed and-“
Hanzo bristled, hand already reaching for his door. “Thank you for your concern, brother. Good bye.”
The door slid shut on the cyborgs face and Hanzo inhaled, exhaled, inhaled once more and breathed out.
Not healthy? Hanzo looked about his room. Healthy people had clean rooms, and his was pristine.
His closet held his various kyudo-gis, color coded. Organized. His small kitchenette held a shining kettle, small teacups and no dirty dishes. Clean. His bed was always made, not a pillow out of place, his furniture never covered in clothes and out of the way as always, orderly. His room looked brand-new, completely spartan. Nothing was worn down. Nothing was old or used or broken. It was clean. Healthy. It was as if no one had ever stepped foot in it before. As if no one lived in it at all.
Despite Hanzo’s fervor to abstain from socializing, that did not stop the others from coming up to him. Hanzo was out of his room to fill up his water container in the main kitchen, when one of the younger members had come up to him. They popped their gum in the awkward silence until-
“So...what’s your deal?”
Hanzo glanced at her confusedly, then turned back to his jug. If he remained silent, it was sure to deter her.
“Like- me and Lucio wanted to know since you’re like the base cryptid. We never see you until team simulations, and even then you’re only on defense so...you’re actually really good with a bow and arrow. Hey, can I call you Legolas?”
“What?” Hanzo blurted.
She smiled. “Y’know, that old fantasy series, he’s a meme because of those short guys and elf eyes and stuff.”
Hanzo felt himself soften. She was very similar to a younger man he once knew, one with green hair and bright eyes. “I believe they’re called Hobbits.”
“Hah! So you are a nerd! Lucio didn’t think so, but you look like someone who plays Pokémon. Actually, now that I think about it, you’ve got the whole samurai vibe going on too. Have you ever used a sword before?”
Hanzo mumbled no, then hastily escaped with a half empty jug.
Hana stood in the kitchen alone, a frown etched on her face.
The only other person that Hanzo conversed with aside from Genji was Dr. Zeigler- although, even then, that was less than desirable. He grabbed his sleeping pills and sighed when he realized the bottle was empty. Genji had annoyingly told the doctor not to give him more than a few days prescriptions at a time- not to deny that Hanzo had never thought of going out that way, but considering the fact that he was surrounded by those who risked their lives on the daily, it was extremely dishonorable.
Hanzo entered her office and she gave a strained smile, and he nodded in kind- the routine.
“Shimada-san, how can I help you?”
“I require another prescription, if you will,” he said placing the canister on her desk, making sure not to touch her. The first time she flinched when their hands touched had hurt him more than he was willing to admit.
“Of course.” She turned to grab a new prescription, placed it on the desk- but held and didn’t let go. “You know...Genji is concerned about you.”
Hanzo grunted in response, refusing to look at her.
“He says that you’re not...coping very well. From what he describes, it sounds as if you have depression, PTSD, perhaps even social anxiety-“
“Thank you, Doctor Zeigler, for the free consultation,” he interrupted coldly, looking at her with narrowed eyes. “But I am perfectly fine and would like to take my leave.”
Another strained smile, and she released the bottle. “Do come again, Shimada-san.”
And thus was Hanzo’s routine for months. The self-loathing, arguing with Genji, awkward and often tense food and water runs, picking up pills from the doctor. It went on for two months until-
“Howdy there.”
The cowboy had found Hanzo on his perch on the skywalk. He had come there to drink in peace after his fifteenth quarrel with Genji in two months.
Hanzo hummed.
McCree took a seat next to him and brought out his own flask. They drank in silence, the night air cold on Hanzo’s exposed skin. He was far too inebriated to be bothered by the gunslingers presence, and found himself actually drawn to his warmth.
Hanzo respected the American, despite his bluntness and overall...loud demeanor. He was a good shot, perhaps one to rival Hanzo, and he was tactically intelligent. More than once had the cowboy saved the team from dying due to his quick thinking and precise aiming.
More-so, he never approached Hanzo unwanted. He seemed to recognize when Hanzo was welcoming of a short conversation and when he was on the verge of seething rage.
An intelligent man. Warm. Hanzo subconsciously leant towards him, the alcohol getting the better of him.
“D’yknow the Deadlock gang?”
Hanzo grunted. “I am a former yakuza. What do you think?”
McCree chuckled. “Alright, alright. I may not look like it, but- I was their best asset. They used to call me,’The Undertaker.’”
“That does not surprise me. You are greatly skilled and smart.”
“O-oh. Well...” McCree coughed. “Anyways...I used to be real close to one of the members- his name was Jackie. J and J they used to call us, cause we were practically inseparable. Jackie was like my brother. I loved him.”
Hanzo turned to face McCree, slowly gaining an idea of where this was going. The gunslinger was looking down, fingers fiddling with his flask.
“Then I...I had to kill him. Turns out he was sellin’ information to Overwatch. Or maybe he was undercover. I don’t really remember. All I remember...”
McCree swallowed and he looked to Hanzo. “I remember feelin’ angry. Angry and sad and just- destroyed. And after he was gone all there was- there was nothing. I...felt empty.”
Hanzo’s heart seized. McCree looked away, pained.
“I kept askin’ myself, ‘how are you goin’ to go on now?’ I thought I was gone, gonna be empty forever. Then Overwatch found me and I decided that maybe I deserved a second chance. People believed in me. They saw me and saw hope.”
“Hope?” Hanzo murmured.
“Yeah,” McCree said, turning back to look Hanzo in the eye. “Hope that maybe even after a lifetime of all the wrong choices, one right choice can set you on the good path.”
Hanzo stared at him breathless. McCree’s eyes glinted in the moonlight, and then he noticed how close they were- their shoulders and thighs touching. Hanzo leant back, still transfixed on his bright eyes.
“Hope,” he repeated.
McCree nodded. He looked up at the stars and breathed deeply. “Come train with me tomorrow, archer. Ya won’t regret it.”
There started the deviation in Hanzo’s routine. For five mornings a week, the archer and sharpshooter trained together. They conversed about little things, favorite foods and drinks, then playfully argued when one named something that was distasteful to the other.
Hanzo’s self deprecating thoughts began to move away to make room for newer thoughts- one involving a tall man, red and flannel, bright brown eyes and a crooked smile.
Hanzo’s first real smile came during an intense training session. Both men were sweating profusely, challenging each other to see who could lift more. Of course, Hanzo prevailed- and Jesse cracked a joke at his own expense.
“Damn,” he breathed. “I’m pretty sure you could arm wrestle with Orisa and win with those beasts. Me? Can’t even lift Torb a couple of inches off the ground.”
His first real laugh had shown up during a team lunch. Hanzo had taken a seat by McCree and Genji, as he usually did, and said his thanks for the meal. Jesse pointed curiously at his food.
“‘S That wasabi?”
“Yes, it is.”
McCree snorted. “Weak shit. My hot sauce does more damage than that.”
“Is that so?” Hanzo raised a brow and gestured to his plate. “Why don’t you try some. You just need a small portion to see-“
“Don’t mind if I do,” McCree interrupted, spooning the entire portion into his mouth to Hanzo’s horror.
Genji winced from across the table and got up to get a glass of water. When he came back, he saw McCree red in the face, coughing, and Hanzo doubled over in laughter. The entire room laughed softly at the ridiculousness of the situation, and Genji felt a surge of happiness.
The first time Hanzo held hands with McCree was in their usual drinking spot on the skywalk. McCree had been blathering on about some old western movie when Hanzo moved his hand to cover the gunslingers.
McCree stopped talking immediately and looked down at their hands. Hanzo felt a surge of shame and slowly drew his hand away.
“I did not mean to-“
McCree gripped his hand before it could go any further, and gave him a bright smile.
“It ain’t no thing, darlin’.”
It was also the first time McCree had called him that.
Hanzo had opened up more. He did not feel so alone after meeting Jesse, no longer so isolated.
He began meditating with Genji again.
“You seem well, brother.”
Hanzo smiled softly. “Yes, I am.”
“It is because of McCree, is it not?”
“Partially,” he said. “I have come to realize that...one right choice can set me on the path of good. People believe in me. It would be a great dishonor to prove them wrong.” Genji lunged at him, hugging him close, and Hanzo was proud that he was able to hold in most of his tears.
Hana attacked him in the rec room a while later. “Yo, Samurai Legolas!”
He grunted not looking up, engrossed in an article written by Joel Morricone. “Do not bother me, Usagi. I am busy.”
It was quiet for a moment. Then-
“Did you just- what did you call me?”
“Usagi. It is the name of a popular anime heroine and also means rabbit. It is my nickname for you, since you seem adamant about mine. Trust me when I say it is an honorable one. Usagi was a powerful warrior, and also the cutest.” When he did not get a response, he looked up.
Hana was staring at him with wet eyes, and a huge smile. “I want to change mine for you.”
Hana now called him Big Bro every chance she got. When Hanzo turned in his sleeping pills, Doctor Zeigler looked at him in surprise.
“Are you sure, Shimada-san? You’re-“
“Perfectly healthy, Doctor Zeigler. And please, call me Hanzo.” He turned away from her, ears growing heated. “I have not needed them for...a while now.”
Angela’s eyes widened. “Oh! Oh, well,” she giggled,” alright then, Hanzo. Do come back again.”
“You believed in me.”
He and McCree were standing together in Hanzo’s room soaked, the rain pushing them from their usual spot.
McCree looked at him, and Hanzo’s heart stuttered. “I did. I used to be like you, back when I first joined so I understood. I still believe in you.”
Hanzo tentatively walked closer to him. “You had hope for me.”
McCree visibly swallowed and took his hat off, running his hand through his hair. “Yes. I still hope yo- still have hope for you, that is.”
Hanzo took a couple of more steps. “Why?”
McCree looked away. “I know a lost soul when I see one, s’all. Everyone deserves a second chance at redemption.”
They were nearly chest to chest now, and Hanzo had to strain his neck to look into his eyes. “You gave me hope. You have helped me to be better, and I...thank you, Jesse.”
Hanzo rested his head on McCree’s chest and Jesse’s arms came around him almost immediately, engulfing him in warmth despite their wet clothes. Jesse rested his chin on the archer’s head, and Hanzo nuzzled into his chest, face flaming and heart pounding.
“It ain’t no thing darlin’.”
Finally, after months of dancing, tripping and falling, McCree held Hanzo’s hands in his and grinned shyly.
“I really like you, darlin.’ Hope ya don’t mind that.”
Hanzo laughed and pulled McCree towards him. “I would hope that you do cowboy, considering we share the same bed.”
“I reckon people who like each other ought to kiss then, right?”
Hanzo’s face warmed and he leant up into Jesse’s space. “I believe that is how they express that, yes.”
McCree smiled and pressed his lips onto Hanzo’s, soft and sweet, the pull slow and languid. Hanzo nibbled on his lip and the kiss deepened, Jesse’s hands moving to bring Hanzo’s hips closer to his.
They separated to catch their breath and Jesse moved to Hanzo’s jaw.
“Ya know any other way people express how much they like each other, darlin’?”
Hanzo gasped a laugh, and gripped McCree’s shoulders as he kissed his neck.
“I am aware of a few, yes.”
McCree chuckled and nosed at Hanzo’s cheek. “Only a few? I got some evidence on my back that states otherwise.”
“Are you looking for more?” Hanzo smirked.
Jesse shivered and put his head on Hanzo’s shoulder. “What is it that ya always say? ‘The wolf marks his prey?’”
Hanzo flushed and smacked his shoulder. “Do not tease me, Jesse.”
McCree laughed, smiled at him, then gripped Hanzo’s hands, dragging him to their room.
Later, when both men were sated, they laid wrapped around each other, kissing lazily.
“Jesse,” Hanzo whispered, kissing under his ear.
“Yea, darlin’?”
“I love you.”
McCree shifted, laying on his side, Hanzo tucked into his chest. He leant his head on his elbow and dragged a hand down his lovers body. Hanzo shivered.
“It ain’t no thing, darlin’.” Hanzo let out a noise of protest, smacking his chest indignantly, and McCree laughed, wrapping his arms around him. He kissed his face repeatedly until Hanzo’s mouth met his, moving with intent, slow and hot.
“I love you too, Hanzo.”
Hanzo Shimada hated himself. Not as much as he used to, but the self doubt still lingered, the hatred a shriveled seed still present in his heart.
However, when he was with Jesse McCree, Hanzo hated himself just a little less- and a new seed blossomed in his heart, one he believed in and one he had hoped for all his life.
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
A Day of Pampering Chapter 7:
Part of an ongoing rp between @ask-a-slippery-boy and myself
Chapter 1:(SFW)  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180404620744/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-1-insomnia-and-a-night
Chapter 2: (SFW) https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180491298229/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-2-bathe-in-the-baths
Chapter 3: (NSFW ish): https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180609254064/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-3-turning-tables-in
Chapter 4: (NSFW)
chapter 5 : (SFW ish)
chapter 6: (SFW):  https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180782130404/a-day-of-pampering-chapter-6-the-counts-new
this one is SFW: contains feasting with a countess and  making Devoraks blush.
*I jump a little as you squeeze me but I don’t make a sound. I hold your arm as we follow Nadia down lucio’s hallway and to the dining room. Servents scurry around and Nadia grabs one and tells them to find Portia and have her join us.*
*The dining room is also fairly busy. We are seated across from Nadia near the end of the table.*
*I sit next to you, holding your hand under the table and watching the servants scurry about and having this sensation of wanting to help *
*Pasha comes through the doors in a hurry* “Countess, you called for me?” *she looked a little flustered, like she may have ran a bit to get here*
*Nadia held up her hand to calm her.* “To join us, for dinner.” *She gestures to the seat besides her. Portia blushed and walked over to the seat only then realizing who “us” accompanied*
“What??? Ilya??? Mast??? You both look so good! Ilyusha I didn’t even know you could wear at color..”
*nadia smirked* “they do look rather good don’t they? I dressed them up after I found them rummaging around in lucio’s closet of all places...”
*portia gave us a look and a gesture which I returned with a shrug*
*i wave at portia and give a guilty smile when she gestures at us*
Haha there really is no excuse portia *I shrug as well still grinning*
*Portia narrows her eyes at us, as if to say that she doesn’t buy that there isn’t some wild story involved, knowing us.* *Nadia simply looks amused at the whole situation.* “So, Mast, you mentioned you run a lounge? Please tell me more.”
*i flush* oh i do, its a very... Underground business. An artist collective of sorts where the group can make a few bucks and have a place to practice their art. *I try to skirt past the fact that we feast on the leftovers of nobles*
If you ever would like a portrait done Nadia, i would be honored to assist
*my eyes go up to the painting in the dining room* that was commissioned by lucio wasnt it? ... *I smile* I can tell by the color scheme and composition
*Portia and and I devolve into making strange expressions at each other. A wordless conversion that is essentially a back and forth of “what did you do?” And “I didn’t do anything”*
*my eyes occasionally switch between you two and i laugh to myself*
*nadia looks thoughtful.* “I do appreciate the underground resurgence of art in this city. I always find the most interesting things there. Theaters, markets, alike. I’d be very interested to see what yours is like.” *She looks a little surprised when you offer to make her portrait and laugh when you say the one on the wall was obviously commissioned by Lucio.* “you’ve only spend a few minutes in his closet and already you can tell the man’s taste. How amusing.”
*Portia surfaces from our “conversation”* “Mast is really talented, my lady! They drew Pepe and I the other night.” *Nadia smiles* “well I’ll have to consider it, since they come so highly recommended.”
*I blush a bit at the praise and smile* id be happy to sketch you sometime to show you my talents Nadia. Then you may determine for yourself if it is justified
*She seems pleased* we’ll have to make an appointment of some sort.
*Servants come in with carts. They set down wide but shallow bowls of creamy soup. They set down glasses of fine white wine to pair with it, and vanish quickly as they appear*
*I inspect the food, the smell is rich in spices and fish* cream of scallop? *I venture the guess smiling*
*nadia nods* “You must have a good pallet. That is correct.” * the soup is delicious. I make a satisfied sigh as I eat, but that might also be because I can hold your thigh under the table without anyone noticing*
*I humm happily as you hold my thigh and i taste the soup, it is great. Highly doubt this batch would ever be sent back to the lounge *
*I trace circles into your inner thigh. I have such a hard time keeping my hands off of you, I’m actually surprised we ever make it outside sometimes* Delicious, as always. Thank you for the invite Nadia, your hospitality is greatly appreciated.
*Portia nods* “And thank you for inviting me to join you too! It’s nice to get a quiet moment with you *she blushes* e - everyone I mean
*I give a glance to nadia as though to let her know portia wasn’t talking about me or her brother* indeed ... More wine for anyone? *i stand and reach for the carafe *
*i refill your glass* I imagine you two don’t get many quiet moments *i grin slyly* running a city is exhausting and im sure portia feels it too being your right hand
*Nadia is very perspective. Your Portia’s comment, along with your glance, do not go unnoticed to her. Everyone thanks you for the refill.* “Oh not at all!” *Portia insists* “Helping my lady is no trouble at all! Especially when she works so hard to keep the city together. You should see all the work she’s gotten done this last week! It’s incredible!” *Nadia flushes a bit under her praise* “Nonsense, Portia. You work very hard for me.” *there’s a low purr in her voice. I might not be particularly perceptive, but even I pick up on that little subtly* *I arch and eyebrow at Portia, who blushes deeply*
*i smile... Checkmate.... My brow raises to portia too* oh dont worry portia, i know for a fact how much you enjoy working for the countess, nothing you have told me would ever make me think you didnt enjoy your job *I smile earnestly knowing that my point has been made And the ball has began to roll*
*I sit back down and put my hand on your thigh, under the table*
*She turns bright red under our combined gaze. Nadia observes this with amusement and a mischievous curl of her lip. I could pick out a Dom Face (tm) from miles away. I’m deeply uninterested in knowing whatever she may be imagining for my baby sister, but I am glad to know that Nadia may be interested. If anyone would treat Pasha right, and give her the spoiling she deserves, it’s Nadia. Under the table, I put my hand on yours, and intertwine our touching legs. I attempt to act oblivious to all the different tensions happening at the table and work on finishing my soup*
*I try to hide a smirk with finishing my soup and drinking the wine, i intertwined our fingers together and reciprocate the leg touching, i am not acting oblivious at all to all the tensions in the room. I watch nadia, observing her Dom face gawking at the blushing portia... I trust that she will tell her how she feels when the time feels right. As for me and you... Everyone already knows were fucking.. No mystery to it and i like it that way... I like the fact that we and everyone knows we want eachother and it is simply up to us to determine when and how*
*As we finish our soup, servants re enter and take the bowls from us. They replace them with plates of roasted lamb, accompanied by many different sauces and sides of jeweled rice. I favor a minty yogurt for mine dish.*
*my mouth waters as i look at the plate* so... Did you know roasted lamb was my favorite meal countess?
*Nadia looks surprised* “I did not, but I am glad to hear it. Hopefully it is cooked to your liking.”
*i cut open the meat, juice pours from it and the center is a bright pink color with charred edges* perfection....
“Ah I am happy to hear it. You are my guest, and I would prefer to to afford you as much luxury as I can.” *Nadia says*
*I smile, nod, and shamelessly dig in. The noise i make is slightly erotic without meaning to be*
*I make a sensual satisfied sound that is perhaps a bit too loud when I take the first bite of the lamb. It is delicious. Portia shoots me an unimpressed expression.*
*Nadia smirks and teases* “It seems Portia was not exaggerating when she said the two of you were very well suited for each other.”
*I swallow and chuckle at nadias comment and look to you lovingly*.... I guess not *i smile and squeeze your hand before diving back into the meat*
*I beam back at you, my lips are shiny with the oils of the lamb. Being slightly uncouth next to you? My fantasy come true. This tender moment is slightly interrupted when Nadia says.* “Next time we really ought to invite Asra, and MC as well. Gather the ‘old gang’ as it where.” *I accidentally inhale a grain of rice and choke on it rather ungracefully*
*the second bite holds all the flavor, it is full bodied and juicy, theres a bit of blood left that leaves a fatty copper taste to it. The texture is divine, the meat is tender and ritch. Garlic, sage, tyme, and rosemary was rubbed into the outside of the slab before being cooked. The roasting process formed a crunchy heavily seasoned layer on the outside and a soft, tender middle...im missing something... It adds to the moisture of the flesh... White wine!... Slits made in the cut towards the end of the cooking process flooded with white wine... Ohh this truly is magnificent. I take a bite of the rice... Olive, garlic, parsley and a creamy dill flavor hit my senses... Little bits of chopped up onion...and the rice is panfried so it has bits of crunch to it... --- my enjoyment of the meal is interrupted by you choking, i offer you my water and rub your back*
A A Asra? *Cough* I-if you so wish it Countess. It um... has been a while. *Nadia raises an eyebrow* “Oh, is there a problem, I had thought the two of you had put your... past behind you.” *I cough a few more times* We did errr that is, we have... *I blush deeply*
*I raise a brow, before i put two and two together* Asra?
And old lover im assuming *i raise a brow and smirk at you*
*I drink some wine to finally stop my choking* The three of us... Nadia, Asra, and I, used to be quite close friends... “Yes,” Nadia chimed in, “This was before Julian ‘murdered’ my husband.” *I flush deeper and deeper* Well things progressed between Asra and I, but the ending was.... a little messy.... “Yes, our Doctor was thoroughly heart broken if I recall correctly.” *Nadia added helpfully* *I shoot her an exasperated expression* It was a long time ago. But... well, that last fight was a little hurtful... we both said things we shouldn’t have.
“And” *added Nadia* “They have spent plenty of time to get her since then. I personally don’t understand where your anxiety stems from.” *Nadia said. I only know that she It attempting to comfort me after knowing her for so long. Her approach is generally logical and a little cold.* “Clearly Asra has let the past go. You should not be worried about what he has left to say to you.”
True. *I pose with my fingers on my forehead dramatically* But it was not Asra’s heart that was broken on that fateful night *Truthfully I don’t know why I’m still scared to see him. Maybe because I know that he’s seen my worst qualities and isn’t afraid to point them out. I hope I can cover any genuine concern by pretending to be overdramatic*
*damn harsh... Nadias words strike... But your reaction it seems like youve dealt with this before... I give you a look when you overdramatize and bring your hands from your face and into mine* okay drama queen *i smile trying to lighten the mood* if you need to have a long talk with asra to calm your anxieties about him... Then I suggest you do it, it can even be at the lounge if you like... If you dont want to do that then i wont encourage us going on a triple date with him *I smile and touch the bottom of your chin in a "buck up" manner*
But i will have you putting on a one man show to hide your anxiety... Deal? *I smile at you hopeful *
*But do we need to talk? I’m not sure what we would say to each other. I give your hand a squeeze.* I... I don’t know if a heart to heart is exactly what a I need or not, but I’m not opposed to a triple date. *Portia blushes deeply each time we say that word* I think exposure may be the correct therapy here. *I kiss your hands* Nadia is right, we have spent time together since. I don’t think there’s much remaining as far as bad blood goes. *I kiss your hands again* Thank you for being understanding. Don’t let your lamb go cold on my account. *I smile and let you go. Returning back to my food as well*
*I squeeze your hand reassuringly and glance apologetic at nadia and portia nodding my head at each of them before returning to the lamb*
*they both seems happy that you managed to talk me down. Both have bore witness to how deep I can go into my little tangent. Nadia does not approve of emotional coddling, but she seems to appreciate your problem solving approach. Portia smiles to herself too. *
*i understand the spiral... The use of theatrics to hide real emotion or make satire out of what your feeling. I also know that one needs to be told they are doing so and given another solution to the issue*
*I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone who really understood the motions of my emotional spirals as well as you do. I squeeze your leg under the table. This isn’t the time to talk about it really, but I do appreciate it. I appreciate you, entirely. I shoot you a loving look.*
*I reciprocate the squeeze and look back at you smiling* So, when are we planning this triple date or then? *I perk up smiling at Nadia and Portia*
*Nadia smirks and Portia turns red* “Hmm... unfortunately I don’t have much as far as free time as of late. I have lots of projects in the works, things Vesuvia desperately need. Finally I’ve removed most of my obstacles in completing them.“
If there is anything i can assist you with Nadia, please just ask *i smile at her* you have been very...kind to me. I want to be of assistance anyway i can.
*She sighs* “it’s hard to tell what I’ll be needing in the future. But I will keep you in mind should I need use of your skills. Thank you for the offer, Mast. I do look forward to our date” *she made a meaningful glance at Portia, who looked like she may jump out of her skin* “I just cannot guarantee that it will be very soon.” *She smiled mischievously* “And I would like very much to visit your lounge. Portia,” *Portia jumped to attention* “Would you like to attend with me? See what sort of trouble your brother has gotten himself into?”
*I cant help but grin in semi disbelieve and victory, a heavy sense of accomplishment washing over me as nadia asks*
*Portia gave me a look up and down, eyes lingering on my bite marks* “I’m not sure how much I want to know.”
Nadia laughed. “Yes. I did see perhaps a little too much when I found them earlier...”
“Oh gross!!! I am so sorry my lady! Ilya! I cannot believe you!”
*I flush and laugh a bit* honestly I think it was a good thing you came in when you did nadia *I blush more very embarrassed and a little proud*
*Nadia’s grin deepened, obviously getting a bit of a kick out of grossing out Portia and embarrassing me* “Oh? And why is that, Mast?”
*I turn red*
*uhoh... Was not expecting that...* uh hhh hmmm *i turn bright red nable to answer, my articulation skills have betrayed me*
*Nadia rests her head on her hands and waits patiently for you to answer clearly*
*i smirk wide and rest my head on my hands in the same fashion* you would have been blind by all the gody things we were trying on in your husbands closet...
Seriously some of the things he owned were quite terrifying. Im only glad you were spared
*i sip my wine raising my eye brows at her*
*Pasha pretends to gag. I say nothing, knowing i will only blow your cover if I try and help. Nadia, on the other hand, I’ve never seen such an evil look on her face.* “I assure you the most terrifying things in there were gifts from me. Did you have any favorites?”
Hmmm *I scratch my chin thoughtfully* I would have to say my favorite gawdy thing in there, that i saw so far* would have to be the large red cloak with white fur and black spots on it with the giant gold lion clasp in the front
*I chuckle while saying it, honestly not knowing if he owned such a thing*
*Nadia sighed, disappointed* “Oh I thought you were talking about the flogs. You’re quite right, I hated seeing that dumb cape. A lion? Honestly...”
Flogs? Oh we didnt get that far! Perhapse you could show us later? If you like *i smile* and agreed *I nod fain knowing what shes talking about* very distasteful
*Nadia places a hand on Portia’s shoulder, who looks as though she may faint* “I’ll think about it, I’d hate to scare dear Portia here. Unless red hair and easily flustered aren’t the only dominant Devorak genes...” *im not particularly surprised that Nadia knows what a massive masochist I am. It’s not exactly a secret. But Pasha... looks confused and terrified. I’d have to tease her about it later.*
*As we finish dinner, servants replace our lamb with delicate little cakes. Each seems to be a different flavor. Mine is white chocolate and raspberry*
*I chuckle at the situation and turn my attention to the little cake* Mmmm coffee and a dark chocolate
*The cake is good too. I make another sound that could possibly be interpreted as lude. Pasha looks like she could kill me.  * Nadia, this is so delicious, I am continuously impressed with your skillful chiefs.
*I make a sound at my second bite of the tiny cake* agreed this is a wonderful meal, thank you so much
*Nadia smiles* well thank you for the company. Even if it was... unexpected.
*I smile back and chuckle* dont worry nadia... Next time we break in we promise to be much more careful not to get caught *I wink at her*
*Nadia scoffed* I’d much prefer that you ask me if you may visit. I might even let you use a bath that isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust and Gods knows what else.” *she gives us a meaningful look when she said “what else” that makes me blush.*
*Portia chimes in* What you used Lucio’s /Bath/ too???
*I smile guiltily at portia* I am of course joking nadia... I would definitely ask your permission first
*Nadia relaxes* “Good I would hate to put my guards on high alert to spot you. It would probably even more embarrassing to be caught by them than by me. They won’t wait until a convenient time to stop you...” *she winks*
*I laugh embarrassed and turn a bright red again I look at you to see your reaction as well*
*I have been caught with my pants down by the palace guards before.* No, they do not. *i state this matter of factly. When I catch your eyes I smile softly at your blush. It’s so damned cute.*
*I sputter out a laugh at the no they dont attempting not to cackle*
*nadia gave Portia a sympathetic pat* siblings can be difficult
*poor portia, this entire night she has been embarrassed and practically tormented by nadia.... I know shes loving the attention though*
*I decide to cut Portia some slack and give her something else to think about besides Nadia’s close proximity and all the wild sex you and I have been having since we last spoke to her.* It’s been a few days, I have to ask, how is my niece Pepi? Is she happy? Does she miss me?
*Portia rolls her eyes* “Pepi is very happy! Unlike you, I take good care of her!” *I roll my eyes back* you asked me to watch her, and I did. She’s fine. *Portia looks offended* She’s fine because I came home in time to save her from you!
*I turn to you* ilya? Did you not take care of pepei? *I narrow my gaze at you*
*I take a deep breath* I did. I swear.
*Pasha pips in* “He did not! That giant raven of his was going to carry her off!”
No he wasn’t! He’s a good- *I flush, the words “good boy” almost come out of my mouth. I’m a little extra sensitive to the phrase these days* he’s a good bird. And I was watching to make sure anyways... also Malak isn’t even my bird. We’re just friends....
Malak is a good boy I can say that for a fact. And I'm sure pepei wouldn't let anyone man handle her *I smile*
*I shift my posture as you say the phrase. Nadia defiantly notices. Portia pouts* “Even fighters need help sometimes. And Ilya if the Raven is your friend then I’m sure he’s rowdy. He squawks up a storm whenever he sees me.”
*I blink* must be the uniform…
*she narrows her eyes* Ilya that doesn’t make any sense
*Nadia leans on her hands* “It’s hard to say, Portia. Julian seems like a /good boy/. I’m sure he wouldn’t leave your dear Pepi at risk...” *I flush deeply and grab your hand* *Pasha misses the significance* He’s not! He’s loud and rowdy and he drinks to much and everyone know it!
* give Nadia a protective look and rest my arm on your shoulder* he is portia... * I look at you* and i wouldn't want it any other way
*Nadia simply looks amused. I am turning deeper red by the second. Portia is apparently more oblivious than I am. I clear my throat*
to be continued... 
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funkymeihem-fiction · 6 years
Glow in the Dark (A Meihem Fanfic Drabble)
The attack had blindsided their defense from the left, where Mei and Junkrat had been positioned. One moment everything had been normal, and then the next, everything had turned to fire and pain and hot metal. Junkrat had gone down first, and Mei had thrown up one of her walls to protect them. But not even her ice could stand the barrage, and the last thing he could remember was her trying to say something that he couldn’t hear over the ringing of his tinnitus and the blood clogging his ears, and the heavy weight of her body covering his. And after that, he couldn’t remember anything at all.
He awoke over a week later in the intensive care unit, and his first instincts had been to laugh and make some joke or other. But trying to laugh made his ribs hurt, and his jokes didn’t seem to have any effect on Dr. Angelface. She just smiled at him in a very strange way, and her eyes had been wet as she tended to his broken body. But, she’d always been a tough sell, even on his best joke material. So he lay back, and he asked where Mei was.
Infuriatingly, she had not answered him. Instead she puttered about with her doctor’s business, and ignored his question. So, never one to be ignored, he asked it again. And that time, she looked away. And something about that motion made his stomach seize and then drop. So he asked again. Where was Mei? And then again. Where was Mei?!
And that was when Angelface had just shaken her pretty head. And while Junkrat stared at her blankly, she had to swallow hard several times, and her voice broke when she told him that Mei was gone.
Everyone in earshot knew when the younger junker had been delivered the news. The noises that came out of that clinic had carried far and wide. Not that that was unusual, with how loud and vivacious Junkrat had always been. But the heads of everyone nearby turned all at once when they heard that one particular sound. Or really, it was a series of sounds. It wasn’t in a language any of them could understand, since language had nothing to do with it. But nor was it a sound that animals could make, since animals couldn’t really understand such things either. The closest words might be ‘keening’ or ‘wailing’, or strange guttural, throaty, sobbing noises that if recorded would probably sound downright humorous in any other instance.
Outside, Roadhog looked up slowly, then looked down again. Hana pressed her lips together, then buried her face into Lucio’s neck as he put his arm around her. Winston put one large leathery palm over his face, and made his own little noises. After all, one did not have to be human to understand what those sounds meant. Perhaps ironically, it was Zenyatta and the other omnics who had the best term for it. It was nothing that could be spelled out in letters, but had been built up out of ones and zeroes. It was a binary code, breaking down one of the tangled concepts of humanity; something that meant a depth of grief that was, both at once, something to aspire to in its pure and raw emotion, and something to hope to never experience.
And it was those terms that the omnic monk would later use to best explain the sounds that Junkrat made when he learned that Mei was dead.
He refused to attend the viewing or the funeral.
Instead he sat in the cafeteria, eating ice cream with his bodyguard.
Roadhog had tried to suggest that they go out with Ana and pick out something black, and do things the civilized way. Mei had always preferred the civilized way, after all. Junkrat had promptly turned and punched Hog square in the gut, thrown his ice cream at him, and told him to fuck off with that. Hog, barely affected by the little blow to his immense belly, wiped away the cone sliding down his arm, and shrugged slowly as he reverted back to his usual silence. He simply listened while Rat went off in another of his tirades.
Black was fucking stupid to wear. It was too hot to wear black and only fucking idiots wore it to look tough or attend funerals, and he wasn’t doing either. Besides, Mei had told him that it was Chinese tradition to wear white during funerals, so how dumb was all of that? What was the point of a funerary viewing anyway? He’d seen plenty of dead blokes and dead broads in the Outback, both of them had. Was a waste of resources, really, plugging up bullet holes and reattaching pieces and dressing up a dead corpse. Fucking stupid, putting Mei’s body in a box so everyone could look at it. And they’d say things like how peaceful she looked, or how she looked like she was sleeping. Idiots! It hadn’t been a peaceful death at all. And Mei didn’t sleep on her back with her hands folded on her chest, she slept on her side with her legs curled up a little but not quite fetal, and she always hogged the damn covers. And fuck them, that’s how he wanted to remember her. Not some cold cadaver in a box.
Junkrat slammed both hands onto the table before stomping off towards the food dispensers, made himself another soft serve ice cream cone out of the machine, hurled it at the next person to come in the room- A rather befuddled McCree- and then stormed out of the cafeteria. With a low groan along with the effort of trying to move his rotund body, Roadhog squeezed out of their booth and followed, leaving Jesse behind to clean up a mess of vanilla and chocolate swirl.
The porcine bodyguard already knew where his manic employer was headed…off to loot Mei’s room. Again.
Hog got there just in time to see Rat tear down the white mourning banner that someone had hung up over her doorway. Carelessly letting it flutter onto the floor, he stepped over the mound of incense, candles, holopics, and stuffed animals that had been piled up around her door, and barged back into Mei’s dorm. Overwatch had already hit the place hard while he’d been asleep. All of Mei’s computers, files, research, and papers were long gone. Not that he’d ever given a damn about all that nonsense anyway. Instead he went to scavenge the things that were actually important.
He’d already taken the string lights from above her bed, along with her favorite snowflake print quilt. She’d had a collection of books under her bed that he’d stolen, too, even if he’d probably never ever read them. Her makeup had already been thrown away or doled out, but he’d managed to purloin some of his favorite flavors of her fruity chapsticks. And though Winston had confiscated all of Mei’s pictures, he’d given Rat all the pertinent ones; with them at the beach, or from his surprise party she’d thrown at his favorite barbecue joint, or his personal favorite, the blurry one that Hana had taken when Rat would lift Mei up and spin her in a circle, and she’d always complain but would always let him do it anyway.
There wasn’t much left by now, but he dug through the remnants. Because if there was anyone who could scavenge through the dregs, it was him. He found a stuffed seal in her closet, a gift from when she’d returned from their first expedition to Australia. Throwing away the get well card that had gone with it, he tucked the seal under one arm and kept digging. A spare pair of her glasses was found in another drawer, and he put them on even though they hurt his eyes. One of her Pachimari keychains? He might give that one to Hog later. MIGHT.
Hog had appeared in the room with him at some point, watching him as he rooted through her belongings. And even while the younger junker tore through the place yet again, Hog grunted once and nodded upward, and suggested he take the stars too.
Riiiiight, the stars! Mei’s glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. How could he have forgotten those? They’d spent how many nights under those things? Fucking idiot that he was, forgetting about something important like them. Good thing Hog was around to remind him of these things, since Mei wasn’t. Lucky he was so tall he didn’t have far to reach, and he promptly started shucking them off one by one, throwing them onto the ground to collect later.
Roadhog watched in silence.
Her files had requested cremation, and Junkrat didn’t like it. The one fucking thing in this shitty world he’d wanted to keep and never wanted to burn, was burning. They’d take her out of one box and put her in another, and she’d fade and burn and pressurize into nothing but a heap of ashes and scraps of charred bone. He bet that even her ashes and bones would be the most beautiful things in the world. Like little jewels, too precious for even him to steal. So why were they wasting her beautiful ashes and bones? Throwing them out into the wind of her ‘favorite places’? Utterly mental, it was.
The worst part was that they wouldn’t let him go out on missions. Emotionally charged, they said. Liability, they said. Not ready, they said. Fuckers. They were wasting perfectly good anger, leaving him to waste away on the base when he’d much rather be out blowing things up. Scrapping target bots was no fun. Not when he wanted to be out there killing Talon agents. That’s what he wanted most, was to track down every single Talon agent left on the planet and kill them the way they deserved to be killed. And if he found the ones that had hurt his poor Mei, it wouldn’t be pretty. He didn’t know much about torture. Wasn’t patient enough for something like that. But if he found them, he wanted it to be slow. Lingering. Painful. Maybe he could pay Hog to twist their limbs off one by one, or come up with something to burn them alive like his Mei was burning in that little chamber right now.
Ana had taken him aside and asked him if he was all right. She was a good egg, best nan, one of his favorites. He could trust her well enough. So he said that no, he wasn’t all right. And thankfully she hadn’t tried to offer him any shite about comforting words or being in better places. She’d just nodded, told him she understood, and said she had something for him later. He wondered what that was about, and hoped he could remember to ask her.
Doctor Angelface had given him sleeping pills, since he hadn’t slept in a while. Worse than usual, really. But he didn’t want to take them. He spent his nights alone while Hog slept, puttering over his projects or keeping himself busy. The stuffed seal lay un-cuddled on his bed, along with the mound of Mei’s snowflake blankets, and her stars were crooked and askew, hanging from pieces of tape on his ceiling. Their glow looked a little dull to him. Strange. They’d always seemed a lot brighter in her room.
At some point Roadhog must have slipped the pills in his boba. Or maybe he collapsed out of exhaustion. Probably Hog’s fault, though. He woke up drooling on Mei’s pillow, burrowed in Mei’s blanket, curled around Mei’s stuffed seal. Everything felt foggy and slow and he hadn’t dreamed of anything. Or maybe he had, and he’d forgotten them. He forgot a lot of things. That’s why he had to keep everything of hers that he could, so he wouldn’t start to forget those too.
Ana found him again, since he’d forgotten about her too. She gave him a little package and said it was only right for him to decide what to do with it, putting a little parcel into his flesh hand and folding his long fingers over it. He asked her what it was and what he was supposed to do with it, but she merely shook her head and said that this was something he had to decide on his own. She couldn’t help him with this one. He snapped something impatient back at her, but she merely turned and walked in the other direction. When he looked again, he saw the writing on the little paper container and nearly dropped it.
What was he supposed to do with Mei’s ashes, anyway?
Shamefully, he had to admit that his very first thought was that he should eat them. The second thought was that that would be absolutely disgusting, even for him, and wasn’t sure where that thought had even come from. Maybe he was still just tired. Or maybe that was the only way he could figure out for them to be close anymore. Still, that idea was off the charts. A no-go. Or, at the most, it would be Plan C.
Roadhog told him that some people kept ashes in their homes, in a vase. But he didn’t have a vase, he’d probably break one even if he did, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about just leaving her there…in some cold urn, all by herself. Couldn’t leave her like that, no. Parts of her were already scattered all over. Winston had taken her on her last tour of China, and now she was out there in parts of Xi’an, across the Gèlādāndōng Fēng, the Tianzi Mountains, and places he didn’t even know. All those places sounded pretty lonely and cold to him. And it had always been his job to warm her up.
Maybe he could warm up this one little part of her, and put a bit of her in the best and warmest place he knew of. But then…Didn’t she hate Australia? She’d never had an easy time of it there. Neither had he. But it was still home and still his most favorite place in the world. And maybe she wouldn’t mind being in a place where it was always hot and sunny, since it was such a little bit of her and she was just a pile of ashes anyway.
He asked Roadhog what he thought and received a shrug. But the more he thought about it, the more he liked it. Even though it was a stupid thing to do, and she was just ashes. But lots of things were ashes in the Outback, so maybe she’d mix right in with the sand and be warm forever. Maybe she’d reach whatever place they’d been in the desert when he’d first kissed her, or looked up at the stars, or rooted for the first time. Not that he could remember where those locations were, but Mei was one clever cookie and an expert navigator, so she’d probably be able to find her way there. Or maybe she’d be swept up into one of the red storms and rain down fire and vengeance if she was mad at things, since she was often mad at things but would never really say why. Maybe she could be like some sort of angry Chinese ghost that haunted Australia’s weather patterns, that’s what she would be. He liked the thought of it more and more.
Even though Winston hesitated when the request was made, Junkrat was granted two tickets back to Oz.
When he arrived and the door opened, and the molten heat poured over him and the little precious parcel held in both hands, he knew this was a great idea. Tucked into Hog’s chopper as he’d been so many times before, the two made quick work of the Outback’s cracked highways, heading deeper into the desert that both called home. Roadhog didn’t seem particularly bothered that Rat had absolutely no destination in mind. They were used to wandering. So that was what they did, for several days.
It was almost like the true ‘old days’, when the junkers had meandered from nowhere to nowhere, topping off at junker petrol stations and occasionally getting into a little tussle with old rivals. But throughout it all, even though his mind wandered, Junkrat held fast to the little bundle with her name on it.
Until one day, driving through what used to be the ol’ Chilla Well near Alice Springs, Junkrat screamed to stop. So Roadhog pulled over, and the younger junker scrambled out of his sidecar, pressed his mechanical hand above his brow to shield his eyes, and peered around in all directions. The long, red desert stretched out in all directions, flat and sandy save for the buttes that rose up and stood against the blue of the sky. Scrubby brownish-green shrubs dotted the blasted landscape, and the sun beat down until it hurt. This was the place. She could go to wherever she needed from here, and never be cold.
He tried to remember if she’d told him anything about Chinese funeral rites, but he couldn’t recall. And he was fairly certain she wouldn’t have been impressed by what junkers called a funeral. He wasn’t big into funerals anyway. So at a loss as to what else to do, he told Roadhog to say something.
Roadhog thought for a very long while before saying, “She was good.”
Junkrat could agree with that.
When the next breeze came, he opened up the box and shook it. A little puff of gray was expelled from within, seized by the desert winds and taken off towards the northwest, until it had mixed with the red and he couldn’t tell it apart anymore. And then she was gone. Mei was gone and was all over the world and she was never coming back.
But at least she’d be warm.
That night, they roasted lizards and ate beans out of the can like they used to do. But it didn’t feel right anymore, and Junkrat’s laughter didn’t sound like it should have. It kept breaking in odd spots and turning back on itself until it was almost like sobbing, but not really. Crying had never done him much good and was just a waste of water, after all. Roadhog seemed more muted than ever, which was genuinely a hard thing for most to imagine, and announced quietly that he was going to bed early, since he was tired and they had a long few days of driving ahead to get back to the rest of Overwatch.
Junkrat finished his half-eaten tin of food before getting up, gathering up his bedroll, and leaving the yellow glow of their campfire. Instead he moved off into the night, where the red desert met black night and turned the world into shades of purple and blue. Kicking open the roll onto the open sand on the crest of a tiny dune, he flopped down onto his back and stared upward. Nice, clear night. Lots of stars. Lots and lots of stars. She’d always been dazzled by the stars out here, and he pretended to like them too, even if he was watching her more than he was watching them.
But now, looking up at them, they were very pretty. Now that she was out here, she could look at them every night, any time she wanted.
He felt water draining down from his eyes, down over his temples, and cursed a little as he scrubbed it away with the back of his bruised knuckles. Damnit.
The stars glimmered above him, the dusty clouds of the milky way stretching across the abyss of the open sky. Mei had explained it all to him, how the dust wasn’t sand, but fathomless multitudes of rocks and pieces of star stuff. They were balls of raging fire and gas so large and so bright that they could eat up the sun, and they were seeing their light from billions upon billions of miles and light years away. How the gravity of these immense things could pull itself in until it burnt out and nothing but pits of hungry black remained. Like his stomach, she had laughed. Sometimes, they went supernova in the greatest, most explosive force in the universe. Something that someone like him couldn’t even imagine. And that sometimes, the dust from these stars and these deserts and her body, would all be gathered up in some void until a spark lit everything up and a new star was born from it all. She’d said that the real things were nothing like the little shapes that glowed in the dark on her ceiling.
His eyes kept watering and it made it hard to look at all those stars.
Their glow looked a little dull to him. Strange. They’d always seemed a lot brighter in her room.
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nikoandartmixwell · 6 years
Servant!Apprentice AU
So I made this Servant!AU for my fan apprentice Jak, and I’d like to share it with you guys in case you’d like to make a Servant!Apprentice with me.
You/Your Apprentice (we’ll just use “you” for time’s sake) have been part of the palace’s fleet of servants since you were little and your parents joined the palace’s staff. While you have your own place outside of the palace, you work exclusively at the palace and have managed to work your way up through the ranks. You are one of the palace’s best servants, working mostly with the Court. Among your work friends, and one of your closest friends, is Portia, the Countess’s favorite. You both have a disdain for the Court, especially Valerius, so you both enjoy pranking the Court while simultaneously collecting the juiciest gossip. While Portia enjoys collecting the gossip as blackmail, you’re listening to it for a different reason.
You don’t have any memory past three years ago. From what you’ve collected, you were Lucio’s favorite servant, as you have been by his side ever since he became Count. He had a special place in his heart for you, even until his death. But that’s all you know.
Three months after the Countess emerges from her coma (and takes Portia away from you), she announces that she is opening the Julian Devorak case again. Both you and Portia are taken back. You both know that there plenty of questions circulated Lucio’s death. He died in a fire, but all the servants knew that the circumstances were unnatural, and that the Court were probably lying. However, none of the servants know how to approach Countess Nadia about it. Besides, the Countess has brought in a magician (Asra/your original MC), so no one is in the mood to talk to the Countess.
On the way home from the palace, you notice a tall stranger who smells of myrrh. You’ve seen him around, but this time you notice something different about him. You notice the memory of him was slipping away as he walked away from you. Instead of leaving him alone like you usually do, you decided to follow him for a while, to see where he’s going. When he finds his destination, you notice that he stops at Asra’s/Your Original MC’s magic shop and emerges with a couple of magical herbs. You stop him and ask him about it, and you learn that he knows some magic. Perhaps irrationally, you ask him if you can learn magic from him. At first, the stranger resists, but then, after you use your ~*charm and charisma*~, you agree to meet at his cabin in the woods twice a week to learn magic, and finally you learn that his name is Muriel.
The next day, you manage to sneak away from the Court and head into Lucio’s wing. You’re the only servant in the whole palace who regularly visits Lucio’s wing. Everyone else, including you, have experienced feelings of dread and despair whenever they’ve visited Lucio’s wing, but you’re determined to find answers. This day, you walk in and come face to face with a giant goat. You want to run away, but you freeze. You know those eyes. You murmur, “Lucio?” The giant goat stops and looks you in the eyes. “. . . Is that you?” It feels as if time stood still. Then, Lucio growls, “Get OUT!” But you don’t. You need answers. You shake your head and say, “No. I’m here to stay and you’re going to answer my questions.” He cocks his head, “You already know my demise. Get out.” You shout back, “No, I don’t! I don’t have ANY memory of what happened between you and me and if it takes me a MILLION YEARS to find the truth, then I will do it!” Lucio sighs. “Fine, but you won’t like it.” However, before you can get any information, you’re called by Valerius. You turn to Lucio and stare him directly in the eyes. “We’re not finished.” For once, you see Lucio smirk. “I thought so.”
After another grueling day with the Court, you decide to visit Portia to give her some flowers you bought. You knock on her door, but then you hear hurried shuffling before a ruffled Portia opens the door. She’s a little out of breath when she welcomes you into her home. After a forced conversation, you give her the flowers and are on your way out the door when you hear someone sneeze in one of the closets. You gaze at Portia and point at the closet. She desperately tries to divert your attention, but you’re still drawn to the door. Portia makes one last effort to conceal whatever was behind the door, but you open it to find Julian Devorak. For a hot minute, everyone is confused and a little bit angry, but after a while, everyone calms down and Portia explains to you that Julian is her brother and that she thinks that Julian is innocent of killing the Count. You’re still confused but you trust Portia and hope that she’s right. After some awkward introductions, the three of you sit at Portia’s table and drink some tea. However, someone knocks at the door again, but this time, it’s the Countess. Everyone freaks out for a couple of seconds before you open the door while Portia hides Julian. As you smile at the Countess, she eyes you wearily and asks why you’re at Portia’s house. As you’re at a loss for words, the only thing you can say is that you were hoping you could have a lovely night with Portia *wink wink* and you cautiously show Nadia the flowers you had. To everyone’s relief, Nadia smiles at you and leaves the cottage. As the Countess walks away, you begin to realize how big the situation is, with Portia hiding a wanted criminal and you being an accomplice, but all you can do is sip your tea and smile at Portia.
So there you have it! That’s kinda the whole gist of the AU. You’re a servant at the palace, you’re going to Lucio’s wing to talk to Lucio’s ghost and try to recover your memories, you’re visiting Muriel to learn magic, and you’re part of Portia’s plan to prove Julian’s innocence. (Idk, being a servant in Lucio’s/Muriel’s/Portia’s route makes more sense to me than being Asra’s apprentice)
But wait! There’s more!
Here’s a couple of ideas if you need some more:
This AU works well if you have a Servant!Apprentice and a regular Apprentice because this AU is basically made to go hand-in-hand with the regular routes (Asra, Nadia, and Julian) as well as the unknown routes (Muriel, Portia, and Lucio) at the same time. Also keep in mind that all of the unknown routes explored in this AU are merely speculative. The actual routes themselves are probably going to be different, so don’t take this too seriously when the actual routes come out.
Ever seen “The Office”? There’s only two redeemable things about the show; Jim and Pam’s relationship and Jim’s pranks on Dwight. Now just replace Jim and Pam with you and Portia, and watch your relationship grow.
In this AU, since your Servant!Apprentice is probably not associated with Asra, Muriel might be a little bit less aggressive towards you. Let’s get some more soft Muriel!
In this AU, Servant!Apprentice and Lucio have a past relationship that ended badly. At one point, Lucio was a new Count, but eventually he turned into a vain monster that didn’t care for his people, and Servant!Apprentice had to stay and watch it all. I’m not saying that you should explore that, but if you did, I think that could become some great angst.
That’s about it! Feel free to add any more headcannons or anything! Sorry for the bad writing and having fun creating!
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valorant-reverie · 6 years
ABC of your OCs
Prompted by @thursdaysshepard about my Arcana apprentice, Yvenne Alaris. Only instead of doing her name, it was recommended that I did that of her disaster boyfriend instead, so I will be doing the questions which spell out Julian.
Original post with questions can be found here.
Let’s go!
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? Yvenne always smiles at a sunrise. She likes the warmth of the sun on her skin, or the first crunch of a fresh apple, or that moment where a new piece of clothing fits just right. It is the simple things that make her happy. 2. who makes them happy? She is grateful that there are a lot of people in her life who make her happy. She has her dearest friends Asra and Caspir (who belongs to @thursdaysshepard), whom she lives with and cooks for, and also repairs their clothes often after magical escapades. Portia has made her time at the palace more tolerable - and though she was hesitant at first, she has come to enjoy the company of the Countess as well. But there is one person who makes her happy above all others; Julian’s smile is the reason Yvenne rises out of bed every morning. 3. are there any songs that bring them joy? Yvenne enjoys the sound of a harp above all instruments. The idea of having harp music on demand while staying with Nadia in the palace still throws her, but she enjoys having a musical supplement to meals, as extravagant as it is in the face of her more humble sensibilities.  4. are they happy often? More often than not, yes. It takes a great deal to break her spirits. 5. what brings them the most joy in the world? Julian’s laughter makes her feel like her heart has wings.
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? If she was bullied, Yvenne does not remember it. There is little of her life that she can remember before waking up in the shop, after Lucio’s murder and the chaos which followed. She likes to think she wasn’t. 2. have they bullied anyone? Again, not to her knowledge. 3. have they been physically attacked by a bully? If Lucio counts then yes.  4. have they ever been doubted? Sometimes she feels that Asra is overprotective, as he often insists she not overexert herself or allow herself to be dragged down by Julian, and in both these situations she interprets a lack of faith. This frustrates her. 5. have they surprised people with being good at something? Julian insists to this day that she should not be able to cook so well without magic, and yet vehemently says Mazelinka could not possibly cook the same food with it.
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit? Raspberry. 2. what is their least favorite fruit? Melon, of any kind. 3. are there any foods they hate? Yvenne is not really a fussy eater. She is accustomed to a simple diet and has yet to have tried anything she doesn’t like. 4. do they have any food intolerances? No.  5. what is their favorite food? Warm pumpkin bread fresh from the market, of course.
I: In-the-closet 1. what is their sexuality? Yvenne hasn’t ever really had to debate her sexuality. Personally I envisage Vesuvia as a place where such labels are not necessary - the game itself seems to depict a world where this is the case. But for argument’s sake I would say she is bisexual. 2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? No. There has been no need for her to do so. 3. have they ever questioned their gender? Perhaps on occasion, wearing Asra’s robes for a day or envying how good Nadia looks in comparison to her more tomboyish appearance. But she won’t let it bother her, and again, these things are not exactly an issue in Vesuvia. 4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? Yvenne does not know her parents or of any siblings she may have. As for her family within the shop, Asra and Faust (and Cas) would surely love her irrevocably regardless of who she came home with. Asra has only shown distaste in her choice of partner for who they are. 5. how long would/did it take for them to come out? Probably not long, for reasons appertaining to the above.
A: Aptitude 1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? Yvenne has always had a way with magic. She also can hold a tune rather well, and has a knack for being able to guess the time without knowing it. 2. what activities have they participated in? Magic, card games and tricks, dancing, baking, embroidery... Most often her hobbies come from things she has had to learn for necessity. 3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for? Yvenne’s natural ability lies in defensive magic such as shields and disguising spells; she has had to work hard on more offensive skills. Now her manipulation of fire makes her a force to be reckoned with. 4. what things are they bad at? 5. what is their most impressive talent? The aforementioned skill of guessing the time, and also the ability to tell when Julian is about to say something really stupid. 
N: Never Have I Ever 1. what would they never do? Knowingly kill another person.  2. what have they never done that they want to do? Skinny dipping. 3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? Lie to the people they love. 4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? There is a long list, but she would probably mention the time when she and Caspir almost set fire to the docks after an argument with a surly sailor over the supposed theft of his purse. 5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? Fall in love.
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
How would the LI’s respond to a major hippie MC? Like wild, flowers in their hair, vegan, outdoorsy, MC? ((Thanks I love you and your writing *so* much))
my pleasure 💖 thank you!
🌻Main 6 + Hippie MC
Have you seen his Sanctuary? It’s a hippie paradise
Loves collecting plants with you and surprising you with beautiful and exotic flowers from his travels 
(To plant yourself, obviously, not hacked up into a bouquet)
Makes flower crowns for the two of you and Faust, charmed to never wilt
Lots of spontaneous dates - running barefoot in the forest, skinny-dipping in a desert hot spring
Knows how to make natural pigments to tie-dye scarves and shawls
Aside from his love of picnics, Julian’s not exactly an outdoorsman
“Is, uh, is the ocean considered ‘outdoors’?” (It’s not)
He burns like a marshmallow, and he doesn’t have any proper clothes for it, but he does love it when you drag him on a hike or a berry-picking escapade
After all, he’s not really one to judge for oddball behavior, and if you put up with his personal brand of wildness, it’s the least he can do
Carries you valiantly through the streets of Vesuvia on those days you just can’t abide wearing shoes
He would never oppress you so, but no one in their right mind goes barefoot in South End
She loves a good outdoor date, but that’s a lot more outdoors than she was expecting
Still, she never says no to a nature walk or a ride to a hot spring
It’s not to the same extent, but she does love to let her hair down, so to speak
(Not literally - that’s a lot of hair to deal with running wild in a meadow - but she likes to be spontaneous)
Always intrigued to try a new vegan dish or snack
You could spend all day weaving flowers into her hair; she’ll wear them as long as they last
If you braid flowers into his hair, he’ll do the same for yours
Asks you to teach him vegan recipes and proudly shows off his free-range, grass-fed chicken friends
Scolds you for going barefoot in less-than-ideal conditions - there is broken glass in South End, you know
He loves outdoorsy dates - gardening, hiking, watching the sunrise
Romantic weekends camping in the forest, cleaning up the river, and planting wildflowers
It’s important to him to leave every place better than he found it, and no one understands better than you
Unironically calls you her “flower child” (and “tulip”, “rosebud”, whatever your favorite flower is)
Loves it when you put flowers in her hair, even though they occasionally get lost
Grows all your favorite squash, beans, and other tasty vegan treats in her garden
Every outdoorsy date is an adventure - picnic in the hedge maze, stargazing in the fields
Will be your tiny lumberjack fantasy girlfriend, chopping wood for a campfire and raising a hammock to snuggle in
She might not look it, but Portia likes to get dirty
Okay, the flowers in the hair, the nature walks, the barefootedness - all that, he can handle
But vegan?
You may have to look at all the leather in his closet, the blood pooling on his dinner plate, and reaffirm that he’s the one you want to date
And even once he’s moved out of his unnecessary-cruelty phase, he’s not exactly a peace-and-love guy
You can complain about it all you want - heaven knows he complains about the dirt and grime associated with all the outdoor activities you love - but you both have to promise not to try and convert each other
(He actually does have some good points on the virtues of using leather - he grew up subsistence hunting, after all)
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
Modern au main 6's occupations and what kind of place would they live in?
it was so fun to write this and think about who they would be in our world! thanks for this request 😊 
Asra would be an artist, and he’d probably teach some art classes on the side
he lives in a brightly lit apartment with room for an art studio, and every surface is covered in plants and art he’s made
his decor style could best be labelled “eclectic” and his apartment is full of color and different fabric textures
he’s also really into ceramics and pottery so most of his kitchenware is hand made by him, none of his dishes match but he likes it better that way
his apartment is meant for entertaining and he has friends over nearly every night to cook dinner together and talk (mostly they gossip) 
he’s all about soft lighting and his apartment is filled with candles and fairy lights to create a cozy atmosphere
Julian would still be a doctor, but he’d actually have a medical license in modern times (though he might still try to convince his colleagues that leeches are an important part of medicine)
he lives in a traditional brownstone townhouse in the city, its restored from the 19th century and he loves how historical it looks
his house is filled with leather furniture and antiques, and he has a library in his office 
he’s spent a lot of money on a fancy espresso machine and has a coffee bar in his kitchen
he also has a proper bar stocked with his favorite cocktail ingredients and fancy alcohol 
he has a favorite chair in the living room that he sits in to drink his coffee in the morning and to relax in at night, its well worn and soft and he can just sink in and feel fully at home after a busy shift at the hospital
Nadia would be the CEO and designer of her own fashion brand 
she’d be a certified boss ass bitch like Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada, but luckily for everyone- quite a bit nicer
when she’s not travelling to all of the biggest cities in the world for fashion shows and editorial shoots she lives in a fancy penthouse 
she’s had it completely renovated to fit her tastes and she worked closely with a team of designers to get it perfect
think glossy white marble counters, crystal chandeliers, custom couches and lots of original art by famous artists (including Asra of course)
her bedroom is the room she spent the most time on, its her refuge, comfortable, private, and a soothing escape away from the outside world
and of course, her closet is huge and full of all of the collections she’s designed, it’s like a museum where everything is kept organized and in perfect condition
he’s the park ranger at a national park
it’s the perfect job for him because he gets to spend all day in nature with very little human interaction except during busy tourist seasons
he won’t admit it, but he loves interacting with kids and teaching them about the flora and fauna found in the park
he lives in a cabin in the woods near the ranger station, it’s in a secluded spot near his favorite hiking trail
while the cabin is simple, only a few rooms, its cozy and has personal touches like his carvings that make it feel like home
Inanna patrols with him and is known around the park as Muriel’s deputy park ranger
she’s an investigative journalist who spends her time researching stories and out on the field finding evidence
she’s covered quite a few high profile court cases and has made a name for herself as a true investigator
her main goal is to uncover inequalities and make sure that bad people pay for their crimes, but she’s also a writer who knows how to tell a great story
she lives in a cozy apartment above a bakery, and in true Portia fashion she’s best friends with everyone who works there
her apartment is full of light and flowers and it feels like stepping out of the city into a safe haven 
one day she wants to move somewhere with space for a garden, but until then her balcony is full of planter boxes where she’s started a small vegetable and herb garden 
she lives alone with Pepi, but she has an open-door policy for friends and family and will always welcome guests with a cup of tea and sweets from the bakery downstairs
Lucio is the CEO of an energy drink brand, he also stars in all of the commercials
his brand is all about “being awesome!” and living up to your “awesome potential”, he uses the word awesome a lot in branding
he lives in a hype-house with his friends and business partners, he makes youtube videos to promote his brand and to show off his lifestyle
he’s surprisingly genuine though and loves his subscribers, he donates to people’s “go fund me’s” and hosts giveaways quite often, and he donates money to charities and causes he supports on the side
the mansion he lives in is incredibly nice if a bit basic, it’s got an indoor basketball court and all sorts of unnecessary things
his bedroom is ostentatious, he’s got a gigantic canopy bed and a closet full of expensive shoes and designer clothing, most of it custom and monogrammed with his name
Mercedes and Melchior are the mascots of his brand and he also sells a line of Lucio merch for dogs
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Holiday request! How would Soldier, Lucio, and Hanzo(separate) react to their s/o getting them a present that they *always* wanted and it was really expensive so they soon found out s/o was actually saving up all year just to get it without them knowing?
Friendly reminder that I will most likely never make poly requests unless you poly in there or the characters’ ship name (ex. Roadrat, McHanzo). You don’t have to clarify them being separate otherwise, just to let you know. ^^
Also I did third person for Soldier’s and second person for the others for some reason but I’m too tired to fix it right now, so sorry.
Soldier 76
It was either some kind of really cool new gun or a new piece of workout equipment
As soon as he heard about it, he started saving
Usually he’s not so obsessed with something but this was just too cool for him to pass up
He found his s/o’s container of savings in their shared room, hidden away in the back of the closet
Confronts them out of pure curiosity because he doesn’t realize they’re saving up for something for him
When they explain and get a little flustered, he can’t help being flattered
Thinks they’re just the sweetest for doing so
Scoops them up in a hug and twirls them around
Tells him they didn’t have to being doing that for him
Asks how much they have saved, then tells them he’s been saving too
They put their funds together to eventually buy the item
Soldier uses the last of his savings to take his s/o out on a very special thank-you date
The item is some awesome new music/gaming equipment
Tbh, he could probably buy with the money he’s already got but it’s pricey and he could put that money to better use (ex. charity)
So he doesn’t buy it
He probably notices you acting a little odd with your money while you’re saving
Confronts you a few different times during that time period but you assure him with a simple gloss over and continue on
When you finally grace him with his gift, he’s ecstatic
Gently sets the item aside before tackling you in a tight hug
Asks you how you did it and laughs when he realizes how clueless he’s been all year
Gives you a load of smooches accompanied by a thousand thank-yous
Asks you to help him set it up, then offers to teach you how to use it
It’s some new bow that combines new technology with the classic grace of an old fashioned bow
He’s not one to get excited about things but he actually gasped when he first saw it
However, it’s super expensive and he’s not quite that willing
Notices you acting a little funny about money and decides to do a little snooping
Caught you putting money into your hidden savings jar
After hearing what you’re up to, he gives you a loving hug and assures you that you don’t need to be buying him something so expensive
Tries to convince you to use the money for something better, such as a trip to your favorite place or a nice date night
Something the two of you could experience together
He already has a bow and he’s happy with it
When you insist, though, he lets it go after some fussing
Insists on tossing in some money himself so you’re not causing yourself to go broke
At the same time he probably starts his own savings to either pay you back or to pamper you with the same amount of money (ex. big fancy date, something you’ve always wanted in return, etc)
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overwatchneedsyou · 7 years
Some OW boys going with their s/o to Victoria Secret? What would they pick out? Were they forced to go or did they willingly come?
The people working there are afraid of him at first when he walks in. You’re really the only reason he’s not getting the mall security called on him. Once they see him shopping with you instead of making everyone uncomfortable, the whole place relaxes a bit. 
He’s determined to find the best looking thing on you in here. He’s really perceptive of what you like and has seen your bra often enough to know what kind of style you’re into. 
He’s a sucker for the color black obviously. It’s traditionally and always looks good. If it’s lacy, it’s already n his hands and he’s handing it to you. 
He looks 1000 times less imposing when he’s waiting in line. It’s impossible for him to be Mr. Gloom and Doom™ with a handful of brightly colored bras in his hands. 
He’s all for shopping for bras. He doesn’t even falter when you start steering him toward the store. The ladies in the store look at him funny but he’s so bright and cheerful it doesn’t take much to win them over. 
He’s absolutely no help whatsoever. To him, you look stunning in everything. It would be heartwarming if it wasn’t so frustrating.
If it has cute little bows on it, sign him up. He loves bows. 
Probably owns a Pink hoodie in his closet somewhere. They’re comfortable. 
He’s floating through the store acting as your personal bag carrier. His muscles never strain so he’s more than willing to hold everything while you shop. 
He doesn’t know anything about bras. Once you start hitting him with all the different types, he’s clueless. He’ll listen and learn but in the beginning, he’s like a lost child wandering through the aisles looking for something that looks like what you wanted.
He prefers Pink over Victoria Secrets main lines. Even though all of the Pink bras have their logo on it, they’re a lot more comfortable for you so they’ve got his vote.
Lacy bras are his favorite because the extra texture feels nice under his finger tips sensors but if the bra has a cool design on the front, he’ll pick it up. He just likes bright colors. He’ll grab anything that catches his eye and while you don’t always like it too, his hearts in the right place so you try it on anyway.
He’s got no problem going in. He’s comfortable with his masculinity. 
There are some things you look better in than others and he’ll tell you as much but you always get a “You look beautiful darlin,” before he says it because he loves you in anything. 
He likes barlettes. They’re cute and colorful. You can wear most of them like normal clothing. They’re functional in his opinion. Not to mention you look amazing in them. 
He’s a sucker for lingerie. If you buy any to surprise him later, he’ll definitely be happy. He’ll admire you in it for a few minutes but it won’t be long before it’s off you. As much as he likes you in your underwear, he likes you better with nothing on. 
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rosielav · 7 years
Re: Trans headcanons, etc.
If you don’t like trans headcanons because they make you feel weird, or awkward, or out of place, or alienated, or literally anything you don’t enjoy, that’s perfectly fine. It’s good to know your boundaries and it’s good to have them.
But if you don’t like trans headcanons, so you attack people that do, that’s messed up. Even if you’re a trans person, there are other trans folks out there that LOVE their trans headcanons, that really enjoy picturing representation in their favorite shows, movies, books, etc. 
If you see someone fetishizing trans folks by making trans headcanons, for the love of everything holy YES, say something! Correct them! Show them how they are hurting the trans community with their art or actions or words. But if someone sees the new Spiderman and says ‘Wow...I think Peter Parker is trans...he acts a lot like me and he’s my age and I feel this connection with him’, you have no right to barge in and tell them ‘NO! You can’t think of him as trans because it makes me feel bad! I don’t care if it helps with your gender dysphoria or whatever, it makes me uncomfortable so you should stop making this content!!!!!’
What you SHOULD say would be something along the lines of ‘Hey, you posted some stuff that made me really uncomfortable. I’m going to unfollow you now because it’s better for my mental health.’ or ‘hey could you tag your trans headcanons? they make me uncomfortable but I don’t want to unfollow you over it.’ or so so so many other things that aren’t shitting on someone.
But the same goes for all headcanons. Just because someone doesn’t share the same headcanon as you...doesn’t mean you have the right to attack them. Yes, you have the right to talk to them about it, to ask questions, to state your opinion and fight for it, but that’s so so much different than attacking someone. 
This is one of those things that took me a long time to realize. When I was in the spn fandom, I would get super upset at anyone who didn’t ship destiel, especially if they DID ship sam and cas. I never sent anyone hate about it, but I harbored serious ill will. I unfollowed anyone who didn’t ship my ship, and reblogged posts bashing non-destiel shippers. I also used to not like trans headcanons, because of personal ‘got shoved back in the closet’ reasons. But then I saw how much people...benefitted from these ideas. I saw all these trans folks making sappy and happy posts about their trans headcanons, putting these characters in similar situations to their own and finding COMFORT in these things. I saw all that and realized how much of an ass I had been, and I made a choice to become an advocate for trans headcanons.
No, I don’t personally headcanon Peter Parker as trans. But I like the idea of trans people finding solace in their minds because they believe him to be trans. Same thing with Lucio, or Junkrat, or any character that people headcanon as trans. It’s their thoughts, let them share it with likeminded people and find comfort. It could be their only comfort.
But I’m not saying that I excuse the actions of everyone that has trans headcanons. It’s not something to attack someone over in either direction. Just as someone shouldn’t attack you for HAVING one, doesn’t mean you are exempt from the same logic.
TL;DR: Let people headcanon what they want. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone or taking away canon representation, just let it be. Have a discussion about it, don’t attack people.
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