I'm Beanji Genjiman and welcome to the Hub!
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Yep, demisexual falls under the aspec umbrella along with asexual, grey asexual, and aromantic! Also I noticed i the tags you mentioned mspec, that stands for multi-sexual I'm pretty sure so anyone that likes more than just one gender is mspec I think
Ah, okay, good to know!
Thanks to @cryptichobbit and @toontwink who also provided some feedback in the comments of the post asking that question!
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
This might be a silly question, but what identities fall under the term ā€œace-specā€? Is demisexual one of them?
Trying to get a few Pride pieces done before the month is over and I wanna make sure Iā€™m understanding the term right.
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
I am still sick >:T
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
I posted this and then the next day got a terrible cold, which I'm still suffering from lol
LOVE to see that ur back. šŸ„°šŸ˜˜ Hope all is well šŸ’•
Heyyy! šŸ„°šŸ’™ That's the thing about hyperfixations, I always fall back into them eventually, lol. You'd be surprised with how often I end up checking out what's going on in the Warriors fandom despite having not read the Erin Hunter books since middle school.
Anyway, I'm doing alright! Enjoying Pride month and trying to use as much of the Writing Juice as I have right now, which is.... a lot.
Hope things are going well for you too!
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
LOVE to see that ur back. šŸ„°šŸ˜˜ Hope all is well šŸ’•
Heyyy! šŸ„°šŸ’™ That's the thing about hyperfixations, I always fall back into them eventually, lol. You'd be surprised with how often I end up checking out what's going on in the Warriors fandom despite having not read the Erin Hunter books since middle school.
Anyway, I'm doing alright! Enjoying Pride month and trying to use as much of the Writing Juice as I have right now, which is.... a lot.
Hope things are going well for you too!
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Send me šŸ“ if I give off feminine vibes
Send me šŸ‰ if I give off masculine vibes
Send me šŸŽ if I give off androgynous vibes
Send me šŸ‡ if I give off vibes that donā€™t fit any of the ones above
Send me šŸŒø if I give off kid vibes
Send me šŸŒ² if I give off teen vibes
Send me šŸ¬ if I give off early adult vibes
Send me šŸ¶ if I give off adult vibes
Send me šŸ¦Š if I give off elderly vibes
Send me šŸ‘€ if I give off immortal vibes
Send me šŸ· if I give off friendly vibes
Send me šŸø if I give off hyper vibes
Send me šŸ¦‹ if I give off soft vibes
Send me šŸ if I give off angry vibes
Send me šŸš if I give off quiet vibes
Send me šŸŒ¹ if I give off strong vibes
Send me ā­ļø if I give off a different type of vibe (tell me the vibe!)
Send me šŸ”„ if I give off short vibes
Send me ā˜€ļø if I give off tall vibes
Send me šŸ’§ if I give off medium vibes
Send me šŸŽ¤ + any other vibes I give off
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
could you do Reaper cooking headcanons?
Cooking has always been a comfort thing for him
He doesnā€™t do it very often anymore, for various reasons
Some of those being he suffers from chronic pain that can make cooking difficult, pieces of his physical body turning into smoke happens somewhat randomly, and he has to keep up his reputation of Big Bad Spooky
But he can be found doing it at times when heā€™s feeling particularly stressed or nostalgic
Some members of Talon think thereā€™s a ghost that lives in the kitchen of the main base
Some of the kitchen staff do too; thereā€™s been a couple of times where theyā€™ll come in to do food prep for breakfast but itā€™s already been done
But itā€™s just Reaper, clattering around and cooking the night away
Which means theyā€™re not technically wrong about the ghost thing but thatā€™s besides the point
His favorite parts of the cooking process are chopping and flipping
He also likes baking but heā€™s not as good at that
He would love to be able to do cute baking art but they always turn out weird-looking and also he would DIE before anyone finds out about that
People have walked him on him cooking before but he poofs into smoke and disappears before anyone really realizes whatā€™s going on
Itā€™s very rare that the stuff he makes ends up being for him; he either leaves it to be found by someone else or he has someone specific in mind that heā€™s cooking for
You can be angry and jaded and still want to make sure people are getting a nice meal every once in a while, yanno?
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Imagine vibing with Roadhog listening to music and just quietly enjoying eachothers presence. Then suddenly a junkrat pops in and messes up the quiet tranquility
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Whoops! Sorry for the longer prompt, it's fine if you'd rather not do it- I got kind of carried away but that's not fair to you and I understand that. I'd love to have info about your writing commissions though! I'd be happy to commission you sometime, you deserve to be paid for your work. I apologize for acting like I could just ask for whatever for free. - Moira pride anon
Adfjduight so this is an ask from FOREVER ago b u t hereā€™s my commission info (for both art and writing) and my Ko-Fi. I only got around to making a proper place for all of my prices fairly recently, which is why I didnā€™t post this earlier. :P
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Pride Requests Are OPEN!
I have once again sort of fallen off the face of the Earth on this blog (close to graduating college though, so Woo-Hoo but also How Horrifying) b u t if yā€™all have been around here long enough, you kinda know that I usually show back up around June for Pride month, lol.
Anyway, if you got any Pride requests, send ā€˜em in! I also have a few sitting in my drafts from last year that I never really got to, so Iā€™m going to try to finish those as well. Finally, as always, happy Pride to all the lovely LGBTQ+s, including the aces and aros, neopronoun users, and two-spirits (in case it wasnā€™t clear that I support yā€™all, which I do), and a kind Drop Dead to all the bigots, predators, and people fetishize the LGBTQ+ (or any other) community and then call it āœØinclusivityāœØ.
Also like, recommend me non-depressing queer content to consume this fine Pride month.
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
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Thanks for the confirmation!
Are your requests open?
Idk when this was sent, I'm so sorry! D': I've been on hiatus for a while now due to school and mental health and generally being bad at managing multiple socials but,,,, I'm here now if people are still around and want to send me things?
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Are your requests open?
Idk when this was sent, I'm so sorry! D': I've been on hiatus for a while now due to school and mental health and generally being bad at managing multiple socials but,,,, I'm here now if people are still around and want to send me things?
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
May I request HCs for LĆŗcio, Sigma, and Roadhog going out with their S/O and taking their S/Oā€™s younger relatives (siblings, cousins, etc) trick or treating with them? Sorry if this request doesnā€™t make sense, Iā€™ll clarify if needed, but thank you ( ā— ā€æā—  )
A/N: No worries, friend, I getchu!
Also, happy Halloween!!!
Heā€™s so excited
Like, SO excited
Halloween is one of his favorite holidays so you know he goes all out
Tricks out the kiddosā€™ costumes probably a little too much
Luci, your young cousin dressed as a robot doesnā€™t actually need functional robotic arms
If youā€™re someone who doesnā€™t do costumes, too bad because you and Lucio are wearing fancy matching ones
Heā€™s so giddy about Halloween that itā€™s almost like youā€™re dealing with another kid
Before the group goes out, he sits down with the kids and makes a game plan
Helps them figure out the best and fastest candy routes, and pick out which houses have the best goodies so you guys can hit them first
He also picks out a few check-in spots in the neighborhood just in case anyone gets lost
Strong believer of the idea that no one is too old for trick-or-treating, so he waits until the kids each grab a couple of pieces before snagging a piece each for himself and you
Heā€™s running around and being just as squirrel-y as the kids are
Itā€™s chaos
But itā€™s fun chaos
By the end of the night, each of the kids has a giant bag of candy, and so do you and Lucio to share
Heā€™s probably just as exhausted as the kids are by the end of the night but he ends up hauling like three half-asleep kids home on his shoulders and in his arms anyway
Once back home, itā€™s movie and candy-trading time
Everyone pours out their candy into separate piles and trades disliked treats for faves
Then the lot of you curl up and watch some Halloween classics
The kids donā€™t make it through one movie before falling asleep
Lucio barely makes it through two
Excited but more for the kiddos than himself
Tbh, heā€™d much rather be at home handing out candy than wandering around in the chilly evening air b u t he loves to spend time with your and your family, so heā€™s immediately on board
Not much a costume man, so he lets the kids pick what he is and does his best to recreate it
The youngest member of the group demands he be a doctor fairy and he just canā€™t refuse
While out and about, he hangs back with you to share small talk and keep and eye on the kids going haywire around you
He helps you corral them around and make sure everyone is behaving and being nice to each other
Some house have candy bowls sitting on tables or stair railings that are too high for the kiddos to reach, so he picks them up one by one to help them snag their favorite ones
On occasion, heā€™ll sneak a candy to bring back and split with you as your group continues on its way
Tbh, most of the night is just you two corralling children and sharing kisses and candy when you get a chance to
Honestly, a little stressed, not that he really shows that
You know him well enough to tell, though
Nervous because he thinks heā€™s scary but not in the fun Halloween way
Your young relatives disagree but he chalks that up to them being familiar with him from previous meetings
If he comes down the street dressed up in a costume, heā€™s going to scare everyone and send them running
Which he normally wouldnā€™t care about but he doesnā€™t want to ruin things for you and your family specifically
You might have to convince him to wear something other than his regular attire because he thinks his normal getup is spooky enough
ā€œMako, you canā€™t go like that, youā€™re literally a wanted criminal.ā€
He grumbles about it being Halloween so no one will know itā€™s him, only to be shut down when you point out that it would be hard to overlook the fact that his body type and his outfit are identical to that of the wanted Roadhog
He probably quietly pouts a little bit longer but caves almost immediately when you bring out the puppy eyes
If he has to wear a costume, you have to pick it for him
So, naturally, you pick a cutesie pink pig
And youā€™re the farmer that owns said pig
Moving onto the actual outing, though
The kids basically ride Roadie all evening
Heā€™s a giant, a few tiny people in glitter and face paint would be like carrying a gallon of milk
They sit on his shoulders or hang off his back and arms
He doesnā€™t mind in the slightest
They only hop off to run up porches to get the goods
He wasnā€™t entirely wrong that he would spook people but with his piggie outfit, it was only enough to get them to veer out of his way
Which meant your group got to the best candy first
Once he realized his power and your young family membersā€™ enjoyment of it, he started actively spooking groups of kids and parents out of the way
You probably would have scolded him if you didnā€™t notice the kids getting such a kick out of it
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
(Halloween/Fall) Requests Are OPEN!
Forgot that I never Officially Opened them. So now I have! Requests that have to do with Halloween or Fall Vibes in general will probably get done first because itā€™s just that time of year, but Iā€™ll take general requests too.
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
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Hello and welcome to our first annual Flufftober! We're so excited to have you here!
Let's fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible šŸ„°
You'll find the entire prompt list at the end of this post so you can easily copy/paste it all. But first:
Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can't keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won't be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we're all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn't go against rule #1, it's allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it's all fine as long as you tag it.
There's absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists... the sky's the limit (though not really...)
While we can't force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff-event šŸ˜‰
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate in as many days as you like, even if it's just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
It's okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it's separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you want to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are also more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as theyā€™re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
When posting to tumblr, please use the tag #flufftober2021 (be careful, there are other flufftober blogs out there, so make sure you tag the correct one)
Feel free to include @flufftober2021 in your post as well
When posting to ao3, you can add your creation to the collection flufftober2021
Late entries are always welcome - this blog will never close
1. Winning a Teddy for the Other
2. Sneaking Out Together
3. Lazy Sundays
4. Sparklers & Fireworks
5. Watching the Sunrise
6. Firemanā€™s Carry
7. Meddling Friends
8. Cooking Lessons
9. Text Messages
10. Pillow Fight
11. Love Notes
12. Sleepy Kiss
13. Pillow Talk
14. Slow Dancing
15. Silly Traditions
16. Falling Asleep Together
17. Domestic Fluff
18. Costumes
19. Flowers
20. Secret Crush
21. Knuckle Kiss
22. Flirting at Work
23. Hold Me in Your Arms
24. Caught in the Rain
25. Cuddling & Snuggling
26. New Hobby Together
27. ā€œIā€™m coldā€ - ā€œHere, have my jacketā€
28. Soothing Baths
29. Up Against the Wall Kiss
30. Fall Asleep in My Lap
31. Holiday Traditions
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
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overwatch-imagines-hub Ā· 3 years ago
Imagine-Hubā€™s 2021 Fictober/Drawtober Plan (+Itā€™s Voting Time!)
Heyo! Itā€™s been a while but Iā€™ve been feeling inspired to write again after watching Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings yesterday, so I decided that I took take part in both Fictober and Drawtober/Drawlloween this year! Just not all at the same time.
I have two writing blogs and an art blog, so the way this is going to work is that Iā€™m going to split October into three groups of 10 (leaving the last day for the contest entry Iā€™ll have to do that month as well) and alternate days between a Marvel/DC piece, an Overwatch piece, and an art piece.
So hereā€™s where you guys come in. Iā€™ll be using these Fictober prompts for Fictober. Some of you may remember me doing this during a previous year but just in case you donā€™t, all you have to do is send me a character that you want to see me write! (This can include any of the skin variations of the characters as well, such as Monster Hunter/Blackwatch McCree.) The top 10 most voted characters will be the ones I do for the Overwatch portion of Fictober! Optionally, you can suggest a starter with your character vote (ā€Genji Shimada + ā€˜I need you.ā€™ā€); otherwise Iā€™ll just pick the day + prompt that fits best with the rest of my schedule. Also optionally, Iā€™ve provided my own list of Halloween-y prompts that you can also pick from to add a little extra Halloween spice to the piece; my prompts include types of monsters/creatures and general Halloween prompts (I think thereā€™s 32 instead of 31, oops).
Also, obviously, since most of these will be based around romantic relations between Reader and the character, characters that arenā€™t up for voting are animals like Hammond and children like Efi. If you want something platonic with the characters, feel free to mention it and Iā€™ll keep it in mind!
Happy voting!
Also, please not that Iā€™m doing this for casual fun and while I will have a schedule, Iā€™m not going to hold myself to it too strictly because I am very busy IRL with school and an art contest that does have a strict schedule and I donā€™t want to get overwhelmed.
Taur (Centaur, satyr/faun, lamia, etc)
Mad Scientist
Dullahan (Headless horseman)
Costumes/Costume contest
Sea creature (Mermaid, siren, Creature of the Black Lagoon, etc)
Corn maze
Haunted house
Carving pumpkins
Scary movies
Movies (Not scary)
Haunted object
Undead (Zombie, Frankensteinā€™s monster, bride of Frankensteinā€™s monster, etc)
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