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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
This might be a silly question, but what identities fall under the term “ace-spec”? Is demisexual one of them?
Trying to get a few Pride pieces done before the month is over and I wanna make sure I’m understanding the term right.
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marveldc-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
I can’t describe to you how excited I am to see where your gonna take subtitles!! I could go on and on about how last year sucked and this and that but I’ll spare you the details and just say; it’s been a long time since I’ve been excited about reading fan fics, like I’m so excited I check your blog multiple times a day. I really appreciate you and I just wanted you to know that you give me something to look forward too now! Thank you!
aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA??? ;0; This is so nice, thank you so much!!
It’s sorta funny ‘cause I used to feel the same way about fanfiction, like I lost interest in writing and reading them, and that’s part of the reason I stopped doing so for a year or so buuut now I’m back and doing so and I just get excited about even thinking about writing my series or my other stuff. Idk, I’m bad at articulating my feelings but I just think it’s really cool that some of you guys feel the same way reading my stuff as I do about writing it. And sometimes, when I’m in a slump or something, it’s asks like these or those occasional requests that say something like “hey, I’m in a tough spot and I could really use reading something like this right now” and it’s like I’m the person they want to read it from--that’s the shit that makes me motivated to keep doing what I’m doing.
sO, you’re welcome and I’m so happy you enjoy my work, but also thank you for helping me enjoy my work as well and here’s to hoping I don’t disappoint :’D!
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 7 years ago
Doin things on my positivity blog, feel free to join.
Give me your reasons to smile, y’all. Maybe they’ll help other people to smile too.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
Yep, demisexual falls under the aspec umbrella along with asexual, grey asexual, and aromantic! Also I noticed i the tags you mentioned mspec, that stands for multi-sexual I'm pretty sure so anyone that likes more than just one gender is mspec I think
Ah, okay, good to know!
Thanks to @cryptichobbit and @toontwink who also provided some feedback in the comments of the post asking that question!
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
Pride Requests Are OPEN!
I have once again sort of fallen off the face of the Earth on this blog (close to graduating college though, so Woo-Hoo but also How Horrifying) b u t if y’all have been around here long enough, you kinda know that I usually show back up around June for Pride month, lol.
Anyway, if you got any Pride requests, send ‘em in! I also have a few sitting in my drafts from last year that I never really got to, so I’m going to try to finish those as well. Finally, as always, happy Pride to all the lovely LGBTQ+s, including the aces and aros, neopronoun users, and two-spirits (in case it wasn’t clear that I support y’all, which I do), and a kind Drop Dead to all the bigots, predators, and people fetishize the LGBTQ+ (or any other) community and then call it ✨inclusivity✨.
Also like, recommend me non-depressing queer content to consume this fine Pride month.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
There's also the thing with his skin being lighter, which I've seen some people say is due to the lighting of the area his designs were revealed in (y'know the white room place thing, idk), and if that's the case, fine, cool, bad shading/lighting, whatever.
If he continues to be shown with lighter skin/looks that pale in the actual game, I'mma riot.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
LOVE to see that ur back. 🥰😘 Hope all is well 💕
Heyyy! 🥰💙 That's the thing about hyperfixations, I always fall back into them eventually, lol. You'd be surprised with how often I end up checking out what's going on in the Warriors fandom despite having not read the Erin Hunter books since middle school.
Anyway, I'm doing alright! Enjoying Pride month and trying to use as much of the Writing Juice as I have right now, which is.... a lot.
Hope things are going well for you too!
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
I am still sick >:T
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
Whoops! Sorry for the longer prompt, it's fine if you'd rather not do it- I got kind of carried away but that's not fair to you and I understand that. I'd love to have info about your writing commissions though! I'd be happy to commission you sometime, you deserve to be paid for your work. I apologize for acting like I could just ask for whatever for free. - Moira pride anon
Adfjduight so this is an ask from FOREVER ago b u t here’s my commission info (for both art and writing) and my Ko-Fi. I only got around to making a proper place for all of my prices fairly recently, which is why I didn’t post this earlier. :P
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
Imagine-Hub’s 2021 Fictober/Drawtober Plan (+It’s Voting Time!)
Heyo! It’s been a while but I’ve been feeling inspired to write again after watching Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings yesterday, so I decided that I took take part in both Fictober and Drawtober/Drawlloween this year! Just not all at the same time.
I have two writing blogs and an art blog, so the way this is going to work is that I’m going to split October into three groups of 10 (leaving the last day for the contest entry I’ll have to do that month as well) and alternate days between a Marvel/DC piece, an Overwatch piece, and an art piece.
So here’s where you guys come in. I’ll be using these Fictober prompts for Fictober. Some of you may remember me doing this during a previous year but just in case you don’t, all you have to do is send me a character that you want to see me write! (This can include any of the skin variations of the characters as well, such as Monster Hunter/Blackwatch McCree.) The top 10 most voted characters will be the ones I do for the Overwatch portion of Fictober! Optionally, you can suggest a starter with your character vote (”Genji Shimada + ‘I need you.’”); otherwise I’ll just pick the day + prompt that fits best with the rest of my schedule. Also optionally, I’ve provided my own list of Halloween-y prompts that you can also pick from to add a little extra Halloween spice to the piece; my prompts include types of monsters/creatures and general Halloween prompts (I think there’s 32 instead of 31, oops).
Also, obviously, since most of these will be based around romantic relations between Reader and the character, characters that aren’t up for voting are animals like Hammond and children like Efi. If you want something platonic with the characters, feel free to mention it and I’ll keep it in mind!
Happy voting!
Also, please not that I’m doing this for casual fun and while I will have a schedule, I’m not going to hold myself to it too strictly because I am very busy IRL with school and an art contest that does have a strict schedule and I don’t want to get overwhelmed.
Taur (Centaur, satyr/faun, lamia, etc)
Mad Scientist
Dullahan (Headless horseman)
Costumes/Costume contest
Sea creature (Mermaid, siren, Creature of the Black Lagoon, etc)
Corn maze
Haunted house
Carving pumpkins
Scary movies
Movies (Not scary)
Haunted object
Undead (Zombie, Frankenstein’s monster, bride of Frankenstein’s monster, etc)
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 3 years ago
(Halloween/Fall) Requests Are OPEN!
Forgot that I never Officially Opened them. So now I have! Requests that have to do with Halloween or Fall Vibes in general will probably get done first because it’s just that time of year, but I’ll take general requests too.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
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There's something about the serape on the far left and I just. Very much like. Looks very cozy, very warm, plus tassels. I also like the red arm more than the white, and the red on his chest plate sort of looks like a bra which amuses me, 20/10
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
I've got nothing against McCree himself but I've got everything against his clothes, I've decided, lol. He feels like he's turning from disaster bisexual to functional bisexual fashion-wise and that is just not the bi energy I want for my man. 😔
I think Reinhardt and Widowmaker look sick though.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
u h please P L E A S E compile a list of genji and hanzo.. best bois i'm a waisain so.. i simp for them.
This blog is several years old and I stopped keeping a masterlist a long time ago because it got unruly, you're better off just searching their names or “shimada bros” to find more of what you want, lol.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
On a lighter note, I think I’ve officially decided that Widowmaker or Reinhardt are my favorite OW2 designs. Widowmaker looks so pretty and her braid is g o r g e o u s, and I can’t get over Reinhardt’s ponytail, although I very much worry for his beard getting caught in his armor. Like, yes baby, you look amazing, but please at least braid it or tie it or something, you’re going to get p i n c h e d.
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overwatch-imagines-hub · 4 years ago
Hey, guys, sorry I didn’t get to all the Pride requests in June; my family dog has been sick for a few months now and he was at his worst during June, and my family had to put him down at the end of the month, so, needless to say, I wasn’t in a big mood to write other than to finish a series on my other blog that was supposed to be done a couple months ago.
A n y w a y, now I’m currently in an art contest that takes place over the next few months, doing Art Fight this month, and my next semester will be starting soon, s o I’m busy again. :’D I am getting writing done, it’s just happening very slowly. Thanks yet again for being patient while I slowly get through them and other asks!
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