overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
How have you been?
I’ve been good! I’ve been through a lot over the last like two years. I’ve moved (twice), gone to grad school, stopped going to grad school, struggled to find a job. It’s been tough.
But all that aside, I’ve been okay! Still keep up with the Overwatch news and read fanfiction.
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
Do you still like Overwatch?
Overwatch was one of my hyperfixations when I was younger. Even though I’m not particularly as active in the fandom anymore, I still keep up to date on information about the game. There will always be a soft spot in my heart for its characters.
So, yes, I always have and always will love Overwatch.
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
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Missed you too! It’s nice to know people still remember me as part of the fandom!!!
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
Where have you been????
I don’t actually know how to answer this question because I’ve been here this entire time. I’ve been lurking but I’ve always been here even when the blog didn’t necessarily seem active.
I’ve also been hit with a dreaded case of “adulthood” so now I have other responsibilities too that make free time harder to come by. I won’t promise that I’ll active on this blog more often but I can promise I’ll always be here!!
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
Your blog hasn't been active in a while. Are you going to keep running it!
Yeah, my interest in Overwatch has decreased over the years. I’m still running the blog and I pick and choose which requests to answer but I don’t have the same passion for the fandom as I did years ago.
The blog will always be active so feel free to send requests. I’m bound to answer them eventually. I still enjoy the characters so this blog is the one thing that always keeps me coming back to the fandom!!!
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
Send me questions!!
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overwatchneedsyou · 4 years
I'm sorry to appear again, but I came up with this on the fly and I need it sifkek. S76, Reaper, Hanzo; what are they like after a nightmare?
I am in fact alive and still mildly interested in Overwatch. This ask got me thinking and I just had to answer it. 
Soldier 76
Don’t touch him if he’s having a nightmare. His muscle memory will launch you halfway across the room and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. 
He often makes soft grunting sounds in his sleep when he has nightmares. He will twitch here and there. He can’t stay still. 
When he wakes up, you know because he suddenly stops breathing so heavily. Waking up after a nightmare is slow and steady. He often sits up and just puts his head in his hands as he reels. 
If you’re awake, he’ll accept touch now. Hugs often make him feel more comfortable when he has an awful nightmare. He won’t ever say it but you’ll know because he relaxes when your arms are around him.  
If you’re not awake, in the morning, you will wake up to him curled around you squeezing you a little too tightly in his sleep. He needs to know you’re alright. He needs to know, for once, someone else is there with him.
Gabriel didn’t have nightmares often. When he did, he shook them off. 
Reaper has nightmares anytime he actually manages to dream. They’re usually just random sounds and colors. He doesn’t really dream in pictures anymore. But the voices scream and yell, the worst ones are familiar. Some are laughing. Some are crying. They all destroy him in their own way.
If he’s sleeping next to someone, Don’t touch him. He doesn’t want to be touched when he wakes up from a nightmare. He may wraith away. He just needs to be alone. 
If he’s alone, he gets angry. Punching pillows. Cursing. The whole Shabang. He just wants to sleep. Once that’s all out of his system, he feels hollow and more tired than when he went to bed. He won’t get anymore sleep that night. 
Some nights, the people around the base will find The Reaper roaming the halls. He looks like a ghost in the dark haunting a world he’s no longer truly a part of. He feels like one too. 
All Most Some of his nightmares are about Genji. 
He wakes up in a cold sweat and gasping for air. There’s usually tears in his eyes and he struggles to find the line between reality and dream.
If he’s sleeping next to someone, he tries not to disturb them as he gets out of bed. His training over the years has taught him how to be silent as death, he uses it to his advantage at times like this. 
He usually wanders to the kitchen and absentmindedly makes himself a cup of tea. The motions are familiar. It eases him. He doesn’t actually drink it most of the time. It’s just nice to have something warm to hold that won’t ask him what’s wrong.
By sunrise, he’s usually okay and can try to sleep again but sleep only comes if he’s lucky. Most of the time, he accepts that his nights will be sleepless. It’s what he thinks he deserves.  
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
Hey I'm feeling lonely and I need some positively in my life, can you do a friend ship with Symmetra? I love her, (she is one my mains) she is so beautiful and I feel connected with her being autistic and I have a wish to go to India one day. It looks so beautiful :)
She doesn’t like a lot of people in her space. You’re one of the exceptions. She lives alone but when she comes home to find you already in her house hanging out, it makes her feel a little less lonely. There’s someone who loves her there to greet her after a hard day of work.
She doesn’t understand your emoji conversations. She knows what some of them mean but a lot of the idioms go over her head. You two teach each other slang that you hear. 
Speaking of phones, you send each other stim videos often. She likes slime and painting ones. You always find the best ones for her. 
You leave things at each other’s houses all the time. A lot of her little machines are there in neat places. She finds your clothes in her house. You each have each other’s Tupperware from when you share meals.
Symmetra finds herself talking more like you. The people who know her best as ‘prim and proper’ often hear her saying things that only you say and her face brightens like a tomato when she realizes. 
When she’s around you, she feels like she can let her hair down. She doesn’t have to be so professional. She doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes she burns meals. She curses (very mildly but its there). She walks around in a messy bun and an old ratty shirt. Every seconds that she’s with you is worth its weight in gold because she gets to be herself and knows deep down that you love her for who she is.  
(Requests are Open!!!)
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
i need more wing headcanons,,, i loved them
I did a bunch of the guys before. Here’s some winged Overwatch ladies. 
She has short dark brown wings with thick freckled feathers. More often than not, they’re a blur on her back while she’s hovering. 
Speaking of hovering, she doesn’t like to walk much. If she can fly, she’ll do it. Most of the time when she’s standing in one place, she’s actually hovering a few feet off the ground. A lot of people ask if she ever gets tired. Those people obviously don’t know Tracer well. 
Her wings have thrown people off more than once when she’s flying. They expect to see them flapping like everyone else but Tracer’s never done anything like everyone else. She finds that rotating her wings makes her fly easier. 
Her feathers ruffle up when she gets upset. It’s very cute and only makes her more upset when people say it while she’s mad. 
When she blinks in and out of time, her wings don’t always come back looking the same. There was one time when she blinked out and her wings didn’t come back looking right at all. Winston had to turn off the chronal accelerator completely to allow her to phase out again and get them back. She doesn’t like to talk about it. 
She’s got hot pink wings with very thick plumage. Her wings themselves are massive and her wing span is huge. Getting hit with one of those bad boys is like getting punched in the…well, everything.  
She dyes her wings after every molting season. Mei and D.Va usually help her get between her shoulder blades where she can’t reach. Most people see a big pink dot in the sky before she’s on them and it’s a very interesting sight to be your last. 
Her wings flapping makes a very powerful burst of air. More than once, she’s set papers and objects flying because the gust is that strong. 
Her wings, because of how thick the feathers are, take forever to dry. Sometimes after a rainstorm, you’ll find her looking miserable as she blow dries her feathers because she can’t stand the wet feeling on her back and water seeping into her clothes. 
Though her wings are big, when she’s flying she’s very slow. All her muscle and wing span makes for a cruise through the sky instead of fast aerial performances. She doesn’t mind though. If she can’t reach you physically in battle, her particle cannon will close the distance just as easily. 
Her long wings are black feathered and very sleek looking. When stretched out completely, they’re a lot longer than one would expect but they’re also very narrow. If she ever let someone touch them, they’d realize just how soft they are too. 
Because of her lack of breathing, between her feathers, the skin of her wings is also purple. It gives a villainous purple sheen to the black feathers when her wings spread and you can see underneath. 
She tends to play with her feathers when she has a moment alone. It’s a subconscious thing that she’s done since she was small even if she doesn’t recall those memories well. You’ll find her reading or watching television with her wings around her and a hand in her own feathers.  
She doesn’t use her wings very often. In her line of work, they’re a major target and having one of them hit mid-flight could mean plummeting. Most people don’t really see her wings in general because she doesn’t trust those around her enough not to hurt her. 
When she was younger and used her wings like a second pair of legs, she used to be able to spot a steady current as easily as breathing. Her wings were made for gliding and soaring not flapping. She would cruise along the breeze and not have to flap for long minutes just enjoying the sunshine and the feeling of weightlessness. Sometimes even now, she’ll pick up on a nice current but she doesn’t fly anymore. Spiders weren’t meant to fly.
(Requests are Open!!!)
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
Hey!! I’ve seen some posts of [ow char.] x reader who comes from the past, but I’ve never seen ‘[ow char.] who gets stuck back in time and gets thrown into readers house from a vortex or whatever.’ So can we have Lucio, Genji, Zenyatta, And Junkrat that way? Got stuck in the past individually?
He doesn’t believe at first that he’s in the past. When he sees a car actually rolling across the ground, he is so confused. 
He immediately starts looking for music. A lot of the media from our time was lost or messed up during the Omnic crisis. 
Give him an iPhone. It’s so primitive compared to what he’s used to. He fills it with all kinds of music that he enjoys. 
He’s here during the (more or less) birth of EDM. He’s practically vibrating out of his skin he’s so excited. Take him to as many clubs as possible and just let him experience it. 
It’s nice not being the hero for once. He can walk down the street and no one knows who he is. He’s a normal person here. 
He’ll try to avoid looking at news about Brazil and what’s going on there. He knows he can’t interfere yet and seeing it would only make him sad. Don’t mention it to him. 
Metal boi. Needs to stay inside. Won’t stay inside so he gets used to wearing long coats. 
He’d like to visit Japan if he can. The Omnic Crisis took a lot from his society but it’s nice to see how it used to look before the wars. He’ll show you around if you ask. He likes to point out what buildings are still standing in the future and go into buildings that are long gone to see what they held. 
The Shimada clan is still around. It’s odd seeing people walking on the street that you’ve only ever seen in family albums. 
Has to be super careful with his body. Mercy and Torbjorn aren’t here to help him if something breaks. He gets really good with duct tape. 
Like Genji, Zenyatta blends in about as well as a fly in a cup of milk. He doesn’t freak out the minute he notices that he’s in the past but he is concerned. He’ll have to hide until you can figure out how to send him back.
He’s read a lot of history books about this time period but being a part of it and seeing the injustice in the world really hurts him. He wants to help but he knows the world isn’t ready for him yet. 
He can’t go outside but he often likes to look out the window and just watch the people that pass by. Every person has their own story and where he’s from they’re either really old or have already passed on. It’s incredible to peer into their lives and see them in their prime even if it’s only for a second as they move past the window. Time is a crazy thing he likes to observe.
Junkrat takes one look around and begins laughing. The security in buildings is laughable compared to what is in 2076. He’s robbing as many places as humanly possible. 
He often misses Roadhog. The big lug grew on him and now that he’s without him it’s like he’s missing his shadow. You know what they say about a man who’s lost everything, even his shadow? He’s got nothing left to lose. 
You need to find a way to send him back before he destroys the planet or messes up the time line. 
(Requests are Open!!!)
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
Howdy! I love what you write 😍😍😍 how about headcanons for s76, mccree, hanzo and genji and reaper for visiting the doctors office? Some people really hate going! Thank you!💜💜💜
Soldier 76
Doesn’t really have a problem with the doctor. Mercy’s an old friend and he trusts her with his life.
He doesn’t go to the doctor’s often enough tho. His dealings with gangs don’t usually leave much time to make appointments and hold a decent schedule. A lot of his scars are from quick stitching from his own hands. 
Arrives ten minutes early to the appointment when he has the time to make one.
Has to go to eye appointments often tho to see if his vision has decreased any further. If he doesn’t, he can’t get his tactical visor to be 100% prescripted. Aim is important and he can’t aim if he can’t see clearly.
Making an adult phone call to make an appointment??? He’d rather die.
Always arrives like ten minutes late.
Mercy usually makes him come to the appointments because unless he’s sick he thinks he’s ‘fine’. 
Doesn’t like to use prescriptions. He’d rather be lucid and in pain. He doesn’t want anyone to get the drop on him while he’s on his meds. It’s paranoid but he won’t budge unless he’s being dragged to the hospital for something.
Doesn’t particularly like needles. he’ll grin and bare it but in the brief second when the needle comes out, he grimaces. 
Arrives on time to the appointment. (He doesn’t like to wait)
Most of his visits are efficient and he doesn’t like to make small talk. 
Doesn’t get sick very often but when he does, he’s basically dying and someone is calling Mercy. 9 times out of 10 his visits are just annual check ups. 
His main doctor is Mercy and she’s very determined to get him in for his check ups. 
If he so much as sneezes weirdly, Mercy is poking him with something. 
Usually forgets he had a doctors appointment and runs to Mercy’s office. 
Mercy always gives him a lollipop on the way out because he asks for one. (McCree is jealous)
The last time he went to a doctor, he was technically dead and Moira FUCKED HIS SHIT UP REAL BAD. 
He sees Moira occasionally when he runs out of pain pills. He pops them often because his body is literally dying and reviving 24/7.
Tries to get through the appointment as quickly as humanly possible. He hates how clinically clean the offices are and he can only take so much of Moira in one sitting. 
Sometimes being in the offices makes him miss Mercy. He remembers how much gentler she was. He remembers how much easier check ups were when he had an actual physical form. He doesn’t like to remember. 
(Requests are Open!!!)
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
I started a Ko-Fi
I’m kind of in a bit of a pickle lately financially so I opened commissions (that and someone asked me to) and a Ko-Fi. Just wanted to let everyone know!
Otherwise, Have a great day everyone!
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
MCCree is white not latino. Everyone needs to just accept it already 😒😒😒
I usually don’t answer mean asks like this but I thought this needed addressing. 
You can pry Spanish speaking McCree from my cold dead hands. 
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overwatchneedsyou · 5 years
hii! this is a really specific request but a little personal ;;- i was wondering how soldier76, reaper and mccree would react (separately) to an s/o who was born with aphonia (mute) and is going through/going to go through a surgery/voice therapy to learn how to speak? :')) sorry if it's specific/too much!!
Let me start this request by saying I’m not mute and if I have offended anyone with what I’ve written in it, please let me know. I hope you all like this one. 
Soldier 76
Soldier’s pretty good with a handful of hand signals from his time in the war but he knows next to nothing about sign language when you two meet. He starts to get it over time. 
So, when you mention voice therapy, he wants to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. He’ll ask why you want it now and talk it through with you to make sure you’re sure. 
If you decided to go with surgery, he’s there for you on the day of if you have any last minute jitters. He’s not always the best with his words but he’ll make sure you know he’s there for you with his actions. 
After that, he’s right beside you ever step of the way. Words don’t come very quickly and he’s patient when you’re trying to talk. 
He starts carrying cough drops with him in case talking makes your throat hurt. 
Doesn’t know any sign language to begin with but gets really good at it really fast. 
When you bring up therapy, he’ll listen to you tell him about it. The decision to do this is yours. He’ll support you in any way he can even if it means just letting you angrily sign at him when you can’t get something right. 
When you get frustrated, he gets it. Spanish is his native language but he has to speak English around most people. Trying to grasp a word in English that he can’t remember can leave him upset. Especially if he knows how to say it in Spanish and no one understands him. It’s not the same thing as what you’re going through but it helps him understand where you’re coming from. 
Speaking doesn’t come easy but he likes to hear you talk as often as he can. He sees you saying random words or phrases and smiles. It’s nice to hear your voice. 
He’ll stand there for several minutes waiting for you to finish a sentence if he has to. Reaper is a busy man but he’ll drop everything to give you his undivided attention. 
He’ll teach you Spanish once you get confident with your English. Just ask him. It’ll make his day. 
Your boi is not very good at sign language. You’ve start silently laughing at him as he pauses mid sentence to remember how to sign the word he’s trying to say. 
If you decide to do surgery, explaining how it works will stress him out. He’s not the biggest fan of surgery. Hospitals aren’t his favorite place. While you’re recovering, he that guy who comes in with a lot of balloons and a teddy bear. 
McCree’s pretty ride or die. If you choose therapy, he’s behind you every step of the way. He likes the idea of you speaking so he’s eager to hear you. 
Your #1 Hype Man. He encourages you to speak often and you’re both always happy when you can do it. You feed off each other’s energy. 
He’ll practice speaking with you at home. Following his lead might not be a good idea though. You’ll find some of the words that you learn from him you also learn to say with a Twang.
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overwatchneedsyou · 6 years
Bunnyribbit headcannons by any chance?
Neither of them know what a sleeping schedule is. Lucio comes out of his room thinking that he’ll find D.Va in bed. Nope. She’s still gaming. He has to drag them both to bed. 
They order take out a lot. With Lucio’s music and D.Va’s gaming, they both lose track of time constantly and forget to cook. They have a dart board in the kitchen that they take turns throwing at. Whatever it lands on, they order. 
Lucio is a very clean person. He can’t seem to find anything unless it’s all in the right places. D.Va is not. They’ve each got their own little space and Lucio is constantly trying to find things in D.Va’s room. Meanwhile, she knows exactly where it is. 
They like to take turns topping. D.Va prefers to top and Lucio’s fine with it but occasionally he likes to take control. It’s always an interesting night when that happens. 
D.Va’s subscribers always try talking to Lucio when he comes into frame during a live stream. Some of her most watched videos are with Lucio as a guest. Her fans love him. 
Lucio’s her #1 hype man. He goes to all of her games in silly handmade shirts with giant signs. It’s embarrassing but D.Va appreciates it. 
Their house is the ‘hang out’ house. Sometimes Lucio wakes up to find Junkrat in the house eating and he’s not even phased anymore. Genji’s in the shower and D.Va’s banging on the door because she needs to go in. Life is chaos but they love their friends and wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Everyone thinks of them often as a really happy couple and you’d be right. They always look at each other like the other hung the moon and everyone knows that they’re in love. 
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overwatchneedsyou · 6 years
Talon in a movie night?
Favorite Genres: Romance and Action
He won’t say it out loud but he prefers when a movie has a happy ending. They’re his favorite types of movies.
Watching movies is one of the ways he gets close to feeling normal again. When he’s watching a movie, he’s invested in someone else’s life. Sitting with Sombra and listening to her giggle or watching Widowmaker change positions for the third time in ten minutes is the closet he gets to having a family again. 
Doesn’t like Westerns. They remind him of McCree. Doesn’t like war movies either for obvious reasons.
Favorite Genres: Crime and Martial Arts
Doesn’t like when people talk during movies. He is not above shushing you. Don’t test him.
Often sits in an armchair when they watch movies together because he takes up 90% of the couch.
Favorite Genres: Mystery and Dramas
Don’t sit next to Widowmaker. Her feet are cold as death and she will try to put her feet underneath you to steal your warmth. 
Ends up lounged in odd positions. She’s used to aerial stunts in her line of work and doesn’t sit still for very long when she’s watching a movie. 
She likes to eat gummies while watching a movie instead of eating popcorn or chocolate.
Favorite Genres: Historical and Science Fiction
Loves to point out the inaccuracies in science fiction movies. They don’t watch them too often because sometimes Moira gets ideas and that never ends well.
Has to pause the movie all the time because she’s got the bladder of a hummingbird. 
Favorite Genres: Horror and Adventure
She’s pirated the movie offline and found the perfect copy. 
Talks during the movie. She also likes subtitles and prefers to watch movies in Spanish over English. 
Eats all of the popcorn before the movie is even half over.
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overwatchneedsyou · 6 years
Overwatch Movie Theater Headcanons
The person who won’t stop talking during the movie.
The person who tells him to shut the hell up.
The person who calls a manager.
The person who snuck into the movie.
Soldier 76
The person whose phone starts vibrating.
The person who fell asleep ten minutes into the film.
The person who snuck in outside food and is trying to discreetly open it.
The person who pirates the movie illegally at home. 
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