#the clockwork campaign
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cuprat · 7 months ago
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"I'd better be kind, and rewind."
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mercurials · 26 days ago
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new dnd character 🌿
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rodentjazz · 1 year ago
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Hear me out
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anxiousseas · 2 years ago
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Sketch page I did of my friend @kazmyriad D&D character Mars while I was visiting for the week
I’m gonna miss this idiot and all our other idiots in our next campaign
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mugsyheeler007 · 7 months ago
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Eh… that game wasn’t all that good imo, but I’m glad that they added the robot girl as well as jimmy’s dad nwn
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quinntessentiant · 9 months ago
l i s t e n
there are cliffhangers and then there are DnD CLIFFHANGERS.
I have to wait a week to figure out what the hell we're going to do after this reveal and I would very much like to scream.
(i did scream. it didn't help)
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sol-draws-sometimes · 2 years ago
Yooo Strixhaven is fucking Op
Silvery Barbs, yes OP whatever we know...
You can vertically lift a person and so I did 9D6 damage to two enemies (cause I twined it)
But my DM is wild, he let me take silvery barbs
Uuuuh, yah
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immortalbutterflycos · 1 year ago
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miasma-my-asthma · 1 year ago
Wow you are telling me that this neurodivergent furry trans person whose people got weirdly obsessed over to the point of being made into a lolcow and having thousands of pages in kiwifarms might have done something bad and have some mental health issues that problably were caused by the overexposure done tho them is "problematic"? WOOOOW 🫢🫢🫢🫢 I cant believe it 🙄.
Hey real quick, did you by chance were heavily invested in the undertale fandom around its release?
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worldsneverfilled · 2 years ago
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perksofbeingahalfie · 1 year ago
Another day, another attempt at unionizing npcs in ttrpgs
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dailyadventureprompts · 8 days ago
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Adventure Arc: Toppling the Toymaker
Labour disputes in a lumber town lead an avaricious sawmill owner into a head on conflict with a grove of dryads
A dead man dressed like the king of a past era points the party to investigate a derelict playhouse staffed by puppets and hungry spirits.
Hoping only to save people from the horrors of war, a well meaning artificer builds a clockwork army that's poised to go rogue upon it's debut
Buffeted by an unnatural fog, the denizens of a flying city throw an inventors' fair to keep everyone's spirits up.
Unlike a lot of my arc sized adventures which tend to progress in a strictly linear fashion, I decided to try my hand at creating something more nebulous for a more open world style of campaign.
You could start these adventures in any order, and whether your party is your classic bunch of wandering dogooders guarding a caravan, a gaggle of thieves in the province's capital looking to loot a creepy building, or a group of crime solving sleuths,there's a way to get them tangled in this disastrous chain of events.
Endgame: Once the machines start going rogue, it'll be all too easy for the party and their allies to throw blame at the toymaker, imagine this is all part of some plan to conquer the territory while he sits safely in his flying town. To put an end to things, they'll need to improvise a means of returning to Thopperton, possibly having tfight past the legions of clockwork soldiers in the process. Once there, they'll find Gleebringer sealed inside his laboritory by his own creations, possessed by the dryads who cursed him and his industry.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years ago
💕 Moments 💕
Inspired by this scene in s4, with a similar occurrence happening. Lil fic, all fluff. May expand to write more cute moments if my readers want it ❤️🌸☺️ Minors Dni.
Summary; You're crushing on Eddie and it becomes very noticeable much to your friend Maddie's horror and Chrissy's delight.
It also becomes obvious to Eddie who may be a little bit smug with knowing this.
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Eddie was showing off again, it was like clockwork, every school day around lunchtime he would be loud, opinionated and you couldn't help but admire him.
Okay scratch that, you had a big crush on him and spent a night or two at the Hideout when Corroded Coffin was playing to see him shred on his guitar.
It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
Your friend Maddie rolls her eyes as you approach the table Eddie is strutting around on.
"Ugh, Munson being a freak again. What's new?" you ignore her, and your heart skips several beats as you approach the Hellfire table.
Chrissy tells her off saying Eddie is nice and not to call him a freak. You knew the two of them were friends and had been for months now.
The rest of the cheer team told you he was "mean and scary" and Chrissy was too much of a sweetheart to say anything.
You just thought they were far too judgemental.
You're so busy watching him that you don't realize that Maddie is talking to you.
"Hello? Earth to yn please?" she snaps exasperated and you come out of your reverie.
"Oh, sorry. Was distracted" Maddie follows your gaze.
"By that freak of nature? He's a loserboy" her mean assessment causes you to snap.
"Would you stop that? He's not a freak or a loser just because he listens to heavy metal or plays dnd it's just a fantasy game" Maddie's eyes widen.
"Oh my god take a chill pill or something why are you so defensive over... Oh my god. Do you have a crush on Munson?" she snorts.
Chrissy rubs your arm smiling kindly and throws a glare at Maddie.
"It's fine if you do honey, you should go for it. I think you two would be cute together" she beams and you know now that Chrissy knows this, that she will play matchmaker.
Eddie jumps off the table bowing to his friends in Hellfire who applaud him and he flips Jason the bird who has been watching Eddie with a scowl on his face.
He smiles as you, Chrissy and Maddie approach and steps back, motioning for the three of you to go ahead.
You chance a look back and he's still staring, there's a cheeky grin on his face and he winks at you.
You struggle to keep the grin off your face and decide to flirt back, why not? He was cute and you weren't going to let any of your friends dictate who you liked.
So you blow him a kiss and his eyes widen, he makes a show of catching the kiss adding an overdramatic flourish which makes you giggle.
Little did you know but that day Eddie Munson walked around with a goofy grin on his face all day, he went back to his trailer with the big smile still firmly on his face.
Wayne assumed it was something to do with his boys band or a new Dnd campaign he was cooking up.
Eddie really was planning how to flirt with you more, maybe you would blow more kisses his way?
All he knows is the most beautiful woman in Hawkins noticed him and that made him a very happy guy indeed.
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cushfuddled · 1 month ago
"Sometimes you can just tell when an mlm fic was written by a woman though"
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I say this with love. I really do.
You can't.
Some gay men enjoy reading and writing wildly unrealistic kinky sex. Some gay men enjoy reading and writing "stereotypical" depictions of gay men. Some gay men will write fiction which offends other gay men.
No matter how obvious it may seem to you that someone is writing from outside their demographic, you will never know unless the writer tells you so—and you are not entitled to that information.
PLEASE understand that terfs depend on this line of thinking to disguise their harassment campaigns as activism (see #1) and to shame their precious impressionable young women out of interacting with gay fiction and ~suddenly deciding they're men~ (see #2).
Terfs desperately want you to believe you can "just tell" when "a cis straight woman wrote this" because
It discourages cross-contamination. Terfs don't like it when anybody can make gay art without disclosing their identity for the same reason they don't like the word "queer"; they need everybody to stay in their neat, labeled boxes so they know who to target.
It's much easier to convince someone who honestly believes they can tell when "a straight woman wrote this" to share a callout post over so-and-so's "blatant fetishization of gay men." A recent example: Last year the author of Webtoon's Boyfriends suffered a nuclear harassment campaign for the crime of fetishizing gay men...and was diligently misgendered as "she" when he told everyone he was gay and transmasc! People were SO convinced they'd smelled a cis straight woman they refused to acknowledge the creator's actual queer identity, electing to kickflip straight into the transphobia jet turbine rather than (god forbid) admit they weren't a perfect queer sonar device 🎉! These tactics sound convoluted until you look at the end result of the "you can tell [insert identity here] wrote this" callouts and HUH—like clockwork, a marginalized person is pressured into coming out as [insert identity here], they get the shit kicked out of them anyway, and they're forced to limit their interactions with their community online (or even give up creating altogether). How convenient for the terfs! Gay fiction helps a lot of people realize they're trans, but terfs think reading and writing gay fanfiction deludes women into betraying their lesbian comrades and "cosplaying as men." Terfs share a special hatred for this fiction because they see it as a weapon which turns their own kind against them—and they're happy to feign progressivism as a means to an end. Please recognize the signs and don't let exclusionists convince you to do their work for them.
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immortalbutterflycos · 11 months ago
Ah yes, Thursday. Also knowns as, my weekly scheduled day where I need to force myself to stop thinking about the Marauders and flip the switch over to my Dnd Campaign because shit is constantly hitting the fan and I need to be mentally and emotionally present.
For example, this week on The Mutant Campaign (i.e. The Mutant Polycule; i.e. The Rising) :
My character, Ashton, immediately after having a memory unlocked that their emotionally neglectful politician father actually had a time when he cared about them and played with them up until they were 7 or 8, and realizing that their older brother (by 6 years) actually got to know that version of their dad, is now going to talk to their very hot trans-masculine wizard friend who is imprisoned in the stone necklace that they wear and was also the mentor to their ancestor/possibly even father(?) about whether or not he knows a pretty lady with blue hair like Ash's and has a scattering of scales and is named Azure. Because we're pretty sure that she might be a dragon as well as one of Ash's ancestors and quite possibly the reason for the magic in their bloodline.
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worldsneverfilled · 2 years ago
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