#the civil war besties understand this the best I think…
viellohi · 3 months
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almayver · 2 months
Alma dear, you’ve said that you’ve been on the jealous peem train for a long time. How do you think he’d act? What are the most juicy scenarios you can conjure with jealous peem?
Hey Cole! So yep, i’ve been in the Jealous Peem train for months now, but the funniest thing is I actually have no concrete idea?
Because the thing is, I don’t think Peek would know how to act either. He has probably only ever felt like mild envy towards Qs talent and things like that, but this? This has this weird tint of possessiveness to it that I don’t think he would know how to handle. And I think that’s what would make it interesting. Because you know our boy loves open communication, but it's hard to communicate when you don’t fully understand your feelings and when you feel like you shouldn’t be having them, right?
Ok this turned into a full-blown rant and doesn't make total sense but, putting it under the read more so I don't put a wall of text in the tag
So exploring that, I also believe it would be very specific. Like someone says that Phum is handsome and/or compliments him? Yeah, Peem at most rolls his eyes because yeah his boyfriend is the most beautiful person on earth, and he is great, those are just facts, actually more people should be saying it. Someone flirts with Phum? Well that’s just funny to him, they would probably make Phum flustered and Peem loves to tease his boyfriend. Also, he is just so secure on his boyfriend’s feelings that the fear would never be that Phum is going to leave him or find someone better. So what would make Peem jealous?
Well, jealousy at its core is about insecurities, right? So possible scenarios here that would make Peem feel weird (jealous Peem, you feel jealous)
The first one is a soft, fluffy friendship one! Peem is very much someone that is very good at comforting people, and with the comment of “You made me feel I couldn't be your comfort zone” we know how important that is to him, specially with Phum. But maybe down the line Phum feeling like shit for whatever reason and Q is the one to comfort him for some reason, maybe Peem is busy (I'm never leaving the Q-Phum besties agenda, I live there actually). And the fun element here would be the warring emotions of being so fucking happy that not only two very important people in his life are so close and comfortable with each other, but also the fact that this means Phum is not lonely and has so many people in his corner and that is the best thing he could hope for.
But. But there is this weird thing in his head that feels weird, this pure want of being the one that comforts Phum, the one that knows exactly what to say to make him feel better. And I think he would have that spiral of “what if I'm not good enough support for him, what if I'm a bad boyfriend, am I a bad friend and boyfriend for even thinking like this”. And he is maybe a little bitter, but he hates feeling like that. Eventually of course both Phum and Q would notice and be like “dummy, come on”, Q would probably actually call him dumb, while Phum would just go full puppy eyes and reassure him and also say something like “Honestly Q mostly calms me by talking about you.”
Ok got sidetracked by friendship feelings there sorry not even sure if that counts as jealousy, but I had to get that scenario out there
The others would be a bit more classic silly jealousy, I think.
So the second one that came to mid would come from how different their fields of study are. Imagine Phum working on a project being very excited talking about it (I was going to give an example, but I did 5 years of engineering and I still have no clue what civil engineers do so idk vague project it is) and it all sounds like Greek to Peem and Phum is scared that he is boring him so he stops rambling about it. But then Peem sees Phum talking with other engineering students, and it's just *sad kitten noises* because he doesn't know enough to talk like that with his boyfriend, and he is jealous of everyone that gets his attention in this very specific way that he can't get. (He later realizes that Phum feels the same way when he talks with Q about art and throughout their relationship they both just learn to listen to the other talk even when they don't fully understand and accept that the other just likes to hear them talk about things that they are passionate about)
The final one, tho? That's the one i crave. Because you know what I think would make Peem weirdly possessive and go all “MY puppy”? Someone making Phum laugh.
Phum, mister “casual small smirk 90% of the time but when I fully smile it looks like the sun came out”. They are maybe out in a bar or a party or whatever, and Phum goes for drinks or something and Peem is talking with the group about something when he hears Phum's laughter. And he stops and perks up like a meerkat because I'm sorry what. That sound normally only occurs when Phum is near him what is happening, something isn't right in the universe. And he looks towards the direction of the sound a Phum is cracking up because of some stranger and Peem is SEETHING, and he doesn't understand why, but he is angry and bitter and petty (everyone in the group is completely amused, they have never seen him like this)
But how would he react to that weird bitter feeling? Because i feel like even with the jealousy, he would never be mean or rude to someone that isn't doing something wrong. And also he wouldn't accuse Phum of anything because he knows that he would only feel sad. So I think he would go the other direction and basically do the equivalent of marking his territory. Like he suddenly ups the devoted attentive boyfriend thing to 200%, and he turns into a clingy koala. And he just keeps trying to make Phum smile and laugh because dammit, that pretty smile is his thanks. That is his personal sunlight, thank you very much. (Phum is delighted and just keeps smiling like the sun which just makes Peem want to make him smile even more, its a very fun cycle) But idk, that's a possibility.
(There's another more elaborate scenario that keeps bouncing around in my head that maybe ill turn into a fic but if it stays a half formed idea ill throw it in your inbox dear)
...that was A LOT. Thanks for sending this ask Cole that turned into a fun thought experiment.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 16 days
May I ask, for Teeth and Claws AU or your X-Men Evolution AUs with Gambit, Sabretooth, and Wolberine in general, what is Wolverine and Sabretooth's relationship? How do they know each other? Were they once friends, or even brothers? And is Creed still kinda platonic yandere for Logan, the way he is with Remy, or just see him as a worthy opponent/packmate?
(I read your newest chapters of Teeth and Claws, and you hit me in the feels. Emotions were felt, and I want to give Remy hugs so bad! But with like, blanket or bubble wrap between, so he isn't being directly touched. Or maybe gift him some kitten plushies, especially a sabretooth tiger one (and sneak in a wolverine plush for reasons).
So I'm straight up stealing from convos that I've had with @golden-buddle.  Bestie is him and his messages have “” around them 
This information is gonna slowly (and Quickly) bubble up in the fic
tw child abuse and violence
In this fic, since i dont know id the made it canon for evolution, Logan and victor are brothers. With a shared mom and dad and all that fun stuff. Victor was born in 1827 as Victor howlett. James (Logan) was born 1832. Victor started showing signs of being a feral at 14 and was tied up in the yard by their father to keep people safe from him acting on instinct. He lost his mind to pure instinct for a year.His father tried ripping out Victors teeth and claws, but they kept growing back. Logan would visit as night, not understanding why his brother was tied up and likeing the way Victor purred and nuzzled him. Victor slowly comes back to human speech through the attention of Logan and starts acting more human. Their father makes him spend nights in the yard and uses him for work around the homestead. Victor chafes under the cruel hand of their father but sticks it out for Logan. He is on a trip to town when Logans feral gene kicks in at 12. 
When he sees his brothers bloody face missing fangs and his father's hands bloody while their mother hides away, he loses himself. He rips apart their father and devours his eyes and heart before crushing the bones and dumping the remains in a strong flowing river. His little brother will not suffer his fate.
No one knows what happened to me. Howlett. Only that his wife died of a broken heart not a month later. Logan is double distraught and the two do their best to survive and deal with their instincts with Logan leaning towards civilization and Victor leaning towards wildness.
They become guns for hire, joing the civil war. Logan finds someone to love and settles down post war and Victor can't stand being stuck in one place after being a river. He tries to get Logan to come with and they separated after a blow-up argument where Logan essentially established that either he had to be head of the pack or the pack is dissolved. So the pack dissolved for a long long time. Victor dropped the Howlett last name and took up the name Creed. Centuries where one figured that the other had not gotten the longevity trait of the mutation. Many near misses in wars like wwi and WWII of seeing each other again. Creed's scent changed during that time and so did Logan's.
They meet back up after WWii when Weapon X is in full swing to try and recreate cap. America on some level. This is where we wander into au territory. 
Victor and Logan recognize each other in the program and there is a lot of joy and relief in seeing that the other didnt die once they realize who the other feral is (this takes a little bit due to all the changes) . They both have picked up their animal names by then and go by them frequently. 
They both are on board for augmentation, but both of them thinking it would just be the claws and nothing past that. They both are very firm on this. Victor was the one who got Logan to stay on even as he got nervous about things. Victor did not know that they would mess with his brother's mind. Just thought it was a body change. Victor got stronger nails but his healing factor is too weak for a full animantium skeleton.  Logan sees this and victor shows them off and logan is okay with going under. For his claws and nothing more. But whoopsie poopsie, whole skeleton. And mind games!! And logan bursts out full feral and in pain and runs after breaking the facility a bit. 
Time passes 
Creed does not realize that Logan has lost his memory of them reuniting. He thinks that his brother knows and is pissed. 
To quote bestie:
“Victor has no idea that Logan’s memories have been shot.
Victor has no idea that Wolvie has no idea that they’re blood brothers
Victor could be under the impression that Logan decided a while back that they WERENT Pack anymore-
Because Logan isn’t really fighting for dominance- he’s fighting for his life”
“Logan thinks his older brother is dead, and this is just some feral who recognizes that Logan’s older, therefor to get more territory it’s best to cull the older feral and absorb his territory. So Logan’s fighting for his life and his pack.
Victor, meanwhile, is just seeing their constant clashes as a fucked up dominance fight. Sure, his Jimmy is being a biiiit more violent than they were during Weapon X, but that’s probably because Jimmy has claimed the X-men as pack. Which totally doesn’t chaff him and make him jealous. Not at all. 
They probably had a very emotional break down when they realized who eachother was back during Weapon X.
Just. Vic is the only one who remembers it. Logan doesn’t.”
 This will only be clarified because creed gets his own kit and becomes less interested in being pack with logan. Because normal cubs like remy only get one lifetime. he can make pack with Jimmy later after infinite fights. but remy don't have infinite time. 
Some additional not asked about thoughts because magneto mighttttt use remy to influence creed when he realizes how close the two are. 
-- Sabretooth is sent on mission that was supposed to be him and Remy breaking into a place. But very suddenly Remy is throwing up in the trash can and smelling so sick. Magneto tells him he can take care of Remy after the mission. He's back in 2 hrs for something that should have lasted a day. He completely ignores Logan, and when the other feral tries to fight, creed is snappy and Logan notices the tiny braid in Creeds hair that smells of cub. If Sabretooth has a cub where are they? Are they safe with Sabretooth?? Logan's instincts flare as creed gets gone from the scene.
Logan has to know if creed has a cub. The guy never showed himself as someone who could take care of a cub. Or as someone who could be gentle when the time called for it. And cub with creed might be in danger. Danger that Logan feels he has to prevent, because who else can tell that creed has a kid based on scent markers??
“hes so concerned!!
Victor is clearly run by his instincts if he keeps attacking the one older feral nearby-
what would happen to the kid when they eventually grow too old to be stifled by Victor's instincts???”
When he meets Remy, it's some how  worse. The kid is a good fighter but jittery in any other context with a clear aversion to touch and sniffs. Logan is just trying to figure out how scent and boom the kid is full on distressed. What. Did. Creed. Do.
And thats all the sneak peak into my brain and besties brain. 
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cloudinterlude · 2 years
what misconception? 👀
I assume this is about the Civil War post I made and oh boy, so many. So, so many. Let me preface this by saying I actually like Civil War enough as a movie. Not as a Captain America movie, but it's engaging and I enjoyed it for the most part. I mostly dislike the dogshit opinions about it. To prevent this from turning into a dissertation, I'll just list the ones that come to mind first/irritate me the most:
"Steve was completely against regulation and oversight" WRONG. He was against the vagueness of it all. He explicitly says that he wants to know whose going to be holding his leash if he has to have one. In fact, he was about to sign the Accords before Tony told him about them preemptively enforcing it and detaining Wanda. Steve was willing to consider the Accords, Steve was trying to discuss the Accords, Steve was on the path to being open to the Accords before the moral failings of it were already shining through. Steve, rightfully so, is distrustful at this point of anonymous authority. Following the news that Hydra had their nasty paws in SHIELD and other high positions in government, Steve decides that he wants to know more about the people who have authority over him. Seems reasonable enough.
"Steve was only against the Accords for Bucky" WRONG. 1) Before he was certain that Bucky was being framed, he says that he has the best chance of bringing him in to minimize damage. Then, when he was certain Bucky was innocent, it became a matter of not letting his bestie be falsely imprisoned and/or killed on the spot. 2) Lemme just add that yes, Bucky is extremely important to Steve, but Steve would have still been against the Accords if Bucky wasn't a factor. I need people to understand this. It wasn't just a "oh no I need to save my best friend". 3) If you read what was in the Accords, you'd understand why Steve would generally be against them. They're abhorrent.
"Steve didn't read the Accords/Steve didn't even attempt to communicate or compromise." I haaaaattttteeee this one with a burning passion. Did we watch the same movie? He's quite literally the only one on screen we see even look at that long ass document. Probably also the only one would could even manage to read the thing since it was sprung up on them 3 days before the meeting (which is a whole 'nother issue for later. For now, I'll just say I support the Ross conspiracy theory). He also tried to tell Tony & Co. before the airport fight that Zemo was the one behind all this conflict, that Bucky is innocent and about the 5 other ultra-dangerous super-soldiers who, as far as he knew, were about to be unleashed onto the world which would be disastrous. Unfortunately, Team IM was wracked with tension and didn't listen and attacked.
"Steve and Bucky jumped Tony (+ variants of this statement)." This is one that confused me so much. Such a bullshit take. I am begging people to rewatch CW and watch the fight. Tony, whose emotions is dialed to a thousand (and not only because of the Bucky thing mind you, but I can talk about that a lot more later because I like talking about Tony's emotional/mental state during Civil War) attacked first, then tries to kill Bucky, Steve tries to get Tony to stop killing Bucky, Tony is trying not to kill Steve, Bucky is trying to get Tony not to kill Steve or him. It's a mess. Mind you, Steve isn't even trying to excessively harm Tony in this scene. It's confirmed that during the entire fight, he was trying to disable the suit. Not trying to beat Tony to a pulp - DISABLE. THE. SUIT. Which he manage to do in the midst of that shitshow.
"*insert any anti-CW Wanda take*" Please, someone please tell me why people think Wanda has any blame for what happened Lagos? Wanda quite literally didn't CAUSE that. I need to understand this point of view before I get an aneurysm. She didn't make the bomb, bring the bomb, set the bomb off. It was Rumlow who had that bomb that would have ended up killing way more people on the ground than where Wanda managed to put it. She absolutely was as much of a hero as she could be in that instance, trying to redirect the bomb away from civilians. Unfortunately, it still ended it casualties, but a lot less than it would have been if Wanda hadn't intervened.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. Fanon CACW quite literally has some of the worst fan comprehension I've seen in the MCU. I imagine that a lot of it is not understanding characters, the movie not elaborating on important plot points in an effort to make it 50/50 (which they failed at lol), and the fandom being a lot more conservative than I thought. I can expand further on anything if you want!
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fate-motif · 3 months
i’ve found it that sometimes getting the hater shit out the way so you can fully enjoy something is the best way to be whole in your emotions so without further ado, here is my prodigy s2 hater shit i’m so sorry for this i still think it was one of the best seasons of star trek since ds9
i would have appreciated maj’el’s heel-face turn to have been a little more coherent than “we survived together so they can’t be that bad” + “zero is cute”. i don’t know how they would have found the time, but i just think her change of heart came a little too sudden.
petty nitpick: i understand her name is a reference to majel barrett but i believe it would have felt a little more natural if her name had just been majel since vulcans can have one element names okay, and maj’el really stands out in a series of names like t’pol, t’pau, t’pel, etc. like, it feels more like funky scifi-cation.
i can’t believe i’m saying this but so much of this season would have been improved if there had been more voyager characters. the emh was a decent choice for guest role (he was certainly very convenient), but it really wasn’t the best thematically. the ideal choice would have been b’elanna, to me, as chakotay’s best friend. also, i appreciate wesley, but the ideal guardian angel would have been kes guys. okay? the voyager that was left behind? one who would care about the desperate in the delta quadrant and would really care about chakotay’s survival?
(sidenote: there was a moment i was convinced that adreek’s death was going to be undone when the time paradoxes became resolved and i just thought harry would have been the ideal pick for chakotay’s fellow castaway, given their history in timeless, but apparently i was wrong and i’m glad harry is not dead and crystallized at the bottom of a cavern)
once again they skimped development for poor jankom pog. like, disappointed as i am that they didn’t develop rok, she got their development last season. jankom doesn’t have development in either season! season 3, you better deliver! not just for jankom (he’s becoming besties with the guy who told him his last name is a slur??) but because tellarites are so underdeveloped? why did he want to be polite at first? that plot thread was dropped so unceremoniously. it really is a shame.
the alternate universes episode would have been more appropriate in a show where the episodes reach 50 minutes. we barely have time to feel much about being in a timeline where janeway’s dead before we’re catapulted to another, and the mirror universe detour not only contradicted the ds9 mirror universe state of events, but just felt like a corny excuse for us to get the closest thing to physical intimacy in jc when the real thing would have been completely fine. that said i forgive them for the stupid evil whale gag. that was hilarious
i concur with what other people are saying. i doubt the versions of ascencia and ilthuran after the events of s2 would grow up to become the vindicator and diviner we know, and their decision to follow the wormhole and commit atrocities is just as paramount to the creation of gwyn and rediscovery of the protostar as the fact that the protostar needs to be on tars lamora. for that matter, solum needs to be in a state of devastating civil war 52 years in the future for them to capture the protostar and outfit it with the living construct. so is solum still doomed to destruction? are we supposed to accept that, even in the face of the destruction of reality? wouldn’t gwyn be more devastated by that knowledge?
i think i prefer s1 better than s2 in terms of serialization. maybe i wouldn’t feel this way if we’d gotten weekly releases and a midseason hiatus, but s2 felt incredibly dense, to the point of being exhausting to get through at the very end of the season. 
listen i understand picard put prodigy in the worst possible bind, where the status quo for the next twenty so years is going to consist in an apartheid state for synths and the leadership of starfleet will be responsible for the death of so many romulans. but i feel that janeway miraculously pulling an insane amount of strings to give an entire starship to kids who barely got a chance to stay at the academy is stretching my suspension of disbelief. maybe say that she’s made an argument for stashing the prodigy away because it’s so unstable, and promise it to the kids once they’re through the academy, and so we can have a very understandable timeskip until they are actually crewmen? 
while i think it’s very consistent with voyager that janeway and chakotay’s affection is very physically restrained in public, i feel like it was bordering in comical how much they were holding back in a show where they no longer have the limitations they did on voyager. actually, scratch that. i didn’t need them to kiss. i needed them to explicitly say that they were in love. that was what was needed to actually commit. and they didn’t do it?? dal and gwyn got to kiss last season twice but we can’t have janeway and chakotay profess their love?? come on.
damn it i was promised chameleon dal and we did not get him!!!
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
hey barbie will you tell me about arcee? i only know her from transformers prime and the occasional screencap <3 🌸🦋
Yes!!! I always want to talk about Arcee, and I mean IDW1 Arcee, which I assume is the one you’re talking about. She is great, she is the best character in IDW1. So since you know nothing about her, let me give you the rundown of her character. Keep in one that the stuff with her during phase 1 is, uh, not good, but as of phase 2 when she became a character in John Barber stories she was greatly expanded upon and recontextualized.
Ok so, she is old as dirt, like over 10 million years old. She was forged male in a time where Cybertron was a bunch of scattered tribes and her and her twin brother Galvatron where enslaved gladiators to a Prime (which seemed to just be a title for a tribal leader at this point) who had to play blood sports to eat. This is going to leave one with a lot fucking issues, but she was really good at it. But then Megatronus (later Prime) shows up and frees them and Arcee and Galvatron join the 13 Primes in uniting Cybertron.
Things seem like they’re going to be fine, but Arcee is not so sure. Then the 13 Primes decide to spread the Cybertronian civilization across the universe, which is called colonization, which is a bad thing. When Arcee realizes what she’s part of she feels like shit about it. Then the 13 Primes have drama and break up, some of them die, some of them fuck up, Cybertron falls into chaos in what’s called the First Civil War until Galvatron’s new bestie, Nova, shows up and unites Cybertron again.
While Arcee is trans we don’t know when exactly she started to realize that a male identity wasn’t how she felt on her spark, but we do know that is something she struggled with. I don’t think this is helped by the fact that at some point people Cybertron kinda… forgot about gender, so everyone was just male by default (not in the colonies, but by this point Cybertron had lost contact with them). So not only is she seen as something she isn’t, the thing that she is something people have lost any frame of reference for even though Arcee knew people like her before. This must be extremely alienating. Add to that that Arcee explains that she has always have trouble connecting with people (because Autism), so the poor girl must have felt very, very alone.
Arcee ends up volunteering to have some kind of gender affirming surgery with this mad scientist called Jhiaxus, who then just does malpractice on her, doesn’t provide proper aftercare and is seemingly disappointed that Arcee doesn’t fir his idea of what a female Cybertronian should be. This sort of breaks Arcee and turns the thing that she’s best at (murder) on Jhiaxus. But Jhiaxus leaves with Nova Prime and Galvatron in yet another expansionist mission and disappear, so Arcee is left trying to find traces of Galvatron across the galaxy and getting rid of his creations.
After the Autobot-Decepticon civil war broke out, Arcee seems to be allied with the Autobots (but we are later left to understand she never joined proper), which makes sense as the Decepticon ideology of mechanical superiority is a sore spot for her. But she’s mainly focused on tracking down Jhiaxus. At some point she meets fellow trans woman, Anode, who says she can help her, but Anode disappears before she can get any real support. Which also doesn’t help her mental state, but at least know she’s sure none of the stuff with Jhiaxus was her fault and is more eager than ever to kill him and will kill everyone that gets in her way.
I think that Arcee is justified in everything she’s ever done. But apparently the Autobots don’t agree with me, they see Arcee as some weirdo, blood thirsty murderer that went crazy because of Jhiaxus, so they put her in jail, and later free her because they need their help. She eventually manages to finally catch Jhiaxus and because of plot reasons, he’s in a state of undead where Arce gets to kill him over and over and over again. This was a very therapeutic experience that allowed her to think about stuff and clear her had.
So after the war ends and Bumblebee and co. are having trouble maintaining the harmony between the Autobots, Decepticons and neutrals on Cybertron, Arcee has now come to the conclusion that a better world must be possible, so she tries to work towards that even if the only thing she really understands is violence. Arcee seems to hate herself and her own race for being like this,  she thinks that whatever world they create won’t have a place for her, that her fate is to die in a battlefield, but still she tries, because it’s what must be done.
At first she works under Prowl because he makes sense for her, until she realizes he sucks. She also tries to connect with Sideswipe because she thinks they’re similar, but Sideswipe keeps denying any closeness because he wants to consider himself better than her. Arcee has internalized the idea that things like friendship are just nor for her, but the truth is that she does crave connection to people, but she struggles with it because she’s socially awkward, doesn’t really get how socialization works and everyone is stuck with the idea of her as a crazy murder lady and keep denying her any interiority.
The only person that seems to get her is Galvatron, who is causing trouble again after coming back and almost ending the universe twice. Like a good brother who was with you during your formative years he does understand Arcee but that doesn’t mean he sympathizes with her and uses his knowledge to ger under her skin and manipulate her. Imagine only being understood by the worst person alive, that sucks. She will later let Optimus kill him and have conflicted feelings over it.
Optimus, at least, does give Arcee a chance and seems to like her. Arcee is not impressed by him because again, she’s old as fuck, she knew the original Primes, but OP seems to appreciate this. Arcee ends up becoming sort of his right hand woman and seems to stick with him both because she’s still trying to help create a better world and also to keep an eye on him since OP is doing a lot of questionable stuff that rings a bell on her head. Which includes using his Prime clout to get a bunch of wide-eyed colonists (by this point, they have made contact with the old colonies again btw) to join him.
One of those people being Aileron, a very sweet girl who grew up with idealized stories about the Primes and has no context of what war is actually like and will have to face reality. Despite everything Aileron matures a lot and is able to keep her head and see things from a different perspective. She doesn’t see Arcee as a crazy murder lady because to Aileron all the veterans are messed up, and honestly Arcee probably looks better than average since she has been putting a lot of work in changing her ways and her straightforwardness allows her to not get caught up in the same things other people do.
So Aileron and Arcee bond, Aileron shows Arcee a lot of sympathy when Arcee is upset because Sideswipe is in critical condition, and she’s not intimidated by Arcee or the idea that she’s crazy. Eventually Sideswipe dies but before that he does apologize to Arcee and thanks her for being there for him. Arcee is sad but also happy that he could make peace before the end, which allows her to get more at peace with herself. Aileron is there to help her and she will keep insisting she’s there to catch Arcee. When Arcee finally internalizes the idea that she’s not alone, she kisses Aileron and they become a couple.
Then Unicron shows up, who turns out to be a creation of a scientist from the planet in that first colonization expedition Arcee took place in. He’s here to eat all Cybertronian colonies. It seems that maybe is better if he kills them all, after all Cybertronians seems to be stuck on a never-ending cycle of violence and they’re all here because of it. Arcee thinks that she herself does deserve to die.
When it comes to either Optimus or Arcee to sacrifice themselves to activate the thing they need to stop Unicron, Optimus tells Arcee to go, while he’s stuck as a symbol of war, Arcee has managed to move past that and she has someone to return to. Optimus dies to bury the legacy of Primes with him so the Transformers can move on. Arcee, who has been there since the beginning and spent most of her life knowing nothing but violence, proves that change is possible and ends the continuity teaching about new generations about the importance of trying and having hope in the future. She is happy.
I love her, she’s better than everyone else. I would die for her. Do you understand me now, Leo?
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jorality · 8 months
I need to play Poppy Playtime for myself cuz even with all the videos I've seen I'm still confused, BUT what if people who HAVE played the games are just as confused as me? So here are my spoiler filled thoughts.
Warning it's long but hopefully coherent.
First off, the thing that's been bothering me since chapter 2.
What the FUCK was Playtime Co.'s plan once Elliot died? Like it's been posited that Elliot wanted to immortalize a child he lost by putting their consciousness into a toy. Y'know, like a crazy person.
Like the idea was immortality, but did the toy company sell the meat toys to the public? Why were there so many of them? Who would want a toy that used to be a person?! Who signed off on that?
When it comes to PlayCo's overarching goal I just wanna understand what it was. They put people into the meat toys to save their lives, but did they sell the meat toys? Can someone just give me an answer? I need to know.
Then there's the frickin' civil war between Poppy and The Prototype. Several people have pointed out that CatNap, while terrifying, doesn't really do anything to you until his boss fight.
But, we also get told that he will stalk you throughout the chapter, and he does. Mans will be right behind you, or next to you in the shadows. It's a game of cat and mouse. Others have pointed out that Huggy also was more of a stalker who didn't bother you until the end, and Mommy was hands off too, but she was by far the most antagonistic of the three and I think that's because Huggy and CatNap were for sure followers of the Prototype while Mommy was her own faction who didn't care for Poppy or The Prototype.
I mean if we go by the idea that The Prototype just wants the PC to leave then why let Mommy ruin the PC's chances of getting on the train?Mommy was just chillin' in her area full of death traps.
Then there's the player character and how everyone knows they used to work there. The PC missed the Hour of Joy even though they were supposed to be at the factory. We don't know why they didn't come into work that day.
In the video 10 Things You Might Have Missed in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 by Tericho on YouTube, Tericho points out that the CCTV footage the PC has been shown throughout the games has been tampered with. Meaning that the PC still hasn't been given the whole truth.
Which Tericho pointed out by showing footage of Kissy Missy being transported via the train only for there to be a sharp cut to PlayCo workers lying dead around her while she's perfectly still.
There is footage we the audience have been shown that Kissy Missy did in fact kill those people during the Hour of Joy.
So then, that brings back the age old question, should the Player Character trust Poppy?
Survey says No.
Kissy Missy and Poppy are allies, besties even.
Poppy makes it sound like the Hour of Joy was all the Prototype's doing. She says he's the one who put her in her case from Chapter 1. So then why would her bestie participate in the massacre? Why would Kissy have aligned herself with The Prototype even though her best friend was imprisoned by him?
At the end of Chapter 3 something happens to Kissy, presumably she gets attacked by the Prototype and what happens to big toys that the Prototype gets his umbrella skeleton hands on? ASSIMILATION!
But why?
Why are Poppy and the Prototype at odds? Is it simply because Poppy doesn't condone the Prototype's murderous habits? Every other toy was aligned with the Prototype. But what the hell does he want?
Poppy repeatedly says that she needs the PC's help to save lives. Whose lives? All the humans in the factory are dead, most of the meat toys are dead (especially the Bunzos) are we supposed to believe that The Prototype is going to be a threat to the outside world? Why? All the people who did him wrong are dead. I don't think The Prototype wants to bother the outside world, I think he wants PlayCo and everything about it to disappear.
But what does Poppy want? I've been turning it over in my head and while I can come up with a few motives for the Prototype such as revenge, solitude, maybe find a way to die. Poppy though? I mean if I were her I'd want to go home with the Player Character and leave the horror of PlayCo behind.
What is the beef between Poppy and The Prototype?
On one hand I want MOB to follow through on the prototype being the big bad he's been hyped up to be, but I also think there are a few ways this could go.
Okay hear me out. Here are some ways I think the saga could end.
(PC ending) The player character burns the factory to the ground after killing both The Prototype AND Poppy.
(The Prototype's ending) The PC finally comes face to face with The Prototype, and they recognize each other. "You didn't deserve this." the PC says looking up at what was once someone they cared for. The Prototype hands the PC a tape, it's a compilation of the truth, it's confessions from the scientists, it's Elliot Ludwig's last words. The public has to know, the factory has to be destroyed. "What about you?" the PC asks. The Prototype reaches out his um without the brella hand, the PC hands over Poppy, who is now motionless blood staining the back of her dress, her artificial spine severed. "We die with the building." The Prototype says Poppy is silently crying unable to speak. The PC leaves and we cut to the credits. It's a news broadcast detailing every crime committed, the death toll, the aftermath. There's a press conference and the PC is finally revealed to be Rich from that one tape in Chapter 3.
(Poppy's ending) The Prototype has been slain, but it feels wrong somehow. "You did it!" Poppy cheers as she walks over to The Prototype's convulsing body and she starts kicking it. "This is all your fault! I never wanted it to be this way! We could've done something good but you ruined it! All I wanted was a family! And you took that from me, TWICE! WAS IT WORTH IT? TELL ME!" Poppy's pathetic little kicks should seem comical, but she's screaming and crying. It's so uncomfortable. Soon the crying stops. Poppy takes deep breaths and turns to face the PC. "The threat is gone. Thank you for helping me stop him. Now there's just one more thing to do." The PC carries Poppy to a bank of computers and she types something and a secret elevator arrives, a small Cat-Bee toy sitting in the middle of it. "Is it over?" The little toy asks. "Yes Ollie, it's over." Poppy says. "Once I flip this switch the factory will self destruct." The PC picks up Ollie and gets in the elevator. Poppy flips the switch and the PC grabs her with the grabpack. They go home.
Those are just the ones that I came up with, I REALLY want to see what MOB comes up with. Because truly what is the end goal? What do Poppy and the Prototype want?????
And also, whom the fuck is Ollie? This lil guy came outta nowhere! (Well almost nowhere there's a chance we met them in the ARG in the form of a tape) but why? What is Ollie's purpose, other than to give MatPat heart palpitations?
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Songs for Hazbin Hotel Characters (Playlists Series)
Alright, next instalment, let’s go! For this one, I would love to discuss and put into their respectful playlists songs from a movie series that I consider dear to my soul. Let me introduce to you (or remind about) the Guardians of the Galaxy, films with the most awesome soundtrack!
I’ll admit, I was a huge MCU fan a few years ago but not so much anymore. I’m patiently waiting for the third GOTG volume, though! So, let me take you into these oldies but goodies songs’ journey! This part shall consist of being based on how much Hazbin characters would enjoy MCU movies, a song that would be up to their alley, plus – their favourite heroes.
A little disclaimer: I believe that probably nobody in this cast would be a huge superhero movies genre fan but that does not mean that they would not be fond of some of them!
He is the one who most likely would enjoy MCU, in my opinion. Husk just seems like an action movie fan to me. You know that airport fight scene in “CA: Civil War”? That would be the highlight for him.
Just imagine him cleaning his bar and humming this song.
Favourite hero – Rocket Raccoon. I think that Husk would love this character and see some similar traits in himself.
I’d like to think that Charlie is that person who gets excited about any possibility to expand her knowledge on anything, let it even be super hero movies. She would love seeing all the stories, laughing at funny moments and crying during death scenes. (I bet that she definitely read fanfics about found family/happy ending tropes in Avengers or Guardians).
She must have a musical number prepared in addition to this song, right?
Favourite hero – Spider – Man. Being a “kid” in a grown – up super hero work would be kind of a familiar setting for Charlie.
She would enjoy most of these movies, plus some nostalgia would take a part in there. She was never in MCU fandom but understands why people love this series. Definitely did some quizzes with Charlie and Husk, like “Which Avenger are you?”, “Which MCU Team you’re on?” and much more to count.
This would be her “go to” happy song. A duet with Charlie, perhaps?  
Favourite hero – Black Widow. One of the strongest characters who does not need to rely on extraordinary powers.
His feelings about these movies would be 50/50. Some he would love; some don’t even give a chance. For the ones that he did like, Angel would comment about how useful or useless the fighting/weapons would be in Hell. I bet that he took some inspiration for the future Turf wars!
This song gives strong Angel vibes! Plus, named after his bestie!
Favourite hero – Loki. Yes, not exactly a hero, more of an antihero. Angel would enjoy watching his endeavours and overall story.
She only agrees to watch these for the good – looking characters. Nothing more, nothing less. She is not interested in action, magic or world saving. Since there is not a lot of romance in MCU or it is pretty plain, Niffty quickly gets bored.
Niffty would sway and dance around to this song!
Favourite character – Thor. He is the best looking one for her. Plus, wonderful sense of humor.
These movies are not this man’s cup of tea. Nope. He views them as a waste of time. Alastor would have only seen a few because of “A Must” movie night with others. He doesn’t care about the plot nor the characters. Shows a bit of interested during some funny dialogue, but that happens rarely.
Okay, it is a bit unconventional for him, but! Just skip the love parts and consider this as a song about business (friendship, if you squint) with Charlie. Like in the start of the series he means this only as a necessity, later it becomes genuine.    
Favourite hero – Doctor Strange. I just feel like Alastor would be pleased with this character.
That’s my takes and the end of part 2. Hope you revisited or found about some songs from both awesome mixtapes! I certainly can say that we had a Wham Bam Shang – A – Lang good time!
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workintobebetter · 1 year
My shower thoughts will probably not be a lot so popular opinion but Tony Stark was morally very wrong in Civil War. I'm not talking about the politics of the movie and what he was or was not fighting with Steve about, I'm talking about for involving Spider-man/ Peter Parker.
I'm sure its been talked about plenty, its just a thought that occured to me out of nowhere while giving my hair a much needed washing.
I would assume Tony kept eyes out for potential new threats and allies constantly being as paranoid and anxious as he was and had been looking into Spider-man for a while before things started going down. Him finding Peter and making contact is morally... fine, a little questionable on how he did it but fine. The moral failing is why he came to Peter.
He literally comes in to inlist an underage person to fight a battle against nit just battle hardened veterans and assassin's but superhumans with outrageous power. And while Tony might justify that while these people are currently his advisories, they're also friends and not bad people, so he has no reason to expect casualties or even permanent harm (though that did end up happening) to anyone most of all one noobie who's clearly at best a young adult.
But obviously, there are no guarantees and when people fight, people are liable to get hurt. Bringing in this underage kid off the street who mostly deals with thieves and such? I don't it matters if they could survive falling into the sun, bringing him to a battle feel, especially one of with such power people is absolutely morally wrong.
On top of that, it felt like Peter didn't even get a proper explanation of what the was going on or why just "come with me, that guy is confused and wrong, help me stop him" Even if Tony did explain the situation its from a biased point of view from a person Peter strongly admires. It doesn't matter how intelligent someone is, that a recipe for manipulation.
If Tony found Peter, he could have found other candidates to help him in the fight. One's of an appropriate age and less likely to be blinded by meeting their hero. But he chose Peter. Even knowing he's just a teenager neck deep in school life, he saw Peters strength, agility, and power. Tony wanted to bolster forces and even get an unknown quantity, that's good tactics. He saw everything he needed in Peter, had unfounded faith that whatever happens, everyone would walk away, and for better or worse could be confident that Peter would listen to him no questions asked.
Tony manipulated and used Peter for better or worse and its not actually out of character for Tony. And while I think Tony deserved some sort of admonishment, I do think he just suffers from the usual rich and famous person affectation as well blinded by his emotions and goals.
I would also argue that Tony might feel some regret in the choice to recruit Peter... or at least recognize in was a bad choice, after his bestie got shot out of the sky. While again Tony's behaviour toward Peter is very on brand for Tony, it's also apparent that he's actually seriously watchout out for him and feels responsible. Kinda like a person realizing he wronged someone who didn't understand they had been wronged; trying to keep as much distance as they can while offering them everything they can.
I sincerely think Tony was morally wrong in Civil War for bringing Peter but as many fan's know Tony learns from his mistakes and he tries to make up for them despite is outward attitude.
Yeah, shower thoughts.
I'll just add that this is by no means an objection to how they introduced Spider-man, I loved every second. I'm just thinking thoughts.
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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my best friend: a blair/serena playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (and commentary) under the cut
1. “Butterflies,” Kacey Musgraves. I love this one as a sense of, like, what them together is—Now, you're lifting me up 'stead of holding me down/Stealing my heart 'stead of stealing my crown
1. “Butterflies,” Kacey Musgraves. I love this one as a sense of, like, what them together is—Now, you're lifting me up 'stead of holding me down/Stealing my heart 'stead of stealing my crown
2. “Cannonball,” Damien Rice. 'Cause it's not hard to fall/And I don't wanna scare her/It's not hard to fall/And I don't wanna lose. Flirting with your bestie,,,,
3. “I Was an Island,” John-Allison Weiss. Aaaaand we’re all the way back to being little kids—just, like, Blair especially doesn’t really let people other than Serena in, and we gotta speak to that
4. “I Think We’re Alone Now,” Tiffany. Children behave/That's what they say when we're together/And watch how you play/They don't understand
5. “Under Your Spell,” Desire. I was wondering… Do you know the difference between love and obsession? Pre-series entanglement vibes
6. “Complicated,” Avril Lavigne. Okay so yeah, obviously, there’s the sense of the Blair that no one else but Serena sees, but I think there’s also a level on which this speaks to pre-series Blair @ Serena, yk?
7. “Wonder,” Chey Rose. Sometimes I wonder/If I might love her/As more than a friend
8. “Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship),” Studio Killers. I don't know how to say this/‘Cause you're really my dearest friend
9. “Nobody Knows Me At All,” The Weepies. Ah, what can you do? There's nobody like you. Nobody knows me at all. Thinking about Serena at boarding school, personally
10. “No One’s Gonna Love You,” Band of Horses. They’re so unhealthy at the start of the series I love it. We're reeling through an endless fall/We are the ever-living ghost of what once was/But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do/No one's gonna love you more than I do
11. “One Week,” Barenaked Ladies. Speaking of! The way Serena rolls with Blair’s anger at the start of season one feels so practiced, I think, for a lot of it—they have their rituals for when things fall apart. But it’ll still be two days ‘til I say I’m sorry
12. “I Don’t Smoke,” Mitski. Uh yeah that same thing but please remember. The kids aren’t alright
13. “I Will Follow You into the Dark,” Death Cab for Cutie. If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks/Then I'll follow you into the dark
14. “Landslide,” Fleetwood Mac. I’ve been afraid of changing/Because I built my life around you
15. “Jolene,” Dolly Parton. Hi Nate!!!
16. “Breakeven,” The Script. What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you/And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok?
17. “Bee-Sting,” The Wombats. You drive me crazier than a wingless bee/You drive me crazier than I wanna be/Put your best dress on, better make it black/I'm going out but I'm not coming back. Isn’t it fun when they drive each other tup the wall?
18. “R U Mine?” Arctic Monkeys. But have we fully considered they get under each other’s skin like that because they can’t communicate about their feelings? I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be/And satisfaction feels like a distant memory/And I can't help myself, all I/Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?"
19. “The Anchor,” Bastille. Let the parties end when we lose our friends/'Cause you cut through all the noise/Let the years roll on 'till the static comes. They’re soulmates <3
20. “Poison & Wine,” The Civil Wars. You only know what I want you to/I know everything you don't want me to
21. “Easy Silence,” The Chicks. I do not know how this much country ended up on here. And I've got all the world to lose/But I just want to hold on to the/Easy silence that you make for me/It's okay when there's nothing more to say to me
22. “Rivers and Roads,” The Head and The Heart. Rivers and roads/Rivers and roads/Rivers ‘til I reach you
23. “Happy Together,” Gerard Way, Ray Toro. No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be/The only one for me is you, and you for me
24. “Who’d Have Known,” Lily Allen. And even though it's moving forward/There's just the right amount of awkward/And today you accidentally called me "Baby". Getting together era
25. “Kiss Goodnight,” I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. I hope we kiss goodnight/It might just end my life
26. “Still Into You,” Paramore. Can't count the years on one hand/That we've been together/I need the other one to hold you/Make you feel, make you feel better
27. “Cecilia and the Satellite,” Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. I always love the sense that Serena is unable to be still, even when things are good. Don’t be afraid, Cecilia, I’m the satellite/And you’re the sky
28. “Such Great Heights,” The Postal Service. And I have to speculate/That God himself did make/Us into corresponding shapes/Like puzzle pieces from the clay
29. “Boxes,” The Goo Goo Dolls, acoustic version. You are the memory that won't ever lapse/When twenty-five years have suddenly passed/Wherever you take me, it's clear I will go/Your love's the one love that I need to know
30. “Beautiful Girls,” Sean Kingston. See: the end of 1.04
Bonus track: “Call Off Your Ghost,” Dessa. It’s very intensely them, but it doesn’t fit the ‘working out eventually’ vibe of this playlist
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wastefulautist · 3 years
Dumbest TFATWS contradictions
"Steve would never use a gun" *Storms Hydra base literally guns blazing* "But they were Nazis" >And the Flagsmashers are terrorists, next. "Steve would never kill" *Tosses henchmen off Helicarrier* *Kicks dudes out of windows* *Throws grenades at henchmen* >You'd have to be willfully dumb to think a Supersoldier throwing a Vibranium shield at people's heads is not fatal >Kills way more guys in the first Avengers, but blood only now gets on the shield somehow >Hey, maybe Cap should have, as Sam put it, "tried listening to them..." "But he surrendered" *Throws water fountain at John* >Therefore, still an active combatant. *Didn't actually surrender, but instead diverted blame* >Which makes it a heat of the moment situation, rather than a cold blooded murder situation like antis are making it out to be. >All the bad guys Sam and Bucky killed, you've never ONCE seen them fear for their lives until it was John's turn to fight back. More manipulative bullshit. >Of course, it wasn't the right decision to do it in public, but to act as if it's completely irrational makes no sense. He's a soldier, wtf do you think John and Lemar were doing in Afghanistan? Or Steve Rogers in Germany? >It isn't bad that Steve killed bad guys, but with John, it's a problem because the ominous music, the leering, villainous camera angles, blood on the coveted shield, the shocked civilians (and Karli), made it so. "He was unarmed" >He was a Supersoldier- he IS a weapon >Also, how do you go from being a Supersoldier to being helpless? They're just like John, it's not like he unlocked some new level of power after Lemar died, they didn't even really have a reason to stop fighting, other than the show setting John up. Even MORE manipulative bullshit. >Zemo kills an unarmed guy, Sam and Bucky are like, "Don't do it again, bestie", but John, they're like "This isn't you, give up the shield. No one else has to die." "I'm a Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don't I understand? Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are gonna hate me for it." *Iron Patriot: Ceases to exist apparently* Also, missed opportunity to make Bucky the voice of reason for John after losing his best friend and partner, seeing as Bucky and Steve could have been the perfect parallel for John and Lemar. But no, tag team the shit out of an emotionally compromised man while the show acts like it was the right thing to do. In Civil War, Zemo cautioned against putting Steve Rogers on a pedestal, he can kill or have his actions result in the deaths of any number of people but as long as his intent was good, he can do no wrong, because he's a hero. Sound familiar, antis? Not saying that killing bad guys is wrong, Steve and John are soldiers, a soldier kills, but what's important is that they kill the right people. Antis conveniently omit that understanding when it comes to John though... Think for yourselves, you're ignoring reasonable sequencing of events because you're too sprung on the Steve, Sam and Bucky crew to see the show is using cheap tactics to cover up sub par writing and avoidable contradictions. You'd have to be willfully obtuse to ignore that there are more good things to say about Walker than Sam or Bucky. Antis, tell me you can't comprehend characters with depth without telling me you can't comprehend characters with depth.
credit to https://zemoscurl.tumblr.com/ for the amazing tik tok
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Just saw your post about the post phase 1 Marvel movies and the meme you used for CA:CW. So I'm here to ask and get you cancelled. What did you think about the movie? Are you Team Stark or Team Rogers?
........................................................I knew this day would come......okay, let's get me cancelled!
I hate this movie, I hate this movie with every fiber of my being. Watching it was torture, it as the longest 20hrs of my life. It was like living out one of those very confusing math problems I started this movie at 10am somehow 6pm rolls around and there are still 2hrs left! Coño cómo?! I watched this with my mom, and when we checked how much time was left we were left looking at each other like 'que carajo what twilight zone bullshit is this?' It's one of those Marvel movies that I am so glad I did not waste my money on, I wish I could get a refund for my time but I made my choice and I shall now have to deal with it.
I hate this movie for many reasons but I'm not gonna make y'all wait any longer for what you're really here for because I know what y'all really want to know is whether I am Team Iron Man or Team Captain America. When it comes to the political aspects ie. the Accords, I am Team Neither.
Now, I cannot get into a comprehensive debate about the Accords because the writers did a shitty ass job, in a 2 and a 1/2 hour movie that felt like a lifetime, at explaining what exactly the Accords are in the movie universe. Emphasis on the movie universe, because I have seen debates go on in this motherfucking fandom where some people will bring up aspects from the comics Registration Acts but we're not talking about the comics okay, we're talking about the movies! And they're two fucking different things! And the movie did a shitty ass job at explaining what the Accords are, and that's one of the reasons I hate this movie: that it's so badly written.
But back to the point, which is where I stand on the teams when it comes to the politics, I am Team Neither because ultimately they were both idiots on how they handled this, and I think they both have good points like yes the Avengers and other superheroes should 100% be held accountable if they fuck up, the fact that they are superheroes and the "good guys" doesn't mean that their actions shouldn't have consequences but at the same time Steve's mistrust of the government and concerns that the team and others could be weaponized are also valid so I think they both have good points when it comes down to it and the smart thing to do - and in my opinion what would have made a much better film- would have been to come together and make like a counterproposal, decide on amendments, try to ensure they can get a representative so they have a voice on the table.
So, there you go when it comes to the Accords I am Team Neither however when it comes to the characters and their actions I am 1,000% Team Tony. At the end of the day he wanted to do what was best for both people and for his team, he wanted to keep the team together because he knew they were stronger together, and he was thinking long term not short term.
And then there's Steve who is an asshole in this film and completely lacks self awareness, cause there's a scene in the film after they've found out about the Accords where Steve goes "that's because he already made up his mind" about Tony and I'm just like bitch so did you, pot meet kettle, Rogers you knew from the get go that you weren't going to sign those papers don't go acting different and then like- here's the thing Steve has some very good points when it comes to the Accords but one of his points is that the UN is filled with people with agendas and agendas change which true but also motherfucker you yourself have an agenda! The whole Sokovia mess is an example that they cannot be trusted to hold themselves or each other accountable because inevitably the time will come where they'll want to protect their team mate like we see in this movie Steve do with Bucky, or how he wanted to protect Wanda because he looks at her as if she were a child not an adult. Steve, you lot are not exempt from having your own agendas and biases.
And through pretty much the entire movie, he has this whole my way or the highway attitude like this man does not know the meaning of compromise in this film, and he has such tunnel vision for Bucky- and listen! listen, listeeeeeen, I get it, I don't judge Steve for making his bestie a priority; I understand that Bucky is incredibly important to Steve, that he's the one person who's gonna look at him as just Steve and not as the Steve Rogers, I get that he carries a guilt over what happened to his friend, I understand he misses him, I understand all of that and respect the ride or die game but goddamn he was so focused on being a good friend to Bucky that he forgot about everyone and everything else and was a shit friend to Tony.
Actually a lot of people in this film were shit to Tony for no goddamn reason but Steve was such a shitty friend not telling Tony about his parents, that was a shitty ass thing to do and listen! I know what some of y'all are thinking you're thinking some version of 'he wanted to protect Tony' shut the fuck up. No, no, that's an excuse and it's a cheap one, you know damn well that was a shitty thing for Steve to do and y'all know damn well you would have reacted the same way Tony did if someone who you thought was your goddamn friend knew about something horrible that happened to people that were important to you and they never told you; that kind of shit hurts, and finding out someone you thought of as a friend doesn't care about you as much as you care about them hurts.
And y'all know goddamn well how emotions work, you know emotions aren't gonna wait for the rational brain to kick in don't some of y'all go playing dumb as if you didn't know this shit. Same way deep down all of y'all know Tony was holding his punches, that man gave Thanos a fight and got some blood if he had wanted to kill Bucky he would have. Don't none of y'all motherfuckers try to play games and act like you don't know this info.
Steve was a shit friend to Tony. Period. The least he could have done is have some empathy or compassion towards Tony when he saw his parent's being killed- and I swear to motherfucking god to the person who is getting close to their keyboard thinking of saying he showed compassion by not killing him back the fuck away from your motherfucking keyboard what did I tell you about playing stupid, this is properly tagged, stay in your fucking lane. Some of y'all be acting as if it were still 2016 and we're gonna be talking about that too, anon wanted my opinion on this film so now I'm going off.
Back to what I was saying, in some ways Steve wasn't a perfect friend to Bucky either cause he kept looking at Bucky and thinking of the guy he used to know but Bucky's not that person anymore, he's been through a lot of shit and it feels at times like Steve didn't fully realize that.
I hate Steve in this movie, I wanna punch him in the throat; he's an ass, he thinks he's above the rules, he's unaware of his own flaws, he might be a good friend to Bucky but that's it. I don't blame Steve though I blame the writers cause they're the ones who wrote him this way; moving on from Steve, I wanna talk about Wanda real quick, I don't hate the character of Wanda but I do hate the way she was written in this film, I hate that the writers expect us as an audience to look at this adult and think of her as a defenseless child who should be exempt from consequences, I hate that instead of actually doing something with her and exploring some interesting dynamics they just give her an AI boyfriend and a pinterest quote which sounds nice but falls flat especially considering she says said quote as she uses her powers (which is what people are afraid of) to send her love interest down several floors of a building. They could have done so many cool and interesting things with her, shame they didn't.
Another thing I hate about this film is what it did to the fandom, and how it was promoted because it was very much promoted as a pick your fighter, pick a side type of movie and after this movie came out I feel like the divide between Tony fans and Steve fans grew toxically and the effects are still seen to this day like some people really do be acting as if it were still 2016 and attacking others for what side they went with or for who their fav between the two is, and I'll be very honest a lot of the hate I have seen has been directed towards Tony and Tony fans. I hate that, I hate when TPTB deliberately pits fans against each other cause it just encourages a toxic environment.
Let me think was there anything that I liked about this film- wait, oh my god talking about all these other things I hate almost made me forget the thing I hate the most about this movie: it's pointless. Its existence is unnecessary; the biggest aspect of this film isn't the politics of the Accords, it's Steve and Bucky and how far Steve is willing to go for Bucky and have him by his side...but Endgame exists. The end of Endgame turns this film pointless, because the only true point of this movie is the relationship between Steve and Bucky that's the biggest takeaway from the whole thing, but then you have the end of Endgame where Steve just leaves Bucky.
I hated this film before I saw Endgame but after.....I never plan to watch Civil War again but if I did I'm pretty sure I'd self combust cause I'd be so angry I'd scream every time Steve appeared cause that son of a bitch ends up leaving; tears the whole team apart only to end up leaving his friend behind in the end.
I hate this film, I hate everything about it, well that's not true I love the Tony and Peter stuff, but aside from a couple of things I hate this movie, someone give me time stone I'm eliminating it from the timeline.
So, there you go those are my thoughts on CA: CW.
In conclusion, I am Team Neither on the Accords, Team Tony on everything else, Steve I still like you but this movie demoted you in my eyes and makes me wanna punch you in the throat.
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ckneal · 3 years
I sometimes wonder how the events of season 6 would have gone in an AU where Raphael ran away from Heaven, while Gabriel stayed behind to play lip service to the idea that God was still watching over them while really just doing his best to mediate between Michael and their younger siblings.
Imagine Raphael posing as.. I don’t know, Panacea, Greek goddess of healing? Or maybe Eir, Norse goddess that a hasty google search just told me was associated with medical help? Lurking in the background of the Winchesters’ lives while trying to quietly but firmly direct Castiel to stay out of meddling with Heaven’s preordained plans without revealing themselves, only to wind up doing so anyway because Castiel is and always has been the MOST exhausting of all their siblings. . .
Gabriel standing in the circle of holy fire, joking at first because he doesn’t really think that Castiel will leave him there. Because Castiel might’ve gotten confused a couple times growing up, but he’s not stupid enough to honestly think he could take on Michael and Lucifer with nothing other than a handful of human besties in his corner. Gabe at first trying to commiserate with Castiel’s feelings, sharing his own, that wherever God is, he doesn’t care about them, and then gradually dropping his flippant tone and shifting into, “Cas, it’s a suicide mission! There’s nothing you can do!” as Castiel walks away.
Lucifer later snickering at Raphael standing up for humanity. “Really, Raph? You’re not a fighter, don’t make me do this…”
And then season 6. The devastation Cas would have felt when he went to meet with the only archangel left, and hearing it from the big brother who was always the most friendly and approachable, that he needed to stand down or it would mean civil war.
And I don’t know about anyone else, but I really would love to see how that final scene with Raphael would have gone, when Raphael turned to Cas, knowing that the single most troublesome of their siblings, one that Raphael had lectured and even scolded so often over the millennia, was now poised to snuff out their existence, and said, “Would you really? Against your own brother?” Knowing it was a gamble as to whether or not Castiel would understand that Raphael played the role they did out of familial love. What would that moment had looked like, had it been Gabriel, the fun brother, the playful one who would laugh at the younger ones’ antics and help them cover up their messes before Michael would notice? Would Cas have still done the deed? 
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xsamsharons · 4 years
Top 5 Sharon Carter Moments (you can include stuff from the comics and the MCU)
WAAAA SO GLAD U ASKED. instead of doing a "top five" i'm gonna include some things and moments i just rly love.
"you picked the wrong side agent" "depends on where you're standing" WHILE HAVING A GUN AGAINST RUMLOW'S HEAD? ICONIC
when she takes over and becomes director of shield (granted, it doesn't last that long and she passes it down to maria, but smth about her being the first choice is so pleasant to me)
i love when we get to see her show off that she's actually a fantastic sniper.
her obsession with wanting to find the world's greatest hamburger is so random but so cute to me. i wanna be her gf and find it with her.
the fact that she has successfully evaded capture for either three years (if she was blipped) or eight years if she wasn't while being at the top of the "most wanted" lists of several different agencies across the world? that's right she's a bad bitch.
when we get to see her throw the shield !! waaaaaa
when she mentions she spars with valkyrie in the comics? can i PLEASE get to see that?
honestly 616 sharon is just iconic in general isn't she?
the way she doesn't hold any resentment towards bucky in civil war? she literally jokes about him trying to kill her. name a more understanding person.
the way she doesn't hesitate to put her career at risk to fight for the things she believes in.
stevesharon in the comics is so !! i love them sm and the fact that sharon is the one that proposes to him? so personal to me.
sambuckysharon's dynamic
her being brainwashed and trying to kill steve isn't necessarily one of my favorite comic moments but it WAS a very interesting arc and it added so much depth
when zemo thinks he's being all slick saying he updated his suit and sharon's just like ... "my suit is literally made by tony stark" and proceeds to kick his ass
her being able to keep nick fury alive until the medical team arrived when he had multiple gunshot wounds and was literally dying? period bestie!
her being the first one to stand up to alexander pierce instead of blindly following orders.
the fact that she's so good that steve immediately assumes they're talking about her when someone says "shield's best agent" (comics)
ok that's all i remember off of the top of my head but there's definitely other iconic moments so if you have any reblog and tell me or just reply to this post cause there's always room for more sharon carter.
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akajustmerry · 3 years
can i ask what you think bucky meant by saying the shield was the only family he had left? i know it's funny, but i'd love yo know your thoughts on the intention?
hi, sure thing! 
so, tfatws at it’s core it is a show about grief. grief is operating on so many levels in this series.
 you have the collective social grief caused by the snap/blip of people losing 5 years of their lives. you have karli’s grief for her cause and her mother motivating the flagsmashers. you have sharon’s grief over what she lost during civil war. you have zemo’s grief for the loss of his whole-ass country. you have izaiah bradley’s grief for his life and trauma. now you also have john walker’s grief over losing his friend. this show is all about grief and how people are driven to act in grief.
and at the core, u have sam and bucky’s grief for steve because fuck, can you imagine how fucking traumatic would be for you to have your bestie right there and then all of a sudden he fucks off and lives a life without you? can’t imagine how much grief and abandonment you’d feel for all that time lost, especially when you already lost 5 years cos of the snap. even if u were the two most understanding people in the world, you’d still be grieving. 
i can’t speak for everyone but when I’ve lost people suddenly in my life for whatever reason, i go through this immediate phase of harbouring objects attached to that person as a way of trying to keep them alive. there’s probably a name for this because lots of people do it when they’ve lost someone. it’s a common trope in storytelling for the bereaved to cling to items of significance as pieces of the people they’ve lost. 
that’s what bucky meant there. while the line is a little too literal perhaps to convey more subtly how the shield represents steve (not captain America, steve) to bucky, its intention is to convey how Bucky attached his feelings of grief and abandonment relating to steve to the shield in an attempt to hold onto steve. 
the thing about this phase of grief though is that you do move past it. eventually, you realise a person isn’t the items they left behind, and that’s also the intention in that line too. to show that bucky realises now that steve wasn’t the shield and punishing sam disproportionately for giving up the shield initially was as much him acting out his grief as it was not being aware of his white privilege. 
on a surface level the line is pretty goofy, but it's also very in character for bucky to say something so literal like that. dude’s not a poet, after all. what he’s saying when he says “the shield is the closest thing i have to a family” is acknowledging that grief attatchment the best way he can. the intention was to show, in character, bucky acknowledging his grief and apoligising for why he acted out.
i really loved that scene it was all about healing and moving forward after the death of a mutual friend. the symbolism of them throwing the shield between one another, ending with Bucky handing it to Sam and apologising........my heart felt so full!! 
tfatws deals with grief as a theme a lot better than wandavision tbh!! because all these characters are still held accountable for their grief, rather than it being a get out of consequences free trump card. 
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gospelofme · 4 years
Concerning Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Okay so I’ve seen some posts bitching and moaning about the amount of arguing or banter that will go down in this series based on a couple lines in trailers/clips that are a maximum of 2 minutes long. Buckle up, it’s going to be a long post.
For starters
If you go by the MCU timeline, Bucky and Steve have known each other since childhood. If you go by the comics, they met at age 15 or so. Basically Bucky and Steve have known each other for many many years. Then Bucky leaves Steve’s life after falling from the train car. Steve mourns him and eventually finds a new friend that he connects with in a similar way, Sam. They become besties and join forces together in Winter Soldier to fight Bucky. Steve is shocked AF his OG bestie is still alive, but obviously mind controlled. So after the events of that film, we learn in Ultron that Sam is helping Steve try to locate Bucky.
Remember: Sam has only ever known Bucky as The Winter Soldier. He has never known him as a friend. Ever. Only as a guy who tried to kill him and Steve and millions of others. Yet he understands Steve’s attachment to this dude.
Enter Civil War
Sam helps Steve track down Bucky and they both detain him and try to fix what’s broken. Sam is still distrustful of Bucky, but tolerates him because Steve trusts him. The two DO NOT get along in Civil War. Bucky goes back into stasis at the end of the film. Sam is not present for this.
Enter Black Panther
It’s revealed Bucky is out of stasis and is recovering. Black Panther takes place about a year after Civil War, but this doesn’t mean Bucky was taken out of stasis after a year since we don’t know when the end credit scene take place (at least I don’t).
Enter Infinity War (and this shit is important AF)
Steve Rogers: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0.
Sam Wilson: I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to.
Steve is directing Sam to Wakanda and Sam doubts it’s even there. Which means, he has never been here!! Which means, he has not spent ANY TIME with Recovering Bucky since Civil War (and he wasn’t even really recovering there honesty).
So Infinity War is the first time Sam and Bucky fight side-by-side since Civil War, which was two years ago. And it’s not really close fighting since Sam is flying around with Rhodes. Same with Endgame. They were in the same battle but not fighting together.
Falcon and the Winter Soldier marks the FIRST TIME these two characters HAVE TO WORK with each other after essentially avoiding each other since 2016.
The dialogue in this clip sum up their relationship perfectly:
Sam: enjoy your ride Buck!
Barnes: No, you can’t call me that.
Sam: Why not? That’s what Steve called you?
Barnes: Steve knew me longer.
Bucky is likely feeling replaced in a way. Or feels that he has to compete for Steve’s friendship with Sam. Remember when Steve was a kid, Bucky was likely his only friend. I don’t think he’s used to Steve having other friends.
It’s like this:
You have a childhood best friend. One day they move away. You’re sad but eventually make a new friend. Then that original best friend returns and doesn’t really get along with your new friend. There is that competition between them for your attention.
I have a feeling the arguing in this series will be minimal and frankly understandable. These are two people who are essentially strangers being forced to work together. They have a common friend in Steve which is why they tolerate each other. And Steve is an old man now, so for all we know their commonality may be soon gone.
Sam has only ever known Bucky as an enemy. And Bucky doesn’t really know Sam at all. This series may very well show the beginnings of their friendship and learning how to trust each other.
As Sam learns to accept and handle his new found position of Captain America (one I don’t think he believes he deserves, which may be the core of the tension between him and Bucky...Steve choosing Sam over his lifelong best friend to wield the shield), he must learn how to trust Barnes as Steve did (or does).
And as Barnes learns how to live a life not controlled by Hydra and learning how to trust his own thoughts, he must learn how to trust Sam as Steve did (or does). Barnes is very socially inept, he hasn’t had the time (besides the maybe year to two in Wakanda) to recover from 70 years of Hydra mind control.
It’s not fair to expect him and Sam to form as tight a friendship as he had with Steve in a matter of months. And the same goes for Sam, his first official introduction to this guy was when he tried to kill him on a freeway.
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