#the character stares at it. moves the feathers one by one without touching them
marlynnofmany · 10 days
Hey, time to overanalyze magic again. It makes sense to me -- follow closely now -- that earthbending would just be the control of rocks. It's all the minerals that come from the ground, and sure, even some artificially created ones as long as they have the same structure. But just rocks. Not dirt.
Why not, you ask? I invite you to consider what dirt actually is. It's lots of things! Some rock dust, yes, but also crumbled plants, and decomposed animals, and a variety of fungus, and bits of poop from creatures both microscopic and large. Basically, it's a mess of all things organic (plus tiny rocks).
You don't want an earthbender for dirt.
You want a necromancer.
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ironychan · 7 months
Today's explorations brought us a couple of new birds. The first one was only today on a technicality, because it was a very wee hour indeed when Valdez let herself into our tent and woke me up to tell me there was a really weird animal outside and she knew I'd want to see it. Kibwana refused to get up, but Reynolds and I followed her to an old log, where we found this:
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It looks something like a cross between a crane, a grey owl, and an anteater. It and its fluffier offspring were crouched by the log, tilting their heads back and forth to listen, and then they'd lick out with long tongues to catch insects. They didn't seem to need to open their beaks to do this, and I'm not actually sure they could open - I never saw them do so. If the adult needed to pull more of the log apart, it would use the four-inch blunt talon on the end of each otherwise useless wing.
Reynolds says the way the feathers fan out around each eye is actually an adaptation for hearing - it funnels sound into the ears like a radio dish. The adult bird was clearly aware of us and looked directly at us several times, but since we weren't coming any closer it didn't seem bothered as long as we didn't make any sudden movements. Eventually it got its fill of ants and wandered off.
We asked Valdez what she was doing so far from our campsite in the middle of the night. She said she wanted to get further from the fire (which we leave smoldering so the wildlife won't get too nosy) in order to look at the stars. Apparently she's been mapping them. She's even invented several constellations based on tools and animals. I guess we all have our little keep-sane projects.
She was telling me more about it around lunchtime, while the two of us were scrounging for edible plant material, when we got today's second bird. This one was a bastard.
It was very tiny, mostly black on top with an ochre-coloured underside patterned with black v's, and a white mark on the back of its neck. It was also very round with tiny feet and absolutely adorable. I couldn't believe how lucky I was when it landed on my arm and put its beak right up against my skin. I figured it was licking up sweat for salt or something. I was wrong.
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After a second or two I realized a bead of blood was forming where it touched me, and when I took a closer look I saw that it actually had a very long, needle-like upper beak that had gone right into my skin without me even feeling it, and a very short lower beak that it opened to let its little tongue lap up the blood. I'm sure I took this in for just a split second, but it felt like I stared at for an hour, unable to move. The image is burned into my retinas. I keep seeing it when I close my eyes.
I hollered and shook it off me, and it flew away. Boonmee put some alcohol on the puncture and told me to watch it carefully for signs of infection. Other than that there's not a lot I can do but wait and see how many diseases the little bugger gave me.
We took several suggestions for the name of the vampire bird, but seem to have settled on Reynolds', which was White-Naped Syrinx. 'Syrinx' is a character from Greek mythology and also the root word from which we get 'syringe'. It is also apparently the word for a bird's voice box. This would be much more interesting to me if I didn't have a hole in my arm.
Somebody suggested calling the anteater bird an owlvark, but Vandebeek said 'aardvark' means 'earth pig' in Dutch, so a more accurate name would be 'aarduil'. When somebody writes a bestiary for this future, we now know what the first page will be.
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mostly-imagines · 19 days
"He shakes his head, staring up blankly. “Sure, we’re friends.”
“We’re friends and you like me,” you reiterate.
He really wishes you’d stop saying that. “Okay.”
“I like you too. Even though you’re kinda sketchy.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that.
You hum into the silence, looking up at the ceiling. “J…James, Jack, John…”
He smiles, gaze dancing across the egg-whitened popcorn texture of the ceiling. “I’m not going to tell you.”
I love everything about this, Jason basically too flustered to say anything and reader carrying this scene completely on liquid courage. I love how you build up their friendship, seeing Jason happy to be around reader and how they're getting closer with each interaction that they have.
"He feels this warmth in his heart that if he didn’t know any better, he’d call burning. His hands feel numb and he can distinctly feel the beat of his own heart in his chest, thrumming away.
He presses his lips to your forehead with a feather light touch, slow to pull away. He doesn’t make it all the way back to his original position before his movement lulls and his body relaxes again, joining you gladly in unconsciousness."
Morgan, my heartttttttttt🥺. I say this as normally as a mentally stable person can, I need to take a look into your brain. You wrote this scene perfectly and I don't really have much to say. You have this amazing talent for being able to perfectly encapture the feelings of the characters and describe them in a way that makes it the reader's own feelings, their own perspective.
"“Huh?” He throws back a tired glance, “Oh. They're..curtains.”
He looks at you blankly, “You don’t have any curtains.”
You blink. “Explain.”
“It’s dangerous for people to just be able to look in and see you. So. Curtains.” For a guy who reads Dostoevsky, he’s not much of a wordsmith. Though that could be the concussion."
I really do think that one of Jason's main love languages would likely be acts of service and this plays right into that. He might not always know exactly what to say or how to get his emotions across, but he'll show you he cares and that's exactly what gets across in this scene. You manage to show the reader, instead of telling us, that yes Jason may not be the best at verbalising how much he cares but he'll do what he can to show it.
"He nods his permission at you without delay, and you shift yourself over to sit fully on his lap, straddling him on the sofa. You put your focus into cleaning his wound, but you have to notice how deep he’s breathing and how he’s seemingly trying very hard to avoid eye contact. You’re sure your own breath is uneven and telling, and frankly you’re kind of hoping he has a concussion just so he might not notice it.
An unexpected sting has him flinching and grabbing your hips on instinct, a certain heaviness lingering in the air after contact. His hand tenses and he’s about to remove them from you completely when you manage to catch his gaze, and the few moments of silent eye contact are enough to convince him to stay. He forces his hands to relax against your waist, his fix on your face wavering before fizzling away completely."
From the tension, to the pace, the look, and the silence, all of it works together to achieve such an amazingly written scene. One thing I've always noticed about your works is that its clear how much planning, thought, and skill goes on in the background. How every detail you include and every scene you write forms part of the bigger picture and how when it all comes together, it's like pieces of a puzzle clicking together perfectly, designed that way from the beginning.
"His head leans forward just barely before stopping. He retreats slightly and his body ultimately decides to come closer. He doesn’t stop until his lips, slightly parted, skim across yours.
Your breath catches as he looms nearer, lips touching against yours softly. He tests that pressure out for a moment, before moving to kissing you with more intent. You kiss him back, and though there’s an increasing resolve on both of your parts, though the connection itself remains gentle, reposeful."
The kiss. The Kiss. THE KISS. I literally don't know what to say. Morgan how you manage to outdo yourself consistently, not only showing the multitude of skills that you have, but also how you can bring them together to write a story, is something I really hope you are insanely proud.
This is getting a lot longer than I expected so I'm going to fast forward to the end but let me clarify that even the scenes I haven't quoted here are just as high quality as the rest of your writing. Writing is definitely a skill on it's own, but to know your characters well enough, to know your story well enough to be able to bring it all together like you have is easily the mark of a great writer.
"You engulf the note in your palm, nodding sincerely. His eyes flicker across your face, like he’s thinking about something. He hesitates for a moment, turning towards you, away from you, then towards you again. He holds the back of your head tenderly before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead.
You look at each other up close for a second with nothing short of starry eyes before he turns away and ducks out the window.
You open up your palm and look down at the paper, at the ten digits scrawled across it.
Must be official."
I definitely haven't said this enough but, wow. Just wow to everything. Calling what you have a talent is definitely an understatement. I hate how much worse the likes to reblog ratio has gotten recently because I can say without a doubt that it is the complete opposite to how many of us feel. Thank you for choosing to share your work with us Morgan. I know how disheartening it can be to feel like you are pouring so much work into something only to not have it be appreciated, but know that there are some of us here that do and will continue to support you no matter what. 💕💕Remember to drink water and eat healthy💕💕
i am not the same person i was before reading this i am not the same writer i was before reading this i dont know who you are yet but i would die for you do you like girls because i like you
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musings-and-fandoms · 4 months
Heyo! I hope you enjoy this fic. It's my first time writing something like this lol.
Rating: M
Characters: Dick x reader
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Dick and you were sitting on the couch trying to be secrete with your flirting and cuddling with Tim and Damian in the kitchen a few feet away from you two. The siblings could sense that you needed some privacy and Tim spoke,
                “Tim, I think an evening drive would be lovely tonight, yes? We could see the sunset, I know how you love the Gotham sunset,” Tim snorted and played a long.
                “Yes, that sounds wonderful! Will you two be alright if we went?” he addressed you and Dick. You nodded eagerly. Damian went to grab the car keys from the hook at the door. “We shouldn’t be more than an hour or so, you two have fun,” They left in a hurry.
                “Fucking finally!” You said. “I thought we’d never get some time to ourselves tonight,” Dick laughed and pulled you into his lap and went for a kiss. It was electric and needy. Tongues danced around each other as they tried to swallow the other into the kiss. You sighed heavily and gently bit Dick’s bottom lip, sucking on it causing Dick to let out a deep groan. You two broke apart panting heavily; staring into each other’s eyes for a moment before going back to another needy kiss.
                “I’ve got to have you,” you said. “Please,” Your hands worked on his belt undoing it with ease with quick nimble fingers. Dick could feel himself getting aroused and painfully hard from the friction of your thighs rubbing against him as you two made out sloppily. He hisses as you cupped his bulge through his boxers and Dick leaned into the touch.
                Dick wasted no time in getting your clothing off fully, being thrown across the room haphazardly. Dick moved his mouth to your neck and sucked and gently bit at the soft skin. You mewled in pleasure, your body on fire as Dick gave a series of kisses down your collar bone where he bit hard, causing you to yelp and jump.
                “Sorry, too hard?” he mumbled as he steadied your hips against his and rocked into yours. (Y/N) let out a soft sigh at the movement.
                “N-no, love. I will definitely have a love bite there tomorrow,” You toyed with Dick’s nipples; twisting and pinching them causing the clone to let out a small hiss of pleasure.
                “You’re a tease, babe,” he said as he took one of your breasts into his mouth and sucked hard.  You let out a louder moan as your sensitive nipple was being played with in Dick’s mouth. There would be another hickey there as well.
 Heat swelled in your lower belly, and Dick could feel your pussy getting wet. You wanted to touch yourself so badly, but Dick wouldn’t allow it—not without permission.
“I need you to touch me, please,” You whispered into the man’s ear. “Please, love,” Dick chuckled low and moved his hands down his lover’s body slowly teasing the hot flesh with feather light touches causing you to arch into the touch. “Shit, Dick,”
Dick reached the hem of the panties that you wore and paused for a moment to look at them. They were light blue with a small bow and lace trim; he couldn’t wait to take them off, but there would be enough time. Using one of his fingers, Dick rubbed a knuckle against the soft fabric and noticed how wet you were already. You involuntarily pushed into his touch letting out a needy moan. 
                “Fuck, you’re already so wet for me, baby,” he whispered as he rubbed them through the thin material. You let out another whimper of pleasure and hitched their hips into the touch. “How much do you want me?”
“Please, Dick, please, I need you, please,” you whispered in a husky tone. “It’s been too long!” Dick rubbed your sensitive mound a little harder making sure to not rub the sensitive bud too much.
“It has,” Dick mumbled. “God, I just want to take you hard and fast, but we’re going to take our time, got it?” you whimpered, and you closed your eyes. “I’m going to make you enjoy this time we have,”                 You sighed and slowed your hips against the other’s finger against her wet mound. “O-okay, babe,” Dick loved it when you called him pet names; it was so sexy the way it came out. He captured your mouth once again in a hot passionate kiss. You both moaned against each other’s mouths as you rocked their hips against his causing an electric tingle to go up both your spines.
                Dick stood up, easily holding his lover against his flushed body and walked them into Dick’s bedroom, where he gently laid you down on the bed. He positioned himself on top of your body making sure he wasn’t putting his full weight on yours.
                “Hey,” you quietly said as you made eye contact in the moment. Strong emotions welled up inside their chest which you could only describe as passion and love for your lover. “I’m so lucky to have you,”
Dick cupped your face in his hands and gently kissed your forehead tenderly.
“So am I,” Dick replied before giving you another gentle kiss on the lips. You kissed repeatedly like you couldn’t get enough of each other. Dick slipped a hand in between your thighs once again rubbing at your sex gently; causing you to sigh against his mouth. He could feel your want, and it only drove him crazier, but Dick pulled himself together. How he wanted to just wreck his you until your body gave out from pleasure.
You moved their hips against the fingers that were currently driving you mad trying to get more friction or anything. Dick really knew how to tease you to drive you crazy carnally. You needed more of him; you wanted to meld into Dick’s body to become one with him. You just needed Dick and only Dick.
“Dick, please, I need you,” you moaned. “Please,”
Dick chuckled as he kissed your stomach making a trail down to your panties. “Since you asked so nicely,” He hooked his fingers along the elastic and in one quick motion pulled them off your body and tossed it on the floor. With no time wasted, Dick gave one strong lick to your weeping cunt; causing you to cry out in pleasure and arch off the bed.
“Fuck! A little warning would’ve been nice,” you panted. The man only chuckled as he continued to lick and suck at the sensitive flesh. It drove you crazy.
Dick could hear you moaning and cursing under your breath as he continued to eat you out. He ran his tongue down your slit, circling the entrance which was soaking wet already. Going back up to your clit, which was swollen, Dick licked it with earnest. You arched off the bed; crying out at the intensity of pleasure you were feeling throughout your body. It was maddening; all you could do was make noise and ride the waves. You were already so close to the edge, and you knew Dick could tell by the way he was sucking at your sensitive flesh.
“Dick, Dick, Dick,” you chanted over and over again as you could feel your climax approaching just from his mouth on your cunt. “I’m close, I’m so close,” Finally, you felt your orgasm approach and it hit hard. Pleasure crashed throughout your body causing you to spasm and cry out loudly. You felt like had been cumming for minutes as Dick didn’t let up their onslaught against your pussy until you had to forcefully push him away.
                “Oh, fucking hell,” you repeated and squirmed as the orgasm subsided, but you still felt the high of the aftershocks. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you tried to calm your breathing down. “Fuck, holy fucking shit. That was amazing, Dick,” The euphoria of the climax made you dizzy but in a good way.
                Dick felt pride in what he caused. He always loved seeing you in throws of pleasure that he created. Moving back up your body, leaving kisses here and there, he captured your mouth once again in a kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips and you licked Dick’s bottom lip getting more of yourself.
                “If you think that was amazing, just you wait until I’m fucking you hard into the mattress,” he mumbled into the kiss. That sent a shiver down your spine. “Ready for round two?” You nodded eagerly.
                Dick repositioned himself in between your legs, focused on the task at hand. He slipped one finger into your hot wet entrance pumping it in and out. Once he deemed it okay, a second finger was added. You groaned at the second intrusion and clamped down around the two digits. With the other hand, Dick gently rubbed circles on your clit. Dick took his time opening you up to be able to take his thick member. Crooking his fingers up against your wet walls, Dick brushed against the spot where he knew would drive you mad.
                “Oh shit, Dick,” you moaned and pushed down harder against his fingers. “Yeah, right there, baby,” He sped up with movements until only the room was filled with your moans and the wetness of your pussy as he fingers fucked you. Your cries got louder as they were once again nearing the edge of bliss. Dick didn’t let up; he knew you were close as he rubbed your clit harder and added a third finger inside. That sent you over. You screamed in pleasure as waves of an intense orgasm crashed through your body.
                Dick groaned at the sight of his lover in the throes of passion. Just seeing you in pure bliss almost sent him over the edge too, but luckily, he controlled himself. Warm liquid oozed out of your entrance coating his hand and the bed; he had made you squirt. He removed his fingers and tasted you on them. Another groan escaped him as he sucked on his fingers.
You lay on the bed panting as you rode your last bit of high. “Fuck,” you whispered. “That was fucking amazing, Dick,” Dick smiled at you; happy that they could bring such pleasure to you.
“We’re just getting started, love,” he said. “Do you need a minute to gather yourself?” You laughed at the question and shook your head; you were ready for another round. Dick took your legs and hooked them over his arms as he was guided by you into your hot core slowly. He moaned loudly and tried to keep himself from cumming from the sheer intensity of your hot and wet canal. You squeezed yourself around Dick’s large member a couple of times to test the waters. Every time, you could never get used to his cock being so big. You hissed in a combination of pleasure and pain. “You alright?” he asked.
“Y-yeah, it’s just been a while,” you replied. “Forgot how big you are,” Dick leaned down and kissed you, hoping it would help through the process of entering. When Dick was fully sheathed inside of you, he waited to get the all clear; giving you time to adjust to his size. You moved your hips slowly testing out the waters with each gentle thrust. Dick’s member brushed against the spot inside you deliciously and you couldn’t help but to let out a breathy moan and arched into the movement.
“You need to go faster,” you said and met his hips in a thrust. “Please, shit, go harder and faster,” Dick took that cue to do such that. He picked up his pace and threw your legs over each shoulder to get a deeper angle. All you could do was writhe under the man’s merciless pounding. The room was filled with moans and skin slapping against skin as you both chased your orgasms. Each thrust from Dick filled you to the brim over and over again. You cried out unintelligible noises, digging your heels into Dick’s shoulders as he met his every thrust into your core.
Dick was losing his control of himself. Seeing you in the throes of wanton bliss and need drove him to go harder and harder. He slipped out and without any warning, flipped you onto your stomach and entered you again in one smooth motion. You buried your face into the pillow, biting it. The new angle that Dick was pounding you with was deep and aggressive—the way you liked it. All you could do was grab the headboard and seek out your pleasure.
 You could feel Dick was closing to his climax and you wanted to be able to come together. It was like Dick knew what you wanted, and he reached around to your front and vigorously rubbed at your swollen clit. you cried out in pleasure at the assault from both sides. You moaned like a needy whore, body convulsing with every thrust and touch your climax was coming hard and fast. A scream tore through your throat as strong passion swelled throughout your entire body as your orgasm took you. It felt like it lasted forever, and you didn’t want it to end; you loved the high that came with the release. You could feel and hear Dick behind you finding his own end as his movements became erratic and then stilled as he emptied his seed inside.
Eventually, you two came down from your euphoria and you cleaned up as best as you could. Dick made sure that you were doing alright after the many rounds of orgasms you had. Lying in the bed, basking in the afterglow of the escapades, half asleep, you two talked quietly to one another until you both drifted off to sleep.
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miintsprigz · 8 months
Hey there!! Can you write something about the mercs reactions to a GN!Reader showing signs of toxicity towards the mercs and them confronting them and rebuilding their relationship together. It would be really cute :3 especially with scout (I just think he's a soft boyo lololol)
Not gonna lie to ya, this one was a challenge for me, I even asked to have it proofread. It’s not often I see a prompt like this. I really like it though—I don’t think we see repairing relationships and changing toxic behavior enough. It so often gets shut down, and while unfortunately there are times where you must separate, sometimes you can work on it!
So thank you for such a raw and real prompt, Anon. I appreciate you, and I hope that this meets your expectations and makes you smile.
GN!Reader who shows some toxicity from previous relationships
Song used for inspiration: Heart To Heart by Mac Demarco
Characters: Scout (TF2)
Warnings: uh, I don’t know—there are implications of past relationship trauma here (toxic behavior is sadly often learned from previous toxic relationships), so please be wary of that. Also, this may be considered a somewhat “difficult conversation”, but I promise you it ends well.
You sat on your bed, staring at your feet as they dangled just above the floor. A fast heartbeat pounded in your ears, you swore you could feel the blood coursing through every part of you.
Jeremy had said that he…wanted to talk to you. He wasn’t always the most conscientious of the connotation of his words. As soon as terror flooded your face, he had immediately clarified.
“You’re not in trouble, I promise! Geez, now I know how Ma felt…no, but it’s somethin’ serious…somethin’ important, ya know?”
That still left a good bit to the imagination.
So as the Scout finally made his way over to your room, you felt sick to your stomach. You still got that trademark knock on your doorframe.
“Hey. All set?”
Ready as I’ll ever be. Which is not at all.
You nodded your head, feeling the beginnings of a lump in your throat.
You felt the bed sink just a little as he sat down beside you—light as a feather, always, even holding still.
“I’m sorry that I made a whole big deal here but…well, it is a big deal to me.”
You truly thought you knew what was coming. You’d heard it before, out of people’s mouths, in the things they didn’t say, and echoing for years longer in your own mind, after the people voicing it were long out of your life.
“…you’ve had enough of me?”
Genuine shock filled his voice, you could feel him go rigid.
“No. Absolutely not. That…that’s not even a thought in my mind, (Y/N), honest.”
Out of the corner of your eye, through quickly blurring vision, you saw a bandage-wrapped hand reaching for yours. You felt frozen, distant. Giving you a moment to move if you wanted to, he placed his hand over yours gently.
“Could ya just take a breath, babe? Please.”
You did just that, the sound rattling painfully. Why couldn’t you get through things like this without getting so emotional…
“I am not goin’ anywhere, okay? You know I love you, right?”
“…does it…not feel that way sometimes?”
The question sort of brought you back a bit, out of the haze of dread that conversations like this thrusted you into.
“Yeah. I could kinda tell.”
Oh no. “I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay, don’t worry, lemme just explain a bit here—”
His fingertips brushed the back of your hand. A few tears escaped your eyes, but somehow, the gentle touch grounded you a bit.
“See…I forget stuff a lot. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. You know it, I know it. And I know it’s not good. But sometimes, when I do that, even if it’s by accident, it feels like ya kinda…shrink back? Or if I tell ya somethin’s goin’ on… Ya get quiet, even after I say I’m sorry, and…I just worry.”
He fidgeted a little, trying to sit more upright.
“And so…Spy talked to me, the other day. He felt bad revealin’ it—ah, who am I kiddin’, the guy loves this stuff—that you said I’m… really loud. And I’m sometimes too… in your face?”
You could feel your face flush as you remembered what you had said. Part of you was mad at Spy for telling Scout, he surely knew this was sensitive information…but…
“He said he told you that you should tell me to cut it out…and it seemed ta him like ya thought I wouldn’t do anything if ya did.”
You looked up to find that he was already looking right at you. He didn’t look angry. Not anywhere. But surely he must have been…right?
“…was it somethin’ like that?”
Slowly, you nodded your head, feeling your shoulders go stiff.
He looked down at his hand, still over yours, and looked back up at you worriedly.
“…I think ya might be doin’ it now. And I might be too. Do you want me ta move back?”
Jeremy’s eyes went wide, blinking quick, before his mouth went taut on the edges.
“…are ya sure that ya mean that?”
You went to reassert that yes, yes you did…but you knew that you didn’t mean that. The contact had helped at first, but it was too much right now. Slowly, you shook your head.
“…yeah. See, (Y/N), this is why I wanted ta talk.”
His hands folded together, pulling away from you. You couldn’t look at him anymore, staring down at your lap through a veil of tears.
“Ya can look down if it helps ya. I know this is kinda…scary, I guess? But just listen to me, please.”
You nodded, and did just that.
Scout took a breath, and it felt like he was weighing each word.
“You want me to feel at ease when we’re together, right?”
You nodded again. His voice was so soft. The normally bombastic and energetic speed and volume had been dialed down. So careful. Very unlike how he was with the others.
“Yeah. I want you to feel that way, too. And if that means that I gotta knock somethin’ off, I’d like you…ta let me know, ya know what I mean?”
A slightly nervous laugh sounded from him, and you were beginning to see what he was trying to say.
He did forget important dates—you knew he didn’t mean to, but it hurt. And as much as you loved seeing him happy and excited, the volume and the physical contact could be extremely overstimulating.
“I’m not angry at you at all, by the way. I never wanted you ta feel like that. Maybe other people have gotten mad at ya for, for tellin’ em you didn’t like stuff they did. But I won’t. I promise ya that. And you know how stubborn I am about promises.”
A slight smile came to your face, even with how hard you were trying not to cry.
“…did people do that to ya, (Y/N)? People ya grew up with? Or other folks ya dated?”
Your lip quivered, and again, you nodded your head.
“Oh…I’m sorry, baby. That ain’t right. Not at all. You’re never gonna get any of that with me, and if you do? You tell me. Don’t hold nothin’ back, okay? Cuz that’s the last thing I’d ever wanna do to ya.”
Feeling bold enough to look up again, in spite of basically falling apart at this point, you caught a switch between the most serious you had ever seen Scout…and possibly the most adoring look he’d ever given to you.
“…I love you so much, (Y/N). I don’t know if I’ve ever loved anyone so much. I’m tellin’ ya all this because I love ya! You’re such a sweetheart—you’re always lookin’ out for me. Very few people have done that, so it means everythin’ ta me.”
You exhaled softly, a muted laugh, and that seemed to perk him up even more.
“And I don’t just love what ya do, I love everything you are. The way ya smile, the way ya make jokes, the way ya sing…it’s all so…so good, baby. You are so good.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. If he had a tail, it would be wagging. The voices that so often nagged at you that he’d get tired of you went dead silent whenever he talked like this. And in moments like these, you knew he was telling the truth.
“You make me feel like I’m on top of the world. So, could ya give me the chance ta look out for you, too? Cuz I want to. Tell me anything, and I’ll do the best I can to make it happen. I’m always gonna be a little loud, a little clingy, a little…obnoxious. But…you knew that, right?”
Slowly, you nodded, wiping your eyes, your tears having subsided.
“Yeah. And I love you so much because of…a-and sometimes, in spite of those things.”
“See? There ya go!! That was great. May I uh…”
Scout stretched his hand out, and, now wanting to hold it, you quickly grabbed on tight, and tried to pull him in closer. He caught on quick.
“Oh…oh! Okay, hang on…”
Wrapping you in his arms, Scout held you close.
“Is this good?”
You fidgeted a little, then nodded. “Yeah. This is great, Jeremy. Hey…”
“…thank you. For talking to me. I know it can be hard to talk stuff through with me sometimes. I was so, so scared…that you were just done…”
“I knew ya were, babe. And I hate seein’ ya hurtin’ so much. But, I think…when ya love a person—like, really love ‘em—you’ll do what ya gotta do to make it the best it can be. Even if that means doin’ scary stuff.”
“Yeah…yeah, I think I got it.”
Giggling a little, Jeremy reached for the side of your face with one hand, and you leaned into it, craning your head upwards to peck him on the lips before you curled up against his chest.
“I know it’s hard when ya learned somethin’ one way for years, and now ya gotta…unlearn it, I guess? Honestly, it was hard not ta mess around with the resta the guys when I first got here, cuz I was used’ta it with my brothers back home. But…honestly, I got a different deal with these wackos, so the change kinda works out.”
Giggling at his teasing the others, you looked back up at him, feeling your once racing heart now only aflutter with joy at being in the arms of the man you loved.
“…I think this one works out too.”
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berryless · 3 months
Weekend worth of all at once
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Sunday x Original Female Character (Fluff, PG || 970 words || preening, kissing, memories, Stellaron Hunter Sunday AU, a pinch of angst (?))
next part ⤞
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Read this work on Archive of Our Own.
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"I miss your wings," Sejal would say, and Sunday would stare at the message for long enough to blur the last six letters.
Still, he would write, "Interesting you only mention one part."
And without missing a beat she would answer, "Others adjacent parts are also welcome to visit. If you remember to grab them, I might even kiss you."
"Only if?"
"Hmm. Tough question. Fine. Kissing is still on the table even if only one thing comes."
"You spoil me."
"Someone should."
They never talked about their feelings or their future, that plural, shared between them two 'they' remaining quiet and illusive. As if agreed in silent acquiescence that nothing born out of the dream could last far into waking.
Given that those last years in preparation for Charmony Festival Sunday was spending with his life as it was on a timer, it fit him just fine.
Still, bits and pieces of affection managed to slip through the layer of preterition, and each time he swallowed them hungrily, pecking Sejal's fingers for crumbs until they bled. Whatever she was giving him, couldn't be enough to satiate him, but Sunday never asked for more.
What right did he have for that?
Even if his heart would skip a beat when she would tackle him in the doorway as soon as the door was closed, warm and soft and sweet and kissing his head off until everything before him swayed, and he had to hold onto her, hugging tight, fingers digging into soft hips, leaving imprints.
"That was quite the greeting," Sunday said, hiding his shaken breath in Sejal's cheek as he pulled her closer.
"I think it was appropriate level of excitement to display since I'm getting the full package of real you," she laughed, but Sunday suddenly felt guilty.
Because as real as he could be with her, it was never in full.
She caught his wing between her fingers, ruffling the feathers.
"Oh, someone looks ready to hatch."
Sunday blinked.
"You growing new feathers, right? Come on, I'll help you."
He let himself to be led into the room and pinned against the backrest with Sejal straddling his lap.
Only then the words returned.
"That's the reason you mentioned wings?"
"Mmm-hmm… Noticed it last week… Now, don't move, I don't want to hurt you."
Sunday opened his mouth to stop her, but nothing came out. His hands that found perch on Sejal's hips pulled her closer as he leaned his cheek against her head. Her nose almost touched his wing with how close she inspected it. Sunday found it hard to breathe with her smothering him this way, but didn't complain.
He was long used to taking care of himself. Not that it was hard with mirrors around.
Still, he remembered the childhood. Mom's soft touch and Robin's restless pinches—little she was always eager to free him as soon as possible. Sejal felt like neither. She held him close and firm, trapped in her embrace, her touch heavy, but not unkind.
"Heh. All ready."
She pulled away, but Sunday didn't let her, holding the back of her neck as he kissed her. Sejal first froze, but soon melted into his hold, her arms snaking around him, scent of her warm slightly wet skin and clean soap enveloping him like a second hug.
"Is that a display of gratitude, or you trying to change the topic? Because I only checked one."
"I can do that myself," Sunday finally said, his fingers trailing over Sejal's cheek.
"I know. I just want to do it for you."
They came so easy out of her mouth, those words.
Sunday caught them with his own lips, mulling, biting them over, rolling them on his tongue.
Many people were ready to do things for him. He hardly needed asking for volunteers, just assigning things were sufficient enough.
He never asked Sejal, though.
Whatever she was giving him, she was always the one deciding to share, pulling and pushing the line of admission, letting him in step by step.
Into her dreams, her body, her waking self, her touch, her…
Sunday couldn't bring himself to think the last word, even inside his own mind.
It wasn't fair of him to think about it. To want it. To ask for it.
Whatever Sejal was giving him should've been enough.
Except it never was, no matter how wide he opened his mouth.
"Hmm, seems someone's ready to welcome their new feathers," Kafka laughed, lightly ruffling his wing. Sunday flinched, pulling it away to cover his face.
"I can do that myself," he said calmly.
"Suit yourself," the woman smiled, leaning against the table he was sitting at. "But if you want some help, little bird, you know you can ask for it. We don't bite."
"I'll make a point to remember."
"No nervousness before your grand debut?"
"It would hardly be my first time following the predetermined script."
"Hmm. Good attitude. Keep it."
He didn't need instructions to do as such.
After dealing with the feather, Sunday washed his hands from keratin dust and looked in the mirror to determine whether or not he needed changing the suits.
In his pocket laid the phone with two named contacts, opened with draft letters consisting only of ellipses.
Sunday pulled it out to check them both, but didn't write to neither.
Silverwolf could probably restore the history of his communications, but Sunday could never ask for that.
Everything that was left at Penacony belonged to the past, and it was where it should stay.
Still, his finger slid over five pointed letters, pausing on the last one before leaving the app and turning the phone down.
No matter how wide he would open his mouth now, nothing would fall into it, and that was the way he chose for himself.
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 2 - New World
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Who's this but my girl Sika ! A bit about this drawing :
Sika is a very free spirited and adventurous teen. She loves to ran right into the unknown without looking back. With this joyful but impulsive personality of her's, who else than Terra could ground her yet still let her enjoy the experience ?
I can easily picture Sika insisting they land on Lilo's and Stitch world to see the beautiful scenery. Terra obviously would end up folding because he relates to her sheltered childhood and wants her to experience new thing.
This piece was quite a challenge for me as I never ventured to drawing lilo and stitch before ahah
The routine of the Vulpes union was all around rather boring for teenagers : taking note of the day's mission, going into some world they already visited hundreds of times before, collecting the bare minimum of lux and going back home black and blue from the fights against various heartless. Bunny couldn't say she hated it.
After all, once in a while, she could team up with her brother or friends. It was always fun to spend time with either even if the whole fighting for her life part wasn't the most relaxing. She felt stuck in a way in this rut, this ever ending circle that never stopped. For years now she has led this existence. The girl wasn't even fifteen and she already felt bored of the responsibilities and expectations everyone had of her.
Walking down a flowery path, she couldn't help but glance at her surroundings. This forest was simply breathtaking. Greenery upon greenery grew out of control, savage yet surreal in its beauty. She wondered when was the last time she came about such a beautiful world before. In the little time she had been exploring, she had seen numerous sceneries. Most were gorgeous… Well, really, all of them were for a child who grew up in a small coastal town.
Her eyes followed the tree seams, the grass paths, the little leaves falling from the sky. She was hypnotized. The nature was calm, birds singing far away. A new and foreign place. That's when she heard it. The splash of water. The slight rustling of someone nearby.
Her instincts kicked in before she even thought about it. Silently, heels barely touching the dirt, she moved towards the sounds. She had nailed the silent walk a while back. It was always a blessing to take vermin by surprise. It also made the job easier when she ran into trouble.
Before she saw her, her voice blessed her ears. The voice of an angel. Loud and clear, a song coming straight from a pure heart.
Jet black hair, as deep as crown feathers. It draped around her fair skin and round face like water. A soft face, smooth like a baby. Long ink coloured lashes stretched out to the infinity just on top of her deep eyes. It was like staring at the night sky during a new moon. The light twinkled in her big, doe eyes as she gazed toward Bunny.
If she didn't know any better, the Keyblade wielder would have thought of her as a goddess who descended straight to earth. Naively, unaware of the danger of a stranger suddenly appearing, the kid smiled largely.
"Hi" she said, a hand still in the river's cold water. "Who might you be ?"
For a moment, Bunny didn't know what to say. So she didn't. She opened then shut her mouth numerous times before words finally came to her. "Bunny"
It was all she could muster yet the girl who looked barely thirteen laughed. Not in a locking way but a loving way. Only with that, this little thing, the wielder knew she wanted to protect this smile.
"Happy to meet you, Bunny. My name's Snow white."
And there's my day 2 ! Soo I decided to do two character per day for this year one with an illustration and one with a little text ! I hope it's now too terrible ahah sorry if the text wonky, it was pretty much a last moment addition and English isn't my first language
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pokemonvillage · 2 years
Title: Birds of a Feather Characters: Volo, Akari AO3 Link: (Here) Word Count: 2868 Warnings: Shippy! My take on Akari. Spoilers for events after defeating the Fifth Lord and Mission 13, and if you squint/know what you're looking for, spoilers for the whole game.
In a ‘harsh, cruel world’ where you had to struggle to survive, fit in, or get tossed out to the ravenous fangs of the wilds… Who could trust you if you were deemed an outsider? Who could you trust?
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The first day of her exile had been spent wandering with no recourse, turned away by those she hoped she could trust. The first night had been little better; she’d wasted the day supplicating for aid and couldn’t make even the most basic shelter, despite those red skies casting an eerie glow over everything.
And then Volo found her, sometime in those hours between late and early. His familiar smile, his kindness, the ready way he spoke to her without fear, blame, or reservation… The dam broke, the tears came, and embarrassingly (in retrospect) she couldn’t stop herself from hugging him. When was the last time she’d hugged anyone? Other than her Pokemon, months. She used to give her mom a hug every time she saw her! Her friends, too. Needless to say, people in Hisui weren’t exactly used to such sudden displays.
He accepted it kindly enough though, touching a hand atop her head and saying nothing as he let her have her moment. Where would she have been without him? Yes, she had her Pokemon, she could have found a way to survive, but it’d have been hard and time-consuming, and would wear her down in every way possible.
They made their way to Cogita’s hideaway, made introductions, settled on the most basic accommodations. Exhausted as she was, Cogita opted to wait until the morning to speak on the weighty matters of duty and what must be done next.
So her second night in exile -the first at Cogita’s retreat- Volo set up his little tent bedecked in Ginkgo Guild colors. It was no bigger or more elaborate than the ones the Survey Corps used, but plenty enough for them both to sleep, he assured her. She was so exhausted that she couldn’t offer much in the way of even polite resistance, or ‘worry about the implications’. 
Volo sat just under the further edge of the tent, a variety of papers and old books splayed around his lap. He poured over them by the light of the campfire with a weighty focus she could feel, but was too tired to comprehend before she inevitably dozed off. 
The third night, however, with a clearer goal in mind and a renewed sense of purpose, she sat up under the tent, hugging her knees and staring into the campfire. Haruki was curled up at her side, one of his long ribbons curled loosely, almost idly -but certainly with purpose- around her ankles as he lightly snoozed. 
“Shall we get an early start in the morning then? I’m afraid I don’t think that red sky will give us the luxury of taking our time,” Volo mused as he moved to hunker down beside her, words never accusing or harsh, always with an air of levity. 
“Yeah, probably a good idea to get a move on it,” she nodded, not taking her eyes away from the fire for a moment. But then she turned her gaze towards him with a smile, feeling that innate relief and comfort that always seemed to come with his presence. “Thank you again, Volo. You know, if this really works, you’ll be a hero,” she said with complete honesty, but also a hint of playful teasing. He blinked at her, eye wide and brow raised high.
“How exactly do you imagine that? You’re the one who’ll be having to face these trials, might I remind you.” 
“And it’s not as if anyone else would have been able to point me to Cogita’s doorstep, and gotten me the information on these trials,” she gave a firm nod of her head, “Nope, it’s all thanks to you.”
“Haha… I suppose that is true,” he chuckled quietly, thoughtful for a beat before he continued. “Though I’m more than happy to leave all future accolades to you. After all, I’m merely interested in-”
“The ruins,” her voice overlapped with his, laced with a laugh. His own laughter followed suit. 
“You know me too well,” he said praisingly, but in the back of her mind there was a blip of a thought: that she didn’t know him well enough at all. Not nearly as much as she wanted to, at least. 
Though, that was probably for the best. All of this stuff with the rift seemed connected with her, of course, but once this was solved, and she’d sought out all Pokemon as she was told… she’d be going back home, right? It wasn’t like she was avoiding making friends or any close connections, and she didn’t think she could have stopped it if she wanted to, but she was constantly aware that one day she would go home and leave all of this behind. At least, that was what she hoped. Or what she thought she hoped… 
For a while there, she’d been getting very comfortable with life here. She thought she was a part of Jubilife Village now… But now she had to wonder, how much of it had just been polite masks of friendship and civility, and how much doubt and mistrust had still lived on beneath those masks? Living in exile definitely made it feel a bit easier to want to go home these days. 
Part of her didn’t care so much about having her name and deeds slandered, she knew what she’d done, and why she’d done it, even if she didn’t always have the best answers or reasons, none of it had been out of malice or ill intent. But it still hurt… To have fought so hard, to have so many wounds marring her body for these people, and to be so easily cast out, as if on a whim. Even if she told herself ‘she understood’ why, it didn’t change the weight or the feeling of betrayal. 
“Vee…” Haruki nudged his head against her thigh, the ribbon around her ankles hugging her, soothing away some of the dark clouds in her heart. With a wry smile, she reached over to stroke her hand between his ears. 
“You alright? You got really quiet…” Volo spoke softly, and she nearly started at the sensation of his fingers delicately brushing the strands of her hair back from her face. 
“Oh, sorry…” shaking her head, she felt her cheeks warm as she sat up straighter. Yeah, she’d completely zoned out there for a minute, though maybe she could just chalk that up to the exhaustion and trauma. “What were we saying?” 
His lips slightly pinched, he tilted his head at her with a thoughtful hum. “Nothing important, I’m more curious what’s on your mind now.” 
It felt gently like concern, and she both appreciated that and… felt apologetic for it. He had already done so much for her, after all… 
“It’s nothing, really, just… still kind of coming to grips with it all,” she shrugged and stretched her arms out over her knees, trying to get fully back in her body as opposed to in her head. “There’s not really any time for that though, I know.” 
He was quiet for another brief moment, before he shifted a little, in a way that seemed almost to accept what she’d said and move along. His hand reached up to remove his cap, the other smoothing over his hair briefly before he fiddled with the hat in both hands. 
For just a split second, she instead made a different realization: he was fidgeting. Was he nervous about something?
“It’s a harsh, cruel world, isn’t it…?” he said very softly, and she couldn’t make out much from his expression in profile, that one silver eye locked on the simple patterns and threads of his cap. “No matter how much you do for them, how presentable you are to their expectations, you’ll always be an ‘outsider’ first.” 
And then, she had the sudden inkling that she was on the precipice of understanding… Just why he kept very carefully measured distances between himself and others. Polite, smiling, friendly, quick with a joke or a helping hand, but rarely did it seem to go much deeper. The people of Jubilife or the Celestica people, or even the other Ginkgo Guild merchants… Cogita, too, or so it seemed. 
She remembered when he’d found her napping in the Fieldlands that one day, not long after she’d first arrived. He’d extended cautious concern to her, but now she realized… He understood how hard this world could be. He had at least half expected her to be dead. 
And in a ‘harsh, cruel world’ where you had to struggle to survive, fit in, or get tossed out to the ravenous fangs of the wilds… Who could trust you if you were deemed an outsider? Who could you trust?
Suddenly, she felt very cold, and very lonely, and hugged her knees tighter. 
 “I think… that’s why it’s important to stick together,” she spoke in an almost helplessly small voice, her words feeling more like a desperate, foolishly hopeful prayer rattling coldly in her hollow chest. They were supposed to be warm, kindling to chase away the chill. “When we find the people we really connect with.” 
It was a simple, straightforward sentiment, one you could find anywhere. But she was talking to him, and she knew she was talking to him, because in this moment there was recognition. That all along, perhaps, he’d seen a bit of himself in her, and maybe that was why he’d always been a little kinder to her. Maybe that was why, even though it made him fidget with some discomfort, he opened up and gave voice to one tiny sliver of himself he didn’t allow others to see or hear. 
She felt him looking at her, and shyly raised her gaze to meet his. Again, she couldn’t quite make out what he might have been thinking, except that he seemed to be thinking deeply. Maybe he’d call her naive, or foolish. 
It wasn’t like she expected much… Almost all she wanted was a friend, someone who could accept her. And she would do the same, she’d never had a problem making friends after all… But she couldn’t help fear that he would laugh, or dismiss her, or turn her away. That she would lose the last warm, human connection she had.
The cool tips of his fingers touched the side of her face, and a shiver ran down her spine. For just a minute she couldn’t process this gesture or the reaction; some part of her brain tried, but failed. But then he was leaning closer, and her heart suddenly thudded against her rib cage as all parts of her brain were instead scattered into a frenzy. Surely he wasn’t- Was he? 
His eyes closed, and she felt his lips touch hers before her eyes fluttered shut as well. So sweet and soft - brief, but the moment lingered lazily around them. He didn’t push deeper for more, but instead slowly drew back, his hand drifting lower to rest against the side of her neck, thumb brushing her chin. 
“I…” his voice cracked slightly for how small it was, before he swallowed and gave a small shake of his head, close enough that the strands of his hair tickled her face. “I’m sorry, that was…” he mechanically pulled his hand back, and sat straighter. 
But she grabbed his hand and leaned back in, kissing him again. She didn’t want him to apologize, she just wanted him to keep kissing her. And she knew damn well she shouldn’t have. Hadn’t she just been telling herself she was going to leave after all of this, that it was better not to get too involved with people? But she also knew there wasn’t any helping matters where the heart was concerned. 
And how… How could she want to leave if she was falling in love with him?
Then, however, she felt what he’d probably felt; a rise of embarrassment at how sudden and forward this all was, and jerked back, face red. 
“Sorry- uh, I mean…” she shook her head, and he laughed - bright and jovial. 
“Perhaps we’re both getting a little ahead of ourselves?” he suggested with a smile, his hand holding onto hers. “Though I suppose I am the one who started it,” playfully, he gave a wave of his other finger. “I’ll accept any punishment you deem fit, Miss Akari.” 
Right, it was probably a rather serious offense in these times, wasn’t it? But she just laughed and shook her head, grateful for his levity, feeling a very real weight lifting off of her heart. Though, he was probably right, they were probably getting at least a little ahead of themselves. 
“Hmm, I’ll have to think up an acceptable punishment to fit the crime,” she grinned teasingly. No, she wasn’t going to call attention to the fact she’d kissed him back so they were pretty much even. “I’ll be merciful though, so don’t worry too much.”
“Truly, you are too kind,” he placed his hand over his chest and gave a bow of his head, and she laughed some more.
“Syl…!” beside her, Haruki chirped up, and Akari blushed as her laughter turned sheepish, petting him.
“Oh geez, I forgot we had an audience here,” she chuckled, “Don’t worry about me, Haruki, I’m feeling better now.” Which she said naturally, as Haruki was often very in tune to her emotions, and she wanted to simply reassure him. And not thinking at all that she was giving a rather obvious confession to just how happy that simple kiss had left her. 
Haruki was appeased though, giving her a happy little cheer and nudge of his head before settling back down to snooze. 
“Maybe he’s worried I’ll put him out of his job,” Volo teased musingly with a smirk, and Akari blinked back at him, taking just a moment to puzzle what he’d said and what she’d said together, before she felt that heat return to her face. 
“Haha, don’t be silly,” she shook her head, “Both of you are irreplaceable.” It was a simple enough thing to admit, even if it was still a little embarrassing. 
“Irreplaceable, huh?” he repeated, that surprised look on his face again, almost like she’d said something truly bizarre. For just a split second he went still again, gaze shifting away, and she thought it felt very similar to when he’d been fidgeting with his hat before. 
“Well, regardless… I had just wanted to say…” he spoke haltingly for a second, before he found his stride, “I agreed with what you said before. That we should stick together. After all, with my knowledge and your skills, I daresay we’ll accomplish much.”
“Like saving the world,” she said with a laugh and shake of her head, hugging her knees again. He was so close, she wanted to just… lean over against him, but managed to refrain. 
“But before we can hope to accomplish anything, I think you ought to get some rest. It’ll be you and your Pokemon facing the trials of the lakes, after all. Though, of course I’ll be cheering you on.”
Her gaze turned to the red skies as he spoke of rest and trials, sobering her slightly. 
“Mmm, yeah, all right,” she sighed and started moving to get herself laid down for sleeping. Yawning and half-asleep, Haruki followed suit. “But,” she spoke as she shifted around, “just you being with us is more than enough… It really does mean a lot to me, you know?” 
After all that exchange about outsiders and acceptance and sticking together, she was pretty sure he did. 
“I know,” he answered quietly, and she gave a small laugh to herself.
“Maybe you’re my good luck charm.”
“I’m afraid buttering me up won’t get you any discounts, my dear.”
She gave another laugh, curled up on her side with Haruki curled up against her stomach, watching as he pulled a book out from his bag. Though she might have told him he ought to get some rest too, it was probably for the best, or her thoughts and nerves might get the better of her. The former were already bouncing all over, thinking not about trials or red skies or exile, but kissing him again. Holding his hand again. Butterflies in her stomach thinking about him lying close to her, despite them each having their own bedroll. 
But rather than him falling into that steady focus while reading by the campfire she’d witnessed a few times by now since she’d known him, he shifted around towards her, leaning on one hand. Her heart thudded quietly once more, awed by the sight of him silhouetted in the glow of the fire, and that faint red glow from the night sky. 
“Rest well, Akari. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
That was obvious, of course, but the sentiment behind those words weren’t lost on her. Perhaps she presumed too much, but what else could she read from them? ‘I’m here. And I’ll be here. You can count on that.’ One of the few things that she could rely on, and the comfort she took in hearing it was not small as she hugged Haruki a little tighter to her with a smile. 
“Mm, you get some rest too…” she replied softly, and with a faint smile he turned back. “Good night, Volo.”
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writing-vault · 11 months
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summary :⠀After coming back to the surface and being disconnected completely from Area Zero, AI Sada was ready to put the past behind her. But some things refuse to be put to rest, and she’s forced to confront her creators memories. The ashes of the bridges that she burned before she died.
content warnings :⠀major character death, graphic depictions of violence
fandom :⠀pokemon⠀( scarlet version )
word count : 1290
ao3 link :⠀link
previous chapter : link
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Sada was back in that inky void once again. She was used to this routine by now, but the sensation still made her skin crawl. Soon the pit swallowed her completely, reconnecting her to her body. The scene in front of her was a completely pristine research station. 
I should have known this was going to happen… I just hope Arven won’t panic about me.
She soon refocused herself on what was in front of her. Greeted by the professor typing into the terminal.
“Alright, everything is prepared. Release subject Eight, assistant.” She ordered coldly, not even looking at her as she grabbed her own masterball.
“Are you completely sure about this, professor? These appear to be extremely territorial species. I just want you to be safe, is all professor.”
“Shut it! Ugh, you’re sounding just like them. I built you to assist me, not to spout the same nonsense they did.” She snarled, glaring darkly at the AI. “Release subject Eight. Now .” 
Before she could raise any more objections, an almost electric shock ran through her. Then without even realising it, she was opening up her masterball. Releasing the Korraidon. It stood tall, the vibrant plumage adorning its head almost touching the roof.
It looked around confusedly, glaring suspiciously at the pair as it scoped them out. The professor had a look of unparalleled glee on her face looking up at it, grinning madly. After a moment of staring she rushed over to the terminal, hastily typing in all the data she could.
“This data is absolutely invaluable! This one seems to be a lot less friendly than its brother. Maybe it’s the designated leader of its clan.” She rambled, completely lost in her own thoughts as the pokemon circled the AI. Nuzzling against her trying to figure out what she was.
“Now. Let’s see how it interacts with subject Seven.” The professor said, spinning back around to face the pair and releasing her own Korraidon. It was smaller than the other, but no less vicious looking.
It let out a snarl, taking on a defensive stance as it saw Eight. The other growled back in return, standing up completely straight. The two glared at each other, stuck in a stalemate as they waited for the other to make a move.
“Professor, this is a bad idea. We need to get one of them back in a ball-“ Sada whispered, holding out her masterball to recall Eight. But before she could, the professor slapped it out of her hand.
“No!” She yelled, alerting Seven and making it jolt slightly in her direction. This action set off Eight and it quickly lunged at it, baring its sharp claws. Seven quickly darted out of the way, only receiving a small gash on its tail. 
The other crashed into the wall, unable to stop its momentum,. One of the massive gas tanks fell to the floor, shaken by the impact. Eight let out a deafening screech. It took another lunge at Seven, knocking Sada and the professor out of its way.
The pair of pokemon slammed into another tank, knocking that one over too. Leaving a massive scrunched-up hole in its side. They clawed and bit at each other. Wrestling throughout the lab, leaving utter destruction in their wake. 
Seven eventually threw the other off, shaking as it lay on all fours. Deep lacerations tore into its formerly pristine scales. The floor was dyed red with its blood, seeping slightly into its torn-out feathers.
Meanwhile, Eight was barely scratched, and still enraged. Sada quickly scrambled for the masterball on the other side of the room. Then she heard the professor and went completely cold.
“No! I need to save Seven!” The professor cried out, leaping in front of the half-dead pokemon. Everything became slow motion as she turned to see what the professor was doing. Her eyes went wide with horror.
“No professor you’re going to” She screamed. But before she could even finish her sentence, Eight pounced. Within an instant, she heard a scream of pain. Of horror. Then her hand finally fell on the masterball. In a panic she quickly recalled Eight, racing over to the professor.
She lay in a growing pool of crimson. Her clothes and skin were dyed a deep scarlet. Her eyes were already glazing over as the last remnants of life began to leave her.
“No, no, no, no-“ Sada babbled, hyperventilating as she tried to get the professor's heart to start again. But as her emotions grew overwhelming it all suddenly… Stopped. Her mind was still racing, but she couldn’t feel anything. She just felt numb.
She desperately tried to resuscitate the professor. But after almost an hour she finally gave up. Finally accepting that she was actually dead. She still stayed kneeling beside her. Just staring at the professor's lifeless body. Her hands still resting on her ice-cold chest.
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Sada shot out of bed with a scream. Her convulsions were violent enough this time to send her onto the floor, unable to stand back up. Her vision glitched in front of her. Flickering constantly between her home and the destroyed research station. The professor's deathbed.
She couldn’t stop herself screaming and sobbing, completely breaking down. Arven raced downstairs to see what was wrong, crouching down in front of Sada.
“Mom- Mom, calm down- You’re home now. It was only a nightmare.” He said, his eyes wide with panic as he tried unsuccessfully to calm her down. The sight of him only made her cry out more. Her vision flickered between seeing Arven and the professor in front of her. 
“No, no- please Arven- Stay. Away.” Sada sobbed, clawing at her scalp, squeezing her eyes shut. “I… Icould have… I should have saved her.” She whispered, hyperventilating further. Arven stared at her wide-eyed, eventually moving again and hugging her tightly.
“Mom… Can you hear me?” He asked softly, concern underlining his voice. She didn’t respond, only babbling incoherent apologies. He sighed quietly, pulling back to look at her.
“I’m going to run an emergency shutdown, okay? Penny should be able to fix your code.” He whispered, standing up and walking over to the PC, forcibly shutting her off.
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Sada slowly woke back up, her vision blurred as she powered back on. She sat up, greeted by the sight of Arven sleeping on the floor beside her bed. “Arven? I’m awake now.” She called out, shaking his shoulder.
Arven grumbled, rubbing his eyes as he woke up. “Oh, Mom, you’re back. Are you feeling… Better?” He asked, sitting up and stretching.
“Yes, but I hope I didn’t worry you too much. I… I don’t know what came over me last night.” She sighed, frowning as she remembered it. 
“Well, hopefully, that won’t happen again. According to Penny, part of the security protocols was suppressing your emotions.” He explained, fidgeting slightly with the blanket as he continued. “But once she removed it, it was like a dam broke, you know.”
Sada stayed silent, her eyes widening slightly in shock. “…So that’s why I’ve been having these breakdowns.” She whispered to herself, looking down at her crystal-covered hand. “So how did Penny fix it? I… I don’t want to go back to being emotionless.”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing as severe as before. She only repressed particularly traumatic events, like… You know.” He said, resting his own hand on hers. “And your memory recall should shut down when you enter sleep mode. So no more nightmares.”
She smiled kindly at Arven, wrapping him in a hug. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you and your friends.” She whispered, rubbing his back tenderly. “And… I guess I have some therapy to attend, too…”
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I hope you enjoyed reading, likes and reblogs are extremely appreciated!
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@tenkoseiensei​ said (inbox):
he does not miss the other. he does not miss the other, as does the crimson-eyed austerity of the sage king obfuscate any semblance of conflict against the idea. no tenderness, nor bitterness, nor rotten, acrid longing. yet still does the body move to brush a lock of the pharaoh's hair, phantom knuckle touching featherlike against the other's skin in brazen impulse: a haunt, one that recalled the pharaoh's own warm touch upon his cheek once upon a time, now so long ago; cold. unlike the hearts of men and the dream-drifted thoughts of a doppelganger, there was nothing complex about this. as does the mock king, eager to excuse himself in a way that aligned with his character, neither smirk nor frown in the aftermath of his act. ' ... i won't have you seeming disheveled before me . '
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     ARMS CROSSED OVER HIS chest, his attention was elsewhere as he stood like a silent sentinel beneath the sun’s gentle rays. This landscape they were in was nice. The weather was mild, and the breeze that touched his warmed skin was soothing rather than that of dry heat of his homeland. It was nice being able to experience all these different places, even if the reason for them coming to them were for business rather than for pleasure. ❝I am aware that I am breathtaking to behold, but I do not recall you ever staring this intently at me.❞ Tease came easily from his lips as he turned his head slightly to look upon the other out of the corner of his eye, lips curling just slightly at the corner in just the barest semblance of a smirk. What was going on in the other’s head? It was true that they held a rather amicable relationship, so much so that they could banter with one another in a way that most were not privy to with either, but Gilgamesh had been unusually more pensive than he normally was. Maybe there was something on his mind? Or perhaps like Ozymandias, he too was enjoying the weather.
     This the Pharaoh could understand.
     Turning a little more to further address the other, he blinked, taken aback as the other’s hand reached out to fix locks that had become disheveled in the wind. This Ozymandias had questioned, and the slight raise of his brows said what his mouth did not. Even the faint brush of the other’s knuckle against his cheek, as feather light as it had been, as easy as it had been to think it a simple slight of the hand, was still a great peculiarity. The fixing of his hair he could accept without question as it was not an abnormal action, but this other gesture? It was certainly…odd. His questions grew that much more, yet he did not ask them. Instead, he put that single action to memory, storing it away for future deliberation. ❝Mmm…I see,❞ he answered after a time, his own expression as difficult to read as the other’s now that initial surprise was gone. ❝Yes, it would not do for me to appear before others looking anything but perfect. You have my gratitude, Sage King.❞
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multifandomimagines · 3 years
Let Me Show You - A Theo Raeken Imagine
Characters: Theo Raeken x Reader
Word Count: 3469
Summary: Reader is feeling stressed and insecure, so Theo wants to be there for her and make her feel perfect.
Warnings: Smut (female-receiving oral and vaginal), insecurity, mentions of IED
Written by: Josie
A/N: Keep reading after the cut 👀
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to
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Y/N sighed as the puffy red eyes of her reflection stared back at her through the mirror. This week had been… different. Every little thing had been going wrong, and each day brought more and more emotion, stress and insecurity. Her under-eyes were dark with exhaustion and her smile wasn’t as bright as it usually was - that is, when it showed itself anyway.
She didn’t even hear when her bedroom door opened and closed softly, didn’t register the light footsteps across her carpet moving toward her; not until the eyes of her boyfriend met hers in the mirror, round with concern. Seeing him so suddenly would usually have elicited a wide grin from Y/N, and she would jump into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Yet, in the state she was in, his arrival made her feel as if she could finally let it all out. Her emotions overwhelmed her like a tidal wave, and her eyes prickled with tears.
“Theo,” she whispered, her voice cracking, and hurriedly turned around to bury her head in his neck. Almost like a reflex, Theo held her tightly to his chest as she cried, his hand rubbing up and down her trembling back. He slowly walked them backward until his legs hit the edge of her bed, and pulled her shaking body onto his lap.
“Shh, baby,” Theo hushed her sobs tenderly. “It’s okay.” Her head had made its way back to his neck, Y/N couldn’t even look up at him. He wouldn’t show it, because he had to be strong for her, but seeing his girl like this broke him to pieces inside. She was the only person who saw the good in him when everyone else tossed him aside as either a failure or a villain. Either way, he was a lost cause in the eyes of most people. Everyone really… well, everyone except her. Out of all of the people Theo had met in his life, he knew Y/N deserved to be happy more than anyone. She deserved to be cared for, celebrated, loved. As someone who dragged him out of his darkest places, Theo wanted nothing more than to help her out of hers.
Y/N sniffled, and slowly lifted her head from Theo’s shoulder, her eyes staring downward and avoiding the gaze of her boyfriend. She knew it hurt him to see her like this and she wished she could just… stop.
“Hey,” she heard him say. “Look at me Y/N.” His voice was rich with worry for the girl he loved, and she flinched at the thought of causing him grief. It was quick, but Theo saw it, and his heart snapped once again. Slowly, he raised his hand to her cheek, running his thumb along her cheekbone softly, collecting the tears that were slowly drying on her face. She subtly leaned into his touch without even realising she did it, it was like her body moved off it’s own accord, drawn to him. Gently, Theo moved his hand to Y/N’s chin and turned her head to face him.
For the first time since he’d arrived, Y/N finally let Theo see the pain in her eyes. They were glossy and slightly bloodshot, and Theo’s gaze softened at the sight of her vulnerability. “What’s wrong?” He asked a simply question, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Everything,” she breathed. Theo’s fingers ran themselves through her hair, encouraging her to keep going. Initially she wanted to shrug him off and succumb to her feelings again, but she let him comfort her. “I’m just feeling everything all at once. Theo, I can’t-“
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay,” He held her cheeks delicately, scared to break her fragile form. “Breathe with me.”
It was something Theo had learned over the months. Sometimes Y/N really needed to calm down and just breathe slowly, in and out, exhaling the intensity of her feelings as much as her brain would allow. Though she hadn’t admitted it, Y/N realised that the method worked better when Theo led her through it.
After a minute or so of long, deep breaths, Y/N was no longer jolting with the ghosts of sobs from earlier. Theo continued to hold her close, remaining gentle but tight enough to always remind her that he was there for her. No matter what.
“This week has been so bad,” She began, and Theo stayed silent, realising that she was finally feeling comfortable enough to talk. He felt a small surge of pride flow through him at this, knowing that it was hard for her at times. “I’m stressed. I still have so much work to do, and deadlines are creeping up on me like a freakin’ predator. I’m worried for my brother, he’s struggling with his IED and he’s even been taking his meds, but they keep needing to up the dose and it kills me to see him in the state he gets. I keep screwing up too, like earlier I kept stalling the car, and I broke a photo frame yesterday morning, and I forgot to submit an assignment for grading at the beginning of the week. And I can’t sleep at night… Theo, I’m so tired.”
“Hey, come here,” Theo whispered, pulling her into another hug. “Okay, first of all, you are so smart and every time you get stressed about an assessment, you always go and smash it, don’t you?”
A smile threatened to pull at her lips at his confidence in her, and she nodded.
“Right,” Theo grinned. “Next thing, Liam is resilient, just like you. He won’t let one little setback get him down, and his meds will be sorted before you know it. Plus, he’s lucky to have you as a sister, you know that? You’re always there for him, everyone sees it.”
Y/N shifted on Theo’s lap, looking into his eyes as he spoke. “And,” He continued. “Everyone has weeks where they feel like they mess everything up, even super cool badasses like me.” Y/N giggled, spurring Theo on. “Someone as perfect as you doesn’t need to worry about a few little mistakes. They’re nothing, okay? Not important.” His hand moved soothingly up and down her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Is that everything?”
“Um, yeah…” Y/N trailed off quietly, suddenly avoiding her boyfriend’s eyes and sinking into herself. Theo knew her so well at this point that not a single subtle movement would go unnoticed, so he raised his eyebrows at her response. He knew she was holding back, and she knew that he knew. Sighing, Y/N gave in a little. “It’s stupid.”
“What have I always told you?” He said, smiling at her. “You can tell me anything. Anything at all. I’ll be there for you no matter what. You know that, don’t you?”
Y/N nodded and breathed in, slightly shakily. “I feel ugly, Theo.”
“What?” Theo whispered in disbelief, his eyes the size of saucers. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. “Baby-“
“I told you it was stupid-“
“No, it’s not that, it’s just-“ Theo searched for the words in his brain. He never thought he’d have to convince the most beautiful girl in the world that that’s what she was. He thought it was just common knowledge, really. “You and ‘ugly’ would never even fit in the same category. Not even in the same universe.”
“That’s just not true though,” Y/N stated, shaking her head, her eyes tired. “I can’t even look in the mirror at the moment. I feel like when I look, I’m not looking back at me. And it makes me cry. I’d rather not see myself at all than to look at that reflection.”
If Theo’s heart wasn’t broken before, the damage was definitely done now. Hearing Y/N, his girl, say that she wasn’t pretty, but ugly, made him feel all kinds of lost and confused, but more so sad, because he wished he could take away her pain and make it all disappear. Unfortunately, his powers of pain transference only worked on physical pain, and he silently cursed that fact.
“How can you not see what I see…” He whispered, almost more to himself than to her. “You know, the first time I saw you Y/N, even from a distance I knew I’d never see anyone as beautiful as you. And now I’m looking at you, months later, and I still think you’re just as stunning. You are gorgeous. You hear me? The most gorgeous ever.” Theo placed kisses on her nose, her cheeks, her forehead as he spoke, causing Y/N’s heart to flutter. His words stirred something in her, and the intensity of his eyes boring into hers made her forget about everything she was worried about. A wave of adoration for her boyfriend washed over her, and she cupped his cheeks delicately, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
Y/N didn’t have the words at that moment, all the emotion was caught in her throat, so she did what she felt conveyed her feelings best. She leaned forward and kissed him, Theo’s lips moving against hers immediately, as if by instinct. It was so soft, so pure, light as a feather. She pulled away from him all too soon, their eyes meeting each other once again, but Theo didn’t feel like stopping. “I want to show you how beautiful you really are,” He spoke lowly, holding her hand and giving a gentle squeeze. “Please baby. Let me show you.”
He didn’t have to explicitly say what he really meant by that for both of them to know, and his request sent warm shivers through her body. She spoke only one word: “Okay.”
Theo connected their lips again, harder this time. Even with just a kiss, he wanted to pour every ounce of love he had for her in it. He would make sure that he made her feel exactly how she deserves to feel. Her hands had moved to the back of his neck, plucking at the hairs on his head, while Theo held her as close as their bodies would allow.
His fingers slid up her t-shirt slightly, brushing the skin underneath. Theo’s fingers were so cold that Y/N gasped against his lips, so her boyfriend took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth and explore. Slowly, he lifted her shirt up further and further until they were forced to pull away so Theo could tug it over her head and toss it on her bedroom floor.
Of course, Theo wanted to marvel her brilliance as best he could, so he gripped her by the waist and moved her carefully so she was laying flat on her bed, looking up at him. “So beautiful,” he murmured, and waisted no time in resuming their kiss. His hands travelled down her sides as their lips moved in sync like a perfectly choreographed dance, and his hips ground into hers - gently still, yet hard enough to give Y/N friction where she needed it the most.
He dragged his lips to her neck, sucking and biting on the skin to create dark marks to decorate her already perfect body. Theo considered it his finishing touch to her, as he knew she needed him as much as he needed her, which was what made them so perfect. Y/N’s hands roamed his back, one leg secured over his hip to keep him close, and Theo reached around to unclip her bra. His eyes widened - he would never get used to seeing her body like this, and she wasn’t even fully exposed to him yet.
“I love these so much,” He said, lowering his head to one breast and closing his mouth over her nipple, his tongue sliding across her sensitive skin. Y/N moaned as he simultaneously kneaded her other breast with his hand. “I love this one,” He said, moving away from the one he was playing with. “And I love this one.” Theo reattached his lips to her other breast, her rapidly increasing breaths spurring him on.
Y/N’s hips involuntarily bucked up at Theo’s, and he chuckled lightly against her skin at the movement. He trailed his lips back up to her collarbone, her neck, her jaw, all while dragging her leggings and her panties down her legs as far as he could. He pulled away from Y/N’s lips to crawl down the bed until he could completely reveal her entire body. Her leggings and panties discarded on the floor, Theo looked his girl in the eyes as he placed his hands on her thighs and lightly encouraged her legs apart.
Shivering with anticipation, Y/N watched her boyfriend wide-eyed as he licked one long stripe up her centre. Her eyelids fluttered, but she couldn’t bring herself to break the intense eye contact she held with Theo, until he began to flick his tongue against her clit. Her head fell back onto her pillow, arms flying down to grab onto Theo’s hair, feeling his head moving between her legs. She moaned as he licked and sucked at her clit, doing everything in his power to make her feel good, and it was music to his ears. He soon replaced his tongue with his fingers, rubbing her clit quickly, and started licking along her core, like it was his whole life’s purpose to do so.
“Fuck, Theo,” She whimpered, and Theo groaned against her at the sound of her saying his name in such a situation. Her voice held so much vulnerability yet so much excitement, so much feeling, so much love. The vibrations against her core sent waves of pleasure racing through her, and Theo watched through his eyelashes as her back arched off the bed.
Theo removed his mouth from her core, and her head whipped up briefly at the loss of contact, her eyes wide and pleading for something, anything. Barely moment after, Theo pushed two fingers inside her, pumping them at a quick pace. Y/N moaned louder, and Theo pulled himself up so his head was level with hers, staring directly into her eyes as his fingers worked their magic. “How good does this feel Princess?”
“So good,” Y/N breathed, barely being able to find it in herself to speak. She gripped onto his biceps as he continued his work between her legs, moaning with every thrust of his fingers. “It feels amazing.”
Theo smirked slightly, content that he was getting exactly the reaction from her that he set out to get, and leaned down to capture her lips with his once again. He added another finger and picked up the pace of his actions, his mouth drowning her voice as she cried out. He kissed her hard, drawing the breath out of her almost completely, and she could taste herself on his tongue which only brought her closer to the edge.
Feeling her walls clench around his fingers, Theo moved his lips around to her ear. “Are you gonna cum?” He said, his voice rough with his own arousal. He knew the answer, but he also knew that Y/N loved to hear his voice, and it somehow turned her on even more. All she could do at this point was nod frantically, her moans and whimpers making it impossible to get the words out. Theo sped up his actions even further, trying with everything he had to send her over the edge. “Cum for me baby.”
The words uttered into her ear sent her into ecstasy, and she let go screaming Theo’s name. He watched with his mouth hung open as her body pulsed and jolted as her orgasm washed over her in waves, her cries slowing into whimpers and her contorted face relaxing into one of sheer bliss.
A few moments later when Y/N had caught her breath, she reached down and palmed Theo’s bulge through his joggers, eyes widening when she realised how hard he already was. He groaned, dropping his head to her shoulder and tensing at her touch. “N- no, baby,” He stuttered out, voice rough from the feeling. Y/N was confused as he slowly moved her hand away, tilting her head to the side in a silent question. “Tonight is about you.”
Usually she would protest and say that they both need to be pleasured equally, but she wanted him so badly that she didn’t have it in her to argue. Frantically, she yanked his head down and smashed her lips against his, tongue and teeth clashing in desperation. All she wanted was him, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.
She pulled his shirt up his body, almost ripping the fabric with her speed, and he pulled away so she could pull it over his head. She loved to admire Theo’s toned chest and stomach, so she reached her hand down to feel up his abs. She tried to look, but Theo was adamant on her being the one who was worshipped, so he dipped his head and began sucking on her neck once again, causing her head to fall back and a moan to fall from her lips.
As he painted her neck with purple bruises, Y/N reached down and played with the waistband of his joggers, fiddling with the drawstrings. Theo felt her fingers brush him and growled against her neck, hurriedly standing up to yank them and his boxers to the ground, completely exposed before her.
Y/N whimpered at the sight of him, naked and ready for her, and he crawled back over her just as quickly as he’d stood up. Theo looked at her with dark eyes, wordlessly asking for permission to treat her to just what she deserved. “Please, Theo,” She whispered, and of course, Theo didn’t want to deny her anything she wanted, especially when she asked so nicely.
The two of them moaned in harmony, jaws dropped open, as Theo pushed himself inside her, easily sliding in due to her wetness. He moved all the way in until he felt like he was inside Y/N’s stomach, pausing there as they both breathed heavily from the sensation. “Feeling better?” Theo spoke thinly, smiling at his girlfriend’s expression of pure pleasure.
“Miles better,” She replied, thrusting her hips up at Theo, making it known that she wanted more. The chimera began to move, pushing in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace, making sure she felt every single inch of him to give her the best sex possible. Y/N hands roamed his back, nails scratching at it and breaking the skin as she moaned and cursed into his ear.
“Always so tight and wet for me,” Theo groaned, his hair falling messily over his forehead as he moved. “So perfect. Every inch of you is perfect.” He sped up his movements, making sure to hit the spot that gets her screaming, and grabbed at her breast with one hand and delicately stroking her cheek with the other. “I love you.”
Theo was going so deep and fast now, Y/N was so close. Her nails dug into his back as her release approached, unable to tear her eyes away from his as they glowed yellow from the adrenaline. “I love you too,” She spoke shakily, so nearly there, when Theo kissed her hard, knowing she was reaching her orgasm from her clenching walls.
“Now,” He spoke against her lips, and as soon as the word had left his lips, Y/N screamed out Theo’s name at the most euphoric feeling she had ever experienced, shaking and quivering around him. Moments later, as she was still feeling the high, she felt Theo slow his movements as he spilled into her, his own release washing through him like a tidal wave.
After coming down from their high, Theo flopped down next to her in bed, immediately pulling her close to rest her head on his chest, which was still rising and falling. He kissed her head lightly, stroking her hair affectionately, and then pulled the covers over their bodies. He knew Y/N was exhausted, not just from their activities but from her whole week. Her breathing had slowed and he realised she had already fallen into a relaxed slumber.
Theo smiled to himself - seeing his girl finally calm with no stress lines pulling at her face made his heart soar. He hated seeing her so upset, in fact it was his least favourite thing to see in the world, so he vowed to always be the one to lift her back up again.
Theo would always be there for her: rain or shine, any day, any time. And one day it’ll be ‘til death do them part. His smile lingered on his lips as he let his own eyelids closed and he joined her in her slumber, meeting her in her dream.
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Kise x chubby reader smut please q.q
Of course! I am so sorry it took so long and work and school has been killing me. But one Kise x Chubby reader smut coming straight up. I hope you enjoy it! All characters are aged up to adults and in college.
Title: Cute Lemon Warning: Oral, Body Insecurities, smut, lemon
You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist and you couldn’t help but blush slightly. You looked up to meet te golden eyes, of your lover and you smiled at him gently.
“Why are you pinching your stomach?” He asked, though he already knew the answer. You blushed and looked down and he sighed as he placed small kisses on your neck.
“Sorry Kise,” you said. He didn’t have to ask why you apologized, because he already knew. He turned you around and stared deep into your (e/c) eyes, and you blushed.
“What did I say?”
“Answer me (Y/N)chii.”
“That I am beautiful just the way I am.”
“Mhmm, so why are you causing red marks by pinching at your perfect skin?” You shrugged and looked and you heard him sigh.
“Get naked.”
“Huh?” You looked at him in shock, it wasn’t the first time he saw you naked. But when you felt insecure it got even more embarrassing.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, (Y/N)chii,” he said and stepped back. You blushed and began to strip naked in front of him. You quickly covered yourself once you were completely nude in front of him. His eyes trailed over your body, without saying a word. You shifted under his gaze and he walked closer to you before wrapping his arms around your waist. He began to attack your neck with kisses as he pushed you towards the bed. He laid you down and allowed his hands to roam your body. The feather like touches had you a blushing mess and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
“(Y/N)chii is so sexy,” his voice went down an entire octave. You shuddered slightly as he bit down on your neck before trailing his lips down your throat to middle of your breasts than all the way down to your core. You let out gasps and began to breathe heavily. You went to cover your mouth to suppress the moans but he pinned your hands down to your sides.
“I want to hear you. Don’t hide your moans,” he had a soft glare and you nodded your head. He spread your legs and began to kiss your thighs, trailing them up to your core. You choked back a moan as you gripped the sheets, feeling him suck on your clit. You arched your back slightly but he moved his hands to your waist and kept you pinned to the bed so you wouldn’t move. He moved his tongue deep inside you, and you gripped his hair.
“Ryouta ahh~!” You moaned out and you could feel him smirk against you. He darted his tongue inside of you, which made you give a breathy moan that filled his ears. You squeezed your thighs against his head, moaning loudly, but he spread your legs quickly. He began to speed up the pace of his thrusts with his tongue, and this made your legs shake a bit.
“Ryouta, I am gonna…”
“Go ahead Princess.”
That nickname was enough to send you over the edge, and you came hard. He began to lick you clean before coming back up and pressed his lips to yours.
“To me you are perfect (Y/N)chii, I love you so much. All of you.” He whispered against your lips before he pulled away and stripped himself out of his clothes. He than went back to hover over you kissing you along your skin with a smile. You blushed as he reached your lips and positioned himself at your entrance.
He slowly began to push himself into you, you gasped at his length, and you gripped the sheets. You began to moan his name loudly, and they only got louder as he began to thrust into you increasing the pace. You tossed your head back, as he held your waist tighter as he pounded into your cunt. You became a panting mess as you tightened your grip on his hand moaning loudly.
“ROUTA! I can’t handle it, too fast. AHH.” You cried out and Kise only grinned and leaned down biting your neck as his thrusts got faster. Your moans began to get louder as he hit the bundle of nerves that made you see white.
“I am close, more… please,” you cried out and he grunted against your neck.
“Me too, cum with me princess…”
“I-I can’t hold it….”
“A little longer, almost there…”
You were shaking and your legs were spasming like crazy and you soon felt that knot in your stomach come undone. Kise came with you filling you completely up.
He slowed his thrusts and groaned slightly before pulling out and kissed your cheek. He laid beside you and wrapped his arms around you and showered your neck and face with kisses.
“If there is a lot of (Y/N)chii, the more I can love.” He hummed and you blushed but smiled.
“I don’t deserve you, you are so precious Routa, god I love you.” You nuzzled into him and he tightened his hold around you.
“I love you too.”
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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wwilloww · 4 years
the bodyguard | ksj
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pairing: bodyguard!jin x reader
genre: smut, fluff
rating: explicit
wc: 5k
summary: As your bodyguard, keeping you safe from the world comes with rules for Kim Seokjin. But you’re used to getting what you want, and you want him. 
warnings: nudity. pining. makeout. YN always gets what they want. no pronouns used to address reader. public sex. exhibitionism.  unprotected sex (pls be smarter than these fictional characters). creampie. fingering. oral sex. multiple orgasms. fluff. oh my god so much fluff.
AN: The first part of this fic was written entirely wined up with the INTENTION OF IT BEING A DRABBLE. The second part of this fic was written with the intention of showing all the love to Jin, but then came the idea of smut and bam here we are. 1 million thank yous to @jin-fizz​, who beta’d this at the very last moment and helped me rearrange some things. SMOOCHES to you, you lovely!
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The Bodyguard
“Help! Someone, please, Help!”
The cry rings through the rooms, splitting through walls, through the heavy wooden doors of the almost-empty city manor. 
Jin’s footsteps echo from what sound like too far away, climbing the stairs, sprinting down the creaking wooden boards. He bursts through the door to find you, crouched and hunched over your leg on the floor.
“What! What’s wrong?” he almost yells.
His gaze flicks around the room, taking in every detail possible. The unmade bed, the open perfume bottle on your vanity, the doors open to the balcony, curtains fluttering in the late-night breeze.
“My leg!”
In a split second the man your father has hired to be your bodyguard is on his hands and knees next to you, large hands reaching for your palm, gripping it tight.
She had shown you exactly how to do it. Mixing the expression of pain and beauty so expertly on your face. Your mother, despite all the awards and golden trophies she had won for her Hollywood success, had always been the best kind of actress at home.
His eyes light with the slightest amount of relief as he scans your face.
Alright. She’s alright.
Before you can even say anything, he’s gripping your ankles, pulling you to him, looking for any sign of injury.
“Higher.” You lace the pain so particularly into your voice.
His deft fingers kneed into the flesh of your calf, searching for the cause of your cries.
“I don’t see-”
“Higher,” you insist.
His fingers trace so delicately, so carefully, over your knee, pressing into your thigh, higher, higher, until he’s brushing back the silken fabric of your nightgown.
And then, breath drawn so quickly through his nose, fingers digging into you, holding you tight.
“Oops,” you breath. “I must have completely forgotten.”
“To put panties on?”
“Mhmm. Exactly.”
With a quick movement, he’s wrapped both of his hands around your calves and tugs you forward to him.
“You’re a liar,” he drones, your legs nearly wrapped around his waist.
“I am.”
“And a cheat.”
“Of course.” You grin. “You know more than anyone that I don’t like to play these kinds of games by other people’s rules. And I know that you love it.”
He doesn’t respond. Just closes his eyes, takes a long controlled breath. When he exhales it brushes so teasingly across your face.
“I might be a liar, but I know you’re not.” You reach for his cheek, and you think you see his eyelids flutter at the touch. His hands are still wrapped around your leg, the warmth of his palms seeping through into you. “So tell me you haven’t been thinking about this,” you whisper.  
He growls softly, his eyes flashing bright and conscious towards you.
“You know I can’t.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me?” You draw on your prettiest of pouts.
“I can’t.”
You just blink back at him, letting your eyelashes brush against the warming rise of your cheeks.
“That’s not a no.”
“Your father would kill me.”
“Father’s not home.”
“He’ll be back by morning. And he’ll take pleasure in killing me if he were to know,” Jin asserts, running a hand through the falling wave of his sky-dark hair.  
“You’re avoiding the question. Why do you always avoid my questions?” You push yourself closer to him, coming to wrap your hands around his neck and tug on the fresh pressed angle of his white dress shirt collar. He looks away from you.
“Because you always ask all the wrong questions.”
“I do not. In fact, I’d argue I’m asking all the right ones.” You glance up at him. The look in his eyes is unmistakable. Desire. Mixed with restraint. You know which one he’ll let win out over the other, and within a second he’s proving you right.
“I should go.”
He begins to pull away from you.
“You should stay.” You push yourself forward, wrapping your legs around his torso and slinging your arms around his neck. Impulsively, his hands press against your lower back, supporting you. So when he stands, you’re face to face. He blinks, taking a second to realize your position.
“Stay. Please,” you whisper.
He continues to stare at you, eyes tracing the shadow of your brow, the press of your lips, the mound of your warm cheeks. Your confidence crumbles in his silence.
“At least tell me you want this. Tell me I’m not making it up. Tell me I’m not alone in this.”
Finally, his eyes flick up to yours. It’s there. The answer. But he remains silent, his breath moving through his chest, and then through you. The stillness of the moment — being held by the man you can’t get out of your mind — mixed with the bitter taste of a lingering question. You can’t. You can’t hold it all, not in one body: the tenderness of his being and the acrid promise of his rejection.
And so you release your arms from around his neck. Unhook your legs. When your body drops softly to the floor he lets you go.
“It’s okay,” you say. “If you want to go, you can go.”
Without looking at him, you pad silently to the cracked open french doors. With a light push, they swing open before you and the crisp of the night air ruffles through your hair and the thin fabric of the night gown you’re wearing.
Silly. Silly. Silly.
You squeeze your eyes shut, letting the breeze swirl around you and prickle with ice against your skin. If only you might lose yourself in it. If you could lift yourself up off the stone balcony to fly through the city streets, feeling nothing but the brush of strangers against you.
Had you mistaken it all? The lingering gazes. The tightened grip on your waist when your father introduced you to potential suitors — all of whom you’d quickly turned away in front of Jin, by the way. Did you misread the way that his gaze had begun to latch onto you to trace not just your safety, but your sense of being in a way that surpassed his usual loyalty? And most important to you, the way he’d begun smiling around you for the first time. Letting cracks show in his usually pristine professional behavior.
You wait for the sound of the doors to your bedroom slamming shut and Jin leaving, but you must be so lost in yourself that the sound never comes. It’s just the wind, howling. The beating of your heart in your chest. The bite of something that tastes like regret nibbling at your throat.
“How could you think I didn’t want you?” It’s so soft you can barely hear it. But you do.
Spin back towards the room.
Jin stands between the doors, his broad frame flickering gold in the soft light behind him. His face is shadowed in blue  as he faces out into the night, out towards you, but his eyes shine with a warm light.
“How dare you?” he says softly with a smile playing against his lips. He steps towards you. Before the smile can fully take position on your lips, he’s so close to you you can feel the warmth of his large body radiating out towards you. “How dare you think I don’t want you.” A long pause. And then, as softly as if the words might break him: “You’re all I can think about.” Tentatively, he reaches out towards you.
And then he stops, just as his hand is about to touch your burning cheek.
You do the rest, stepping back into your usual tradition of goading him on. With a soft movement, you reach for him, interlacing your fingers with his and letting his touch fall across your face. You sigh into it. His thumb strokes slowly over your cheek bone.
“How dare I?” you say. “How dare you make me wait this long.”
He just smiles back, his dark eyes reflecting the streetlights back to you.
“Will you let me kiss you, now? Finally?”
“Finally, yes,” he says.
You reach up, pressing your fingers to the back of his neck where his hair has grown long in the past months, tangling your fingers into them before his lips have even reached yours.
None of your other first kisses have been like this. Sure, you’ve kissed other people. Other men. But you’ve never kissed Kim Seokjin before.
Your lips meet like wings brushing against each other: soft and fluttering, finding a path through the air with ten thousand questions etched into each feather. He wraps one of his long arms around your back, spreading his fingers wide and pressing you lightly into his chest, all the while his opposite hand brushes so lightly and tenderly against your cheek, guiding you ever closer, ever deeper into his affections.
“You,” he whispers against your lips, “are an absolute gift.”
“I don’t know how you did it,” you whisper back.
“Resisted me for so long.” He snorts against you and you can’t help but giggle. “I swear to god I’ve been trying for so long to let you know how I’ve felt,” you explain, leaning your forehead against his.
“I’m a dumbass, baby.”
“I know.”
“Please,” you look up at him. “Kiss me again.”
For a split second he hesitates.
“What?” you ask. The silence that opens between you two opens up something else inside of you.
“If…” He wets his lips. “If I kiss you again, I won’t want to let go.”
“Then don’t.”
The smile that spreads across his pretty face is wide and splitting, but it is only a half second before he is recapturing you in his hold, pushing you back against the stone railing of the balcony as his lips meet yours a second time.
Whereas his first kiss was like a ring of petals opening slowly to the dawning sun, this kiss is midday heat. It is searing, pressing through you like a flash, lighting every nerve within you on fire. It is red and pink and all the warm colors on the spectrum of life. It burns you tender with its quickness, but all you want is more.
As if he is feeling exactly as you, his kiss quickens. He bites your lower lip and greedily swallows the moan that slips out of your mouth. When you tangle your fingers in his long hair, he hisses back at you and you can feel the curl of his smile against you.
“You like that,” you note quietly when he moves to nip at the cut of your jaw.
“I like you.”
With a graceful move, Jin twirls you around, slamming your back against the open door, effectively slamming it shut and leaving you in privacy on the balcony. Your breath rushes out of your lungs in a gasp.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to get as close to you as possible.”
“Then, goddamnit, get closer.”
He grins, takes your begging, and runs with it.
With the kind of grace and speed you were so used to seeing abound in him while he was working, he dives for your neck, intertwining the pillowed press of his lips with sharp nibbles against the sensitive skin.
He chuckles and does as you bid. With his awkward strength, he lifts you, balancing your weight on his hips as you wrap your hands around his neck for balance. An unfortunate time to remember your current situation: entirely unclothed except the thin slip you donned just at Jin was sprinting up the stairs.
He adjusts you and your bare cunt brushes against the silky smooth fabric of his dress pants. But that’s not what makes you gasp. It’s the bulge that nestles hard and hot against you as he dives back in for your neck.
One hand tangled in his thick locks, you can’t help but grind your hips down on him. The sound that spills from his lips is needy, desperate, and it reverberates straight through you.
“I want you,” you whine as his hand graces up your torso. He pulls back. Cocks his head to the side ever so slightly.
“You want me?”
“As if having me half naked and wrapped around you isn’t enough to convince you of that?”
“Isn’t that a little… fast?”
“Is waiting four years a little too fast for you?”
“Good point.”
And he’s diving back in, nipping at the already blossoming marks on your neck. Throw your head back, relishing in his every touch and the even more divine gift: his entire attention focused on you.
“Please, Jin, I don’t want to wait anymore. I mean it.”
“What do you wan—”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“On the balcony? Where everyone can see?”
You kiss him then, taking his lower lip between your teeth and relishing in the gasp that you pull from him.
“No one will see. And if they do, then they’ll know.”
“Know what?”
“That I’m yours.”
He grins back at you. “Mine?”
“If you want me.”
“Of course I want you. Don’t you know what you do to me?”
“You could tell me about it.”
“I could, but then I’d miss out all on this.”  
Gently he lets you down, but his lips never leave yours as his hands come to meet your hips and guide you where he wants. You let one of your hands drift down from where you’ve kept them locked around his neck. Kissing him still, you pluck open the first two buttons of his dress shirt and trace your hands down the burning skin.
If you’re known for anything, you’re known for your impatience. So you don’t linger long on the smooth planes of his chest, and instead glide your hand down his torso until you reach his belt buckle. You make as if to dip underneath his pants, but at the last moment you pull away and cup the impressive bulge he’s already sporting.
“Shit,” he hisses as you trace a manicured nail around the shape of his cock. But all sound chokes in his throat as you grip his erection through the fabric of his pants and begin to stroke him. “Need you. Now.”
You begin to turn, to pull your nightgown up over your bottom, but he’s tugging you back towards him and spinning you around so you’re pressed to his chest.
“I want to see your face.”
It’s hasty work, him pulling himself out of his pants, wrapping his veiny hand around his throbbing cock and notching the head of it against your dripping folds. But you’re no more patient, hopping up so you’re seated precariously on the balcony railing and kissing at his neck steadily and reaching down to part your lips just for him.
He only teases you for a moment, stepping between your legs and dragging the head of his cock against your clit. He wraps one hand around your waist, securing you tightly to him.
“Please,” you breathe against his chest and he pushes into you in one swift thrust. The sensation of him filling you is everything. It clouds your vision. It resets your senses till all you can think of, can feel is this man’s existence, beating so close to yours.
“Fuck—” he hisses as his cock settles inside you, as you adjust around his thick girth.
“You’re so—” you pant against him.
“Is it too much?”
“Big. Just give me a moment.”
He does, reaching to cup the back of your neck and press a kiss to your forehead. It’s almost too intimate, the way he holds you so softly, so tenderly, all while his cock throbs within you. It’s in that moment that the discomfort of the stretch shifts to pleasure. Warmth, spreading from your abdomen outwards. You relax in his hold, hands falling from his neck to the strong muscles of his arms.
“Please,” you murmur. “Need you.”
His hips rut against yours as if he’s never had anything as good as you before.
“Want you to feel good,” he tells you. “Tell me—”
“Just need you—closer.”
You weren’t sure that he could get closer but it’s what your body craves and it’s what he serves. He wraps his arms around you, hands spreading wide and pressing you impossibly close. In the moment, you wish you two were bare as your bodies move against each other as if they’d known the shared rhythm all along.
He fucks you like that, like you’re suspended in air. The warmth of his body keeps you grounded as the height that hangs behind you reels through you, adding a giddy, heady feeling to it all. Or maybe the giddiness comes from the way you relish in the quick pants and desperate grunts that fall from his lips and to your shoulder. Or the way he gasps your name like a monk’s chant into your ear, the sound of it like nothing you’ve ever heard before. You don’t want to hear it any other way either.
When he comes, spilling deep inside you, it’s your name on his lips. When you come, it’s his name splitting through the silent sky.
Jin holds you there, pressed still against his chest for a long moment as you both catch your breath. It’s only when he feels the slight shiver of your body that he pulls back.
“You’re cold?” You nod. “Let’s get you inside.”
He helps you down carefully from the balcony banister before tucking himself away and grabbing your hands in one of his large ones.
“Come, I’ll take care of you.”
You can’t help but let the joy show on your face as he leads you forward.
He reaches behind him, opening the balcony doors. The light curtains wash out into the room with the cold air, brushing around Jin like some kind of ethereal welcome.
Welcome back to my world, you think. But the thought of reality, of the conversations, the negotiations, the reality that will await you in the morning slips out of your mind as Jin twirls you into his arms and suddenly your whole world is warm again. Suddenly your world is Jin again.
He peppers your whole face with kisses as he walks you backwards, loud smooching sounds echoing through the large room coupled with your giggles that turn into full blown laughter.
“Hey hey hey!” you chide, grabbing onto the loose collar that now teases the delicious arch of his collar bones and neck. “You can’t do that!”
“What!” he snaps between kisses. “I can’t kiss you!”
“Not if you’re going to be that ridiculous!”
At that moment you feel the soft edge of the bed hit the back of your knees and you are tumbling backwards, eyes widening with shock. At the last second he’s reaching behind you, catching you and lowering you slowly to the soft mattress. You reach for him, but he kneels at the edge of the bed, just far enough that your grabbing hands only find empty air.
“So then tell me, if I can’t drown you in kisses, can I at least do this?” His hand teases the hem of your slip, tracing circles on your upper thigh. The touch is simple, but it raises goosebumps all over your body. He slaps away your reaching hands.
“Or this?” His fingers dip beneath the fabric, tracing up your thigh to dance around your hip. “What about this?” He pulls the fabric all the way up to your waist. With the quickness of a fox, he’s bending down and licking one long line up the slick folds of your cunt.
His tongue swirls around your clit, still bathing in soft sensitivity from your most recent orgasm. He seems to sense this as he blows lightly against your lips, forcing your back to arch into the mattress, your hand reaching out instinctively to tangle in his hair.
“Okay, okay, I get it!”
“What, you act like it’s some kind of punishment.”
“It is, when it means you’re not up here, fucking me.” He blinks, still not quite used to your explicit language. “And anyways,” you pant, “doesn’t this kind of foreplay usually come before the mindblowing sex?”
“And who’s rules are you playing by now?”
You grin, giddy at the cleverness of your own words turned back on you.
“No one’s.” You push up to your elbows, taking in the beautiful man above you. “But if I’m making the rules, then I need you inside me, now.”
“Patience, darling,” Jin smiles, sitting up.
“No,” you say, reaching for him. “I will not be patient. Not for you, anyways.”
“No.” You’re moving to unbutton his shirt, and he lets you, but doesn’t do much else to help you along. “Off, off, off,” you grumble, tugging on the collar of his now wrinkled shirt, but he stands there like a limp fish. You sigh, sitting back on your heels. “Please?”
Jin throws his head back and laughs that full-belly laugh. “Will I ever be able to say no to you? To this?”
“No,” you smile. “You won’t. And I won’t have it any other way.”
“Good.” He presses a kiss to your lips, one that lingers long and sweet. Sweet enough that when he pulls back, you miss the taste of him. But he’s doing as you’ve asked and quickly tugs his shirt over his head and drops his pants to the floor.
You don’t know if you’ve ever seen something as beautiful.
Jin had always had the power to command a room with his large but quiet presence, but seeing him like this, bare and breathing hard for you is something entirely different. There is both something soft and sweet about the tenderness of him, and something sharp about the desire he lets swirl through his body. You want it all.
“Your turn?” he asks softly, reaching for the slip that pools around your hips. “I want to see you.”
You nod and he pulls the light fabric up over your head with an unspoken gentleness.
“Look at you,” he breathes, but his gaze doesn’t linger long on your body. Instead, it’s latched onto your gaze, watching for every thought that will flicker across your expression.
“Come here.” You open your arms wide and he is tumbling into your embrace, pushing you back into the bed. You’re both giggling in the sensation of falling, giggling at each other's laughter, giggling because, really, what else is there to do when you’re finally wrapped up in the person you adore?
And then you take a breath. Let the silence of the room, the old, ticking clock in the hallway, the sweeping sounds off the streets filter through both of you. For a moment both of you become everything around you. For a moment, both of you are only the sensation of looking at another and wondering.
It doesn’t last.
It’s too difficult to resist reaching up for him, pressing your fingers lightly against the arc of his neck and drawing his lips back to where they belong: against yours. You’re not sure how, but each time he kisses you it’s a whole new world. This time, it’s spring. Ice melting against the promise of warmth. He melts against your touch and you wrap your legs around his waist.
He pushes into you without resistance. This time, your body welcomes him with ease, wrapping warmly around his throbbing length. He reaches so far into you.
When he begins to move, it’s too much. The spear of pleasure shoots through your abdomen and you arch your back. He stills immediately.
“Look at me,” Jin says. “I want to see your eyes when you come around my cock.”
You smile. Nip at whatever skin is accessible to you. Press yourself as close to him as you possibly can and chase the pleasure of having him, finally, in your bed.
When you grind your hips against his, he grunts and thrusts deeper.
When he lowers his weight down on you, he does it at an angle, one hand near your chest, the other one coming down on your hips. His fingers wrap around your waist and he begins to move you in time to his thrusts. It’s with even more power that he enters you now, but his pace has slowed just enough that your own orgasm dangles in front of you like he’s teasing you with sweetness.
He’s always teasing you, isn’t he.
Pleasure ripples across his face, marking his brow, dancing across his lips like a fleeting ghost. You want to memorize the way his delight radiates out into the world, want to return to it everyday like a favorite book.
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He holds you like he has so many times before, but this time there’s a new edge to his gaze. Trust. He knows you’re his. Knows that the blossoming purple on your neck and the breath coming quickly from your lungs are marks of him. That even if the red blessing of dawn tears him from your bed and your arms that this moment is marked, is held, by him.
For now that will be enough.
He has you wrapped up in his arms, your gaze fluttering between pleasure and weariness.
“You’re a gift.”
You don’t know what it is about that phrasing. If it’s the way the words take shape on his pink lips, if it’s the deep sound of his voice flooding through you. If it’s the devotion swimming in his eyes. Either way, your cheeks flood with warmth and you cut back: “You said that already.”
“And I meant it both times.”
He notices your flickering gaze and the heat painting your cheeks and reaches for you, stroking his thumb against the burning flesh.
“You’re so warm.”
“I’m embarrassed,” you say softly.
“What?” He leans in. “The crown jewel of the city embarrassed? By a measly little affection?”
“You’d be surprised at the list of things you do that can bring a blush to my cheeks,” you cut back too quickly — only to realize it’s not as much of a cut as you thought it was.
“Oh?” He rolls closer. So his chest is once more pressed to yours. He lets his hand drift up to tug on a loose strand of hair that falls into your face. “Tell me more.”
“Give me the juicy details.”
“Give them to me,” he grins. “I want to know exactly why the hell you’ve fallen for me, me of all people.”
“Fine — that, uh—” Suddenly you are overwhelmed with all of the moments and instances that this dear man inspired you with. Where to begin? “I can’t get you out of my head.”
“I know. You’ve made that quite clear.” He punctuates his meaning by flicking his gaze towards the discarded nightgown at the foot of the bed. “But why?”
Moment after moment flies through your brain and before you can think of censoring yourself, you’re grabbing on to the first one that sparks your attention. “That thing you do when you throw me over your shoulder and run. It’s a little excessive but I promise you it gives me plenty of time to admire your broad shoulders.”
That crinkling scrutiny in his eye glimmers again.
“It’s just my body. Hm.”
“No! No…” You correct him, bringing your hands up to his cheeks and tugging his face closer to you to make sure he is listening.
“Your kindness.”
“Sure. My job is to beat people up for you and you fell for my kindness?” You see the flash of shyness in his expression and suddenly you’re devoted to making him understand. He doesn’t see it.
“Really. You know… when you aren’t out there performing you’re actually quite riddled with kindness and… intricacies.”
He laughs. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“Like… that one time you woke me up at 3am because it was our only night at the beach and you weren’t going to pass up the chance to go fishing — and refused to leave me alone just to do something you loved — and how you sat there with your little frown and waited for hours only to realize that we were in the completely wrong spot to be fishing in the first place. You love it. And you’re horrible at it. And in this stupid world where everything either has to be for perfection or for money — that’s so fucking refreshing.”
His laughter echoes through the room, bouncing off of the cold stone and landing warmly in your chest. “That-that’s it? My horrible fishing skills. What about the time-”
“At the gallery?”
“Where I literally-”
“Took a bullet-”
“To my shoulder!”
“Your prized possessions,” you wink.
“Yes, the time I saved your life. That’s not it?”
“Sure, sure,” you flap your hand. “I can find a man to take a bullet for me on any street corner, any day of the week.”
“Sure, sure!” Jin scoffs back at you, but he’s smiling. Watching the way his plump lips stretch towards his cheeks, you realize you could list the reasons you can’t let him go until the sun bridges her gaze over the horizon of city buildings — and still not be finished. And yet, you continue.
“Here’s one: The way you listen. You take things in and notice — but, no, it’s not just noticing. You process them and turn them quietly into something deep and beautiful and meaningful and it never fails to surprise me. And! And the way that sometimes when you laugh it sounds like something horribly squeaky and delightful.”
His jaw drops.
“Something squeaky!”
“Like windshield wipers… Sometimes! Only sometimes! And it’s delightful!”
His brow narrows.
“I’m going to kiss you now to shut you up before you say something even worse than that.” Your eyes widen. “If you’ll have me.”
“Yes-yes, god, I’ll have you.”
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darkorderaf · 3 years
So I don’t have like a canon for any of my fics but the OFC has sort of the same background for each one for the time being, Dark Order-aligned medic type character. They don’t all go together or anything like that and there's no real timeline. It just sort of worked out that way lol. Anyhow, ramble over, please enjoy and lmk what you think!!
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC
Rating: Big ol’ M.
Warnings/Content: Choking, unprotected sex (please be safe!!), hair pulling, spanking, multiple orgasms, jealousy, sort of hate sex. This...admittedly...took on a life of its own.
Word Count: 2028
(I don't own gif; credit to superkickparty!)
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She didn’t know when cursory check-in glances had turned into check-out glances. Maybe it was after he gave her that side smirk, the one that had her stomach fluttery. He had never looked at her like that before and then one day, one hot night in Jacksonville, he did. It didn’t stop. The expanse of his hands across her lower back, the tease of a tight grip against her waist when she helped him away from the ring. That damn smirk and the slight narrowing of his eyes as he side-eyed her. She helped everyone out, she told herself. Hell, she had helped both him and Adam before...Well, before. She wouldn’t read into it.
Get your shit together, she had told herself. But he was Kenny fucking Omega. A top guy amongst top guys. Keeping her shit together was a Herculean effort.
His hand gripped the tender, red hot flesh of her ass. She panted out as she felt the weight of him press against the length of her naked back. Her arms shook with the difficulty of keeping herself upright. His mouth ghosted by her ear and his low, arrogant voice brushed against her skin.
“How many was that? Did you remember to count?”
He hummed as he took a moment to stop kneading the flesh of her ass. His fingers drifted down her wet slit to tease her clit. Against her own volition, her hips tried to press back into him. He chuckled and gave her cunt a light slap that nearly had her crumbling onto the bed. Her head fell forward and his hand grabbed at her hip to keep her still.
“T-Ten,” she gritted out. “I remembered. Kenny, please.”
“Ah-ah, baby, no. That’s not it.”
His teeth nipped at her ear. Teased against the line of her neck. She could have killed him. Or fucked him through the floor. There was no inbetween. She breathed out through her nose and when his hand slipped back between her trembling thighs, she tried again to seek out some release. With his grip as strong as it was, it was hard to move.
“Please, Mr. Omega,” she said and lifted her head enough to look at him over her shoulder. Her eyes burned and narrowed. “Please touch me. I counted like you wanted.”
He was just as affected as she was. Everytime she pressed her hips back, she could feel his erection against her ass. But the man had the patience, the stamina, of someone inhuman. She didn’t. What a match. His eyes flashed and he smirked at her. He shook his head and bit lightly at her shoulder. He trailed his tongue down her spine and she shivered when he blew against the line he left.
“Come on. Don’t you remember why you’re here?”
She nodded. His teeth bit into the meat of her ass and she tried to conceal her moan.
“It doesn’t mean anything, Ke--Mr. Omega,” she said with a shake of her head. “I helped them out. That’s all. I did my job.”
He tutted and feathered kisses up her back. His mouth was against her ear again as the hand around her hip relented and trailed up her chest. He squeezed a breast and groaned. Plucked hard at her nipple and twisted before he let go. He sucked in a breath through his teeth. His fingers gripped the purple medallion that fell between her breasts and she felt the chain tighten against the back of her neck.
“This. This stupid thing,” he said as he flexed his hips and grinded against her in a slow rhythm. “This I could handle. This doesn’t mean anything. But then you--Then I saw you with him.”
For a brief second, she heard it. He was worried. Her relationship with Kenny was, admittedly, a strange one. Kenny was paranoid. About himself, about the people around him, about so many things. Her laugh startled even herself. He growled and flipped her onto her back to look at her. The medallion bounced between her breasts and he leered at her, his errant curls in his eyes. Every muscle in his body was tight. Especially the one in his jaw. A brow rose.
“Is this funny to you?”
“It is,” she admitted as she held his eyes. His hand gripped the outside of her thigh as he frowned at her, his face taking on that look of annoyance that she so often saw in the ring lately. Slowly, she pushed herself up so she was almost face to face with him. Her chest pressed against his as she tilted her head back. “The man who has everything. Jealous of a cowboy and his friends.”
His tongue pressed hard against the inside of his bottom lip and he shook his head. One hand tangled in her loose hair and he dove in to kiss her. Tongue and teeth. Relentless. It was the most he had given her so far and when her tongue slipped into his mouth to take what he offered, he pulled away. When he spoke up again, his voice was a low hiss against her lips.
“Baby, if you’re his friend,” he stared as he trailed his fingers up her back and worked the clasp of her necklace. When he got it loose, he tossed it off the bed. His thumb rubbed circles into the side of her neck. The bulk of him kept her legs spread from where they had fallen open when he turned her over. He shoved her back onto the bed and gripped his length, worked it as he looked at her body on display. Pre-cum glistened in the room’s low light and she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. “Then why’d you come looking for me?”
The head of his cock slipped up her wet slit to press against her clit and she gasped. He wasn’t wrong. She shouldn’t have gone to see him after what he had done and continued to do to Adam. But she had. She had wanted to. Her body trembled with want and anger.
“If you’re that mad about it, Mr. Omega, why’d you let me in?”
Kenny huffed and stretched across her again. His large hand dragged roughly up her chest as he looked her in the eyes. His hand settled against her neck in an all-too-familiar fashion. Slowly, he started to press into her. His head slipped in and she moaned low. He could feel it in his hand. Her thighs tightened around his waist and she tried to pull him in further. He wouldn’t budge, even if she could feel how much he wanted to give in. He glanced down at where they connected and licked his lips. His eyes shot back up to look at her.
The need he found there coaxed a nasty smirk out of him and he pulled out of her with a pop. Slow enough to watch the disappointment flood her face. His fingers replaced his cock and he narrowed his eyes as she squeezed around him. They crooked up and brushed against the bundle of nerves that had her body tightening. His fingers played her expertly and his mouth pressed harsh against hers to swallow her breathy moans. The hand around her neck played with a slightly tighter grip. She tried to tell him to go faster but he wanted to destroy her slowly. With as worked up as she was from his roughness earlier, her first orgasm hit her hard. He bit her bottom lip before he pulled away, a thin light of spit connecting them before he tossed his hair back. Half-lidded eyes looked at her. She wasn’t the only one breathing hard. His large hand, covered in her juices, splayed out across her belly to keep her there. The head of his cock nudged against her.
“I guess we’re both just that desperate.”
He seated himself in her fully with one hard, heavy thrust. Her head fell back against the bed and his grip around her neck tightened. Kenny pressed a kiss to her temple and took a moment to ask her if this was okay. Funny how he could still be sweet when he was being insufferable. That thought didn’t last long in her head as slow, drawn out thrusts quickly picked up pace. The hand not around her neck gripped her hair at the base of her head and pulled. Her legs trembled around him. Lightheaded and climbing higher, she bucked against him with wild abandon. He drove into her just right and her second orgasm rippled around him tight enough to have him sputter out a heavy, startled breath. Not yet though.
Suddenly, he pulled out of her and released her neck. She whined at his absence as she breathed in and in a blink, his mouth and his fingers were on her. His tongue played against her clit with a fury as he slipped one, then two fingers back into her quaking slit. She was barely through her second one when he relentlessly started to coax a third one out of her. Her thighs tightened around his head as she came a third time with a ragged scream. Her body nearly seized. Her fingers pushed and pulled at his curls and she could hear him hum with satisfaction against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. His teeth bit down hard enough to leave a mark.
“That’s right, baby,” he huffed out as he grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him. He didn’t correct her. They were beyond that. “That’s goddamn right. Say my name.”
With her ankles by his head, she was nearly folded in half when he surged back inside her. At this angle, he fucked her slow. Ground against her clit as he fucked into that spot of hers that he found every time without fail. Looked her in the eyes as she panted his name and whined. The pace he kept was agony for the both of them. She tried to say something but he couldn’t quite hear her. He angled his ear toward her and smirked.
“What is it, baby? I can’t hear you.”
It took everything in her to speak and when she did, it sounded weaker than she wanted. He was fucking her senseless. Crowding her with everything that was him. He wouldn’t accept anything else.
“Is that it, Mr. Omega?”
Her teeth found his earlobe and he snapped his hips against her. She grinned at him and he flashed his teeth back. The room was drowned in a cacophony of slapping skin and low moans. Her hand snaked up across the broad expanse of his back and dragged her nails down his taut skin. Almost hard enough to draw blood. He jerked and lost the pace he had set.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Goddamn you.”
He pulled out and flipped her over so he could fold her across the edge of the mattress. His hand found her clit as he pounded back into her. Her walls clenched and fluttered around him. She bit into the sheets as her fourth orgasm reared its head and when she came, she screamed into the mattress. Kenny thrust into her three, four times before he stilled and spilled into her with a guttural groan. His hands flexed around her hips as he fought to get his breath back, his hips jerking against her as the final wave of his orgasm passed through him. She wiped at her mouth as she tried to get up but he had fucked her boneless. He slipped out of her with a quiet moan and she felt him climb onto the mattress beside her.
His cum seeped out of her as she rolled onto her back. She glanced over at him, with his dark curls and sharp jawline. The bow of his mouth was still covered in her slick. She used to think he was beautiful once. He reached out to her and she hesitated. His eyes slid over to look at her. He laughed and smirked, set his head back against the bed. She supposed she still did. In a terrible way.
190 notes · View notes
wordless, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: A library is full of words and quiet. Jeon Jungkook liked to go to the public library a lot. It turns out, so do you. And that’s how it begins, from passing glances, to words on a screen, to Jungkook now sitting shirtless in his bedroom, heart racing as he presses the record button.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; smut (fem reader, filming of nudity and m-masturbation, semi-public dry humping); fluff; non-idol!BTS; the definition of “well that escalated quickly” but also not? lol; shy!Jungkook
hello again, @gowayyeonjun, ;)
He stared at the black screen, reflecting his nervous expression.
His hand shot out and flipped it down. His phone case faced upwards, a clear case with a carrot graphic on the bottom against the matte black of his smartphone. A reference to his childhood nickname because of his ever-so-slightly too large front teeth.
He took a deep breath and flipped his phone back up, leaning it against his windowsill.
“Am I really going to do this?” he asked his own reflection, who did nothing but repeat his question back to him.
He raised his hand, dropped it. Raised it again, chewing on his lip. Leaned forward and pressed his finger to his phone screen, unlocking it. Then he pulled up the camera app. Before, he had been staring at his reflection in the black screen, but now his face was in full color, curly dark hair over one eye since it was freshly washed, his tan chest bare, gray sweatpants slung low on his hips. Black tattoos on his right arm on full display, brown eyes wide and slightly terrified.
If you told Jeon Jungkook six months ago that he was about to film himself masturbating, he would have told you that you were fucking crazy.
He breathed out tensely, puffing his cheeks.
It was all your fault.
If he hadn’t seen you, he wouldn’t be doing this.
Jungkook liked to read and he liked to go to the public library. He knew libraries were becoming obsolete, but Jungkook loved libraries because they were quiet, they were full of books, and nobody tried to talk to him. That was it, really. He was a shy person and he really didn’t know what to do when someone approached him and tried to chat him up. When Jungkook was in front of a crowd doing public speaking, he was fine. But one-on-one interactions freaked him out. He was bad at talking and connecting with people on a personal level.
It didn’t really help that a lot of people thought he was attractive.
Jungkook didn’t think he was ugly, but he didn’t really think he was that crazy special either. He was just a guy and he was just trying to go about his everyday life without having a crowd of giggling girls following him for half a block trying to get his number.
That’s why Jungkook liked libraries. People didn’t talk at libraries. They were supposed to be quiet. He could be calm here. No one was going to try to pick him up at a library.
And then he saw you.
You were browsing the shelves, pulling a book out and reading the back. You had five in your arms already, and here was number six. You tilted your head, opening it up with one hand, reading the introduction. Jungkook could see how deft your fingers were with that single action. You were wearing a short-sleeved white crop top and high-waisted baggy black jeans with colorful patches on them. They looked sewn on, as if you had done it yourself.
He stared at you through the bookshelves.
You had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. Lips that looked so soft they seemed unreal. Hair that cascaded down your shoulders, a little messy and not quite done. For some reason, you holding that book was such a beautiful action that he couldn’t look away, staring at your one hand spreading open the pages, tongue tucked in your cheek as you considered it. You nodded to yourself and began to walk out the aisle.
His eyes followed you.
From then on, Jungkook noticed you every time you appeared. Always holding over five books, returning them and getting more. Usually in a crop top and high-waisted jeans. Sometimes with a black denim jacket if it was chilly at night. Jungkook was at the library all the time and it seemed like so were you. He didn’t try to talk to you, but he did always stare at you, watching your movements. Jungkook was unaware that this was how a lot of people saw him and probably the reason why so many people tried to talk to him and ask for his number.
He wanted to ask you for your number, but he was too shy.
One time, you were reading and walking. This particular time, Jungkook hadn’t noticed you until it was too late and you bumped into him. He could smell you suddenly, the scent of peaches and honey. It must have been your perfume. You looked up to him and bowed apologetically, wordless.
His ears burned hot and his jaw trembled, almost blurting out an apology.
You turned away, continuing your reading.
Peaches and honey.
Jungkook wanted to say something to you. He really did. For three months, he tried to muster up the courage to say something. But you weren’t supposed to talk in a library. And what was he supposed to say? He didn’t know you. He wasn’t sure if you had anything in common other than books. You read lots of things. Crime thrillers. Sci-fi. Fantasy. Autobiographies. He noticed you never went into the romance section though.
He wondered why that was.
The next time Jungkook interacted with you, he had been reaching for a title at the front. The library put the newest releases here and one of the covers had caught his eye. And all of a sudden, your hand was reaching out too and his fingers touched yours.
You jerked your hand back, bowing apologetically, moving away.
He wanted to run after you and tell you that you could have it, but you strode into the library quickly and then you were gone, crop top and all. Jungkook stared at his hand, remembering that brief moment of your fingertips brushing against his skin, peaches and honey filling his nose as you neared.
The weeks dragged on.
It was getting colder and you wore the denim jacket a lot now. Sometimes you wore a fuzzy cropped sweater. One time, it was pink and tight, molding to your breasts. Your black jeans were tight too, shaped to your perfect ass and thighs. Plump and juicy.
They would look nice in his hands.
He walked past you on purpose that time. A little close, so he could smell the peaches and honey.
That time, Jungkook had gone home with an armful of books, dumped them on his bed, then dumped himself on the bed, shoving his pants down and stroking himself to climax, the scent of peaches and honey haunting him.
Another time, you were sitting on the ground, thighs spread, on your knees. A tall pile of ten books, tapping your cheek with one finger as your other hand shuffled through them, apparently trying to decide which ones to check out. Jungkook’s eyes went wide. He was watching you above the books, a full shelf between you and him. From this angle, he was looking down at you.
Staring down your V-neck white sweater, at the swell of your breasts, a silver necklace trapped between them. He only had a good view because he was looking at you from above. You reached between your tits and plucked the pendant out from your cleavage, a silver feather.
Jungkook had never gotten hard at the fucking library before, but his cock swelled and tented in his sweatpants instantly.
He couldn’t function, watching you on your knees, curve of your breasts on full display. Finally, you seemed to decide and got up, sighing softly as you put some of the books back. You moved out of the aisle, hoisting the ones you had chosen. Jungkook jerked his head away, realizing he was staring at you too much. And it was creepy, so he should stop.
Once he was home, he couldn’t and didn’t need to stop himself. He still remembered the peach and honey perfume. He wanted that peach and honey to cling to his clothes, stay on his sheets, invade his nose. Wanted your skin on his, wanted your body on top of him.
It got quite cold at some point, and you wore cropped hoodies now, the front tucked into tight black jeans. Still checking out books at the local library, a fuzzy pink bag strapped to your back with a cute bunny character on it.
Had that much time passed? Jungkook couldn’t believe it.
He still remembered the peaches and honey. He tried not to stare at you too much, because he knew it was getting too creepy and, now, he was jacking off to memories of your eyes and lips, thinking about that one time your fingertips brushed his skin.
He seemed frozen at the shelf, zoning out, contemplating if he should look up or not. Then the peaches and honey were right beside him. He could smell it, see your black sneakers with the pink laces. They matched your bag.
Your fingertips brushed against his right hand, plucking out the book beside it.
Jungkook started and whipped his head up, long black hair covering one of his shaking brown eyes.
You jumped a little as well, not expecting his reaction. Of course, you didn’t. He tried to calm his nervousness. Just open your mouth, Jungkook, he scolded himself. Apologize for scaring her.
You were holding your phone in one hand. It had a black case with a grinning smiley face with devil horns. You tucked the book in the crook of your arm and swiped at your phone, and then turned the screen to face him.
It was in your notes app.
He stared at the word. Then looked back up at you. You nodded, pointing to the screen.
He lowered his hand and fumbled for his phone, hastily typing into it and turning it around to show you.
No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry.
You smiled at him.
Jungkook thought he was going to die.
You typed quickly and flashed the screen at him.
I’m using my phone because we shouldn’t talk in a library.
Jungkook typed fast too to give you his reply.
That makes a lot of sense. You’re smart.
You beamed at him. Jungkook thought he was ascending to heaven. You typed eagerly, as if you couldn’t wait to tell him what next.
I see you at the library all the time. What’s your name?
Jungkook was pretty sure he was dead and in heaven already, seeing that response. You noticed him. Did you notice him as much as he noticed you? His fingers shook as he typed his answer.
Jeon Jungkook.
His lower lip trembled slightly as he added one more question.
What’s yours?
For some reason, these face-to-face text conversations did not bother him as much as a real chat. After that, you two exchanged small talk like this. Usually just a greeting in text before going on your way. You didn’t ask him for his number, not even to send texts. You always used the notes app, always in person, and it was short and sweet.
One day, he found some bravery somehow.
Jungkook was a very shy person. His fingers were shaking so much that he dropped his phone. You had bent down to pick it up, reading the question he wanted to ask.
I want to hear your voice.
You tilted your head, holding his phone out. He bit his lip and took it, placing it against his chest, somewhat ashamed for asking. Your hand suddenly appeared, your phone in his vision.
He lifted his head, looking at you. You shrugged, as if to add, does it matter? He typed slowly, inhaling deeply as he turned his phone around.
I’m curious.
Your eyes flickered down, reading it. You were close to him. He could smell the peaches and honey of your perfume. Wearing a cropped purple sweater with tight dark blue jeans and purple sneakers with white laces. The same pink fuzzy bag with the bunny character.
You leaned forward and Jungkook’s eyes widened, suddenly feeling your breath on his ear. Soft, warm exhales. His entire body shivered and tingled. His cock jerked his sweatpants, thankfully black and baggy enough that hopefully you wouldn’t notice. His breathing shallowed, wafting against your neck.
From this angle, he could see your phone in your hand with the little devil emote on the case.
You pulled back, blinking slowly. A small smile formed on your lips.
His cock swelled. That was not an innocent smile.
You lifted your phone.
Next time, I’ll have something for you.
The next time, you held your phone out to his. There was an app called QuickShare that allowed your phones to exchange files. You both pressed the button and Jungkook waited as the file downloaded. You held up your earbuds and pointed to him, as if to ask, do you have headphones?
Jungkook nodded, fishing out his earbuds and tucking them in his ears.
The file finished downloading and Jungkook held up his phone.
You smiled at him and gestured to him to play it.
Jungkook turned his phone back around and played it. It was a video file, but the screen was black as it the file began. Then your voice invaded his ears.
“Hello, Jeon Jungkook.”
His heart beat fast, finally hearing your voice after all this time.
“You asked to hear my voice, so here it is. Do you like it?”
He jerked his head up and looked at you, nodding quickly. You smiled at him.
“I hope you do.” A small, pretty laugh. Jungkook liked that little laugh a lot. “I guess it’s been kind of weird only speaking through text at the library, hasn’t it?” Jungkook made eye contact with you. “But it’s been nice too. I’ve enjoyed it a lot.” Your smile was becoming less and less innocent. Not mean, but a little teasing now. “I think you’re really cute.” He felt his cheeks flush hotly. “Why do you always wear sweatpants, Jungkook?” His brows furrowed. You pointed down to his phone. He lowered his eyes.
The black screen was changing. There was rustling, and the phone was lifted.
A bed.
A bed with dark gray sheets and a black blanket with stars wrapped around you. You smiled down at the camera. Jungkook’s eyes widened. Your lips opened, speaking softly, but clearly.
“You shouldn’t wear sweatpants, Jungkook. It doesn’t hide your erections very well.”
The blanket fell down your shoulders and Jungkook nearly dropped his phone. His cock instantly swelled. He jerked his head up from his phone, to your arched eyebrow and smirk, then back to his phone.
Staring at your naked body, tits out and nipples hard. Thighs pressed together, hands resting on them.
You tilted your head at the camera, giving him a similar expression to the one you had right now. He gawked, unable to look away.
“I wonder if you’re hard now, Jungkook,” the you in the video murmured. He was. Oh, fuck, he was. “Is it me?” Yes. It was you. Fuck. “I tried to see by getting close to you and breathing on your ear last time. You got hard because of it. I think.” He did. Fuck. He did. “I wonder why.”
You spread your legs and Jungkook gasped, staring at the space between your thighs, your glistening pussy barely visible. You leaned forward, breasts hanging down as you neared the camera, a small, smug smile on your lips.
“I wonder,” you whispered to the camera. “How do you feel about this, Jungkook?”
You flicked your phone with a finger, turning the screen to black again. Jungkook thought it was over. But there were still a few seconds left. Then all of a sudden, your moan filled his ears, breathy and erotic.
The video ended.
Holy shit.
Oh my God.
What just happened?
Oh my God.
Peaches and honey. All of a sudden, peaches and honey, close to him. Your body. Your currently clothed body, but he knew what you looked like naked now. I know what you look like naked! Jungkook backed up and you followed, all the way until his back hit the bookshelf. He made a small squeak, but your hand suddenly came up, finger pressed against his lips. His eyes rose, locking with yours.
You shook your head, placing your other hand by your lips and making a gesture to zip them.
You were touching him.
Oh my God.
You were touching him.
Your other hand lowered from your mouth. Lowered. Hovered over his hips. Waited. His eyes stared into yours. You removed your finger from his lips. Seemed to think better of it. Backed up a little. But his hand shot out, grabbing yours and pressing it to his crotch.
You studied him carefully. Jungkook sunk his teeth into his lower lip and chewed slowly. He didn’t know if this was right, but you showed him your naked body! You filmed it. And gave him the video file. You must know. You must know what you’re doing to him.
He lifted his hips a little into your hand, pressing his stiff length into your palm. Your fingers curled around it slowly, one by one. Not speaking. Wordless. He reached up to the strings of your black hoodie and played with them, breathing quietly but heavily, opening his mouth. You lifted your other hand and pressed your fingertip to your lips. He nodded.
Jungkook began to roll his hips into your palm. You didn’t move away. In fact, you held firm, maintaining your solid grip on his hard dick through his gray sweatpants. In the fucking library. He was humping your fucking hand in the library after you gave him a video of your naked body.
His eyes drifted down to your phone sticking out of the center pocket of your hoodie. The matter black case with the smiley face with devil horns. Jungkook looked back up. You seemed amused. Suddenly, your hand seemed to press back, meeting his hips every time he ascended, adding more friction. His shaking fingers pressed play on the video again and your voice filled his ears, speaking to him once again. Saying his name. Having your one-sided conversation. You rubbed him through his sweatpants in the back aisle of the library and he was getting close, close, your voice teasing him, but your current self completely silent, only giving him that slight smile.
Holy shit, Jungkook was going to explode in his underwear like a teenager.
You leaned in as the video moaned in his ears and he almost moaned, the sound dying in his throat as you hovered over him. You tilted your head, curving around his. Your hand stopped around his cock, squeezing him tight.
Thank God.
He was seconds away from completely embarrassing himself.
You reached up and took one of his earbuds out of his ear, your warm breathing tickling his earlobe. Lowered your hand and placed the earbud in his, tucking it safely before removing your hand from his sweatpants. Jungkook shuddered, gasping your name involuntarily. The first word he had ever spoken to you in person. The scent of peach and honey lingered around his nose.
Your murmured one word into his ear.
The first word you had ever spoken to him in person.
His name.
You backed up, smiling gently. Backed up, turning away, leaving him there in the back of the library, clutching his phone, underwear soaked with pre-cum, now in possession of a video of you, naked.
Now Jungkook was in his bedroom.
Camera app open.
You didn’t ask for a video. You didn’t ask for anything, actually. You just gave, so he wanted to give you something back. Jungkook wasn’t the kind of guy to only give a little. He gave a lot. He always did. That was how he was. He knew what he wanted to do. He knew what he was going to do.
This has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever done.
Six months ago, if you told Jeon Jungkook that he was about to film himself jacking off to give said video to a young woman he met at the public library who had only said one fucking word to him the whole time they saw each other in person, the one fucking word being his name, Jungkook would have told you that you were insane and needed to see a doctor.
He reached over and pressed record.
Unlike you, Jungkook didn’t start off with a black screen. He started off with his face and bare torso, part of his gray sweatpants showing. Sitting on the edge of his bed, even remembering things like picking out his nicer black sheets and making sure he had picked up after himself. He wore the lighter gray sweatpants so his body would stand out amongst the black. The obvious center of attention. Jungkook nervously ran a hand through his long black hair, curly from the shower earlier. Lifted his dark brown eyes to stare straight into the camera. Pink lips quivering as he spoke your name.
A small anxious smile that he couldn’t help.
“Ah… If you think this is weird, you can delete this right now and not watch it…” Jungkook swallowed, dropping his hand. He inhaled a long breath, trying to calm his nerves. “But… I…”
He looked straight into the camera, not at his reflection.
“I replay your video all the time.”
His heart was racing in his chest. He could feel it galloping like a damn racehorse.
“I can’t help it.”
The images came back, memorized now, but the reason he had replayed it all those times before was to hear your voice, over and over, saying his name. Moaning his name at the very end.
“What do you do after?” Jungkook breathed your name, softly, letting it fall from his lips. Said it again, forming the syllables with desire. “I’m so curious. Will you tell me sometime?” There was no way Jungkook could say this shit at the fucking library. But this wasn’t the library. This was his bedroom. He didn’t have to give this to you.
But he was going to.
“Will you show me, sometime?” Thump. “I’d love to watch.”
His fingers began to trail down his chest. Jungkook wasn’t actively thinking about it. He was imagining you listening, knowing his voice would fill your ears, his voice now smokey with lust and desire, several octaves lower than his usual tone. He couldn’t help it.
“Will you let me watch?”
His eyes shifted to the screen, watching his fingertips brush the waistband of his gray sweatpants, slipping under. He had prepared, practiced earlier, knowing the composition was correct. Making sure you would be able to see. He pushed them down, past his v-line. Thump. Licked his lips, stared into the camera again.
“Will you let me touch?” Jungkook breathed, black strands shadowing his left eye, lashes lowering as he pulled his hard cock out of his sweatpants.
His heart ricocheted in his chest. He wrapped his hand around it, moaning softly, feeling his hot, taut skin. Stroked slowly, staring into the lens. Jungkook already knew what he looked like. Muscles on his right arm rippling, black tattoos dancing on his tan skin. The lust built up inside him like a storm, ramping up and up, and he was swept up by the winds, tipping his head back a little as he stroked himself, whimpering out your name.
“Do you know how good you smell?” Jungkook panted out. “You smell like peaches and honey. It must be your perfume. It’s so nice. I wish I could smell it more. I wish I could stand next to you and breathe it in.” He was rambling, but it was genuine, so he didn’t try to stop himself. He didn’t want this to seem fake. He didn’t want you to think he was trying to play you. “I want it all over my clothes. I want it on my skin, your peaches and honey.”
Faster, harder, pre-cum leaking out and dripping down, adding to the pleasure every time his fingers closed around the throbbing head. His left hand reached back to support himself as he leaned back, staring at the camera with half-lidded eyes, his toned chest shuddering, sweatpants halfway down his thighs, his right hand furiously jacking himself off.
“I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable,” Jungkook gasped out, eyelids fluttering. “But I can’t help it. I really want you. It’s not fair how pretty you are.” He exhaled hard, heart beating fast. “And you gave me that video. All I wanted was to hear your voice.”
He threw his head back, nearing the end.
“You let me see your body.” His words were becoming moans, breathless with longing. “You let me see so much. You want me to want you.”
Jungkook lowered his head, catching himself in the phone screen, black hair all over his face, mouth open, his sharp jawline tense with his approaching climax.
“And I do. Fuck, I want you so fucking bad.”
His eyes shifted to the lens.
“And I’m going to cum. Thinking about you.”
Jungkook sucked in a breath and gasped out your name, his cock jerking in his hand, shooting white strings down his fingers, splattering onto his sweatpants, creating a pool of white. He had made sure to wait a couple days to let it build up so he could give you a good show. His orgasm spilled out of him, his torso quivering, enveloped with pleasure riding through him in waves. Slowly, he smeared it up and down his length, heightening the ecstasy. His chest was trembling, slowly coming down. Jungkook took his own cum and rubbed it on the sensitive head, whimpering softly at the spikes of pleasure it caused.
His lips formed your name once again, a low moan.
Held up his right hand, covered in his cum.
Reached over with his left and stopped the recording.
Jungkook had to wait a while to give it to you.
Holidays and all that. Then he got busy with work, but eventually he was back at the public library again, looking for you. The sinful video was saved on his phone, in a locked folder, buried in his photo gallery of family photos and pictures with his friends.
He looked for you, couldn’t find you.
Until one day Jungkook spied you at the check-in counter, handing the librarian your books. You had maybe ten or twelve, and the librarian checked them in one by one, having small talk with you. You seemed familiar with them. Of course, you were. You read so much. Not many people visited the library as often as you. Maybe himself.
You were wearing baggy black jeans with colorful sewn on patches, as if you had done it yourself. A cropped white puffer jacket to keep you warm. You nodded and smiled at the librarian before turning around to go into the main part of the library. A loose black crop-top with the slightest sliver of midriff showing, instantly reminding Jungkook of what you looked like without clothes on.
Your eyes found his.
You smiled at him.
Jungkook nearly dropped his phone. He probably looked ridiculous, wearing light gray sweatpants and a white hoodie, hood pulled up with his black hair sticking out of the sides. But he wore the gray sweatpants on purpose. At least, every time he came to the library.
He held up his phone with shaking hands.
You began to walk, but not quite towards him. Your eyes shifted and he followed, a little distance behind, slowly realizing where you were going. The same place you two were when you gave him the first video. The back of the library, where the older encyclopedias were. No one went there. The first time, Jungkook didn’t even think about it when you gestured him there to give him the video.
Now, he understood why.
He turned the corner and you were standing at the end of the aisle, next to the wall. Waved at him kindly. There was no way anyone could suspect you gave him a video of your naked body after saying a single word to him in person. Jungkook began to walk towards you, step by step. He didn’t have to give you the video. He had filmed another one of just his voice having an awkward one-sided conversation with himself.
You pulled out your phone with the little devil emote on the case.
Took out your earbuds, tucked them in your cute ears.
That smile, turning slightly less innocent now as Jungkook neared.
He held up his phone, pointing to the QuickShare app. You nodded, loaded it up. He stopped right in front of you and pressed the ‘send file’ button. Not the video of only his voice. The other one. His heart was beating fast, so fast. It began to download. The percentage ticking up. Thirty. Fifty. Eighty.
He felt a tap on his forearm.
Jungkook jerked his head up, staring into your eyes.
You gave him a concerned look, tilting your head. Wordlessly asking, are you okay?
He chewed on his lip and nodded slowly. Took another step towards you so he could smell it. The peaches and honey, wafting all over you, the sweet perfume. Now you two were close, so close. You smiled and patted his arm once again, reassuringly. You did not seem bothered by the closeness.
The file finished downloading.
Jungkook reached over to your phone and touched the screen. You tipped your hand to let him access the video file from the top menu. Your eyebrows shot up as you saw the beginning frame of the video, him shirtless. Jungkook swallowed hard next to you.
Pressed play.
He didn’t watch. Couldn’t really. He had re-watched it already, over and over, wondering if it was okay. Too little? Too much? Too forward? Too crazy? Jungkook stared at the top of your head, chewing his lip raw with anxiousness. Oh, shit, what if you ran and never spoke to him again? What If you thought he was super creepy? He shouldn’t have done that. He shouldn’t have given you that video. What was he thinking?
He felt you lean against his chest, breathing shallowly, your free hand gripping his white hoodie.
Jungkook’s eyes widened, finally looking down. You were watching him masturbate, not looking away, pressing yourself against his chest. His cock swelled at your closeness and the embarrassment of seeing himself come undone in that tiny screen in your hands, clutching your phone tightly.
You pressed your body against his, harder, and his hands automatically came up to hold your elbows, steadying you. He planted his feet so he wouldn’t tip over. Your hips touched his. Oh fuck. The front of your jeans rolled into the crotch of his sweatpants.
Oh, fuck.
Jungkook sucked in a breath as you began to dry hump him in the fucking public library, watching a video of him jacking off that he willingly gave you, your soft gasps against his chest, eyes glued to the screen, peaches and honey invading his nose. He didn’t make a sound, holding you close, his hard cock rubbing against the inside of his underwear, a patch of wetness forming as you provided the friction.
You lifted the phone slightly so it was at his shoulder, next to his head, eyes still on the screen, your breath suddenly on his neck and it took everything in Jungkook not to moan, because your breath was so warm and erotic, a feathery whimper gracing his ears as you watched him orgasm.
The video ended.
Your eyes shifted to his face.
Pupils dilated, soaked with lust.
You kissed him.
Full, on the mouth, those soft, soft lips pressed to his, inhaling him deeply. He had worn his nice cologne today, a mix of musky woods and sea breeze, and maybe you’d notice, maybe you’d want it too, on your clothes and on your skin. It seemed like it, the way you pressed against him so urgently, nestling yourself in his arms.
He drowned in the kiss, a kiss of peaches and honey.
You backed up, but only a centimeter, eyes slowly opening. He gazed into your eyes. He probably had the same expression. Uninhibited desire and longing.
“Do you… want to go somewhere that’s not the fucking library so we can talk?” you whispered against his lips quietly. Your tone was heavy with lust.
He did. Preferably somewhere with a bed.
You lowered your phone, the little devil smiling at him before it disappeared in your pocket.
Jungkook grabbed your hand. Held it tight. Took one step, then another, with you.
You smiled at him.
Not so innocent.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Naughty or Nice [F.W.]
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 3224
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Fred likes it when his girlfriend dresses up for the festive season.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. pls don’t read if you’re a minor. including oral (male and female receiving), bondage, fred being hot, fred being dom
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @acciotwinz @rexorangecouny @mischi3f-manag3d @twinkyjohnson @immobulusmalfoy @hufflrpuffforfred @whiz-bangs78 @heart-of-tempered-steel @vivianweasley @harrysweasleys @ickle-ronniekins
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: so this is for @wand3ringr0s3 ‘s writing challenge (prompt: “shut up and strip.”) from what feels like about 3 years ago (ily haley ❤️). i’m a couple days late for christmas but it’s still the holiday season so i hope you all enjoy this festive fic!! also side note,, this fic was and is the bane of my existence, i hate it, hated writing it, and hate that it took me so long to actually finish it. but other than that, i hope you guys like it more than i do!
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The joke shop had been getting busier and busier over the last month and half, with parents on a mission to find Christmas presents for their children, and with more of the Wizard Wheezes products being added to Christmas lists every day, this meant that the store often had a queue forming before opening time, and, more times than not, the twins had had to stay open late, with customers still deciding between products, or people running in a few seconds before closing to quickly pick up their last few bits.
With nonstop talking and interacting all day, Fred arrived home exhausted, hair messy from where he’d ran his hands through it one too many times, tie skewed and the bags under his eyes getting darker as the days went on. All he really wanted, he decided as he hung his jacket on the rack and kicked his shoes off, was some food, and a long warm shower - preferably with you joining him.
“Love?” He called out as he stepped into the living room. He sifted through the mail that had been left on the coffee table, frowning when he didn’t hear a response. He dropped the letters, finding nothing but bills there, undoing his top button and loosening his collar as he headed towards your bedroom - perhaps you were in there.
There was a loud thud, as if someone had tripped over, followed by you letting out a string of curses, “I’m in the bedroom but-“
Fred headed over to the door, worried, wondering what you were doing when he heard you add on quickly, “I’ve got a surprise for you!”
“A surprise?”
Fred reached for the door handle, intent on opening the door when he heard you shriek, “Don’t come in! I won’t be a moment, wait out there!”
“Fine,” he grumbled, stepping away from the door and bringing his hands up to undo his tie, throwing it onto the nearest cabinet top. That’s when you emerged from your shared room, leaning against the doorway and winking at him, watching happily as he froze, eyes raking down your body, mouth open in a slack ‘o’.
“Surprise,” you practically sang out, posing for him with a thigh bent, watching as his gaze drifted from your chest, to your hips and thighs, before travelling down your legs.
You wore a see-through red baby doll, the cleavage outlined in white feathers, with open cups, though they were covered - barely - by a satin bow that, with a simple pull, would reveal your chest to Fred. Paired with a matching red string thong, red stiletto heels and your lips coloured a perfect same shade of crimson, you knew it would drive Fred wild - a treat after a long day’s work.
“Fuck- c’mere,” was all Fred could manage to stutter out, before his hands were on your waist, pulling you into a rough, desperate kiss, one he’d been looking forward to all day. The feel of your soft lips on his nearly made him groan out against you and as he felt your heel slowly move up his leg and then back down again, he felt himself twitch in his boxers, eager to rip your lingerie off of you.
He pressed you against the doorframe, his chest against yours as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, fingertips digging into the soft skin your thigh as he pushed himself between your legs, grinding his hips against yours, you letting out a breathy moan as his trousers brushed against the thin material of your underwear, a jolt of pleasure shooting through you and making him smirk against your lips.
He pulled back a little, groaning and dropping his head back as he caught sight of your messy hair and swollen lips, lipstick smudged from where he’d kissed you.
“Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” He spoke softly, eyes staring down at you lovingly.
“All the time. But it’s nice to hear it, especially from you,” you leaned up, brushing your lips softly against his as you began to undo his shirt buttons.
“Can’t believe you dressed up for me,” he murmured, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as his fingers danced across the bow covering your chest, his other hand gripped your lace covered hip. He moved to press kisses against the exposed skin of your neck, trailing kisses slowly in the direction back to your mouth.
“I’m all festive and you’re not,” you pouted, your arms around his neck as his hands moved to grip your hips, pulling you further against him. Fred hummed disinterestedly, much more focused on the way his tongue was moving down your jaw.
“If it means that much to you, I’ll wear a Santa hat,” he mumbled, sucking the skin just under your ear, the place he knew made you shiver and moan out.
“You could dress up as Santa,” you suggested with breathy laugh, your hands gripping onto his broad shoulders through his shirt, before gasping a little as his teeth nipped against the skin of your neck.
“I’ll dress up as a fucking reindeer as long as you let me touch you within the next few minutes,” his hand wandered under the transparent netting of the babydoll, fingers toying at the waistband of your underwear, moving to sneak his hand lower, “Better yet, let me rip this off you.”
“Hmm I don’t know... I quite like this set,” you feigned contemplation, pulling away from him for a moment and innocently glancing down at the red satin bow that barely covered your chest, “Besides, if you rip it off me, I won’t be able to strip for you.”
Fred’s pupils blew wide as he ran a hand up and down your side, “You gonna strip for me?”
“I might,” you smiled sweetly up at him, feeling his grip on you tighten a little.
“You better.”
His lips pushed against yours again as he walked you backwards into the room, holding you against him as he pressed his hips against your thigh, allowing you to feel him, already hard and straining against the material of his trousers.
With a little manoeuvring, Fred managed to kick said trousers off without pulling away from the kiss, instead deepening it as he angled his head and held the side of your jaw, half his hand brushing against your neck.
You were breathing heavy when you pulled away for air, taking a moment to head over to the radio to turn some mood music on. You smiled to yourself as you purposely bent over the cabinet a little, hearing an intake of breath from behind you, and jumping when you felt a hand squeeze your bum. You leant back into Fred’s touch, his hand still holding your bum as he whispered, warm breath hitting your ear, “Naughty girl.”
His tongue ran along the outer shell of your ear as you pushed your bum back against him, causing him to groan and spin you around quickly to face him again.
He brought his thumb up to your bottom lip, gently ghosting over it with a light touch. He was about to lean forward to kiss you again when you gave him a gently push, causing him to fall back on the bed, eyes wide in surprise, “What-“
You smirked at him, pressing a button on the radio and allowing the sultry melody to play out into the room. Fred kicked his boxers off quickly, his cock hitting his stomach and you licked across your bottom lip, knowing his eyes were on you.
He sat up at the edge of the bed, now only wearing his unbuttoned shirt, legs wide, watching you spin round for him, showing him just how little skin the thong covered, the baby doll transparent and showing all. He groaned, a hand wrapping round his cock as he started stroking himself as his eyes travelled over your body with such intensity that you felt warm all over.
You paused your movements for a moment, turning to look at him. “You know, if you gave me a couple minutes, I reckon I could find a decent Santa hat for you...” you teased, smiling as he rolled his eyes at you.
“Just shut up and strip for me,” Fred practically growled out and your eyes widened a little, the deepness of his voice hitting you straight between your legs and you bit your lip, fingers toying at your waistband as you slowly pulled them down just a couple of centimetres, before putting them back in place, causing him to groan.
His mouth opened as if he were about to tell you off again, when suddenly, with one movement, you pulled at the end of the bow, allowing the satin to fall to the side, showing Fred the open cups of the lingerie.
His jaw dropped, abs clenching as he stared at your chest. “Shit- princess-“ he breathed out.
You noticed his hand moving faster and reached into your own underwear, fingers gently moving against yourself as you played with the hem of the babydoll, pulling it up so the skin of your hips and stomach were now on full show. You closed your eyes, mouth falling open a little and you heard Fred groan, cursing as he watched you.
It was just for a few seconds, before you pulled your hand out, taking a step closer to Fred. You were about to kick your heels off when he shook his head at you firmly, “Keep the heels on.”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless, “Yes sir.”
Even with the lack of light in the room, and the distance between you, you swore you saw his eyes darken, even more so as you moved even closer to him, hands moving behind you to unclip the babydoll, before heading to your shoulders where your straps sat. You winked before pulling the straps down your arms, allowing the lingerie to fall in a pool at your feet.
You lifted it with one stiletto, a strap hooking onto the heel and you were about to kick it away when Fred suddenly stood up, grabbing your raised thigh and wrapping it around his waist, pulling the babydoll from your heel and dropping it to the floor.
“Enough of that, need to touch you baby girl,” he groaned, his nails digging into your skin lightly as he held you against him.
“But I didn’t finish,” you pouted, looking at him through your eyelashes. He thrust his hips against yours suddenly making you whimper out.
“Keep complaining and you won’t finish at all, got that princess?” He warned, before spinning you round and pushing you back onto the bed, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip as he enjoyed the sight of you in just your red thong and heels.
“I said, got that princess?” He repeated, his voice lower, firmer.
You breathed out a small ‘yes’ just as he moved to climb on top of you, immediately pressing his lips against yours again. “Good girl,” he mumbled as your arms move to wrap around his neck, his arms either side of your head as he pushed himself against you, pressing as much skin to yours as possible.
His tongue slipped into your mouth again as he rocked his hips against yours, creating just a little friction where you needed him, and you whispered out a ‘please’, though you weren’t sure exactly what you were asking for.
Fred seemed to have an idea however, as he kissed down your jaw, across your neck and continuing on, stopping briefly to suck on the skin of your clavicle before moving further down to your breasts, pulling a nipple into his mouth as his tongue played with it softly, causing you to breathe out happily, your hands dancing through his hair as he moved to the other.
He then moved on, leaving marks across your ribs, stomach and hips, before reaching the waistband of your underwear. Without warning, he suddenly ripped them from you, and you gasped as the cool air hit you.
He pressed soft kisses to your inner thighs, before licking his thumb and pressing against your clit, tracing circles and watching as your hips jolted from the sudden pleasure. As quickly as he started, he stopped, causing you to whine out, reaching down with your own hand to touch yourself.
Fred narrowed his eyes and gripped your wrist before you could. “Trying to touch yourself?” He tutted, “You know that’s my job.”
He pulled away for a moment in search of something, reaching into a draw beside the bed. You wondered what he was doing when he caught your eyes and smirked, and then you felt a cool metal hit your wrist, your arm being pulled up as he threaded the chain behind and around one of the poles on the bed frame, before grabbing your other wrist and tightening the other handcuff around it - now every time you pulled your hands forward, you were stopped by the chain.
“That’s for being not behaving and trying to touch yourself,” he shook his head, the corner of his lip curling up as he watched you struggle against the handcuffs and pout up at him.
“Remember, only good girls get to come. You gonna be good for me, princess?” He asked, softly this time, thumb running along your hipbone and making you shiver. You nodded quickly.
Fred trailed his fingers down to your clit, just barely adding pressure and making you gasp out, “You gotta use your words, baby girl.”
You nodded again, “Yes Freddie, I’ll be good.”
“That’s my girl.”
He applied more pressure to your clit, circling and tracing shapes as pleasure ran through you. Your hips bucked up towards his hand, wanting to feel more friction and Fred bit his lip, smirking down at you, “Look at you, all needy and desperate for me.”
He pushed a finger back into you, quickly joined by a second, and grinned at the breathy moan that escaped your lips, “Is this what you want? For me to touch you like this?”
“Yes please.”
As he continued to move his fingers inside you, he changed his position so his hips were facing you, gently nudging your lips with his cock, “Open up, sweetheart.”
You parted your lips and he pushed himself inside your mouth groaning as he felt your tongue swirl around the tip. He bucked his hips forward, almost hitting the back of your throat, your eyes watering as you continued to bob your head best you could whilst still being restrained by the handcuffs.
“You okay princess?”
You nodded, humming out a ‘yes’ and making him groan out as it sent vibrations through him. His fingers were still moving against you and you could feel yourself clenching around him just as he twitched in your mouth.
He pulled out before he could finish, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he murmured in answer to your questioning look, “Wanna be inside you when I come.”
He moved to kneel between your legs, lifting your thighs and wrapping them around his hips as he leant down to where his fingers were, his warm breath hitting between your legs and you pulled on the handcuffs, wanting to wrap your arms around Fred, whining as you heard the sound of the metal against the bed frame.
The way his finger was moving against your clit made you think you wouldn’t last much longer, and you were proven right when Fred finally licked into you, his tongue rolling against you and making you moan out.
He hummed against you and you clenched around his fingers again, nearing your high. “Should I let you finish, princess?” He spoke against you, “Reckon you’ve been good enough for me?”
“Yes, yes please. I’m good- I’ll be good. Please,” you breathed out.
He applied just the faintest more pressure to your clit, tongue moving against you and suddenly pleasure washed over you as you moaned out, pulling again at the handcuffs. He continued licking into you until he heard you whining from the over stimulation, moving back up your body, pressing kisses to your stomach, chest and neck as he did so, before finally hovering over you, looking into your hazed eyes as he shot you a lazy smile.
“Ready for me, princess?”
“Always, Freddie.”
Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and you felt him line himself up, before he finally pushed into you, making you both groan out. He pressed his lips to yours, moving his hips against yours and thrusting into you.
He was rough, setting a fast pace but you matched his movements even with your hands tied up, revelling in the feeling of being so full, so complete.
Your heels dug into his back, leaving little dents, his own fingernails digging into your hips, leaving marks to remind you both in the morning of the events of the night before.
It didn’t take long for you to feel the familiar jolt of building pleasure, and from the way Fred was groaning into your neck, you knew he was close too.
He reached up and fumbled to unlock the handcuffs, allowing them to fall to the floor as you ran your hands through his ginger hair the way you’d been imagining, tugging at strands, making him curse out.
“I’m close-“ you breathed out, eyes fluttering closed as your hands moved to grip his flexing shoulders.
“I know, me too princess. Come for me,” Fred breathed out as he moved against you. Your second high coursed through you soon after and your head fell back against the pillow, breathing out another moan when you felt him finish inside you, his movements slowing down as his breathing began to still.
He was pressing kisses across your face, your cheeks, nose, multiple to your swollen lips as he pulled out of you, collapsing by your side, his skin flushed red.
You turned onto your side and kissed him gently again, and his hands held your waist as you moved on top of him.
“I love you,” you smiled down at him, watching as he smiled back at you.
“I love you too, princess, so much.”
He pulled you against him, your head nuzzling into his chest as his arms wrapped around you. He was quiet for a moment, and you began to think he’d fallen asleep when suddenly he spoke out, “So uh... me dressing up as Santa, huh? That something that would interest you?”
You lifted your head to see him smiling cheekily at you, rolling your eyes though you couldn’t help but smile, “Possibly. Why, what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I dress as Santa, you put that babydoll back on and maybe you sit in my lap,” Fred grinned, “How’s that sound?”
“Amazing,” you breathed out, feeling his hands squeeze your waist. He offered you no reply and instead moved from under you and jumped up off the bed, grabbing his dropped boxers and nearly falling as he pulled them back on again.
“Wait, where are you going?” You laughed, watching as he headed to the door.
“Where do you think?” He turned to you and grinned,
“I’m off to find a Santa costume.”
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