#the catboy intro post
Hello! I’m Mercury, and you’re watching Disney Channel! (Joking :p)
This is my blog, which is mostly just something I have as a source of entertainment so I don’t start to lose my mind from total social isolation. I mostly just repost stuff, but if I ever make an original post I will tag it accordingly. I finally have gotten around to making a few tags for organizing (took me a bit, but whatever) so there will be a small list of tags at the bottom for convenience.
Also I don’t usually add trigger tags, or tag NSFW posts, I honestly for a while just used tags for commentary purposes so me having any tags at all is a new development. Also I don’t have a DNI, and I don’t really follow them because I personally think they’re a silly concept, so if you are not ok with that feel free to block me. It’s what I do when I don’t want to see someone’s posts, so I don’t fault anyone for doing the same to me. :)
Tag glossary:
Obligatory art tag- any art I like/reblogged
The catboy speaks- any original posts
The catboy intro post- you’re here! :D
Catasks- any asks I answer :)
Ratposting: posts about my girlfriend, also she’s on here, so any reblogs with this tag are from her, so say hi! :D
Ferretposting- I’m probably bitching about my ex girlfriend that I hate
Weaselposting: these are about my ex girlfriend, who I get along with better than Ferretface, so she has more positive things written about her. Probably won’t be updated much anymore :p
Lil guys- cute animals or anything else that makes me squee
Blorboposting- blorbos, my favorite characters that I see and go fucking crazy over
The adventures of tiny Mercury- Animal Crossing tag, which I’m playing basically every day and is currently (on the day of our lord July 22, 2024) the only reason I have a will to live.
Catboy complains into the void- this is just me being a lil hater about literally anything I don’t like, probably block this tag if you don’t want to hear my annoying opinions or anything involving potential discourse
Catboy archive: old posts from when I didn’t really understand tumblr, they aren’t very good (may feature new additions in tags prefaced by an -> to indicate that they are new tags)
Also any old posts I’ve made are not tagged, I just don’t have the time and energy to go back and tag them so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lavendercatboy-backup · 4 months
Hello! I’m Mercury, and you’re watching Disney Channel! (Joking :p)
This is my blog, which is mostly just something I have as a source of entertainment so I don’t start to lose my mind from total social isolation. I mostly just repost stuff, but if I ever make an original post I will tag it accordingly. I finally have gotten around to making a few tags for organizing (took me a bit, but whatever) so there will be a small list of tags at the bottom for convenience.
Also I don’t usually add trigger tags, or tag NSFW posts, I honestly for a while just used tags for commentary purposes so me having any tags at all is a new development. Also I don’t have a DNI, and I don’t really follow them because I personally think they’re a silly concept, so if you are not ok with that feel free to block me. It’s what I do when I don’t want to see someone’s posts, so I don’t fault anyone for doing the same to me. :)
Tag glossary:
Literally her <3- anything cute with our current partner (pronouns may change, which will be updated if needed)
Obligatory art tag- any art I like/reblogged
The catboy speaks- any original posts
The catboy intro post- you’re here! :D
Lil guys- cute animals or anything else that makes me squee
*dies positively*- funny posts that make me laugh out loud, these will probably be weird and dumb (loving said) but hey, it’s making my life a little better :)
Also any old posts I’ve made are not tagged, I just don’t have the time and energy to go back and tag them so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shatteredearth-if · 1 year
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Shattered Earth is an Interactive Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction about retreading old ground and working for your good ending. less formally, this is meant to go on my portfolio
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Five years ago, you watched the world split open, bore witness to what you could only refer to as "dragons" made manifest in scale, flesh and skin. You saw cities razed to the ground, asphalt streets shattered like ice. Fleets of dragons and foreign—almost alien—aircrafts alike seared across the skies, while towers of dirt and metal tore free from the landscape. The world has inexplicably, incomprehensibly changed, but you know this to be true: Earth never really stood a chance.
With your world now overrun by dragons and dangers alike, you've lived alone, hiding from the world you once called home, scrounging for scraps and surviving by the skin of your teeth. But when a chance encounter with a mercenary ship leaves you reeling with the realization that you're not the average-joe of a human that you thought you once were, you're forced into an ultimatum: enlist with the Seekers, or live out the rest of your life in a Human compound on Therius. But your horrors extend far beyond the threat of the dragons; your monsters are at home in your head, but they might just be the key to stopping all of this madness… if they don't take you out first.
The gears turn, the worlds spin inwards like ever-onwards like painted tops. You will undergo a journey of self-discovery, of potential romances and of incredible loss. And somehow, you can't shake the sensation that this has all happened before…
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A customizable protagonist: Customize your gender, your body type, your pronouns, and personality.
Five ROs to romantically pursue—some in the most conventional sense, others in… a not so conventional sense.
Engage in brief flings, one of which is... an RO's estranged divorced mother. (Your crewmates will disapprove.)
Train your body or your mind to perfection. Are you a frontline fighter, or do you prefer the aethereal arts?
Cute cat dog wolfboy…?
The female version of a himbo
There's no good way to put this: you remember things you shouldn't. The end of your story is not the end; something awaits you at the place where your endings converge. What is it? What are you?
There's an egotistical mind entity in your head, and the flags aren't just red; they're blood-crimson. Romanceable, but at a steep cost to your sanity. Or maybe…
Skippable, customizable NSFW content. My friends have advised me not to continue.
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Avett Ironsturm
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Kattish
Age: 20
Specialization: Arms specialist
Appearance: Avett is a Kattish man of average height. His complexion is fair. Perched upon his head are two swivelling cat-like ears, and at the base of his spine is a prehensile tail that is about the length of his arm—both are adorned with soft, black fur. His hair is black, hangs just below the shoulders, and he keeps most of it in a messy ponytail. Most of his frontal hair frames his boyish, youthful face. His irises are copper colored, his pupils slitted.
Personality: Avett is bristly, prickly, and very easy to anger if he's not trying to get into your pants. He's a flirt through and through, and knows how and when to be charming, just… not with his coworkers. Or you. Though if you can get him to let his guard around you, you might just find him a lot more bearable.
Your impression: Once upon a time, you saw his old ID, stuffed in a cabinet along with his boxers and body spray, and you realized he was smiling in his photo. Not outwardly—they don't want you smiling on those cards, but behind those eyes was a laugh ready to bust out at any moment. That was four years ago. Now? All he does now is sulk and yell at people. Something happened in those four, long years, and those years have only been getting longer since.
Sexuality: Bisexual (woman-leaning)
Yuda Hellsbridge
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Half Gallian, Half Kattish
Age: Secret?
Specialization: Restrainer
Appearance: Yuda is a half-Gallian, half-Kattish woman of above average height. Her complexion is a pale, seafoam green—common for most Gallians. Her hair is white with blue undertones in the right lighting, and is short and choppy. If you look too closely into her metallic gray eyes, you will notice a swirling, foggy substance within her irises, as is common for all Gallians who are at least a bit adept in magic… which is to say, almost all of them. Yuda is extremely fit and exercises often, and as a result her build is stocky and muscular—very uncommon for a Gallian, though she claims that she's half Kattish.
Personality: Yuda is outwardly cheerful, loud, and brash—tact is not her forte. But behind every sunny smile is a shadow, and Yuda keeps her shadows well away from the spotlight.
Your impression: It's not trauma. It's not a blip in her personality. There is something genuinely terrifying hiding behind Yuda's eyes, and that's not including the fact that you don't know how old she is. Oh, she's nice, and she's got no ulterior motives, you'll give her that. But it's like she's wearing her own body like a shadow.
Sexuality: doesn't care for labels, but for clarity's sake she is pansexual.
Ysh'vanna O'Raal
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Draconian
Age: 26
Specialization: Captain/Pilot
Appearance: Ysh'vanna is a short girl with wispy, white hair that topples down to her waist—if she doesn't brush it out of her face, it has a tendency to smother her slight frame like an oversized scarf. Her irises are orange, with a ring of emerald green around her pupils. Trailing from her ears are two, small, green webs that resemble translucent dragon wings.
Personality: Everyone onboard the Seeker is a wreck, yes, but Ysh'vanna is always at least two crises away from a mental breakdown everyday. Sorting through admin, funds, Avett's shenanigans and the odd dragon attack has left her riddled with anxieties. She has difficulty forming bonds outside of work because of this, so her relationship with Avett isn't great. After any particularly grueling mission, she will often be found comatose in front of the navigation panels, staring off into the skyline. Otherwise, Ysh'vanna tries to be cheerful. Most of the time. Some of the time.
Your impression: She's probably by far the most average person on this ship. Every morning she takes her coffee with three sugars and a cupful of milk; every night she takes a nail-sized tablet along with a full glass of water. "For the anxiety," she says. She's incredibly open about most things... until it comes to her family. What's the deal?
Sexuality: bisexual (woman-leaning)
Auren Draksparrow
Role: Platonic Option
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Gallian
Age: According to Avett, "Like, a hundred or something." He looks about forty in Human years to you.
Specialization: Warder
Appearance: Auren is a Gallian man of above average height. His frame is gaunt, almost frail; his hair is platinum blond, and is secured in a low ponytail that reaches down to his waist. His complexion is seafoam green, and his eyes are a faint violet. Swimming in his irises is a fog, a trait most Gallians share. His facial features are long and soft, but his cheekbones sit high upon his face.
Personality: Auren is cold, aloof, and it can be difficult to discern what he's thinking from speech and body language alone. He is clear in mind, even during high-pressure situations, until his abilities as a caster fail him.
Your impression: Here's the deal about living past one hundred and one; you're going to mess up. You're going to mess up a lot more than the average person, and your book of guilt's going to be pushing a trilogy if you don't start forgiving yourself for some of those mess-ups. You know for a fact that Auren has never forgiven himself, not even once, because he's yet to save the Seekers. Because he's yet to, in his eyes, make himself useful. But you're his lucky break: he's the only one on the ship who can see that thing in your head for what it is, and he knows it's a threat.
Sexuality: he's not looking for a relationship right now, if ever. He's married to his tomes and the study of aether.
Liam Salazar
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human
Age: 24
Specialization: Researcher
Appearance: Liam is tall with an athletic frame and broad shoulders. He usually keeps his dark brown hair in a nest of curls atop his head. His skin is a deep umber, and his eyes are an even deeper shade of brown. He often wears a white lab coat over a simple sweater and dress shirt.
Personality: Quiet, but goofy; aloof, but sensitive. You sense that this boy would rather bury his head in a good book or some other complicated research than look you in the eye. That's not to say he's meek, though—come any threat, and he'll lash out swinging. You had to be a special kind of tough to have survived the Migration as a Human, and Liam is no exception.
Your impression: You didn't expect to make friends at the IRC training facility—most Humans there wanted your head on a stick for the cardinal sin of having a deal with a merc ship already. The Migration wore everyone's patience thin, but not Liam's. For a hot moment at that facility, you were two renegades against the hateful world. Until your training period finished up.
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual, though initially he believes that he's straight.
The Entity
Role: RO
Gender: Customizable/it
Race: Something intangible. A voice in your head.
Age: It laughs when you ask this. "How old is a concept? The fear of death, the love of life? How old? Are you counting? Think about that."
Appearance: A dark wisp of smoke that occasionally shifts to form parts of a person.
Personality: Loves you, like an overbearing parent. Punishes you, like a torturer gleaning for answers. It maims you and calls it affection.
Your impression: When you're not talking to it, it's rummaging through your memories. Why? For fun. It knows about that time you did this and that in the locker room and almost got caught for it. It knows about that time you stopped someone from leaving after class just so you could hit on them, unsuccessfully, for ten minutes before they had to beg you to leave. It knows everything about you, all the bad, all the good—and it loves you anyway. That's the purest kind of love, isn't it?
Sexuality: Wouldn't you like to know.
With that all said, thank you for checking out this post, and DOUBLE thank you if you decide to try out Shattered Earth. 🙇🙇
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femboyketchup · 20 days
Mrrp, hello everybody :3! Currently figuring out how on earth to use this site so apologies if this intro is weird
Hi, my name is Reggie :3c (no I'm not the whygena rat) and I'm a 20 year old catboy who gets very silly sometimes! I'm currently owned by my lovely gf @ratgirlcock and she is super cool and awesome go follow her imo :D
Anyways I'll probably mostly be posting horny thoughts and occasionally I might post pictures or drawings since I like those as well, I'm a switch but I lean towards sub territory -w- My list of kinks is too long for me to remember, but I'm sure I'll make it obvious which ones I like :P
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OwO, what's this?
Hello, catboys, catgirls, nyanbinaries, and all you other... Not cat things. And my other cat things that don't like them labels!
Here is a safe-haven for those with catboy disease. Feel free to bite people, push half-filled glasses off tables, and scream at three in the morning because you're hungry or crave affection or just because you want to.
Okay. Hi. Just call me Catboy as I am pretty much that. I use it/its, he/him, and xe/xem (used more like they/them, but i don't use they/them) pronouns, so the Mr. honorific works.
I'm here to stay. Prepare yourselves.
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loudbarkdeepbite · 5 months
intro post
hi gay people, i'm mitch!! this is my puppyspace / petpl4y / furry blog !! my main is @mothra-dearestdearest so likes and follows are from that account
i'm 31 years old (queer elder), i'm a puppyboy / catboy and new to all this <3 would love to make some puppy friends and furry friends too
drawings by @maximumgraves
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thanks for stopping by !!
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bunny-like · 8 months
Hiya everyone I’m Alex! I’m 27 and use they/them pronouns (though close friends can use he or she as well). I’m a gay & agender, but also transmasc (transitioning to live as a guy). I am a lover of sunlight and a hater of . I have some side-blogs that may interact with your accounts, but their dropdown will probably link to me. I love Taylor Swift, Genshin Impact, and all things yellow! I’ll finish this later!
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chase-the-catboy-anon · 6 months
Hi I'm Chase I'm a catboy and I kinda exist by weird means I kinda sorta was created by pelipper mail by this post over on @toxx-apex-727 's blog so yeah I'm here now and I have conflicting feelings about it
I have one pokemon now, Goldstone the Zoruff. Here's the pretty girl.
Scratch that two the bastard living in my phone. Zaster the Rotom, who I have no idea how he got in my phone b/c I'm *certain* he wasn't there before
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(Art courtesy of @umbreonrogue)
Uhh, also, here's a picture of me if you care
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Last thing: all forms of pelipper mail, magic anons, and musharna mail are on
//OOC below the cut
Hi it's @lunaphoenix221 with a silly little catboy with a *whole Lotta trauma!* This was originally a joke character in the faller discord but he turned into a actual person with emotions and complex feeling about his existence
So yeah have fun with the whole 15 y.o. who is only actually 2 days old as of writing this intro post
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soupercatte · 7 months
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Oh hey!
I suppose it's time for a small intro pinned post since there's a BUNCH of you all that just appeared (y'all really seem to like the glowing Keeper eyes post lol)
I'm Shai, he/they and loving puppeteer of Kelas'ra, the little ball of anxious fluff just doing his best to be as Normal™ as possible in these trying times. I tend to post lots of little sketches and jokes, mostly from my sketchbooks (I don't get much time to the tablet, sadly) and self Indulgent Gposes of the catboy as he navigates the trials and tribulations of being Void-touched AND a newly minted single dad. I do hope to have a webcomic soon about him, so keep an eye out! Until then, I post here and can mostly be found over on Twitter at
If you're interested in more details about Kel, his RP carrd is in my bio but also found at
See you all around!
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aquavampire · 8 months
Howdy hi! This is going to be my Aquabats sideblog, yippee!! Now I won’t be clogging up main anymore :D
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Hiii, I’m Ace the Vampire Bat!
I use They/Them pronouns!
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This blog will have Aquabats reblogs, some fanart doodles, maybe photos, and whatever else I come across!
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#Ace's Art! - My art!
#Fave! - My favorite posts!!
#Mysterious Ultra Queue! - The Queue!
#Aquacampaign! - Dnd posting
#Misc! - Miscellaneous Posts!
#Past Bats! - Past Aquabats [Kinda any Aquabats stuff from before Eaglebones joined I think?]
#Super Show! - The Aquabats! Super Show!
#Finally! - Anything Finally-Era/Album Related!
#MCBC! - The MC Bat Commander!
#Crash! - Crash McLarson!
#Ricky! - Ricky Fitness!
#Bones! - Eaglebones Falconhawk!
#Jimmy! - Jimmy the Robot!
#Prince Adam! - Prince Adam De Adam!
#Catboy! - Mike Gerudo!
#Chainsaw! - The Chainsaw Prince of Karate!
#Dr Rock! - Doctor Rock!
#Kyu! - The Mysterious Ultra Kyu!
#Monty! - The Professor, Monty Corndog!
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kitekki-khaos · 2 years
Hello Tumblr! I'm here to finally update you! So without further ado...
A Genderfluid Deity, the Void Before Time, Chaos Incarnate, currently in cat form! I'm a VTuber/Streamer with a focus on Horror and Fashion. I use two main models depending on my gender of the day, Kitten (She/They) and Tekki (He/They), with more forms on the way.
Currently, I stream 3x's a week on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 9PM PST
Info Under Read More:
Links: Twitch: Kitekki Youtube: Kitekki Khaos VODS Channel: KitekkiVODs Itchio: Kitekki (Ludum Dare games/VRoid Collections) Discord: [Twitch About Section] Carrd: Kitekki
Come Join the Kitten Litter:
18+ Community
Art, Horror, 3D modeling, Fashion, Crafts, VR, AND MORE
Buff Women (me)
Femboys (also me)
A regularly confused Asexual (hi, it me)
3+ Hour Rants (Game? What game?)
A chat that has no idea what 'Hi, I'm New' actually means
Hot Coke
Channel Tags:
General Tag: #KittenLitter Art Tag: #Tekillust Fashion Tag: #TekiWear NSFW Tag: #NSFKitten
I look forward to seeing you in chat >]
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thatdemiboymess · 2 years
Hello! I'm Fae Dantea - an autistic, disabled, and queer as hell mess! I am a trans non-binary autigender demiboy that primarily uses They/Them/He/Him, Fae/Faer/Faers/Faerself, Mew/Mewl/Mews/Mewlself and it/its/itself pronouns and I'm AroAcespec, as well. I identify with multiple arospec and acespec labels so I just summarize it as AroAcespec but if you're curious as to what labels I use then here is the list:
My Aromantic spectrum labels: Anovelaean, Myrromantic, Queeromantic, Sensualarian, Culparomantic, Quasiromantic, Platoniromantic, Amicusromantic, Demiromantic, Greyromantic, quadrantromantic, AroVague, and AutiAro.
My Asexual spectrum labels: Agneasian, Myrsexual, Aegosexual, Autoresexual, Demisexual, and Fictosexual.
Any other pronouns used in reference to me aside from she/her/hers/herself pronouns are fine, as well, to be honest, but the ones that I've listed above are the ones that I prefer be used in reference to myself.
That said if I catch anyone using what is literally the only set of pronouns that I consider to be misgendering me - which are, again, she/her pronouns - or any other general queerphobic BS you will very quickly be blocked because I'm Very Tired with far too few spoons and refuse to tolerate queerphobia of any kind or ableism. And TERFS/FARTS, truscum, and transmedicalists are very much so included in that, by the way. Any of that nonsense what-so-ever will, again, get you blocked and this is your last and only warning.
Now, with that out of the way: welcome to my blog!
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Pronouns.page is under the read-more! 🥰
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დ .•*””*• 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 •*””*•.დ
im hadley of the 80srewinders and i run this blog with the host kai!
so we made this blog bc were obsessed w classic rock and catboys (as a joke for the catboys) lmao plus we may or may not have been dared to make this but thats topsy secrety 🤫
✰ we will sign each post with our name and credit the sysmate who made the edit
✰ dont repost plz! link shares are ok but no reposts or stealing
✰dni if youre ableist or nsfw, other than that everyone else is allowed to interact
✰follow our other blogs @the80srewinders @afuckingsystemsthoughts :)
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~you cant hide your catboy eyes~
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rileyesquiremd · 1 year
I'm riley!!!!!
Hi hih i hihi! Im Riley Esquire. Not my real last name. AND im not a doctor either. Now that is only a taste of what you will learn in this upcoming intro post!
Sooo >:3 a few things about me .
Im 22! Im a transguy, he/him but any prns if you know me and you like to have a little gender fun im not stopping u. im bi, just incase you need to know for having a crush on me reasons.
This is a sideblog, so if i follow you it'll be from dyna's blog, which isnt mine but we share a body so you know rest assured SOMEBODY in here will be looking at your posts!
A couple things I like:
Dancing/music/concerts/raves!!! pls send me music recs anytime i love listening to new songs.
Explorin, finding out abt new things to do and see. idc if ive never birdwatched or taxidermied an animal before or if ive never rummaged thru a scrapyard but id love to try it with u!!!
Doodling my friends and loved ones, and rendering my husbands pieces w him.... here we have posted some but we dont update as often as we should!!
Talking w people and helping out! body energy levels are low but id love to stay up all nite chatting with u or. well id say helping u move in to your place but i dont know you and i cant go all the way to Seattle to help you.
NOw lets get specific!!!!!
I have a letterboxd!!!! me and my headmates share it, so theres a lotta genres in there. but generally, i like fantasy, sci fi, adventure, action, drama. sometimes its a little hard for me to keep up with artsy movies but ill watch them. and i generally dont like horror at all. (sorry beau)
i dont play games TOO much, but i like co op games(tho, im not very good at them, so sometimes i get discouraged when i lose a lot.), adventure games, rpgs, casual games, and boardgames!!!!
asfor books!! i dont read too often but ill read anything. i've recently read the mysterious benedict society which was really charming. id honestly love to read A Thornbush Tale/Chesscourt series from The Northern Caves, I wish they existed........
comics! I kinda just hang out and read them with beau thats more his thing. but i like the comedies! ha ha funny sidekick go!!
generally, i have a lot of overlap with Beau's taste, so, rock/metal, electronica, EDM and industrial. however they lean toward synthwave more and i like more classic rock and oldies stuff. he HATES it when i want to play Everyday by buddy holly. but IM sayin, his names fuckin BUDDY!!!! this song cant be ominous
uhhh but ya send me songs !
as for specific medias, u can ask me abt them, but im not making a list of things im into! you will just have to find out.
but rest assured. triggers will be tagged. posts will be queued. you will have a great day!
and remember:
be kind!
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jocostreams · 1 year
Welcome to my blog!
My name's Jocoserious, but most people call me Joco. I've had my Minecraft account since 2013, been thinking about streaming for a couple years but finally hit Go Live recently!
You can find me on Youtube and Twitch, and I post writing about my [Untitled] SMP character on AO3! I'm still figuring out streaming some, so I might jump between the two a bit before settling on one for streaming. VODs will be posted on Youtube, and hopefully some other videos!
About me:
I enjoy sorting chests, even downloaded the Hermitcraft Season 8 world just to sort Grian's storage building. My favorite part of moving bases is getting to reorganize the storage!
I've been on [Untitled] for almost 2 years now, and I've made many good friends there! It took me 2 application tries to get in, and I'm so glad I did!
Undertale was the first piece of media that I participated in the fandom of, and it's how I was introduced to Tumblr and AO3!
I love all animals, but cats hold a special place in my heart.
About my [U]SMP character:
Their name is Joco Serious, a nickname they were given by a friend that never went away.
They use they/he pronouns, leaning more towards they/them
They're over 600 years old, but because they age around 40x slower than most humans, they still only look to be in their mid-late 20s.
He's part of the Corroded faction, a group of people living in the western badlands under anarchy, although they have unofficial leadership in the form of the Wizard.
Every world they've been moved to by the Unknown has been destroyed, except for one they got banned from for being a bit of an ass.
Because they were neighbors last season, c!Joco holds Flick and the Wizard in a special place in his heart. He got he/him from them, pronoun osmosis.
He used to appear fully human, but after the journey through the Hallways between worlds, his body turned more cat-like due to eating a diet of only raw cod for months. Another few months later, he went through another period of eating lots of fish and woke up with a tail. In all, his catboy traits include sharper teeth, ears, hand/foot pads, a tail, and tapetum lucidum.
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You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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